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Tips for Generating Real Estate Leads Online

Real Estate SEO Case Studies & Examples to Inspire You

Real Estate SEO Case Studies & Examples to Inspire You

Last Modified: June 21, 2021 by Ekta Sharma

As a digital marketing agency specializing in real estate SEO, we try to keep a tab on emerging websites that drive traffic organically from Google and other search engines. These websites invest in content marketing for long-term SEO benefits. While you need to spend money for every lead generated through Google Ads PPC and Facebook Ads , you get free leads once your website starts ranking high in Google for its target keywords.

In this guide, I am going to share real estate SEO case studies and examples. You can follow the same real estate SEO plan to generate more leads without spending a penny on ads:

Table of Contents

This Florida agent ranks on page 1 for luxury real estate projects

Miami Luxury Homes – operated by Michael Light, a Miami-based Realtor – is a great example of targeting a niche. The website ranks on page 1 of Google for most keywords related to luxury projects in this Florida city.

At the time of writing this guide, Aston Martin Residences, Missoni Baia, and Elysee, Una Residences were among the most luxury residential projects in Miami. Miami Luxury Homes ranks on page-1 for all the branded terms for these projects.

As per SimilarWeb, the website gets anywhere from 100,000 to 50,000 visits per months as shown in the screenshot below:

miami luxury homes website visits

When your real estate website is getting this amount of traffic, you can expect to get hundreds of leads per month.

The agency has in fact created several ‘sister sites’ for particular projects.

How to achieve similar results

As you can see, Miami Luxury Homes has created comprehensive guides with relevant and useful information and listings for each of the projects that they want to rank their website for. In a recent article, I explained in detail how to follow a similar real estate SEO strategy .

This firm ranks on page 1 for top real estate investment-related keywords

For its target markets, Norada Real Estate Investments ranks on page 1 for real estate investment-related keywords. For example, the firm currently targets

  • Atlanta, Georgia,
  • Birmingham, Alabama,
  • Cape Coral, Florida,
  • Charlotte, North Carolina,
  • Chicago Illinois,
  • Cleveland and Dayton, Ohio,
  • Harrisburg, Pennsylvania,
  • Indianapolis, Indiana,
  • Jacksonville, Florida,
  • Kansas City, Missouri,
  • Little Rock, Arkansas,
  • Oklahoma City, Oklahoma,
  • Phoenix, Arizona,
  • Port Charlotte, Florida,
  • Richmond, Virginia,
  • San Antonio, Texas,
  • South Bend, Indiana,
  • Tampa, Florida.

The estimated web traffic to the website is over half a million per month, as per SimilarWeb:

norada web traffic

So, if you type ‘Atlanta, Georgia real estate investment opportunities’ in Google, you will most likely find a search result from this company ranking on page 1.

norada ranking

Norada Real Estate Investments has published comprehensive real estate investment guides. These guides also share investment opportunities by showcasing properties that potential leads can consider investing in.

What do these real estate SEO case studies & examples teach us?

Here are a few takeaways from all the case studies and SEO examples that I shared above:

Identify a niche

The first and most important thing is to identify a niche that you want to target. The niche could a particular location (community/neighborhood), types of properties (starter homes or luxury homes), or price range of homes.

Going after a particular niche will ensure that you don’t feel overwhelmed. For example, if you are a Miami-based real estate agent, you would probably don’t want to go after keywords like ‘California homes for sale’. Try to target smaller markets. You will have a better chance of ranking high without having to create an overwhelming amount of content and follow other SEO practices such as building backlinks. If you can identify smaller communities within Miami and try to target them first before expanding your content marketing efforts to cover the entire city, you will get results even faster.

Do keyword research

It’s important that you do real estate keyword research before creating content.

You can use free tools such as Google Keywords Planner for this. In a recent article, we explained how to do real estate keyword research . Though the article talks about keyword research for PPC, the same principles apply to SEO keyword research.

Doing keyword research will ensure that you are able to get results faster and avoid creating content that won’t get you any significant results. If your real estate website is recently launched, you should go for long-tail keywords and keywords with low competition.

Follow the best SEO practices

Creating and publishing content just for Google can land your website in trouble. This thinking leads to serious mistakes such as keyword stuffing, shallow content, and duplicate content. You may end up getting hit by a Google penalty.

  • Make sure your content is informative and relevant
  • Try to be as comprehensive as possible
  • Don’t overuse keywords
  • Don’t create multiple pages to target the same keyword
  • Make sure that your content is fresh and updated on a regular basis
  • Follow on-page, off-page and technical SEO guidelines

Be consistent

Consistency is the most important factor if you want to generate leads with SEO. In all the real estate SEO case studies and examples that we outlined above, you can see that the Realtors and investors were very consistent in creating content and following the SEO plan.

If your time and resources allow you to publish one blog post or create one community page a week, there is no need to feel like you are not doing enough. Just publish one blog post a week and be consistent. You will get results over time.

While implementing similar strategies may look easy, keep in mind that you will need to create lots of content with the right keyword targeting and follow the best SEO practices in order to achieve similar results. It’s time-consuming and requires a certain degree of knowledge about on-page and off-page SEO. You can consider enrolling in our free real estate SEO course if you want to learn how search engine optimization works for real estate professionals including Realtors and real estate investors.

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Agency 5 - Digital Marketing Agency

SEO for Real Estate

What is real estate seo .

Real estate SEO helps real estate agents be found organically (without paid advertising) in search results by potential buyers and sellers searching for properties or real estate services in their area. This is achieved by using specialized SEO that is focused on optimizing online content, such as website text and images to assist in securing higher positions on the first page in search engine results pages (SERPs) for terms relevant to the local real estate market .

Real estate SEO is a long-term investment, not a quick fix . It’s a way to strategically implement your business goals now and for the future through sustainable search results and organic traffic. The ongoing investment will continue to benefit you in the future as your ranking improves. Based on Statscounter GlobalStats data from February 2024, Google holds a significant share of the search engine market with 87.2% in the USA and 90.82% in Canada. In comparison, other search engines such as Microsoft Bing (8.06% share in the US) and Yahoo (2.36% share in the US) present lesser competition, which could increase your likelihood of achieving a higher ranking.

Benefits of Real Estate SEO


*Percent of homebuyers between the ages of 24 and 57 use the internet to find homes as part of the home buying process

  • Boosts your credibility amongst homebuyers and Google
  • Drive quality traffic, people with high intent to inquire or purchase real estate in your area
  • Promote your real estate business all day, every day
  • Improve your brand awareness when combined with other types of digital marketing
  • Generate more leads and nurture for future sales
  • Track and measure your success  = better SEO ROI

Real Estate SEO Outcomes

This is a real life example of a realtor’s brand new website using our real estate SEO services to help them grow their business. Using social media and a few Google ads to launch the website, the website’s organic traffic continues to grow (without paid ads) and even remain steady even when external factors such as interest rates or unemployment rates can negatively impact end-user behaviour.

Lead Generation from Real Estate SEO

By using search engine optimization,  this real estate website  generates anywhere from 10-20 leads per month and trending higher. These generated leads have high intent and are focused on the realtor’s local real estate market. The leads fall into 3 categories:

  • Purchase or sale
  • General inquiry

Regardless of what category the lead belongs to, the realtor now has the added benefit growing their email list.

Target Email Leads from Real Estate SEO

Email marketing is another important tool in the real estate’s toolbox. Leads used in email marketing are excellent not only for nurturing but also conversion. According to Mailerlite , their email marketing benchmarks show that real estate has one of the highest open rates at just over 40.1%. 

Real Tip: Use your email list to promote another listing or property


Source: Mailerlite 2024 Email Marketing Industry Benchmarks

Get Real Estate SEO Done For You

Are you missing opportunities to get more leads or does your competition have better rankings? Grow your real estate business today by:

Attracting More Qualified Leads

Optimize your real estate website that showcases your  local knowledge, listings and captures leads.

Dominating Search Rankings

Boost your domain with targeted SEO strategies to get found by motivated buyers & sellers.

Improving User Experience

Ensure a seamless user experience with secure, high-performance hosting with fast loading times for your website.

Get started with Real Estate SEO

Rank higher and generate more leads with a custom SEO solution:

  • SEO optimized website
  • Local SEO tactics
  • High performance hosting

Real Estate SEO Tips

Attract more real estate clients and outrank competitors with these 29 powerful real estate SEO tips. Learn how to target the right keywords, create valuable content, get backlinks and optimize your website to become a lead generation machine.

1. Be Local – Location, Location, Location

Establish a strong presence in your local market by emphasizing city-specific keywords and demonstrating your knowledge of neighborhood trends and businesses to engage potential buyers and sellers. Successful real estate SEO demands a targeted approach

2. Research Your Competition

Uncover the SEO strategies and services of your competitors to gain a competitive advantage in local searches and establish yourself as the leading real estate company in your area. Understanding your competitors’ strengths and weaknesses on their website is crucial for this endeavor.

3. Understand Your Audience

Craft content tailored to your ideal buyer persona to resonate with their needs and convert them into loyal customers. This builds trust and rapport before they even contact you.

4. Keyword Research is Must

Understand what your local audience searches for to optimize your website and attract qualified leads ready to buy or sell. More than this, understanding which keywords are attainable based on search volume and competition can help you rank faster by using specific SEO tools.

5. Long-tail Keywords – Beyond the basics

Go beyond basic keyword data! Long-tail keywords like “first-time homebuyer checklist in [City, State]” help you target specific buyer needs and rank higher in local searches. While more niche, they are typically less competitive.

6. Create Compelling Content

Craft informative and engaging content by blogging about your local market to attract potential clients searching for real estate expertise. Be the expert in your local market.

7. Optimize Titles & Meta Descriptions

For every page, include relevant keywords and location details in your titles and descriptions to improve local search ranking and click-through rates.

8. Useful Headings & Subheadings

Structure your content with clear headings (including your target keywords) for better readability in SEO results and to signal relevance to search engines.

10. Optimize Your Media

Use high-quality images and videos relevant to your local area, and incorporate local keywords in the alt text descriptions to help with SEO.

11. Realtime Property Listings

Utilize live property listings with IDX or DDF technologies to maintain engagement with your local audience through the latest listings, property features, and position yourself as a reliable source in their home purchasing process.

12. Internal Linking

Link to other relevant pages on your website that target local keywords to improve user experience and search engine ranking.

13. Mobile-Friendly Design

According to 2024 Statcounter GlobalStats , 44.62% in the US and 41.78% in Canada use mobile devices to browse and search the internet. Ensure your website supports responsive design and provides a seamless experience on mobile devices to not only capture traffic but improve brand awareness.


14. Fast Loading Speed

According to Google , faster websites create happy users when compare to slow site speeds. Prioritize website speed with efficient coding and image optimization to keep visitors engaged and improve local SEO.

15. Website Audit – Mind the Gaps

Identify technical issues and optimize your website’s structure for local search engines is critical to make sure that you have all your bases covered for your website.

16. Optimize Schema – Structure Data Markup

Help search engines understand your website with richer information about your local real estate listings and business to enhance visibility using real estate SEO schema.

17. XML Sitemaps – Website Guide

Provide a roadmap for search engines to help them easily crawl and index all your website pages, improving local SEO reach. Get your website into Google’s index faster.

18. Mobile Indexing

Google places a strong emphasis on the mobile experience. Ensure your website prioritizes mobile devices for optimal local search results.

19. Secure Your Site – Build Trust Online

You already know that 99% of homebuyers use the internet to find homes online. Build trust with potential clients and improve local SEO ranking with a secure website (HTTPS) before meeting them. 

20. Blog Consistently

Establish yourself as a local expert by consistently publishing informative blog posts relevant to your market such as local events, attractions and neighbourhood guides. Set yourself apart from your competition online.

21. Be Interesting

Offer a variety of content formats like blog posts, local videos, and infographics to engage your local audience.

22. Integrate Social Media

Support your local content and expertise on social media platforms such as Instagram, Tiktok and Facebook for wider reach.

23. Get Engaged Locally

Participate in online forums and discussions as well as in-person events related to your local area to showcase expertise and attract leads to your real estate listings.

24. Build Backlinks

With a firmly established local presence and brand, earn links from reputable local websites to boost your authority and local SEO ranking.

25. Integrate Analytics

Understand your marketing efforts by tracking data such as website traffic, keyword performance, and user behavior with analytics tools to optimize your local SEO strategy.

26. Understand User Behavior

Analyzing user behavior by using heatmaps on your real estate website is vital for improvements. By tracking interactions, you can enhance user experience and boost organic SEO rankings. Understanding user behavior allows targeted optimizations for a more engaging site.

27. Track Conversions

Measure leads generated, contact form submissions, or phone calls from your website to gauge the success of your local SEO efforts.

28. Internal Search Engine

Ensure your website has a well-functioning internal search engine helps users find what they need on your website, boosting conversions and offering valuable insights into what content to prioritize.

29. ADA Compliance – Reach More People

According to Statista , 59.6% of the US population with disabilities live in a household with internet access. Support Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) by including accessibility features that set you apart from other realtors, improve on SEO visibility from Google image searches, and featured snippets.

What is the ROI of Real Estate SEO?

The ROI (Return on Investment) of Real Estate SEO can be quite significant, with studies suggesting it can be higher than other marketing channels for the real estate industry. 

Here is the breakdown:

  • High ROI : Studies shows that the return on investment for Real Estate SEO is notably high, averaging 1,389%  over a 3-year period.
  • Long-Term Value : SEO is an investment that builds over time. As your website ranking improves, you’ll attract more qualified leads consistently.
  • Cost-Effective : Compared to paid advertising, SEO offers a more sustainable and cost-effective way to generate leads in the long run.
  • Measurable Results : SEO results can be tracked through website analytics, allowing you to measure the impact on leads, conversions, and overall ROI.


However, it’s important to consider factors that can affect ROI :

  • Competition: Competitive markets may require more investment in SEO efforts.
  • Timeframe: SEO is a long-term strategy. Results may take months to become noticeable.
  • Implementation: The quality and effectiveness of your SEO strategy may impact ROI.

Real Estate SEO Help

Ready to watch qualified leads roll in? Let our Real Estate SEO experts craft a strategy to get your website ranking higher and generate more business. 

Schedule a FREE consultation today!

real estate seo case study

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  • Case Studies
  • Partnership

How To SEO Optimize Your Real Estate Website: Featured Case Studies

real estate seo case study

‍ Promodo SEO experts are here today to share tried and tested website optimization approaches fit for the real estate industry. 

Our featured SEO article explains evidence-proven ways to optimize your real estate website. Let’s dive into the finest ways of driving more traffic and conversions!

The Value of Real Estate SEO

The pursuit of real estate SEO will help you optimize your digital content to drive more organic search traffic. Your strategic choice here is to develop and implement robust search engine optimization.

Essentially, real estate SEO is about: 

🔴 Establishing wider online visibility 

🔴 Boosting engagement

🔴 Driving incoming traffic

🔴 Attracting target audience and qualified leads 

🔴 Positioning as a trusted source of local real estate expertise

🔴 Fostering trust among your audience 

🔴 Making your content more valuable to user intent

🔴 Enhancing brand positioning 

🔴 Advancing customer interaction with your company

🔴 Increasing brand awareness 

🔴 Achieving higher conversions 

Consider real estate SEO as an integral part of your marketing and sales funnel. The major point of real estate SEO is to aggregate lead generation points by directing your target audience toward various conversion opportunities throughout your website: 

🔴 Contact forms

🔴 Free newsletter downloads

🔴 Email subscriptions

🔴 Local-driven market reports, and 

🔴 Call to action (CTA) buttons.

Still, the big question is: How to do SEO for real estate website?

Website Optimization in Real Estate

1. analyze competitor seo .

The analysis of your closest SEO rivals will feature the best website SEO company for real estate. 

Further exploration will show you how to get higher through search engine rankings . You are always free to adapt competitive strategies and benefit from the most effective approaches and tactics deployed by local real estate agencies. 

While there is no best real estate website for SEO, make a robust analysis of how your closest competitors optimize their websites. Benefit from readily available online analytics tools like Similarweb to compare key performance indicators (KPIs).  

By examining competitor content and page structure, you’ll advance your SEO strategy over time.

2. Research Keywords 

Not yet the best website SEO company for real estate? Securing a top position on search engines demands a profound understanding of the keywords your potential clients use whenever they search for housing offers. 

Investigate outreach potential of local real estate keywords, considering search volume and competition. SEO platforms like Siteimprove SEO will help you unveil the top keywords your competitors use to rank high. 

3. Use Long-tail Keywords

SEO success is not merely about high-volume keywords. Local-specific long-tail keywords with low search volume are way less competitive. A long-tail keyword phrase, highly relevant to your audience's real estate needs, will help you rank higher on SERPs . Local niche keywords hold tremendous potential to capture a specific audience.

4. Craft Client-focused Content 

As a core focus on user experience (UX), SEO should help your site visitors easily find what they need on your website. In this vein, you should craft customer-oriented content with the right keyword combinations. By responding to their immediate real estate queries, you’ll definitely stand out from the crowd. 

All the content on your website pages should fully resonate with the immediate real estate and property management needs of your target audience. 

While the content is king for your real estate SEO strategy, it should:

🔴 Correlate with your global business goals, objectives and key results (OKRs)

🔴 Be clear and up-to-the-point

🔴 Bear sense and purpose

🔴 Adhere to Google E-E-A-T requirements

🔴 Resonate with local real estate search intent 

🔴 Make users want to read more and take action on your site

🔴 Create an emotional bond with your brand.

5. Arrange Technical Site Audit 

Want to get the best real estate website for SEO?  To secure an affordable SEO optimized real estate website, start with the website audit :

🔴 Rectify response codes’ issues

🔴 Evaluate website structure 

🔴 Identify orphan pages

🔴 Optimize internal linking

🔴 Implement canonical and hreflang tags

🔴 Duplicate URLs 

🔴 Duplicate content issues

🔴 Resolve problems related to duplicate URLs and content.

🔴 Verify the correct setup of XML sitemaps and the robots.txt file

🔴 Confirm the presence of SSL certification for enhanced web security

🔴 Identify and address any harmful backlinks 

🔴 Resolve crawling and indexing issues

🔴 Detect broken links and outdated URLs 

🔴 Address missing or inaccurate sitemaps

🔴 Delete duplicated pages

🔴 Increase page load speed

6. Bet on Local Real Estate SEO

Adopting a local SEO approach will ensure the alignment of your online presence with your physical location. Google My Business listing will showcase your real estate brand in relevant locations. Be sure to list your services, incorporate relevant posts, and localize your website's content with essential contact details.

Given the ever-growing popularity of real estate platforms like Redfin and Zillow, property listings will help you garner wider visibility at the forefront of search engine results whenever interested users are seeking real estate offers like yours online. 

In addition to prioritizing local-bond keywords and backlinks to rank higher on search engine results pages (SERPs), ensure a positive user experience (UX) so that the content on your effectively addresses user needs.

7. Do Schema Markup

Schema markup (structured data) by incorporating a relevant website HTML code. With that, search engines will interpret your website's information accurately. This will improve the user experience (UX) of your potential real estate clients. 

Among specific schema markups for real estate businesses, leverage RealEstateListing and RealEstateAgent schema. 

Real estate listing schema allows you to provide clear information about your company to search engines and potential clients:

🔴 Publication date of your listing

🔴 Home price

🔴 Lease duration, etc. 

Effective use of schema markup will induce Google to place your content as a featured snippet in search results.

8. Perform SEO Analytics

Available SEO analytics tools will let you track and monitor user behavior on your website. Performance indicators will enrich your real estate SEO strategy with invaluable insights you need to boost your website performance. 

‍ 🔴 Google Analytics 4

🔴 Google Search Console

🔴 Google Keyword Planner

🔴 Google Data Studio

🔴 Yoast SEO

🔴 Moz On-Page Grader and

🔴 Moz Link Explorer

🔴 Screaming Frog ‍

These tried and tested tools will help you:

🔴 Collect and analyze data regarding the actions of your current and potential clients on your site

🔴 Pinpoint the most effective keywords for targeting your real estate website

🔴 Refine your website's content and structure in line with the top search preferences of your target audience

🔴 Gain valuable insights and comprehensive data on user behavior

🔴 Foster backlinks from reputable websites that will help you enhance your website authority.

🔴 Monitor progress on core metrics and ROI.  

Also, be sure to benefit from Google My Business, Moz Local, Yelp, and BrightLocal to expand your geographic reach. These effective local SEO options will help you precisely target your potential clients in specific areas and attract more qualified leads locally. 

seo tools

9. Segment Your Target Audience 

Segmenting your user data is the surest way to gain a perfect customer portrait compatible with your real estate offers. With this sufficient background, you’ll tailor customer-focused content across different customer groups. 

As part of an effective lead generation strategy, integrate the best SEO optimized website real estate practices to customize individual real estate preferences among user segments: 

🔴 Users seeking to buy properties 

🔴 Users seeking to lease properties 

🔴 Users looking to sell their properties

🔴 Users who are about to invest in local properties

🔴 Users who need property management services.

10. Mind Internal Search

Still lack an affordable SEO optimized real estate website? The functionality of your website predetermines a seamless user experience. Most users will prefer an internal search bar on your real estate website to search for all necessary information directly.

Internal search

In terms of SEO, the quality of the internal search engine performance will affect your conversion rate. Your search bar should produce accurate results without broken links or time-consuming re-directs. 

Beyond improving user satisfaction, a well-functioning internal search engine on your real estate website will provide users with valuable insights fit to their individual property preferences. 

Take an internal search engine as another opportunity to enhance content and streamline the user journey on your site.

Internal search

11. Optimize your Website for Mobile Users

Doubt how to do SEO for real estate website? Among the top tasks of your SEO homework is to optimize your real estate website for mobile search. 

Given the prevalence of mobile device searches, there’s a major shift towards mobile indexing. 

Google primarily crawls websites that use mobile bots. It is crucial to optimize your website for mobile users, as mobile bots treat your site similarly to a mobile device. 

Enhance the mobile user experience for your real estate target audience by optimizing:

🔴 Page speed

🔴 Website design 

🔴 Compatibility with smaller screens

🔴 Mobile proneness to pop-ups.

12. Do E-E-A-T

What else do you need for the best real estate website SEO? It is essential to craft the content on your real estate site in adherence to Google’s E-E-A-T requirements: expertise, experience, authoritativeness, and trust. 

Essentially your estate and property management expertise and hands-on experience will determine the level of authority and overall trust in your local brand name. 

While users will come to your website with precise user intent, search engines prioritize the E-E-A-T framework as decisive for maintaining solid rankings and a decent flow of traffic. 

You should optimize your key pages (About, Contact, and Homepage) with credible information that presents you as a trustworthy local real estate authority . Whenever you have proven evidence to share: accolades, accreditations, and awards, do it on your site!

13. Ensure Equal Opportunity 

Last but not least, ensure equal opportunity on your website for people with disabilities in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). 

Just like at your physical office, eliminate any digital barriers on your site. It is also vital to avoid any legal issues. We recommend utilizing automated accessibility website checkers to assess your website's ADA compliance.

14. Test Your Pages

SEO is not a one-time journey with guaranteed success. To reap the most fruit, continuously test pages on your site and refine your content strategy. Dynamic actions like this will help you boost conversion rates over time. 

While everyone is about increasing real estate website SEO, the whole idea of digital marketing is in continuous experimentation as the surest key to success. SEO practice is no different. To discover the optimal formula, you should try and test various tactics and approaches. And, even through stumbles and falls, there is no guarantee of perpetual success.

To enhance user experience and boost conversions: 

🔴 Test different versions of your pages

🔴 Evaluate the effectiveness of various website elements 

🔴 Enhance visitor interactions with your website

These essential SEO steps will help you craft an affordable SEO optimized real estate website, achieve improved rankings, and convert visitors into qualified real estate leads .

real estate seo case study

Featured Website Optimization Case Studies in Real Estate 

We’ve selected premium real estate SEO case studies that prove our expertise in the real estate niche. Promodo SEO Team has successfully optimized several websites for international real estate clients.  

60% Traffic Growth for TurkeyHomes.com

Our Client Turkeyhomes.com is selling premium real estate in Turkey to international clients from the United States, United Kingdom, Europe, and Asia. 

SEO case study by Promodo

The Client wanted us to ensure traffic growth in major cities like Bodrum, Fethiye, and Istanbul. We were also tasked to research the keywords targeted by the Client’s three closest competitors.

Consequently, we achieved 60% traffic growth on the Client’s conversion pages. The surge led to overall website traffic growth of 113%.  

‍ Our expert says: while the total traffic volume showed an upward trend, the increase primarily stemmed from informational visits to blog pages. The tendency marked lower conversion rates by contrast to product and catalog pages. Service pages initially received insufficient traffic when we started the Project in September, though by December the implemented improvements led to a gradual traffic growth, Rimma Vasylieva, SEO Expert at Promodo .

Quadrupling Traffic for Kampas.lt

We audited the website design layout of Kampas.lt for its compliance with tech SEO requirements. 

SEO case study by Promodo

The Client is a real estate website offering properties for sale and rent. They wanted us to increase website visibility in Google and boost website traffic.

Given the absence of internal linking on the Client’s website, we interlinked all categories, cities, districts, and streets in the website code. That allowed the search bot to easily browse through these pages. Content optimization for the categories with the highest demand led to a higher ranking of the Client’s website and more traffic.

Our expert says:   every new page created through the demand analysis serves as a fresh gateway to the website. Moreover, when a page precisely aligns with the user intent, there is a notable boost in the conversion rate, Rimma Vasylieva, SEO Expert at Promodo.

Over eight months of the Project, we optimized the Client’s core pages with distinctive content. Our content strategy significantly enhanced the website's visibility on Google across all categories and enabled the Client to quadruple organic traffic.

Want to Score the Same Optimization Results? 

Our featured real estate case studies prove the ultimate importance of SEO optimization for your real estate website . 

Expert SEO tips for increasing real estate website SEO will help you boost your website rankings in SERPs.  

To save you time and money, we’ve got proven SEO optimized website real estate solutions. With 19 years of hands-on SEO experience in real estate and other featured industries, our top SEO experts are at your service 24/7. 

real estate seo case study

‍ Content Marketing Manager at Promodo

Taras has 16 years of hands-on copywriting experience overseas with 3000+ unique copies.

Accredited with Certificate of Proficiency in English (C2 level) by Cambridge University. Studied at Writing Launch Academy (United States) and owns an Academic Writing Certificate from Oregon University. Author of 12 dictionaries with Apriori Publishers.

real estate seo case study

SEO Expert at Promodo

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Real Estate SEO Case Study: The Ultimate Guide to Creating Hot Sheets and Community Pages that Rank on Google

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  • - Kurt Uhlir

Here’s the brutal truth about real estate SEO: 

Some uneducated marketers say that real estate websites are not needed today because they’ve never been able to generate traffic or create a website that their clients would use over Zillow.

There are also WAY too many Realtors, agents, and marketers that think that simply creating a hot sheet or community page with IDX is enough.

If only it were that easy…

If you’re serious about creating real estate hot sheets that generate organic search traffic and getting high-quality links, you MUST be very systematic with how you create and promote your content. 

Otherwise you are taking the “cooked spaghetti approach” to SEO and marketing: where you throw a bunch of stuff against a wall and hope that something sticks.

Well, today, I’m going to show you a technique that almost guarantees that you’ll get high-quality links from every hot sheet that you publish. 

Keep reading to learn how…

The Skyscraper Technique Applied to Creating Hot Sheets and Community Pages (Content Marketing for Real Estate Agents)

Many marketers are familiar with Brian Dean’s Skyscraper Technique for writing content that generates tons of backlinks. If you’re not, no worries. In this article, I’ll provide a step-by-step guide for how to apply this proven methodology for creating real estate hot sheets and later in the guide summarize what you need to know for writing blog posts your clients will love.

When Brian first implemented “The Skyscraper Technique“, the number of backlinks to that first page shot up:  

real estate seo case study

He also saw organic search traffic to his entire site doubled in just 14 days, not just that single article.

Here is the overall traffic for the past year for a site powered by Showcase IDX that applied this technique.

organic traffic increase google analytics - real estate seo

Take note of the search traffic from Google and Bing when you break that real estate site down by the source of traffic.

hotsheets traffic sources google analytics - real estate seo

You can do the same for your real estate website…when you customize the Skyscraper Technique for real estate and follow the steps in this article. 

The 5-Steps to Using “The Skyscraper Technique Applied to Real Estate Hot Sheets and Community Pages” To Get Quality Links and Targeted Traffic

There are 5 steps to the Real Estate Skyscraper Technique for Hot Sheets. 

The steps that make up the Real Estate Skyscraper Technique for Hot Sheets and Community Pages:

Step 1: Find link-worthy content

Step 2: Make something even better

Step 3: Embed IDX search results using a modern IDX that renders MLS and IDX data as native content (NEVER use an IDX that uses iFrames or subdomains)

Step 4: Write additional blog content that highlights the local community, businesses, and events that are relevant to that hot sheet.

Step 5: Reach out to the right people.

And I walk through how to apply the Skyscraper Technique to Real Estate Hot Sheets in this short-and-sweet video:

Here’s why this technique works so well (and what it has to do with a skyscraper). 

As Brian Dean describes in his original write up on applying this to writing content,

“Have you ever walked by a really tall building and said to yourself: ‘Wow, that’s amazing! I wonder how big the 8th tallest building in the world is. Of course not. It’s human nature to be attracted to the best. And what you’re doing here is finding the tallest “skyscraper” in your space…and slapping 20 stories to the top of it.”

Most people also do not ask “who placed 3rd in the NCAA national championship last year” or “remember the person that placed 5th in the 100M dash in the last Olympics”. 

Hot Sheets and Community Pages are REQUIRED to Generate Google Traffic

By following Real Estate Skyscraper Technique and applying it to both hot sheets and your blog posts, YOU will have the content that everyone wants to talk about (and link to).

Now : There are many strategies that I use to land first page Google rankings. This Real Estate Skyscraper Technique for Hot Sheets is one of biggest ones that you need to know about and implement on your real estate website.

Step #1: Find Proven Link-Worthy Assets 

I’m not talking about link bait nonsense like “14 Things Superman Would Love About Living in Chicago”. 

I’m talking about content so awesome, so useful that people cannot help but share to Facebook/LinkedIn/Twitter, email to their friends, or login to their blog and add a link to your site.

How do you know if what you’re creating is going to be a big success…or a dud?

That’s easy: find content that already ranks well or generates a ton of links.

Real Estate Skyscraper Technique - step 1 - find good content

Here’s how:

  • Go to Google and search for the topic of your hot sheet with the city name and state.
  • Open up every link in the first three to five pages of Google in a new tab.
  • Look for useful content and close the rest.
  • Go to Youtube and search for the topic of your hot sheet to find relevant, non-competitive videos to include.
  • Go to Google maps and search for the area. Now, scroll around at different zoom levels and look for additional topics to consider either writing about in the hot sheet or future blog posts.

Now, it’s time for step 2…

Step #2: Make Something Even Better

Your next step is to make something that blows every other piece of content out of the water.

Here’s how you can take any of your previous content and the existing content you found to the next level:

Make it longer.

There will be times when writing and publishing content that is simply longer will allow you to rank. 

Your goal, though, should be to create the best piece of content a potential searcher could ever hope to create on the topic while searching for a home. 

I did this when creating my 17 Common Real Estate Website Mistakes (and How to Fix Them) article. The first 5 were easy, 6 – 11 were hard, and 12 – 17 were really difficult to pick…and then I knew that not every agent would take the time to read all of them, so we filmed a video walking through all of them . 

It took multiple pots of coffee and I don’t know how many retakes of the video…

…but in the end, I had something that was clearly better than anything else out there.

As you saw in the Google Analytics charts from one of the real estate sites that applied this technique, the results for hot sheets and agent websites is the same…

…and I’ve seen it repeatedly applied with success by agents willing to do the work.

More Up-To-Date 

If you can find old content and update it with recent content, you’ll have a winner.

For example, if you find a bunch of search results written about your hot sheet area 5 – 10 years ago, they will lack important information today.

Create something that covers many of the same points…but update it with the newest local content and links.

Better Designed

As I’ve now analyzed thousands of real estate websites and the content that ranks for pages those agents want to rank for, I’ve noticed how much of the currently ranking content is written with large bulky paragraphs, uses outdated design techniques, or displays IDX data with iFrames and subdomains.

Frequently, using more modern writing styles, adding images and videos, and using embeddable modern home search tools creates a visually stunning piece of content that can generate a lot more links and social shares than something similar on an ugly, outdated website.

Just check out my article on 17 Experts Share Their Thoughts for Agents Considering Their Own Site and Guide on Learning The Features Driving the 24 Most Successful Real Estate Websites .

In the expert article, I break up the content with short paragraphs and quote graphics.

your website can be built as a "Work in progress". Get the main parts up and going, and then add enhancements as time and budgets allow.

And in the guide, I give you a quick way to download the entire article as a PDF to save or print.

real estate seo case study

Both of these pages have generated a lot of buzz because they’re beautifully designed.

More Thorough

Most posts and pages on individual communities, neighborhoods, and real estate niches are bland descriptions without any meaty content that people can actually use or that people find valuable when searching for a home.

But, if you add a bit of depth, add your local knowledge, leverage any Youtube videos you found (in step #1), you have yourself a hot sheet that’s MUCH more valuable.

Examples: I’ve seen agents create hot sheets for 

  • every townhome in a metro area
  • hi-rise condos
  • tennis/swim or golf communities
  • homes within walking distance of _____ beach
  • And literally hundreds of other narrow search topics.

Important Tip: I recommend that you make every effort to beat any existing content on every level – length, value of the information, design, etc. 

This may take longer to create each hot sheet but it will SIGNIFICANTLY increase your chance of ranking on Google and generating organic traffic over time.

It needs to be objectively clear that YOU are the local expert and have the better piece of content.

Step 3: Embed IDX Search Results Using a Modern IDX

Create a saved search and embed the search results and map on the hot sheet using a modern IDX, like Showcase IDX.

Outdated IDXs will use subdomains, javascript, and iFrames. Some have claimed to have updated to help with SEO by using “fast, sleek property search with advanced lead capture technology” but if you have an SEO expert inspect the code, you’ll find iFrames and code that at best may not hurt your rankings but definitely will not help it. 

Your goal should be to write a minimum of 500 – 1500 words of original content for each hot sheet. 

Put the first few hundred words above the IDX search results with the goal of providing your visitors instant value when they visit your page. 

If you’re building a hot sheet targeting buyers, they’re looking for homes in the area, so give them what they want relatively quickly.

AFTER the search results, continue with the additional content you have on the area: descriptions of the area, amenities if it’s in an HOA/Condo/Co-op, videos, links to other related content on your blog, links to local points of interest, etc.

Step 4: Write Related Blogs

Often when you’re doing the work to create truly standout content for your hot sheets, you’ll come up topics that would make for incredible blog posts: 

  • local events
  • hiking trails or parks that are nearby
  • school calendars
  • great restaurants within a few minutes

You do not have to hold up publishing your hot sheets, but make sure to capture all of these topics in something like Trello . 

When you create these blog posts, embed gallery or list view of the same properties from your hot sheet, and include a link to the full hot sheet to “see all homes available in the area”.

Brian Dean’s original Skyscraper technique applies well here. Here’s Brian how to for you to follow along with:

Here is a longer walkthrough from Neil Patel and Eric Siu:

Step #5: Reach Out to The Right People

Email outreach is the linchpin of any Skyscraper Technique.

It’s similar to standard link building (i.e. link begging) but with two HUGELY important differences.

As a real estate agent though, you have two people to reach out to:

  • your past clients and
  • your local partners.

Past Clients

If you’ve written one or more blog posts in Step #4, these will be useful to your past and current clients. Send them a newsletter or email blast with your latest article. 

They will appreciate the local information…remember, this is content about the community, not about homes you’re selling, recently sold, etc. It should be content that is useful to them, not to help you close a current open transaction. 

Many people have blogs today, and almost everyone has a social account. If your content is useful, not “salesy”, they’ll share it without you even having to ask. 

Local Partners

Your local partners (e.g. mortgage brokers, home inspectors, general contractors, insurance providers, etc.) are all longing for useful content to provide as resources on their websites, include in their newsletters, and share on social.

Rember, this is about quality , not quantity. 

You want to send personalized emails to your partners telling them about your new hot sheet (or article) and asking them to link to it from their site or share it.

If you want to go above and beyond, use Canva to create a co-branded social media share graphic for them and include it in the email…if your broker allows you do that kind of branding.

Now You Try It

I hope you see the potential in the Skyscraper Technique Applied to Creating Hot Sheets and Community Pages for your website and your real estate business.

Yes, it takes hard work to create something great.

But, with this strategy and technique, you already know ahead of time that your hard work will pay off (unlike pumping out reams of posts on your latest open house or closing hoping that something goes viral).

What other real estate SEO questions or tips do you have? Comment below and let me know.

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Good stuff Kurt. What do you think about adding statistics to these hotsheet pages? Information like the current population, demographics, house styles, average home prices, etc? Is gathering information like this worth the agent’s time or should they focus on creating content that might be more sharable or interesting for everyone in the community, not just homebuyers?

Robert, thanks. I love that idea. SIDX has a shortcode for displaying the search results count (i.e. number of homes for sale matching the search) that I’ve seen some people use above the fold. Rather than simply seeing that, some of the additional formations you suggested would be more interesting to the average visitor, in my opinion.

Your question about the type of content is a good one. In the typical SEO response, “it depends”.

If the person is a buyer’s agent, I’d make sure to have 4 – 12 hot sheets built out that are simply incredible for their target niche. That should follow the process in the article/video and maybe include some of the information you suggest. It’s one of those things where I find the agents really are the experts, if they can pause to evaluate the page without anything they know as experts and only as a visitor viewing the screen. If they get that right, the page will typically do well on Google.

After that, I’d focus on creating content that is more shareable and interesting for people in the community, and make sure that each of those articles links back to at least one of the hot sheets they are trying to rank.

Very useful article; thank you Kurt

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292% Organic Traffic Growth: 7 Real Estate Brands Achieve SEO Success at Scale With seoClarity

When it comes to organic search, real estate brands require a powerful solution to scale their SEO. 

According to a survey from the National Association of Realtors, 90% of home buyers and renters start their property search online, so there’s no better time for real estate enterprise sites to leverage an SEO platform that provides:

  • The ability to analyze massive amounts of our accurate and reliable ranking data any way you want - without limitations standing in your way
  • Content optimization workflows to help you drive the best user search experience for interested buyers and renters; and
  • Opportunity to gain competitive advantage through content creation and testing across the board.

Optimizing more than 85 million pages across many large real estate sites, seoClarity provides daily ranking data for any geolocation on any search engine anywhere in the world. 

Fortunately, we have a track record of working with some of the highest-trafficked real estate sites, so we understand the challenges associated with measuring search visibility for the 140 million home addresses in the US alone.

From testing various page templates to managing technical SEO and crawl budget, we know just how critical it is to track as many keywords as possible to accurately analyze performance. We provide clients with a way to do this at scale — without breaking the bank . 

Read on to see how we built a platform to help real estate sites track millions of keywords without actually paying for it with statistical sampling in SEO .

And, as always, we have the proof to support these claims. Here are 7 enterprise real estate brands who are experiencing tremendous success thanks to the power of seoClarity as their all-in-one SEO solution.

Please note: these happy clients have requested to remain anonymous for our report.

7 SEO Success Stories of Organic Growth for Real Estate Brands

  • 292% Traffic Increase in 8 Months for Home Services Enterprise
  • 53% Increase in 2020 for Home Improvement Enterprise

32% Increase in Unique Pages Ranking in 2020 for Apartment Rental Site

  • 14% Growth In Organic Traffic Despite Challenging Market
  • 18% Increase in Total Ranking Keywords Supports 7% Growth in Unique Pages Ranking
  • 26% Increase in Search Volume Leads to 18% Increase in Unique Pages Ranking
  • 82% Increase In Top 10 Ranking Keywords

New 2020 Client Sees 292% Traffic Increase Over 8 Months

Since their investment in the seoClarity platform in July 2020, a home services enterprise brand has seen a 292% increase in their estimated monthly traffic (as of March 2021). 

real estate seo case study

This home services brand underwent an SEO strategy overhaul when they started using seoClarity to create opportunities to achieve a higher CTR and worked to improve their search visibility and overall user experience. This set them up for success from the start.

Recommended Reading: Scaling Real Estate SEO for Large Home Sale and Rental Listings

53% Increase in Estimated Monthly Organic Traffic for Home Improvement Enterprise

In a recent study published by NPR , 3 out of 4 U.S.-based homeowners surveyed completed a home improvement project in 2020. Capitalizing on that demand, our client, a home improvement enterprise experienced the following results from their SEO initiatives over a 12-month period from January 2020 to December 2020.

  • 53% increase in estimated monthly organic traffic

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  • 25% increase in Top 3 ranking keywords

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To do this, the team used seoClarity's Rank Intelligence to track an incredible amount of keywords and pages across their massive site. The SEO team worked to leverage seoClarity's statistical sampling process to monitor SERP performance and uncover visibility opportunities on the SERP, which led to improved prioritization of SEO campaigns. 

seoClarity's big SEO ranking data allows real estate brands with millions of pages an all encompassing way to monitor performance, analyze ranking data, and optimize their site content. 

An apartment rental search engine leveraged their partnership with seoClarity through platform workflows to drive a 32.3% increase in their unique pages ranking from January 2020 to December 2020. 

real estate seo case study

seoClarity provided an all-in-one solution through their platform to help the SEO team improve the user experience across their site. They specifically leveraged Content Ideas and seoClarity's content optimization workflows to address user intent for both owners and renters who use their search engine, covering all touch points of the buyers' journey - from planning to listing and beyond. 

14% Traffic Increase for Online Real Estate Development Website

Despite a rocky year for many real estate brands in 2020, a popular real estate development site ended the year on a high note, seeing a 14% increase in organic search traffic from November 2020 to February 2021. 

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Research Grid chart showing traffic increase for real estate development website

With their focus on improving page content and addressing technical challenges, the SEO team leveraged Clarity Audits in conjunction with Actionable Insights to make consistent improvements month over month.

Clarity Audits , seoClarity’s site audit and built-in crawler, allowed them to easily report issues, and then sort and prioritize by the largest impact to make huge improvements to their site.

Actionable Insights , seoClarity’s AI-driven SEO assistant, helped this lean SEO team analyze the data in real time to catch issues as they were happening. This helped them prioritize making updates and changes more efficiently, which drove these results in just six months.

18% Increase in Total Ranking Keywords Supports 7% Growth in Unique Pages Ranking for Self-Storage Marketplace

A self-storage marketplace offering moving-related products and services targeted key content initiatives and saw a nearly 18% increase in total ranking keywords driving traffic to their site. This led to 7% growth in unique pages ranking for their overall site in the second half of 2020.

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Unique Pages Ranking report for Self-Storage Marketplace from July 2020 - December 2020

With a crowded SERP, the SEO manager leveraged seoClarity to implement schema to give Google the best information about their top performing pages, and pages where they were just out of visibility among their competition.

seoClarity offers a free point-and-click Schema builder tool, schema.dev for enterprise brands looking to dominate the SERP and see their results above the fold. 

Download Schema Builder

18% Improvement in Unique Pages Ranking for Real Estate Marketing Brand

A digital marketing company that manages multiple real estate search engines saw fluctuations through the volatility of 2020, but ultimately experienced a 26% increase in search volume from January to December. This led to an impressive 18% increase in unique pages ranking across their site which showed promising growth into the new year. 

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Additionally, the brand experienced a 28% increase in keyword rankings over the same time period, which also shows promising growth well into 2021.

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The SEO team specifically worked to improve their search visibility through content optimization using seoClarity's Content Fusion and content optimization workflows. They also used Content Gaps to identify opportunities to target between their content and their competition.

Recommended Reading: Optimizing Content for Google Answer Boxes

Longevity Client Sees 82% Increase In Top 10 Ranking Keywords Over Past 5 Years

A large, online real estate marketplace has a longstanding relationship with seoClarity and the partnership is integral to their business success. In their time using the platform and leveraging seoClarity workflows to drive success, the enterprise brand has seen an 82.1% increase in Top 10 ranking keywords . 

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Impressively, this real estate marketplace wins at SEO because of their consistent process and building SEO at the center of their entire company.

Their wins come from leveraging seoClarity as their single source of truth in all things in SEO. Their most used capabilities are:

  • Rank Intelligence, with ranking analysis on-the-fly and a built-in process for statistical sampling with keywords and managed pages
  • Robust technical suite of capabilities including site audit technology with a built-in crawler that includes unlimited page crawls to address technical SEO issues and improve user experience & crawl efficiency
  • Local ranking to optimize and have a keen understanding of the market-by-market performance

We know that SEO is all about playing the long game ; it can take months to start to see the momentum in your results. Thanks to seoClarity’s limitless ranking data with keyword statistical sampling for enterprise real estate sites with millions of property listings, real estate enterprise brands see amazing results to scale their growth when leveraging the platform. 

From local rank tracking by market to content optimization throughout the homebuyers’ experience with your brand, for real estate brands looking to scale their success in 2021, seoClarity provides everything you need to be successful. 

If you’re a real estate enterprise looking to capture the momentum in the market and scale your organic growth, sign up for a demo today and see how thousands of brands are improving their search visibility with the power of an enterprise SEO platform. 

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A Real Estate SEO Case Study on the Massive Success of Avery Carl

We recently took Avery's website from pulling near-zero traffic to an unprecedented 20,000 monthly page visits. All it took us was six months – a timeline many thought was “impossible.” How did we achieve this feat? We'll let you know, but here's the background story.

Real Estate Agent

Avery Carl is an experienced investor in short-term rental properties located near desirable vacation destinations. In 2020, she was included in the Wall Street Journal's Top 100 list of agents by transaction sides and Newsweek's Top 500 real estate agent ranking.

The business covers the highly sought-after areas of The Smoky Mountains, Destin 30A & Panama City Beach in Florida, and Gulf Shores and Orange Beach in Alabama. 

Avery Carl and her expert team have helped hundreds of investors find their perfect rental property. The Short Term Shop works closely with clients to assist them with finding the best investment property, executing the purchase, and even negotiating closing terms.

Avery’s clients love her and her company for a no-nonsense, professional, and customer-focused business ethos. If you want to buy the best investment property possible, just call Avery Carl.

Here, we review the web development work we did on The Short Term Shop’s website and how ArdorSEO helped Avery’s site stand out with new features.

Real Estate SEO Transformation: Before and After

When we first began in January 2021, Short Term Shop's website wasn't doing well enough as far as real estate SEO goes. At the time, it had lesser organic reach and wasn't appearing in search results for its niche.

Admittedly, these factors set the scene for a poor real estate SEO run, but we knew something had to change at some point. Besides our conviction, we know that existing SEO tools offer essential guidance regarding the direction we had to travel in for a successful real estate SEO campaign. 

For us, this was an opportunity to transform this real estate website into the lead-generating powerhouse it ought to be. So we made that our choice, and we're so grateful we did!

The site now ranks in Google's top three results for all its real estate keywords and generates a significant amount of monthly organic page views. Plus, the leads have increased by 266%! All of this is thanks to real estate SEO. 

If your website is in a similar situation, don't hesitate to try real estate SEO - you won't regret it!

Avery Carl traffic growth

A chart showing Avery Carl’s organic traffic search results.

The Turning Point for The Short Term Shop’s Real Estate Website

We worked hard on effective real estate SEO, and it paid off significantly. The Short Term Shop's site traffic and converted leads skyrocketed in 6 months. Avery Carl and her staff currently average 15K organic page visitors monthly! That's a rise of over 60% compared to figures before us working on the site!

This is a big deal, as the site went from non-visibility to around 15K monthly organic page views during the past year.

Wait till you read about the lead conversion story: it's been one dreamy real estate SEO journey for us!

Lead Conversions from Search Engines

Everyone knows that real estate SEO is mainly on lead conversion. Any focused real estate website will work on its lead conversion bearing the competition in mind. Thankfully for us, the website engagement of convertible leads is doing noticeably better than that of specialized rivals.

The Short Term Shop's bounce rate was 13%, a whopping 11% lower than the industry average. Visitors from various search engines love to spend ample time on the STS website. Individual sessions last an average of a little more than five minutes. That's twice as long as visitors spend on average on rival real estate websites!

Monthly result graph representation

Strategies We Used to Improve Traffic and Get Qualified Leads for The Short Term Shop

Real estate website owners sometimes realize the significance of search engine optimization for their business models a little too late. That doesn't have to be; our tried-and-true strategies can help.

A successful search engine optimization plan is like an intelligent machine with several parts. These all work together to promote a business's development and its website.

Creating keyword-rich web pages for The Short Term Shop was a hit across search engine rankings, with excellent, relevant content supporting every page. Likewise, we built a strong network of backlinks to the website and optimized it for easy navigation. 

This step helped increase traffic to the site and improve the website’s position in search engine results pages.

Consequently, we attracted more visitors and generated more leads. Thanks to our efforts, we achieved our goal of improving the website's visibility and driving more traffic.

The main strategies we employed to help Short Term Shop attain its success are listed below.

Focusing on Local Keywords in Short Term Shop's Service Areas

The real estate industry is competitive. Real estate agents typically take the rivalry to search engines and battle for visibility there. About 97% of homebuyers used the internet to search for a home in 2021. Realtor sites all jostle for a piece of that statistical pie. How can anyone avoid getting left behind? 

Our strategy was arrow-straight: use real estate SEO to show our client’s website to the right people when they conduct a Google search. That’s what sets businesses ahead of the competition on search engines.

Fun fact about Google: the search engine rewards buyer-friendly real estate keywords . Including these keywords on websites and instructional content is one way to draw targeted traffic that converts quickly.

We started by developing several brand-new property sites that aimed to rank for almost all "real estate agents" keywords. That move will register on any search engine almost instantly.

Then, we added worthwhile, specially written information to these pages to draw a steady stream of clients who would like to purchase through their website.

Significant keyword research also helped to ensure that every sentence delivers the maximum power in its punch. With the volume we got, we had to control keyword stuffing, a practice that could ruin all the good work we’d done so far.

Beyond that, we oversaw the real estate content strategy distribution through the proper channels.

Right now, we're also considering new keyword research and local SEO strategies to dominate local SEO.

Building Strategic Links into Real Estate Websites

“Link building” is getting other websites to refer back to a single site – The Short Term Shop, in this case. It positions a website as a local SEO authority in its subject, making it one of the most popular local SEO techniques for enhancing a website's Google rankings.

If you had to boil down your processes into a single SEO strategy, it has to be strategic linking. That's because your site will rank higher faster when you're able to create more links.

There are three kinds of links:

  • external links, and
  • internal links. 

Internal links connect your educational content to other pertinent pages on your website.

External links tie your content to quality content from other reputable websites that may provide value to your customers in a non-competitive market.

Backlinks are links to your website's content from other relevant websites. We gained organic backlinks to our website by creating high-quality, in-depth content and ranking it in the top three search results. These results are positive and just what we expected from the SEO strategy.

Creating Informational and Valuable Content

There’s no better way to improve your SEO and generate new traffic than creating authentic, relevant, and valuable content for your visitors. Several confusing and overwhelming real estate niche topics require simplifying for your target customers. 

Creating authentic content and placing relevant real estate SEO keywords helps potential homebuyers and investors better understand the industry. This brings more traffic to your website, well beyond your wildest imagination!

Kris Reid from Ardor SEO

Do you know that understanding the ROI of rental property is a topic in high demand? Of course, not many people understand it the first time. Unfortunately, way fewer real estate SEO tips mention it at all. So, how do you tailor visible content to cater to that information need?

The answer is surprisingly simple: create a blog post or video that explains ROI calculation on rental property investments . Such content will be helpful to potential investors.

More than that, using such content, you can demonstrate your industry expertise and build credibility for your business. People trust your brand and your team all the more for it: only a solid real estate SEO strategy can guarantee this.

Google and other search engines focus on authentic and relevant content in their ranking algorithms. They want to ensure that their users get the best information possible when they search for a term. Therefore, the search engine results page does its best to show the most relevant websites that fulfill these requirements (or user needs). 

Since January 2021, The Short Term Shop has posted loads of informative content to generate better local search optimization leads. This content drive also helps position the business as an authority in local real estate.

Optimized Website

On-page SEO is a critical aspect of website optimization - it encompasses everything from site structure and navigation to content and user experience.

A website's technical function includes assessing how quickly it loads, how intuitive it is to visitors, and its compatibility with various devices and web browsers. It’s also essential to ensure that you fix any deprecated links or poor-quality visuals.

Since most users now access information via innovative devices and high-speed internet, a business cannot afford technical issues with its website in the face of many competitors. 

Therefore, we've applied the best optimization techniques to benefit Avery Carl's website over the past year.

Mobile-Friendly and Quick-Loading Website

The typical consumer or end user searches for everything online. Businesses need their websites to be fast and optimized for visual appeal on mobile devices. Once there’s the tiniest deviation from what they expect, they’re quick to seek an alternative—yes , using a search engine!  

For The Short Term Shop’s website, we've shored up on-page SEO and ensured that the content loads quickly enough for mobile web users — in less than a second.

Avery Sold $621 MILLION in Real Estate with Ardor SEO!

Grow Your 

Real Estate Business!

Consolidating Effective Messaging

Customizing your messages to the many visitors who approach your business is the simplest way to establish a relationship with your prospects. Leads automatically self-identify with the product or service you offer. 

They’re aware that you comprehend their needs and challenges, and tailored messaging makes them confident that you can provide a solution through tailored messaging.

By promoting your leads with calls to action, you can help shape their experience as they trust they’re working with a firm that can solve their problems.

Resolve Technical Problems

Just as people feel bad when a webpage loads slowly, pesky Google Ads and bad aesthetics make them cringe in horror. Potential customers are unforgiving when a site exhibits technical issues like poor-quality images or broken links. It makes their quest to find help difficult and time-consuming. Search engine algorithms will repress and sometimes delist a site with excessive technical issues.

Therefore, you need to ensure that all links within your content are live and functioning and that picture quality is excellent to keep the user experience on your website as simple and enjoyable as possible.

In addition, having a simple and intuitive website design makes it easy for visitors who came through organic search results to stay there longer.

The Right Link Building for a Real Estate Business

We’ve already discussed the three link types on which to focus. These internal, external, and backlinks help to improve the SEO performance of your content significantly.

While internal and external links are excellent on websites, backlinks are the workhorse you need to build subject matter authority. Backlinks are a link on other websites that directly link to your website. As an unspoken rule, it's best to attach links to long-tail keywords for optimal SEO performance.

Stay Updated

Search engines like Google monitor the activity on your website. They want to see regular content up and live, which tells their algorithms you’re putting in the work to create content for visitors.

Uploading new content regularly is the most obvious way to keep your website fresh, but optimizing and repurposing old and existing content also works like a charm.

If you have an old blog post that still gets lots of traffic, repurposing the content into a video or infographic shared on social media can drive more traffic to your website. While you're at it, try throwing in some newly-researched long-tail keywords.

GMB Optimization

One excellent technique for real estate SEO that brings in new clients for brokers is Google Business Profile (formerly Google My Business). Setting up a GMB account enables users to access current information about your business.

Google Business Profile dramatically increases your visibility on Google Maps search results pages and generates crucial leads for your business! A solid marketing strategy any company can leverage.

To help The Short Term Shop rank high on local SERP (search engine result pages), we produced GMB articles with the necessary keywords and geotagged images. In addition, we finished and improved the GMB profile section. To cement the website’s position in local search results, we created citations that only a few sites can match.

How You Can Increase Traffic From Qualified Leads

Market Growth

Source: https://www.statista.com/

Increasing traffic is an excellent goal, but you need only the right leads to your website. If you get 100,000 visitors a month, but only 2% of them are interested in real estate, that isn’t beneficial to your business.

A qualified lead is a potential customer that you know is interested in your product or service. To qualify a lead, you can offer them something valuable in return for their information, such as a written guide or webinar replay on how to buy your first rental property. 

The free but handy guide will help separate those interested in real estate investing and those who are not. That allows you to add more qualified leads to your database, leading to a higher ROI.

The Trusty Cash Flow Calculator

The trusty cash flow calculator on The Short Term Rental Shop’s website is an excellent example of giving your customers something tangible in return for their information. 

The calculator is designed to help property investors understand the concept of operating cash flow and check just how profitable a potential rental property may be. Property investors find this tool extremely helpful and are likely to seek the Short Term Rental Shop services when buying their new rental property.

Giving their website visitors access to such a valuable tool helps build trust and credibility for the real estate agency. It shows that they care about investors, have expertise in the industry, and are likely to help make good property investment decisions. 

More Customers, More Houses Sold, and Financial Freedom

You created a real estate agency because you’re passionate about helping people find the perfect home or property investment. Buying a house is a big deal for many people, and they need companies like yours to help guide them through the process.

Wrapping Up

The real estate SEO case study above shows how we – ArdorSEO – can make your business more visible online so that you can focus on helping people buy their dream homes. 

A solid SEO strategy will help you increase organic search traffic, increase qualified leads, and ultimately make more sales. All that is even better when you have the right real estate SEO services to assist you.

Why not leave the worries and stress of SEO to us? We’ll bring in the customers, and you close the deal. Imagine a future where you have a constant stream of new customers and a healthy income stream.

Is SEO Good for Realtors?

Absolutely. You must understand that the internet has vast potential for any realtor’s clientele. However, “visibility” is the watchword: how often do potential clients see your site online? That’s especially when you consider that there are competing firms in the same niche.

Ultimately, SEO improves your site’s visibility and generates more valuable leads.

Where Can I Find Some SEO Hacks for My Real Estate Business?

You might find some quick-fire SEO tips online, but real estate SEO doesn’t have “hacks” in the real sense. Each optimization process has to be planned and executed over time to get the best results. Consider our case study above: it’s no hack, but it will set you on the right path.

As a Real Estate Agent, Can I Do SEO by Myself?

It is possible to handle real estate SEO yourself, but that’s not necessarily the best way. Between keyword placement, link optimization, and content management, there are so several other things to do in-between. You can take them all, but you might not have the time for other site operations.

You might have to use SEO tools to help you automate the entire optimization process. Thankfully, you can find solid options and services like ArdorSEO.

How Fast Can I Get a Result by Implementing SEO for My Website?

SEO efforts take time to start showing results. If we were to put a number on it, six months is closer to the average. That’s enough time to get organic responses from search engines and other lead channels.

How Do I Know if My Real Estate Business Needs SEO or Not?

You can start by taking a quick Google search of your real estate site. Your real estate business sorely needs SEO if it doesn’t appear in the first five search results. However, search engine optimization is a continuous process, so it’s a practical requirement for your real estate business.

In today's world, digital experts are affordable and employ teams of experienced professional IT and content professionals. Our team is a vibrant mix of talented real estate professionals and writers who live, breathe, and create an all-things-real estate. If you find yourself too busy or overwhelmed by the things you must do to soar to the highest visibility to both buyers and sellers in your area, don't be shy - discover  real estate SEO experts .

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About the author 

Kris Reid, the Coolest Guy in SEO, is the CEO of Ardor SEO. His expertise lies in helping real estate professionals get more leads and customers to predictably grow their business. Get to know Kris and learn more about our team here.

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Real Estate SEO Case Studies

Real estate is a fiercely competitive market—one that is often complicated by geographic factors and an ever-evolving landscape. galileo tech media provides proven and effective real estate seo services to a global clientele, helping independent agents, media publishers and brokerage firms enhance their organic search rankings, expand their client base and retain loyal customers through authentic and immersive seo content., real estate seo solutions, our partnership approach.

Understanding the complexity of the real estate market is key to driving success — both online and offline. Through collaborating with businesses that occupy different spaces in the market, Galileo Tech Media has been able to gain invaluable insight into this ever-evolving niche market. Utilizing marketing tactics like local SEO , authority building and immersive content creation, we have been able to enhance the web presences of several noteworthy real estate clients.

After an initial intake to understand a given partner’s goals and current marketing framework, we both implement and improve upon processes, seamlessly slotting in and providing immediate value. In this capacity, Galileo Tech Media has taken on a variety of projects in the real estate space, including SEO keyword research, technical SEO audits and SEO content production.

Client: Blue Chip Media Company

In partnering with a leading publisher in the home and real estate space, Galileo Tech Media has helped to grow several niche blogs focused on relevant topics. Our scope has included conducting SEO keyword research , advising on a blog content calendar and writing compelling and keyword-rich copy to drive visits and increase engagement.

Through this collaboration, our client has enjoyed having the deep resources of our team without having to hire for various positions internally — saving them both time and money. Furthermore, we streamlined what was a cumbersome and resource-intensive content creation process, freeing up their in-house team to focus on other business needs that they were better suited to handle.

  • SEO keyword research and selection
  • Content calendar development

SEO content creation

  • Streamlined overall content creation process, resulting in higher efficiencies and enhanced output
  • Enabled their clients, such as real estate agents, to utilize the content we create to strengthen their relationships with both buyers and sellers

Client: Luxury Real Estate Listing Website

In our work with a real estate listing business, Galileo Tech Media advised the client to focus their overall messaging on a more discerning and luxury audience. This pivot helped the business carve out a definitive and differentiated place in the market.

In our ongoing collaboration, we conduct SEO keyword research — with a focus on geo-targeted, intent-focused terms — and produce compelling and value-adding SEO content. Resultantly, our client has been able to gain more search visibility while positioning themselves as a thought-leader in this highly competitive space.

  • SEO content creation and optimization

Assisted in overall rebrand, pivoting marketing efforts towards targeting a more discerning, luxury-oriented clientele

Created keyword-rich, targeted content to start branded blog

Help to both frame and then reinforce new brand identity through immersive Content Hubs and brand-owned channels

How can you attract qualified leads in your market with Real Estate SEO?

Why is local seo crucial for real estate businesses seeking success online.

Any good real estate agent understands that knowing the market is imperative for success. When it comes to the digital space, a business’s website must be equally conversant in the local language: Which is why having a strong local SEO strategy is paramount.

At Galileo Tech Media, we’ve worked with an array of businesses across a variety of categories (including real estate, of course) that rely heavily upon local SEO to bring in quality web traffic and increase conversions. In our partnerships with these clients, we typically conduct a local SEO audit, identifying opportunities in the region and clarifying the competitive landscape. Targeted long-tail and short-tail SEO keywords are then identified, and content is both created and optimized using these keywords, zeroing in on the hyper-specific terms that prospective customers are searching for.

Throughout our collaborative efforts with real estate businesses, we not only stay abreast of SEO best practices, but we conduct regular keyword refreshes, as real estate trends continually evolve. Real estate companies entrust us to bring knowledge, professionalism and a can-do attitude to every single project we approach.

Explore Our SEO Case Studies

From Fortune 500 travel brands looking to rise to the top of the SERPs to boutique creative agencies seeking white label SEO services, Galileo Tech Media has worked with a wealth of clients. Our efforts run the gamut from conducting technical SEO audits to crafting highly researched, industry-specific blog content. In all of our relationships, our flexible partnership approach has proven invaluable, allowing our happy clients to leverage our expertise on-demand while scaling their businesses in the process.

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  • July 21, 2022
  • InboundREM Case Studies

Real Estate SEO Case Study with Bret Wallace – 10x Return

real estate seo case study

Table of Contents

“You’re half my digital marketing guy, half my business consultant.” Bret Wallace

This quote encapsulates why my clients enjoy fantastic ROIs. Yes, I’m a real estate digital marketing expert. And yes, I infuse that expertise into my real estate technology and service packages. 

Just as importantly, I coach proactive clients on the most effective digital marketing tactics. In the case of Bret Wallace, that meant a 4-pronged approach. Bret is quickly becoming a real estate lead generation powerhouse in his own right through YouTube, Google My Business, paid hyperlocal search packets, and his website. 

We’ve been working together for a little over 2 years now with exceptional results. As with all my case studies, he represents a typical or average client in many respects. I didn’t cherrypick him.

The reason he’s the focus of this case study is not because he’s wildly more successful than other clients. It’s because he tracks his metrics pretty well, which makes for an accurate case study. 

Before we met, Bret had plateaued for multiple years with an annual GCI of around $175,000 using standard lead services like Zillow. After one year with me, he hit $224,000. His second year totaled $320,000. 

That’s a GCI increase of 70% after about two years. Here’s our story.

real estate seo case study

From Typical to Exceptional

Bret Spent over $10K on Zillow before he spoke to James “The ZillowKiller” Rembert, who advised him to stop spending money on short-term lead generation. Instead, he encouraged Bret to produce valuable content and let the leads come to him. 

I doubled-down on this game-changing advice by instructing Bret to make hyperlocal video content. The production value can be low because what’s really important is putting your face in front of target leads while providing unique value.

real estate seo case study

Bret got to work, and the results have been impressive. Check out his Fort Bend, Texas Real Estate YouTube channel , which is among the most successful YT channels among my clients. 

The Fort Bend Real Estate YouTube channel has over 70,000 total views. In 2020 he received 20 high-quality lead calls, and in 2021 he received 50 more. His conversion rate hovers around 20%, which equals 14 converted transactions. 

For his area, the average transaction is $325,000, which equals to $4.5 million in sales. Estimating his GCI with the average commission of 5.7% for realtors in Texas, that’s $256,500 over two years just from a YouTube channel. 

At the beginning, Bret’s videos mostly consisted of driving around neighborhoods while his wife filmed on an iPhone 11 as he talked about the market, local community, and homes. That’s it. One shot iPhone videos with virtually no editing. 

Did I coach him about how to optimize his videos so they actually get traffic? Absolutely. But the bulk of the filming, at least for a long time, was little more than talking to his wife just like he would a client. 

I don’t want to oversell YouTube real estate lead generation because it does take work. Bret worked . He’s got 150 videos on his channel. But it’s not as daunting as many people think.

It’s not insane to think of it as touring around a new, information-greedy client that wants to see every corner of your market. Then you follow the highly detailed advice of a video marketing expert while uploading your content. Presto! 

The end effect is a lead generation machine that’s easy to corner because your competition is probably scared to death of getting on camera. It’s a machine that would likely continue to produce Bret 10+ converted leads a year for several years even if he produced little new content. 

Google My Business Profile

real estate seo case study

Bret’s Google My Business profile generates 100+ calls per year. Of those, about 25 have become converted leads. 

In a way, GMB is a one-time setup that takes a couple of hours of verification and data entry. On the other hand, it works best when you have numerous excellent reviews. Obviously that takes time. Bret has sixty 5-star Google reviews. Only 5 star reviews. 

That’s because he took my advice to actively seek Google reviews from satisfied clients. Then he reflected even more appreciation back than he received. It takes years and deep client service to build that kind of profile. As with YouTube, it takes insider knowledge to know how to rank well for your market. 

At its core, however, it’s a byproduct that comes naturally from great client service. You set up your account, you ask clients for reviews, and you reflect gratitude back. It’s a free marketing tactic with a very low time cost that will produce Bret 25 converted leads a year for the foreseeable future.

Sponsored Ads in Hyperlocal Search Packet

real estate seo case study

Bret has only spent 8 months using the paid Google hyperlocal search packet at the time of our 2-year case study interview. It’s hands-down the best method of paid advertising in the real estate world. 

The first few months Bret used the service were the very first months Google implemented this system. There were ups and downs as many new realtors signed up and Google had to continually reprioritize the paid subscribers. 

Overall, during that period, Bret received 20 calls. He spent $1000 in paid advertising with one completed transaction with a $13,500 commission. That’s a 12.5X ROI. There’s another lead deep in the conversion process, which would result in a 25X ROI.

You can read more about this PPC marketing tactic in my guide to hyperlocal search packets . Like the Google My Business profile, the setup is one-time and not complicated. But there are also plenty of behind-the-scenes actions that make a huge difference.

We at InboundREM handle those actions to ensure our clients have a large competitive edge over their competition.

Website Traffic

real estate seo case study

Bret’s Homes of Fort Bend website is the cornerstone of his digital marketing strategy. Does it produce mad leads? No. Bret has received a few calls from direct organic traffic to the website. That’s opposed to leads that found his YouTube videos and then were redirected to the site. 

For complex reasons that I’m not going to get into now, his website is essential to his overall strategy even though it’s not generating lots of organic search traffic right now. 

InboundREM rebuilt his website as part of his $25K spend over the last two years. As you can see, it’s a nice website that’s easy to navigate, makes use of his excellent reviews, and encourages contact without being pushy. 

One thing I’d like to highlight is the website’s excellent authority score. His homepage has a 29/100 URL rating, which is fantastic for a real estate website. That’s especially true considering the small size of his team.

It is important to note that the metrics below from Ahrefs aren’t accurate. The Domain Authority (DA) and URL Authority (UR) are correct, but the traffic is much higher because Bret drives lots of direct traffic from other sources. We configured his website to interact with these sources in such a way that greatly improves their efficacy. 

real estate seo case study

Return on Investment

Bret has a $22-$25K total investment with InboundREM, including website rebuild and the original cost of the entire first contract, plus an increased budget upon contract renewal. His 2020 GCI totaled $224,000, his 2021 GCI totaled $320,000, and his total GCI while working with me is $544,000. 

I’m going to continue my highly conservative method of calculating client ROI and say that only $240,000 of his GCI came through marketing tactics I taught him. So officially we’ll say that’s a 10X ROI, but it could easily be significantly higher, probably around 15X ROI. 

What about 2018 and 2019? Bret has never completed a year with more than $200,000 in GCI. During the two years before he hired me, he had plateaued at $175,000. After two years with me, that jumped up $145,000 to $320,000. 

I’ll say that one more time. Bret has enjoyed a 10X ROI and almost doubled his GCI after 2 years with InboundREM. You can read about another 10X ROI Case Study with Dean Short . 

I’d love to talk with you about how you can enjoy similar success. Book a consultation with me using the link below.

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Let’s chat about how an SEO-focused website that YOU OWN, Google Business Profile Campaigns, or Custom Email Campaigns can generate high-quality leads and exceptional long-term ROI. If my services aren’t the best move for you, I’ll gladly point you in the right direction

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A 70% increase in GCI after just two years is really impressive! Way to go!!

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Thank you, Alex! We thought it was pretty impressive ourselves.

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I found Robert on Youtube, when I was searching for the Real Estate Lead Generation Websites reviews. After watching several of his videos, I’ve decided... read more I found Robert on Youtube, when I was searching for the Real Estate Lead Generation Websites reviews. After watching several of his videos, I’ve decided to contact him to help with my online presence and lead generation. He was super helpful. Robert spent almost an hour with me and explained in details what I need to do. His advice was spot on, in terms of what I could immediately do to improve my ranking and generate more sales. I was very impressed by his knowledge of his competitors offering real estate lead generation services. He also gave me some very good advices that will save me tons of money. Thank you Robert for all your knowledge and effectiveness. read less

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The phone consultation with Robert was very informative. He spent nearly an hour helping me out with my business. I'd definitely refer inboundrem to a... read more The phone consultation with Robert was very informative. He spent nearly an hour helping me out with my business. I'd definitely refer inboundrem to a family member or friend. read less

Shaunna Karlous Avatar

Robert Newman gave me some excellent advice about what inboundrem can help me with regards to owning my own website and real estate SEO lead... read more Robert Newman gave me some excellent advice about what inboundrem can help me with regards to owning my own website and real estate SEO lead gen with long term evergreen valuable content vs. paying for low quality online leads. He was extremely knowledgeable about what other RE marketing companies have in comparison for services using pros and cons of unbiased input. What I was most impressed with is he gave me several hours of his time as much as I needed to ask questions and understand if inboundrem was a good fit for my business needs and vice versa. read less

Rebecca Brooks Avatar

Robert was gracious enough to allow me to pick his brain on a quick phone call...he was patient, helpful, gracious and made an effort to... read more Robert was gracious enough to allow me to pick his brain on a quick phone call...he was patient, helpful, gracious and made an effort to give me some practical advice. He didn't dis his competitors, he only explained the difference in services and encouraged me to take some time to dig deeper into evaluating my needs. Great conversation, thank you for your time, Robert! read less

Dan Carlson Avatar

Robert is the man! I never leave reviews, but after speaking with Robert I felt compelled to do so. I followed Robert on his YouTube channel... read more Robert is the man! I never leave reviews, but after speaking with Robert I felt compelled to do so. I followed Robert on his YouTube channel for a few weeks before reaching out to him. After watching many of his video reviews, I was very impressed with his vast industry knowledge. I had an online consultation with Robert for over an hour today. Based off of my current situation, he determined now may not be the best time to work together. After this was determined, he still took the time to listen and make unbiased recommendations that were best for me. I learned so much about real estate marketing over the course of our consultation. His industry knowledge truly is second to none. Most real estate companies only see you as another number towards a sales quota, but Robert & InboundREM genuinely care about doing what's right for you. I highly recommend reaching out to Robert for an online consultation if you have been thinking about it! read less

Tamana Anayat Avatar

Robert provided such a wonderful consultation. In the luxury real estate market, there is a lot of upsell for different websites and platforms, however, Robert... read more Robert provided such a wonderful consultation. In the luxury real estate market, there is a lot of upsell for different websites and platforms, however, Robert used his years of expertise and unbiased opinions to properly analyze which route was best for me. What stood out most was the amount of knowledge and connections he had in the real estate industry. It was a great experience and I definitely encourage people to consult with him. read less

John Mathew Avatar

I saw some videos on YouTube about inbound real estate marketing, and I reached out to Robert for some guidance on marketing and how I... read more I saw some videos on YouTube about inbound real estate marketing, and I reached out to Robert for some guidance on marketing and how I can get better at my business. Robert listed to my story, and he was able to give me some great advice/ideas, then asked me to start working on them before I spend money on marketing. He is very honest and cares about people. Thank you. read less

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Inbound REM provides a unique platform for generating Real Estate SEO and marketing. Our initial consultation with Robert was the most comprehensive and transparent overview... read more Inbound REM provides a unique platform for generating Real Estate SEO and marketing. Our initial consultation with Robert was the most comprehensive and transparent overview we experienced when comparing multiple companies for real estate web design and all in one services. Robert has a wealth of knowledge to share in the Real Estate marketing industry and is well worth a consultation. read less

Tim Cummings Avatar

SEO matters. With so many real estate website choices, it's easy to get overwhelmed when deciding which company stands out the among the rest.... read more SEO matters. With so many real estate website choices, it's easy to get overwhelmed when deciding which company stands out the among the rest. Confidently and without a doubt, Robert Newman and the team at InboundREM out performs its competitors. Robert is beyond knowledgeable with regard to SEO and building your brand. He understands us Realtors, listens to our needs and delivers unparalleled advice on how to optimize his service. I cannot thank him enough for his patience throughout the onboarding process and look forward to our continued work together. If anyone is looking to work with a professional who is authentic and genuinely cares, look no further than Robert Newman and InboundREM. read less

Justin Garten Realtor Gaffs Realty Avatar

This is the marketing team we have been searching for. Just in a very short period time Robert has us pointed in the right direction... read more This is the marketing team we have been searching for. Just in a very short period time Robert has us pointed in the right direction to explain our real estate careers. read less

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Realtor SEO: CASE STUDIES and Pro-Tips For Real Estate Websites

SEO for realtors case study

At Stigan Media, our SEO team excels in managing search engine optimization campaigns specifically for local realtor companies. Our expertise in real estate SEO has demonstrated significant success stories. For example, a local realtor in Langley, Cloverdale, and South Surrey, BC, saw a remarkable increase in their organic traffic by over 130% within a year, thanks to our proven SEO techniques.

How did we achieve such impressive results? Keep reading this article or save your time contact us for a free SEO audit for your realtor company.

Take, for instance, our work with realtors in Langley, Cloverdale, and South Surrey, BC. By applying our bespoke real estate SEO techniques, we achieved a remarkable feat: increasing organic traffic by over 130%. This milestone was not just a number but a testament to the power of targeted SEO in the real estate sector. (Refer to the screenshot below for details).

How we improved traffic for a realtor in Langley by 130%

We trust that our proficiency in realtor SEO is evident. Now, let’s delve into our methodology and established techniques, aimed at boosting your real estate website’s organic traffic and lead generation, detailed in the sections below.

1. Start with Proper Keyword Research

Keywords to use in an SEO company for a local realtor

Effective SEO for realtors begins with keyword research. While this task may seem straightforward, its complexity and importance cannot be overstated. As experienced professionals in realtor SEO, we have systematized our approach to ensure we identify the most beneficial keywords for your business. Here’s how we do it:

  • Assessing Search Volume : First, we evaluate the search volume of keywords. Our goal is to avoid focusing on terms with negligible search volume, as they won’t drive traffic to your site. For instance, a previous client ranked first for ‘new row homes for sale Toronto, ON,’ but the keyword had zero search volume, leading to no website visits or leads.
  • Understanding Search Intent : We analyze the intent behind each keyword to ensure its effectiveness for your business. Keywords like ‘realtor Toronto’ typically indicate commercial intent with a local focus, aligning well with your business objectives. Conversely, keywords with informational intent, such as “Toronto neighborhoods with the best parks”, often lead to general information pages, providing little direct benefit for realtor websites.
  • Keyword Difficulty Analysis : Utilizing advanced tools like Ahrefs and SEMrush , we assess the difficulty of ranking for each keyword. Our agency invests in these top-tier resources to accurately gauge which keywords are within reach, especially considering your budget. For clients with limited budgets, we focus on low-competition yet effective keywords to drive SEO traffic and leads to your real estate business.

Our thorough approach ensures that the foundation of your realtor SEO campaign is solid, setting the stage for successful and sustainable results.

2. Double-Checking Initial Web Analytics Steps Before Proceeding to Actual SEO Work

Double-Checking Initial Web Analytics

Before diving into the core of our SEO work for realtors, our agency takes an additional, crucial step that sets us apart: a thorough review of all the basics of web analytics. This ensures not only precise tracking of the project, but also the ability to provide our real estate clients with accurate and meaningful SEO reports.

Our process includes several key checks and setups:

  • Google Analytics 4 : We confirm that Google Analytics 4 is properly tracking your website. This tool is essential for monitoring website traffic and user behavior, which are critical for assessing the effectiveness of our SEO strategies for realtors.
  • Google Search Console : We ensure full integration with Google Search Console . This invaluable tool from Google assists in tracking SEO performance and identifying technical issues that could impact your website’s search rankings.

Customized Google Business Profile for Local Realtor

  • SEO Software Integration : Your project is added to our high-end SEO software for continuous position tracking. This allows us to monitor how your keywords are performing in real time.
  • Goal Setup in Google Analytics 4 : Perhaps most importantly, we set up specific goals in Google Analytics 4 to track conversions and leads accurately. Whether it’s through website forms, phone number clicks, or tools like a commission calculator, these metrics help us gauge the real ROI (return on investment) of your SEO campaign.

Customized conversions for a local realtor's website

This comprehensive setup is often overlooked by many SEO agencies, leading to incomplete or misleading reports. In contrast, our approach ensures you receive tangible data on the true value and impact of your realtor SEO optimization efforts.

3. Website SEO Architecture Audit

A critical phase in our SEO process is the audit of your realor website’s current architecture. This is often an area ripe for improvements, not just for SEO but also for enhancing user experience. In the realm of realtor SEO, the meticulous structuring of website links is especially vital.

Local realtor website structure

During this stage, we identify the pages that are currently driving traffic and generating leads for your real estate business. These pages become our primary focus for optimization, ensuring they are fully aligned with your business objectives and target audience.

Furthermore, we conduct a thorough review and enhancement of internal linking. This involves creating strategic inbound links among these key pages, which helps in distributing page authority and improving the overall SEO structure of your website. We also pay close attention to the optimization of your website’s navigation bar and footer, as these elements are crucial for easy user navigation and can significantly impact both the user experience and your site’s SEO performance.

Our goal in this audit is to ensure that your website’s structure is not only SEO-friendly but also intuitive and user-friendly, facilitating smooth navigation for visitors and ultimately leading to better engagement and conversion rates.

4. SEO Content optimization for real estate

The subsequent step in our SEO process is the content optimization of the pages targeted for your chosen real estate keywords. We begin with a thorough rewriting of existing page content, ensuring it aligns with both SEO best practices and user engagement standards.

To achieve this, we utilize an advanced tool called Surfer SEO . This tool performs an in-depth analysis of content on the first-page search results, assessing the frequency and distribution of keywords. It algorithmically determines the optimal number of keywords needed for real estate content to rank effectively on search engines.

Surfer optimization for local realtor website page

Armed with this data, our experienced SEO copywriting team takes center stage. Collaboration with our real estate clients is crucial at this point, as we gather essential information that must be included in the content. Our skilled copywriters then craft high-converting, engaging content that seamlessly integrates the necessary keywords as per our analysis.

This step is where many realtor SEO agencies falter, often resorting to low-cost outsourcing for content writing. Such an approach can lead to subpar content, merely stuffed with keywords, which might temporarily boost SEO rankings but fail to retain user interest. In contrast, our agency prioritizes high-quality, engaging content. Our in-house team of local writers possesses extensive experience in crafting content that not only ranks well but also genuinely engages your audience, keeping them on your website longer and encouraging them to explore further.

It’s a delicate balance between optimizing for search engines and writing for real people – and it’s a balance we excel at maintaining.

5. On-Page SEO Optimization

As part of our thorough SEO process, we next focus on on-page optimization, addressing not just the targeted SEO pages but your entire website. Here’s a brief guide on what to do to enhance your realtor website’s ranking on Google:

  • Meta Titles Optimization : Incorporate your primary keyword, such as ‘Toronto Realtor’, into the meta titles. This is crucial for search engines to understand the main focus of your pages.
  • Meta Description Optimization : While not directly influencing rankings, well-crafted meta descriptions can improve click-through rates, indirectly benefiting SEO.
  • Alt Tags Optimization : Provide accurate and natural descriptions for images, including targeted keywords. This improves image search visibility and overall page relevance.
  • H1s Optimization : Each page should have a single H1 tag that clearly defines its content. Including a combination of real estate keywords and location can be effective.
  • H2 to H6 Optimization : These headings help structure your content for both users and search engines. Avoid overusing your targeted keyword in these tags.

Schema implementation for local realtor website


  • SEO-Friendly URLs : While ideally addressed during the website architecture audit, always ensure that your URLs are well-structured and include your targeted keywords.
  • Internal Linking : Establish a robust internal linking structure across your website, including navigation bars and footers, to distribute page authority and aid navigation.
  • NAP Consistency : For realtor businesses, it’s essential to maintain consistent Name, Address, and Phone number (NAP) information, ideally embedded with a map on relevant pages.
  • Customer Testimonials with Keywords : Incorporate authentic client testimonials on your pages, enhancing trustworthiness and relevance in the eyes of search engines.
  • E-E-A-T Implementation : This stands for Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. We demonstrate these qualities to search engines by showcasing your certifications, awards, and detailed information about key team members in your real estate business.

Each of these elements plays a pivotal role in strengthening your website’s SEO, making it more visible and attractive to both search engines and potential clients.

6. Local SEO and Google Business Profile Optimization For Realtors

Local SEO is a pivotal aspect of SEO realtor strategy, especially since real estate services are closely linked to specific geographical locations. Optimizing for local search is vital in connecting with potential clients in your desired areas.

The Example of Google Business Profile for Realtor in Toronto

The Example of Google Business Profile for Realtor in Toronto

  • Profile Accuracy : Ensuring that your Google Business Profile URL and all fields are accurately filled out, with strategic use of targeted keywords for SEO realtor effectiveness.
  • Relevant Categories : We meticulously check and update your profile’s categories to accurately reflect the range of services you offer as an SEO realtor.
  • Image Optimization : Updating and enhancing images on your Google Business Profile to boost its appeal and relevance, aligning with SEO realtor strategies.
  • Optimizing Service Areas : Adjusting your service areas to precisely target the most relevant locations for your realtor business.
  • Regular Profile Updates : Keeping your Google Business Profile updated is crucial in our realtor SEO strategy. We make sure it’s always current, especially during holidays, to keep your clients well-informed.
  • Genuine Reviews Matter : In realtor SEO, real customer reviews are gold. We’ll guide you on how to get authentic feedback from your clients, enhancing your online credibility.
  • Avoid Fake Reviews : We advise against fake reviews – they can do more harm than good. In realtor SEO, trust and authenticity are key for long-term success.
  • Beyond Google – Bing Profile Optimization : We also optimize your Bing Business Profile, increasing your visibility where your clients are searching.

Completing our local SEO services, we ensure your Bing Business Profile is also fully optimized, covering all bases in our SEO realtor strategy.

7. Technical SEO for Real Estate Business

Many real estate SEO companies overlook technical SEO, but we prioritize it to meet Google’s standards.

Fixing Redirects and Broken Links

Using Screaming Frog, we scan your realtor website just like search engines do. This helps us find and fix 301 redirects (pages that lead somewhere else) and 404 errors (pages that don’t exist). Our goal is to ensure every page on your site returns a 200 OK status, indicating it’s working correctly.

Speed Optimization

Website speed is critical. Since 2019, Google has emphasized the importance of fast-loading sites. We use Google’s PageSpeed Insights to analyze and improve your site’s loading time. For example, check out how we optimized a real estate project.

Self Storage website speed optimization

Mobile Optimization

A common oversight is the mobile version of a site. We check for common issues like small font sizes or elements being too close. Our team ensures your mobile site is user-friendly and fixes any style issues.

SSL Certificate Check

We verify that your SSL certificate is up-to-date. An expired certificate can make your site appear unsafe to search engines, affecting your rankings.

8. Off Page SEO

Off-page SEO, mainly about getting backlinks, is a critical yet challenging aspect of realtor’s SEO. It’s not just about acquiring links but ensuring they come from reputable sources. Low-quality links, often found on freelance platforms like Fiverr , can harm your realtor site’s ranking.

At our real estate SEO company, we’ve developed a systematic approach to build backlinks for realtor businesses:

  • Local Directory Listings : We start by listing your real estate business on credible local directories. This not only provides valuable backlinks but also reinforces local SEO, helping Google better understand your location.
  • Building Links from Valued Domains : Over the years, we’ve established connections with over 1,000 reputable website owners. These relationships allow us to create posts that link back to your site, ensuring you get quality backlinks that boost your SEO.
  • Disavowing Toxic Links : Sometimes, your site might acquire harmful links, whether through spam, competitors, or other sources. Our team carefully reviews each backlink. If we find toxic links, we add them to a disavow file and submit it to search engines, indicating that these aren’t links we endorse or control.

This comprehensive approach to off-page SEO ensures your realtor website gains the right kind of visibility and credibility in the digital space.

Conclusion: The Importance of SEO for Realtor Businesses

In conclusion, SEO is an indispensable tool for any realtor looking to enhance their online presence and attract more clients. Through well-implemented strategies like keyword research, content optimization, technical SEO, and effective off-page techniques, your real estate business can achieve significant improvements in search engine rankings, visibility, and ultimately, client engagement.

Each step we’ve discussed – from optimizing your website’s architecture to building a robust backlink profile – plays a crucial role in establishing a strong online presence in the competitive real estate market. Remember, quality SEO can drive more organic traffic to your website, increase leads, and contribute to your overall business growth.

However, SEO can be complex and time-consuming, requiring expertise and continuous effort. If you find these processes daunting or prefer to focus on your core business, our team at Stigan Media is here to help. We specialize in tailored SEO strategies for realtors and can take the burden off your shoulders. Contact us for a quote , and let’s start elevating your realtor website to new heights. Let us help you navigate the world of real estate SEO, so you can reap the rewards of increased visibility and growth for your real estate business.

Specializing in SEO for realtors, Stigan Media provides a free SEO audit if you need help with your website.

More SEO Cases Studies by Stigan Media

Oleg Tsegelnyk

Oleg is an experienced SEO specialist, with his career beginning in 2013. He joined Stigan Media in 2021 and has extensive experience working with content and affiliate projects. Currently, his main focus is on local SEO, through which he has achieved significant results for Stigan’s clients, and on the deep learning of GA4 for enhanced data analysis. He shares his SEO insights on the Stigan Media Blog and also runs a personal YouTube channel about online marketing in Ukrainian. View his LinkedIn Profile for more information.

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Real Estate SEO

Search Engine Optimization for Real Estate and Realtors can be extensive due to increased competiton for top placement in search. Infront Webworks has worked with many different companies in this market. Here are some of our results for Real Estate SEO.

Real Estate SEO Case Studies

Seo for property management company.


Property management is fiercely competitive. This company needed a foothold in their search placement for lasting organic results.

Real Estate Agency SEO Case Study


The client came to Infront Webworks to develop an organic search strategy to gain visibility & rankings in the cities of Buffalo, Cody, Sheridan, & Powell WY as well as attract buyers that were interested outside of the state. 

Real Estate SEO Colorado Springs


Prior to implementing SEO with Infront Webworks, this Real Estate company saw very little traffic to the website. After some crafty implementation we saw nice gains around qualified organic traffic and new leads .

What is Real Estate SEO?

Real Estate SEO is the optimization strategy that makes your website and content stand out and outperform your competition. We help establish trust for your website so that Google and users see your site as credible and improves the search engine rankings for your website. 

Where to start?

First, you should start with a site audit. Find out what pages are performing well and where we can make improvements. 

Then you should optimize for search. This includes keyword research and analysis. Optimize titles and meta descriptions, URLs, images, interlinking, fixing technical errors on the site, site speed optimization, and more. 

  • Improve your content so that Google sees your company as the absolute expert over your competition. 
  • Optimize for mobile and core web vitals. 
  • Include Schema for rich results in search.
  • Make sure you have claimed your Google My Business Listing and optimized it.
  • Utilize social media.
  • Keep your content fresh by posting content on a blog regularly.
  • Create video content.

If you are not familiar with SEO, it is better to consult with or hire a professional to avoid mistakes.

real estate seo case study


Case Studies

Case Study: A Real Estate Marketing Success Story

October 29, 2021

real estate seo case study

For most people, buying or selling property is something that only happens a few times throughout their lives, and it’s a major life event that they don’t take lightly. A real estate business’s survival depends on its ability to have a visible presence whenever and wherever potential clients are looking.

SEO (search engine optimization) marketing and paid advertising are often seen as opposite ends of the marketing spectrum, but with a smart real estate marketing strategy, they’re two sides of the same coin.

Local real estate business drives success with remarketing and SEO

One real estate business, with the help of their Marketing Success Manager and content writer , learned just how impactful it can be to combine the powers of SEO marketing with a strategic ad strategy.

real estate seo case study

Over a six-month period, they saw more than a million impressions, tens of thousands of clicks and hundreds of conversions.

How did they do it?

Seo and content marketing.

real estate seo case study

SEO and content marketing have been the main focus for this real estate marketing team, and as it’s their top-performing channel, it’s clear that this strategy has paid off for them.

First, they increased their rankings for relevant keywords by optimizing their website, including title tags and meta descriptions and page content.

real estate seo case study

They integrated advanced search tools and an IDX feed into their website through IDX Broker , adding value and giving their website visitors a reason to stick around longer.

real estate seo case study

Second, they added valuable content to their website on a regular basis in the form of blogs and web pages.

real estate seo case study

Third, they expanded their organic presence to YouTube, where they created informative videos and optimized them with relevant keywords.

real estate seo case study

This three-pronged organic strategy has helped to drive high-quality traffic to their site effectively and consistently — traffic that stuck around thanks to IDX Broker .

Retargeting ads

Often, when someone finds a real estate business online, they’re still in research mode and not ready to fill out a lead form.

Retargeting ads helped this real estate business stay top of mind with people who had previously visited their website but weren’t quite ready to commit.

real estate seo case study

You don’t have to choose between content marketing and paid ads. Like most digital marketing channels, they’re better together. A cohesive, multi-channel real estate marketing strategy can drive success across the board, especially when you have a great real estate website with an IDX feed to drive visitors to.

Build, manage and grow your small business with Marketing 360®

Marketing 360® is a singular platform that offers everything you need to build a modern, professional website , launch ads on popular channels , manage all of your contacts, projects and deals , schedule out social media posts , monitor your SEO performance and so much more, plus the marketing team you need to grow your business.

See our plans and pricing.

Account M15846 Screenshots taken on 5/25/21

Originally published on 5/25/21

*Results are based on past client performance. Individual account performance may vary. Results are not guaranteed.

Get Plans and Pricing Below

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Real Estate SEO Case Study

This client aimed to increase its onsite bookings in several areas and attracting new booking interest while still focusing on their main demographic. By emphasizing its range of rentals and pricing to users/visitors, our goal was to strengthen the perceived and actual bond between their rental properties and the difference in satisfaction and pricing they offer from their competitors.

Traffic Analysis & Reporting

Inbound marketing & lead management.

Real Estate Marketing Agency

Rentals & Bookings

Conversion Rate

The Digital Marketing Challenge

The digital marketing solution.

The solution, in this case, was to rebuild most if not all of their Digital Marketing campaign. We simply restructured all areas of their current Strategy and studied the past data. With the research, data, and new customized strategy we saw instant growth in traffic and bookings.

The solution was simple. A more professional approach and customized Digital Marketing Strategy with the correct components and research that provided data and insights to help this Rental & Real Estate Company build its Organic SEO & Digital Marketing approach.

A Valuable Partnership

A custom Data-Driven SEO and Digital Marketing Strategy for Property Rental Companies. Guaranteed to increase traffic, leads, and revenue using a custom-built Digital Marketing Plan and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Strategy to help enhance Lead Generation for Rental or Real Estate Companies. Shoreline Media, the best solutions for Real Estate Marketing and Search Engine Optimization.

Contact Us if you'd like to learn more about how the team at Shoreline can help drive more leads.

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  4. SEO Case Study Real Estate Company

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  5. Real Estate SEO

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  6. The ultimate SEO guide for real estate portals

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  2. Google Hates This (But It's 100% Successful)

  3. Real Estate SEO Tactic #1: Local Citations

  4. Real Estate SEO? How Removing AI Content Restored My Ranking for North Brunswick High School Page

  5. SEO Case Study: National E-Commerce Adaptive Apparel Company

  6. Real Estate Blunders You MUST Avoid! #shorts #realestate


  1. Real Estate SEO Case Studies & Examples to Inspire You

    In this guide, I am going to share real estate SEO case studies and examples. You can follow the same real estate SEO plan to generate more leads without spending a penny on ads: Table of Contents. This Florida agent ranks on page 1 for luxury real estate projects. This firm ranks on page 1 for top real estate investment-related keywords.

  2. Real Estate SEO: The Ultimate Guide for 2023

    Discover 10 real estate seo tips to boost your website in 2023. Dominate local search, increase traffic, and generate organic leads with effective SEO strategies. ... For a comprehensive exploration of the Oldfather Group's success story, delve into the full case study here. Boost Your Real Estate SEO Efforts with Sierra Interactive's Websites.

  3. Real Estate SEO [Case Study + 29 Tips]

    High ROI: Studies shows that the return on investment for Real Estate SEO is notably high, averaging 1,389% over a 3-year period.; Long-Term Value: SEO is an investment that builds over time.As your website ranking improves, you'll attract more qualified leads consistently. Cost-Effective: Compared to paid advertising, SEO offers a more sustainable and cost-effective way to generate leads in ...

  4. SEO 101: Another Success Story

    By optimizing their websites and online content to rank higher in search engine results, real estate companies can significantly enhance their visibility, attract targeted traffic, and ultimately drive conversions. This article focuses on a case study that illustrates the advantages of SEO for a real estate business. About Our Client

  5. How to Do Seo for Real Estate Website: Stunning Case Studies

    3. Use Long-tail Keywords. SEO success is not merely about high-volume keywords. Local-specific long-tail keywords with low search volume are way less competitive. A long-tail keyword phrase, highly relevant to your audience's real estate needs, will help you rank higher on SERPs.

  6. Real Estate SEO Case Study: Oldfather Group

    A 2,000% traffic increase in two years. The return on investment with the Oldfather Group's website and SEO is measurable by more than just confidence. "Two years after implementing, we've had a 2,000% increase in the number of users on our site, with the largest source being organic traffic," Oldfather said.

  7. Real Estate SEO Case Study: The Ultimate Guide to Creating Hot Sheets

    How real estate agents boost traffic to their website over 700% (and ranked #1 on Google). ... Real Estate SEO Case Study: The Ultimate Guide to Creating Hot Sheets and Community Pages that Rank on Google. Real Estate Marketing-Kurt Uhlir Here's the brutal truth about real estate SEO:

  8. 292% Organic Traffic Growth: 7 Real Estate Brands Achieve SEO Success

    By Mary Kate Mack, April 28, 2021 , in Case Study. When it comes to organic search, real estate brands require a powerful solution to scale their SEO. According to a survey from the National Association of Realtors, 90% of home buyers and renters start their property search online, so there's no better time for real estate enterprise sites to ...

  9. A Real Estate SEO Case Study on the Success of Avery Carl

    The real estate SEO case study above shows how we - ArdorSEO - can make your business more visible online so that you can focus on helping people buy their dream homes. A solid SEO strategy will help you increase organic search traffic, increase qualified leads, and ultimately make more sales. All that is even better when you have the right ...

  10. Real Estate Case Study

    Real Estate SEO Case Studies. Real estate is a fiercely competitive market—one that is often complicated by geographic factors and an ever-evolving landscape. Galileo Tech Media provides proven and effective real estate SEO services to a global clientele, helping independent agents, media publishers and brokerage firms enhance their organic ...

  11. Behind the Scenes of a Real Estate SEO Case Study

    Defining the target audience is crucial in any real estate SEO case study. By understanding your ideal clients, you can tailor your SEO strategies to reach and resonate with them effectively. This ...

  12. Optimizing Real Estate SEO Helps Company Earn 2X Backlinks

    In this case study, we'll examine how HOTH X helped a real estate investment company to double its backlinks, increase its ranking keywords, and get more conversions. HOTH X is our best-selling, fully-managed SEO program that allows businesses of all industries and sizes to put their digital marketing on autopilot.

  13. Real Estate SEO Case Study with Bret Wallace

    Return on Investment. Bret has a $22-$25K total investment with InboundREM, including website rebuild and the original cost of the entire first contract, plus an increased budget upon contract renewal. His 2020 GCI totaled $224,000, his 2021 GCI totaled $320,000, and his total GCI while working with me is $544,000.

  14. Realtor SEO: CASE STUDIES and Pro-Tips For Real Estate Websites

    At Stigan Media, our SEO team excels in managing search engine optimization campaigns specifically for local realtor companies. Our expertise in real estate SEO has demonstrated significant success stories. For example, a local realtor in Langley, Cloverdale, and South Surrey, BC, saw a remarkable increase in their organic traffic by over 130% within a year, thanks to our proven SEO techniques.

  15. Real Estate SEO services and case studies

    Real Estate Agency SEO Case Study. 33% INCREASE IN REVENUE WITH 2X ORGANIC TRAFFIC INCREASE. The client came to Infront Webworks to develop an organic search strategy to gain visibility & rankings in the cities of Buffalo, Cody, Sheridan, & Powell WY as well as attract buyers that were interested outside of the state. View SEO Case Study.

  16. Case Study: A Real Estate Marketing Success Story

    One real estate business, with the help of their Marketing Success Manager and content writer, learned just how impactful it can be to combine the powers of SEO marketing with a strategic ad strategy. Over a six-month period, they saw more than a million impressions, tens of thousands of clicks and hundreds of conversions.

  17. Inspiring Real Estate SEO Case Study for Crucial Enhancement

    From keywords to the intricacies of local SEO, each tactic contributes to a comprehensive framework designed to navigate the difficulties of the online area. Ensure that your real estate endeavors capture attention and convert it into tangible results. Strategic Innovation. Keyword optimization in the realm of strategic innovation plays a vital ...

  18. Real Estate SEO Case Study

    Real Estate SEO Case Study. This client aimed to increase its onsite bookings in several areas and attracting new booking interest while still focusing on their main demographic. By emphasizing its range of rentals and pricing to users/visitors, our goal was to strengthen the perceived and actual bond between their rental properties and the ...

  19. SEO For Real Estate Investors

    From Redesign to Results: Milwaukee Real Estate Investors' Website - Case Study. Focus: SEO Optimization, Website Design, Easy Navigation, User-Friendly Website In this case study, we will explore the successful transformation of…. SEO To Real Estate Investors have good experience in the industry. The real estate SEO case study lets you ...

  20. Real estate in Khabarovsk, Russia

    121 $/ft². multi-bedroom apartments. 76 667 Rub/m². 1 238 $/m². 115 $/ft². * calculated weighted averages values of apartment prices per 1 square foot (sq. meter) for different numbers of rooms in Khabarovsk secondary housing market. 1 foot = 0.3048 meter; 1 meter ≈ 3.2808399 feet. Khabarovsk flats/apartments cost on 06.01.2020*.

  21. Luxury Real Estate Agents and Brokers in Khabarovsk Krai Russia

    Our focused list of luxury realty dealers include the top performing luxury property marketing companies in Khabarovsk krai and a strong collection of top producing luxury real estate brokers in Khabarovsk krai. Luxury Abode also helps luxury property investors in Khabarovsk krai and luxury home buyers in Khabarovsk krai to get lucrative luxury ...

  22. Real estate listings Khabarovsk Krai. Houses, apartments, lands for

    Houses and apartments for sale Khabarovsk Krai: Real estate listings Khabarovsk Krai for the purchase and sale by owners of houses, apartments or land. PROPERTIES For sale

  23. Public-private partnership in the healthcare system of ...

    Public-private partnership in the healthcare system of Khabarovsk Krai. December 2023. Public health of the Far East Peer-reviewed scientific and practical journal 98 (4):4-12. DOI: 10.33454/1728 ...