Simple Interest Calculator

The Simple Interest Calculator calculates the interest and end balance based on the simple interest formula. Click the tabs to calculate the different parameters of the simple interest formula. In real life, most interest calculations involve compound Interest. To calculate compound interest, use the Interest Calculator .

End balance
Interest rate
Total Interest =$20000 × 3% × 10
End Balance =$20000 + $6,000.00

Related Interest Calculator | Compound Interest Calculator

What is Simple Interest?

Interest is the cost you pay to borrow money or the compensation you receive for lending money. You might pay interest on an auto loan or credit card, or receive interest on cash deposits in interest-bearing accounts, like savings accounts or certificates of deposit (CDs).

Simple interest is interest that is only calculated on the initial sum (the "principal") borrowed or deposited. Generally, simple interest is set as a fixed percentage for the duration of a loan. No matter how often simple interest is calculated, it only applies to this original principal amount. In other words, future interest payments won't be affected by previously accrued interest.

Simple Interest Formula

The basic simple interest formula looks like this:

Simple Interest = Principal Amount × Interest Rate × Time

Our calculator will compute any of these variables given the other inputs.

Simple Interest Calculated Using Years

You may also see the simple interest formula written as:

In this formula:

  • I = Total simple interest
  • P = Principal amount or the original balance
  • r = Annual interest rate
  • t = Loan term in years

Under this formula, you can manipulate "t" to calculate interest according to the actual period. For instance, if you wanted to calculate interest over six months, your "t" value would equal 0.5.

Simple Interest for Different Frequencies

  • I = total interest
  • P = Principal amount
  • r = interest rate per period
  • n = number of periods

Under this formula, you can calculate simple interest taken over different frequencies, like daily or monthly. For instance, if you wanted to calculate monthly interest taken on a monthly basis, then you would input the monthly interest rate as "r" and multiply by the "n" number of periods.

Simple Interest Examples

Let's review a quick example of both I=Prt and I=Prn.

For example, let's say you take out a $10,000 loan at 5% annual simple interest to repay over five years. You want to know your total interest payment for the entire loan.

To start, you'd multiply your principal by your annual interest rate, or $10,000 × 0.05 = $500.

Then, you'd multiply this value by the number of years on the loan, or $500 × 5 = $2,500.

Now that you know your total interest, you can use this value to determine your total loan repayment required. ($10,000 + $2,500 = $12,500.) You can also divide the value to determine how much interest you'd pay daily or monthly.

Alternatively, you can use the simple interest formula I=Prn if you have the interest rate per month.

If you had a monthly rate of 5% and you'd like to calculate the interest for one year, your total interest would be $10,000 × 0.05 × 12 = $6,000. The total loan repayment required would be $10,000 + $6,000 = $16,000.

What Financial Instruments Use Simple Interest?

Simple interest works in your favor as a borrower, since you're only paying interest on the original balance. That contrasts with compound interest, where you also pay interest on any accumulated interest. You may see simple interest on short-term loans.

For this same reason, simple interest does not work in your favor as a lender or investor. Investing in assets that don't offer compound growth means you may miss out on potential growth.

However, some assets use simple interest for simplicity — for example bonds that pay an interest coupon. Investments may also offer a simple interest return as a dividend. To take advantage of compounding you would need to reinvest the dividends as added principal.

By contrast, most checking and savings accounts, as well as credit cards, operate using compound interest.

Simple Interest Versus Compound Interest

Compound interest is another method of assessing interest. Unlike simple interest, compound interest accrues interest on both an initial sum as well as any interest that accumulates and adds onto the loan. (In other words, on a compounding schedule, you pay interest not just on the original balance, but on interest, too.)

Over the long run, compound interest can cost you more as a borrower (or earn you more as an investor). Most credit cards and loans use compound interest. Savings accounts also offer compounding interest schedules. You can check with your bank on the compounding frequency of your accounts.

Compound Interest Formula

The basic formula for compound interest is:

A = P × (1 +
  • A = ending balance
  • P = Principal balance
  • r = the interest rate (expressed as a decimal)
  • n = the number of times interest compounds in a year
  • t = time (expressed in years)

Note that interest can compound on different schedules – most commonly monthly or annually. The more often interest compounds, the more interest you pay (or earn). If your interest compounds daily, you'd enter 365 for the number of time interest compounds annually. If it compounds monthly, you'd input 12 instead.

Learn More About Compound Interest

Compound interest calculations can get complex quickly because it requires recalculating the starting balance every compounding period.

For more information on how compound interest works, we recommend visiting our compound interest calculator .

Which is Better for You: Simple or Compound Interest?

As a borrower, paying simple interest works in your favor, as you'll pay less over time. Conversely, earning compound interest means you'll net larger returns over time, be it on a loan, investment, or your regular savings account.

For a quick example, consider a $10,000 loan at 5% interest repaid over five years.

As established above, a loan this size would total $12,500 after five years. That's $10,000 on the original principal plus $2,500 in interest payments.

Now consider the same loan compounded monthly. Over five years, you'd repay a total of $12,833.59. That's $10,000 of your original principal, plus $2,833.59 in interest. Over time, the difference between a simple interest and compound interest loan builds up exponentially.


Calculator Simple Interest

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Simple Interest Calculator

Enter the values you know. The value left out will be automatically calculated and displayed.

Simple Interest Formula

Total accrued amount i.e. (principal + interest)
Principal Amount
Interest Amount
Rate of interest per year r = R / 100
Time period involved in months or years(i.e. Calculation period)

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Simple Interest Calculator

The simple interest calculator can be used to provide a quick and accurate calculation of interest assessed on a loan or investment.

Principal (P)

Total P+I (A)

Related Calculators

Investment Calculator


A = $6,250.00


P = $5,000.00

R = 2.5 %/year

T = 10 years

There was an error with your calculation.

Table of Contents

Simple interest plus principal calculator, the information you need to use the simple interest calculator, the specifics of simple interest, differences between simple interest and compound interest, the applications of simple interest, check your data.

  • Don't assume that interest will accrue unambiguously

The simple interest calculator allows you to determine the amount of interest you can receive or pay over the life of your loan.

This calculator comes in handy for analyzing different types of loans when determining the projected interest you get from lending money.

You can use the simple interest calculator to calculate the principal, the interest rate, or the time of interest accrual.

You will need a few different inputs to use the simple interest formula. First, you will need the principal amount of the loan. Then you will need to know or determine the interest rate and term of the loan. This results in the interest formula A=P(1+rt) . The formula includes the following components:

  • A = calculated interest,
  • P = loan amount,
  • r = interest rate, in decimal format,
  • t = loan term.

You need three of the four variables to use the calculator, so if you have A, P, and r, you can solve for t.

Simple interest is the amount paid by a borrower for the use of borrowed money over a fixed period. It is interest only on the principal amount as a percentage of the principal amount. No interest is charged on the interest.

The simple interest rate does not increase over time, so you will always know exactly how much you will pay.

Borrowers benefit from simple interest because they only have to pay interest on the loans they take out. But investors can lose out on simple interest if their investments are based on it.

When making a payment on a simple interest loan, you pay the interest for that month first. The rest of the payment goes to repay the principal amount of the loan.

For example, you have a credit card with a 5% Annual Percentage Rate and you make $2,000 worth of purchases during that year. You would end up paying back the $2,000 you borrowed from the credit card company plus 5% interest on that $2,000. So, paying off the balance will cost you $2,100.

Simple interest is calculated only on the balance of the principal debt.

And compound interest is calculated based on the principal balance and accumulated interest from previous periods. With compound interest, the amount owed will grow much faster than with simple interest.

Sometimes compound interest is called "interest on interest payments."

The growth of compound interest is affected by such a factor as the frequency of compounding, that is, the frequency of compounding. The greater the number of compound interest periods, that is, compounding periods, the higher the interest rate.

The compounding periods are a crucial element that distinguishes between simple and compound interest.

The main difference between simple and compound interest is that the amount owed on compound interest grows much faster.

Simple interest applies to credit card balances. Most personal loans, including student loans and home mortgages, use simple interest. Most coupon bonds use simple interest.

Consumer loans and auto loans use simple interest when calculating interest payments. Certificates of deposit use simple interest to calculate investment income.

Simple interest is usually applied to short-term loans, and some mortgages use this calculation method. In the U.S., most mortgages with amortization schedules are simple interest loans.

Compound interest is often used to enhance long-term investment returns, such as 401(k)s and other investments. Another everyday use of compound interest is in bank accounts, especially savings accounts. Student loans, mortgages, and credit cards can also use compound interest, so keep an eye on the interest rate when making these important financial decisions.

There are no hard rules about using simple or compound interest. So you need to ask your lender what type of interest they use.

Jesse is considering taking out a loan to buy a car. The loan amount will be $5,000, with the bank charging 3% interest each year for five years. What total amount of interest he can expect to pay?

Calculating the interest yields the following equation:

A = $5,000 × (1 + 0.03 × 5) = $5,750

Subtracting $5,000 from the loan amount gives Jesse a total interest expense of $750.

Anna is a student who took a simple interest loan to pay for one year of college tuition, which costs $20,000. The annual interest rate on loan is 5%. Anna repaid the loan over four years.

The amount of simple interest paid is:

$20,000 × 0.05 × 4 = $4,000

and the total repayments are:

$20,000 + $4,000 = $24,000

Solutions for different factors

We can break down the simple interest rate formula into four different formulas. Each of these formulas solves the problem for a different variable.

Calculate the total amount of interest (standard calculation)


Calculate the principal amount owed

$$P = \frac{A}{1 + rt}$$

Calculate the interest in decimal form

$$r = (\frac{1}{t}) × (\frac{A}{P} - 1)$$

Calculate the interest as a percentage

$$R = r × 100$$

Calculate the lending time

$$t = (\frac{1}{r}) × (\frac{A}{P} - 1)$$

Let's try a reverse calculation to find the loan time.

Sarah takes out a $10,000 loan with an interest rate of 5%. The calculated principal and interest amount are $13,500. What is the duration of the loan?

Using the inverse calculation above, we get the formula:

$$t = \frac{1}{0.05} × \frac{13,500}{10,000} - 1$$

After solving for t, you get the loan for seven years.

Top tips to keep in mind when calculating simple interest

Check the terms of your potential contract to make sure you enter the correct information. The simple interest calculator explains the results in detail, familiarizing you with the factors that affect the calculation.

Don't assume that interest will accrue unambiguously

The simple interest plus principal calculator gives you a general idea of the interest you can reasonably expect on your loan.

Don't automatically assume that this is the exact amount that lenders will charge you. Some factors can change from the time you get the loan until you sign it.

Some contracts charge interest based on market factors, meaning the interest rate can change over the life of the loan.

Understanding how to calculate simple interest is important for individuals and businesses.

Not all loans have a simple interest rate. Many loans accrue compound interest. When these situations arise, use our compound interest calculator designed to identify the compound interest on your loans or investments.

Simple Interest Calculator & Formula

Simple Interest means earning or paying interest only the Principal [1]. The Principal is the amount borrowed, the original amount invested, or the face value of a bond [2]. On this page, I explain the simple interest formula and provide a simple interest calculator that you can use to solve some basic problems.

For information about how simple interest applies to amortization , or if you are looking for a so-called "Simple Interest Mortgage" calculator, try our Simple Interest Loan Calculator .

Simple Interest Formula

Simple Interest is earned or paid on the Principal only .

"Simple Interest" is different than "Compound Interest". You don't earn interest on interest, and you don't pay interest on interest. The formula is indeed simple because it only involves multiplication:

Formula #1 I = Prn Interest ( I ) = Principal ( P ) times Rate Per Period ( r ) times Number of Periods ( n ) Divide an annual rate by 12 to get (r) if the Period is a month.

You'll often find the formula written using an annual interest rate where the number of periods is specified in years or a fraction of a year.

Formula #2 I = Prt Interest ( I ) = Principal ( P ) times Annual Rate ( r ) times Time in Years ( t ) The time can be specified as a fraction of a year (e.g. 5 months would be 5/12 years).

Simple Interest Calculator

Now that you have the formula, you can use the calculator below to solve your homework problems. Try using it solve the example problems listed below. The calculator uses Formula #2 . You need a javascript-enabled browser to use the calculator.

Simple Interest Calculator, I=Prt

Annual Rate, 
Days in Year

This calculator was designed based to make it easy to use for both monthly and daily accrual calculations. The Days in Year only matter if you enter a value in the Days field. Normally, you'd enter only the days or only the months or only the years, but if you enter values in all 3 fields, the time is calculated as Years + Months/12 + Days/DaysInYear.

Simple Interest Example Problems

Try using the above calculator to solve the example problems listed below.

Example 1 : You take out a loan of $10,000 that charges a annual rate of 6%. Using formula #1, the interest you pay on your first monthly payment is $10000*(6/100)/12*1=$50. Using formula #2 and the calculator, enter P=10000, r=6, and 1 month.

Example 2 : You have a savings account that earns Simple Interest. Unlikely . Most savings accounts earn compound interest.

Example 3 : My father loans me $2,000 to buy a used car and tells me I need to pay it off in one big chunk (a balloon loan ). To be easy on me he will charge me simple interest based on an annual rate of 3%. I work really hard in the summer (using my car to deliver pizza), and am able to pay off the car in just 4 months. Using formula #2, the interest I owe my dad is $2,000*(3/100)*4/12=$20. Using formula #1, it would be $2,000*(3/100)/12*4=$20 (very basic algebra).

Example 4 : Using the assumption that a year has 360 days (a common banking assumption sometimes used for prorating the interest between the close date of a loan and the date of the first payment), how much interest accrues over 20 days if the current Principal balance is $100,000 and the annual interest rate is 7.2%? Using simple interest formula #2, the total interest accrued would be $100,000*(7.2/100)*20/360=$400.

  • [1] "Simple Interest" (Definition) at
  • [2] "Principal" (Definition) at
  • Simple Interest Calculator at - This calculator uses the simple interest formula and explains it well (it's not just an "easy" calculator).
  • How Does Simple Interest Work at - An explanation of simple interest loans and mortgages.
  • Simple Interest Examples at
  • The 360-Day Year - at

How to Cite This Article

- Wittwer, J.W., " Simple Interest ", on, Nov 11, 2008,

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Simple Interest Calculator

Table of contents

Our simple interest calculator calculates monthly payments on an interest-only loan . Just provide the interest percentage, and you'll know how much that loan costs.

The difference between "just" interest and mortgage payment is simple — with the mortgage calculator, every month you repay a part of the principal and your loan balance gets lower and lower. With the simple interest calculator, only the interest is paid. The loan amount stays the same forever. Nothing changes with time, so we didn't include a field that would specify your loan's duration.

Simple interest can be used both when you borrow or lend money. In the former case, the interest is added to a separate pile of money each month (and is not subject to extra interest next month).

What is interest?

The interest is one of the most often used words in finance. Students of the economy become familiar with this term during their very first lectures. Financial advisors, financial officers, stockbrokers, bankers, investment managers, and other financial experts use this term hundreds of times during their everyday activities. So, at the beginning of this article, we will try to answer the question “What is interest?” . Later on, you will find the answers to the following questions:

  • What is simple interest?
  • What is the difference between simple interest and compound interest?
  • What is the simple interest equation, and how to find the value of simple interest?
  • What are the real-life examples of simple interest loans?

In the next sections, we will also show you some examples of simple interest calculations. But everything in its own time. Let's start with the definition of interest.

Generally, interest is the cost of borrowing money. It is a price that the borrower pays to the lender for using his money . The interest is customarily expressed as a percentage ( % ) of the original amount (principal amount, balance).

Interest can be either simple or compounded. Simple interest is based on the original amount, while compound interest is based on the original amount and the interest that accumulates on it in every period (for further explanations of simple and compound interest, see the section Simple and compound interest ).

Interest rate definition

In finance, interest rate is defined as the amount that is charged by a lender to a borrower for the use of assets . Thus, we can say that for the borrower, the interest rate is the cost of debt, and for the lender, it is the rate of return.

Note here that if you make a deposit in a bank (e.g., put money in your savings account), from a financial perspective, it means that you lend money to the bank. In such a case, the interest rate reflects your profit.

The interest rate is commonly expressed as a percentage of the principal amount (loan outstanding or value of deposit). Usually, it is presented on an annual basis. In that case, it is called the annual percentage yield (APY) or the effective annual rate (EAR).

Simple and compound interest

Simple interest is used to estimate the interest earned or paid on a certain balance (original amount) during a particular period. Simple interest does not take into account the effects of compounding . Compounding means calculating interest on interest. In other words, with compounding, you earn the interest not only on the principal amount but also on the interest that was earned over the previous periods. It is essential information to know, as with compound interest you actually earn or pay more over the considered period.

If you want to assume that interest from the previous periods influences the original amount, you should apply compound interest. Here, we only mention its most basic definition, which states that compound interest is the interest calculated on the initial principal and the interest that has been accumulated during consecutive periods as well.

Note that since simple interest is calculated only on the original amount, it's much easier to determine than compound interest. However, with our calculators, you won't feel the difference.

Simple interest definition and simple interest formula

According to the widely accepted definition, simple interest is an interest that is paid or computed on the original amount of a loan or the amount of a deposit. The simple interest formula is:

interest = amount × interest_rate

Did you know that the term simple interest was used for the first time in 1798? (That year, the words rentier and working capital appeared in the English language for the first time, too).

How to calculate simple interest?

Are you wondering how to calculate simple interest? Here is an example that should help you understand it.

Let's assume that you put $1,000 in your savings account. It is the so-called original amount. (Note that you can also treat this $1,000 as the initial value of your loan with simple interest).

First of all, take the interest rate and divide it by one hundred. 5% = 0.05 .

Then multiply the original amount by the interest rate. $1,000 × 0.05 = $50 . That's it. You have just calculated your annual interest!

To get a monthly interest, divide this value by the number of months in a year ( 12 ). $50 / 12 = $4.17 . So, your monthly interest is $4.17. If the initial $1,000 is a deposit, this is your monthly profit. If this $1,000 is a loan, this value represents your monthly payments.

Now, let's try to make some further calculations.

If you want to compute the sum of the interest paid over a specified period, all you need to do is multiply the monthly interest by the adequate number of months or years: expand the "total interest" section of our calculator to do so!

For example, you may want to calculate the total interest you will receive during the next two and a half years. To do so, you need to multiply $4.17 by 30 (2 years = 24 months, half a year = 6 months):

$4.17 × 30 = $125.10

Obviously, all of the above calculations might be done quickly and painlessly with our smart calculator!

An example of simple interest in practice

You inherit $1,000,000 and intend to use it to provide a steady income - you don't want to spend it, nor invest it. You put it into a bank account with a 5% annual interest rate. Every year, you get $50,000 (5% of $1 million). Every month, you'll receive $4,166.67 (1/12 of $50,000). No matter how much time passes, you'll still have $1 million on that account.

An alternative — compound interest

But what if you were to leave that extra cash in the account? Then that interest would keep working for you, and every month, the balance on the account would increase (and the whole thing would become an investment. To make it simple, let's assume that the interest compounds annually (is added once per year).

  • At the end of the first year, you'd have $1,050,000 ($1 million plus 5%).
  • At the end of the second year, you'd have $1,102,500 ($1,050,000 plus 5%).
  • 3rd year — $1,157,625 .
  • 10th year — $1,628,895 .
  • 50th year — $11,467,400 .
  • 100th year — $131,501,258 .

Now that's something, isn't it? You wouldn't get your $4,166 every month, but you'd have 131 times more in the bank after 100 years.

The real-life examples of simple interest loans

Well, not everyone will inherit $1,000,000 (although we sincerely wish you that). However, it doesn't mean that you will not come across simple interest in your everyday life. The common examples of the use of simple interest are:

  • Lines of credit (such as credit cards); and
  • Discounts on early payments.

Assume that you take out a simple interest car loan . If the car costs $5,000 and you don't have any savings, to finance it, you would need to borrow $5,000. It is the principal amount of your car loan. Knowing that the annual interest rate is 3% and the loan must be paid back in one year, you can compute the simple interest on that loan as follows:

$5,000 × 3% = $150

In total, you will have to pay back the principal amount plus the interest. So:

$5,000 + $150 = $5,150

Assume that you have a credit card with a $2,500 limit and a 15% interest rate that is not compounded . In the previous month, you bought goods for $1,800, and at the beginning of this month, you paid only the minimum amount, which was $100. It means that you have a $1,700 balance remaining. The interest that will accrue on your credit card this month is:

$1,700 × 15% / 12 = $21.25

However, be aware that credit cards usually have compounded interest rate. Simple interest on credit cards is nowadays rather something extraordinary (Well, try to guess why…)

Discounts on early payments are used mainly in business. A seller may offer a discount for his contractor in order to prompt him to pay for the invoice in cash or earlier than its maturity. For example, the issuer of the invoice for $30,000 may offer a 0.2% discount for payment within the week after purchase. It means that the amount of discount is:

$30,000 × 0.2% = $60

So the buyer will have to pay:

$30,000 − $60 = $29,940

Simple interest rate and perpetuity

To explain what is perpetuity, we have to start with the term annuity . In the most intuitive sense, an annuity is a series of payments that are made during a specified period at equal intervals. A perpetuity is a specific type of an annuity that has no end. In other words, we could say that perpetuity is a stream of payments that continues forever (indefinitely).

Assuming that payments begin at the end of the first period, the monthly payment from perpetuity is calculated with the following formula:

monthly payment = principal amount × interest_rate

Note that it is not a coincidence that the above formula is very similar to the simple interest formula presented in the section Simple interest definition and simple interest formula ( interest = amount × interest_rate ). In fact, we calculate the same value; only the names of the variables have changed.

Are you curious about the value of the principal amount that guarantees you won't have to work anymore? Let's assume that to do so, you need a yearly income equal to $100,000. We also need to assume that, the interest rate is 4% and is constant over time. Thus:

$100,000 = principal amount × 4%

principal amount = $100,000 / 4% = $2,500,000

Hmm… quite a lot, isn't it?

Unfortunately, even if you had such an amount, currently, there are only a few existing financial products that are based on the concept of perpetuities. However, in the past, they were issued by many financial institutions (insurers and banks) and even the governments. For example, the so-called consols were issued by the British government and were finally redeemed in 2015.

Further interest rate calculations

Now you know what is simple interest and how to calculate its value. So it's high time you become familiar with more complex concepts of financial mathematics.

Undoubtedly, the term that is the most associated with simple interest is compound interest. We have already described this idea in one of the previous sections. But did you know that calculations based on compound interest may be used to compute the future value of your investment or savings? All you need to do is use one of our smart calculators.

You may also be curious how to compare several bank deposit (or loan) offers if they have different compounding periods and different interest rates. To do so, you need to compute the Annual Percentage Yield, which is also known as the Effective Annual Rate (EAR). This value tells you what is the interest rate on a yearly basis and thus helps you make the best (i.e., the most reasonable) financial decision. However, you can also do it on your own. If you are not sure how to do this, read the APY calculator description, where everything is explained in detail.

Another fascinating thing you can do when going deeper into interest calculations is to compute how long it would take to increase your investment by n%. Are you curious how much time you need to double your initial investment? Triple it? We suggest you use our smart rule of 72 calculator .

Interest rate calculators in everyday life

If you want to apply the concept of interest rate to everyday life situations, you can try the following tools designed by the Omni team:

The credit card payoff calculator allows you to estimate how long it will take until you are completely debt-free.

The mortgage calculator helps you estimate the cost of your mortgage (monthly installments) for different payback periods and mortgage rates. You can also compute the remaining balance of your loan with the loan balance calculator .

The cap rate calculator helps you determine the rate of return on your real estate property purchase.

The dream come true calculator provides an answer to the question: how long do you have to save to afford your dream?

The lease calculator helps you compute the monthly and total payments for a lease.

Interest rate in business calculations

The concept of interest rate is also widely applied to various business calculations. Here you have a few examples of our business calculators in which the interest rate plays an important role.

The present value calculator estimates the current value of a future payment given a certain rate of return (note that here, the rate of return is the same as the interest rate!).

The NPV calculator gives you information about the expected profitability of a planned investment project.

The discounted cash flow calculator (DCF) uses the concept of interest rate (here – discount rate) in estimating how much a company is worth.

What is the difference between simple and compound interest?

The difference between simple and compound interest is that simple interest is paid on the initial principal (loan or deposit) , while compound interest is calculated using the initial loan or deposit and any earned interest on top of that .

How do you find the future value of simple interest?

To find the future value, F , of simple interest, follow these steps:

  • Write down the simple interest value, r , as a decimal (e.g., 5% is 0.05).
  • Write down the present value, P .
  • Set how many years in the future, t , you wish to calculate the future value for.
  • Replace the parameters in the future value formula F = P × (1 + r × t) .

What is principal in simple interest?

The principal, or principal amount, is the initial amount of money lent or invested. The letter P denotes the principal, and it's the value on which interest is calculated.

What is 6% interest on a $30,000 loan?

6% interest on a $30,000 loan is $1,800 per year or $150 per month . You can quickly calculate simple interest by finding the 6% of 30000: 6 × 30000 / 100 = 1800

Loan amount

Annual interest rate.

How much interest you are charged per month/year.

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Time the loan is for.

Total interest

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Simple Interest Calculator

About this calculator.

This is an online simple interest calculator. This calculator not only gives you the answer but also the sample solution to find the answer.

This calculator uses the following simple interest formula, I :

  • P is the principal
  • r is the interest rate (per year or per annum)
  • t is the loan duration/period in years.

Using this Calculator

How to use this calculator.

  • Choose whether you want to calculate simple interest (I), principal (P), interest rate (r) or duration/period (t).
  • Fill in the blue boxes with the required numbers.
  • Click on the 'Calculate' button to calculate.

The sample answer and solution will be shown below the calculator.

I want to calculate

Interest (i), principal ( p ), interest rate ( r ), duration ( t ), sample solution & answer.

The following are the sample solution and answer for your reference.

Ways to Use

Using this calculator.

You can use this calculator in many ways. Here are some ideas:

  • Use it to check your homework answers.
  • Use the sample solution as a guide to help you to solve questions that you are not sure about.

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Calculators » Finance » Simple Interest Calculator

Simple Interest Calculator

Our online tools will provide quick answers to your calculation and conversion needs. On this page, you can calculate simple interest (SI) given principal, interest rate and time duration in days, months or years. We have made it easy for you to enter daily, weekly, monthly or annually charged interest rates. e.g., 2% interest per month, 5% per week, 10% per year

SOLVE FOR: Simple Interest Principal Interest Rate Time Period

Interest amount:

Interest Rate (%): Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly

Time Period: Days Months Years

To find time period between two dates, use date duration calculator.

Download: Use this interest calculator offline with our all-in-one calculator app for Android and iOS .

Simple Interest Formula

SI = P×r×t A = P+SI A = P(1+rt) Where, A = Final amount SI = Simple interest P = Principal amount (Initial Investment) r = Annual interest rate in percentage t = Time period in years

When calculating simple interest by days, use the number of days for t and divide the interest rate by 365. Likewise, to calculate simple interest month-wise, use the number of months for t and divide the interest rate by 12.

Simple interest calculations

The following examples will show you how to solve different variables involved in simple interest calculation.

Example 1. What is the simple interest on a loan of $300 for 4 months at 12% per year?

Ans. SI = P×r×t = 300×(12/100/12)×4 = $12

Example 2. Simple interest on $5000 over 4 years is $1800, what is the interest rate?

Ans. r = SI/(P×t) = 1800/(5000×4) = 0.09 = 9%

Example 3. If you borrow $1200 at a 5% annual interest rate, how long will it take for the total amount owed to reach $1300?

Ans. SI = 1300-1200 = 100 t = SI/(P×r) = 100/(1200*(5/100)) = 1.67 years or 20 months

Example 4. Find the principal if the simple interest in 14 days at 25% per annum is 100.

Ans. P = SI/(r×t) = 100/((25/100/365)*14) = 10428.57

More Interest Calculators

  • Compound Interest
  • Rate of Interest
  • Loan Repayment
  • Annualized Interest Rate
  • Effective Interest Rate



> > Simple Interest calculator

Principal (P) 
Rate (R) 
Time (T) 
  • `P=1000,R=10,T=2,"find "SI`
  • `P=5000,R=5,T=3,"find "SI`
  • `P=20000,R=6,T=1,"find "SI`
Simple Interest

Simple & Compound Interest Calculator

Number of years to double investment chart, simple interest, compound interest.

Simple Interest Calculator

Simple interest calculator is an online interest calculation tool to calculate the time value of money to know how much interest will be earned or charged on a principal sum at certain interest rate for particular period of time. Unlike compound interest calculation , the principal sum remains constant and will not be changed due to interest through out the entire period for which the principal sum is borrowed. When money is borrowed or lended at simple interest, the interest will be charged on the original amount of money, and not on any interest that it has earned. The interest on principal remains same for every month or every year and it is calculated from the principal amount P, simple interest rate R in percentage per year and length of the time T in years. It's often abbreviated as SI and is the most basic type of interest

Simple Interest Formula

Step by step calculation.

The below step by step calculation may used to understand how to calculate simple interest (SI) by using the above formula step 1: multiply the given principal sum P, interest rate R in percentage & time period in years together. step 2: for yearly interest payable, divide the result of above multiplication (P x R x T) by 100 gives the simple interest. step 3: divide the simple interest by 12 for 1 year or 24 months for 2 years and so on, provides the monthly payable interest amount.

Solved Example Problem

The below solved example problem may used to understand how the principal, rate of interest & time period are being used in the SI formula Example Problem Calculate the yearly & monthly simple interest payable for the principal sum 1000 USD borrowed at 6% of interest rate for the time period of 1 year. Solution simple interest payable for 1 year SI = (P x R x T)/100 apply the values in the above formula SI for year = (1000 x 6 x 1)/100 60 USD is the simple interest payable for 1 year how to calculate how simple interest payable monthly simple interest payable for 1 month SI for month = (P x R x T)/(100 x T x 12) apply the values in the above formula = (1000 x 6 x 1)/(100 x 1 x 12) = 5 5 USD is the simple interest payable for 1 month By using this simple interest calculator users may calculate the SI in any unit of World currencies like USD, GBP, AUD, JPY, INR, NZD, CHF etc. To calculate the SI in the desired currency, select the currency from the world currencies drop down menu provided just above the calculator. Simple interest is the basic interest calculation method to calculate the time value of money in the context of finance. The formulas, step by step calculation & solved example problem may used to understand & perform such calculation manually, however, when it comes to online for quick calculations, this simple interest calculator may helps the user to perform & verify such calculations as quick & easy as possible.

Simple Interest

  • Interest Formulas

So what is difference between compound and simple interest?

  • With simple interest, you do not apply interest to your accrued earnings
  • It is like "spending" each penny of interest everytime it was placed in your bank account
Present Value (Principal Amount):$
Annual Interest Rate  
How many years?  
, at an interest rate of , over :

Simple Interest Calculator

Simple Interest Calculator is a free online tool that helps to find simple interest for a given principal amount. There are three parameters required to calculate the simple interest namely, principal amount, rate of interest , and time period. This type of interest is calculated on the principal amount only.

What is a Simple Interest Calculator?

Simple interest calculator is a free online tool that helps you to find the simple interest for a principal amount. Usually, the simple interest that is paid over a certain time period is a fixed percentage of the principal amount. Simple interest is used to calculate short-term personal loans. To use the simple interest calculator enter the values in the input boxes.

NOTE: Enter positive numbers only.

How to Use the Simple Interest Calculator?

Follow the steps given below to use the online simple interest calculator:

  • Step 1: Go to online simple interest calculator.
  • Step 2: Enter the values in the respective input boxes of the simple interest calculator.
  • Step 3: Click on the "Calculate" button to find the simple interest.
  • Step 4: Click on the "Reset" button to clear the fields and enter the new values.

How Does Simple Interest Calculator Work?

Simple Interest Calculator

Compound interest is calculated on the principal amount as well as the amount of interest obtained over the given time period. However, simple interest is only calculated on the principal amount. In other words, as simple interest is not compounded hence, the borrower only pays interest on the principal amount. There are certain terminologies associated with simple interest that students have to be aware of before applying the formula. These are given below:

  • Principal Amount: This is the amount of money that is originally deposited. The simple interest is calculated on this amount. It is represented by P.
  • Rate of Interest: The rate at which the principal amount has been deposited for a given time period is known as the rate of interest. It is usually provided in the form of percentages. R is used to represent the rate of interest.
  • Time period: The total duration for which the principal amount has been deposited is known as the time period. It is given by T.

Simple Interest can be calculated with the help of the formula given below:

S.I. = (P × R × T)/100

simple interest problem solving calculator

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Solved Examples on Simple Interest Calculator

Find the simple interest on the principal amount of $500 if it is given for 2 years at 5% p.a and verify the answer using the online simple interest calculator.

Here, the principal amount is $500, the time period is 2 years, and the rate of interest is 5%.

To find the simple interest, we will use the above formula.

S.I. = (500 × 5 × 2)/100 = 5000/100

Thus, Simple interest is $50.

Find the simple interest on the principal amount of $1500 if it is given for 6 years at 8% p.a and verify the answer using the online simple interest calculator.

S.I. = (1500 × 8 × 6)/100 = 72000/100

S.I. = $720

Now, use the above simple interest calculator to find the simple interest for the following problems:

  • Rate= 10% p.a., Principal= $40000 and Time= 4 years
  • Rate= 3.5% p.a., Principal= $4800 and Time= 3 years

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  • Simple Interest
  • Interest Rate Formula

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Simple Interest Calculator I = Prt

Profile photo of Margarette Burnette

Margarette Burnette is a NerdWallet authority on savings, who has been writing about bank accounts since before the Great Recession. Her work has been featured in The Associated Press , USA Today and other major newspapers. Before joining NerdWallet, Margarette was a freelance journalist with bylines in magazines such as Good Housekeeping, Black Enterprise and Parenting. She is based near Atlanta, Georgia.

Profile photo of Yuliya Goldshteyn

Yuliya Goldshteyn is a banking editor at NerdWallet. She previously worked as an editor, a writer and a research analyst in industries ranging from health care to market research. She earned a bachelor's degree in history from the University of California, Berkeley and a master's degree in social sciences from the University of Chicago, with a focus on Soviet cultural history. She is based in Portland, Oregon.

simple interest problem solving calculator

Many or all of the products featured here are from our partners who compensate us. This influences which products we write about and where and how the product appears on a page. However, this does not influence our evaluations. Our opinions are our own. Here is a list of our partners and here's how we make money .

The simple interest calculator computes the interest amount and ending balance for savings. Calculate simple interest by using the formula I = Prt . In this formula, “I” equals the interest amount, “P” equals principal (the starting balance), “r” equals the interest rate and “t” equals the number of time periods.

You can use the simple interest calculator below to figure out how much interest you could earn with different rates and time periods.

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4.60% SoFi members with Direct Deposit or $5,000 or more in Qualifying Deposits during the 30-Day Evaluation Period can earn 4.60% annual percentage yield (APY) on savings balances (including Vaults) and 0.50% APY on checking balances. There is no minimum Direct Deposit amount required to qualify for the stated interest rate. Members without either Direct Deposit or Qualifying Deposits, during the 30-Day Evaluation Period will earn 1.20% APY on savings balances (including Vaults) and 0.50% APY on checking balances. Interest rates are variable and subject to change at any time. These rates are current as of 10/24/2023. There is no minimum balance requirement. Additional information can be found at

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on Wealthfront's website

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on Betterment's website

Betterment Cash Reserve – Paid non-client promotion

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Marcus by Goldman Sachs High-Yield CD

5.10% 5.10% APY (annual percentage yield) as of 06/25/2024

Bask Bank logo

Bask Bank CD

5.30% The annual percentage yield is effective as of Thursday, June 25, 2024. APY is a fixed rate and a $1,000 minimum balance is required. Bask Bank will pay this rate and APY through your CD maturity date. Fees could reduce the earnings on your account, and an early withdrawal penalty may be imposed for early withdrawal. If your CD is not funded with at least $1,000 within 10 business days after the date the account is opened, it will automatically be closed. Read the full terms here:

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Deposits are FDIC Insured

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How to calculate simple interest in a savings account manually

You calculate the simple interest earned in a savings account by multiplying the account balance by the interest rate by the time period the money is in the account. Interest in a savings account is money you earn, not money you pay, so the higher the interest rate, the more you can earn.

Interest = P * r * t

P = Principal amount (the beginning balance).

r = Interest rate (usually per year, expressed as a decimal).

t = Number of time periods (generally one-year time periods).

Simple interest calculation examples

Example 1 . Say you have a savings account with $10,000 that earns 5% interest per year. Expressed as a decimal, the interest rate is 0.05, so the formula would be:

Interest = $10,000 * 0.05 * 1. The interest earned in this example equals $500.

Example 2 . Now say you want to see how much simple interest you’ll earn in two years. The formula would be:

Interest = $10,000 * 0.05 * 2. The simple interest earned in this example equals $1,000.

What’s the difference between simple interest and compound interest?

Think of simple interest as a snapshot of your earnings during a set time period. If you want a rough idea of what you’ll earn, you can use the simple interest calculation. But in a savings account, your interest typically starts to earn interest over time as well. This is known as compound interest . If you want to determine precisely how much interest you could earn in savings over time, you’ll want to consider the effect of compounding.

The savings rate your savings account shows you is often actually the compound interest amount, which is expressed as a percentage followed by the words “annual percentage yield” or “ APY .”

For example, say you have that same $10,000 in a savings account that earns 5% APY, and you keep the money in the account for two years. If the earnings are compounded monthly, you’ll receive $1,049.41 in interest, as opposed to the $1,000 with the simple interest calculation.

» Calculate compound interest with NerdWallet's compound interest calculator

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APYs for some of the best savings accounts are above 5% as of April 2024. But other accounts earn much less (the national average savings rate is only 0.45% ). To maximize your savings, choose a savings account that earns a high yield . You can then use our compound interest calculator , which considers compound interest, to see how much your savings balance could grow over time.

On a similar note...

simple interest problem solving calculator


Simple interest formula and examples.

Simple interest is when the interest on a loan or investment is calculated only on the amount initially invested or loaned. This is different from compound interest, where interest is calculated on on the initial amount and on any interest earned. As you will see in the examples below, the simple interest formula can be used to calculate the interest earned, the total amount, and other values depending on the problem. [adsenseWide]

Examples of finding the interest earned with the simple interest formula

In many simple interest problems, you will be finding the total interest earned over a set period, which is represented as \(I\). The formula for this is:

graphic showing the simple interest formula for interest earned

Let’s use an example to see how this formula works. Remember that in the formula, the principal \(P\) is the initial amount invested.

A 2-year loan of $500 is made with 4% simple interest. Find the interest earned.

Always take a moment to identify the values given in the problem. Here we are given:

  • Time is 2 years: \(t = 2\)
  • Initial amount is $500: \(P = 500\)
  • The rate is 4%. Write this as a decimal: \(r = 0.04\)

Now apply the formula:

\(\begin{align}I &= Prt \\ &= 500(0.04)(2) \\ &= \bbox[border: 1px solid black; padding: 2px]{40}\end{align}\)

Answer : The interest earned is $40.

In this example, the time given was in years, just as in the formula. But what if you are only given a number of months? Let’s use another example to see how this might be different.

A total of $1,200 is invested at a simple interest rate of 6% for 4 months. How much interest is earned on this investment?

Before we can apply the formula, we will need to write the time of 4 months in terms of years. Since there are 12 months in a year:

\(\begin{align}t &= \dfrac{4}{12} \\ &= \dfrac{1}{3}\end{align}\)

With this adjusted to years, we can now apply the formula with \(P = 1200\) and \(r = 0.06\).

\(\begin{align}I &= Prt \\ &= 1200(0.06)\left(\dfrac{1}{3}\right) \\ &= \bbox[border: 1px solid black; padding: 2px]{24}\end{align}\)

Answer : The interest earned is $24.

If you hadn’t converted here, you would have found the interest for 4 years, which would be much higher. So, always make sure to check that the time is in years before applying the formula.

Important! The time must be in years to apply the simple interest formula. If you are given months, use a fraction to represent it as years.

Another type of problem you might run into when working with simple interest is finding the total amount owed or the total value of an investment after a given amount of time. This is known as the future value, and can be calculated in a couple of different ways.

Finding the future value for simple interest

One way to calculate the future value would be to just find the interest and then add it to the principal. The quicker method however, is to use the following formula.

future value of simple interest formula

You know to use this formula when you are asked questions like “what is the total amount to be repaid” or “what is the value of the investment” -anything that seems to refer to the overall total after interest is considered.

A business takes out a simple interest loan of $10,000 at a rate of 7.5%. What is the total amount the business will repay if the loan is for 8 years?

The total amount they will repay is the future value, \(A\). We are also given that:

  • \(r = 0.075\)
  • \(P = 10\,000\)

Using the simple interest formula for future value:

\(\begin{align}A &= P(1 + rt)\\ &= 10\,000(1 + 0.075(8)) \\ &= \bbox[border: 1px solid black; padding: 2px]{16\,000}\end{align}\)

Answer : The business will pay back a total of $16,000.

This may seem high, but remember that in the context of a loan, interest is really just a fee for borrowing the money. The larger the interest rate and the longer the time period, the more expensive the loan.

Also note that you could calculate this by first finding the interest, I = Prt = 10000(0.075(8)) = $6000, and adding it to the principal of $10000. The final answer is the same using either method.


Continue your study of interest

Now that you have studied the simple interest formula, you can learn the more advanced idea of compound interest. Most savings accounts, credit cards, and loans are based on compound instead of simple interest. You can review this idea here:

  • Compound interest

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Problem 1 :

A person deposits $5,000 in a bank account which pays 6% simple interest per year. Find the value of his deposit after 4 years.

Formula for simple interest is

Substitute P = 5000, t = 4, r = 6%.

I = 5000 ⋅ 6/100 ⋅ 4

Accumulated value  = Principal + Interest

= 5000 + 1200

Problem 2 :

Glen received $2,250 loan from bank. After six months, he paid back  $2,295 and closed the loan. Find the rate of interest.

Interest = Amount - Principal

I = 2295 - 2250

Given : Time period is 6 months.

In simple interest formula, we use time period in years. But, the time period given in the question is in months.

So, let us change the given time period in years.

6 months = 6/12 year = 1 /2 years

So, the time period is 1/2 year.

Formula for simple interest :

Substitute I = 45, P = 2250, t = 1/2.

45 = 2250 ⋅ r ⋅ 1/2

45 = 1125 ⋅ r

Divide both sides by 1125.

45/1125 = r

To convert the decimal 0.04 into percentage, multiply it by 100. 

0.04 ⋅ 100% = r

Problem 3 :

A man invests $16,500 in two kinds treasury notes, which yield 7.5% and 6% annually. After two years year, he earns $2442 in interest. How much does he invest at the 6 % rate ? 

Let x be the amount invested at 6% rate.

Then, the amount invested in 7.5% account is

= 16500 - x

Given :  After two years, total interest earned in both the accounts is $2,442.

Interest at 6% rate + Interest at 7.5% rate = 2442

x  ⋅ 6/100   ⋅ 2 + (16500 - x) ⋅ 7.5/100 ⋅ 2 = 2442

x ⋅ 0.06 ⋅ 2 + (16500 - x) ⋅ 0.075 ⋅ 2 = 2442

0.12x + (16500 - x) ⋅ 0.15 = 2442

0.12x + 2475 - 0.15x = 2442

2475 - 0.03x = 2442

2475 - 2442 = 0.03x

Divide both sides by 0.03.

33/0.03 = x

Hence, the amount invested at 6% rate is $1100.

Problem 4 :

A person invested $25,200 in two accounts, which pay 5 % and 10% interest annually. The amount invested at 10% rate is 110% of the amount invested at 5% rate. After three years year, he earns $5760 in interest. How much did he invest at the 5% rate ?

Let x be the amount invested at 5% rate.

Then, the amount invested in 10% account is

= 110% of x

= 1.10  ⋅ x

Given :  After three years, total interest earned in both the accounts is $5,760.

Interest at 5% rate + Interest at 10% rate = 5760

x  ⋅ 5/100   ⋅ 3 + 1.1x ⋅ 10/100 ⋅ 3 = 5760

x ⋅ 0.05 ⋅ 3 + 1.1x ⋅ 0.1 ⋅ 3 = 5760

0.15x + 0.33x = 5760

0.48x = 5760

Divide both sides by 0.48.

x = 5760/0.48

x = 576000/48

Hence, the amount invested at 5% rate is $12000.

Problem 5 :

In simple interest, a sum of money doubles itself in 10 years. Find the number of years it will take to triple itself.

Let P be the sum of money invested.

Given : Sum of money doubles itself in 10 years.

Then, P will become 2P in 10 years.

Now we can calculate interest for ten years as given below.

simple interest problem solving calculator

From the above calculation, P is the interest for the first 10 years.

In simple interest, interest earned will be same for every year.

So, interest earned in the next 10 years also will be P.

It has been explained below.

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Hence, it will take 20 years for the principal to become triple itself.

Problem 6 :

In simple interest, a sum of money amounts to $ 6200 in 2 years and $ 7400 in 3 years. Find the principal.

At the end of 2 years, we get $6200

At the end of 3 years, we get $7400

From these two information, we can get the interest earned in the 3rd year as given below.

simple interest problem solving calculator

In simple interest, interest will be same for every year.

Based on this, we can calculate the principal as given below.

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Hence, the principal is $3800.

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Word Problems on Simple Interest

Word Problems on Simple Interest are solved here:

1.  Robert deposits $ 3000 in State Bank of India for 3 year which earn him an interest of 8%.What is the amount he gets after 1 year, 2 years and 3 years? Solution: In every $ 100, Robert gets $ 8. (Since rate is 8% → 8 for every 100) Therefore, for $ 1 he gets = $ 8/100 And for $ 2000 he gets = 3000 x 8/100  = $ 240 Simple Interest for 1 year = $ 240. Simple Interest for 2 year = $ 240 x 2  = $ 480

Simple Interest for 3 year = $ 240 x 3 = $ 720 Therefore,  Amount after 1 year = Principal (P) + Simple Interest (SI) = 3000 + 240 = $ 3240

Amount after 2 years = Principal (P) + Simple Interest (SI) = 3000 + 480 = $ 3480 Amount after 3 years = Principal (P) + Simple Interest (SI) = 3000 + 720 = $ 3720 We observe from the above example that, the Interest cannot be calculated without Principal, Rate and Time.

Therefore, we can conclude that Simple Interest (S.I.) depends upon:

(i) Principal (P) (ii) Rate (R) (iii) Time (T)

And therefore, the formula for calculating the simple interest is Simple Interest (SI) = {Principal (P) × Rate (R) × Time (T)}/100

Amount (A) = Principal (P) + Interest (I) Principal (P) = Amount (A) – Interest (I) Interest (I) = Amount (A) – Principal (P)

2. Richard deposits $ 5400 and got back an amount of $ 6000 after a year. Find the simple interest he got. Solution: Principal (P) = $ 5400, Amount (A) = $ 6000 Simple Interest (SI) = Amount (A) – Principal (P) = 6000 - 5400 = 600 Therefore, Richard got an interest of $ 600. 3. Seth invested a certain amount of money and got back an amount of $ 8400. If the bank paid an interest of $ 700, find the amount Sam invested. Solution: Amount (A) = $ 8400, Simple Interest (SI) = $ 700 Principal (P) = Amount (A) – Interest (I) = 8400 - 700 = 7700 Therefore, Seth invested $ 7700. 4. Diego deposited $ 10000 for 4 year at a rate of 6% p.a. Find the interest and amount Diego got. Solution: Principal (P) = $ 10000, Time (T) = 4 years, Rate (R) = 6% p.a. Simple Interest (SI) = {Principal (P) × Rate (R) × Time (T)}/100 = (10000 x 6 x 4)/100 = $ 2400 Amount (A) = Principal (P) + Interest (I) = 10000 + 2400 = $ 12400 The interest Diego got = $ 2400. Therefore, the amount Diego got $ 12400.

●  Simple Interest.

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Simple interest calculator

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Simple interest calculator finds the principal amount, interest amount and interest rate using simple interest formula. This calculator can help you deal with all kinds of simple interest problems. The calculator prints an easy-to-follow, step-by-step explanation.

You deposit $12000 into a bank account, that pays 1.5% simple interest per month . You left the money in there for 210 days . Determine the interest earned and the total amount at the end of those 210 days .

The interest is $1242.734 and the amount is $13242.734 .


STEP 1: Convert the interest rate of 1.5% per month into a rate per year.

STEP 2: Convert 210 days into years.

STEP 3: Find the interest by using the formula $ I = P \cdot i \cdot t $, where I is interest, P is total principal, i is rate of interest per year, and t is total time in years.

In this examplee P = $12000 , i = 18% and t = 0.57534 years , so

STEP 4: Find the amount by using the formula $ A = P + I $.

Since P = $12000 and I = $1242.734 we have

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You deposit !dol!12000 into a bank account, that pays 1.5% simple interest per month . You left the money in there for 210 days . Determine the interest earned and the total amount at the end of those 210 days .

The interest is !dol!1242.734 and the amount is !dol!13242.734 .

In this examplee P = !dol!12000 , i = 18% and t = 0.57534 years , so

Since P = !dol!12000 and I = !dol!1242.734 we have

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Simple interest

Simple interest is based only on the principal amount , unlike compound interest, where we use previously earned interest to calculate the next interest. For example if we invest \$100 for 3 years at an interest rate of 10% than we earn $10 each year. This calculator uses the following formula to solve simple interest problems:

Simple interest formula

P is the principal. This is the total amount of money we invested.

R is the ANNUAL rate of interest at which the money is given.

T is the time duration in years for which the principal is invested.

We will show how to use simple interest forumula on two examples.

Calculate the interest earned on \$1200 if the rate is 6% over 3 years.

Step1 : Transform 6% into decimal

6% = 6 ÷ 100 = 0.06

Step2 : Apply above formula:

I = P × R × T = 1200 × 0.06 × 3 = 216

You deposit \$800 into a bank account and received \$56 simple interest after 18 months. What is the interest rate per year?

Step1 : Transform 18 months into years

18 M = 18 ÷ 12 = 1.5 Y

I = P × R × T R = I ÷ ( P × T) R = 56 ÷ (800 × 1.5) R = 0.047 R = 4.7%

1. Simple Interest formula with examples

2. Simple interest video tutorial

3. Simple interest problems

4. Simple interest calculator

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  23. Simple Interest Calculator

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