Gramedia Literasi

Pengertian Biography Text: Contoh, Rumus, Soal dan Jawabannya

biography text

Biography Text – Biography terdiri dari dua kata yaitu “ Bios” yang berarti Hidup dan “ Graphia” yang bermakna Tulisan. Teks Biografi sendiri biasanya menggambarkan riwayat hidup seseorang secara nyata dan ditulis dari sudut pandang yang lain. Simak penjelasan lebih lengkapnya mengenai Biografi Text berikut ini:

A. Pengertian Biography Text

Biografi merupakan kisah kehidupan seseorang yang lebih kompleks dari sekadar daftar riwayat hidup dan data-data pekerjaanya. Umumnya, biografi bercerita lebih dalam lagi tentang perasaan yang dihadapi oleh seseorang dalam menghadapi suatu kejadian atau kehidupan seseorang.

Dalam biografi dijelaskan mengenai kehidupan seorang tokoh sejak kecil hingga ia beranjak dewasa, bahkan hingga akhirnya meninggal dunia. Semua jasa, karya, dan hal-hal yang dihasilkan oleh seorang tokoh juga diperjelas. Teks biografi sendiri disusun bukan oleh diri sendiri. Tipe life history Text diantaranya Short life history dan Long life history.

Salah satu contohnya yang dapat kamu lihat pada buku An Illustrated Biography: Geogrge Soros yang merupakan seorang investor dengan julukan “orang yang menggerakkan pasar” yang ada dibawah ini.

soal biography text kelas 11

B. Rumus Biography Text

Sebuah Biography Text umumnya menggunakan nama spesifik orang-orang yang terlibat dalam suatu biografi yang kemudian dituliskan dalam bentuk lampau.

Sebuah Biography text juga dapat menggunakan kata yang kemudian berhubungan dengan waktu. Catatan biografi umumnya menggambarkan kejadian, jadi lebih banyak menggunakan action verb. Sebuah Biography Text sendiri terdiri dari tiga bagian:

1. Orientation

Orientasi memberi pembaca informasi tentang latar belakang mengapa biografi tersebut ditulis. Paragraf pembuka harus menjawab pertanyaan: siapa, apa, dimana, kapan, dan bagaimana caranya.

Biasanya berisi biodata yang dinarasikan seperti nama lengkap serta tempat dan tanggal lahir. Beberapa informasi umum juga dapat disajikan pada bagian ini sebagai pengenalan para tokohnya.

Pada tahap eventa adalah tahap suatu peristiwa atau kejadian dialami oleh tokoh. Berisi penjelasan suatu cerita baik berupa pemecahan masalah, proses lain, dan berbagai peristiwa yang telah dialami oleh tokoh hingga mengantarkannya pada sebuah kesuksesan. Event sendiri biasanya diceritakan secara kronologis yang merujuk pada waktu tertentu.

3. Re-Orientation (Closing)

Pada bagian ini berisi pandangan penulis pada tokoh yang dikisahkan. Reorientasi bersifat pilihan sehingga penulis dapat memberi pandangan pribadinya tentang tokoh yang diceritakan. Reorientasi juga terdiri dari jenis kesimpulan dengan komentar tentang kontribusi yang kemudian diringkas pada suatu kesimpulan atau jalan cerita yang menarik.

C. Contoh Kalimat Biography Text

1. contoh 1: thomas alva edison.

Thomas Alva Edison as Inventor who was born on February 11, 1847, in Milan, Ohio. Thomas Edison was the youngest of seven children Samuel and Edison. His father was an exiled political activist, while his mother was an accomplished school teacher and had a great influence on Thomas’ early life. Thomas Alva Edison was an American inventor, his inventions include the telegraph, the phonograph, the first practical incandescent electric light bulb, alkaline storage batteries and the Kinetograph (camera for film).

During his lifetime, Edison received many patents. His first patent was obtained from the Electrographic Vote-Recorder on October 13, 1868, at the age of 21. His last patent was for equipment used to hold objects during the electroplating process. While the artificer wasn’t the inventor of the first light bulb, he did find the technology that helped bring it back in time.

Edison was driven to perfect the commercially practical incandescent light bulb after the British inventor invented the first early electric arc lamp in the early 1800s. Thomas Edison later died of complications from his illness on October 18, 1931, at his home, “Glenmont,” in West Orange, New Jersey.

Thomas Alva Edison sebagai Penemu yang lahir pada tanggal 11 Februari 1847, di Milan, Ohio. Thomas Edison sebagai anak bungsu dengan tujuh bersaudara Samuel dan Edison. Ayahnya adalah seorang aktivis politik yang diasingkan, sementara ibunya adalah seorang guru sekolah rule berprestasi dan memiliki pengaruh besar dalam kehidupan awal Thomas. Thomas Alva Edison adalah seorang penemu Amerika, penemuannya meliputi telegraf, fonograf, bola lampu listrik pijar praktis pertama, baterai penyimpanan basa dan Kinetograph (kamera untuk film).

Selama masa hidupnya, Edison menerima banyak hak paten. Hak paten pertamanya sendiri didapat dari Electrographic Vote-Recorder pada tanggal 13 Oktober 1868, di usianya yang masih 21. Hak Paten terakhirnya adalah untuk peralatan yang digunakan memegang benda selama proses lempeng listrik. Sementara artificer bukanlah penemu bola lampu pertama, Ia menemukan teknologi yang membantu membawanya pada masa.

Edison didorong untuk menyempurnakan bola lampu pijar praktis secara komersial setelah penemu Inggris penemuan lampu busur listrik awal pertama di awal tahun 1800 an. Thomas edison kemudian meninggal karena komplikasi penyakit yang dialaminya pada tanggal 18 Oktober 1931, di rumahnya, “Glenmont,” di West Orange, New Jersey.

Untuk lebih memahami apa yang dimaksud dengan biography text, Grameds juga dapat membaca berbagai buku biografi tokoh-tokoh ternama di dunia. Salah satu contohnya adalah buku An Illustrated Biography: Warren Buffett yang ada dibawah ini.

soal biography text kelas 11

2. Contoh 2: Ki Hadjar Dewantara

Ki Hadjar Dewantara, was born on May 2, 1889 in Yogyakarta. He came from a Yogyakarta aristocratic family and attended a Dutch-sponsored medical school but failed to complete the course. Ki Hadjar Dewantara was the founder of the Taman Siswa school system, and having had a widespread influence, he also pushed for modernization but also promoted Indonesian culture. He feels that education is the best way to strengthen Indonesian society.

The first Taman Siswa school was established in Java in July 1922. Instruction, conducted informally, emphasized the traditional skills and values of Javanese life, particularly in music and dance. Ki Hadjar Dewantara later died on April 26, 1959, in Yogyakarta. After his death, Ki Hadjar Dewantara was named one of the national heroes in the field of education.

Ki Hadjar Dewantara, lahir pada tanggal 2 Mei 1889 di Yogyakarta. Ia berasal keluarga bangsawan Yogyakarta dan menghadiri sekolah kedokteran yang disponsori Belanda namun gagal menyelesaikan kursus. Ki Hadjar Dewantara adalah pendiri sistem sekolah Taman Siswa, dan memiliki pengaruh yang tersebar, ia juga mendorong modernisasi namun juga mempromosikan budaya Indonesia. Ia merasa bahwa pendidikan adalah cara terbaik untuk memperkuat masyarakat Indonesia.

Sekolah Taman Siswa pertama didirikan di Jawa pada bulan Juli 1922. Instruksi, dilakukan secara informal, dengan menekankan keterampilan dan nilai tradisional kehidupan masyarakat Jawa, terutama pada musik dan tarian. Ki Hadjar Dewantara kemudian meninggal pada tanggal 26 April 1959, di Yogyakarta. Setelah wafat, Ki Hadjar Dewantara dinobatkan sebagai salah satu pahlawan nasional di bidang Pendidikan.

Super ITP TOEFL Tricks Skor 600++

Super ITP TOEFL Tricks Skor 600++

D. Latihan Soal Biography Text dan Jawabannya

Soal biography text.

BJ Habibie Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie called BJ. Habibie was born on twenty five Gregorian calendar months 1936. He was the Third President of the Republic of the Republic of Indonesia (1998–1999). Habibie was born in Parepare, South Sulawesi Province to Alwi Abdul Jalil Habibie and R.A. Tuti Giambattista Marino Poespowardojo. His father was a grower from Gorontalo of Bugis descent and his mother was a Javanese peeress from Yogyakarta. His elders met while learning in Bogor.

Once he was fourteen years old, Habibie’s father died. Following his father’s death, Habibie continued his studies in the national capital then in 1955 moved to Germany. In 1962, Habibie came to the Republic of Indonesia for 3 months on leave. Throughout this point, he was reacquainted with Hasri Ainun, the girl of R. Mohamad Besari. The 2 married in 1962, returning to Germany shortly later. Habibie and his mate settled in Aken for a brief amount before moving to Oberforstbach. In 1963 they had their 1st son, Ilham Akbar Habibie, and later another son, Thareq Kemal Habibie.

1. Where was bj habibie born?

a. BJ Habibie was born in Bogor b. BJ Habibie was born in Gorontalo c. BJ Habibi was born in Yogyakarta d. BJ Habibie was born in Parepare

2. What happened to BJ Habibie when he was fourteen years old?

a. His father died b. He graduated from university c. He married d. He continuing his study

3. When did BJ Habibie get married?

a. He got married in 1955 b. He got married in 1962 c. He got married in 1963 d. He got married in 1936

4. Who is the first son of BJ Habibie?

a. Hasri Ainun b. Thareq Kemal Habibie c. R. Mohamad Besari d. Ilham Akbar Habibie

5. “In 1963 that they had their 1st son, Ilham Akbar Habibie, and later another son, Thareq Kemal Habibie.” (paragraph 2) The word “they” supported the text on top of refers to…

a. BJ Habibie b. Ilham Akbar Habibie and Thareq Kemal Habibie c. BJ Habibie and his wife d. Alwi Abdul Jalil Habibie and R.A. Tuti Giambattista Marino Poespowardojo

General Sudirman was a high ranking Indonesian military personnel throughout the Indonesian national revolution. He was the primary commander-in-chief of the Indonesian defense force, he continues to be widely revered within the country. On twelve November 1945, at AN election to come to a decision, the military’s commander-in-chief in YogyakartA. The twenty four years previous Sudirman was chosen over Oerip Soemohardjo in a very close votE. While waiting to be confirmed, Sudirman ordered AN assault on British and Dutch forces in Ambarawa.

The following battle and British withdrawal strongly supported Sudirman’s well-liked support, and he was ultimately confirmed on eighteen Dec. General Sudirman commanded military activities throughout Java, together with a show of force in Yogyakarta on one March 1949. Once the Dutch began retreating, in July 1949 Sudirman was recalled to Yogyakarta and verboten to fight any. In late 1949 Sudirman’s infectious disease came, and he retired to Magelang, wherever he died slightly quite a month when the Dutch recognised Indonesia’s independencE. he’s buried at Semaki Heroes’ burying ground in Yogyakarta

6. What’s the monologue about?

a. A life of General Soedirman b. The family of General Soedirman c. The death of General Soedirman d. A spirit of General Soedirman for the Indonesian defense force e. The military forces commanded by General Soedirman

7. What will we tend to infer from the monologue?

a. His uncle’s name was conjointly Soedirman b. Gregorian calendar month is that the month of Maulud c. Soedirman was shot and died within the military war d. Soedirman died once he was comparatively young e. Soedirman died on one March 1949

Mastering English Tenses, Grammar, Vocabulary: Belajar Autodidak Bahasa Inggris

Mastering English Tenses, Grammar, Vocabulary: Belajar Autodidak Bahasa Inggris

Beli Buku di Gramedia

Kunci Jawaban Biography Text

1. Kunci Jawaban No.1 adalah D. BJ Habibie was born in Parepare

Pembahasan: Pertanyaan di atas adalah tentang “where”, dimana BJ Habibie lahir? Pada paragraf pertama kalimat ketiga, tertulis “Habibie was born in Parepare, South Sulawesi Province…”. Jadi jawaban yang tepat adalah D.

2. Kunci Jawaban No.2 adalah A. His father died.

Pembahasan: Di atas menanyakan tentang “what happened”, apa yang terjadi pada BJ Habibie saat berumur 40 tahun? Kita lihat pada paragraf terakhir, tertulis “When he was fourteen years recent, Habibie’s father died” berarti Ketika ia berumur 14 tahun ayahnya meninggal. Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah A “His father died”.

3. Kunci Jawaban No.3 adalah B. He got married in 1962.

Pembahasan: Di atas menanyakan “when”, kapan BJ Habibie menikah? Pada paragraf ketiga, kalimat ke four rule tertulis, “The 2 married on twelve could 1962,…” artinya mereka (BJ Habibie dan Ainun) menikah 12 Mei 1962. Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah BJ Habibie menikah pada 12 Mei 1962 atau He got married in 1962, jawaban yang tepat yaitu B.

4. Kunci Jawaban No.4 adalah D. Ilham Akbar Habibie.

Pembahasan: Di atas menanyakan tentang “who”, siapa anak pertamanya BJ Habibie? Pada paragraph a pair of kalimat terakhir tertulis, “In could 1963 that they had their 1st son, Ilham Akbar Habibie, …” berarti pada tahun 1963 mereka memiliki anak pertama, yaitu Ilham Akbar Habibie,..”. Maka jawabannya yang tepat adalah anak pertama BJ Habibie adalah Ilham Akbar Habibie. Jawaban yang tepat adalah “D”.

5. Kunci Jawaban No.5 adalah C. BJ Habibie and his wife.

Pembahasan: “They” artinya adalah mereka. Maka, kata “they” itu menggantikan kata apa? Untuk menjawab jenis soal ini, kita bisa lihat di kalimat sebelumnya, yaitu kalimat “Habibie and his mate settled for a brief amount before moving to Oberforstbach. In could 1963 that they had their 1st son, Ilham Akbar Habibie, and later another son, Thareq Kemal Habibie”. Di kalimat pertama tertulis “Habibie and his mate settled in Aachen…”. Maka “they’ itu merujuk atau menggantikan kata “Habibie and his wife”. Maka jawaban yang paling tepat adalah “they” mengacu kepada “Habibie and his wife”, jawabannya yang tepat adalah C.

6. Kunci Jawaban No.6 adalah A biography of General Soedirman

7. Kunci Jawaban No.7 adalah D. Soedirman died when he was relatively young

Kategori Ilmu Berkaitan Bahasa Inggris

  • Buku Kamus Bahasa Inggris
  • Buku Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7
  • Buku Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8
  • Buku Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9
  • Buku Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10
  • Buku Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11
  • Buku Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12
  • Novel Best Seller
  • Novel Romantis Cinta

Materi Bahasa Inggris

  • Simple Present Tense
  • Simple Past Tense
  • Simple Future Tense
  • Past Perfect Tense
  • Past Continuous Tense
  • Past Perfect Continuos Tense
  • Present Perfect Tense
  • Present Perfect Continuous Tense
  • Present Continuous Tense
  • Future Perfect Tense
  • Future Perfect Continuous Tense
  • Future Continuous Tense
  • Past Future Perfect Continuous: Rumus dan Contohnya
  • Past Future Tense
  • Past Future Perfect Tense: Rumus dan Contohnya
  • Direct Indirect Speech
  • Conditional and Subjunctive Sentence
  • To Invinitive and Gerund
  • Part Of Speech
  • Phrasal Verb
  • Subject Verb Agreement
  • Modal AUxiliary Verb
  • Linking Verb
  • Regular Verb
  • Action Verb
  • Intransitive Verb
  • Adjectve Clause
  • Adverb Clause
  • Verb Phrase
  • Expressing Intention
  • Report Text
  • Recount Text
  • Narrative Text
  • Advertisement Text
  • Caption Text
  • Contoh Soal TOEFL
  • Countable and Uncountable Noun
  • Explanation Text
  • Descriptive Text
  • Discussion Text
  • Dongeng Bahasa Inggris
  • Announcement Text
  • Review Text
  • Analytical Exposition text
  • Cara memperkenalkan diri dalam bahasa inggris
  • Hortatory Exposition
  • Kata Benda Bahasa Inggris

Contoh Pengumuman Dalam Bahasa Inggris

  • Contoh Surat Dalam Bahasa Inggris
  • Contoh Penggunaan PM dan AM
  • Motivation Letter
  • Business Letter

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Pembahasan, Contoh dan Latihan Soal Biography Text Bahasa Inggris

soal biography text kelas 11

  • Orientation , yaitu pernyataan pembuka untuk mengenalkan tokoh, waktu dan tempat
  • Events , rangkaian peristiwa atau kejadian yang tokoh alami secara kronologis. Biasanya berisikan tentang kapan dan dimana tokoh tersebut lahir, awal kehidupan tokoh tersebut, dan apa yang dia lakukan.
  • Reorientation , bagian penutup yang menunjukkan bagaimana ttokoh tersebut bisa dikenang dan berisikan pendapat penulis akan tokoh yang diutarakan.
  • Kata benda tertentu sebagai kata ganti orang, misalnya Pramoedya Ananta Toer, Tailor swift, J.K Rowling, Leonardo Di Caprio , dan sebagainya.
  • Individual participant , yaitu berfokus pada pelaku tertentu secara spesifik.
  • Bentuk Past Tense , menggunakan kata kerja bentuk lampau
  • Time connective and conjunction untuk mengurutkan kejadian seperti after, before, then
  • Action verbs , kata kerja yang menunjukkan peristiwa atau kegiatan, misalnya stayed, studied, dll
  • Menggunakan kata ganti orang ketiga
Walter Elias Disney (December 5, 1901 – December 15, 1996) was an American animated film producer and animator. He was also the creator of an American-based theme park called Disneyland, and the founder of the highly profitable corporation, now known as The Walt Disney Company. Disney was born in Chicago to Elias Disney and Flora Call. He was named after his father and after his father’s close friend Walter Parr, the minister at St. Paul Congregational Church. In 1906, his family moved to a farm near Marceline, Missouri. The family sold the farm in 1909 and lived in a rented house until 1910, when they moved to Kansas City. Disney was nine years old. According to the Kansas City, Missouri, Public School District records, Disney began attending the Benton Grammar School in 1911, and continued his formal education there until he graduated on June 8, 1917. During this time, Disney also enrolled in classes at Kansas City Art Institute. In the fall of 1917, Disney rejoined his family. He left school at the age sixteen and became a volunteer ambulance driver in World War I, after he changed his birth certificate to show his year of birth as 1900 in order to be able to enlist in the service. He served as a member of the American Red Cross Ambulance Force in France till 1919.
Albert Einstein was born in Ulm, Germany, on March 14, 1879. He grew up in Germany, Italy, and Switzerland. Einstein taught himself geometry when he was 12 years old. School bored him because it required endless memorizing and reciting. He often skipped classes to study on his own or to play his violin. Yet he graduated from college in 1900 and earned a Ph.D. degree in 1905. From 1902 to 1907, Einstein worked as a clerk in the patent office in Zürich, Switzerland. His job left him plenty of time to think. Einstein thought about the rules that govern the way the world works. For example, he explained why small particles in liquids wiggle around, a movement called Brownian motion. He said that the particles were being bumped into by tiny bits of matter called atoms that are too small to see. He also thought about light and electricity. Einstein knew that light shining on metal sometimes causes electricity to flow. He explained this result, called the photoelectric effect, by saying that light is made of tiny bundles of energy called photons. Photons hitting the metal knock particles called electrons away. Since electricity is simply moving electrons, he had solved the mystery of the photoelectric effect. In 1921, Einstein won the most famous prize in science, the Nobel Prize, for this work. Another thing Einstein thought about was time. He said that time does not always flow at the same rate. He proposed that motion affects time. He called this idea the special theory of relativity. Einstein then came up with his general theory of relativity. This theory has a new explanation for gravity. Einstein said that gravity comes from curves or dents in the fabric of space. Objects make dents in space the way a bowling ball makes a dent in a mattress. The Moon falls into the dent made by Earth and rolls around the Earth. Scientists later proved that the dent a star makes in space-time bends light as the light passes by. Einstein changed physics by showing that new ideas could come just from thinking. Before Einstein, most new ideas in physics had come from experiments in the laboratory. Source : Microsoft ® Encarta ® 

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50 Contoh Soal Essay Teks Biografi dan Jawabannya

Hallo adik-adik semua, bagaimana kabarnya? Kakak harap kalian semua sehat-sehat selalu ya. Dalam kesempatan ini kakak akan memberikan contoh soal essay teks biografi beserta jawabannya .

Kumpulan soal uraian biografi yang kakak bagikan bisa untuk kelas 7, kelas 8,  kelas 9,  kelas 10, kelas 11 ataupun kelas 12 dan untuk kurikulum 2013 dan kurikulum merdeka.

Maka dengan itu, kakak memberi judul artikel ini dengan latihan soal essay teks biografi beserta jawabannya.

soal essay biografi

Bagi adik-adik yang ingin mengetahui lebih lanjut mengenai materi teks biografi telah kakak buatkan pembahasannya dibawah ini.

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Soal Bahasa Indonesia tentang Biografi Essay dan Jawabannya

Ada sekitar 50 butir soal hots (Essay/Uraian) bahasa Indonesia tentang biografi kelas 10 dan jawabannya yang bisa adik-adik SMP/SMA/SMK/MA jadikan referensi dalam menghadapi ujian sekolah dari guru.

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan essay tentang biografi bahasa Indonesia semester genap dan semester ganjil.


  • Tulis namamu di sudut kanan atas.
  • Bacalah setiap soal dengan teliti.
  • Kerjakan dulu soal yang kamu anggap mudah.
  • Periksa kembali pekerjaanmu sebelum diserahkan pada pengawas.

1. Jelaskan pengertian biografi berdasarkan kata dasarnya ...


Secara etimologis kata Biografi berasal dari bahasa Yunani, bios yang memiliki arti hidup dan graphien yang berarti tulis. Berdasarkan kata dasarnya tersebut, biografi dapat diartikan sebagai sebuah tulisan yang membahas tentang kehidupan seseorang.

2. Sebutkan ciri-ciri dari teks biografi....

  • Berisi kisah hidup tokoh.
  • Penyajian informasi dilakukan secara objektif.
  • Memuat data dan fakta peristiwa.
  • Disajikan menggunakan urutan waktu.

3. Siapa saja yang dapat diceritakan dalam teks biografi? Jelaskan dengan bahasamu sendiri dengan singkat....

Biografi dapat mengisahkan tentang kehidupan seseorang tokoh penting atau terkenal maupun tidak terkenal. Namun, kebanyakan biografi bercerita tentang tokoh sejarah, tokoh idola, dan sebagainya.

4. Jelaskan tentang jenis-jenis biografi....

Penulisan biografi dapat berbentuk hanya beberapa baris kalimat, bahkan dalam bentuk buku. Untuk jenis biografi singkat hanya menjelaskan tentang fakta-fakta daru kehidupan seseorang serta peran pentingnya, tetapi dikisahkan lebih detail serta dituliskan dengan gaya cerita yang baik.

5. Sebutkan manfaat yang diambil dari sebuah biografi.....

  • Manfaat membaca biografi, yaitu:
  • Menimbulkan kesadaran untuk selalu rajin belajar dan berusaha agar berhasil seperti tokoh yang dibaca.
  • Menumbuhkan kebanggaan pada para pahlawan di bidang apapun.
  • Mendapatkan pengalaman hidup bahwa suatu keberhasilan diraih dengan kerja keras dan pengorbanan.

6. Sebutkan tujuan pembuatan biografi ...

  • Agar kita dapat mengetahui riwayat hidup seorang tokoh.
  • Agar kita dapat meneladani dan mengutip pelajaran dari seorang tokoh untuk dipergunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
  • Agar mendapatkan hal-hal yang berharga pada diri penulis dan pembaca setelah membaca riwayat hidup tokoh itu.
  • Kita dapat mencontoh bagaimana cara tokoh tersebut sukses.

7. Bahan-bahan apa saja yang dibutuhkan dalam pembuatan biografi.....

a. Bahan utama berupa benda-benda, seperti buku harian, suarat-surat, kliping koran, dan sebagainya.

b. Bahan pendukung berupa biografi lain, buku referensi atau sejarah yang memaparkan peranan orang dalam biografi tersebut, dan sebagainya.

8. Sebutkan berbagai unsur kebahasaan yang ada dalam teks biografi....

  • Menggunakan kata kerja berhubungan dengan aktivitas mental
  • Menggunakan banyak kata sambung
  • Menggunakan kata kerja pasif
  • Menggunakan kata adjektiva
  • Menggunakan kata ganti

9. Jelaskan perbedaan antara biografi singkat dengan biografi panjang....

Untuk biografi singkat hanya menjelaskan tentang fakta-fakta dari kehidupan seseorang serta peran pentingnya. Adapun untuk biografi panjang meliputi berbagai informasi bersifat penting, tetapi dikisahkan lebih detail serta dituliskan dengan gaya cerita yang baik.

10. Mengapa saat ini penyajian biografi ditulis secara kronologis....

Penyajian biografi saat ini, biasanya ditulis secara kronologis. Berdasarkan hal tersebut berarti teks biografi termasuk teks naratif yang tergolong pada teks marko. Sebagai teks makro, teks biografi memiliki struktur teks yang tidak harus sama, bergantung pada bagaimana penulis menyampaikan gambaran tentang tokoh dan pristiwa yang dialaminya.

11. Sebutkan hal-hal yang harus diperhatikan dalam penulisan teks biografi....

a. Mengandung keaslian (autentik) sesuai dengan peristiwa sebenarnya dilengkapi bukti yang akurat.

b. Memberikan gambaran utuh tentang kepriadian tokoh dengan cara menguraikan secara seimbang antara kelebihan dan kekurangannya, meliputi prestasi yang pernah diraih, pengorbanan yang dilakukan, jasa yang pernah disumbangkan kepada bangsa dan negara, juga kebiasaan kurang baik yang dimiliki.

c. Disajikan dalam bentuk wacana yang indah berupa gabungan antara narasi dan deksripsi.

d. Menggunakan pola penulisan utuh dan berkesinambungan meskipun di dalamnya terdiri atas bagian-bagian cerita yang terpisah.

12. Jelaskan perbedaan antara biografi dengan autobiografi !

Pengertian biografi adalah cerita hidup seseorang yang ditulis oleh orang lain. Sedangkan, pengertian autobiografi adalah cerita hidup seseorang yang ditulis oleh dirinya sendiri.

13. Biografi biasanya berisikan tentang ….

Riwayat hidup pengarang

14. Biografi, pendidikan, pekerjaan termasuk unsur ….

15. Apa saja yang terdapat dalam latar belakang pengarang?

Berikut hal yang terdapat dalam latar belakang pengarang:

a. biografi

b. kondisi psikologi

c. aliran sastra

16. Tuliskan isi dalam biografi!

Biografi biasanya berisikan tentang riwayat hidup pengarang cerita tersebut yang ditulis secara keseluruhan.

17. Apa yang membedakan teks biografi dengan teks lainnya ?

Teks biografi berisi riwayat hidup seseorang dan berdasarkan fakta, sedangkan Teks yang lain tidak berdasar kepada riwayat hidup seseorang

18. Jelaskan langkah-langkah merangkum biografi!

Langkah-langkah merangkum biografi, yaitu:

  • Membaca dan memahami teks yang akan dirangkum secara keseluruhan.
  • Mencatat hal-hal penting sesuai dengan struktur teks (orientasi, kejadian penting, serta reorientasi).
  • Menuliskannya kembali menggunakan kalimat sendiri tanpa melupakan hal-hal penting yang telah dicatat sebelumnya.

19. Dalam teks biografi berisi informasi informasi apa saja?

- Teks biografi memuat informasi berdasarkan fakta pada tokoh yang diceritakan dalam bentuk narasi.

- Memuat sebuah fakta pengalaman hidup suatu tokoh dalam memecahkan masalah-masalah sampai pada akhirnya sukses, sehingga patut menjadi teladan.

- Memiliki struktur yang jelas.

20. Apakah teks biografi dapat digolongkan ke dalam teks narasi faktual?

Teks cerita ulang biografi termasuk ke dalam jenis teks cerita ulang faktual (factual recount) karena teks tersebut mengisahkan atau menceritakan kembali kejadian di masa lalu berdasarkan pengalaman orang lain.

21. Jelaskan apakah teks biografi termasuk ke dalam cerita ulang dan apa manfaatnya?

Karena teks biografi menceritakan kembali pengalaman masa lalu secara kronologis dengan tujuan untuk memberi informasi, atau menghibur pembacanya, atau bisa keduanya.

22. Apakah yang dimaksud orientasi dalam teks biografi?

Yang di maksud orientasi adalah tentang pengenalan tokoh tersebut dengan kenyataan yang ada atau fakta

23. Apakah teks biografi termasuk teks eksplanasi?

Bukan, karena teks biografi menceritakan perjalanan hidup seseorang yang dapat memotivasi pembacanya. Sedangkan teks eksplanasi ilmiah adalah teks yang menjelaskan suatu proses yang bersifat ilmu pengetahuan alam

24. Apa yang dimaksud reorientasi dalam teks biografi?

Reorientasi, komentar pribadi penulis terhadap cerita yang ditulisnya.

25. Jelaskan perbedaan antara biografi singkat dengan biografi panjang!

26. Mengapa saat ini penyajian biografi ditulis secara kronologis!

27. Apa struktur teks biografi?

Terdapat 3 struktur teks biografi yang harus diterapkan yaitu orientasi, kejadian penting, serta reorientasi. Bagian ini berisi informasi mengenai latar belakang kisah atau peristiwa yang akan diceritakan selanjutnya untuk membantu pendengar maupun pembaca.

28. Unsur kebahasaan apa saja yang terdapat dalam teks biografi?

Biografi merupakan riwayat hidup seseorang atau tokoh yang ditulis oleh orang lain. Dalam sebuah teks biografi terdapat beberapa unsur kebahasaan yang membangun teks tersebut. Unsur-unsur kebahasaan yang terdapat dalam teks biografi antara lain kata hubung, rujukan kata, waktu, aktivitas dan tempat, dan kata kerja.

29. Apakah kata majemuk termasuk unsur unsur kebahasaan dalam teks biografi?

Berikut ini termasuk unsur-unsur kebahasaan dalam teks biografi, kecuali kata majemuk. Unsur kebahasaan dengan standar tertentu membuat teks biografi menjadi enak untuk dibaca. Teks biografi dibuat berdasarkan fakta dari pengalaman hidup seseorang dalam tokoh narasi tersebut.

30. Mengapa teks biografi termasuk teks narasi?

Teks biografi adalah teks yang didalamnya menceritakan kehidupan atau pengalaman seseorang biasanya seorang tokoh terkenal, oleh karena itu dikatakan teks narasi.

31. Tuliskan ciri-ciri dari teks biografi!

a. Biografi memiliki struktur yang terdiri atas orientasi, peristiwa atau masalah, serta reorientasi.

b. Biografi memuat informasi berupa fakta serta disajikan dalam bentuk narasi.

c. Fakualnya (fakta) berdasarkan pengalaman hidup seseorang yang dicertakan dalam tokoh biografi tersebut.

32. Termasuk dalam jenis teks apakah teks biografi?

Teks biografi termasuk dalam jenis teks NARASI.

33. Sebutkan struktur teks biografi!

- Orientasi atau setting (aim)

- Kejadian penting (important event, record of events)

- Reorientasi

34. Apakah yang dimaksud dengan kejadian penting dalam teks biografi?

Kejadian penting dalam teks biografi adalah rangkaian kejaidan-jeadian yang dialami tokoh utama disusun secara kronologis (menurut urutan waktu).

35. Apakah yang dimaksud dengan reorientasi dalam teks biografi?

Reorientasi dalam teks biografi adalah kesimpulan atau pernyataan mengenai rangkaian kejadian yang diceritakan sebelumnya.

36. Alur cerita apakah yang biasanya digunakan dalam teks biografi?

Alur cerita maju (progresif) yang biasanya digunakan dalam teks biografi.

37. Sudut pandang apakah yang digunakan dalam teks biografi?

Sudut pandang orang ketiga yang serba tahu yang digunakan dalam teks biografi.

38. Gaya penulisan apakah yang digunakan dalam teks biografi?

Gaya penulisan deskriptif naratif yang digunakan dalam teks biografi.

39. Fokus penceritaan apakah yang ditampilkan dalam teks biografi?

Fokus penceritaan keberhasilan karir tokoh utama yang ditampilkan dalam teks biografi

40. Ada dua cara menuliskan teks biografi, yaitu dalam bentuk fiksi dan bentuk nonfiksi. Sebutkan contoh teks biografi dalam bentuk fiksi dan bentuk nonfiksi!

Teks biografi dalam bentuk fiksi adalah “Laskar Pelangi” yang menceritakan biografi Andrea Hirata, “9 Summer 10 Autumns” yang merupakan biografi dari Iwan Setiawan, dan “Negeri 5 Menara” yang menceritakan biografi Anwar Fuadi.

Teks biografi dalam bentuk nonfiksi adalah “Chairul Tanjung si Anak Singkong” yang merupakan biografi Chaerul Tanjung dan buku “Most Inspiring People” yang ditulis oleh Sogol Hadi Suwarto dan seri Kick Andy.

41. Pada teks biografi banyak menggunakan kata hubung yang berkenaan dengan urutan waktu. Sebutkan kata hubung yang digunakan dalam teks biografi!

Kata hubung yang berkenaan dengan urutan waktu dalam teks biografi adalah ebelum, sudah, pada saat, kemudian, selanjutnya, sampai, hingga, pada tanggal, nantinya, selama, saat itu.

42. Ada dua cara penggambaran karakter unggul tokoh pada teks biografi. Sebutkan!

a. Secara langsung, yaitu penulis atau pencerita langsung menyebutkan karakter tokohnya

b. Secara tidak langsung melalui dialog tokoh dan dialog tokoh lain, dan apa yang dilakukan tokoh lain

43. Apakah perbedaan teks biografi dengan teks autobiografi?

Teks biografi dituliskan oleh orang lain, sedangkan teks autobiografi dituliskan oleh diri sendiri.

44. Mengapa pada teks biografi banyak menggunakan kata kerja tindakan?

Teks biografi banyak menggunakan kata kerja tindakan karena  menjelaskan peristiwa-peristiwa atau perbuatan fisik yang dilakukan oleh tokoh.

45. Mengapa pada teks biografi banyak menggunakan kata sifat?

Teks biografi banyak menggunakan kata sifat atau adjektiva karena memberikan informasi secara rinci tentang sifat-sifat tokoh.

46. Mengapa pada teks biografi banyak menggunakan kata kerja pasif?

Teks biografi banyak menggunakan kata kerja pasif karena menjelaskan peristiwa yang dialami tokoh sebagai subjek yang diceritakan.

47. Coba sebutkan jenis-jenis teks biografi!

Jenis Biografi Berdasarkan Penulis:

  • Autobiografi 

Jenis Biografi Berdasarkan Izin Penulisan:

  • Authorized biography
  • Unauthorized biography

Jenis Biografi Berdasarkan Isi:

  • Biografi perjalanan hidup
  • Biografi perjalanan karir
  • Biografi jurnalistik 
  • Biografi politik
  • Biografi intelektual

48. Uraikan cara yang harus diperhatikan dalam penulisan teks biografi!

  • Menentukan tokoh/seseorang yang akan ditulis riwayat hidupnya.
  • Kumpulkan informasi yang akurat tentang tokoh yang akan ditulis melalui sumber cetak, non-cetak, maupun wawancara.
  • Tulislah biografi dengan struktur yang runtut setelah memahami informasi dan data yang sudah tersedia.

49. Jelaskan hal yang tidak boleh dilakukan ketika menulis teks biografi!

Informasi yang tidak pantas dan tidak sesuai fakta sebenarnya dituliskan dalam biografi karena dapat mencemarkan nama baik seseorang. 

50. Sebutkan langkah-langkah membuat teks biografi seseorang!

  • Membaca teks-teks riwayat hidup tentang banyak tokoh dan mempelajari struktur teksnya dan unsur-unsur kebahasaannya.
  • Menentukan tokoh yang akan dibuat riwayat hidupnya.
  • Mencari bahan referensi dan informasi sebanyak-banyaknya tentang tokoh yang akan dibuat atau dapat juga bertanya langsung kepada tokoh.
  • Membuat kerangka karangan sesuai dengan strukturnya.
  • Menuliskan informasi yang sudah didapatkan sesuai dengan strukturnya dan unsur kebahasaannya.

Itulah tadi kumpulan soal teks biografi essay beserta kunci jawabannya

Baca juga: Contoh Soal Pilihan Ganda Teks Biografi

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25+ Soal Teks Biografi Pilihan Ganda dan Jawaban

Contoh Soal Teks Biografi Pilihan Ganda dan Kunci Jawaban – Teks Biografi merupakan suatu tulisan yang mengulas mengenai kehidupan seseorang atau cerita hidup seseorang selama ia masih hidup. Biografi singkat hanya mengulas mengenai kenyataan-kenyataan yang terjadi didalam kehidupan seseorang dan fungsi pentingnya kepada lingkungan.

Ciri-ciri Teks Biografi :

  • Teks biografi harus membawa suatu informasi berlandaskan kenyataan pada tokoh yang sedang dikisahkan dalam bentuk narasi.
  • Teks biografi juga membawa sebuah kenyataan pengalaman hidup sebuah tokoh untuk menyelesaikan masalah-masalah hingga pada akhirnya berhasil, sehingga harus dijadikan sebagai saudi teladan.
  • Teks biografi ini mempunyai struktur yang jelas. Strukturnya terdiri dari orientasi, masalah dan reorientasi.

Soal Teks Biografi Pilihan Ganda dan Jawaban

1 – 10 Contoh Soal Teks Biografi Pilihan Ganda dan Kunci Jawaban

1. Biografi berasal dari kata bios berati hidup dan graphien berarti tulis. Berdasarkan kata dasarnya, biografi berasal dari bahasa….

Jawaban : D 

2. Biografi memuat informasi berupa fakta serta disajikan dalam bentuk….

c. Kehidupan

Jawaban : D

3. Biografi berasal dari bahasa Yunani, bios berarti hidup dan graphien berarti….

Jawaban : C

4. Dengan adanya biografi, kita dapat menemukan hubungan, sebuah mistri yang melingkupi hidup seseorang, dan penjelasan mengenai tindakan atau perilaku dalam hidupnya. Berdasarkan uraian tersebut dapat dikatakan bahwa biografi adalah….

a. Buku yang didalamnya menceritakan kejadian-kejadian hidup seseorang.

b. Buku tentang kisah manusia.

c. Buku keindahan alam.

d. Buku tentang kejadian indah yang dirasakan seseorang.

Jawaban : A

5. Salah satu ciri dari biografi adalah….

a. Memiliki makna kata.

b. Memiliki struktur yang terdiri atas orientasi, peristiwa atau masalah, serta reorientasi.

c. Berkaitan antara satu dengan lainnya.

d. Kalimat yang disajikan akurat.

Jawaban : B

Simak Juga :  Soal Teks Berita Pilihan Ganda dan Jawaban

6. Sebuah teks biografi dikatakan faktual jika berdasarkan…

a. Pengalaman penulis

b. Keinginan penulis menuangkan ide.

c. Pengalaman hidup seseorang yang diceritakan dalam tokoh biografi tersebut.

d. Keutuhan teks bacaan

7. Penyajian biografi saat ini, biasanya ditulis secara….

b. Kronologis

c. Kekinian

Jawaban Soal Teks Biografi : B

8. Biografi termasuk teks…. yang tergolong pada teks makro.

a. Eksplanasi

b. Deskriptif

c. Argumentatif

9. Berikut ini yang termasuk biografi berdasarkan sisi penulisnya adalah….

a. Autografi dan biografi yang ditulis orang lain

b. Biografi perjalanan hidup

c. Biografi karier

d. Biografi jurnalistik

10. Catatan riwayat hidup yang ditulis oleh diri tokoh sendiri disebut….

a. Biografi

b. Autografi

c. Bibliografi

d. Phobiografi

11 – 25 Soal Teks Biografi Pilihan Ganda dan Kunci Jawaban

11. Berikut yang termasuk dalam struktur pembuatan tks biografi adalah….

a. Kontribusi

b. Penilaian

c. Nilai teladan

d. Reorientasi

12. Berikut ini termasuk unsur-unsur kebahasaan dalam teks biografi, kecuali….

a. Kata hubung

b. Rujukan kata

c. Waktu, aktifitas dan tempat

d. Kata majemuk

13. Bahan pendukung dalam pembuatan teks biografi adalah….

a. Kliping koran

b. buku harian

c. Surat-surat

14. Karya-karya W.S Rendra tidak hanya terkenal didalam negri, tetapi juga di luar negri. Kata penghubung yang digunakan dalam kalimat tersebut termasuk dalam jenis….

a. Konjungsi

b. Konjungsi intrakalimat

c. Konjungsi antar kalimat

d. Kata hubung

15. Biografi yang ditulis oleh orang lain dengan izin dari tokoh yang akan diceritakan. Pernyataan tersebut merupakan jenis biografi jika dilihat dari….

a. Sisi penulisnya

c. Personal yang dibahas

d. Penerbitnya

Lihat Juga :  Contoh Soal Pidato Pilihan Ganda dan Jawaban

16. Biografi yang isinya menceritakan tentang tokoh-tokoh yang berkecimpung pada dunia politik. Jenis biografi yang dimaksud adalah….

a. Biografi tokoh idola

b. Biografi politik

c. Biografi perjalanan karier

d. Biografi tokoh penting

17. Perhatikan contoh kalimat berikut!

Pertama kali, WS Rendra mempublikasikan puisinya di media masa pada tahun 1952 melalui majalah siasat. Kemudian puisi-puisinya pun lancar mengalir menghiasi berbagai majalah saat itu.

Kata yang dicetak miring memiliki makna hubungan kata….

a. Hubungan penambahan

b. Hubungan tujuan

c. Hubungan waktu

d. Hubungan kelanjutan

18. Berikut hal-hal yang dapat diteladani dari tokoh dalam teks biografi, kecuali….

a. Sikap hidup

b. Pandangan hidup

c. Prestasi

d. Mengahalalkan berbagai cara

19. Untuk membuat teks biografi yang baik dan digemari oleh pembaca, maka harus memperhatikan…. teks biografi.

a. Struktur

b. Kebahasaan

c. Sturktur dan kebahasaan

d. Unsur-unsur pembangunan

20. Berikut ini adalah langkah-langkah dalam menceritakan kembali isi teks bografi, kecuali….

a. Baca teks biografi dengan seksama

b. Catat unsur-unsur menarik

c. Baca teks biografi dengan cepat

d. Kembangkan ide pokok dengan bahasa sendiri

Lihat Juga :  Contoh Soal Paragraf Pilihan Ganda dan Jawaban

21. “ Selain itu, Chairil Anwar juga menerjemahkan karya sastra asing kedalam bahasa indonesia”. Unsur kebahasaan yang tekandung dari kata menerjemahkan pada kutipan teks biografi tersebut adalah….

a. Kata kerja

b. Kata sifat

c. Kata benda

d. Kata kerja tindakan

22. Biografi dapat mengisahkan tentang kehidupan seorang tokoh penting atau terkenal maupun tidak terkenal. Namun kebanyakan biografi bercerita tentang….

a. Tokoh sejarah

b. Kehidupan pribadi penulis

c. Pengalaman pribadi tokoh idola

d. Kehidupan nyata tokoh

23. Penulis biografi dapat berbentuk hanya beberapa baris kalimat, bahkan dalam bentuk buku. Biografi yang hanya menjelaskan tentang fakta-fakta dari kehidupan seseorang serta peran pentingnya adalah….

b. Teks biografi

c. Biografi singkat

d. Biografi panjang

24. Dari biografi kita dapat menemukan kejadian-kejadian hidup seseorang atau misteri hidup seseorang dengan penjelasan berupa….

a. Kisah hidupnya

b. Pengalamannya dalam menjalani hidup

c. Kehidupan sehari-hari

d. Tindakan atau perilaku dalam hidupnya

25. Dalam membuat teks biografi, diperlukan berbagai bahan utama dan bahan pendukung. Yang termasuk bahan utama pembuatan teks biografi adalah….

a. Buku referensi

b. Buku sejarah yang memaparkan peranan orang dalam biografi tersebut, dan sebagainya

c. Buku referensi, atau sejarah yang memaparkan peranan orang dalam biografi tersebut, dan sebagainya

d. Buku harian, surat-surat, kliping koran, dan sebagainya

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8 Soal (Essay) Teks Biografi Beserta Jawaban

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Soal latihan biography text

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Materi biography kelas xi semester 2, sumber : what is a biography.

Biasanya kisah yang dijelaskan merupakan tokoh-tokoh terkenal seperti R.A Kartini, Ir Soekarno, Jenderal Soedirman, dan lain sebagainya.

Semua hal tentang kisah seseorang dijelaskan secara detail dan kompleks. 

Selain itu, biography juga menceritakan perasaan yang dialami oleh seseorang. 

Biasanya biography menjelaskan secara rinci mulai dari kelahiran hingga meninggal dunia.

 Dan yang perlu anda ketahui, biography disusun oleh orang lain bukan diri sendiri.

Social Functions

Terdapat beberapa fungsi biography yang dapat anda ketahui yaitu sebagai berikut:

1.     Untuk mengetahui kisah kehidupan seseorang. Orang yang diceritakannya mungkin saja dikenal atau juga tidak.

2.     Memberikan banyak informasi seputar tokoh yang diceritakan agar mendidik seseorang yang membacanya sebagai contohnya biografi Ki Hajar Dewantara, B.J Habibi dan lain sebagainya.

Characteristics of a Biography

Biography  juga memiliki karakteristik di dalamnya, karakteristik ini yang menjadikan biography  berbeda dengan jenis teks lainnya. 

Beberapa karakteristik biography   adalah sebagai berikut!

1.     Biography ditulis oleh orang lain

       Biography tidak ditulis oleh diri sendiri, dimana seseorang yang ingin membuat biography berarti harus membuat kisah dari orang lain. 

     Untuk membuatnya, anda bisa menggunakan sudut pandang orang ketiga.

2.    Dibuat berdasarkan fakta

       Teks biography harus ditulis berdasarkan fakta, seperti halnya nama, tempat tanggal lahir, meninggal duni, dan berbagai macam fakta lainnya. 

     Pastikan anda mendapatkan sumber yang jelas untuk mencari fakta dari tokoh yang akan dijelaskan.

3.    Diceritakan secara detail

       Dalam membuat teks biography juga harus diceritakan secara detail mengenai kisah tokoh tersebut.

4.    Menggunakan bahasa yang mudah dipahami

       Karakteristik yang terakhir adalah menggunakan Bahasa yang mudah dipahami. 

     Teks biography memberikan informasi yang sangat penting, untuk itu harus dibuat dengan Bahasa yang mudah dipahami agar orang lain bisa membacanya.

Structures of a Biography

Bagi anda yang ingin membuat biography , anda harus memahami beberapa struktur yang ada di dalamnya. 

Sehingga teks biography yang dibuat dapat dihasilkan dengan baik. 

Berikut ini adalah beberapa struktur teks biography yang harus anda ketahui!

1.     Orientation

       Orientation dalam teks biography ini menjelaskan tentang identitas dari tokoh yang dijelaskan. 

      Seperti halnya nama lengkap, tempat dan tanggal lahir, dan lain sebagainya. 

      Selain itu, beberapa informasi umum juga dapat disajikan sebagai pengenalan tokoh yang diceritakan.

2.     Events

      Events merupakan kejadian atau peristiwa yang dialami oleh tokoh yang diceritakan. 

      Peristiwa yang terjadi bisa berbagai hal seperti pemecahan masalah, proses berakhir, dan lain sebagainya.

      Peristiwa tersebut adalah kejadian yang sudah dialami oleh para tokoh yang diceritakan. 

     Tahap ini menjadi bagian paling penting dari suatu teks biography .

3.     Reorentation

       Bagian yang terakhir adalah reorientation. 

      Pada bagian ini menjelaskan tentang pandangan penulis terhadap tokoh yang diceritakan. 

      Sebetulnya pada bagian ini tidak begitu penting, penulis juga diperbolehkan untuk tidak memberikan pandangan pribadinya terhadap tokoh yang diceritakan. 

 Reorientasi ini bersifat pilihan yang harus ditentukan oleh penulis itu sendiri.

Itulah sekilas tentang biography, semoga informasi tersebut bermanfaat untuk anda, terima kasih. 

Jadi apa perbedaannya dengan autobiography ?

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soal biography text kelas 11

7 Contoh Biography Text Beserta Penjelasan dan Rumusnya dalam Bahasa Inggris!

  • Fatimatuzuhroh
  • April 10, 2022

Biography text

Apakah kamu pembelajar bahasa Inggris, fellas ? Artikel ini akan membahas contoh-contoh biography text bahasa Inggris beserta penjelasan dan rumusnya. Sehingga, nantinya kamu akan jauh lebih mudah dalam menulis biography text dalam bahasa Inggris lho . Simak 7 contoh biography text beserta penjelasannya di sini!

Pengertian Biography Text

Secara harafiah, Biography terdiri dari dua kata yaitu “ Bios ”  artinya hidup dan “ Graphia ”  artinya tulisan . Teks biografi itu menggambarkan riwayat hidup seseorang secara nyata, biasanya ditulis melalui sudut pandang yang lain.

Biografi adalah sebuah teks yang bercerita mengenai kisah kehidupan seseorang yang lebih kompleks dari sekadar daftar riwayat hidup dan data-data pekerjaanya. Biasanya, teks biografi menceritakan lebih dalam lagi tentang perasaan yang dihadapi oleh seseorang dalam menghadapi suatu kejadian atau kehidupan seseorang.

Bagian-Bagian Biography Text

1. orientation.

Pada tahap orientasi, bagian ini akan memberi pembaca informasi tentang latar belakang mengapa biografi ditulis. Paragraf pembuka menjawab pertanyaan 5w+1h.

Pada tahap events ini akan mengisahkan peristiwa atau kejadian yang dialami tokoh yang akan ditulis biografinya. Bagian ini berisi penjelasan suatu cerita seperti pemecahan masalah, proses lain, dan berbagai peristiwa yang dialami tokoh sebelum mencapai kesuksesan. Pada intinya, diceritakan secara kronologis yang merujuk pada waktu tertentu.

3. Re-Orientation (Closing)

Pada bagian ketiga ini berisi pandangan penulis tentang tokoh yang dikisahkan. Namun, tahap ini opsional artinya penulis bisa memberi pandangan pribadinya tentang tokoh yang diceritakan yang terdiri dari jenis kesimpulan tentang kontribusi sehingga menjadi cerita yang menarik untuk dibaca.

Baca juga: Biografi BJ.Habibie, Mimpi dan Kenangan

Contoh Biography Text

Raden Dewi Sartika.jpg

Short Biography of Dewi Sartika Dewi Sartika was the leading figure for the education for Indonesia women. She was born on 4 December 1884 and died on 11 September 1947. The most important acts she made were when she founded the first school for women. Because of it, she was acknowledged formally as National Hero in 1966. Dewi Sartika was born in Cicalengka on 4 December 1884 in the aristocratic Sundanese family. Her father is R. Rangga Somanegara and her mother is R. A. Raja pemas. According to some biographies, as a child, Dewi Sartika often pretended to be a teacher. He studied in the Dutch School. She lived with her uncle after her father died and then received Sundanese education culture there. In 1899 she decided to move to Bandung. She founded Sekolah Isteri on 16 January 1904 in Bandung. The school took place at Badung Regency’s Pendopo but then relocated to Ciguriang Street. In the new location, the name of the school was changed to Sekolah Kaoetamaan Isteri. In 1912, the school became so popular and had nine branches in West Java. In 1920, all cities in West Java have one school. However, the school changed its name in September 1929 to Sekolah Raden Dewi.

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Short Biography of Leonardo da Vinci Leonardo da Vinci was an Italian polymath who was born in 15 April 1452 and died 2 may 1519. He was famous because of his interest on many areas, including architecture, sculpting, music, science, engineering, mathematics, anatomy, literature and many more. He is also the man who has been called as the father of iconology, architecture and paleontology. Some experts on aeronautic said that Leonardo da Vinci was the man who firstly put the foundation of helicopter, parachute and tank. Many scholars and historians regard the Italian man as the prime exemplar of the Renaissance man, unquenchable curiosity, feverishly inventive imagination and Universal Genius. Leonardo da Vinci was educated in the studio belonged to Andrea del Verrocchio in Florence. Much of his life was spent in Milan to serve Ludovicoil Moro. Later, he them moved to Rome, Venice and Bologna and spent his last years in France. Many people recognized Leonardo da Vinci as a great painter. Mona Lisa is the most popular portrait he made and maybe the most expensive art collection in the world. Besides creating portrait and invented many things, Leonardo also creating religious painting, the most famous is of course The Last Supper. There are no such genius artists in the world who can replace Leonardo da Vinci.

Einstein 1921 by F Schmutzer - restoration.jpg

Short Biography of Albert Einstein Albert Einstein was born near the end of the 1800s in Ulf, Germany. He graduated from the University of Zurich in Switzerland at age 26. That was also when he did his famous work in physics. Fourteen years later he won the Nobel Prize for Physics. For the next ten years he lived in Germany and traveled a lot to talk to other scientists. Then in the early 1930s he had to leave Germany because of Hitler and the Nazi party. He moved to the United States. From that time until his death he lived in Princeton, New Jersey. He died at the age of 74.

Presiden Sukarno.jpg

Biography of Sukarno, Indonesian First President Sukarno was the first president of Indonesia. He was born in 6 June 1901 and died in 21 June 1970. He led his country to fight against Netherlands and the man who proclaimed the independence. Sukarno was a prominent leader of nationalist movement during the colonial period. He spent more than a decade under the detention before released by the Japanese force. Ir. Sukarno and all his nationalist fellows collaborated to collect support in spreading nationalist ideas. When Japan surrender the Indonesian independence was declared by Sukarno and Mohammad Hatta on 17 August 1945. At the same time, Sukarno was appointed as the president and Mohammad Hatta as vice president. After became president, Sukarno had to fight once again against resisting Dutch re-colonization efforts. After parliamentary democracy chaos in 1957, Sukarno put an autocratic system called Guided Democracy. It successfully ended the rebellions and instability which were threatening the country. In the early 1960s, Sukarno brought the country to the Soviet by giving protection and support to the Indonesian Communist Party. Unfortunately, the 30 September movement in 1965 ended the communist era and Sukarno’s position as president was replaced by Suharto, the man who became president for 32 years. After Suharto in charged, Sukarno was exiled to Bogor and spent the rest of his life there.

Walt Disney 1946.JPG

Biography of Biography of Walt Disney Walt Disney was born with the name Walter Elias Disney on December 5th, 1901 at Chicagos Hermosa Community Area. His father was Elias Charles Disney and his mother was Flora Call Disney. Walt Disney was Irish-Canadian descendant from his father and German-English descendant from his mother. Walt Disney is well known as co-founder of The Walt Disney Company and as cultural icon that hardly matched by others. He was the animator who created Mickey Mouse and many others Disney famous characters. He was also successful film producer, voice actor, and entrepreneur. His voice acting works were including the original voice of Mickey Mouse. Disneyland and Disney resort were started from his innovation. Walt Disney was very influential person in entertainment industry, especially Hollywood animation industry. His works in American animation and entertainment industry brought him 59 nominations in Academy Awards that he won 22 of them and 4 honorary Academy Awards. He also won 7 Emmy Awards and much more awards. Walt Disney died on December 15, 1966 in Burbank, California after long fight with lung cancer, leaving myriad legacy. Many of his legacies are still remembered and enjoyed by people, including hundreds of animated films, theme parks, animation studio, and the company. Cal Arts (California Institute of the Arts) is also the legacy of Walt Disney.

VP Hatta.jpg

Biography of Bung Hatta Bung Hatta is one of “The Proclamators” of Indonesia Independence. Born with full name Mohammad Hatta on 12 August 1902 at Fort de Kock, West Sumatra, Dutch East Indies, and Bung Hatta played important roles in Indonesian strive for Independence. He is well-educated person that strive not with physical power but used intelligent instead. After the independence day of Indonesia, Mohammad Hatta became the first vice president of the country and became prime minister later on. He continued to build the country with his efforts and thoughts. Bung Hatta died at the age 77 on 14 March 1980 at Jakarta, Indonesia. He was buried at Tanah Kusir public cemetery at Jakarta. To honor his name and Soekarno as the independence proclamators, Indonesia’s biggest airport at Cengkareng is named Soekarno-Hatta.

refer to caption

Biography of Marion Barber Marion Barber was born on June 9, 1983, and growing up in Minnesota. He attended Wayzata High School in Minnesota, and excelled in football, baseball, and track. Then, he attended the University of Minnesota, where he majored in Business Marketing. In his college football career, Marion Barber would earn myriad honors and broke numerous records to boot. Marion Barber’s 3,276 yards and 14 100-yard rushing games ranked third in Minnesota Golden Gophers history. Marion Barber hit the big time when the Dallas Cowboys selected him as the fourth round of the 2005 NFL Draft. Fans with Dallas Cowboys tickets watched Marion Barber emerge as a starter, rushing for 95 yards against the Seattle Seahawks and 127 yards against the Arizona Cardinals, which was the first 100-yard rushing game of the season for the Dallas Cowboys. He and the Dallas Cowboys agreed to a six-year contract extension worth $45 million. His stats will continue to improve and impress his teammates, coaches, and fans with Dallas Cowboys tickets.

Itulah 7 contoh biography text yang bisa kamu jadikan sebagai referensi belajar cara membuat biography text sendiri ya, fellas . Jika memahami materi ini masih terasa sulit, kamu bisa bergabung di Kelas Academic Writing untuk mendapat arahan dari pengajar yang profesional di bidangnya. Yuk daftar sekarang!


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Penjelasan Dan Contoh Biography Text Terlengkap

Penjelasan Dan Contoh Biography Text Terlengkap

Definition of  Biography  Text

Purpose of  biography  text, generic structures of biography text.

  • Orientation 
  • Re-Orientation (Closing)

Grammar Used

  • Menggunakan Past Tense. Misalkan we went to Bukittinggi zoo, I was happy, etc
  • Menggunakan Conjunction dan Time Connectives untuk mengurutkan peristiwa atau kejadian. Misalnya and, but, the, aftar that, etc.
  • Menggunakan Adverbs dan Adverbial Phrase untuk mengungkapkan tempat, waktu dan cara. Misalkan yesterday, at my house, slowly, etc.
  • Menggunakan Action Verbs. Misalkan went, slept, run, brought, etc.

Example and Translate

General Sudirman was a high ranking Indonesian military officer during the Indonesian national revolution. He was the first commander-in-chief of the Indonesian Armed Forces, he continues to be widely respected in the country. On 12 November 1945, at an election to decide the military’s commander-in-chief in YogyakartA. The 24 years old Sudirman was chosen over Oerip Soemohardjo in a close votE. While waiting to be confirmed, Sudirman ordered an assault on British and Dutch forces in AmbarawA. The ensuing battle and British withdrawal strengthened Sudirman’s popular support, and he was ultimately confirmed on 18 December. eneral Sudirman commanded military activities throughout Java, including a show of force in Yogyakarta on 1 March 1949. When the Dutch began withdrawing, in July 1949 Sudirman was recalled to Yogyakarta and forbidden to fight further. In late 1949 Sudirman’s tuberculosis returned, and he retired to Magelang, where he died slightly more than a month after the Dutch recognised Indonesia’s independencE. He is buried at Semaki Heroes’ Cemetery in Yogyakarta.
Nelson Rohihlahla Mandela, b. July 18, 1918, was the first South African president to be elected in a fully representative democratic election. Trained as an attorney, he helped form the Youth League of the African National Congress (ANC) in 1944. In 1961 he abandoned peaceful protest and became head of the ANC’s new military wing. Sentenced to life imprisonment in 1964, Mandela came to symbolize black political aspirations and was named head of the ANC after his release on Feb. 11, 1990. He and F. W. de Klerk shared the Nobel Peace Prize for negotiating South Africa’s peaceful transition to multiracial democracy. After the ANC victory in the April 1994 elections, Mandela worked to ease racial tensions, court foreign investment, and provide services to the victims of apartheid. Mandela has announced that he will not run for reelection in 1999, and in December 1997 Thabo Mbeki succeeded him as ANC party leader.


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Jumat, 10 Juli 2015

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soal biography text kelas 11

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soal biography text kelas 11

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soal biography text kelas 11

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soal biography text kelas 11

50 Kunci Jawaban Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 Semester 2 Tahun 2024 Kurikulum Merdeka,Mari Belajar

TRIBUNSTYLE.COM -  Berikut 50 contoh soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 11 semester 2 dalam menghadapi ujian kenaikan kelas tahun 2024.

Soal-soal berikut dapat digunakan sebagai latihan untuk menghadapi SAT SAS UKK UAS PAT.

Adanya kunci jawaban agar memudahkan peserta didik dalam belajar.

Simak kumpulan soal ujian Bahasa Inggris kelas 11 berikut ini.

Ada beberapa contoh soal ujian Bahasa Inggris yang dirangkum dari pelajaran yang ada.

Soal-soal tersebut dirangkum untuk bahan latihan menghadapi ujian kenaikan kelas.

Cermati dan pahami soal-soal ujian dan berikan jawabanmu.

Baca juga: 40 Kunci Jawaban Soal Matematika Kelas 2 SD/MI Semester 2 Tahun 2024, Panduan SAT SAS UKK UAS PAT

Sandingkan jawabanmu dengan kunci jawaban yang ada.

Adanya kunci jawaban tentu akan memudahkanmu dalam mengoreksi hasil belajar.

(Lengkap soal dan kunci jawaban semua pelajaran Kelas 11 klik link)

Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11:

The following text is for questions no 1–4

Hi there. How are things with you? It's good to know that you are doing fine in business. Have you

received my postcard? I am now sitting in my hotel room writing a letter to you about my wonderful holiday.

I think this is the most wonderful holiday have I ever had. The people are very friendly. There are a lot of

interesting tourist objects to visit, beautiful local art and craft, tasty traditional food, and much more. It's

Thursday today. I can't believe this is my last day. I wish I could spend more time here. I am certain I will

stay longer on my next visit. I'll be home at about 3 p.m. tomorrow if the flight is on time. On Monday I

must go back to work, I can't wait to show my video to my class. Okay, that's all for now. Send my love to

your children. Bye.

Best wishes from,

1. The letter tell us about ...

A. Fico’s holiday in Bali

B. Fina’s letter

C. Fico’s experience

D. Fico’s favorite places

E. Fina’s plan to Bali

Jawaban : a

2. Which statements are true based on the letter above?

A. Fina is Fico’s sister

B. Fico is doing a business

C. Fina has not got married

D. Fico is a student

E. Fico’s holiday was exciting

Jawaban : e

3. What day is Fico going to arrive home?

A. Thursday D. Sunday

B. Friday E. Monday

C. Saturday

Jawaban : b

4. The letter shows that Fico ...

A. has not eaten the day before

B. bought all beautiful local arts

C. has tried the traditional food

D. has showed his holiday video to his class

E. had bad holiday

Jawaban : c

The following text is for questions no 4–9

You are My Sunshine

(Johnny Cash)

The other night dear, as I lay sleeping

I dreamed I held you in my arms

When I awoke, dear, I was mistaken

So I bowed my head and I cried

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine You make me happy when skies are gray You'll never know, dear, how much I love you Please

don't take my sunshine away

I've always loved you and made you happy

And nothing else could come between

But now you've left me to love another

You have shattered all of my dreams

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine You make me happy when skies are gray You'll never know, dear, how much I love you Please don't take my sunshine away

5. The song above is about ...

A. Someone who falls in love with a man

B. Someone who loves his/her child

C. Someone who dislikes others

D. Someone who annoys his/her friends

E. Someone who misses his/her lover

6. What happens to the person whom the song is intended to?

A. He/she has come

B. He/she has arrived

C. He/she has left away

D. He/she has dreamed

E. He/she has awaken

7. What happens to the writer at the end?

A. she/he feels mournful

B. she/he feels happy

C. she/he feels glad

D. she/he feels bored

E. she/he feels nervous

8. What is the message of the song?

A. We may not make people cry

B. We must remember our memory in the past

C. We can dream about love

D. We should get sunshine for health

E. We will lose people we love one day later

9. Arif : I think I cannot join our football team again

Alfian: Don’ be like that Budi. You know, you are our strength. And we stand here today, play the game we used to play, get the champ it’s all ..... you.

B. in order to

D. because of

E. providing that

Jawaban : d

The following text is for questions no. 10–13

Dear Juliana

How are you? Hope everything is okay with you. I’m all right here. We are going to have the national examination, aren’t we? Are you well

prepared for it? Well, to be honest, I just have some difficulties in preparing for it, especially in science. There are extra lessons in my

school and I take them all. But, I feel that they don’t help. I’m still confused in solving mathematic problems. I’m just worried that I fail the

national examination. Do you have any suggestion for me? I really appreciate your help. Please reply it soon.

Your friend, Wulandari

10. What does the letter tell us about?

A. Asking for a friend to teach mathematic

B. Preparing for the national examination

C. Asking for a friend’s suggestion to solve a problem

D. Giving a solution to a friend

E. Having extra lesson at school

11. “I’m still confused in solving mathematic problems.” The underlined word means ...

A. unable to read quickly

B. unable to think clearl

C. unable to behave politely

D. unable to perform well

E. unable to speak fluently

12. “I’m just worried that I fail the national examination.” The antonym of the underlined word is ...

B. underestimate

13. Why is Wulandari worried that she may fail the national examination?

A. There are extra lessons at Juliana’s school

B. She will have the national examination soon

C. She is confused in solving mathematic problem

D. Her friends are all well-prepared

E. She appreciated Juliana’s help

The following text is for questions no 14–20

Gelatin is a protein substance that comes from the skins and bones of animals. Most people know

it as the substance used to make a jellylike salad or dessert. Not only is it useful in making these foods,

but it is also beneficial to the consumer because of its high protein content. Gelatin is also commonly

used in the photographic industry and in making medicinal capsules.

The process for producing gelatin is a long and complex one. In the processing of gelatin made from

bones, which varies slightly from that of gelatin make from skin, the grease first must be eliminated. Then,

the bones are soaked in a solution of hydrochloric acid in order to rid them of minerals and are washed

several ties in water. Next, the bones are placed in distilled water, heated to over 90oF for a few hours,

placed in fresh distilled water, and then heated again at a little over 100oF. A fluid forms from this heating,

and it is concentrated, chilled, and sliced. Finally, it is dried and ground. In its final form, gelatin is white,

tasteless, and odorless.

14. The text above discusses about ...

A. the process of making gelatin.

B. advantage of minerals.

C. uses of bones.

D. protein food.

E. gelatin’s products.

15. “..... the grease first must be eliminated.” (Paragraph 2) What does the underlined word mean?

A. fat D. mineral

B. junk E. protein

16. Which of the following statement is true?

A. The chemical used in making gelatin comes off the surface of the bones by rinsing with water.

B. Gelatin made from skin is produced in the same way as that made from bones.

C. When the gelatin is dried, it is in powder form.

D. Grease probably does not aid in producing gelatin.

E. A fluid does not form from this heating.

17. “Next, the bones are placed in distilled water, .....” (Paragraph 2). The word “distilled” is closely

meaning to ...

A. hot D. plenty

B. cool E. purified

18. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

A. The final form of gelatin is white and odorless

B. Gelatin can only be produced in distilled water

C. Producing gelatin is not simple work

D. Producing gelatin needs a lot of fresh water

E. Gelatin can be produced from two sources

19. From the text we know that ...

A. we can easily produce gelatin at home

B. gelatin can only be used in photographic industry

C. it is necessary to add mineral to the gelatin

D. fat aids in the process of making gelatin

E. gelatin is good food because of its high protein

20. “..... but it is also beneficial to the consumer .....” (par. 1).

The underlined word means ...

A. useful D. various

B. unfaithful E. addictive

C. dangerous

The following text is for questions no 21 – 25

In autumn, the colour of the leaves changes into beautiful yellow, red, and brown. Do you know how this happens? To answer that question, first we have to understand about leaves. Leaves are the food factories of plants. Plants take water from the ground through their roots and they take carbon dioxide from the air. Plants need glucose for energy and for their growth. The plants use sunlight to turn water and carbon dioxide into glucose. The process is called photosynthesis and the substance that helps this photosynthesis process is called chlorophyll. This chlorophyll makes plants look green.

As summer ends and autumn comes, the days get shorter and shorter. The trees "know" that they have to be ready for winter. During winter, there is not enough sunlight or water for the photosynthesis process. The trees will rest, and use the food that they have stored during summer. The trees begin to close their food factories. The green chlorophyll substance disappears from the leaves. As the leaves begin to lose their green colour, they change into beautiful yellow and orange.

In some trees, like maple tree, glucose is trapped in the leaves after the photosynthesis process stops. Sunlight and cool rights turn the green colour of the leaves into red. Oak leaves become brown because of wastes that are left in the leaves. This combination of red and brown makes the trees look very beautiful in autumn.

21. What is the best title for the text above?

C. Photosynthesis

D. The changes of leaves

E. Beautiful Autumn

22. A part of trees which is used to take water from the ground is...

A. branch D. fruit

B. root E. stem

23. When do the trees produce their food?

A. in winter D. in summer

B. in spring E. in fall

C. in autumn

24. “The plants use sunlight to turn water and carbon dioxide into glucose” (paragraph 3). The underlined word “turn” has the same meaning as ...

A. change B. absorb C. dry D. take E. preserve

25. What makes the trees look beautiful in autumn?

A. Because their leaves are doing photosynthesis.

B. Because the trees will rest and use their food.

C. Because they have stored their food.

D. Because sunlight and cool nights turn the color of leaves in maple tree.

E. Because the leaves color of trees change into beautiful combination of colours.

Questions 26– 28are based on the following text dialog.

Wiena : Does the hotel offer a courtesyshuttle from the airport?

Alisha : Yes, we do. Pick-up is from the Arrivals at Terminal 1.

Wiena : Could you reserve us three places? Our flight gets in at 2 p.m

Alisha : There is no need for that. There’s plenty of room on board, and our service runs every 20 minutes.

26. What is the purpose of the dialog?

A. To inform about the flight reservation

B. To tell when the flight gets in

C. To check the pick-up service

D. To provide the flight service

27. Based on the dialog, What will hotel officer do to Wiena?

A. Arrive early to welcome her

B. Pick her up at Terminal 1

C. Reserve three places

D. Run in 20 minutes

28. The underlined word in the dialog can be replaced by ... .

A. reserved

Questions 29– 31 are based on the following text.

What do you have for everyday meal? Yes, we have rice for our meal. Do you know how do the farmers plant the rice? You can learn the following steps to plant rice. The first step is selecting the seeds. Choose the seeds there are completely dry. These seeds must have been storage at least 40 to 50 days in the storage. The second step is seedling the seeds. Prepare the seedbed by hoeing and loosening the soil in the watering sufficiently in the surface of seedling. Finally spread the seeds. The following step is cultivating the soil. While you are doing rice seedling, you can hoe the whole soil for planting. Plow the soil and spread the fertilizer. Mix the fertilizer with the soil thoroughly to make the soil fertile. Give the water for about 3 cm above the surface of the soil to make the fertilizer settled in the soil. The last step is moving the seeds from the seedling to the planting area, pull out the seed carefully from the seedling and the root of the seed stick some soil.

29. What is the purpose of the text ?

A. To ask to do farmers’ job

B. To instruct to grow seedling

C. To tell to make our everyday meal

D. To tell the procedure of planting rice

30. What should we do after selecting the seeds?

A. Store them in the storage

B. Dry them directly

C. Seedling them

D. Spread them

31. “... plow the soil and spread the fertilizer”. The underlined word is closest in

meaning to ... .

Questions 32– 34 are based on the following text.

Bali is an Indonesian island known for its forested volcanic mountains, iconic rice

paddies, beaches and coral reefs. The island is home to religious sites such as cliffside

Uluwatu Temple. To the south, the beachside city of Kuta has lively bars, while Seminyak, Sanur and Nusa Dua are popular resort towns. The island is also known for its yoga and meditation retreats. The southern tip is also world-renowned for its prime surfing spots such as Padang Padang and Uluwatu. Further island is Ubud, a hill town known for its spa treatments, yoga and ecotourism, which may include a trip to a monkey preserve. Ringing the

island are coral reefs teeming with sea life, making it a hot spot for scuba diving. You

can also get a taste of Balinese culture at a gamelan percussion performance or one of

thousands of Hindu temples,

32. What is the writer’s intention to write the text?

A. To invite people only for a meditation

B. To ask people to come to the place

C. To learn how to do surfing in Bali

D. To describe cities in Indonesia

33. In paragraph 2, the writer tries to explain that ... .

A. Gamelan will be banned by the local government

B. We can do surfing, diving in Uluwatu and Ubud

C. There are so many volcanic mountains in Bali

D. Monkeys can be endangered in Bali

34. The underlined word in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to ... .

B. original

35. Fizha : I need to finish this product proposal today and I have to catch a train at 5:15.

Alisha : ... .

Fizha : That’s very kind of you.

A. I am sure you can finish it soon.

B. I don’t think I can help you.

C. Can I give you my hand?

D. Can you help me?

36. Melati : What do you usually do during the day ?

Dika : I start working at sevenA.M and finish it at seven P.M. Usually, ….

Melati : You are asales, aren’t you?

Dika : Absolutely right.

A. I meet my siblings for a discussion

B. I help the customers to complain

C. I sellall the declined products

D. I market the products

37. Adzkia : I need to find a lot of sources for my script. Do you have any recommendation?

Adna : ... And I think it is easy to do and ofcourse you need reference books.

A. Do you have a calculator?

B. The script is not so difficult.

C. You can help me find it soon.

D. Have you browsedthe internet?

38. Firda : What do you think is the best way for us to get to the conference?

Baiza : We take the train. We could get some work done on the way.

Firda : ... That is the best plan, I think.

A. I am not sure

B. I don’t think so

C. I couldn’t agree more

D. I have no idea about it

39. Ibal : Ilham, are you going to be in your office Thursday morning?If you are not, could I work there? ...

Ilham : You are in luck, Ibal. I’ll be out until Friday.

A. I can accompany you all day.

B. My office is being painted.

C. I left my key there.

D. I will be off.

40. Supervisor : We are going to have the sales meeting this afternoon. .., please.

Shinta : Of course, sir. I still need the sales manager’s signature.

Supervisor : Do it right away. We don’t have much time.

A. Finish the meeting result

B. Get the report ready

C. Sign the report

D. Send it to me

The following text is for questions no 41– 49

It has long been known that when exposed to light under suitable conditions of temperature and moisture, the green parts of plants use carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and release oxygen to it. These exchanges are the opposite of those that occur in respiration. The process is called photosynthesis. In photosynthesis, carbohydrates are synthesized from carbon dioxide and water by the chloroplasts of plant cells in the presence of light. In most plants, the water used in photosynthesis is absorbed from the soil by the roots and trans- located through the xylem of the root and stem to the leaves. Except for the usually small percentage used in respiration, the oxygen released in the process diffuses out of the leaf into the atmosphere through the stomata. Oxygen is the product of the reaction. For each molecule of carbon dioxide used, one molecule of oxygen is released. A summary chemical equation for photosynthesis is: As a result of this process, radiant energy from the sun is stored as chemical energy. In turn the chemical energy is used to decompose carbon dioxide and water. The products of their decomposition are recombined into a new compound, which is successively built up into more and more complex substances. After many intermediate steps, sugar is produced. At the same time, a balance of gases is preserved in the atmosphere.

41. Which title best expresses the ideas in the passage?

A. A chemical Equation

B. The exchange of Respiration

C. The Process of Photosynthesis

D. The Parts of vascular Plants

E. The Production of Sugar

42. In photosynthesis, water ...

A. must be present

B. is produced in carbohydrates

C. is stored in chemical energy

D. is diffused out of the leaf

E. interrupts the chemical reaction

43. Which process is the opposite of photosynthesis?

A. decomposition

B. synthesization

C. diffusion

D. respiration

E. equation

44. The combination of carbon dioxide and water to form sugar results in an excess of ...

A. water D. carbon

B. oxygen E. stomata

C. chlorophyll

45. The word “stored” in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ...

A. changed D. attended

B. discovered E. saved

C. connected

46. In photosynthesis, energy from the sun is ...

A. synthesized

B. changed to chemical energy

C. stored in the tree

D. conducted from the xylem to the leaves of green plants

E. released one to one for each molecule of carbon dioxide used

47. The word “their” in Paragraph 2 refers to ...

A. products

B. most plants

C. complex substances

D. carbon dioxide and water

E. radiant and chemical energy

48. “..... that occur in respiration.” (Paragraph 2). The underlined word is closest in meaning to ...

A. process D. blossom

B. bloom E. disappear

49. Besides the manufacture of food for plants, what is another benefit of photosynthesis?

A. It produces solar energy.

B. It absorbs the water.

C. It diffuses additional carbon dioxide into the air.

D. It removes harmful gases from the air.

E. It maintains the balance of gases in the atmosphere.

50. Selvi : What do you think of the test ?

Siti : O my God. I almost lost my mind

Selvi : Why? What happened?

Siti : ..... the test is so hard, I almost give up.

A. Because D. Although

B. Because of E. Certainly

C. Probably

Diolah dari artikel 

27 Contoh Soal Recount Text Peristiwa Sejarah dan Jawaban

Sebelumnya kita sudah berikan soal recount text biography , dan sekarang kita lanjut belajar peristiwa bersejarah di indonesia dalam wacana teks recount. Contoh soal recount text ini berkaitan dengan soal historical recount text bisa bertema recount text peristiwa bersejarah di indonesia dan juga bisa pula bertema peristiwa bersejarah di dunia. Teks bacaannya sangat bisa dalam bertuk materi recount text historical event sumpah pemuda atau inti bacaan mengenai historical recount text world war 2 dan juga bisa tema sejara lainnya.

Sudah sering dibicarakan bahwa ada banyak sekali tema dan contoh soal recount text tentang peristiwa sejarah, misalnya bandung sea of fire, Indonesian Independence day, atau sejarah klasik indonesia. Dalam contoh soal recount text historical event biasanya lebih banyak tentang peristiwa heroic semisal pertempuran 10 November atau tema kerajaan klasik yang pernah ada di Indonesia.

Kumpulan Contoh Soal Teks Recount Tentang Peristiwa Bersejarah beserta Jawaban Dalam rangka meningkatkan pemahaman apa teks recount tiu, perlu diabiasakan kegiatan historical recount text exercise. Makanya sekarang ini disediakan contoh soal recount text tentang peristiwa bersejarah agar bisa digunakan untuk berlatih. Perhatikan jawaban yang diberikan dicetak dengan fornt warna biru. Tentu tidak bisa dijamin pasti benar semua, pembaca harus memeriksa kembali dan mengkoreksi lagi.

Recount Text Sejarah 1

Bandung as Sea of Fire was a fire that occurred in the city of Bandung on March 24, 1946. Within seven hours, about 200,000 residents of Bandung burned their homes. British troops as part of the Brigade MacDonald arrived in Bandung on October 12, 1945. Bandung was deliberately burned by TRI and local people. There were black smoke billowing high into the air everywhere. The British Army began to attack so fierce. The greatest battle happened in the Village name Dayeuh Kolot, in South Bandung, where there were a large ammunition depot belonging to British. In this battle, Barisan Rakyat Indonesia destroyed the ammunition depot. The strategy to fire Bandung was considered because the power of TRI and people’s militia was not comparable to the British forces and NICA. This incident inspired to create the famous song “Halo Halo Bandung”. To remember what they did and struggled, they built the Bandung Lautan Api monument.

1. Whats is the text about ? a. about the story of Brigade MacDonald b. about was a fire that occurred in Bandung c. about the residents of bandung d. about the history Local people of Bandung e. about the history of Bandung as Sea of Fire

2. Where did the Bandung as Sea of Fire? a. in the city of Bandung b. in the villages of Bandung c. in the Government of Bandung d. in the the air of Bandung e. in the sea of Bandung

3. What can we learn? a. The strong army b. The confort of living in Bandung c. The wise of local people d. The beauty of Bandung landscape e. The spirit of never giving up

4. How was the Bandung as Sea of Fire! a. It was deliberately burned b. It was built by local people c. It was announced by Brigade MacDonald d. It was supported by NICA e. It was struggled by militia

5. Why did people build the BLA monument? a. To commemorate a historical event that took place in the city on the evening of July 24th, 1946. b. To commemorate Indonesian awakening day. c. To commemorate a historical event that took place in the city on the evening of March 24th, 1946 d. To commemorate a historical event that took place in the city on the evening of March 24, 1944. e. To amuse the reader.

6. What’s kind of text that you have already read? a. Historical recount b. Personal recount c. Imaginative recount d. Fantastic recount e. Lame recount

7. What is the social function of the text … a. To entertain the reader about fairy tale b. To explain the process of how the people get the freedom c. To inform about last historical story d. To tell the reader about a historical event e. To review about historical movie

Recount Text Sejarah 2

The Supersemar, the Indonesian abbreviation for “Surat Perintah Sebelas Maret” ( Order of March the Eleventh), was a document signed by the Indonesian President Sukarno on 11 March 1966. It is said that it was giving the army commander Lt. General Soeharto authority to take whatever measures he ”deemed necessary” to restore order to the chaotic situation during the Indonesian killings of 1965-1966. The abbreviation of “Supersemar” is a play on the name of Semar, the mystic and powerful figure who commonly appears in Javanese mythology including wayang puppet shows. The invocation of Semar was presumably intended to help draw on Javanese mythology to lend support to Soeharto’s legitimacy during the period of the transition of authority from Soekarno to Soeharto.

8. What is actually Supersemar? a. Agreement between Soekarno and Soeharto in 1966 b. Soekarno’s legal order to give Soeharto authority in 1966 c. Official letter from Soeharto to take the immediate action d. Formal decree of Soeharto to President in March 1965 e. The official decree from Soekarno to Soeharto in 1959

9. It is said that it was…..(second paragraph line 1). What does the word “it” refer to? a. Authority b. Document c. Instruction d. Supersemar e. Chaotic situation

10. How long was the chaotic situation happened? a. One month b. Three months c. Six months d. Eight months e. One year

11. What does the last paragraph tell us about? a. The origin of word supersemar b. The history of supersemar c. The spirits of supersemar d. The effect of supersemar e. The expectation of supersemar

Recount Text Sejarah 3

On 10 November, Indonesia celebrates Hari Pahlawan or Heroes Day in remembrance of the Battle of Surabaya which started on that very date in the year 1945. The bloody battle took place because Indonesians refused to surrender their weaponry to British army. British Army at that time was part of the Allied Forces. The defiant Bung Tomo is the well-known revolutionary leader who played a very important role in this battle. It all started because of a misunderstanding between British troops in Jakarta and those in Surabaya, under the command of Brigadier A.W.WS. Mallaby. Brigadier Mallaby already had an agreement with Governor of East Java Mr. Surya. The agreement stated that British would not ask Indonesian troops and militia to surrender their weapons. However, a British plane from Jakarta dropped leaflets all over Surabaya. The leaflet told Indonesians to do otherwise on 27 October 1945. This action angered the Indonesian troops and militia leaders because they felt betrayed. On 30 October 1945, Brigadier Mallaby was killed as he was approaching the British troops’ post near Jembatan Merah or Red Bridge, Surabaya. There were many reports about the death, but it was widely believed that the Brigadier was murdered by Indonesian militia. Looking at this situation, Lieutenant General Sir Philip Christison brought in reinforcements to siege the city. In the early morning of 10 November 1945, British troops began to advance into Surabaya with cover from both naval and air bombardment. Although the Indonesians defended the city heroically, the city was conquered within 3 days and the whole battle lasted for 3 weeks. In total, between 6,000 and 16,000 Indonesians died while casualties on the British side were about 600 to 2000. Battle of Surabaya caused Indonesia to lose weaponry which hampered the country’s independence struggle. However, the battle provoked Indonesian and international mass to rally for the country’s independence which made this battle especially important for Indonesian national revolution.

12. What is the passage about? a. about the battle of Surabaya b. about the leaflet of Indonesia c. about the story of surabaya d. about the biography of Brigadier Mallaby e. about the strong British troops

13. When did the battle take place? a. 10 November 1945 b. 27 October 1945 c. 3 days after 10 November 1945 d. 3 weeks before 27 October 1945 e. after Indonesians surrender their weaponry to British army

14. Where did it happen? a. in Surabaya b. in Jakarta c. in the sea of surabaya d. in the land of Jakarta e. in the air of surabaya

15. What caused the battle? a. British supported Indonesia to attack NICA b. British asked Indonesian troops and militia to surrender their weapons c. The militia refused to signt the agreement d. The Indonesia troop is very strong army in that time e. Indonesia lose weaponry

16. What do think about the Indonesian military power compared to that of the British army at that time? a. The Indonesian troop was more powerful and more modern b. The British Army was more powerful and modern c. Indonesian artmy has had more complete weaponry d. Surabaya was only attacked from the sea. e. Surabaya was only attacked from the air.

17. What made the Indonesians dare to face the British army military aggression? a. Indonesia liked fighting b. Indonesia misunderstood about the power of British army c. Indonesia wanted to be remmbered as hereos in the Battle of Surabaya d. The spirit to defend the country’s independence encouraged Indonesia e. Indonesia needed the aggressor.

18. Did the Indonesian lose or win the battle? Why do you think so? a. Yes, Indonesia did b. Yes, Indonesia does c. yes, Indonesia do d. No, Indonesia didn’t e. No, Indonesia did

19. How did the battle influence the national revolution at that time? a. The battle provoked international communities to rally to support the independence movement of Indonesia . b. The battle did not provoke international communities to rally to support the independence movement of Indonesia. c. The battle provokes international communities to rally to support the independence movement of Indonesia. d. The battle had provoked international communities to rally to support the independence movement of Indonesia. e. The battle had provoke international communities to rally to support the independence movement of Indonesia.

20. Who was the prominent figure in the battle? a. Governor of East Java b. Mr. Surya c. Brigadier Mallaby d. Sir Philip Christison e. Bung Tomo

21. Why do you think the date of the Battle of Surabaya is used as a momentum to commemorate our hero’s contribution? a. The Battle of Surabaya was fierce and bloody. b. The Battle of Surabaya was not fierce and bloody. c. The Battle of Surabaya were fierce and bloody. d. The freedom fighters and people did not fight hand in hand till heroically e. The freedom fighters and people did not fight hand in hand till heroically

22. Describe in one word the Indonesians who defended their city at that time. a. courageous b. fearless c. lazy d. relaxed e. braveless

Recount Text Sejarah 4

On August 6, 1945 an atomic bomb was dropped on the Japanese city of Hiroshima by the United States. It demoralized the spirit of the Japanese army in the world. The following day, The Committee for Indonesian Independence confirmed the wish to achieve the Independence of Indonesia. On August 9, 1945, the second atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki, causing the Japanese surrendered to the United States and its allies. On 14 August 1945, Japan formally surrendered to the Allies on board the USS Missouri. hearing this,a young group urged elderly to immediately proclaim the independence of Indonesia. However, the elderly did not want group did want to rush. Some consultation was conducted in days of meeting. They then prepared the text of the proclamation of Indonesian Independence. The next morning ,on 17 August 1945, Soekarno read the text of the proclamation of Indonesia independence. Then the flag of Indonesia was raised-followed by a speech by Soewirijo, deputy mayor of Jakarta. It was the mark of the The next morning ,on 17 August 1945, Soekarno read the text of the proclamation of Indonesia independence. Then the flag of Indonesia was raised-followed by a speech by soewirijo, deputy mayor of Jakarta. It was the mark of the independence of a country.

23. What is the text about? a. The events which happened before the Proclamation of Indonesian Independence b. The events which happened after the Proclamation of Indonesian Independence c. The events which happened when Soekarno was declaring Indonesian Independence d. The events which happened when Soekarno was meeting with the committee of Indonesian Independence e. The events which happened when a young group was urging Soekarno to state the Indonesian Independence

24. When did Indonesian Independence proclamation happen? a. on 17 August 1945 b. On 6 August 1945 c. On 9 August 1945 d. On 14 August 1945 e. on 15 August 1945

25. What is not the background event? a. The bombing in Hiroshima b. The bombing in Nagasaki c. Japan surrendered to the Allies d. A young group urged elderly e. The flag of Indonesia was raised

26. What happened before 14 August 1945? a.The bombing in Nagasaki b. Soekarno read the text of the proclamation c. A young group urged elderly d. The flag of Indonesia was raised e. The spirit of the Japanese army was demoralized

27. How is the date 17 August 1945 for Indonesia? a. usual b. common c. unspecial d. unimportant e. significant

Begitulah contoh soal recount text tentang peristiwa sejarah yang bisa kita pelajari pada kesempatan kali ini. Ingat sebuah pepata “practice makes perfect”. Dengan banyak berlatih, kita akan akan semakin terbiasa dengan kosa kata, struktur, model soal baik LOTS, MOTS, atau HOTS. Ketika sudah terbiasa berlatih berbagai macam model soal, tentunya akan semakin memungkinkan untuk memahami apa itu teks recount peristiwa sejarah.

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Biography Text SMK Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI

Heni Mz

A Biography Text

Biografi  adalah kisah atau keterangan tentang kehidupan seseorang. Sebuah  biografi  lebih kompleks daripada sekadar daftar riwayat hidup dan data-data pekerjaan seseorang,  biografi  juga bercerita tentang perasaan yang terlibat dalam mengalami kejadian-kejadian tersebut. Dalam  biografi  tersebut dijelaskan secara lengkap kehidupan seorang tokoh sejak kecil sampai tua, bahkan sampai meninggal dunia. Semua jasa, karya, dan segala hal yang dihasilkan atau dilakukan oleh seorang tokoh diperjelas juga.  Teks biografi  disusun oleh orang lain, bukan oleh diri sendiri.

Biography  terdiri dari dua kata yaitu:

  • Bios  yang artinya Hidup
  • Graphia  yang artinya Tulisan.

Biography text  is a detailed description or account of a person’s life and written by someone else, it is nonfiction text. (Teks Biografi adalah suatu teks yang menggambarkan detail dari riwayat hidup seseorang secara nyata dan ditulis oleh orang lain.)

B.      Function of Biography

  • To know a person’s story about his/her life outside of any accomplishments this person may be known for. (Untuk mengetahui kisah seseorang tentang kehidupannya di luar pencapaian apa pun, orang ini mungkin dikenal).
  • To give much information easily and educate the readers. (Untuk memberikan banyak informasi dengan mudah dan mendidik para pembaca.)

C.    Characteristics of Biography

  • Biography is not written by subject and always written in the third person. (Teks biografi tidak dibuat oleh orang yang sedang diceritakan riwayat hidupnya, tetapi diceritakan oleh oranglain dalam sudut pandang orang ketiga).
  • Based on research. (Teks tersebut dibuat berdasarkan fakta pengalaman hidup suatu tokoh berisi mengenai kisah atau cerita suatu tokoh dalam mengarungi kehidupannya, entah itu berupa kelebihan, masalah atau kekurangan yang ditulis oleh orang lain sehingga patut menjadi teladan).
  • Describes the person’s surroundings (where, when and how the person lived). )Menceritakan secara detail tentang informasi tokoh yang diceritakan yang meliputi W/H Question (What, Where, When, Why, How))
  • Use vivid language to narrate events. (Penggunaan bahasa harus benar-benar jelas diaplikasikan dalam sebuah teks biografi. Dengan maksud menghindari kesalahan dalam informasi yang disajikan.)

D.    Generic Structure

  • Orientation (Introduction) It is the opening paragraph, gives the readers the background information of the person. Biasanya berisi tentang biodata yang dinarasikan seperti nama lengkap, tempat dan tanggal lahir. Beberapa informasi umum juga dapat disajikan pada bagian ini sebagai pengenalan tokoh.
  • Events In events, should be in chronological order. Tahap ini adalah bagian kejadian atau peristiwa yang dialami oleh tokoh. Berisi penjelasan suatu cerita baik itu berupa pemecahan masalah, proses berkarir, dan berbagai peristiwa yang pernah dialami oleh tokoh hingga mengantarkannya pada sebuah kesuksesan.  
  • Re-Orientation (Closing) It consists of a conclusion or comment or the writer. Tell about the achievement or the contribution of the person. Pada penutup, bagian ini berisi tentang pandangan penulis kepada tokoh yang dikisahkan. Reorentasi ini bersifat pilihan yang berarti penulis bisa memberikan pandangan pribadinya tentang tokoh yang diceritakan atau penulis tidak memberikan pandangan pribadinya terhadap tokoh yang diceritakan adalah bukan perkara yang penting.

E.     Grammar and Language Features

1.      simple past tense, simple past tense adalah menu utama dalam membuat teks biografi. sebuah bentuk sederhana kejadian yang terjadi di masa lampau. menggunakan bentuk kata kerja kedua (verb 2)..

  • Harry Edward Styles was born in Redditch, Worcestershire on 1 February 1994.
  • He is the son of Anne Cox (née Selley) and Desmond “Des” Styles, who worked in finance.
  • Many of his ancestors were farm laborers in Norfolk.
  • Styles was raised in Holmes Chapel, Cheshire after his parents moved there along with his older sister, Gemma, when he was a child.
  • He attended Holmes Chapel Comprehensive School.

2.        Temporal Sequence and Temporal Conjunction.

Sebagai penghubung antara satu kalimat dengan kalimat lain dalam urutan waktu.

-           Temporal Sequence (urutan waktu)

-           Temporal Conjunction (konjungsi temporal).

-           Styles’ parents divorced when he was seven and his mother later was remarried to Robin Twist; he died in 2017.

3.      Focus on Specific participants

Use of action verbs. menjelaskan sesuatu hal yang secara aktif dilakukan oleh tokoh dengan menggunakan beberapa kata kerja dalam bentuk v2 atau past form. contoh:, ·         styles  launched  his own record label, erskine records, in may and he  signed  a recording contract with columbia records as a solo artist, the same label behind one direction, in june., ·         styles  wrote  the song “someday” in collaboration with meghan trainor for michael bublé’s album nobody but me,  released  in october., f.     types of biography.

  • Short Biography  (focuses only on highlights of a person’s life)
  • Long Biography  (about life and times of someone in a lot more detail)

G.      Example Of Biography

soal biography text kelas 11

–    Sukarno was the first president of Indonesia. He was born in 6 June 1901 and died in 21 June 1970. He led his country to fight against Netherlands and the man who proclaimed the independence. Sukarno was a prominent leader of nationalist movement during the colonial period. He spent more than a decade under the detention before released by the Japanese force.

–    Ir. Sukarno and all his nationalist fellows collaborated to collect support in spreading nationalist ideas. When Japan surrender the Indonesian independence was declared by Sukarno and Mohammad Hatta on 17 August 1945. At the same time, Sukarno was appointed as the president and Mohammad Hatta as vice president. After became president, Sukarno had to fight once again against resisting Dutch re-colonization efforts.

–    After parliamentary democracy chaos in 1957, Sukarno put an autocratic system called Guided Democracy. It successfully ended the rebellions and instability which were threatening the country. In the early 1960s, Sukarno brought the country to the Soviet by giving protection and support to the Indonesian Communist Party. Unfortunately, the 30 September movement in 1965 ended the communist era and Sukarno’s position as president was replaced by Suharto, the man who became president for 32 years. After Suharto in charged, Sukarno was exiled to Bogor and spent the rest of his life there.

Jadi, ketika kalian ingin membuat sebuah  Biografi  tentang seseorang, maka sudah pasti kalian akan menceritakan sejarah tentang apa yang telah diperbuat pada masa lampau. Hubungan masa lampau dengan  Recount  sangat erat sekali. Hal ini disebabkan karena  Recount Text  adalah sebuah text yang menggunakan  Simple Past Tense  sebagai menu utama dalam pembuatan kalimat.  Simple Past Tense  itu sendiri adalah salah satu jenis English Tenses yang  berfungsi untuk mengungkapkan kejadian pada masa lalu dan sudah tidak dirasakan pada saat ini.

Langkah jitu yang harus kalian tempuh dalam membuat  Biografi  dalam Bahasa Inggris adalah:

  • Pelajari  Simple Past Tense
  • Pelajari tentang  Recount Text  (Karena akan ada hubungan yang signifikan antara  Recount Text  terhadap  Biografi  yang akan kalian buat)

Heni Mz 2023-05-08 Tags: SMK Kelas XI


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Mr and Mrs. Joseph Sembiring Invite you to share the joy of the marriage uniting their daughter Alice Sembiring To Jeffry Sitorus Friday, the thirthteenth of June two thousand and eight At three o'clock in the afternoon Gajah Wong Restaurant JI. Affandi Yogyakarta

The purpose of the text is to invite you ....

To attend Mr and Mrs Sembiring's marriage.

To unite Alice an Jeffry in a wedding party.

To attend Alice and Jeffry's wedding party

To marry with Mr and Mrs Sembiring

To attend marriage anniversary of Mr and Mrs. SEmbiring

Which statement is TRUE based on text?

The party will be held on june 30th, 2008.

Jeffry Sitorus is Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sembiring's son.

The party will be sponsored by Gajah Wong Restaurant.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sembiring will celebrate their anniversary.

The party will be held on june 13th, 2008.








Where is the party?

At a garden.

Kahfi Residence

Suhito Home

The party will be held ....

In the morning

At Mid night.

In the afternoon

In the evening.

Please join us

In celebrating the graduation of:


Sunday, November 30th, 2017

Abdul Wahid Avenue 56 Bondowoso

Mr. and Mrs. Sudjiatmojo Please

RSVP by November 28th, 2017

Desi – 085739999789

Which statement is true based on the text?

Mr. and Mrs. Sudjiatmojo held this party for themselves.

Yuniar Bestiana has just finished her postgraduate study.

People should call Desi to see Yuniar Bestiana

This party will be held for Desi

If you don’t want to attend the invitation just calling Mr. Sudjiatmojo

The"In celebrating the graduation of" The underlined word has closest meaning with ....

Read the following text !

Soft and sweet, a state of bliss

Our mommy-to be is expecting a girl

Let's shower Desi Bestiana with love

Friday, December 19th, 2017

RSVP by December 16th, 2017-11-27

Aditya – 083855576876

From the text we can infer that ....?

Desi Bestiana is going to deliver a baby

The party will be held in the morning.

Desi Bestiana has delivered a baby boy

Desi Bestiana is a mother to be

Read the following text to answer the question!

Our mommy to be is expecting a girl . What does the underlined word mean?


Waiting for

Read the following text to answer question.


SMP. Negri 137

JL Cempaka Putih Barat 15/26

Telp (021) 4244612

Dear Sabrina

We invite you to attend our meeting that will be held:

On Saturday, August 8,2017

At 01.30 p.m. – 02.30 p.m.

In the school hall

Agenda: final preparation for the 2015 PENSI competition please com on time, see your ther

Nazmi, Farhan

Secretary Chair Person

The meeting will be held?

On Sunday, August 8,2017.

On Friday, June 8,2017

On Saturday, June 8,2017

On Sunday, August 8,2017

Agenda: final preparation for the 2015 PENSI competition please com on time, see your there.

Based on the text, we know that .…

The meeting will be held in the school hall

If you could not come, you should call Nazmi

The meeting only invites the committee

 The meeting will be held in the morning

The meeting can be attended by teacher

I n all discussion over the removal of leaded vehicles from petrol (and atmosphere) there doesn’t seem to have been any mention of the difference between driving in the city and the country.

While I realize my leaded petrol car is polluting the air wherever I drive, I feel that when you travel through the country, where you only see another car every five to ten minutes, the problem is not as severe as when traffic is concentrated on city roads.

Those who want to penalize older, leaded petrol vehicles and their owners don’t seem to appreciate that in the country there is no public transport to fall back upon and one’s own vehicle is the only way to get about.

In conclusion, I feel that country people, who often have to travel huge distances to the nearest town and who already spend a great deal of money on petrol, should be treated differently to the people who live in the city.

What is the purpose of the text above?

To inform the readers.

To entertain the readers.

To persuade the readers.

To explain the readers.

To describe something.

By writing the text, what does the writer want the readers to believe that the government should do?

To discuss about the removal of leaded vehicle patrol.

To remove leaded vehicles from petrol.

To cancel the removal of the leaded vehicles from petrol.

To reconsider the removal of the leaded vehicles from petrol.

To mention the difference between treatment for people driving in the city and in the country.

Why does the writer say that penalizing older, leaded petrol vehicles and their owners donot seem to appreciate those in the country?

Because there are a lot of vehicles owners in the country.

Because there are a lot of public transports in the country.

Because there is no vehicle in the country

Because there is no public transport in the country.

Because people in the country do not use petrol

Those who want to penalize older, leaded petrol vehicles and their owners don’t seem to appreciate … (paragraph 3)

The underlined word has similar meaning to ….

Which one of these following statements is the reiteration?

In all discussion over the removal of leaded vehicles from petrol (and atmosphere) there doesn’t seem to have been any mention of the difference between driving in the city and the country.

I feel that country people, who often have to travel huge distances to the nearest town and who already spend a great deal of money on petrol, should be treated differently to the people who live in the city.

none of them

Formalin ........ for human beings, but it is for biological specimens and experiments.

The citizen's bodies ............ badly contaminated with the poisons when they consume food preserved by formalin.

129 Jambu Street

January, 30 th 2017

(1) It was a real sorrow that I heard this morning of your great loss. I knew your mother was ill, for your brother told me several weeks ago. However, as he at that time did not seem to think the illness was very serious, the news of your mother’s death came to me as a shock. You have my sincere and heartfelt sympathy, my dear fellow, in your sorrow. I know you will feel it deeply, for you always thought so much of your mother and loved her so truly. I feel it also as a personal loss to me, for your mother was always very kind to me. Her death must be a terrible grief to your father, too. Please assure him of my sincere sympathy.

(2) Words, I know, are poor comforters. “The heart knows its own sorrow”, and in such sorrows we are always alone. However, it is not mere words when I say that I feel with you in your sorrow.

Your sincere friend,

Question: What kind of text is it?

Application letter

Formal letter

Invitation letter

Personal letter

Congratulation letter

.........are two books on the table.

First of all, I ...... like to Introduce my self to you.

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Kumpulan Soal Ulangan PIlihan Ganda Recount Text

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2 comments for "kumpulan soal ulangan pilihan ganda recount text".


soal biography text kelas 11


soal biography text kelas 11

Jawab Soal Bahasa Inggris Teks 'Making Sticker Signs', Kelas VII Kurikulum Merdeka

soal biography text kelas 11  - Pada buku  bahasa Inggris English for Nusantara Kurikulum Merdeka kelas VII, Chapter 3, Section 4, Part B, halaman 125 terdapat soal yang perlu kita kerjakan, Adjarian.

O iya, soal itu mengacu pada teks berjudul  "Making Sticker Signs".

Teks itu menceritakan Sinta dan keluarganya yang membuat stiker peringatan.

Stiker tersebut ditujukan kepada setiap anggota keluarga agar rumah tetap bersih dan rapi.

Nah, sekarang kita simak pembahasan soal tersebut bawah ini, yuk!

Pembahasan Soal Teks "Making Sticker Signs"

Instructions: Choose the correct answer by giving a check mark (V).

1. Why does Sinta want to make sticker signs?

Mengapa Sinta ingin membuat tanda stiker?

- To make her family house look big.

Agar rumah keluarganya terlihat besar.

- To make her family house look tidy.

Baca Juga: Jawab Soal Bahasa Inggris Teks 'Let's Clean Up!', Kelas VII Kurikulum Merdeka

Bahasa inggris

Pembahasan soal, making sticker signs, soal worksheet, promoted content, artikel terkait, jawab soal worksheet 3.30, buku bahasa inggris kurikulum merdeka english for nusantara kelas vii, section 5, part e, jawab soal worksheet 3.33, buku bahasa inggris kurikulum merdeka english for nusantara kelas vii, section 6, part c, jawab soal worksheet 3.34, buku bahasa inggris kurikulum merdeka english for nusantara kelas vii, 'tips to separate recycling items', jawab soal progress check 1 'text 1', buku bahasa inggris kurikulum merdeka english for nusantara kelas vii.

Lirik dan Makna Tembang Dolanan 'Tak Lelo Ledung' yang Dinyanyikan untuk Pengantar Tidur

Lirik dan Makna Tembang Dolanan 'Tak Lelo Ledung' yang Dinyanyikan untuk Pengantar Tidur

Tag populer, #kehidupan ekonomi, #kemerdekaan indonesia, #bahasa inggris, #sebab akibat, #aktivasi akun, #bahasa daerah, #jalur mandiri, #tembang dolanan, #bahasa jawa.

soal biography text kelas 11

25 Contoh Soal Informatika Kelas 10 Kurikulum Merdeka dan Kunci Jawabannya

Ilustrasi topologi jaringan komputer.

Kumpulan Soal Informatika Kelas 10 dan Jawabannya

Siswa SMP kelas 10 mempelajari mata pelajaran informatika sesuai kurikulum merdeka. Mata pelajaran ini juga akan diujikan pada ujian tengah semester, akhir semester, atau bahkan ulangan harian.

Berdasarkan informasi dari situs resmi SMAN 1 Ampek Angkek, mata pelajaran informatika merupakan materi wajib bagi siswa kelas 10. Sementara itu, bagi siswa kelas 11 dan 12, mata pelajaran ini merupakan pilihan siswa.

Dirangkum dari buku Panduan Guru Informatika karya Wahyono dkk, di antara topik yang akan dipelajari siswa kelas 10 kurikulum merdeka adalah analisis data, algoritma dan pemrograman, berpikir komputasional, dan sistem komputer.



Supaya lebih paham, sebaiknya detikers berlatih mempelajari soal-soalnya. Di bawah ini telah detikJogja siapkan beberapa contohnya.

Soal-soalnya berikut ini diambil dari modul Dampak Sosial Informatika oleh Ayu Nurul Fadillah, modul Sistem Komputer dan Jaringan oleh Wijayanto, modul Memproteksi Data saat Menggunakan Internet yang ada dalam situs SMA Negeri 1 Parakan, buku Informatika SMK Kelas X oleh Kusmadi dkk, buku Informatika untuk SMA kelas X oleh Wahyono dkk, dan modul Jaringan Komputer Dasar terbitan Yayasan Manba El-Khair.

1. Jurusan informatika yang direkomendasikan untuk dipilih bagi yang menyukai kegiatan yang lebih bersifat 'sosial' dengan interaksi kepada manusia lain tetapi juga menikmati ilmu komputer adalah...

A. Teknik komputer B. Sistem informasi C. Teknik informatika D. Hubungan internasional E. Manajemen bisnis

2. Berikut adalah bidang pekerjaan dengan spesialisasi dalam hal web developer, kecuali...

A. Webmaster dan senior web developer B. Front end developer dan web developer C. Web administrator dan senior web administrator D. Front end developer dan technical engineering E. Web developer dan web administrator

3. Google-IT Support adalah salah satu sertifikasi IT bagi seseorang yang ingin mengembangkan dirinya dengan profesi sebagai...

A. Developer B. Programmer C. Helpdesk D. Mobile developer E. System analyst

4. Programmer dan developer adalah dua jenis pekerjaan dalam bidang informatika yang berbeda. Pernyataan yang kurang tepat tentang keduanya di bawah ini adalah...

A. Setiap programmer yang hebat sudah dipastikan bisa menjadi seorang developer. B. Baik programmer maupun developer memiliki tugas yang berhubungan dengan coding C. Seorang developer adalah seorang programmer D. Developer memiliki salah satu tugasnya adalah mendesain perangkat lunak E. Developer memiliki salah satu tugasnya adalah melakukan pengembangan sistem

5. Berikut adalah beberapa mata pelajaran dasar teknik informatika, kecuali...

A. Rekayasa perangkat lunak, basis data, dan logika informatika B. Pemrograman internet, kalkulus, dan rekayasa perangkat lunak C. Algoritma dan struktur data, kriptografi, dan teori komputasi D. Etika dan hukum cyber, pemrograman berorientasi objek, dan data mining E. Database dan sistem informasi, artificial intelligence, dan robotic

6. Bagi seseorang yang ingin mengembangkan karirnya di dalam pengembangan komputasi awan, berikut adalah pilihan sertifikasi yang mesti ditempuh, kecuali...

A. Microsoft-Certified System Engineer Private Cloud (MCSE) B. Vmware-Certified Professional 6-Data Center Virtualization C. Google-Cloud Certifications D. Amazon-Web Services Certified Solutions Architect (AWS-CSA) E. Microsoft-SQL Server Certifications

7. Tanggung jawab dari keseluruhan perencanaan dan pelaksanaan sebuah proyek ada di pundak seorang...

A. System analyst B. System engineer C. Project manager D. Programmer E. Staff EDP

8. Seorang system analyst mempunyai tugas utama...

A. Merubah sistem B. Mengembangkan aplikasi dan database C. Merancang sistem D. Menginput data E. Membuat program

9. Yang bukan merupakan perangkat masukan (input device) dari kumpulan nama perangkat keras berikut ini adalah...

A. Keyboard B. Mic C. Scanner D. Mouse E. Monitor

10. Pilihlah yang bukan merupakan perangkat keluaran (output device) dari kumpulan nama perangkat keras berikut ini:

A. Monitor B. Web camera C. Printer D. Lcd projector E. Speaker

11. Microsoft Windows merupakan sistem operasi komputer yang berbasis...

A. Graphical Universal Interface B. Picture User Interface C. Text User Interface D. Graphical and Picture Interface E. Graphic User Interface

12. Kemampuan komputer dalam melakukan berbagai pekerjaan secara bersamaan disebut dengan...

A. Multitalent B. Multimedia C. Multitasking D. Collaboration E. System tax

13. Jika komputer dinyalakan, sebuah inisial program di boot sector akan dijalankan. Virus yang berada di boot sector disebut dengan...

A. Boot virus B. Multipartite virus C. File virus D. Macro virus E. Trojan horse

14. Segala sesuatu yang menyangkut keamanan dikenal dengan istilah...

A. Komputer B. Security C. Hardware D. Brainware E. Software

15. Sistem komputer terbagi menjadi 3 elemen, yaitu:

A. Programming, brainware, dan system operasi B. Brainware, hardware, dan programming C. Hardware, software, dan brainware D. Sistem operasi, hardware, dan brainware E. Hardware, brainware, dan system operasi

16. Era teknologi saat ini, kehadiran internet dalam kebutuhan sehari-hari sangat dibutuhkan. Apalagi di masa pandemi sekarang, internet dan perangkatnya merupakan satu kesatuan utuh yang tidak terpisahkan. Semua aktivitas membutuhkan internet, salah satunya belajar online dimana kegiatan tatap muka ditiadakan. Dibutuhkan suatu keamanan data terhadap perangkat yang terkoneksi dengan internet. Salah satu alasan dari pentingnya memproteksi data pribadi pada saat terhubung dengan internet adalah :

A. Mencegah pencemaran nama baik B. Harga data sangat mahal C. Jaringan internet yang terputus-putus D. Perangkat yang digunakan harganya murah E. Kuota internet yang terbatas

17. Yang dimaksud dengan proposisi majemuk adalah...

A. Proposisi yang terdiri atas satu subjek dan dua predikat atau bisa juga terdiri atas dua proposisi tunggal. B. Proposisi yang memiliki banyak bentuk baik tujuan maupun artinya C. Kalimat yang memiliki tujuan positif dan terstruktur D. Kalimat yang terdiri dari 2 proposisi dan memiliki tujuan positif E. Kalimat yang memiliki tujuan positif dan memiliki banyak bentuk

18. Indonesia merupakan negara tropis yang memiliki 2 musim, yaitu musim hujan dan musim kemarau. Ketika musim kemarau tiba, banyak sawah yang kekeringan karena kekurangan air. Implikasi dari kalimat tersebut yang benar adalah...

A. Jika musim kemarau tiba, banyak sawah mengalami kekeringan karena kekurangan air B. Jika musim kemarau tiba, tanaman di sawah tumbuh subur C. Jika musim hujan tiba, banyak sawah mengalami kekeringan karena kekurangan air D. Jika musim hujan tiba, banyak sawah kebanjiran karena banyaknya curah hujan yang turun E. Jika Indonesia memiliki 2 musim, maka petani dapat menanam padi di sawah dengan bahagia

19. Berapakah nilai biner dari 125 (10)?

A. 1111101 B. 1111001 C. 1100111 D. 1000111 E. 1010101

20. Konektivitas internet berkabel yang memanfaatkan jaringan kabel telepon untuk terhubung dengan jaringan internet antara lain ialah...

A. Dial-up dan GPRS B. ADSL dan Dial-up C. GRPS dan TV Kabel D. Satelit dan Wifi

21. Berikut ini yang merupakan perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak jaringan komputer yaitu...

A. Bluetooth, inframerah, dan windows office B. Hub, modem, dan mikrotik C. Switch, kabel jaringan, dan MS access D. Server, mikrotik, dan pointer

22. Salah satu kelebihan jaringan kabel dibandingkan jaringan nirkabel yaitu?

A. Lebih aman dari gangguan sinyal dari luar B. Lebih fleksibel C. Lebih mudah dalam proses instalasi D. Lebih mudah dalam pemeliharaan

23. Berikut ini yang merupakan keuntungan yang diperoleh dari pemanfaatan jaringan komputer, kecuali...

A. Mempercepat arus informasi B. Mengurangi risiko kerusakan perangkat C. Memudahkan komunikasi antar divisi D. Penghematan biaya

24. Apa fungsi utama dari protokol TCP/IP dalam jaringan komputer?

A. Menghubungkan komputer dengan perangkat keras lainnya B. Mengatur dan mengelola pengiriman data antarkomputer C. Menyimpan data dalam jaringan D. Mengontrol akses pengguna ke jaringan E. Menyediakan antarmuka pengguna grafis

25. Jenis topologi jaringan yang semua perangkat terhubung ke satu kabel utama disebut:

A. Topologi bintang B. Topologi cincin C. Topologi bus D. Topologi mesh E. Topologi pohon

Demikian 25 contoh soal informatika kelas 10 kurikulum merdeka dan kunci jawabannya. Semoga bermanfaat!

Tanggal 8 Juni 2024 Puasa Apa? Ini Niat, Hukum, dan Keutamaannya

Idul adha 2024 versi pemerintah, muhammadiyah, dan nu serentak 17 juni, pemerintah tetapkan idul adha 10 dzulhijjah 1445 h jatuh pada 17 juni 2024, bacaan niat puasa dzulhijjah sekaligus qadha ramadhan.

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Komentar terbanyak, detik-detik ojol lari dengan bahu tertancap celurit usai dibacok di bantul, busyro soal izin ormas kelola tambang: muhammadiyah belum rapat, atensi jokowi soal kasus vina cirebon, berita terpopuler, renungan harian katolik sabtu 8 juni 2024 dengan bacaannya: tak bernoda, ibu bekerja kini bisa dapat cuti 6 bulan asal memenuhi syarat ini, bolehkah puasa dzulhijjah sekaligus qadha ramadhan ini ketentuannya, sinopsis film follow me, petualangan vlogger berujung mimpi buruk, senangnya penggemar nonton konser westlife di jogja: sampai nangis.

soal biography text kelas 11


  1. 50 Contoh Soal Recount Text Biography Dan Jawaban

    soal biography text kelas 11

  2. contoh soal biography text pilihan ganda beserta jawabannya Soal

    soal biography text kelas 11

  3. Soal Biography Text

    soal biography text kelas 11

  4. contoh soal biography text pilihan ganda beserta jawabannya Soal

    soal biography text kelas 11

  5. Contoh Soal Recount Text Biography Bj Habibie

    soal biography text kelas 11

  6. Latihan Soal Report Text Kelas 11 Smk

    soal biography text kelas 11


  1. Latihan Soal Biologi Kelas 11 Bab 1 Struktur dan Fungsi sel #sel #biologi #kelas11

  2. Biography Text


  4. tugas bahasa inggris biography text

  5. biography text I slebewwww

  6. biography text hanan attaki


  1. 50 Contoh Soal Recount Text Biography dan Jawaban

    Web ini menyediakan 50 soal recount text tentang biografi seseorang yang terkenal beserta jawabannya. Soal-soal ini memiliki tujuan, pengaturan paragraf, ciri-ciri kebahasaan, dan kategori tingkat kognitif yang dapat dijelaskan.

  2. Pengertian Biography Text: Contoh, Rumus, Soal dan Jawabannya

    Belajar tentang biography text, teks biografi yang menggambarkan riwayat hidup seseorang secara nyata dan dari sudut pandang yang lain. Lihat contoh, rumus, dan soal-soal biography text dengan jawabannya di sini.

  3. Pembahasan, Contoh dan Latihan Soal Biography Text Bahasa Inggris

    Semoga pembahasan dan contoh soal- soal biography text diatas bisa menjadi referensi dalam belajar khususnya dalam menghadapi Ujian nasional mendatang. Bila tulisan ini bermanfaat, silahkan bagikan ke teman- teman anda semua. ... Kelas 11 SMA/ SMK Semester 2 Bab 1 Wirausaha Kerajinan dari Bahan Limbah Berbentuk Bangun Ruang. Salam. Hai sahabat ...

  4. Biography Text

    C. Contoh Biography Text. B.J. Habibie, in full Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie, (born June 25, 1936, Parepare, Indonesia—died September 11, 2019, Jakarta), Indonesian aircraft engineer and politician who was president of Indonesia (1998-99) and a leader in the country's technological and economic development in the late 20th and early 21st ...

  5. √ 50 Contoh Soal Essay Teks Biografi dan Jawabannya

    50 Contoh Soal Essay Teks Biografi dan Jawabannya. Hallo adik-adik semua, bagaimana kabarnya? Kakak harap kalian semua sehat-sehat selalu ya. Dalam kesempatan ini kakak akan memberikan contoh soal essay teks biografi beserta jawabannya. Kumpulan soal uraian biografi yang kakak bagikan bisa untuk kelas 7, kelas 8, kelas 9, kelas 10, kelas 11 ...

  6. 25+ Soal Teks Biografi Pilihan Ganda dan Jawaban

    Contoh Soal Teks Biografi Pilihan Ganda dan Kunci Jawaban - Teks Biografi merupakan suatu tulisan yang mengulas mengenai kehidupan seseorang ... 11 - 25 Soal Teks Biografi Pilihan Ganda dan Kunci Jawaban. 11. Berikut yang termasuk dalam struktur pembuatan tks biografi adalah…. a. Kontribusi. b. Penilaian. c. Nilai teladan. d. Reorientasi ...

  7. Biography text

    1 pt. What is biography text? a detailed description or account of a person's life and written by someone else. a text which presents information about something, as it is. It is as a result of systematic observation and analyses. a text that elaborates the writer's opinion on phenomena or issues without persuading the reader to do something.

  8. 8 Soal (Essay) Teks Biografi Beserta Jawaban

    Langkah-Langkah Menulis Teks Biografi. 1. Menentukan tokoh/seseorang yang akan ditulis kisah hidupnya (dibiografikan). 2. Membuat kerangka teks untuk membuat teks biografi. 3.Kumpulkan semua informasi tentang tokoh yang akan ditulis. Kalian dapat mendapatkan informasi secara langsung, yakni melalui wawancara.

  9. Soal latihan biography text exercise

    Soal latihan biography text Soal latihan biography text. Loading ad... ALIANI. Member for 2 years 9 months ... Language: Indonesian (id) ID: 1595657. 02/11/2021. Country code: ID. Country: Indonesia. School subject: Bahasa Inggris Lintas Minat (1053122) Main content: Soal latihan biography text (1918455) From worksheet author:

  10. Latihan Soal Biography Text Dalam Bahasa Inggris Pilihan ...

    Latihan Soal Biography Text Dalam Bahasa Inggris Pilihan Ganda Disertai Pembahasan dan JawabanDi sini juga dilengkapi dengan tips mengerjakan soal Biography ...

  11. Biography Text

    Biography Text. 1. Multiple Choice. Habibie started his real career in Germany Aircraft Industries by becoming the Head of Research and Development of Structure Analysis in Hamburg, Germany (1965-1969). Later, he became the Vice President and Technology Director of MBB Gmbh, Hamburg and Munchen (1973-1978), and Technology Senior Advisor to the ...

  12. Materi Biography Kelas XI Semester 2

    Beberapa karakteristik biography adalah sebagai berikut! 1. Biography ditulis oleh orang lain. Biography tidak ditulis oleh diri sendiri, dimana seseorang yang ingin membuat biography berarti harus membuat kisah dari orang lain. Untuk membuatnya, anda bisa menggunakan sudut pandang orang ketiga. 2. Dibuat berdasarkan fakta.

  13. Biography Recount Text

    Teks BiografiRecount textteks dalam video ini diadopsi dari

  14. Soal Biography Text

    SOAL BIOGRAPHY TEXT - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. General Sudirman was the first commander-in-chief of the Indonesian Armed Forces who led military activities against British and Dutch forces during the Indonesian revolution. He was chosen as commander at age 24 in 1945 and led operations throughout Java until ...

  15. 7 Contoh Biography Text Beserta Penjelasan Dan Rumusnya

    Yuk simakl contoh biography text bahasa Inggris beserta penjelasan dan rumus atau strukturnya! ... She was born on 4 December 1884 and died on 11 September 1947. The most important acts she made were when she founded the first school for women. ... Kelas B2B +62 812-1509-5776; [email protected]; Hotline +62 812-3112-2250; [email protected];

  16. Penjelasan Dan Contoh Biography Text Terlengkap

    Orientation. Thomas Alva Edison as Inventor who was born on February 11, 1847, in Milan, Ohio. Thomas Edison was the youngest of seven children Samuel and Edison. His father was an exiled political activist, while his mother was an accomplished school teacher and had a great influence on Thomas' early life.

  17. Soal-soal XI

    Victoria Caroline Beckham is an English singer-songwriter, dancer, model, actress, fashion designer and businesswoman. She was born on April 17, 1974, in Essex, England. She became famous in the 1990's with the pop group "The Spice Girls" and was known as Posh Spice. In 1999, she married the Manchester United and England footballer, David ...

  18. Pembahasan & Soal Materi Biography text

    Jawab semua soal sulitmu seputar Biography text dengan pembahasan dari Master Teacher Ruangguru. Cek di Roboguru sekarang! SD SMP. SMA. UTBK/SNBT. Produk Ruangguru. Topik: Biography text. Urutkan. Terbaru Terpopuler. Urutkan. Tidak ada soal yang dapat ditampilkan. 1. RUANGGURU HQ. Jl. Dr. Saharjo No.161, Manggarai Selatan, Tebet, Kota Jakarta ...

  19. Contoh Soal dan Jawaban Materi Bahasa Inggris Biography Text

    Contoh Soal dan Jawaban Materi Bahasa Inggris Biography Text. By Aldita Prafitasari, Kamis, 10 Maret 2022 | 18:30 WIB. Menjawab soal pemahaman setelah membaca teks tentang B.J. Habibie buku bahasa Inggris kelas X Chapter 11. (Tangkapan layar buku Bahasa Inggris Kelas X Edisi Revisi 2016)

  20. 50 Kunci Jawaban Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 Semester 2 Tahun ...

    TRIBUNSTYLE.COM - Berikut 50 contoh soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 11 semester 2 dalam menghadapi ujian kenaikan kelas tahun 2024. Soal-soal berikut dapat digunakan sebagai latihan untuk menghadapi SAT ...

  21. 27 Contoh Soal Recount Text Peristiwa Sejarah dan Jawaban

    Recount Text Sejarah 1. Bandung as Sea of Fire was a fire that occurred in the city of Bandung on March 24, 1946. Within seven hours, about 200,000 residents of Bandung burned their homes. British troops as part of the Brigade MacDonald arrived in Bandung on October 12, 1945. Bandung was deliberately burned by TRI and local people.

  22. Biography Text SMK Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI

    A Biography Text. Biografi adalah kisah atau keterangan tentang kehidupan seseorang. Sebuah biografi lebih kompleks daripada sekadar daftar riwayat hidup dan data-data pekerjaan seseorang, biografi juga bercerita tentang perasaan yang terlibat dalam mengalami kejadian-kejadian tersebut.Dalam biografi tersebut dijelaskan secara lengkap kehidupan seorang tokoh sejak kecil sampai tua, bahkan ...


    SOAL BAHASA INGGRIS KELAS XI. 1. Multiple Choice. Text 1. Mr and Mrs. Joseph Sembiring Invite you to share the joy of the marriage uniting their daughter Alice Sembiring To Jeffry Sitorus Friday, the thirthteenth of June two thousand and eight At three o'clock in the afternoon Gajah Wong Restaurant JI. Affandi Yogyakarta.

  24. Kumpulan Soal Ulangan PIlihan Ganda Recount Text

    SMP Kelas VIII. Kumpulan Soal Ulangan PIlihan Ganda Recount Text Oleh DBI 2 comments Berikut adalah contoh soal ulangan recount text pilihan ganda. Soal berikut terdiri dari 20 nomor soal pilihan ganda. ... Text for number 11-15. Ban Ki-moon became the eighth UN General Secretary in 2006. Before then, he was a diplomat in South Korea, where he ...

  25. 20 Contoh Soal PAS Biologi Kelas 11 Semester 2 Kurikulum ...

    Contoh Soal PAS Biologi Kelas 11 Semester 2 dan Jawaban. 1. Berikut beberapa pemicu kondisi sistem ketahanan manusia menurun, kecuali... A. Paparan zat berbahaya. B. Perubahan kondisi seluler. C. Infeksi mikroorganisme. D. Keturunan. ADVERTISEMENT.

  26. Jawab Soal Bahasa Inggris Teks 'Making Sticker Signs', Kelas VII - Pada buku bahasa Inggris English for Nusantara Kurikulum Merdeka kelas VII, Chapter 3, Section 4, Part B, halaman 125 terdapat soal yang perlu kita kerjakan, Adjarian.. O iya, soal itu mengacu pada teks berjudul "Making Sticker Signs".. Teks itu menceritakan Sinta dan keluarganya yang membuat stiker peringatan. Stiker tersebut ditujukan kepada setiap anggota keluarga agar rumah ...

  27. 25 Contoh Soal Informatika Kelas 10 Kurikulum Merdeka dan ...

    Kumpulan Soal Informatika Kelas 10 dan Jawabannya. Soal-soalnya berikut ini diambil dari modul Dampak Sosial Informatika oleh Ayu Nurul Fadillah, modul Sistem Komputer dan Jaringan oleh Wijayanto, modul Memproteksi Data saat Menggunakan Internet yang ada dalam situs SMA Negeri 1 Parakan, buku Informatika SMK Kelas X oleh Kusmadi dkk, buku Informatika untuk SMA kelas X oleh Wahyono dkk, dan ...