The Secret to Making Viral Art Videos on TikTok

how to make an art video on tiktok

Have you ever wondered what makes certain art videos on TikTok go viral, racking up millions of views overnight? It's not just about luck. As a creator who has navigated these waters and found success, I've discovered that the key lies in understanding both the art and the science behind these captivating short-form videos. I'll share the secrets that made my art thrive on TikTok. Whether you're an aspiring artist or a seasoned creator, these insights are your key to unlocking a world of viral potential.

Understanding the TikTok Platform and Its Audience

Navigating the world of TikTok can feel like exploring a new planet. It's a unique landscape, teeming with a diverse, energetic audience that's always craving something fresh and exciting. To truly master the art of viral videos, it's crucial to understand this dynamic platform and the people who breathe life into it.

how to make an art video on tiktok

TikTok: A Brief Overview

TikTok isn't just another social media app; it's a cultural phenomenon. This platform has redefined entertainment, giving everyone the power to be a creator. With its short-form video format, TikTok has become a playground for creativity, where simplicity meets innovation. It's fast-paced, constantly evolving, and offers endless possibilities for artists to showcase their work in new, engaging ways.

The TikTok Audience: Who Are They?

The heart and soul of TikTok are its users. They're predominantly Gen Zers, but don't let that fool you into thinking they're all the same. This audience is diverse, spanning various interests, backgrounds, and cultural perspectives. They're not just passive viewers; they're active participants who love to engage, share, and be part of a community. They seek content that resonates with them, whether it's through humor, relatability, or sheer creativity.

What Makes TikTok Tick?

Understanding the algorithm is key. TikTok's algorithm is like a matchmaker, connecting users with content that they're likely to enjoy. It takes into account user interactions, video information, and device settings. As a creator, knowing how to work with this algorithm can make or break your content's success. It's about hitting the right notes – creating content that sparks interest, keeps viewers watching, and encourages them to interact.

Creating Content That Resonates

So, what's the secret sauce for content that resonates with the TikTok crowd? It's a mix of authenticity, creativity, and relatability. TikTok users gravitate towards content that feels genuine and offers them a connection, be it through laughter, inspiration, or awe. As an artist, your challenge is to present your art in a way that not only showcases your talent but also strikes a chord with the audience.

The Power of Trends and Originality

Trends are a big deal on TikTok, but so is originality. While riding the wave of a trend can increase your visibility, adding your unique twist is what will truly set you apart. It's about balancing the familiar with the novel, giving your audience something they recognize, but in a way, they've never seen before.

Engagement: The Lifeline of TikTok

Finally, engagement is the lifeline of TikTok. It's not just about the number of views or likes; it's about creating a dialogue with your audience. Encourage comments, respond to them, and be part of the conversation. Remember, on TikTok, you're not just a creator; you're a member of a vibrant, interactive community.

Key Strategies for Viral Art Videos

Cracking the code to viral art videos on TikTok can feel like unlocking a secret treasure chest – and I’m here to share the key! Let’s dive into the strategies that have not only worked for me but have also helped countless creators turn their art into TikTok gold.

Perfecting the Short Form Video

The first rule of TikTok: keep it short and sweet. The sweet spot for engagement seems to be between 10-14 seconds. This time frame is just enough to captivate and hold the audience's attention without them scrolling away. In these few seconds, your goal is to make a strong visual impact. Think of it as a teaser trailer to your art – you want to leave them wanting more.

Engagement Begins with a Question

Starting your video with a question is like laying out an open invitation for viewers to jump into your comments section. It could be as simple as asking for opinions on your artwork, a choice between two styles, or a thought-provoking query related to your art. This strategy is not just about increasing comments; it's about building a community around your content.

The Art of Controversy

A little controversy can go a long way. Now, I’m not talking about creating drama – but rather, introducing elements in your art that spark debate or challenge the norm. It could be an unconventional technique, a bold statement in your art, or a unique perspective that sets people talking. Remember, the goal is to ignite conversation, not conflict.

Shock Factor: Expect the Unexpected

Incorporating a shock factor in your videos can make them irresistible to share. This could be a surprising reveal in your artwork, a sudden twist in your creative process, or an unexpected outcome. The key is to create a moment of surprise or awe that makes viewers hit that share button.

Synchronizing Music with Transitions

Music isn’t just a background element on TikTok; it's a character in your video’s story. Synchronizing your video transitions with the beats or mood of the music adds a layer of polish and professionalism to your content. It’s like choreographing a dance – every movement (or in this case, every brush stroke or art element) should flow seamlessly with the rhythm.

Consistency is Key

While these strategies are great, their magic lies in consistency. You can’t just post one video and expect overnight fame. It’s about repeatedly applying these strategies, learning from each post, and refining your approach. Consistency doesn’t mean posting every day; it means maintaining a steady pace and staying true to your style and message.

Leveraging TikTok Analytics for Enhanced Engagement

Diving into TikTok analytics might feel like you’re wading through a sea of numbers and graphs, but trust me, it's like finding a roadmap to viral success. Analytics isn't just about numbers; it's about understanding what makes your audience click (literally) and how to keep them coming back for more.

Why Analytics Matter

First off, why should you care about analytics? Simply put, analytics give you a behind-the-scenes look at how your content performs. It's like getting feedback directly from your audience, but in the form of data. By understanding which videos do well (and which don't), you can tailor your content to better suit your audience's preferences, ultimately boosting your chances of going viral.

Getting to Know the Basics

TikTok's analytics dashboard is your new best friend. Here, you'll find a wealth of information, from the number of views and likes to more detailed data like audience demographics and watch times. Pay special attention to:

Views: How many people are watching your videos?

Engagement (Likes, Comments, Shares): Are people interacting with your content?

Watch Time: Are viewers watching your videos all the way through?

Follower Growth: How quickly is your audience growing?

Analyzing Audience Engagement

Engagement metrics are crucial. They tell you not just how many people are watching, but how they are interacting with your content. High engagement (likes, comments, shares) often indicates that your content resonates with viewers. Look for patterns – do certain types of videos get more engagement? Why might that be?

Understanding Your Audience

Analytics also offer insights into who your audience is – their age, gender, location, and even when they’re most active on TikTok. This info is gold. Tailoring your content to your audience’s demographics can significantly increase your video’s appeal. Plus, knowing when your audience is most active helps you determine the best times to post.

Learning from Video Performance

Each video is a lesson. By analyzing the performance of your videos, you can start to see what works and what doesn’t. Maybe videos with a certain type of music or a specific art style get more views. Maybe your audience prefers time-lapses over real-time videos. Use this data to refine your content strategy.

Adjusting Your Strategy Based on Analytics

Now, the fun part – using what you’ve learned to tweak your content. If a certain style of video is getting a lot of engagement, experiment with similar content. If some videos aren’t performing well, don’t be afraid to change things up. Remember, TikTok is all about creativity and experimentation.

Essential Equipment for Creating Quality Art Videos

Creating art videos that stand out on TikTok isn't just about your creativity and technique; it also hinges on the quality of your equipment. The right tools can elevate your videos from good to unmissable. Let me walk you through the essential gear that has been a game-changer for my TikTok art videos.

Sony ZV1 Camera: A Creator's Dream

how to make an art video on tiktok

The Sony ZV1 has been my trusty companion on this journey. This camera is a gem for several reasons:

High-Quality Video: It records in stunning 4K, ensuring that every detail of your artwork is captured beautifully.

Built for Creators: With features like a flip screen, advanced autofocus, and built-in stabilization, it’s perfect for both static shots and on-the-go recording.

Excellent Audio: The onboard microphone with a wind screen is a bonus, capturing clear audio that’s crucial for engaging TikTok videos.

Gooseneck Phone Holder

how to make an art video on tiktok

A gooseneck phone holder might seem simple, but it's incredibly useful. It allows you to film from various angles and heights, giving you the flexibility to capture your art process creatively. Plus, its stable base means no more shaky videos – a pet peeve for many TikTok viewers.

Good lighting can make a huge difference in how your videos are perceived. I use two types:

Large Video Lighting: Essential for my main workspace, it ensures consistent, flattering lighting that highlights the best aspects of my artwork.

Portable Video Lighting: Great for close-ups and when I'm on the move. It’s especially handy for capturing those fine details or adding a dramatic effect.

Why Quality Equipment Matters

Investing in quality equipment is not just about making your videos look professional; it's about respecting your art and your audience. Good quality video and sound make your content more enjoyable to watch, which in turn, can lead to higher engagement and more followers.

Balancing Budget and Quality

I get it, not everyone has the budget for high-end equipment. But remember, it's not always about having the best of the best; it's about using what you have to its fullest potential. Even if you’re starting with just your smartphone and natural light, focus on framing your shots creatively and ensuring stability and clarity in your videos.

Engaging with the TikTok Community

Engaging with the TikTok community is like adding fuel to your creative fire. It’s not just about posting videos; it’s about building relationships, sparking conversations, and becoming an active member of the TikTok world. Let's break down why engagement is crucial and how to do it effectively.

The Power of Interaction

First, let’s talk about why engagement is so important. When you interact with your audience and fellow creators, you’re doing more than just chatting – you’re building a community. This connection can lead to:

Increased visibility: Engaging with comments and other creators' content can boost your profile in the TikTok algorithm.

Loyal followers: When viewers see you’re responsive and interactive, they’re more likely to stick around and become loyal fans.

Valuable feedback: Comments and interactions can be a goldmine of insights, helping you understand what your audience loves (or doesn’t).

Responding to Comments

Comments are a treasure trove of engagement. Here's how to handle them:

Acknowledge and reply: Take the time to respond to comments. A simple thank you, answering a question, or joining in on a joke can make a viewer feel seen and appreciated.

Be genuine: Authentic responses build trust. Avoid generic or automated replies.

Handle negativity gracefully: Not all comments will be positive. Stay professional and positive, even in the face of criticism.

Collaborating with Other Creators

Collaborations can be a fantastic way to reach new audiences. Consider:

Partnering on a project: Team up with another creator for a joint artwork or a challenge.

Participating in duets or stitches: React to or build upon another creator’s video. It’s a fun way to engage and show your creativity.

Joining Challenges and Trends

TikTok is all about trends and challenges. Participating in these can not only boost your visibility but also show your audience that you’re in tune with the platform’s culture. Plus, it’s a great way to showcase your creativity in different ways.

Hosting Q&A Sessions

Hosting a Q&A session is a great way to directly engage with your audience. It makes your followers feel involved and gives you a chance to share more about yourself and your art.

Giving Back to the Community

Lastly, don’t forget to give back. Share tips, offer advice, or even feature fan-made art. It's about creating a sense of community, where everyone feels valued and supported.

Next, we'll dive into the FAQ section, addressing common questions and providing you with practical tips and insights to help you on your TikTok art journey.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Navigating the world of TikTok, especially as an artist, can sometimes feel like solving a complex puzzle. But don't worry, I've got your back. Let's tackle some of the most frequently asked questions that can help you find your footing and elevate your TikTok art journey.

1. How often should I post videos to stay relevant?

Consistency is key, but there's no one-size-fits-all answer. A good starting point is 3-4 times a week. This keeps your content fresh in the minds of your followers without overwhelming you. Remember, it's about quality, not just quantity.

2. What are the best times to post for maximum engagement?

This can vary based on your audience, but generally, posting when your audience is most active is best. Check your TikTok analytics to see when your viewers are online. Often, evenings and weekends are great times to post.

3. How do I handle negative comments or controversy?

Stay professional and positive. Not every comment needs a response, especially if it's purely negative or trolling. If it's constructive criticism, acknowledge it gracefully. Remember, you can’t please everyone – focus on your art and your supportive audience.

4. Any tips for beginners who are not tech-savvy?

Start simple. Familiarize yourself with the basic features of TikTok and your equipment. There are plenty of tutorials online that can help. Also, don’t hesitate to ask for help from the community – many are happy to share their knowledge.

5. How to stay inspired and come up with new content ideas?

Inspiration can come from anywhere – other artists, your surroundings, or even your audience. Keep an idea journal. Follow trends, but also don’t be afraid to experiment and be unique. Sometimes, stepping away and taking a break can also reignite your creativity.

6. How important is it to follow trends?

Trends can increase visibility, but it's important to balance trend participation with your unique content. Use trends as a way to showcase your creativity, but ensure they align with your style and brand.

7. Do I need professional equipment to start?

Not at all. Many successful TikTok creators started with just their smartphones. As you grow, you can invest in better equipment. Focus on making the best out of what you have.

8. Can I really turn my TikTok success into a career?

Absolutely. Many creators have leveraged their TikTok presence into full-time careers. It takes time, effort, and consistency. Diversify your content, engage with your audience, and explore monetization options like sponsorships and collaborations.

Wrapping it up, we've covered the essentials for making your art go viral on TikTok. From leveraging the capabilities of the Sony ZV1 camera to understanding the pulse of audience engagement, it's evident that creating viral content is a blend of artistry, strategy, and consistency. Remember, the key to success on TikTok lies in your authenticity and willingness to connect with your audience. Keep experimenting, stay true to your creative spirit, and most importantly, enjoy the process. Your next viral hit could be just a post away!

how to make an art video on tiktok

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How to Use TikTok for Artists

how to use tiktok for artists

By now you’ve probably heard of TikTok. It’s an app where you can make short videos along with music, filters and other effects to share with your followers and others using hashtags, similar to Instagram. I’ve been experimenting with growing a following on there so I wanted to share some tips for how artists can use TikTok to expand their audience.

You may think the app is only for teenagers, but now you can find Millennials and even Grandmas amassing huge followings on TikTok, and having a great time doing it.

How to use TikTok for Artists

Create an account and simply observe . Watch videos that come up on your “for you” page. At first there will be a lot of different subjects but as you “like” and interact, the algorithm will begin to show you more videos attuned to your interests.

As an artist, you will want to follow other artists to get inspiration for the kinds of videos you can make on TikTok. You can find them with hashtags or by connecting with people from your other social media channels.

Start experimenting. It takes time to learn how to use the different tools, filters, add music and so on. You can create videos and save them as a draft, then go back and decide which ones to post. Don’t be too concerned with perfection. People like to see “real” and “unfiltered” life on TikTok.

There are some great tutorials on Youtube for how to use the various tools.

Once you’ve figured out how to use the app, check the Discover page for trending hashtags . Many are tied to a particular song or video style. You can work these trends into your videos, like the “wipe it down challenge”. Don’t feel obligated to do this but it might give you some ideas for videos and help you get more views.

ALWAYS attach a song to your video . Use “Trending” songs where possible.

Add a couple of hashtags , but don’t go overboard. If you did a challenge or trend, make sure to include the hashtag for that trend, plus a couple of other relevant ones. 3-4 hashtags per video is enough.

@julieerindesigns little intro plus my latest artwork! #tiktokartists #mandalaart #drawing #viralart #artistsoftiktok ♬ Good Thing – Zedd & Kehlani

Cross Share your TikTok Videos to Other Platforms

You can download your TikTok videos to your phone to share them other platforms . For example, Pinterest . You can add a link to your TikTok profile, or your website. I’ve seen a huge increase in my Pinterest stats since posting short drawing or painting clips I created in TikTok.

You can also share your videos to Instagram Stories directly from the app, and more recently Instagram Reels ! My Instagram followers love to watch my process videos. Instagram Stories can also be shared to your Facebook Stories as well with one click.

@julieerindesigns What do you think? #newart #arttok #summersend #sol #mandala ♬ Believe Me – Navos

TikTok Video Ideas for Artists

Below is a list of video ideas to get you started sharing your artwork on TikTok.

Want a step by step tutorial on how to make short videos of your art?

Then check out my skillshare class how to make short videos of your art for social media..

Keep in mind, optimal video length is around 15-30 seconds long.

  • Process videos. Share how you create your art. This could be in real time or time lapse format (I usually create time lapse videos outside of the app , then edit in Tiktok after).
  • Close ups of yourself creating in real time, again sharing your process.
  • Finished artwork reveals . Start with your phone on the artwork and slowly pull out until it comes into focus. Or, place multiple art pieces on a table along to music. You can also stand holding one of your art pieces and slowly turn it around to reveal the piece (like my video above).
  • Real life, behind the scenes . Show yourself and your personality. People love to see who you are and connect with you personally. You could have your artwork in the background and use text on the screen to talk about something like your struggles as an artist, the inspiration behind your art, or even something totally unrelated to your art. It doesn’t have to be all art all the time.
  • An art spin on trending videos . As mentioned above, use the trends on the Discover page to inspire your own videos, and put an artsy spin on them.
  • Tutorials . Share your knowledge. Simple drawing or painting videos for beginners. Or a tutorial on how you started selling stickers, or something business related.
  • Duets and challenges . You can duet with other artists or people who create challenges to increase your audience or try something new!

I hope this has given you some ideas for how to use TikTok as an artist. Feel free to follow me on there for more inspiration, I’d love to connect with you! It really is a fun app and you can spend hours on it watching all kinds of videos.

Let me know what you think about TikTok in the comments below! Have you used it yet?

julie signing off

You may also be interested in:

  • How to Grow your Instagram Following for Artists
  • Social Media Marketing for Artists

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How to Promote Your Art on TikTok: Tips to Go Viral

how to make an art video on tiktok

May 14, 2021 June 16, 2021 by Melissa

how to make an art video on tiktok

If you want to become the Charlie D’Amelio of the artist world, then TikTok is the next social media platform you need to tackle. It might seem daunting to start creating video content if you’re new to it, but if your audience is out there, you’ll want to know how to reach them and how to promote art TikToks.

There are about 689 million active users on TikTok, and when you’re reading this, there are probably plenty more. The app is known for having a young audience, with most of its users falling within the 10- to 29-year-old age bracket. If you’re trying to target the younger generations, then TikTok is the place to be. That being said, there are still plenty of other ages and niche groups within the app, so if you market yourself right, then promoting art on TikTok can be very successful.

First Up, the Videos

The great thing about TikTok is that you have tons of freedom to create. TikTok users like to learn and be entertained, so think about all the ways you can cater to this and showcase your art. To get you started, here are some video styles that other artists have used:

  • Film the creation of a piece from start to finish
  • Talk about your favorite tools
  • Give artist tips of your own
  • Show the sketch you started with versus the final product
  • Talk about your preferred medium

Hashtags, Hashtags

Hashtags are important for any social media platform, and TikTok is no exception. When you create a video, add hashtags before you post it to help people discover your work. You don’t want to go crazy here; a few relevant hashtags will do the trick to get you noticed. If you participate in a challenge or trend, then definitely include the corresponding hashtag. You can add some of the following hashtags to make sure the right people see your videos:

#artistsoftiktok #artchallenge #arttiktok #artiktok #arttok #digitalart #artistcheck #arttutorial                       

Choose Your Sounds

how to make an art video on tiktok

Just like hashtags, the sounds and music you use are important to promote art TikToks. There are a few ways to choose a sound. Using your own sound can benefit you because if it’s catchy, other people might want to use it. Every time someone uses your sound, you’ll get the credit, which can drive more people to your profile.

You can also browse the popular sounds for something that fits the vibe of your video. Using popular sounds can lead to more views and getting your art TikToks noticed, so definitely give this feature a try.

Bounce Off Other Creatives

TikTok is unique in that people love when you reuse their ideas. If you see another creator starting a trend or doing something that inspires you, respond to their video with a duet or stitch. These features allow you to show your video side by side or respond to their video with yours, respectively. Always be sure to credit the original creator if possible, partly because it’s good karma and partly because it can help you gain views when their viewers see your video.

Add a Linktree

TikTok isn’t a selling platform (not yet anyway…) so you’ll need to let people know where they can find and buy your art on TikTok. If you have a website that you want to direct everyone to, add the link in your profile bio. If you have multiple places that you want to link to, like your website, Instagram, and store on Contrado (wink wink), you can create a linktree . People can tap this link in your bio, which will bring them to a page to access all your other platforms.

Some General Art on TikTok Pointers

Authenticity is Key

As an artist, you probably already know that being true to yourself and your work is immensely important. You don’t need to overdo your art TikToks to have people appreciate it. If you’re the type of person to inject wild creativity into everything you do, then don’t stop here! If you’d prefer to take a more minimal approach with your content, then that’s totally an option.

Hop on the Trends

TikTok artist trends move quickly, so you’ll have to be fast. If you see a trend that you want to partake in, don’t hesitate to start making moves. The great thing about the amount of content on TikTok is that if you’ve run out of video ideas yourself, there are thousands of other ideas right in front of you to recreate.

Interact with Others

Comment on other videos and reply to comments. This gives you a chance to keep putting your profile in front of everyone! If you say something funny or interesting on someone elses video, people will ‘like’ your comment and are more likely to go to your profile.

Sell Your Art With Contrado

It’s possible that you could get TikTok famous overnight, but it’ll probably take some time. While you’re waiting, consider selling your art with Contrado ! You can design hundreds of incredible products to sell and include in your art TikToks, including wall art, apparel, and accessories. Everything is handmade to order so that you can put your best designs forward.

how to make an art video on tiktok

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How To Make TikTok Videos: A Complete Guide for Beginners

Give direction to your TikTok video creation journey with a beginner-friendly guide covering everything from setup to viral content strategies for an impactful online presence.


Ever found yourself scrolling through TikTok, amazed at the creativity on display, and thought, “I wish I knew how to make TikTok video”? You’ve come to the right place, if that’s the case.

Why, you ask?

Because TikTok, the social media platform that has taken the world by storm, is home to 1.4 billion active users worldwide as of 2023. It’s where ordinary people become overnight sensations, and businesses skyrocket their reach.

But here’s the kicker: the magic lies in the videos – short, captivating, and oh-so-addictive.

This guide is your golden ticket to joining the ranks of those viral video creators. Whether you’re a beginner content creator, a business owner, or simply someone seeking some amusement, we’re here to guide you.

So, grab a seatbelt and prepare to explore the world of TikTok video production.

What is TikTok?

TikTok is a social media platform that has revolutionized the digital world with its unique focus on short-form video content . Launched in 2016 by the Chinese company ByteDance, TikTok quickly gained traction globally, becoming a cultural phenomenon.

But here’s what sets it apart:

Unlike traditional social media platforms focusing on text or image-based content, TikTok’s primary medium is short, engaging videos, typically 15 to 60 seconds long.

And these aren’t just any videos. They encompass various categories, such as comedy, dance, educational content, and beyond.

The best part?

The platform’s easy-to-use video creation tools , including a vast music and special effects library, have democratized video creation. This implies that anyone who owns a smartphone can produce content.

Exaggerating TikTok’s significance in the current digital sphere is almost impossible. It has not only made short-form videos mainstream but also influenced the broader digital culture .

The platform’s trends and challenges often spill over to other social media platforms and even the offline culture; from viral dances to popular catchphrases, TikTok’s impact is seen and felt across the globe.

Whether you’re a content creator, a business, or a casual user, gaining a solid understanding of TikTok, how to utilize its features, and keeping up with TikTok trends can open up a world of opportunities and benefits.

How To Make TikTok Videos: The A to Z of it

Here’s a detailed guide on how to make TikTok videos:

1. Setting Up a TikTok Account

  • Download TikTok from the App Store or Google Play onto your smartphone or tablet.
  • Open the TikTok app and choose how to sign up.


  • If you create a TikTok account using your phone number or email address, you will be asked to create a password.

create a TikTok account

  • To discover friends on the app, you can sync your contacts from here.

Instagram accounts

2. How To Record a Video from TikTok

  • From the home screen, tap the + sign at the bottom of your screen.
  • Before recording, select your desired video length – you have options for a 15-second, 60-second, or 3-minute video.
  • Tap the red Record button to begin capturing your video.
  • When you’re done recording, select Adjust Clips from the right-hand menu to shorten your clips.
  • You can add music by hitting the button at the top of the screen. You could use the search bar to look up more music or sound effects, although TikTok will suggest tracks that suit the content of your video.
  • Select the option you want from the menu on the right to add effects, stickers, or text.

editing your video

  • Add captions and hashtags, tag users, and add locations as you desire.
  • To change which still of your video appears in the feed, hit Select Cover.

TikTok using your video

  • Hit Post! You did it!

3. How To Make a TikTok from Pre-recorded Videos

TikTok from Pre-recorded Videos

  • After uploading the video you want to use in your TikTok, you can customize it as you did before. Use the tools on the right-hand panel to add text, stickers, voiceovers, filters, voice effects, captions, and effects to the video. You can also add a sound to the video from the TikTok audio library.

editing the video

4. How To Make a TikTok Video With Multiple Videos

  • Open up your TikTok app and tap the plus symbol at the bottom of the screen to create a new video.
  • Press the red button to start recording your video. Release your thumb from the red button when you want to end that particular segment. For your next segment, press the red button again and record in the same manner. Continue this process until you’ve captured all the clips you desire. You’ll notice blue lines at the top of your screen, indicating the number of clips you have and the duration they occupy.
  • Alternatively, if you prefer to shoot your videos using your phone’s camera outside of the TikTok app, you can do so.
  • After recording, upload the clips to TikTok by tapping the “Effects” button followed by the “Green Screen Video” option.

Multiple Clips

  • After making your desired adjustments, press save. You can then proceed to finalize the rest of your post, adding music, effects, and other enhancements as needed.

5. How to Schedule Your TikTok Videos With SocialPilot

Although TikTok provides the capability to directly upload videos within its app, turning to SocialPilot streamlines this process, thanks to its intuitive interface and a plethora of user-centric features that enhance the uploading experience.

Let’s discuss how you can upload a TikTok with SocialPilot.

  • Start by launching your SocialPilot dashboard .
  • On your unified dashboard, head left, find “Post,” and click on ‘Create Post’ within it. A new interface will pop up with various tabs. Make sure to select the one labeled ‘TikTok.’
  • You’ll notice a ‘Video Upload’ icon. Give it a tap and browse through your files to pick the video you’re looking to schedule.
  • After uploading, a series of thumbnails will appear. Choose one that best represents your video.
  • Below the thumbnail, there’s a space for you to craft a catchy description for your TikTok. With up to 2200 characters at your disposal, make it count! If you’re unsure about the caption, leverage SocialPilot’s AI Assistant to generate engaging captions based on your content. Add emojis, hashtags, or even tag other accounts to enhance your post’s reach and engagement.
  • Now, you’ll see an option for ‘Direct Publishing.’ Make sure it’s toggled on.
  • Before you proceed, set the privacy of your video. You have three choices: Public (everyone can view), Mutual follow friends (only mutual followers can view), or Self (only you can view it).
  • TikTok is all about interaction. So, decide how you want users to engage with your video. Do you want them to comment? Maybe create a Duet? Or perhaps use a segment of your video in their content (Stitch)? The choice is yours.
  • Everything looks good? Perfect! The final step is to schedule. SocialPilot offers advanced scheduling options, so pick a time that ensures maximum visibility.

And there you have it!

Your TikTok video is scheduled and will be published at your chosen time.

Wasn’t this an A-Z guide on how to make a TikTok video!

Now, let’s check out some interesting TikTok video tips to create the perfect TikTok video.

5 Tips to Create Amazing TikTok Videos

Creating a TikTok video might seem straightforward, but there’s an art to making one that stands out. Here are five tips to help you craft an amazing TikTok video.

1. Find Your Niche

In the vast sea of content on TikTok, it’s crucial to carve out a space that’s uniquely yours.

How do you do that?

Identifying your niche means understanding what you’re passionate about and what resonates with your target audience. Whether it’s comedy sketches, dance routines, or educational tidbits, finding TikTok content ideas and focusing on a specific niche allows you to build a dedicated following. It also helps create authentic and genuine content, which is more likely to engage viewers and foster a loyal community.

2. Leverage Duet and Stitch Features for Authentic Engagement

TikTok’s Duet and Stitch features offer a unique way to engage with your audience and other creators . By leveraging these features, you can collaborate with others, respond to trending challenges, or even start your own trend.

An interesting example of this?

The NBA’s “Tell Me You’re an NBA Fan Without Telling Me You’re An NBA Fan” challenge. The NBA utilized the Duet feature to engage with their audience by giving them a prompt. This encouraged followers to stitch their videos in response to the NBA’s original video, fostering a sense of community and interaction.


Such strategies boost engagement and provide an authentic way to connect with your audience.

By giving fans a platform to showcase their love for the NBA, the organization not only amplified its reach but also strengthened its bond with its fanbase. Embracing these features can help your content resonate more deeply with viewers, making them more likely to engage and share.

3. Engaging Captions and Hashtags

Captions are the first thing viewers read when they come across your video. An engaging caption can pique their interest and compel them to watch the entire video. Be concise, witty, or informative with your captions, depending on the video’s content.

Additionally, using relevant hashtags can boost your video’s discoverability. In fact, the primary reason for using hashtags on TikTok is to extend the reach of content beyond your followers.

Hashtags categorize your content, making it discoverable to those interested in a particular topic or following a specific hashtag. Moreover, hashtags on TikTok help build a community around interests, facilitating content sharing, joining conversations, and discovering content related to a specific topic.

To further streamline your content creation process, consider leveraging tools like SocialPilot’s AI Assistant .

ai assistant

This AI-powered feature aids in generating social media post ideas, optimizing content for different platforms, and even discovering relevant hashtags, ensuring your content always hits the mark.

4. Optimize Video Length for Maximum Engagement

The ideal length of your TikTok videos is crucial in retaining viewer attention. While TikTok allows videos up to 60 seconds, shorter, snappier videos often perform better .

Did you know:

TikTok’s primary audience, Gen Z, has a short attention span. You only have about eight seconds to capture their attention.

Therefore, your content should get to the point quickly and be engaging from the start. Video-editing tools can help you achieve swift transitions between quick video clips, making your content appear fresh and more engaging. High watch time and completion rate are metrics that matter significantly on TikTok. This can lead to organic growth in followers for your brand.

If a large portion of your viewers watches your video till the end, it signals the algorithm that your content is worth sharing with a broader audience.

Most importantly, you must…

5. Understand the TikTok Algorithm

To create a TikTok video that truly stands out, it’s essential to grasp how the TikTok algorithm works.

The platform’s algorithm considers several factors, such as user interactions, video information, and account details, to determine the reach of your content. Understanding these factors allows you to tailor your content to maximize its visibility and engagement.

For instance, videos that receive immediate engagement (likes, comments, shares) after posting are more likely to be pushed to a broader audience . Additionally, the algorithm considers the completion rate of your video. If viewers watch your video till the end, it’s a positive signal that your content is engaging, prompting TikTok to show it to more users.

By aligning your content strategy with the platform’s algorithmic preferences, you can significantly boost the chances of your video appearing on the ‘For You Page’ and gaining viral traction.

Now, let’s cover some common mistakes most marketers make when they create TikTok videos.

5 Common Mistakes to Avoid While Creating TikTok Videos

TikTok has taken the world by storm, but as with any platform, there are pitfalls to avoid. Here are some common mistakes creators often make:

1. Ignoring Trends

TikTok operates in a fast-paced environment where trends can emerge overnight and fade just as quickly.

What happens when you miss out on these trends?

Creators miss out on potential virality and engagement . It’s essential to keep an eye on the ‘For You Page’ and TikTok trends . Participating in these trends increases the chances of your video being seen and showcases your adaptability and relevance to the platform’s dynamic nature.

2. Poor Video Quality

With millions of videos uploaded daily, users have become discerning about the content they engage with. Videos that are grainy, poorly lit, or shaky can be off-putting . In fact, a whopping 96% of people rely on videos to learn more about products and services, emphasizing the importance of high-quality video content for effective engagement and information dissemination.

It’s crucial to ensure that your videos are of high quality, which doesn’t necessarily mean investing in expensive equipment. Simple fixes like using natural light, stabilizing your recording device, or even using the in-app editing tools can significantly enhance your video quality.

3. Neglecting Audio

TikTok is as much an auditory platform as it is visual. The right sound can make or break your video. Whether you’re using a trending sound, original music, or voiceover, it’s essential to ensure that the audio is clear, appropriately loud, and free from unnecessary background noises.

Remember, a catchy tune or clear narration can keep viewers hooked and even encourage them to rewatch your video.

Here’s something interesting:

TikTok itself has emphasized the significance of sound in the user experience. The platform shared that 9 out of 10 users view sound as vital to the TikTok experience. Moreover, brand linkage and recall increase by over 8x when distinctive brand sounds are leveraged in ads, compared to other elements like slogans and logos.

TikTok experience

This clearly underlines the importance of audio in TikTok videos. For instance, trends on TikTok often revolve around specific sounds or songs, and these can go viral, amplifying a brand’s reach exponentially.

A sound that resonates with users can lead to a surge in user-generated content, where users incorporate that sound into their own videos, further promoting the brand or message associated with it.

4. Over-Promotion

While TikTok offers a fantastic platform for brands and influencers to promote products or services, overdoing it can alienate viewers .

Users come to TikTok for entertainment, education, and connection. If every video you post feels like a sales pitch, you risk losing your audience’s trust. It’s essential to strike a balance between promotional content and genuine, engaging videos that offer value to the viewer.

5. Being Inconsistent

Consistency is a cornerstone of growth on any social media platform. On TikTok, where the content turnover is high, posting sporadically can quickly make you irrelevant.

While it’s not necessary to post daily, establishing a consistent posting schedule ensures that you remain on your audience’s radar and can even boost your chances of landing on the ‘For You Page.’

In fact, brands that maintain a regular posting rhythm tend to experience better engagement and growth on TikTok.

A prime example of this is Gymshark, which has garnered over 1.4 million fans and over 20 million likes on TikTok. Their consistent and quality content, ranging from user-generated videos to studio-produced ones, underscores the importance of regularity in building a strong brand presence on the platform.


To maintain consistency on TikTok, consider leveraging tools like SocialPilot’s TikTok Scheduler . This tool empowers brands to create, schedule, and directly publish their TikTok videos on the platform. Plus, with its intuitive content calendar, you can visualize and track your TikTok posting schedule, ensuring you remain active and relevant to your audience.

5 Creative TikTok Video Ideas to Get You Started

Here are some amazing and trending TikTok video ideas to get the ball rolling for you.

1. Educational or How-To Videos

This category of TikTok videos is a goldmine for those who love to learn in a fun and engaging way. From learning how to make a TikTok video itself, to mastering a new language, the possibilities are endless. Users appreciate these videos as they offer bite-sized information, making learning fun and engaging .

A popular user in this category?

@fentybeauty , the official TikTok account of Fenty Beauty, a cosmetics brand launched by music icon Rihanna.

Tap Next

Passport Makeup Using Fenty Beauty | Source

Why do they bother to make how-to videos?

These tutorials educate viewers on how to use their products effectively and help the brand engage with their audience, showcase their products in action, and ultimately drive sales.

It’s a win-win situation.

Viewers learn new makeup techniques, and Fenty Beauty gets to promote their products creatively and engagingly.

TikTok’s duet feature allows users to create a new video based on someone else’s, adding their own unique twist. This feature is a huge part of what makes TikTok videos so engaging. It’s like having a conversation with another user through video content.

Duets can range from dance-offs to reaction videos, and they’re a great way to interact with other TikTok users and join in on trending topics.

For instance, a popular trend is the #ReactToThis challenge, where users are encouraged to create duet videos reacting to a specific video. This challenge has seen participation from celebrities, further increasing its popularity.


An example of a reaction video | Source

Creating a duet is quite simple.

You just need to find the video you want to duet with, tap the share button, select ‘Duet,’ and start recording your video. This feature provides a unique way to engage with other users’ content and add your creative spin.

3. Dance Challenges

Dance challenges are a staple of the TikTok experience. They involve users creating their own dances to popular songs and challenging others to do the same.

These challenges are a fun way to engage with the TikTok community and show off your dance moves. They also offer a chance for users to get creative with their video editing skills, as they often involve syncing dance moves with specific beats or lyrics in the song.

One of TikTok’s most popular dance challenges was the #Renegade challenge.

This dance, set to the song “Lottery” by K CAMP, became so popular that it even made its way into mainstream media, with celebrities like Lizzo and Millie Bobby Brown joining in on the fun. The original creator of the dance, Jalaiah Harmon, was eventually recognized for her contribution , highlighting the potential for viral fame on TikTok.

Dance Challanges

The original Renegade dance video | Source

Another popular dance challenge was the #BlindingLights challenge, set to the song “Blinding Lights” by The Weeknd. This challenge involved a specific set of dance moves and was popularized by families and groups of friends participating together. It showcased the community aspect of TikTok , where users can join together to participate in trends and challenges.

Another trending TikTok video?

4. Day-in-the-Life Vlogs

Day-in-the-life vlogs are a popular category on TikTok, offering a window into users’ daily routines and experiences. These videos can cover a wide range of activities, from a typical day at school or work to special events, adventures, or even just a relaxing day at home.

One TikTok user who has gained popularity creating videos of her day in the life is @erinbachman_ . Erin is a mom who shares snippets of her daily routine with her husband and kids. From morning routines and meal prep to family activities, Erin’s videos provide a relatable and heartwarming look into family life.

Erin Bachman

Erin Bachman’s video | Source

But it’s not just the content that makes these videos engaging. The way they’re edited, the chosen music, and the overall storytelling all contribute to the appeal of these vlogs. They offer a chance for users to showcase their creativity and video editing skills , making each vlog unique and personal.

Last but not certainly not least…

5. Recipe Video

Food and cooking videos are extremely popular on TikTok. Users love to share their favorite recipes, cooking tips, or food hacks.

These videos are popular because they offer quick and easy culinary inspiration. For instance, @chefsarahtodd , a renowned chef and former MasterChef Australia contestant, shares her daily meals and cooking tips on her TikTok account.


Sarah Todd’s cooking recipe | Source

These videos are not only entertaining but also useful, as they offer viewers new ideas for meals. Additionally, they serve as an excellent platform to show off your culinary skills and inventive flair.

Moreover, these recipe videos can also serve as a marketing tool for chefs and food bloggers . Sharing their cooking process and final product can attract a wider audience and gain more followers.

So, if you’re passionate about food, why not take a shot at it?

You might just become the next TikTok cooking sensation!

So, what’s the bottom line?

Mastering how to make TikTok videos can open up a world of creativity and connection.

But that’s not all.

Whether you’re sharing educational content, participating in dance challenges, or showcasing your culinary skills, TikTok offers endless opportunities for engagement and fun.

And to make this journey a whole lot easier, we recommend giving SocialPilot a try! With amazing and easy-to-use TikTok features like publishing and scheduling, AI Assistant, calendar view, and more, you can help fast-track your TikTok growth!

Are you ready? Enjoy your TikTok journey!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I make my first TikTok video?

First, download the TikTok app and set up an account. Then, tap the '+' icon at the bottom, decide on your video's length, pick a soundtrack, and start filming.

Before posting, you can enhance your video with effects, text, and stickers.

Can I make a TikTok with pre-recorded videos?

Yes, you can. Tap the '+' icon, select 'Upload,' and pick the pre-recorded video from your device's gallery. You can then make edits and share it.

What are some popular types of TikTok videos?

Dance challenges, duets, educational or how-to videos, day-in-the-life vlogs, and recipe videos are among the popular types on TikTok.

Each type offers a unique way to engage with the TikTok community.

How can I add music to my videos?

While creating a video, tap the 'Sounds' option at the top of the screen. You can then search for a song or sound from TikTok's library to add to your video.

Can I edit my TikTok video after posting it?

No, you can't edit a video once it's been posted. However, you can save it to your drafts to continue editing before you post.

About the Author

Picture of Thoriq Noor

Thoriq Noor

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How to Make a TikTok Video: Everything You Need to Know

Here are all the steps and tools you’ll need to make a viral-worthy first video on TikTok and make sure your debut is anything but cringe.

How to Make a TikTok Video: Everything You Need to Know | Hootsuite

If you’re still waiting to dip your toe into Great Lake TikTok, you’re not alone. Although there are over a billion TikTok users , half of all major brands still don’t have a TikTok presence.

That might be because TikTok seems kind of intimidating . But we’re here to tell you that making a TikTok video is easier than it looks! And you might even have fun doing it.

The best way to understand TikTok (and how it can benefit your business ) is by diving right in and creating videos yourself.

Come on in. The water’s fine!

How to get started on TikTok

Bonus: Get a free TikTok Growth Checklist from famous TikTok creator Tiffy Chen that shows you how to gain 1.6 million followers with only 3 studio lights and iMovie.

How to make a TikTok account

  • Download TikTok from the App Store or Google Play onto your smartphone or iPad.

sign up for TikTok account

  • If you are using a phone number or email address to create a TikTok account, you’ll be prompted to enter it and create a password.
  • Choose your username . If you’re a business, it’s a good idea to use the same username across social media accounts to help your customers find you. Whatever you pick, make sure it’s easy to remember. You can always change it later!

That’s it! From here, you can sync your contacts to find friends on the app. TikTok will also prompt you to complete your profile by taking three actions:

  • Add a profile photo.
  • Add your bio.
  • Add your name.

You can also add your pronouns and link your Instagram and YouTube accounts by tapping Edit profile .

TikTok user profile she her hers pronouns

If you’re having a hard time deciding what kind of account to create, check out our guide to TikTok business vs personal accounts .

How to make a TikTok video

  • Tap the + sign at the bottom of your screen. You can also tap Create video on your profile page.
  • Use a pre-existing video from your Camera Roll, or start filming by tapping the red Record button.
  • If you are recording, you can choose whether to make a 15-second, 60-second or 3-minute video. TikTok now allows you to upload up to 10 minutes of video.
  • Trim the length of your clips by tapping Adjust Clips on the right-hand menu.

recommend sounds over cat video

  • Add effects, stickers or text to your videos by tapping the options on the right-hand menu.
  • If your video contains speaking, add captions to improve accessibility.

video of cat playing add sound and post to story

  • Add hashtags, tag other users, and adjust settings like Allow Duet (which allows other users to create a split-screen TikTok using your video) or Allow Stitch (which lets them edit clips of your video into their own ). You can also tap Select cover to adjust which still of your video appears in your feed.
  • Hit Post ! You did it!

Bonus step: once you’ve made a few videos, put your top performing ones together in a TikTok playlist .

How to make a TikTok with multiple videos

  • Tap the + sign at the bottom of your screen.
  • Tap Upload on the bottom right. Then select Videos at the top of the screen to filter for the videos in your Camera Roll. You can add multiple clips or include a mix of photos and videos!
  • Select the videos you want to include, to a maximum of 35 videos. Tap Next to continue.

suggested sounds over skate park video

  • From here, you can add video effects, stickers, and text. Try Noise Reducer if your clips have a lot of background noise.
  • You can also add a voiceover . This will be layered over the original sound in your video clips or the track you selected.

hot skate summer 2022 roller disco

  • Hit Post and start sharing!

How to make a TikTok with pictures

  • Tap Upload on the bottom right. Then select Photos at the top of the screen to filter for the photos in your Camera Roll.

select photos from media library

  • Your photos will display in Video Mode , which means that they’ll play in order. You can switch to Photo Mode , which allows users to toggle between images like a slideshow.
  • You can select a song or sound effect by tapping the music button at the top, or press Voiceover to record an audio track to accompany your images.
  • Once you’re finished, add your caption and hashtags, tag other users, and edit your video settings.

How to make a 3 minute TikTok

There are three easy ways to make a 3-minute TikTok video. The first way is to record it in the app:

  • Tap the + sign at the bottom of your screen to start a new video.

cat curled up in bed with option to add sound

  • Once you have 3 minutes of footage, you can add your video effects, music, voiceovers, and more.

The other option is to upload video clips and edit them together .

  • Tap Upload and select your clips. You can choose more than 3 minutes worth of clips!

roller skating video adjust clip tap to edit

  • From here, you can add video elements like text, stickers, effects and more.

Lastly, you can upload a pre-edited 3 minute clip. There are a number of great video editing tools and external TikTok templates which offer features like custom fonts and unique effects.

How to schedule a TikTok video

Using Hootsuite, you can schedule your TikToks for any time in the future . (TikTok’s native scheduler only allows users to schedule TikToks up to 10 days in advance.)

To create and schedule a TikTok using Hootsuite, follow these steps:

  • Record your video and edit it (adding sounds and effects) in the TikTok app.
  • When you’re done editing your video, tap Next in the bottom right corner of your screen. Then, select More options and tap Save to device .
  • In Hootsuite, tap the Create icon on the very top of the left-hand menu to open the Composer.
  • Select the account you want to publish your TikTok to.
  • Upload the TikTok you saved to your device.
  • Add a caption. You can include emojis and hashtags, and tag other accounts in your caption.
  • Adjust additional settings. You can enable or disable comments, Stitches and Duets for each of your individual posts. Note : Your existing TikTok privacy settings (set up in the TikTok app) will override these ones.
  • Preview your post and click Post now to publish it immediately, or…
  • …click Schedule for later to post your TikTok at a different time. You can manually select a publication date or pick from three recommended custom best times to post for maximum engagement

how to make an art video on tiktok

Schedule posts, analyze them, and respond to comments from one easy-to-use dashboard.

And that’s it! Your TikToks will show up in the Planner, alongside all of your other scheduled social media posts.

Scheduled TikTok in Hootsuite Planner

More of a visual learner? This video will walk you through the process of scheduling a TikTok (from your phone or from desktop) in under 5 minutes:

7 things to know before creating your first TikTok

  • Use trending songs or audio clips. Music is a huge part of TikTok, and many users explore the platform and discover videos through audio. Likewise, original audio is often the basis of a TikTok trend (like this “cha-ching” effect ). Adapting it for your own content can help you reach a bigger audience.
  • Start strong. The first few seconds of your video are the most important. Either users will keep right on scrolling, or you’ll capture their attention. According to TikTok, 67% of the best-performing videos have their key message in the first three seconds . So make sure you’re getting to the point!
  • Add hashtags. Hashtags are a huge part of how content is organized and discovered on TikTok. It’s trickier to find trending hashtags now that TikTok has replaced their Discover tab with a Friends tab . But you can find some on TikTok’s Creative Center or by exploring the app yourself.
  • Don’t stop at one! Posting regularly is the key to success on TikTok, so don’t just drop one video and wait for the Gen Z tastemakers to come to you. TikTok recommends posting 1 to 4 times a day in order to figure out what content resonates with your audience. If you really want to make your daily posts count, check out the best time to post on TikTok .
  • Don’t aim for perfection. TikTok is all about authenticity and in-the-moment relevance. Users prefer their content a little raw — in fact, 65% of users agree that professional-looking videos from brands are out of place. In our own journey to grow our TikTok following to 12.3k followers , we learned that our less-polished videos performed best!
  • Make it snappy . While TikTok videos can now be up to 10 minutes long, brevity is your friend. Earlier in 2022, there was a trending #sevensecondchallenge showing that very short videos with lots of text were getting massive engagement. We tried the seven second TikTok challenge ourselves — and it worked! While you don’t need to go that short, the best length for a TikTok video is 7-15 seconds .
  • Learn the lingo. What is “cheugy?” Why does that funny video have so many skull emojis in the comments? Figuring out how to talk like a TikToker is key to fitting in. Fortunately, we made a vocab cheat sheet for you .

If you want even more tips, we’ve put together 12 beginner-friendly TikTok tricks to help you get started. Happy creating!

Grow your TikTok presence alongside your other social channels using Hootsuite. Schedule and publish posts for the best times, engage your audience, and measure performance — all from one easy-to-use dashboard. Try it free today.

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Michelle Cyca is a writer, editor, and digital content strategist. Offline, she likes hefty magazines, public libraries, all-day breakfasts, and bike rides.

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Hootsuite Offer

TikTok Video Generator

Create TikTok videos and shorts by combining VEED’s powerful suite of AI tools. AI video creation in a few clicks

how to make an art video on tiktok

Tools you can use to create TikTok clips with AI:

1 generate images and scripts with ai.

Let our AI software generate art and images for you instantly! Use our AI image generator and create videos from images. Add sound effects, background music, and more! You can also use our AI Script Generator to generate video scripts automatically.

2 Use our AI text-to-voice tool!

Add narrations and voiceovers to your video using AI voice generator ! Click Audio from the left menu and select Text to Speech. Type or paste your text into the text field and click Add to Project. You will see an audio file in the timeline.

3 Add media from our stock library

Select clips from our royalty-free stock media library to add to your video. You can add stock music, sound effects, and even video clips! You can also start with our customizable video templates.

how to make an art video on tiktok

Create captivating TikTok videos with our video generator

Transform your ideas into engaging TikTok content effortlessly with our TikTok Video Generator. From trending challenges to personalized moments, our tool empowers you to create stunning videos in a snap. Turn your text into compelling videos using our AI text-to-video tool. Instantly add narrations and voiceovers by converting text to voice.

Watch this walkthrough to learn more about AI video:

‘Edit Video Online’ Tutorial Large.png

Create videos with customizable TikTok templates and tools

Use VEED’s customizable video templates to create your TikTok shorts and videos quickly. Repurpose your content for different social media platforms in one click. Create an AI avatar to present your content on TikTok and make avatars talk using text-to-voice technology. Clone your voice to add instant voiceovers with your voice profile!

Your shortcut to TikTok stardom

Achieve TikTok stardom with VEED, where innovation meets simplicity. Seamlessly generate eye-catching videos tailored to your style, making every upload a potential hit. Experience the future of TikTok content creation and stand out in the crowd effortlessly. You can also add music, sound effects, and background tracks.

Generate videos and edit to perfection with AI

Our video editing software features a full range of handy instant and manual tools without confusing and complicated configurations. You can streamline your content creation process with our intuitive timeline, snap-to-grid, and drag-and-drop interface. Add images, subtitles, and annotations to your video in a cinch! Translate spoken audio in one click with the AI voice dubber .

Frequently Asked Questions

By combining VEED’s artificial intelligence tools, you can get AI-generated videos in minutes. VEED features plenty of AI tools you can use to create amazing-looking videos even without your own footage. You can use audio and video clips from our stock library and add voiceovers, music, and more!

Most of VEED’s AI tools are free to use. We offer plenty of ways to let you create AI-generated videos. One of them is by converting text to video! You can use stock audio and video clips from our stock media library, add voiceovers using AI text-to-speech, or create a video entirely from AI-generated images using our AI image generator!

Plenty of ways. You can create videos from text on VEED by converting your text to voice—and then creating a video using our wide variety of tools! You can use stock video and audio clips, create videos from photos, and then add your voiceover. With VEED, it only takes minutes to add voiceovers to your videos—and all you have to do is type or paste your text!

Currently, you can add up to 5,000 characters to convert to speech per video project.

Discover more:

  • AI Commercial Generator
  • AI Movie Generator
  • AI Music Video Generator
  • AI Reel Generator
  • AI Text to Video
  • AI Video Editor
  • AI Video Generator
  • AI Visual Generator
  • AI YouTube Video Maker
  • Animate from Audio
  • Article to Video
  • Blog to Video
  • Script to Video
  • Text to Animation
  • Video Generators
  • YouTube Shorts Maker

What they say about VEED

Veed is a great piece of browser software with the best team I've ever seen. Veed allows for subtitling, editing, effect/text encoding, and many more advanced features that other editors just can't compete with. The free version is wonderful, but the Pro version is beyond perfect. Keep in mind that this a browser editor we're talking about and the level of quality that Veed allows is stunning and a complete game changer at worst.

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  • Directly from TikTok
  • Brand deals
  • Promoting songs
  • Affiliate links
  • Directly from Instagram
  • Directly from YouTube

How influencers get paid and make money on TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube

  • Influencers on TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube get paid many ways, from sponsorships to ad revenue.
  • How much creators earn depends on factors like following size, engagement, and content category.
  • We spoke with dozens of influencers who shared how much money they'd earned on social media.

Insider Today

Influencers earn money a number of ways, from sponsorships to selling merchandise.

How much creators get paid on TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube depends on a variety of factors, from content category to what platform the influencer is prominent on.

For many influencers, the best way to get paid is through brand deals.

TikToker Naomi Melanie Leanage, for example, earned nearly $200,000 in a year from brand collaborations with about 500,000 followers. She said she gets paid a minimum of $6,000 for a TikTok post .

Check out how Lenage built her business and how she makes money on TikTok

Besides brand deals, influencers can also get paid directly by the platforms. YouTube has the most developed program for this, called its Partner Program. Eight YouTubers who make long-form videos shared how much YouTube paid them per 1,000 views , and their answers ranged from $1.61 to $29.30.

TikTok pays influencers directly through its Creator Fund and Creativity Program, and through Pulse, its ad-revenue-sharing program. 

Influencers have said the programs often leave much to be desired as far as payouts. Six influencers shared what TikTok paid them through its Creator Fund in a day . It ranged from $0.05 to $189.

TikTok's Pulse program recently launched and is similar to YouTube's Partner Program. Influencers said that how much TikTok paid per 1,000 views ranged from pennies to $17.

Read more about how much TikTok pays per 1,000 views, according to eight creators

The company is currently testing a new fund, dubbed its Creativity Program, where it pays creators "higher average gross revenue" tied to views for making videos that are longer than one minute. Influencers can only participate in either the creator fund or the creativity program, not both, a spokesperson told Insider.

Insider has spoken with dozens of other influencers on Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok about how much each of them makes from videos, sponsorships, and other revenue streams.

Here's a breakdown of our coverage:

How do you get paid on TikTok?

To earn money directly from TikTok's Creator Fund or its Creativity Program, users must be 18 years or older, meet a baseline of 10,000 followers, and have accrued at least 100,000 video views in the last 30 days. To be a part of TikTok Pulse, creators need at least 100,000 followers.

Read more about how much TikTok creators make from the Creator Fund:

  • TikTok influencers reveal how much they're getting paid from its $1 billion Creator Fund
  • Preston Seo, a personal-finance and entrepreneurship TikToker with 1.6 million followers
  • Vi Luong, and how-to and lifestyle TikToker with more than 1 million followers
  • Victoria Paris, a fashion and lifestyle influencer with 1 million followers
  • Rahan Alemi, a model and student with 385,000 followers
  • Manasi Arya, a Gen-Z artist with 40,100 followers

How much influencers earn from brand deals

Many influencers rely on sponsored content — from a set of Instagram posts and Stories to a dedicated YouTube video promoting a company — to earn money.

Rates for these types of brand deals vary based on an influencer's engagement rate, platform, and other factors like usage rights.

Here's a breakdown of our coverage of how much influencers make for brand deals and sponsorships.

Many sponsorship opportunities come from the brand emailing the influencer or their management company directly.

Creators on YouTube promote brands a few different ways, from an entire video dedicated to speaking about the company or product to a 30-second mention. The length of the mention can play a role in how much the creator charges, some influencers said.

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Here's how much 4 YouTubers make from brand deals:

  • Katy Bellotte, a YouTube creator with 474,000 subscribers
  • Jade Darmawangsa, a YouTube creator with 382,000 subscribers
  • Charlie Chang, a finance influencer with 350,000 subscribers 
  • Charli Prangley, a part-time design influencer with 200,000 subscribers

Instagram has launched more than 10 money-making tools for creators since 2020 . Aside from being paid directly from the platform, one of the main ways many influencers earn money on Instagram is by promoting brands through sponsored in-feed posts, stories, and reels.

Here's how much 21 Instagram influencers make from brand deals:

  • Alexa Collins, a lifestyle influencer with 1.2 million followers
  • JaLisa Vaughn-Jefferson, a lifestyle influencer with 291,000 followers
  • Macy Mariano, a travel and fashion influencer with 102,000 followers
  • Jehava Brown, a travel and lifestyle influencer with 70,000 followers
  • Nick Cutsumpas, a plant influencer with 63,700 followers
  • Emma Cortes, a full-time lifestyle and fashion micro influencer with 47,000 followers
  • Ashley Jones, a fashion and lifestyle influencer with 45,000 followers
  • Kirsty Ip, a food influencer with 42,000 Instagram followers
  • Tomi Obebe, a lifestyle blogger and influencer with 40,000 followers
  • Emma Cortes, a lifestyle influencer and podcast host with 38,000 followers
  • Aisha Beau Frisbey, a  full-time lifestyle creator with 34,000 Instagram followers 
  • Britney Turner, a lifestyle influencer with 27,000 followers
  • Caitlin Patton, a lifestyle influencer with 22,000 followers
  • Mary Margaret Boudreaux, a fashion influencer with 20,000 followers
  • Lillian Zhang, micro influencer with 20,000 followers
  • Gigi Kovach, a part-time lifestyle blogger with 13,500 followers
  • Tyler Chanel, a sustainability influencer with 12,000 followers
  • Jalyn Baiden, an Instagram and TikTok nano influencer with fewer than 10,000 followers
  • Khadijah Lacey-Taylor, a fashion and lifestyle influencer with 9,800 followers
  • Laur DeMartino, a nano influencer with 5,200 Instagram followers
  • Amber Broder, a part-time skincare influencer with 2,300 followers

Many brands have increased their spending on TikTok, but it has been hard for some influencers native to the platform to build a stable business.

Although the app's short video format has taken over social media, some creators say they are struggling to form a lasting bond with fans and scale their businesses. Still, brand deals have provided lucrative revenue stream for many TikTok creators.

Here's how much 20 TikTokers make from brand deals:

  • Alex Ojeda, a water park influencer with 8 million followers 
  • The McFarlands, a family TikTok account with 2.6 million followers
  • Dana Hasson, a fashion influencer with 2.3 million followers
  • Tiffany Chen, a food influencer with 2.3 million followers
  • Nate White, a fashion designer with 1.8 million followers
  • Young Yuh, a skincare influencer with 1.6 million followers
  • Harry Raftus, a Canadian creator with 1.2 million followers
  • Vi Luong, a creator who films how-to videos with 1.1 million followers
  • Deanna Giulietti, a content creator with over 1 million TikTok followers
  • The HoneyHouse, a creator collab group with 1 million followers
  • Matt Upham, a software engineer with 522,000 followers
  • Naomi Melanie Leanage, a TikTok influencer with 506,000 followers 
  • Tejas Hullur, a content creator and entrepreneur with 500,000 followers
  • Carolina Freixa, a part-time creator with 447,000 followers
  • Symphony Clarke, a thrifting creator with 208,000 followers
  • Natasha Greene, a lifestyle and food influencer with 204,000 followers
  • Erin Confortini, a personal finance influencer with 180,000 followers
  • Pooja Tripathi, an actress, writer, and comedian with 33,500 followers 

How much influencers make promoting songs, especially on TikTok

One of the most popular ways to earn money as a TikToker is by promoting songs in videos. Music marketers and record labels regularly pay TikTok users to post on the app in an attempt to make a new track go viral. 

Read more about how TikTok creators make money from song promotions:

  • How much TikTok creators get paid to promote songs on the app by music marketers and record labels
  • Why TikTok music marketers are increasingly hiring micro influencers over superstars
  • How much TikTok influencers can earn from song promotions, according to 2 music marketers
  • How much creator Harry Raftus with 1.2 million followers earns money by promoting songs

How much influencers earn from affiliate links

Some influencers use platforms like and Collective Voice (formerly ShopStyle) to generate affiliate links, or discount codes provided by brands, to earn a percentage of sales. ( Read more about the top 9 affiliate platforms for influencers .)

Read more about how much influencers make from affiliates:

  • Kara Harms, a blogger and influencer based in San Francisco, shared how she is making over $200,000 a year blogging
  • Bethany Everett-Ratcliffe has over 16,000 Instagram followers and she's relied more on Instagram's native affiliate marketing program
  • Vi Lai, a skincare influencer, uses Instagram and TikTok to make thousands of dollars per month using affiliate marketing
  • YouTuber Charli Prangley broke down how much she had earned from affiliate marketing in 2021
  • Charlie Chang promotes dozens of personal-finance apps and programs a month. He shared how much he earns.
  • Rahan Alemi is a model and student who earned five figures in 2022 through social media

Tomi Obebe. Tomi Obebe

How to get paid on instagram.

In 2020, Instagram announced "Badges," which allow fans to tip creators who livestream on the app. Two years later, Instagram added "Gifts" on Instagram reels, which let fans send influencers "gifts" via the Instagram app using its own internal currency called Stars.

Instagram has also rolled out a paid-content feature called Subscriptions. Subscriptions allow creators to share gated content, from exclusive stories to livestreams, in a fashion similar to that of Patreon or OnlyFans. 

Meta, which owns Instagram, does not plan to take a cut from these transactions until 2024 .

  • How to make money on Instagram: 6 ways creators are getting paid in 2023
  • How Ronne Brown, an entrepreneur and content creator with over 200,000 followers, earns money through Instagram Badges

Instagram is testing a new tool that would let creators earn money through "Gifts" on Reels

Instagram is testing "Subscriptions" that let creators make money from exclusive content

How to get paid by YouTube

Many YouTube creators earn money off the ads that play in their videos and receive a monthly payout.

Creators who are part of the Partner Program can monetize their videos with Google-placed ads.

Creators must have at least YouTube 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours in the past year to apply for the Partner Program and get paid. Google then pays creators 55% of the revenue their channels earn from the ads that run on them.

Creators also recently became able to earn money from YouTube shorts. Creators who reach 10 million views in 90 days on shorts, as well as 1,000 subscribers, are able to apply to join the Partner Program.

Here's a breakdown of how much money YouTubers make in a month from the Partner Program:

  • Nuseir Yassin, founder and creator behind Nas Daily, with 9 million subscribers
  • Ali Abdaal, a British YouTuber with 3.6 million subscribers
  • Tiffany Ma, a lifestyle creator with 1.8 million subscribers
  • Andrei Jikh, a personal-finance creator who has 1.7 million subscribers.
  • Nate O'Brien, a personal-finance creator with 1 million subscribers
  • Manny Ortiz, a full-time photography YouTuber with 600,000 subscribers
  • Kelly Stamps, a minimalism-lifestyle creator with 600,000 subscribers
  • Charlie Chang, a personal-finance creator with 350,000 subscribers
  • Joshua Mayo, a personal finance influencer with 269,000 subscribers
  • Charli Prangley, a web and graphic design creator with 200,000 subscribers
  • Erin Winters, a business creator with 200,000 subscribers 
  • SemideCoco, an ASMR creator with 150,000 subscribers
  • Levi Hildebrand, a zero-waste creator with 125,000 subscribers
  • Sarah Lavender, an ASMR YouTuber with over 100,000 subscribers
  • Chloe Tan, a college life creator with 80,000 subscribers
  • Marissa Lyda, personal-finance creator with 50,000 subscribers
  • Macy Schmidt, a lifestyle influencer with 50,000 subscribers
  • Nay Cook-Nelson, a YouTube Shorts creator, with 40,000 subscribers
  • Erica Boucher, a creator with a DIY candle making channel with 31,000 subscribers
  • Aisha Beau Frisbey, a full-time lifestyle creator with 30,000 YouTube subscribers
  • Reni Odetoyinbo, a personal finance influencer with 19,300 subscribers
  • Jake Tilk, a full-time YouTuber with 18,000 subscribers
  • Meghan Pruitt, a college influencer with 6,800 subscribers
  • Jen Lauren, a part-time lifestyle influencer with 5,200

YouTube's central creator monetization metric is called revenue per mille (RPM). That rate shows how much revenue a creator earns per every 1,000 video views (after YouTube's 45% cut). No creator consistently makes the same rate, which depends on factors like the viewers and advertisers the video attracts.

Here's a breakdown of how much money some YouTubers have made for 1,000 views (RPM), for 100,000 views, 1 million views, and the most they've made from a single video: 

  • How much money YouTubers make for 1 million views
  • How much money YouTubers make for 100,000 views
  • How much money YouTubers make per 1,000 views (RPM)
  • How much money YouTubers make on a single video

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how to make an art video on tiktok

How to Make the Crispy ‘TikTok Potatoes’ People Can’t Stop Talking About

M ashed or roasted, deep-fried or boiled, I’ve never met a potato I didn’t like. But there’s something extra tasty about the TikTok potatoes created by Jeremy Scheck . With their crispy, seasoned outside, and starchy, soft inside, it’s no wonder the original video has over 20 million views! His method includes boiling and baking the potatoes, so we tried the same and added our own touch for some guaranteed crunch as you go.

How to Make TikTok Potatoes

This recipe, inspired by Jeremy’s method, was developed in our Test Kitchen. It serves 6 people, about 1 potato per person.


  • 3 pounds medium russet potatoes, peeled and chopped into large chunks (about 6 potatoes)
  • 1 tablespoon + 1 teaspoon kosher salt, divided
  • 2 teaspoons baking soda
  • 4 tablespoons olive oil, divided
  • 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon pepper
  • Chopped fresh parsley
  • Parmesan cheese

Step 1: Preheat oven and boil potatoes

Preheat the oven to 450F. Place the cut potatoes in a large saucepan with 2 quarts of water. Stir in the baking soda and 1 tablespoon of salt. Bring to a boil.

Reduce the heat and cook uncovered until almost tender, about 8 to 10 minutes. Drain and set aside.

Step 2: Add olive oil and seasoning to the bottom of your dish

Prepare your baking dish by coating the bottom with 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Sprinkle the garlic powder and pepper over it.

Step 3: Add potatoes to baking dish

Add the boiled potatoes with 2 remaining tablespoons of olive oil to the baking dish. Sprinkle with the remaining 1 teaspoon of salt, and toss the potatoes around in the seasoning. Arrange the potato pieces about 1 inch apart.

Step 4: Sprinkle Parmesan cheese

Sprinkle grated Parmesan cheese evenly over the potatoes.

Step 5: Bake the potatoes

Roast potatoes for around 35 to 40 minutes, turning once, until crispy and browned. Turn off the oven and let them sit another 10 minutes in the cooling oven.

Step 6: Serve and enjoy

Remove potatoes from the baking dish. Sprinkle with parsley and serve.

Why are TikTok potatoes so crispy?

Plenty of roasted potatoes don’t require boiling first, but in this case the par-boiling is important. Cooking them in salted water before roasting gives them extra flavor, but it’s the addition of baking soda that makes the magic happen.

Taste of Home senior food editor Peggy Woodward explains that “adding baking soda to the cooking water creates an alkaline environment, which breaks down the exterior of the potato, creating a soft, pasty layer. When that pasty layer is baked, the moisture evaporates, leaving behind an extra crispy exterior.”

Tips for Making Crispy TikTok Potatoes

How do you store leftover tiktok potatoes.

Store your potatoes in an airtight container in the fridge for up to a week. Reheat in the oven at 400 for about 5 minutes until they crisp back up.

What other types of oil can you use to make crispy potatoes?

If you don’t want to toss your potatoes with olive oil, you have a few alternatives. Bacon fat or butter would be a good swap for the olive oil, or even duck fat if you have that on hand!

What other seasonings can you put on crispy potatoes?

Our recipe includes a fairly basic combination of seasonings, so feel free to spice it up. Scheck uses paprika, oregano and Old Bay seasoning, which would all be great additions. Dried rosemary, cumin and ground mustard would also be good choices.

What type of potatoes should I use?

Knowing which types of potatoes to use in different cooking methods is key to successful potato recipes . Using the wrong spud can result in a potato salad that falls apart when you stir it or mashed potatoes that become gummy when overworked.

We chose russet potatoes for this recipe, which are high in starch compared to red or waxy potatoes. This helps them absorb more water and allows the exterior to break down more than a waxy potato would.

What do you serve with TikTok potatoes?

Treat the crispy potatoes like you would fries and serve them with hamburgers, hot dogs or any other favorite grilling recipes . Otherwise, baked salmon or steak would serve as wonderful pairs for crispy potatoes. A green side salad would round out the meal well.

Tortilla Wrap

Butter board, whipped coffee, kit-kat cheesecake, parmesan-crusted potatoes, pancake cereal, grinder sandwich, salmon and rice bowl, cloud bread, baked salad, cheese-wrapped pickles, twisted bacon, kool-aid pickles, healthy coke, garden focaccia, matcha martini, crispy rice sushi waffles, bacon-wrapped pickles, ramen lasagna, hot cocoa bombs, mac and cheese, adult capri suns, taco pickles, chicken tacos, vegan bacon, malibu pineapples, air-fryer chocolate chip cookies, creamy lemonade, 3-ingredient fettuccine alfredo, flamin' hot cheeto salad, smoked cream cheese, cowboy butter, white claw slushies, air-fryer oreos, breakfast sandwich, whipped brown butter, ranch pickles, watermelon pizza, negroni sbagliato, pickled garlic, oreo mug cake, frozen grapes, crunchy bread, turkey-shaped sourdough bread, vodka butter, fondant potatoes, peanut butter cup rice cakes, air-fryer bagel chips, green goddess salad, one-pot french onion pasta, air-fryer pizza sticks, meringue animals, crispy potatoes, pancake spaghetti, cinnamon rolls with heavy cream, creamy ramen noodles, whiskey pickles, clear potato chips, prosecco vodka grapes, grilled cheese roll-ups, 3-ingredient ice cream, crunchy croissant, parmesan-crusted carrots, marry me chicken, pizza french toast.

The post How to Make the Crispy ‘TikTok Potatoes’ People Can’t Stop Talking About appeared first on Taste of Home .

Styled Tiktok Crispy Potatoes Risa Lichtman For Toh Resize Recolor Crop Dh Toh



Seasoned gardeners share surprisingly simple method to create nutrient-rich soil: 'I need to do this'

"Can't wait to give this a try."

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"Can't wait to give this a try."

Photo Credit: TikTok

Many of us know the common garden vegetables like tomatoes , peppers , and kale , but did you know you can grow mushrooms , too? One couple on TikTok showed off how they grow mushrooms at home, and it's easier than you might think.

Jordan and Silvan (@homegrown_handgathered) have almost a million followers on TikTok and share how they live off the land — gardening and foraging for the majority of their food. In one clip , they take us through how we can improve the soil while growing wine cap mushrooms in the garden.

@homegrown_handgathered How we grow wine caps in our garden to improve our soil and produce food! #gardenharvest #growyourownfood #gardentips ♬ Walking - Flock of Dimes

The video begins with them showing how to get a wine cap patch started. "We just spread some sawdust spawn on the ground around our fruit trees and the pathways between our garden beds … then we cover them in wood chips and keep them watered."

They go on to say that the mushroom spores will begin to take over quickly but may take up to a year to produce new mushrooms. 

Mushrooms grow from spores that can spread in a variety of ways. When choosing to grow mushrooms, you will often buy something called mushroom spawn. According to a mushroom grower called North Spore : "Spawn is the living fungal culture, called mycelium, grown onto a substrate. It provides the backbone to any mushroom-growing operation. Think of it as the equivalent of seeds for a mushroom farm." 

These fungi are also great for your soil, the TikTokers tell us: "As their stringy white mycelium works its way through the wood chips, it breaks them down into a beautiful mushroom compost that releases a ton of nutrients into the soil."

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Mushrooms can also easily be spread around your garden by digging up a chunk of their mycelium and moving it somewhere else. 

How it's helping

Gardening is a fun way to get outside and get into nature more regularly. Not only is gardening great for your physical and mental health, but it can also help you with your grocery budget. According to our guide , many gardeners can save around $600 during the growing season.

Mushrooms, in particular, are great for soil health. As the creators in this clip said, they create their own compost as they grow. According to The Spruce , this compost is rich in nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorous, calcium, and iron. 

Having your garden not only grow your food but also create its own compost will save you even more money. 

What everyone's saying

Commenters were excited about the prospect of growing mushrooms. One person wrote, "Looks good! Can't wait to give this a try." 

Someone else simply said: "I need to do this!"

While another commenter asked: "Question: do they just keep growing? Like do you need to keep feeding them wood chips?"

The creators responded, saying: "We usually replenish the wood chips every year or two, but it just depends how quickly they're breaking them down."

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To Counter US Ban, TikTok Makes It Easier For Creators To Make Money

Tiktok didn't officially announce the change, but users noticed in recent days that the threshold to join its affiliates program dropped to 1,000 followers from 5,000..

To Counter US Ban, TikTok Makes It Easier For Creators To Make Money

TikTok is making it easier for content creators to earn money on its shopping platform, a move that could bolster opposition to a US law that will force Chinese parent ByteDance Ltd. to sell the video app by January or be banned.

TikTok didn't officially announce the change, but users noticed in recent days that the threshold to join its affiliates program dropped to 1,000 followers from 5,000. Affiliates can post videos promoting products sold in TikTok Shop and collect commissions on the sales they generate.

Proponents of the divest-or-ban law say ByteDance's links to China put the data of 170 million US users at risk. The company sued the US, arguing that a ban would violate its free-speech rights. Earlier this month, a group of TikTok creators filed their own lawsuit based on a similar argument.

By giving more content creators an opportunity to make money, TikTok can shift the narrative to big government stifling small business. The company declined to comment.

Most TikTok users can easily get to 1,000 followers, so the change will open the affiliate program to more "micro influencers," who are willing to make videos solely for commissions, said Mindy Yang, co-founder of TikSage, a consulting firm that helps brands market and sell products on TikTok Shop.

Creators with 5,000 or more followers often want to be paid directly by brands in addition to commissions, she said.

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"It's a numbers game," Yang said. "Brands want to work with as many creators as possible to make it more likely their products go viral, which is easier when you are only paying commissions."

(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)

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TikTok turns to generative AI to boost its ads business

A laptop keyboard and TikTok logo displayed on a phone screen are seen in this multiple exposure illustration photo taken in Poland on March 17, 2024. (Photo by Jakub Porzycki/NurPhoto via Getty Images)

TikTok is the latest tech company to incorporate generative AI into its ads business, as the company announced on Tuesday that it’s launching a new “TikTok Symphony” AI suite for brands. The tools will help marketers write scripts, produce videos and enhance current assets.

The suite includes a new AI video generator called the “Symphony Creative Studio.” The tool can generate TikTok-ready videos with just a few inputs from an advertiser, the company claims. The studio also offers brands ready-to-use videos for ad campaigns based on their TikTok Ads Manager assets or product information.

TikTok's new AI video generator

The new “Symphony Assistant” is an AI assistant that is designed to help advertisers enhance their campaigns by helping them generate and refine scripts, and provide recommendations on best practices. 

For instance, brands can ask the assistant to write a few attention-grabbing lines for their new lipstick launch. They can also ask the assistant to show them what’s currently trending on TikTok or to generate some ideas for promoting a new product in a specific industry. 

TikTok’s new “Symphony Ads Manager Integration” can help brands automatically fix and optimize a brand’s current videos. The tool can be used to spruce up videos that a brand has already created to make it stand out more. 

In addition, TikTok is launching a centralized destination for marketers called “TikTok One” where they will be able to access nearly two million creators, discover agency partners and leverage TikTok’s creative tools.

TikTok is also introducing new performance solutions with the help of predictive AI to help advertisers drive more sales. Advertisers will be able to input their budgets and goals to determine the best creative asset and the right audience for their campaign.  

As part of the announcement, the company revealed that 61% of users have made a purchase either directly on TikTok or after seeing an ad. TikTok also said that 59% of users use TikTok to decide which game to download next and that 52% of users even research cars because of TikTok content they have seen.

While TikTok is seeing success with its ads business and building it out as it chases more ad dollars, the company faces a potential hurdle in the year ahead. The fate of the app’s future in the U.S. is uncertain as President Joe Biden signed a bill last month that would ban TikTok if its parent company ByteDance does not sell the app. If the app does get banned in the U.S., other tech companies and startups may have the potential to gain ground in its gaping absence.

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Is 'loud budgeting' an inclusive conversation or an exclusive trend?

As more of us talk money on social media, maybe the best part is that the conversations can get bigger.

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Social Sharing

Illustration of three hands on a white background. One is holding a dollar bill, one has a speech bubble and one has a megaphone.

"Out: quiet luxury. In: loud budgeting. Sorry, can't go out to dinner. I've got $7 a day to live on."

That's how popular TikToker Lukas Battle ignited the social network's latest money trend back in January — following the "quiet luxury" fad of 2023, which is all about dressing and living with an understated, old-money elegance. Gives you a bit of whiplash, doesn't it? 

Loud budgeting's recent popularity feels obvious though. Since not many of us have salaries that allow us to invest in luxury fabrics and custom tailoring, or to use Friday's paycheque on a single fancy bath towel, being more open about that can eliminate the pressure to follow the herd and spend anyway.

Yet, in another way, the rise of loud budgeting feels kinda, sorta revolutionary. So many still keep their finances close to the vest and were taught to never discuss money growing up. With loud budgeting, everything from how much you make in a year to how much is in your chequing account is on the table. 

The idea is that transparency — sharing your budget and spending with family, friends or the world in the case of social media — leads to accountability and, hopefully, better habits.

"It's about behavioural change, which is a difficult challenge for most of us," said Chris Robinson, professor emeritus of finance at York University. And the transparency and acceptance required with loud budgeting also gives us an easier way to say no to things, he noted.

That's an upside also seen by Natalie Fischer, a Seattle-based finance content creator and a proponent of financial transparency even before, as she says, there was "a cool name for it." 

"If a friend invites you out to eat, but you've already spent all your budget for dining out, you should be honest and tell them you're saving money," she said, adding that suggesting a potluck dinner could be a good option. "This way, you stick to your budget and still enjoy time with your friends without the financial strain." 

The approach is perhaps most appealing to Gen Z. A 2022 Ernst & Young survey of 5,000 Gen Zs from around the world found that 77 per cent strongly believe it's important to save for the future, which is "producing a generation of savers who are advancing their financial literacy." And given that the generation has built temples on TikTok devoted to opening up about everything from their mental health to their shopping hauls, it's no surprise they're talking candidly about money there, too. 

Yet for those facing systemic wealth barriers and inequities, and for whom having to skip a pricey dinner out or the capsule wardrobe trend is tied to exasperating issues, sharing how much is sitting in one's bank account isn't a trendy " flex " — it's more likely to elicit shame or anxiety.

Take people of colour, who, according to the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives , are more likely to be active in the workforce — either working or trying to find work — yet also more likely to be unemployed. Or who, a 2022 RBC report found, did not see the same "record surge in household wealth" that white Canadians did during the pandemic, in part because they were less likely to own homes, businesses and other wealth-generating vehicles. It's not hard to see how trends like loud budgeting, for many, might seem cute at best or like offensive gimmicks at worst. 

And though Robinson acknowledges that sharing à la loud budgeting may help people justify their choices to friends, he asks, "but is that necessary?" He argues that looking for approval from people in our lives as to how we spend our money has to do with social acceptance. "Loud budgeting is an appeal to authority."

Still, there's another reason loud budgeting has reached a critical mass. That Ernst & Young report also noted that although Gen Z only accounts for 16 per cent of the world's population, they "out-punch their weight in influence ... [and are] not afraid to question past norms and reject conformity."

If any element of this trend sticks around then, one hopes it's the instinct to have more conversations about money, including deeper conversations about financial disparities and inequities without shame or shaming.

"[We are seeing] more people talking about salary transparency, leading to positive changes like laws requiring companies to include salary ranges for job positions," says Fischer, who believes one of the core goals of loud budgeting is a noble one: to build community. 

"As we shift from a society that sees money as taboo to more people realizing the value of discussing personal finance openly, loud budgeting could lead to a more informed and supportive society where financial wellness is a collective goal rather than an individual burden."


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Sadaf Ahsan is a Toronto-based arts writer. She previously worked at Canadian Press, Now Magazine and the National Post. She dreams of living a life Nora Ephron would be proud of.

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Marlène Masure and Rich Waterworth

Marlène Masure is TikTok’s new General Manager, Operations, across Europe the Middle East and Africa. She has replaced Rich Waterworth , who has left the Chinese-owned social media platform. The role gives Masure oversight of the mobile video company’s work with creators and publishers, effectively making her the organization’s content chief in the EMEA region.

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Waterworth has now left. He was well-regarded in industry circles and was at TikTok for five years during which time the popularity of the social media platform exploded. It also found itself mired in debates around online safety.

Reflecting upon his exit on social media, Waterworth said: “When I joined it was clear to me that the Product was doing something revolutionary: making creation easy and fun and getting the right video to the right user at the right time, at scale. Those foundations may seem simple, but they are very complex, and TikTok is still defining the state of the art.”

Prior to TikTok, Waterworth was at YouTube for almost a decade, looking after marketing in the EMEA region and part of the team that launched YouTube Kids. Before that he was at British broadcaster ITV. He is now spending some time studying and researching at the Oxford Institute at the University of Oxford.

The rejig at the content team is part of wider changes at TikTok that kicked in earlier this year. Ireland-based Cormac Keenan had oversight for trust and safety but has moved into an advisory position, with the responsibilities of his role moving to Adam Presser, TikTok’s LA-based Head of Operations. Theo Bertram has exited as VP of government relations and public policy in Europe.

In the U.S., moves are afoot to ban TikTok or force its owners, ByteDance, to offload the business in the country. President Joe Biden has signed a bill that requires that ByteDance to divest  TikTok  or face a ban on app stores.

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Student Experience

At Academy of Art University’s School of Photography, you’ll not only gain the knowledge and skills needed to create stunning, technically proficient photography, you’ll learn how to develop your personal aesthetic to reveal your unique point of view. At the same time, we’ll teach you to curate and assemble a body of your work for exciting exhibition opportunities both within and outside of the University.

To prepare you for a potential career in commercial photography, we’ll teach you how to set up lighting in both studio and on-location settings. You’ll get hands-on training with our state-of-the-art Phase One Camera System, used for advanced digital capture. And there’s no better way to get insight on current tips, tricks, and trends than to hear directly from working photographers in our guest lecturer series.

Image of Photoshoot

Summer Intensives

The Best of Both Worlds

The School of Photography offers two dynamic summer intensive courses that let you experience the best of both on-campus and online instruction. You’ll spend one week on campus with us in San Francisco getting to know your instructor and fellow students in a hands-on, immersive classroom experience. Then, for the next six weeks, you’ll take your newly gained skills home with you and attend class online.

The Summer Intensives are a great way to get familiar with all of the School’s incredible facilities while learning how to create a home photography studio to support your ongoing class work.

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Summer Lighting Intensive. You will work on campus in the lighting studios using a variety of professional lighting equipment, learning how to apply these skills in your home studio for the duration of the course. (This course is cross-listed with PH 499L.) Upon completion of this course, you’ll be able to:

  • Produce technically proficient images using various lighting strategies using strobe and mixed lighting
  • Identify what lighting style is right for each subject
  • Apply tools to modify and balance various types of light
  • Apply different lighting setups to enhance specific moods and concepts
  • Use filters and gels for special effects and color correction
  • Apply a cohesive personal lighting style to a final portfolio (graduate students)

Summer Printing Intensive. Spend a week on campus learning digital printing in our digital printing labs. Then, with ongoing guidance, you’ll learn how to perfect your prints in your home digital studio. (This course is cross-listed with PH 499P.) Upon completion of this course, you’ll be able to:

  • Produce professional quality prints that demonstrate proficiency in color accurate reproduction from original image
  • Demonstrate proficiency in color correction
  • Apply advanced printing techniques for output and presentation
  • Use a non-destructive image processing workflow
  • Utilize color-management techniques and apply ICC profiles to produce consistent and accurate printing
  • Develop and create master files
  • Create a cohesive print portfolio with consistency across a body of work (graduate students)

Study Abroad

Summer program – florence, italy.

The Study Abroad Summer program in Europe exposes students to the art of featured regions within the broader context of European history and artistic culture. As a student in the School of Photography, you’ll have the opportunity to explore and capture the extraordinary architecture, monuments, and local sights of Florence, Italy. You’ll visit the extensive collections of paintings, sculptures, and decorative objects housed in some of Europe’s most renowned museums.

The program in Florence takes place during seven weeks of our summer semester. Classes are offered Monday through Thursday.

Program Highlights:

  • Tuition credits
  • Day excursions to small Italian towns
  • On-location classes led by Academy instructors
  • Exploration of different mediums, techniques, styles, and subjects
  • Museum visits

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Canon Explorer of Light

Join us on Thursday, November 9th to celebrate the photography of Roberto Valenzuela. Sponsored by Canon.

Poster for Canon Explorer of Light Event

Student Interviews


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    we also wanna make sure to get to know our brushes. try to use all the different shaped brushes for their intended purpose. it'll be a lot easier than trying to paint everything with the same brush. my last tip is to love your art unconditionally, regardless of the quality. all of your paintings are a part of you and your art journey.