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Story Writing For Class 8

Story Writing For Class 8 Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises

Story writing for class 8 with moral.

Story writing is an essential component of the curriculum for students in Class 8. It helps students to develop their creative writing skills and express their thoughts and ideas in a structured and coherent manner. Story writing for Class 8 involves a specific format, examples, topics, and exercises that students need to follow to produce a well-written piece of work.

The format of story writing for Class 8 includes a few essential elements such as characters, setting, plot, conflict, and resolution. Students need to create interesting and relatable characters that are central to the story. The setting of the story should be described in sufficient detail to provide a clear picture of the time and place where the story is set. The plot should be simple yet engaging, and the conflict should be well-defined to keep the reader interested. Finally, the story should have a satisfactory resolution that ties up all loose ends and brings the story to a satisfying conclusion.

To help students improve their story-writing skills, there are various topics and exercises that they can work on. Choosing a topic that interests them or that they feel passionate about is the first step. Students can then develop their characters, create a plot, and work on the conflict and resolution. With regular practice and guidance from their teachers, students can improve their story-writing skills and produce engaging and well-written stories.

Also Check: Story Writing for Class 9

Understanding Story Writing For Class 8

Story writing is a form of creative writing that involves narrating a series of events that lead to a problem, the progression of the same, and the end result that has led to the current situation of the characters in the story. A good story usually has a beginning, middle, and end, with a plot that is interesting and engaging.

In class 8, students are introduced to story writing as part of their English language curriculum. It is an essential skill that helps them develop their creativity, imagination, and communication skills. To write a good story, students need to understand the basic components of a story such as characters, setting, plot, conflict, and resolution.

A story typically has the following components:

Characters are the people or animals that the story revolves around. They can be real or fictional, and they play a crucial role in the story. The writer needs to create interesting and relatable characters that the readers can connect with.

The setting is the time and place where the story takes place. It can be a real or fictional location, and it helps to create the mood and atmosphere of the story.

The plot is the sequence of events that make up the story. It includes the introduction, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.

Conflict is the problem or challenge that the characters face in the story. It can be internal or external and is an essential element in creating tension and drama in the story.

The resolution is the outcome of the conflict. It brings the story to a satisfying conclusion and ties up any loose ends.

To write a good story, students need to develop their imagination, creativity, and writing skills. They can practice by choosing a topic that interests them, developing their characters, and creating a plot that is engaging and exciting. With practice and guidance, students can become skilled storytellers and develop their writing skills.

Format Of Story Writing For Class 8

Story writing is an art that requires creativity and imagination. It is essential to follow a proper format while writing a story to make it more engaging and interesting. The format of story writing consists of three main parts: Beginning, Middle, and End.

The beginning of a story is the most crucial part as it sets the tone for the rest of the story. It must be captivating and interesting enough to grab the reader’s attention. The beginning should introduce the main character and the setting of the story. It should also establish the conflict or problem that the character will face.

The middle part of the story is where the conflict or problem is addressed. This is where the character faces challenges and obstacles that need to be overcome. The middle part of the story should be well-structured and logical to keep the reader engaged. It should also include a rising action that builds up to the climax of the story.

The end of the story is where the conflict or problem is resolved. It should provide a satisfying conclusion to the story. The ending should tie up all loose ends and provide a sense of closure to the reader. It should also leave the reader with a lasting impression.

Here is an example of how the format of story writing can be structured:

By following the proper format of story writing, one can create a well-structured and engaging story that will captivate the reader’s attention.

Examples Of Story Writing For Class 8

Class 8 students can use a variety of topics and themes to write their own stories. Here are a few examples of story writing that may help students generate ideas:

Example 1: The Foolish Villager

Once upon a time, there lived a foolish villager who could easily be cheated by anyone. One day, he was going to the weekly market to sell his horse and goat. He hung a bell from the collar around the goat’s neck. As he was walking, he met a clever thief who tricked him into selling the goat for a low price. The foolish villager regretted his mistake and learned a valuable lesson.

Example 2: The Mysterious Island

A group of friends went on a boating trip and got lost in the middle of the ocean. They stumbled upon a mysterious island that was not marked on any map. As they explored the island, they found strange creatures and hidden treasures. However, they soon realized that the island was cursed and they had to find a way to escape before it was too late.

Example 3: The Brave Soldier

During a war, a brave soldier was separated from his battalion and lost in enemy territory. He had to use all his training and skills to survive and make his way back to his comrades. Along the way, he met a group of civilians who were also trying to escape the warzone. The soldier risked his life to protect them and lead them to safety.

These are just a few examples of the many stories that Class 8 students can write. By using their imagination and creativity, they can come up with unique and engaging stories that will captivate their readers.

Topics For Story Writing For Class 8

Class 8 students can choose from a wide range of topics for their story writing assignments. The following are some popular topics that can help students create interesting and engaging stories:

  • Personal Experiences: Students can write about their own experiences, such as a memorable trip, a challenging situation, or a special event. These stories can be fictionalized to make them more interesting.
  • Fictional Stories: Students can create their own fictional stories, such as a mystery, a romance, or a sci-fi adventure. They can develop their own characters, plot, and setting to make the story more engaging.
  • Historical Events: Students can write about historical events, such as the American Revolution, the Civil War, or World War II. They can research the event and create a story based on real-life characters and events.
  • Social Issues: Students can write about social issues that they care about, such as poverty, racism, or climate change. They can create a story that raises awareness about the issue and inspires readers to take action.
  • Mythical Creatures: Students can create a story that involves mythical creatures, such as dragons, unicorns, or mermaids. They can develop their own world and characters to make the story more imaginative.

When choosing a topic, students should consider their interests, their audience, and the purpose of the story. They should also think about the characters, plot, and setting, and how they can make the story engaging and memorable.

Topics For Story Writing For Class 8

Exercises For Story Writing For Class 8

Story writing is an art that requires creativity, imagination, and practice. To help students develop their skills in this area, here are some exercises that can be done to improve their story-writing abilities.

Developing Characters

The characters in a story play a crucial role in making it interesting and engaging. To develop characters, students can try the following exercises:

  • Create a character profile: This involves writing down details about the character’s appearance, personality, background, and motivations. This will help students understand their characters better and make them more relatable to the readers.
  • Write a dialogue: This exercise involves writing a conversation between two characters. This will help students understand their characters’ personalities and how they interact with each other.
  • Create a character sketch: This exercise involves drawing a picture of the character. This will help students visualize their characters and make them more real.

Setting Scene

The setting of a story is an important element that helps to create the mood and atmosphere of the story. To create an effective setting, students can try the following exercises:

  • Describe a place: This exercise involves writing a detailed description of a place. This will help students visualize the setting and make it more vivid for the readers.
  • Use sensory details: This exercise involves using sensory details such as smells, sounds, and textures to create a more immersive setting. This will help students create a more engaging story that will captivate the readers.
  • Create a map: This exercise involves creating a map of the setting. This will help students visualize the layout of the place and make it more real.

Creating Plot

The plot of a story is the sequence of events that make up the story. To create a compelling plot, students can try the following exercises:

  • Write a summary: This exercise involves writing a brief summary of the story. This will help students identify the main events and plot points of the story.
  • Create a plot diagram: This exercise involves creating a diagram of the story’s plot. This will help students visualize the structure of the story and make it easier to follow.
  • Use conflict: This exercise involves introducing conflict into the story. This will help students create tension and suspense that will keep the readers engaged.

Overall, these exercises can help students develop their story writing skills and create more engaging and interesting stories. With practice and dedication, students can become skilled storytellers and captivate their readers with their writing.

Tips For Effective Story Writing For Class 8

Use of imagery.

Imagery is an essential element of effective story writing. It helps to create a vivid mental picture of the narrative in the reader’s mind. It is important to use descriptive language that appeals to the senses of the reader. This could include the use of metaphors, similes, and other literary devices to create a more immersive experience for the reader.

Character Development

Developing relatable characters is crucial for a good story. The characters should have a backstory, personality traits, and motivations that the reader can identify with. It’s important to create a balance between the protagonist and antagonist, and to ensure that all characters are fully fleshed out. This helps to create a more engaging and believable story.

Setting Description

The setting of a story plays a significant role in the narrative. It helps to create the atmosphere and mood of the story. It’s important to provide a detailed description of the setting, including the time and place, to help the reader visualize the story. This could include the use of sensory language to describe the ambiance, weather, and other elements that contribute to the setting.

In summary, effective story writing requires the use of imagery, character development, and setting description. These elements help to create a more immersive and engaging experience for the reader. By following these tips, writers can create compelling stories that captivate their audience.

Recommended Reading: Story Writing For Class 8

Conclusion On Story Writing For Class 8

In conclusion, Story Writing for Class 8 is an essential skill that students must master to become proficient writers. By understanding the writing format, exploring different examples, and practicing various exercises, students can develop their abilities to write engaging stories.

Through story writing, students can enhance their creativity, imagination, and communication skills. Story writing provides an excellent opportunity for students to express their thoughts, emotions, and experiences in a structured and organized manner. It also enables them to develop their critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.

The examples and exercises provided in this article can serve as a starting point for students to hone their story writing skills. By following the format guidelines, incorporating relevant details, and using appropriate language, students can create compelling stories that captivate their readers.

Overall, mastering story writing for Class 8 is a crucial step towards becoming a proficient writer. With practice and dedication, students can develop their skills and create stories that leave a lasting impression on their readers.

  • Story Writing

Story Writing - Explore Components, Format, How to Write and Examples

Are you thinking of trying your hand at story writing? Is story writing your new hobby? If you are, here is a chance to learn about all that will aid your story writing process. To ensure and make it possible for you to write a story on your own, this article will walk you through everything you will have to consider when sitting down to write a story.

Table of Contents

What is story writing, components of a story.

  • Format of a Story

Structuring Your Story – Guidelines to Writing a Good Story

Tips to become a pro, sample story, frequently asked questions on story writing.

Story writing refers to the method of writing in which the writer narrates a series of events that has led to a problem, the progression of the same and the end result that has led to the current situation of the characters in the story. A story can be about a real or fictional incident including real-life or imaginary characters.

In schools, as part of the English language learning process, students are made to write stories. This is done to improve both the language skills as well as the students’ creative thinking skills. Story writing can turn out to be an interesting hobby once you experience the pleasure of developing a story. Learning to write a well-knit story can be made possible if you know the different components of a story and how to structure it.

Is there anyone who does not like reading or listening to stories? As children, all of us must have gone to sleep listening to some bedtime stories narrated by our parents, grandparents or siblings, haven’t you? Now, have you ever wanted to write an exciting story just like the one you heard or read? Have you tried to analyse the components that make up the story? Any idea what the components are?

Every story is expected to have the five components namely,

In addition to these, a story has a point of view in which it is narrated or portrayed and a style in which it is written. Let us now look at each of the components in detail.

No story is complete without a character. Every story would either revolve around multiple characters or a single character. Characters drive the story. Having strong characters of all types (funny, serious, clever, innocent, etc.) is what will make the story interesting and intriguing.

The term ‘setting’ refers to the physical surroundings in which the story takes place. The whereabouts of the characters might also contribute to the setting of the story. The setting of a story can be a forest, a house, a street, space or outer universe, a small island, a train and even someone’s mind. It is up to the writer to include all the details that they think would make the story more colourful.

Many of us are acquainted with the term ‘plot’, but what does the term mean? In simple terms, the plot of a story refers to what goes on in a story or what the story is about. A plot includes various courses of events/actions, climactic points and resolution. After all, a well-woven plot is what will help you form a good and strong story.

A plot is comprises five different elements, namely,

  • Exposition – The point at which the characters and setting of the story are presented; in other terms, the beginning of the story.
  • Rising action – The point in the story when the main character comes across an action or a course of events that becomes an impediment or a conflict in the otherwise undisturbed peaceful life of the main character and those around them.
  • Climax – The most intriguing part of a story which also becomes the turning point of the story.
  • Falling action – This includes actions or events that lead to the conclusion. This point describes the positive or negative turn of events that has taken place as a result of the protagonist’s decision at the climax. At this point, you can also see how the various characters work together or alone to solve the problem or conflict.
  • Conclusion – This point in the story marks the end. It is here that you get to know how everything has settled. The conclusion, be it a happy or a sad one, is the end result of the falling action.

The theme of a story is the idea or subject that pervades the whole story. This is the concept on which the whole story revolves. Examples of themes can be family relationships, music, love and romance, war, rebellion, etc. For instance, the theme of the animated film ‘Coco’ is love for music and the importance of family, and the theme of the animated films ‘Brave’ and ‘Moana’ is breaking out of social norms and following your heart.

The term ‘conflict’ refers to the problem in the story. When all is going on well, there is one point in the story when the main characters come across an obstacle that impedes their journey to achieve a set goal. The conflict is what gets the protagonist to move out of their comfort zone, face the antagonist, act bravely to solve the problem and find ways to attain their goal.

Format of the Story

Basically, every story should have a beginning, middle and end. A story without any one of these would look and sound incomplete.

The Beginning

Just like every other piece of writing, the beginning of the story is what will determine if the reader would want to continue reading or not. So it is very crucial to have a rather riveting start. You have got to keep the readers hooked from the very first moment itself. The age-old and most common way to start a story is with the use of phrases like “A long time ago” or “Once upon a time”. You must have seen it being used in many children’s stories. However, this need not always be the case. You can start the story directly with the character introduction, the portrayal of the setting or even an action.

Beginning the story on a wonderful note and letting it drag later will not help the story in any way. You have to keep the story going. Make use of language cleverly, use literary devices and even the smallest detail if you think it will drive the story. Using descriptive language can further help to a great extent as it will give your audience a visual representation of everything that is going on in the story.

A good story writer knows when to drop the curtains for the readers. Similarly, if you want to write a good story, you must know when to wrap it up. You must have seen an open ending in many writings; that is also an option you can choose. Remember that you need not always provide a very pleasant ending or the ending that your audience might expect. You are free to end the story according to your discretion. The only thing you will have to bear in mind is to give the story the ending it deserves.

When you sit down to write a story based on something that you have been thinking about for a long time now or just for the sake of it, the first thing you can do is brainstorm your ideas and pen your thoughts on a piece of paper or a notepad. Once you have noted down all of your ideas, here is how you can start structuring your story.

Who are your characters?

This is one of the most influential parts of the story. The diversity of your characters and the way you describe their characteristics will decide your reader’s interest in your story. Introducing the characters can be done in different ways – you can tell the entire story from one of the character’s point of view, include dialogues between various characters or even have a narrator introduce the characters and provide their background information.

Imperfect Character

No person is perfect, and neither should your character in a story. An imperfect character draws much more attention than a perfect character. Even a character who seems to be perfect will have a character flaw.

Vices of Character

Every person is made of virtues and vices, and that’s the reason most writers often choose their main characters to have vices that bring about their downfall or struggles that make their journey more interesting. By including the vices and the struggles of the character, the author can keep the readers glued till the very end. Suppose a character is arrogant, and that’s what causes his/her downfall, or a character struggles throughout the story to achieve the one thing that he/she wants. So if you want your story to capture the attention of the readers, then including vices or struggles can give you that edge.

Where is the story taking place?

Have you come across stories where the scene takes place on a stormy night, or the entire setting belongs to a particular period in history? While writing a story, you have to decide where you want your story to take place. After all, the atmosphere of a place can set the story’s tone.

For instance, if the setting of the story is a dilapidated and abandoned house, the reader will immediately feel a chill down the spine as it seems eerie, and what happens next is totally unexpected. On the other hand, if you set your story in a calm locality with children playing around riding bicycles and old people walking down the street holding hands, it would give the reader a very pleasant outlook and make the reader feel extremely relaxed and comfortable.

What is happening in the story?

Describe the environment and everything that is going on in the story. The way you portray each and every occurrence will give the readers a clear picture of what is happening. You ought to get the readers to feel one among the characters in the story; in other words, feel as if they are in the setting along with the characters and seeing everything around in person. This will kindle your story’s success.

How does your story end?

The ending of the story is as important as the beginning. You can end your story in a happy or sad tone. Your story can even have a cliffhanger which might make it all the more exciting and leave it to the reader’s imagination. In case you are planning to write a sequel to the story, a cliffhanger is the best way to end the story as it will have the reader expecting one.

  • Drafts are always the best way to start writing your story as they will help you to edit and recompile until you are content with your storyline.
  • The title of the story is an important part. It can be said that the title is what your audience would check out first and the factor that would drive them to make their choice to read the story. So, always try to use a title that would catch your readers’ eye in the very first instance.
  • Make sure you include and make effective use of the different components of a story and the elements of the plot.
  • Your language and tone matters more than you imagine. Choose your words and structure your sentences carefully.
  • It is not necessary that you include dialogues, but including them will definitely give the reader a subjective perspective of the happenings in the story.
  • If you are planning to use a narrator in the story, make sure to provide vivid descriptions so that your audience can experience the story.
  • Create situations in the story where the main characters have to move out of their comfort zones to solve the conflict or problem they are facing.
  • The theme of the story is also one of the factors that would interest your readers, so choose a theme that you think would make your readers want to read your story.
  • Weave your storyline in such a way that every little detail adds to the essence of the story and leaves your readers looking forward to more such stories from you.
  • Once the story is complete, you can either ask someone to give you their feedback on it or give it to someone to proofread. This is totally optional. If you feel satisfied with the outcome of the story, you could present it confidently to your audience without a second thought.

Examples of Story Writing

Go through the following simple short story and try to understand how it is written.

The Perfect Twig

Walking through the forest, I came across a little bird that enjoyed flying from one tree to another. He seemed to be looking for something. I stood there observing him. I wished to help him but I did not know what he was looking for. I did not want to scare him away or disturb him either.

Finally, he alighted to pick up a particular Y-shaped twig. I followed him to see where he was headed to and I found him on one of the most beautifully blossomed trees. It was the last thing that was required to complete the nest and it fit perfectly well.

Seeing this, I walked away happily thinking to myself how many people shoo away birds as soon as they catch sight of them. And, I was just glad I didn’t do it, because if I did, the bird would not have found that perfect twig.

Did you like the story? To take a look at more stories and learn how stories are to be written, check out ‘The Boy Who Cried Wolf’ , ‘The Lion and the Mouse’ , ‘Belling the Cat’ and ‘The Tortoise and the Hare’ .

What is story writing ?

Story writing is a process of narrating real or imaginary incidents involving imaginary/real people.

How to write the title for the story?

The title of the story can be written by understanding the theme of the story or the other relevant hints given.

story writing class 8 examples

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English Grammar Class 8 Story Writing

  • English Grammar
  • Story Writing


Moral Stories for Students of Class 8 - Download the Latest PDF Available Online

We all have been telling and listening to stories for eons. From our grandmothers to friends, teachers, movies, and many other sources, stories have passed from generation to generation. Stories entertain us, enlighten us, tell us about the diversity in the world, and emotionally stimulate us by giving us a range of experiences. Stories also give us a chance to discover new worlds and enjoy language. 

The topic of story writing for class 8 encompasses the different aspects and criteria to develop excellent story writing skills. The stories in English for class 8 also introduce students to different forms of writing such as message writing, report writing, etc. Children of class 8 are at a poin t where they are developing a mature way of writing, and the story writing topics for class 8 , such as moral stories for students of class 8 help in building a value system for kids.

Let us now dive into stories in English for class 8 and find out everything about this chapter and the format of story writing for class 8.

English Grammar Class 8 Story Writing - PDF will be uploaded soon


Importance of Story Writing

Stories have a special value and place in classrooms. Through stories, students can identify expressions and vocabulary that they have heard or learned in their daily lives and see their use.

With writing stories, language learning is quicker as stories create an immersive and participating environment as young learners can see the language coming alive in an entertaining, stylistic, and dynamic way.

Stories appeal to all kinds of students and even the shy ones are compelled to participate in them and enjoy them. Story writing can build confidence when students see how their thoughts and ideas can be structured in a manner that others find enjoyable.

Statistics show that writing stories help the development of cognition, organizational capabilities, and handwriting in young children. You also feel empowered as you obtain the power of persuasion through your writing.

Studies also reveal that students who practice story or creative writing more, show improvement in other subjects as well such as science, math, and other languages.

Good story writers often challenge themselves to come up with creative thoughts which helps them to be good problem solvers.

Story writing also builds discipline in children and improves their confidence. They are able to assert themselves through their stories, and develop their opinions and find their voice.

Many children have difficulty expressing themselves and their feelings. Writing stories gives them a safe place to explore and provides an extremely beneficial tool for self-expression.

The creative side of kids is tickled through story writing topics for class 8 where they get to practice their imaginative powers. It betters their ability to come up with alternative solutions for a situation and broadens their ideas. All these lead to success in different spheres like analysis and critical thinking.

When you write you create a pretend universe where you assemble different personalities, places, and emotions that might be vastly different from your own life experiences. This effectively widens your capacity to feel and you learn how to empathize with people and understand them even though these characters would have very different life experiences from yours.

You can mirror your personality and perspectives through the characters in your story. 

Story writing also has a range of health and emotional benefits. While dealing with difficult emotions, if you engage in writing a story, you are able to understand why you are feeling those emotions, and it gives you a direct insight into your mindset. This further allows you to work through the discomfort and healthily alleviate negative thoughts.

Story Writing Examples for Class 8

Morning walk essay in English for class 8 - Children need to jot down a story about w hat they see while they go for a morning walk. They need to assimilate their emotions, the people they meet, and generally how a morning walk benefits them.

Fill in the blanks - A story is given with many blanks in between, and children need to use their imagination to fill those blanks to come up with an appropriate story.

Write a story based on pictures - A series of interconnected pictures are presented to students, and they have to weave a story around those images.

Complete the story with given hints - You are given a statement in a line and a bunch of hint phrases for completing the story in limited words.

Complete a story by the given chunks of statement - A few statements are given in a sequence, and students need to complete the story hidden in those statements using their imagination.

Some Fun Facts about Story Writing

Enhenduaan was a woman who lived in ancient Mesopotamia in the 23rd BCE, and she is considered the first author in the world.

The shortest story in the world is attributed to the famous writer Ernest Hemingway, and the story was in just six words; "For Sale: Baby shoes, never worn."

A short story generally has 1000 to 15000 words in it though most publications publish short stories only between 3000 to 5000 words.

 A story of less than 1000 words is considered micro fiction or flash fiction.

Important Topics of Story Writing for Class 8

Children understand the meaning of story writing.

The steps of writing a story are illustrated for students to learn from it.

Students go through definitions of different types of writings apart from stories: message writing, report writing, diary writing, etc.

Meaning and expansion of proverbs.

Children go through many moral stories for students of class 8 where different morals are mentioned at the end of the story.

Children are presented with topics and pictures to write stories in their own words.

Become a Skilled Writer - Download Free PDF on Story Writing for Class 8 with Answers

To grasp all the essential components of a story, you must go through the format of story writing for class 8 as designed by the expert team of Vedantu.

In the PDF, you would find many types of stories and get to work on given story writing topics for class 8.

The PDF can be downloaded on your device so that you can access your notes even when not connected to the internet.

For quick revisions right before your exam, print out the PDF and take it along with you to the exam hall.

Story writing is an interesting topic for students, and if they get guidance from subject matter experts, they can definitely learn how to write fabulous stories on their own.


FAQs on English Grammar Class 8 Story Writing

1. What are the basic steps of writing a story?

There are six essential steps in writing any kind of story:

Define the Setting - In building a story, location plays an important role. You can select locations that excite you and write compelling scenes around those locations.

Create Interesting Characters - Characters are an integral part of any story and they could be people, objects, animals, or anything that can be personified. So create characters with interesting aspects about them having hobbies, passion, quirks, etc.

Bring Conflict - A story has both characters and events which create either internal or external conflict. These conflicts create tension and help move the story forward.

Plot Twists - The story should have a couple of twists to keep your readers engaged.

Summarize - The last part of the story must bring it to a logical end and conclude the story.

2. What is the difference between writing stories and writing a diary?

A story could be real or fictional but it needs to have a beginning, middle section, and an ending. Diary writing comprises the writer's thoughts or activities, and in general, diary entries are time, place, day, and date specific.

3. What is summary writing?

In summary writing, you go through a paragraph and shorten it by capturing its gist. Summaries are also referred to as precis. A precis must be concise and brief where you jot down only the vital points of the paragraph.

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Story Writing Class 8 (Tips, Examples & Worksheets)

Story Writing

Story writing is an art that requires a lot of communication skills and imagination. First of all , it requires the art of narrating things in an interesting way. You will be given either the introductory lines or some hints or both. You have to develop the story based on the input or the introductory lines. You have to develop it on the same theme as intended by the introductory lines or by the input. You can’t go against the stated theme.


1. Basically, developing and writing a good story needs the art of narration. You have to narrate the incidents in a sequential order leading to the final conclusion.

2. Students should follow the basic theme as expounded by the input or by the introductory lines. They are not supposed to invent new and different themes.

3. Within the given limits, students are left with enough space where they can give expression to their creative talents.

4. The beginning and the concluding lines must support the main part of the events described in the story.

Confine your narration to about 150-200 words as per the guidelines laid down by the CBSE.

Some Solved Examples of Story Writing:-

1. Short Story: The Doorbell Rang 2.Short Story: Distraction 3. Short Story: Walked Fast 4.Short Story: Late Night 5.Short Story: Old Lady 6.Short Story: GET-TOGETHER 7.Short Story: RAINING HEAVILY 8.Short Story: The sacrifice of a Bamboo Tree 9.Short Story: God Hidden in People 10.Short Story: Believing in People 11.Short Story: Real Education 12.Short Story: Forgiveness of Sins 13.Short Story: Where there is a will, there is a way 14.Short Story: Who is a Lesser Fool? 15.Short Story: My First Day on the Land of Lilliputians 16.Short Story: GLORY OF GOD 17.Short Story: The Gypsy Princess 18.Short Story: FOOTBALL 19.Short Story: POOR CAT 20.Short Story: CROWD OR PEOPLE 21.Short Story: SUMMER HOLIDAY 22.Short Story: CAMP 23.Short Story: EXCITEMENT 24.Short Story: A Blind Girl 25.Short Story: Temper Control 26.Short Story: Learn and Earn 27.Short Story: The Magic Gold Fish 28.Short Story: Shakuntala and Dushyanta 29.Short Story: GROUP OF MONKEYS 30.Short Story: “Tomorrow is an auspicious day” 31.Short Story: Solomon — the Wise King 32.Short Story: The Wise Judge 33.Short Story: Cruel Master 34. Short Story: Woodcutter 35. Short Story: The First Voyage of Daud 36. Short Story: The story of Two Sindbad’s 37. Short Story: The Story of the Hunchback 38. Short Story: The Story of the Merchant and the Jinn 39. Short Story: The Story of the Fisherman 40. Short Story: My First Day in the Land of Lilliputians

Short Story Writing In English For Class 8 With Moral Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises


Short story writing holds immense significance for Class 8 students. It allows them to express their thoughts and emotions, hone their writing skills, and enhance their understanding of moral lessons. Moreover, short stories offer an enjoyable and accessible way to learn English, encouraging students to think critically and creatively.

Read Also: Writing Page In English For Class 1

Format Of A Short Story Writing In English For Class 8 With Moral

A short story is a fictional narrative that typically focuses on a single event or conflict. It is concise yet impactful, captivating readers with its brevity. A well-crafted short story consists of various elements, including a compelling plot, relatable characters, a vivid setting, and a moral message that leaves a lasting impression.

Examples Of Short Story Writing In English For Class 8 With Moral

To grasp the essence of short story writing, let’s explore a few examples that have stood the test of time and continue to resonate with readers of all ages.

Example 1: “The Lion and the Mouse” A well-known tale called “The Lion and the Mouse” emphasises the value of compassion and goodwill. The story revolves around a mighty lion who spares the life of a small mouse. Later, when the lion finds himself trapped, the mouse repays the favor by gnawing through the ropes and setting him free.

Example 2: “The Boy Who Cried Wolf” “The Boy Who Cried Wolf” is a cautionary tale that emphasizes the significance of honesty and trustworthiness. It tells the story of a young shepherd boy who repeatedly tricks the villagers by falsely crying wolf. Eventually, when a real wolf appears, nobody believes him, and the consequences are dire.

Example 3: “The Tortoise and the Hare” “The Tortoise and the Hare” is a timeless fable that teaches the value of perseverance and humility. The story portrays a race between a swift hare and a slow-moving tortoise. Despite the hare’s initial confidence and speed, the tortoise’s determination allows him to win the race.

Choosing Topics For Short Story Writing In English For Class 8 With Moral

Selecting the right topics for short story writing is crucial to engage Class 8 students and ignite their imagination. Topics that resonate with their lives and experiences can inspire creativity and allow them to relate to the stories they create. Some popular topics for Class 8 short stories include friendship, overcoming challenges, the importance of honesty, and the consequences of greed.

Exercises For Short Story Writing In English For Class 8 With Moral

To develop their skills, Class 8 students can participate in various exercises that stimulate their creativity and assist in crafting compelling short stories. Brainstorming ideas and creating an outline Encourage students to brainstorm ideas by asking questions like “What if?” or “Imagine if…”. Once they have a concept in mind, they can create an outline that outlines the beginning, middle, and end of their story. Developing characters and their traits Characters are the heart of a short story. Students should think about the personalities, motivations, and conflicts their characters will face. By bringing their characters to life, students can engage readers and create an emotional connection. Structuring the plot and incorporating conflict A well-structured plot keeps readers engaged from start to finish. Students should introduce conflict or obstacles that their characters must overcome. This tension drives the story forward and maintains the reader’s interest.

Conclusion On Short Story Writing In English For Class 8 With Moral

Short story writing in English for Class 8 offers a gateway to imagination, language development, and moral learning. By understanding the format, exploring examples, choosing exciting topics, engaging in exercises, and employing effective writing techniques, students can craft compelling short stories. So, let their creativity soar as they embark on this enriching journey of storytelling.

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  • Class 8 English Grammar Chapter 18 Story Writing

story writing class 8 examples

Class 8 English Grammar Chapter 18 Story Writing. Stories are enjoyed by the young and the elderly alike. Stories are a work of fiction. We like to listen to them, tell and read them. Writing a story is an art. A good story writer is often an effective narrator too. Plan the plot of your story. Your story should have a beginning a middle and an end the beginning should be interesting. The middle of the story should give the details of the plot and the end should satisfactorily conclude the story.

Grade 8 English Grammar Chapter 18 Story Writing

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Stories, regardless of age or culture, have always been a universal medium to captivate audiences. Whether it’s children eagerly waiting for bedtime tales or adults engrossed in novels, the allure of storytelling is undeniable. Chapter 18 of the Class 8 English Grammar, as outlined in renowned educational platforms like Tiwari Academy, dives deep into this enchanting world, providing students with invaluable insights on crafting compelling narratives.

Storytelling isn’t just about weaving words together; it’s an intricate art that involves imagination, structure, and emotion. At its core, stories are fictional creations, intricately crafted with elements that capture the reader’s imagination. They can transport readers to other worlds, tug at their heartstrings, or provoke profound thought.

Important points of Story Writing

  • Background: Where and when and with what to the story dealing? These details should be likely and well illustrated.
  • Characterization: Who is the story about? The characters should sound like real people. For this you should give them names and other features.
  • Dialogues: Sprinkling dialogues between the characters in the story adds liveliness and interest. You should incorporate dialogues to make your story interesting.
  • Division in to separate sections: Your Story should have paragraphs if it is short story. Each new event or incident should start with a new paragraph.
  • Heading: Your story should have a title could be a popular saying that is the moral of your story or it could use the name the protagonist of the story.
  • Editing: After writing your story, you need to read it aloud to yourself. Your story should sound interesting entrusting and attention grabbing. If it sound so to you, others will also enjoy listening or reading it.

Key components to crafting an engaging story include:

  • The Plot : This serves as the backbone of the story. Planning the plot entails devising a central theme or conflict that drives the narrative. This is where the magic starts, setting the trajectory of the tale.
  • Beginning with a Bang : An engaging story opener is crucial. It hooks readers instantly, making them yearn for more. The initial segment should spark curiosity and set the tone for the ensuing journey.
  • The Detailed Middle : This section is where the story’s essence unfolds. It provides depth to characters, elucidates the plot, and heightens the tension. The middle should be rich with details, allowing readers to immerse themselves fully.
  • Conclusive Ending : A well-rounded story culminates in a satisfying conclusion. The end should tie up all loose ends, offer resolution, and leave the reader with a sense of completion.

Message \Note Writing

Note can be formal or informal. They are delivered by hand. They too have heading. Salutations are written in third person in case they are formal. They have a salutation and a friendly message in case they are informal. The address, date and time are mentioned in both formal and informal notes.

Report Writing

A report is a formal record. It starts with From, To and Date. It has a little heading and a subject. The introduction mentions the reporter and the date of reporting. The activity such as questionnaire or recovery done is after that. All information is presented orderly. The report ends with recommendations and suggestions of the reporter. In the end, the reporter signs and writes his designation.

Diary Writing

Diary entry is a short composition that records the writers activities or thoughts for the day. A person who keeps a diary makes diary entries mentioning the date, day and place of activity and a small paragraph on the activity itself. A diary entry is usually signed in the end.

Summary Writing

Summary writing involves shortening the given paragraph into a brief gist .Summary is also called précis. It should be brief and concise expressing only the essential points of the paragraph.

For aspirant writers in Class 8, this chapter serves as a stepping stone. Platforms like Tiwari Academy emphasize the significance of mastering story writing early on, as it not only hones creative skills but also aids in articulating thoughts more eloquently. It’s not merely about scoring well in exams but about cultivating a skill that can be cherished for a lifetime.

In summary, Chapter 18 encapsulates the foundational elements of story writing, offering students the tools and techniques to craft captivating tales and embark on their journey as budding storytellers.

Sample Story – 1

It was the month of January. A tired traveler reached an inn. It was a stormy night. He found the door locked from inside. He was shivering with cold. He knocked at the door. The innkeeper was dishonest. He said, “ I have lost the key. Only a silver key can open it.” The traveller was very clever. He saw through his trick. He threw a rupee coin inside. The innkeeper opened the door. The traveller got in. He wanted to pay the inn-keeper in his own coin. So he said to the innkeeper, “My bag is lying outside. Please, get it”. The inn-keeper went out and looked for the bag. He could not find it anywhere. The traveler shut the door. In fact, there was no bag outside. When the innkeeper came back, he found the door closed. He had to return the rupee to get in. Moral : Tit for tat.

Sample Story – 2

Once there was a quarrel between the sun and the wind. Each thought itself stronger than the other. It could not be decided. Just then they saw a man walking along the road. They decided to try their strength on him. One who could make the man take off his clothes was to be the winner. The wind tried first. It blew harder. The man held his coat tightly. The wind was unable to remove his coat. Rather he buttoned up his coat. At last, the wind stopped. It admitted that it had failed. Now it was the turn of the sun. It began to shine brightly. It grew hot. The man felt very hot. He was unable to bear the heat. He had to put off the coat Thus the sun won and the wind lost. Moral : Pride hath a fall

Sample Story – 3

Once there was a farmer. He lived in a village. He had a goose (hen). It laid a golden egg daily. The farmer sold the eggs. He became very rich. He had a fine house. He had many servants. But he was very greedy. He wanted to become more rich. He got tired of getting and selling one egg daily. He wanted to get all the eggs. He thought of a plan. He went to the market. He bought a knife. He killed the goose (hen). When he tore it open and looked, there were no eggs inside. He repented over his folly. But it was too late. Moral : Don’t be greedy, (or) Greed is a curse.

Sample Story – 4

Once there was a wood cutter. He was very honest. He lived in a village. He earned his livelihood by cutting and selling wood. One day he was cutting a tree on the bank of a river. By chance his axe fell into the river. He began to weep. He was very poor. He could not buy another axe.

God Mercury came there. He asked him why he was weeping. The poor wood cutter told him his whole story. The god at once dived into the water. He brought out a golden axe. The wood cutter refused to take it. He said. “My axe is made of iron.” The god dived again. This time he brought out a silver axe. But the wood cutter did not take that axe also. At last the god brought out an iron axe. The wood cutter shouted with joy, “This is my axe.” The god was pleased at his honesty. He gave him all the three axes. Moral : Honesty is the best policy.

Class 8 English Grammar Chapter 18 Story Writing

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CBSE Class 8 English Story Writing

CBSE Class 8 English Story Writing are part of NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English . Here we have given CBSE Class 8 English Story Writing.

Story Writing For Class 8 CBSE

1. It was raining heavily, the street lights had gone off and I was returning…” complete the story in about 150 words, providing an appropriate title to it. Answer:

An Accident

It was raining heavily, the street lights had gone off and I was returning home after enjoying a wonderful evening with friends. The memories of the evening were still fresh with me.

We had watched the action thriller—Horror. Then we had spent sometime in the restaurant discussing the actors and the story. Finally, seeing the overcast sky, we decided to part. I started on my motorcycle.

Soon it began to rain. There was no light on the road. Still I kept going. Suddenly, I felt that my bike had hit a cyclist. The cyclist had fallen on the road. I stopped. ‘See, what have you done to me, cried the youngman nursing his wounds.’ ‘Sorry, I could not see in the darkness,’ I replied “Here are five hundred rupees. With that you can pay the doctor and mend your cycle.”

Story Writing For Class 8 CBSE

Story Writing Class 8 CBSE

2. Write a story in about 150 words by continuing the following : “I jumped out of the bed at midnight…” Answer:

Dream Journey

I jumped out of the bed at Midnight. I had seen a very weird dream. I was sitting in my astrophysics class. Suddenly my bench converted into the pilot’s seat and the room had transformed into the cockpit of a/the space ship. The room was full of twinkling control-switches and the computer said, “We are facing turbulence ! The atmosphere of Saturn is more dangerous than expected.”

The temperature was going up. The dense atmosphere was producing unprecedented friction. “System paralysis !”, the system exclaimed. I was already sweating. We were not prepared for such a situation. “Oh! My God! My seat is on fire!”, I yelled ahd pushed on pilot-ejection button with the fear whether I would be able to breathe on Saturn or not?

Story Writing Class 8 CBSE

Story Writing Questions For Class 8 CBSE

3. It was a bright day and you were reading a book in your lawn. Suddenly a man threw a bag in your garden and ran away. You called him out but…. In about 150 words, write a story using some of the phrases given below : Bag looked suspicious called police, parents concerned, neighbours gathered, bomb squad called, opened the bag, j’ull of old used clothes. Answer:

It was a fine day of February. It was still cold and sitting in the sunlight in the lawn with flowers peeping all about was a pleasure. To enjoy the beauty of the weather, I picked up an interesting book and took my seat on a chair in the garden.

It was an interesting story. The lover was running after the beloved. Suddenly she tumbled on a stone and fell down.

‘PlopV there was a sound. I suddenly became alert to my surroundings. It was not my heroine but a big bag that had fallen on the lawn just a little distance from me.

I had heard so much about the people throwing bombs that I got up from my chair in panic. “Father ! Mother !” I cried.

They came running and with them came my little sister too. We looked at the thing more closely. ‘Who knows it may be a bomb’, we said almost in unison. Neighbours had joined in and some dialled No. 100. Soon the police was there with its trained bomb squad.

Story Writing Questions For Class 8 CBSE

Story Writing Topics For Class 8 CBSE

4. You are Mohit/Monika. Everyday while going to school you see some rag pickers digging in the garbage. You got a chance to talk to one of them. Write a story about him in 120 words. Answer:

When the weather is fine, I like to walk. My school is only about a couple of kilometres from my house. Seeing the beautiful weather I started early and walked as if all the time in the world was at my disposal. Some rag-picker with a bag on his back was picking up used plastic bottles and putting them into his bag.

Story Writing Topics For Class 8 CBSE

Story For Class 8 CBSE

5. I was walking with my dog last night, when I saw a strange light. I wondered if it could be a UFO. Complete the story in about 150 words using the hints below. Hints :

  • strange light in the sky
  • a larger flying saucer
  • alien creatures
  • strange features
  • suspicious moments
  • your reaction

Story Writing Examples For Class 8 CBSE

I have a pet dog. It’s pleasure to walk with him at night. That was a dark night. Suddenly there was a very strong glare making my vision blurred. My dog was barking furiously.

After the glare was off, I looked around. There was still some light and a large flying saucer had landed just a little distance away from where I was. So far I had only heard about the unknown flying objects. Today, it was there before my eyes.

With bated breath, I looked on. The dog was barking still more furiously but I ordered it to be silent. Some strange creatures came out of it. Their only resemblance with human beings was that they also stood on two legs. I hid myself behind a tree still keeping a watch on them. They had some tools or equipments with them. Two of them looked carefully into the sky while the others moved about a little. Perhaps they were taking some photographs.

Story For Class 8 CBSE

Story Writing Format Class 8 CBSE

6. Read the beginning of the story given below and complete it in 150 words. Give the story a suitable title. A man of 92 years, short, very well-preserved who takes great care of his appearance, is moving into an old people’s home today. His 70-years old wife has recently died, and he is obliged to leave his home. After waiting several hours in the retirement home lobby, he gently smiles as he is told that his room is ready. As he slowly walks to the elevator, Answer:

Welcome To Old-Age-Home

A man of 92 years, short, very well preserved who takes great care of his appearance is moving to an old people’s home today. His seventy-years old wife has recently died and he is obliged to leave his home. After waiting several hours in the retirement home lobby, he gently smiles as he is told that his room is ready. He slowly walks to the elevator.

It is not his first visit to the Home. He has been frequently visiting the place along with his wife for the last so many years. He had often looked upon the faces of the residents with love, not unmixed with pity. Then, he had often wondered what would have happened Of him if he had not married Shakuntla soon after the death of his first wife. He was 50 then and Shakuntla was only 28. Many of his friends had secretly shown their disapproval but he knew how difficult it was to live alone.

Story Writing Examples For Class 8 CBSE

Class 8 Story Writing CBSE

7. I peeked at my watch. It was exactly 12 midnight., I had missed the last bus home and hence I had walked for almost an hour. Thank God! Home was just a few kilometres away. Suddenly …. Complete the story in any suitable way in about 150 words. Give a suitable title to your story. Answer:

Suddenly a motor-bike stopped close to me. Stricken with horror, I looked at them. They asked me who I was and where I was going. I gave them my name and address. There were two of them. Their weapons were peeping out of their pockets.

They asked for my wallet which I quietly gave them. There were some five hundred rupees which they pocketed. Then they found my A.T.M. Card too. They forced me to si I with them on their bike and started in the opposite direction. Clearly they were going to some A.T.M. booth. Panicked and helpless, I did not know what to do.

Story Writing Format Class 8 CBSE

Story Writing Topics For Grade 8 CBSE

8. On the basis of the clues given below, write a short story in about 150 words. Mr. Chatterjee—rich man—his darling grandson fell sick—engaged best doctors— post operation medicines not available—searched for the drug—result negative— went to Mother Teresa’s ashram—Mother looked into his eyes—helpless state— poorest of the poor—Money couldn’t help—Mother helped—paid thanks. Answer:

The Divine Mercy

Mr. Chatterjee is well known in the city of Kolkata. He is respected by everyone because he is not only rich, he is also very charitable. He is always ready to help the poor and the needy.

So when his darling grandson Muntu fell ill, everyone felt concerned. He was taken to the best hospital of the city and a team of the best doctors looked after him. He had to be operated for the surgery of the brain. The operation was successful. The doctors prescribed some medicines. They were not found anywhere. The patient’s conditions were going from bad to worse. Some other medicines were tried with only negative results.

Suddenly Mr. Chatterjee had an inspiration. Against the advice of the doctors, he took Muntu on his lap and moved to his car. He asked the driver to go at once to Nirmal Institute where Mother Teresa’s Ashram was located.

Class 8 Story Writing CBSE

We hope the CBSE Class 8 English Story Writing help you. If you have any query regarding CBSE Class 8 English Story Writing, drop a comment below and we will get back to you at the earliest.


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Main Points - Story Writing | Class 8 Writing | English

1. Know the exam format: Familiarize yourself with the exam format and requirements, such as word count, time limit, and any specific topics or themes that may be required. 2. Plan ahead: Before you start writing, take a few minutes to brainstorm ideas and create a rough outline of your story. This will help you stay focused and....

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Example 1 - Story Writing | Class 8 Writing | English

Develop a story on the outline. It was a bright sunny morning, and Sam and Alex were excited...

Title: The Unexpected Rally

It was a bright sunny morning, and Sam and Alex were excited about their school field trip to the science museum. They had been looking forward to this day ....

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Example 2 - Story Writing | Class 8 Writing | English

“It was an amazing day, full of fun and frolic. We all stood aghast to see a strange flying object over our heads. We started guessing, but .................” 

Complete the story in about 100-120 words and give a suitable title to the story. 

Title: The Unexpected Visitor

It was an amazing day, full of fun and frolic. We all stood aghast to see a strange flying object over our heads. We started guessing, but none of us could figure out what it was. Suddenly, the object descended and landed right in the middle of our playground. To our astonishment,....

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Example 3 - Story Writing | Class 8 Writing | English

Write a short story in 100-150 words. Give a suitable title to the story. The diamond set and a gold ring vanish one day— the king doubts the stealer among the servants — the adverse situation calls for action — none of the servants admits to guilt —  the king gives each servant a stick — he warns that one who has robbed will have his stick two inches taller — the thief is exposed.

Title: The King's Clever Trick

Once upon a time, in a prosperous kingdom, a precious diamond set and a gold ring disappeared from the royal palace. The king was convinced that one of his servant...

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Write A Story From The Outline | Class 8 English Writing Exercise

by Manjusha Nambiar · December 31, 2019

Develop a meaningful story from the given outlines. This English story writing activity is for students of classes 7 and 8.

Old farmer has just one horse – horse dies … people feel sorry for the farmer – the farmer maintains his calm … says ‘we’ll see’ … neighbours gift him a new horse … people think he is lucky … he says ‘we’ll see’. Horse runs away … people say he is unlucky .. he says ‘we’ll see’ …. Horse returns … people say he is lucky … he says ‘we’ll see’. His son rides the horse, falls and breaks his leg … people feel pity for him …. Farmer says ‘we’ll see’. Army come to recruit young people … farmer’s son spared … people say he is fortunate … farmer says ‘we’ll see’.

Model story

Whatever Happens Happens For Good

Once upon a time, there was a farmer in the central region of China. He was poor and used an old horse to plow his field.

One afternoon, while working in the field, the horse dropped dead. Everyone in the village said, “Oh, what a horrible thing to happen him.” The farmer simply said, “We’ll see.” He maintained his calm that people in the village could not help admiring his attitude. They got together and gave him a new horse as a gift.

Now everyone’s reaction was, “What a lucky man.” And the farmer said, “We’ll see.”

A couple of days later, the new horse jumped a fence and ran away. Everyone in the village shook their heads and said, “What a poor fellow!”

The farmer smiled and said, “We’ll see.”

Eventually, the horse found his way home, and everyone again said, “What a fortunate man.”

The farmer said, “We’ll see.”

Later in the year, the farmer’s young boy went out riding on the horse and fell and broke his leg. Everyone in the village said, “What a shame for the poor boy.”

Two days later, the army came into the village to draft new recruits. When they saw that the farmer’s son had a broken leg, they decided not to recruit him.

Everyone said, “What a fortunate young man.”

The farmer smiled again – and said “We’ll see.”

There’s no use in overreacting to the events and circumstances of our everyday lives. Many times what looks like a setback, may actually be a blessing in disguise. And when our hearts are in the right place, all events and circumstances are blessings that we can learn valuable lessons from.

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story writing class 8 examples

Manjusha Nambiar

Hi, I am Manjusha. This is my blog where I give English grammar lessons and worksheets.

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Cbse class 8 syllabus for english 2022-23.

English is very integral subject for every class 8 student because it is not only a subject, but also a language through which they can communicate with others around the world. The English Literature section of CBSE Class 8 is based on two books – a textbook of English and a Supplementary Reader in English. Here is a look at what all are included in each of the two books.

CBSE Syllabus for Class 8 English (Honeydew – Textbook in English for Class 8)

The book Honeydew, covers the following Lessons & Poems:

  • Chapter 1:  The Best Christmas Present in the World
  • Chapter 2:  The Tsunami
  • Chapter 3:  Glimpses of the Past
  • Chapter 4:  Bepin Chowdhury’s Lapse of Memory
  • Chapter 5:  The Summit Within
  • Chapter 6:  This is Jody’s Fawn
  • Chapter 7:  A Visit to Cambridge
  • Chapter 8:  A Short Monsoon Diary
  • Chapter 9:  The Great Stone Face – I
  • Chapter 10:  The Great Stone Face- II
  • Poem 1:  The Ant and the Cricket
  • Poem 2:  Geography Lesson
  • Poem 3:  Macavity: The Mystery Cat
  • Poem 4:  The Last Bargain
  • Poem 5:  The School Boy
  • Poem 6:  The Duck and the Kangaroo
  • Poem 7:  When I Set for Lyonnesse
  • Poem 8:  On the Grasshopper and Cricket

CBSE Syllabus for Class 8 English (It So Happened – Supplementary Reader in English for Class VIII)

This book covers 10 chapters as listed below:

  • Chapter 1 : How the Camel got his Hump
  • Chapter 2 : Children at work
  • Chapter 3 : The Selfish Giant
  • Chapter 4 : The Treasure within
  • Chapter 5 : Princess September
  • Chapter 6 : The Fight
  • Chapter 7 : The Open Window
  • Chapter 8 : Jalebis
  • Chapter 9 : The Comet- I
  • Chapter 10 : The Comet- II
  • Chapter 11:  Ancient Education System in India

CBSE Class 8 English Grammar Syllabus

The CBSE class 8 English grammar syllabus is further subdivided into two parts – English Grammar and English Composition (Writing). We have provided the detailed syllabus of these two sections of below:

NCERT English Grammar Syllabus For Class 8

The Class 8 English grammar syllabus includes the following topics:

  • Order of Words and Clauses
  • Direct and Indirect Speech
  • Active and Passive Voice
  • Prepositions
  • Conjunction
  • Phrases and Idioms
  • Comprehension Reading

CBSE Syllabus for Class 8 English Composition (Writing)

This section tests your writing skills in English. The English Composition syllabus has the following topics:

  • Formal and Informal Letters
  • Diary Entry

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Worksheets have become a driving force in today's CBSE curriculum in India. All the CBSE Schools in India use worksheets for the purposes of supporting studying, promoting active learning, raising interest in learning science, and assessment.Worksheets are very much useful in a number of ways in terms of academic achievement. For instance as supplements to NCERT and reference textbooks, worksheets are often used to add additional information for any particular class. Also on top of that, leaving blanks in worksheets are invitations for students to fill in gaps which act as an opportunity for knowledge construction. Well drafted questions and exercises in worksheets helps in drawing students interest. Furthermore, worksheets play a variety of functions in different contexts.

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CBSE recommends that the best use of efficient worksheets is that they should be given as a part of home assignment and should includeeverything that was taught in the classroom. Giving out constructive worksheets as homework is an amazing way for the students to recap what they have learned once they are home, as well as a good way for the teachers to reiterate the concept they are trying to teach.

Worksheets are also an effective measurement tool for parents to gauge what their child has been taught in the school. Once they go through the content of the worksheet they understand what all points have been covered in the class and thereby they can take lead and engage their kids in better understanding and revision of the topics.

Worksheets give a fun approach in learning and it has been proven that with worksheets students tend to feel more involved and thus show interest in studies and grasping new things. It is this highly emphasised that worksheets should be designed in such a manner that students find the interest in solving and understand the fundamental concepts easily.

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CBSE Class 8 Story Writing Format, Examples, Topics

Practice Examples (Part - 3) - Story Writing | English Class 8 PDF Download

Q. Using the information given in the verbal input below along with your own details write a story.

Shakuntala and Dushyanta Shakuntala was the adopted daughter of the sage Kanava. She grew up as a very beautiful girl. She played with the deer and a number of female friends in the jungle. One day King Dushyanta was out for hunting. He was chasing a beautiful deer. It was Shakuntala’s deer. It ran back to her hut. The king caught sight of Shakuntala. He took a fancy for her. He decided to marry her. Kanava consented to the marriage. After the marriage, the king went back to his palace. Before departing, he gave a ring and promised to come back soon to take her away. He went back and got busy in the affairs of his state. He totally forgot about his marriage with Shakuntala. Poor Shakuntala waited and waited for the king but he never came back. She gave birth to a son and named him Bharat. Shakuntala went to see the king with her son. The king didn’t listen to her story. He thought it was a made-up story. Shakuntala wanted to show the ring. But it was no longer on her finger. She had lost it while bathing in a river. She came back disappointed. A fisherman came to the king and handed over the ring to him. The king was reminded of his marriage. He at once sent for Shakuntala. Both of them were received warmly by the king and lived happily with him in his palace. When Dushyant died, Bharat ruled over India. He was a just and wise king.

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Story Writing Based on Visual Inputs for Class 8 Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises

Visual Input Writing Class 8

This grammar section explains English Grammar in a clear and simple way. There are example sentences to show how the language is used. NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English will help you to write better answers in your Class 10 exams. Because the Solutions are solved by subject matter experts.

Story Writing Based on Visual Inputs Solved Examples Exercises for Class 8 CBSE

Paragraph Writing Based On Visual Input

One day, the mighty lion was injured in a battle with the elephants. Unable to hunt, the lion and the assistants were left hungry. The three assistants suggested that they should eat the camel, but the lion refused to kill it. The assistants hatched a plan to make the camel offer itself as food to its protector. The crow, the leopard and the jackal each offered itself as food to the lion, which it refused. Seeing this, the camel also did the same and was instantly killed by the lion.

Visual Input Writing Format Class 8

One day, a hunter came to the forest and laid the trap behind the bush near the lake. The deer happened to be returning from the lake. He stepped on that trap and was caught in it. He cried out with pain. The deer called his friends and cried. “I have been trapped. Please, come and help me!” Also, read The Two Friends.

Hearing his cries for help, the woodpecker and the tortoise rushed to help his dear friend. They were horrified to see the trap. Soon, they thought of a plan. The tortoise went and called the mouse that lived in a nearby hole. The mouse and the tortoise started cutting the trap.

In the meantime, the woodpecker flew to the hunter’s camp. The hunter was just coming out of his tent. He had heard the cries of the deer and was anxious to catch him. The woodpecker acted quickly and sat on his head. He pecked twice on his head. The woodpecker pecked him so badly that the hunter cried out in pain and went back to his camp to take test. The woodpecker’s purpose was solved. He flew back to the deer.

By then, the mouse and the tortoise had cut and opened the trap and the deer was free. They hugged each other and promised to help each other in their bad times. The three friends were united again and lived happily in the forest. You may also like to read. Four Friends story.

Story Writing Based on Visual Inputs Practice Examples Exercises for Class 8 CBSE

Story Writing Based On Visual Input

Story Writing Free Practice For Class 8

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1. Two men …one cheerful… no worries… believed all would be well. the other full of worries worried about old age … not able to work no money.. may have to beg… might go blind. wants to know what blindness would be like … walks with eyes shut … does not see purse full of gold … companion spots it … picks up thanks God.

The result of worry.

Two men were walking along a road together. One of them was a cheerful, happy go-lucky fellow who had no worries. He believed if he worked as well as he could all would turn out well in the future. But the other man always saw the dark side of things. He was worried about what would happen to him in old age when he was not able to work any more. He feared he would be in need of money and perhaps have to beg for a living. He began to fear that he might even go blind in his eyes. To try what blindness would be like, he started walking with his eyes shut. While he was doing this, he missed seeing a purse full of gold coins lying on the road. His companion, who was walking happily along with no worries, spotted the purse and picked it up. He thanked God for taking care of his future!

2. Famine in a city … scarcity of food … hungry children kind nobleman .. invited children put loaves of bread in a huge basket … asked children to take a loaf each children fought and grappled each struggled for the largest loaf… one girl waited aside took the last and smallest loaf thanked the nobleman… at home she cut the loaf found silver pieces . returned to the nobleman’s house … pleased with her honesty … reward for patience and courteous behavior.

Sweet is the fruit of patience.

Once a city was struck by famine. There was acute scarcity of food. The poor children were hungry. A kind nobleman took pity on them and invited them to his home. He put loaves of bread in a large basket and asked the children to take a loaf each. The children rushed to the basket and started fighting with one another. for each one of them wanted to grab the largest loaf. After taking their loaves. they started eating greedily and did not even thank the nobleman. All this time, a little girl stood patiently on one side. At last, she took the last small loaf that was left in the basket. She thanked the nobleman for his generosity and went home. Just as she cut the loaf into two to share it with her mother, she was amazed to find pieces of silver in it. The girl ran back to the nobleman’s house to return the silver pieces. The nobleman smiled and said it was a reward for her patience and courteous nature.

3.Selfless Service Brings Great Comfort

George Washington was the first president of U.S.A. He was very kind at heart. If he saw someone in distress, his heart was immediately moved with pity. One day, while driving along a road, he came across a small dog caught in mud. The poor animal was trying hard but it could not come out of the mud. Without even a moment’s thought, Washington got down from his carriage, jumped into the mud and pulled the dog out on to a dry patch of land. He also rubbed the dog clean and dry with a small piece of cloth. In the process, his own clothes got spoiled with mud. Some friends who were accompanying him praised him for his kindness. But Washington quietly said, “I did not help the dog. I was feeling pain to KERCI: see it suffer in mud. I only relieved myself of my pain.                                                                             

4.Haste Makes Waste

 Once upon a time, there was a hunter. He had a dog which was very faithful. The hunter used to leave the dog as a guard whenever he went out. One day, he and his wife went to the market leaving behind their child, who was sleeping. The dog sat beside the child guarding him against any danger. Suddenly, he saw a wolf entering the house. He became alert and before the wolf could attack and kill the child, the faithful dog pounced on the wolf and fought with him. He finally succeeded in killing the wolf. In the evening, when the hunter returned home with his wife, he found the dog outside the house. O The dog ran forward to greet his master but when the master saw blood on his mouth, he became suspicious. He thought that the dog had killed his child and without thinking he took out his gun and shot the dog. When he found his child safe inside the house and a wolf lying dead near him, he, at once, understood what had happened. He realized his folly and wept bitterly over the loss.

 5.The Beautiful Swan

  One winter morning, as I was walking through the woods, I heard the sound of the flapping of wings. These sounds were definitely the sounds of distress and I sensed that some creature needed help. On approaching it, I found a beautiful swan lying helplessly with blood oozing out from one of its wings. t looked at me with a mute appeal in its eyes. I carried it to my house and nursed its wound. In a few days, it could fly and I set it free.  A week passed by. Suddenly on a cold chilly night, I heard a gentle knock at my door. I opened the A door and was taken aback by the extraordinary and angelic beauty of a girl. She said to me in a soft voice, My name is Angela. I have lost my way. I shall be grateful if you allow me to spend the night in your hut.” In the morning before I was awake, Angela had cleared up the entire place and was busy preparing my meal. When I returned home in the evening, I found that my bed had been made and the dinner was ready. After I had my dinner, she came to me and spoke in a tone of dignity, “I am an orphan and have no place to go Would you take me as your wife? I used to feel very lonely. Therefore, seeing her beauty and simplicity I willingly agreed.  We lived happily and she proved to be the best wife a person could have. One day, she said, “Please bring me a potter’s wheel.” She also took a promise from me that I would not watch or peep into the room while she was busy working. She made exquisite pots which fetched high prices in the market. In a month’s time, I was well off.  One day, out of curiosity I just peeped into the room. I gave a cry of astonishment. The swan quietly turned back and transformed into my wife. There were tears in her eyes and she said, “I am the swan whom you had helped. I came to repay your kindness. But now that you’ve seen me. I can no longer stay with you.” With these words, she again became a swan. I pleaded with her and said, “Please forgive me. Angela I cannot live without you.” Whatever I said was all in vain. The swan flew steadily away, not once g him did it look back. 

 6. Kindness Rewarded

One day a thirsty bee went out in search of water. It soon saw a tank full of water and decided to quench its thirst by drinking from it. The tank was huge and the bee was too small.

It could not have drunk water by sitting on the side so it plunged into the water to take a cin Once it tumbled in, it could not keep itself afloat.

It was beginning to drown when a dove flying overhead saw its plight. Realising the danger the bee was in, the dove quickly flew to a neighboring tree from where it plucked a leaf and dropped it in water just next to the bee.

The bee climbed on to the leaf, dried its wings and flew away to its hive full of gratitude to the dove who had saved its life.

A few days later, the bee was returning to its hive after a long and hectic day when it saw a young boy aiming his gun at the dove sitting on the branch of a tree. “What a cruel boy he is! What harm had the poor dove done to him that he wants to shoot it down. I must not let the naughty boy get away with this. I must do something to save the dove.” And so the bee flew down and sat on the boy’s wrist and stung him just as he was going to release the trigger of his gun.

“Aah! the boy cried out and sat writhing in pain. The gun fell down from his hands.”

The dove heard the noise. It soon relized the danger it was in. It quickly flew away to safety.

The bee was happy. It had been able to repay the kindness of the dove which had saved its life one day.

  Kindness Rewarded

The dove heard the noise. It soon realized the danger it was in. It quickly flew away to safety.

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  1. Story Writing for Class 8 CBSE Format, Topics Exercises, and Examples

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    There are example sentences to show how the language is used. NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English will help you to write better answers in your Class 10 exams. Because the Solutions are solved by subject matter experts. Story Writing Class 8 Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises. Main points related to story writing

  5. Story Writing For Class 8 Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises

    Conclusion On The Story Writing For Class 8. All three stories offer compelling and diverse narratives for class 8 students. "The Lost Key" teaches the value of perseverance and determination, "The Haunted House" emphasizes the importance of caution and listening to one's instincts, and "The Missing Painting" explores the idea of forgiveness and redemption.

  6. Story Writing

    Story writing refers to the method of writing in which the writer narrates a series of events that has led to a problem, the progression of the same and the end result that has led to the current situation of the characters in the story. A story can be about a real or fictional incident including real-life or imaginary characters.

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  14. 2)

    The "Practice Examples (Part - 2) - Story Writing Class 8 Questions" guide is a valuable resource for all aspiring students preparing for the Class 8 exam. It focuses on providing a wide range of practice questions to help students gauge their understanding of the exam topics. These questions cover the entire syllabus, ensuring comprehensive ...

  15. Story Writing Based on Visual Inputs for Class 8 Format, Examples

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  19. 1)

    The "Practice Examples (Part - 1) - Story Writing Class 8 Questions" guide is a valuable resource for all aspiring students preparing for the Class 8 exam. It focuses on providing a wide range of practice questions to help students gauge their understanding of the exam topics. These questions cover the entire syllabus, ensuring comprehensive ...

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  21. 3)

    The "Practice Examples (Part - 3) - Story Writing Class 8 Questions" guide is a valuable resource for all aspiring students preparing for the Class 8 exam. It focuses on providing a wide range of practice questions to help students gauge their understanding of the exam topics. These questions cover the entire syllabus, ensuring comprehensive ...

  22. Story Writing Based on Visual Inputs for Class 8 Format, Examples

    Story Writing Based on Visual Inputs Solved Examples Exercises for Class 8 CBSE. Visual Input Writing Class 8 Question 1. The Lion and the Camel. Answer: In a dense jungle, a lion lived with its three assistants — a jackal, a crow and a leopard. Due to their proximity to the King of the jungle, the assistants never had to look for food.

  23. Story Writing Free Practice For Class 8

    Two men were walking along a road together. One of them was a cheerful, happy go-lucky fellow who had no worries. He believed if he worked as well as he could all would turn out well in the future. But the other man always saw the dark side of things. He was worried about what would happen to him in old age when he was not able to work any more.