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writing test summary report is a major task of

How to Write a Good Test Summary Report [Guide]

As businesses get bigger, good test summary reporting is essential to analyze both the bugs and the process associated with testing. But creating an informative, easily understandable, and concise report given the number of different users of the report can be challenging. Test reports are detailed summaries of everything happening in software projects. They tell us where the QA teams are checking the test code, who's doing the testing, and how and when tests are happening. They can also help you keep track of code changes and bugs. If the team does this part well and on time, the report and feedback become helpful throughout building the software. Below, we’ll spell out best practices explaining how you can produce a worthwhile test summary report.

We can help you to write a good test summary report as a key initiative aligned to your business goals

Recap | what is a test summary report .

A test summary report has the role of a comprehensive documentation of the testing activities conducted throughout the software development life cycle (SDLC).  Skip to template We include a full list with an example below, but it may include: 

  • An overview of test cases by pass/fail status
  • Individual summaries of test case failures
  • Bug reports 
  • The environment details of the tests 
  • Outcomes of various testing phases and provides a consolidated view of the software's performance, reliability, and compliance with specified requirements.

The test summary report is instrumental to quality assurance teams, stakeholders, project managers, and decision-makers involved in software development. Its primary objective is to document the full process and methodology undertaken in a testing project. But it also serves as a record of the overall quality status of the application you were testing.

Why is a well-written test summary report so important?

The report further provides insights into how the team addressed and resolved defects, helping evaluate the testing process and the quality of specific features or the entire software application. Here’s why we feel that’s important: 

1. Communication and transparency 

It provides a clear and concise overview of the testing activities, their outcomes, and any identified issues. This transparency helps everyone in the team understand and work together better, making it easier to decide things based on the information.

2. Software quality evaluation

It does this by documenting test results, defect metrics, and other important details , offering valuable insights into how well the software meets quality standards. Testing results can show severe flaws that could harm the product and postpone its deployment, and good reporting will help developers triage issues and understand how serious bugs came about. 

When should you create a test summary report?

The best time for preparing a test summary report is at the end of a testing cycle so it can contain information regarding regression tests . Test reporting provides stakeholders with a comprehensive view of the testing cycle and application health, allowing for corrective action if needed.

What should a test summary report contain?

An informative test summary report should be brief and to the point.The following points are most common, but keep in mind to tailor them to your specific situation:

Key things you should include in a test summary report:

  • Test Objective. Clearly state the purpose of the testing, demonstrating clarity in understanding the test object and requirements by the testing team.
  • Areas Covered. Include the regions and functionalities of the product subjected to testing. Provide a high-level overview without needing to capture every test scenario in detail.
  •  Areas Not Covered. It is essential to document product areas skipped in testing. Untested areas can raise concerns at the client's end, so it's crucial to note them and set expectations accordingly. Ensure each point has an associated reason, like limitations in access or device availability.
  • Testing Approach. Cover the steps taken and testing approaches adopted, indicating what and how you performed the testing.
  • Defect Report. While typically captured in bug reports , including it in the test summary report can provide an additional advantage.
  • Platform Details. In the current landscape, products undergo testing across various platforms. Include details of every platform and environment on which you tested the product.
  • Overall Summary. Provide feedback on the application's overall status under test. Inform the client about critical issues discovered and their current status, aiding them in estimating the product's readiness for shipping.


How to write a good test summary report In 7 effective steps

Based on conversations with our clients, below are our top seven ways to optimize your test summary reports.

Step 1: Understand the purpose and audience of the test summary report

Before you start creating a report, you need to grasp the purpose and identify the target audience for this report. Purpose 

  • Documented end-to-end quality process
  • Consolidated overview of test results
  • Identified defects
  • The overall quality of the software application.  Stakeholders and Target Audience:
  • Project Managers – oversee the software development project, using the test summary report for comprehensive insights into testing activities. It aids in project planning, resource allocation, and decision-making for release timelines.
  • Developers – use test summary reports to understand and fix defects identified during testing, contributing to codebase refinement and software quality improvement. If you’re a Global App Testing customer, developers would use the bug reports and test case summaries in your Global App Testing dashboard.
  • Quality Assurance Teams – Directly involved in testing , QA teams use it as a formal record of testing efforts, offering a holistic view of test results and quality metrics. 
  • Senior Management – Executives and decision-makers need a high-level overview of software quality and readiness for release.


Step 2: Gather and organize relevant information for the test summary report

The second hallmark of a good test summary is easily accessible and relevant information. The most important is as follows:

1. Test results

Collect and present key testing metrics, such as pass/fail rates, to provide an overview of the software's functional and non-functional aspects. If you conduct performance testing, include metrics like response times, throughput, and resource utilization to assess the software's efficiency.

2. Test coverage

Outline the extent to which functional requirements have been tested, emphasizing the comprehensiveness of the test suite. If applicable, include metrics related to code coverage , indicating the proportion of the codebase exercised during testing.

3. Defects found and fixed

Provide a detailed list of defects discovered during testing , including their severity and priority levels. Highlight the actions taken to address and resolve identified defects, demonstrating the efficacy of the development and testing processes.

4. Test environment details

Specify the details of the test environment, including hardware configurations, software versions, and network setups (These details are included automatically in the test dashboard by Global App Testing.). Address any challenges or issues encountered in the test environment that may have influenced testing outcomes.

5. Additional considerations

Include information about whether testing adhered to the planned schedule or if there were any deviations , providing insights into project timeline management. Detail the allocation and utilization of testing resources, showcasing the efficiency of resource management.

Step 3: Provide a comprehensive overview of testing activities conducted

In this section, it is essential to thoroughly account the testing methodologies you used and the outcomes of test cases executed. This information gives stakeholders a detailed understanding of the testing process and its effectiveness.

1. Testing methodologies used:

Functional Testing:

  • Outline the functional testing methodologies applied , such as unit, integration, and system testing.
  • Specify the functional aspects tested and the comprehensiveness of test coverage.
  • Summarize the functional testing results , emphasizing key functional metrics and the overall health of the software's features. Performance Testing:
  • Specify the types of performance testing conducted (e.g., load testing, stress testing, scalability testing).
  • Present performance metrics, including response times, throughput, and resource utilization.
  • Discuss any performance-related issues encountered and their impact on the software.

2. Test cases executed:

Test Case Design:

  • Describe the approach taken for test case design, whether it followed a scripted, exploratory , or a combination of both methodologies.
  • Highlight the traceability of test cases to requirements, ensuring comprehensive coverage of project specifications.

Test Case Execution:

  • Provide the total number of test cases executed.
  • Provide pass/fail rates for each testing category, offering insights into the stability of different aspects of the software.
  • Offer a detailed breakdown of identified defects, categorizing them by severity and priority.
  • Discuss the actions taken to address and resolve defects, demonstrating the efficiency of the defect management process.

Step 4: Summarize key findings and defects encountered during testing

In this step, briefly summarize the major issues you uncovered during the testing process and assign severity levels to defects found. This section aims to provide stakeholders with a focused overview of critical aspects influencing the software's quality.

1. Major issues discovered:

  • Highlight any critical incidents or issues that could significantly impact the software's functionality or performance.
  • Summarize significant functional deficiencies affecting the user experience or violating specified requirements.
  • Assess and articulate the potential business impact of each major issue , considering factors such as user satisfaction and operational continuity.
  • Propose or outline strategies for mitigating the impact of these major issues, demonstrating a proactive approach to problem resolution.

2. Severity levels assigned to defects:

  • Define what constitutes a defect with high severity , emphasizing the elements that make it critical to the software's functionality or user experience.
  • Outline criteria for assigning medium severity to defects, balancing their impact on the software with other contextual factors.
  • Establish the characteristics of defects classified as low severity , highlighting their importance in the broader context of software quality.
  • Identify any trends in defect severity, indicating areas of the software that may require specific attention or targeted improvement.

Step 5: Include metrics and statistics to support your findings

It is crucial to support conclusions with relevant metrics and statistics. Quantitative measures provide a data-driven view of the testing process, enhancing the report's credibility and completeness.

1. Test coverage metrics:

Percentage of Requirements Covered:

  • Clearly outline the methodology used to calculate the percentage of requirements covered by testing.
  • Distinguish between coverage of functional and non-functional aspects, if applicable.
  • Identify areas where test coverage is notably high or low, offering insights into potential strengths and weaknesses in testing focus.

Traceability Matrix:

  • Include a traceability matrix visually representing the linkage between test cases and requirements.
  • Evaluate the completeness of traceability, highlighting any gaps that may exist between requirements and executed test cases.

2. Defect density metrics:

  • Define the formula used to calculate defect density ( number of defects per unit of size, such as lines of code or function points).
  • Consider benchmarking defect density against industry standards or previous projects to provide context for assessment.
  • Illustrate the trend of defect density throughout the testing process, indicating periods of heightened or reduced defect discovery.
  • Compare defect density based on severity levels , allowing stakeholders to focus on areas with higher impact.

Step 6: Conclude with recommendations for future testing improvements

In concluding the Test Summary Report, we shift beyond the current testing state to propose strategies for progress and future improvements: 1. Process Enhancements:

  • Conduct a root cause analysis to unveil underlying process gaps.
  • Share lessons learned to apply insights from the testing process to future projects.
  • Align testing practices with industry standards and adopt new tools or methodologies for enhanced efficiency.

3. Prioritize Continuous Training and Skill Development:

  • Assess and address skill gaps within the testing team.
  • Encourage cross-training to diversify skill sets and improve overall team capabilities.

4. Additional Tests for Future Cycles:

  • Introduce exploratory testing as a complementary approach to scripted testing for uncovering unforeseen issues.
  • Enhance security testing efforts by broadening the scope to cover a wider range of potential vulnerabilities.
  • Incorporate usability testing to assess the software's user-friendliness and overall user experience.
  • Evaluate automation opportunities to improve efficiency and coverage. Consider automating regression testing to expedite the validation of existing functionalities.

Step 6: Exit criteria assessment

You need to evaluate the exit criteria to determine if testing is complete. It involves:

  • Ensuring all planned test cases have been executed successfully. 
  • Confirming that all critical issues identified during testing have been resolved.
  • Action plans are in place for any remaining open issues, with a clear target for resolution in the next release cycle.

Step 7: Approval for Go-Live

At this stage, the testing team assesses whether the application is ready to go live. The team only grants a green signal if it meets all exit criteria. If any exit criteria are not entirely fulfilled, the report identifies areas of concern that require attention. The final decision on whether to release the application is then deferred to senior management and other stakeholders after a thorough and informed decision-making process to ensure the application's readiness.

How can Global App Testing help you?

Whether you need comprehensive testing or to overcome a minor hiccup, GAT can help you. GAT offers complete QA solutions combining crowdtesting and automatic automation to help you release high-quality software wherever you are. This approach involves continuous testing throughout the software development life cycle (SDLC), with a focus on Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD). This method boosts release confidence and reduces risks with each release. 

Our key features include

  • Intelligent QA automation powered by a global crowd of 50,000+ vetted testers spanning 189+ countries. 
  • Testing your applications with real users on real devices worldwide ensures that your software meets the needs and expectations of diverse user demographics.
  • Receiving actionable results within 24–36 hours, allowing for quick identification and resolution of potential issues.
  • Running customized tests in as little as 30 minutes provides rapid feedback on your applications' functionality and performance.
  • Efficiently shared, recreated, and resolved issues with detailed bug reports facilitated by our "always-on" tester network, available 24/7/365.
  • Scaling your QA efforts on demand , deploying testing resources precisely when and where you need them. Analyze or export bugs directly into your development workflow for seamless integration.

Whether you aim to increase release velocity, achieve global QA coverage, or maximize team productivity, our solutions can help you overcome QA bottlenecks and achieve your development goals. So, sign up and arrange a discovery call today!

We can help you drive global growth, better accessibility, and better product quality at every level.

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How to Write Better Bug Reports Automated Functional Testing How Do You Ensure Quality in the Software You Create?


What is a Test Report? A Comprehensive Guide To Build One

What is a Test Report and How To Create One?

At the end of every testing project, a test report is usually created to summarize the results. This report provides insights into how the test project was executed if it aligned with the initial plan, and what areas need further optimization.  

In this article, we’ll explore in-depth what needs to be included in a test report, as well as the key metrics that QA teams need to look at if they want to gauge their testing efficiency.

What is a Test Report?

A test report is a document that summarizes the results of a test project. In this report, testers review the status of each test case, their results, any issues found, and recommendations for next steps.

Benefits of Test Reports

A test report is a valuable tool for both the QA team and any stakeholders involved for several reasons:

  • It communicates the status of quality assurance within the internal team and external stakeholders (most commonly developers, project managers, product owners, etc.). Such practice also creates a sense of transparency across teams regarding the quality of the system.
  • A test report usually includes success metrics to help QA teams measure testing effectiveness. When visualized, they provide valuable insights for future testing strategies and improvement opportunities. We will discuss these metrics in later sections of this article.
  • Test reports are usually based on the test plan, so it plays a crucial role in tracking the progress of testing efforts.
  • A test report is also a documentation that can be leveraged for compliance purposes.

When To Create a Test Report?

Software Testing Life Cycle by Katalon

A test report is typically created at the end of the testing life cycle. If you look at the Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC) flow chart above, you should see that test reporting falls into the sixth stage: Test Cycle Closure.  

At this stage, testers gather to analyze what they found from the tests and document key takeaways in the test report. A test report can also be generated upon request of stakeholders for specific purposes, or following any significant updates in the software.

What To Include in a Test Report?

A test report should include the following sections:

  • Project information:  In this part you should briefly describe the testing project and its objectives. Explain the purpose of the report if needed.
  • Test summary:  This section is essentially an abstract where you provide a quick summary of the key findings from the test. Most common metrics to be reported here are the number of test cases executed, passed or failed tests, and any notable bugs found.

test reporting features with Katalon

Steps To Create a Good Test Report

What does it take for a test report to be “good”?  

To answer this question, let’s go back and see what a traditional test report looks like.  

Before the test report comes the test log. A test log is basically a chronological record of the testing activities performed in a testing session. Technically speaking, a test log is a test report, only in a more rudimentary form. From the test log, QA teams extract the necessary information and data before consolidating them into a more organized version.  

A test log is nice, but at the end of the day, it does not make for a good test report.  

test log in software testing

This screenshot depicts a basic test execution log. It actually did quite a good job at informing testers of the state of their testing project. Let’s break it down:  

  • Execution environment:  Here you can find the administrator ID of the machine in use for testing (i.e., the test environment), the operating system, and the browser used for testing.
  • Test suite: You can see its name is healthcare-tests - TS_RegressionTest. We immediately know that this test suite is designated for a healthcare application, and they are  regression tests . Based on the description section, we know that they all aim to test the login process and make an appointment upon successful login.
  • Test case:  At a more granular level, we see the first test case TC1_Verify Successful Login   aims to test the first part of the test suite: attempting to log in and verify if it is successful. A timestamp is also included in the Start/End/Elapsed   row. The Status   is PASSED, and all of the Test Steps   are listed below.

A test log is great, but it is not a good test report, yet.  

A test log is focused and operational, while a test report is a structured analysis version of it. It is not enough if you want to accomplish more heavy-duty tasks (tracing and monitoring test performance, result visualization, analytics, etc.). If you want to do so, you would need to manually input those data into a spreadsheet or CSV, which is time-consuming and counterproductive when you have hundreds of test cases and test suites to work with.  

The following depicts a good test report:

Katalon TestOps dashboard

What do we need in a good report?

  • Visualizations:  Visual elements do wonders to your report. They include charts, graphs, and diagrams to show patterns in test results. You can zoom in/out on your test data by adjusting time frames to have a more comprehensive view.
  • Monitoring:  You can go as far as to monitor project pace and progress with delivery-date countdown, dates, and build-specific pass/fail ratio for each version. 
  • Performance: You can visualize performance trends of execution duration and pass/fail tests. 
  • Comparative analysis:  You can compare test results across different versions to see if there are any improvements/regressions in your software quality.
  • Recommendations:  You can   include a section where you provide your insights from a testing perspective as to what area(s) should be focused on during the debugging process.

Let’s see how this is done in Katalon.  

Katalon TestOps create a test report

As you can see, in  Katalon TestOps , you can view a rich array of information regarding your test run history.

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How To Share Test Reports Within the Team?

Once you have your test report, it is time to share it with the team. In  Katalon , once you’ve run all of your tests and generated the test report, you can share it through Slack using the Slack integration. Tip: Make sure to create a Slack API app in advance.  See how you can do it here.  

Slack integration with Katalon for test planning

You can also  share test reports via email . It can automatically send summary reports to your own email or other stakeholders to notify them about the test result. To do this, you need to set up your mail server and customize email reports in the way you want it to be represented.  

Katalon TestOps results

Key Metrics To Include in Test Reports

These are the basic metrics to have in your reports:  

  • Test case execution status  – the number of test cases executed, passed, failed, blocked, or deferred. This metric is commonly visualized as pie charts for a specific time frame.
  • Test case coverage  –  the percentage of requirements or features covered by executed test cases. 
  • Test pass rate  – the percentage of test cases that passed successfully.
  • Defect density  – the number of defects identified per unit of code or test execution.
  • Defect severity distribution  – the distribution of defects by severity levels (e.g., critical, major, minor).
  • Defect closure rate   – the percentage of defects closed or resolved within a specified time frame.
  • Test execution duration   – the average duration of test execution sessions or cycles.
  • Test cycle time   – the time taken to complete a full test cycle, from planning to execution to reporting.
  • Test efficiency   – the ratio of passed tests to total tests executed, indicating testing effectiveness.
  • Test effectiveness   – the percentage of defects found by testing compared to total defects identified.
  • Requirements traceability   – the percentage of requirements covered by executed test cases.
  • Test automation coverage   – the percentage of test cases automated versus manual.

Challenges in Creating Test Reports

Manually crafting a manual test report takes effort. If you are working on an individual project, scrolling through the test log would be more than enough. However, when it comes to reporting for your team/project managers, manual test reporting really impacts productivity. Here’s how:  

  • Root cause analysis delays: Adding test suites, test cases, or test steps increases the volume of logs to sift through. Determining whether a test failure is due to an actual bug or a false positive becomes more time-consuming because of this.
  • Disk space pressure: Saving reports as PDFs, HTML, or CSV files on your local machine is suitable for one-time use. However, long-term storage of these files can quickly deplete hard drive space.
  • Communication breakdowns: Team members engrossed in their tasks might overlook the report you've shared. This can lead to frequent miscommunication and subsequent release delays.
  • Quality and traceability gaps: With test and bug reports, along with requirements documents scattered across various locations, project managers face challenges in assessing build quality and readiness for release.

Best Practices for Writing Test Reports

  • Tailor the level of technical detail and language used in the report to suit the specific needs and preferences of different stakeholders.
  • Acknowledge and highlight successful test executions, achievements, and improvements made since the previous report to celebrate progress and motivate the team.
  • Identify and discuss any risks and challenges encountered during testing, along with proposed mitigation strategies, to ensure transparency and proactive problem-solving.
  • Offer historical context by comparing current test results with previous reports or benchmarks to track progress.
  • Verify the accuracy and integrity of the data presented in the report by cross-referencing information.
  • Use the test report as a platform to encourage collaboration, discussion, and knowledge sharing among team members.
  • Summarize key findings, insights, and recommendations in an executive summary at the beginning of the report to provide busy stakeholders with a quick overview of the most important information.

Learn More About Katalon     

Guide To Create Data-driven testing framework with Katalon and Selenium

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writing test summary report is a major task of

Test Summary Report

writing test summary report is a major task of

A Test Summary Report, often referred to as a Test Summary Document or Test Completion Report, is a comprehensive document that provides an overview of the testing activities and the results of a software testing project. It serves as a formal record of the testing process and is typically created at the end of the testing phase or at the completion of a testing project.

The Test Summary Report is an important communication and documentation tool that is shared with project stakeholders to provide insights into the quality of the software and the status of testing efforts.

Key elements typically included in a Test Summary Report are as follows:

  • Introduction: This section provides an overview of the report, including the project’s background, objectives, and scope.
  • Test Summary: Summarizes the testing activities, including the test phases, the duration of testing, and the testing environment used.
  • Test Execution Overview: Describes the overall status of test execution, including the number of test cases executed, the number of defects found, and any issues that occurred during testing.
  • Test Results: Presents the results of testing, including the number of test cases passed, failed, and deferred. Any defects or issues discovered during testing are also listed along with their status (open, closed, in progress).
  • Test Coverage: Provides information on the test coverage achieved, including the percentage of requirements or functional areas tested.
  • Defect Summary: Details the defects or issues found during testing, including their severity, status, and any actions taken to address them. It may also include trends or patterns in defect distribution.
  • Test Environment: Describes the testing environment, including hardware, software, and configurations used for testing. This section is essential for replicating the testing environment in the future.
  • Test Schedule: Compares the actual testing schedule with the planned schedule. Any deviations or delays are highlighted and explained.
  • Test Deliverables: Lists the test deliverables, such as test plans, test cases, test data, and test scripts, indicating their completion status.
  • Risks and Issues: Identifies and discusses any risks or issues that affected the testing process or could impact the software’s quality.
  • Testing Team Performance: Provides an assessment of the testing team’s performance, including achievements, challenges, and recommendations for improvement.
  • Conclusion: Summarizes the overall testing effort, highlighting the quality of the software, its readiness for release, and any recommendations or next steps.
  • Recommendations: Offers suggestions or recommendations for actions to be taken, such as additional testing, defect resolutions, or further quality improvements.
  • Sign-Off: Contains the signatures of key stakeholders, indicating their acceptance of the Test Summary Report.

The Test Summary Report is a valuable document for project managers, developers, quality assurance professionals, and other stakeholders as it provides a consolidated view of the testing process, its outcomes, and the software’s readiness for release. It helps in decision-making, communication, and accountability in the software development lifecycle.

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How to Write QA Test Summary Report Sample? [13 Easy Steps]

Adepu Bindu

Adepu Bindu

qa test summary report sample

The whole QA testing is attaining great prominence like never before – A reliable, quality-guaranteed tech procedure. Have you ever thought about how to write a QA test summary report sample?

Meanwhile, how you report your insights is also paramount. Recording details from the fundamentals to the results you think are overwhelming. That’s untrue. It can be accessible, competent, and understandable at the same time.

If you are wondering how to write a comprehensive final test summary report, you are googling it at the right place.

What Is A QA Test Summary Report Sample?

Alright, it does something beneficial. But, wondering what? 

A test summary report is a detailed overview containing every important detail identified and discovered from different testing stages. The undeniable reason is to deliver the high/low performance of the software test to the respective stakeholders. So, the basic idea is to add value to their decision-making on whether to go live or not.

And it indeed enables the project manager to assess the effective test plan execution, ensuring transparency and accountability.

The report would include the product quality of the software in different environments, the quality of testing efforts, and statistics obtained from incident reports.

What Makes A Good QA Test Summary Report Sample?

The following are the bases of a solid test summary report:

  • Specification: You don’t have to produce a lengthy test report summary. It should include all of the efficient test result parameters concisely and clearly.
  • Standard: The test summary report should stick to a consistent template since it is simple for stakeholders to study and understand.
  • Clarity: The test report should provide correct information. The report should be brief and understandable.
  • Detail: Wherever possible, the final report should provide detailed information regarding the testing efforts. Even though it is brief, the information doesn’t have to be abstract because that won’t allow the stakeholders to understand it clearly.

What Should A Test Summary Report Include?

A test report summary that is instructive should be concise and relevant. There are numerous examples of test summary report templates online, but not all of them may be suitable for your case. Therefore, it is crucial to adjust the report after doing a thorough study following the features of our test project.

Here is a list of what should be included:

  • Test Objective: Specify the testing objectives; doing just that shows the team members understood the test objective and the requirement.
  • Areas Covered: Include the tested product areas and features. Although it doesn’t have to cover every test scenario in great detail, it should at least cover all the major ones.
  • Areas Not Covered: It is crucial to document the product features that were not tested. Any areas not tested can cause concern on the client’s end. So, you need to ensure that anything untested is highlighted and that expectations are set appropriately. Be careful to provide a reason for your main points, such as a limitation on access or a shortage of devices.
  • Testing Approach: This is crucial to discuss because it explains what was tested and how it was done. Make sure to describe in detail the corrective action taken and the different testing strategies used to complete the task.
  • Defect Report: Although a defect report is typically included in a bug report, having one in the test summary report can offer your test report an edge.
  • Platform Details: Products are currently tested on a variety of platforms. Due to the increased demand, not only a testing process now includes various device setups and browsers but also various software releases. Let’s be sure to provide information about each platform and environment in which the product was tested in.
  • Overall Summary: The purpose is to offer feedback on the overall state of the application under test. For the customer to determine how near they are to ship the product to them, it should notify them of any critical issues that were found and how many are still outstanding.

Test summary report

How To Create An Outline Of The Test Report?

Generally, this may differ from company to company based on your testing exercises. However, below are the few traditional essentials of a test summary report.

  • A short evaluation of how well the testing is performed.
  • Quality of testing effort.
  • Quality assessment of the software.
  • The recordings should also include the factors like time taken, and different environments tested.
  • The incident reports included statistics.
  • A brief on the final test results.

1. Project And Product Info

Mention the chunks of information about the project and product. For instance, the project name, official/preferred product name, and version of the particular product.

Mention a short explanation of the objective behind making the report. Example: The following report is a brief of all the insights uncovered during the different testing phases of the ABC project.

3. Software/Product Overview

Consider it as a short intro to the product. You can follow the below example as a reference.

Productimize is a web-based product customization platform catering to e-commerce businesses worldwide. It helps the clients to design their products increasing business sales by 40%. Bountiful features like 3D visualization, text input, image rendering, social sharing, and product personalization are revolutionary. Industries like furniture, Jewellery, Home goods, print and promotions, and sporting goods are benefited from this product.

4. Objective And Testing Scope

This segment allows the stakeholders to understand the functions in and out of scope for testing—information on items not tested and also why aren’t they tested. Restrictions, hurdles, and learnings in each stage are also mentioned.

Example: A verification that compels third-party connectivity wasn’t possible. It happened due to some technical problem and should be resolved soon.

Objectives in QA Test Summary Report Sample

5. Magical Metrics

So far, the most interesting and important one. The critical metrics in visual representation allow a requisite understanding of some complex data. The graphics, in general, are the best for a better understanding of anything.

Metrics like:

  • A number of test cases passed vs. failed.
  • Cases planned vs. executed.
  • Total defects found, their severity, and their status.
  • Module-wise defects distribution.

6. Types Of Testing

The information on prolific testing was performed for a specific project. It is to make sure that all the testing is conducted as agreed earlier in the strategy. Prime examples are as follows.

  • Smoke Testing
  • Regression Testing
  • System Integration Testing

a) Smoke Testing : This testing is done if a build is received to ensure the crucial functionalities are working fine. First, accept the build and further can start the testing.

b) Regression Testing : This testing is carried out every time the build is established for testing. It contains defect fixes and new improvements if available. It is performed on the complete software, not just on a specific functionality or defect fixes.

It works amazingly to ensure rich functionality after the new defect fix, and further improvements are attached to the existing software. New test cases of the new feature can be added and executed.

c) System Integration Testing: This testing is done to rectify if the whole software performs well, basing the requirements without any errors. When the business scenarios are tested, it ensures that the essential functions are performing as planned.

7. Testing Environments

The various details of the testing environments should be recorded here, with accurate data. Follow the below format:

  • Application URL
  • Tools used example: Quality Centre ( HP ALM )

8. Lessons Learned

This is a non-fancy section for lessons learned, not for the stakeholders. Post the problem faced and solutions found, and crucial decisions made throughout. These recorded mistakes can be avoided in the next testing encounter. Examples: The issue faced – Manual testing is a problem in the smoke test cases. Solution – The number of test cases was automated, and the scripts executed saved time.

9. Recommendations And Improvements

Any recommendations you feel can add strength to the testing of the software can be made here. Example: Better test management tools with valuable integrations can be used for quick and swift testing.

10. Test Results

A detailed inventory of all functionalities checked and the defects found.

  • Details about test case results also should include links to issues of only failed and blocked test cases.
  • No. of bugs found.
  • Status of bugs. (opened, resolved, and depending)
  • List it by severity and priority.

Results of QA Test Summary Report Sample

11. Exit Criteria

It’s more of a yes or no section with the most predominant details. It is defined as completing testing by meeting all the planned requirements. Examples are as follows:

  • Plan the number of test cases executed – Yes
  • The defects and all kinds of severity are entirely verified and closed – Yes

Again this may differ from project to project and company to company.

12. Conclusions

This segment mentions whether the team members stand to go live. If the software testing didn’t meet the exit criteria, say it as follows.

The application/software is not suggested to go live.

If the software meets the exit criteria by fulfilling all the requirements, then suggest it as follows.

The application/software met the exit criteria satisfying the requirements mentioned in section 9, so we suggest the software/application go live.

13. Definition, Abbreviation, And Acronyms

A QA test summary report is to communicate the complex test process and its outcome to the stakeholders.

Sometimes the stakeholders may not be familiar with all the terms used in the report. It is better to give them that knowledge in the report itself. Making communication easy is as important as the testing process itself. Also, please don’t make a report full of engineering terms; not every stakeholder is an engineer to understand them.

Stakeholders, upper management staff, and concerned clients will view this artifact document. It is crucial to provide the facts and information about the software testing done, its performance, and its conclus ions.

About The Author Adepu Bindu

Bindu is an experienced Content Writer with a demonstrated history of working in the Web Media and services industry. She kept lingering around the new disruptive technologies and wonder every single day as she researches, learns, and writes about them. She always sets out to give you the best possible answers to the problems she comes across.

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ISTQB Certification Exam-Sample Papers Q. 951 to 960

Objective Type / Multiple Choice Questions for preparation of ISTQB certification exam

(Quickly Review Your Skills before appearing for ISTQB Certification Exam)

Set of 10 Questions � Q. 951 to Q. 960

Correct Answers to Earlier Questions – Q. 941 to Q 950 are at the end of this page :  

Q. 951: Bug life cycle

A. Open, Assigned, Fixed, Closed B. Open, Fixed, Assigned, Closed C. Assigned, Open, Closed, Fixed D. Assigned, Open, Fixed, Closed

<<<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 952: Who is responsible for document all the issues, problems and open point that were identified during the review meeting

A. Moderator B. Scribe C. Reviewers D. Author

Q. 953: A project that is in the implementation phase is six weeks behind schedule.

The delivery date for the product is four months away. The project is not allowed to slip the delivery date or compromise on the quality standards established for his product. Which of the following actions would bring this project back on schedule?

A. Eliminate some of the requirements that have not yet been implemented. B. Add more engineers to the project to make up for lost work. C. Ask the current developers to work overtime until the lost work is recovered. D. Hire more software quality assurance personnel.

< <<<<< =================== >>>>>>

Q. 954: Use cases can be performed to test

A. Performance testing B. Unit testing C. Business scenarios D. Static testing

Q. 955: The ___________ technique can be used to achieve input and output coverage

A. Boundary value analysis B. Equivalence partitioning C. Decision table testing D. State transition testing

Q. 956: The __________ testing is performed at the developing organization�s site

A. Unit testing B. Regression testing C. Alpha testing D. Integration testing

Q. 957: The software engineer’s role in tool selection is

A. To identify, evaluate, and rank tools, and recommend tools to management B. To determine what kind of tool is needed, then find it and buy it C. To initiate the tool search and present a case to management D. To identify, evaluate and select the tools

<<<<<< =================== >>>>> >

Q. 958: Which is not the software characteristics

A. Reliability B. Usability C. Scalability D. Maintainability

Q. 959: A Test Plan Outline contains which of the following:

i. Test Items ii. Test Scripts iii. Test Deliverables iv. Responsibilities

A. i,ii,iii are true and iv is false B. i,iii,iv are true and ii is false C. ii,iii are true and i and iv are false D. i,ii are false and iii , iv are true

Q. 960: Which of the following is not a major task of Exit criteria?

A. Checking test logs against the exit criteria specified in test planning. B. Logging the outcome of test execution. C. Assessing if more tests are needed. D. Writing a test summary report for stakeholders.

Correct Answer of All above Questions

Correct Answers to the Earlier Questions – Q. 941 to Q 950 are as under:

Er. Yogindernath Gupta

An expert on R&D, Online Training and Publishing. He is M.Tech. (Honours) and is a part of the STG team since inception.

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    Test lead need to perform this task. Rights were obtained from Client, by explaining the difficulty. 8. Recommendations ... Major, Medium severity should be verified and closed - Yes. c) Any open defects in trivial severity - Action plan prepared with expected dates ... Sample Test Summary Report Created and published by: http ...

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    Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Fault Masking is:, Which of the following is a MAJOR task of evaluating exit criteria and reporting?, Which is not a testing principle? and more. ... Writing a test summary report for stakeholders. Which is not a testing principle? Exhaustive testing.

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  18. Evaluating exit criteria & Reporting

    - Writing a test summary report is a major task of evaluating exit criteria and reporting. - Test summary report is formal document that summarizes the results of all testing efforts for a particular testing cycle of a project or a module. - It gives the status of testing, it is nothing but daily report regarding testing. ...

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    Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which of the following is not a major task of exit criteria? o Checking test logs against the exit criteria specified in test planning o Logging the outcome of test execution o Assessing if more tests are needed o Writing a test summary report for stakeholders, Arc testing is known as o Branch testing o Agile testing o Beta ...

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    Step 1. Software testing is a critical phase in the software development process that involves evaluating an... 36. Writing a test summary report is a major task of (1 Point) O a. Test Closure activity O b. Implementation and execution c. Evaluating exit criteria and Reporting d. Analysis and Design 37.

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