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Listing Presentation Template

  • December 13, 2018

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Download and customize this professionally designed presentation with your own information and leverage it at your next listing appointment!

  • Completely customizable for digital or print use
  • Allows you to highlight your specific online marketing strategies
  • Shows statistics on consumers’ buying habits and how they have moved online
  • Can integrate slides into your own corporate listing presentation

Click to Download Listing Presentation Template

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Benefits of a Listing Presentation for Real Estate Agents

There are numerous advantages to developing a robust property sales pitch as a real estate agent. Foremost, it’s an opportunity to exhibit your knowledge, professionalism, and track record to prospective clients. A well-crafted presentation can bolster your reputation and instill confidence in potential clients that you possess the qualifications to effectively sell their properties.

An outstanding property sales pitch can help you distinguish yourself from other agents who may be vying for the same business. By delivering a concise and persuasive marketing strategy, you can set yourself apart and illustrate why you’re the optimal choice for the task.

The objective of the property sales pitch is to secure more property listings. A compelling and carefully constructed presentation can sway potential clients to opt for your services over those of other agents, ultimately resulting in an increase in listings and sales.

Lastly, an effective property sales pitch can aid in cultivating stronger connections with prospective clients. By investing the time to comprehend their requirements and concerns and offering a tailored marketing blueprint, you can convey your dedication to their success and establish trust and rapport that may lead to enduring business associations.

  • Establish credibility and professionalism with potential clients.
  • Demonstrate your expertise and experience in the real estate industry.
  • Stand out from other agents who may be competing for the same business.
  • Communicate your unique who may be proposition to potential clients.
  • Provide a clear and compelling marketing strategy for selling a home.
  • Win more listing and sales.
  • Increase your income and commissions.
  • Create stronger relationships with potential clients.
  • Build trust and rapport with potential clients.
  • Provide a roadmap for the selling process, which can help alleviate concerns and anxiety.
  • Outline your approach to marketing and advertising the property.
  • Provide market data and analysis to help sellers understand the current real estate landscape.
  • Demonstrate your attention to detail and professionalism.
  • Show your commitment to the success of the client and their property sale.
  • Boost your confidence and improve your overall performance as a real estate agent.

listing presentation

How to Create the Best Listing Presentation?

Drawing from my experience as a seasoned real estate agent, I can attest that crafting a successful property sales pitch demands dedication, hard work, and meticulous attention to particulars. Here are some recommendations to assist you in developing the most effective property sales pitch possible:

  • Know your audience : Understand who your potential client is and what their needs and goals are. Tailor your presentation accordingly.
  • Use visuals : Incorporate high-quality photos, videos, and infographics to showcase your expertise and the property.
  • Showcase your track record : Highlight your experience and success as a real estate agent. Share case studies or examples of past properties you’ve sold.
  • Be informative : Include a thorough analysis of the local real estate market, current trends, and buyer behavior.
  • Explain your marketing strategy : Outline how you will market and advertise the property to potential buyers. Highlight your unique approach and marketing materials.
  • Highlight your services : Let potential clients know what sets you apart from other agents. Share your unique value proposition and services.
  • Be organized : Use a clear and logical structure for your presentation. Break it down into easy-to-digest sections.
  • Practice : Rehearse your presentation to ensure that you’re confident and engaging during the actual meeting.
  • Be authentic : Be yourself and let your personality shine through. Potential clients will appreciate your honesty and authenticity.
  • Follow up after listing presentation : After the meeting, follow up with potential clients to answer any questions and provide additional information if necessary.

listing tools

Listing Presentation Tools

Various presentation tools are available to aid real estate agents in crafting polished and convincing property sales pitches, which can ultimately secure the confidence and business of prospective clients. Here are a few examples of such tools, including Trafft, Highnote, Pixlr, Grammarly, and Jasper:

  • Trafft – the best online booking system that helps agents streamline their booking process, making it easier to set up and schedule listing presentations with potential clients.
  • Highnote – real estate presentation software that allows agents to create multimedia presentations that incorporate video, audio, and images. It’s a great way to showcase your expertise and provide a more engaging and interactive experience for potential clients.
  • Pixlr – photo editing software that helps agents enhance and edit photos of a property, making them more attractive and compelling to potential buyers.
  • Grammarly – a writing assistant tool , can help agents ensure that their presentation is error-free and grammatically correct, which can add to their professionalism and credibility.
  • Jasper – helps agents generate content for their presentations, such as property descriptions, market analyses, and marketing materials. It uses artificial intelligence to create high-quality and relevant content that can save agents time and effort.

listing appointment checklist

Listing Appointment Checklist

To help you ensure that your presentation is comprehensive and effective, we’ve created a listing appointment checklist :

  • Ask Thoughtful Questions Before Listing Appointment. You can ask the potential client about their goals and objectives for selling their property. Make sure you understand their needs and expectations. I’ve written an in-depth guide about questions to ask sellers at listing appointment that will be helpful
  • Get To Know the Property. Explain how you’ll Include high-quality photos and videos of the property, as well as a detailed description of its features and benefits in the buyer presentation.
  • Find Out Everything About the Neighborhood
  • Perform Competitive Market Analysis (CMA). Provide a thorough analysis of the local real estate market, current trends, and buyer behavior.
  • Learn How to Prepare for a Listing Appointment. Outline how you will market and advertise the property to potential buyers. Highlight your unique approach and marketing materials.
  • Mention Relevant Results and Testimonials. Share case studies or examples of past properties you’ve sold. Provide references or testimonials from satisfied clients.
  • Go Over and Beyond at Your Listing Appointment. Highlight any additional services you offer, such as staging, virtual tours, or professional photography.
  • Follow Up After Listing Appointment. End your listing appointment with a strong closing statement that summarizes the key points and highlights the value you can bring to the potential client. You can do it as a follow-up listing presentation.

presentation examples

Listing Presentation Examples

If you’re looking for inspiration and guidance on how to create a winning listing presentation, there are plenty of great examples available on our website. Check out some of the top real estate listing presentation examples and create a winning one. Just remember to tailor your presentation to your audience and highlight your unique value proposition as a real estate agent. With a little research and creativity, you can create a listing presentation that sets you apart from the competition and wins the trust and business of potential clients.

listing presentation templates

Listing Presentation Template

If you’re looking for a comprehensive and customizable listing presentation template , look no further! We have prepared an amazing template that includes all the essential sections you need to create a persuasive presentation. Our template includes a cover slide, introduction, market analysis, marketing strategy, property details, pricing strategy, case studies, references, additional services, and a closing statement.

The best part is that you can easily customize and personalize the template to fit your unique style and brand. Whether you’re a seasoned real estate agent or just starting out, our template can help you create a professional and persuasive listing presentation that wins the trust and business of potential clients. So, what are you waiting for? Check out our listing presentation templates today and take your real estate business to the next level!

listing presentation template

What You Need to Know About Luxury Listing Presentations

Luxury listing presentations require a different approach than regular listing presentations. Luxury properties often require a more sophisticated and personalized approach to marketing and advertising. As a result, luxury listing presentations must be tailored to the needs and preferences of high-end clients.

Luxury listings should be presented with high-quality photography, videography, and virtual tours that showcase the property's unique features and amenities. Additionally, luxury listing presentations should include a comprehensive analysis of the local luxury real estate market, including recent sales, current trends, and buyer behavior.

When it comes to luxury listing presentations, attention to detail is key. Every aspect of the presentation should be polished and refined, from the font and layout to the language and tone used. You should emphasize your expertise and experience in the luxury real estate market, as well as your ability to provide personalized and discreet services to high-end clients.

Luxury listing presentations should also include a detailed marketing plan that showcases the property to the right target audience, such as affluent buyers and investors. By taking a personalized and sophisticated approach to luxury listing presentations , you can successfully market and sell high-end properties and build a reputation as a trusted and knowledgeable luxury real estate professional.

how to followup

How to Follow Up After a Listing Presentation

Following up after a listing presentation is a crucial step in the sales process. Here are 5 tips on how to follow up after a listing presentation:

  • Send a thank-you email: After the presentation, send a personalized email thanking the potential client for their time and the opportunity to present your services. Mention a few key points that you discussed during the presentation to reinforce your value proposition.
  • Address any concerns or questions: If the potential client had any concerns or questions during the presentation, make sure to address them in your follow-up email. This shows that you listened and care about their needs.
  • Provide additional resources: Include any additional resources or information that may be helpful to the potential client. This can be anything from market reports to links to your online portfolio or social media channels.
  • Send a follow-up listing presentation: If the potential client seems interested in your services, send a follow-up meeting to encourage further discussion.
  • Keep in touch: Even if the potential client decides not to work with you at the moment, keep in touch and send occasional updates on the local real estate market or any new listings that may be of interest to them. This can help build a long-term relationship and may lead to future business.

listing software

Real Estate Listing Presentation Software

Highnote is an incredible real estate presentation software that will elevate your listing presentations. With its easy-to-use interface and robust set of features, Highnote can help you create stunning and interactive presentations that capture the attention of potential clients. Highnote allows you to easily add images, videos, and interactive widgets to your presentation, making it more engaging and memorable for viewers. Plus, you can easily customize your presentations with your branding and style, ensuring that they reflect your unique value proposition as a real estate agent. With Highnote, you can create a professional and persuasive listing presentation that helps you stand out from the competition.

Ready to elevate your next listing presentation? Try Highnote for free today and see for yourself how it can help you win more business. With a variety of real estate listing presentation templates and design options, you can quickly and easily create a stunning presentation that showcases your expertise and experience in the real estate industry.

The intuitive analytics dashboard is a nice addition that allows you to track how viewers are engaging with your presentations and adjust your strategy accordingly. Don’t wait any longer to take advantage of this amazing real estate presentation software. Try Highnote with this free resource all for free and start creating beautiful and persuasive listing presentations that help you close more deals!

See how Highnote instantly elevates your listing presentations and helps you land more clients.

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Step-by-step Guide to Creating Buyer Presentation

Check out now the step-by-step guide to creating buyer presentations. Try Highnote and sign up for a free trial to elevate your buyer presentations.

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The NEW Ultimate Real Estate Listing Presentation Template

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After downloading the template, you’ll receive access to directions for:

  • Easily edit each slide in the listing presentation template
  • Present and share your personalized presentation
  • Use it to help you win more listings

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Our Ultimate Listing Presentation Template is designed to help you listen to sellers, answering their questions and showcasing your ability to help them sell their homes quicker and at the best price possible.

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How to Create a Killer Listing Presentation

Step-by-step instructions for crushing your listing presentation - including where to find listing presentation templates!

The quality of your listing presentation can either earn you listings or cost you listings. Here’s what it takes to create a killer listing presentation that will land new listings!

What is a Listing Presentation?

A listing presentation is a demonstration of your services to home sellers in an attempt to earn their listing. The point of a listing presentation is to walk away with a new listing!

When people refer to a listing presentation, they could be referring to a brochure (digital or print) that introduces their sales services, or they could be referring to the meeting with the sellers in which they present their listing services.

We’re going to show you how to crush both!

Step-by-step instructions for crushing your listing presentation - including where to find listing presentation templates!

What to Cover in Your Listing Presentation Brochure

Your listing presentation brochure (digital or print – you should have both options so you can appeal to sellers of different generations) should just cover the basics. This is the version of your listing presentation that is always ready to go when you get a last-minute meeting and don’t have time to complete a CMA to determine a price for the seller’s home.

Because this is just a dozen pages and applies to all sellers, you should have a few printed in high-quality materials so you have a professional brochure to hand out.

Here’s what your listing presentation should cover.

1. An Overview of the Listing Process

You want to give your prospective clients a general idea of what they can expect from the listing process, which is typically three things:

  • Prepping the home for sale,
  • Pricing the property,
  • And marketing the property to prospective buyers and their agents.

2. A Semi-Deep Dive on the Marketing Plan

While you’ll have a couple of pages on prepping the home for sale and pricing the property, you’ll want to go a little deeper on your marketing plan. It’s typically the marketing plan that sets one agent apart from the rest and wins business. You need to show your sellers how you can get the listing in front of more qualified buyers than other agents can.

This could mean you show off your social media presence. Or you highlight the fact that you include professional listing photos at no cost to the seller. List all the ways you will market your seller’s home so they can see the advantage of hiring you in terms of getting their home sold.

3. A Brief Look at What Happens Once the Home is Under Contract

To prepare your prospective sellers for a quick sale, show them what happens when an offer is received and accepted. One page with a quick walk-through of opening escrow and closing day is all it takes.

4. Testimonials and Credentials

Testimonials from happy clients are powerful. Make sure you collect all your clients’ compliments and get their permission to share their testimonials on your website, social media accounts, and in your listing presentation.

Then you can show your credentials. I recommend saving your credentials for later in your listing presentation brochure because, frankly, your clients probably don’t care much. They just want to know that you can get results, and that’s why we open the presentation by showing what you can do for your clients in terms of listing and marketing. Your education, training, and stats are just icing on the cake.

So just offer a single page that lists your professional highlights. If you’re new to the business and don’t have much to offer in terms of experience or industry awards, you can share the accomplishments of your brokerage.

5. A Call to Action

Close the listing presentation brochure with an invitation to have your clients list their property with you.

What to Cover in Your Listing Presentation Meeting

In your listing presentation meeting, you’ll generally be able to follow the layout of your listing presentation brochure, but with a few interactive adjustments since this will be a two-way discussion.

The General Outline of Your Listing Presentation Meeting

  • Start with a tour of the home. Include compliments and questions.
  • Offer an overview of the listing process.
  • The listing price discussion
  • A semi-deep dive into the marketing plan
  • A brief look at what happens once the home is under contract
  • Your credentials
  • A call to action

The Listing Price Discussion

The listing price discussion is one of the most important parts of your listing presentation meeting. You need to get the seller on board with the market value price even though they might believe the house is worth more. You have to manage seller expectations and help them understand that pricing too high can alienate buyers.

Before we get too far into our notes on the listing price discussion: You may be wondering why the listing presentation brochure doesn’t include the recommended listing price for the home. The main reason is because different brokerages have agents using different programs to generate a CMA (Comparative Market Analysis for those of you who are brand new to real estate). So you’ll likely have a program that prepares a page (or several) specifically for the subject property using recent sales as comps. And since those pages will be formatted and branded differently than your listing presentation template, it makes sense to present that separately. By the way, if your brokerage doesn’t offer a CMA, you can pay for a subscription to a CMA service, or you can make your own in Excel (or purchase an inexpensive Excel template online ).

With that, here are some pointers for managing the listing price discussion:

  • Do your research. Get the details on the subject property and relevant comps.
  • Complete your CMA in advance so you know how much the home is worth before your meeting.
  • Start the price discussion by explaining how important it is to price correctly from Day One. Too low and you leave money on the table. Too high and you alienate buyers. If they ask about doing a price reduction later if it doesn’t sell explain how the excitement of a new listing will be gone at that point and that buyers might wonder if the price reduction was necessary because something is wrong with the property.
  • Explain the methodology behind the CMA .
  • Allow the clients to follow the thought process, explaining why you chose those comps and how you adjusted the values so the sellers can understand how you arrived at your recommended listing price.
  • Mention that some agents will over-inflate the value to win the listing, but that the market sets the price, not the agent.

Listing Presentation Templates

While you can find some free listing presentation templates online, I haven’t seen one that I would recommend. Your listing presentation helps define your prospective clients’ first impression of you and your business, so it’s worth investing some time and/or money in getting your listing presentation template just right.

If you have some time and a bit of design skill, you can create your own listing presentation template in Canva . Canva is a user-friendly online design platform that’s free to use. You also have the option to upgrade to an inexpensive paid program, which I highly recommend if you’re going to be using Canva for your social media posts, postcards, flyers, and blog graphics. If you’re not familiar with Canva, check out Canva for Real Estate Agents for a quick introduction.

Now, if you don’t have the time or design skill to create your own listing presentation, you can simply purchase one! This inexpensive listing presentation template from Key Real Estate Designs (our partner Etsy shop) follows the same outline we discuss in this post. And it’s entirely editable in Canva, so you can change any detail you’d like (even if you just use the free version of Canva)!

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Other Best Practice Tips for a Killer Listing Presentation

Record yourself giving your listing presentation and watch it back to see how you come across. The more you give your listing presentation, the better it will get!

Highlight Your Killer Offer

If you have a killer offer, like we discussed in How to Get New Leads This Week , show it off in your listing presentation. Demo your professional photos, single-property website, or social media marketing.

Ask Questions

When you get in front of clients, don’t make it about you. Show that it’s about them by asking them questions like:

  • When do you need to move?
  • Why are you moving?
  • Where are you moving to?
  • Have you already found a home there?
  • What will you do if your home doesn’t sell?
  • What are you looking for in a listing agent?
  • Are there any issues with the home that we won’t see today?

Don’t Budge on Your Rates

You may be asked if you’ll take a lower commission rate. DON’T DO IT!

Explain to your clients that a substantial amount of your commission goes directly to marketing activities that help the home sell more quickly and for more money. You may also want to remind them that part of your job is to negotiate on their behalf. How much faith could they have in you as a negotiator for them if you can’t even negotiate your own rates?

What to Do After the Listing Presentation

  • Document the presentation in your CRM . Add the seller to your marketing campaign(s).
  • Send a thank you text the next day.
  • Follow up soon and often. If the prospective sellers were serious enough to sit through your listing presentation, they’re likely going to sell soon. So you want to be the first agent they see when the moment to list finally arrives.

Get a Small Win

Great victories are the result of small wins. Before you move on with the rest of your day, get a small win.

Today’s small win challenge is to start creating your listing presentation brochure. We know it may take several hours if you’re starting from scratch, so you don’t have to complete it today. Just get it started, and schedule a time to finish it. Or you could take the head-start offered by purchasing an inexpensive template online and have your new listing presentation brochure ready to roll today!

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Winning the Listing: The Ultimate Guide to Real Estate Listing Presentations

Posted on April 20, 2023 by Krista Mashore

Ultimate Guide to Real Estate Listing Presentations

Real Estate Listing Presentation is probably the most dreadful area of business for every real estate agent. After every successful Real Estate Listing Presentation, you can expect a great rise in business queries and similarly, a downhill drop if things go south during your time on the stage.

Mastering the art of delivering stellar Real Estate Listing Presentations is a never-miss quality of a successful agent. If you are new to this field, or having a hard time delivering a show, this guide is created to help you achieve success. By the end of this guide, you will learn your way to creating and converting more leads and building your business profits.

This guide covers the following:

  • What is a Real Estate Listing Presentation?
  • What benefits of a successful Real Estate Listing Presentation?
  • What is involved in a Real Estate Listing Presentation?
  • How to Rock Real Estate Listing Presentations?

A Real Estate Listing Presentation is your way to persuade your potential clients and expand your business. If you want to know more about real estate presentations, we are ready with our piece.

1. What is a Real Estate Listing Presentation?

listing presentation booklet

A Real Estate Listing Presentation is an agent's chance to show their skills and ability in marketing a property and bringing home amazing sales profits. It is a free, no-obligation presentation where real estate agents prove their business skills and win clients. The agent would present the clients with every possible way they would use to sell their property at the best price, as fast as they can. Also, it is a tool that helps brokers justify their suggested list price to the clients and ensure profitability in future transactions.

A property owner can sell a house through multiple channels including auctions, direct sales to investors, FSBO (For Sale By Owner), or through a real estate agent. When the property owner chooses to sell the property through an agent, Real Estate Listing Presentations are the tool that helps you make or break the listing appointment.

How? Let’s find out in our next section.

2. Benefits of a successful Real Estate Listing Presentation:

Do you know there are a total of 1,548,058 Realtors in the United States as of January 2023? And,  the number is increasing with every passing day as property marketing is soaring with opportunities for both buyers and sellers.

If you want to stand out from the competition, an impressive,  Real Estate Listing Presentation is the tool that leads the market without doubts.

How  Real Estate Listing Presentation can help a real estate agent?

If you are thinking the same, there are endless benefits that a successful, interesting, and wooing Real Estate Listing Presentation can deliver.

You can showcase your skills:

The first and foremost benefit of a real estate presentation is that it offers you a chance to establish your talent and ability to sell. Amid the heavy competition, you need to ensure that the client believes in your ability to sell their property.

Now, Real Estate Listing Presentation is a chance to show your talent. Every successful presentation delivery brings you one step closer to winning the list price as you create impressions. Some of the key skills that you can showcase through a Real Estate Listing Presentation include:

  • Your knowledge of the field Property is a big investment and the client does not believe anyone can easily handle the sale. However, if you put your research skills to use and create a factual presentation, there is no stopping you.
  • Your Credibility If you can establish your credibility as a salesman, you get more business than just the deal you are trying to crack.

Your flexibility and ability to adapt

  • Your talent to sell What does the client want? The ultimate objective is to sell the property faster, easier, and at the best price. If you can prove to the client that you are the only one to achieve all the milestones, you get to win. A stellar  Real Estate Listing Presentation is what you need to deliver to prove your talent to sell. The presentation is your chance to show who you are and where you stand as a real estate agent. If this is how you prove to the client that you are cut above the rest and missing a chance to engage with you will be the end of the deal for them.

It is a platform to create a free flow of business

If you successfully deliver a Real Estate Listing Presentation and generate business, it opens a door to more business in the future. Do not forget that the real estate business operates a lot on word-of-mouth marketing and every successful deal leads to another.

So, if you get business from a Real Estate Listing Presentation and then close the best deal for the client, you have just opened the gateway to everlasting business offers.

3. What is involved in a Real Estate Listing Presentation?

It is already established that Real Estate Listing Presentation is your very chance to win business. To make it a successful chance, you need to put your best foot ahead. Here are a few things that go into making the best business-winning Real Estate Listing Presentation:

Length of the presentation:

You need to ensure that the presentation is no more than 50 minutes or an hour max. A lengthy presentation would do nothing but bore the client and you don't want that. Putting your efforts into making the presentation memorable is your aim and shortness and crispness are essential to it.

The introduction:

It is your first step to creating the impression. The way you introduce yourself builds the first step of the ladder to climb up and above. An introduction is broken into several parts viz.  Professional background, qualification, and your hold over the market.

Make sure you present your top skills, and your previous sales achievements along with the areas, as well as a chart comparing the original sales price and final sales prices.

Finally, adding a lot of testimonials to prove your mettle is the most attractive feature to add in the introduction.

The better you incorporate data in your presentation the more impression you create. Comparative data analysis is the technique to prove your ability to sell beyond the original price and also the efforts you put into research.

Using a lot of graphic tools to make data presentations interesting is the way to go. Show that you have researched before presenting.

The selling process

Make sure that client is in complete understanding of how the sale process will move. This is more important if you are dealing with first-time buyers. Explain every milestone of the selling process.

The tactics you plan to use

Your sales and marketing strategies would make the best deal happen. Make sure you show the client what you have got in your armory.

A crisp showcase of your sales and marketing strategies is enough to make lasting impressions.

The pricing strategy you rely on

We understand that offering the sales price just yet is not possible for you. However, we believe that being able to guide the client with your approach to the pricing is inevitable in winning the deal. So, educate your client on how you would go about property pricing.

The approach to home staging

listing presentation booklet

Home staging is an important part of the selling process. The better you stage a property, the faster it sells at the best prices. If you make the client believe that you are the best at home staging, there is no question about your victory as an agent.

Explaining the home staging process including how you would do decluttering, cleaning, depersonalizing and makeup of the property makes an important part of the Real Estate Listing Presentation.

4. How to rock Real Estate Listing Presentations?

If you have prepared the presentation with the points mentioned above, you are halfway done with the goal. Now all you need to do is prepare yourself for the presentation and rock the show.

Here is how you can deliver the best Real Estate Listing Presentation:

Make it personalized

Making the buyer close to the home is the best approach to winning the listing. Make sure you design the presentation as per the client's needs including the area of the house, rooms, total acreage, and more. Make sure you read the leads on all aspects when designing the presentation to be able to deliver a personalized pitch.

Rely on Data, data, and more data

A data-rich presentation is everything. Some important figures to include in the pitch are the prices of the property you have sold, the number of homes sold, and the profit created for the client. However, do not make it all data when presenting. Make a balance of facts, figures, and entertainment to avoid boring the client.

Include a question-and-answer round

Offering your clients a platform to question is important. Both first-time as well as ex[experienced clients have several doubts about the process and offering them a chance to clarify them is essential.

Let the clients question you about anything and everything related to your business. Make sure you are prepared to answer effectively and without fumbling or feeling struck by the unexpected.

Appear at your best self

How you dress and prepare for the presentation is important. While looking all professional is important do not dress up to intimidate the client. Your first impression decides the extent of the client's attention to your presentation and its efficacy. So, dress to impress.

Present with preparation

Make sure you practice your pitch over and over again before you present. Record your presentation and listen/ watch it over and over again to identify the loopholes or points that sound weak.

A well-time, engaging, and compelling presentation can never fail.

Prepare to be a rebel

Matching tone with the client is important but not always. Make sure you are prepared to say no to unreasonable demands. Just to win the business, do not compromise with your business and profit.

Connect with your audience

Do not leave any chance to connect with your audience. Crack jokes, engage in conversations, and build rapport by any means to win hearts and trust. This goes a long way in nurturing your business.

To conclude

Real Estate Listing Presentation is your one hour to prove your mettle in the field and make the client realize that missing working with you is a mistake. But all your efforts in creating a great pitch and even more in preparing for the best delivery.

Remember that Real Estate Listing Presentation is your way to present your credentials, ability to sell, reputation, and exclusivity. Your devotion to helping the client is reflected in your efforts to create and deliver a great real estate presentation. This is a golden chance to impress and you must use it right. Once you do, there is no way you would lose the listing.

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9 Critical Components Every Real Estate Listing Presentations Needs in 2024

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March 26, 2024

real estate agent creating real estate listing presentation on laptop

You’ve generated leads, networked with potential sellers, and found a prospective client. You must position yourself as the ideal agent to represent your prospective client’s home, and to do that, you’ll need to present a real estate listing.

A real estate listing presentation is a powerful business tool that demonstrates your expertise, impresses sellers, and increases your close rates. We understand the impact a powerful presentation can have on your business––so much so that we’ve built a tool into our platform to help you craft your own standout presentation.

Luxury Presence’s listing presentation tool is designed to help you increase your close rates with stunning professional presentations. We make the design process as simple as possible so you can focus on what really matters––your clients.

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The 9 components of a winning real estate listing presentation

Our experts have compiled a list of everything you need to create a stellar real estate listing presentation. Following this guide can create lasting impressions that will turn prospective sellers into clients.

1. A Self-introduction

This section is vital––you want to establish your expertise and experience, build familiarity with your client, and then bring the focus back to them. Explain how your experience serves your client, clearly lay out what you and your brokerage can do for them, and seek common ground that builds trust and rapport.

Your listing presentation introduction should be statements of value––no fluff. Start by sharing your relevant experience, which includes how many years you’ve worked as a listing agent, the number of homes sold, and a brief anecdote about your success selling a similar home.

Then, move on to explain what your brokerage can offer these sellers. 

This is your opportunity to give an overview of the unique selling proposition you, your team, or your brokerage can provide. Sellers will be interested in knowing your brokerage’s level of success in the market, its reputation, the network of professionals that support and streamline your work, and specific metrics or standards that set your brokerage apart. 

This process can be overwhelming for clients, but your expertise and composure during the listing presentation will put them at ease.

2. Local housing market data

Sellers are frequently under-informed or overly optimistic about the current real estate market conditions. This is your opportunity to set expectations by preemptively correcting assumptions about the market in your area. Providing realistic generalizations at this stage can help temper disagreement or disappointment when you get to the pricing strategy. If the market is rocky, you can demonstrate confidence in expertly navigating through the current turbulence.

Your market overview should include data on local inventory, listing and selling prices for relevant comps, average days on market, and typical home improvements. Remember that while you see these numbers daily, home sellers don’t—everything you share with them should be clear and relevant to their situation. 

3. An explanation of the home selling process

Outlining the process sets expectations and showcases your value. Be flexible during this part of your real estate listing presentation. Some sellers may need more hand-holding and detailed answers, while a veteran home seller won’t need a detailed explanation of each process step.

Explain these process stages:

  • Pre-Sale Activities : This includes filling out paperwork like the Seller’s Disclosure, arranging a home inspection, having marketing photographs taken, making repairs, and arriving at an agreed-upon price before the home goes on the market.
  • Marketing : During this stage, you’ll create the listing and add all the details, prepare digital marketing content, stage the home, and get everything lined up for the day it goes on the market.
  • Active Listing Period: Open houses, agent showings, and hopefully receive some offers.
  • Accepting Offers : Walk your client through different strategies for this stage, such as accepting an offer they like or arranging for “best and final”—the day when all offers are due. Explain how you’ll present every offer and assure them that you’ll help them understand the pros and cons of each.
  • Closing period : Sellers might not know what happens after an offer is accepted. Explain the option period, which has the potential for renegotiations, what happens in a month or so between accepting an offer and closing the deal, and options for leasebacks.

Be sure to include printed materials so the sellers can engage with your presentation and not worry about memorizing everything.

4. An explanation of the pre-listing work needed to be successful

If you haven’t seen the property yet, ask your seller questions to understand its condition. Is it move-in ready? Are there repairs or updates that will significantly alter the potential selling price?

Emphasize the value of having a home that looks beautiful and is in excellent condition. Explain depersonalization—it’s not a matter of the seller’s taste but rather about creating a generically stylish interior that any buyer can imagine making their own. Even if the seller isn’t willing to make repairs or renovations, professional cleaning and decluttering will positively affect buyers’ perceptions. 

5. A detailed pricing strategy

Ask the sellers about their priorities with the sale. Some must sell quickly, while others can wait for the highest possible number. Ask if they’re looking for a lease back or if there are any other strategic elements affecting their asking price. These factors will influence the total offer strategy.

Be ready with your comparative market analysis (CMA), which supports your pricing strategy through comps and relevant data. Sellers can be emotionally attached to their home; sometimes, sentimental value and a market price don’t match. Emphasize the importance of starting with an accurate listing price. If priced too high, a home can languish without offers.

6. The highlights of your marketing strategy

real estate agent reviewing marketing plan

This is the point in the real estate listing presentation where you explain your planned marketing efforts and are clear about who is responsible for the costs. Some listing agents pay for photography and staging, while others have the sellers cover these expenses. 

Make sure to discuss the benefits and steps of these four basic marketing strategies:

Direct marketing

  • Hosting open houses
  • Listing the home on MLS and real estate sites
  • Sending out mailers

Home staging

Discuss the particulars of staging, including your network of staging professionals and price ranges.

Photography and videography

Most listings, especially luxury properties, have professional photography and virtual tours . Speak confidently about your network of professional photographers and show samples from listings you’ve made in the past.

Social media posts

Discuss your social media strategy for home sales, including what platforms you use , posts specific to the listing , how you plan to promote open houses, and how this strategy has succeeded in past home sales.


Present your plan for where the property will be listed. Add in any promising statistics or metrics to details.

  • Your local MLS: This is a great way to differentiate yourself from home sellers who may be considering an FSBO. Only licensed agents have access to the MLS.
  • Website and landing page: If you create property websites and landing pages for your properties, provide examples and discuss the benefits.
  • Internet platforms such as Zillow and
  • Social media: Find out how your sellers feel about social media and give them the option of whether or not you use it.

7. Expectations for showings and open houses

Take this opportunity in the listing presentation to explain how you will manage and host showings and open houses. Clients may feel uneasy thinking of strangers walking through their home. Assure them that you or a team member will always be present during an open house and that any private showings will always be conducted by a licensed agent.

8. Your offer and negotiation strategy

Give an overview of how the offer and negotiation process works. Assure sellers that you will present every offer that comes in, and you’ll walk through the particulars. Provide examples of different offer details they may see and the most common areas for negotiation beyond the offer price. Reassure the clients that you will always act in their best interests, an obligation of being a fiduciary.

9. Final questions and “The Ask”

At this point, the meeting is coming to a close. Answer any remaining questions and discuss what needs to happen before you can start with the pre-sale activities. And then—ask for their business. Politely assure the sellers that you have the skills and expertise needed to sell their home, and that you would love the opportunity. 

If they are ready to sign, complete the paperwork and finalize your pricing strategy. If they want more time to think things over, give them a deadline by which you will call them––and definitely call them on that date. 

Additional real estate listing presentation tips

real estate agents sitting at conference taking notes on real estate listing presentation tips

Here are a few more things to keep in mind as you craft the strongest possible listing presentation:

Focus on the client’s needs

Every piece of information should be designed to serve the client’s needs and provide clear value. Cut away anything extraneous. Selling a home is a stressful process. Even though you’re used to the process, always be mindful of your client’s perspective and be ready to respond with empathy to their nerves and uncertainty.

Practice often

Nailing a listing presentation takes practice. To polish your performance, practice in front of team members or family. As you gain experience, you’ll be able to anticipate questions and concerns. Even when you’re comfortable with your skills, be sure to reevaluate your listing presentations occasionally.

Be authentic

Above all else, be authentic. Your clients need to feel like they can trust you. Always be transparent and honest.

Real estate listing presentations + Luxury Presence

Looking for even more advice and resources about successful real estate listing presentations? Our platform can help you develop business strategies and strengthen your network. To learn more about how we can help you grow your real estate business, reach out to our team today .

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Ways to Master Your Real Estate Listing Presentation

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Your listing presentation.

As a real estate agent, your success is dependent on your listing presentation and pitch. From start to finish, your realtor listing presentation will showcase who you are and how you bring value to your clients. It should include key metrics like local market statistics, an overview of your selling process, and how you help your clients get the most value out of their home, which will instill a sense of confidence and trust.

Today I thought I’d share some of my best tips to improve your listing presentation so that you can start winning more listings.

First up is one of my most popular #TomFerryShow episodes…

What Is a Real Estate Listing Presentation?

A real estate listing presentation can be viewed as a realtor’s elevator pitch. Creating a strong listing presentation is crucial to the success of your business. This is because it’s your opportunity to convince sellers to choose you to sell their home over other realtors, investors, at auction, or by themselves.

In today’s increasingly remote world, you may even need to host a virtual listing presentation. A virtual listing is similar to a traditional listing presentation, but is delivered through a video conferencing platform like Zoom or Skype. While virtual presentations may take time to get used to, they allow you to get into contact with clients who may be further away or can’t meet in person.

There are several ways you can present your realtor listing presentation, such as on a PowerPoint deck, a brochure, a video, or another form of visual presentation. No matter the format, your real estate listing presentation should contain key elements, such as:

  • Listing price of the home
  • Reasoning for your listing price
  • Interior upgrades
  • Exterior upgrades
  • Other relevant fixes or remodels

By creating a thorough listing presentation that outlines the key points as to why you should be chosen as a seller’s listing agent and how you’ll help them get their home sold faster and for more money, you’ll close more deals. Creating a listing presentation for real estate agents is important, but how do you win over clients with your presentation? Below, we’ll cover the ins and outs of creating a winning real estate listing presentation that helps you grow your business.

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Critical Elements To Real Estate Listing Presentation Success

As you know, in order to succeed as a real estate agent, you need to master your listing presentation. To help you show your confidence and expertise during your next realtor listing presentation, we’ve rounded up the key elements needed for your success.

From learning how to create an engaging introduction to using pricing analogies and earning trust before your presentation, these are the critical components to successful listing presentations for real estate agents:

1. Create a Brief But Engaging Introduction

As with any presentation, your first few minutes are crucial. To master your real estate listing presentation, you need to engage your audience within the first 60 seconds to grab their attention and convince them you’re the realtor to sign with.

In the first 60 seconds, tell a brief but captivating story, such as a previous home you’ve sold or a current property you’re working on now. Remember, most of your listing presentation will focus on your client, but your introduction is your time to provide your background information and show your client how you can help them sell their home.

2. Explain the Sales Timeline

One of the top questions clients will have when it comes to selling their homes is “how long will the process take?” In today’s market, homes are selling fast, which means clients need to be fully prepared for a fast turnaround. When explaining the sales process, highlight each step of the way, including:

  • Pre-sale events
  • Marketing timeline
  • Listing period
  • Closing the deal

By explaining the sales timeline, your clients will know what to expect throughout the process.

3. Ask Questions

The goal of your listing presentation is to show clients how you’ll sell their homes and perform better than other agents. With that said, it’s important to keep your clients top of mind throughout your listing presentation. To do this, make sure to ask important questions throughout to better understand their goals and values. Some questions to ask include:

Why do you want to sell your home?

  • What date do you need to move?
  • What are your plans if your home doesn’t sell?
  • Where are you looking to move to?
  • Are there any current issues with your home that need to be addressed?
  • How much money do you still owe on your mortgage?

With these questions, you can curtail your listing presentation as you go to align with their values and goals and help them sell their home.

4. Highlight Personal Statistics

You need to sell yourself when delivering your listing presentation. One of the best ways to do so is to highlight your personal stats that prove to your clients why and how you’re successful. Some statistics to show your clients include:

  • Your sales compared to the market average
  • The average days on the market for your listings
  • Year-after-year sales

These are just some of the statistics you can showcase in your listing presentation. To make them more powerful, export your personal data from your MLS into a spreadsheet to create graphs, maps, and charts that help your clients visualize your success.

5. Explain Your Marketing Plan

Your marketing plan is imperative to the home selling process. As one of the key components of selling a home, you need to explain to your clients how you plan on marketing their home. Some current marketing trends that can put you ahead of your competition include:

  • Virtual tours
  • HD photography
  • 3D floor plans/property scans
  • Social media posts
  • Property videos

By advertising on a wide range of platforms, from social media to home listing sites and even around the neighborhood with lawn signs, you can attract more prospective buyers interested in buying your client’s house.

6. Use This Great Pricing Objection Handler

Another statement you’re bound to hear from homeowners is this:

“Another agent said they can get me much more…”

When you do, use this script:

I could line up a thousand agents outside your door, but we’re all looking at the same data and we’ll all come in within one or two percent of each other. So if someone is promising you much more, you’ve gotta ask yourself what they’re up to. Are they just wanting to take your listing to generate a bunch of buyer clients? What’s their motive?

This approach plants the seeds of doubt in the seller’s mind and gets them to understand what seems too good to be true probably is too good to be true.

7. Earn Their Trust Prior to Your Presentation

Question: What do you do in between the time you scheduled a listing presentation appointment and the time you show up for that appointment?

I really hope your answer isn’t “Nothing.”

So… that gap from after you hang up from booking the appointment until you show up? This is prime “trust-building” time.

Here’s my pre-appointment strategy to set yourself apart and begin earning people’s trust way before you ever meet face-to-face.

1. Shortly after setting the appointment, email a personalized video following this script:

Hey [Homeowner’s Name] it’s [Your Name] with [Your Company]. Thank you so much for the opportunity to come out and speak to you about the sale of your home. I know you had a lot of choices in real estate professionals locally, and I’m honored and thrilled to talk to you about how I can sell your home for top dollar in the shortest amount of time. Below you’re going to see a number of things that can help you make an informed decision about selecting the right agent for the job of selling your home. [Then give them a quick rundown of the following assets you will send along with the video.]

2. In that email, include links to:

  • Your step-by-step marketing plan – Be sure to “stack the cool.” The average agent has 11 things on their list. The more you have, the more you’ll stand out. For bonus points, write the property address on a whiteboard and include a photo of you and your team strategizing on marketing possibilities in front of it.
  • A map of properties you’ve sold – Don’t just do a list… a map is more engaging.
  • Your reviews – The more specific to convey your skills, the better.
  • Stats, graphs and charts – To illustrate your degree of separation… Comparing you vs. MLS averages, etc.
  • Your team of experts – To establish expectations and demonstrate it takes more than one person to manage the process of selling your home.

This might sound like a big effort, but it’s worth it! You’re priming the client to win the listing, and in some cases, you might flush out those who aren’t really motivated before wasting additional time on a fruitless presentation.

8. Send Another Video on the Morning of Your Appointment

To further prime the homeowner for your presentation, send another video on the morning of the day of the appointment. Here’s the script:

Hi [Homeowner’s Name] it’s [Your Name], just wanted to make sure we were set today for [Time]. I’m really excited. The team and I are super fired up, we’ve been working really hard on reverse engineering how we’re going to find the ideal buyer for your home. And because we’ve sold so many homes in [Neighborhood], we already know exactly how to find the buyer. I just wanted to make sure you watched my previous video and you took the time to review some of the information I sent you in those links. Would you please do that before we meet today?

9. “Reverse” Your Presentation for Maximum Impact

Now it’s the moment of truth. Make sure you show up for the appointment early just to be sure you can knock on the door punctually at your set time.

When it comes to your actual listing presentation, rather than take the traditional angle of “I’m going to show you everything I can do for you” for the homeowner, I suggest you follow Gary Gold’s approach and do a “reverse” listing presentation.

What’s that mean?

It’s simple, actually. Rather than make a promise to the homeowner about what you can do for them, show them a case study of what you’ve done for others and walk them through the process in reverse order.

Rather than starting from what you do right after you take a listing, show the homeowner everything you did to achieve the result. For instance:

We recently sold a property very much like yours for 3% over asking price and for 22% faster than the average home is selling in our marketplace. The sellers were thrilled and they wrote a five-star review on Zillow about what we were able to do for them.

Now, what got us to that point? Well, we ended up getting eight different offers. We went through those eight offers with the sellers and they chose which worked best for their needs.

Before we got those eight offers, we had 87 people who came to our Mega Open House, which is the same thing I’m going to do for your home. Now I want to explain how we got 87 people to view the home. Look here… We had 4,200 impressions on Zillow, 1,893 on Trulia and 2,000 on, 3,100 on Facebook, 74 on Instagram, 177 on Twitter and 355 people watched the entire home tour video on YouTube.

Continue that approach throughout your entire presentation. Be sure to include your broker preview, photography and videography, staging and trace the process all the way back to you earning that listing and starting the ball rolling.

When you do this “reverse” presentation, you’re letting your track record work for you. You’re demonstrating your ability to achieve the results they desire. It’s basically all the same information, but presented in a more powerful way.

Also, make sure to include high-quality printouts/fliers of all the information you linked to in your pre-appointment video email – your marketing plan, your “Sold” map, your reviews, your degree of separation, your team photo and descriptions of each person’s role. Leave those materials behind with the homeowner, even if you’ve presented them digitally as part of your presentation. Coaching client Karen Stone from New York City not only uses this “reverse” approach in her listing presentations but also to demonstrate her abilities in her marketing. Check out this postcard she uses:

listing presentation booklet

Below is an example of several of these “differentiators” from my brother Patrick, who sells in San Diego. If you’d like to see all six pages up close and personal, download the PDF here .

listing presentation booklet

5 Tips for Winning Real Estate Listing Presentation

We discussed the critical elements needed for a successful real estate listing presentation. Now, let’s dive into how you can win your listing presentation to gain more clients and close more deals. Explore our five tips to improve your listing presentation today below:

  • Know your customer: Always research your customer before meeting them. This is important because not every client is the same, which means you’ll have to create a new listing presentation for each client to ensure you win them over. Information you should research about your client includes their relationship status, such as whether they’re single or married with a family, where they’re planning on moving, how they want to sell, and the type of offer they want.
  • Know the market, neighborhood, culture, and community: In order to market the seller’s property, you need to have a firm grasp on the market and community associated with their home. How much have homes in the neighborhood sold for recently? What ratings do the schools have? What’s the local crime rate? These are all important questions to have answered before giving your listing presentation.
  • Make sure you are in the right mindset: To ensure you’re in the right mindset before your listing presentation, visualize speaking with your customers before meeting them. Whether that’s the night before while you’re laying in bed or when you’re rehearsing the morning-of in your office, getting in the right mindset can help you gain confidence and clarity about the pitch you’re about to give. It also gives you the opportunity to think of potential questions or concerns that the seller might have during your listing presentation and brainstorm answers.
  • Tell the story: Sellers want to work with real estate agents with a proven track record. To instill trust and confidence in your clients, provide them with data that tells your story, such as, “I’ve been on 62 appointments and 58 people choose to work with me” or “I’ve sold X homes X% over the asking pricing.” With data that validates your claims, sellers will work with you to ensure they get the most money for their homes.
  • Share examples of how you’ve helped customers in similar situations: There are many reasons why someone might be selling their home. Maybe they received a job offer they can’t refuse and have to relocate. Or perhaps they have a new child on the way and need to upgrade to a larger house.

Once you research your client and understand their reasons for selling, craft your listing presentation around that. With examples that show how you’ve helped clients in similar situations sell their homes, they’ll have more trust in your abilities to help them, too.

With these five tips for improving your listing presentation, you’ll be able to win more clients and earn commission from your deals. However, once you deliver your listing presentation, you’re not done. You still have to close the deal, which means it’s time to put together an amazing OPEN HOUSE! 

Final Thoughts On Making A Powerful Real Estate Listing Presentation

Throughout this article, you learned key pieces to creating a successful listing presentation, such as scripts to use for common client questions and ways to reverse your presentation for maximum impact. You also learned tips for winning your realtor listing presentation, such as ways to know your customers, how to tell your story, and getting in the right mindset.

At Tom Ferry, we have the resources to help you succeed in all areas of real estate. Not only do we have an informational podcast with episodes like Three Top Agents Reveal How to Win Every Listing , we also offer real estate coaching to help you hone your skills and grow your business.

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listing presentations for real estate

Listing Presentation Tips

At some point during your Direct Mail campaign, the phone is going to ring with a prospective client on the other end who’s interested in selling their home. In a previous post, we shared some of our top tips for Successfully Following Up with Real Estate Leads . In this post, we will bridge the gap between getting that phone call, and converting your lead into a listing with a winning listing presentation.

listing presentations for real estate

What is a Listing Presentation?

In real estate, a listing presentation demonstrates everything you will do and utilize to market and sell a prospective client’s home. The listing presentation itself can be in print form, like a real estate brochure , or in PDF form.

Regardless of its format, the listing presentation goes a long way in determining whether a client will make the decision to sign a listing agreement with you or another agent. If you are an agent in a competitive  market, how do you differentiate yourself as an expert real estate agent?

listing presentations for real estate

What’s in a Great Listing Presentation?

A great listing presentation boils down to your Value Proposition: demonstrating your expertise, and what you can offer them compared to another real estate agent or team. Here are a few tips that can help you create the best possible listing presentation for your clients.

Proof of Production

Demonstrating expertise to prospective listing clients comes down to proof of production and experience in their industry. When it comes to real estate, the Gold Standard of proof comes in the form of listing (and closing) a home in the same subdivision.

If your listing presentation takes place within your real estate farm , there is a strong chance they are responding to one of your postcard marketing campaigns. Therefore, your presentation should be a more in-depth version of the information you’ve been sending.

Here are some examples of the sections to include to make your listing presentation the best it can be.

A Short Bio

Unless you have an About Me page on your website or social media page, they may not know much about your experience in the industry or who you are.

Your bio should be kept to the basics:

  • How long you have been in the industry;
  • Your ties to the area;
  • Why you love selling real estate;
  • Any relevant certifications or designations

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Marketing Tactics for Listing Homes

There are two distinct avenues when it comes to marketing a home for sale: methods used by every real estate agent, and methods you use.

The latter avenue is where savvy real estate agents demonstrate their unique value proposition, setting themselves apart from other Realtors in the area.

For example, any real estate agent can list a home on their region’s MLS, and put a For Sale Sign on the front lawn. 

Going above and beyond, and being willing to spend money on their behalf, is where great real estate agents separate themselves from the average. Notable marketing offerings include:

  • A substaintial database of buyer contacts.
  • An extensive list of vendors that can help them get their home ready for showings.
  • Hiring a professional photographer to take photos that will go on the MLS and additional real estate marketing materials .
  • Hosting Open Houses (you’d be amazed at how many real estate agents dislike hosting them).
  • Video and Virtual Tours

This is by no means an extensive list, but the more value you can offer to a listing client, the more likely they will choose you as their agent.

listing presentations for real estate

Do Your Homework and Double-Check

One of the reasons you send postcards and market to a particular area is because you know the area, and consider yourself an expert within a specific community. However, has anything changed since you started your farming campaign ? Has turnover or the average sale price dipped or spiked in the last few weeks or months? 

Doing your homework also applies to your clients themselves. Thanks to search engines or social media, 

By doing your homework ahead of time, you avoid the possibility of contradicting yourself during your presentation.

listing presentation

Professional Image is a Must

Presenting a professional image is important during every step of the real estate transaction and organization will set you free. Let’s compare two real estate agents:

  • Agent Alpha: Agent prepares a clean, colorful, and professional listing presentation via PowerPoint, and brings at least two (2) tablets with the slideshow uploaded for convenient viewing.
  • Agent Beta: Agent brings a stack of loose leaf documents, printed in gray-scale or black and white, with grainy images and graphs.

Agent Beta may be the greatest salesperson in the world, but taking the extra time to create a professional image for your presentation improves your chances of gaining your prospective client’s trust and attention.

listing presentation

Provide Valuable Information

Once you have established yourself as a real estate agent who knows how to convert listings, your listing presentation should shift its focus into your prospective client’s specific needs. The best way to provide this information is through graphs, charts, and other pertinent statistics regarding their home.

As you go through the various data points, make sure to make eye contact, and read their reactions. If they interject, stop talking and listen carefully . It’s incredibly easy to stay in sales mode, and if you make your prospective client(s) feel like you’re not listening, you reduce your chances of earning a listing. 

Be Honest in Your Listing Presentation

The most important reasons to provide your clients with cold, hard facts in your presentation are transparency and honesty . Savvy real estate agents have encountered numerous prospects who think their home is worth more than what the market dictates.

Since honesty is the key to building any relationship, the worst thing you can do is provide false hope that you can sell their home for more than the market norm. Even if they choose to go with a different agent, there will always be another opportunity.

Final Touches

At the end, ask them if they have any questions. If you presented a slideshow on a tablet, offer to email the presentation to them. You can also offer to add them to your email list, and let them know that you will follow up in the near future. 

When you hop into your car, take a few moments to think about how you did. Open up the voice recorder on your smartphone, and if you have any thoughts or notes regarding your presentation. These notes can help you with future listings, and help you polish your skills.

Follow-Up and Feedback

You’ve given it your all, and now it is up to your prospects to make a decision. A gentle thank-you email is a nice touch, and will demonstrate your enthusiasm for helping them sell their home. 

If they opt for a different agent, don’t take it personally. Instead, ask them for feedback on how you did with your presentation. This will not only help you improve your skills, but could also set you up for future listings, especially if the agent they chose doesn’t deliver.

A quality Listing postcard is a great way to show proof during your Listing Presentation, and Wise Pelican makes it easy. You can create a free account with no credit card to see how Wise Pelican works by clicking here .

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listing presentation booklet

  • 70 Skills Challenge

The Ultimate Listing Presentation

listing presentation booklet

Ted Greenhough

  • March 24, 2021

listing presentation booklet

Have you ever lost a listing to another agent and had the seller tell you it came down to a coin toss?

“We really liked what you both had to say, and it was a very difficult decision. Thank you so much for your time!”

That’s a kick in the guts. I’d rather be told that the other agent was ten times as good as me. At least that’s a clear explanation. 🥺

There are two potential reasons for the coin toss explanation:

  • The clients are being kind and trying to let you down easy, or;
  • It really was a coin toss.

A coin toss doesn’t necessarily mean you both had equally strong presentations. Actually, it’s far more likely that they were equally unconvincing, and the seller picked the agent “they felt more comfortable with.” Have you ever heard that kick-in-the-guts?

But a powerful, convincing presentation will overcome “who they like better” every time.

The Amateur Presentation

A CMA on its own is not a presentation. You’re supposed to be trying to convince people to hire you, not merely determining the price. The CMA is just one piece of a large puzzle.

I’ve seen probably 50 REALTOR® listing presentations, and most of them simply did not have a convincing explanation of why the seller should hire that agent over any other agent. 

When it comes to a one-on-one pitch to sell your services and potentially earn a five-figure commission from a single transaction, the lack of professionalism in our industry is astounding to me. Sorry. Not sorry. 😲

I mean, think about it, first name. You worked very hard to get to the kitchen table, ready to make your pitch to get the listing. And now you’re leaving this last and most vital step up to a coin toss?

That’s like hitting an in-field homer and then deciding to walk from third to home base. 

Watch the Demonstration

It’s not nearly as difficult as you might think to produce a highly impactful, educational presentation that builds trust and rapport, and blows every other agent out of the water. And, here’s the most important part:

It’s about much more than merely winning more listings. 🤔

My clients were often so impressed with my presentation they started recommending me to their family and friends before I had even listed their property. Then, they were way more cooperative with me throughout the process, looking to me with respect and following my advice, having already established myself as an expert during the listing presentation.

That means the listing itself was more successful, my clients were thrilled , and I got more referrals.

That’s the opposite of a vicious cycle! 😆

Would you like to see my presentation? Simply reply to this email, and I’ll send you a Zoom link to watch it from start to finish, beginning at 9:30 a.m. (MST) tomorrow, March 26.

You’ll notice a few things that are unique about my presentation. For example, I never once mention myself or my accomplishments. Why? Because nobody cares. 

My presentation is all about educating and creating trust and rapport.

See you tomorrow!

This article was inspired by module #14 – The Ultimate Listing presentation – part of the Agent Skills Master’s Program . 

In ‘The Ultimate Listing Presentation,’ I explain step-by-step how to create a powerfully persuasive and personalized slide presentation, including six major segments: The Market, The Price, Preparation, Marketing, Communication, and Negotiation. Never lose a listing you want, ever again. Here’s another article inspired by the same module: How to Educate Your Clients

4 thoughts on “The Ultimate Listing Presentation”

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Please send me “The Ultimate Listing Presenation!”

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Hi Rick. I actually teach you how to create your own in the Master’s Program! Are you the Rick Hunter from Battle Creek, Michigan?

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Is it possible for me to get a copy of your ” The Ultimate Listing Presentation”?

Hi Richard, Sorry, but this is something I send to members when they’ve completed my course. However, if you’d like to sign up for the weekly Real Agent Memo, here is a link. Just scroll to the bottom.

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The Ultimate Listing Presentation

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The Ultimate Listing Presentation Perfect Paperback – October 4, 2006

  • Print length 216 pages
  • Language English
  • Publisher Favorite Agent Publishing
  • Publication date October 4, 2006
  • Dimensions 5.25 x 0.5 x 8.25 inches
  • ISBN-10 0977043819
  • ISBN-13 978-0977043811
  • See all details

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About the author, product details.

  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Favorite Agent Publishing; First Edition (October 4, 2006)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Perfect Paperback ‏ : ‎ 216 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0977043819
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0977043811
  • Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 10.4 ounces
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 5.25 x 0.5 x 8.25 inches
  • #6,785 in Real Estate Investments (Books)

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