Jenkins Reports

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  • Jenkins GitHub Integration
  • Jenkins Maven Configuration
  • Jenkins Configuration
  • Manage Jenkins
  • Jenkins Build Jobs
  • Jenkins User Management
  • Jenkins Distributed Builds
  • Jenkins Automated Deployment
  • Jenkins - Metrics and Trends
  • Jenkins Manage Plugins
  • Jenkins Pipeline
  • Jenkins Backup Plugin

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In the automation era, developing test scripts is just one of the overall test automation cycle parts. We can develop the test scripts to validate whether the functionality is working fine or not. Still, execution results matter a lot because test scripts are only understandable by technical people. If we talk about higher management or stakeholders or non-technical person, they don't care about the technical aspects of test scripts; they only care about execution results at the end. So, we need to summarize all our execution results into one report so that anyone can analyze the final status of execution results by just seeing that report. This is where Test Reporting comes into the picture, and Jenkins Reporting capabilities is one of the most known features of Jenkins.

Subsequently, in this article, we will try to understand a few of the reporting formats supported by Jenkins. Then, we will understand how to configure and use those Jenkins reportings by covering the details in the following topics:

How to Publish JUnit report in Jenkins?

How to set up a plugin for html report in jenkins.

  • How to publish HTML reports in Jenkins?

What are reports in Jenkins?

Reports are basically the structured as well as a graphical way to produce the execution results of tests. As we discussed in the introductory part that we generate reports so that higher management, stakeholders as well as other team members who have less technical knowledge can also easily understand the success ratio of our scripts, and based on that, they can analyze the quality of our test scripts as well as product.

In Jenkins's perspective, different formats of reports are available. It depends on us that in which format we want to publish our results. These reports can be graphical, tabular, or in other detailed formats. The Jenkins reporting capabilities majorly depend on third-party plugins. So, we will need to install and configure a compatible plugin for the same whatever the report's expected format. Let's quickly see how we can integrate and view JUnit reports in Jenkins:

In this section, we will see that how to publish JUnit test result reports in Jenkins. Please follow the below steps to achieve this part:

Step 1: Before moving to further action, please ensure that JUnit Plugin  is properly installed in the Jenkins machine. By default, it is automatically installed in Jenkins, but then we can go to Plugin Manager and install it if it is not installed. Once it is installed, then it will be displayed under the installed tab like the below image:

JUnit Jenkins reporting plugin installed

Step 2: For publishing the Junit report, let's take the example of the freestyle project. I created the project as "Test_Junit_Report", as shown in the below image:

Creation of freestyle project

Step 3: Now, go to configure section and Put the description of the project and the GitHub Project URL as we put our script in GitHub. Please find the GitHub repository URL  [

GitHub Project URL

Step 4: Go to the Source Code Management  section and put the repository URL mentioned in the below image.

Repository URL mentioned

Step 5: Now, go to the Build   section and do the following steps:

  • Click on the "Add Build Step"   dropdown.
  • Select option "Invoke top-level Maven targets".
  • In the Goal textbox, write the command like "clean compile test".
  • Click on the Save button.

Build section in Jenkins

Step 6: Now run the build to check whether the build result is successful or not. After running successfully, go to the job and click on the "Workspace"   link.

Clicking on workspace directory

As soon as we click on the above-mentioned link, we will be inside this directory. Now click on the "target" link.

clicking on target link to get report path

As soon as we click on the above-mentioned link, we will be inside this directory. Now click on the "surefire-reports"   link.

clicking on surefire reports to get report paths in Jenkins

Step 7: As soon as we click on the link mentioned in the previous step, we will be inside this directory. Now, we need to copy the path highlighted in the below image:

Copying reports directory path in Jenkins

Step 8: Go to Job configuration and move towards the "Post Build Actions"   section. Now do the following steps:

  • Click on the "Add post-build action"   dropdown.
  • Select option "Publish JUnit test result report"   option.
  • In Test report XMLs textbox, copy the same path following by .xml so complete path would be target/surefire-reports/ .xml.

Jenkins reporting setting for publishing junit report

Step 9: Now trigger the build. Once it is completed, go to the respective job, and we can see the new item named "Latest Test Results",   and this is our JUnit Test result report.

Jenkins reporting JUnit Test result report

Step 10: We can click on the above highlighted link and see the test results.

Jenkins reporting Published JUnit test result report

So, in this way, we can publish the JUnit test result report. In the next section, let's see one more type of report supported by Jenkins, i.e., HTML.

What is Jenkins HTML report?

In the previous section, we saw that how to publish a Jenkins JUnit Report. So, in this section, we will talk about another format, i.e., HTML Report. The HTML report is the better way to represent the test results and can be easily integrated with Jenkins reporting capabilities by enabling the HTML reporting plugin. As the name suggests, this report is in HTML format and gives us a better look and feel to analyze the results. Let's see in the next subsection that what plugin is required in Jenkins to publish HTML Report.

For getting the option for HTML report in Jenkins, we need to install the "HTML Publisher"   plugin in Jenkins. Please follow the below steps to install the above plugin in Jenkins:

Step 1: Go to the Manage Plugin section and do the following steps:

  • Click on the "Available" tab.
  • Type text "HTML"   in the search box.
  • Check the checkbox against the HTML Publisher plugin.
  • Click on the " Download now and install after restart"   button. It is recommended to restart Jenkins for the effective installation of this plugin.

HTML plugin installation in Jenkins

Step 2: As soon as we click on "Download now and install after the restart" a new window will be open in which we can see the progress of the installation of this plugin.

Installation of HTML Plugin In Jenkins

Step 3: After successful installation, we can see this plugin under the "installed" section.

Successful installation of HTML plugin in Jenkins

So, in this way, we can install the HTML publisher plugin in Jenkins. In the next subsection, let's see how to publish HTML reports in Jenkins.

How to publish an HTML report in Jenkins?

In the previous subsection, we saw that how we can install the HTML publisher plugin in Jenkins. So, in this subsection, let's see how to publish HTML reports in Jenkins. This time, we are taking an example of the maven project. So, please follow the below steps to achieve it:

Note: For knowing more regarding maven, please visit the article "Jenkins Maven Configuration" .

Step 1: Create a maven job as we created as "Setup build Job". Now go to configure section and then go to directly "Source Code Management"   section and do the following steps:

  • Select option "Git".
  • Put the repository URL as as we have a GitHub repository already for it.

Source code management section for a Freestyle job in Jenkins

Step 2: Go to the build section, put "pom.xml"   text in the Root POM textbox, and put the command "clean install"   inside the Goals and options textbox.

build section in Jenkins for Maven project

Step 3: Go to the "Post-build Actions"   section, click on the "Add post-build action"   dropdown, and here we can see the option "Publish HTML reports".

Jenkins reporting Selection of Publish HTML reports option

Now click on the above-mentioned option of "Publish HTML reports".

Step 4: As soon as we click on the above-mentioned option, we can see the publish HTML reports section. Now, click on the "Add"   button.

Jenkins reporting Click on add button

Step 5: As soon as we click on add button, Publish HTML report section is displayed, and where we need to give some information.

Jenkins reporting Publish HTML report section

Step 6: First thing that we need to fill in is the HTML directory path. To extract this path, go to Jenkins workspace, move towards the project and then go to the test output folder. this is the path that we will use to give the HTML directory path.

HTML directory path

Step 7: Now, we need to fill in the information under HTML publish report section. Please do the following steps to do it:

  • Put the HTML directory path extracted from the above step.
  • Keep the value of the Index page text box as it is, i.e., index.html.
  • Put the Report title whatever you want as we set by default title as HTML Report.

Jenkins reporting Filling Publish HTML reports section

Step 8: Now trigger the job and after the run, go to the job, and here we can see the "HTML Report"   link highlighted in the below image.

Jenkins reporting HTML Report published in Jenkins

Step 9: When we click on this link, a new tab opens in the same browser, and in that tab, our HTML report displays.

HTML Report Not well formatted

We can click on the various links present in the report to see other results. So, in this way, we can publish our HTML report in Jenkins. The problem with the above report is that it is not well displayed because CSS properties are not loaded for this file.  Please follow further steps to resolve it.

10th Step: Go to Jenkins dashboard and click on "Manage Jenkins".

Dashboard Manage Plugins

11th Step: Click on the link named "Manage nodes and clouds".

Clicking on Manage nodes and clouds

Step 12: Click on the gear icon displayed in the top right corner.

Clicking on gear icon

Step 13: Click on the "Script Console"   link highlighted in the below image.

Clicking on script console

14th Step: Now, we need to write a one-liner below groovy script in the script console and click on the run.

Groovy script to enable cross site scripting

As soon as we click on the Run button, we will see the "Result"  text, and if we can see this text, then it means that our script worked fine.

Step 15: Now go to the respective job again and either refresh the page or trigger the build again, and this time, we can see the well-versed report.

Jenkins reporting Well formatted HTML report

So, in this way, we can publish an HTML report using the Jenkins reporting capabilities.

Key Takeaways

  • Jenkins reporting capabilities depend on the third-party plugins, and we can integrate multiple reporting plugins on a need basis.
  • Reports are basically the structured as well as a graphical way to produce our execution results of tests.
  • To publish JUnit Test result reports, JUnit Plugin needs to be installed on Jenkins.
  • Under Post Build action, we can see the option of the JUnit test result report, and after giving relevant information, we can trigger build and see the report.
  • To publish HTML reports, HTML Publisher Plugin needs to be installed on Jenkins.
  • Under Post Build action, we can see the option of  HTML publish the report, and after giving relevant information, we can trigger build and see the report.
  • If reports are not properly displayed, we need to run the groovy script, and after that, we can see a well-formatted report.

Jenkins User Management

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Generate and save an HTML report in Jenkins on OpenShift 4

Muhammad Edwin

Jenkins is one of the most popular CI/CD tools for automating builds and deployments. It is very flexible and can be deployed on almost every operating system, as well as on Red Hat OpenShift . This article shows you how to deploy Jenkins on OpenShift 4.9, create a simple pipeline to deploy a Java application to OpenShift, do some testing, save the test results as HTML, and publish it as an artifact so that people can see the results.

For this scenario, we'll generate an HTML report using Maven OWASP Dependency Check plugins . The report will contain a list of libraries that contain vulnerabilities. This pipeline runs on Jenkins 2.2 on top of OpenShift 4.9.

Use Jenkins to generate a report on OpenShift 4

There are multiple ways to set up Jenkins on OpenShift 4. This article uses a template provided by the OpenShift Developer Catalog.

First, check whether the Jenkins template is available in OpenShift:

If Jenkins templates are available, you'll get output such as:

Now let's try to spawn a Jenkins ephemeral report. In this case, ephemeral means that the service is not storing its data. The ephemeral approach is good for a nonproduction environment. The following command creates Jenkins instances in the CI/CD namespace:

Check the created route to see the exact URL for the newly created Jenkins instances. Then open that URL and log in with your OpenShift credentials.

Building and running a pipeline

Start creating a build pipeline by selecting a Pipeline icon in your Jenkins instance, as shown in Figure 1.

Screenshow showing how to create a Pipeline in the Jenkins console.

Next, paste the following code into the Pipeline script, as shown in Figure 2:

Screenshow showing the script being inserted into a Pipeline script.

Now focus on the "generate report" stage, where you save your HTML report as a build artifact. Press the Build Now button, highlighted in Figure 3, to trigger the pipeline.

Screenshow showin ghow the Pipeline's web page lets you build the Pipeline.

And now the HTML report appears in the menu bar on the left, as shown in Figure 4.

Screenshot showing that a report appears in the menu of the Pipeline web page.

Clicking on the report button displays the contents of the generated HTML report, as illustrated in Figure 5.

Screenshot of a formatted report displayed on the web page.

If you find that your report shows some errors or is a bit disorganized, there's a workaround to fix it. Go to Script Console inside the Manage Jenkins menu, as shown in Figure 6.

Screenshot showing that the Script Console is available in Tools and Actions.

Type the following script inside the Script Console text field and then press the Run button.

In addition to automating your CI/CD process, Jenkins can automate the recording of events that occur during its own run. This article has illustrated several parts of the open source environment that make it easy to generate and save reports from Jenkins.

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Set the standard: report on the independent review into commonwealth parliamentary workplaces (2021).

Parliament House Canberra

Download Full Report in PDF   Download Executive Summary in PDF   Download Summary Report in PDF   Download Summary Report in Word

The Australian Human Rights Commission has launched Set the Standard: Report on the Independent Review into Commonwealth Parliamentary Workplaces.

On 5 March 2021, the Independent Review into Commonwealth Parliamentary Workplaces (Review) was established by the Australian Government, with support from the Federal Opposition and crossbench. Conducted by the Australian Human Rights Commission and led by the Sex Discrimination Commissioner, the Review was asked to make recommendations to ensure that Commonwealth parliamentary workplaces are safe and respectful and that the nation’s Parliament reflects best practice in prevention and response to bullying, sexual harassment and sexual assault. The report has been tabled on 30 November 2021.

The Commission acknowledges that the release of the report may cause distress for individuals that work within Commonwealth parliamentary workplaces. In partnership with the Full Stop Australia (formerly Rape & Domestic Violence Services Australia), the Commission has developed a trauma-informed guide to support individuals and assist Managers in supporting their staff.

  • Download Guide - PDF (260.81 KB)
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Jenkins integration

With the Allure Report plugin for Jenkins, you can add an “Allure Report” step to your build configuration, so that Jenkins will generate a test report automatically for each build.

Installation and configuration

To enable Allure support in your Jenkins installation, do the following under the administrator account:

  • install the plugin ,
  • install the global tool .

1. Install the plugin

The recommended method of installing the Allure Report plugin is via the Jenkins web interface. However, if your Jenkins configuration does not have access to the internet, you can install the plugin by uploading an HPI file to Jenkins manually. The selected installation method does not affect the functionality of the plugin.

To install the plugin from the internet directly:

In the Jenkins web interface, go to Manage Jenkins → Manage Plugins → Available plugins .

Using the search box, find the ”Allure” plugin. Check the checkbox next to the plugin.

Click Install without restart .

On the Download progress page, wait until each status is ”Success”.

To install the plugin via a file:

On the Releases page for Allure Report plugin , find the version you want to choose (the latest version is recommended) and click direct link . Save the HPI file to a local directory on your device.

In the Jenkins web interface, go to Manage Jenkins → Manage Plugins → Advanced settings .

Under the Deploy Plugin section, click Browse and select the HPI archive from your device.

Click the Deploy button to confirm the installation.

After the installation, the plugin will appear in the Manage Jenkins → Manage Plugins → Installed plugins section.

Allure Jenkins plugin install

2. Install the global tool

The second necessary part of the installation process is adding the Allure command-line utility to Jenkins as a “global tool”. Once added, Jenkins will take care of downloading the utility to every machine that needs to build a test report.

The Allure Report plugin provides an easy way to download and add the latest version of the global tool from the official Allure server. However, if your Jenkins configuration does not have access to the internet, you can set up a custom URL from which the utility will be downloaded.

To install the tool from the internet directly:

In the Jenkins web interface, go to Manage Jenkins → Global Tool Configuration .

Under the Allure Commandline section, click Add Allure Commandline .

Make sure that the Install automatically checkbox is checked, and the options block for From Maven Central is shown.

Fill in the fields:

  • Name — a name to help you recognize this version of the tool, e.g., “2.24.0”.
  • Version — the release of Allure Report to install. The latest version is recommended.

Click Save .

To install the tool from a custom URL:

In the allure-commandline directory at Maven Central , find the latest ZIP or TAR.GZ archive. Copy it to a web server that is available to the Jenkins server.

Make sure that the Install automatically checkbox is checked.

Click X to remove the From Maven Central block.

Click Add installer → Extract *.zip/*.tar.gz ..

  • Download URL for binary archive — the URL from which the utility will be downloaded.
  • Subdirectory of extracted archive — leave empty.

Using Allure in a freestyle project

In Jenkins, a “freestyle project” is a build configuration for which you add and edit steps via the web interface. With the Allure Report plugin, the web interface gets an option to add a post-build action for building test reports.

In the Jenkins web interface, select a job you want to enable Allure Report for.

In the menu on the left, click Configure .

Before continuing, make sure that the build configuration: contains a step that runs the project's tests, has the Allure adapter enabled for its test framework.

Under the Post-build Actions section, click Add post-build action → Allure Report .

In the Results → Path field, specify the path to the test results directory (see How it works ).

If you have multiple build steps generating test results into multiple directories, use the Add button to specify more paths.

If you have more than one version of the Allure global tool installed (see Install the global tool ), click Advanced and make sure that the proper version is selected in Commandline .

After the configuration, you can click Build Now to run the build configuration.

Using Allure in a Jenkins Pipeline script

If you store the job in a Jenkins Pipeline script , you can use the allure command to define a step for building test reports. It is recommended to use the Jenkins web interface for generating the command with the appropriate parameters.

In Jenkins, select a job you want to enable upload for.

In the menu on the left, click Pipeline Syntax .

An interface for generating code snippets for Jenkins Pipeline will open.

In the Sample Step dropdown list, select “allure: Allure Report”.

Click Generate Pipeline Script .

In the area below the button, the generated command will appear, for example:

Copy the generated command into clipboard.

Open the Groovy script that you use for the project. It may be:

  • the script in the text box in (job) → Configure → Pipeline ,
  • the Jenkinsfile under the project's version control system (see the official documentation ).

Paste the generated command into the appropriate place of the script.

  • For Declarative Pipelines
  • For Scripted Pipelines

If you use the Declarative Pipeline syntax , find the stage that runs the tests and insert a new always block into that stage's post block. This will make Allure Report run after the test launch regardless of how many tests succeeded.

For example:

If you use the Scripted Pipeline syntax , there are a lot of ways to organize the pipeline code in such a way that Allure Report runs after the tests, regardless of their results. One way to do so is to wrap all existing steps in a try statement, with the generated allure command placed in the finally block.

Save the script. In the case of a Jenkinsfile , make sure to commit the changes to the repository.


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Automation solutions to build test framework, how to publish extentreport using jenkins.

Last Updated On

In the previous tutorial, we have seen the  Integration of Allure Report with Jenkins . In this tutorial, we show you how to generate Extent Report Using Jenkins. 

Table of Contents


  • Create a new Maven project
  • Build Management
  • Select a custom workspace
  • Select “Publish HTML reports” from “Post Build Actions”
  • Execute the tests
  • View the Extent Report

Jenkin’s installed and started on the computer. The current Jenkins version is – 2.361.2

To generate HTML Report in Jenkins, we need to download  HTML Publisher Plugin . Please refer to this tutorial to install the plugin –  How to install Plugins in Jenkins .

Implementation Steps

Step 1: create a new maven project.

  • Give the Name of the project – ExtentReport_Demo
  • Click on the  Maven project.  
  • Click on the  OK  button.

report jenkins

In the General section, enter the project  description  in the Description box.

Select  Source Code Management  as  None  if the project is locally present on the machine.

report jenkins

Step 2: Build Management

Go to the  Build section of the new job.

  • In the Root POM textbox, enter the  full path to pom.xml
  • In the Goals and options section, enter “clean test site”

Here, I have used the Selenium project with JUnit , so to see the complete project, please refer to this tutorial –    How to generate JUnit4 Report .

Click on the  Advanced  button.

report jenkins

Step 3: Select a custom workspace

Mention the  full path of the project  in the directory.

report jenkins

Step 4: Select “Publish HTML reports” from “Post Build Actions”

Scroll down to  “Post Build Actions ” and click on the  “Add Post Build Actions”  drop-down list. Select “ Publish HTML reports “. 

report jenkins

If you want to see where the report is saved in Jenkins, go to the  Dashboard ->ExtentReport_Demo project -> Workspace ->target -> Reports -> Spark.html.

report jenkins

Enter the HTML directory to archive –  Reports , Index page[s] –  Spark.html,  and Report title –  Extent Report .

report jenkins

Click on the  Apply  and  Save  buttons.

We have created a new Maven project  “ExtentReport_Demo” with the configuration to run the Cucumber, and Selenium with TestNG Tests and also to generate HTML Report after execution using Jenkins.

report jenkins

Step 5: Execute the tests

Let’s execute it now by clicking on the “Build Now” button.

report jenkins

Right-click on Build Number (here in my case it is #4).

report jenkins

Click on  Console Output  to see the result.

report jenkins

Step 6: View the Extent Report

Once the execution is completed, click on go “ Back to Project “, and we can see a link to view the “ Extent Report “.

report jenkins

We can see here that the  Extent Report  link is displayed in the Console.

report jenkins

Below is the  Extent Report  generated in Jenkins.

report jenkins

Tip:  If you don’t see the Report UI intact, then you need to configure a simple Groovy script. For that, go to  Dashboard–>Manage Jenkins–>Script Console  and add the script as:

report jenkins

Congratulations on making it through this tutorial and hope you found it useful! Happy Learning!! Cheers!!

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Bengals pick Michigan DT Kris Jenkins in 2nd of 2024 NFL draft. What to know

The Cincinnati Bengals selected Michigan football defensive tackle Kris Jenkins with the 49th overall pick in the second round of the 2024 NFL draft. Jenkins was a four-year player at Michigan, helping anchor one of the best defensive lines in football en route to three Big Ten championships and a national championship in 2023. Here’s everything you need to know about Jenkins: 

Kris Jenkins scouting report

Jenkins was an anchor for the 2023 Michigan defense, which finished as the best unit in college football and helped lead the Wolverines to the national title. Jenkins is a space-eating mauler on the defensive line who uses his strength and speed as an amazing athlete to plug up runs and move passing pockets. He comes from NFL pedigree with an All-Pro defensive tackle father and was voted team captain for the national championship-winning team in 2023. On his demeanor, former coach Jim Harbaugh said Jenkins was “the poster person for enthusiasm unknown to mankind for the 2023 year."

Kris Jenkins height, weight

Jenkins is listed at 6-foot-3 and 299 lbs. He's a native of Olney, Maryland and attended Our Lady Good Counsel (Md.) High School.

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Kris Jenkins college stats

Across 37 games in college, Jenkins accounted for 112 total tackles, four sacks, one interception and one fumble recovery.

Kris Jenkins highlights

Jenkins split time in a defensive tackle rotation along with Mason Graham and Kenneth Grant, but still stood out as a difference-maker for Michigan. Jenkins frequently faced double teams but still plugged run gaps and was able to provide a pass rush from the interior. He can cross the face of an offensive lineman to blow up runs and use his strength to move grown offensive linemen off their spots in both the run and pass. In his highlights, you will see him shrug off zone run blocks and beat guards and centers upfield with his speed and heavy hands. 

Kris Jenkins pro day results

Jenkins had one of the best combine tests of any defensive tackle prospect since 1987, finishing with a 9.55 relative athletic score, or RAS. Jenkins ran a 4.91-second 40-yard dash with a 30-inch vertical jump and 9-foot, 7-inch broad jump after weighing at 299 pounds.  

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Aaron Hernandez's fiancée responds to jokes made about late former Patriots TE during 'The Roast of Tom Brady'

Hernandez died in prison by suicide in 2017.


Shayanna Jenkins, the fiancée of late former New England Patriots tight end Aaron Hernandez and the mother of the couple's child, responded to jokes directed at Hernandez during Netflix's "The Roast of Tom Brady,"  which aired Sunday.

"It's sad that I'm trying to raise my children in such a cruel world," Jenkins told TMZ regarding her 11-year-old daughter.

Hernandez was convicted of the 2013 murder  of Odin Lloyd in 2015 and sentenced to life in prison. He died by suicide in 2017 after hanging himself in his jail cell. Hernandez wrote three suicide notes , one to Jenkins and two to the couple's daughter , per a state police report.

Several people who participated in Sunday's roast of Brady mentioned or alluded to Hernandez in their jokes.

  • Brady himself said, "The bar for a Patriots tight end was pretty low back then: Block, catch, don't murder."
  • Julian Edelman , a former teammate of both Brady and Hernandez, made a lewd hanging joke.
  • Comedian Jeff Ross said Hernandez sends his greetings from hell.
  • As part of a quip aimed at Randy Moss, comedian Nikki Glaser said, "Why don't you have a ring? What the hell, man? You're one of the best ever. Drew Bledsoe has a ring. Aaron Hernandez had a ring around his neck."

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Jenkins Plugin

The JUnit plugin provides a publisher that consumes XML test reports generated during the builds and provides some graphical visualization of the historical test results (see JUnit graph for a sample) as well as a web UI for viewing test reports, tracking failures, and so on. Jenkins understands the JUnit test report XML format (which is also used by TestNG). When this option is configured, Jenkins can provide useful information about test results, such as trends.

The plugin also provides a generic API for other unit-test publisher plugins in Jenkins. This functionality was part of the Jenkins Core until it was split out to this plugin in version in 1.577.


The JUnit publisher is configured at the job level by adding a Publish JUnit test result report post build action. The configuration parameters include:

Test report XMLs: Specify the path to JUnit XML files in the Ant glob syntax, such as **/build/test-reports/*.xml . Be sure not to include any non-report files into this pattern. You can specify multiple patterns of files separated by commas. The base directory of the fileset is the workspace root.

Retain long standard output/error: If checked, any standard output or error from a test suite will be retained in the test results after the build completes. (This refers only to additional messages printed to console, not to a failure stack trace). Such output is always kept if the test failed, but by default lengthy output from passing tests is truncated to save space. Check this option if you need to see every log message from even passing tests, but beware that Jenkins's memory consumption can substantially increase as a result, even if you never look at the test results!

Health report amplification factor: The amplification factor to apply to test failures when computing the test result contribution to the build health score. The default factor is 1.0. A factor of 0.0 will disable the test result contribution to build health score, and, as an example, a factor of 0.5 means that 10% of tests failing will score 95% health. The factor is persisted with the build results, so changes will only be reflected in new builds.

Allow empty results: If checked, the default behavior of failing a build on missing test result files or empty test results is changed to not affect the status of the build. Please note that this setting make it harder to spot misconfigured jobs or build failures where the test tool does not exit with an error code when not producing test report files.

Skip publishing checks: If this option is unchecked, then the plugin automatically publishes the test results to corresponding SCM hosting platforms. For example, if you are using this feature for a GitHub organization project, the warnings will be published to GitHub through the Checks API. If this operation slows down your build, or you don't want to publish the warnings to SCM platforms, you can use this option to deactivate this feature.

Checks name: If provided, and publishing checks enabled, the plugin will use this name when publishing results to corresponding SCM hosting platforms. If not, a default of "Test" will be used.

Skip marking build unstable: If this option is unchecked, then the plugin will mark the build as unstable when it finds at least 1 test failure. If this option is checked, then the build will still be successful even if there are test failures reported. In any case, the corresponding pipeline node (and stage) will be marked as unstable in case of test failure. In order to enable this, set the property: skipMarkingBuildUnstable to true :

Test result checks (for GitHub projects)

⚠️ This feature requires:

  • the installation of an additional plugin: GitHub Checks Plugin
  • the configuration of GitHub App credentails, see this guide for more details.

If not disabled in the job configuration, this plugin will publish test results to GitHub through GitHub checks API .

In the Details view of each check ( example ), test results will be displayed.


In order to disable the checks feature, set the property skipPublishingChecks to true :

The plugin will default to using the stage name or branch of a parallel step prepended by Tests for the checks name. If there are no enclosing stages or branches, Tests will be used. The name can also be overridden by a withChecks step.

The following snippet would publish three checks with the names Tests / Integration , Tests and Integration Tests , respectively.


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Four-Star Georgia Tech Basketball Signee Sees Big Jump In Latest Recruiting Rankings

Jackson caudell | may 11, 2024.

Georgia Tech Signee Doryan Onwuchekwa

  • Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets

It has been a successful offseason on the recruiting trail for Georgia Tech head coach Damon Stoudamire. He has signed one of the top high school recruiting classes in the ACC and the country, while also bringing in impactful transfers from the portal. The high school class currently ranks No. 14 in the country and has talented players such as Four Star guard Jaeden Mustaf, Four Star Forward Darrion Sutton, Four Star Center Doryan Onwuchekwa, and Three-Star Center Cole Kirouac.

In the latest updated recruiting rankings from 247Sports, Onwuchekwa saw a big leap. He is now ranked as the No. 148 overall prospect in the rankings and here is what 247Sports analyst Dushawn London had to say about Onwuchekwa's rise in the rankings:

"A one time out of shape big man who showed flashes of potential, Doryan Onwuchekwa totally transformed his body as a senior and the former Colorado commit has all of the tools to be a very solid pick up for what Damon Stoudamire is building at Georgia Tech.

While he was in earlier editions of the rankings before falling out due to an inconsistent motor, the way Onwuchekwa has revamped his game during his final year of high school has been fun to watch. He regularly competed with other highly regarded big men, he became more of a force around the rim and in general his increased level of engagement and focus on both ends of the floor have allowed him to be the most productive version of himself while earning a spot in the final rankings."

Getting him to commit after being released from his NLI from Colorado was a huge from Stoudamire and the staff. I think all of these guys could challenge for playing time next season and they will mesh well with Javian McCollum, Luke O'Brien, and Ryan Mutombo. Stoudamire might not be done adding transfers either, with the Yellow Jackets reportedly a finalist for Georgia center Frank Anselem-Ibe.

Rated a four-star prospect by three of the four recruiting services, Onwuchekwa led Faith Family Academy of Oak Cliff to a 118-24 overall record, 34-0 in district play, and three state titles in the 4A level of the University Scholastic League in his four years. He earned all-state honors by the Texas Association of Basketball Coaches in in 2023 and 2024, and was named to the Dallas All-Metro team by the Dallas Morning News both years. As a senior, Onwuchekwa averaged 16 points, 10 rebounds and two blocks while hitting 38 percent of his three-point shots. He scored 19 points with 14 rebounds for Faith Family Academy in the state championship game.

“Doryan is one of the better shooting bigs in the country,” Stoudamire said. “He’s really worked on his body, losing 50 pounds within the last year, which showed his commitment to be the best player he can be. As he gets stronger, again just like Darrion, he can impact our program for years to come.”

Jackson Caudell


Jackson Caudell covers Georgia Tech Athletics and the Atlanta Hawks for FanNation

Follow @jacksoncaudell

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Last year, a jury considered whether Ed Sheeran had copied Marvin Gaye’s classic “Let’s Get It On.”

But the courtroom didn’t hear Gaye’s sensuously sung original recording:

Instead, the jury was played a bare, electronically recreated track with a robotic voice:

It brought up a curious question …

Supported by

What Is a Song?

Is it simply the music flowing out of your earphones? According to the law, the answer is a bit more complicated.

Ben Sisario

By Ben Sisario

Ben Sisario has been covering music and copyright for more than a decade, including trials involving Ed Sheeran, Led Zeppelin and the song “Blurred Lines.”

For most music fans, a song is a simple thing to define: It’s the melodies, the lyrics, the grooves that come out of your speakers.

It’s a much thornier question when it comes to copyright law, one that has been tested in a series of high-profile lawsuits over the last decade, involving stars like Ed Sheeran, Led Zeppelin, Pharrell and Robin Thicke. Is songwriting defined by what you hear on a recording, or the notes inked long ago on a piece of sheet music? Where does a composer’s work end, and a performing artist’s begin?

In other words, what, exactly, is a song, in the eyes of the law?

In many music copyright disputes, one of the main issues is originality, or how the law sets a boundary between creative expression that is the property of a single artist versus material in the public domain. Last year, a federal jury in New York heard hours of expert testimony about whether a syncopated four-chord sequence in Marvin Gaye’s “Let’s Get It On” was distinctive enough that Sheeran’s song “Thinking Out Loud” infringed on it — or whether, as Sheeran’s lawyers contended, those parts are generic “building blocks” that no musician can own. The jury ruled in Sheeran’s favor , finding that he and a co-writer had created their song independently and not copied from Gaye’s 1973 classic.

But a key question running through that trial was about something even more fundamental: whether the core of “Let’s Get It On” — and what is protected by its copyright — is determined by the sounds we hear on its original recording, or the notes written on yellowing sheet music stored at the Library of Congress.

That issue was at the center of an appeals court’s decision four years ago regarding Led Zeppelin’s “Stairway to Heaven,” and it is being considered in another appeal related to Sheeran and “Let’s Get It On.” Many experts believe it’s an underexplored question that gets to the heart of how copyright law intersects with music.

“This is the deep, existential, metaphysical question at the center of music copyright: We don’t even know what it is,” said Jennifer Jenkins, a law professor at Duke.

It is also an important question for an industry that in recent years has poured billions of dollars into deals for song catalogs, partly on the faith that their underlying copyrights offer robust protection against infringement. That may be challenging for older songs, because of a quirk in the law that can restrict how a song is defined and, therefore, just what its author owns.

A red-haired man in a suit exits a courthouse.

How does a song get copyright protection?

There is a key date related to this issue: Jan. 1, 1978, when the last major revision of United States copyright law took effect.

Since then, songwriters have been able to register a composition with the Copyright Office by submitting a recording; all the melodies, chords and lyrics on it are considered evidence of their work. But earlier songs were subject to the Copyright Act of 1909, which required that songwriters submit transcribed sheet music, known as deposit copies.

For a century, these deposit copies were little more than receipts in a copyright paper trail. But since the “Blurred Lines” case a decade ago, when Pharrell and Thicke were found to have copied Gaye’s “Got to Give It Up” and ordered to pay more than $5 million in damages, these once-obscure documents have taken on a greater significance.

The judge in that case ruled that, under the 1909 law, the deposit copy for “Got to Give It Up” (1977) determined the “scope” of that song’s copyright. In other words, only the notes on its paper submission counted as representing Gaye’s songwriting creation, and any other elements that were on the song’s recording but not the deposit copy — like percussion and studio atmospherics — were not part of the underlying composition. (A separate copyright applies to the recording.) The jury, instructed to consider only what was on Gaye’s deposit copy, found that “Blurred Lines” had copied from it.

These deposit copies can be minimal, sometimes featuring just a vocal melody and indications of chords. The one for “Taurus,” a 1967 piece by the psychedelic rock band Spirit, which Led Zeppelin was accused of copying on “Stairway to Heaven,” is a single-page sketch of barely 100 notes, and a lawyer representing Michael Skidmore, a trustee of the trust that owns rights to “Taurus,” argued that it was not even an accurate transcription.

The deposit copy for “Let’s Get It On” is five pages but omits elements like piano, drums and guitar — including the wah-wah opening guitar lick that has been a Pavlovian call to the dance floor at many a wedding — that are part of the signature sound of Gaye’s original track.

The judge overseeing Sheeran’s trial, citing an appeals court’s detailed decision in the Led Zeppelin case, ruled that the absence of those elements from the “Let’s Get It On” deposit copy meant that lawyers for the plaintiffs — family members of Ed Townsend, Gaye’s co-writer and producer — had to restrict their arguments to the vocal melody and the chord pattern. That restriction likewise applied to Alexander Stewart, a music professor at the University of Vermont, who testified as an expert witness for the plaintiffs.

“Every time I opened my mouth and said the word ‘bass line,’ I was cut off,” Stewart said in an interview. “It was hard to make any cogent argument.”

Following a ruling by the judge, Gaye’s recording was never played for jurors. Instead, they heard an electronic realization of the deposit copy, submitted by the defense. It included bare piano chords and a robotic-sounding vocal — an oddly cold interpretation of one of pop music’s supreme erotic anthems. As the track played, quizzical expressions came over a few jurors’ faces.

Some scholars say the legal distinction between a composition in a deposit copy and what appears in a finished recording is a sign that the law has not kept up with how pop music has been made for decades. Very often, songs are created in the recording studio, and the line between composing, producing and performing can be fuzzy.

“It is completely divorced from actual music-making practice,” said Joseph P. Fishman, a professor at Vanderbilt Law School.

Jenkins, of Duke, said these cases point to one of the basic complexities of applying copyright — a concept originally made for books and other written material — to music.

“Music is first and foremost an auditory art form, but for most of copyright’s history it’s been defined as something you see,” Jenkins said. “There’s this disconnect, where the signifier — that written thing — is what a composer owns, but the signified is what the song actually is. It’s what we’re listening to.”

Is a whole song on the sheet music?

Exactly why deposit copies have gone from obscure legal formalities to hot topics in some of the biggest music lawsuits of the last decade is unclear. One theory is that historically, most accusations of infringement have involved the most prominent elements of a song, like the hook, vocal melody or lyrics — things that even the plainest sheet music would highlight.

But as pop music has evolved, and techniques like sampling have become standard, it has also become more common for background elements and secondary parts to be in dispute. Many recent cases, like those over “Blurred Lines” and Katy Perry’s “Dark Horse,” have focused on these aspects. (To some observers, the “Blurred Lines” verdict seemed to give the Gaye estate control over a loose rhythmic groove , though lawyers argued that it involved specific notes on a deposit copy.)

David Pullman, an investor whose company Structured Asset Sales is bringing the Sheeran appeal — he is best known for creating “Bowie bonds,” backed by David Bowie’s music royalties, in the 1990s — said he believes that many current artists borrow too much from popular old songs. “It’s easier to take a shortcut and infringe,” Pullman said in an interview, “than write a song that’s original.”

The history of the Sheeran case, now before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, is complex. Structured Asset Sales, which owns an 11.11 percent interest in “Let’s Get It On,” filed its own suit over “Thinking Out Loud” after a judge blocked the company from joining the Townsend family’s original action.

Structured Asset Sales’ suit was dismissed by a district court judge shortly after Sheeran won at trial last year. In its appeal, the company argues that a deposit copy does not necessarily define the scope of a song’s copyright under the 1909 law, and that the material on the sheet music only needs to be sufficient to identify it, despite the law’s reference to a “complete” copy. In court papers, Hillel I. Parness, a lawyer for the company, argued that expert witnesses should be able to interpret deposit copies for the jury, as happened at a trial involving the singer Michael Bolton in 1994.

Sheeran’s lawyers argue that the deposit copy rule is clear from the law, and is supported by longstanding guidance from the Copyright Office. At oral arguments last month, Donald S. Zakarin, a lawyer for Sheeran, also warned that straying from a deposit copy’s notation could lead to problems of “subjectivity” when defining a musical work that is in dispute.

“Future authors,” Zakarin said, “are going to be subjected to, ‘No, no, no, I intended to have that bass line. I know it’s not there, but I intended it.’”

In an informal survey of about a dozen intellectual-property experts, most said Sheeran’s side had the stronger argument about deposit copies under the 1909 law. “It’s a lousy rule,” said Fishman. “But that does seem to have been the rule at the time.”

But this rule, as set down in the Skidmore v. Led Zeppelin appeal, has at least one prominent skeptic in Paul Goldstein, a professor at Stanford Law School who is the author of a widely cited copyright treatise.

“Where I disagree with Skidmore,” Goldstein wrote in an email, “is in its assertion that the fact the copyright was secured by deposit of a copy of the musical work implies that the deposit copy defines the scope of copyright in the work to the exclusion of any other relevant evidence.” That evidence, he said, could include things like drafts and correspondence around a song’s creation.

Goldstein pointed to another possible source of evidence: sound recordings submitted to the Copyright Office as a supplemental registration. Under that theory, a songwriter with a deficient deposit copy of an old song could, since 1978, submit a recording of it to cover any additional elements — bass lines or guitar solos, for example — absent from the original registration.

This workaround was suggested by the Copyright Office and the Justice Department in an amicus brief filed in the Led Zeppelin appeal. It was apparently little known at the time, though Structured Asset Sales’ court papers note that in 1988, the music publisher for the Rolling Stones’ song “Sympathy for the Devil” submitted that track’s 1968 studio recording to cover a new “arrangement.”

Pullman, of Structured Asset Sales, said that discussion of this workaround during the Led Zeppelin appeal led him to submit the recording of “Let’s Get It On” as a new registration in 2020, to cover any compositional elements not on the deposit copy — which could be more ammunition in a dispute against Sheeran’s “Thinking Out Loud.”

Could it work? So far that issue has not been tested by the courts.

Credits: Rob Verhorst/Redferns, via Getty Images (Marvin Gaye photograph); Let’s Get It On: written by Marvin Gaye and Ed Townsend; Taurus: written by Randy Wolfe, a.k.a. Randy California (music sheets)

Produced by Alicia DeSantis , Sean Catangui , Jolie Ruben , Josephine Sedgwick and Tala Safie .

Ben Sisario covers the music industry. He has been writing for The Times since 1998. More about Ben Sisario

Find the Right Soundtrack for You

Trying to expand your musical horizons take a listen to something new..

Cass Elliot ’s death spawned a horrible myth. She deserves better.

Listen to the power and beauty of African guitar greats .

What happens next  for Kendrick Lamar and Drake?

He sang “What a Fool Believes.” But Michael McDonald  is in on the joke.

Hear 9 of the week’s most notable new songs on the Playlist .


Volunteers sort thousands of golf balls by hand at Myrtle Beach Classic

MYRTLE BEACH, S.C. (WMBF) - Volunteers shared a behind-the-scenes look at one of the most tedious tasks at the Myrtle Beach Classic.

Thousands of golf balls are put into a bin each day and sorted out for players on the driving range, and it’s all done by hand.

As players start their day off at the driving range, Richard Miller hops into the “picker” collecting every golf ball.

The part-time job is more of a hobby for Miller, but just when he considered hanging up his keys, he hopped right back into the driver’s seat.

“I was thinking about slowing down and stopping my part-time job, but when they told me the PGA was coming, I said I’ll be there,” Miller said.

Once Miller finishes collecting the golf balls, the tedious work begins.

First, volunteers Mike Jenkins and Henry Morales have to wash the golf balls.

Then, they sort each and every one of them into nine different groups for the pros.

The work starts early and takes hours, but the pair said it’s all worth it.

“This seemed like an interesting area to work,” Jenkins said. “We wanted to get into it, and you get to see some of the players practice.”

“Just to meet the pros you see on TV all the time it’s exciting,” Morales said. “Being able to see them face to face, it’s a chance very few people get to experience.”

Copyright 2024 WMBF. All rights reserved.

report jenkins

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report jenkins

Trump Quashes Rumor That Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley Is In The VP Running

T he 2024 US presidential election has been a rollercoaster ride, constantly shifting the political landscape. One of the most intriguing reports in recent months came Saturday from an Axios report that former President Donald Trump could potentially pick his former UN ambassador, Nikki Haley, as his running mate.

But the former president has now firmly dismissed those speculations.

The former governor of South Carolina, Haley, was reportedly being actively considered by Trump's campaign to be his running mate. This was first reported by Axios earlier on Saturday.

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The news site stated , "Republicans close to both campaigns believe it's in Haley and Trump's mutual interests to reconcile" in light of their rivalry during the GOP primary.

Trump categorically stated that Nikki Haley is not being considered as his vice presidential candidate.

The former president wrote on Turth Social, "Nikki Haley is not under consideration for the V.P. slot, but I wish her well!"

Axios updated their story, saying, "Well, that was fast. A day after sources told Axios that Nikki Haley was under active consideration by Donald Trump's campaign to be his running mate, he stepped in and nixed the idea."

Haley, the former governor of South Carolina and a former US ambassador to the United Nations, had a complex relationship with Trump during her time in his administration. While she acknowledged that Trump would be the Republican nominee, Haley never officially endorsed him. Her long-shot challenge to Trump's 2024 presidential bid also highlighted the tensions between the two political figures.

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With Haley out of the running, Trump's advisers have indicated that he is in no hurry to select a running mate. The list of potential candidates includes several prominent Republican figures, such as North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum, South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem, US Senators Marco Rubio, Tim Scott, and J.D. Vance, as well as US Representative Elise Stefanik. Burgum and Scott had previously competed against Trump for the 2024 Republican nomination before dropping out, while Noem has faced controversy over her memoir, which revealed that she once shot a 14-month-old dog for being disobedient.

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Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley (File)

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The following plugin provides functionality available through Pipeline-compatible steps. Read more about how to integrate steps into your Pipeline in the Steps section of the Pipeline Syntax page.

For a list of other such plugins, see the Pipeline Steps Reference page.

step([$class: 'SeleniumHtmlReportPublisher']) : Publish Selenium Html Report

Selenium html report.

View this plugin on the Plugins site

  • failureIfExceptionOnParsingResultFiles : boolean (optional)
  • testResultsDir : String (optional)

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  1. Jenkins Reports

    In the previous section, we saw that how to publish a Jenkins JUnit Report. So, in this section, we will talk about another format, i.e., HTML Report. The HTML report is the better way to represent the test results and can be easily integrated with Jenkins reporting capabilities by enabling the HTML reporting plugin.

  2. Cucumber reports

    Merge features and scenarios from different JSON files of different runs into a single report by features and scenarios ids. Example: Original cucumber report is "cucumber.json". Let's look a situation when couple of tests failed there. Cucumber runner generates a new report, for example, cucumber-rerun.json as a result of rerun the failed tests.

  3. Cucumber reports

    Cucumber is a test automation tool following the principles of Behavioural Driven Design and living documentation. Specifications are written in a concise human readable form and executed in continuous integration. This plugin allows Jenkins to publish the results as pretty html reports hosted by the Jenkins build server.

  4. Publishing HTML Reports in Pipeline

    I've found a Ruby project, hermann, I'd like to build using Jenkins Pipeline.I'd also like to have the code coverage results published with each build job. I could write a plugin to publish this data, but I'm in a bit of hurry and the build already creates an HTML report file using SimpleCov when the unit tests run.

  5. How To Generate TestNG Reports In Jenkins?

    In order to generate TestNG reports in Jenkins, we need to start from scratch. First, we will create a TestNG project. To create a TestNG project, you will need to follow the steps mentioned below-. Step 1: Open Eclipse and create a Java class. Step 2: Keep all the library files in a folder.

  6. Issue Reporting

    Open the page for the plugin and select the "Report an issue" link in the Links section on the right side of the plugin page. Searching for existing issues makes it easier for us to deal with issue reports and shows which issues are considered important by the community by the number of voters and watchers.

  7. How To Combine Cucumber And Jenkins For Integration?

    Navigate to " Manage Jenkins .". Go ahead and click " Manage Plugins .". Go to the " Available " tab under the manage plugins page. Search for " cucumber " in the filter at the right top corner. Go ahead and check the box against the Cucumber reports. Choose " Install without restart " to start the installation.

  8. Displaying custom HTML or XML reports with Jenkins

    3. First you have to: Configure listeners in your testNg.xml file. Write the listeners classes. Then, configure Jenkins to show the custom report after your builds: Go to "Post-build Actions" -> Choose "publish html reports". Add your directory where the custom report is, for example: /test-output. Add the index file under Index page [s], for ...

  9. How Do I Publish an HTML Report in Jenkins?

    Need help with your Jenkins questions?Visit ⏱:00:00 Introduction00:05 Starting point00:19 Rev...

  10. Generate and save an HTML report in Jenkins on OpenShift 4

    Use Jenkins to generate a report on OpenShift 4. There are multiple ways to set up Jenkins on OpenShift 4. This article uses a template provided by the OpenShift Developer Catalog. First, check whether the Jenkins template is available in OpenShift: $ oc get template -n openshift | grep jenkins. Copy snippet.

  11. Integrating TestNG reports with Jenkins

    In this video we look at ways of integrating the popular testing framework TestNG's report to JenkinsGit repo used:

  12. Set the Standard: Report on the Independent Review into Commonwealth

    The report has been tabled on 30 November 2021. The Commission acknowledges that discussing bullying, sexual harassment and sexual assault can cause distress and discomfort. If you experience distress or discomfort, please refer to the national support services that provide counselling and others forms of support.

  13. Report Portal

    ReportPortal Plugin is a plugin for representing a statistics and a test results visualization of already launched builds on the Jenkins job page. Plugin builds a trend chart that is based on finished launches that have been run from the moment of a plugin installation. It allows you to take a quick overlook of a builds results structure and ...

  14. Allure Report Docs

    Jenkins integration. With the Allure Report plugin for Jenkins, you can add an "Allure Report" step to your build configuration, so that Jenkins will generate a test report automatically for each build. Installation and configuration. To enable Allure support in your Jenkins installation, do the following under the administrator account:

  15. Test Results Analyzer

    This process is very cumbersome and may take a lot of time to get the report. The said plugin solves the said issue by showing the build result history of test-class, test-class and test-package in a tabular tree format. The plugin can be used enabling the "Publish junit results" or "Publish TestNG results"(in case of TestNG) feature of Jenkins.

  16. JUnit Plugin

    Jenkins understands the JUnit test report XML format (which is also used by TestNG). When this option is configured, Jenkins can provide useful information about test results, such as historical test result trends, a web UI for viewing test reports, tracking failures, and so on.

  17. How To Publish ExtentReport Using Jenkins

    Select " Publish HTML reports ". If you want to see where the report is saved in Jenkins, go to the Dashboard ->ExtentReport_Demo project -> Workspace ->target -> Reports -> Spark.html. Enter the HTML directory to archive - Reports, Index page [s] - Spark.html, and Report title - Extent Report. Click on the Apply and Save buttons.

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    Kris Jenkins scouting report. Jenkins was an anchor for the 2023 Michigan defense, which finished as the best unit in college football and helped lead the Wolverines to the national title. Jenkins ...

  19. Aaron Hernandez's fiancée responds to jokes made about late former

    Hernandez wrote three suicide notes, one to Jenkins and two to the couple's daughter, per a state police report. Several people who participated in Sunday's roast of Brady mentioned or alluded to ...

  20. JUnit

    Jenkins understands the JUnit test report XML format (which is also used by TestNG). When this option is configured, Jenkins can provide useful information about test results, such as trends. The plugin also provides a generic API for other unit-test publisher plugins in Jenkins. This functionality was part of the Jenkins Core until it was ...

  21. Four-Star Georgia Tech Basketball Signee Sees Big Jump In Latest

    The high school class currently ranks No. 14 in the country and has talented players such as Four Star guard Jaeden Mustaf, Four Star Forward Darrion Sutton, Four Star Center Doryan Onwuchekwa ...

  22. Nested Data Reporting

    Read more about how to integrate steps into your Pipeline in the Steps section of the Pipeline Syntax page. For a list of other such plugins, see the Pipeline Steps Reference page. Table of Contents. Nested Data Reporting. publishReport: Publish report files like json, yaml, csv or xml.

  23. What Is a Song?

    May 2, 2024. For most music fans, a song is a simple thing to define: It's the melodies, the lyrics, the grooves that come out of your speakers. It's a much thornier question when it comes to ...

  24. Tre Johnson, Link Academy, Shooting Guard

    Scouting Report 2 evaluations. Evaluated 10/15/2023. Adam Finkelstein Director of Scouting. ... Evaluated 06/25/2021 Brandon Jenkins Recruiting Analyst Read ; H.S. Athletic Background.

  25. Volunteers sort thousands of golf balls by hand at Myrtle Beach Classic

    First, volunteers Mike Jenkins and Henry Morales have to wash the golf balls. ... At Gray, our journalists report, write, edit and produce the news content that informs the communities we serve.

  26. Dashboard

    The Dashboard includes the blue navigation bar along the top of the interface. The bar is divided into two sections: A common section along the top. A contextual section below. The contextual section changes depending on the Blue Ocean page you are viewing. When viewing the Dashboard, the navigation bar's contextual section includes:

  27. Trump Quashes Rumor That Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley ...

    The 2024 US presidential election has been a rollercoaster ride, constantly shifting the political landscape. One of the most intriguing reports in recent months came Saturday from an Axios report ...

  28. Selenium HTML report

    Selenium HTML report. The following plugin provides functionality available through Pipeline-compatible steps. Read more about how to integrate steps into your Pipeline in the Steps section of the Pipeline Syntax page. For a list of other such plugins, see the Pipeline Steps Reference page. Table of Contents.