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Application Letter for Class Prefect – Sample Application for the Post of Class Prefect

prefect application letter year 12

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To The Principal, ____________ (School Name) ____________ (Address of the School)

__/__/____ (Date)

Subject: Application for the class prefect

Respected Sir/Madam

This is to inform you that I am _________ (name), a student of _______ (class) of your reputed school i.e. _________ (mention school name). My student ID is ________ (mention student ID number).

I am writing this letter to inform you that I am willing to apply for the position of class prefect for our class i.e. ________ (mention class). I have been appointed as a __________ (mention) and I am requesting you to kindly consider this as an application letter for the same. ___________ (mention your achievements)

I believe you would consider this as a genuine request and would grant me a chance to be the class prefect.

Yours Truly, _____________ (Signature), _____________ (Name), _____________ (Roll number)

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  • You should include your interest in the position, relevant experiences or achievements, and a polite request for consideration.
  • Including your student ID number provides identification and helps the school administration process your application efficiently.
  • Address the principal respectfully as "Respected Sir/Madam" or "Dear Principal" followed by their last name.
  • Yes, mentioning relevant extracurricular activities demonstrates your involvement and leadership skills outside of academics.
  • Yes, expressing gratitude at the end of the letter shows professionalism and appreciation for the opportunity to apply for the position.

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  • class prefect sample application template

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I am writing this letter in application for the position of Prefect and Head/Deputy Head prefect. I see this position as a central part of the schools foundations, traditions, and effective communication

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I am writing this letter in application for the position of Prefect and Head/Deputy Head prefect. I see this position as a central part of the schools foundations, traditions, and effective communication

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  • Word Count 1364
  • Page Count 3
  • Subject English

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Think Student

What is a School Prefect and What Do They Do?

In GCSE by Think Student Editor May 22, 2021 4 Comments

Almost every school in the UK offers students the opportunity to become a prefect. However, what  really  is a school prefect, and what do they do? This article will answer all your questions surrounding this topic.  

A simple definition of a school prefect is as follows: a student who has been meticulously selected to carry out certain responsibilities and duties. There are many types of prefects, including Head Girl and Boy, House Captain, Library Prefect and  so on . But what do they do? The Head Girl and Boy, for example, give out speeches, represent the school at event s  and   more. The e ntire explanation of each prefects’ responsibilities   is  explained below. School prefects are often elected in their final year of schooling, whether that be Year 11 or Year 13.  

Now, without further ado, let’s jump in!  

Table of Contents

What is a School Prefect?

A school prefect is a n elected  student who has been chosen to perform certain responsibilities , giving them  some authority in school .  There are several advantages that come with this position,  which include  a positive addition  to your CV. There are  multiple  different  categories  of prefects, which will be discussed further on in th is  article.  

When Can You Become a School Prefect?

Generally, the prefect positions are awarded  at the start of Year 11/13 , depending on whether you are in secondary school or sixth form, however this can vary from school to school . O n the whole, this is the most common way schools do this. It is likely these years are chosen because by this time you  will have an extensive knowledge of the school you  attend and   have reached the ‘top of the pile’  by  your last year, so will be more confident and assertive whilst completing your designated assignment.  

Applications for becoming a school prefect are often taken towards the end of Year 10 or Year 12,  again depending on which part of the school you are  currently  in, so in the lead up to the summer term it may be best to start thinking about which position you would like to apply for, if any.  Your school will usually notify you of application deadlines and the positions they have to offer.  

What are the Different Types of School Prefect?

In a school there i s often  a multitude of different  types of  prefects. A quick disclaimer:  this list will not be correct for all schools  but  serves the purpose of  giv ing  a general idea of what can be expected from your average  UK  school.  

Head Girl/Boy

Often considered the most prestigious role a student can be given;  Head Boy and Head Girl hold the most influential position of any prefect in the school.  Often having many candidates, this is a highly competitive and sought-after position.  The Head Boy and Girl represent the school. They should be a good role-model to younger students, and generally lead other prefects as they do their duties .  

Deputy Head Boy/Girl

The Deputy Head Boy and Girl are almost like the understudies of the Head Boy and Girl . They are, again, high up in the school, and  are  expected to do almost the same as the Head Boy and Girl .  The Deputy Head will often take the place of the Head if they are absent , again acting like an understudy. They assist the Head whilst they do their duties.  

House Captain

In  an  average school, their tends to be  in-school  houses.  E ach house is often appointed a  H ouse  C aptain  who  lead  their house to victory in events such as Sports Day.  The House Captain represents their in-school house , and there may be just one house captain or multiple.  

Library Prefects

Library Prefects are responsible for the school library , sometimes taking shifts there, helping students and keeping it neat and orderly.  They may help organise school events to do with  the library , such as World Book Day.  

Hall Monitor

Although they are less common in UK schools, Hall Monitors do exist in some   places .  They exist to keep the halls orderly and neat .  They may monitor halls a t  break or lunch   and can be found all across the school.  

What are the General Tasks of a School Prefect?

A school prefect is expected to carry out multiple duties depending on which position they are given.  Using the list of different prefects briefed above, I shall give an overview of the general duties expected of each type of prefect.  

The Head Girl and Boy   represent the school at events in and out of school , for example an in-school Prize Giving or a local charity event.  They are generally   expected to give public speeches from time to time  in front of different year groups, the school, or attendees to the events they  are present at .  They may also act as a guide for visitors to the school .  The Head Girl and Head Boy tend to lead other prefects and assist them with their duties .  They must also act as good role-models for younger students  and  may get involved in activities involving the lower school .  

Deputy Head Girl/Boy

T he Deputy Head Girl and Boy almost act as understudies for the Head Girl and Boy .  They may attend events in place of the Head  and  fulfil their duties if they are absent .  They too  are present at some  events bu t  appear less frequently .  They assist the Heads in all their duties  and are their second in command so to speak.  They must act as role-models for the younger school  and  may  be involved in lower school events too .  They may also be required to give speeches.  

The House Captain leads their house in school activities, such as Sports Day . They represent their house  and their house’s students .  They take part in all house – related events .  They generally  required to be  athletic , as houses are  most commonly  used in sporting events,  making the   H ouse  C aptain ’ s prime time Sports Day.  They may also represent their school in sporting events outside of school. They must organise House Meetings and be able to communicate with the rest of the pupils clearly. They also help to organise and lead school sporting events and assist school PE teachers  during these activities . They must be friendly ,  a n effective  leader  and a  good   motivator for the  students .  

Library Prefect

A  L ibrary  P refect must be available to take shifts in the library .  They may work behind the desk, helping students with their requests and completing standard jobs such as monitoring overdue book s .  They also have the responsibility of keeping the library neat and tidy, and ensuring all books are put back in a neat and orderly fashion.   They may also have to take care of any rowdy  students who need to be removed or help students who have a question .  They should have a thorough knowledge of books and know where to find specific  novel s . I f a student asks for recommendations, they should be able to give a good , substantial  answer.  They may also help monitor and organise library events , such as World Book Day.  

Hall  M onitors patrol the corridors to ensure all students are behaving and are conducting themselves to a good standard.   They take care of any misbehaviour that may occur  and  alert   member s  of staff   if they see trouble .  They   also make sure students are punctual and attend lessons on time, and ensure all students are  where  they should be  and not loitering in the corridors . They also might help to keep the halls clean and tidy up any mess that may have been left behind.  

What is the “Best” Type of Prefect?

This question varies among different people, but if referring to status then Head Girls and Boy is the best position to be held . They are the student heads of the school and have the most influence out of all the prefects.   

However, to some people being the  leader  of the school would be their worst nightmare, and  a  more discreet role  such as Library Prefect would sound the best to them;  it all depends on who you are.  

How Hard is it to Become a Prefect?  

This depends on your year-group size . If in a class of 1000, it is going to be much more difficult to  gain   a  position than in a class of 200, as there will be more competition.   

Y our general reputation in the school  is important too . If you  are labelled as a well-behaved student in school who consistently tries their hardest in everything they do, you are going to be in with a much better chance than someone who is constantly in trouble with teachers.   

It also depends on which position you go for ; some positions may be in much higher demand than others .  

How Do You Become a School Prefect?  

As you reach the end of the school year in Year 10, applications for prefects next year may start to open . Quite often an application form is given out.  You must then complete this form before the due date , and then give in your form to school.  It really is that simple!    

What is Required to Become a Prefect?

To become a prefect, generally nothing is required, however your school may have a policy that bans people with a certain amount of behaviour points from applying.    

There are certain qualities that are looked for in a prefect, such as being cooperative.  Cooperation is key whil st  being a prefect  as your main duty is to look after other students and assist teachers with jobs.  You must also be helpful and well-mannered . Someone with a particularly bad record in the past will most likely not stand much of a chance of becoming a prefect as the school may think they  will  abuse the authority they are given, or not carry out the ir  duties as they should be,  which is  also  why a prefect must also be trustworthy and responsible.   

Participating in lots of clubs in school should give a boost too , as it shows you are committed to your school and like to try your best in a wide range of areas.   

Although good grades are generally not considered to be important during the process of choosing a prefect,  trying your hardest in each subject is   vital .  If you prepare yourself well and try your best in each lesson, it will be recognised by teachers and will in turn give you a better chance of being given the prefect position.


Very useful


To the point not draged out. Interisting applying for position. Don’t think that was the case in my day.

Agbogunleye damilola

Very very very Good

Thanks this really helps me thanks again

leading learning together at Turton

Working together to keep getting better, a heart-warming prefect application.

This half-term year 10 apply to a selection committee to be given the opportunity to become a prefect, taking over from the year 11 prefect team as they begin their GCSE exams.

This process presents an opportunity for them to write one of their first letters of application for a position. It is a time for them to reflect on their years at Turton, their achievements both in school and out and to reflect on how they now contribute to school, society and the world of work as they mature.

Reading the applications is a heart-warming process that focusses our attention onto what wonderful people our students are developing into.

Below is an example of the many thoughtful applications that make us so very proud of our young people.

Prefect Application Form

Dear Turton Prefect application team,

I would love to embark on the journey to becoming a prefect and blossom from the effects of this role. This is because Turton has done so much for me and I would love to give some of that help and understanding back to the younger years. A prefect needs to have the qualities of someone who shows confidence when representing the school that I have come to love. They also need a strong understanding of our wonderful school environment and a desire to contribute to its continuing success. I feel I have these attributes.

As my three years at Turton have played out, I have become aware of the ‘Turton Touchstones’ and how much they represent the face of our caring school. To see the good in others, to be self-aware and witness our development, to be creative via the opportunities we are presented with, to belong to a loving and caring community, to have the relationship of teacher and pupil which Turton delivers to us. These are all things we take for granted. However, I have come to terms with how important they are for us as young people to help us to mature and grow. We are given opportunities others will only dream of, clean drinking water, a free education, and (in our school) a second family. I am unable to stress just how important these things are to us, it is easy for us to go day to day without even thinking about them. Yet there are many less fortunate young people who couldn’t imagine what it would be like to witness these events. I would love to be presented with the privilege of educating the younger years about these events and why they are important

Over the course of the three years I have been at Turton, I have received some amazing help through the challenges I have faced. One of these obstacles is my speech impediment (stammer) which I have suffered with from a young age. When people were mimicking my stammer and making fun of it I turned to my parents who contacted you. Within days the problem was resolved and I was capable to speak freely and confidently. It would be a privilege to help the younger pupils overcome hurdles like my own and strive for their best confidently and freely.

For the past few months I have been volunteering at 78 th Bolton Walmsley Scout Cub group on a Monday night. I help out the three leaders organise activities and I have developed a strong bond with some of the cubs. From this experience I believe that I have learnt how to help and support these younger people. I think that I could carry out these skills to help some of the younger pupils and help them through times when they are struggling. As well as volunteering at cubs, I also volunteer after school at the school’s water polo and swimming team. I help the squad to train and set drills for them to complete, I also take one to one sessions while the others do different drills. This has given me a strong understanding on how to help and encourage younger peers. Finally, I also have a paper round. This means I get up at 05:55 Monday to Friday to deliver around fifty papers. I have learnt to work hard, be reliable and I have become a lot more motivated. I wish to pass these skills to my younger peers.

In conclusion, I feel that I would make a good prefect as I am humble, generous and kind. I feel that I’d be an asset to the prefect team and would try my hardest to become a successful figure in representing the school at events and in day to day life. I would be willing to go to events and it would be a privilege to represent the school and help the senior prefect team as well as staff. I will thrive to do my best and I hope you will accept and welcome me into your prefect team.

Yours sincerely,

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How to Be a Good Prefect

Last Updated: March 12, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Alicia Oglesby and by wikiHow staff writer, Kyle Hall . Alicia Oglesby is a Professional School Counselor and the Director of School and College Counseling at Bishop McNamara High School outside of Washington DC. With over ten years of experience in counseling, Alicia specializes in academic advising, social-emotional skills, and career counseling. Alicia holds a BS in Psychology from Howard University and a Master’s in Clinical Counseling and Applied Psychology from Chestnut Hill College. She also studied Race and Mental Health at Virginia Tech. Alicia holds Professional School Counseling Certifications in both Washington DC and Pennsylvania. She has created a college counseling program in its entirety and developed five programs focused on application workshops, parent information workshops, essay writing collaborative, peer-reviewed application activities, and financial aid literacy events. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 774,590 times.

If you've applied to be a prefect at your school, or you're already serving as one, you might be wondering how to be the best prefect. To be a good prefect, it's important to remember that your role is to help both the faculty and the students at your school. By setting a good example for students, following your school's rules, and being there when people need you, you can ensure that you're successfully fulfilling all your duties as a prefect.

Setting a Good Example

Step 1 Have a positive attitude

  • For example, if your fellow students are complaining because the upcoming dance got cancelled, instead of complaining with them, you could say something positive like, "I know it's upsetting that the dance is cancelled, but we should all get together and think of something else we could do for fun that night."

Step 2 Be respectful...

Following the Rules

Step 1 Abide by your school’s dress code.

Being There for Students

Step 1 Be approachable...

Alicia Oglesby

Compassion is a sign of a thoughtful role model. Show you can be a thoughtful role model for others by demonstrating compassion, curiosity about the world, awareness of different viewpoints, and responsibility in following through on duties. Be solution-oriented and lead by mature example.

Step 4 Be fair.

Expert Q&A

Alicia Oglesby

Tips from our Readers

  • Should problems arise requiring administrative attention, advocate for the student perspective to faculty respectfully but steadfastly. As liaison between the two groups, tactfully serve as that crucial bridge for understanding.
  • Near the end of your tenure, privately encourage impressive leadership qualities you’ve observed in potential prefect candidates that could continue traditions of excellence after your term concludes. Help guide the future.
  • If younger students approach asking for guidance, offer a listening ear and thoughtful bits of wisdom, not just recitations of school policy. Mentor gently when sought out, rather than preaching rules harshly unprompted.
  • Keep a subtle eye on fellow prefects too, as your duty requires holding one another equally accountable. Politely but firmly remind any you witness violating codes of conduct, even minor slip-ups. Integrity matters.
  • Make an effort to remain visible and unambiguously available for student questions or issues during free periods by wandering halls greeting peers. Your consistent presence cultivates approachability.
  • Consider organizing occasional casual social events like movie nights or game tournaments to nurture bonding opportunities for students outside rigid classroom walls. Such activities build community.

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  • ↑ Alicia Oglesby. Professional School Counselor. Expert Interview. 13 April 2021.
  • ↑ https://kidshealth.org/en/teens/homework.html
  • ↑ https://clt.byuh.edu/clt/honest-teacher
  • ↑ https://soeonline.american.edu/blog/importance-of-school-attendance
  • ↑ https://www.waldenu.edu/programs/communication/resource/how-to-be-an-effective-communicator-in-7-easy-steps
  • ↑ https://newtoncollege.es/en/prefect-student-election/

About This Article

Alicia Oglesby

To be a good prefect, try to set a good example for other students by having a positive attitude and being respectful. Also, do your best in school since other students will notice how much effort you put in. You should also make sure you follow all of your school's rules, like abiding by the dress code, having a good attendance record, and going to class on time. In addition to setting a good example, try to be there for your fellow students by talking to them about their concerns and supporting students who are having a hard time. To learn how to be fair as a prefect, scroll down! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Classroom Leadership: how to effectively choose school prefects for your subject area

How to ensure you get the right subject prefects...

prefect application letter year 12

School Prefects: every school seems to have them, but very few seem to have mastered the art of using them effectively. So why is this the case? And, more importantly, how can you select the ones who will save you time and improve standards? Read on to find out more...

prefect application letter year 12

The Historic Problem

Time after time we've all seen the "prefect thing" become a "lip service" exercise... where students often gain the title without having to "buy in" to the expectations, or the workload.

Everyone starts out enthusiastically and with high hopes of great change, but in reality this rarely seems to happen. Prefects turn up to the expected Open Evening and dawdle about (frequently checking their watches!), and the only types of questions they ask are: 'When do you think I can go home?' or 'Are there any biscuits left?'

You might be lucky and get one or two decent prefects and you may even get a bit of a classroom display put up for you ... wonkily, but still, it counts as something. Occasionally, you may win the 'holy grail' of prefects and think 'this year we'll finally get things done'... to then have them stolen away by the allure of a better school position when everyone finally realises how good they are. (And this always seems to happen partway through the year when you thought 'all your ducks were in a row'!)

It seems that (excluding the rare exception) we never seem to get 'our money's worth' when it comes to "hiring" prefects, especially not in the long term.

So why do we even bother?

Well, aside from being directed to do this, what is in it for you? FREE TIME! That’s what’s in it for you... if you get this right. (* And obviously the satisfaction that you are nurturing the hidden leadership talents of the next generation.) But mainly free time. And you'll probably think ' Yeah, right’ , but my department are now in the fortunate position where our prefects not only save us time, but actually help us raise standards too.

It sounds so obvious, but the simple truth is that it’s all about motivation. BUT, it's not simply enough to create it… the trick is sustaining it.

What's in it for them?

Let’s face it, students need motivating factors to do pretty much anything. Some you can buy off with ‘ This will look great on your UCAS application ‘ ( Yes, that ol’ chestnut!) and others you will probably have to literally buy off… with time and biscuits… and Amazon vouchers.

This being said, everyone is motivated by something, and that something is usually success. Benjamin Ball's 'Summary of Motivational Theories’ claims that individuals want to work for an establishment where they feel they are able to make a positive difference. If this moral reason fails, then helping people to feel (and look) important can be a very effective motivational tool, too. My department sustain this sense of importance by creating a student hierarchy for our subject prefects.

prefect application letter year 12

The Prefect Hierarchy

The Prefect Hierarchy follows a similar pattern to our own teacher hierarchy. Humans adhere to hierarchical constructs, hence the influence Religion, Monarchs and Politicians have always had over us... and why we try to curry favour with our line managers. Students follow a hierarchy in your own classroom with you as the leader they instinctively know they should follow.

Age and status are the two main ways of creating a strong hierarchy. As prefects are close in age, the only structure left is to create status roles within the subject prefect team. schools have been doing this with their 'Head Girl' and 'Head Boy' roles for decades, but I've rarely seen this idea filter into the subject prefect sphere.

My department aim to employ 5-6 subject prefects with the following roles:

Head Subject Prefect

Deputy Head Subject Prefect

Subject Prefect (specific role)

Subject Prefect

This year we've created a 'Head of Literacy Prefect' as this fits well with our department and school aim, but you could create subject prefects with different roles to suit your own department needs. However, be careful not to give every subject prefect a specific role otherwise you tend to get all leaders and no followers... and too many cooks tend to spoil the broth!

You also need to ensure that your 'Head Subject Prefect' is strong enough to 'rally the troops' and keep them in check, but is also kind enough to not become a power hungry dictator in your absence. Young adults are still in the process of learning to be adults, after all.

So, to choose wisely, you need a suitable application process…

prefect application letter year 12

The Application Process

With more and more demand to prepare students for their future careers, treating your school prefect application process like a “real” job interview has multiple benefits:

It weeds out the unmotivated

It provides a sense of gravitas that shows students this is important to you (and so should be to them!)

It’s an opportunity for students to gain some worthwhile interview experience (which works nicely with the Gatsby benchmarks)

It means you can better sense leadership potential for creating your prefect hierarchy

We ”advertise” the posts like a proper job interview. Students are told in lessons and emailed the job posting. The post-COVID world has made this even easier with platforms, like Microsoft Teams, allowing you to set such a thing as a voluntary 'assignment'.

We give them a job description and a deadline, and expect a letter of application that details their suitability for the role(s). It's also a good idea to get them to specify the role(s) they are interested in... this really helps to 'whittle' them down for interview. Finally, we make the benefits of the roles very apparent. It's vital to make it clear what's in it for them as we want to keep motivation levels high.

prefect application letter year 12

The Selection Process

Since implementing this system, we are inundated with subject prefect applications. One year we had a record 60% of our course students apply for a post... previous to this we were lucky if we got 2 applicants. However, this comes with its own problems... how do you select the right candidates for interview?

Firstly, you need to know your students. Applying for a role naturally opens you up for the possibility of rejection and that makes you very vulnerable... so managing student feedback and expectations is paramount. An innocent but flippant remark from you could really injure an applicant.

We have THREE golden rules for this:

Applicants MUST meet the deadlines and apply as requested (this instantly whittles out those who are not truly interested and applicants tend to take 'your application was too late' much better than 'we didn't feel you were suitable for interview'.

All applicants are kept confidential and are contacted separately (never as a group). This means a student has full control over whether they tell their peers or not.

Feedback must be provided following the "compliment sandwich" approach : compliment, constructive feedback, bigger compliment e.g. " We absolutely loved your energy, but we felt other candidates had more experience with running extra-curricular clubs and that’s something we really needed, however, we thought your interview answers were strong and we know that Geography are really interested in having you as a prefect".

Don't fall into the trap of interviewing everyone who applies just because you feel bad. It sends the wrong message to the stronger applicants, it wastes a lot of your time, and once people complete the interview stage they have naturally convinced themselves that they are the best person for the job. Therefore, telling them they haven't 'got the job' is much harder on them than if they aren't selected for interview in the first place. If you know it's definitely not going to work out, then don't go there.

Once we've selected students we'd like to interview, all applicants are contacted with either a 'please come to interview' or a 'thank you for applying, however...' email. The former can be very generic, however the latter I like to make more personalised and again adopt the 'compliment sandwich' approach. We tend to follow this up with a face to face conversation too.

prefect application letter year 12

The Interview

Again, the interview is just like those for a professional paying job... but a little bit softer. I prefer to have two people on the interview panel - it makes sense to ask one of your main A Level teachers to get involved... to give the interview more gravitas, but also to get relevant team members invested in their prefects. For extra status, you could ask a senior leader or Head of Year to help you interview.

To help with nerves and get the interviews off to a good start, we tell students in their 'please come to interview' email what the first question will be. For us, it's always 'why did you apply for this position?' We pre-decide our questions (choose 4-6 which students can elaborate on... you don't want to be there all day!) and print out answer grids for the panel to fill in and score the answers. This is a bit of extra effort, but really helps with the selection process at the end... especially when trying to decide who to appoint for each role.

Last year 15 applied, we interviewed 10, and gave out 6 positions, and the interview answer grids made the task so much easier. It also means you can give detailed feedback if requested... and helpful constructive criticism is always greatly appreciated.

The interviews are around 10-15 minutes each and for confidentiality, I like to choose a suitable meeting room away from our subject teaching area.

Make sure you tell students when and how they will hear the outcome from you and stick to this agreement. It sounds painfully obvious, but leaving people in limbo is a really good way to pee them off… yet it happens repeatedly. Just think back to your last job interview!

prefect application letter year 12

So there you have it, a strong methodology for getting the right prefects for your subject area. Check out the sister blog ' Classroom Leadership: how to effectively use your subject prefects in your subject area' for tips on how to save you time whilst raising standards.

For more useful ideas, check out our blogs on leadership and engagement.

If you have found this blog or any of its related blogs helpful, please subscribe and give us here at Inspire My Teaching a big thumbs up!

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Persuasive Speech: I Should Be the Next School Prefect

I should be your next school prefect because I have all the best things to offer the position and the establishment. To start with, I have an engaging and positive attitude that makes it easy to relate to students and staff. Not only that, but I am cheerful and love to take on new challenges. I have plenty of experience working with others in a leadership role so I am prepared to take on this duty with all the necessary achievements and requirements under my belt.

One of my main jobs will be working with the students and staff at the school to help them deal with both positive and negative issues that arise on campus. I will help each one of them give voice to their needs and wants so that we can work together to create the perfect school environment for everyone. I will meet with the headmaster on a regular basis to problem solve and come up with solutions to issues that students might be having at school. Each and every student should know that I am on their side and promise to make school as great as it can be for them.

When it comes to my qualifications, I believe I have what it takes to make a great leader. I have a confidence that makes it simple for me to speak before a crowd in a proficient and knowledgeable way. I enjoy answering questions about myself and am always willing to discuss issues and assist in finding a solution. I am easy to talk to and promise to take each issue seriously so that students feel heard and understood, no matter what they might be facing. I am good at communicating what needs to be done as well as my appreciation for the help that others give me. I’m not afraid to ask for help when I need it and would rather admit it than try to solve a problem alone, only to find out that I’m not equipped to do so without assistance. I am also able to plan large events, such as holiday parties and enjoy working as part of a team. I am able to share ideas and tasks with my group and am able to give up some control for the good of everyone involved. You will always find me open and willing to talk, both about the good and the bad.

As a prefect, I want to help the school be the best it can be by partnering with students, staff and parents to ensure that each problem is solved and make the school a fun and educational environment for each and every student that attends. I want to take on the role of prefect so that I can continue in this tradition and use my talents and time to create the perfect school for anyone. Each student will feel happy and at home at school and parents will be assured that their child will be safe on campus and will get a superior education while they are here.

In summary, I love what being a prefect means for me and my fellow students. I want this experience to further enhance my life and my experience, but I also want to share what I have to offer with other students. This school has provided me with so many opportunities and chances to learn and I feel like it’s my duty to give back by becoming a prefect and giving something back to the school and the students and staff that are here on a daily basis. Thank you!

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