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  • Student Resume

Try our high school and college resume builder for free

  • Land a job or a spot at school with our library of easy-to-use resume templates
  • Make your resume in minutes with simple step-by-step instructions just for students
  • Get pre-written examples and use expert tips to make the process a breeze

Level Up Your Student Resume With Professional Templates

Simple Resume Template

Impress hiring managers and schools with a clean-cut, classic resume that makes your strengths and achievements shine.

Professional Resume Template


Worried that your resume won’t be taken seriously as a high school or college student? This resume template’s sharp format frames you as an up-and-coming professional to watch.

Cool Resume Template

With its compelling icons and thoughtful use of color, the Cool resume template is a top choice for anyone looking to create an attention-grabbing resume.

Modern Resume Template

Charm hiring managers and schools with an ultra-modern student resume that instantly conveys why you’re a candidate worth interviewing.

Contemporary Resume Template


You want to be a leader of tomorrow, so shouldn't your student resume look equally forward-thinking? The Contemporary’s eye-catching but refined looks can help you prove you’re a trailblazer.

Awesome Resume Template

Effortlessly stand out from the crowd with the Awesome resume template’s unique two-column design and easy-to-read format.


How to Write a Resume Objective or Summary for your Student Resume

In order to impress schools and hiring managers from the get-go, your resume needs to have a strong opening section. That’s why we strongly recommend including a resume summary at the top of your resume, underneath your contact information.

In the past, applicants for schools or jobs could choose between writing a resume objective or a resume summary. Now, resume experts generally agree that including a resume objective is no longer in line with best practice. The reason is that a resume objective essentially highlights your goals as a candidate. In contrast, a resume summary conveys how you will be able to support the school or company you’re applying for to meet their goals.

So what exactly is a resume summary, then? A resume summary is the first major section of your resume. It should succinctly present the case for why you’re an ideal candidate for the position or school you’re applying for. 

As it should only be two to four sentences long, you will need to focus only on your most relevant qualities and attributes that make you an attractive candidate or prospective student.

In order to write a strong resume objective or summary, you must make two things crystal clear:

  • What the academic or professional position is you are applying for 
  • What makes you the best person to fulfill it

Let’s start with the first part. You should clearly state the purpose of your application. For example, you may wish to:

  • Study at a particular college or join a particular program/course 
  • Be hired for a job at a college fair or internship fair 
  • Be hired as an entry-level worker or summer worker

Next, you must summarize some of the standout qualities and attributes that make you worth considering for the given role. The qualities and attributes you highlight should be directly relevant to the role and should be expanded on in the other sections of your resume. You can mention such things as your:

  • Educational background
  • Academic achievements
  • Soft and hard skills
  • Work experiences
  • Volunteer work
  • Any other standout achievements

Try your best to use keywords from the job advertisement or school application to demonstrate that you possess the very qualities and attributes the hiring manager or school is looking for. 

Keywords are words or phrases within a job ad or school application that represent what the hiring manager or school are looking for from their ideal candidate. Keywords can include particular competencies, skills, experiences, attributes, studies, and so on.

How to Write a Work Experience Section for your Student Resume

The work experience section is perhaps the resume section that students dread the most when creating their high school resume or college resume. The reason is that many students don’t know where to begin or may not have held a job before. 

The good news is that writing a compelling work experience section really isn’t as difficult as it seems - even if you’ve never been in the working world before. In either case, the most important thing is to make sure your work experience section sounds as relevant as possible to the given job or educational opportunity you are applying for. 

If you don’t have any work experience at all, don’t stress! You can instead focus on your: 

  • Volunteer work 
  • School activities
  • Side projects

Spend time brainstorming how to present these experiences in a way that makes them as relevant as possible to the job or school you are applying for. 

For example, did you demonstrate any soft or hard skills that will be useful to the role or your studies? Or maybe you achieved something that showcases what an excellent employee or student you will be? Remember, framing is everything when it comes to your resume! You can do this by integrating keywords that apply to your experiences throughout this section. This will help you to work out what professional experiences will capture the hiring manager or school’s attention. 

However, be sure to steer clear of ‘keyword stuffing’! This term is used to describe when people unnaturally add keywords to their resume in order to game the system. Always integrate keywords in a natural-sounding way and only use those that genuinely apply to your skills and experiences. 

It’s also important to think about this section as a way to showcase your very best professional achievements in each past position. That is, instead of just listing what you did, focus on conveying how your actions and skills made a positive difference.

In order to make your achievements shine, you will need to: 

  • Start each one with a verb (action word).
  • Make them short and snappy: Stick to one sentence each.
  • Quantify them using numbers, percentages, and examples where possible.

For each position you include in this section, you will need to state the title you held, the company name, and the dates you worked there.

If you’re unsure of how to format your work experience section, simply use one of our expert-designed resume templates and our resume builder to ensure you get it right. You can also check out the expert tips for writing your work experience section we’ve included within our resume builder .

How to Write a Skills Section for Your Student Resume

Just like your work experience section, your resume’s skills section should be as relevant as possible to the position or educational opportunity you are applying for. 

Analyze the job ad or school application to identify skill-based keywords. You may wish to print out the job ad or school application and physically highlight these words to make it easier for you to work out which keywords to focus on.

Keep in mind that there are two types of skills to look out for:

  • Soft skills: Those related to your interpersonal or communication skills.
  • Hard skills: Technical, practical skills.

You will need to include a balance of both to show that you’re a well-rounded candidate. Think carefully about which ones are most applicable to your skillset and the job or school at hand, and list 6 to 8 of the most relevant ones in this section. 

Don’t forget you will also need to integrate skills throughout your work experience section too.

If you’re finding it hard to come up with relevant skills to add to your high school or college resume, don’t worry. Our resume builder has hundreds of examples of skills you can simply click and add to your resume.

Again, if you want to see how to effectively format this section, check out one of our many resume templates.

How to Write an Education & Coursework Section for your Student Resume

Your education & coursework section is one of the most important sections in your high school resume or college resume.

Even if an application does not specifically ask you to share your educational background on your resume, it is generally expected that you will. After all, your studies help to paint a picture of your knowledge, skills, interests, and academic abilities. 

As you can see from our library of resume templates, there are a few different ways that you can format your education & coursework section. That said, the general format of this section is as follows: [High School or College Name]

[Dates attended] 

[Subject studied (optional)]

If you want to guarantee you don’t make any formatting errors, just use our resume builder to create your resume! 

How to Write an Awards & Achievements Section for your Student Resume

Want to take your student resume to the next level? Adding an awards & achievements section is an easy way to capture attention. 

Before you say, “But I don’t have any awards or achievements!” take a moment to think back on your studies so far. Chances are that you have much more to highlight than you first realize. Here are a few ideas to get you thinking:

  • Your GPA (If 3.5 or higher)
  • Being part of the student body
  • Academic awards
  • Professional awards
  • Valedictorian and Dean’s lists
  • Being in the top X% of your class/course
  • Professional achievements e.g. selling X amount of products or increasing profits by Y%
  • Relevant school/college societies or groups you are part of
  • Scholarships
  • Any journals you have been published in or research papers you have written
  • Relevant non-profit work you have completed (such as volunteering and fundraising)

So how can you correctly format this section of your resume?

You can list each award or achievement, along with the date you received/achieved it and any other specifics that would help the person reading it better understand why the award or achievement is relevant. 

If you are short on space, you can feature your academic awards and achievements in your education & coursework section instead.

Related Student Resume Examples & Samples

Take a look at the following tried-and-tested resume examples and samples for inspiration.

When you’re ready to make your own impressive high school or college resume, our state-of-the-art resume builder will guide you every step of the way.

resume format example

College Student Resume

resume format example

High School Student Resume

resume builder for high school students free

Internship Resume


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  No Previous Work Experience?

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  Don't Know What Goes On a Resume?

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16 High School Student Resume Examples + Complete Guide

Stephen Greet

High School Student Resume

  • High School Student Resumes by Experience
  • High School Student Resumes by Role

High school is one of the best times of your life, but it can also be one of the most difficult when looking for your first or second job. You’ve got to fill out applications, prep for interviews, and write your resume.

Using ChatGPT for resumes  is a cool idea, but can still feel daunting and overwhelming. We’ve all been there, and what you really need is a free AI resume builder and solid student cover letters to get you on your way.

We’ve analyzed countless high school resumes to discover  what would get students job interviews in 2024 . While you may want to start with a simple  resume outline , keep reading to find 16 high school resume samples (plus writing tips) that are jam-packed with essential techniques and tricks.

or download as PDF

High school student resume example with 2 years of experience

Why this resume works

  • If you choose to use a template, make sure you adjust the  resume’s formatting  so that your text is big enough to read with one-inch margins on the side.
  • However, you should write your bullet points like you would for a job. Highlight any responsibilities and accomplishments relevant to the job you’re applying for now.
  • For example, if you’re looking for a job in sales, emphasize your ability to work in groups and create a good customer experience.

High School Student No Experience Resume

High school student no experience resume example with no experience

  • If you don’t have work history, include projects and volunteer work instead. Treat them like a job and write bullet points according to your responsibilities.
  • Make sure you start every bullet point with active verbs, and always double-check for typos. You’ve got this!
  • Include your unique skills, your desired position, and the company you hope to work for to make your objective stand out from the rest!

First Job High School Student Resume

First job high school student resume example with 2+ years of experience

  • To remedy that problem, add a  skills section on your resume  to give hiring managers an important overview of your strengths.
  • To really highlight your abilities, incorporate the same skills in your work experience, too. Demonstrate how you used your skills to better your workplace, and you can’t go wrong!
  • Adding stylistic elements like color and different fonts can help you show a bit of your personality (and make your resume more fun to read). 

Experienced High School Student Resume

Experienced high school student resume example with 2+ years of experience

  • Remember, your resume is a highlight reel, so you need to include what’s most important (like your achievements and relevant metrics). 
  • You can adjust your layout, font sizes, and margins, but keep it easy to read. 
  • Use a bit of color and some fun fonts, provided it still looks professional. You’ve got this!

High School Senior Resume

High school senior resume example experience with project experience

  • This statement must align with the potential employer’s needs, proving you understand the job requirements and have gone the extra mile to address doubts about your capabilities. As for experiences that might have prepared you for the job, workshops and volunteering programs you’ve participated in are prominent candidates.

Out of High School Resume

Out of high school resume example with project experience

  • Leisure activities range from soccer, hiking, drawing and sketching, robotics, and photography to journalism. But how do they fit in the picture? Well, a penchant for drawing and sketching could reflect creativity and an eye for detail, while journalism stints could hint at strong communication and critical thinking.

High School Graduate Resume

High school graduate resume example with newspaper and photography experience

  • Right from the first line of the career objective, you can see the candidate’s passion and willingness to work in this field. Notice how Serai’s love for photography is clearly backed by a previous project for a school newspaper.
  • These details will be perfect when Serai’s ready for the AI cover letter generator to bring her application to perfection.

High School Student Scholarship Resume

High school student scholarship resume example with volunteer and project experience

  • Your high school student scholarship resume should vividly show your positive contributions to noble causes, such as offering ADLs to seniors, and emphasize your impact on society.

High School Student College Application Resume

High school student college application resume example with 1 year of work experience

  • Ensure your high school student college application resume shows your practical and classwork achievements that emphasize your grand vision to make a positive contribution to society.

High School Student for College Resume

High school student for college resume example with 3 years of experience

  • Before hitting “submit,” always  check your resume  for typos and other minor errors. It’s amazing what you can miss during your first few reviews.
  • A good GPA can demonstrate, at least in part, your willingness to work hard. We’d recommend including your GPA only if it’s above 3.5, but anything above a 3 is a good average.

High School Student for Customer Service Resume

High school student for customer service resume example with 4 years of experience

  • Including projects, volunteer work, or club memberships is a great way to add value to your resume.
  • Your resume should focus on your abilities and other activities you’ve engaged in that will show your value.
  • Read the responsibilities and qualifications to look for key skills and tasks. Then, incorporate some of those skills and responsibilities into your high school student customer service resume.

High School Student Internship Resume

High school student internship resume example with 3 years of experience

  • For example, if the job description lists responsibilities like writing and analyzing data, include “written communication” and “data analysis” in your skills section.
  • One easy way to customize your resume is by focusing your  resume skills  on things that apply to the internship. 
  • Make sure you keep your resume professional and to the point. You don’t want to include anything too personal about your beliefs, religion, politics, or personal information.
  • For example, you can list “volunteering at local church,” but avoid saying “fasting every weekend.” It doesn’t show off relevant skills and is a bit too forward for a resume.

High School Student Office Worker Resume

High school student office worker resume example with 5 years of experience

  • Good projects include anything that demonstrates your leadership abilities or desire for knowledge. Senior projects, personal blogs, or even being on a sports team are all good examples to include!
  • Add work experience directly under your contact information and name, then add any relevant projects if you’re low on space. 
  • While there are plenty of  resume writing tips , your resume should be as unique as you. Don’t get so caught up in what you think you “should” do that your resume is bland and cookie-cutter. 

High School Student Sales Resume

High school student sales resume example with 6 years of experience

  • Numbers demonstrate your value, and they’re useful tools for the Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) software that hiring managers use to sort through job applicants.
  • Trust us, and incorporate metrics into at least 80% of your bullet points!
  • For example, you know that different  resume templates  can change your resume’s appearance, but different templates can also stretch or streamline your content. 
  • Mess with multiple templates to see what your content will look like—you may find a template that allows for more room, or one that allows you to highlight your skills better.

High School Student Athlete  Resume

High school student athlete resume example with 4 years of athletic experience

  • Think of a time you proved you were the MVP on your team—Did you lead your team to a championship? Perhaps you made the game-winning shot in a crucial, nail-biting game?

High School Student Music Resume

High school student music resume example with 4 years of music experience

  • When you include hobbies like songwriting or your interest in classical music in your high school student music resume , it conveys to your recruiter that you’re super dedicated and passionate about your craft.
  • You can also include hobbies that are different, too. For example, if you enjoy experimenting with new recipes from around the world, that can show you’re ready to give new genres a whirl or that you understand that music—while art—is still supposed to be fun and adventuresome.

Related resume guides

  • Entry Level

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High School Resume - How-To Guide for 2024 [11+ Samples]

Background Image

Whether you’re preparing your college application, applying for an internship, or looking for a part-time job, you’ll notice that every single place is asking for your resume. 

You sit down, work on your resume for an hour, trying to come up with what you can include.

And all you end up with is the name of the high school you’re attending.

“What gives?” you wonder.

“What else can I add to my resume, when I have zero work experience?”

That’s a more than valid concern and it’s exactly what we’re going to discuss in this article! 

We’re going to tell you exactly what to write so that your resume is as convincing as any other (even with zero work experience). 

  • What to include in a high school resume
  • 4 Free high school templates you can use
  • A real-life high school resume example
  • FAQ on high school resumes

Let’s start with the question you’ve been repeatedly asking yourself:

What to Include in My High School Resume?

At the end of the day, resumes are about showing an employer that you are the right person for the job. 

You want to show you’re a competent, passionate, and responsible individual, with the right skills to get the job done.

Well, work experience isn’t the only way to convince recruiters of that. 

Instead, you can focus on the following sections:

  • #1. Contact Information - This is where you write down your personal and contact information (no surprise there) like first and last name, phone number, e-mail address, or links to other profiles.
  • #2. Resume Objective - In 3-4 sentences, you should be able to describe your career goals and aspirations as well as list your skills.
  • #3. Education - As you probably guessed, this is where you list your education history and relevant certifications.
  • #4. Extracurricular Activities - These include participation in high school clubs, competitive events, and volunteer work.
  • #5. Projects & Gigs - You can mention relevant projects you have participated in, as well as any internships.
  • #6. Work Experience (optional) - If you don’t have any work experience, you can mention apprenticeships or volunteer work instead.
  • #7. Languages - Language skills are always a plus for your application.
  • #8. Hobbies & Interests - These offer some insight into your personality and can show that you’re passionate and interested in the industry.

As you can see, there’s a lot that can go into your resume to make up for the missing work experience. 

Now, we’ll dive into each of these sections in detail and teach you how to do each of them right!

So, let’s start with:

#1. Contact Information

The contact information isn’t too hard to pull off.

Here’s what you need to include here:

  • First and Last Name
  • Phone Number
  • Email Address

Make sure to use a professional email address , something like: [email protected]. Using your middle school [email protected] account will not leave the right impression. 

#2. Resume Objective

A resume objective is a 3-4 sentence statement of your skills, achievements, and career goals . 

Think of it as a short summary of why you’re applying for this specific position and why you’d be a good candidate for it.

You should try your best to link this summary to the role you are applying for. 

For example, if you’re applying for a position as a sales associate, you should make a point of your good social skills, proficiency in math, and teamwork skills.

Let’s have a look at a concrete example of a resume objective for this case:

Hard-working, responsible high school student looking to contribute a positive and collaborative attitude in the retail field. Math-oriented individual with good attention to detail.

#3. Education

In a typical resume, this comes after the work experience section. 

For a high school resume, though, you’d want to do it the other way around, since you want to put more focus on your academic achievements.

This section will most probably consist of only one entry: your high school education. 

Here’s how you can format your education section:

  • Name of the Degree
  • Name of the Institution
  • Years Attended
  • GPA (if above 3.5)
  • Honors (if applicable)
  • Relevant Courses

High School Diploma (Honor Roll)

AB High School

09/2015 - 06/2019

  • Relevant courses: AP Calculus, Statistics, Leadership

#4. Extracurricular Activities

Now, this section could be one of your biggest selling points. 

Even if you have a not-so-special GPA, extracurriculars can turn your resume around. These activities are typically school-related, like participation in clubs or student societies. 

Involvement in such, especially in leadership positions like club president or team captain, shows you are sociable and active in your pursuits. 

When listing your extracurricular activities, you should format each entry like this:

Student Body Treasurer

Student Government, AB High School

  • Managed the student council’s funds and expenses, kept financial records, and worked with the president and vice president to create budgets and allot funds for clubs and events.
  • Participated in organizing student activities like dances, spirit weeks, community service, and fundraising movements and assemblies.

#5. Projects & Gigs

Here you can mention (or even link to) any independent projects you’ve worked on - something you’ve done on the side, unrelated to academics. 

This could be a personal project, small business or startup, side-gig, blog, etc.

Such activities add a lot of value to your resume. They show you’re a self-starter and that’s a quality that’s very much appreciated in any role and industry.

Neighborhood Book Club 

2019 - Present

  • Founded a local book club, initially for my friends, and later for all the teenagers of my neighborhood.
  • Prepared a monthly book calendar for the club, combining trending, relevant, and classic books.
  • Organized weekly meetings to discuss the progress on the books and our thoughts upon finishing them.

#6. Work Experience (Optional)

If you have some work experience, awesome! Here’s how you’d format it on your high school resume:

  • Company Name
  • Dates Employed
  • Achievements & Responsibilities

Sandwich Artist

Joe’s Sandwich Emporium

06/2020 - 09/2020

  • Prepared several types of sandwiches for customers.
  • Promoted new products on the menu directly to customers.
  • Worked with the cash register.
  • Interacted with dozens of customers on a daily basis.

If you don’t have any work experience, though, worry not! You can always replace it with another “Other” section.

Volunteer work, for example, is another great addition to your resume. If you also have any informal work experiences like babysitting or dog walking, you should include them in the section. 

Even if you didn’t get a paycheck out of that work, such experiences show you are skilled and reliable. 

For example, an entry for volunteering experience can look like this:

Educational Team Member

Save the Children

2018 - Present

  • Assisted in giving weekly art history and drawing lessons to children at the local orphanage
  • Helped organize visits at local museums and art galleries

job search masterclass

#7. Language skills

Are you bilingual or can speak another language apart from your native one?

Make sure to mention it on your high school resume!

Wherever you might be applying, you can rest assured that they’re going to appreciate your language skills.

Even if you’re applying for a job in the service or retail industry, proficiency in an extra language or two is going to give you an advantage over other applicants, especially if you write your CEFR level , and can back up the claim in conversation.

Who knows when some foreign customers will come in and your knowledge will come in handy!

With that scenario in mind:

Be mindful not to exaggerate your skills, as lying on your resume can only get you in trouble.

#8. Hobbies & Interests

It might feel like you’re just filling up some space, but actually, the hobbies and interests you list on a resume can be significant, especially if you don’t have a lot of extracurriculars or work experience.

You need something to hint as to who you are as a person and employee, and listing hobbies and interests will do that for you. 

They also show that you are an engaged individual and well-rounded applicant. 

However, you should be selective with what you mention here. 

Listing 6+ hobbies will end up having the opposite effect - it will look like you’re just throwing in some random words, hoping some of them will be impressive. 

A good strategy is to look for hints on the job ad i.e. if they are looking for a team player, mentioning a team sport as one of your hobbies is a great idea. 

Keep in mind, though, that you should also avoid hobbies that don’t add to your profile as a candidate.

E.g.: your gaming hobby doesn't make you a better candidate for the role of a sales manager.

4 Free High School Resume Templates

So we’re all done with theory at this point. 

There’s one thing left for you to do: sit down and start preparing your resume. 

To help you with that, we’ve gathered 4 free resume templates , perfect for a high school resume. 

All you have to do is pick the ones you like best & get started with your resume!

#1. Simple Resume Template

simple resume template high school

This versatile template works for all kinds of applicants - from those with plenty to those with zero work experience. 

The neutral colors emphasize information over flashiness and the structure is easy to follow.

#2. Professional Resume Template

professional resume template high school

This next template is an all-time favorite of ours. 

Unlike the first template, the Professional one is formatted into two columns. It’s simple, yet stands out with its blue accent color (which you can change into any color you like). 

#3. Modern Resume Template

modern resume template for high school

The Modern template adds something more to the traditional resume look. There is a faded design in the background and some of the sections are boxed by large brackets.

It’s a template that stands out without being too loud or wild. 

#4. Creative Resume Template

creative resume template for high school

If you’re applying for a position in a creative field (marketing, design, etc.), this is the template for you. 

It uses accent colors and has a bold header that makes a statement. 

High School Resume Example

As important as picking the right template is, the content of the resume is what’s going to seal the deal. 

Here’s one example of a high school student resume, so you can get a clearer idea of what it should look like!

high school resume

High School Resume FAQ

If you still have some questions regarding your high school resume, check out the FAQ and our answers below:

1. How can I write a high school resume with no work experience?

As a high school student, it’s more than normal for you to have no work experience. This shouldn’t scare you. 

There’s a lot of activities you can add to your resume that can substitute work experience.

Extracurricular activities, like participation in school clubs, projects, and gigs, are a great indicator of your skills and personality. Any informal work experiences should also be mentioned.

As long as you are showing the recruiter that you are capable of doing the job, your resume will be just fine without a work experience section.

2. How long should a high school resume be?

When it comes to high school resumes, the answer is undebatable: one page. 

A 2018 eye-tracking study showed that recruiters spend about 7 seconds skimming a resume before deciding whether to discard it or not. 

A 2-page resume will be simply excessive. 

Heck, even if you’re a professional with 10 years of work experience, we’d still recommend sticking to 1 page.

For more on resume length best practices, check out our article.

3. What’s the best way to make a high school resume?

An important and time-consuming part of making a resume is getting the formatting right. 

This means meticulously editing a Word or Google doc in order to get the right typeface, font size , line spacing, margins, etc.

What we’re getting at here is, if you’re making your resume manually, it can take you hours…

And then you make a tiny change on your layout, and your resume starts spilling into the second page!

Want to save time and effort?

Just use a resume builder ! The formatting is done for you, and all YOU have to do is fill in the resume!

Key Takeaways

That pretty much covers all you need to know about writing a high school no-experience resume . 

Quite simple and doable, right?

Finally, here’s a recap of what you should keep in mind when writing your high school resume:

  • Instead of work experience, talk about extracurriculars like school clubs, personal projects, or gigs.
  • Use sections like education, hobbies & interests, and languages to emphasize your skills and give an idea of your personality.
  • Grab the recruiter’s attention with a concise resume objective that clearly highlights your top skills and career goals.
  • Keep your resume at a maximum of 1 page.

And finally, good luck with your job search!

Related Resume Examples

  • No Experience Resume
  • Internship Resume
  • College Resume
  • Research Assistant Resume
  • Students and Graduates Resume
  • Teacher Resume

Suggested readings:

  • The Complete Guide to Remote Work [W/ Tips & Tricks]
  • 101+ Achievements to List On Your Resume [In 2024]
  • The Ultimate Guide to Job Hunt - Land Your Next Job in 2024

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Resume Templates

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Dive Into Expert Guides to Enhance your Resume

Make use of expert tips & tricks to to help you build the perfect resume

High School Student Resume Templates

Preparing a resume after completing high school can seem like the moment where things get real and scary, but don’t panic! Learn what it takes to create an easy high school resume online today.

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Best Resume Templates for High School Students

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What Is a High School Student Resume?

You’ve graduated from high school and it’s now time to face the job market. To move on into your professional career you’ll need a high school resume template.

This, however, differs from most resumes you’ll come across in the professional world such as simple resumes or professional resumes. This is because it has to be written and prepared with your lack of work experience in mind.

Resume templates for high school students can help you apply special tricks to make sure they get the results needed. Keep reading to learn how you can create one online now with the help of a free resume builder.

How Does a High School Student Template Differ from the Rest?

As we’ve already mentioned there are a few distinct differences you’ll find when creating a high school resume compared to one when you’ve got your footing steady on the career ladder.

Compared to normal, work experience takes a back seat to details on your schooling, as up to this point you have been in full-time education. However, if you’ve gained some work experience from a part-time job or over a summer vacation this can be included as long as it’s relevant.

Generally, a high school resume will focus more on the following:

Why to Use a Student Resume Template

A high school resume is super useful when you’re fresh out of school with little work experience. It allows you to highlight your potential and show what you can bring to an employer despite a lack of hands-on history in the sector.

Using resume templates such as this helps you get around the issue of your inexperience and instead show where you can seamlessly fit into a job.

Of course, your education plays a part in this but you’ll also need to draw attention to other useful points like skills or previous project or volunteering experience that you can bring to the table.

High School Resume Example Template

Contact Information

  • [Your Name]
  • [Job Title]
  • [Phone Number]
  • [LinkedIn Profile]
  • [Other useful links such as social media accounts and personal websites]

Career Objective statement

Create a short 1-2 sentence summary of the skills, achievements, and experience you’ve gained from high school. You should then add another sentence explaining how it’s your goal to use these abilities in the position available. Make sure to tailor this all to the employer’s requirements to get their attention quickly.

  • Work Experience

[Part-time Job Title] [Employer’s Name] [Start Date – Present Day]

  • Describe any work experience you’ve gained in bullet-point lists
  • Add around 6 short bullet points to each position
  • Focus on promoting your achievements and the results you earned
  • Also, detail any special responsibilities you held

[Summer Job Title] [Former Employer’s Name] [Start Date – Finish Date]

  • Arrange all the information into reverse chronological order
  • Emphasize transferable skills for the job you’re aiming to get
  • Use newer jobs to introduce newer achievements and duties

[Qualification Title] [High School + Location] [Dates of Study] [GPA]

  • Add a little extra information about your favorite study subjects at your school
  • Don’t forget to add any relevant extracurricular activities here as well
  • Also, if you won any special awards or held a key position in a club or student organization remember to mention these too.

[Skill 2: Best Soft Skill] [Skill 3: General Skill] [Skill 4: General Skill]

Additional Sections

[Volunteering] [Achievements] [Certificates and Courses] [Honors and Awards]

Our Student Resume Examples

  • Nursing Student Resume
  • Student Athlete Resume

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What to Add to a High School Resume Template

Your high school resume needs to be properly prepared to get employers interested. In the following sections, we talk through what you need to do to make sure your file gives you the best shot at the job possible.

Sections to Include in Your Template

A high school template can make use of a number of different sections

However, like any type of resume you’ll need to include the following mandatory segments:

  • Contact details
  • Career Objective Statements

However, similar to a student resume , you should go a little further than just the basics. You’re likely to have taken on projects or extracurricular activities that could easily give you an edge in the hiring process.

Use the following optional sections to get the job done:

  • Achievements
  • Honors and Awards
  • Volunteering
  • Hobbies and Interests

How to Write a High School Student Resume

Writing your high school resume isn’t as complicated as it seems. However, you do have to keep a few key points in mind.

First of all, keep things concise. The most important thing your resume needs to do is be easily readable.

This is made a lot easier by using bullet point lists in the work and education sections. Each point should be one sentence long and as focused as possible.

These bullet points need to focus primarily on achievements or other measurable results. In the case of a high school student, you might choose to focus on a leadership position you held in your school or any awards you won for outstanding work.

Last but not least, you should construct a convincing career objective. This should focus not only on what you have achieved from your education but also talk about why this can help launch your career.

All of your information should be tailored for the job you’re applying to get. This will show the employer why you’re ultimately the best suited for the role and gives you the best shot at getting hired.

How to Format a High School Resume Template

A high school resume needs to be presented correctly to give it the best chance of success. Not only that but formatting your file properly will also help you get past any ATS software that is being used by the company.

Readability is the most important goal from all this. Your resume will be read quickly so your most hirable features need to stand out easily.

To get the best results and to get the recruiter’s attention it’s recommended to use the following:

  • A little neutral color
  • Clear and easy to read fonts
  • Consistently sized text
  • Correct margin spacing
  • PDF and .TXT file formats

Where Can I Get a High School Resume Template?

Here at ResumeGiants, we’ve got all the tools you need to create a comprehensive high school resume from scratch. Our resume builder can help you start your very first resume free with step-by-step support and optimized, stylized templates.

Alternatively, some of the resume templates provided with Google Docs or MS Word can be modified for your needs. However, these can be trickier to customize and won’t always be properly optimized for ATS.

Free Resume Templates

Using resume templates that are proven to work will help you to move your career search forward. Start and customize as many resumes as you need with our free resume builder

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What Are the Advantages of ResumeGiant’s Resume Builder?

With our resume builder, you have everything you need to create a stylish and professional resume that meets the requirements of employers. Best of all, it’s free to use for new graduates.

When you use our tools you can enjoy the following benefits:

Step-by-step resume building instructions

ATS optimized modern templates

Pre-written options you can add to your layout

Access from any PC or mobile device

A modular template design to make editing easier

It’s free to use!

Try our free resume builder now


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  2. 10+ Free High School Resume Templates for 2024

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  3. 4+ High School Resume Examples for 2024

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  4. 15+ Sample High School Resume Templates

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  3. High School Resume Templates & Examples [Free Download]

    Make a statement with this free high school student resume template, which utilizes box graphics for headings and a prominent header space to showcase the job applicant's name. POPULAR. Strong. This high school resume template is perfect for creating a resume that conveys confidence with bold fonts and solid borders.

  4. High School Resume

    Not a problem, most high school students do not have any. Our system works with you to craft a resume that highlights your talents and accomplishments at your school and outside it. And if you do have some work experience -- even if it's just babysitting or lawn mowing, we highlight it all.

  5. High School Student Resume Template & Examples for 2024

    Start with the right contact details so the employer is able to get in touch. Write a captivating resume objective for your heading statement. Document your current high school education thus far. Add past or current teenage work experience, if you have it. Prove your teen resume accomplishments by using numbers.

  6. High School Student Resume Examples and Templates for 2024

    Build Your Resume. Resume Builder offers free, HR-approved resume templates to help you create a professional resume in minutes. 1. Write a dynamic profile summarizing your qualifications. In a brief paragraph, your profile summary should describe your top three to five qualifications for your target high school job.

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    Follow these simple steps to create your High School Resume for free in a few minutes: 1.Choose from thousands of designer-made high school resume templates or start your design from scratch. 2.Instantly upload your own images, or choose from millions of images and illustrations within our library. 3.Next, simply drag-and-drop your images into ...

  8. High School Student Resume Examples & Writing Tips (2024)

    Your best bet is the golden standard format of first name (or initials) + last name: [email protected] or [email protected]. Phone number. Include a number where you can be reached. You can also include when you are available at the given number. Location. You don't need to include your full address.

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  10. 4+ High School Resume Examples for 2024

    High school resume for college. Download This Free Template. Why this example works. The applicant shows employers they're hard-working by including their 4.0 GPA on the resume. In the education section, they explain how they gained relevant skills. The resume objective focuses on their academic goals.

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  12. High School Student Resume Examples [Templates for 2024]

    High school student college application resume. What this resume gets right: Includes a resume objective where the job seeker mentions their passion for their significant and personal connection to the university. Includes an extra section titled "Projects," where the candidate shares school and personal projects related to their ...

  13. 16 High School Student Resume Examples + Complete Guide

    We've all been there, and what you really need is a free AI resume builder and solid student cover letters to get you on your way. We've analyzed countless high school resumes to discover what would get students job interviews in 2024. While you may want to start with a simple resume outline, keep reading to find 16 high school resume ...

  14. High School Resume

    Let's have a look at a concrete example of a resume objective for this case: Correct Example: Hard-working, responsible high school student looking to contribute a positive and collaborative attitude in the retail field. Math-oriented individual with good attention to detail. #3.

  15. High School Student Resume Examples & Writing Guide

    Below are three resume samples to help you visualize your end goal: a complete job application for a high school student with no experience, part-time experience, or plenty of work history. #1 High School Resume Example With No Proper Work Experience. Jill Kikorski. High School Senior.

  16. Free High School Student Resume Template for 2024

    These resume templates are easy to use and make your resume-writing process quick and easy. Select the style you like and enter your information by section. You can also personalize your document with customizable options. We also offer a variety of fonts, size, colors and styles created by expert designers.

  17. High School Student Resume Templates

    Here at ResumeGiants, we've got all the tools you need to create a comprehensive high school resume from scratch. Our resume builder can help you start your very first resume free with step-by-step support and optimized, stylized templates. Alternatively, some of the resume templates provided with Google Docs or MS Word can be modified for ...

  18. Student Resume Examples and Templates for 2024

    Start Building. 1. Create a profile by summarizing your student qualifications. As a student without years of hands-on work experience, you'll need to create an impactful opening summary to grab the attention of prospective employers. Start by mentioning that you're a recent graduate in a specific field, and then provide three to four ...

  19. 10 High School Resume Templates (+What to Include)

    This is what you do: Specifically mention the job you're applying for. List your skills and achievements that make you suitable. Include your goals and the experience you want to get from the job. Objectives are perfect for a high school resume because they focus on skills and goals, not work experience.

  20. The Best Online Resume Builder [Fast & Simple]

    High School Resume. See this example. Nursing Resume. ... Zety resume builder is free to create resumes, CVs, and cover letters. The app follows the "try before you buy" credo—you pay once you're satisfied with the results. ... Student resume format: focuses on studies, volunteering work, soft skills, and internships over work history;

  21. 50+ Best Resume Templates in 2024 (Free Downloads Available)

    High school student resume templates. High school students will want to especially take a look at our amazing collection of free templates to help them get their first job. Internship resume templates. Finding an internship is never easy, but with our internship resume templates, we can help make the process go as smoothly as possible.

  22. Resume Examples & Samples for 2024

    800+ Resume Examples and Guide for 2024. By Kellie Hanna, CPRW, Career Advice Expert Last Updated: February 22, 2024. Browse top resume examples by job, industry, format, and experience level. Our team of Certified Professional Resume Writers (CPRW) creates and approves every sample. Import existing resume Build my resume.

  23. How to Write a Resume for a Job in 2024

    For example, you could use a: Resume objective (best for first-time job seekers or career changers) Resume profile (best if you want to add more detail) Summary of qualifications (best for highly accomplished, experienced job seekers) 5. Fill out your work experience section.