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7 of the most impressive examples of digital out-of-home advertising campaigns

Out-of-home (OOH) advertising is one of the most cost-effective and far-reaching advertising channels. In recent years, more and more brands have turned to digital out-of-home (DOOH) to take the benefits of traditional OOH even further.

October 16, 2020

ooh advertising case studies

Digital out-of-home advertising empowers advertisers to create immersive, memorable, and often interactive campaigns. 

And as machine learning and AI become more affordable and widely accessible, DOOH will undoubtedly become increasingly innovative over the coming years. AI allows brands to create truly interactive, data-driven, and personalized campaigns that go beyond reach and impressions to real customer engagement. 

That's likely why DOOH accounted for 28.3% of all OOH ads in 2019 and is predicted to reach 38.3% by 2023 . In fact, DOOH was the main driver of growth in OOH advertising worldwide in 2019.

So, what makes up a successful digital out-of-home ad? Keep reading to find out. We'll cover 7 of our favorite digital OOH examples and what makes them so successful. 

1. Beauty Unaltered (CVS)

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New York City's Times Square is one of the most iconic and well-known spots for DOOH ads, making it an excellent choice of location for CVS's #BeautyUnaltered digital out-of-home ads. 

This ad ran as part of CVS's Beauty Mark social media campaign , an interactive campaign that encouraged users to upload their unedited selfies to social media with the hashtag #BeautyUnaltered.

Within minutes of launching the campaign, users began uploading unaltered, unfiltered selfies using #BeautyUnaltered and @cvs_beauty, earning over 3.6 billion impressions. Every 10 seconds, a different consumer’s image showed on the Times Square digital signage, showing larger-than-life, unretouched images celebrating real beauty. The dynamic digital billboard was paired with a standard digital billboard featuring awareness messaging. 

Overall, this DOOH example taps into a cultural shift toward celebrating unfiltered, unedited beauty and away from unrealistic beauty standards, pairing a strong campaign with a high-profile location and dynamic user-generated content. 

2. Interactive personalized content (GMC) 

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In this interactive campaign for the new Acadia SUV, GMC used facial analytics technology and proximity-based marketing to create engaging digital signage featuring dynamic content.

Sounds a little futuristic, but cameras in the digital display used artificial intelligence were actually able to detect audience demographics, such as age and gender, then serve one of 30 possible targeted video ads to the viewer.

For example, if the anonymous audience detection facial analytics technology detected recognized a family with kids, the ad showed a video targeted at families.  Passersby went out of their way to interact with the digital signage, and as people interacted more with the kiosk, it engaged them with interactive games like Simon Says.

This campaign was one of the first of its kind and serves as an example of the potential of machine learning in digital out-of-home advertising. GMC harnessed the power of DOOH to personalize their content and use targeted messaging in a way that deepened audience engagement. 

3. Weather-reactive McCafe campaign (McDonald's)

ooh advertising case studies

This McDonald's campaign in the UK is another fun digital OOH example featuring dynamic content. The campaign featured two of McDonald's frozen drinks, strawberry lemonade and the "Millionaire's Frappe."

The campaign used weather data to advertise seasonal drinks. When the temperature rose above 22 degrees Celsius -- i.e. a temperature that was likely to make a cold drink more tempting to passersby -- the relevant campaign creative played on the digital signage. 

If the temperature hit above 25 degrees Celsius, the creative automatically updated to include the city name and current temperature. As the temperature dropped at night, the city name and current temperature were removed from the creative.

Running through June and July of 2019, this weather-reactive creative advertised McDonald's summer drinks in a much more engaging way than your typical static billboard, providing relevant, timely and useful content to audiences based on their ever-evolving lived experiences. 

4. Targeted elevator ads (LASIK MD)

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For this digital OOH advertising example, Lasik MD's marketing team came to Vertical Impression with a big question: Can your platform identify elevator riders who are wearing glasses, then deliver different ad creative to them to promote our services?

Our team adapted out-of-home ad tech to target laser eye surgery candidates. The technology recognized whether or not an elevator rider was wearing glasses and updated the creative accordingly. The ad's dynamic messaging changed based on the type of eyewear the rider was wearing at the time.

These digital out-of-home advertisements delivered 11 million targeted impressions to people who wore glasses, increasing engagement by 17% among targeted glasses-wearing elevator riders. The ad tech also recognized age and gender, allowing Lasik MD's marketing team to segment their results further. (Learn more about LASIK MD's DOOH elevator campaign in our case study .)

5. Make the Most of Summer (Google)

ooh advertising case studies

Google's "Make the Most of Summer" campaign included responsive, data-driven digital OOH advertising centred around the experience of summer in the UK. The campaign highlights Google's Search and Maps functionalities by showing popular local and seasonal search terms, like "Best ice cream in Glasgow" or "Parks near me."

The campaign also engaged customers across London, Manchester, and Birmingham through dynamic, full-motion sites featuring the results for search terms, including business hours, star ratings, and map directions. In some placements, the creative even reacted to the time of day or local weather conditions.   

What makes these responsive digital ads such a strong example of DOOH advertising? “There’s something unique about the British interest in the weather and the way we react to summer," Graham Bednash, Director of Consumer Marketing at Google UK, explains . "We love the way this campaign really captures that and shows how Google Search and Maps can help people make the most of it.” 

6. Out There for Us (Ad Council)

ooh advertising case studies

‍ To thank essential workers on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Ad Council launched a campaign called "Out There For Us." The campaign uses DOOH ad space to show gratitude for essential workers, including healthcare workers, delivery drivers, grocery store employees, and many more. 

The Ad Council invited people across the US to share messages of gratitude on social media with the hashtag #OutThereForUs, then showed those messages on the digital OOH ads, all of which were strategically placed along routes to hospitals, outside grocery stores in major cities, and on highway road signs.

This digital out-of-home advertising example, developed pro-bono by R/GA, shows that sometimes, the simplest creative can be the most effective.

7. Pose with the Pros (Dallas Cowboys)

ooh advertising case studies

In September 2019, the Dallas Cowboys launched their interactive "Pose with the Pros" kiosks in concourses at AT&T stadium. An engaging digital out-of-home advertising example, these interactive screens invited fans to take pictures of themselves with (virtual) members of the Dallas Cowboys.

Fans could select up to five of their favorite Cowboys players to pose with, then the AR application overlaid the players around the individual or small group in the picture. Fans could then share their virtual group picture on social media or email it to themselves, family, and friends. 

The interactive experience is powered by AT&T, showing off its 5G technology. When speaking about this campaign, the CMO of AT&T Business explained   "We were able to create experiences that let people know how fundamentally different 5G is from LTE".

The result? A dynamic digital OOH ad experience that engages fans and highlights AT&T's new technology. 

The power of digital OOH advertising

We hope you’re feeling inspired by these campaigns Our work with Lasik MD is just one example of the type of data-driven, dynamic out-of-home advertising experience available to today's brands through our platform. At Vertical Impression , we’re no strangers to the media planning and media buying process. In fact, it’s something we’re rather keen on.

Our platform is based around digital out-of-home advertising, and we're passionate about how powerful this channel can be. These are just a few of our favorite examples of truly impressive DOOH ads — and we can't wait to see how the medium evolves alongside new technology and opportunities for audience engagement.  ‍

Learn more about the power of AI and digital out-of-home advertising . 

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Start planning a smarter campaign today.

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4 Best OOH Advertising Campaigns Case Studies

Table of Contents

Our houses, automobiles, and even the streets are covered with billboards and other forms of advertising. The efficiency of advertising has only risen as outcomes are simpler to evaluate as technology has progressed throughout time. We have access to statistics such as the number of people who have seen an ad and how many times they’ve clicked on it. However, what about billboards and other forms of outdoor advertising? Billboards? What is the method for calculating that? While other forms of advertising have come and gone throughout the years, out-of-home advertising has endured. We’ll go through how OOH advertising can be measured and why it’s a worthwhile investment.

What Is Out-Of-Home Advertising?

When individuals are outside of their homes, such as on public transportation or in buildings, they are exposed to out-of-home (OOH) advertising, as described by the Cambridge Dictionary. Out-of-home advertising has an annual budget of about 29 billion dollars.

Types Of Out-Of-Home Advertising

Billboards, transit advertising, and street furniture are just a few examples of outdoor advertising, according to the Out of Home Advertising Association of America.

Why Use It?

Out-of-home advertising affects nearly everyone, whether it’s on the way to work while jogging, or while doing the grocery shopping. According to the Outdoor Advertising Association of America (OAAA), consumers spend 70% of their waking hours away from home, making them particularly exposed to outdoor advertising.

When Miss America’s name was promoted on a billboard in 1975, the Institute of Outdoor Advertising (later known as the OAAA) discovered that name awareness increased by 940 percent. This demonstrated the enormous impact of outdoor advertising on the typical customer. Billboards, which account for roughly 65 percent of all outdoor advertising, are currently dominating the scene.

Furthermore, the capacity to keep a captive audience is a crucial aspect of out-of-home advertising. A banner or other outdoor advertisement, unlike many internet adverts, cannot be closed.

Measuring The Effectiveness Of OOH Advertising

Measuring the effectiveness of OOH advertising has proved difficult over time, although this is not unique to OOH advertising. The efficacy of outdoor advertising is being measured in many ways, and the results suggest that it is an incredibly feasible alternative for promoting a company.

Traffic Statistics

Because out-of-home ads are typically placed in high-traffic locations, they get a lot of exposure. According to the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety’s American Driving Survey, the average American spends fifty minutes a day behind the wheel. In 2016 and 2017, drivers logged a cumulative 2.6 trillion miles on the road. Both of these figures were higher than in prior years. Because more individuals are traveling longer distances, out-of-home advertising is only going to grow more common as time goes on.

98 percent of American adults aged 18 and older used a car in the preceding month, according to the Arbitron National In-Car Study conducted in 2009. Additionally, 71% of drivers admitted to paying attention to billboards they passed on the highway. This demonstrates that a huge number of people look at billboards daily. Another study found that people remembered things like going to a restaurant or attending a show as a result of seeing a billboard advertising it.

Billboard efficacy may also be assessed by looking at the ROI. A return on investment (ROI) is a metric used to gauge the effectiveness of a business decision or investment. According to the findings, billboard advertising earned a profit of roughly six dollars for every dollar invested.

Retailers like Amazon and McDonald’s have discovered that advertising on billboards in a specific area typically increases overall sales. After a billboard campaign in Phoenix, AZ, a firm found that 64% of customers learned about them through OOH advertising, motivating them to continue investing in outdoor marketing.

Distinctive Marketing Strategies

Particular phone numbers, QR codes, and bespoke landing sites are all being used to track the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. One way for a company to know how many prospects have discovered them is by posting an exclusive phone number on the out-of-home marketing.

Another way to trace an item is to use a unique QR code. A unique outdoor advertisement landing page for a corporate website aids a business in calculating the effectiveness of an ad. Using a unique phrase seen exclusively in an out-of-home commercial and tracking how often it appears in a company’s statistics is another example.

Ads’ effectiveness may be evaluated by looking at where they are placed outside of the house. The most accurate approach to figure out the return on investment from outdoor advertising is to place an ad in a specific location and monitor revenue growth.

Several case studies have shown that out-of-home advertising is an effective strategy for increasing sales and growing a firm over time. According to the Nielsen Out of Home Advertising Study conducted in 2019, 33% of those surveyed visited a website after seeing an advertisement in the media. Nearly a third of the participants also mentioned a commercial they had seen with a companion while away from home.

The OAAA found that a Colorado liquor shop was struggling to compete with larger chains after a state regulation was changed. For this campaign, the retailer used a variety of out-of-home media such as billboards, vehicle graphics, and train car interiors. Over the past year, in-store sales climbed by 23%, while delivery sales grew by 20%. OOH advertising works incredibly well, according to the OAAA’s many previous research.

Continued Use

Out-of-of-home advertising’s enduring and widespread use for decades or centuries is the greatest method to judge its efficacy. There are approximately 300,000 billboards in the United States alone, and that number is growing. The annual investment in outdoor advertising by large corporations like McDonald’s and Coca-Cola is staggering.

OOH advertising campaigns may be measured using a variety of measures, but the true proof is the impact the campaign has had on the marketing industry as a whole.

Case studies

ooh advertising case studies

The Strategy:

We live in a culture where individuals are constantly bombarded with stimuli and information. Brands like Apple are trying to change this by including their customers in their advertisements.

Because of this, Apple has created eye-popping OOH advertising that engages viewers and encourages them to take action on their website and in stores.

Apple’s 2016 campaign to promote the debut of the new iPhone 6 and its full HD camera was one of the most famous and inventive out-of-home (OOH) ads ever. In 25 countries and 73 locations, the ad was dubbed “Shot on iPhone” and featured 10,000 billboards with pictures taken by 77 iPhone users.

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Those who have an iPhone 6 were urged to use the hashtag #ShotoniPhone to share their finest photos on social media in exchange for having their photographs featured on a billboard.

After launching the “Shot on iPhone” campaign, Apple unveiled the iPhone 6 and 6s, which included a slew of fresh photos taken using the device.

Apple urged iPhone owners to send in photographs of their devices in their most vibrant hues, and these images were then shown throughout the world to promote the new color possibilities available on the iPhones.

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With its “Shot on iPhone” campaign, Apple gave audiences a look behind the scenes of performing artists with an out-of-home (OOH) ad in 2019.

Some of the most popular modern singers and bands were included in the campaign, which included backstage footage and billboard imagery.

The photos and films were created to serve as a behind-the-scenes tour guide for fans and to promote the iPhone.

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As a result, at the start of 2019, Apple urged iPhone photographers to submit their finest shots for the “Shot on iPhone Challenge,” which would feature their favorite photographs taken using the device’s most popular camera and spotlight their top 10.

Billboards in selected locations, Apple shops, and the internet would show the photographs of the ten winners. Everyone was ecstatic and enthusiastic since it was such a big award.

Pictures from various iPhone models, including the iPhone XS and iPhone 7, and from across the world, including Singapore, Germany, Israel, and other places, were used to choose the winning photographs for the contest.

The Results:

  • As reported by the Outdoor Advertising Association of America (OAAA), Apple, McDonald’s, Geico Amazon, HBO, Facebook, Coca-Cola, Google, and American Express were the top 10 advertisers in the first quarter of 2020.
  • Their advertising is loud, colorful, large-scale, and hard to miss because of the utilization of OOH. There is no other way to accomplish this.
  • The campaign had a lot of heft and visual appeal, but it also engaged its target demographic in a way that was inviting and entertaining.
  • Because of the campaign’s longevity and variety over the years, it serves as an excellent example of Apple’s marketing abilities in terms of innovation, execution, and customer involvement (among other things).
  • More than 24,000 thought leaders have praised the campaign for its innovation and success, and it has garnered over 6.5 billion media impressions to date. The campaign has won the coveted Cannes Lions Outdoor Award for its innovative advertising.
  • To keep up with today’s innovative, forward-thinking entrepreneurs, this campaign is always developing and changing.

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  • The fact that Apple is a huge and well-known tech company comes as no surprise after looking at some of their most adored OOH ad campaigns and analyzing why they have preferred OOH advertising.

Key takeaways:

  • OOH is the best approach to engage people with an advertisement. This is because, regardless of purchasing patterns, outdoor advertising has an inescapable daily intersection with viewers.
  • Using OOH advertising to build dynamic and relevant campaigns that are more meaningful and relevant to customers is now possible for businesses like never before. In other words, using many advertising channels rather than just one can help you reach a larger audience and get a better return on your marketing investment.
  • Because people are online when they see digital ads; yet, out-of-home (OOH) is what gets them interested in the first place.
  • The question now is: how can we arouse interest and maintain it? With a lot of originality. A recent study states that 75% of an ad’s effect is influenced by the quality of its creativity. This is an area in which Apple excels spectacularly.
  • For example, the “Shot on iPhone” campaign would not have been feasible without the help of its audience members.
  • Their advertising connects with people, and that’s why they’re successful in marketing. Big, bold, and imaginative advertising grabs the attention of customers, who appreciate the effort.
  • Customers also appreciate advertising that includes and engages them, and Apple excels at this. Apple exploits the flexibility to post OOH advertising virtually everywhere to their advantage by strategically placing them in high-traffic areas where everybody can see them, even their competitors.
  • In addition to Apple, several of the world’s top corporations continue to grow their OOH advertising expenditures on an annual basis.
  • Despite being one of the earliest types of advertising, word-of-mouth advertising has shown to be equally as essential as other forms of promotion in a company’s success, if not more so.
  • If a firm like Apple can achieve such success while promoting out-of-home advertising, there is no excuse for other ambitious businesses not to venture into out-of-home advertising, regardless of industry.

A few weeks after becoming the world’s second $1 trillion market valuation business, Amazon now ranks as one of the top 3 digital advertising companies.

Billboards and other out-of-home advertising will be used by the firm to mold online retail behaviors and unify the consumer experience across all channels, including online, in-store, and anywhere else along the route, to maintain its supremacy.

Outside of Whole Foods, Amazon has struggled to establish a large physical retail footprint despite its dominance in online shopping. But Amazon Go shops, which are expected to have 3,000 sites by 2021, may quickly change that.

In Times Square, a massive structure appeared, although it had nothing to do with corporate or condo space. It was an Amazon Echo of sorts, mounted to a billboard to promote Amazon Music’s streaming capabilities. The 79-foot (seven-story) building was an Amazon Echo of sorts. Even though it featured  LED lights to give it a modern appearance and highlight its capabilities, the inventive campaign was simply a replica of the Amazon Echo.

ooh advertising case studies

Amazon is now locked in a battle with Walmart, the world’s largest retailer, over who can get the most market share in online purchasing. The Amazon experience at its physical retail outlets, on the other hand, may aim to set it apart from the competition.

As a result, Amazon may learn from Apple’s retail approach and develop a successful one in the real world.

Amazon can now use mobile data to offer customers the appropriate items at the perfect time on OOH media, resulting in increased in-app engagement and sales.

ooh advertising case studies

For example, Amazon may utilize phone app location information and purchase history to target the largest concentration of moms in a given region who have purchased Pampers baby goods in the last month, then offer discounts and suggestions for Bugaboo bikes and accessories.

Also, based on their location, Nespresso coffee machines might be advertised to regular Starbucks consumers before Black Friday.

Product presentation might be filtered by DOOH’s contextual relevance. It would be possible for Amazon to display health-related items in physiotherapy and doctor’s office waiting rooms by treating digital screens as “virtual shelves.”

  • Starting with the struggle for supremacy in product search, Amazon has beaten out Google.
  • A consumer seeking information on a retail product will more than half the time goes to amazon.com or the Amazon app on their smartphone.
  • In the similar way that LinkedIn and Facebook have transformed the way individuals look for jobs and build their social life, the firm has transformed consumer behavior for shopping.
  • Customers can buy nearly anything with just one click on Amazon, no matter where they are or what time of day it is.
  • This provides the firm a unique look into the intentions of customers and enables them to link their online and offline purchase patterns.
  • Amazon has a tremendous advantage over its competitors owing to the information it already has on file as retail is reinvented thanks to targeted marketing and the needs of Millennial consumers in the mobile and e-Commerce era.
  • To track changes in sales for a certain SKU, Amazon would use records of device ID exposure or even deliveries. Campaign assessment in real-time allows for creative content selections to be modified and made on the go, providing an additional value.
  • When it comes to reaching customers across the whole customer experience, out-of-home (OOH) advertising is the final mile.
  • Ad campaigns on digital OOH screens have the potential to be more impactful and seamless than ever before for Amazon and other e-commerce firms to collaborate with CPG producers.
  • As the only conventional type of advertising predicted to rise by 3% to $9 billion in 2018, the channel has had a resurgence in recent years.
  • Using OOH’s data analytics and online ad marketplace, digital giants may now take advantage of this medium to their benefit.
  • Billboards and other OOH assets may be converted into digital, on-demand stores and locations for customized product placement because consumers can now buy from anywhere.
  • To engage customers with advertising for items of interest at the same time decisions are being made regarding one’s health, digital out-of-home can assist e-Commerce companies in extending their physical presence.
  • They want a linked and integrated experience in the real world, where brands and merchants engage with people when and when it is most appropriate. A lot is on the line, as retail sales in the United States still account for more than 70% of overall sales.
  • When demographic data based on geography is combined with the proper time and situational variables, everything is conceivable.

ooh advertising case studies

With creative vending machine OOH ads, Coca-Cola has gone above and beyond what one may anticipate from a beverage brand’s OOH presence.

Most of these cases are based on a message that goes beyond a purely technical advancement.

It’s perfect for a company like Coca-Cola, whose advertising strategies and installations are built on the concept of sharing.

One of Coca-OOH Cola’s campaigns, aimed at promoting recycling, utilized the company’s white ribbon swirl to create signage that directed people toward recycling bins situated right beneath the billboards throughout Europe

Coca-“Share Cola’s a Coke” campaign, which focuses on the relationships consumers have with their friends and family, is one of its most recent tactics.

JCDecaux Ireland and Coca-Cola Ireland collaborated on the design of a branded tram for Dublin. Every seat had a crimson cover with a popular name stitched on it, giving commuters’ trips a more personal touch.

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Domination decals and posters were used throughout the inside, including on panels, strap-lines, window trim, and the whole ceiling.

Coca-Cola and Gewista turned a countrywide network of big format sliding panels into unique creations that urged people to Share a Coke with their friends.

The unique models included a big coke bottle with glass over the spot where you’d anticipate seeing the Coke brand. As the panel scrolled, the names of the persons in the window became visible.

For nighttime visibility, five of the scrolling Innovate sites were outfitted with large Coca-Cola bottles and an exterior light source. Such a straightforward implementation fits in nicely with the brand’s overall approach.

In important metropolitan areas, JCDecaux Netherlands outfitted 10 2m2 CityLight panels with 65inch display screens. Names prominent in the Netherlands were generated at random and presented on these displays. This created the impression that a Coke bottle had been personalized. It’s simple to do and has incredible results!

With this retail promotion, over 2,000 of the most well-known British names will be featured on Coke bottles, replacing the word “Coke” altogether.

Last week in July, the retail promotion was coupled with a four-day Share a Coke Party Pod Outdoor dominance campaign in London’s Covent Garden.

Following the customization of a Coke or Coke Zero bottle with their name or the initials of a loved one, onlookers were asked to visit a Share a Coke selfie store.

They may snap a photograph of themselves with their customized bottle at this location. After that, attendees may party on the campaign’s rooftop party pod while listening to music and sharing a Coke with their companions.

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Coca-Cola and JCDecaux North America constructed huge 3D Coke bottles on Chicago bus stations in conjunction with the ‘Party Pod’ promotion in London and the Share a Coke campaign.

To place their name on the bottle, passersby used touchscreens to enter it. For a brief moment, their name was projected on a huge Coke bottle, allowing passersby to take photos of themselves with the bottle.

Additionally, Coke used a “bubble wall,” plexiglass chambers with air vents, “pucks,” and LED lights to showcase its fabled frothy beverage. The nighttime glow created by the whirling lighting display was mesmerizing.

It was successful marketing because it provided visitors and locals with a new and exciting way to experience this beloved beverage.

ooh advertising case studies

  • Coca-Cola and its advertising firm MediaCom deemed this campaign a huge success after receiving a ton of favorable feedback about it. It also reaffirmed the undeniable effectiveness of out-of-home (OOH) transportation advertising with complete branding.
  • More than 23,000 people have taken part in the campaign to date.
  • Outside of Times Square and Piccadilly Circus, their commitment to outdoor advertising has been strategic to Sydney’s King’s Cross and beyond.
  • Experiential marketing’s potency is demonstrated by the fact that participants linked the Coke experience with feelings of happiness and delight. As a result, the campaign went viral. It’s still a must-see sign today, and it sticks out in the Out of Home hotspot amid the others.
  • If designed and delivered correctly, OOH may help businesses instantly become worldwide.

  • Amaze your audience with something new. One lovely morning, students of a Singapore college found a Coca-Cola vending machine on the grounds. If they embraced the machine in a certain way, they’d get a free can.
  • Increase the intensity of your feelings. Coca-Cola set up machines in both India and Pakistan where people could dance and touch hands to win free cans because of the tense ties between the two nations.
  • The inclusion of an air of mystery makes things more interesting. There was a vending machine on a college campus that sent out dozens of Coca-Cola bottles, forcing students to share and make new friends. Other times, the machine dispensed pizza, balloon animals, and even a very lengthy meal. If you’re looking for happiness, where should you look next?
  • Choose Local Characteristics from the drop-down menu. Coca-Cola set up a vending machine where customers could pay in their native tongue for a chance to win a free bottle as a way of celebrating linguistic variety and pride. Swedes installed the machine.
  • It’s always nice to get something in return. The majority of vending machine developments involve new ways to pay for the products. Coca-Cola once teamed up with Google Wallet to develop a novel way to keep customers coming back for more.
  • Give them something to look forward to. Coca-Cola created consumable commercials in collaboration with Shazam, elevating out-of-home advertising to a new level. In the promotion, consumers could use the application to refill the bottle and then go to a store to obtain a free bottle by using a discount coupon they got from filling it on the app.

  • Concentrate on acquiring and enticing a large audience. Coca-Cola built an innovative vending machine in Australia that gave out free bottles to customers who shouted “Yes” to it. The machine used speech recognition as its primary technology.


ooh advertising case studies

The OOH billboard industry has grown for 31 quarters in a row, with billboards accounting for 66% of the total. Your originality and general campaign knowledge must stand out in a crowded environment, even if it’s just a few square feet.

McDonald’s is well aware of this requirement and caters to it accordingly. It has put together several successful out-of-home ads in the previous several years because of its inventiveness and strategic position. A couple of weeks ago, the fast-food restaurant started airing directional DOOH advertisements in Paris, using vivid representations of its famous French fries as wayfinding signs for vehicles and pedestrians.

Distance, as the saying goes, maybe a deciding factor. This is why McDonald’s has almost 1000 drive-thru facilities in France, but Burger King only has about 20. Since the next Burger King drive-thru is 160 miles away, McDonald’s set up two billboards for highway drivers entering Brioude, a village of 6,700 inhabitants in south-central France.

While McDonald’s serves as a source of creative ideas for strategically placed billboards, the next iteration of out-of-home advertising will be more digital. Using billboards and digital advertisements together may increase online activity by four times, according to Nielsen research.

The world’s most recognized fast-food chain, McDonald’s, is increasingly experimenting with logo-free commercials in recent years, using the strength of its world-renowned menu and visual identity to produce ads that scream McDonald’s without ever saying it.

ooh advertising case studies

There was no logo in the advertisements. Only the typeface and color scheme of McDonald’s were used.

McDonald’s has released a new ad featuring french fries pointing in the direction of the closest location. It’s just a work of art and has nothing to do with OOH execution.

ooh advertising case studies

On your computer monitor, every design seems stunning as a work of art. Neither the negative nor the positive can be said about this one. We’re arguing that until it’s ‘on the street’ and in an OOH format, advertising doesn’t matter.

McDonald’s has devised an out-of-home (OOH) advertising strategy. OOH advertising is being used as part of a wider brand recall effort to reach out to current consumers and attract new ones.

Once the outdoor temperature exceeds 15 degrees Celsius, the digital advertisements in the campaign smoothly swap from one creative to another. A dynamic copy update is initiated automatically, resulting in relevant and interesting material.

McDonald’s is using JCDecaux, Exterion Media, and Wide Eye Outdoor’s digital OOH screens with the platform, which also works with different media owner networks.

  • The outdoor platform has helped McDonald’s strengthen its brand presence in North and East India.
  • With its famous M logo, the fast-food chain has managed to re-establish its brand recognition in the Delhi NCR market.
  • The design has been kept to a minimum with a huge back-lit ‘M’ cutout sparkling in the night combined with a presentation of its highly liked burger, soft drink, and fries to re-establish the connection with consumers.
  • As part of the company’s normal marketing plan, the OOH campaign aims to increase market share.
  • Amid Britain’s ongoing struggle with the coronavirus epidemic and a countrywide lockdown, the advertisements offer McDonald’s home delivery.
  • Leo Burnett has created another gratifying simplicity for McDonald’s with this simple and instantly recognizable ad.
  • The trademark yellow and logo form of McDonald’s advertisements make them instantly recognized.
  • Other companies with distinctive forms and colors, such as Spotify’s lime green level logo or Twitter’s iconic bluebird, might theoretically produce the same impact, according to researchers.
  • A well-placed billboard or outdoor advertising pointed towards your store or flagship store can drive more traffic than utilizing a leaflet distributor or other mass tactics, as many target audiences can come close to your business but never discover it.

Final Thoughts

When it comes to digital technology, elegance in implementation and creative quality are important.

Because of the increasing maturity of digital OOH advertising, more agencies will use live data streams to create more relevant, engaging, and eye-catching commercials.

So, if you haven’t thought about how you may enhance your OOH ad creativity in real-time, now is the moment.

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Case Studies: Examples of Successful Out-of-Home Advertising Campaigns

Case Studies: Examples of Successful Out-of-Home Advertising Campaigns

  • DATE 16/09/23


Out-of-home advertising (OOH) has been around for centuries, and it's a tried-and-true method to reach audiences where other forms of media can't. From billboards to bus shelters, OOH ads are everywhere, and they're not going anywhere anytime soon. With the rise of digital marketing, some may think that traditional advertising methods like OOH are outdated, but that couldn't be further from the truth. In this blog post, we'll explore three successful examples of out-of-home campaigns by McDonald's, Nike and Coca-Cola. We'll also dive into why businesses should consider using OOH advertising services as part of their overall marketing strategy and how to plan an effective campaign. So sit back, buckle up and get ready to learn all about the power of out-of-home advertising!

1. What is Out-of-Home Advertising?

Out-of-home advertising (OOH) is a type of marketing that targets consumers while they are outside their homes. It involves the use of various mediums such as billboards, transit ads, street furniture ads, digital signage and more to reach people where they work, shop and play. Billboard advertising is one of the most popular forms of out-of-home advertising. These larger-than-life displays can be found on highways, city streets or even in shopping malls. They often feature eye-catching graphics and messages that aim to capture the attention of drivers or pedestrians passing by. Transit ads are another form of OOH advertising that provides exposure to a mobile audience. This includes everything from bus shelters and subway stations to wraps on taxis or buses themselves. Street furniture ads like benches or kiosks also provide an opportunity for brands looking for creative ways to connect with consumers outside their homes. Digital signage has become increasingly popular in recent years as it offers advertisers the ability to display dynamic content in high-traffic areas like airports and shopping centres. Out-of-home advertising services offer businesses an effective way to reach potential customers when they are away from home through various engaging mediums tailored towards specific demographics.

2. The Benefits of Out-of-Home Advertising

Out-of-Home (OOH) advertising is a form of marketing that reaches consumers when they are outside their homes. This type of advertising has many benefits for businesses looking to increase brand awareness and drive sales. Firstly, OOH advertising offers high visibility. Billboards, posters, and digital displays can be strategically placed in high-traffic areas such as highways, bus stops or airports to maximize exposure to potential customers. Secondly, OOH ads have a long lifespan compared to other forms of advertising. TV commercials only run for seconds while print ads may last for days or weeks. In contrast, billboards can remain up for months or even years. Thirdly, OOH advertising is cost-effective. With advancements in technology like programmatic buying and geolocation targeting; advertisers can now target specific audiences with relevant messages at an affordable price point. Out-of-home ads are non-invasive and welcomed by most people as it adds visual interest to the surroundings without interrupting them from doing what they need to do - going about their day-to-day activities. OOH Advertising Services offer several unique advantages over traditional forms of media that make this medium an attractive investment option for any business seeking more brand exposure both online and offline.

3. Case Study #1: McDonald's

McDonald's is a brand that has always been innovative in its advertising campaigns, and its out-of-home (OOH) advertising campaign for the 2018 World Cup was no different. The campaign consisted of large digital billboards featuring real-time updates on the scores of each game. The use of dynamic content allowed McDonald's to stay relevant and engage with its target audience during one of the most-watched sporting events worldwide. The billboards also featured QR codes that directed users to special deals on food items related to specific participating countries. The success of this campaign can be attributed to several factors. Firstly, they understood their target audience and created an engaging experience for them using OOH advertising. Secondly, they utilized modern technology like QR codes to drive traffic to their stores through mobile devices. McDonald's demonstrated how effective OOH advertising can be when executed correctly by understanding your target audience and utilizing new technologies available in today’s world.

Case Study #2: Nike

Nike is one of the most iconic brands in the world and has been at the forefront of out-of-home advertising for decades. One of their most successful campaigns was the “Find Your Greatness” campaign, which featured regular people achieving athletic feats in unexpected places. The campaign included a mix of traditional billboards as well as digital displays in high-traffic areas such as Times Square and London’s Piccadilly Circus. The advertisements were also strategically placed near Nike retail stores to encourage viewers to make purchases. One notable aspect of this campaign was its focus on inclusivity and diversity, featuring individuals from all walks of life engaging in physical activity. This message resonated with consumers who appreciated seeing themselves represented in advertising. Nike's ability to create a powerful emotional connection with its audience through innovative and impactful ads has made them one of the leaders in OOH advertising services. Their campaigns have consistently pushed boundaries while staying true to their brand values, resulting in increased brand awareness and sales growth over time.

Case Study #3: Coca-Cola

Coca-Cola is one of the world's most recognized brands with a long history of successful advertising campaigns. In 2019, Coca-Cola launched an out-of-home advertising campaign in Times Square that used data to create personalized messages for individuals passing by. The campaign used digital billboards and geolocation technology to identify when someone was approaching and would display their name along with a message such as "Share a Coke with Sarah" or "Thirsty, John?". The ads were created in real time based on the location data collected from smartphones. This innovative use of personalization helped to grab people's attention and make them feel like the brand was speaking directly to them. It also highlighted Coca-Cola's commitment to using technology in creative ways to connect with consumers. This campaign was incredibly successful in generating buzz online and increasing engagement with the brand. It serves as an excellent example of how out-of-home advertising can be used creatively to capture attention and increase brand awareness.

4. How to Plan an Effective Out-of-Home Advertising Campaign?

Planning an effective out-of-home advertising campaign can seem daunting, but with the right approach, it can be a straightforward process. Firstly, define your target audience and determine their daily routines to identify the best locations for your ads. Secondly, set clear objectives and KPIs for your campaign to measure its success. Next, consider using eye-catching visuals and concise messaging that resonates with your intended audience. This helps ensure that your ad is memorable and encourages potential customers to take action. Another important factor is choosing the right format of advertising media such as billboards or digital signage based on budget considerations and market trends. Also, consider partnering with other brands or local businesses to increase exposure through cross-promotion. Track the effectiveness of your campaign through metrics such as brand awareness surveys or website traffic analysis. These insights will help refine future campaigns to improve ROI in OOH Advertising Services which ultimately leads towards successful Out-of-Home Advertising Campaigns

Out-of-home advertising campaigns have proven to be effective ways of reaching a large audience and driving brand awareness. The case studies discussed in this article highlight the importance of creativity, targeting, and measurement when planning an OOH campaign. By leveraging the unique benefits of different types of OOH media such as billboards, transit ads or digital screens, advertisers can create memorable experiences that resonate with their target audience. Additionally, advances in technology have made it easier for marketers to measure the impact and success of OOH campaigns. Businesses looking for impactful advertising strategies should consider incorporating out-of-home advertising services into their marketing mix. With careful planning and execution, a successful OOH campaign can help bring brands closer to their customers while boosting engagement and sales.

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Demystifying OOH Advertising: A Comprehensive Guide

Demystifying OOH Advertising: A Comprehensive Guide

OOH advertising, also known as out-of-home advertising, has become an integral part of the modern marketing landscape. With the increasing prevalence of digital media, OOH offers a unique and creative way to engage with audiences.

In today’s fast-paced world, consumers are constantly bombarded with advertisements on their screens. OOH advertising provides a refreshing break from this digital saturation by reaching consumers in high-traffic public spaces. Whether it’s billboards on busy highways or eye-catching street furniture in urban areas, out-of-home advertising allows brands to make a lasting impression on a large audience.

To drive success in OOH advertising, purposeful and strategic campaigns are crucial. This means understanding the target audience, crafting compelling messages, and utilizing innovative techniques to stand out from the crowd. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore various types of OOH advertising and provide real-life examples to showcase their effectiveness.

So, get ready to dive into the world of OOH advertising and discover how this dynamic form of marketing can help your brand capture attention, engage consumers, and leave a lasting impact. Let’s explore the possibilities together!

Understanding OOH Advertising

Out-of-home advertising is an essential component of any comprehensive marketing strategy. But what exactly is OOH advertising? Simply put, it refers to any form of advertising that reaches consumers while they are outside their homes. It encompasses a wide range of formats, from billboards on highways to ads on buses and trains, and even digital screens in shopping malls or airports.

One of the key characteristics of OOH advertising is its ability to reach a large audience in high-traffic public spaces. Unlike other forms of advertising that can be easily skipped or ignored, OOH advertisements are strategically placed where people are likely to spend significant time. Think about it – how many times have you found yourself staring at a billboard while waiting at a traffic signal?

The “Share a Coke” campaign stands as a shining example of the power of OOH advertising in creating not just brand awareness, but genuine emotional connections with consumers. With its ingenious use of personalized labels on Coca-Cola bottles, this campaign turned OOH platforms like billboards, bus stops, and transit ads into mediums of personalization and engagement.

By featuring common first names and terms of endearment on the labels, Coca-Cola transformed static OOH spaces into dynamic points of interaction. Passersby encountered their own names and those of loved ones, sparking a sense of personal relevance and evoking a desire to share that experience.

This campaign demonstrated how OOH advertising, even in its traditional forms, can seamlessly integrate technology, data, and personalization to amplify its impact. The “Share a Coke” campaign serves as a testament to how OOH advertising can transcend its physical limitations and foster genuine emotional connections between brands and consumers on a grand scale.

Types of OOH Advertising

Traditional forms of OOH advertising include billboards, transit ads, and street furniture.

  • Billboards , those larger-than-life structures that dominate highways and city skylines, offer excellent visibility to a wide audience. They provide an opportunity for businesses to display their brand or message prominently, capturing attention and leaving a lasting impression on passersby.
  • Transit ads , on the other hand, take advantage of the constant movement in urban areas. Placing advertisements on buses, trains, and taxis allows businesses to reach commuters during their daily travels. With millions of people using public transportation every day, this form of OOH advertising ensures widespread exposure.
  • Street furniture such as bus shelters, kiosks, and benches also offer prime advertising space. These strategically placed structures allow businesses to engage with pedestrians in high-traffic areas while providing convenience and utility.
  • In addition to traditional forms, digital OOH advertising has gained popularity in recent years for its ability to deliver dynamic content and capture attention. Digital billboards can showcase multiple ads in rotation, allowing for increased flexibility and customization. These eye-catching displays enable businesses to maximize their impact by delivering targeted messages at specific times or locations.

An excellent example of a digital OOH advertising campaign is McDonald’s weather-based advertisement. By utilizing real-time data on temperature, McDonald’s designed advertisements promoting seasonal drinks that changed depending on the weather conditions. This dynamic approach not only captured attention but also created a sense of relevance and urgency among consumers.

With both traditional and digital OOH advertising options available, businesses have the freedom to choose the types of OOH advertising that align best with their marketing goals and target audience. Whether it’s a towering billboard on a busy highway or an interactive digital display in a city center, OOH advertising offers versatility and impact that can’t be ignored.

Crafting Compelling Messages

When it comes to OOH advertising, one of the most critical aspects is crafting messages and creating content that captures attention and leaves a lasting impression. In a world filled with constant distractions, it’s essential to create concise, powerful, and memorable content that resonates with your target audience.

To make the most impact with your OOH campaign, your messaging should be clear, concise, and clever. A successful OOH ad relies on capturing attention in a split second and delivering a strong message that sticks in the viewer’s mind. Take Nike’s iconic “Just Do It” campaign, for example. With just three words, they created a cultural phenomenon that encapsulated their brand ethos and inspired millions around the world.

Another key component of crafting compelling messages in OOH advertising is the use of creative slogans or catchphrases. These short phrases can quickly communicate your brand’s value proposition and engage viewers on an emotional level. Think about McDonald’s famous “I’m Lovin’ It” jingle or Apple’s simple yet impactful “Think Different” slogan. These slogans became synonymous with their respective brands and helped create a strong brand identity.

By using well-crafted messages, OOH advertisements have the power to become more than just marketing; they can become part of popular culture. The key is to find the perfect balance between being informative, entertaining, and thought-provoking. When done right, OOH campaigns can spark conversations and create buzz around your brand.

Targeting Specific Audiences

When it comes to OOH advertising, one size definitely does not fit all. In order to make a real impact, your message needs to reach the right people at the right time. That’s where targeting specific audiences comes into play. By harnessing the power of data-driven insights, advertisers can tailor their OOH campaigns to resonate with their intended demographic.

Gone are the days of blindly casting a wide net and hoping for the best. With advancements in technology, advertisers now have access to valuable consumer data that can inform their OOH strategies. By analyzing factors such as age, gender, location, and interests, marketers can create highly targeted campaigns that speak directly to their desired audience.

Facial Analytics

One exciting tool in the arsenal of OOH advertising is facial analytics technology. By using sophisticated cameras and algorithms, advertisers can gather real-time data on viewer demographics. This allows them to dynamically alter their messaging based on who is looking at the advertisement. For example, imagine a cosmetics brand that uses facial analytics to display different products based on the age and gender of the viewer. This personalized approach not only captures attention but also increases the chances of conversion.

GMC, a leading automaker, took targeting to a whole new level with their innovative OOH campaign. They combined facial analytics with proximity-based marketing to deliver targeted video ads to viewers near their dealerships. The campaign used cameras installed in digital OOH advertising billboards to detect viewer demographics and proximity sensors to trigger personalized messages. As a result, GMC saw increased engagement and brand awareness among their target audience.

By leveraging data-driven insights and cutting-edge technology like facial analytics, marketers can ensure that their OOH campaigns are hitting the mark. Targeting specific audiences leads to higher engagement rates and ultimately boosts ROI.

Integrating OOH with Digital Marketing

When it comes to advertising, integration is the name of the game. And that’s exactly what happens when out-of-home advertising teams up with digital marketing strategies. By combining the power of OOH with the precision of digital targeting, brands can create a dynamic and impactful campaign that reaches their audience at every touchpoint.

One of the key benefits of integrating OOH advertising with digital marketing is the ability to leverage geo-targeting. By using location-based data, brands can deliver customized messages to consumers based on their specific location, ensuring their ads are relevant and engaging. Imagine walking through a busy shopping district and seeing an OOH ad for your favorite clothing brand, along with a personalized offer on your smartphone. It’s like magic!

Spotify, the popular music streaming platform, utilized this strategy to create a memorable OOH campaign. They analyzed user data to understand their listeners’ preferences and then used geolocation technology to display dynamic ads on billboards and transit screens in various cities. Passersby were captivated as they saw their favorite songs and artists displayed prominently, creating a sense of connection and sparking conversations.

Integrating OOH with digital marketing also allows for seamless omnichannel experiences. Brands can extend their campaign beyond the physical world by incorporating interactive elements such as QR codes or social media hashtags in their OOH ads. This encourages consumers to engage further online, amplifying the reach and impact of the campaign.

Measuring Success and ROI

Measuring the success and return on investment (ROI) of OOH advertising can be a challenging task. Unlike digital marketing, where metrics like click-through rates and conversions can be easily tracked, OOH advertising requires a more nuanced approach. However, with the right strategies and tools, it is possible to evaluate the impact and effectiveness of your campaigns.

One method of measuring OOH advertising success is through footfall tracking. By analyzing the number of people who visit a physical location after being exposed to an OOH ad, marketers can gain insights into the campaign’s reach and effectiveness. This data can be collected using technologies like GPS tracking or beacons placed at strategic locations.

Surveys are another valuable tool for measuring the impact of OOH advertising. By conducting targeted surveys with specific demographics, marketers can assess brand awareness, recall, and consumer sentiment. These surveys can provide valuable feedback on the effectiveness of your messaging and overall campaign strategy.

Online engagement metrics also play a role in measuring the success of OOH advertising. Tracking social media mentions, hashtag usage, and website visits that can be attributed to an OOH campaign can help determine its reach and influence on online audiences.

To illustrate the power of effective measurement in OOH advertising, let’s take a look at Absolut Vodka’s campaign. By leveraging beacon technology placed in selected bars and clubs, Absolut was able to track consumer behavior and measure their engagement with the brand. This data allowed them to optimize their future campaigns based on real-time insights.

While measuring ROI in OOH advertising may not be as straightforward as other marketing channels, it is crucial to evaluate its impact to ensure you are getting the most out of your investment. By utilizing technologies like footfall tracking, surveys, and online engagement metrics, you can gain valuable insights into the success of your OOH campaigns.

In conclusion, OOH advertising, also known as Out Of Home Advertising, is a powerful tool that cannot be ignored in today’s marketing landscape. Its ability to reach a large audience in high-traffic public spaces makes it a valuable strategy for brands looking to make an impact.

By understanding the different types of OOH advertising, such as billboards, transit ads, and digital OOH, marketers can craft compelling messages that resonate with their target audience. Integrating OOH with digital marketing strategies further enhances the effectiveness of campaigns by utilizing geo-targeting and personalized content.

While measuring success and ROI can pose challenges, innovative methods like footfall tracking and online engagement metrics can provide valuable insights. By embracing creativity, targeting specific demographics, and integrating OOH with digital marketing, brands can achieve powerful results with their advertising campaigns.

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OOH Advertising: The Complete Guide

Every week, the Out-of-Home (OOH) advertising units measured by Geopath across the entire US have the ability to deliver over 100 trillion impressions. That is enough for every person in the United States to see an advertisement over 300 million times. Outdoor advertising’s high reach and frequency levels coupled with its often lower cost per impression than other advertising channels make it a formidable medium. 

This article will explain what OOH advertising is, when it should be used, benefits and challenges, and how you can be sure your OOH campaigns are working.

What is OOH Advertising? 

OOH advertising is any advertising experienced outside of the home. Also called outdoor advertising, outdoor media and out-of-home media, this type of advertising includes a variety of formats from Billboards to Wallscapes and Posters seen during vehicular or pedestrian travel to Place-Based advertisements seen inside and outside of gas stations, convenience stores and shopping malls. OOH advertising can also be in nontraditional formats such as Street Teams, Wildpostings (permitted or guerilla) and anything else imaginable to reach consumers offline.

OOH Advertising- The Complete Guide 1fea

Types of OOH Advertising 

There are many different formats and types of OOH advertising that can be found everywhere outside of your home:

  • Bulletins are the most common-sized large format OOH placement. Often located on the side of busy roads and highways, they provide maximum visibility for your brand messages.
  • Posters are usually found on secondary and local roads or outside of retail shops. They reach audiences locally and help to enhance program frequency. 
  • Wallscapes are often a high-impact form of OOH. They transform the cityscape to generate awareness in areas with high volumes of foot and vehicular traffic. 
  • Street furniture reaches consumers at eye level, ensuring the brand is top of mind during the audiences’ daily routines.  
  • Transit OOH is usually tied to public transportation systems such as rail and bus . It has the ability to reach both riders and those walking and driving past the systems. This type of media helps to increase reach and frequency in the market.
  • Place-Based Advertising reaches potential customers within many different venue types such as shopping malls , convenience stores, stadiums , and more. It can be a great way to reach customers at the point-of-sale.

OOH Advertising Examples


Acne Studios utilized an OOH Billboard to feature their classic Musubi Bag in a cheeky campaign. The Billboard they chose was near a retail location on Melrose in West Hollywood and facing towards a busy road. The featured creative was eye-catching with the design being readable from a distance and unobstructed from vehicular traffic.

Fashion Acne Studios Bulletin

Top Golf leveraged a high-impact Wallscape in a busy area of downtown Portland to capture their audience with a personal message. 

Varo used Bus advertising as part of a broader OOH campaign to reach their hyperlocal target audience with a personified creative and compelling message.

Varo bus wrap

When Should You Use OOH Advertising? 

You should use OOH advertising whenever you want to reach large groups of consumers in real-time. Outdoor advertising leverages engaging visuals and powerful messages as an effective standalone channel or as an amplification of your omnichannel marketing strategy. Advancing technologies, targeting, and measurement allow advertisers to measure how their campaigns are performing and measure the effectiveness of OOH in conjunction with and against their other marketing channels.  

Outdoor campaigns should be used when you want to get above the “noise” of digital marketing channels. With continuous phone privacy updates, and the ability to pay to opt-out of ads on many digital channels, OOH stands out as a channel where your consumers cannot avoid it, and they often don’t want to. Additionally, consumers tend to notice Out-of-Home advertising more than other media channels. 

OOH allows you to speak directly to your audience, helping you to attract new customers and engage your existing base. Traditionally OOH advertising was used for pure branding, but technologies have allowed it to be used for multiple purposes, including increasing sales, website visits, and app downloads.

Advantages of OOH Advertising

OOH advertising in all forms has many advantages that help it to support your campaign efforts and get your message to the world:

  • Brand Exposure: OOH is traditionally known for its brand exposure. It fits into the landscape, delivering brand awareness messages to those on the move each and every day. It engages current customers and potential new customers with your brand, encouraging them to use your products or services.
  • Scalability : OOH advertising is highly scalable . Brands can use one high-impact exposure, a series of smaller placements, or a combination approach to reach their audiences. 
  • Long Lifespan and Cannot be Blocked : OOH media has a much longer lifespan than online ads and its offline nature means that it cannot be blocked unlike most digital ads.
  • Amplifies Your Other Channels : OOH can amplify the reach of your other channels by standing out in a way that encourages social sharing, generates news articles and makes more viewers want to learn more about your brand through web search.
  • Reaches Audiences Just-in-Time : OOH advertising reaches people in the places they frequently visit, whether that’s on the way to work or while enjoying a leisure activity. Strategic placements allow advertisers to speak directly to their target audiences.
  • Customization : Brands can customize their OOH media, not only in terms of creative, but based on target demographics, geographic targeting, and other factors. 

Challenges of OOH Advertising

While OOH advertising comes with many benefits, there are some challenges.

  • Measurement : It is a common misconception that OOH advertising is not measurable , but there are actually many ways to determine and analyze the effectiveness of a campaign. However, some forms of OOH advertising cannot be measured such as Experiential and some Place-Based advertising.
  • Aligning Budget to Your Plan : OOH advertisers will have to set expectations against their budgets. Premium placements in tier-one markets can come with a high cost. The good news is that OOH typically offers lower CPMs than online or broadcast advertising and there are lower-cost options to strategically reach your audience. OOH specialists like Billups can help you build plans and strategies to efficiently and effectively maximize your budget. 
  • Timelines : OOH can have more of an extended timeline than other types of advertising. Creative is often due three to four weeks prior to posting, depending on the format. For static placements, there is also production time for printing that must be factored in. A large or complicated campaign may need as much as 12 weeks of lead time, but most campaigns need to be started six to eight weeks before they go live. One solution for a quicker turnaround would be to use Digital Out of Home (DOOH) , which can usually go live within a few days if the creative file is ready to be sent to the media owner. Another consideration is creative approval which is sometimes needed from the media company or property owners before the ad can be posted.
  • Relationship Management : Many OOH campaigns consist of multiple pieces of inventory in a variety of formats. It is common to execute an OOH campaign with multiple suppliers. The advertiser will have to navigate contracting and relationships with each supplier they use. In addition to that, the advertiser needs to work with a production company , and sometimes a creative company to bring their advertisements to market. Working with an OOH specialist company like Billups can help relieve the hassle of navigating multiple partnerships, as we manage many of those relationships for you, freeing up time for you to focus on other aspects of your campaign.

How Does OOH Integrate With Your Other Advertising Efforts?

OOH provides extended reach to digital campaigns, as these placements are offline, existing outside of the audience’s home and digital devices. Beyond reach, OOH touchpoints incite your audience to take action and learn more about your brand. Advertisers can leverage OOH beyond upper-funnel awareness to affect the consideration and buying phases of the funne l , allowing OOH advertisers to engineer media messaging to amplify their traditional and digital channel campaigns.

For example, an interactive and engaging placement with a relevant hashtag can generate buzz on social media , amplifying the reach of your message, a thoughtfully placed QR code can increase website visitation and app downloads, and placements advertising a product, service or discount near a point of sale can affect purchase behavior at the time and place where your audience is ready to buy.


DOOH Advertising

The use of Digital OOH (DOOH) is quickly expanding with more units available every year, providing advertisers with creative flexibility, quick turnaround times for production, and the ability to run full motion video. It also allows clients to target specific audiences through dayparting and to create timely messaging based on occurrences, triggers, or happenings.

OOH Advertising- The Complete Guide DIGITAL SECTION 4fea

Some of the forms of Digital OOH advertising can include:

  • Digital Bulletins light up high-traffic areas with the ability to run dynamic brand messages. These large-scale digital screens are usually located on major freeways and thoroughfares to reach vehicular traffic.
  • Digital Place-Based Ads attract the attention of consumers as they go about there day at places like restaurants, gas stations, and retail locations.
  • Digital Street Furniture impacts pedestrian and street traffic through bus shelters, benches and other inventory.

Programmatic DOOH Advertising 

Programmatic DOOH (pDOOH)  allows advertisers to buy digital advertising based on impressions using unique targeting parameters to share your message across multiple platforms at once and optimize where needed. pDOOH is most efficient when utilized with help from an OOH expert to plan, buy and measure your campaign.

OOH Industry Trends & Strategies

As time marches forward, the oldest form of advertising is having a renaissance of sorts. Due to its unavoidable nature, OOH is continuing to increase in popularity with brands. Here are some of the trends you can expect to see in OOH advertising:

  • More Creative : Brands seek new and innovative ways to reach, excite and engage their target audiences through OOH and integrate those efforts with those on their other marketing channels.
  • More Programmatic : Many advertisers are also excited about the possibilities that programmatic advertising provides. 
  • More Measurement : More advanced methodologies are allowing advertisers to see the fruits of their labor through measurement.
  • More Sustainable : Many brands, especially overseas, are looking for ways to make their OOH advertising more sustainable and eco-friendly.

How Can You Tell if OOH ADs Are Working?

Though there is a misconception that OOH is less measurable than other channels, the OOH rating system provides OOH advertisers with credible metrics comparable to other media channels. This allows advertisers to target similar audiences across their media mix.

Additionally, OOH specialist companies like Billups have patented technology that allows for deeper insights into how a campaign performed. Here are some examples of the kinds of reports that Billups can provide:

  • Exposure shows how many individuals were exposed to a campaign based on mobile devices passing within the possible viewing area of the OOH placements for a campaign.  
  • Location Visitation compares pre-campaign foot traffic for designated Points of Interest (POIs) to total foot traffic during the campaign.
  • Website Visitation shows how many mobile device IDs were exposed to the campaign and went on to visit the brand’s website.  
  • Brand Awareness determines audiences’ opinions of brands and how they might have changed as a result of the OOH campaign through pre and post-campaign surveys. 
  • Sales reports measure which device IDs were exposed, and matched to the users who converted online or offline by making a purchase. 
  • Audience Profile creates a profile for those who were exposed to the OOH campaign based on demographics and behavioral traits such as sex, HHI, purchase behavior, ethnicity, etc.
  • Placement Indexing ranks the OOH placements based on exposure to a specific location or POI.

Getting Started With an OOH Campaign?

Ready to get started on an OOH Campaign? Billups' experienced team of media specialists and data scientists are here to help you with everything related to your campaign from conception to production to analyzing your results. Contact us today !

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Exploring the Benefits of OOH Advertising: A Case Study with Two Real-World Examples

  • Author: dept5

Out-of-home (OOH) advertising is an effective way to reach a larger audience and drive sales. OOH advertising refers to any type of advertisement placed in public spaces, including billboards, bus stops, and train stations. OOH advertising has become increasingly popular in recent years, as more businesses recognize the potential of this form of advertising to reach a wide audience.

In this blog post, we’ll take a look at the benefits of OOH advertising, as well as two real-world examples of businesses that have used OOH advertising to their advantage.

First, it’s important to understand why OOH advertising is so effective. OOH advertising is a great way to reach a large number of people in a short amount of time. This is because OOH ads are placed in public spaces, where people are likely to see them. OOH advertising is also a cost-effective form of advertising, as it only requires a one-time cost and does not require ongoing maintenance or updating.

Additionally, OOH advertising is highly visible and can be used to target specific demographics or locations. For example, businesses can choose to place OOH ads in high-traffic areas, such as busy streets or popular shopping centers, to ensure that their message reaches the most people.

Now that we understand the benefits of OOH advertising, let’s take a look at two real-world examples of businesses that have used OOH advertising to their advantage.

The first example is a company called Lemonade. Lemonade is a subscription-based health and wellness company that offers customizable meal plans and workout programs. In order to promote their services, Lemonade placed OOH ads in high-traffic areas in cities such as Los Angeles and New York. These ads featured a call-to-action encouraging people to visit the Lemonade website and sign up for the service. This campaign was highly successful, resulting in a significant increase in website traffic and sign-ups.

The second example is a company called Petco. Petco is a pet supplies store that offers a wide range of products for pet owners. To promote their services, Petco placed OOH ads in high-traffic areas such as parks and train stations. These ads featured images of pets and encouraged people to visit Petco’s website or stores. This campaign was also successful, resulting in a significant increase in website traffic and store visits.

These two examples demonstrate the effectiveness of OOH advertising. By placing ads in high-traffic areas, businesses are able to reach a larger audience and drive sales. OOH advertising is a cost-effective form of advertising that can help businesses gain visibility and increase sales.

In conclusion, OOH advertising is an effective way to reach a large audience and drive sales. Businesses should consider using OOH advertising as part of their marketing strategies , as it can be used to target specific demographics or locations. By using OOH advertising, businesses can gain visibility and increase sales in a short amount of time.


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