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Praxis Core Math

Course: praxis core math   >   unit 1.

  • Algebraic properties | Lesson
  • Algebraic properties | Worked example
  • Solution procedures | Lesson
  • Solution procedures | Worked example
  • Equivalent expressions | Lesson
  • Equivalent expressions | Worked example
  • Creating expressions and equations | Lesson
  • Creating expressions and equations | Worked example

Algebraic word problems | Lesson

  • Algebraic word problems | Worked example
  • Linear equations | Lesson
  • Linear equations | Worked example
  • Quadratic equations | Lesson
  • Quadratic equations | Worked example

What are algebraic word problems?

What skills are needed.

  • Translating sentences to equations
  • Solving linear equations with one variable
  • Evaluating algebraic expressions
  • Solving problems using Venn diagrams

How do we solve algebraic word problems?

  • Define a variable.
  • Write an equation using the variable.
  • Solve the equation.
  • If the variable is not the answer to the word problem, use the variable to calculate the answer.

What's a Venn diagram?

  • 7 + 10 − 13 = 4 ‍   brought both food and drinks.
  • 7 − 4 = 3 ‍   brought only food.
  • 10 − 4 = 6 ‍   brought only drinks.
  • Your answer should be
  • an integer, like 6 ‍  
  • a simplified proper fraction, like 3 / 5 ‍  
  • a simplified improper fraction, like 7 / 4 ‍  
  • a mixed number, like 1   3 / 4 ‍  
  • an exact decimal, like 0.75 ‍  
  • a multiple of pi, like 12   pi ‍   or 2 / 3   pi ‍  
  • (Choice A)   $ 4 ‍   A $ 4 ‍  
  • (Choice B)   $ 5 ‍   B $ 5 ‍  
  • (Choice C)   $ 9 ‍   C $ 9 ‍  
  • (Choice D)   $ 14 ‍   D $ 14 ‍  
  • (Choice E)   $ 20 ‍   E $ 20 ‍  
  • (Choice A)   10 ‍   A 10 ‍  
  • (Choice B)   12 ‍   B 12 ‍  
  • (Choice C)   24 ‍   C 24 ‍  
  • (Choice D)   30 ‍   D 30 ‍  
  • (Choice E)   32 ‍   E 32 ‍  
  • (Choice A)   4 ‍   A 4 ‍  
  • (Choice B)   10 ‍   B 10 ‍  
  • (Choice C)   14 ‍   C 14 ‍  
  • (Choice D)   18 ‍   D 18 ‍  
  • (Choice E)   22 ‍   E 22 ‍  

Things to remember

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Solving Word Questions

With LOTS of examples!

In Algebra we often have word questions like:

Example: Sam and Alex play tennis.

On the weekend Sam played 4 more games than Alex did, and together they played 12 games.

How many games did Alex play?

How do we solve them?

The trick is to break the solution into two parts:

Turn the English into Algebra.

Then use Algebra to solve.

Turning English into Algebra

To turn the English into Algebra it helps to:

  • Read the whole thing first
  • Do a sketch if possible
  • Assign letters for the values
  • Find or work out formulas

You should also write down what is actually being asked for , so you know where you are going and when you have arrived!

Also look for key words:

Thinking Clearly

Some wording can be tricky, making it hard to think "the right way around", such as:

Example: Sam has 2 dollars less than Alex. How do we write this as an equation?

  • Let S = dollars Sam has
  • Let A = dollars Alex has

Now ... is that: S − 2 = A

or should it be: S = A − 2

or should it be: S = 2 − A

The correct answer is S = A − 2

( S − 2 = A is a common mistake, as the question is written "Sam ... 2 less ... Alex")

Example: on our street there are twice as many dogs as cats. How do we write this as an equation?

  • Let D = number of dogs
  • Let C = number of cats

Now ... is that: 2D = C

or should it be: D = 2C

Think carefully now!

The correct answer is D = 2C

( 2D = C is a common mistake, as the question is written "twice ... dogs ... cats")

Let's start with a really simple example so we see how it's done:

Example: A rectangular garden is 12m by 5m, what is its area ?

Turn the English into Algebra:

  • Use w for width of rectangle: w = 12m
  • Use h for height of rectangle: h = 5m

Formula for Area of a Rectangle : A = w × h

We are being asked for the Area.

A = w × h = 12 × 5 = 60 m 2

The area is 60 square meters .

Now let's try the example from the top of the page:


Example: Sam and Alex play Tennis. On the weekend Sam played 4 more games than Alex did, and together they played 12 games. How many games did Alex play?

  • Use S for how many games Sam played
  • Use A for how many games Alex played

We know that Sam played 4 more games than Alex, so: S = A + 4

And we know that together they played 12 games: S + A = 12

We are being asked for how many games Alex played: A

Which means that Alex played 4 games of tennis.

Check: Sam played 4 more games than Alex, so Sam played 8 games. Together they played 8 + 4 = 12 games. Yes!

A slightly harder example:


Example: Alex and Sam also build tables. Together they make 10 tables in 12 days. Alex working alone can make 10 in 30 days. How long would it take Sam working alone to make 10 tables?

  • Use a for Alex's work rate
  • Use s for Sam's work rate

12 days of Alex and Sam is 10 tables, so: 12a + 12s = 10

30 days of Alex alone is also 10 tables: 30a = 10

We are being asked how long it would take Sam to make 10 tables.

30a = 10 , so Alex's rate (tables per day) is: a = 10/30 = 1/3

Which means that Sam's rate is half a table a day (faster than Alex!)

So 10 tables would take Sam just 20 days.

Should Sam be paid more I wonder?

And another "substitution" example:


Example: Jenna is training hard to qualify for the National Games. She has a regular weekly routine, training for five hours a day on some days and 3 hours a day on the other days. She trains altogether 27 hours in a seven day week. On how many days does she train for five hours?

  • The number of "5 hour" days: d
  • The number of "3 hour" days: e

We know there are seven days in the week, so: d + e = 7

And she trains 27 hours in a week, with d 5 hour days and e 3 hour days: 5d + 3e = 27

We are being asked for how many days she trains for 5 hours: d

The number of "5 hour" days is 3

Check : She trains for 5 hours on 3 days a week, so she must train for 3 hours a day on the other 4 days of the week.

3 × 5 hours = 15 hours, plus 4 × 3 hours = 12 hours gives a total of 27 hours

Some examples from Geometry:

Example: A circle has an area of 12 mm 2 , what is its radius?

  • Use A for Area: A = 12 mm 2
  • Use r for radius

And the formula for Area is: A = π r 2

We are being asked for the radius.

We need to rearrange the formula to find the area

Example: A cube has a volume of 125 mm 3 , what is its surface area?

Make a quick sketch:

  • Use V for Volume
  • Use A for Area
  • Use s for side length of cube
  • Volume of a cube: V = s 3
  • Surface area of a cube: A = 6s 2

We are being asked for the surface area.

First work out s using the volume formula:

Now we can calculate surface area:

An example about Money:


Example: Joel works at the local pizza parlor. When he works overtime he earns 1¼ times the normal rate. One week Joel worked for 40 hours at the normal rate of pay and also worked 12 hours overtime. If Joel earned $660 altogether in that week, what is his normal rate of pay?

  • Joel's normal rate of pay: $N per hour
  • Joel works for 40 hours at $N per hour = $40N
  • When Joel does overtime he earns 1¼ times the normal rate = $1.25N per hour
  • Joel works for 12 hours at $1.25N per hour = $(12 × 1¼N) = $15N
  • And together he earned $660, so:

$40N + $(12 × 1¼N) = $660

We are being asked for Joel's normal rate of pay $N.

So Joel’s normal rate of pay is $12 per hour

Joel’s normal rate of pay is $12 per hour, so his overtime rate is 1¼ × $12 per hour = $15 per hour. So his normal pay of 40 × $12 = $480, plus his overtime pay of 12 × $15 = $180 gives us a total of $660

More about Money, with these two examples involving Compound Interest

Example: Alex puts $2000 in the bank at an annual compound interest of 11%. How much will it be worth in 3 years?

This is the compound interest formula:

So we will use these letters:

  • Present Value PV = $2,000
  • Interest Rate (as a decimal): r = 0.11
  • Number of Periods: n = 3
  • Future Value (the value we want): FV

We are being asked for the Future Value: FV

Example: Roger deposited $1,000 into a savings account. The money earned interest compounded annually at the same rate. After nine years Roger's deposit has grown to $1,551.33 What was the annual rate of interest for the savings account?

The compound interest formula:

  • Present Value PV = $1,000
  • Interest Rate (the value we want): r
  • Number of Periods: n = 9
  • Future Value: FV = $1,551.33

We are being asked for the Interest Rate: r

So the annual rate of interest is 5%

Check : $1,000 × (1.05) 9 = $1,000 × 1.55133 = $1,551.33

And an example of a Ratio question:

Example: At the start of the year the ratio of boys to girls in a class is 2 : 1 But now, half a year later, four boys have left the class and there are two new girls. The ratio of boys to girls is now 4 : 3 How many students are there altogether now?

  • Number of boys now: b
  • Number of girls now: g

The current ratio is 4 : 3

Which can be rearranged to 3b = 4g

At the start of the year there was (b + 4) boys and (g − 2) girls, and the ratio was 2 : 1

b + 4 g − 2 = 2 1

Which can be rearranged to b + 4 = 2(g − 2)

We are being asked for how many students there are altogether now: b + g

There are 12 girls !

And 3b = 4g , so b = 4g/3 = 4 × 12 / 3 = 16 , so there are 16 boys

So there are now 12 girls and 16 boys in the class, making 28 students altogether .

There are now 16 boys and 12 girls, so the ratio of boys to girls is 16 : 12 = 4 : 3 At the start of the year there were 20 boys and 10 girls, so the ratio was 20 : 10 = 2 : 1

And now for some Quadratic Equations :

Example: The product of two consecutive even integers is 168. What are the integers?

Consecutive means one after the other. And they are even , so they could be 2 and 4, or 4 and 6, etc.

We will call the smaller integer n , and so the larger integer must be n+2

And we are told the product (what we get after multiplying) is 168, so we know:

n(n + 2) = 168

We are being asked for the integers

That is a Quadratic Equation , and there are many ways to solve it. Using the Quadratic Equation Solver we get −14 and 12.

Check −14: −14(−14 + 2) = (−14)×(−12) = 168 YES

Check 12: 12(12 + 2) = 12×14 = 168 YES

So there are two solutions: −14 and −12 is one, 12 and 14 is the other.

Note: we could have also tried "guess and check":

  • We could try, say, n=10: 10(12) = 120 NO (too small)
  • Next we could try n=12: 12(14) = 168 YES

But unless we remember that multiplying two negatives make a positive we might overlook the other solution of (−14)×(−12).

Solver Title


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10 Best Strategies for Solving Math Word Problems

Solving word problem chart

1. Understand the Problem by Paraphrasing

2. identify key information and variables, 3. translate words into mathematical symbols, 4. break down the problem into manageable parts, 5. draw diagrams or visual representations, 6. use estimation to predict answers, 7. apply logical reasoning for unknown variables, 8. leverage similar problems as templates, 9. check answers in the context of the problem, 10. reflect and learn from mistakes.

Have you ever observed the look of confusion on a student’s face when they encounter a math word problem ? It’s a common sight in classrooms worldwide, underscoring the need for effective strategies for solving math word problems . The main hurdle in solving math word problems is not just the math itself but understanding how to translate the words into mathematical equations that can be solved.

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Generic advice like “read the problem carefully” or “practice more” often falls short in addressing students’ specific difficulties with word problems. Students need targeted math word problem strategies that address the root of their struggles head-on. 

A Guide on Steps to Solving Word Problems: 10 Strategies 

One of the first steps in tackling a math word problem is to make sure your students understand what the problem is asking. Encourage them to paraphrase the problem in their own words. This means they rewrite the problem using simpler language or break it down into more digestible parts. Paraphrasing helps students grasp the concept and focus on the problem’s core elements without getting lost in the complex wording.

Original Problem: “If a farmer has 15 apples and gives away 8, how many does he have left?”

Paraphrased: “A farmer had some apples. He gave some away. Now, how many apples does he have?”

This paraphrasing helps students identify the main action (giving away apples) and what they need to find out (how many apples are left).

Play these subtraction word problem games in the classroom for free:

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Students often get overwhelmed by the details in word problems. Teach them to identify key information and variables essential for solving the problem. This includes numbers , operations ( addition , subtraction , multiplication , division ), and what the question is asking them to find. Highlighting or underlining can be very effective here. This visual differentiation can help students focus on what’s important, ignoring irrelevant details.

  • Encourage students to underline numbers and circle keywords that indicate operations (like ‘total’ for addition and ‘left’ for subtraction).
  • Teach them to write down what they’re solving for, such as “Find: Total apples left.”

Problem: “A classroom has 24 students. If 6 more students joined the class, how many students are there in total?”

Key Information:

  • Original number of students (24)
  • Students joined (6)
  • Looking for the total number of students

Here are some fun addition word problems that your students can play for free:

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The transition from the language of word problems to the language of mathematics is a critical skill. Teach your students to convert words into mathematical symbols and equations. This step is about recognizing keywords and phrases corresponding to mathematical operations and expressions .

Common Translations:

  • “Total,” “sum,” “combined” → Addition (+)
  • “Difference,” “less than,” “remain” → Subtraction (−)
  • “Times,” “product of” → Multiplication (×)
  • “Divided by,” “quotient of” → Division (÷)
  • “Equals” → Equals sign (=)

Problem: “If one book costs $5, how much would 4 books cost?”

Translation: The word “costs” indicates a multiplication operation because we find the total cost of multiple items. Therefore, the equation is 4 × 5 = $20

Complex math word problems can often overwhelm students. Incorporating math strategies for problem solving, such as teaching them to break down the problem into smaller, more manageable parts, is a powerful approach to overcome this challenge. This means looking at the problem step by step rather than simultaneously trying to solve it. Breaking it down helps students focus on one aspect of the problem at a time, making finding the solution more straightforward.

Problem: “John has twice as many apples as Sarah. If Sarah has 5 apples, how many apples do they have together?”

Steps to Break Down the Problem:

Find out how many apples John has: Since John has twice as many apples as Sarah, and Sarah has 5, John has 5 × 2 = 10

Calculate the total number of apples: Add Sarah’s apples to John’s to find the total,  5 + 10 = 15

By splitting the problem into two parts, students can solve it without getting confused by all the details at once.

Explore these fun multiplication word problem games:

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Diagrams and visual representations can be incredibly helpful for students, especially when dealing with spatial or quantity relationships in word problems. Encourage students to draw simple sketches or diagrams to represent the problem visually. This can include drawing bars for comparison, shapes for geometry problems, or even a simple distribution to better understand division or multiplication problems .

Problem: “A garden is 3 times as long as it is wide. If the width is 4 meters, how long is the garden?”

Visual Representation: Draw a rectangle and label the width as 4 meters. Then, sketch the length to represent it as three times the width visually, helping students see that the length is 4 × 3 = 12

Estimation is a valuable skill in solving math word problems, as it allows students to predict the answer’s ballpark figure before solving it precisely. Teaching students to use estimation can help them check their answers for reasonableness and avoid common mistakes.

Problem: “If a book costs $4.95 and you buy 3 books, approximately how much will you spend?”

Estimation Strategy: Round $4.95 to the nearest dollar ($5) and multiply by the number of books (3), so 5 × 3 = 15. Hence, the estimated total cost is about $15.

Estimation helps students understand whether their final answer is plausible, providing a quick way to check their work against a rough calculation.

Check out these fun estimation and prediction word problem worksheets that can be of great help:

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When students encounter problems with unknown variables, it’s crucial to introduce them to logical reasoning. This strategy involves using the information in the problem to deduce the value of unknown variables logically. One of the most effective strategies for solving math word problems is working backward from the desired outcome. This means starting with the result and thinking about the steps leading to that result, which can be particularly useful in algebraic problems.

Problem: “A number added to three times itself equals 32. What is the number?”

Working Backward:

Let the unknown number be x.

The equation based on the problem is  x + 3x = 32

Solve for x by simplifying the equation to 4x=32, then dividing by 4 to find x=8.

By working backward, students can more easily connect the dots between the unknown variable and the information provided.

Practicing problems of similar structure can help students recognize patterns and apply known strategies to new situations. Encourage them to leverage similar problems as templates, analyzing how a solved problem’s strategy can apply to a new one. Creating a personal “problem bank”—a collection of solved problems—can be a valuable reference tool, helping students see the commonalities between different problems and reinforcing the strategies that work.

Suppose students have solved a problem about dividing a set of items among a group of people. In that case, they can use that strategy when encountering a similar problem, even if it’s about dividing money or sharing work equally.

It’s essential for students to learn the habit of checking their answers within the context of the problem to ensure their solutions make sense. This step involves going back to the original problem statement after solving it to verify that the answer fits logically with the given information. Providing a checklist for this process can help students systematically review their answers.

Checklist for Reviewing Answers:

  • Re-read the problem: Ensure the question was understood correctly.
  • Compare with the original problem: Does the answer make sense given the scenario?
  • Use estimation: Does the precise answer align with an earlier estimation?
  • Substitute back: If applicable, plug the answer into the problem to see if it works.

Problem: “If you divide 24 apples among 4 children, how many apples does each child get?”

After solving, students should check that they understood the problem (dividing apples equally).

Their answer (6 apples per child) fits logically with the number of apples and children.

Their estimation aligns with the actual calculation.

Substituting back 4×6=24 confirms the answer is correct.

Teaching students to apply logical reasoning, leverage solved problems as templates, and check their answers in context equips them with a robust toolkit for tackling math word problems efficiently and effectively.

One of the most effective ways for students to improve their problem-solving skills is by reflecting on their errors, especially with math word problems. Using word problem worksheets is one of the most effective strategies for solving word problems, and practicing word problems as it fosters a more thoughtful and reflective approach to problem-solving

These worksheets can provide a variety of problems that challenge students in different ways, allowing them to encounter and work through common pitfalls in a controlled setting. After completing a worksheet, students can review their answers, identify any mistakes, and then reflect on them in their mistake journal. This practice reinforces mathematical concepts and improves their math problem solving strategies over time.

3 Additional Tips for Enhancing Word Problem-Solving Skills

Before we dive into the importance of reflecting on mistakes, here are a few impactful tips to enhance students’ word problem-solving skills further:

1. Utilize Online Word Problem Games

A word problem game

Incorporate online games that focus on math word problems into your teaching. These interactive platforms make learning fun and engaging, allowing students to practice in a dynamic environment. Games can offer instant feedback and adaptive challenges, catering to individual learning speeds and styles.

Here are some word problem games that you can use for free:

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2. Practice Regularly with Diverse Problems

Word problem worksheet

Consistent practice with a wide range of word problems helps students become familiar with different questions and mathematical concepts. This exposure is crucial for building confidence and proficiency.

Start Practicing Word Problems with these Printable Word Problem Worksheets:

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3. Encourage Group Work

Solving word problems in groups allows students to share strategies and learn from each other. A collaborative approach is one of the best strategies for solving math word problems that can unveil multiple methods for tackling the same problem, enriching students’ problem-solving toolkit.


Mastering math word problems is a journey of small steps. Encourage your students to practice regularly, stay curious, and learn from their mistakes. These strategies for solving math word problems are stepping stones to turning challenges into achievements. Keep it simple, and watch your students grow their confidence and skills, one problem at a time.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How can i help my students stay motivated when solving math word problems.

Encourage small victories and use engaging tools like online games to make practice fun and rewarding.

What's the best way to teach beginners word problems?

Begin with simple problems that integrate everyday scenarios to make the connection between math and real-life clear and relatable.

How often should students practice math word problems?

Regular, daily practice with various problems helps build confidence and problem-solving skills over time.

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Algebra Topics  - Introduction to Word Problems

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Algebra Topics: Introduction to Word Problems

Lesson 9: introduction to word problems.


What are word problems?

A word problem is a math problem written out as a short story or scenario. Basically, it describes a realistic problem and asks you to imagine how you would solve it using math. If you've ever taken a math class, you've probably solved a word problem. For instance, does this sound familiar?

Johnny has 12 apples. If he gives four to Susie, how many will he have left?

You could solve this problem by looking at the numbers and figuring out what the problem is asking you to do. In this case, you're supposed to find out how many apples Johnny has left at the end of the problem. By reading the problem, you know Johnny starts out with 12 apples. By the end, he has 4 less because he gave them away. You could write this as:

12 - 4 = 8 , so you know Johnny has 8 apples left.

Word problems in algebra

If you were able to solve this problem, you should also be able to solve algebra word problems. Yes, they involve more complicated math, but they use the same basic problem-solving skills as simpler word problems.

You can tackle any word problem by following these five steps:

  • Read through the problem carefully, and figure out what it's about.
  • Represent unknown numbers with variables.
  • Translate the rest of the problem into a mathematical expression.
  • Solve the problem.
  • Check your work.

We'll work through an algebra word problem using these steps. Here's a typical problem:

The rate to rent a small moving van is $30 per day, plus $0.50 per mile. Jada rented a van to drive to her new home. It took two days, and the van cost $360. How many miles did she drive?

It might seem complicated at first glance, but we already have all of the information we need to solve it. Let's go through it step by step.

Step 1: Read through the problem carefully.

With any problem, start by reading through the problem. As you're reading, consider:

  • What question is the problem asking?
  • What information do you already have?

Let's take a look at our problem again. What question is the problem asking? In other words, what are you trying to find out?

The rate to rent a small moving van is $30 per day, plus $0.50 per mile. Jada rented a van to drive to her new home. It took 2 days, and the van cost $360. How many miles did she drive?

There's only one question here. We're trying to find out how many miles Jada drove . Now we need to locate any information that will help us answer this question.

There are a few important things we know that will help us figure out the total mileage Jada drove:

  • The van cost $30 per day.
  • In addition to paying a daily charge, Jada paid $0.50 per mile.
  • Jada had the van for 2 days.
  • The total cost was $360 .

Step 2: Represent unknown numbers with variables.

In algebra, you represent unknown numbers with letters called variables . (To learn more about variables, see our lesson on reading algebraic expressions .) You can use a variable in the place of any amount you don't know. Looking at our problem, do you see a quantity we should represent with a variable? It's often the number we're trying to find out.

Since we're trying to find the total number of miles Jada drove, we'll represent that amount with a variable—at least until we know it. We'll use the variable m for miles . Of course, we could use any variable, but m should be easy to remember.

Step 3: Translate the rest of the problem.

Let's take another look at the problem, with the facts we'll use to solve it highlighted.

The rate to rent a small moving van is $30 per day , plus $0.50 per mile . Jada rented a van to drive to her new home. It took 2 days , and the van cost $360 . How many miles did she drive?

We know the total cost of the van, and we know that it includes a fee for the number of days, plus another fee for the number of miles. It's $30 per day, and $0.50 per mile. A simpler way to say this would be:

$30 per day plus $0.50 per mile is $360.

If you look at this sentence and the original problem, you can see that they basically say the same thing: It cost Jada $30 per day and $0.50 per mile, and her total cost was $360 . The shorter version will be easier to translate into a mathematical expression.

Let's start by translating $30 per day . To calculate the cost of something that costs a certain amount per day, you'd multiply the per-day cost by the number of days—in other words, 30 per day could be written as 30 ⋅ days, or 30 times the number of days . (Not sure why you'd translate it this way? Check out our lesson on writing algebraic expressions .)

$30 per day and $.50 per mile is $360

$30 ⋅ day + $.50 ⋅ mile = $360

As you can see, there were a few other words we could translate into operators, so and $.50 became + $.50 , $.50 per mile became $.50 ⋅ mile , and is became = .

Next, we'll add in the numbers and variables we already know. We already know the number of days Jada drove, 2 , so we can replace that. We've also already said we'll use m to represent the number of miles, so we can replace that too. We should also take the dollar signs off of the money amounts to make them consistent with the other numbers.

30 ⋅ 2 + .5 ⋅ m = 360

Now we have our expression. All that's left to do is solve it.

Step 4: Solve the problem.

This problem will take a few steps to solve. (If you're not sure how to do the math in this section, you might want to review our lesson on simplifying expressions .) First, let's simplify the expression as much as possible. We can multiply 30 and 2, so let's go ahead and do that. We can also write .5 ⋅ m as 0.5 m .

60 + .5m = 360

Next, we need to do what we can to get the m alone on the left side of the equals sign. Once we do that, we'll know what m is equal to—in other words, it will let us know the number of miles in our word problem.

We can start by getting rid of the 60 on the left side by subtracting it from both sides .

The only thing left to get rid of is .5 . Since it's being multiplied with m , we'll do the reverse and divide both sides of the equation with it.

.5 m / .5 is m and 300 / 0.50 is 600 , so m = 600 . In other words, the answer to our problem is 600 —we now know Jada drove 600 miles.

Step 5: Check the problem.

To make sure we solved the problem correctly, we should check our work. To do this, we can use the answer we just got— 600 —and calculate backward to find another of the quantities in our problem. In other words, if our answer for Jada's distance is correct, we should be able to use it to work backward and find another value, like the total cost. Let's take another look at the problem.

According to the problem, the van costs $30 per day and $0.50 per mile. If Jada really did drive 600 miles in 2 days, she could calculate the cost like this:

$30 per day and $0.50 per mile

30 ⋅ day + .5 ⋅ mile

30 ⋅ 2 + .5 ⋅ 600

According to our math, the van would cost $360, which is exactly what the problem says. This means our solution was correct. We're done!

While some word problems will be more complicated than others, you can use these basic steps to approach any word problem. On the next page, you can try it for yourself.

Let's practice with a couple more problems. You can solve these problems the same way we solved the first one—just follow the problem-solving steps we covered earlier. For your reference, these steps are:

If you get stuck, you might want to review the problem on page 1. You can also take a look at our lesson on writing algebraic expressions for some tips on translating written words into math.

Try completing this problem on your own. When you're done, move on to the next page to check your answer and see an explanation of the steps.

A single ticket to the fair costs $8. A family pass costs $25 more than half of that. How much does a family pass cost?

Here's another problem to do on your own. As with the last problem, you can find the answer and explanation to this one on the next page.

Flor and Mo both donated money to the same charity. Flor gave three times as much as Mo. Between the two of them, they donated $280. How much money did Mo give?

Problem 1 Answer

Here's Problem 1:

A single ticket to the fair costs $8. A family pass costs $25 more than half that. How much does a family pass cost?

Answer: $29

Let's solve this problem step by step. We'll solve it the same way we solved the problem on page 1.

Step 1: Read through the problem carefully

The first in solving any word problem is to find out what question the problem is asking you to solve and identify the information that will help you solve it . Let's look at the problem again. The question is right there in plain sight:

So is the information we'll need to answer the question:

  • A single ticket costs $8 .
  • The family pass costs $25 more than half the price of the single ticket.

Step 2: Represent the unknown numbers with variables

The unknown number in this problem is the cost of the family pass . We'll represent it with the variable f .

Step 3: Translate the rest of the problem

Let's look at the problem again. This time, the important facts are highlighted.

A single ticket to the fair costs $8 . A family pass costs $25 more than half that . How much does a family pass cost?

In other words, we could say that the cost of a family pass equals half of $8, plus $25 . To turn this into a problem we can solve, we'll have to translate it into math. Here's how:

  • First, replace the cost of a family pass with our variable f .

f equals half of $8 plus $25

  • Next, take out the dollar signs and replace words like plus and equals with operators.

f = half of 8 + 25

  • Finally, translate the rest of the problem. Half of can be written as 1/2 times , or 1/2 ⋅ :

f = 1/2 ⋅ 8 + 25

Step 4: Solve the problem

Now all we have to do is solve our problem. Like with any problem, we can solve this one by following the order of operations.

  • f is already alone on the left side of the equation, so all we have to do is calculate the right side.
  • First, multiply 1/2 by 8 . 1/2 ⋅ 8 is 4 .
  • Next, add 4 and 25. 4 + 25 equals 29 .

That's it! f is equal to 29. In other words, the cost of a family pass is $29 .

Step 5: Check your work

Finally, let's check our work by working backward from our answer. In this case, we should be able to correctly calculate the cost of a single ticket by using the cost we calculated for the family pass. Let's look at the original problem again.

We calculated that a family pass costs $29. Our problem says the pass costs $25 more than half the cost of a single ticket. In other words, half the cost of a single ticket will be $25 less than $29.

  • We could translate this into this equation, with s standing for the cost of a single ticket.

1/2s = 29 - 25

  • Let's work on the right side first. 29 - 25 is 4 .
  • To find the value of s , we have to get it alone on the left side of the equation. This means getting rid of 1/2 . To do this, we'll multiply each side by the inverse of 1/2: 2 .

According to our math, s = 8 . In other words, if the family pass costs $29, the single ticket will cost $8. Looking at our original problem, that's correct!

So now we're sure about the answer to our problem: The cost of a family pass is $29 .

Problem 2 Answer

Here's Problem 2:

Answer: $70

Let's go through this problem one step at a time.

Start by asking what question the problem is asking you to solve and identifying the information that will help you solve it . What's the question here?

To solve the problem, you'll have to find out how much money Mo gave to charity. All the important information you need is in the problem:

  • The amount Flor donated is three times as much the amount Mo donated
  • Flor and Mo's donations add up to $280 total

The unknown number we're trying to identify in this problem is Mo's donation . We'll represent it with the variable m .

Here's the problem again. This time, the important facts are highlighted.

Flor and Mo both donated money to the same charity. Flor gave three times as much as Mo . Between the two of them, they donated $280 . How much money did Mo give?

The important facts of the problem could also be expressed this way:

Mo's donation plus Flor's donation equals $280

Because we know that Flor's donation is three times as much as Mo's donation, we could go even further and say:

Mo's donation plus three times Mo's donation equals $280

We can translate this into a math problem in only a few steps. Here's how:

  • Because we've already said we'll represent the amount of Mo's donation with the variable m , let's start by replacing Mo's donation with m .

m plus three times m equals $280

  • Next, we can put in mathematical operators in place of certain words. We'll also take out the dollar sign.

m + three times m = 280

  • Finally, let's write three times mathematically. Three times m can also be written as 3 ⋅ m , or just 3 m .

m + 3m = 280

It will only take a few steps to solve this problem.

  • To get the correct answer, we'll have to get m alone on one side of the equation.
  • To start, let's add m and 3 m . That's 4 m .
  • We can get rid of the 4 next to the m by dividing both sides by 4. 4 m / 4 is m , and 280 / 4 is 70 .

We've got our answer: m = 70 . In other words, Mo donated $70 .

The answer to our problem is $70 , but we should check just to be sure. Let's look at our problem again.

If our answer is correct, $70 and three times $70 should add up to $280 .

  • We can write our new equation like this:

70 + 3 ⋅ 70 = 280

  • The order of operations calls for us to multiply first. 3 ⋅ 70 is 210.

70 + 210 = 280

  • The last step is to add 70 and 210. 70 plus 210 equals 280 .

280 is the combined cost of the tickets in our original problem. Our answer is correct : Mo gave $70 to charity.



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How to Solve Word Problems in Algebra

Last Updated: December 19, 2022 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Daron Cam . Daron Cam is an Academic Tutor and the Founder of Bay Area Tutors, Inc., a San Francisco Bay Area-based tutoring service that provides tutoring in mathematics, science, and overall academic confidence building. Daron has over eight years of teaching math in classrooms and over nine years of one-on-one tutoring experience. He teaches all levels of math including calculus, pre-algebra, algebra I, geometry, and SAT/ACT math prep. Daron holds a BA from the University of California, Berkeley and a math teaching credential from St. Mary's College. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 71,901 times.

You can solve many real world problems with the help of math. In order to familiarize students with these kinds of problems, teachers include word problems in their math curriculum. However, word problems can present a real challenge if you don't know how to break them down and find the numbers underneath the story. Solving word problems is an art of transforming the words and sentences into mathematical expressions and then applying conventional algebraic techniques to solve the problem.

Assessing the Problem

Step 1 Read the problem carefully.

  • For example, you might have the following problem: Jane went to a book shop and bought a book. While at the store Jane found a second interesting book and bought it for $80. The price of the second book was $10 less than three times the price of he first book. What was the price of the first book?
  • In this problem, you are asked to find the price of the first book Jane purchased.

Step 3 Summarize what you know, and what you need to know.

  • For example, you know that Jane bought two books. You know that the second book was $80. You also know that the second book cost $10 less than 3 times the price of the first book. You don't know the price of the first book.

Step 4 Assign variables to the unknown quantities.

  • Multiplication keywords include times, of, and f actor. [9] X Research source
  • Division keywords include per, out of, and percent. [10] X Research source
  • Addition keywords include some, more, and together. [11] X Research source
  • Subtraction keywords include difference, fewer, and decreased. [12] X Research source

Finding the Solution

Step 1 Write an equation.

Completing a Sample Problem

Step 1 Solve the following problem.

  • Robyn and Billy run a lemonade stand. They are giving all the money that they make to a cat shelter. They will combine their profits from selling lemonade with their tips. They sell cups of lemonade for 75 cents. Their mom and dad have agreed to double whatever amount they receive in tips. Write an equation that describes the amount of money Robyn and Billy will give to the shelter.

Step 2 Read the problem carefully and determine what you are asked to find.

  • Since you are combining their profits and tips, you will be adding two terms. So, x = __ + __.


Expert Q&A

Daron Cam

  • Word problems can have more than one unknown and more the one variable. Thanks Helpful 2 Not Helpful 1
  • The number of variables is always equal to the number of unknowns. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0
  • While solving word problems you should always read every sentence carefully and try to extract all the numerical information. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0

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  • ↑ Daron Cam. Academic Tutor. Expert Interview. 29 May 2020.
  • ↑ http://www.purplemath.com/modules/translat.htm
  • ↑ https://www.mathsisfun.com/algebra/word-questions-solving.html
  • ↑ https://www.wtamu.edu/academic/anns/mps/math/mathlab/int_algebra/int_alg_tut8_probsol.htm
  • ↑ http://www.virtualnerd.com/algebra-1/algebra-foundations/word-problem-equation-writing.php
  • ↑ https://www.khanacademy.org/test-prep/praxis-math/praxis-math-lessons/praxis-math-algebra/a/gtp--praxis-math--article--algebraic-word-problems--lesson

About This Article

Daron Cam

To solve word problems in algebra, start by reading the problem carefully and determining what you’re being asked to find. Next, summarize what information you know and what you need to know. Then, assign variables to the unknown quantities. For example, if you know that Jane bought 2 books, and the second book cost $80, which was $10 less than 3 times the price of the first book, assign x to the price of the 1st book. Use this information to write your equation, which is 80 = 3x - 10. To learn how to solve an equation with multiple variables, keep reading! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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How do you solve word problems in math?

Master word problems with eight simple steps from a math tutor!

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Author Amber Watkins

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Published April 2024

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  • Key takeaways
  • Students who struggle with reading, tend to struggle with understanding and solving word problems. So the best way to solve word problems in math is to become a better reader!
  • Mastery of word problems relies on your child’s knowledge of keywords for word problems in math and knowing what to do with them.
  • There are 8 simple steps each child can use to solve word problems- let’s go over these together.

Table of contents

  • How to solve word problems

Lesson credits

As a tutor who has seen countless math worksheets in almost every grade – I’ll tell you this: every child is going to encounter word problems in math. The key to mastery lies in how you solve them! So then, how do you solve word problems in math?

In this guide, I’ll share eight steps to solving word problems in math.

How to solve word problems in math in 8 steps

Step 1: read the word problem aloud.

For a child to understand a word problem, it needs to be read with accuracy and fluency! That is why, when I tutor children with word problems, I always emphasize the importance of reading properly.

Mastering step 1 looks like this:

  • Allow your child to read the word problem aloud to you. 
  • Don’t let your child skip over or mispronounce any words. 
  • If necessary, model how to read the word problem, then allow your child to read it again. Only after the word problem is read accurately, should you move on to step 2.

Step 2: Highlight the keywords in the word problem

The keywords for word problems in math indicate what math action should be taken. Teach your child to highlight or underline the keywords in every word problem. 

Here are some of the most common keywords in math word problems: 

  • Subtraction words – less than, minus, take away
  • Addition words – more than, altogether, plus, perimeter
  • Multiplication words – Each, per person, per item, times, area 
  • Division words – divided by, into
  • Total words – in all, total, altogether

Let’s practice. Read the following word problem with your child and help them highlight or underline the main keyword, then decide which math action should be taken.

Michael has ten baseball cards. James has four baseball cards less than Michael. How many total baseball cards does James have? 

The words “less than” are the keywords and they tell us to use subtraction .

Step 3: Make math symbols above keywords to decode the word problem

As I help students with word problems, I write math symbols and numbers above the keywords. This helps them to understand what the word problem is asking.

Let’s practice. Observe what I write over the keywords in the following word problem and think about how you would create a math sentence using them:

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Step 4: Create a math sentence to represent the word problem

Using the previous example, let’s write a math sentence. Looking at the math symbols and numbers written above the word problem, our math sentence should be: 10 – 5 = 5 ! 

Each time you practice a word problem with your child, highlight keywords and write the math symbols above them. Then have your child create a math sentence to solve. 

Step 5: Draw a picture to help illustrate the word problem

Pictures can be very helpful for problems that are more difficult to understand. They also are extremely helpful when the word problem involves calculating time , comparing fractions , or measurements . 

Step 6: Always show your work

Help your child get into the habit of always showing their work. As a tutor, I’ve found many reasons why having students show their work is helpful:

  • By showing their work, they are writing the math steps repeatedly, which aids in memory
  • If they make any mistakes they can track where they happened
  • Their teacher can assess how much they understand by reviewing their work
  • They can participate in class discussions about their work

Step 7: When solving word problems, make sure there is always a word in your answer!

If the word problem asks: How many peaches did Lisa buy? Your child’s answer should be: Lisa bought 10 peaches .

If the word problem asks: How far did Kyle run? Your child’s answer should be: Kyle ran 20 miles .

So how do you solve a word problem in math?

Together we reviewed the eight simple steps to solve word problems. These steps included identifying keywords for word problems in math, drawing pictures, and learning to explain our answers. 

Is your child ready to put these new skills to the test? Check out the best math app for some fun math word problem practice.

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Amber Watkins

Amber is an education specialist with a degree in Early Childhood Education. She has over 12 years of experience teaching and tutoring elementary through college level math. "Knowing that my work in math education makes such an impact leaves me with an indescribable feeling of pride and joy!"

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Introduction to Word Problems

These lessons, with videos, examples, solutions and worksheets, help Grade 5 students learn how to solve word problems.

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The following diagram gives some examples of word problems keywords or clue words. Scroll down the page for more examples and solutions of word problems.

Word Problem Keywords

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Explain the meanings of the four basic operations–addition, subtraction, multiplication and division–so that you can understand how to solve word problems correctly.

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Strategies for Solving Word Problems – Math

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It’s one thing to solve a math equation when all of the numbers are given to you but with word problems, when you start adding reading to the mix, that’s when it gets especially tricky.

The simple addition of those words ramps up the difficulty (and sometimes the math anxiety) by about 100!

How can you help your students become confident word problem solvers? By teaching your students to solve word problems in a step by step, organized way, you will give them the tools they need to solve word problems in a much more effective way.

Here are the seven strategies I use to help students solve word problems.

1. read the entire word problem.

Before students look for keywords and try to figure out what to do, they need to slow down a bit and read the whole word problem once (and even better, twice). This helps kids get the bigger picture to be able to understand it a little better too.

2. Think About the Word Problem

Students need to ask themselves three questions every time they are faced with a word problem. These questions will help them to set up a plan for solving the problem.

Here are the questions:

A. what exactly is the question.

What is the problem asking? Often times, curriculum writers include extra information in the problem for seemingly no good reason, except maybe to train kids to ignore that extraneous information (grrrr!). Students need to be able to stay focused, ignore those extra details, and find out what the real question is in a particular problem.

B. What do I need in order to find the answer?

Students need to narrow it down, even more, to figure out what is needed to solve the problem, whether it’s adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, or some combination of those. They’ll need a general idea of which information will be used (or not used) and what they’ll be doing.

This is where key words become very helpful. When students learn to recognize that certain words mean to add (like in all, altogether, combined ), while others mean to subtract, multiply, or to divide, it helps them decide how to proceed a little better

Here’s a Key Words Chart I like to use for teaching word problems. The handout could be copied at a smaller size and glued into interactive math notebooks. It could be placed in math folders or in binders under the math section if your students use binders.

One year I made huge math signs (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and divide symbols) and wrote the keywords around the symbols. These served as a permanent reminder of keywords for word problems in the classroom.

If you’d like to download this FREE Key Words handout, click here:

how to solve word problems sums

C. What information do I already have?

This is where students will focus in on the numbers which will be used to solve the problem.

3. Write on the Word Problem

This step reinforces the thinking which took place in step number two. Students use a pencil or colored pencils to notate information on worksheets (not books of course, unless they’re consumable). There are lots of ways to do this, but here’s what I like to do:

  • Circle any numbers you’ll use.
  • Lightly cross out any information you don’t need.
  • Underline the phrase or sentence which tells exactly what you’ll need to find.

4. Draw a Simple Picture and Label It

Drawing pictures using simple shapes like squares, circles, and rectangles help students visualize problems. Adding numbers or names as labels help too.

For example, if the word problem says that there were five boxes and each box had 4 apples in it, kids can draw five squares with the number four in each square. Instantly, kids can see the answer so much more easily!

5. Estimate the Answer Before Solving

Having a general idea of a ballpark answer for the problem lets students know if their actual answer is reasonable or not. This quick, rough estimate is a good math habit to get into. It helps students really think about their answer’s accuracy when the problem is finally solved.

6. Check Your Work When Done

This strategy goes along with the fifth strategy. One of the phrases I constantly use during math time is, Is your answer reasonable ? I want students to do more than to be number crunchers but to really think about what those numbers mean.

Also, when students get into the habit of checking work, they are more apt to catch careless mistakes, which are often the root of incorrect answers.

7. Practice Word Problems Often

Just like it takes practice to learn to play the clarinet, to dribble a ball in soccer, and to draw realistically, it takes practice to become a master word problem solver.

When students practice word problems, often several things happen. Word problems become less scary (no, really).

They start to notice similarities in types of problems and are able to more quickly understand how to solve them. They will gain confidence even when dealing with new types of word problems, knowing that they have successfully solved many word problems in the past.

If you’re looking for some word problem task cards, I have quite a few of them for 3rd – 5th graders.

This 3rd grade math task cards bundle has word problems in almost every one of its 30 task card sets..

There are also specific sets that are dedicated to word problems and two-step word problems too. I love these because there’s a task card set for every standard.

CLICK HERE to take a look at 3rd grade:

3rd Grade Math Task Cards Mega Bundle | 3rd Grade Math Centers Bundle

This 4th Grade Math Task Cards Bundle also has lots of word problems in almost every single of its 30 task card sets. These cards are perfect for centers, whole class, and for one on one.

CLICK HERE to see 4th grade:

th Grade 960 Math Task Cards Mega Bundle | 4th Grade Math Centers

This 5th Grade Math Task Cards Bundle is also loaded with word problems to give your students focused practice.

CLICK HERE to take a look at 5th grade:

5th Grade Math Task Cards Mega Bundle - 5th Grade Math Centers

Want to try a FREE set of math task cards to see what you think?

3rd Grade: Rounding Whole Numbers Task Cards

4th Grade: Convert Fractions and Decimals Task Cards

5th Grade: Read, Write, and Compare Decimals Task Cards

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14 Effective Ways to Help Your Students Conquer Math Word Problems

If a train leaving Minneapolis is traveling at 87 miles an hour…

Word Problems WeAreTeachers

Word problems can be tricky for a lot of students, but they’re incredibly important to master. After all, in the real world, most math is in the form of word problems. “If one gallon of paint covers 400 square feet, and my wall measures 34 feet by 8 feet, how many gallons do I need?” “This sweater costs $135, but it’s on sale for 35% off. So how much is that?” Here are the best teacher-tested ideas for helping kids get a handle on these problems.

1. Solve word problems regularly

how to solve word problems sums

This might be the most important tip of all. Word problems should be part of everyday math practice, especially for older kids. Whenever possible, use word problems every time you teach a new math skill. Even better: give students a daily word problem to solve so they’ll get comfortable with the process.

Learn more: Teaching With Jennifer Findlay

2. Teach problem-solving routines

Word Problems Teacher Trap

There are a LOT of strategies out there for teaching kids how to solve word problems (keep reading to see some terrific examples). The important thing to remember is that what works for one student may not work for another. So introduce a basic routine like Plan-Solve-Check that every kid can use every time. You can expand on the Plan and Solve steps in a variety of ways, but this basic 3-step process ensures kids slow down and take their time.

Learn more: Word Problems Made Easy


3. Visualize or model the problem

how to solve word problems sums

Encourage students to think of word problems as an actual story or scenario. Try acting the problem out if possible, and draw pictures, diagrams, or models. Learn more about this method and get free printable templates at the link.

Learn more: Math Geek Mama

4. Make sure they identify the actual question

how to solve word problems sums

Educator Robert Kaplinsky asked 32 eighth grade students to answer this nonsensical word problem. Only 25% of them realized they didn’t have the right information to answer the actual question; the other 75% gave a variety of numerical answers that involved adding, subtracting, or dividing the two numbers. That tells us kids really need to be trained to identify the actual question being asked before they proceed. 

Learn more: Robert Kaplinsky

5. Remove the numbers

how to solve word problems sums

It seems counterintuitive … math without numbers? But this word problem strategy really forces kids to slow down and examine the problem itself, without focusing on numbers at first. If the numbers were removed from the sheep/shepherd problem above, students would have no choice but to slow down and read more carefully, rather than plowing ahead without thinking. 

Learn more: Where the Magic Happens Teaching

6. Try the CUBES method

how to solve word problems sums

This is a tried-and-true method for teaching word problems, and it’s really effective for kids who are prone to working too fast and missing details. By taking the time to circle, box, and underline important information, students are more likely to find the correct answer to the question actually being asked.

Learn more: Teaching With a Mountain View

7. Show word problems the LOVE

Word Problems Jennifer Findlay

Here’s another fun acronym for tackling word problems: LOVE. Using this method, kids Label numbers and other key info, then explain Our thinking by writing the equation as a sentence. They use Visuals or models to help plan and list any and all Equations they’ll use. 

8. Consider teaching word problem key words

how to solve word problems sums

This is one of those methods that some teachers love and others hate. Those who like it feel it offers kids a simple tool for making sense of words and how they relate to math. Others feel it’s outdated, and prefer to teach word problems using context and situations instead (see below). You might just consider this one more trick to keep in your toolbox for students who need it.

Learn more: Book Units Teacher

9. Determine the operation for the situation

how to solve word problems sums

Instead of (or in addition to) key words, have kids really analyze the situation presented to determine the right operation(s) to use. Some key words, like “total,” can be pretty vague. It’s worth taking the time to dig deeper into what the problem is really asking. Get a free printable chart and learn how to use this method at the link.

Learn more: Solving Word Problems With Jennifer Findlay

10. Differentiate word problems to build skills

how to solve word problems sums

Sometimes students get so distracted by numbers that look big or scary that they give up right off the bat. For those cases, try working your way up to the skill at hand. For instance, instead of jumping right to subtracting 4 digit numbers, make the numbers smaller to start. Each successive problem can be a little more difficult, but kids will see they can use the same method regardless of the numbers themselves.

Learn more: Differentiating Math 

11. Ensure they can justify their answers

how to solve word problems sums

One of the quickest ways to find mistakes is to look closely at your answer and ensure it makes sense. If students can explain how they came to their conclusion, they’re much more likely to get the answer right. That’s why teachers have been asking students to “show their work” for decades now.

Learn more: Madly Learning

12. Write the answer in a sentence

how to solve word problems sums

When you think about it, this one makes so much sense. Word problems are presented in complete sentences, so the answers should be too. This helps students make certain they’re actually answering the question being asked… part of justifying their answer.

Learn more: Multi-Step Word Problems

13. Add rigor to your word problems

how to solve word problems sums

A smart way to help kids conquer word problems is to, well… give them better problems to conquer. A rich math word problem is accessible and feels real to students, like something that matters. It should allow for different ways to solve it and be open for discussion. A series of problems should be varied, using different operations and situations when possible, and even include multiple steps. Visit both of the links below for excellent tips on adding rigor to your math word problems.

Learn more: The Routty Math Teacher and Alyssa Teaches

14. Use a problem-solving rounds activity.

Word Problems Teacher Trap 3

Put all those word problem strategies and skills together with this whole-class activity. Start by reading the problem as a group and sharing important information. Then, have students work with a partner to plan how they’ll solve it. In round three, kids use those plans to solve the problem individually. Finally, they share their answer and methods with their partner and the class. Be sure to recognize and respect all problem-solving strategies that lead to the correct answer.

Learn more: Teacher Trap

Like these word problem tips and tricks? Learn more about Why It’s Important to Honor All Math Strategies .

Plus, 60+ Awesome Websites For Teaching and Learning Math .

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Choose Your Test

Sat / act prep online guides and tips, the complete guide to sat math word problems.


About 25% of your total SAT Math section will be word problems, meaning you will have to create your own visuals and equations to solve for your answers. Though the actual math topics can vary, SAT word problems share a few commonalities, and we’re here to walk you through how to best solve them.

This post will be your complete guide to SAT Math word problems. We'll cover how to translate word problems into equations and diagrams, the different types of math word problems you’ll see on the test, and how to go about solving your word problems on test day.

Feature Image: Antonio Litterio /Wikimedia

What Are SAT Math Word Problems?

A word problem is any math problem based mostly or entirely on a written description. You will not be provided with an equation, diagram, or graph on a word problem and must instead use your reading skills to translate the words of the question into a workable math problem. Once you do this, you can then solve it.

You will be given word problems on the SAT Math section for a variety of reasons. For one, word problems test your reading comprehension and your ability to visualize information.

Secondly, these types of questions allow test makers to ask questions that'd be impossible to ask with just a diagram or an equation. For instance, if a math question asks you to fit as many small objects into a larger one as is possible, it'd be difficult to demonstrate and ask this with only a diagram.

Translating Math Word Problems Into Equations or Drawings

In order to translate your SAT word problems into actionable math equations you can solve, you’ll need to understand and know how to utilize some key math terms. Whenever you see these words, you can translate them into the proper mathematical action.

For instance, the word "sum" means the value when two or more items are added together. So if you need to find the sum of a and b , you’ll need to set up your equation like this: a+b.

Also, note that many mathematical actions have more than one term attached, which can be used interchangeably.

Here is a chart with all the key terms and symbols you should know for SAT Math word problems:

Now, let's look at these math terms in action using a few official examples:


We can solve this problem by translating the information we're given into algebra. We know the individual price of each salad and drink, and the total revenue made from selling 209 salads and drinks combined. So let's write this out in algebraic form.

We'll say that the number of salads sold = S , and the number of drinks sold = D . The problem tells us that 209 salads and drinks have been sold, which we can think of as this:

S + D = 209

Finally, we've been told that a certain number of S and D have been sold and have brought in a total revenue of 836 dollars and 50 cents. We don't know the exact numbers of S and D , but we do know how much each unit costs. Therefore, we can write this equation:

6.50 S + 2 D = 836.5

We now have two equations with the same variables ( S and D ). Since we want to know how many salads were sold, we'll need to solve for D so that we can use this information to solve for S . The first equation tells us what S and D equal when added together, but we can rearrange this to tell us what just D equals in terms of S :

Now, just subtract S from both sides to get what D equals:

D = 209 − S

Finally, plug this expression in for D into our other equation, and then solve for S :

6.50 S + 2(209 − S ) = 836.5

6.50 S + 418 − 2 S = 836.5

6.50 S − 2 S = 418.5

4.5 S = 418.5

The correct answer choice is (B) 93.


This word problem asks us to solve for one possible solution (it asks for "a possible amount"), so we know right away that there will be multiple correct answers.

Wyatt can husk at least 12 dozen ears of corn and at most 18 dozen ears of corn per hour. If he husks 72 dozen at a rate of 12 dozen an hour, this is equal to 72 / 12 = 6 hours. You could therefore write 6 as your final answer.

If Wyatt husks 72 dozen at a rate of 18 dozen an hour (the highest rate possible he can do), this comes out to 72 / 18 = 4 hours. You could write 4 as your final answer.

Since the minimum time it takes Wyatt is 4 hours and the maximum time is 6 hours, any number from 4 to 6 would be correct.


Though the hardest SAT word problems might look like Latin to you right now, practice and study will soon have you translating them into workable questions.

Typical SAT Word Problems

Word problems on the SAT can be grouped into three major categories:

  • Word problems for which you must simply set up an equation
  • Word problems for which you must solve for a specific value
  • Word problems for which you must define the meaning of a value or variable

Below, we look at each world problem type and give you examples.

Word Problem Type 1: Setting Up an Equation

This is a fairly uncommon type of SAT word problem, but you’ll generally see it at least once on the Math section. You'll also most likely see it first on the section.

For these problems, you must use the information you’re given and then set up the equation. No need to solve for the missing variable—this is as far as you need to go.

Almost always, you’ll see this type of question in the first four questions on the SAT Math section, meaning that the College Board consider these questions easy. This is due to the fact that you only have to provide the setup and not the execution.


To solve this problem, we'll need to know both Armand's and Tyrone's situations, so let's look at them separately:

Armand: Armand sent m text messages each hour for 5 hours, so we can write this as 5m —the number of texts he sent per hour multiplied by the total number of hours he texted.

Tyrone: Tyrone sent p text messages each hour for 4 hours, so we can write this as 4 p —the number of texts he sent per hour multiplied by the total number of hours he texted.

We now know that Armand's situation can be written algebraically as 5m , and Tyrone's can be written as 4 p . Since we're being asked for the expression that represents the total number of texts sent by Armand and Tyrone, we must add together the two expressions:

The correct answer is choice (C) 5m + 4 p

Word Problem Type 2: Solving for a Missing Value

The vast majority of SAT Math word problem questions will fall into this category. For these questions, you must both set up your equation and solve for a specific piece of information.

Most (though not all) word problem questions of this type will be scenarios or stories covering all sorts of SAT Math topics , such as averages , single-variable equations , and ratios . You almost always must have a solid understanding of the math topic in question in order to solve the word problem on the topic.


Let's try to think about this problem in terms of x . If Type A trees produced 20% more pears than Type B did, we can write this as an expression:

x + 0.2 x = 1.2 x = # of pears produced by Type A

In this equation, x is the number of pears produced by Type B trees. If we add 20% of x (0.2 x ) to x , we get the number of pears produced by Type A trees.

The problem tells us that Type A trees produced a total of 144 pears. Since we know that 1.2 x is equal to the number of pears produced by Type A, we can write the following equation:

1.2 x = 144

Now, all we have to do is divide both sides by 1.2 to find the number of pears produced by Type B trees:

x = 144 / 1.2

The correct answer choice is (B) 120.

You might also get a geometry problem as a word problem, which might or might not be set up with a scenario, too. Geometry questions will be presented as word problems typically because the test makers felt the problem would be too easy to solve had you been given a diagram, or because the problem would be impossible to show with a diagram. (Note that geometry makes up a very small percentage of SAT Math . )


This is a case of a problem that is difficult to show visually, since x is not a set degree value but rather a value greater than 55; thus, it must be presented as a word problem.

Since we know that x must be an integer degree value greater than 55, let us assign it a value. In this case, let us call x 56°. (Why 56? There are other values x could be, but 56 is guaranteed to work since it's the smallest integer larger than 55. Basically, it's a safe bet!)

Now, because x = 56, the next angle in the triangle—2 x —must measure the following:

Let's make a rough (not to scale) sketch of what we know so far:


Now, we know that there are 180° in a triangle , so we can find the value of y by saying this:

y = 180 − 112 − 56

One possible value for y is 12. (Other possible values are 3, 6, and 9. )

Word Problem Type 3: Explaining the Meaning of a Variable or Value

This type of problem will show up at least once. It asks you to define part of an equation provided by the word problem—generally the meaning of a specific variable or number.


This question might sound tricky at first, but it's actually quite simple.

We know tha t P is the number of phones Kathy has left to fix, and d is the number of days she has worked in a week. If she's worked 0 days (i.e., if we plug 0 into the equation), here's what we get:

P = 108 − 23(0)

This means that, without working any days of the week, Kathy has 108 phones to repair. The correct answer choice, therefore, is (B) Kathy starts each week with 108 phones to fix.


To help juggle all the various SAT word problems, let's look at the math strategies and tips at our disposal.

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SAT Math Strategies for Word Problems

Though you’ll see word problems on the SAT Math section on a variety of math topics, there are still a few techniques you can apply to solve word problems as a whole.

#1: Draw It Out

Whether your problem is a geometry problem or an algebra problem, sometimes making a quick sketch of the scene can help you understand what exactly you're working with. For instance, let's look at how a picture can help you solve a word problem about a circle (specifically, a pizza):


If you often have trouble visualizing problems such as these, draw it out. We know that we're dealing with a circle since our focus is a pizza. We also know that the pizza weighs 3 pounds.

Because we'll need to solve the weight of each slice in ounces, let's first convert the total weight of our pizza from pounds into ounces. We're given the conversion (1 pound = 16 ounces), so all we have to do is multiply our 3-pound pizza by 16 to get our answer:

3 * 16 = 48 ounces (for whole pizza)

Now, let's draw a picture. First, the pizza is divided in half (not drawn to scale):


We now have two equal-sized pieces. Let's continue drawing. The problem then says that we divide each half into three equal pieces (again, not drawn to scale):


This gives us a total of six equal-sized pieces. Since we know the total weight of the pizza is 48 ounces, all we have to do is divide by 6 (the number of pieces) to get the weight (in ounces) per piece of pizza:

48 / 6 = 8 ounces per piece

The correct answer choice is (C) 8.

As for geometry problems, remember that you might get a geometry word problem written as a word problem. In this case, make your own drawing of the scene. Even a rough sketch can help you visualize the math problem and keep all your information in order.

#2: Memorize Key Terms

If you’re not used to translating English words and descriptions into mathematical equations, then SAT word problems might be difficult to wrap your head around at first. Look at the chart we gave you above so you can learn how to translate keywords into their math equivalents. This way, you can understand exactly what a problem is asking you to find and how you’re supposed to find it.

There are free SAT Math questions available online , so memorize your terms and then practice on realistic SAT word problems to make sure you’ve got your definitions down and can apply them to the actual test.

#3: Underline and/or Write Out Important Information

The key to solving a word problem is to bring together all the key pieces of given information and put them in the right places. Make sure you write out all these givens on the diagram you’ve drawn (if the problem calls for a diagram) so that all your moving pieces are in order.

One of the best ways to keep all your pieces straight is to underline your key information in the problem, and then write them out yourself before you set up your equation. So take a moment to perform this step before you zero in on solving the question.

#4: Pay Close Attention to What's Being Asked

It can be infuriating to find yourself solving for the wrong variable or writing in your given values in the wrong places. And yet this is entirely too easy to do when working with math word problems.

Make sure you pay strict attention to exactly what you’re meant to be solving for and exactly what pieces of information go where. Are you looking for the area or the perimeter? The value of x, 2x, or y?

It’s always better to double-check what you’re supposed to find before you start than to realize two minutes down the line that you have to begin solving the problem all over again.

#5: Brush Up on Any Specific Math Topic You Feel Weak In

You're likely to see both a diagram/equation problem and a word problem for almost every SAT Math topic on the test. This is why there are so many different types of word problems and why you’ll need to know the ins and outs of every SAT Math topic in order to be able to solve a word problem about it.

For example, if you don’t know how to find an average given a set of numbers, you certainly won’t know how to solve a word problem that deals with averages!

Understand that solving an SAT Math word problem is a two-step process: it requires you to both understand how word problems work and to understand the math topic in question. If you have any areas of mathematical weakness, now's a good time to brush up on them—or else SAT word problems might be trickier than you were expecting!


All set? Let's go!

Test Your SAT Math Word Problem Knowledge

Finally, it's time to test your word problem know-how against real SAT Math problems:

Word Problems

1. No Calculator


2. Calculator OK


3. Calculator OK


4. Calculator OK


Answers: C, B, A, 1160

Answer Explanations

1. For this problem, we have to use the information we're given to set up an equation.

We know that Ken spent x dollars, and Paul spent 1 dollar more than Ken did. Therefore, we can write the following equation for Paul:

Ken and Paul split the bill evenly. This means that we'll have to solve for the total amount of both their sandwiches and then divide it by 2. Since Ken's sandwich cost x dollars and Paul's cost x + 1, here's what our equation looks like when we combine the two expressions:

Now, we can divide this expression by 2 to get the price each person paid:

(2 x + 1) / 2

But we're not finished yet. We know that both Ken and Paul also paid a 20% tip on their bills. As a result, we have to multiply the total cost of one bill by 0.2, and then add this tip to the bill. Algebraically, this looks like this:

( x + 0.5) + 0.2( x + 0.5)

x + 0.5 + 0.2 x + 0.1

1.2 x + 0.6

The correct answer choice is (C) 1.2 x + 0.6

2. You'll have to be familiar with statistics in order to understand what this question is asking.

Since Nick surveyed a random sample of his freshman class, we can say that this sample will accurately reflect the opinion (and thus the same percentages) as the entire freshman class.

Of the 90 freshmen sampled, 25.6% said that they wanted the Fall Festival held in October. All we have to do now is find this percentage of the entire freshmen class (which consists of 225 students) to determine how many total freshmen would prefer an October festival:

225 * 0.256 = 57.6

Since the question is asking "about how many students"—and since we obviously can't have a fraction of a person!—we'll have to round this number to the nearest answer choice available, which is 60, or answer choice (B).

3. This is one of those problems that is asking you to define a value in the equation given. It might look confusing, but don't be scared—it's actually not as difficult as it appears!

First off, we know that t represents the number of seconds passed after an object is launched upward. But what if no time has passed yet? This would mean that t = 0. Here's what happens to the equation when we plug in 0 for t :

h (0) = -16(0)2 + 110(0) + 72

h (0) = 0 + 0 + 72

As we can see, before the object is even launched, it has a height of 72 feet. This means that 72 must represent the initial height, in feet, of the object, or answer choice (A).

4. You might be tempted to draw a diagram for this problem since it's talking about a pool (rectangle), but it's actually quicker to just look at the numbers given and work from there.

We know that the pool currently holds 600 gallons of water and that water has been hosed into it at a rate of 8 gallons a minute for a total of 70 minutes.

To find the amount of water in the pool now, we'll have to first solve for the amount of water added to the pool by hose. We know that 8 gallons were added each minute for 70 minutes, so all we have to do is multiply 8 by 70:

8 * 70 = 560 gallons

This tells us that 560 gallons of water were added to our already-filled, 600-gallon pool. To find the total amount of water, then, we simply add these two numbers together:

560 + 600 = 1160

The correct answer is 1160.


Aaaaaaaaaaand time for a nap.

Key Takeaways: Making Sense of SAT Math Word Problems

Word problems make up a significant portion of the SAT Math section, so it’s a good idea to understand how they work and how to translate the words on the page into a proper expression or equation. But this is still only half the battle.

Though you won’t know how to solve a word problem if you don’t know what a product is or how to draw a right triangle, you also won’t know how to solve a word problem about ratios if you don’t know how ratios work.

Therefore, be sure to learn not only how to approach math word problems as a whole, but also how to narrow your focus on any SAT Math topics you need help with. You can find links to all of our SAT Math topic guides here to help you in your studies.

What’s Next?

Want to brush up on SAT Math topics? Check out our individual math guides to get an overview of each and every topic on SAT Math . From polygons and slopes to probabilities and sequences , we've got you covered!

Running out of time on the SAT Math section? We have the know-how to help you beat the clock and maximize your score .

Been procrastinating on your SAT studying? Learn how you can overcome your desire to procrastinate and make a well-balanced prep plan.

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Courtney scored in the 99th percentile on the SAT in high school and went on to graduate from Stanford University with a degree in Cultural and Social Anthropology. She is passionate about bringing education and the tools to succeed to students from all backgrounds and walks of life, as she believes open education is one of the great societal equalizers. She has years of tutoring experience and writes creative works in her free time.

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"Work" Word Problems

Painting & Pipes Tubs & Man-Hours Unequal Times Etc.

"Work" problems usually involve situations such as two people working together to paint a house. You are usually told how long each person takes to paint a similarly-sized house, and you are asked how long it will take the two of them to paint the house when they work together.

Many of these problems are not terribly realistic — since when can two laser printers work together on printing one report? — but it's the technique that they want you to learn, not the applicability to "real life".

The method of solution for "work" problems is not obvious, so don't feel bad if you're totally lost at the moment. There is a "trick" to doing work problems: you have to think of the problem in terms of how much each person / machine / whatever does in a given unit of time . For instance:

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Suppose one painter can paint the entire house in twelve hours, and the second painter takes eight hours to paint a similarly-sized house. How long would it take the two painters together to paint the house?

To find out how much they can do together per hour , I make the necessary assumption that their labors are additive (in other words, that they never get in each other's way in any manner), and I add together what they can do individually per hour . So, per hour, their labors are:

But the exercise didn't ask me how much they can do per hour; it asked me how long they'll take to finish one whole job, working togets. So now I'll pick the variable " t " to stand for how long they take (that is, the time they take) to do the job together. Then they can do:

This gives me an expression for their combined hourly rate. I already had a numerical expression for their combined hourly rate. So, setting these two expressions equal, I get:

I can solve by flipping the equation; I get:

An hour has sixty minutes, so 0.8 of an hour has forty-eight minutes. Then:

They can complete the job together in 4 hours and 48 minutes.

The important thing to understand about the above example is that the key was in converting how long each person took to complete the task into a rate.

hours to complete job:

first painter: 12

second painter: 8

together: t

Since the unit for completion was "hours", I converted each time to an hourly rate; that is, I restated everything in terms of how much of the entire task could be completed per hour. To do this, I simply inverted each value for "hours to complete job":

completed per hour:

Then, assuming that their per-hour rates were additive, I added the portion that each could do per hour, summed them, and set this equal to the "together" rate:

adding their labor:

As you can see in the above example, "work" problems commonly create rational equations . But the equations themselves are usually pretty simple to solve.

One pipe can fill a pool 1.25 times as fast as a second pipe. When both pipes are opened, they fill the pool in five hours. How long would it take to fill the pool if only the slower pipe is used?

My first step is to list the times taken by each pipe to fill the pool, and how long the two pipes take together. In this case, I know the "together" time, but not the individual times. One of the pipes' times is expressed in terms of the other pipe's time, so I'll pick a variable to stand for one of these times.


Since the faster pipe's time to completion is defined in terms of the second pipe's time, I'll pick a variable for the slower pipe's time, and then use this to create an expression for the faster pipe's time:

slow pipe: s

together: 5

Next, I'll convert all of the completion times to per-hour rates:

Then I make the necessary assumption that the pipes' contributions are additive (which is reasonable, in this case), add the two pipes' contributions, and set this equal to the combined per-hour rate:

multiplying through by 20 s (being the lowest common denominator of all the fractional terms):

20 + 25 = 4 s

45/4 = 11.25 = s

They asked me for the time of the slower pipe, so I don't need to find the time for the faster pipe. My answer is:

The slower pipe takes 11.25 hours.

Note: I could have picked a variable for the faster pipe, and then defined the time for the slower pipe in terms of this variable. If you're not sure how you'd do this, then think about it in terms of nicer numbers: If someone goes twice as fast as you, then you take twice as long as he does; if he goes three times as fast as you, then you take three times as long as him. In this case, if he goes 1.25 times as fast, then you take 1.25 times as long. So the variables could have been " f  " for the number of hours the faster pipe takes, and then the number of hours for the slower pipe would have been " 1.25 f  ".

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120 Math Word Problems To Challenge Students Grades 1 to 8

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Written by Marcus Guido

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You sit at your desk, ready to put a math quiz, test or activity together. The questions flow onto the document until you hit a section for word problems.

A jolt of creativity would help. But it doesn’t come.

Whether you’re a 3rd grade teacher or an 8th grade teacher preparing students for high school, translating math concepts into real world examples can certainly be a challenge.

This resource is your jolt of creativity. It provides examples and templates of math word problems for 1st to 8th grade classes.

There are 120 examples in total.

The list of examples is supplemented by tips to create engaging and challenging math word problems.

120 Math word problems, categorized by skill

Addition word problems.

A teacher is teaching three students with a whiteboard happily.

Best for: 1st grade, 2nd grade

1. Adding to 10: Ariel was playing basketball. 1 of her shots went in the hoop. 2 of her shots did not go in the hoop. How many shots were there in total?

2. Adding to 20: Adrianna has 10 pieces of gum to share with her friends. There wasn’t enough gum for all her friends, so she went to the store to get 3 more pieces of gum. How many pieces of gum does Adrianna have now?

3. Adding to 100: Adrianna has 10 pieces of gum to share with her friends. There wasn’t enough gum for all her friends, so she went to the store and got 70 pieces of strawberry gum and 10 pieces of bubble gum. How many pieces of gum does Adrianna have now?

4. Adding Slightly over 100: The restaurant has 175 normal chairs and 20 chairs for babies. How many chairs does the restaurant have in total?

5. Adding to 1,000: How many cookies did you sell if you sold 320 chocolate cookies and 270 vanilla cookies?

6. Adding to and over 10,000: The hobby store normally sells 10,576 trading cards per month. In June, the hobby store sold 15,498 more trading cards than normal. In total, how many trading cards did the hobby store sell in June?

7. Adding 3 Numbers: Billy had 2 books at home. He went to the library to take out 2 more books. He then bought 1 book. How many books does Billy have now?

8. Adding 3 Numbers to and over 100: Ashley bought a big bag of candy. The bag had 102 blue candies, 100 red candies and 94 green candies. How many candies were there in total?

Subtraction word problems

Best for: 1st grade, second grade

9. Subtracting to 10: There were 3 pizzas in total at the pizza shop. A customer bought 1 pizza. How many pizzas are left?

10. Subtracting to 20: Your friend said she had 11 stickers. When you helped her clean her desk, she only had a total of 10 stickers. How many stickers are missing?

11. Subtracting to 100: Adrianna has 100 pieces of gum to share with her friends. When she went to the park, she shared 10 pieces of strawberry gum. When she left the park, Adrianna shared another 10 pieces of bubble gum. How many pieces of gum does Adrianna have now?

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12. Subtracting Slightly over 100: Your team scored a total of 123 points. 67 points were scored in the first half. How many were scored in the second half?

13. Subtracting to 1,000: Nathan has a big ant farm. He decided to sell some of his ants. He started with 965 ants. He sold 213. How many ants does he have now?

14. Subtracting to and over 10,000: The hobby store normally sells 10,576 trading cards per month. In July, the hobby store sold a total of 20,777 trading cards. How many more trading cards did the hobby store sell in July compared with a normal month?

15. Subtracting 3 Numbers: Charlene had a pack of 35 pencil crayons. She gave 6 to her friend Theresa. She gave 3 to her friend Mandy. How many pencil crayons does Charlene have left?

16. Subtracting 3 Numbers to and over 100: Ashley bought a big bag of candy to share with her friends. In total, there were 296 candies. She gave 105 candies to Marissa. She also gave 86 candies to Kayla. How many candies were left?

Multiplication word problems

A hand holding a pen is doing calculation on a pice of papper

Best for: 2nd grade, 3rd grade

17. Multiplying 1-Digit Integers: Adrianna needs to cut a pan of brownies into pieces. She cuts 6 even columns and 3 even rows into the pan. How many brownies does she have?

18. Multiplying 2-Digit Integers: A movie theatre has 25 rows of seats with 20 seats in each row. How many seats are there in total?

19. Multiplying Integers Ending with 0: A clothing company has 4 different kinds of sweatshirts. Each year, the company makes 60,000 of each kind of sweatshirt. How many sweatshirts does the company make each year?

20. Multiplying 3 Integers: A bricklayer stacks bricks in 2 rows, with 10 bricks in each row. On top of each row, there is a stack of 6 bricks. How many bricks are there in total?

21. Multiplying 4 Integers: Cayley earns $5 an hour by delivering newspapers. She delivers newspapers 3 days each week, for 4 hours at a time. After delivering newspapers for 8 weeks, how much money will Cayley earn?

Division word problems

Best for: 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade

22. Dividing 1-Digit Integers: If you have 4 pieces of candy split evenly into 2 bags, how many pieces of candy are in each bag?

23. Dividing 2-Digit Integers: If you have 80 tickets for the fair and each ride costs 5 tickets, how many rides can you go on?

24. Dividing Numbers Ending with 0: The school has $20,000 to buy new computer equipment. If each piece of equipment costs $50, how many pieces can the school buy in total?

25. Dividing 3 Integers: Melissa buys 2 packs of tennis balls for $12 in total. All together, there are 6 tennis balls. How much does 1 pack of tennis balls cost? How much does 1 tennis ball cost?

26. Interpreting Remainders: An Italian restaurant receives a shipment of 86 veal cutlets. If it takes 3 cutlets to make a dish, how many cutlets will the restaurant have left over after making as many dishes as possible?

Mixed operations word problems

A female teacher is instructing student math on a blackboard

27. Mixing Addition and Subtraction: There are 235 books in a library. On Monday, 123 books are taken out. On Tuesday, 56 books are brought back. How many books are there now?

28. Mixing Multiplication and Division: There is a group of 10 people who are ordering pizza. If each person gets 2 slices and each pizza has 4 slices, how many pizzas should they order?

29. Mixing Multiplication, Addition and Subtraction: Lana has 2 bags with 2 marbles in each bag. Markus has 2 bags with 3 marbles in each bag. How many more marbles does Markus have?

30. Mixing Division, Addition and Subtraction: Lana has 3 bags with the same amount of marbles in them, totaling 12 marbles. Markus has 3 bags with the same amount of marbles in them, totaling 18 marbles. How many more marbles does Markus have in each bag?

Ordering and number sense word problems

31. Counting to Preview Multiplication: There are 2 chalkboards in your classroom. If each chalkboard needs 2 pieces of chalk, how many pieces do you need in total?

32. Counting to Preview Division: There are 3 chalkboards in your classroom. Each chalkboard has 2 pieces of chalk. This means there are 6 pieces of chalk in total. If you take 1 piece of chalk away from each chalkboard, how many will there be in total?

33. Composing Numbers: What number is 6 tens and 10 ones?

34. Guessing Numbers: I have a 7 in the tens place. I have an even number in the ones place. I am lower than 74. What number am I?

35. Finding the Order: In the hockey game, Mitchell scored more points than William but fewer points than Auston. Who scored the most points? Who scored the fewest points?

Fractions word problems

A student is drawing on a notebook, holding a pencil.

Best for: 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, 6th grade

36. Finding Fractions of a Group: Julia went to 10 houses on her street for Halloween. 5 of the houses gave her a chocolate bar. What fraction of houses on Julia’s street gave her a chocolate bar?

37. Finding Unit Fractions: Heather is painting a portrait of her best friend, Lisa. To make it easier, she divides the portrait into 6 equal parts. What fraction represents each part of the portrait?

38. Adding Fractions with Like Denominators: Noah walks ⅓ of a kilometre to school each day. He also walks ⅓ of a kilometre to get home after school. How many kilometres does he walk in total?

39. Subtracting Fractions with Like Denominators: Last week, Whitney counted the number of juice boxes she had for school lunches. She had ⅗ of a case. This week, it’s down to ⅕ of a case. How much of the case did Whitney drink?

40. Adding Whole Numbers and Fractions with Like Denominators: At lunchtime, an ice cream parlor served 6 ¼ scoops of chocolate ice cream, 5 ¾ scoops of vanilla and 2 ¾ scoops of strawberry. How many scoops of ice cream did the parlor serve in total?

41. Subtracting Whole Numbers and Fractions with Like Denominators: For a party, Jaime had 5 ⅓ bottles of cola for her friends to drink. She drank ⅓ of a bottle herself. Her friends drank 3 ⅓. How many bottles of cola does Jaime have left?

42. Adding Fractions with Unlike Denominators: Kevin completed ½ of an assignment at school. When he was home that evening, he completed ⅚ of another assignment. How many assignments did Kevin complete?

43. Subtracting Fractions with Unlike Denominators: Packing school lunches for her kids, Patty used ⅞ of a package of ham. She also used ½ of a package of turkey. How much more ham than turkey did Patty use?

44. Multiplying Fractions: During gym class on Wednesday, the students ran for ¼ of a kilometre. On Thursday, they ran ½ as many kilometres as on Wednesday. How many kilometres did the students run on Thursday? Write your answer as a fraction.

45. Dividing Fractions: A clothing manufacturer uses ⅕ of a bottle of colour dye to make one pair of pants. The manufacturer used ⅘ of a bottle yesterday. How many pairs of pants did the manufacturer make?

46. Multiplying Fractions with Whole Numbers: Mark drank ⅚ of a carton of milk this week. Frank drank 7 times more milk than Mark. How many cartons of milk did Frank drink? Write your answer as a fraction, or as a whole or mixed number.

Decimals word problems

Best for: 4th grade, 5th grade

47. Adding Decimals: You have 2.6 grams of yogurt in your bowl and you add another spoonful of 1.3 grams. How much yogurt do you have in total?

48. Subtracting Decimals: Gemma had 25.75 grams of frosting to make a cake. She decided to use only 15.5 grams of the frosting. How much frosting does Gemma have left?

49. Multiplying Decimals with Whole Numbers: Marshall walks a total of 0.9 kilometres to and from school each day. After 4 days, how many kilometres will he have walked?

50. Dividing Decimals by Whole Numbers: To make the Leaning Tower of Pisa from spaghetti, Mrs. Robinson bought 2.5 kilograms of spaghetti. Her students were able to make 10 leaning towers in total. How many kilograms of spaghetti does it take to make 1 leaning tower?

51. Mixing Addition and Subtraction of Decimals: Rocco has 1.5 litres of orange soda and 2.25 litres of grape soda in his fridge. Antonio has 1.15 litres of orange soda and 0.62 litres of grape soda. How much more soda does Rocco have than Angelo?

52. Mixing Multiplication and Division of Decimals: 4 days a week, Laura practices martial arts for 1.5 hours. Considering a week is 7 days, what is her average practice time per day each week?

Comparing and sequencing word problems

Four students are sitting together and discussing math questions

Best for: Kindergarten, 1st grade, 2nd grade

53. Comparing 1-Digit Integers: You have 3 apples and your friend has 5 apples. Who has more?

54. Comparing 2-Digit Integers: You have 50 candies and your friend has 75 candies. Who has more?

55. Comparing Different Variables: There are 5 basketballs on the playground. There are 7 footballs on the playground. Are there more basketballs or footballs?

56. Sequencing 1-Digit Integers: Erik has 0 stickers. Every day he gets 1 more sticker. How many days until he gets 3 stickers?

57. Skip-Counting by Odd Numbers: Natalie began at 5. She skip-counted by fives. Could she have said the number 20?

58. Skip-Counting by Even Numbers: Natasha began at 0. She skip-counted by eights. Could she have said the number 36?

59. Sequencing 2-Digit Numbers: Each month, Jeremy adds the same number of cards to his baseball card collection. In January, he had 36. 48 in February. 60 in March. How many baseball cards will Jeremy have in April?

Time word problems

66. Converting Hours into Minutes: Jeremy helped his mom for 1 hour. For how many minutes was he helping her?

69. Adding Time: If you wake up at 7:00 a.m. and it takes you 1 hour and 30 minutes to get ready and walk to school, at what time will you get to school?

70. Subtracting Time: If a train departs at 2:00 p.m. and arrives at 4:00 p.m., how long were passengers on the train for?

71. Finding Start and End Times: Rebecca left her dad’s store to go home at twenty to seven in the evening. Forty minutes later, she was home. What time was it when she arrived home?

Money word problems

Best for: 1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade

60. Adding Money: Thomas and Matthew are saving up money to buy a video game together. Thomas has saved $30. Matthew has saved $35. How much money have they saved up together in total?

61. Subtracting Money: Thomas has $80 saved up. He uses his money to buy a video game. The video game costs $67. How much money does he have left?

62. Multiplying Money: Tim gets $5 for delivering the paper. How much money will he have after delivering the paper 3 times?

63. Dividing Money: Robert spent $184.59 to buy 3 hockey sticks. If each hockey stick was the same price, how much did 1 cost?

64. Adding Money with Decimals: You went to the store and bought gum for $1.25 and a sucker for $0.50. How much was your total?

65. Subtracting Money with Decimals: You went to the store with $5.50. You bought gum for $1.25, a chocolate bar for $1.15 and a sucker for $0.50. How much money do you have left?

67. Applying Proportional Relationships to Money: Jakob wants to invite 20 friends to his birthday, which will cost his parents $250. If he decides to invite 15 friends instead, how much money will it cost his parents? Assume the relationship is directly proportional.

68. Applying Percentages to Money: Retta put $100.00 in a bank account that gains 20% interest annually. How much interest will be accumulated in 1 year? And if she makes no withdrawals, how much money will be in the account after 1 year?

Physical measurement word problems

A girl is doing math practice

Best for: 1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade

72. Comparing Measurements: Cassandra’s ruler is 22 centimetres long. April’s ruler is 30 centimetres long. How many centimetres longer is April’s ruler?

73. Contextualizing Measurements: Picture a school bus. Which unit of measurement would best describe the length of the bus? Centimetres, metres or kilometres?

74. Adding Measurements: Micha’s dad wants to try to save money on gas, so he has been tracking how much he uses. Last year, Micha’s dad used 100 litres of gas. This year, her dad used 90 litres of gas. How much gas did he use in total for the two years?

75. Subtracting Measurements: Micha’s dad wants to try to save money on gas, so he has been tracking how much he uses. Over the past two years, Micha’s dad used 200 litres of gas. This year, he used 100 litres of gas. How much gas did he use last year?

A tablet showing an example of Prodigy Math's battle gameplay.

76. Multiplying Volume and Mass: Kiera wants to make sure she has strong bones, so she drinks 2 litres of milk every week. After 3 weeks, how many litres of milk will Kiera drink?

77. Dividing Volume and Mass: Lillian is doing some gardening, so she bought 1 kilogram of soil. She wants to spread the soil evenly between her 2 plants. How much will each plant get?

78. Converting Mass: Inger goes to the grocery store and buys 3 squashes that each weigh 500 grams. How many kilograms of squash did Inger buy?

79. Converting Volume: Shad has a lemonade stand and sold 20 cups of lemonade. Each cup was 500 millilitres. How many litres did Shad sell in total?

80. Converting Length: Stacy and Milda are comparing their heights. Stacy is 1.5 meters tall. Milda is 10 centimetres taller than Stacy. What is Milda’s height in centimetres?

81. Understanding Distance and Direction: A bus leaves the school to take students on a field trip. The bus travels 10 kilometres south, 10 kilometres west, another 5 kilometres south and 15 kilometres north. To return to the school, in which direction does the bus have to travel? How many kilometres must it travel in that direction?

Ratios and percentages word problems

Best for: 4th grade, 5th grade, 6th grade

82. Finding a Missing Number: The ratio of Jenny’s trophies to Meredith’s trophies is 7:4. Jenny has 28 trophies. How many does Meredith have?

83. Finding Missing Numbers: The ratio of Jenny’s trophies to Meredith’s trophies is 7:4. The difference between the numbers is 12. What are the numbers?

84. Comparing Ratios: The school’s junior band has 10 saxophone players and 20 trumpet players. The school’s senior band has 18 saxophone players and 29 trumpet players. Which band has the higher ratio of trumpet to saxophone players?

85. Determining Percentages: Mary surveyed students in her school to find out what their favourite sports were. Out of 1,200 students, 455 said hockey was their favourite sport. What percentage of students said hockey was their favourite sport?

86. Determining Percent of Change: A decade ago, Oakville’s population was 67,624 people. Now, it is 190% larger. What is Oakville’s current population?

87. Determining Percents of Numbers: At the ice skate rental stand, 60% of 120 skates are for boys. If the rest of the skates are for girls, how many are there?

88. Calculating Averages: For 4 weeks, William volunteered as a helper for swimming classes. The first week, he volunteered for 8 hours. He volunteered for 12 hours in the second week, and another 12 hours in the third week. The fourth week, he volunteered for 9 hours. For how many hours did he volunteer per week, on average?

Probability and data relationships word problems

Two students are calculating on a whiteboard

Best for: 4th grade, 5th grade, 6th grade, 7th grade

89. Understanding the Premise of Probability: John wants to know his class’s favourite TV show, so he surveys all of the boys. Will the sample be representative or biased?

90. Understanding Tangible Probability: The faces on a fair number die are labelled 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. You roll the die 12 times. How many times should you expect to roll a 1?

91. Exploring Complementary Events: The numbers 1 to 50 are in a hat. If the probability of drawing an even number is 25/50, what is the probability of NOT drawing an even number? Express this probability as a fraction.

92. Exploring Experimental Probability: A pizza shop has recently sold 15 pizzas. 5 of those pizzas were pepperoni. Answering with a fraction, what is the experimental probability that he next pizza will be pepperoni?

93. Introducing Data Relationships: Maurita and Felice each take 4 tests. Here are the results of Maurita’s 4 tests: 4, 4, 4, 4. Here are the results for 3 of Felice’s 4 tests: 3, 3, 3. If Maurita’s mean for the 4 tests is 1 point higher than Felice’s, what’s the score of Felice’s 4th test?

94. Introducing Proportional Relationships: Store A is selling 7 pounds of bananas for $7.00. Store B is selling 3 pounds of bananas for $6.00. Which store has the better deal?

95. Writing Equations for Proportional Relationships: Lionel loves soccer, but has trouble motivating himself to practice. So, he incentivizes himself through video games. There is a proportional relationship between the amount of drills Lionel completes, in x , and for how many hours he plays video games, in y . When Lionel completes 10 drills, he plays video games for 30 minutes. Write the equation for the relationship between x and y .

Geometry word problems

Best for: 4th grade, 5th grade, 6th grade, 7th grade, 8th grade

96. Introducing Perimeter:  The theatre has 4 chairs in a row. There are 5 rows. Using rows as your unit of measurement, what is the perimeter?

97. Introducing Area: The theatre has 4 chairs in a row. There are 5 rows. How many chairs are there in total?

98. Introducing Volume: Aaron wants to know how much candy his container can hold. The container is 20 centimetres tall, 10 centimetres long and 10 centimetres wide. What is the container’s volume?

99. Understanding 2D Shapes: Kevin draws a shape with 4 equal sides. What shape did he draw?

100. Finding the Perimeter of 2D Shapes: Mitchell wrote his homework questions on a piece of square paper. Each side of the paper is 8 centimetres. What is the perimeter?

101. Determining the Area of 2D Shapes: A single trading card is 9 centimetres long by 6 centimetres wide. What is its area?

102. Understanding 3D Shapes: Martha draws a shape that has 6 square faces. What shape did she draw?

103. Determining the Surface Area of 3D Shapes: What is the surface area of a cube that has a width of 2cm, height of 2 cm and length of 2 cm?

104. Determining the Volume of 3D Shapes: Aaron’s candy container is 20 centimetres tall, 10 centimetres long and 10 centimetres wide. Bruce’s container is 25 centimetres tall, 9 centimetres long and 9 centimetres wide. Find the volume of each container. Based on volume, whose container can hold more candy?

105. Identifying Right-Angled Triangles: A triangle has the following side lengths: 3 cm, 4 cm and 5 cm. Is this triangle a right-angled triangle?

106. Identifying Equilateral Triangles: A triangle has the following side lengths: 4 cm, 4 cm and 4 cm. What kind of triangle is it?

107. Identifying Isosceles Triangles: A triangle has the following side lengths: 4 cm, 5 cm and 5 cm. What kind of triangle is it?

108. Identifying Scalene Triangles: A triangle has the following side lengths: 4 cm, 5 cm and 6 cm. What kind of triangle is it?

109. Finding the Perimeter of Triangles: Luigi built a tent in the shape of an equilateral triangle. The perimeter is 21 metres. What is the length of each of the tent’s sides?

110. Determining the Area of Triangles: What is the area of a triangle with a base of 2 units and a height of 3 units?

111. Applying Pythagorean Theorem: A right triangle has one non-hypotenuse side length of 3 inches and the hypotenuse measures 5 inches. What is the length of the other non-hypotenuse side?

112. Finding a Circle’s Diameter: Jasmin bought a new round backpack. Its area is 370 square centimetres. What is the round backpack’s diameter?

113. Finding a Circle's Area: Captain America’s circular shield has a diameter of 76.2 centimetres. What is the area of his shield?

114. Finding a Circle’s Radius: Skylar lives on a farm, where his dad keeps a circular corn maze. The corn maze has a diameter of 2 kilometres. What is the maze’s radius?

Variables word problems

A hand is calculating math problem on a blacboard

Best for: 6th grade, 7th grade, 8th grade

115. Identifying Independent and Dependent Variables: Victoria is baking muffins for her class. The number of muffins she makes is based on how many classmates she has. For this equation, m is the number of muffins and c is the number of classmates. Which variable is independent and which variable is dependent?

116. Writing Variable Expressions for Addition: Last soccer season, Trish scored g goals. Alexa scored 4 more goals than Trish. Write an expression that shows how many goals Alexa scored.

117. Writing Variable Expressions for Subtraction: Elizabeth eats a healthy, balanced breakfast b times a week. Madison sometimes skips breakfast. In total, Madison eats 3 fewer breakfasts a week than Elizabeth. Write an expression that shows how many times a week Madison eats breakfast.

118. Writing Variable Expressions for Multiplication: Last hockey season, Jack scored g goals. Patrik scored twice as many goals than Jack. Write an expression that shows how many goals Patrik scored.

119. Writing Variable Expressions for Division: Amanda has c chocolate bars. She wants to distribute the chocolate bars evenly among 3 friends. Write an expression that shows how many chocolate bars 1 of her friends will receive.

120. Solving Two-Variable Equations: This equation shows how the amount Lucas earns from his after-school job depends on how many hours he works: e = 12h . The variable h represents how many hours he works. The variable e represents how much money he earns. How much money will Lucas earn after working for 6 hours?

How to easily make your own math word problems & word problems worksheets

Two teachers are discussing math with a pen and a notebook

Armed with 120 examples to spark ideas, making your own math word problems can engage your students and ensure alignment with lessons. Do:

  • Link to Student Interests:  By framing your word problems with student interests, you’ll likely grab attention. For example, if most of your class loves American football, a measurement problem could involve the throwing distance of a famous quarterback.
  • Make Questions Topical:  Writing a word problem that reflects current events or issues can engage students by giving them a clear, tangible way to apply their knowledge.
  • Include Student Names:  Naming a question’s characters after your students is an easy way make subject matter relatable, helping them work through the problem.
  • Be Explicit:  Repeating keywords distills the question, helping students focus on the core problem.
  • Test Reading Comprehension:  Flowery word choice and long sentences can hide a question’s key elements. Instead, use concise phrasing and grade-level vocabulary.
  • Focus on Similar Interests:  Framing too many questions with related interests -- such as football and basketball -- can alienate or disengage some students.
  • Feature Red Herrings:  Including unnecessary information introduces another problem-solving element, overwhelming many elementary students.

A key to differentiated instruction , word problems that students can relate to and contextualize will capture interest more than generic and abstract ones.

Final thoughts about math word problems

You’ll likely get the most out of this resource by using the problems as templates, slightly modifying them by applying the above tips. In doing so, they’ll be more relevant to -- and engaging for -- your students.

Regardless, having 120 curriculum-aligned math word problems at your fingertips should help you deliver skill-building challenges and thought-provoking assessments.

The result?

A greater understanding of how your students process content and demonstrate understanding, informing your ongoing teaching approach.

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10 Best Math AI Solvers to Solve Math Problems Online

Tackling challenging math problems can be a time-consuming endeavor. Math AI solvers make learning math simple. These AI-powered tools use machine learning and advanced algorithms to rapidly analyze math problems at all grade levels. Whether you’re a high school student or at the college level, an AI math problem solver can help save you time, ensure accuracy, and boost your school success.

With 24/7 convenience, they can be used anytime to get instant help with confusing math problems. When curating our list of top 10 best math AI solvers, we looked at several important factors, such as pricing, features, strengths, and weaknesses. Let’s explore these tools and learn in which areas they excel:

Mathful – Best Overall Math AI Solver to Solve Math Problems


Mathful is a valuable AI math solver often used by students to get help with complicated math problems. It delivers step-by-step guidance that breaks down the problem to make it easier to digest. The tool also provides the final answer to allow students to verify their solutions and gain confidence in their math skills.

Mathful is available 24/7, making it a convenient tool for students to get instant help with their math homework. Mathful acts as the ultimate solution for boosting academic success at all math levels. 

  • Helps students gain a deeper understanding of math concepts with step-by-step guidance.
  • Serves as a verification tool where students can check their work without costing a dime. 
  • Enables students to complete their math homework with just one click. 
  • Cannot be used to supplement a real classroom education. 

Solve Math Problems Instantly with Mathful’s AI Math Solver >>>

AI Math – Best AI Math Solver for All Grade Levels


AI Math is an innovative math AI solver designed to solve a wide range of mathematical problems, ranging from basic math concepts to more challenging equations. 

The way this unique tool works is by analyzing the math problem, finding potential solutions, validating those solutions, and returning the best possible results for the given problem.

While some math AI tools are only capable of solving basic math problems, AI Math is more diverse. Use it to solve math problems at all grade levels, from elementary to university and beyond. AI Math is trained on an extensive database of mathematical information and can guarantee 98% accuracy.

  • Generates solutions to math problems with a high rate of accuracy.
  • Designed to provide almost instant results for efficiency. 
  • Covers all types of math and homework at all grade levels. 
  • Requires a subscription after the initial trial period.

HIX Tutor – Best AI Math Solver for High Accuracy


HIX Tutor provides students with the solutions they need to understand and solve their math problems. 

With this powerful math solver AI tool, users can type in a math question or upload a document or image of the question. Using this input, Math AI Solver uses machine learning technology to perform dynamic calculations and give users the correct answer. 

HIX Tutor can provide solutions for math homework problems at all levels with a 98% accuracy rate. However, the tool goes beyond mere problem-solving by offering comprehensive calculations on how to solve the problem from start to finish. 

  • Provides step-by-step solutions to math problems.
  • Is less expensive than hiring a math tutor.
  • Can type in math questions or upload documents or images of the problem.
  • May have difficulty recognizing documents with messy handwriting.

HomeworkAI – Best All-in-One Solution for Homework Help


HomeworkAI is the ultimate homework assistant that can be used to get answers to any homework question, from math and science to history and geography. Its math AI solver acts as your personal AI tutor by providing comprehensive solutions to math problems that help students better understand the material.

This unique AI tool is available 24/7, making it a convenient and accessible resource for students who need immediate help with their homework. As the tool is free to try, students can get started right away by asking a math question that they’re struggling with. HomeworkAI can also help students prepare for important tests or exams by providing step-by-step instructions on how to work through certain math questions.

  • Covers all school subjects, including math.
  • Provides step-by-step explanations for each math problem.
  • Supports multiple math problem input methods. 
  • Some math solutions may be difficult to understand. 

Question AI – Best Homework AI Tool for Greater Academic Success


Question AI is a leading homework helper that uses powerful AI technology to instantly help with any school subject. Question AI is often used for any math problems, covering algebra, geometry, calculus, arithmetic, and trigonometry. Students often waste hours struggling with challenging homework questions they simply don’t understand. Question AI simplifies the homework process by breaking down the question to make it easier to learn. The math AI solver also promises a 99% accurate answer to the math question, allowing students to verify their own work.

Question AI serves as an innovative all-in-one product for AI homework help. It is a highly effective tool for helping students reach greater academic achievement.

  • Covers all homework subjects, including all branches of mathematics. 
  • Boosts student grades.
  • Supports many different languages.
  • Accuracy may be limited beyond core math subjects.
  • The mobile app is not yet available. 
  • Costs money after the free trial. 

QuickMath – Best Math AI Solver for High School and College Students


QuickMath is designed to automatically answer common math problems in algebra, calculus, and equations. The tool offers several options for solving math problems, including solving an equation, inequality, or a system. It can also simplify an expression, factor an expression, or expand a product or power. The diverse AI math solver can also graph, find the greatest common factor, and the least common measure. Advanced math solvers are also available for more complex math problems.

QuickMath is geared toward high school and college-level students. The tool’s features and capabilities are always being improved to ensure that users have access to the most comprehensive AI math tools available. 

  • Offers a wide range of standard and advanced math solvers.
  • Available to download on the App Store and Google Play.
  • Quick-solve tutorials are available to help users learn math concepts. 
  • Math problems must be typed in and cannot be uploaded. 
  • Not suitable for grade levels lower than high school.
  • Some users may receive Timeout messages due to 15-second CPU time rules.

Smodin – Best AI Math Solver for Acing Math Exams

Smodin Math AI Homework Solver offers a fast and effective way to prepare for difficult math exams. The versatile homework helper uses machine learning and advanced algorithms to help students learn core math concepts and boost their grades in school. Simply input a question or assignment and Smodin instantly generates step-by-step solutions.  The math solver AI tool consists of a simple interface that allows students to enter a question to solve. At the click of a button, the tool starts working to analyze the problem and present the best answer based on the equation. 

While Smodin Math AI Homework Solver does lack advanced features and capabilities, it can be a useful tool for students who want to study before a big math test.

  • Provides in-depth answers to math questions to help students ace math exams.
  • Users are given 3 free credits a day to ask math questions. 
  • The clean interface makes it easy to enter math questions to solve. 
  • Offers no advanced math features or capabilities.
  • Users must pay for a subscription after reaching the daily credit limit. 

StudyMonkey – Best AI Math Problem Solver for Personalized Learning


StudyMonkey is a diverse homework helper for students that uses complex machine learning capabilities to provide step-by-step guidance on many school subjects, including math.  The innovative math AI solver can be used by learners of all backgrounds and ages to improve their understanding of math concepts and enhance their academic success. With round-the-clock availability, this unique tool can save students significant time when completing homework assignments.

  • Students can personalize their output based on the subject and grade level. 
  • There is a free plan for users that only requires occasional homework help.
  • Users can see a history of past questions and answers. 
  • Users must purchase a paid plan to ask more than 3 questions daily.
  • Answers to more complex math questions may not be as accurate. 
  • Must upgrade to the $8 plan to use the Advanced AI Model. 

Interactive Mathematics – Best Math AI Tool for Solving Word Problems

Interactive Mathematics claims to be more accurate than ChatGPT, faster than a math tutor, and more powerful than a math calculator. The advanced AI math problem solver has been trained in a wide array of math subjects, such as basic algebra, advanced algebra, trigonometry, geometry, calculus, advanced calculus, physics, and more. It is also highly effective at solving math word problems with step-by-step solutions. 

With Interactive Mathematics, users can type in their math problems or copy and paste a photo. The tool then analyzes the problem and delivers near-instant results. 

  • Efficient at solving math word problems.
  • Optimized for mobile phones and tablet use.
  • A subscription comes with additional discounts and bonuses. 
  • Users can only ask 3 questions before having to upgrade to the paid version. 
  • No app is yet available. 
  • Pushes tutoring services when the tool is unable to give an accurate answer. 

SnapXam – Best AI Math Solver for On-the-Go


SnapXam is an AI-powered math tutor that can help students better understand different types of math, from calculus to trigonometry.  After entering the math problem, the tool quickly presents the final answer, as well as a step-by-step solution that shows how to work out the problem.

The unique AI math problem solver also provides access to informative YouTube videos that students can watch to learn more about different concepts in math. 

Upgrading to a Premium account can give students access to even more features and perks, including no ads, support for more than 100 math topics, and premium access to the iOS and Android apps.

  • Students can get AI math help with only access to a smartphone. 
  • Offers multiple solving methods.
  • Covers more than 100 different math topics. 
  • An ad-free environment is only available with the premium version.
  • Geared toward older students. 
  • Accuracy issues may occur with advanced math problems.

Completing math assignments can be a long and tedious process. Having access to the best math AI tools can help eliminate the stress and frustration that come with not understanding math problems. For convenience, efficiency, and unmatched accuracy, try some of the top math AI tools like Mathful for free today!

This is a guest post, created for informational purposes only, and should not be considered as professional advice. Readers are encouraged to conduct their own research and consult with relevant experts before making any financial or investment decisions.

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Google’s Circle to Search will help you with your math homework

Circle to search on android can now help students learn to solve mathematical word problems thanks to google’s new learnlm model..

By Umar Shakir , a news writer fond of the electric vehicle lifestyle and things that plug in via USB-C. He spent over 15 years in IT support before joining The Verge.

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A math word problem that says a car takes 8 seconds to accelerate from 0 meters per second to 24 meters per second. Calculate the acceleration of the car. There’s a drawn circle around the word problem. A metallic blue android bot is in the corner with a Gemini star above it.

Google is enhancing Android’s Circle to Search — the feature that lets you literally circle something on your Android phone’s screen to search it on Google — with a new ability to generate instructions on how to solve school math and physics problems .

Using an Android phone or tablet, students can now use Circle to Search to get AI assistance on mathematical word problems from their homework. The feature will help unpack the problem and list what the student needs to do to get the correct answer. According to Google, it won’t actually do the homework for you — only help you approach the problem.

Over the past year, the use of AI tools like ChatGPT has become a hot topic in the field of education, with plenty of concern over how students can and will use it to get work done quickly. Google, however, is explicitly positioning this as a feature to support education, potentially walking around some of the concerns about AI doing all of the work for students.

Later this year, Circle to Search will also gain the ability to solve complex math equations that involve formulas, diagrams, graphs, and more. Google is using LearnLM, its new AI model that’s fine-tuned for learning, to make the new Circle to Search abilities work.

Circle to Search first launched on  Samsung’s Galaxy S24 series in January and then on the Pixel 8 and 8 Pro later the same month. It’s one of the star new features of Android, and although iOS users can’t yet circle their math homework for help, anything is possible .

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Using logical prompts to automatically solve math word problems

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Android's Circle to Search can now help students solve math and physics homework

It can show step-by-step instructions on how to solve a range of math and physics problems..

Google has introduced another capability for its Circle to Search feature at the company's annual I/O developer conference, and it's something that could help students better understand potentially difficult class topics . The feature will now be able to show them step-by-step instructions for a "range of physics and math word problems." They just have to activate the feature by long-pressing the home button or navigation bar and then circling the problem that's got them stumped, though some math problems will require users to be signed up for Google's experimental Search Labs feature.

The company says Circle to Search's new capability was made possible by its new family of AI models called LearnLM that was specifically created and fine-tuned for learning. It's also planning to make adjustments to this particular capability and to roll out an upgraded version later this year that could solve even more complex problems "involving symbolic formulas, diagrams, graphs and more." Google launched Circle to Search earlier this year at a Samsung Unpacked event, because the feature was initially available on Galaxy 24, as well as on Pixel 8 devices. It's now also out for the Galaxy S23, Galaxy S22, Z Fold, Z Flip, Pixel 6 and Pixel 7 devices, and it'll likely make its way to more hardware in the future.

In addition to the new Circle to Search capability, Google has also revealed that devices that can support the Gemini for Android chatbot assistant will now be able to bring it up as an overlay on top of the application that's currently open. Users can then drag and drop images straight from the overlay into apps like Gmail, for instance, or use the overlay to look up information without having to swipe away from whatever they're doing. They can tap "Ask this video" to find specific information within a YouTube video that's open, and if they have access to Gemini Advanced, they can use the "Ask this PDF" option to find information from within lengthy documents.

Google is also rolling out multimodal capabilities to Nano, the smallest model in the Gemini family that can process information on-device. The updated Gemini Nano, which will be able to process sights, sounds and spoken language, is coming to Google's TalkBack screen reader later this year. Gemini Nano will enable TalkBack to describe images onscreen more quickly and even without an internet connection. Finally, Google is currently testing a Gemini Nano feature that can alert users while a call is ongoing if it detects common conversation patterns associated with scams. Users will be alerted, for instance, if they're talking to someone asking them for their PINs or passwords or to someone asking them to buy gift cards.

Catch up on all the news from Google I/O 2024 right here !

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  1. Algebra Word Problems

  2. How to Sum in MS Word?

  3. How to Solve Math Word Problems part 3

  4. How To Solve Multiplication Word Problems|Math| Grade3

  5. How to Solve Math Word Problems part 1

  6. How to Solve Math Word Problems part 2


  1. Algebraic word problems

    To solve an algebraic word problem: Define a variable. Write an equation using the variable. Solve the equation. If the variable is not the answer to the word problem, use the variable to calculate the answer. For a Venn diagram: A + B − both = total only A + only B + both = total only A = A − both only B = B − both.

  2. Solving Word Questions

    Math explained in easy language, plus puzzles, games, quizzes, worksheets and a forum. For K-12 kids, teachers and parents. Solving Word Questions. ... That is a Quadratic Equation, and there are many ways to solve it. Using the Quadratic Equation Solver we get −14 and 12. Check −14: −14(−14 + 2) = (−14)×(−12) = 168 YES.

  3. Word Problems Calculator

    An age problem is a type of word problem in math that involves calculating the age of one or more people at a specific point in time. These problems often use phrases such as 'x years ago,' 'in y years,' or 'y years later,' which indicate that the problem is related to time and age.

  4. 10 Best Strategies for Solving Math Word Problems

    6. Use Estimation to Predict Answers. Estimation is a valuable skill in solving math word problems, as it allows students to predict the answer's ballpark figure before solving it precisely. Teaching students to use estimation can help them check their answers for reasonableness and avoid common mistakes.

  5. Algebra Topics: Introduction to Word Problems

    Word problems in algebra. If you were able to solve this problem, you should also be able to solve algebra word problems. Yes, they involve more complicated math, but they use the same basic problem-solving skills as simpler word problems. You can tackle any word problem by following these five steps:

  6. How to Solve Word Problems in Algebra

    Putting everything together, you have . 2. Solve an equation for one variable. If you have only one unknown in your word problem, isolate the variable in your equation and find which number it is equal to. Use the normal rules of algebra to isolate the variable. Remember that you need to keep the equation balanced.

  7. How Do You Solve Word Problems in Math?

    Step 2: Highlight the keywords in the word problem. The keywords for word problems in math indicate what math action should be taken. Teach your child to highlight or underline the keywords in every word problem. Here are some of the most common keywords in math word problems: Subtraction words- less than, minus, take away.

  8. Introduction to Word Problems

    Introduction to Word Problems. These lessons, with videos, examples, solutions and worksheets, help Grade 5 students learn how to solve word problems. The following diagram gives some examples of word problems keywords or clue words. Scroll down the page for more examples and solutions of word problems.

  9. Best Strategies to Solve Math Word Problems l Introduction To ...

    Once you've finished school, most of the math problems you encounter will likely come in the form of word problems. In word problems, you're not told explici...

  10. How to solve Algebra word problems

    In this lesson you will learn how to set up and solve ratio and proportion word problems. For word problems, the best thing to do is to look at a few examples but first let's review a few vocabulary terms. Ratio: A ratio is a comparison of two items and it is often written as a fraction. Proportion: A proportion is an equality between two ratios.

  11. How to Solve Multi-Step Word Problems

    Step 1: The problem involves multiplication (each book cost twice as much as a pen) and addition (total amount spent). Step 2: First, find the cost of a book and then calculate the total cost. Step 3: Let's say \ (X\) is the cost of a book. Step 4: The equations will be \ (X = 2 \times the\:cost\:of\:a\:pen\) and Total cost = cost of books ...

  12. IXL

    Word problems. Here is a list of all of the skills that cover word problems! These skills are organized by grade, and you can move your mouse over any skill name to preview the skill. To start practicing, just click on any link. IXL will track your score, and the questions will automatically increase in difficulty as you improve!

  13. Strategies for Solving Word Problems

    1. Read the Entire Word Problem. Before students look for keywords and try to figure out what to do, they need to slow down a bit and read the whole word problem once (and even better, twice). This helps kids get the bigger picture to be able to understand it a little better too. 2.

  14. Algebra Word Problems

    Word Problems. Algebra Word Problems. Age Word Problems. Algebraic Sentences Word Problems. Coin Word Problems. Length Word Problems. Perimeter of a Rectangle Word Problems. Sum of Consecutive Integers Word Problems. Sum of Consecutive Even Integers Word Problems.

  15. How to turn word problems into math

    Algebra Word Problems. Step 1 in effectively translating and solving word problems is to read the problem entirely. Don't start trying to solve anything when you've only read half a sentence. Try first to get a feel for the whole problem; try first to see what information you have, and then figure out what you still need.

  16. Solving Word Problems (Simplifying Math)

    Five steps for solving word problems shown in a couple of sample word problems. These word problems use basic one step expressions.

  17. How to write word problems as equations

    For instance, suppose you wanted to use algebra to solve the following word problem: John's age is four less than twice Mary's age. If Mary is ???18???, how old is John? The first step in solving a word problem like this is to define the variables. What that means is to state the particular quantity that each variable stands for.

  18. 14 Effective Ways to Help Your Students Conquer Math Word Problems

    3. Visualize or model the problem. Encourage students to think of word problems as an actual story or scenario. Try acting the problem out if possible, and draw pictures, diagrams, or models. Learn more about this method and get free printable templates at the link. Learn more: Math Geek Mama. 4.

  19. The Complete Guide to SAT Math Word Problems

    S = 93. The correct answer choice is (B) 93. This word problem asks us to solve for one possible solution (it asks for "a possible amount"), so we know right away that there will be multiple correct answers. Wyatt can husk at least 12 dozen ears of corn and at most 18 dozen ears of corn per hour.

  20. "Work" Word Problems

    As you can see in the above example, "work" problems commonly create rational equations. But the equations themselves are usually pretty simple to solve. One pipe can fill a pool 1.25 times as fast as a second pipe. When both pipes are opened, they fill the pool in five hours.

  21. Word Problem Calculator & Solver

    How many does she have? Add the values 3, 4 and 0.5. Integrate x^2 (x+1) Find the derivative of sin (2x + 1) Alex has two books. Chris has nine books. If Chris gives every book he has to Alex, how many books will Alex have? Solve x^2-5x+6=0 using the quadratic formula. Find the differential dy of y=cos (x)

  22. 120 Math Word Problems To Challenge Students Grades 1 to 8

    Feature Red Herrings: Including unnecessary information introduces another problem-solving element, overwhelming many elementary students. A key to differentiated instruction, word problems that students can relate to and contextualize will capture interest more than generic and abstract ones. Final thoughts about math word problems

  23. Addition word problems with models

    Addition word problems with models - sums up to 20. IXL's SmartScore is a dynamic measure of progress towards mastery, rather than a percentage grade. It tracks your skill level as you tackle progressively more difficult questions. Consistently answer questions correctly to reach excellence (90), or conquer the Challenge Zone to achieve mastery ...

  24. 10 Best Math AI Solvers to Solve Math Problems Online

    It is also highly effective at solving math word problems with step-by-step solutions. With Interactive Mathematics, users can type in their math problems or copy and paste a photo. The tool then analyzes the problem and delivers near-instant results. Pros: Efficient at solving math word problems. Optimized for mobile phones and tablet use.

  25. Math Equation Solver

    PEMDAS is an acronym that may help you remember order of operations for solving math equations. PEMDAS is typcially expanded into the phrase, "Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally." The first letter of each word in the phrase creates the PEMDAS acronym. Solve math problems with the standard mathematical order of operations, working left to right:

  26. Google's Circle to Search will help you with your math homework

    Circle to Search on Android can now help students learn to solve mathematical word problems thanks to Google's new LearnLM model. By Umar Shakir, a news writer fond of the electric vehicle ...

  27. Using logical prompts to automatically solve math word problems

    Automatic solving of math word problems (MWP) has been a popular research direction in recent years. Due to the complex mathematical logic relationships involved, many studies have been updating methods to seek the best way to solve problems. In this scenario, this article proposes an end-to-end model LPSAU, guided by logical prompts, to enable the model to better understand the mathematical ...

  28. how to solve the formula and word problems. Q2 Investments 5

    Asked by DrBoulderEmu4 on coursehero.com, a Q&A partner of CliffsNotes. how to solve the formula and word problems. Q2 Investments 5... Image transcription text. Q2 Investments 5 Points Suppose Matt initially invests $3500 in an account bearing 5% interest. compounded monthly. How long will it take for the deposit to double in value? Round to the.

  29. Android's Circle to Search can now help students solve math ...

    The feature will now be able to show them step-by-step instructions for a "range of physics and math word problems." They just have to activate the feature by long-pressing the home button or ...