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SEO Audit & Reporting Tool

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Comprehensive Website Audit

Search Engines rely on many factors to rank a website. SEOptimer is a Website SEO Checker which reviews these and more to help identify problems that could be holding your site back from it’s potential.

Additionally we provide a clear, actionable, prioritised list of recommendations to help improve.

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Beautiful, Branded, White Label PDF Reports

Win more customers with a professional SEO Audit, written in simple language that inspires action.

Simply upload your logo, add company details and adjust styling to suit your brand. Generate PDF SEO Audits in 20 seconds.

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Languages and Customization Options

White Label SEO Reports are available in several languages including French, Spanish and German, with more being added.

Customize reports to your heart’s desire – change colors and fonts. Choose which checks and sections to show, and add custom content for that personal touch.

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Embeddable Audit Tool

Generate more leads straight from your website with your own Embedded SEO Audit Tool. Simply embed a simple Audit Form that matches your website’s styling and colors.

Present customers a beautiful branded audit that inspires action.

Get notified of new leads and their details straight to your mailbox.

Send your leads and their reports straight to any other CRM, Mail Tool like MailChimp, Active Campaign and Salesforce.

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Simple Do-It-Yourself SEO

If you’re a Small Business Owner, we can help you improve and promote your website without the high cost of Agencies.

DIY SEO crawls your whole site for problems, recommends clear, easy to follow tasks with guides for your website type. Additionally we’ll monitor your keyword rankings and improvements, and keep you updated on your site’s performance.

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Free SEO Toolbox

In addition to being an SEO Audit Tool, SEOptimer provides a range of additional free SEO Tools that give you the power to improve your site yourself. These include:

  • Meta Tag Generator
  • Keyword Generator
  • Robots.txt Generator
  • .htaccess File Generator
  • XML Sitemap Generator

Perfect for Small Business Owners, Digital Agencies -->

..SEO Experts, Web Designers or anyone that needs to improve a website!

What our awesome customers are saying

SEOptimer has been a game changer for my SEO business. The setup is so intuitive and quick, beautiful reports, great support and my clients are loving the results.

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Kay Telle Hoel, Digitelle AS

SEOptimer is by far the best SEO review site on the web. I use it all the time for my site and my clients.

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Dillon Ross, The Dillon Ross Group

Outstanding value for the money. Solid data and insight for prospecting and value added services.

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Vincent Maiello, CEO, One 8 & Company

SEOptimer is easy to use and great for people starting out in SEO. Its a lot cheaper than other platforms like Moz and essentially fills all our needs.

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Amy Davis, Magnetize Consultants

We have doubled our inbound SEO leads with SEOptimer.

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Taavi Raidma, Founder & Partner, Convertal

I love SEOptimer! It gives fast insight into some of the back-end technicalities of a website, a well as some high-level technical SEO action points. Great for discovery calls! Adds lots of value to my one-woman digital agency business. Highly recommend!

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Natalie Gallagher, Diamond Sea

Why seoptimer.

Getting your website to rank in Google is harder and more competitive than ever. There are many factors such as on page content, performance, social factors and backlink profile that search engines like Google use to determine which sites should rank highest.

SEOptimer is a free SEO Audit Tool that will perform a detailed SEO Analysis across 100 website data points, and provide clear and actionable recommendations for steps you can take to improve your online presence and ultimately rank better in Search Engine Results. SEOptimer is ideal for website owners, website designers and digital agencies who want to improve their own sites or theirs of their clients.

SEOptimer is better than other Website SEO Checkers through it`s super fast SEO analysis execution, JavaScript rendering and breadth of features.

Additionally SEOptimer provides a range of free SEO Tools such as Backlink Checker, Meta Tags and Robots.txt Generator which will help take you through the actual steps of improving your site.

Last but not least, the SEOptimer blog provides a bunch of relevant articles and tips and tricks for you to stay on top of the SEO improvement landscape.

What Are You Waiting For? Try SEOptimer Today!

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About UpCity

In addition to helping you understand how your own website's SEO is performing via our Free SEO Report Card, UpCity connects businesses with B2B service providers they can trust. With a decade of experience & strong organic search rankings, we can help you improve your digital presence and increase your visibility through enhanced list placements, verified reviews, and invaluable brand insights.

Browse Trusted B2B Service Providers:

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Brand Strategy & Branding

Design & design systems.

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Website Report Card: Six Ways to See if Your Site Makes the Grade

What makes a good website? Of course, the answer depends on what your organization does, who your audience is, and what both of your goals are. But regardless of your strategy, some fundamentals are true across the board when it comes to evaluating whether your site is delivering effective user experiences. Here are six ways your site may pass, fail, or make the honor roll.

1. Brand Consistency

  • Colors, typefaces, and overall  website design  are consistent with your company’s  brand strategy .
  • Your content strategy organizes your  content  to be accessible and useful to your audience(s).
  • Your content is written in way that reflects your brand voice, and reinforces your messaging and positioning themes.
  • Imagery is high-quality, whether stock or your own imagery, and is displayed consistently throughout.


  • You slapped your logo on a pre-fab template.
  • The color palette was selected because it matches the design of your office.
  • The overall experience in your site doesn’t match how you want people to feel about your brand. For example, you’re a cloud-based software company that promises a market-changing innovation to help people do something more efficiently; your website is impossible to navigate and loaded with unnecessary decoration and Flash animation.

Honor Roll

  • Your site experience is tightly aligned with meeting your audience’s goals and expectations, while meeting your organizational priorities.
  • You brought in a professional photographer to build a photo library usable across all your communications.
  • You’ve extended your organization’s brand standards to include web-specific communications, specifying custom hex color values that translate well on-screen.

2. Social Strategy

  • Users can easily share your site content on the social networks they frequent.
  • Outbound links to your company’s presence on social networking sites are appropriately visible.
  • Your organization hasn’t created any social networking accounts yet.
  • You’re active on social networking sites, but no mention of them on your website, or you’ve buried them at the bottom of your site.
  • Mention of them on your website, with huge graphics and bold headlines that drown out your site’s actual content.
  • Users are able to join relevant groups or subscribe to external feeds without leaving your site.
  • Community interaction on your site is seamless with your key social networks, e.g. SSO (Single Sign-On) through Facebook Connect or LinkedIn Platform.
  • Social networking discussions, contests, and promotions are used to drive traffic to your site when appropriate.
  • You use social commenting tools like Disqus to increase visibility, or platforms like BuddyPress to create robust social communities within your own site.

3. Accessibility

  • Your site meets the  W3C’s accessibility standards .
  • Text alternatives are provided for all non-text content.
  • Text and background colors are of sufficient contrast.
  • Important content is accessible via keyboard functions.
  • Scrolling or time-based material can be paused or stopped.
  • Navigation is clear and consistent.
  • Light blue text on slightly lighter blue background, or  color combinations that are difficult for the colorblind .
  • Text is tiny and cannot be resized because your designer thought large type “looked horsey.”
  • Captchas  that are difficult to read and offer no audio alternative
  • Blinking anything.
  • Your site delivers the highest degree of usability with design considerations and customized experiences for certain audiences, such as the  hearing impaired ,  visually impaired , or elderly users.

4. Cross-Browser/Platform Compatibility

  • Site displays consistently across all  current major browser/operating system combinations .
  • Site is readable and usable on small-screen devices, such as iPad, iPhone, Android devices, Blackberry (yes, it is possible), or other smartphones.
  • Key content is presented only in a format that simply doesn’t work on some common devices.
  • Site layout assumes everyone has a 23-inch monitor.
  • Site layout assumes no one has a 23-inch monitor.
  • You didn’t bother with  cross   browser   testing .
  • Everything is broken in Internet Explorer, even by Internet Explorer standards.
  • Adaptive/Responsive Design  is artfully implemented and layout/content adjusts to the user’s device*.
  • Everything works perfectly or degrades gracefully in Internet Explorer.
  • Your site works on iPhones and iPads by using Javascript instead of Flash to deliver animated experiences.
  • Your site development plan includes a  “responsive images” strategy  to deal with retina display (or other high pixel density displays) issues.

*If you’re building a website now, this one is a no-brainer and really belongs in the “Pass” category.

5. Search Engine Optimization

  • HTML code speeds indexing by search engines by being well-structured and  standards-compliant .
  • Images, videos, and other media are properly tagged and captioned to increase scannable content.
  • You’ve added a modest amount of  “link bait ;” relevant and useful information likely to be referenced elsewhere on the web.
  • You make periodic adjustments guided by web analytics insights, such as popular keyword searches, bounce rates, etc.
  • Site HTML is badly written even by 2007 standards.
  • No integration with web analytics software such as  Google Analytics .
  • Employment of outdated and ineffective  “black hat”  tactics, such as meaningless repetition of phrases, and generic, redundant, or irrelevant content. And please don’t even think about putting black text against a black background. You’re not fooling anyone, especially Google.
  • Content on select pages is not only relevant and audience-specific, but includes keyword threading and outbound links to other useful information.
  • Analysis of detailed web statistics, search engine algorithm changes and industry trends are ongoing and help shape content strategy.
  • You’ve established outreach to increase link-sharing or inbound links to your site.

6. Content Management

  • Non-technical people can easily manage the website via simple, online web forms.
  • Large text fields include a WYSIWYG editing toolbar (similar to MS Word or Google Docs) to allow for basic formatting without the need to type HTML.
  • Images and other media can be uploaded and inserted in appropriate places.
  • Site styles are enforced consistently throughout the site by templates, so content contributors do not need to become amateur typographers.
  • Simple content edits/additions require a web developer.
  • Content edits must be made on a local machine before being published to the web.
  • Site styles are not consistently enforced, making it easier for non-designers to break the site design (intentionally or unintentionally).
  • A customized editorial workflow is enforced by your Content Management System, allows for different levels of user permission, email notification triggers, etc.
  • Your CMS offers support for multiple languages/character sets/currencies.

How We Can Help

Deepen audience connections and commitment to your nonprofit’s mission with strategic communications design that increases engagement and social impact.

Increase your nonprofit’s knowledge and skills with customized branding and communications workshops and training.

Strengthen your organization’s most important asset with nonprofit brand strategy and branding that clearly articulates and encapsulates who you are, what you do, and why it matters.

Peralta Design

Grade Your Site

Request a free website report card, want to know if your website is fast, user friendly and secure.

Request a report card and our team will analyze your website for free. A majority of web browsing is now done on a mobile device. Our team will grade the layout and usability of your website on different devices and screen sizes.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) helps your website reach potential customers. Our SEO analysis will discover how well your website interacts with search engines and what you can do to improve it. When it comes to loading times seconds matter. Our speed and security analysis will grade your website on its efficiency and security.

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Learning center, free school website report card.

Take the guesswork out of improving your school or district's website.

Ninety-three percent of first impressions are design related. Does your website make a good one? Let's find out!

Request a free website report card to receive expert feedback on your website's:

2. User Experience

4. Search Visibility

Just fill out the form on this page, and our experts will get to work!

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Request Your Free Website Report Card

What you can expect in your website report card:.

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A custom report sent straight to your inbox.

Your expert will evaluate the key areas of your website including: User experience, design, navigation, content, and search performance.

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Real feedback from a web design expert.

No AI used here! Every website report card is completed by one of our experienced website experts to provide you with real feedback.

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Steps for what you can do next to make an impact.

In addition to your final grade, you can expect thoughtful suggested changes, giving you a solid foundation for next steps.


"There is no other school website company out there that comes close to Finalsite in terms of customer service, continuous software development and a user-friendly CMS platform." PHILIPPA J. SCUDDS | DIRECTOR OF MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS CANFORD SCHOOL

We Know School Websites

Web design awards, years in business, schools in 110 countries across the globe, new websites launched annually.

SEO Report Card

Can google find your website, we generate a custom seo report card and it creates a pdf you can download in a few minutes..

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Our website SEO report card is free and takes a few minutes to run.

SEO stands for “search engine optimization,” and refers to the process of attracting traffic to your website through organic search results. This SEO report card offers valuable insights that you can use to improve your website and increase your search-engine rankings. The grading scale is broken down into three primary components: on-site SEO, off-site SEO and mobile SEO. Visit our SEO page to learn about our strategic SEO services .

Request your SEO report card to get graded on:

Overall SEO effectiveness On-site SEO Usability Social Security

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Our free guide will walk you through some of the tools we use to help make your website rank higher in search engines. Get the SEO Guide

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Reporting by Jonathan Stempel in New York; editing by Deepa Babington and Leslie Adler

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Debate takeaways: Biden confirms some voter fears as Trump leans into grievances

ATLANTA — President Joe Biden failed to mitigate his biggest liability in his re-election bid at the CNN debate Thursday, while former President Donald Trump doubled down on his grievances and skipped past opportunities to cover his own vulnerabilities.

Biden's biggest weakness — voter concerns about his age and sharpness, according to polls — was on display throughout the more than 90-minute debate as he struggled through answers and failed to deliver the energetic performance allies believe he needed. And Trump had no new answers for voters about the issues on which he's weakest, including his felony conviction, his role in overturning Roe v. Wade and his actions on Jan. 6, 2021.

The first showdown between Biden, 81, and Trump, 78, in 2024 comes early in the election year, giving voters an opportunity to see the president and his challenger side-by-side. Here's what they saw — and what it means for the campaign.

Biden struggles out of the gate

The first presidential debate is often rough for incumbents . It was particularly rough for the 81-year-old Biden out of the gate.

When he began Thursday night, his voice was hoarse, his throat didn't sound clear, and he started out speaking softly and struggling through some of his responses. His voice cracked throughout the debate. Biden's campaign later s a id he ha d a cold .

In one particularly notable gaffe, Biden stumbled through a response to an early question about rising costs, ending with: “We finally beat Medicare.” The Trump campaign mockingly highlighted the clip on his social media platform, Truth Social.

During a clash over immigration, Biden stammered through some words while expressing his support for tougher border laws, to which Trump responded: “I really don’t know what he said at the end of that sentence. I don’t think he knows what he said, either.” Trump repeatedly accused Biden of implementing a weak border policy that he said has worsened crime in the U.S.

Donald Trump, left, and President Joe Biden on the debate stage

Even Biden’s closest allies said it was a bad night for him. “It was a really disappointing debate performance from Joe Biden,” former Biden communications director Kate Bedingfield said on CNN.

Biden did find his footing when he was speaking about foreign policy, protecting NATO and standing up to Russia. He also tore into Trump over Jan. 6 and blasted him for saying there were “very fine people” on both sides when neo-Nazis marched in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017. Later, when he was asked whether he has a vision to protect Social Security, Biden said: "Yes, make the very wealthy begin to pay their fair share."

Toward the end, Biden defended running for re-election at his age when the moderators asked him to address voter concerns. “This guy’s three years younger and a lot less competent,” Biden said.

Trump descends into grievances

Trump's long-standing tendency to retreat into airing personal grievances, often at the expense of defending himself or his record, reared up throughout the evening.

When CNN’s Jake Tapper and Dana Bash asked him to address voter concerns about his actions on Jan. 6, when pro-Trump rioters stormed the Capitol, Trump took the opportunity to blast the House Jan. 6 “un-select committee” and its “two horrible Republicans.” When Biden brought up Trump’s alleged affair with Stormy Daniels, Trump took the bait: “I didn’t have sex with a porn star, No. 1,” he said.

Trump was also evasive when he was asked repeatedly whether he will accept the 2024 election result.

“If it’s a fair and legal and good election, absolutely,” Trump said, repeating his false claim that the 2020 election result was illegitimate: “The fraud and everything else was ridiculous.” In response, Biden mocked him. “You’re a whiner,” he said. “You can’t stand a loss; something snapped in you when you lost last time.”

Ten minutes into the debate, Trump launched a groundless claim that Biden is weaponizing American justice against him. He called it "a system that was rigged and disgusting," as he faces criminal charges across multiple jurisdictions brought by independent prosecutors. Toward the end, Trump made the same allusion again: “He indicted me because I was his opponent.”

Trump also brought up the Russia investigation — “Russia, Russia, Russia,” as he called it — as well as Biden’s son Hunter Biden’s laptop computer.

And Trump leaned into his promise of retribution if he wins the presidency this fall. “He could be a convicted felon as soon as he gets out of office,” Trump said of Biden. Trump also said, "My retribution is my success."

Clashes over abortion, taxes and more define the policy stakes

Trump embraced his role in appointing the three "great" Supreme Court justices who voted to overturn Roe v. Wade while repeatedly — and falsely — claiming that there was complete consensus about ending the federal right and returning abortion policy to legislators in 2022.

“Everybody wanted to get it back to the states,” Trump said — polls show voters supported Roe v. Wade by large margins. “This is something everybody wanted.” He added that “every legal scholar wanted it that way” — many of them disagreed.

And Trump embraced an argument popular among social conservatives, arguing that Democrats were the real radicals on abortion by refusing to support federal restrictions. After Trump claimed that Biden supports abortions "after birth," Biden retorted by saying he favors only restoration of Roe v. Wade, which allowed for some limitations. “We are not for late-term abortion. Period. Period. Period,” Biden said.

Trump focused significant attention on the border and immigration, criticizing rising migration during Biden's term.

And he also called for extending his administration's 2017 tax cuts, which expire at the end of 2025. Biden promised, repeatedly, to raise taxes on the rich, saying Trump “rewarded the wealthy — he had the largest tax cut in American history.”

Biden’s prepared zingers

Biden’s sharpest moments came when he delivered what appeared to be prepared one-liners at Trump, often calling him a liar or a felon and frequently dismissing his claims with a dismissive grin.

“The only person on this stage who’s a convicted felon is the man I’m looking at right now,” Biden said, drawing a nod from Trump.

When Trump attacked his record on immigration, Biden said, “Once again, he’s exaggerating, he’s lying.” His other lines included: “Every single thing he said is a lie. Every single one.” And: “I’ve never heard so much malarkey in my whole life.”

At one moment, Biden attacked Trump for calling service members “losers” and “suckers,” according to reporting by The Atlantic . “My son was not a loser. He was not a sucker. You’re the sucker. You’re the loser,” Biden said. (Trump responded by questioning the magazine’s credibility.)

When Trump said Biden has “become like a Palestinian,” Biden replied: “I’ve never heard so much foolishness.”

And Trump brought some prepared lines of his own, including one at the end, when he argued the U.S. is “a failing nation, but it’s not going to be failing anymore — we’re going to make it great again.”

“We’re living in hell,” Trump said. “The whole country is exploding because of you.”

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Sahil Kapur is a senior national political reporter for NBC News.


America's Infrastructure Scores a

There is a water main break every two minutes.

and an estimated 6 billion gallons of treated water lost each day in the U.S., enough to fill over 9,000 swimming pools.

Growing wear and tear on our nation's roads

have left 43% of our public roadways in poor or mediocre condition, a number that has remained stagnant over the past several years.

There are 30,000 miles of inventoried levees across the U.S.,

and an additional 10,000 miles of levees whose location and condition are unknown.

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Vermont State Report Card: Civil Engineers Give Vermont’s Infrastructure a “C” Grade

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Explore Categories

aviation infrastructure

Drinking Water

energy infrastructure

Hazardous Waste

inland waterways

Inland Waterways


Public Parks

port infrastructure

Solid Waste

stormwater infrastructure

About the 2021 Report

Every four years, the American Society of Civil Engineers’ Report Card for America’s Infrastructure depicts the condition and performance of American infrastructure in the familiar form of a school report  card—assigning letter grades based on the physical condition and needed investments for improvement.

American Infrastructure: Below Our Feet

American Infrastructure: The Long Haul

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Infrastructure investments save money for American families and businesses

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ASCE Member-Only Resource

Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act Implementation Resource Center

Game Changers

Innovating Infrastructure Solutions by State

inland waterway

Georgia, Inland Waterways, National Category

Startup Uses Drone for Cleaning Water, Collecting Data

recycled roadways

National Category, North Dakota, Roads

North Dakota DOT Unveils Autonomous Protection Truck

solar panels

Energy, Massachusetts, National Category

Massachusetts implements nation’s 1st clean peak standard

Energy, National Category, Ohio

First Gas-Hydrogen Power Plant in the U.S. Makes Waves in Ohio

National Category, North Carolina, Stormwater

Flood-Prone Town Uses Predictive Modeling to Protect Residents


Bridges, Michigan, National Category

MDOT deploys unique technology to inspect underwater infrastructure


Energy, National Category

Oregon city generates recoverable energy from underground water pipeline

California, National Category, Roads

Recycled Roadways Paving the Future


California, National Category, Ports

Digitized shipping program improves efficiency at Port of Los Angeles


Arizona, National Category, Roads

Arizona’s I-10 Incorporates First-of-its-Kind Dust Detection


District of Columbia, National Category, Rail

Amtrak’s New Acela Improves Efficiency, Speed

autonomous shuttle service

National Category, Ohio, Transit

Autonomous shuttle service increases equity in Columbus, Ohio

Find Your State

Choose a State to See Infrastructure Facts: Choose by Name Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Puerto Rico Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming

Infrastructure is Everywhere

ASCE’s map showcases the many networks of infrastructure systems across the country – roads, parks, schools, drinking water reservoirs, and more – that serve as the backbone of our economy and quality of life.

Mapping America's Infrastructure

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Student Progress Report Template

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Mechanical Inspection Report

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Jotform’s easy-to-use drag-and-drop form builder makes creating and customizing student report cards quick and efficient. Choose a ready-made template to customize or build a report card from scratch to meet your needs.

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A report card is an assessment of a student’s progress and performance by their teacher, usually at the end of a quarter or semester of schooling.

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Report cards assess and report on a student’s performance in each of their classes.

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Dear Kate Brand Strategy 2024

The Latest: 

President Biden and Donald Trump at their lecterns on the debate stage, in the background at left, and the debate moderators in their chairs, right. The CNN logo hangs high above the candidates on the wall in the background.

Six Takeaways From the First Presidential Debate

In a testy, personal clash, President Biden failed to ease worries about his age, Donald Trump forcefully made his case (with wild claims and exaggerations) and the moderators held their fact-checking fire.

The debate stage in Atlanta on Thursday night. Credit... Kenny Holston/The New York Times

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Shane Goldmacher

By Shane Goldmacher and Jonathan Swan

Shane Goldmacher reported from the debate in Atlanta, and Jonathan Swan from Washington.

  • June 28, 2024

President Biden struggled through his first debate of the 2024 campaign against Donald J. Trump, meandering and mumbling through answers as the former president pressed his case for a second term with limited resistance from his rival.

They disagreed on abortion, inflation, climate change, foreign affairs and immigration. But the sharpest contrast was in their presentation.

Mr. Trump was confident and forceful, even as he let loose a stream of misleading attacks and falsehoods. Mr. Biden spoke with a hoarse and halting voice, closing his eyes occasionally to gather thoughts that sometimes couldn’t be corralled. Democratic anxiety rose by the minute. About halfway through, people close to Mr. Biden put out word that he had a cold.

Mr. Trump relentlessly hammered Mr. Biden on areas of vulnerability, sending exaggerations and embellishments — he was the “greatest” and his opponent the “worst” — flying unchecked through the audience-free CNN studio in Atlanta.

Here are six takeaways:

Biden stumbled over his words as he answered a question on the national debt.

“We’d be able to wipe out his debt. We’d be able to help make sure that all those things we need to do child care, elder care, making sure that we continue to strengthen our health care system, making sure that we’re able to make every single solitary person eligible for what I’ve been able to do with the — with, with the Covid, excuse me. With dealing with everything we have to do with — look, if — we finally beat Medicare.” “Thank you, President Biden. President Trump.” “He was right. He did beat Medicaid, beat it to death, and he’s destroying Medicare.”

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The debate exposed Biden’s biggest weakness.

Mr. Biden’s allies desperately hoped he could turn in a commanding performance to calm voters’ persistent concerns about his age.

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Various financial reports are currently available in our Data Center under School Finance Reports .

The Minnesota Department of Education is working to update reporting on school spending. Engagement with parents, community members and other stakeholders is currently underway to ensure the information reported is done so in a transparent and easy to understand manner. This report will become available in Winter 2021-22.

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NBA 2K24 Home

Summer hoops are heating up with the dawn of Season 8 in NBA 2K24 , headlined by New York Liberty star Sabrina Ionescu. As a former college standout and two-time WNBA All-Star, Ionescu is primed to carry the torch as the first solo WNBA athlete to become a Season hero.

During the next six weeks, knock down long-range shots behind the arc, facilitate the offense, and lead your team to victory like Ionescu to earn XP and all-new thematic rewards. Throughout the City (New Gen) and the Neighborhood (Current Gen), set to be an eventful summer; experience all of the action in NBA 2K24 !


We love seeing green shot meters, but feel free to mix in a little red, white, and blue during Season 8 to show off your team spirit with patriotic MyCAREER rewards. This Season, support the USA Men’s and Women’s basketball teams as they embark on a quest for gold. As you earn XP, you’ll acquire Team USA themed rewards, along with new vehicles, outfits, and consumables.

Take a look at some of the featured rewards this Season:

  • Level 15 Team USA Outfit
  • Level 20 NBA Mascot
  • Level 25 Anime Hairstyle
  • Level 29 GOAT Mascot (Current Gen)
  • Level 30 4 Seater Golf Cart
  • Level 36 Season 8 Racing Suit
  • Level 39 Orange Man Suit
  • Level 40 Gold Floor Setter


Strive for victory, accumulate XP, and add to your ever-growing collection of cosmetics and other rewards this Season. You won’t want to miss the fireworks on or off the court this summer, with plenty of action-packed events headed your way.

Some of the greatest basketball players of all time have suited up for Team USA, proudly wearing the red, white, and blue on the world’s biggest international stages. During Season 8, we’re honoring many of the current and historic players by introducing Invincible Team USA MyTEAM cards for you to add to your lineup. Invincible Team USA MyTEAM cards will be available via mode rewards, packs and earnable through agendas all Season long. Be on the lookout for special agendas and Team USA themed rewards, in addition to other Season 8 rewards.

Every team needs an enforcer—someone who can do the dirty work on defense, even if it doesn’t always show up on the stat sheet. For Season 8 of NBA 2K24 , we’re introducing a handful of MyTEAM cards that can give you a defensive edge, with some elite scorers mixed in as well.

Lock down opponents and reel in rebounds with the Level 1 100 OVR Dennis Rodman card. The seven-time NBA regular-season leader in rebounds and two-time Defensive Player of the Year excelled at dominating the glass and forcing turnovers throughout his career. Known for his championship pedigree, relentless tenacity, and signature style, this Hall of Famer can impact your lineup in more ways than one.

In 2021-2022, Marcus Smart became the first guard to win the Defensive Player of the Year award since Gary Payton, aka ‘The Glove’, won the award back in 1995-1996. Smart’s on-ball defense, coupled with his size and quickness, can make life miserable for any opposing guard. Add the Level 10 Dark Matter Marcus Smart card to your lineup and start wreaking havoc.

To complement your abundance of defense, balance out your lineup with the Level 20 Dark Matter Rashard Lewis card. The 15-year veteran was one of the first stretch forwards to thrive in the NBA, with his distinct 6’10” frame and silky smooth jumpshot. With the ability to play small forward and power forward, Lewis was a nightmare matchup thanks to his ability to stretch the floor.

Season 8 features yet another Defensive Player of the Year—sensing a theme yet? Anchor your squad with the Level 25 Dark Matter Jaren Jackson Jr. card to provide a shot-blocking presence down low. In 2023, Jackson became the second-youngest player in NBA history to win the award after averaging a league-leading 3 blocks per game.

With the Level 1 100 OVR Dennis Rodman reward, Level 35 100 OVR Jerry Stackhouse , and the Level 37 100 OVR Wheel Spin you can climb the Season rewards ladder to add three 100 Overall Player Cards to your squad during Season 8.


Finally, unleash a defensive and offensive powerhouse with the final reward of the Seasonal ladder: the Level 40 G.O.A.T. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar card. The 19-time All-Star, six-time MVP, six-time NBA champion, and 11-time All-Defense center was unstoppable at both ends of the floor during his heyday, and now you can terrorize opposing teams with his patented sky hook and smothering defense. Realize your MyTEAM dreams with Kareem in single-player and multiplayer formats.

Be sure to check out the MyTEAM Season Playbook page for more news and information about the card-collecting mode, and other MyTEAM happenings during Season 8.


We're not even halfway through the WNBA regular season, and there’s been no shortage of storylines, drama, and exceptional rookie performances. From Sabrina Ionescu’s dominant start to rookies Caitlin Clark, Angel Reese, and Cameron Brink showcasing their potential, it’s been an exciting time to be a WNBA fan. The WNBA All-Star game takes place in late July, but you can prepare for the star-studded event by competing for rewards and glory in The W Online. This Season features new Jersey and Shoe cards, Seasonal Perks, and boosts; take a look below.

Weekly Goal

  • Kahleah Copper Heroine Edition Jersey
  • Team Accelerator Boosts
  • Team Resilience Boosts
  • Team Extender Boosts
  • Helping Hands Boosts
  • Player Boosts

Season Rewards

  • 2KBreakthrough Skins
  • MyTEAM Exhibit A Shoe Card
  • Sheryl Swoopes MyTEAM Coach Card
  • Sheryl Swoopes Historic T-Shirt
  • Level C, B, A, S Seasonal Perk High Risk
  • Kahleah Copper All-Star Jersey

Draw inspiration from WNBA stars and compete against other players in The W Online today! 



Enjoy more out-of-this-world content with the Season 8 Pro Pass, featuring 40 additional premium rewards for you to earn, on top of the 40 rewards available through the standard Seasonal ladder. This Season, you can unlock new rewards that will be waiting for you in NBA 2K25! If you buy NBA 2K25 within the same console-family, the Season 8 Pro Pass for NBA 2K24 also entitles you to the following rewards in NBA 2K25: MyPLAYER Air Jordan 1 Black/Gold + Black/Gold Jumpman Oversize T-Shirt and Black and Gold Robe , Amethyst Derrick Rose MyTEAM Card and a Pro Pass Pack .***

Chase premium rewards this Season, including the Level 1 Ski Mask, Level 15 Oversized Hoodie, Level 36 Anime Fire Shorts, Level 39 Green Alien Suit, and Level 40 Pro Pass Kareem Abdul-Jabbar MyTEAM card with center and point guard eligibility. The Season 8 Pro Pass also contains VC, 2XP Coins, and other consumables. 

The NBA 2K24 Pro Pass: Season 8 takes your MyCAREER and MyTEAM experience to the next level.


Want to share your thoughts on Season 7 of NBA 2K24 ? Click here and take our six-minute NBA 2K Community Survey to let us know what you’d like to see more of in the future! The survey will be available through July 1, 2024.

*The W Online mode and related content are available on New Gen only

**NBA 2K24 Season Pass FREE rewards require unlocking with gameplay. NBA 2K24 Pro Season Passes and Hall of Fame Passes are available for separate purchase and require base game, internet connection and NBA 2K Account. Paid premium Passes unlock additional rewards for the Season that are earnable through gameplay. Progress and rewards reset at the end of each Season. For more information on Season Pass, go to .

***Requires purchase of NBA 2K25 within the same console family, internet connection and NBA 2K Account (minimum age varies). Rewards for NBA 2K25 will be automatically entitled in-game after linking the NBA 2K Account used for NBA 2K24 with NBA 2K25. Terms apply.

Take your NBA 2K24 Season 8 experience to the next level with the Pro Pass, featuring 40 levels of earnable premium rewards. Buy NBA 2K25 and jump start your collection to receive the MyPLAYER Air Jordan 1 Black/Gold, Black/Gold Jumpman Oversize T-Shirt and Black and Gold Robe, Amethyst Derrick Rose MyTEAM Card and a Pro Pass Pack.* 



Legends are made during the NBA Playoffs. Hit game-winning shots like Denver Nuggets guard Jamal Murray and add to your legacy during Season 7 of NBA 2K24.

NBA 2K24 Season 6

Unleash thunderous dunks and electrifying handles in Season 6 of NBA 2K24, and show off your unique style like Oklahoma City Thunder star Shai Gilgeous-Alexander.

N24 | CR 13: MyTEAM Mobile | Thumbnail Image


New free-to-download mobile game from 2K allows players to sync progress between console and mobile devices as they play their favorite MyTEAM modes on the go.


Season 5 of NBA 2K24 is heating up! Team up with Phoenix Suns guard Devin Booker and deliver scintillating performances to earn all-new rewards this Season.

N24 | CR 12: Season 4 | Thumbnail Image

Indiana Pacers superstar Tyrese Haliburton will welcome fellow NBA stars to Indianapolis for the 2024 NBA All-Star Game. Partake in the festivities in NBA 2K24.


Celebrate NBA 2K’s 25th Anniversary during the 25 Days of 2K event, taking place during Season 3 of NBA 2K24 in The City and The Neighborhood.

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Report Card Templates

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Bee Preschool Report Card Template

Bee Preschool Report Card

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High School Report Card Template

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Green Book Report Report Card

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Teacher's Report Card

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Orange Square Pattern Report Card Template

Orange Square Pattern Report Card

Break down your student grades and share relevant feedback with this report card template.

Report Card & Class Schedule Template

Report Card & Class Schedule

Share the year-end results of your students with this eye-catching report card template.

High School Gradebook Template

High School Gradebook

Use this grade book template to recognize the high achievers at your school. 

Middle School Report Card Template

Middle School Report Card

Break down the academic achievements of your students using this report card template. 

Art School Progress Report Template

Art School Progress Report

Grade your art students by using this eye-catching report card template. 

Annual High School Report Card Template

Annual High School Report Card

Elevate your high school's report card presentation with this modern annual high school report card template.

Report Card Templates by Visme

Report cards are important documents, yes - but they also take an unfortunate amount of time to create for most people. They're unique to every student and every student is a little bit different, which means that you'll often spend just as much time on the design element as you do populating it with specific information.

Now, free up valuable time so that you can focus on more important tasks with these great new report card templates. Just pick the format that best fits your needs, input all of your grades and other data, customize it in any way you need and you're ready to go.

You can create your own visual report cards with just a few clicks--no design skills needed! Choose from millions of images , thousands of high-quality vector icons and dozens of free features to customize your report card, such as cropping, custom color themes, filters, content alignment, and more. Start creating printables with our easy-to-use tool.

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Report Card Templates by Visme

Pokémon TCG Raging Bolt ex & Teal Mask Ogerpon ex Deck Strategy

June 24, 2024

Pokémon TCG Raging Bolt ex & Teal Mask Ogerpon ex Deck Strategy

Learn how to build a deck around raging bolt ex and the newly released teal mask ogerpon ex from the pokémon tcg: scarlet & violet—twilight masquerade expansion..

By Ross Cawthon , Contributing Writer

I f you like fast and powerful decks, you’re going to love this one! Coming from the new Pokémon TCG: Scarlet & Violet—Twilight Masquerade expansion, Teal Mask Ogerpon ex is paired with Raging Bolt ex from Scarlet & Violet—Temporal Forces . Raging Bolt ex is the star of the show thanks to an attack that can Knock Out any Pokémon, but its true potential is unlocked by its newest partner Teal Mask Ogerpon ex.

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Teal Mask Ogerpon ex has one of the best Abilities in the game in Teal Dance, which lets you attach 1 Basic Grass Energy from your hand to Teal Mask Ogerpon ex per turn and draw a card too. Most competitive Pokémon TCG decks have a method of attaching more Energy than the typical one per turn. Sometimes this is done with a Pokémon like Gardevoir ex , and sometimes this is done with a Trainer card like Dark Patch or Magma Basin .

Teal Mask Ogerpon ex offers the easiest method in the Standard format to put more Energy into play, though. It is a Basic Pokémon, which is the easiest stage of Pokémon to play and the easiest stage of Pokémon to find with cards like Nest Ball . It is really the only Basic Pokémon in the current format with an Ability that makes attaching extra Energy easy. Some Basic Pokémon can do this for an attack, but if you can do something with an Ability and then attack with whatever you want, it’s almost always better! And while both Trainer cards like Dark Patch and Pokémon like Teal Mask Ogerpon ex are limited to four copies per deck, with Nest Ball and Ultra Ball , you have many more ways to find Teal Mask Ogerpon ex than a card like Dark Patch.

The second Pokémon in this combination is Raging Bolt ex, the main attacker in this deck. Its Bellowing Thunder attack does 70 damage for each Basic Energy you discard from your Pokémon in play. The potential here is obvious—it can do enough damage to Knock Out any amount of HP you will see on a Pokémon. Few cards can do this.

Finding the Right Energy

So, we have a card with a powerful Ability and a card with a powerful attack. That may be good enough for them to earn spots at the front of your binder, but it’s not a guarantee that they can work together in a deck! At first glance, it would seem like these two cards have absolutely no business being in the same deck since Teal Mask Ogerpon ex attaches Grass Energy. Raging Bolt ex not only doesn’t use Grass Energy, but it also needs TWO other Energy types—Lightning and Fighting.

We occasionally see Pokémon TCG decks that use multiple Energy types, but they typically work for one of two reasons: they either use cards that provide multiple types of Energy (like Luminous Energy ) or they use attacks with Colorless Energy requirements that can be provided by Energy cards of different types (the popular “Lost Box” decks use this latter strategy). However, these strategies will not work with the Teal Mask Ogerpon ex and Raging Bolt ex combination—neither Pokémon has Colorless Energy requirements in their attack costs, and both have attributes (Ability or attack) that specifically only work with Basic Energy cards. So how does this deck work?

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The glue that binds these seemingly disparate Pokémon are three Trainer cards: Earthen Vessel , Professor Sada’s Vitality , and Energy Retrieval . All of them get multiple Basic Energy cards, which can be of any type. This allows a lot of flexibility in your game play, allowing you to get Fighting and Lightning Energy on Raging Bolt ex, and use Teal Mask Ogerpon ex’s Teal Dance Ability with Grass Energy to do more damage with Bellowing Thunder. Without these Trainer cards, it simply wouldn’t be possible to make this deck—you would need several Grass, Fighting, and Lightning Energy cards, which would eliminate the space needed to make an effective 60-card deck.

Now that I’ve explained why this odd pair works, let’s get to the deck list:

Raging Bolt ex / Teal Mask Ogerpon ex

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Supporting Pokémon

Raging Bolt ex and Teal Mask Ogerpon ex are your main deck components, so I’ve maximized both of their counts at four. You typically want at least two of each in play, if not three. I’ve added just a few other Support Pokémon. This deck is all about speed—if you go second with this deck, your goal is to not just attack but to get a Knock Out! Again, you can get a Knock Out no matter how much HP your opponent’s Active Pokémon has. Given that need for speed, Squawkabilly ex is a natural inclusion for its Squawk and Seize Ability. A slower deck won’t always want to discard its hand on the first turn, but our goal is to play a lot of cards on turn one.

Radiant Greninja is another very strong card in the Standard format with its Concealed Cards Ability. Trading one Energy card for two cards is a good deal, and we need Energy in the discard pile for Professor Sada’s Vitality anyway.

Sandy Shocks is your 1-Prize attacker. It’s always nice for a deck that focuses on attacking with 2-Prize Pokémon ex or Pokémon V to have a 1-Prize attacker for certain situations. If the opponent Knocked Out a 1-Prize Pokémon, it wouldn’t really help them at all: they would still need to Knock Out three of the 2-Prize Pokémon that would typically be in your Active Spot. Sandy Shocks is particularly nice for this deck as you can do 90 damage with it on your first turn even if you don’t have a Professor Sada’s Vitality: you can just attach a Fighting Energy to Sandy Shocks and have two Teal Mask Ogerpon ex use Teal Dance.

The last Pokémon is Iron Bundle , one of my favorite cards in the Standard format. It is here just for its Hyper Blower Ability, which makes your opponent switch their Active Pokémon. While not as strong as cards like Boss’s Orders or Prime Catcher , which let you choose which Pokémon your opponent puts in the Active Spot, the chance to use Hyper Blower at any time with just a Nest Ball or Ultra Ball is a great tool to have when your opponent’s Active Pokémon isn’t as big of a threat as the Pokémon on their Bench.

Trainer Cards

Next are the Trainer Cards. Something to love about Basic Pokémon decks is how much more room is available for Trainer cards compared to your typical Evolution decks. The most important Trainer card here is Professor Sada’s Vitality. Attaching 2 extra Energy cards to your Pokémon and drawing 3 cards makes it one of the best cards in the Standard format. Because this Supporter is so important, we also have four Pokégear 3.0 to try to find it. You will want to play Professor Sada’s Vitality almost every turn of the game, so we include just four other Supporters: two Iono for some draw and disruption, and two Boss’s Orders to target the opponent’s Benched Pokémon.

Most of the Item cards help the deck’s main strategy flow. We have four Nest Ball and three Ultra Ball to find our Pokémon, and we have four Earthen Vessel and three Energy Retrieval to find the Energy we need. Having two Switch Carts lets us put the Pokémon we need (typically Raging Bolt ex) in the Active Spot, and having two PokéStop gives us access to the Stadium we need to find these key Item cards. PokéStop is a great inclusion in any deck that not only wants Item cards in hand but also benefits from discarding other types of cards. In our case, we need Energy in the discard pile to use Professor Sada’s Vitality. Super Rod allows us to recover Pokémon and Energy as needed—I particularly like the opportunity to use Iron Bundle a second time. Pal Pad gives us recovery of our Supporter cards. These last two cards in particular make it “safer” to use PokéStop in case we accidentally discard Pokémon or Supporter cards instead of the intended Item or Energy cards.

The last four cards I consider to be tech cards, which don’t further your main attack combination but do help against certain situations or decks. My ACE SPEC is Prime Catcher. The goal of fast decks is not just to take Prize cards quickly but also to Knock Out Pokémon before an opponent can execute their own strategy. An Item card providing a “gust” effect where you can pick which Pokémon you Knock Out is super powerful for a fast deck and is the clear choice here. The two Bravery Charm are defensive cards, giving any of your Basic Pokémon +50 HP. These will typically be placed on Raging Bolt ex, but they can be placed anywhere in this deck depending on the situation. Finally, Lost Vacuum gets rid of our opponent’s Pokémon Tool cards (or, less often, their Stadium cards). I’ll discuss these tech cards more as I talk about the matchups for this deck.

For the Energy, we have three Lightning, three Fighting, and six Grass. This may seem like a small number of each, but with Professor Sada’s Vitality, Energy Retrieval, and Super Rod all getting Energy back from the discard pile, and Earthen Vessel to find the Energy out of the deck in the first place, these 12 Energy are enough.

Playing the Deck

The goal of this deck is rather simple: take a Knock Out every single turn you’re allowed to attack—such is the power of Raging Bolt ex’s Bellowing Thunder. You almost always want to go second with this deck, simply because that means we get to attack earlier in the game. With two Ancient Pokémon, two Teal Mask Ogerpon ex, and one Professor Sada’s Vitality, it is relatively easy to attach a total of five Energy and do up to 350 damage on the first turn!

Be mindful of getting Energy in the discard pile. If you don’t have Earthen Vessel or Ultra Ball to help with this, you probably want to use Nest Ball to find Radiant Greninja or Squawkabilly ex. You never know when your opponent will disrupt your hand with an Iono or Judge , so it’s a good idea to always have some Energy in the discard pile, particularly Fighting and Lightning Energy. Don’t forget that if your hand is really lacking, you can also use Raging Bolt ex’s Burst Roar attack!

Let’s look now at this deck’s matchups in a broader sense. This deck is amazing against any other decks that rely on 2- or 3-Prize attackers (i.e. Pokémon ex or Pokémon V). As previously mentioned, the attack power of this deck is unparalleled. It can Knock Out any Pokémon in the game in one attack with little trouble. No other 2-Prize Pokémon deck can match this. When this deck takes a Knock Out every turn against such decks, it wins, and it does that quite often.

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Be forewarned: this deck can struggle against 1-Prize decks. Some 1-Prize Pokémon can trade with Raging Bolt ex, and this deck loses if it only takes one Prize card a turn but gives up two Prize cards when Knocked Out. The most popular 1-Prize Pokémon that is good versus this deck is Radiant Charizard , which can Knock Out Raging Bolt ex in one Combustion Blast attack. The other popular 1-Prize Pokémon that can Knock Out Raging Bolt ex are Drifloon and Scream Tail (with Bravery Charm), which are commonly found in Gardevoir ex decks. Those combinations can produce 1-Prize attackers that can take down Raging Bolt ex in one attack as well.

This is where some of those tech Trainer cards come in. Bravery Charm allows Raging Bolt ex to survive a Combustion Blast from Radiant Charizard. The Lost Vacuum counters the Gardevoir ex deck, which will try to put eight damage counters on a Drifloon with Bravery Charm, or 12 damage counters on a Scream Tail with Bravery Charm. Either combination Knocks Out Raging Bolt ex. The major weakness of those Gardevoir ex combinations, though, is that a Lost Vacuum on the Bravery Charm immediately Knocks Out the Pokémon, without even attacking! With your attack that turn, you have the potential to take your own two Prize cards in one go.

Overall, Raging Bolt ex and Teal Mask Ogerpon ex is one of the fastest, most powerful, and most fun decks to play right now. It has a relatively straightforward strategy, making it a good choice for both beginners and veterans in the Pokémon TCG. Give it a shot and see what you think!

For more Pokémon TCG analysis, visit .

Ross Cawthon

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Ross Cawthon is a longtime player, starting to play tournaments in 2000. He is the only player to compete in all 19 Pokémon TCG World Championships, finishing as a finalist in 2005 and 2011, and a semifinalist in 2016. He is known for creating many new “rogue” decks over the years. Ross has a Ph.D. in astrophysics and studies dark energy (not to be confused with Darkness Energy cards).

Scarlet & Violet—Twilight Masquerade

Series Scarlet & Violet Series
Release Date May 24, 2024
Number of Cards Over 160
Standard Legal Deck? Yes

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New: Changes to Your Debit Card

We have changed the bank we use to issue your debit cards. As of  February 15, 2024 , benefits are no longer issued to a Bank of America debit card. Instead, they are now issued to a new  Money Network prepaid debit card . 

For more information, watch  The EDD is Transitioning to New Debit Cards  (YouTube) .

Important: If you still have a Bank of America debit card with EDD benefits, you’ll need to contact Bank of America at 1-866-692-9374 to request a check for the remaining funds on that card.

Money Network debit card placed on top of a white EDD envelope

Money Network Prepaid Debit Card

Use your debit card to pay bills, buy groceries, and everything in between. We issue your benefit payments on a debit card that’s fast and convenient. Plus, there’s no credit check and we don’t monitor your transactions.

Woman drinking a cup of coffee looking at her phone

No personal bank account required.

Woman withdrawing cash from an ATM

Withdraw cash at ATMs, banks, and stores with cash-back options.

Man and woman happily working on their laptops in kitchen

Transfer funds to the bank of your choice at no additional cost.

Man sitting on the couch typing on his laptop

Receive fraud protection from a Zero Liability Policy.

Activate and Use Your Card

Activate your card.

Call  1-800-684-7051  or download the Money Network App to activate your debit card, set your PIN, and check your balance.

Use Your Card

Once your card is activated, you can use it like you would a personal debit card. Buy groceries, pay bills, get cash back, and more.

Manage Your Card

Log in to your Money Network account or  download the Money Network App  to check your balance, lock your card, and more.

Transfer money from your Money Network prepaid debit card to a personal bank account. Transfers take two to three business days.

How to Get Payments by Debit Card


  • Log in to your myEDD account and select  UI Online .
  • Select the Register or Manage button.
  • Select  Profile .
  • Locate Benefit Payment Option , then select  Update Your Payment Option .
  • Select  Debit Card , then Save .

Note: Benefit payment options can be updated in UI Online any day between 6 a.m. – 8 p.m.

Disability and Paid Family Leave

  • Log in to your myEDD account and select SDI Online .
  • Select Profile .
  • Locate Benefit Payment Option , then select Edit Payment Option .
  • Select Debit Card , then Save .

Note:  Benefit payment options can be updated in SDI Online any day between 6 a.m. – 8 p.m.

When to Expect Payments

The first payment arrives 7-10 days after becoming eligible. Customers that already have a debit card receive payments within 2 days after certifying and continuing eligibility.

Note:  Holidays and weekends will delay your payment until the next business day.

Holiday Day You Certify First-time payment Ongoing Payments
Independence Day
Thursday, July 4, 2024
June 30, 2024
By Monday,
July 15, 2024
By Monday,
July 1, 2024
Labor Day
Monday, September 2, 2024
September 1, 2024
By Monday,
September 16, 2024
By Tuesday,
September 3, 2024
Thanksgiving Day
Thursday, November 28, 2024
November 24, 2024
By Monday,
December 9, 2024
November 25, 2024

If your myEDD account shows that a payment was processed but it is not on your debit card, contact Money Network at 1-800-684-7051.

Report a Lost or Stolen Card

If you lose your card, lock it while you look for it. To lock your card, log in online or download the Money Network Mobile App . If your card is permanently lost or stolen, call   1-800-684-7051 (TTY: 1-800-684-7053). For more information, visit Lost or Stolen Cards .

Customer Service Help

For more help, you can speak with a Money Network Customer Service representative 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by calling one of the following phone numbers:

  • Within the United States:  1-800-684-7051
  • Outside of the United States:  1-531-262-5282
  • TTY:  1-800-684-7053

Important: Money Network representatives cannot answer questions about your claim or our programs.

Disclosures and Fees

You will receive important information with your card. Be sure to read all information including fees for the debit card . For digital wallets, view your Cardholder Agreement (PDF) .

Still have questions? We've got you. Check out our  Benefit Payment Options FAQs .

  • Online Services
  • Forms and Publications
  • Labor Market Information
  • Office Locator
  • Información general en español

Leaving the EDD Website

You are about to leave our website.

Customizable Student Report Card Templates

Create a report card design for your school or education center with free templates. customize and print them in a few minutes..

Discover's free templates to create  school report cards  online. Easily customize designs for schools.

Editable progress report card format template

Create printable report cards for your students

Handing out report cards to students occurs at the end of each term or semester. It is the moment when parents see the various grades and assessments given to their children. Although it is a purely informative event, it can also be a good time to convey a professional image of your institution, so the design of these newsletters can help reinforce your school's reputation.

Customize report card designs for your school or academy with free templates from Adapt the different designs to your school's needs in just a few minutes. On the editor, you will also find useful templates to create class schedules , lunch menus , or lesson planners for teachers.

Printable school report card template

How to edit student report card templates at

  • Click on a layout in this article or go to the editor to get started.
  • Select the report card you like best
  • Customize it to your institution
  • Save the final result to your user profile
  • Done! Download it to print

Editable school report card for students

Customize student progress report templates online

There are certain elements that all designs must have: the student's name, the course, the teacher, the academic year, and the school's data. However, depending on the age of the students, adapt the template to be more or less original. For example, if you are dealing with preschool children, you can add drawings. In any case, make sure that the final design is not overloaded, that it is simple, and conveys the information clearly.

When finished, save the layout in your user profile to continue editing it at another time or make copies of it, which can be very useful if you want to use the same design pattern for different courses. You will be able to download the template in the desired format (JPG, PNG, or PDF) and print it in maximum quality.

Start customizing a report card with .

See the designs

Edit a student report card

Appointment Cards

Editor online of Business cards

Business Cards


  1. Comprehensive SEO Report Cards: Ultimate Guide for Success 2023

    website report card

  2. Report Card Template

    website report card

  3. Free Website Analysis

    website report card

  4. Free Website Report Card

    website report card

  5. Free Report Card Maker: Create Custom Report Cards

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  6. Customizable Student Report Card Templates

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  1. Print a Single Report Card

  2. report card day be like #reportcard

  3. "Report Card" #originalcharacter

  4. Reporting in Site App Pro

  5. The report card

  6. How to create a Responsive Info Card in pure CSS


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  10. Report Cards

    Your school must give you grades on a report card at least twice per year. Many schools choose to share report cards and student progress reports more often. Talk to your school about how frequently you can expect to receive report cards. Your report card might look different by grade or school. While the New York City Department of Education (DOE) provides a standard report card, schools can ...

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  12. Free Report Card Maker

    Thankfully, Canva makes collaboration as easy as sending or emailing a link to your report card design. Click on the Share button on the editor toolbar to get your design's unique link. Choose whether to give them editing or viewing access before sending your invitation via email or just messaging them the link.

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  14. America's Infrastructure Report Card 2021

    Iowa State Report Card: Civil Engineers Give Iowa's Infrastructure a "C" Grade. On Tuesday, April 11th, the Iowa section of ASCE released the 2023 Report Card for Iowa's Infrastructure in Des Moines. The report card included 13 infrastructure categories, and overall, Iowa earned a grade of "C, " the same grade as the 2019 Iowa state ...

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  19. Hillsborough County Public Schools

    The 2023-2024 fourth quarter Report Cards will be available by the dates specified below for each grade band. Grades K-5, Wednesday, June 5, 2024. Grades 6-12, Thursday, June 6, 2024. Charter schools may choose alternative reporting methods. Please check with your charter school if your report card is not posted.

  20. The Nation's Report Card

    The Nation's Report Card is a resource—a common measure of student achievement—because it offers a window into the state of our K-12 education system and what our children are learning. When students, their parents, teachers, and principals participate in the Nation's Report Card—the largest nationally representative and continuing ...

  21. MN Report Card

    The Minnesota Report Card gives you easy access to understandable district and school data. This tool is designed to provide parents, educators, schools, districts and citizens with easy access to important information about schools to help them make decisions and be engaged in the education of Minnesota students. Choose from several reports to ...

  22. Free, printable, customizable report card templates

    Canva's design library of free school report card templates can help you revolutionize the way you create your grade cards. They are curated for educators in school or for parents homeschooling their children. After all, every student deserves the thrilling experience of receiving their grades. These layouts are all customizable, so you can ...

  23. Season 8 Courtside Report

    For Season 8 of NBA 2K24, we're introducing a handful of MyTEAM cards that can give you a defensive edge, with some elite scorers mixed in as well. Lock down opponents and reel in rebounds with the Level 1 100 OVR Dennis Rodman card. The seven-time NBA regular-season leader in rebounds and two-time Defensive Player of the Year excelled at ...

  24. Where can I find my "State Report Card" website?

    The report cards must also provide data on graduation rates, suspensions, absenteeism, teacher qualifications, and many other areas. You can look up data on your child's district or school as well. Clicking on your state's name in the table below will forward you to the respective State Report Card website. States. Alabama.

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  26. Free Report Card Templates

    You can create your own visual report cards with just a few clicks--no design skills needed! Choose from millions of images, thousands of high-quality vector icons and dozens of free features to customize your report card, such as cropping, custom color themes, filters, content alignment, and more. Start creating printables with our easy-to-use ...

  27. 3 Sites That Pay Cash for Unused Gift Cards

    The site asks you to set your list price and recommends discounting the card's value by 2% to 15%. Once your card sells and is successfully delivered to the buyer, you get the proceeds in your ...

  28. Pokémon TCG Raging Bolt ex & Teal Mask Ogerpon ex Deck Strategy

    Radiant Greninja is another very strong card in the Standard format with its Concealed Cards Ability. Trading one Energy card for two cards is a good deal, and we need Energy in the discard pile for Professor Sada's Vitality anyway. Sandy Shocks is your 1-Prize attacker. It's always nice for a deck that focuses on attacking with 2-Prize ...

  29. Debit Card

    We have changed the bank we use to issue your debit cards. As of February 15, 2024, benefits are no longer issued to a Bank of America debit card.Instead, they are now issued to a new Money Network prepaid debit card.. For more information, watch The EDD is Transitioning to New Debit Cards (YouTube).. Important: If you still have a Bank of America debit card with EDD benefits, you'll need to ...

  30. Customizable Student Report Card Templates

    Customize student progress report templates online. There are certain elements that all designs must have: the student's name, the course, the teacher, the academic year, and the school's data. However, depending on the age of the students, adapt the template to be more or less original. For example, if you are dealing with preschool children ...