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Wattpad Review: Is Wattpad Really Worth It?

Wattpad is a platform that allows authors to network and build a following of readers. For many, it has helped launch their careers, and for some, it has been a bit of a time suck. So, can a Wattpad account be an asset for your author career?

In today’s Wattpad review, I’ll be delving deep into the platform to see what it has to offer and giving you my honest opinion on its pros and cons — and whether or not it is worth it.

  • What Wattpad offers writers
  • Wattpad’s community features
  • The Pros and Cons of Wattpad

Table of contents

  • What Exactly Is Wattpad?

Wattpad Review For Writers – The Process

Wattpad review – book marketing tools.

  • What You Need To Know Before Signing Up for Wattpad
  • What Are Wattpad Stories Like?
  • Best Practices for Building a Wattpad Community
  • The Wattpad App
  • Wattpad Pros
  • Wattpad Cons

Wattpad Review – My Final Take

Let’s get to it!

Wattpad describes itself as a ‘social story-telling platform’.

It makes use of technology and community in order to help writers find an audience for their serialized novel, short stories, etc., and for readers to find new up-and-coming writers to check out and follow.

The company is based out of Toronto, and has a very hip ethos and aesthetic. They make it clear that the platform is primarily intended for Millennials and members of Generation Z. As such, you can expect a pretty groovy, inclusive type of vibe from Wattpad.

However, the way a company describes itself is one thing. What it actually does is another.

So what is the actual bread and butter of Wattpad?

  • Talent discovery : Wattpad is a little like shows such as the X Factor or The Voice, but specifically for writers. Anyone is welcome to join and start publishing  their work for free. Only the ones who get a good response go further in the process. How? Wattpad offers resources for writers to grow and develop. The best of the best become eligible for specialist programs connecting them with publishing houses and even TV and movie production companies.
  • Social platform : You can think of Wattpad as a sort of social network for writers and readers. Instead of it being a place to like cat videos shared with you by a distant relative, it’s a platform to discover stories. It aims to give writers a place to express their unique voice, and has a broad and inclusive approach to genre.
  • Technology : As you’d expect from a start-up company targeting millennials and members of Generation Z, tech has a big part to play. This is apparent both on the front and back ends of the Wattpad service. Behind the scenes, Wattpad makes use of machine learning and AI to spot the brightest stories among its many uploads. On the front end, Wattpad offers a mobile app to allow readers and writers to connect on the devices they love the most.

In a nutshell, Wattpad is a social platform for lovers of the written word. It offers opportunities for writers to get their art discovered and for readers to find new favorite stories and artists.

The rest of this Wattpad review will focus on what the service has to offer for writers. If you’re a writer, what can Wattpad do for you, and is there anything you need to be wary of?

Signing up for Wattpad is easy, as you can see from the below image. You can either quickly register through email, or use one of your social accounts to gain access.

So how exactly does Wattpad claim to help writers? They break up the process of using Wattpad from an author perspective into three stages.

  • Create : The first stage of using Wattpad as a writer is to create your story. You are given pretty much free reign to write how you want and in whichever genre you wish. You can check out a full list of genres a little later in this article, but it’s fairly comprehensive. You can shoot from the hip, or make use of the writing resources provided by Wattpad to shape your story.
  • Build : Wattpad describes the “build” stage of the process as “establishing a global fanbase.” To be fair, the service does have over 70 million readers from around the world, and the metrics show that readers do spend a large amount of time on the platform per session. However, there are, of course, no guarantees. Your ability to tap into this potential fan base will depend upon the quality of your stories and the effort you put in to promoting them.
  • Amplify : If your work gains traction on Wattpad (as judged by the service’s machine learning algorithm, taking into account factors such as popularity and engagement) you may get a chance to monetize through the Wattpad platform. Top performing stories gain the chance to get a publishing or movie deal. Of course, these are a minority of the stories published. Most writers will not be able to monetize through Wattpad.

Now that we have an overview of the three stages of the Wattpad process, let’s go deeper and see exactly how Wattpad aims to help you.

What resources does it offer, and what claims does it make about helping you as an author?

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You now know that Wattpad is a social tech platform for writers and readers, and you have an overview of the three stage journey for Wattpad authors.

So what specifically is being offered?

Readers. Wattpad has a passionate community of readers, currently over 70 million. I would expect this number to grow, as the company has some major investors behind it and doesn’t seem to be going anywhere soon. As a writer, finding a passionate and engaged readership is often half the challenge. Wattpad gives you an off-the-shelf audience to share your work with.

Genres. Wattpad offers a ton of genres you can publish in. These are:

CreepypastaDiverselitFanfictionFantasyGeneral Fiction
Historical FictionHorrorHumorImaginesLGBT+
MysteryNew AdultNonfictionParanormalPoetry
RandomRomanceScience FictionShort StorySpiritual
Teen FictionThrillerUrbanVampireWerewolf

As you can see, that’s pretty comprehensive! There are of course sub-genres within each of the above. The bottom line is Wattpad is a suitable platform for niche authors and a great place to find engaged readers of almost any persuasion and preference.

Contests : Wattpad regularly offers writing contests . These are often offered in conjunction with events and major brands, such as a recent partnership with Converse sneakers in order to celebrate International Women’s Day. As well as being a fun community feature, winning a contest is good for your author CV, and there are prizes as well.

Awards : Wattpad has their own awards ceremony, “The Wattys,” which has been going since 2010. It celebrates a mixture of established and breakthrough writers who publish through Wattpad.

Authors can also gain exposure through Wattpad by being featured as a “pick.” Picks are stories chosen by the Wattpad editors, and they gain a greater level of exposure than regular stories.

Conference : Wattpad hosts an annual conference, known was Wattcon. It is a chance for authors and readers to get together, share tips, find mentorship opportunities, and take their online love of reading and writing into the real world.

Community : The community aspect of Wattpad is a cornerstone of the platform. It offers a chance for readers to give feedback and help writers grow. Authors can also directly engage with fans of their genre and hopefully turn them into fans of their work in particular.

Wattpad Next Beta : This is a pilot monetization program from Wattpad. It allows readers to unlock the next part of a story by donating to a writer they are a fan of. It is a new program so expect some teething problems. Wattpad may expand this beyond beta in the future if it is a success.

As you see, Wattpad offers a lot of extra awesomeness in addition to its core offerings of a social network.

So, what exactly does Wattpad mean for writers in terms of numbers, rights, and hard facts and figures?

Authors are often skeptical, and rightly so. There are a lot of unscrupulous people out there.

So what are the no-gloss, straight up facts about Wattpad you need to know as an author?

  • Rights : You own the full rights to your work. Wattpad doesn’t. Your writing is protected by copyright as soon as you publish it. You can remove it from the platform and publish it elsewhere any time. You can also offer stories you’ve shared via Wattpad to publishers, and these are not legally viewed as reprints.
  • Monetization : The monetization stage of Wattpad is in beta. It’s not the primary purpose of the platform. However, the top-performers receive opportunities for publishing deals and even links to movie and TV studios.
  • Growth : Wattpad offers a ton of free resources to help you grow as a writer. These include craft tips, such as character development, and marketing tips , such as boosting the engagement your work receives on the Wattpad platform.

If your primary purpose is to make money through your writing, Wattpad might not be the best pick for you. However, it definitely doesn’t impede you from doing so elsewhere.

Wattpad stories tend to be fast-paced, plot driven narratives aimed at younger audiences.

The stories on Wattpad are typically written in short paragraphs and chapters, making them easy to read on mobile devices. Writers often use simple, conversational language and vocabulary. The stories are scannable with a focus on action and drama over detailed description.

Many Wattpad stories fall into popular genres like romance, teen fiction, fantasy, sci-fi, horror, and fan fiction. Common themes and tropes include:

  • Forbidden romances or love triangles
  • Ordinary girl falls for billionaire, bad boy, or supernatural creature
  • Adventures and action sequences
  • Cliffhangers at the end of chapters
  • Dialogue and banter between characters
  • Dramatic plot twists

Unlike traditional publishing, Wattpad allows writers to incorporate multimedia into stories like music, images, and video. Writers can interact with readers through comments and receive instant feedback chapter-by-chapter.

What About Fan Fiction?

Yep, fan fiction stories make up a major part of Wattpad. These are stories written by fans that use characters and settings from popular books, movies, TV shows, celebrities, bands, anime, and games.

Wattpad allows writers to publish fan fiction legally as long as they follow the site’s content rules.

Some of the most popular forms of fan fiction on Wattpad include:

  • Alternate universe stories
  • Reader-inserts
  • Shipping stories

Fan fiction helps writers explore beloved fictional worlds while building their audience and improving their craft. Popular fandoms featured in Wattpad fan fiction include Harry Potter, Star Wars, K-pop, and anime like My Hero Academia.

While there are several authors who have broken out on Wattpad, most writers are amateurs looking to build an audience.

Here are some best practices for writing Wattpad stories:

  • Use an attention-grabbing opening hook
  • Keep chapters short, around 1,000 – 2,000 words
  • End each chapter on a cliffhanger
  • Update frequently and maintain a consistent schedule
  • Engage with readers through author notes and comments
  • Develop an engaging main character that readers relate to
  • Use drama and excitement to propel the plot forward
  • Write in the first person for emotional immediacy
  • Focus on action and dialogue more than description
  • Avoid lengthy paragraphs and blocks of text
  • Incorporate trending themes and popular tropes
  • Use punchy, conversational language and vocabulary
  • Add multimedia when possible to break up the text

Following these tips can help you craft a Wattpad story that connects with readers and stands out on the platform. The most important thing is telling an entertaining, addictive story with bold hooks to capture attention right from the start.

What Do Wattpad Readers Want?

As a platform focused on aspiring writers, Wattpad attracts readers looking to discover new voices and original stories they can't find anywhere else. When Wattpad users open the app, they're not necessarily searching for established authors or published works. Instead, they want to immerse themselves in the writing of fellow fans and upcoming storytellers.

Wattpad readers browse the site to find stories with plots, characters, and themes that speak specifically to their interests.

Thankfully, the platform's tag system allows them to filter stories by genre, tropes, romantic pairings, etc.

This allows readers to easily find stories tailored to their particular tastes.

Unlike traditional publishing, Wattpad provides a constantly updating feed of new content. Readers can return daily to discover the latest works from emerging voices. And with over 80 million stories to choose from, readers never have to suffer from a lack of options.

Ultimately, Wattpad readers seek out stories that speak to their unique passions. And through the direct relationships cultivated on the platform, they become invested in the development of new writers who share those passions.

As you’d expect and hope from a platform dedicated to Millennials and Generation Z, Wattpad has its own mobile app.

So what does the Wattpad Mobile app have to offer, and what does it look like in action?

  • Platforms . The Wattpad mobile app can be downloaded for Android, Apple, and even Microsoft!
  • Writing . You can write and share stories directly on the mobile app. This is good if you want to draft out a short story on the go and get some instant feedback.
  • Reading . The Wattpad mobile app also acts as a kind of e-reader, sort of like the Kindle app. Readers can “interact” with the story, by sharing their thoughts and reactions directly with the author as they read.

Although I doubt the Wattpad mobile app will become many people’s writing application of choice, I do think it offers some cool features. For a free app, it’s a great addition to the service.

Wattpad Pros and Cons

We’ve explored everything Wattpad has to offer. So, in a nutshell, what is my take on the service?

  • Free : No cost to read or write on Wattpad — and plenty offered in return.
  • Open : I really feel this is a platform for creative writers. It encourages expression and is open to the most modern of genres.
  • Community : Having a community of 70 million readers is an awesome resource. This is like if everyone in the United Kingdom, plus a few more million, was reading on Wattpad.
  • Growth : I love the free resources offered by Wattpad and the mentorship and development opportunities available.
  • Monetization : I feel as if Wattpad could offer more opportunities for authors to monetize through the platform. The new beta program is a step in the right direction, but this could definitely be developed further.
  • Not for everyone : Although there are no age limits or anything, I definitely feel older or more conservative writers wouldn’t feel at home on Wattpad. It is a very liberal, very young-focused platform. That’s fine, but a lot of authors do not fit into those categories.
  • Requires Time and Effort to Succeed: In order to see results from Wattpad, you're going to have to invest more time in your marketing of your book . There are lottery winners out there, but most need to invest time and energy.

However, I came across Margaret Atwood’s thoughts on Wattpad , and my cynicism softened a little. I feel that Wattpad is very up front about what they offer. Also, the fact that they give authors full ownership of their work is a big positive. There is nothing sinister or deceptive going on here.

Overall, I feel Wattpad can be a great resource for up-and-coming authors looking to hone their craft. If you want to get feedback and grow as an author, Wattpad can be the place to do that. It also allows you to connect with relevant writers and find fans for your work.

However, in order for an author to build a following and gain real results, they're going to have to become a Wattpad marketing guru and truly know how to get their book in front of Wattpad readers.  The way I see it, though, is why not focus on a paying market like Amazon and get direct sales from all that marketing effort ? If you're going to market something, might as well get paid for all your hard work, right?

I’d love to get your personal take on Wattpad. Have you used it? How have you found it? Is there anything authors need to know about Wattpad I haven’t covered here?

I’d be super grateful if you take a moment to leave a comment and let me know your thoughts.

Dave Chesson

When I’m not sipping tea with princesses or lightsaber dueling with little Jedi, I’m a book marketing nut. Having consulted multiple publishing companies and NYT best-selling authors, I created Kindlepreneur to help authors sell more books. I’ve even been called “The Kindlepreneur” by Amazon publicly, and I’m here to help you with your author journey.

  • Wattpad Review For Writers - The Process
  • Wattpad Review - Book Marketing Tools
  • Wattpad Review - My Final Take

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16 thoughts on “ Wattpad Review: Is Wattpad Really Worth It? ”

Wattpad is my home. I love it. Yet, my Dad on the other hand, has a HUGE problem with it. He says that the words are absurdly too small and that the creators are assholes because no one can see those words. Yet, other than that, I love it and I’m about to publish a book soon🥰

Yeah, I’ve heard others mention that too.

Thank you for this article. I am looking for a publishing app for a book I have written. I have no delusions of getting rich but I would like to be read, as all authors would like. I’m older than Wattpad’s core audience (Generation X) and have been looking for somewhere to go. It seems like all mediums have their pros and cons.

Very true, a lot of pros and cons wit them all.

My advice to a would-be author: DON’T DO IT! If you’ve got a story that cost you blood, sweat and tears, save it for a publisher. If you want to take a story for a test drive to see how readers respond, Wattpad MIGHT, and I use that term lightly, might be a good way of testing the waters before you plunge in.

I was a Wattpad writer for months. My story languished until I changed the title and cover multiple times. When it gained traction, the final tally was 4.3k reads an 300 votes. I got some good feedback. But still only 12 followers from those reads. Some days I would receive multiple notifications. Some swooned over the story. Sure. I even spoke to several readers who were clamoring for a sequel. But…

Then one day, the notifications stopped. No reads. No votes. Nothing. Other stories posted were ignored, including the first part of the sequel the readers begged me for. Had I offended them in some way? Was my work trash? Only after I deleted my work did I receive attention. I even got a threat. Nice.

I’m going to have to burst your bubble, okay? If you’re hoping to be like Anna Todd and her “After” series with a book deal and movie… you’re living in unicorn land. A well-written, well-edited story will be ignored in favor of badly written tripe about billionaire mafia dons and shapeshifting gay werewolves. Gay, transgender teens who can’t decide whether to kiss their roommate is all the rage. And don’t even bother with character development. Wattpad is geared mostly for the ignorant, spoiled teenage girl with nothing but time and a phone on her hands.

And forget about the writing contests. Those are fixed for the liberally diverse stories. The whole site is liberal. Readers may engage, but they can’t tell the difference between a dictionary and an encyclopedia. If I engaged with my readers, there were only one or two with anything constructive to offer. Other writers? Haha. It’s every man for themselves on Wattpad. I NEVER spoke to another writer in the year I was on Wattpad. If you do, they are after something and I wouldn’t trust them farther than I could throw them.

I left Wattpad the first time, came back and wrote a thriller and immediately attracted the attention of a stalker who sent up to 16 notifications a day criticizing my writing and character motivation. It was creepy. A lot of authors have been bullied off the platform. Good writers. Some even have their work deleted for no reason by the Wattpad team.

The same Wattpad team that claims to care. There is no support system for authors. NONE. If you’re harassed, your only recourse is to mute the person. The only reason I put up with it for so long, was that I hoped someone would notice my work.

They didn’t. And they won’t. Unless you write about a shapeshifting transgender unicorn, you’re better off trying to get your work published elsewhere. Save yourself the bad grammar and tears.

Stay away from Wattpad.

Hey Kat. Thanks for this perspective and sorry you ran into that – but glad you shared your experience here. That’s very important for authors to see all sides of a system like Wattpad.

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Wattpad Review: Is It Worth It for Writers? (2024)

Wattpad review.

  • Ease of Use
  • Functionality

Wattpad Review: The Bottom Line

Wattpad is an excellent app for budding authors and experienced writers alike. Be sure to take the time to read the stories of others on the app, even if you’re mainly there to share your work and get feedback that will help you to grow. Participation in the Wattpad community can help you feel at home as you begin to move forward with your writing career.

  • A vast community of fiction writers
  • Opportunities for new fiction writers to get noticed
  • Constructive feedback from readers
  • Themes of stories may be mature for young writers
  • It can be tough to climb the ranks as a new writer
  • Some writers have experienced copyright issues
  • Not suitable for non-fiction

In our Wattpad review , we’ll explore what you must about this storytelling platform as a reader and as a writer .

Wattpad makes it easy for young adult and teen fiction writers to come together in the Wattpad community. Both new and experienced authors can use the Wattpad stories platform to share their work and get to know the work of others. The best users on Wattpad don’t just share their own stories. Instead, they use the story-sharing social media platform to chat with others, comment on their stories and use the experience of learning more about other authors to improve their writing.

The Wattpad community is vast, with over 94 million users as of 2022. Stories are written in over 50 languages, allowing writers worldwide to write stories and share them with others. Many users aim to eventually win a “Watty Award”–a coveted honor given to a select few users. Some Watty Award winners (like The Kissing Booth ) have been made into movies, skyrocketing the authors to fame as their main characters become household names.

Here, we’ll tell you everything you need to know to decide whether Wattpad is the right platform for sharing your favorite stories and learning more about what other authors have to offer.

What is Wattpad?

Wattpad pricing, 1. new writers, 2. experienced writers, 3. fanfic readers, 4. sci-fi readers, the “what’s hot” list, the watts writing awards, areas for improvement, wattpad review criteria, how does wattpad make money, what is the difference between wattpad and other sites like netflix.

Wattpad review

Wattpad is an online platform designed for budding authors to share and read stories from others. The platform was developed in December of 2006 by founders Ivan Yuen and Allen Lau. The platform doesn’t just work to allow writers to share their stories with others–it also helps new authors hone their writing skills, one story at a time. If that’s you, check out our storytelling skills guide .

The app isn’t just for writers–it’s also geared towards readers. Shortly after the app was developed, the team at Wattpad paired with Project Gutenberg and added more than 17,000 stories to the platform’s library. As a result, Wattpad books can come from new authors and world-renowned writers, creating an exciting environment for anyone who wants to tell their story. While anyone interested in reading and writing can use the platform, most users are high school students and young adults. As a result, common genres on the platform are typically those popular with this age group, including fanfic, sci-fi, fantasy, and romance stories.

The app is widely available, and users can download the platform on iOS and Android devices. While many users have sung the app’s praises, large corporations and media conglomerates have also discussed how the app is working to further social connections and help writers tell their stories. In 2011, the Canadian Innovation Exchange named Wattpad , the hottest Canadian digital media company. Yuen was also recognized as one of the top Canadian innovators by consulting giant Deloitte.

Wattpad pricing

The Wattpad app is free to use. However, Wattpadders can choose to upgrade to Wattpad Premium for $5.99 per month if they’d like an ad-free Wattpad experience. Users interested in Wattpad Premium also have the option to pay $60 per year, saving a few dollars compared to paying the monthly fee.

Why Should I Use Wattpad?

If you love writing or reading fiction, there’s a place for you on Wattpad . Basically, it’s a great place to discover new writing including fan-fiction and more specific genres. For writers without an audience, it’s an ideal platform for connecting with readers and getting feedback on your work. Here, we’ll take a look at four different types of Wattpad users.

Diving into writing for the first time? You’ll find a welcoming community at Wattpad , full of readers excited to give you constructive feedback as you begin to make your mark in the literary world. While it can take some time to build up to the level of an Amazon bestselling author, writing on Wattpad can help you develop your craft and eventually get you noticed by literary agents and others who can help you kickstart your writing career.

When you’re an experienced writer , it’s easy to get stuck in a rut and unsure how to spice up your new stories. Wattpad allows you to get feedback directly from readers, helping you to find your weak spots as an author and shape future stories to meet the needs of your audience. If you feel like it’s time to take your writing to the next level, getting feedback from your readers can help you decide how to improve settings, character development, plotlines, and more.

As the worlds of your favorite celebrities change, it makes sense that the fanfiction you love would also change. On Wattpad , fanfic readers get the chance to watch stories evolve right as your favorite stars‘ lives grow as well. Since Wattpad allows readers to communicate with authors , feel free to request your favorite fanfic authors about stories you’d like to read in the future or celebrities you’d like them to feature next on your reading lists.

It can be tough to find great new sci-fi books that are in line with the reading that you love, and there’s nothing worse than bringing home a new sci-fi book only to find that it’s not an excellent fit for you. With Wattpad , you’re able to browse stories until you find one that you love, and you’re able to stay on top of the author’s latest content to help you to get more of the sci-fi stories you crave.

How Does Wattpad Work?

Wattpad works like a social network for fiction writers in search of readers…. and readers in search of new fiction, long or short stories. You can sign up for the free or paid version using your Google or Facebook login. Then, you can use Wattpad to write or read fiction via the web or mobile apps.

As an author writing for Wattpad , you maintain full rights over your work. It’s protected by copyright. You can use resources on Wattpad to distribute your content and grow as a fiction writer . It’s more suited towards finding readers than selling books or making money.

review novel wattpad

The Wattpad Community members can vote on stories, and the top-rated stories appear on the What’s Hot list. Appearing on the list gives users the visibility necessary to get a head start in writing. The Wattpad editorial team also features selected stories that readers may enjoy across a range of genres or niches.

review novel wattpad

Wattpad holds many contests for writers, including the increasingly-popular Watty awards. Both book authors and poets compete in the awards and have the option to enter as either enthusiasts or competitors. The Watty Awards comprises genres like:

  • Science-fiction
  • Young adult
  • Mystery and thrillers
  • Historical fiction.

Of course, Wattpad isn’t the only platform to feature contests like this. For more, check out our guide to the best writing contests .

Wattpad has developed a new branch called Wattpad Studios that works exclusively to connect the app’s famous authors with those in the publishing and entertainment industries. This can provide a way for new and established authors to get in touch with industry professionals who can help them take their careers to the next level. You might also be interested in our Draft2Digital review .

One of the main criticisms of Wattpad is that it can get a little racy, especially for the younger crowd it tends to attract. So if your kiddo or teen is interested in using Wattpad , keep an eye on what they’re reading and the kind of content they’re producing. In addition, while many of the comments on Wattpad are high-level and encourage healthy growth, others are surface-level and can be frustrating to experienced writers. Therefore, Wattpad users must remember to take every comment with a grain of salt and only take to heart the comments they believe will genuinely contribute to the growth of their craft.

Wattpad also isn’t a great choice if you write non-fiction or blog posts. For that, we recommend Medium. To learn more, check out our guide how to make money on Medium

To review the Wattpad app, I tried it out as both a reader and a writer , testing the different features and seeing how users interacted with one another. As a professional writer , seeing the immediate feedback provided by users was fun. In addition, I was impressed at how fellow writers on the site gave constructive criticism on parts of my writing that I hadn’t considered before. As a reader, I also enjoyed giving constructive criticism to other writers.

Why You Can Trust Me

I’ve been a professional writer for eight years, and I know what it takes to survive in the literary world. It’s not always easy to get the feedback you need to improve, primarily when the people invested in your success are other literary professionals with their own valid opinions on creative direction. However, I know how to take and give feedback, and I was genuinely impressed with the high-level commenting within the Wattpad app.

ProWritingAid is one of our top tools for fiction writers. Find out why in this ProWritingAid review .

Are you looking for more? Check out our review !

Wattpad is worth over $400 million. Like many social media platforms, it earns revenue by monetizing content on the platform through advertising. Basically, the Wattpad writer userbase writes stories which attracts readers. Wattpad then serves display advertising to readers. Wattpad has also raised money as part of various funding rounds. It also offers a premium version as part of a monthly subscription for readers and users who dislike ads.

Wattpad is focused on the written word, whereas Netflix publishes and distributes television shows and films. Wattpad encourages its userbase to create and submit content, whereas Netflix commissions content with studios. That said, Wattpad is seeking ways of selling top-performing stories to streamers like Sony and Netflix.

Get the Reddit app

Wattpad is a website and app for readers and writers to publish user-generated stories in different genres. r/Wattpad is meant for users to come talk with others, share their or other's works, and more!

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Wattpad Review: The 90 Million Member Community of Writers, Authors, and Readers

review novel wattpad

If you're looking for a writing community that's part social media, part reading and writing, then Wattpad is the network for you.

Of the more than 90 million readers and writers using Wattpad, the majority are between 18 and 30 years old and located in the United States, Canada, or the United Kingdom. In the Philippines, Wattpad is the number one app driving physical bookselling and bestseller lists.

New Call-To-Action

In this Wattpad Review, we'll look at what it is, how to use it as a reader and writer, pricing, along with a few pros and cons.

What is Wattpad?

  • How to Get Started

Paid Stories

  • How to Write & Publish Stories on Wattpad
  • Interacting with the Community
  • How to Get Noticed

Pros, Cons, Overall Rating

Wattpad is a free service designed to connect readers with authors, available on desktop and as a mobile app. 

Readers can access millions of ebooks in every conceivable genre, with more added every day.

In addition to reading books, users can:

  • Add books to their reading list
  • Follow their favorite writers
  • Receive notifications whenever favorite authors publish something new
  • Private message other Wattpad users
  • Create their own books and publish them

While it's a great place to discover new writing and interact with others, it's also perfect for research. Many people look to this platform to discover upcoming authors, book trends, and what readers are looking for.

How to get started on Wattpad

To start using Wattpad, the first thing you need to do is create an account. You can use email, or log in with your Facebook, Instagram or Google account.

Next, you must verify your account. In my experience, the verification email took some time to arrive, but eventually it did. If you don't receive it in a few days, try having the system resend the verification email and also make sure to check your spam folder.

If you do not verify your account, you will still be able to use Wattpad but certain features will be unavailable, such as the community, awards, and contests.

Once your Wattpad account is up and running, you can update your profile, browse books and connect with other writers and readers.

How to find stories to read

Wattpad is intuitive and simple to navigate. When you're logged in, your home page will feature Top Picks as well as many other topical categories, such as Editor's Picks, Ad-Free Picks, and New & Hot.

For deeper searching, tap or click on the “Browse” link in the navigation bar and look at titles based on genre or Wattpad Picks. There is also a search bar if you want to find a specific author, title or keyword.

The Wattpad ecosystem relies on tags and keywords, so as long as authors are labeling their work appropriately, then you will discover it in your search.

Once you find a title you want to read, you can start right away, or click on the “+” button to add it to your library or reading list . You can locate your library and reading list by clicking or tapping on your profile and navigating to the title you want to read. Select the cover to start reading.

While Wattpad is free and there are millions of titles available, there is a category called “Paid Stories.” Wattpad says this allows readers to thank writers by supporting them financially through Coins, which can be purchased through the mobile app.

Readers can purchase any amount of coins, and then use them to unlock paid stories (either individual chapters or an entire book) on either the mobile app or web. Authors set their Coin rate so the cost will vary from book to book. In order to offer Paid Stories, authors must be invited into the program by Wattpad.

How to write and publish stories on Wattpad

If you want to write or publish your stories (or novel) on the platform, click or tap on the “Write” link in the top navigation and then on “Create a Story.”

  • Related: How to Start Writing A Novel

The software will prompt you to start with your cover, title, description, main characters, category, tags, audience, language and rating. However, if you're not quite ready with this information, you can skip forward and come back to it later.

Next, you start typing. Wattpad allows you to add multimedia such as images and videos to make your work as interactive as you'd like.

Once you're finished writing you can save your work, leaving it a draft, or else publish it for the larger community to see. 

You don't need to finish writing your book all at once, and you can publish a partially-finished story and continue adding to it.

When your story is published, readers have the chance to discover your book through the tagging and keywords, but they also can interact with your story by leaving comments throughout! You'll notice this when browsing books as a reader, over to the right of the words you'll see comment bubbles and when you click into them, you can read the community's comments and discussion. 

When Wattpad readers are really moved by a story or character, they've been known to create art, videos and more, leaving them in the comments for the community to see. Readers are encouraged to leave comments right on a sentence or paragraph and vote on the work. The more kind words, suggestions and ideas, the better.

Interacting with the Wattpad community

In addition to chatting with others while you're reading by leaving comments, there is also a “Community” section in the navigation bar with links to the Watty Awards, Community Happenings and The Ambassador Program.

The Watty Awards is an annual writing contest, where authors are invited to submit their completed works in one of 11 categories and nine languages.

Community Happenings are where the clubs and forums live in Wattpad, offering a chance for learning more about the online writing community and socializing. This area allows you to promote your writing and connect with others.

The Ambassador Program is for people who are active on Wattpad and want to become more involved. Potential ambassadors must apply and go through training before joining one of four teams: content, engagement, data, and outreach.

If you're curious just how big Wattpad is, at the time of this article, in July 2022, Wattpad social following numbers were:

  • Twitter: 1M Followers
  • Facebook: 8.2M Followers
  • TikTok: 1.3M Followers
  • Instagram: 2.2M Followers
  • Wattpad Platform: 90M Followers

…and these numbers are growing every day!

How to get noticed on Wattpad

With millions of users worldwide, Wattpad is a busy place and getting your book noticed can be a challenge.

The good news is, only 10 percent of Wattpad users are active authors. The rest are readers! So the best way to stand out is by being a good literary citizen. Follow the general best practices and learn the Wattpad culture and etiquette.

Start by following people who are interested in the kind of writing you do, and join different clubs in your genre as a reader. Read books and engage with them on Wattpad, and make sure to use tags people are searching for on the platform when you publish. As you become more familiar with Wattpad, you'll notice many of the tags and keywords mirror speech rather than industry terms. Pay attention and use those when you publish your books on Wattpad.

By the way, you are not required to publish full-length novels. You can write short stories, or partial stories or whatever you want. You can use it for practice, for fun, for networking, or all of the above! Wattpad is what you make it and you'll appreciate the community support and feedback you receive along the way.

The best ways to get noticed on Wattpad:

  • Leave kind and helpful comments on top-ranking stories 
  • Engage with the community! Vote, make an effort to engage new readers, and stay in touch with current readers
  • Join discussions in popular forums in your genre
  • Create a great cover that will get noticed
  • Add relevant tags and keywords
  • Apply to have your story featured on Wattpad—it's free and makes your book visible to the larger community, but it's competitive so you may have to keep trying

Although there are stories of writers receiving book deals out of their Wattpad success , most authors treat Wattpad as a place to build a fan base for their writing. You're free to add calls to action at the end of your chapters and in your bio, you can serialize your writing and you can even link to your website or sales pages in the metadata.

Wattpad is free to use, as long as you're ok with having ads displayed constantly.

If you become a serial user of Wattpad, it may make sense to pay for one of their premium models. With premium, you won't see any ads, you can read stories online and offline, you access Wattpad coins to unlock paid stories, and you can even customize your theme colors.

Premium is a mere $4.99 per month. Premium Plus is only $7.49 per month and allows you to unlock 2 paid stories per month (much like an Audible subscription).

Free (or very low cost for premium)Not always finished / polished books
Very engaged communitySo large it can be tough to get noticed
Easy to create storiesCoin program can be confusing at first
Great for discovering upcoming authors, books, and trends

Overall, we give Wattpad a 4.5 out of 5 stars rating. It's one of the best social platforms for readers and writers alike.

There are many smart ways to use Wattpad, whether as a reader, an author, an agent, or an editor. If you're ready to connect with readers and engage in an excited and authentic community, this may be the perfect fit for you and your work.

If you're looking to learn how to write and publish your first book , this free resource will help.

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What’s on Wattpad: 20+ Recommendations from The Platform’s Authors

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Readers are always looking for new stories that you can’t put down! While traditional publishing offers a lot of blockbuster annual releases, there are other places for readers to get their fix. Combining the social media frenzy of spaces like #BookTok and #Bookstagram with a slew of talented writers, Wattpad offers an interactive readers paradise with tons of amazing diverse fiction at their fingertips. And perhaps even better, the writers are right there, ready to engage.

We interviewed a few of these Wattpad writers to get the inside scoop on just how expansive the selection is and what readers can expect when they join in.

Philline Harms is a writer of queer contemporary YA novels including Never Kiss Your Roommate and Love and Other Wicked Things , a sapphic romance between two teenage witches that hits shelves August 22nd 2023. You can find her social media handles HERE .

Tamara Lush is a Rita Award finalist, an Amtrak writing fellow, and a George C. Polk Award–winning journalist. She’s the author of Drive and Crash . You can find her social media handles HERE .

Tay Marley is the author of the Wattpad YA hit The QB Bad Boy and Me , soon to become a movie. Meant for Me is her debut adult novel. You can find her social media handles HERE .

What can readers find on Wattpad?

Tamara : Aside from fanfiction, Wattpad hosts a huge library of original fiction. They’re written by authors from around the globe and many of the webnovels are free.

Philline: With millions of stories spanning across countless genres, Wattpad has evolved into a whole microcosm that celebrates storytelling. The stories you find here are quick-paced, trope-y, and perfectly bite-sized. They feel self-indulgent in a way that not a lot of media does these days, and that’s because they are!

Tay: If you’ve dreamed it up, Wattpad has it written down. There is a story for every single person out there.

What sort of genres (or niche genres) can readers get excited about? What are your recommendations?

Tay: Sports with your romance? Got it. A villain who only has a soft spot for one girl? Got it. Small town, rockstar, billionaire, mafia, single mom, single dad, best friends brother, best friends sister! The list goes on and on. Perhaps you prefer horror, there’s that too. Do you read in Spanish, French or German? There’s authors from all over the world writing in their native language.

Philline : Since anyone can post their work here, there’s something for every taste, from cut-throat thrillers to spicy romance novels. Want a heart-felt young adult rom-com? Then How To Be The Best Third Wheel by summerbackthen and Until We Break by MatthewD_Writes are for you. Trying to experience a similar high to what you felt reading The Hunger Games ? Brianna Joy Crump has you covered with Of Cages And Crowns . We have mermaids ( Ocean Blue by Olivaughn ), werewolves ( Creatures of the Night by cloudedwithstories , Wolf & Witch by HicksScribbles , Bite Me by stayonbrand ), and witches ( Love and Other Wicked Things by writing00introvert ). My current favorite subgenre is angsty new adult stories that revolve around the trials and tribulations you experience in your twenties; Where The Skies Are Blue by auronautic and Best Way Out by toxicvism both make me feel things.

Tamara: Looking for Muslim romance? A steamy historical gay romance? An edgy cozy mystery involving billionaire werewolves? Wattpad has you covered. There’s probably no better platform for diversity in stories than Wattpad. I’m constantly surprised at the global reach my stories have there. If you’re craving hockey romance: Most Hated Player by Avery Keelan . If you enjoyed The Hating Game and love rivals-to-lovers tropes: As Long as You Love Me by Marianna Leal or Whistleblower by Kate Marchant . If you’re in your werewolf era: Dominantly Yours by Cayleigh Kennedy or Into the Wild Dark by Sondi Warner . If you’re into bad boy mafia men: Diavolo by T.A. Fan or Sex and the Billionaire Crime Boss by Jane Peden . If vampires still live in your head rent-free: How Not to Vampire by Rodney V. Smith or Mermaids and the Vampires Who Love Them by Brittanie Charmentine or The Night the Vampires Came by Kate Lorraine .

Describe the social aspect of Wattpad.

Tamara: Wattpad is like a social media network for readers. Yes, you can read in silence, but that’s a bit boring, no? The joy of Wattpad lies in the comments. Readers can comment on each paragraph of a story and have conversations within a book with other readers. I know, I know, you’re not usually supposed to read the comments, but here, you should – it’s part of the experience. Wattpad readers are unusually kind and respectful in the comments. They’re also hilarious. It’s honestly one of the best parts of Wattpad, the ability to interact between readers and authors. I think it’s so fun for a reader to be able to interact directly with their favorite storyteller who can give more insight and perspective to the reader. It’s a different experience than reading on Kindle or in paperback, one that’s more immediate and interactive. I feel close to my readers and to other authors on Wattpad.

Tay: The best part is, these stories are interactive. If you’re anything like me and have an overwhelming amount of thoughts and feelings while you binge a book at three in the morning and wish you had someone to vent to, you do. There are comment sections on every paragraph! The authors love hearing when a character has made you swoon or made you cry or made you proud or made you laugh. Seriously, you can not leave enough comments.

Philline: Some of my best internet friendships have started in the comment sections of Wattpad stories. (Bonus tip: check out other readers’ reading lists to find some hidden gems!). If you’ve reached the bottom of your TBR pile or are looking for a more interactive reading experience, head over to Wattpad and start browsing the categories of stories that could lead you to your next favorite author.

Recommend These Reads:

About the author: sr admin.

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Next Gen Favorites: Wattpad

Looking beyond my local library, i found a new way to think about writing.

By Mirna Rodriguez

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Part of Next Gen

I started reading early, and I spent my childhood hungry for stories. For the first half of my life, I was sustained by my small public library, finding solace in old, ratty copies of Lemony Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events and Louisa May Alcott’s Little Women. It wasn’t until I was 14 that I felt the limits of my library’s bookshelves and started to look online for new, brave, curious protagonists.

That’s when I stumbled onto Wattpad. When I found it in 2012, the site functioned as a microcosm of teen popular culture, reflecting the platform’s large contingent of Gen Z and millennial users. Every scroll, regardless of genre, brought users book covers largely adorned with Photoshop edits of notable teenage heartthrobs of the time (think: Dylan O’Brien in his Teen Wolf fame, or a younger, long-haired One Direction Harry Styles). Some stories even included popular song recommendations (mostly Taylor Swift) and a cast filled with A-list celebrities, in the hopes of creating an immersive experience for readers.

review novel wattpad

Next Gen Favorites is a series of personal essays from young writers about the tech that’s shaping their lives:

The Alicia Keys Tiny Desk concert

The half-finished Duolingo course

Founded in 2006, Wattpad has grown far beyond the scale of my local library. The platform currently boasts 94 million users and more than a billion uploaded stories, ranging from historical tales to outright fanfiction. In its 15 years of existence, Wattpad stories have gained a reputation in the online literary community — a landfill of self-insert fanfiction to some, and a treasure trove of hidden gems to others. 

As a 14-year-old, I found Wattpad’s saturation of teen popular culture exhilarating; it promised to appease my quickly shifting reading preferences. My digital library became a hoard of historical fiction and supernatural romance novels, where I surrendered to my teenage angst and lived vicariously through questionably written characters. For four years, I religiously followed the satirical but romantic Storm and Silence series, treating the Wednesday chapter uploads like morning church service.

A nexus where the personal and professional came together

I was amazed by Wattpad, not only for its riveting content, but also for its ability to shatter many traditional barriers and expectations for writing. For one, authors seemed to balance their professional and personal personas on the platform, retaining sometimes thousands of readers under pen names like “dontstealmypoptarts” or “iheartonedirection.” Where I had previously only viewed authors as elusive and mysterious, these usernames instead suggested that anyone could write a book — even people who liked Pop-Tarts and One Direction.

I also loved how authors often addressed their readership directly. They would spotlight a reader of the week, offer bonus chapters, and communicate any changes to their uploading schedule. Chapters contained author’s notes, a nexus where the personal and professional came together. Sometimes there was a note about upcoming exams, at other times a tragic comment about a pet’s passing. 

Readers also bridged the divide, offering words of encouragement or criticism. They would share their excitement, amusement, or worry in a chapter’s comment section, and interact with other users in the comments. Readers and writers developed a collaborative relationship and a sense of community, as writers are able to refine their stories with this feedback.

In 2014, I began to publish my own poems and books on the platform. My poems spoke about love and betrayals that I had not yet experienced. My books were enemies-to-lovers romance novels with bad dialogue that my 16-year-old self mistook for wit. A few of my books were ranked by the website’s popularity algorithm in broad categories, but most remained largely untouched by readers. Still, I kept writing for the joy of it. Eight years later, those pieces are like a time capsule of my teenage self.

Wattpad has changed drastically since 2012. Book publishers have started to take notice, and the company has rolled out professionalizing features like content from established writers (“Tap Originals”) and pay-to-access works (“Paid Stories”). In January, Wattpad was acquired by a South Korean tech conglomerate, Naver Corporation, for $600 million. Like any online community, Wattpad writers are hostage to the profitability of their platform. The introduction of Wattpad coins, in particular, threatens to isolate or separate readers who aren’t able to buy them and access these new Paid Stories. 

As someone who joined the website for its expansive, accessible, and free content, I have mixed feelings about the new features and the emphasis on monetization. It’s a familiar turn for tech platforms, and while it’s alarming, it’s better than the site shutting down entirely. As a retired Wattpad user, I can’t help but feel nostalgic for all the time I’ve spent on the platform. I hope it can survive for all the 14-year-olds still looking for a bigger library, as a space where individuals can read, write, and form community.

Mirna Rodriguez is a first-year law school student at Texas A&M University and a recent graduate of Williams College. In her free time, she enjoys collecting books and plants.

Correction: A previous version of this piece stated Wattpad’s total uploads as 665 million, citing outdated numbers from a 2019 report. The current total is over 1 billion; The Verge regrets the error.

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What is Wattpad and How Does It Work: A Comprehensive Guide

Navigating the world of stories, hunting for that next book that captures your heart or finding just the right audience for your own tales can feel like an endless quest. Believe me; I’ve felt the weight of those hours spent in search, longing for a space where my love for storytelling could truly thrive.

That’s when I stumbled upon Wattpad—an incredible platform that bridges the gap between millions of readers and writers through their shared passion for stories . This guide is crafted to walk you through every nook and cranny of Wattpad, making sure your voyage into storytelling is not only fulfilling but also safe.

Dive in with me as we explore what sets Wattpad apart and how it might just be the community you’ve been searching for!

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

  • Wattpad is a social storytelling platform that connects writers and readers globally , offering stories in over 50 languages.
  • The platform is free to use and available as both an app and a website , making it easy to read and publish stories in various genres.
  • Users can interact with each other by giving feedback on chapters, sharing stories, and engaging in private messaging within the community.
  • To stay safe on Wattpad, users should manage their privacy settings carefully and be aware of how to report concerning content or interactions .
  • Wattpad provides valuable opportunities for writers to promote their work, connect with an engaged audience, and receive immediate feedback on their stories.

What is Wattpad?

Looking to understand Wattpad? It’s a social storytelling platform connecting writers and readers worldwide. With over 50 languages available, it’s a diverse space for fiction writing and an online literature platform .

A social storytelling platform

Wattpad stands as a bustling online writing community where I can share my stories with readers from all around the globe. It’s amazing because it lets people like me, and maybe you, unleash our creativity in a space that values original written fiction.

With over 50 languages available , the platform breaks down barriers, allowing my tales to reach someone on the other side of the world.

This social storytelling platform connects writers and readers in an interactive way. I post chapters of my latest work and get immediate feedback from fans. This feels incredibly rewarding and fuels my passion for writing even more.

Also, connecting with fellow writers offers me valuable insights and encouragement on this journey. Whether I’m into crafting teen fiction or spinning complex fantasy tales, there’s always a spot for my story on Wattpad.

Connecting writers and readers

Wattpad is a platform that enables writers to connect directly with readers. It offers a space for self-publishers to share their original stories and engage with a community of fans and enthusiasts.

The platform allows users to release their stories chapter by chapter, which creates real-time interaction with readers . Additionally, it provides an opportunity for authors to publish their fiction and connect with fellow writers who share similar interests in genres like romance, fantasy, and fan fiction.

Overall, Wattpad aims to bring together writers and readers in a supportive creative environment.

The platform’s focus on multimedia storytelling creates an interactive experience where users can read and write stories while engaging in private messaging with other members of the community .

Available in over 50 languages

Wattpad is accessible in over 50 languages , allowing writers and readers from diverse backgrounds to connect and share stories. This means that users can enjoy a wide range of original content in their preferred language , making it easier for self-publishers to reach a global audience .

Whether you write or read fanfiction, poetry, romance, or any other genre, Wattpad’s availability in multiple languages opens up new opportunities for creative expression and engagement with the writing community.

With such linguistic diversity at your fingertips, connecting with fellow writers and readers becomes even more exciting and rewarding.

How Does Wattpad Work?

Wattpad is a free app and website where you can discover and share stories in various genres including romance and fanfiction. Whether you love to read or write, Wattpad provides a platform for both publishing your own stories and connecting with millions of readers.

Free app and website

Wattpad is a free app and website where you can read and publish original stories , connecting with a community of writers and readers . You have the freedom to upload your own work or immerse yourself in a variety of genres including fanfiction, romance, and poetry.

The platform offers an accessible space for self-publishers to share their creative writing within an engaging community across different languages.

Wattpad presents a user-friendly interface both on its app and website, making it easy to discover new stories or share your own content seamlessly. As a writer, you can interact directly with readers as you release chapters of your story in real-time.

Discover and share stories

As a writer, I can connect with readers and share original stories in real-time. Here’s how Wattpad lets you discover and share stories:

  • You can find a wide range of genres including romance, fan fiction, and poetry.
  • Be part of a community of enthusiastic readers and writers who appreciate user-generated content .
  • Engage with fellow writers, exchange feedback, and get inspired by their work.
  • Publish your own stories or chapters one at a time, building anticipation and interacting with readers as you go.
  • Utilize the platform’s self – publishing features to showcase your creativity to a global audience.

These opportunities make Wattpad an exciting platform for sharing your stories and connecting with other writers and readers!

Various genres including romance and fanfiction

Wattpad offers a wide range of genres , including romance and fanfiction . As an author on the platform, I can explore various writing styles and connect with readers who share my interests in these specific genres.

This allows me to engage with a passionate community while sharing my original stories and connecting with fellow writers .

Moving forward to the next point about staying safe on Wattpad..

Staying Safe on Wattpad

To stay safe on Wattpad, users should review and manage privacy and security settings . For parents, it’s essential to be involved in understanding the platform. Make sure to report any concerning content or interactions, and encourage a respectful community.

Read more about safety tips when using Wattpad.

Privacy and security settings

As a self-publisher on Wattpad, you should be aware of the privacy and security settings to safeguard your content and interactions. Here are the essential features:

  • Customize Your Profile Privacy : You can control who views your profile, follows you, and comments on your stories.
  • Manage Interaction Notifications : Tailor notifications for comments, messages, and story updates to suit your preferences.
  • Content Filtering : Use filters to moderate comments and block specific users if needed.
  • Two-Factor Authentication : Secure your account with an additional layer of protection beyond just a password.
  • Data and Account Security : Ensure that your personal information is kept secure through robust encryption measures.

Understanding these settings is crucial for maintaining a safe and secure presence on Wattpad while engaging with readers and fellow writers.

Tips for parents

As we transition from privacy and security settings, here are some essential tips for parents to navigate Wattpad and ensure a safe and positive experience for their children:

  • Educate kids about online safety , including the importance of not sharing personal information with strangers they meet on the platform.
  • Encourage open communication with your children about their interactions on Wattpad and the content they are reading and writing.
  • Set guidelines for screen time and monitor the type of stories your children are engaging with to ensure age-appropriate content.
  • Familiarize yourself with Wattpad’s privacy and security features, such as managing account settings and controlling who can interact with your child.
  • Utilize parental controls and consider reading stories alongside your child to better understand their interests and ensure a safe environment.
  • Stay informed about the latest trends on Wattpad to address any potential concerns or issues that may arise while your child is using the platform.
  • Be proactive in addressing cyberbullying or inappropriate behavior by teaching children how to report and block users if they encounter such situations.
  • Consider setting up a joint Wattpad account with younger children to supervise their activities and support them in creating a positive online presence.

Managing interactions and content

Reporting and blocking.

To stay safe on Wattpad, here are important steps for reporting and blocking:

  • Go to the user’s profile and tap on the three dots in the top right corner.
  • Select “ Block User ” to prevent them from interacting with you and accessing your content .
  • To report inappropriate content , click on the three dots next to the story or message and select “Report.”
  • Choose the type of issue from the provided options and provide details for a thorough report.
  • Wattpad takes reports seriously and will investigate any violations of their guidelines.
  • Use these features to ensure a positive and secure experience for all users.

Wattpad Review: Pros and Cons

Wattpad offers book marketing tools and an engaging community. It also provides easy story formatting, but users should be aware of potential risks and user behavior.

Book marketing tools

Wattpad offers essential book marketing tools for self-publishers. The platform allows you to promote your work directly to readers and engage with a global community . With over 90 million users, there’s an extensive audience ready to discover new stories.

Leveraging these tools can help boost your presence within the Wattpad community and beyond, fostering connections with potential readers who share your passion for storytelling. As a writer on Wattpad, these marketing features provide valuable opportunities to introduce your work to a diverse audience and build recognition as an author in the digital realm.

Now let’s move on to exploring the “Ease of formatting” section.

Ease of formatting

Formatting your stories on Wattpad is a breeze. You can easily add bold, italics, and underline to enhance your text . Bulleted or numbered lists? No problem! Use the formatting toolbar to make your story look just the way you want it.

Express yourself freely and creatively as you upload and share your original work with readers around the world.

The platform’s user-friendly interface makes it easy to format chapters and create an engaging reading experience for your audience. With simple tools at your fingertips , customizing fonts and spacing is a straightforward process.

Wattpad community

Wattpad community is a diverse and vibrant space where writers and readers come together to share their love for storytelling. It’s a place where I can engage with like-minded individuals who are passionate about creative writing, fanfiction, and poetry.

This community offers valuable support and feedback for my work, helping me grow as a self-publisher and connect with potential readers. Whether it’s seeking advice on story uploads or discovering new writing techniques, the Wattpad community provides an encouraging environment that fosters my growth as an author.

As a self-publisher on Wattpad, I am part of a dynamic user-generated content platform that encourages collaboration amongst writers while offering an array of genres to explore. The creative writing community is not only supportive but also fuels my passion for sharing stories with readers from around the globe.

Wattpad App

Transitioning from the engaging Wattpad community to the user-friendly Wattpad App, this digital platform offers self-publishers a convenient and free way to share their stories with an ever-growing audience.

With seamless access to various genres including fanfiction and poetry, writers can unleash their creativity while connecting with readers in over 50 languages. Aspiring authors on this reading and writing app can take advantage of book marketing tools and engage with a vibrant community , making it a go-to platform for those eager to reach out to a wider audience.

The Wattpad App provides self-publishers with an easy-to-use interface for reading and publishing stories at their own pace. Featuring functionalities tailored towards user-generated content , authors can utilize its ease of formatting and author platform features for sharing their unique narratives within the captivated Wattpad community.

Potential risks and user behavior

Wattpad is a space where users can connect with others, but it’s important to be aware of potential risks . Users should carefully manage their privacy and interactions. Additionally, being mindful of the content shared and utilizing the reporting and blocking features is crucial for a safe experience on Wattpad.

It’s essential to understand how to navigate these aspects to ensure a positive user experience while engaging with the platform.-.

Wattpad stands out as a unique platform where storytelling and social connectivity merge . This makes it an engaging space for both readers and writers. Sarah Jennings, a seasoned digital media expert with over 15 years in the publishing industry, offers invaluable insights into Wattpad’s dynamics.

Her background includes a PhD in Digital Media Studies and contributions to groundbreaking research on online platforms’ impact on traditional publishing.

Jennings points out that Wattpad’s system of allowing writers to publish stories incrementally has revolutionized reader engagement . This approach keeps readers coming back for more, creating a dynamic community around each story.

She highlights how this model supports emerging writers by providing immediate feedback from a global audience.

Safety is paramount on any online platform, and Jennings emphasizes how Wattpad excels in offering comprehensive privacy settings and robust content management tools . She appreciates the transparent guidelines that help parents navigate content suitability for younger users.

For those looking to incorporate Wattpad into their daily lives or use it as an educational tool, Jennings suggests exploring its diverse genres to find stories that can enrich language skills or simply offer entertainment tailored to individual tastes.

In evaluating Wattpad against other reading platforms, Jennings acknowledges its distinctive community feel but warns about potential risks inherent to user-generated content sites .

Users should weigh these considerations carefully while also enjoying the unique opportunities for interaction that Wattpad provides.

Jennings concludes with strong endorsement of Wattpad’s value for readers seeking vast narratives across genres and authors wishing to connect directly with their audience. With prudent use of safety features, she believes it represents an excellent resource within the digital storytelling landscape.

A close-up of a smiling woman with brown hair and blue eyes.

Victoria Sterling is a seasoned author and publishing consultant dedicated to empowering writers on their journey to success. With over two decades of experience in the publishing industry, Victoria provides invaluable guidance and support to writers, helping them navigate the complexities of publishing and achieve their literary dreams. Through her expertise and passion for storytelling, Victoria inspires writers to unleash their creativity and thrive in the ever-evolving world of publishing.

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Kara Barbieri is a twenty-two year old author with a love for the weird and mystic. Her debut novel, WHITE STAG, will be published by Wednesday Books/Macmillan in January 2019.


When I joined Wattpad, I gained a second family who were as passionate about reading and writing as I am.


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Having been active on Wattpad for several years, I knew it would be the perfect platform for a thriller with lots of cliffhangers for readers to discuss. Teen horror is my passion, so I can’t wait to be able to share Light as a Feather with other horror aficionados on Hulu.


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