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What Are the Seven Wonders of the World? (HD Images)

We might have all heard of the ancient ‘seven wonders of the world’, but which incredible artefacts make up the most recent list?

seven wonder of the world, including christ statue, colosseum, and the great wall of China.

The first ‘seven wonders of the ancient world’ list was made more than 2000 years ago, by adventurous Hellenic travelers who marveled at the world’s most incredible man-made constructions. Since then, most of the original list have been destroyed , aside from the Great Pyramid of Giza. In 2001, Swiss-born, Canadian filmmaker Bernard Weber set up the New7Wonders Foundation to find a new seven wonders of the world for the modern era, asking members of the public to cast their votes. After months of deliberating, debating and shortlists, these are the impressive feats that made the final cut.

1. The Colosseum, Rome, Italy

The Colosseum

The Colosseum is the great oval amphitheater in the center of Rome where gladiators once fought for their life. The largest amphitheater ever built, it was constructed from sand and stone over eight years, from AD72 to AD80. The colossal structure could hold 80,000 spectators, arranged in a circular ring around the central stage. Dramatic and sometimes horrifying events took place here, not just gladiatorial games, but also Classical plays, animal hunts and executions. Some say water was even pumped into the arena to enact mock sea battles. Partially damaged by earthquakes and stone robbers over the centuries, the Colosseum is still an iconic memento of Roman history, visited by thousands of tourists every year, so it stands to reason it would make the list of today’s seven wonders of the world.

2. The Great Wall of China


The Great Wall of China  is a huge barrier that spans thousands of miles along China’s historic northern border. Created over millennia, the wall began its life as a series of smaller walls dating back to the 7th century BCE, built as protective barriers against nomadic raids. In 220 BCE, China’s first Emperor Qin Shi Huang masterminded the unification of all China’s walls into one almighty barrier, strengthening and extending the wall to keep out northern invaders. Today the wall is recognized as one of the seven wonders, which, including all its branches, measures a whopping 13,171 miles.

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The Taj Mahal

India’s renowned Taj Mahal (Persian for Crown of Palaces) is the stunning white marble mausoleum on the bank of the Yamuna River in the city of Agra, and it has been selected as one of the seven wonders of the world. Mughal emperor, Shah Jahan built the temple as a tomb for his beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal, who died during childbirth in 1631. A marble tomb in the center is surrounded by 42 acres of grounds, where gardens, a mosque, guest house and pool complete the complex. The entire project took over 22 years to complete by 20,000 workers at a cost of 32 million rupees (around US$827 million by today’s standards). But the hard work paid off – today the Taj Mahal is recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site , and a vital component of India’s rich Mughal history.

4. Christ the Redeemer, Brazil

Christ the Redeemer

The totemic statue of Christ the Redeemer stands over Rio de Janeiro on the top of Mount Corcovado. At 30 meters tall, this monument is an iconic emblem of Brazil. This huge public artwork was designed by the Polish-French sculptor Paul Landowski in the 1920s and completed by Brazilian engineer Heitor da Silva Costa, and French engineer Albert Caquot in 1931. Made from reinforced concrete clad in over 6 million soapstone tiles, Christ the Redeemer is the largest Art Deco sculpture in the world. Built just after the end of the First World War, the sculpture was an overpowering symbol of Christianity and hope when the world had been brought to its knees, so its no surprise that this monument made the list for today’s seven wonders.

5. Machu Picchu, Peru

Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu is a lost treasure of the 15th century, a rare citadel discovered high in the Andes mountains above the Peruvian Sacred Valley. Astonishingly, it is one of the only pre-Columbian ruins found nearly intact, featuring evidence of former plazas, temples, agricultural terraces and homes. Archaeologists believe the citadel was built as an estate for the Inca emperor Pachacuti in around 1450 in polished drystone walls. The Incas abandoned the site a century later and it remained hidden for millennia, before being brought to public attention by American historian Hiram Bingham in 1911. Because of this remarkable preservation, it is recognized today as one of the seven wonders.

6. Chichén Itzá, Mexico

Chichen Itza

Deep in the Mexican state of Yucatán lies Chichen Itza , a historic Mayan city built between the 9th and 12th centuries. Constructed by the pre-Columbian Mayan tribe Itzá, the city includes a series of monuments and temples. The most celebrated is El Castillo, also known as the Temple of Kukulcan. It is a huge step pyramid in the center of the city which was built as a devotional temple to the god Kukulkan. In total, the entire temple features 365 steps, one for each day of the year. Even more impressively, during the spring and summer equinoxes, afternoon sun casts triangular shadows down the pyramid’s north stairway that resemble a feathered serpent slithering down its surface, heading towards a stone snake head at the base – no wonder it is one of the seven wonders today!

7. Petra, Jordan

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Petra , the ancient city in southern Jordan, is also known as the ‘rose city’ for its golden hue. It dates as far back as 312 BC. Set in a remote valley, this ancient city was founded by the Arab Nabataeans, a sophisticated civilization that carved stunning architecture and complex waterways out of surrounding rock faces. The Nabateans also established Petra as a successful trade hub, earning vast wealth and a booming population before being wiped out by earthquakes. Unknown to the Western world for centuries, the city was uncovered in 1812 by Swiss explorer Johann Ludwig Burckhardt. 19th-century  poet and scholar John William Burgon described Petra as “a rose-red city half as old as time.”

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What Were the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World?

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By Rosie Lesso MA Contemporary Art Theory, BA Fine Art Rosie is a contributing writer and artist based in Scotland. She has produced writing for a wide range of arts organizations including Tate Modern, The National Galleries of Scotland, Art Monthly, and Scottish Art News, with a focus on modern and contemporary art. She holds an MA in Contemporary Art Theory from the University of Edinburgh and a BA in Fine Art from Edinburgh College of Art. Previously she has worked in both curatorial and educational roles, discovering how stories and history can really enrich our experience of art.

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Seven Wonders of the Ancient World

By: History.com Editors

Updated: June 13, 2023 | Original: October 27, 2009

HISTORY: The 7 Wonders of the Ancient World

The amazing works of art and architecture known as the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World serve as a testament to the ingenuity, imagination and sheer hard work of which human beings are capable. They are also, however, reminders of the human capacity for disagreement, destruction and, possibly, embellishment.

As soon as ancient writers compiled a list of “seven wonders,” it became fodder for debate over which achievements deserved inclusion. The original list comes from a work by Philo of Byzantium written in 225 B.C. called On The Seven Wonders . Ultimately, human hands joined with natural forces to destroy all but one of the wonders. Furthermore, it is possible that at least one of the wonders might not have existed at all. Still, all seven continue to inspire and be celebrated as the remarkable products of the creativity and skill of Earth’s early civilizations.

Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt

The Great Pyramid, located at Giza on the west bank of the Nile River north of Cairo in Egypt , is the only wonder of the ancient world that has survived to the present day. It is part of a group of three pyramids–Khufu (Cheops), Khafra (Chephren) and Menkaura (Mycerimus)–that were built between 2700 B.C. and 2500 B.C. as royal tombs. The largest and most impressive is Khufu, known as “ The Great Pyramid ,” which covers 13 acres and is believed to contain more than 2 million stone blocks that weigh from two to 30 tons each. 

Did you know? The Colossus of Rhodes was an inspiration for the Statue of Liberty.

For more than 4,000 years, Khufu reigned as the tallest building in the world. In fact, it took modern man until the 19th century to build a taller structure. Amazingly, the nearly symmetrical Egyptian pyramids were built without the aid of modern tools or surveying equipment. So, how did Egyptians build the pyramids ?

Scientists believe that the Egyptians used log rollers and sledges to move the stones into place. The sloped walls, which were intended to mimic the rays of Ra, the sun god, were originally built as steps, and then filled in with limestone. The interior of the pyramids included narrow corridors and hidden chambers in an unsuccessful attempt to foil grave robbers. Although modern archeologists have found some great treasures among the ruins, they believe most of what the pyramids once contained was looted within 250 years of their completion.

Hanging Gardens of Babylon

7 Wonders of the Ancient World: The Hanging Gardens of Babylon

According to ancient Greek poets, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon were built near the Euphrates River in modern-day Iraq by the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar II around 600 B.C. The gardens were said to have been planted as high as 75 feet in the air on a huge square brick terrace that was laid out in steps like a theater. The king allegedly built the towering gardens to ease his lover Amytis’ homesickness for the natural beauty of her home in Media (the northwestern part of modern-day Iran). Later writers described how people could walk underneath the beautiful gardens, which rested on tall stone columns. 

Modern scientists have deduced that for the gardens to survive they would have had to be irrigated using a system consisting of a pump, waterwheel and cisterns to carry water from the Euphrates many feet into the air. Though there are multiple accounts of the gardens in both Greek and Roman literature, none of them are firsthand, and no mention of the gardens has been found in Babylonian cuneiform inscriptions. As a result, most modern scholars believe that the existence of the gardens was part of an inspired and widely believed but still fictional tale.

Statue of Zeus at Olympia

7 Wonders of the Ancient World: Statue of Zeus at Olympia

The famed statue of Zeus, the king of the gods in Greek Mythology , was crafted by the Athenian sculptor Phidias and completed and placed in the temple of Zeus at Olympia, site of the ancient Olympics , around the mid-fifth century B.C. The statue depicted the god of thunder seated bare-chested at a wooden throne. Holding up the thrones’ armrests were two carved sphinxes, mythical creatures with the head and chest of a woman, the body of lion and the wings of a bird. The statue of Zeus was richly decorated with gold and ivory. 

At 40 feet, it was so tall that its head nearly touched the top of the temple. According to legend, the sculptor Phidias asked Zeus for a sign of his approval after finishing the statue; soon after, the temple was struck by lightning. The Zeus statue graced the temple at Olympia for more than eight centuries before Christian priests persuaded the Roman emperor to close the temple in the fourth century A.D. At that time, the statue was moved to a temple in Constantinople , where it is believed to have been destroyed in a fire in the year 462.

Temple of Artemis at Ephesus

7 Wonders of the Ancient World: The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus

There was actually more than one Temple of Artemis: A series of several altars and temples was destroyed and then restored on the same site in Ephesus , a Greek port city on the west coast of modern-day Turkey. The most fabulous of these structures were two marble temples built around 550 B.C. and 350 B.C., respectively. “Apart from Olympus, the Sun never looked on anything so grand,” the writer Antipater of Sidon wrote of the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus.

The original Temple of Artemis was designed by the Cretan architect Chersiphron and his son Metagenes and decorated by some of the most celebrated artists of the ancient world. The building burned on July 21, 356 B.C., according to legend the same night that Alexander the Great was born. It was torched by a Greek citizen named Herostratus , who claimed he burned the marvel so that his name would be known to history. He was put to death and the government declared it illegal to utter his name.

About six years later, the building of the new Temple of Artemis was begun. The new building was surrounded by marble steps that led to a more than 400-foot-long terrace. Inside stood 127 60-foot marble columns and a statue of Artemis, the Greek Goddess of the hunt. Archeologists disagree as to whether the building had an open-air ceiling or was topped with wood tiles. The temple was largely destroyed by Ostrogoths in A.D. 262, and it was not until the 1860s that archeologists dug up the first of the ruins of the temple’s columns at the bottom of the Cayster River.

Mausoleum at Halicarnassus

7 Wonders of the Ancient World: Mausoleum at Halicarnassus

Located in what is now southeastern Turkey, the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus was a tomb built by Artemisia for her husband, Mausolus, the king of Carnia in Asia Minor, after his death in 353 B.C. Mausolus was also Artemisia’s brother, and, according to legend, she was so grief-stricken at his passing that she mixed his ashes with water and drank them in addition to ordering the mausoleum’s construction. The massive mausoleum was made entirely of white marble and is thought to have been about 135 feet high. 

The building’s complicated design, consisting of three rectangular layers, may have been an attempt to reconcile Lycian, Greek and Egyptian architectural styles. The first layer was a 60-foot base of steps, followed by a middle layer of 36 Ionic columns and a stepped, pyramid-shaped roof. At the very top of the roof lay the tomb, decorated by the work of four sculptors, and a 20-foot marble rendition of a four-horse chariot. 

The mausoleum was largely destroyed in an earthquake in the 13th century and its remains were later used in the fortification of a castle. In 1846, pieces of one of the mausoleum’s friezes were extracted from the castle and now reside, along with other relics from the Halicarnassus site, in London’s British Museum.

Colossus of Rhodes

7 Wonders of the Ancient World: Colossus of Rhodes

The Colossus of Rhodes was an enormous bronze sculpture of the sun god Helios built by the Rhodians over 12 years in the third century B.C. The city was the target of a Macedonian siege early in the fourth century B.C. and, according to legend, the Rhodians sold the tools and equipment left behind by the Macedonians to pay for the Colossus. Designed by the sculptor Chares, the statue was, at 100 feet, the tallest of the ancient world. It was completed around 280 B.C. and stood for sixty years until it was toppled in an earthquake. It was never rebuilt. 

Hundreds of years later, Arabs invaded Rhodes and sold the remains of the statue as scrap metal. Because of this, archeologists do not know much about the exact location of the statue or what it looked like. Most believe that it depicted the sun god standing naked while he lifted a torch with one hand and held a spear in the other. It was once believed that the statue stood with one leg on each side of a harbor, but most scholars now agree that the statue’s legs were most likely built close together to support its immense weight.

Lighthouse of Alexandria

7 Wonders of the Ancient World: The Lighthouse of Alexandria

The Lighthouse of Alexandria was located on a small island called Pharos near the city of Alexandria. Designed by the Greek architect Sostratos and completed around 270 B.C. during the reign of Ptolemy II, the lighthouse helped to guide Nile River ships in and out of the city’s busy harbor. 

Archeologists have found ancient coins on which the lighthouse was depicted, and from them deduced that the structure had three tiers: a square level at the bottom, an octagonal level in the middle and a cylindrical top. Above that stood a 16-foot statue, most likely of Ptolemy II or Alexander the Great, for whom the city was named. Although estimates of the lighthouse’s height have ranged from 200 to 600 feet, most modern scholars believe it was about 380 feet tall. The lighthouse was gradually destroyed during a series of earthquakes from 956 to 1323. Some of its remains have since been discovered at the bottom of the Nile.

New 7 Wonders of the World

In 2007, the New 7 Wonders Foundation held a contest to name the “New 7 Wonders of the World.” Tens of millions of people voted for the UNESCO World Heritage Sites that made the list. They span four continents and attract thousands of tourists each year. They are:

  • The Great Wall of China (Built 220 BC to 1644 AD)
  • The Taj Mahal, India (Built 1632-1648 AD)
  • Petra, Jordan (Built 4 Century BC-2 Century AD)
  • The Colosseum in Rome, Italy (Built AD 72-82)
  • Christ the Redeemer statue, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (Built 1926-1931)
  • Chichen Itza, Mexico (Built 5-13 century AD)
  • Machu Picchu, Peru (Build mid-15 century AD)

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seven wonders of the world

Wondrous, exquisite and impeccable are the three perfect adjectives to define the list of the seven wonders of the world. in the year 2007, more than 100 million people voted for the seven wonders of the world to be decided via internet and telephone voting’s.new seven wonders of the world (from the year 2000 to 2007) was a grand campaign initiated in the year 2000. – powerpoint ppt presentation.

  • The Taj Mahal, is Urdu word means the Crown of the Palace. It is a milky white marble tomb on the southern bank of the holy river Yamuna in the Indian city of Agra, Uttar Pradesh.
  • This wonder of the world stretches to about 21, 19, 618 kilometers and the construction of this huge wall date back to about 2300 years from today.
  •  This place Petra was once a prosperous trading ground and even the capital of the great empire named the Nabataea empire that ruled in between 400 B.C. and 106 A.D.
  • The Colosseum was originally recognized as the Flavian Amphitheatre, it is a large amphitheatre in the town of beautiful Rome.
  • Chichen itza is in Mayan city famous for a huge, pyramid structured temple, which was built by the Maya civilization.
  • Christ the Redeemer is an amazing and giant statue of Lord Jesus Christ created by a French sculptor named Paul Landowski.
  • Machu Picchu is a structure from pre- Columbian time in the 15th century Inca site in Peru that is in South America.
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Free Wonders of the world template PowerPoint & Google Slides

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Are you a traveller? Love exploring new places? Then download these free Wonders of the World template highlighting some of the most impressive natural and man-made wonders of the world. The wonders in the template include Chichen Itza of Mexico, the Great Wall of China, the ancient city of Petra, etc. This template also gives interesting knowledge about each wonder.

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New Seven Wonders of the World

In 2000 a Swiss foundation launched a campaign to determine the New Seven Wonders of the World. Given that the original Seven Wonders list was compiled in the 2nd century BCE—and that only one entrant is still standing (the Pyramids of Giza )—it seemed time for an update. And people around the world apparently agreed, as more than 100 million votes were cast on the Internet or by text messaging. The final results, which were announced in 2007, were met with cheers as well as some jeers—a number of prominent contenders, such as Athens ’s Acropolis , failed to make the cut. Do you agree with the new list?

Great Wall of China

Great Wall of China near Beijing, China

Great might be an understatement. One of the world’s largest building-construction projects, the Great Wall of China is widely thought to be about 5,500 miles (8,850 km) long; a disputed Chinese study, however, claims the length is 13,170 miles (21,200 km). Work began in the 7th century BCE and continued for two millennia. Although called a “wall,” the structure actually features two parallel walls for lengthy stretches. In addition, watchtowers and barracks dot the bulwark. One not-so-great thing about the wall, however, was its effectiveness. Although it was built to prevent invasions and raids, the wall largely failed to provide actual security. Instead, scholars have noted that it served more as “political propaganda.”

Chichén Itzá

The Castillo, a Toltec-style pyramid, rises 79 feet (24 meters) above the plaza at Chichen Itza in Yucatan state, Mexico. The pyramid was built after invaders conquered the ancient Maya city in the tenth century.

Chichén Itzá is a Mayan city on the Yucatán Peninsula in Mexico , which flourished in the 9th and 10th centuries CE. Under the Mayan tribe Itzá—who were strongly influenced by the Toltecs —a number of important monuments and temples were built. Among the most notable is the stepped pyramid El Castillo (“The Castle”), which rises 79 feet (24 meters) above the Main Plaza. A testament to the Mayans’ astronomical abilities, the structure features a total of 365 steps, the number of days in the solar year. During the spring and autumnal equinoxes, the setting sun casts shadows on the pyramid that give the appearance of a serpent slithering down the north stairway; at the base is a stone snake head. Life there was not all work and science, however. Chichén Itzá is home to the largest tlachtli (a type of sporting field) in the Americas. On that field the residents played a ritual ball game popular throughout pre-Columbian Mesoamerica.

The Al Khazneh Treasury building at Petra, a historic  archaeological city in Ma&#39;an, Jordan. Rock cut architecture.  (UNESCO World Heritage Site; Petra Archaeological Park)

The ancient city of Petra , Jordan , is located in a remote valley, nestled among sandstone mountains and cliffs. It was purported to be one of the places where Moses struck a rock and water gushed forth. Later the Nabataeans , an Arab tribe, made it their capital, and during this time it flourished, becoming an important trade center, especially for spices. Noted carvers, the Nabataeans chiseled dwellings, temples, and tombs into the sandstone, which changed color with the shifting sun. In addition, they constructed a water system that allowed for lush gardens and farming. At its height, Petra reportedly had a population of 30,000. The city began to decline, however, as trade routes shifted. A major earthquake in 363 CE caused more difficulty, and after another tremor hit in 551, Petra was gradually abandoned. Although rediscovered in 1912, it was largely ignored by archaeologists until the late 20th century, and many questions remain about the city.

Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu, Peru

This Incan site near Cuzco , Peru , was “discovered” in 1911 by Hiram Bingham , who believed it was Vilcabamba, a secret Incan stronghold used during the 16th-century rebellion against Spanish rule. Although that claim was later disproved, the purpose of Machu Picchu has confounded scholars. Bingham believed it was home to the “ Virgins of the Sun ,” women who lived in convents under a vow of chastity. Others think that it was likely a pilgrimage site, while some believe it was a royal retreat. (One thing it apparently should not be is the site of a beer commercial. In 2000 a crane being used for such an ad fell and cracked a monument.) What is known is that Machu Picchu is one of the few major pre-Columbian ruins found nearly intact. Despite its relative isolation high in the Andes Mountains , it features agricultural terraces, plazas, residential areas, and temples.

Christ the Redeemer

The statue of Christ the Redeemer, atop Mount Corcovado, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, with Guanabara Bay in the background.

Christ the Redeemer , a colossal statue of Jesus , stands atop Mount Corcovado in Rio de Janeiro . Its origins date to just after World War I , when some Brazilians feared a “tide of godlessness.” They proposed a statue, which was ultimately designed by Heitor da Silva Costa, Carlos Oswald, and Paul Landowski. Construction began in 1926 and was completed five years later. The resulting monument stands 98 feet (30 meters) tall—not including its base, which is about 26 feet (8 meters) high—and its outstretched arms span 92 feet (28 meters). It is the largest Art Deco sculpture in the world. Christ the Redeemer is made of reinforced concrete and is covered in approximately six million tiles. Somewhat disconcertingly, the statue has often been struck by lightning, and in 2014 the tip of Jesus’s right thumb was damaged during a storm.

The Colosseum, Rome, Italy.  Giant amphitheatre built in Rome under the Flavian emperors. (ancient architecture; architectural ruins)

The Colosseum in Rome was built in the first century by order of the Emperor Vespasian . A feat of engineering, the amphitheater measures 620 by 513 feet (189 by 156 meters) and features a complex system of vaults. It was capable of holding 50,000 spectators, who watched a variety of events. Perhaps most notable were gladiator fights, though men battling animals was also common. In addition, water was sometimes pumped into the Colosseum for mock naval engagements. However, the belief that Christians were martyred there—namely, by being thrown to lions—is debated. According to some estimates, about 500,000 people died in the Colosseum. Additionally, so many animals were captured and then killed there that certain species reportedly became extinct.

Taj Mahal, Agra, India. UNESCO World Heritage Site (minarets; Muslim, architecture; Islamic architecture; marble; mausoleum)

This mausoleum complex in Agra , India , is regarded as one of the world’s most iconic monuments and is perhaps the finest example of Mughal architecture . It was built by Emperor Shah Jahān (reigned 1628–58) to honor his wife Mumtāz Maḥal (“Chosen One of the Palace”), who died in 1631 giving birth to their 14th child. It took about 22 years and 20,000 workers to construct the complex, which includes an immense garden with a reflecting pool. The mausoleum is made of white marble that features semiprecious stones in geometric and floral patterns. Its majestic central dome is surrounded by four smaller domes. According to some reports, Shah Jahān wished to have his own mausoleum made out of black marble. However, he was deposed by one of his sons before any work began.

7 wonders of the world 7 wonders of the world

7 Wonders Of The World

Nov 01, 2022

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7 Wonders of the World History and Facts. The top facts are here with the list of 7 Wonders of the Worlds and interesting facts about them.

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7 Wonders Of The World 7 Wonders Of The World The world is filled with the most remarkable works of arts and architecture, known as the Wonders of the Ancient World. Thus, we can say that we have the natural wonders, the ancient world wonders, and even the engineering miracles of the world. Thetopfacts are here with the list of Seven Wonders of the Worlds and some interesting facts about them.

Colosseum (Italy) The Colosseum is one of the World’s Greatest Wonders, which is located in the center of the city in Rome. Additionally, it is also known as Flavian Amphitheatre, and the Colosseum is an oval-shaped amphitheater constructed from concrete and sand. In fact, it is one of the most giant amphitheaters around the world. The Construction of the Colosseum began by Emperor Vespasian in AD 72 and was finished by his Successor in AD 80. Then, animal hunts, famous battle reenactments, mock sea battles, and different mythological dramas were held for the public at the Colosseum. The entry was free and from the Emperor’s treasury. Now, the Colosseum serves as an important Tourist Destination.

Great Wall of China (China) The Great Wall of China is the longest man-made and the world’s most significant ancient architecture. It was built in 220-206 BC by the first Emperor of China to defend the kingdom from the Mongols’ invasion; a massive defensive wall of China now declared a symbol of China and a world heritage site. The recruitment of around 30,000 and 1,200,000 people took place to construct the Great Wall of China.

The Great Pyramid of Giza (Egypt) The City of Egypt is popular for its pyramids; The Great Pyramid of Gaza is one of the greatest wonders of the world and is located over the west bank of the Nile in Egypt. It is the only ancient wonder which has existed to the present day. It is one of the parts of three pyramids- Khafra (Chephren), Menkaura (Mycerimus), and Khufu (Cheops). The most enormous and most stunning is Khufu, with a height of 146.5 meters, known as “The Great Pyramid.”

Christ the Redeemer (Brazil) Christ the Redeemer is a famous work of art in Brazil, located on the top of the Corcovado Mountain in Tijuca Forest National. It is the wonderful art deco statue of Jesus Christ perched at the height of 700 meters. Furthermore, in 1922, the Construction of Christ the Redeemer was begun and completed in 1931. Therefore, the statue represents the Christian community and is also popular as one of the iconic landmarks of Rio and Brazil.

Taj Mahal (India) The Taj Mahal is the most famous for its narrative of love, its historical value, and extraordinary beauty. It is located in Agra, Uttar Pradesh, in India. Interestingly, the Taj Mahal is one of the most significant constructions in all Indo-Islamic architecture. Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan ordered its construction in honor of his beloved wife, Mumtaz, who died during childbirth. Moreover, the Taj Mahal’s construction began in 1632, and it took 17 years to complete the structure. Around, 24,000 stone cutters, embroidery artists, painters, laborers, and 1000 elephants took part in its construction.

Chichen Itza (Mexico) You can easily find the Great Wonders of the World in Mexico, which is Chichen Itza. It is one of the most significant places to visit all over the world. The structure and design of Chichen Itza were very well planned, and builders created pyramids and temples in sets of clusters. In addition, Between the Autumn Equinox (the 22nd of September) and spring (the 20th of March), rays of the sun create a shadow across the Kukulkan Pyramid that creates the image of a snake slithering down the staircase. Read More: 10 Most Beautiful Capitals in the World

Petra (Jordan) Petra is on the list of the seven greatest wonders of the world. Along with Mexico’s Chichen Itza, India’s Taj Mahal, the Roman Colosseum, Brazil’s Christ the Redeemer, and the Great Wall of China, Petra is also amongst the seven new Wonders of the World. Additionally, the name Petra comes from the Greek word “Petros,” which means rocks. Petra has around 800 tombs, which are famous as the “Royal Tombs.” However, archaeologists have explored only 15% of Petra, which means the most extensive area remains unrevealed. Also, the director of most popular movies also chose Petra for the shooting of their films, such as; The Mummy Returns, the Last Crusade, and Indiana Jones. Due to these movies, there is an increase in tourism over there.

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NEW 7 WONDERS OF THE WORLD. …SOON…TRULY SOON…. …ENTER NOW…. www.new7wonders.com. …SEND US YOUR VOTE…. …BE PART OF THE HISTORY…. The Candidates…Are…. Athen’s Acropolis- Greece- Europe-. Alhambra Palace- Granada- Spain- Europe-. Angkor’s Temples- Cambodia- Asia-.

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This world is awesome and awesome are the different wonders present on the earth. I wish to see all the 7 wonders of the world. Lets take a complete tour of these miraculous monuments across the world. Full Report is here http://amipsyche.com/history-of-the-7-new-wonders-of-the-world.html

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The New 7 Wonders of the World

Published by Hilary Robbins Modified over 8 years ago

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The 7 Natural Wonders of the World

The 7 Natural Wonders Of The World

Beyond the horizon of our concrete cityscapes, Mother Nature has safeguarded incredible treasures that have survived countless eons. The organization 'Seven Natural Wonders' chose these seven exotic places to represent Earth's beauty. Some selections contain peaks that tear through the clouds, and some harbor multicolored legions of aquatic life. For those who are regularly in awe of our remarkable planet, this collection is for you.

The official list of the 7 Natural Wonders was compiled by CNN, the broadcasting network in collaboration with the Seven Natural Wonders organization. 

Map showing the location of the 7 Natural Wonders of the World.

Table of Contents

Mount Everest

Mount Everest

Mount Everest , the highest peak on Earth at 8,848 meters (29,029 feet), is known as a formidable challenge for climbers. It is part of the Himalayan mountain range and straddles the China(Tibetan) - Nepal border, with the summit marking the official boundary. Sixty million years went into forming this unmistakable wonder, and thus its geological composition is mainly metamorphic and sedimentary rocks. Known in Nepal as Sagarmatha and in Tibet as Chomolungma, translating to "Mother Goddess of the World," Everest's English name comes from George Everest, a notable surveyor of India.

The mountain's harsh and unpredictable weather, often reaching below -60°C (-76°F), and its environmental significance, being a source for major Asian rivers, make it a focal point for ecological study. It hosts one-of-a-kind wildlife, including the snow leopard and Himalayan tahr, both of which adapted to extreme altitudes. Local Sherpa communities rely heavily on mountaineering tourism, but there is currently an ongoing debate about the ethics of endangering these guides. However, issues like melting glaciers and waste from expeditions have raised environmental concerns, emphasizing the need for sustainable practices. While Everest's height is surpassed by Hawaii 's Mauna Kea when considering its underwater portion, Everest's peak is the tallest above sea level. One way or another, Everest raises the bar on what it means to be a natural wonder.

Paricutin Volcano

Paricutin Volcano

The Parícutin Volcano in Michoacán, Mexico , a cinder cone volcano, emerged in 1943 in a farmer's field, marking a remarkable event in geological history. This volcano, which is the youngest in the Northern Hemisphere, grew rapidly to a height of 424 meters (1,391 feet) over a period of nine years. During its active phase, Parícutin released extensive lava flows and ash, covering approximately 25 square kilometers (9.7 square miles) and necessitating the evacuation of neighboring villages. Notably, the village of San Juan Parangaricutiro was significantly affected, with its church steeple now protruding from solidified lava. In its current dormant state, Parícutin presents a fascinating landscape of hardened lava and ash, drawing both tourists and geologists. Visitors have the opportunity to climb the volcanic peak and explore the area, which includes the striking sight of the encased ruins of the San Juan Parangaricutiro Church.

The Grand Canyon

presentation on 7 wonders of the world

The Grand Canyon , located in Arizona , United States , is a geological formation with extensive and detailed rock layers, revealing 1.2 billion years of Earth's history, including marine, nearshore, and desert environments. Formed over billions of years by the erosion of the Colorado River, the canyon spans 447 kilometers (277 miles) in length, reaches widths of up to 29 kilometers (18 miles), and depths exceeding 29 kilometers (18 miles). Its sheer size and depth are not only awe-inspiring but also of significant scientific interest. The canyon's deep rust-red colors and sediment layers are visible across its cliff walls, which from the perspective of visitors, travel endlessly into the horizon. The Grand Canyon is home to many species of wildlife, including 1,500 plant species, 355 bird species, 89 mammals, 47 reptiles, 9 amphibians, and 17 fish species, supported by varying climates and ecosystems due to its elevation differences. Popular activities at the canyon include gazing at its grandeur, hiking along its rims, and rafting in the river below, offering visitors a range of ways to experience its magnitude and history. For those that have visited the Grand Canyon, it is clear why any road trip across the United States must include a stop by this natural marvel.

Victoria Falls

Victoria Falls

Victoria Falls , straddling the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe , is celebrated as one of the seven natural wonders of the world. This distinction comes from its status as the world's largest waterfall, a title derived from its impressive dimensions rather than its height or width alone. The falls stretch 1,708 meters (5,604 ft) wide and plunge 108 meters   (354 ft), forming the largest continuous sheet of falling water on the planet. During the wet season, this spectacle is at its peak, with about 500 million liters of water cascading over the edge every minute.

The falls owe their existence to the Zambezi River and the erosion of basalt bedrock, which has also shaped the Batoka Gorge downstream. Known locally as Mosi-oa-Tunya, or "The Smoke That Thunders," Victoria Falls captivates visitors with its astonishing water flow, averaging 1,088 cubic meters per second. Tourists from around the globe flock to this site for a range of experiences: viewing the falls from multiple vantage points, swimming close to the fall's edge in the low season, and even bungee jumping off the Victoria Falls Bridge.

The Harbor Of Rio de Janeiro

Harbor of Rio de Janeiro

The Harbor of Rio de Janeiro, also known as Guanabara Bay, located in the southeast of Brazil , is renowned as the world's largest natural bay by volume— this distinction contributes to its status as one of the seven Natural Wonders of the world. The bay, covering 412 square kilometers with depths of up to 17 meters (56 feet), is flanked by notable landmarks such as Sugarloaf Mountain and Morro Cara de Cão. Its entrance, framed by granite rock formations and monoliths, creates an impressive visual landscape. Despite the harbor's evolution into a major economic and human activity hub, with elements like the city of Rio and popular beaches such as Copacabana, the natural beauty of the bay endures. Many have been intrigued by how this particular blend of city life and nature merge into a harmonious and visually striking area. Last, the bay's strategic importance in Brazil is cemented in its central economic and cultural location. 

Great Barrier Reef

Great Barrier Reef

The Great Barrier Reef , located off Queensland , Australia in the Coral Sea, is the world's largest coral reef system , extending over 2,300 kilometers with 2,900 individual reefs and 900 islands across 344,400 square kilometers of ocean. Renowned for its biological diversity, the reef is home to more than 1,500 fish species, 411 types of hard coral, and a third of the world's soft corals. Additionally, it supports 134 shark and ray species, six of the seven threatened marine turtle species, over 30 marine mammal species, and serves as a critical breeding ground for humpback whales and a sanctuary for endangered species like the dugong and large green turtle. Despite challenges from tourism and climate change, the reef remains a significant global natural wonder, attracting visitors worldwide for diving and snorkeling amidst its vibrant marine life. Conservation efforts are underway to protect this delicate habitat and preserve its remarkable array of life and colors.

Northern Lights

Northern Lights

The Northern Lights, or Aurora Borealis, represent an extraordinary natural phenomenon, predominantly visible in polar regions, including the Arctic Circle. These lights manifest as a dynamic display of colors, primarily greens, blues, and purples, produced by the interaction of solar wind particles and atmospheric gases. The spectacle varies in intensity and form, influenced by solar activity and Earth's magnetic field, often appearing most vivid during dark winter nights and near equinoxes. Renowned for their breathtaking display of moving colors, these lights are the result of electrically charged particles from solar flares interacting with Earth's gaseous atmosphere, creating a dynamic, awe-inspiring visual effect. The phenomenon is a remarkable example of natural events like sun flares transforming into a mesmerizing earthly spectacle. Prime viewing spots are located away from city lights, with the best sightings in places like Norway , Sweden , Finland , Iceland , Greenland , Canada, and the U.S. state of Alaska , where the clarity and frequency of the aurora are enhanced by minimal light pollution . With a bit of luck, patience, and a warm jacket, you too might one day witness this breathtaking event.

Final Thoughts

Crashing waterfalls, soaring heights, and atmospheric phenomena — our home planet knows how to keep a crowd's attention. These features are not simply geographic; they often interweave with the miracle of biological life found nowhere else in the Universe. Victoria Falls, for instance, is twice the experience thanks to greenery and exotic creatures flying and swimming through its misty waters. As far as natural wonders go, auroral activity may be present on other planets that have magnetic fields and an atmosphere. Still, those barren rocks lack observers like you and me, and humanity is yet another wonder of our world.

Other Lists Of Wonders

The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World

​The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World

The oldest list of wonders of the world, the seven wonders of the ancient world includes a list of human-made marvels of their time.

Collage of the 7 Wonders of the World

The 7 Wonders Of The World

New7Wonders Foundation took the initiative to compose a list of the "new" seven wonders of the world by narrowing down a list of 200 monuments.

The Sun and the planets of the Solar System.

The 7 Wonders Of The Solar System

The solar System is full of mysteries and wonders, the greatest of which have always amazed humans around the world.

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