Math Worksheets

Math Word Problem Worksheets for 1st Graders

First graders will get their first introduction to some very basic math word problems in these word problem worksheets. Each page has a few word problems along with some easy first grade problems to answer. If your students are having trouble solving addition and subtraction word problems, these worksheets will help get the practice they need.

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Check Out These 50 First-Grade Math Word Problems of the Day

Desmond saw 5 bunnies.

First Grade math word problem on a classroom flatlay.

Opening your daily math lesson with a Math Word Problem of the Day is an excellent way to set the stage for learning. We all know that word problems are difficult for young learners to grasp, even when the mathematical operation portion of the problem is basic.

Incorporate these first grade math word problems one day at a time at the start of your math block to build confidence, critical thinking skills, and a learning community. Students will get used to reading slowly for meaning, while also identifying key information. Encourage students to write out equations and draw pictures to explain their thinking, since this helps them see the light when they are stuck!

Topics covered include addition, subtraction, multiplication, and comparison. All you need to do is post one of these first grade math word problems on your whiteboard or projector screen. Then let kids take it from there!

Want this entire set of word problems in one easy document? Get your free PowerPoint bundle by submitting your email here .

50 First Grade Math Word Problems

1. I had 6 pencils, and my teacher gave me 4 more. How many pencils do I have now?

I had 6 pencils, and my teacher gave me 4 more. How many pencils do I have now?

2. Gina’s dog got 3 treats on Sunday and 0 treats on Monday. How many treats did Gina’s puppy get in all?

solving word problems first grade

3. Joel went to the zoo with his family. During the first hour he was there he saw a bear, 2 tigers, and 3 lions. How many animals did Joel see in his first hour at the zoo?

Joel went to the zoo with his family. During the first hour he was there he saw a bear, 2 tigers, and 3 lions. How many animals did Joel see in his first hour at the zoo?

4. Jackson sorted his toy cars by color. He has 6 blue cars, 5 green cars, and 4 black cars. How many cars does Jackson have in all?

Jackson sorted his toy cars by color. He has 6 blue cars, 5 green cars, and 4 black cars. How many cars does Jackson have in all?

5. Ben has 2 green balloons and 4 yellow balloons. How many balloons does he have altogether?

Ben has 2 green balloons and 4 yellow balloons. How many balloons does he have altogether?

6. There are 3 kids in the Clark family. Tina is 3, Joshua is 4, and Samantha is 7. If you add up all their ages, what is the sum of the Clark kids?

There are 3 kids in the Clark family. Tina is 3, Joshua is 4, and Samantha is 7. If you add up all their ages, what is the sum of the Clark kids?

7. If you go for a swim and 6 of your friends come along, how many friends are swimming in total?

If you go for a swim and 6 of your friends come along, how many friends are swimming in total?

8. Rachel’s mom had some flowers in a vase. 3 of the flowers wilted and Rachel’s mom took them out of the vase. Now there are 5 flowers in the vase. How many flowers were in the vase to start with?

Rachel’s mom had some flowers in a vase. 3 of the flowers wilted and Rachel’s mom took them out of the vase. Now there are 5 flowers in the vase. How many flowers were in the vase to start with?

9. Hayden’s cat had a litter of kittens. 3 kittens were gray, 2 kittens were spotted, and 7 kittens were black. How many kittens did Hayden’s cat have?

Hayden’s cat had a litter of kittens. 3 kittens were gray, 2 kittens were spotted, and 7 kittens were black. How many kittens did Hayden’s cat have?

10. Pedro brought in 3 red leaves and 6 yellow leaves from the playground. How many leaves does he have in all?

Pedro brought in 3 red leaves and 6 yellow leaves from the playground. How many leaves does he have in all?

11. Gabriella read 3 books on Monday, 6 books on Tuesday, and 4 books on Wednesday. How many books did Gabriella read in all?

Gabriella read 3 books on Monday, 6 books on Tuesday, and 4 books on Wednesday. How many books did Gabriella read in all?

12. If you have 3 cats, 2 guinea pigs, and a bunny. How many cute little noses do they have altogether?

If you have 3 cats, 2 guinea pigs, and a bunny. How many cute little noses do they have altogether?

13. If there are 3 inches of snow on the ground in the morning and we get 3 more inches of snow by dinner time. How many inches of snow did we get that day?

If there are 3 inches of snow on the ground in the morning and we get 3 more inches of snow by dinner time. How many inches of snow did we get that day?

14. My cat has 4 paws and my brother’s dog has 4 paws. How many paws are there in all?

My cat has 4 paws and my brother's dog has 4 paws. How many paws are there in all?

15. I had 10 pennies, but I lost 2 of them. How many pennies do I have now?

I had 10 pennies, but I lost 2 of them. How many pennies do I have now?

16. Santiago read 7 books over the summer. Ryan read 5 books. How many more books did Santiago read than Ryan?

Santiago read 7 books over the summer. Ryan read 5 books. How many more books did Santiago read than Ryan?

17. Andrew put 10 stickers on his notebook. When he got to school he noticed some of the stickers had fallen off. Now Andrew only has 6 stickers on his notebook. How many stickers fell off Andrew’s notebook?

Andrew put 10 stickers on his notebook. When he got to school he noticed some of the stickers had fallen off. Now Andrew only has 6 stickers on his notebook. How many stickers fell off Andrew’s notebook?

18. Nicole likes to help her mom pick tomatoes from their garden. She counted 9 tomatoes in the garden. 6 tomatoes were red and the rest were green. Nicole and her mom picked all the red tomatoes. How many green tomatoes did Nicole and her mom leave in the garden?

Nicole likes to help her mom pick tomatoes from their garden. She counted 9 tomatoes in the garden. 6 tomatoes were red and the rest were green. Nicole and her mom picked all the red tomatoes. How many green tomatoes did Nicole and her mom leave in the garden?

19. My sister and I have 20 pennies. If my sister has 10 pennies, how many pennies do I have?

My sister and I have 20 pennies. If my sister has 10 pennies, how many pennies do I have?

20. The zoo had 8 tigers. 3 of the tigers moved to another zoo. How many tigers were left?

The zoo had 8 tigers. 3 of the tigers moved to another zoo. How many tigers were left?

21. Esther read 3 poems. Magenna read some more poems. Altogether they read 7 poems. How many poems did Magenna read?

Esther read 3 poems. Magenna read some more poems. Altogether they read 7 poems. How many poems did Magenna read?

22. Haley’s dad bought 8 cheeseburgers. Haley ate 1 of them. How many cheeseburgers does Haley’s dad have left?

Haley’s dad bought 8 cheeseburgers. Haley ate 1 of them. How many cheeseburgers does Haley’s dad have left?

23. If you boil 7 eggs in water, and the number of eggs that float is one more than the number that sink, how many eggs float?

If you boil 7 eggs in water, and the number of eggs that float is one more than the number that sink, how many eggs float?

24. Rasheed loves to eat jellybeans. His favorite jellybeans are the yellow ones. There were 12 jellybeans in his bag. Rasheed removed all the yellow jellybeans and ate them, leaving 6 jellybeans in his bag. How many yellow jellybeans did Rasheed eat?

Rasheed loves to eat jellybeans. His favorite jellybeans are the yellow ones. There were 12 jellybeans in his bag. Rasheed removed all the yellow jellybeans and ate them, leaving 6 jellybeans in his bag. How many yellow jellybeans did Rasheed eat

25. The gym teacher had 5 basketballs. The next week the gym teacher got some new basketballs. Now the gym teacher has 9 basketballs. How many new basketballs did the gym teacher get?

The gym teacher had 5 basketballs. The next week the gym teacher got some new basketballs. Now the gym teacher has 9 basketballs. How many new basketballs did the gym teacher get?

26. Jamal has 6 toy airplanes and his brother has 4 toy airplanes. How many more toy airplanes does Jamal have than his brother?

Jamal has 6 toy airplanes and his brother has 4 toy airplanes. How many more toy airplanes does Jamal have than his brother?

27. Antonio has some marbles. His brother Alex gives him 5 more. Now Antonio has 8 marbles. How many marbles did Antonio have to begin with?

Antonio has some marbles. His brother Alex gives him 5 more. Now Antonio has 8 marbles. How many marbles did Antonio have to begin with?

28. If you have an 8-pack of crayons and you give your friend 3 of them to use during drawing time. How many crayons do you have in your pack now?

If you have an 8-pack of crayons and you give your friend 3 of them to use during drawing time. How many crayons do you have in your pack now?

29. Emily has 4 pink erasers and some white erasers. She has 7 erasers in all. How many white erasers does Emily have?

Emily has 4 pink erasers and some white erasers. She has 7 erasers in all. How many white erasers does Emily have?

30. Angel serves pizza at her birthday party. The pizza has 12 slices. 8 slices of pizza are eaten by Angel and her guests. How many slices of pizza are left?

Angel serves pizza at her birthday party. The pizza has 12 slices. 8 slices of pizza are eaten by Angel and her guests. How many slices of pizza are left?

31. If you have 9 toys on the floor and your little brother has 6 toys on the floor. How many more toys on the floor do you have?

If you have 9 toys on the floor and your little brother has 6 toys on the floor. How many more toys on the floor do you have?

32. There are 8 windows in the classroom. Some of the windows have decorations on them, 2 of them don’t have any directions. How many windows have decorations?

There are 8 windows in the classroom. Some of the windows have decorations on them, 2 of them don’t have any directions. How many windows have decorations?

33. On Saturday, you brought home some fish from the pet store. If 15 of your 18 fish have stripes. How many of your fish are without strips?

On Saturday, you brought home some fish from the pet store. If 15 of your 18 fish have stripes. How many of your fish are without strips?

34. 8 birds flew to the top of a fence. Some birds flew away and 6 birds stayed. How many birds flew away?

8 birds flew to the top of a fence. Some birds flew away and 6 birds stayed. How many birds flew away?

35. There were 6 books on Noah’s shelf. Olivia took some of the books. Now there are 2 books on the shelf. How many books did Olivia take?

There were 6 books on Noah’s shelf. Olivia took some of the books. Now there are 2 books on the shelf. How many books did Olivia take?

36. Ethan has some folders in his backpack and 4 folders in his desk. He has 8 folders altogether. How many folders are in his backpack?

Ethan has some folders in his backpack and 4 folders in his desk. He has 8 folders altogether. How many folders are in his backpack?

37. Liam has 8 t-shirts. 5 of them have superheroes on them, and the rest are solid colors. How many of Liam’s t-shirts are solid colors?

Liam has 8 t-shirts. 5 of them have superheroes on them, and the rest are solid colors. How many of Liam’s t-shirts are solid colors?

38. Mary was putting together a 20 piece puzzle. After she finished, she discovered that only 18 pieces were there. How many pieces were missing?

Mary was putting together a 20 piece puzzle. After she finished, she discovered that only 18 pieces were there. How many pieces were missing?

39. Nicholas has 7 cousins. Some of his cousins are girls and 3 of his cousins are boys. How many girl cousins does Nicholas have?

Nicholas has 7 cousins. Some of his cousins are girls and 3 of his cousins are boys. How many girl cousins does Nicholas have?

40. It snowed for 6 hours on Monday and 4 hours on Tuesday. How many more hours did it snow on Monday?

It snowed for 6 hours on Monday and 4 hours on Tuesday. How many more hours did it snow on Monday?

41. Charlie’s mom baked 12 chocolate chip cookies for dessert. Charlie ate 2 cookies and his mom and 1 cookie. How many chocolate cookies were left?

Charlie’s mom baked 12 chocolate chip cookies for dessert. Charlie ate 2 cookies and his mom and 1 cookie. How many chocolate cookies were left?

42. Melanie has 16 purple pens. Dante has 10 blue pens. Melanie has ____ more pens than Dante has.

Melanie has 16 purple pens. Dante has 10 blue pens. Melanie has ____ more pens than Dante has.

43. Sofia has 75 pennies in her bank. How many more pennies will she need to have 100 pennies in her bank?

Sofia has 75 pennies in her bank. How many more pennies will she need to have 100 pennies in her bank?

44. There were 9 cups of soda on the table. Some of the cups were knocked over, and 6 were still standing. How many cups of soda were knocked over?

There were 9 cups of soda on the table. Some of the cups were knocked over, and 6 were still standing. How many cups of soda were knocked over?

45. Griffin has 20 board games. Some were under his bed, and 15 were in his closet. How many board games were under Griffin’s bed?

Griffin has 20 board games. Some were under his bed, and 15 were in his closet. How many board games were under Griffin’s bed?

46. Antonio spotted 3 deer sitting at the top of a hill, but all he could see were their eyes. How many eyes did Antonio see in all?

Antonio spotted 3 deer sitting at the top of a hill, but all he could see were their eyes. How many eyes did Antonio see in all?

47. Desmond saw 5 bunnies. He counted all of their ears. How many bunny ears did Desmond count?

Desmond saw 5 bunnies. He counted all of their ears. How many bunny ears did Desmond count?

48. Katie counted all of her toes, and then she counted all her mom’s toes. How many toes did Katie count altogether?

Katie counted all of her toes, and then she counted all her mom’s toes. How many toes did Katie count altogether?

49. Which weighs more? A 15-pound red fox or a 24-pound wild turkey?

Which weighs more? A 15-pound red fox or a 24-pound wild turkey?

50. Which weighs more: a 150-pound white-tailed deer or a 110-pound kangaroo?

Which weighs more: a 150-pound white-tailed deer or a 110-pound kangaroo?

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Home » 1st Grade Teaching Resources » 21 1st Grade Word Problems For Easy Math Skill Development

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21 1st Grade Word Problems For Easy Math Skill Development

An important part of the curriculum, 1st grade word problems offer students an opportunity to apply the math concepts they have learned in class to everyday situations. 

Math class can be one of the most challenging subjects for children, so understanding and solving word problems about math in a practical way helps students practice math skills while applying different learning styles and understanding of math concepts in the real world. 

solving word problems first grade

Table of Contents

Do 1st graders do word problems, best 1st grade word problem worksheets, how do you teach first grade word problems, about the author.

First grade students can do word problems by approaching them using what they already know: language skills like reading and listening, working together in teams, and manipulating objects to demonstrate and develop spatial sense. Word problems help students to understand the world around them, be able to solve real-world mathematical problems they can use in their everyday lives, and develop critical thinking skills, so it’s important to introduce word problems as early as 1st grade to help students think holistically about math.

In partnership with Teach Simple , whose marketplace is full of educational materials created by actual teachers (plus 50% of all revenues go to them), I have curated a list of 1st grade word problems on fantastic, interactive worksheets for teachers and parents to use to challenge students. They can be used in the classroom or at home . 

Children are often drawn to this kind of thinking, and there are lots of fun ways to make the experience playful and exciting for them. These worksheets and activities align with common core math standards for 1st grade, which include operations and algebraic thinking, numbers and operations, measurement and data, and geometry.  

solving word problems first grade

Secret Word Problem Puzzles

solving word problems first grade

These 5 sets of puzzles will help students add and subtract within word problems. Students solve the word puzzles and use their answers to figure out the code words. 

This bundle includes the secret code card, 8 word problems per set, response cards, and an answer key to check answers in 1 PDF file. 

Word Problems Solving Worksheet

solving word problems first grade

With this worksheet, students can read the word problem and choose the correct operation to solve it. Simple yet effective, this printable sheet includes pictures and is available in 1 PDF file.  

Single Digit Addition Word Problem Activity

solving word problems first grade

This printable worksheet has students solve single-digit addition word problems using colorful images and relatable situations. 

Math Strategy Cheat Sheet for Word Problems

solving word problems first grade

This resource is a math strategy cheat sheet that students can utilize when solving word problems. When working on a problem, students can pull out this resource guide and determine which strategy will help them most. It includes 1 PDF with 2 ready-to-print pages.

Dental Math Word Problems Worksheet

solving word problems first grade

This activity engages students by challenging them to solve word problems while learning all about the dentist! 

“ It’s Fall” Word Problems

solving word problems first grade

These engaging math and literacy worksheet sets include word problems to be solved on a number line, as part-part-whole (number bonds), and in a drawing. This is an ebook download in PDF format.

Ocean Math Word Problems Activity

solving word problems first grade

This activity engages students by asking them to solve word problems while learning about oceans. It contains 1 product file.  

Storytime Discoveries Math

solving word problems first grade

The stories and activities in this book help make math fun through interesting folktales , poems, and original stories. Students learn about logical thinking, problem solving, and various mathematical concepts, such as measurement, shapes, telling time, addition, fractions, and map reading. 

”It’s Winter” Math Word Problems

solving word problems first grade

When it’s cold outside, add some fun to your classroom with these engaging math problems. They have activities that can be used for morning work, homework, group work, or in learning centers. 

This product includes a word problem to be solved on a number line, as part-part-whole (number bonds), and in a drawing. 

Cut-and-Paste Math Word Problems

solving word problems first grade

With this activity, students can practice word problems with cut-and-paste activities that provide hands-on practice for simple addition. Students read the problem, count out the amount they need, add them together, glue them onto their paper, then write their equation. 

2-Digit Addition, Subtraction, and Word Problems Workbook

solving word problems first grade

This workbook provides practice for place value , two-digit addition and subtraction, odd and even numbers, and addition and subtraction word problems. It includes a 21-page printable packet with activities.

Frostyville Cinema Worksheets

solving word problems first grade

These worksheets contain a variety of math skills that align with the curriculum. Students will work on reading a schedule and a menu, solving word problems, adding and subtracting money , and working on elapsed time. 

It has a fun wintertime theme and two different levels of problems, a color version, a black-and-white version, and the answer key.

Add and Subtract Word Problems Worksheet

solving word problems first grade

This worksheet has add and subtract word problems ranging from 10 to 100.

10 Printable Word Problem Worksheets (Numbers 1–20)

solving word problems first grade

This printable bundle has four word problems worksheets on addition, four on subtraction, and two worksheets on mixed operations.

Barnyard Math Word Problems

solving word problems first grade

This activity engages students by asking them to solve word problems while learning about barnyard animals.

Harvest Theme Addition and Subtraction Word Problems

solving word problems first grade

These materials are designed to be a follow-up activity after instruction on tens frame is presented. 

The word problems are presented on task cards. Students can answer the problems by using ten frames and apple-themed counters. Then, they can write their answers on a student recording sheet.

Math Word Problems Worksheet

solving word problems first grade

These addition word problems include key words such as “in all,” “altogether,” “total number,” and “sum.” They have fun colorful pictures to make the problems interesting. These files are in a zipped folder with 8 sheets. 

First Grade Word Problems

solving word problems first grade

This is a set of 30 math worksheets for first grade . They give students structured practice in solving addition and subtraction word problems, which involves both math and reading comprehension .

Addition Within 20 Word Problems Task Cards

solving word problems first grade

These task cards each have an addition word problem with answers within 20. There are 20 cards, recording sheet, and answer key included.

Time Word Problems and Blank Clock Template

solving word problems first grade

These printable worksheets are available in PDF format with 4 PDF worksheets with a blank template that includes analog clocks and empty boxes, to assist students practice giving varied times. Word problems are included in two worksheets for extra practice. Given certain time constraints, students must solve the problem and indicate when the event began and when it ends.

Multiplication for Primary Students

solving word problems first grade

If you have any first graders that are ready to give multiplication a try, this resource contains 9 pages that will help your students understand multiplication.

The goal with 1st grade word problems is for students to develop skills like abstract and quantitative reasoning, applying mathematical tools they have already learned, and making sense of real-world mathematical scenarios. 

When teaching word problems to 1st grade students, we want to make sure we explain the problems clearly, note when students struggle with language comprehension (such as new vocabulary), and are available to provide support by talking out the problems with students. 

solving word problems first grade

Here are some great tips for teaching word problems:

Tip 1: print them on good quality cardstock or laminate for durability and longevity, tip 2: print them on colored paper to engage students’, tip 3: remind students of different strategies they can use to solve word problems, tip 4: let students have access to the answer sheets once they have worked on the problem so they can self-correct, tip 5: have students work in groups, make the 1st grade word problems into a game, and get creative with your teaching style.

Jen Skolsky has a background in English, Psychology, and Creative Writing. She has taught for many years in international education, including ESL for all ages, middle school literature, speech and debate; high school AP Psychology, AP Language, AP Literature; university level Academic Writing, and Chinese Medicine Theory. She now works in marketing and book publishing.

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Last Updated on July 17, 2023 by Teach Simple

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