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6 New Paperbacks to Read This Week

By Shreya Chattopadhyay May 10, 2024

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Shreya Chattopadhyay

In the throes of a reading slump? We’ve got you covered. This week’s roundup includes Jenny Erpenbeck’s love story set in 1980s East Berlin, a study by Simon Winchester on how humans pass down knowledge and a novel narrated by a Korean migrant from the afterlife.

Here are six paperbacks we recommend →

The German writer’s novel follows a 19-year-old theater design student and a writer in his 50s as they sustain a turbulent relationship in 1980s East Berlin. As the fall of the Berlin Wall looms, “the future that arrives is not the one either expected,” Dwight Garner wrote in his review.

A Korean American scholar tracks her changing relationship to race, from confusion and complicity during the 1990s Los Angeles riots to alienation from white academia, suggesting that “Indigenous precepts of reciprocity and mutuality can help us better understand our web of relationships.”

Through anecdotes about museums, kindergarten classes, the Catholic church’s propaganda efforts and more, Winchester tells the story “of how knowledge has been passed from its vast passel of sources into the equally vast variety of human minds.”

Jacy, the protagonist of Abbott’s latest noir, is newly married and visiting her beloved husband’s father in rural upstate Michigan while pregnant. But when a health scare leads to increasingly erratic behavior from both her father-in-law and her husband, “even the inanimate objects,” our reviewer wrote, “can’t seem to stop screaming.”

At age 105, Hak Jeonga was killed by a Chicago bus. From the afterlife, Jeonga reveals her journey: to Seoul from the North; to sharing a life with two sisters, not three; and finally to a street in America in what our reviewer called an “enthralling multigenerational tale of familial secrets.”

Once “the baby on the block,” Montana Barronette was sentenced to life in prison at age 23. Bowden’s deeply reported investigation into his life and community found “normal teenagers in an abnormal environment, one that Baltimore (and other cities) had built and sustained very deliberately over centuries,” he writes.

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The complicated, generous life  of Paul Auster, who died on April 30 , yielded a body of work of staggering scope and variety .

“Real Americans,” a new novel by Rachel Khong , follows three generations of Chinese Americans as they all fight for self-determination in their own way .

“The Chocolate War,” published 50 years ago, became one of the most challenged books in the United States. Its author, Robert Cormier, spent years fighting attempts to ban it .

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Each week, top authors and critics join the Book Review’s podcast to talk about the latest news in the literary world. Listen here .



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Deborah Levy photographed at Gökyüzü in north London, May 2024

Deborah Levy: ‘Writing and swimming help each other’

The novelist and memoirist on stamina and solitude, the influence of surrealist art on her work, and Pier Paolo Pasolini’s revelatory travel writing

D eborah Levy’s books include three memoirs and eight novels, half of them published between 1989 and 1999, the other half since 2011, when her Booker-shortlisted Swimming Home came out with a small startup press after rejection by traditional publishers. For the Times Literary Supplement , her novels “teem with oddness, with dreamlike, vertiginous scenes … [and characters] in search of a haunting from their past”. When she was again shortlisted for the Booker in 2016 with Hot Milk , a judge said the novel’s “symbolic richness and mythic complexity ... is also underpinned by a wicked humour: it’s like Virginia Woolf with good jokes”. Levy, 64, spoke from her home in London about her most recent novel, August Blue , in which a classical pianist meets her doppelganger while having a breakdown amid the pandemic.

How does a novel start life for you? An idea or feeling won’t go away. Sometimes, you can’t believe what’s preoccupying you, then it becomes clear that this is what you’re going to write about: you’re going to dig in and find out what’s going on.

So what intrigued you about a virtuoso pianist living in the aftermath of bungling Rachmaninov ’s Piano Concerto No 2? She calls it “messing up”, and it is, because it’s in front of a large audience, but the novel itself refutes those deliberately flat words. That piece of music was written to help Rachmaninov break the paralysis of depression; Elsa’s journey reflects something of that. The piano, for her, is a connection to her unknown mother, as well as an instrument to lift her out of the humble home of her foster parents and into the bigger home of art. But she’s a performer; as a composer, she’s been shut down. And when her own composition returns – as the repressed always does – it’s at the most inappropriate moment, when her fingers mess up and the composition begins to insert itself into Rachmaninov in the middle of a concert.

Reviews of August Blue have drawn several connections to the Disney film Frozen . Was it on your mind? Absolutely not – but you could say Elsa really has to “let it go”.

Did you want to write a pandemic novel? Somehow it documents the pandemic in a very everyday way. In two references to Covid tests, I simply write down what’s written on the test: where it’s manufactured, the batch number. I didn’t want to write a pandemic novel – I didn’t want to read one – but I didn’t know what to do about living and writing through a big historical event, pretending it wasn’t happening. I was thinking a lot about Woolf writing Mrs Dalloway , having lived through the first world war and a global influenza epidemic that killed millions. I could sort of feel her thinking through what to do with that. What she does is have Mrs Dalloway host a party into which [the novel] inserts a psychological double who’ll ruin it: Septimus Smith, shell-shocked from war. That sort of narrative design and experiment with surface and depth and history is something that interests me in my books from Swimming Home on.

How different do those books feel to you from the ones you published in the 80s and 90s? Ballard was asked that, wasn’t he? About the early books and then the books from Cocaine Nights [1996]: Super-Cannes , Kingdom Come . I wrote Beautiful Mutants [1989] in my 20s when I was making the transition from theatre writing to prose, which was such a pleasure. By Swimming Home , I’m becoming interested in how you can’t subvert a reality unless you establish one, which is what surrealist paintings do – a big influence on me, as they were for Ballard. Dalí’s lobster phone wouldn’t work unless you knew it was a telephone. I became interested in the uncanny; in how to make narrative porous; in the importance of what you leave out. You could call it spectral realism.

Does the publishing climate feel different to you now, too? The late 2000s was a very particular time: looking back, when mainstream publishers declined Swimming Home on the grounds that it was too literary – in other words, wasn’t going to sell – there was a disconnect between what was being published and what a new generation of readers wanted to read. Eimear McBride’s A Girl Is a Half-Formed Thing and Tom McCarthy’s Remainder were being declined. Something shifted, but it’s not like the writers changed. It was about readers. They bought the books they wanted to read.

Which comes more easily to you, fiction or non fiction? All writing is really about stamina and solitude. So much is said about process, but that’s what it is. Arguments about genre are dissolving; no one knows what the novel is any more. If we’re not interested in how the writer thinks, it doesn’t matter what the form is, or the genre, or the level of sentence – I tend not to stay on the bus.

Name something you need in order to write. Water: to swim. Writing and swimming help each other, so I like to be near water, whether just a local public pool or a river or whatever. I will somehow try to organise my writing life so I get a swim in.

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What’s the last book you gave as a gift? Emily Berry’s poetry collection Stranger, Baby is probably the book I give most often. I think it’s a tremendous achievement. She finds a form for the chaotic conversations we have with ourselves in the face of a big loss – in her case, the loss of her mother.

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Bloody Disgusting!

‘Influencer’ Exclusive Cover Reveal: Adam Cesare’s Audible Original Gets Expanded Paperback Release

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From author of the popular Clown in a Cornfield books comes Adam Cesare’s Influencer , a new horror novel that actually began its life as an Audible Original. But the paperback adaptation of the tale is said to be “new and expanded,” and it’s releasing October 1 Union Square & Co.

Bloody Disgusting has been exclusively provided with the cover reveal for Cesare’s Influencer , which features art by Tomasz Majewski . Check it out below and read on for more.

Cesare tells Bloody Disgusting, “I’m really proud of it. It’s a little bit more hardcore and disturbing than the Clown books, kind of a YA American Psycho / Funny Games / Silence of the Lambs cocktail, not really any of those things, but a tough book to comp out, since the plot is ‘a sociopathic instagram poet thinks he’s the next Charles Manson.’

“It was originally released as an Audible Original where it was read by Isabela Merced and Christopher Briney. This paperback is the same book, essentially, but does feature a few bonus chapters to ensure that any reader who double dips will get a little extra story, some extra scares.”

Influencer , by Bram Stoker Award–winning author Adam Cesare, is a tense and timely psychological thriller told from alternating points of view about a teenage girl who begins to suspect the charismatic new kid may in fact be a murderous psychopath. As more and more of her friends fall under his influence, her suspicions begin to come across like jealousy. But is she right? And if so, how much more dangerous would he be toward someone who has discovered his secret?

A new and expanded paperback adaptation of the Audible Original, Influencer explores the dark side of social media and the cult of personalities that flourish there as the teens navigate their own fears about friendship and popularity, culminating in an epic battle of wills that will leave readers breathless.

You can pre-order your copy of Influencer today.

Here’s some early praise for the upcoming horror novel…

“Sizzling writing and a skin-crawling story make Influencer one of the most addictive horror novels I’ve read. It’s deeply uncomfortable, deeply perceptive, and deliciously fun.” —Darcy Coates, USA Today bestselling author of The Whispering Dead

“What’s so scary about Influencer is how possible it is—how likely it feels, and just how convincingly real these characters are. I read a lot of scary stuff, but this is the only book for years to worm its way into my dreams and make me finish the book faster, just so I can maybe sleep again.” —Stephen Graham Jones, New York Times bestselling author of The Only Good Indians

“ Influencer is a real nail-biter of a thriller! Relatable characters, devious plot twists, and a breakneck pace. Highly recommended!” —Jonathan Maberry, New York Times bestselling author of Rot & Ruin and Long Past Midnight

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Writer in the horror community since 2008. Editor in Chief of Bloody Disgusting. Owns Eli Roth's prop corpse from Piranha 3D. Has four awesome cats. Still plays with toys.

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‘A Comedy of Tragedies’ – Steve “Uncle Creepy” Barton’s Autobiography Now Available for Pre-Order

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Known to horror fans as “Uncle Creepy,” prolific journalist and producer Steve Barton tells the wild story of his life and career in the upcoming autobiography A Comedy of Tragedies , which will be released by Encyclopocalypse Publications on December 10, 2024 .

Paperback pre-orders in the USA are now available directly at , with International Pre-orders soon to be available via Amazon, Waterstones, and Booktopia. The first 100 paperback copies pre-ordered through the site will come with a signed bookplate.

Beginning today, eBook pre-orders are also now available for everyone via and all major online booksellers, including Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

All pre-orders via the Encyclopocalypse site will get the book 2 weeks early.

Check out the cover reveal below and read on for everything you need to know.

Encyclopocalypse Publications previews, “As the co-founder and former Editor-in-Chief of Dread Central, Barton is a pioneer of horror journalism who became one of the internet’s first genre influencers. His autobiography is a behind-the-scenes look at the horror filmmaking industry as it transitioned from cinema’s stepchild to mainstream media darling. Barton writes in a voice that is uniquely captivating, utterly enjoyable, and authentic as hell.

“This book is not just about industry insights; it’s a poignant journey through peaks and valleys, told with unfiltered emotional honesty. From grappling with the stark realities of 9/11 to being mentored by icons like George A. Romero and Sid Haig and ultimately playing a pivotal role in the success of the Terrifier film franchise, A Comedy of Tragedies is a story for everyone and anyone who dreams big in the face of daunting odds and lives to tell the tale.”

“I’ve spent my entire life creating things and places to feel like I belong, because I have never really fit in anywhere,” says Steve Barton. “If that sounds at all familiar to you, pull up a seat, there’s lots of room. You’re not alone, and if you just keep getting up when they knock you down, and keep breathing, you’ll make it through. If my story can help just one person, then every tear… every agony… every laugh…has been worth it.”

A Comedy of Tragedies features cover art by VFX artist KillJosh Petrino and layout by author Scott A. Johnson . The audiobook version will be available in conjunction with Redfield Arts Audio, featuring narration by actor Mark Redfield and original music and sound design by Jennifer Rouse .

Here’s some advanced praise for the upcoming autobiography…

“A wild rollercoaster ride filled with laughter, love, and passion for life, told with the brutal honesty of a true survivor. This isn’t your typical Hollywood memoir. A Comedy of Tragedies dives deep into the heart of a man who’s battled the darkness and emerged, not unscathed, but with a wicked wit and a captivating story to tell.”

− Director, Daniel Farrands, Never Sleep Again: The Elm Street Legacy

“Steve’s stories about the horror industry are the stuff of legend… this book gives horror fans a seat at the campfire as Uncle Creepy tells the tale!”

− Phil Nobile, Jr. – Fangoria

“Utterly compelling, courageous unflinching and at times hilarious, the author takes you through a childhood of trauma, the personal impact of 9/11 and into the highs and lows of the Hollywood film industry. An inspirational story of the indomitable human spirit, and one which I just couldn’t put down. A must read.”

− Sean Decker, Writer, Journalist

“ A Comedy of Tragedies is an evocative tale of Steve’s personal apocalypse with gallows humor. It’s a story of overcoming abuse and alienation with strength, wit, and a determination to thrive. Kudos to him for his courage and resilience.”

− Kyra Schon, Night of the Living Dead

“ A Comedy of Tragedies reflects how its author has lived his life, with an open heart and honest candor. There are hilarious anecdotes conveyed with a curious mix of vulgarity, humor, and incongruous, but somehow wholly appropriate, innocence and guile. The book will inspire readers to see ourselves in his struggle and realize we aren’t alone in this life.”

− Michael Felsher, Filmmaker and Historian

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