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Raja Rammohun Roy National Agency for ISBN

Department of higher education, ministry of education, government of india.


ISBN Allotted

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International Standard Book Number (ISBN)

Unique International Publisher’s Identifier Number

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  • ISBN or International Standard Book Number - an unique identifier number.
  • Displayed in barcode format on publications ex. books on their back jacket (lower right).
  • Allotted by International ISBN Agency based in UK through the National ISBN Agency.
  • It is in the form of 13 digits, consisting of 5 elements separated by spaces and hyphens ex. ISBN No. 978-81-8038-835-4 indicates following information:

·          Ist element- Denotes a specified prefix element (978).

·          IInd element- Identifies the particular country or geographical area (81).

·          IIIrd element- Identifies the particular publisher (8038).

·          IVth element- Identifies the particular edition, format of a specific title (835).

·          Vth element- Check digit (4).

What ISBN does not indicate

5.     It does not give any legal protection.

6.     No copyright protection.

7.     No statement on content form and documentation and distribution of the book.

What ISBN indicates

8.     It is a product number required to assist in internal processing and ordering while book selling.

9.     It provides access to bibliographic data bases used by the book industry and libraries to provide information.

10.    ISBN can be applied by publisher of the book, author of the book if he decides to publish the book himself.

Scope and Assignment of ISBN

  • ISBN is assigned for the following products:

ü      Monographic works (books) that are textual and/or have an instructional content

ü      Publications not intended by the publisher to be updated regularly

ü      Individual articles

ü      Educational instructions, films, videos including audio books not purely for entertainment

ü      Electronic publications, Mixed media text based publications

ü      Print on demand publications

ü      Set of volumes or packs of books

Products which do not qualify for ISBN

ü      Serials/periodicals/journals (these are suitable for ISSN)

ü      Journals, record books

ü      Videos, DVDs or other media for entertainment

ü      Documentaries on video/CD-ROM, DVD or other media

ü      Computer games

ü      Computer application packages

ü      Music scores

ü      Items available to a restricted group, e.g. a course book only available to students on the course

ü      Websites

ü      Non text-based publications

Benefits of ISBN

12.      Unique international identifier for monographic publications.

13.      Assigning ISBN replaces handling of long bibliographic descriptive records-saving time, reducing staff costs & coping errors.

14.      Correct use different product forms to be clearly differentiated, enabling comparisons between different subject areas, publishing houses.

15.      Facilitates compilation and updating of book trade directories and bibliographic databases.

16.      Fast and efficient method of ordering and distribution of books, managing sale system in shops, supply chain systems, managing sales data, stock control.

17.      Ensures that the book is widely known.

About Raja Ram Mohan Roy National Agency for ISBN, MHRD

18.      Raja Ram Mohan Roy National Agency for ISBN is responsible for ISBN registration in the country and is affiliated to UK based International Agency.

19.      It is under the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Deptt . of Higher Education, Book Promotion and Copyright Division.

20.      At present, there are separate forms for authors and publishers and educational institutions which have to be filled and sent with the required documents and the ISBN Nos. are allotted free of cost.

Need for automation of ISBN registration and allotment process

21.              Over a period of time with the growth of the publishing industry and awareness about ISBN, the request for ISBN has increased exponentially.

22.              Efforts have been made from time to time to streamline the operations of the agency which caters to the requirement of the applicants of the entire country.

23.              In this direction an attempt is being made by designing the ISBN online portal http://isbn.gov.in to further streamline the operations.

24.              The automation of allotment of ISBN system has been designed through NICSI empanelled vendor Akiko Sherman.

25.              The portal has been developed in consultation with the stakeholders, authors and publishers in meetings held on 26.8.2015 and 16.11.2015.

Salient features of the ISBN online portal

26.          Complete automation of the process of seeking application, their application by RRRNA examination and allotment of ISBNs.

27.          The developed software has several modules – users registration, online application submission, examination, allotment of ISBN No. and ISBN generation which includes ISBN generation request from the National Agency to the International Agency at UK.

28.          The automation process also seeks to maintain inventory as well as process the data that will be provided by the users.

29.          There will be doing away with receipt of hard copy of any document unless considered appropriate for establishing the identity of the applicant.

30.          It would also be ensured that the ISBN has been genuinely used and assigned to the books applied for by the user, which will be ensured by seeking details of the previously assigned ISBNs against a title and through oath and affirmation and declaration on their part.

Benefits of ISBN Online portal

31.      Online portal will streamline registration process, make it fast, efficient and transparent.

32.      Streamline operation of data accumulation, ease in examination, followed by fast delivery of services.

33.      Quick and easy search of bibliographic data.

34.      The books published and allotted ISBN Numbers by RRRNA will get globally identified in worldwide catalog of published books.

35.      The initiative will place India on the global map with other countries providing digital services.

36.      Key Milestone towards ensuring a “digitally” transformed India.

37.      Will ensures smooth processing in the publishing industry and help authors, editors, printers, booksellers and distributors etc.

38.      Ease of access of ISBN services across the country through digital approach.


International ISBN Agency

  • ISBN Standard
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  • ISBN Users' manual
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  • Global Register of Publishers
  • Other identifiers
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India ISBN Agency website screenshot

The website portal of the India ISBN Agency

The India ISBN Agency now takes online applications

Raja Rammohun Roy National Agency for ISBN in India has announced the release of a new website portal. Raja Rammohun Roy, which operates under the Book Promotion and Copyright Division of the Ministry of Human Resource Development, confirms that the portal was launched on 7 April 2016 by the Honourable Minister Mrs. Smriti Zubin Irani.

Any publishers - including self-publishing authors - who are based in India can now use the new portal to apply for their ISBNs and to learn more about ISBN and its application. Applying online will help to ensure that publishers receive their ISBNs in a timely and efficient manner.

The portal can be found at http://www.isbn.gov.in . Publishers based in India should note the new web address and, along with that, there is a new direct e-mail address for ISBN-related correspondence - [email protected]

© 2014-2024 International ISBN Agency

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International Standard Book Number ISBN

How to Get an ISBN for Your Book in India: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Getting an International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is an important step in publishing and distributing your books. An ISBN is a unique 13-digit number identifier assigned to books , eBooks, audiobooks, and related products. It serves as a tool for cataloging, ordering, and tracking publications in the publishing industry worldwide. Each ISBN is specific to a particular edition and format of a book, making it easier for retailers, distributors, and libraries to identify and manage books in their inventory.

This guide will walk you through the steps to acquire an ISBN for your book or literary work if you are self-publishing or publishing through a small press in India.

Table of Contents

What is an isbn.

ISBN stands for International Standard Book Number. It is a unique identifier for books, eBooks, and other publications that are recognized worldwide. The ISBN consists of a 13-digit number that is used to identify a specific book or publication.

Before 2007, ISBNs consisted of 10 digits. In January 2007, the 13-digit ISBN was introduced to enhance the ISBN system’s capacity. As of now, the U.S. ISBN Agency has assigned 13-digit ISBNs with the 978 prefixes, facilitating the coexistence of both 10-digit and 13-digit ISBNs for all books. It’s worth noting that a 13-digit ISBN commencing with 979 doesn’t correspond to a corresponding 10-digit ISBN. Consequently, moving forward, only 13-digit ISBNs that start with 978 or 979 should be employed for book identification purposes.

Why is an ISBN important?

An ISBN is important because it enables booksellers, libraries, and other organizations to easily locate and manage books and other publications. It allows for accurate tracking of sales and inventory, and it helps to prevent errors when ordering books. Additionally, having an ISBN can help to increase the visibility and credibility of a book, as it is recognized internationally.

Eligibility for ISBN

  • Individual Authors: Individual authors are eligible to apply for an ISBN if they are self-publishing their work. This includes authors who are publishing their work through a vanity press or print-on-demand service.
  • Publishers: Publishers, both large and small, are eligible to apply for an ISBN. This includes traditional publishers, university presses, and small independent publishers.
  • Educational Institutions:  Educational institutions, such as universities and colleges, are eligible to apply for an ISBN if they are publishing their own books or other publications.
  • Government Organizations:  Government organizations are also eligible to apply for an ISBN if they are publishing their own books or other publications.

The Role of Raja Rammohun Roy National Agency for ISBN

Raja Rammohun Roy National Agency for ISBN is the official agency responsible for issuing ISBNs in India. It is a part of the Ministry of Human Resource Development and is located in Kolkata. The agency was established in 1985 and has been responsible for assigning ISBNs to books and other publications ever since.

The agency is responsible for assigning and managing ISBNs for books and other publications in India. It also maintains a database of all ISBNs issued in India and provides information and assistance to publishers and authors who are applying for ISBNs.

Preparing for ISBN Application

  • Book Title and Edition: Before applying for an ISBN, it is important to have a finalized book title and edition. The title and edition of the book should be consistent across all formats, including print and digital.
  • Book Format and Version: The format and version of the book should also be finalized before applying for an ISBN. This includes the paper size, binding, and any accompanying materials, such as a CD or DVD.
  • Book Cover and Design: The book cover should be designed and finalized before applying for an ISBN. The cover should be eye-catching and should accurately reflect the content of the book.
  • Copyright Information: The book should be copyrighted before applying for an ISBN. The copyright information should be included in the book and should be consistent across all formats.
  • Book Description and Keywords: A brief description of the book should be prepared before applying for an ISBN. This description should accurately reflect the content of the book and should include relevant keywords to help with search engine optimization.

ISBN Online Application Process

Gone are the days of lengthy paperwork and office visits. With the Digital India initiative in full swing, you can now apply for an ISBN from the comfort of your home or office. Follow these simple steps to obtain your ISBN:

  • Registration:  Head over to the official ISBN portal at  https://isbn.gov.in/  and start by registering yourself. Provide your name, email, mobile number, and address. Once you’ve filled in the details, a verification email and SMS will be sent to you, containing your login credentials.
  • Application Form:  Log in to the portal using the provided credentials. You’ll find an easy-to-fill application form awaiting you. Enter all the necessary details about your publication, including the title, author’s name, language, category, format, price, and any other relevant information. You even have the option to upload a cover image if you have one.
  • Submission:  Once you’ve filled out the form, hit that submit button. Now it’s time to play the waiting game. You’ll be notified via email and SMS when your application is approved or rejected. Remember, the approval process can take up to 15 working days.
  • Approval and ISBN Issuance:  Congratulations! Once your application is approved, you’ll receive an email and SMS containing your very own ISBN number and a barcode image. The portal also allows you to download your ISBN certificate for safekeeping.
  • Publication:  With your ISBN in hand, it’s time to put it to good use. Print the ISBN number and barcode on the back cover of your publication. Now, your work is officially ready to be shared with the world.

Benefits of Online ISBN Application

Applying for an ISBN online offers several benefits that are hard to overlook:

  • Convenience:  You can complete the entire application process from the comfort of your home or office, eliminating the need for physical visits to government agencies.
  • Cost-Free:  The online application process is absolutely free, which means you save both time and money.
  • Efficiency:  The process is streamlined, allowing for quicker approvals and reducing unnecessary delays.
  • Easy Tracking:  You can easily monitor the status of your application, make edits if necessary, and even apply for additional ISBNs if you have multiple publications.

Special Cases and Exceptions

  • Republished Books: If a book is republished with significant changes, a new ISBN should be assigned to the book. However, if the changes are minor, such as correcting typographical errors, a new ISBN may not be required.
  • Translations and Adaptations: If a book is translated or adapted into another language or format, a new ISBN should be assigned to the book. This allows for accurate tracking of sales and inventory for the translated or adapted book.
  • Reprints and Re-editions: If a book is reprinted or reissued in a new edition, the original ISBN can be used if there are no significant changes to the content of the book.
  • Anthologies and Collections: Anthologies and collections of previously published works require a unique ISBN. However, if the individual works in the anthology or collection already have an ISBN, the individual ISBNs can be used instead of assigning a new ISBN.

ISBN and Copyright

  • ISBN vs. Copyright: ISBN and copyright are two separate things. ISBN is used to identify a book or publication, while copyright protects the content of the book or publication.
  • Protecting Copyrighted Works: Authors and publishers should take steps to protect their copyrighted works, such as registering the copyright with the appropriate authorities and using digital rights management (DRM) to prevent unauthorized distribution.
  • Legal Implications and Infringement: Infringing on someone else’s copyright can have legal implications. Authors and publishers should ensure that they have the proper permissions and licenses before using copyrighted materials in their works.

ISBN and Distribution

  • ISBN and Booksellers: Booksellers use ISBNs to track sales and inventory of books. Having an ISBN can make it easier for booksellers to stock and sell a book.
  • ISBN and Libraries: Libraries use ISBNs to catalog and manage their collections. Having an ISBN can make it easier for libraries to acquire and catalog a book.
  • ISBN and Online Platforms: Online platforms, such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble, use ISBNs to identify books and other publications. Having an ISBN can make it easier for authors and publishers to sell their books online.

Maintaining ISBN Records

  • ISBN Database and Updates: The Raja Rammohun Roy National Agency for ISBN maintains a database of all ISBNs issued in India. Publishers and authors should ensure that their ISBN records are accurate and up-to-date.
  • ISBN Transfer and Ownership Changes: If the ownership of a book or publication changes, the ISBN should be transferred to the new owner. This ensures that the book or publication is accurately tracked and managed.
  • ISBN and Book Cataloging: Libraries and other organizations use ISBNs to catalog and manage books and other publications. Authors and publishers should ensure that their books are accurately cataloged using their ISBNs.

Wrapping Up!

As an author, publisher, or educator, obtaining an ISBN is a significant step in establishing your presence in the literary landscape. With the online application process provided by the Raja Rammohun Roy National Agency for ISBN, you can obtain your unique identifier hassle-free, without any fees or bureaucratic red tape. So, don’t wait any longer—apply for an ISBN today and give your work the recognition it deserves. Your knowledge and creativity are ready to make a lasting impact!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What if my book undergoes significant changes after obtaining an isbn.

If your book undergoes significant changes, such as a new edition or significant revisions, a new ISBN should be assigned to the book.

Can I use the same ISBN for print and digital formats of the same book?

No, print and digital formats of the same book require separate ISBNs.

Can I apply for an ISBN on behalf of someone else?

No, ISBNs can only be assigned to the publisher or author of the book or publication.

What is the validity of an ISBN?

ISBNs do not expire and can be used for the lifetime of the book or publication. However, if significant changes are made to the book or publication, a new ISBN should be assigned.

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How to Get ISBN Numbers in India

Getting ISBN Number in India.

Samyak Lalit is an Indian author and disability rights activist. He is the principal author and founder of projects like TechWelkin, WeCapable, Viklangta, Kavita Kosh among many others.

At times, I share with you information that is not exactly related with computer technology. Such articles are based on my research whenever I find myself in need. For example, my articles on registration of ngo (trust, society) are very popular and have helped thousands of people.

Raghav, A tech-savvy friend of mine wrote a programming related book (a pretty thick one!). He knows that his book is good quality and he will be able to sell it without support from a big publisher. To maximize his profits, Raghav wanted to publish it on his own. Self-publishing is in upswing nowadays in India.

“I have written this book and I can self publish it, but I don’t know how to get ISBN number. Big publishers have ISBN but where do they it from?” , asked Raghav.

“See, although you don’t really need ISBN for publishing your book but it is good if you have it. Raja Rammohun Roy National Agency for ISBN is the authority who issues ISBN numbers in India.” , I replied.

I researched a bit more and gave all the available information to Raghav about how to apply for ISBN.

ALSO SEE: Generate ISBN Barcodes for the ISBN Numbers You Get

Today, I am bringing you the same information that I gave Raghav. With the advent of self-publishing and it’s growing popularity among writers, questions about ISBN numbers are being often asked. Here is a compilation of all the information you need to know about getting and using ISBN numbers in India.

Learn how to get ISBN Numbers in India.

Learn how to get ISBN Numbers in India.

What is ISBN Number?

ISBN stands for International Standard Book Number . It is a unique International Publisher’s Identifier number, which is meant for monographic publications. It identifies publisher and the title of publication. This 13 digit number is machine readable when converted into a EAN-13 barcode. You see this barcode, usually, on the back cover of books.

For what type of material can you get ISBN?

Following types of material is eligible for having an ISBN:

  • Printed materials
  • Educational Videos or Movies
  • Mixed media publications
  • Microcomputer software (only educational)
  • Atlases and maps
  • Publications in Braille
  • Electronic publications

For what type of material ISBN will not be issued?

  • Advertising material (sales catalogues, price lists, prospectuses, publicity flyers, etc)
  • Wall posters, Newspapers, leaflets
  • Lists of exhibits without additional text
  • Programs of theatrical, musical, and other performances
  • Curricula of schools and colleges of all kinds
  • Lecture and teaching material of manuscript character
  • Calendars and diaries
  • Forms & colouring books
  • Journals and periodicals

Is it mandatory to have ISBN number?

No, it is not mandatory to print an ISBN number on your book. You can publish your book without ISBN. But it is recommended to have ISBN because it makes your book uniquely identifiable. Also its sale becomes easier at stores where they make bill using a barcode reader. If your book will not have an ISBN bar code –it will be difficult for selling store to make bill for the purchaser of your book.

How much does ISBN cost?

Getting ISBN number in India is totally free . You don’t have to pay a single paisa for this.

Will a separate ISBN be required for hard cover book?

Yes, hardcover (hard-bound, cloth-bound, hard-back) and paperback versions of the same book require separate ISBN numbers.

Will a separate ISBN be needed for different language?

Yes. If you’re publishing the same book in a different language –you cannot use the same ISBN. You will need to assign a separate ISBN number to each of various language versions of the same book.

Who can apply for ISBN?

Any person or entity wanting to publish a book can now apply for ISBN.

  • Self-publisher (an individual who wants to publish book on his/her own)
  • Institution
  • Government Department

Which authority issues ISBN numbers in India?

Raja Rammohun Roy National Agency for ISBN is authorized to issue ISBN number in India. It is an agency under the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India.

How to get ISBN in India?

In order to get ISBN numbers you would need to send an application to Raja Rammohun Roy National Agency for ISBN. In your application you have to provide the following information:

  • Title of book
  • Publisher (if you are publishing book on your own, just write “Self-Published”)
  • Year of publication
  • Place of publication
  • Paperback or Hardback
  • Your address for communication

In addition, you will also need to enclose the following along with the application form:

  • Photocopy of the cover page
  • Identification proof
  • A self addressed envelop for return communication

NOTE: (as per the experience of a reader) If you want to get ISBN as an individual, you need to include a photocopy of cover of your book. Before applying for the ISBN number, you should get your front cover and back cover finalized and send the photocopy of the same.

Application form for ISBN Number

You can download the application form from authority’s website. Click here to get the ISBN application form

(Latest application form download link was informed to me by my reader AP Pradeepkumar through comments section. Thank you!)

Where to send application form?

You need to send the completely filled form to the following address:

Raja Ram Mohun Roy ISBN Agency Department of Higher Education Ministry of Human Resource Development Room No. 13, Jeevan Deep Building, 4th Floor, Parliament Street, New Delhi PIN Code: 110001 Email: [email protected] Phone: +91-11-23369668

(These new contact details were informed to me by my readers S. Bhattacharjee and Mayank Sharma through comments section. Earlier the Agency was located in R.K. Puram)

NOTE: (as per the experience of readers) Many of my readers have commented that when they called the above given numbers, no one picked up the phone. Well, guys, it’s a government office and it is not surprising if they don’t pick up. The numbers are correct as per the best of my knowledge. Try calling them and PLEASE do let me know if you have any other number that works. It will benefit other readers.

NOTE: (as per the experience of readers and my friends) It has also been reported that they take a lot of time in sending acknowledgement of receiving application. Most of the time you don’t get any acknowledgement. It is highly recommended that you personally visit the above mentioned office and take acknowledgement receipt after submitting application. I know it is very difficult especially if you live outside of Delhi. But that is practically how it works.

How many ISBN numbers are issued?

Earlier ISBN number used to be issued in blocks of ten (i.e. you would have to apply for at least ten ISBN numbers). But as self-publishing is becoming popular, the authority has begun to issue even a single ISBN. So, if you don’t need more, you can apply for just one ISBN number.

How much time will it take to get ISBN?

Usually, if you have provided all the details in application form, you get ISBN within 8 weeks (two months)

117 responses to “How to Get ISBN Numbers in India”

Dear Mr Lalit ,

Further to my query I need to check with you that the ISBN number I got was from my printer who purchased ISBN numbers in bulk from RAJA RAM MOHAN ROY. I Self published my book last month and used the ISBN number he gave me . So right now it is in his name and he prints several other books for people

How do I go about this now do I need to register this number now under my name because it is in his name ? I need to sell my books at the book shops and through flipkart and amazon etc even internationally Please advise how to go about this how do I register it in my name and what attachments etc are needed please

Regards Salma Bernard

RRRNA just makes sure that it issues unique ISBN numbers and one should an ISBN number issued by RRRNA. Now that you have got an ISBN printed on your book, you should just upload your book in online stores like Flipkart and Amazon. These stores will associate ISBN with your book. So, when someone will make a search by ISBN, your book will come up in results.

what is the meaning of paperback or hard back which is given in the application form.

what is the meaning of paperback or hard back which is given in the applicaton form.

Hard back is a version of book that is hard bound (with hard zild). Paperback’s cover is not hard.

Hi Lalit Can I check please I have already self published my book and have a ISBN number on it. Do I need to register this with any agency whether Raja Ram Mohan Roy in Delhi or in the US. bowker After getting the ISBN number and incorporating in the book is there anything else like registration to be done . If so can you please guide me Thanks Salma

If you’ve got ISBN number from the Raja Ram Mohan Roy authority you don’t need to register any further.

namaskar sir, actually i write a journal on a yearly basis, so i will be honored to know if i can apply for a ISBN or i should go with ISSN for my journal.

ISSN is required for journals.

Useful article. thanks! We got 10 ISBN’s in the past and I always have a question about how or who will assign the numbers to match the book so any bar code reader can identify it correctly. Please clarify this part. We have used around 6 to 7 ISBN’s and sent an email to them with book cover but really don’t know how to make the search show the books if anyone type the ISBN online anywhere.

Such an assignment of ISBN numbers is done in retailer’s database. For example, if you upload your books on Amazon.com then Amazon will make entry in their database wherein they will show ISBN-BookName pair. Search engines, like Google, pick the book details from stores like Amazon.

I live in Gandhinagar, Gujarat. Should I send my application by registered post or courier? Also, how much postage is required for the self-addressed envelope (which they send back to you) – Rs. 39, as the site says, or more? What do applicants from Gujarat or further south do?

Thanks a lot for putting up this site, Lalit!

Bhargava ji, to be on the safer side, I would put a little extra postage on the self-addressed envelop. Better send the application by registered post.

Dear Lalit, Thanks a lot for creating a platform and answering the queries endlessly, it is very sad that the organization takes much time to process our request, please let me know whether the agency insists on the finished cover page or a text of the cover page and back cover are sufficient? Can anyone enlighten me of the possibility of visiting the office in person and getting the request processed immediately? Thanks to all contributors.

Hello Kiran, yes, you can (and I think you should if you can!) visit the office of the agency. Considering this is a government office, I can not be confident whether they will do your work immediately but at least your application will move forward. Another benefit of visiting their office would be that you will get to know what all they need to process your application. An acquaintance of mine got his set of ISBN numbers in a single visit to the office. You should carry all the required documents and information that is mentioned in this article. IF you do not yet have a cover image, just create a temporary one in MS Word for the sake of it. Please let us know about your experience of visiting the agency’s office and give us tips on how to get ISBN numbers from that office.

Sorry ! It is not my question. I want to know, how to submit my e-Book to MHRD after used ISBN no.

You don’t need to submit your e-book to MHRD.

How to submit e-Book after published?

You should open account on online book stores like Flipkart and Amazon etc. There you can upload information about your ebook and you can sell it too.

Sir I want to know that is it necessary to send the Application form by ordinary post or i can send by registered or speed post?

I think you can send it through registered post as well but I would suggest you to send it through ordinary post. Government offices, you know!

Thank you sir for providing ISBN information.

Sir, I would like to know if I can apply ISBN for the journal for which I have been selected second in All India Oriental conference 2015. Could you please reply to my question?

For journals, you need an ISSN number. ISBN is for books.

Dear Mr Kumar,

I recently finished writing my first novel and plan to write two more to create a trilogy, but I had already written it long back in the form of a poem. If I want to publish the poem separately from the novel, can I use the same ISBN, or do I have to apply for a separate number, or choose an ISBN from the list of ten which they provide? And finally, once I write the next two novels, can I use the ISBNs from the block of 10 provided to me?

Thank you, Dariyus

Yes, Dariyus, you can use ISBNs that you have got anytime you want. To separate publications must have different ISBNs attached to them. So, the poem version will have one ISBN and the novel version will have another ISBN attached.

I already got ISBN no from RRR Agency, but my ISBN number is not displaying in ISBN search. Are there is any further steps to be taken? Please inform me.

What exactly do you mean by ISBN Search?

In the application form for allotment of ISBN for Publishers the 5th item is Category in which applied (5/4/3/2/1) So my question is what is term ‘Category’ ?

Hopefully a reader will be able to enlighten us!

Sir, should i include the manuscript with the other required documents to get the ISBN. Is it mandatory?

No, manuscript is not required to be submitted along with the application form for ISBN.

Thanks a lot for detailed notes on publishing a book having ISBN.

Thanks for the very useful information given here. This Raja Ram Mohan Roy National Agency is indeed a waste of time. I went online to http://www.epubbud.com and paid $19 and got the ISBN immediately with the Barcode and EAN 5.

In the application form for allotment of ISBN for Publishers the 5th item is Category in which applied (5/4/3/2/1) So my question is what is term ‘Category’ ?

Hi Mr. Kumar, Thank you for this article. It is very informative. I have a query, if you could please help me. I have a series of 8 books and two individual books printed. I had applied for the ISBN nos. and have received 10 nos. I just wanted to know if there is any further procedure to be followed. Can I assign any of the ten nos. given to me to any book?

Yes, you can assign any number to any book!

hello sir this is S.Swathi from Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh.

We submitted our books along with the filled application in March 2015, but till now we did not receive ISBN number. When I called to find the status, no one is picking the phone. It is important to our institution. What can I do?

Dear Swathi, as you can deduce from other comments, several other readers have complained the same. I have just written this article to give my readers information about how to apply for ISBN numbers. I am not related to the agency that give ISBN number. I am sorry but I can not really do anything about it. All I can do is hope that the Raja Ram Mohun Roy ISBN Agency becomes more responsive to the ISBN seekers.

Dear Sir/Mam,

I am a copywriter in a media house. We publish a monthly Magazine on social issues & other topics related to public interest. Since I can’t figure out whether our magazine is eligible for ISSN or ISBN, I would like to know, whether a commercial “magazine” containing subjects & content of various genres, along with advertisements, is eligible for ISSN or ISBN?

Since the cover and the contents of such magazines include advertisement & subscription offers, and are subjected to change with each issue… Its pretty confusing that in which eligibility criteria of the International Standards, does these magazines fall? Or what the bar codes & numbers signifies on the cover of national/international magazines like India Today, Filmfare, GQ etc… Can you please explain?

In addition, I would also like to know the answers to the following:

For what type of material can we get ISSN? For what type of material ISSN will not be issued? How much does ISSN cost? Will a separate ISSN be required for different versions of the magazine? (like paperback, hardbound, e-book, etc.?) Will a separate ISSN be needed for different language? Who can apply for ISSN? How many times a person/organization can apply for ISSN? Which authority issues ISSN numbers in India? How to get ISSN in India? Application form for ISSN Number Where to send application form? What Documents or formalities are required along with the application? How many ISSN numbers are issued? How much time will it take to get ISSN?

I would be sincerely extremely grateful if you kindly provide me with all the related info to the above questions. Looking forward to your prompt reply.

Regards, Prateek Bhawal Raipur, INDIA

I am hoping that a reader will be able to answer your question on how to get ISSN number.

Dear Lalit,

How can we get an ISBN which is different to the normally prescribed 97881 series for Indian publishers.

We have an international address, if we use that will we get an ISBN of some other series or the typical 97881 series?

Awaiting for your reply.

Thanks, Vardhan

Dear Vardhan, Raja Ram Mohun Roy ISBN Agency may not be able to issue ISBN of some other series than 978-818 series. The “818” part in ISBN number denotes that the book was published in India. You may however get a different ISBN series if you apply in some other country.

the PIN of ISBN agency, room no 13 , jeevan deep building is 110001 and the phone no. of the said office is 011-23369668

Thank you Soumyen! I have added the PIN number in the address.

Things are not really rosy in the ISBN office in the 5th floor of Jeevan Deep buildings, New Delhi. As of 26 June 2015, there is a pile up of unopened envelopes containing ISBN applications etc., since the person tasked with the job has been transferred/on leave (?). Applications directly submitted will get processed immediately. The cramped ISBN office doesn’t inspire much confidence.

Also, newly introduced reform, once you run out of ISBN.s you have to submit a copy of all your previous ISBN numbered publications, along with the fresh request for new ISBN.s

Thank you very much for sharing your experience at the ISBN office. Your comment will help other ISBN seekers.

Hello Sir, Glad to find your page while researching on ISBN. i tried with the new number you provided, it is a wrong number. sir i am about to independently publish my first novel after 2 months. i am the youngest writer of my city. after publishing i would like to also sell my book over Amazon. E-book as well as Hard copy. so is only one ISBN enough for E-book and Hard copy of 1st edition? and sir we need to attach front and back cover page of the book. It should be color or black & white?

You would need separate ISBN numbers for printed and e-book versions of your book.

My father is an author who has written more than 15 books. None of these books have an ISBN number. Once we apply and get the ISBN numbers, do we have to reprint the books? I have read something about ISBN stickers. Am I to understand that the agency will provide us with the ISBN number, after which we should get the ISBN stickers printed locally and then paste them on the books? Any idea how much the cost of printing such stickers is? I live in Gujarat.

My father has prepared another book this year, which is still to be printed. We wish to get an ISBN for this book, but the cover page is not yet finalized. Suppose we prepare a cover page on our own, send it to the agency and get an ISBN number, and later, when the book gets printed, the cover page is somewhat different, will that be allowed or will they revoke the number? Also, when they ask for a cover page, do they mean the front cover alone, or the front and back covers both, on one single page?

This page contains the names and numbers of the people handling the ISBN allotment. Has anyone every emailed and got a reply? Because from what I’ve read in the comments, they don’t pick up the phone, or give proper answers.

The agency also requires a self-addressed envelope with postage of Rs. 39, and says “postage stamp is subject to change”. So do I have to send an envelope with Rs. 39 postage, or more?

Thanks a lot.

Yes, you can put ISBN stickers on already printed books.

Is it possible to get ISBN for already printed book?

Yes, it is possible to get ISBN number for an already printed book.

How do I paste ISBN number in my already printed books?

You can get ISBN printed on stickers and then put these stickers on the backside of the printed books.

Very enlightening in simple terms. Thank you. Some queries are not fully answered yet.

1. Do we get ISBN for ebooks too? 2. Though you have mentioned about the cover page, some doubts still nag me. I have prepared the manuscript for a book titled” A Hundred Thoughts On Management, Leadership and Life”. For want of funds, I have not yet got them printed. Thus I do not have a true “live” publieshed cover page. How can I get the iSBN number? I plan only a paperback and the size is yet to be decided.

Can you guide and help, please?

Well, Sridhar, the Indian authorities are not clear on several aspects. Their ISBN application form is also not up to the mark. You don’t really need an ISBN for an eBook if you’re not selling it. But if you plan to sell it through online book stores like Amazon, then you may need an ISBN. Some stores will ask you to provide ISBN when you’ll upload the book for sale. Some other stores will not require an ISBN.

Just create a any “cover” image and submit it with the form. You can later on change the image.

Sir i have written three engineering books can i apply for ISBN No for these self published books together or i have to apply separately. Is there any limit regarding quantity of ISBN No. given to the same author for self published books.

Hi Deepak, you can apply for all three ISBN numbers together. I am not sure if there is an upper limit on the number of ISBNs you can apply for. But getting 10-20 ISBN is not a problem at all.

Hello sir. I have published my books through a publisher in India. That publisher had got ISBNs from an international website epubbud.com. Tey got those numbers from "BOWKER" the biggest ISBN agency of USA. Now do I need to do any procedure with Indian Agency?

No, you don't need to do procure more ISBN from the Indian agency.

This is the correct link to the new application forms for applying for ISBN.s in India (as on 12 May 2015)


Thanks for the information Pradeepkumar! But the link you gave is not working. Please see you have given the correct link.

Hi, I have around 8 books to be published. Can I send one request for all these or should I send separate for 8?

I am very happy when I know the easy procedure for ISBN. This is simple and easy way. So that we can give justice to author and trust for reader. Thank u very much……

Just one question, application form asks "Place of publication" and "Paperback or hardback?". Well, my book is on worldwide sale (through Amazon), what to tell them? And my book is neither paperback nor hardback. It's an ebook. And the form doesn’t seem to be asking about so. Help me out, with that please. Thank you.

As change address is rectified similarly phone number also change to 011-23369668

Thank you Mayank!

After publishing a book and assigning it an ISBN, then should the book be send to Raja Ram Library? How does anyone know that this particular ISBN represents this particular book?

Hi Pradeep, organizations like "Raja Rammohun Roy National Agency for ISBN" only ensure that ISBN numbers are not duplicated. So, nobody else in the world is going to get the ISBN that you've already got. When you upload your books in stores like Amazon, they associate ISBN with the book title and other information. Google Books is a massive database of books. You can search most of the books in this database by supplying ISBN. Google Books get this data from publishers and probably from online stores.

When you apply for an ISBN from organizations like "Raja Rammohun Roy National Agency for ISBN", they also ask you to fill the details of your book in a form. But once you've got the ISBN, I guess you can assign this number to any of the book as you wish.

I want to publish my own book do i need a license ?

No, you don’t need any license to publish your own book. You can self-publish it with or without an ISBN Number.

I want to sell my educational books on amazon. But do not have an ISBN no for my books.

Kindly confirm is it possible to put ISBN sticker label on already printed books. What is the process to do that.

You should be able to place a sticker ISBN on your book. But first you’ll need to apply for and acquire ISBN from the authority.

Raja Rammohun Roy National Agency for ISBN has been shifted to the following address:-


That is very useful information! I will update the article. Thank you for taking time out to help us!

Nice one stop information site regarding ISBN

Informative. Thank you. I plan to apply for my book that uses puzzles and games to teach problem solving!

what should i write in the “Subject” field?? i am writing a book on English .

You book’s subject.

sir, it is more than three months after applying for isbn. i have followed the procedure to the pin. no emails and phone are answered.please advice. thanks in advance.

Thriveni, as you can see, many other people have reported that the agency does not respond properly. A friend of mine in Delhi told me that he had to personally go to the agency to get the work done. So much for the efficiency of government departments! This is all I can tell you.

Dear All, My experience of dealing with RRMRF has been very good. I am not sure what it is now, but about 6 years ago, I had applied for ISBNs and they supplied within 3 weeks. They were particular about documentation and a covering letter that should be on Letter Head only (I had applied as a publisher) So all of us who are wondering why no response: the reason could be in some lacuna from our end. I understand that they have made the process now online for authors and publishers at [I have not ‘experimented with yet]. My personal opinion: It is not apt to pay and get the ISBN. It is not good on part of people providing such services which is actually a Free-for-all concept. Can anyone share information on how to create ISBN barcode using MS Word? I found a paid service at TEC-IT – but did see someone making it … I think it is possible..

Thank you for sharing your experience with RRMRF. There are barcode fonts available that you can download from Internet. You can use these fonts to write your ISBN in MS-Word. Frankly, I haven’t really tried these fonts. But I guess it’s worth giving a try.

Can anyone please share the telephone number of RAJA RAMMOHUN ROY NATIONAL AGENCY FOR ISBN? All these numbers are wrong – 2617-2903/2916 and 23384687.

Hi, The information provided very helpful. I just want to ask if you have any knowledge.. where and how to update book title and ISBN on the different sites or on internet. so that anyone can search the book with the ISBN or book title globally.

Hello Gurjit, to display ISBN and other book related information on web stores, you would need to submit your book to various online stores like Flipkart, Amazon, Snapdeal, Infibeam etc. All these stores have different guidelines about book submission. You would need to do research about it.

Thanks alot for the wonderful information. My Uncle has written about 30+ books. To get ISBN, does he need to submit 30 application? PS: He is publishing the books thru his own publication

No, I think you can apply for multiple ISBN numbers on one form.

Thanks for giving such information.

But There is required to attach Supporting document as ‘ A Statement of the Current Account of the Applicant’. Can you explain the what is it?

My second question is, we wish to published book in the name of our Educational Institutes as publisher then, What type of I D Proof we may send?

1) Current Account is the bank account of your publishing company. I guess it applies for the established publishers. If you do not have a current account, guess you can send the application without such a statement. But yes, attach a letter explaining as to why you are not enclosing the current account statement.

2) Company registration certificate may be the ID proof. But I am not sure. Sorry!

We have submitted my application but no reply is come to us.

M/s Sunaina Events & Productions

It is not unusual, Andre! As you might see from many other comments, the authority guys are too lazy to reply. I hope you find a way to get to them. Please share with us your story and tips on how to get ISBN number faster.

Hi Lalit, This is splendid information. I am starting to write a new book and thought I would get some information how to go about it. I found your blog post and thought it was great for a beginner like me. I also will be self publishing so this information was quite useful. Thank you so much. Sachin

I am happy that this information was useful for you, Sachin!

Its very important info u r provided sir thankyou

may i know how to set the price for book n how much % cost for distributor or retailor for book sell

Amol, this question does not pertain to the topic of this article. But there is not such formula. You need to draw up an agreement with your distributor on this issue.

dear friend you have given the basic information, thank you. we have organized a seminar for lecturer and research delegates in the month of Feb 2015. we wish to bring the selected papers of the presenters in an ISBN book. so is it possible ? (means is it possible to get an isbn number for that) and one more thing is, a model application form of ISBN is available anywhere in the website? if its not please guide us how to fill up the form for getting number?

Dear Manjunath, yes you can get ISBN for such a book. Link to the prescribed form is given in the article.

thanks for such valuable information

Sir, the above link to download application form does not work. The following link works… Thanks… Please clear the issue of cover page as so many applicants have send the script for print and waiting for ISBN as ISBN allocation takes time. Thank you very much for presenting such articles as these are very helpful for the needy…

Dear Vinayak, thanks a lot for updated link. I have also updated the link in the article. This is the power of collective efforts! I have clarified the requirement of cover page in a note in the article.

nice description about ISBN

what is the procedure to get ISBN for Articles

well I am Entrepreneur /Engineer , thanks for such an nice information , if it is possible to you then please share nice information about legality and copyright , it is under ISBN or we need to go for another registration.I am newbie and has dream to get into Industry.I was planning to write Educational content for Engineering as well as for some Marathi literature,Please respond ASAP ,Thanks for valuable time to share an nice information.

Copyright has nothing to do with ISBN. When you publish a book, it automatically become copyrighted. But you can also get your work registered for copyright if you want. That’s a separate process.

My work is ready, but I am yet to print my book (novelette), and i am opting for self publication. If my book is not ready, how can I submit a copy of my cover page?

Kindly enlighten.

Thank you for such useful information and guidance. However, if you could clarify the following point: You have mentioned: [In addition, you will also need to enclose the following along with the application form: ‘Photocopy of the cover page’] But my cover page is not ready. Since my book is ready to go for printing, but yet not printed, how could i submit the photocopy of the cover page? The cover page shall be printed along with the rest of the book. Kindly enlighten.

I Tried calling on the numbers given, but there is no responds nor any one attending my call. Is there any one who can help me.

they just don’t answer the phone and we cannot get any information . the book cannot wait for too long for print , i wish they had given it to some private company and even if we need to pay some money its ok but to wait without knowing …. is tourcher the govt dept are hopeless and make us helpless . cannot go all the way to delhi for this ….

I can imagine your situation. But that’s how government departments work :( slow and sluggish. I have written this article just to provide information. I have no connection with the ISBN issuing authority. So, can’t help.

Mere aapke dwaara di gayi jaankaari bahut mahtvpurn hai.main bhi apni pustakon ko khud prakashit karanaa chahtaa hun jisake liye hamane “Maktaba Qadria” kaa naam bhi rakhaa hai.meri abhi tak 200 pustaken prakashit ho chuki hain tathaa kuchh aur pustaken va anuvaad aane wale hain ,jinhe main apne hi banner se prakashit karanaa chahtaa hun . aaj hi isbn ke liye apply kar rahaa hun .isi banner se apne kuchh doston ki bhi pustak no profit-no loss ke antargat chhapne kaa vichaar hai .

I apply a application for ISBN as a publishars from Chennai, Tamil Nadu with list of books a month ago. But no ISBN number nor any acknowledgement has no reached me. I Tried calling on the numbers given, but there is no responds nor any one attending my call. Is there any one who can help me.

I am very happy when I know the procedure for ISBN. This is simple and easy way. So that we can give justice to author and trust for reader. Thanks

aapke dwaara di gayi jaankaari bahut mahtvpurn hai.main bhi apni pustakon ko khud prakashit karanaa chahtaa hun jisake liye hamane “vidhya lakshmi prakashan” kaa naam bhi rakhaa hai.meri abhi tak 8 pustaken prakashit ho chuki hain tathaa kuchh aur pustaken va anuvaad aane wale hain ,jinhe main apne hi banner se prakashit karanaa chahtaa hun . aaj hi isbn ke liye apply kar rahaa hun .isi banner se apne kuchh doston ki bhi pustak no profit-no loss ke antargat chhapne kaa vichaar hai .

aapkaa itani jaankari dene ke liye shukariya.

dr a kirtivardhan vidhyalakshmi niketan, 53 maha lakshmi enclev, muzaffarnagar-251001 (u p)

[email protected]

I apply a application for ISBN as a publishars from mathabhanga, CoochBehar, West Bengal with corrent account bank statement, Vote Card (ID) and list of books in 6 month ago. But no ISBN number reach to me. I hopless at thise time. please help me.

Parimal ji,

I think you should give a phone call the RAJA RAMMOHUN ROY NATIONAL AGENCY FOR ISBN and inquire about your application.


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What is an ISBN? What is the purpose of an ISBN? What is the format of the ISBN? Does the ISBN have any meaning imbedded in the numbers? Why do some ISBNs end in an "X"? Who can assign ISBNs to a publisher? Who is eligible for an ISBN? How long does it take to get an ISBN? How much does it cost to get an ISBN? What do I do when I receive the ISBN and where is it printed? How & where do I register my ISBN? Can a publisher have both an ISBN & ISSN? How can I find an assigned ISBN? How are ISBNs used in a Bar Code & how do I obtain one? How do I select the correct amount of ISBNs? What is the format of the new ISBN-13? Does the ISBN-13 have any meaning embedded in the numbers? Where does an ISBN get placed on a book? What is the difference between a bar code and an ISBN? Does it matter where a book is printed? If a publisher is selling their books on their own and are not trying to place them in stores or libraries or with wholesalers, is an ISBN required? Do ISBNs have to be assigned to books that are not being sold? Are different ISBNs used if a book appears in different languages? Are custom publications assigned ISBNs?

What is an ISBN? The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a 13-digit number that uniquely identifies books and book-like products published internationally.

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What is the purpose of an ISBN? The purpose of the ISBN is to establish and identify one title or edition of a title from one specific publisher and is unique to that edition, allowing for more efficient marketing of products by booksellers, libraries, universities, wholesalers and distributors.

What is the format of the ISBN? Every ISBN consists of thirteen digits and whenever it is printed it is preceded by the letters ISBN. The thirteen-digit number is divided into four parts of variable length, each part separated by a hyphen.

  • Group or country identifier which identifies a national or geographic grouping of publishers;
  • Publisher identifier which identifies a particular publisher within a group;
  • Title identifier which identifies a particular title or edition of a title;
  • Check digit is the single digit at the end of the ISBN which validates the ISBN.

Why do some ISBNs end in an "X"? In the case of the check digit, the last digit of the ISBN, the upper case X can appear. The method of determining the check digit for the ISBN is the modulus 11 with the weighting factors 10 to 1. The Roman numeral X is used in lieu of 10 where ten would occur as a check digit.

Who can assign ISBNs to a publisher? There are over 160 ISBN Agencies worldwide, and each ISBN Agency is appointed as the exclusive agent responsible for assigning ISBNs to publishers residing in their country or geographic territory. The United States ISBN Agency is the only source authorized to assign ISBNs to publishers supplying an address in the United States, U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam and Puerto Rico and its database establishes the publisher of record associated with each prefix.

Once an ISBN publisher prefix and associated block of numbers has been assigned to a publisher by the ISBN Agency, the publisher can assign ISBNs to publications it holds publishing rights to. However, after the ISBN Agency assigns ISBNs to a publisher, that publisher cannot resell, re-assign, transfer, or split its list of ISBNs among other publishers. These guidelines have long been established to ensure the veracity, accuracy and continued utility of the international ISBN standard.

As defined by the ISO Standard, the ISBN publisher prefix (or "root" of the ISBN) identifies a single publisher. If a second publisher subsequently obtains an ISBN from the assigned publisher's block of ISBNs, there will be no change in the publisher of record for any ISBN in the block as originally assigned. Therefore, searches of industry databases for that re-assigned ISBN will identify the original owner of that assigned prefix as the publisher rather than the second publisher. Discovering this consequence too late can lead to extensive costs in applying for a new prefix, re-assigning a new ISBN, and potentially leading to the application of stickers to books already printed and in circulation.

If you are a new publisher, you should apply for your own ISBN publisher prefix and plan to identify and circulate your books properly in the industry supply chain. You may encounter offers from other sources to purchase single ISBNs at special offer prices; you should be wary of purchasing from these sources for the reasons noted above. There are unauthorized re-sellers of ISBNs and this activity is a violation of the ISBN standard and of industry practice. A publisher with one of these re-assigned ISBNs will not be correctly identified as the publisher of record in Books In Print or any of the industry databases such as Barnes and Noble or Amazon or those of wholesalers such as Ingram. If you have questions, contact the US ISBN Agency for further advice.

Who is eligible for an ISBN? The ISBN Agency assigns ISBNs at the direct request of publishers, e-book publishers, audio cassette and video producers, software producers and museums and associations with publishing programs.

How long does it take to get an ISBN? Allow 5 business days for non-priority processing from the time an ISBN application is received at the agency (not from the date sent by the publisher.) Priority processing is two business days from the time an application is received at the agency. Express processing is 24 business hours.

How much does it cost to get an ISBN? There is a service fee to process all ISBN applications. Service fee information is contained on the application. Priority and Express processing involve an additional fee.

NOTE: The processing service charge is NON-REFUNDABLE.

What do I do when I receive the ISBN and where is it printed? An ISBN should be assigned to each title or product, including any backlist or forthcoming titles. Each format or binding must have a separate ISBN (i.e. hardcover, paperbound, VHS video, laserdisc, e-book format, etc). A new ISBN is required for a revised edition. Once assigned, an ISBN can never be reused. An ISBN is printed on the lower portion of the back cover of a book above the bar code and on the copyright page.

How & where do I register my ISBN? Once ISBNs have been assigned to products they should be reported to R.R. Bowker as the database of record for the ISBN Agency. Companies are eligible for a free listing in various directories such as Books in Print, Words on Cassette, The Software Encyclopedia, Bowker's Complete Video Directory, etc.

NOTE: Receiving just your ISBNs does NOT guarantee title listings. To ensure your titles get in the Books in Print database you must submit your title information.

Book titles should be registered with Books in Print at www.bowkerlink.com

Can a publisher have both an ISBN & an ISSN? Both numbering systems are used for books in a series and with annuals or biennials. The ISBN identifies the individual book in a series or a specific year for an annual or biennial. The ISSN identifies the ongoing series, or the ongoing annual or biennial serial. If a publication has both, each should be printed on the copyright page.

How can I find an assigned ISBN? The Publications (hard copy listings) in which the assigned ISBNs appear are Publishers, Distributors & Wholesalers of the United States, published by R.R. Bowker, and Literary Market Place, published by Information Today.

How are ISBNs used in a Bar Code & how do I obtain one? The ISBN can be translated into a worldwide compatible bar code format. Publishers who wish to have their ISBNs translated into worldwide compatible bar codes can now make their request directly online at www.isbn.org or www.bowkerbarcode.com . Bar code scanning is a required step required by for many retailers in the sales transaction process for book publications and book-related items. We hope that offering this service will save you time and enable you to meet all of your transaction partners' requirements.

How do I select the correct amount of ISBNs? ISBNs are sold in blocks of 10, 100, and 1000. When purchasing ISBNs, we recommend that you estimate the amount of publications you will be publishing within the next five years, and select the block that best suits your needs. It is always best to select the block that will last you for a few years because you will be able to maintain one publisher prefix, and minimize the unit cost per ISBN. When purchasing a larger block of ISBNs, the price per ISBN decreases.

What is the format of the new ISBN-13? Every ISBN will consist of thirteen digits in 2007. The thirteen digit number is divided into five parts of variable length, each part separated by a hyphen.

  • The current ISBN-13 will be prefixed by "978"

Where does an ISBN get placed on a book? An ISBN gets placed on the copyright page and, if there is no bar code, on the back cover.

What is the difference between a bar code and an ISBN? An ISBN is a number. A bar code is the graphic with vertical lines that encodes numerical information for scanning purposes. An ISBN and a bar code are two different things.

Does it matter where a book is printed? No, books can be printed anywhere. ISBNs are assigned based on the geographical location of the publisher, not the printing company.

If a publisher is selling their books on their own and are not trying to place them in stores or libraries or with wholesalers, is an ISBN required? No, an ISBN is not required.

Do ISBNs have to be assigned to books that are not being sold? No, they do not have to be assigned, but they can be.

Are different ISBNs used if a book appears in different languages? Yes. Each language version is a different product.

Are custom publications assigned ISBNs? No, custom publications are not assigned ISBNs unless such assignment is necessary for a publisher’s back office systems, such as finance, since there is only one customer in such arrangements.

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Summary: How to get an ISBN in India?

Follow either of these steps: publish your book from some leading indian book publishers like 24by7publishing.com or do the processing as an individual directly, freeze the size & number of pages for the book., finalize the book cover design., decide on the book format (paperback/hard-cover/electronic - each needs separate isbn)., set the maximum retail price., complete the application., send a copy of id proof (pan card, passport, voter id etc.), a print out of cover and a self-addressed envelope for return communication., send the application to the agency at the address mentioned in the template application., who can apply for isbn in india, • publishers, • authors, • institutions/universities, • government departments, isbn - facts you did not know.

When you DON'T need a new ISBN

• Unchanged impression/reprint of same book (same format, same publisher)

• price change(same format, same publisher).

When you DO need a new ISBN

• New editions

• new publisher, • revised editions , • change of format , • breaking a title in series, • different product forms (hardback, paperback, audiobook, electronic publication etc.), • different electronic formats (.pdf, .lit, .html, .pdb etc.), • new types (novel, graphic novel etc.).

Via 24by7Publishing.com

If publishing process is powered by 24by7Publishing.com, books are generally assigned with a fresh free ISBN  with no delay unless the standard of the content and presentations are not up to the mark as per the editorial team. The ISBN becomes machine-readable in the form of a 13-digit EAN bar code which is fast to read & less error prone. 24by7Publishing.com provides the related barcode along with the ISBN for free in case the book is getting processed by them.

Please note: 24by7Publishing.com is not the authority in India to provide the ISBN. 24by7Publishing.com requests Raja Rammohan National Agency for ISBN in bulk due to the large numbers of books processed by them.

How to get free  ISBN  & barcode in India

Directly from Raja Rammohan National Agency for ISBN

In India, the author can have his/her own free ISBN by applying to Raja Rammohan National Agency for ISBN. By default, you need to generate your own EAN barcode as they DO NOT provide the same along with the ISBN. There is no fee associated with it and it may take approximately 20 to 50 days to get the ISBN in your hand if approved. Download and print the following proforma and send that to Rammohan National Agency for ISBN along with a letter of application requesting registration and delivery of ISBNnumber to your postal address. http://mhrd.gov.in/sites/upload_files/mhrd/files/upload_document/ISBN_Proforma.pdf Raja Ram Mohun Roy ISBN Agency Room No. 13,  Jeevan Deep Building,  4th Floor, Parliament street  New Delhi Phone: +91-11-26179675

ISBN for Self Publishers & independent authors in India

The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a unique book identification numeric code which can be allocated to any single book - whether it is printed or electronically available. The ISBN must be 13 digits in size if allocated on or after January 1, 2007, and 10 digits if allocated before that time. While publishing a book, authors or publishers may decide not to have an ISBN. But, it is always a good idea to get one ISBN allocated for the book. ISBN helps to provide the book an international identity and facilitates the sale of the book to different bookstores, distribution channels, and libraries throughout different countries. The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) system was introduced in 1972 and in India, it was put into operation in 1985 by Raja Rammohan National Agency for ISBN.

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How to Get an ISBN Number for Your Book

Megha Gupta | April 8, 2021 March 26, 2021 | Business Updates , ISBN Registration , News

The International Standard Book Number, or ISBN, is a unique numeric code assigned to identify each book, whether printed or available electronically. In this article, we will discuss how to get an ISBN Number.

What is an ISBN?

The International Standard Book Number, or ISBN, is a unique numeric code assigned to identify each book, whether printed or available electronically. Before 2007, ISBN used to be a ten-digit code; however, post-2007, ISBN must be in the form of a 13-digit machine-readable EAN barcode.

Is it Mandatory to obtain an ISBN?

While authors and publishers don’t need to obtain an ISBN, it is always recommended to get one allocated. ISBN provides a book with an international identity and helps sell it to bookstores, libraries, and distribution channels worldwide.

Products that qualify for an ISBN include:

  • Monographic books, either textual or containing instructional content
  • Publications not intended to be regularly updated
  • Individual/Personal articles
  • Educational films and videos not meant for entertainment
  • Electronic or mixed media publications
  • Publications printed on demand

Products that do not qualify for an ISBN include:

  • Journals/Periodicals/Serials
  • Record-keeping journals
  • CDs, DVDs, or other entertainment media
  • Documentaries
  • Computer applications
  • Computer gaming
  • Music compositionsMusic
  • Course books only available to a select group
  • Internet websites
  • Publications that are non-text based

What does an ISBN not indicate?

Remember, ISBN is a unique code assigned to each book to identify it quickly and easily. ISBN is helpful when a product number is required to order a book or in libraries where one needs to search from a vast collection of books. An ISBN does not provide any legal or copyright protection.

Who is eligible to apply for an ISBN?

Broadly, the following persons or entities wishing to publish a book are eligible to apply for an ISBN.

  • A Self-publisher
  • A Publisher
  • A University
  • An Institution
  • A Government Department

What are the Benefits of Applying for an ISBN?

Applying for an ISBN provides five significant benefits, all of which are as listed below:

  • ISBN is a unique numeric code assigned to internationally identify books and publications for people to know them better.
  • It eliminates the need to maintain long and descriptive bibliographic records, helping save time, reduce costs and manual errors.
  • ISBN helps to facilitate comparisons between various subjects and also different publishers.
  • It help in compiling and updating bibliographic databases and book trade directories.
  • ISBNs enable quick and efficient ordering and distribution of books, controlling stock, managing sales data, and supply chain systems.

Do I need to obtain an ISBN in India? 

As highlighted earlier, authors and publishers don’t need to obtain an ISBN. However, it is crucial to note that an ISBN is use by publishers, libraries, booksellers, internet retailers, and customers for various purposes. Therefore, it becomes essential to obtain an ISBN if you want customers to order your book and online and offline stores to sell your book.

How to Get an ISBN in India?

To get an ISBN in India, you will need to follow the essential lists mentioned below.

  • Get your published by a leading Indian book publisher or take up the processing yourself.
  • Decide and finalize the size of the book and the number of pages.
  • Finalize and keep the book cover design ready.
  • Decide the format of your book (Paperback/Electronic/Hardcover). Remember, each of these will require you to send a separate application as they need different ISBNs.
  • Finalize your book’s maximum retail price.
  • You need expertise professionals to obtain the ISBN Registration in a simplistic way.
Benefits of ISBN and Why it is important for book Publisher and Author

Moreover, if you require any other guidance concerning ISBN Registration , please feel free to contact our business advisors at  8881-069-069 .

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ISBN Search

Using an ISBN is the most accurate and reliable way to search for a book. Use our search engine to find book information and the best prices for books.

ISBN Location

Typical location of an ISBN on the back of a book.

ISBN Database

If you’re looking for a book database with comprehensive book data searchable via API, check out ISBNdb.com . Subscription starts from only $14.95/mo per 5,000 daily calls.


  1. ISBN number registration in india II isbn number registration II ISBN for Self Publishers in India

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  2. isbn number how to get isbn number in india what is isbn

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  3. Learn how to get an ISBN number for your book in India

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  4. How to get an ISBN number in India

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  5. ISBN Barcode Generator

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  6. How to Apply for an ISBN in India- (2023 update coming soon)

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  3. ISBN number

  4. How To Check ISBN Number Of a Book #application #patent #copyright

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  6. किताबों के ISBN नंबर का क्या मतलब होता है?


  1. Raja Rammohun Roy National Agency for ISBN

    The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a unique International Publisher's Identifier number, which is meant for monograph publications. ... New Delhi -110001, India. For General Query. isbn-mhrd[at]gov[dot]in +91-11-2334 1739; For Technical Query. isbnhelp[at]inflibnet[dot]ac[dot]in +91-79-2326 8229 ...

  2. INFLIBNET Centre

    INFLIBNET Centre is the national agency for ISBN registration in India. It provides ISBN numbers to publishers, authors and institutions.

  3. Raja Rammohun Roy National Agency for ISBN

    Raja Rammohun Roy National Agency for ISBN is an Indian government agency which is the only ISBN agency which run under Ministry of Education, Government of India. [1] It was founded in January 1985 [2] to facilitate authors and publishers to register for ISBN in India. [3] It gives free ISBN to Indian citizens.

  4. Raja Rammohun Roy National Agency for ISBN, Department of Higher

    What ISBN indicates. 8. It is a product number required to assist in internal processing and ordering while book selling. 9. It provides access to bibliographic data bases used by the book industry and libraries to provide information. 10. ISBN can be applied by publisher of the book, author of the book if he decides to publish the book himself.

  5. The India ISBN Agency now takes online applications

    The India ISBN Agency now takes online applications Submitted on Tue, 04/26/2016 - 12:15. Raja Rammohun Roy National Agency for ISBN in India has announced the release of a new website portal. ... Any publishers - including self-publishing authors - who are based in India can now use the new portal to apply for their ISBNs and to learn more ...

  6. PDF Allotment of ISBN for Authors, Publishers and Educational/Research

    Institutions and others applying for International Standard Book Number (ISBN): 1. ISBN is only allotted for books, in the form of Hard Cover, Paper Back, e- ... Government of India, New Delhi. A Duly filled in Application form along with the supporting documents may be sent by post at the following address: Raja Rammohun Roy National Agency ...

  7. How to Get An ISBN in India as an Author

    Step 3: Applying for ISBN. Click on the "apply for new ISBN" link on your dashboard after login to your account. Author or publisher name will be auto-fulfilled. You can't apply for an ISBN for another author name or pen name. Don't change name here.

  8. Online application of ISBN for publications

    An ISBN is a product that is used by publishers, booksellers and libraries for ordering, listing and stock control purposes. It enables them to identify a particular publisher and allows the publisher to identify a specific edition of a specific title in a specific format within their output. ISBN is in the form of 13 digits, consisting of 5 ...

  9. ISBN

    Total number of ISBN registrations. 2020. An SBN may be converted to an ISBN by prefixing the digit "0". For example, the second edition of Mr. J. G. Reeder Returns, published by Hodder in 1965, has "SBN 340 01381 8", where "340" indicates the publisher, "01381" is the serial number assigned by the publisher, and "8" is the check digit.

  10. How to Get an ISBN for Your Book in India: A Step-by-Step Guide

    Getting an International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is an important step in publishing and distributing your books. An ISBN is a unique 13-digit number identifier assigned to books, eBooks, audiobooks, and related products.It serves as a tool for cataloging, ordering, and tracking publications in the publishing industry worldwide.

  11. ISBN India: Application Form and Process for Getting ISBN

    You need to send the completely filled form to the following address: Raja Ram Mohun Roy ISBN Agency Department of Higher Education Ministry of Human Resource Development Room No. 13, Jeevan Deep Building, 4th Floor, Parliament Street, New Delhi PIN Code: 110001 Email: [email protected] Phone: +91-11-23369668.

  12. FAQs: General Questions

    An ISBN should be assigned to each title or product, including any backlist or forthcoming titles. Each format or binding must have a separate ISBN (i.e. hardcover, paperbound, VHS video, laserdisc, e-book format, etc). A new ISBN is required for a revised edition. Once assigned, an ISBN can never be reused.

  13. ISBN India, ISBN for Self Publishers & independent authors in India

    ISBN for Self Publishers & independent authors in India. The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a unique book identification numeric code which can be allocated to any single book - whether it is printed or electronically available. The ISBN must be 13 digits in size if allocated on or after January 1, 2007, and 10 digits if allocated ...

  14. How to get an ISBN number for your book

    Step 4. Fill in this draft application: In-charge of ISBN Allotment. Phone: +91-11-23384687. Dear Sir/Madam, Subject: Issuance of ISBN for my self-published book ' <<Insert title of the book here>> '. I have self published by book titled <<Insert title of the book here>> and need an ISBN to be assigned to the same.

  15. ISBN Application

    ISBN Application - International Standard Book Number International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a 13-digit unique identifier allotted by the UK based ISBN agency. It acts as an identifier of books and is generally utilized by publishers, booksellers, librarians, internet retailers and other supply chain participants for ordering, listing, sales records and stock control purposes. […]

  16. How to Get an ISBN Number for Your Book

    To get an ISBN in India, you will need to follow the essential lists mentioned below. Get your published by a leading Indian book publisher or take up the processing yourself. Decide and finalize the size of the book and the number of pages. Finalize and keep the book cover design ready.

  17. ISBN Search

    ISBN Database. If you're looking for a book database with comprehensive book data searchable via API, check out ISBNdb.com . Subscription starts from only $14.95/mo per 5,000 daily calls. Find books easily using ISBN, title, or author searches. Search using ISBN-10 or ISBN-13.