AI Proofreader

Our online proofreader improves your writing like an expert.

Use Wordvice AI’s free online proofreader to perfect your English writing in any document. Instantly proofread any text; fix grammar, spelling, punctuation, and style errors; and receive vocabulary corrections and grammar tips to enhance your writing skills. The free AI Proofreader makes editing quick and painless, helping you avoid language mistakes and improve your writing impact.

What is an AI proofreading tool?

A proofreading tool edits and proofreads writing in real time to correct any remaining grammar, spelling, punctuation, and mechanics errors. Using AI-powered technology, it offers a reliable and affordable way to instantly improve your writing and communication skills. Proofreading is the final step of editing before publication, so your writing needs to be as strong and clear as possible. An online proofreader like Wordvice AI puts the power of expert editing in your hands, allowing you to improve your written work before sending it to journals, reviewers, or professors.

Why choose the Wordvice AI Proofreader?

Our free proofreader helps you improve your documents by increasing fluency, clarity, and flow in your writing. Whether you need to review your paper for language errors or simplify a wordy paragraph, Wordvice AI’s free proofreader is your go-to AI writing and editing tool.

The Wordvice AI proofreading tool improves writing by increasing fluency, clarity, and flow

Comprehensive proofreading and editing

Wordvice AI is powered by the latest AI language models, giving you online proofreading that is proven to enhance your writing. Our proofreader is trained on millions of academic documents and can apply nuanced revisions nearly at the level of a professional proofreader.

English style editing for more natural vocabulary

Our free proofreader identifies awkward or unusual terms and phrases in your text and replaces them with more appropriate words, elevating the impact of your writing without altering your intended meaning. It also rearranges sentence structure to enhance clarity.

proofread sentences with revised text in bold blue font, wordvice logo in the corner

Helpful feedback on grammar and style issues

Marginal comments explain revisions and provide grammar tips, helping you improve your writing skills in ways most proofreading software apps do not.

How to Use the AI Proofreading Tool

Before entering any text into our online proofreader, apply the revision settings that best suit your needs.

Select your proofreading mode

Choose from four proofreading modes to match the amount and type of revision needed to correct your writing.

How to Use the Wordvice AI Proofreader? Select from one of 4 modes

Light proofreading

Basic AI proofreading to correct errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, and mechanics without changing the meaning or message of your content. Perfect for work that just needs a final check before submission.

The Wordvice AI proofreading tool's light mode corrects errors without changing content

Standard proofreading

Proofreading and error check, plus style and copy editing, including vocabulary changes and light rephrasing to correct awkward or unclear terms and expressions. Sharpen your writing without changing the meaning of your text. Ideal for revising your first draft.

Intensive proofreading

AI proofreading and substantive editing, including vocabulary changes, rephrasing, and restructuring of sentences for more natural expression and improved readability, clarity, and flow. It’s like having your own personal content editor.

intensive proofreading tool example, paragraphs with blue underlined text and blue bolded text

Concise proofreading

Text-shortening tool that makes your text more concise and to the point while retaining your meaning. Reduce the length of sentences to meet your document’s word count limit or to sharpen your writing in emails, copy, and other documents where brevity matters.

Need your document edited by a professional human editor?

Sometimes you want an expert to help polish your important written work. While our AI writing and editing tools offer instant free revision, we also provide two levels of proofreading by professional human editors.

  • Use Wordvice AI’s Human Proofreading Service when you need affordable proofreading and basic style editing by human editors with a quick turnaround time. Great for polishing important work with a human touch when you need it.
  • Get Wordvice’s Professional English Editing Services for comprehensive style editing and proofreading by native English speakers with advanced degrees in your paper’s subject area. Receive detailed feedback on content and language issues. Perfect for research documents bound for publication in journals.

Choose Your Document Type

Instantly correct any kind of document. Select from several document types to ensure that your content is revised with appropriate language and conventions.

Who should use our AI proofreading tool?

Our free proofreader is useful for all writers!

Researchers need an online proofreader…

…to help them create polished research papers, journal articles, manuscripts, and dissertations and get their work published in top journals.

Students can use AI proofreading services…

…to draft application essays, CVs and resumes, class assignments, and term papers that will impress admissions officials and help them achieve their academic goals.

Authors and businesses rely on a document proofreader…

…to revise important marketing content, blog articles, reports, and creative texts that will wow their audiences and increase revenue.

Wordvice AI Proofreader FAQ

Here are some frequently asked questions about our proofreading tool.

  • Why should I use an online proofreader for documents? An online proofreading tool provides writers with a fast and efficient way to enhance their writing, and they are quickly becoming a crucial tool for correcting all kinds of text. They not only correct grammar and spelling errors but also help improve the overall clarity and coherence of your text. Using large language models and natural language processing technology, online proofreaders provide suggestions that can elevate your writing style, making it more engaging and professional. Whether you are crafting an important email, an academic paper, or a college essay, using an AI proofreading tool ensures that your message is conveyed clearly, accurately, and impactfully while saving you time.
  • What is the best free AI proofreader? The best online proofreading tool will provide error detection, user-friendly interfaces, and the ability to proofread various types of documents. Accuracy in identifying grammatical, punctuation, and spelling mistakes is crucial. Some proofreaders (like Wordvice AI) also include style corrections, revision modes to control the output of your writing, and feedback that explains the revision of the proofreader. The Wordvice Al Proofreader uses the most advanced language models to instantly fix grammar, spelling, punctuation, and style errors in your text. It is equipped to handle a variety of writing styles, including academic, admissions, business, creative, and web content. Our free AI proofreader also provides grammar tips and writing suggestions to improve vocabulary and style to accompany the specific proofreading mode you choose: Light , Standard , Intensive , or Concise .
  • How does Wordvice AI’s proofreading tool work? To get instant proofreading online for any kind of text, simply register with Wordvice AI, enter your text into the left side of the text box, choose your revision mode and document type, and click the "Proofread" button. If you would like different output text, you can simply change the revision mode and/or document type and click the "Proofread" button again. Note that the Basic plan is limited to fewer modes and fewer words of uploaded text. Upgrade to a Premium plan to unlock all revision modes and get nearly unlimited monthly submissions.
  • Can Wordvice AI replace a human proofreader? An AI proofreader can significantly complement but not fully replace a human proofreader. While Wordvice AI’s tools excel in identifying and correcting grammatical, spelling, and basic syntactical errors, they can’t quite match the nuanced understanding of context and tone that human proofreaders possess. While AI proofreading software can be invaluable for quick, basic edits, human oversight remains crucial for in-depth, context-sensitive proofreading. If you need editing and proofreading after the drafting stage of your essay or paper, use Wordvice’s professional English proofreading services . Our subject experts will polish your writing and give your paper that human touch that only a qualified editor can provide.
  • How much does the AI Proofreader cost? Wordvice AI’s online proofreader is free to use after registering. Simply create an account and enter your information to get started with instant revision of your work. You can also upgrade to a Premium plan to get more features and extended access to AI proofreading tools, including Intensive and Concise revision modes, which provide more in-depth writing assistance. See the Wordvice AI Pricing page for details on plans and a comparison of proofreading tools and features.
  • Can your proofreading tool detect plagiarism? While our proofreading solution cannot detect plagiarism in your document, our AI plagiarism detector tool is capable of detecting plagiarism in any academic text. It combs through millions of journal articles in online databases to find instances where your work might have borrowed from other sources. The AI Plagiarism Checker is included with a subscription to Wordvice AI Premium .
  • What is the turnaround time of the AI Proofreader? Our proofreading tool can edit any text in just a few seconds. It is perfect for correcting your work while drafting essays, research papers, and other documents. For more extensive editing and a human touch, use our English editing services (including essay proofreading and paper proofreading ) and select turnaround times from 9 hours to 7 days.
  • Is your online proofreader safe and secure for my documents? Any documents and text you submit to Wordvice AI are completely secure and confidential. Our site uses advanced encryption standards to protect your work and personal information. For more information about how we collect and store data, see our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service .
  • What apps can the AI Proofreader be used on? Wordvice AI currently has an MS Word add-in, with a Chrome extension under development. The MS Word add-in allows users to edit any text within their Microsoft Word document and includes the same proofreading functions and comment features as our online tool. Learn more about how to use the Wordvice AI add-in for MS Word .
  • How can I get professional proofreading and editing services? Sometimes you need an expert editor to take a look at your writing and ensure it is free of style errors, awkward wording, and unnatural phrasing. Fortunately, in addition to our free proofreading website, Wordvice offers professional proofreading services for any kind of document. Whether you are submitting a journal manuscript for publication, a statement of purpose for graduate school, or a resume for a professional position, Wordvice has you covered for all your editing needs.
  • - AI Paraphraser : instantly rephrase and sharpen your sentences
  • - AI Text Summarizer : turn the main points of your writing into a bulleted summary
  • - AI Translator : features the best AI language translation currently available
  • - AI Plagiarism Checker : check for plagiarism in any document
  • Features for Creative Writers
  • Features for Work
  • Features for Higher Education
  • Features for Teachers
  • Features for Non-Native Speakers
  • Learn Blog Grammar Guide Community Events FAQ
  • Grammar Guide

Free Online Proofreader

Perfect your writing with ProWritingAid's proofreading tool. Try it now for polished, error-free text.

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Our writing tool goes beyond proofreading

In addition to basic proofreading, ProWritingAid has over 25 tailored reports to help improve your writing.



Sentence structure

Overused words

Transition use

Inclusive language

Homonym confusion

Sentence length variety

Business jargon

Predicted read time

...and more!

It’s just like having a real-life writing coach

Some reports provide quick grammar suggestions. Others go in depth and help you improve the strength and readability of your text.


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Our proofreading tool works wherever you do

We seamlessly integrate across all the apps you use, whether they’re on the desktop or online.

Proofreader FAQs

1. does prowritingaid autocorrect.

ProWritingAid provides recommendations so you can identify and correct writing errors. You have complete control over whether to accept or ignore these suggestions.

2. Can I proofread emails and social media posts?

Yes. As a matter of fact, ProWritingAid's browser extensions work across almost all websites and online apps, including Gmail, LinkedIn, and Google Docs.

3. How can ProWritingAid help?

ProWritingAid helps with a variety of writing tasks. It corrects grammar, spelling, and punctuation, while also enhancing vocabulary variety and more.

4. Is ProWritingAid free?

A free account allows you to edit up to 500 words at a time. If you want to edit larger documents, upgrading is necessary. You can find more information on our pricing page .

5. Can ProWritingAid paraphrase?

Yes! You can rewrite sentences with a single click using Rephrase. See multiple options to reword any sentence.

6. Does ProWritingAid have a plagiarism checker?

Yes! ProWritingAid’s plagiarism checker will check your work against over a billion webpages, published works, and academic papers, so you can be sure of its originality. Find out more about pricing for plagiarism checks here .

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The free AI proofreader

Improve your writing with our free online proofreading tool. Harness the power of artificial intelligence to fix grammar mistakes, spelling errors, and enhance your writing style. Ideal for students, professionals, and anyone looking to polish their text.

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Online proofreading and copy-editing services

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Online proofreading services

Produce great content regardless of whether you’re writing a book, a business presentation, an academic article or an email. Learn more

Cut 30% off your writing time

Use Wordy to copy-edit, proofread or even rewrite your text quickly and consistently, so you can focus on what you do best. Learn more

56 subject fields covered

Copy-editing services from experts in 56 subject fields – academic, corporate, non-fiction, lifestyle, banking and more. Learn more

First-language editors in all major time zones

Manage jobs in real-time with an expert proofreader and editor in your time zone – from GMT to PDT. Learn more

Built for one file format: yours

Process 11 major file formats – including MS Word, PowerPoint, Excel, PDF, LaTeX, Google Docs and others. Learn more

Copy-editor NDAs and secure file handling

Work only with copy-editors under a strict non-disclosure agreement and store all your files behind 256-bit security. Learn more

All online proofreading and copy-editing services on Wordy are done by professional, first-language editors based in the UK, US, and Australia. Each job has its own webpage with a messaging system, so that you can get in touch with your editor – and they with you – at any point in the process. This is great for last-minute changes or when signing off on a job. The messaging page stays open for up to three days after the editor has delivered the job, so if you have any questions – ask them!

Especially online proofreading and copy-editing services are all about understanding the context and concept of your text, and adhering to the tone of voice and rules you’ve already laid down when you send through your document. In our humble opinion, it really takes a skilled, intelligent editor to make the best of your text and ready it for publication. We do rely heavily on technology to make job processing and assigning on Wordy as straightforward as possible, but when it comes to online proofreading, it’s all about good old elbow grease. There aren’t any secrets to it; just the accumulated editing experience of more than 2,000 years. Wordy adheres to the professional and ethical standards laid out by the Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading in the UK and The American Copy Editors Society in the US.

If you’re representing a company or an educational institution, the chances are that you’re not used to paying per delivery for your proofreading services, but instead receive an invoice once a month for the jobs you’ve actually processed. We can set up an open credit account for you, which will invoice individual users of the account or an account owner. We’re also here to step in as account managers, if you want to set up a copy-editor team to handle all your jobs or upload a house style you’d like us to follow. Do get in touch if you want to know more about our credit accounts for companies and educational institutions.

We provide online proofreading and copy-editing services to clients from all over the world, but as a company we are located in London. That means that tech support and client support are there for you during UK business hours, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. GMT – and as quickly as possible the following business day. In short, we’ll reply to your questions or comments as fast as we can, but do note that headquarters staff need our beauty sleep, too. Proofreaders are, of course, available 24/7.

Several things are taken into account. First, how many words does the document contain? Second, are you requesting just proofreading and editing or additional services, such as rewriting or an express delivery? The cost also increases if you have a house style guide that you want editors to refer to, or if you restrict the availability of your job to a team of editors that you have selected. The best way to get an estimated turnaround time for your document is to upload it for an instant price quote and approximate delivery time .  If the turnaround time and quote are acceptable, you can continue with the purchase and place the order. If not, no further commitment is required.

Most of Wordy’s larger proofreading clients are invoiced for their usage at the end of each month. If an account has multiple users, we can invoice each user separately, or send the invoice to a single point of contact – for example accounts payable. Standard payment terms are 30 days net. We’re happy to help you set up your account, add additional users, upload your house style (if applicable) and set up an editor/proofreader team. In addition, we’ll be happy to sign a service-level agreement (SLA) and/or non-disclosure agreement if necessary. You can read more on the Privacy Policy page , Pricing page , and the editor guides pages for either UK English or US English . To discuss your requirements, please get in touch .

First, we check with you exactly what the problem is. If you have an issue with the quality of the proofreading, editing or rewriting – if you found a number of mistakes, for example – we will remove the editor from the job and forward the text to one of our head editors for a review. If we agree that the text does contain errors, we will ask you if you want a new editor to go through the text again in response to your feedback. We may offer you a full or partial refund based on the number of errors and inconsistencies we find in the edit. Please note that we don’t consider deliveries made later than the approximate delivery time as grounds for a refund. The actual delivery time will depend on the quality of the original text and the file format. To check on progress, you can, of course, always get in touch with your editor via a message on the job page and ask them to let you know when you can expect the job to be completed.

  • Editor guide (UK)
  • Editor guide (US)
  • Editor guide (DE)
  • Writer’s workshop
  • Word count tool
  • Proofreading marks
  • Proofreading
  • Proofreading online
  • Proofreading services
  • Copy-editing
  • Copy-editing services
  • Privacy policy
  • Terms of use for clients
  • Terms of use for editors
  • Non-disclosure agreement

Free Proofreading Checker Online

Get spelling, grammar, and stylistic corrections for your English text using Sapling's free proofreading checker .

AI-Powered Suggestions

Sapling was developed by researchers at the following institutions:

English Varieties

Need a different dialect or variety of English? Sapling supports the following through its integrations .

  • American English
  • British English
  • Canadian English
  • Australian English

Multilingual Proofreading Tool

안녕하세요. Bonjour. Salut. Yes, Sapling supports all these languages and more. Click on any of the options below.

Features & Benefits

Proof your writing for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. Catch typos and polish your writing. Use this page to proofread your text on your computer, tablet or mobile phone device. Beyond simple errors, Sapling will also help you keep your writing fluent, concise and idiomatic. Sapling's goal is to save you time on editing and proofreading your docuemnts and messaging.

Save Time Polishing Your Writing

Sapling runs almost everywhere you write. Instead of copy-editing and scanning for errors after finishing a piece of writing, use Sapling to instead get real-time suggestions as you write. Boost your productivity with Sapling by spending more time communicating and less time reviewing.

More Accurate and General Suggestions

Sapling's free grammar checker is an AI writing assistant that suggest edits from large neural network-based language models. These models effectively learn how language works from millions of example sentences. Sapling's AI accurately gives more suggestions than many other grammar checkers that rely on rule-based heuristics. See one comparison here .

Online Word Counter

This page will instantly count the number of words in your text. Use this to assess your words per minute (WPM) typing or writing rate. You can also obtain a word count from document or text editors like Microsoft Word, Google Docs, and Pages, under "Tools" → "Word Count".

Free Grammar Check Across Platforms

Those that want correct grammar can use Sapling to check grammar for free. The AI-powered writing assistant will act as a real-time instant proofreader, including for correcting punctuation such as missing commas. This is a tool to ensure that your communication is error-free and well-written. Sapling integrates with many platforms to ensure that you have a writing assistant at your disposal, whether you are working on an important email, presentation, or instant messaging support. We support all the internet platforms you write on: Gmail, LinkedIn, Salesforce, Zendesk, and hundreds of other sites.

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Working on documents

Meet Scribendi’s Managing Editor

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As Scribendi’s Managing Editor with over 10 years of professional editing experience and several related degrees, Erin Ward leads the Scribendi editorial in the pursuit of high-quality writing. She believes that editing is both an art and a crucial part of the writing process.

In addition to strong technical knowledge, editors at Scribendi regularly engage with language to such a depth that they possess an almost instinctive understanding of flow. This is where the artistry of editing comes into play.

Our focus on the following policies makes us the world’s best editorial team:


World-Class Editing and Proofreading at Your Fingertips World-Class Editing and Proofreading at Your Fingertips World-Class Editing and Proofreading at Your Fingertips

Professional editors.

Our real, human editors are experts in various fields. Our hand picked team underwent a rigorous selection process and is supported by the latest technologies.

Privacy Protected

We use bank-grade security standards to protect your work. Your document's security is important. We understand this, and we keep it safe.

Lightning-Fast Turnarounds

Our streamlined process allows for the return of your edited and proofread document in as little as 4 hours. Select the turnaround that fits your deadline.

Quality Assured (ISO Certified)

We strive for customer satisfaction. Our Quality Assurance process for our editing and proofreading services is rigorous, and all of our processes are independently verified according to global standards.

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English is not my first language. I need English editing and proofreading so that I sound like a native speaker.

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I need to have my essay, project, assignment, or term paper edited and proofread.

I want to sound professional and to get hired. I have a resume, letter, email, or personal document that I need to have edited and proofread.

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online document proofreading


Publish confidently by proofreading to perfection


“Writing without revising is the literary equivalent of waltzing gaily out of the house in your underwear.” — Patricia Fuller

We’re pretty open-minded, but we generally recommend that writing be at least partially dressed before sharing it with the world.

Now that just about everyone is a writer, just about everyone is a proofreader too, when you think about it. Which is why we believe now is the time to get clear about what exactly proofreading entails in our modern world.

What is proofreading?

Proofreading refers to carefully checking for writing and formatting errors in a text before it’s published. It’s the final step in making sure a piece of writing is as close to “perfect” as possible by double-checking for punctuation and spelling errors, typos, and any inconsistencies. The most important purpose of writing is to communicate your thoughts effectively. This, however, is better suited for the editing phase, not the proofreading phase. While proofreaders will check for clarity in consistency, they’re more focused on minor errors that may have slipped through. When you proofread, you evaluate the content in what will be its final, published form, or a proof. (Get it now?) Proofreaders look at more than just the words — they’re scanning for any formatting errors as well. Proofreading marks are either made on paper, or in comments and digital notes in Google Docs and word processing software, to alert the writer of suggested corrections within a document. There are both US and UK English conventions for proofreading. The final step of any personal or business writing process, proofreading is the process of identifying and correcting spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors.

The difference between proofreading and editing

It’s important to note that proofreading and editing are not the same. Editing involves a different skill set and is usually more time-consuming. Though there are various stages to the entire editing process, copy editing and proofreading are the two most common. Coincidentally, they’re also the two that get mixed up the most. Though developmental, structural, and line editing all deserve their time and place , they’re seen less frequently in the world of digital content creation. These parts of the editing process are better reserved for lengthier works, such as books, investigative journalism, essays, instructional works, and magazine articles. The terms copy editing and proofreading are often used interchangeably by those not familiar with the space. These two are not the same, though, and it’s crucial to be aware of their differences if you’re anyone working with written content.

Copy editing Copy editing takes place before proofreading and involves a more thorough shake down of the content at hand. Copy editors will look for things such as readability, grammar, spelling, style, syntax, and punctuation depending on what style guide they’re following. In this stage of the editing process, it’s okay to offer revisions that will require additional writing.

Examples of what a copy editor might comment: Point out wordy sentences, suggest change in word choice, fix punctuation marks in a sentence.

Proofreading Proofreading occurs after copy editing. Though proofreaders look for grammar and punctuation, they’re also focused on the overall formatting of the piece. They’re the last set of eyes before publication, so it’s their job to ensure the text is as close to perfect as it can get. No drastic changes will happen here — that’s the job of all the editors who came before.

Examples of what a proofreader might comment: Fix bad line breaks, change improper punctuation, point out incorrect page numbers.

How to proofread

Traditionally, proofreading is meant to be a relatively rapid and focused process of making sure writing is free of minor errors, such as typos that may have occurred during a more rigorous round of editing. For online publishing and blogging — which often includes transferring of content from a word processing document to a CMS (content management system) — proofreading includes making sure that formatting is correct. Adhering to a style guide — whether that be the Associated Press Stylebook , Chicago Manual of Style , or your own — is another vital part of the process. Consistency is key, and proofreaders need to be aware of what rules to follow for the given copy.

Common things to double-check when proofreading

  • Links function properly and direct readers to the right pages
  • Words — especially names and organizations — are spelled correctly
  • Formatting appears as it was intended — bolds, italics, indentations, new paragraphs, and fonts are correct
  • Proper punctuation is used throughout
  • Capitalization is correct
  • No “bad breaks,” such as widows or orphans
  • Helpful information such as an FAQ section exists
  • Consistent tenses throughout the piece
  • No subject-verb agreement issues
  • Headline or email subject is clear
  • Citations match the brand style guide
  • No misplaced or misused commas
  • Voice and style are consistent throughout

When is the best time to proofread text?

The best time to proofread is during every project’s final stage, after revisions are done and copy editing has been completed. Proofreading is the last step. If you’re wondering what time is the best, we advise after morning coffee and before your deadline. Because the proofreading process is intended to be the final step before publishing or hitting “send,” the changes should be relatively minor — meaning, catching typos or errors that may have slipped by. In other words, proofreading is not the phase where you should be completely reworking a paragraph or changing the direction of your main points. Proofreading is not the time to decide that you’ve changed your stance on an important topic — that kind of change should happen during the initial planning, thesis-writing, or outline phase of your writing. In this stage, you also shouldn’t completely overhaul a piece of writing from, say, a 1,500-word blog post to a 3,000-word help article. That work should have been done during the developmental editing phase.

Top proofreading techniques and tricks

Ask someone else to proofread for you Get a pair of fresh eyes on your writing. After spending so much time on your work, you’ll be apt to accidentally glaze over errors and typographical errors. It’s like a crooked painting in your house — you don’t notice it until someone else points it out. If you have to proofread your own work, step away Close your document, shut down your computer, and take a break from staring at the screen for a few hours (the longer, the better). Go for a walk, sip some coffee, and you’ll have a fresher set of eyes when you return. Focus on one thing at a time When you’re on high-alert for every type of proofing error, it’s easier to miss some mistakes. Instead, try combing a paper only for punctuation, then again for spelling mistakes, and so on. Come back to it if you’re tired Don’t ever try to proofread at the end of the day when your attention span is nil, and all you want to do is sleep. Sleep on it and try again in the morning. Proofreading with a set of sleepy eyes is as good as not proofreading at all. Print it out Editing a hard copy — and not a digital one — will help you see your writing from a different perspective. It feels different, and putting pen to paper feels more substantive and also satisfying. Read it out loud Reading your own writing out loud is a great way to catch any misspelled words or wonky sentences you might’ve missed before. While it might feel funny at first, you’ll find yourself noticing things such as run-on sentences that you wouldn’t have otherwise when reading it silently. Allot two days to proofread Ideally, proofreading should happen at least two days before a deadline. This ensures that you’ll have enough time to implement changes with one more round of proofing to come. Take into consideration the length of your writing — the longer it is, the longer proofing will take. Use an AI proofreading tool You can use an AI writing assistant to help with proofreading digital content. Nowadays, the top ones on the market are programmed to catch spelling, grammatical errors, and some even help you adhere to your style guide . For example, Writer uses AI to catch and correct common writing mistakes — as well as ones personal to your company’s style guide — and ensure your text is ready to share. Proofreading example Editors and professional proofreaders usually check a printed “proof copy” of the text and make corrections using specialized marks. In the digital realm, proofreaders work with AI writing assistants. Most of these online proofreading and editing services also include plagiarism checkers to identify duplicate content on the web and provide an efficient solution for the publication.

Improve your proofreading skills with Writer

With edits occurring more frequently in the “tracked changes” on Microsoft Word or in suggestions on shared Google Docs, proofreaders find themselves doing their job digitally. And in a world flooded with copy and content, it’s crucial to ensure your words stand out, for all the right reasons. Writer is much more than just a spell check — think of it as your very own professional proofreader. And if you’re looking to implement language and content consistency company-wide, Writer has that too. Take your proofreading up a notch by publishing a living, breathing style guide that Writer implements almost anywhere you produce copy. With terminology management , custom writing style rules, snippets, and more, you don’t ever have to worry about your content being flooded with errors.

Illustration by Daniel Zender

Level-up your writing with Writer, your very own proofreader.

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Rated 9.7/10 from 25,000+ clients, need proofreading , editing , or translation , our award-winning team is available 24/7..

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Available 24/7, 100% satisfaction guaranteed, maximilian z..

Reliable and high-quality proofreading for good prices!

Annalisa Baldissera

Excellent service. By the way, my paper has been accepted. Thank you.

You did a great job editing my paper! I really appreciated their added suggestions, which will ultimately help me grow as a writer.

Manal Sadeq

Your proofreading work was done in a short time and accurately.

Katja Reposalmi has the best, educated professionals who'll get the best results whatever the client might need!

Marianne Song

The punctuality, style, professional notes, and prompt feedback are unrivaled, super!

I Googled and found your company. The best thing is that you offer a short-term service for a reasonable price. Therefore all my lab will now use your company. :)

The service is fast and reliable and produces excellent quality. This saved me while I was under the pressure of a major time crunch. I was very pleased also that the cost was quite reasonable. I’ve used the services on multiple occasions and have recommended it to friends and colleagues.

Daniel Burgos

Fast, reliable, thorough. Thanks for the support.

Whenever I got service, the scientific journals directly accepted the usage of the language. Thank you very much for your efforts. is dependable and delivers quality work for a fair price within the contracted time or early. There aren’t delays of any kind. I have used many times and I have always been satisfied. I recommend it in a blink of an eye.

Katrin Schlund

It was a great service and high quality proofreading. :)

What a great job and wonderful feedback. Thank you! Will use you again.

You are the best around.

Great service! Good communication, excellent timing.

Sean Seymour-Dowd

Quick, high quality. I really appreciate the comments and the little extra research they do.

Great quality; easy-to-work-with UI; added comments to (suggested) changes; lots of delivery time options; always delivered on time, sometimes even considerably sooner.

I trusted to review my plays twice. They go beyond proofreading and make excellent suggestions regarding clarity, flow, word choice, etc. Great work!

The orders are completed on time. Customer service acknowledges you are a human with human concerns and needs by answering promptly and politely.

We are an award-winning team of professional editors and proofreaders that supports +25,000 clients in +100 countries.

We also offer translation services in any language.

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Used by +25,000 professionals in +100 countries

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Amy Lynn Steele

Author of teach me.

“Thank you so much for the fantastic work! I am impressed with my experience. I, of course, would love to pass your name on! I look forward to working with you and your team in the future!”


Paul Burton

Creator of quietspacing.

“I've used for several years. They have always delivered a great product back to me in a timely manner. I will be using them more in the future.”

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Professional Proofreading Services

Proofed’s top-rated proofreading services help you complete your work with confidence, knowing the writing is error-free and flows well from start to finish.

A skyline of skyscrapers.

Clear, Concise Writing

Our proofreading service is all about making sure you can communicate your meaning as clearly and effectively as possible. This makes it great for putting a final polish on your work. Whether you’re submitting an academic paper or publishing a book, our proofreaders have you covered.

What Our Proofreading Services Include

Our professional proofreading service includes the following:

  • Correcting grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
  • Tweaking sentences to ensure that they flow smoothly
  • Adapting vocabulary to suit the document type and purpose
  • Removing repetition and editing for concision
  • Fixing inconsistencies, including in capitalisation and punctuation 
  • Highlighting unclear sentences and suggesting corrections
  • Where applicable, checking that citations and references are clear and correct

Make sure your writing is the best it can be with our expert English proofreading and editing

Proofreading Services Example (After Editing)

A Dedicated Team Of Expert Editors Working 24/7, 365 Days A Year

We pair you with the perfect proofreader based on your document type and subject matter. This ensures that you’re always matched with an editor ideally suited to your writing.

Editor - Jayne L

Expert Editor

Editor - Samira M

How We Work

Lightning-fast delivery.

You’ll never miss a deadline with our speedy services: our Next-Day Guarantee means we’ll return any document up to 8,000 words long within 24 hours.

And if you need a faster turnaround, simply select your desired delivery speed when you submit your document. We have three options:

We can also meet custom deadlines! Just let us know what you need. 

* For documents up to 8,000 words

** For documents up to 3,000 words

Great Pricing

Our pricing is affordable and transparent – the cost is based on the exact length of your document. Check out our pricing calculator for an instant quote, and rest assured that you’ll receive the highest quality proofreading and editing for the best value on the market.

All Major Formats

Our system supports over 15 document formats, making it easy to submit content for proofreading and editing. Click the link below to find out more about how we’ll work with your document.

Learn More About Formats

Subject-Matter Experts

Our team of over 750 professional editors includes experts on thousands of topics. As a result, we can pair you with the perfect proofreader for your writing, no matter the subject.

24-Hour Support

Our support team is available around the clock to address any concerns or questions you have about your order. This means you’ll never be left in the dark, no matter where you are or what time it is.

Select Your Profile

I need student proofreading services for my college or university work

  • Dissertation
  • Admission Essay
  • Literature Review
  • PhD Proposal
  • Statement Of Purpose

I need proofreading and editing for my research or related writing

  • Research Proposal
  • Research Paper
  • Journal Article
  • Grant Proposal

My business has documents or content that needs proofreading and editing

  • AI-Generated Content
  • Website Content
  • Presentation
  • Business Plan

I need an editor or proofreader for my writing project

  • Short Story


I need proofreading for a document related to my career or professional life

  • Personal Statement
  • Cover Letter

I need proofreading and editing for a piece of academic writing

English is a second language for me, and I need a proofreader to check my writing

  • Translation

I have dyslexia and need a proofreader to check my writing

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Proofreading vs Copy Editing

You may have heard both of these terms, but how are they different? Technically, copy editing differs from proofreading in the traditional sense. In the old days:

  • ‘Proofreading’ meant checking a printed proof. This ‘proof’ was an early version of a typeset text, so all a proofreader would do is look for typos.
  • ‘Copy editing’ was the last step in the editing process before a text was typeset. It usually involved editing a document so that it followed a specific style guide.

This distinction is looser with most modern proofreading services. For example, we combine traditional proofreading with some elements of copy editing. But proofreading is always about making minor changes.

Need Editing?

If you’re looking for more extensive changes to your writing, we also offer an editing service.

Learn More About Our Editing Services

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Looking For The Perfect Proofreader?

Let our expert editors show you what they can do.


  1. Online Proofreading Jobs for Beginners

    online document proofreading

  2. Online Proofreading Jobs For Beginners

    online document proofreading

  3. Academic Proofreading

    online document proofreading

  4. Best Online Proofreading Courses and Classes 2022

    online document proofreading

  5. Editing Services & Proofreading Services

    online document proofreading

  6. 9 Essential Proofreading Techniques for Business Documents

    online document proofreading


  1. Proofreading in action

  2. Proofreading A Document in Microsoft Word Program

  3. How do I get Read Aloud to work in Word?

  4. Topic 19

  5. Scribendi Editing and Proofreading Services: Choose a Vetted Expert

  6. Pure Proof


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  3. Free Online Proofreader

    For writers with high standards in every genre and field, online proofreading is an invaluable resource—a must-have. A free online proofreader lets you stop wasting your energy worrying about endless writing mechanics and rules, which frees you up to focus on crafting an outstanding document with a clear message.

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    The online proofreader immediately finds all of your errors. This allows you to concentrate on the bigger picture. ... Based on your chosen deadline, our editor(s) will then proofread your document within 24 hours, 3 days, or 7 days. If you are unsure about the availability of our services or are planning to upload a very large document ...

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  6. AI Proofreader

    The document you upload is deleted immediately after it's been processed by our AI Proofreader, and your processed document will automatically be deleted from our servers after 12 months. If you'd like to delete the stored copy of your document sooner, you can do so manually through your user profile at any time. ...

  7. Free Proofreading Tool and Tips

    Try Our Free Proofreading Tool. Instantly polish your writing with real-time suggestions for fixing grammar, spelling, punctuation, and more. Suggestions. Step 1: Add your text, and Grammarly will underline any issues. Step 2: Hover over the underlines to see suggestions. Step 3: Click a suggestion to accept it. Get Grammarly It's free.

  8. PaperRater: Free Online Proofreader with Grammar Check, Plagiarism

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  9. Free AI Proofreader

    Use Wordvice AI's free online proofreader to perfect your English writing in any document. Instantly proofread any text; fix grammar, spelling, punctuation, and style errors; and receive vocabulary corrections and grammar tips to enhance your writing skills. The free AI Proofreader makes editing quick and painless, helping you avoid language ...

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  11. The USA's Best Proofreading And Editing Services

    As well as basic proofreading, our editing service includes: Revising sentences for clarity and concision. Restructuring text to ensure a smooth flow. Ensuring the tone of your writing matches its purpose. Providing feedback and advice on writing style. Applying your preferred style guide to the letter. Editing Service.

  12. Professional Editing and Proofreading Services Within 12 Hours

    Overuse of passive voice. Subjective or inflated language. For a more comprehensive edit, you can add one or multiple add-on editing services that fit your needs. ⏰ Deadline. Within 3 hours. 📄 Texts. Papers, essays, reports, manuscripts. ⭐️ Rating. 4.6 based on 12,788 reviews.

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    auto_fix. The free AI proofreader. Improve your writing with our free online proofreading tool. Harness the power of artificial intelligence to fix grammar mistakes, spelling errors, and enhance your writing style. Ideal for students, professionals, and anyone looking to polish their text.

  15. Wordy: Top-rated online proofreading and copy-editing services

    Especially online proofreading and copy-editing services are all about understanding the context and concept of your text, and adhering to the tone of voice and rules you've already laid down when you send through your document. In our humble opinion, it really takes a skilled, intelligent editor to make the best of your text and ready it for publication.

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    We support all the internet platforms you write on: Gmail, LinkedIn, Salesforce, Zendesk, and hundreds of other sites. Sapling's free, AI-powered spelling and grammar checker for proofreading. Catches 60% more errors than other systems, including punctuation and rephrasing. Fast with a rich text editor. Use for blog content, essays, business ...

  17. Proofreading: What It Is and How to Do It

    Although self-proofing is a skill all writers should practice, using a professional service like Grammarly's add-on proofreading service can offer extra assurance that your final text is mistake-free. You can choose to have a Grammarly proofreader review your document for correctness, like fixing grammar, punctuation, spelling, and syntax.

  18. Proofreading Services

    Our streamlined process allows for the return of your edited and proofread document in as little as 4 hours. Select the turnaround that fits your deadline. Quality Assured (ISO Certified) We strive for customer satisfaction. Our Quality Assurance process for our editing and proofreading services is rigorous, and all of our processes are ...

  19. The Top 10 Online Proofreading Services of 2023

    3. Scribendi. Established in 1997, Scribendi is one of the best proofreading and editing services online. They offer academic proofreading and enhance papers, assignments, journal articles, research projects, posters, and presentations. With this, they proofread business documents and books, removing spelling mistakes, grammar errors, and typos.

  20. Scribbr's Proofreading and Editing Service in 3 Simple Steps

    Proofreading Correction of superficial mistakes, such as typos, misspellings, punctuation errors and consistency errors. Yes! This is the "proofreading" in Scribbr's standard service. It can only be selected in combination with editing. Copy editing Focus on grammar, syntax, style, tone and the conventions of the field.

  21. Publish confidently by proofreading to perfection

    Publish confidently byproofreading to perfection. Publish confidently by. proofreading to perfection. "Writing without revising is the literary equivalent of waltzing gaily out of the house in your underwear.". — Patricia Fuller. We're pretty open-minded, but we generally recommend that writing be at least partially dressed before ...

  22. Online Editor

    Use Grammarly online with the Grammarly Editor — a robust writing editor designed to help you compose and edit clear, mistake-free documents.

  23. Online Proofreading and Editing Services by Professionals

    The world leader in online proofreading and editing services. Our professional team has revised documents for +10,000 clients in +100 countries. ... - Word documents allow you to reject or accept our changes with just a few clicks. - PDFs require you to manually implement our suggestions.

  24. Quick Guide to Proofreading

    If you send a proofreader a document full of grammar mistakes, confusing sentences, and difficult-to-follow paragraphs, they might decline the job or recommend a different service. Many freelancers and companies offer both editing and proofreading, either separately (with separate pricing) or combined into one service. Make sure you understand ...

  25. Professional Proofreading Services in the US

    What Our Proofreading Services Include. Our professional proofreading service includes the following: Correcting grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. Tweaking sentences to ensure that they flow smoothly. Adapting vocabulary to suit the document type and purpose. Removing repetition and editing for concision.