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Business Studies Case Studies

Business Studies Case Studies 

  • Case Study – Apple  | Other
  • Case Study – AussieBum
  • Case Study – Crumpler
  • Case Study – Coca-Cola Amatil – Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
  • Case Study – Coke
  • Case Study – Harvey Norman & Qantas – Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
  • Case Study – IMAX Big Screen Business 2007
  • Case Study – JB HiFi – Part 1 | Part 2
  • Case Study – Port Kembla Steel Works (Aust Ind World)
  • Case study – Qantas
  • Case Study – Globalisation – Westfield Holdings

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Business Studies

  • Texts and Human Experiences 16
  • Preliminary Course 22
  • Discovery 47
  • Belonging 372
  • Journeys 790
  • Language, Identity and Culture 10
  • Close Study of Literature 154
  • The Craft of Writing 5
  • Preliminary Course 40
  • Experience Through Language 85
  • Texts and Society 77
  • General 214
  • Textual Conversations 26
  • Critical Study of Literature 646
  • The Craft of Writing 20
  • Preliminary Course 208
  • Premium 227
  • Comparative Study of Texts and Context 597
  • Representation and Text 449
  • Literary Worlds 3
  • Elective: Literary Homelands 0
  • Elective: Worlds of Upheaval 0
  • Elective: Reimagined Worlds 0
  • Elective: Literary Mindscapes 2
  • Elective: Intersecting Worlds 0
  • Preliminary Course 116
  • Texts and Ways of Thinking 192
  • Language and Values 14
  • Language, Identity and Culture 1
  • Close Study of Text 2
  • Module A – Experience Through Language 13
  • Module B – Texts and Society 6
  • Preliminary Course 6
  • Measurement 5
  • Statistical Analysis 12
  • Financial Mathematics 9
  • Preliminary Course 32
  • General 134
  • Functions 11
  • Exponential and Logarithmic Functions 0
  • Trigonometric Functions 3
  • Financial Mathematics 3
  • Statistical Analysis 4
  • Preliminary Course 18
  • Old syllabus topics 2
  • General 155
  • Functions 5
  • Trigonometric Functions 2
  • Proof by mathematical induction 6
  • Statistical Analysis 0
  • Combinatorics 6
  • Preliminary Course 45
  • Old syllabus topics 0
  • Complex Numbers 7
  • Mechanics 1
  • General 123
  • Heredity 32
  • Genetic Change 115
  • Infectious Diseases 147
  • Preliminary Course 248
  • Maintaining a Balance 133
  • Communication 53
  • Biotechnology 2
  • The Human Story 25
  • Biochemistry 8
  • General 150
  • Equilibrium and Acid Reactions 11
  • Acid/Base Reactions 77
  • Organic Chemistry 96
  • Applying Chemical Ideas 76
  • Preliminary Course 243
  • Lifestyle Chemistry 1
  • Industrial Chemistry 37
  • Shipwrecks, Corrosion and Conservations 34
  • The Biochemistry of Movement 1
  • The Chemistry of Art 7
  • Forensic Chemistry 10
  • General 127
  • Advanced Mechanics 63
  • Electromagnetism 69
  • The Nature of Light 56
  • From the Universe to the Atom 36
  • Preliminary Course 150
  • Geophysics 5
  • Medical Physics 11
  • Astrophysics 17
  • Age of Silicon 6
  • The Foundations of Scientific Thinking 0
  • Scientific Research Proposal 0
  • Data, Evidence and Decisions 0
  • Scientific Research Report 1
  • Earth's Processes 13
  • Climate Science 0
  • Resource Management 12
  • Preliminary Course 16
  • Environments Through Time 11
  • Introduced Species and the Australian Environment 11
  • Organic Geology 1
  • Mining and the Australian Environment 0
  • Oceanography 1
  • Scientific Investigations 1
  • Technologies 0
  • Fact or Fallacy? 0
  • Science and Society 0
  • Preliminary Course 2
  • Lifestyle Chemistry 17
  • Preliminary Course 20
  • Medical Technology – Bionics 31
  • Information Systems 15
  • Preservatives and Additives 3
  • Pharmaceuticals 4
  • Disasters 7
  • Space Science 1
  • Operations 244
  • Finance 151
  • Marketing 137
  • Human Resources 126
  • Global Business 9
  • Preliminary Course 193
  • The Global Economy 168
  • Australia's Place in the Global Economy 67
  • Economic Issues 111
  • Economic Policies & Management 86
  • Preliminary Course 176
  • Law and Society 98
  • World Order 104
  • Consumers 56
  • Global Environment 23
  • Indigenous Peoples 13
  • Technological Change 3
  • Workplace 31
  • Personalities in Their Time 265
  • Ancient Societies 337
  • Historical Periods 313
  • Core Study - Cities of Vesuvius - Pompeii and Herculaneum 150
  • Preliminary Course 110
  • Premium 113
  • General 140
  • National Studies 467
  • Peace and Conflict 323
  • Power and Authority in the Modern World 11
  • Changes in the Modern World 7
  • Preliminary Course 233
  • World War I 208
  • Premium 152
  • Major Works 68
  • Constructing History - Key Questions 2
  • Constructing History - Case Studies 1
  • What is History? 70
  • Medieval and Early Modern 15
  • Australian 7
  • Health Priorities in Australia 136
  • Factors Affecting Performance 70
  • The Health of Young People 13
  • Sport and Physical Activity in Australian Society 7
  • Sports Medicine 85
  • Improving Performance 47
  • Equity and Health 4
  • Preliminary Course 103
  • Ecosystems at Risk 116
  • Urban Places 121
  • People and Economic Activity 58
  • Preliminary Course 57
  • Social and Cultural Continuity and Change 47
  • Popular Culture 35
  • Belief Systems 32
  • Equality and Difference 28
  • Work and Leisure 8
  • Preliminary Course 48
  • General 234
  • Foundation Studies 182
  • Cross Religion Studies 158
  • Interest Studies 102
  • Preliminary Course 114
  • Plant/Animal Production 16
  • Farm/Product Study 7
  • Agribusiness 1
  • Animal Management 2
  • Horticulture 0
  • Innovation and Diversification 0
  • Plant Management 1
  • Sustainable Land and Resource Management 3
  • Preliminary Course 3
  • Research Methodology 73
  • Groups in Context 62
  • Parenting and Caring 30
  • Family and Societal Interactions 3
  • Social Impact of Technology 7
  • Individuals and Work 32
  • Preliminary Course 46
  • Information Systems and Databases 57
  • Communication 43
  • Transaction Processing Systems 26
  • Decision Support Systems 27
  • Automated Manufacturing Systems 5
  • Multimedia 32
  • Preliminary Course 37
  • Development and Impact of Software Solutions 12
  • Software Development Cycle 10
  • Developing a Solution Package 4
  • Evolution of Programming Languages 3
  • The Software Developer's View of Hardware 16
  • Preliminary Course 14
  • Civil Structures 17
  • Personal and Public Transport 9
  • Lifting Devices 3
  • Aeronautical Engineering 11
  • Telecommunication 5
  • Preliminary Course 44
  • Automotive Industries 0
  • Building and Construction Industries 0
  • Electronics Industries 1
  • Graphics Industries 4
  • Metals and Engineering Industries 1
  • Multimedia Industries 25
  • Plastics Industries 0
  • Timber Products and Furniture Industries 7
  • The Australian Food Industry 39
  • Food Manufacture 22
  • Food Product Development 17
  • Nutrition 27
  • Marketplace 0
  • Preliminary Course 31
  • Innovation and Emerging Technologies 21
  • Designing and Producing 0
  • Major Design Project 8
  • Preliminary Course 9
  • Properties and Performance of Textiles 8
  • Australian Textile, Clothing, Footwear and Allied Industries 8
  • Preliminary Course 8
  • Australian Drama and Theatre 84
  • Studies in Drama and Theatre 68
  • Music Extension 0
  • Practice in Artmaking, Art Criticism and Art History 60
  • The Conceptual Framework – Agencies in the Artworld 29
  • The Frames 25
  • French Beginners 21
  • French Continuers 16
  • French Extension 1
  • Beginners 3
  • Continuers 33
  • Background Speakers 0
  • Extension 1
  • Preliminary Course 7
  • German Beginners 9
  • German Continuers 3
  • German Extension 1
  • Preliminary Course 0

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Student Lectures

business case studies hsc


Lectures with best-selling author David Broadbridge can be held in person or by video using Zoom.

Available in Sydney and regional NSW as a 1-2 hour session, flexible to fit your timetabling needs.

“Schools hosting David’s presentation have witnessed a phenomenal boost in their HSC Business Studies results.”

business case studies hsc

David Broadbridge

  • Informative and structured content intricately woven into the NSW syllabus.
  • A highly engaging session with a dynamic presenter who is able to connect with students and hold their attention
  • Powerful strategies for acing the HSC examination
  • A comprehensive handout to complement your learning journey

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Re: HSC Business - Case studies

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  • Skiing, motorcycle and travel fanatic
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this is awesome thanks!! Would you suggest looking at a bunch of different case studies like you have depending on the dot point, or is it better to look at 1-2 in depth?


Jcorben.2019, twelftholmes.

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  • Respect: +6

Recent Posts

Are places like the Hunter's Alesco Secondary College the answer to school refusal?

A woman stands in front of a school smiling.

When Emily Large thinks about her time at high school, she can be quite emotional. 

"When I was in mainstream schools, I had under 6 per cent attendance," she said. 

"I had depression and anxiety and my school didn't care about what I was going through.  

"They just wanted my attendance back up."

Attendance, or lack of it, can often be an issue for young people with high-level social and emotional needs like autism, mental health issues, or those who face bullying.

A recent Four Corners report found 38 per cent of all students across years 1 to 10 were absent for more than 20 days in 2023, which is considered "chronically absent".

As school refusal rates rise , some parents and students are turning to alternative independent schools. 

For Emily, Alesco Secondary College, in the Hunter region of New South Wales, was the alternative she found to mainstream schooling.

Student at alesco

What does an alternative school look like? 

Alesco is classed as an independent special assistance school, where students who have fallen out of mainstream education are offered tailored and flexible education between years 9 and 12.

Students study a compressed HSC schedule and can choose ATAR and non-ATAR credited subjects.

Alesco classrooms

They study six subjects across two years and sit exams at the end of each year.

There is also a "Year 13" option, where students can do extra studies or vocational training.

The class sizes are smaller than in mainstream schooling, there are flexible attendance plans to accommodate students’ needs, and no school uniforms. 

Alesco began in Newcastle in 2002 with 35 students; 22 years later it has expanded to cater to more than 630 students across six campuses in the Hunter region, and one in Forster on the Mid North Coast. 

Rowan Cox

"When we started Alesco, we were trying to answer a really local problem," co-founder Rowan Cox said.  

"But I think we hadn't realised that we had tapped into a local problem in most locations."

Flexible learning still evolving  

Over the past decade, the number of special assistance schools across the country has doubled to almost 100. 

According to Independent Schools Australia, there was a 364 per cent rise in enrolments in independent special assistance schools between 2014 and 2023. 

nigel howard pic

Flinders University research associate Nigel Howard has been studying trends in school refusal, with an interest in special assistance schools.

His research shows that graduates from a flexible model of schooling can struggle to get the same recognition as students who get similar results in their HSC at a mainstream school.

"We need accreditation authorities to see that this model of learning and teaching is very different from the industrial model in a mainstream school," he said.

"We also need to understand how special assistance schools connect their learning, and how they make it more than just responding to the individual needs of that student.

"Otherwise we're just finding another place for these young people to feel good and safe for a short amount of time, but then not being able to translate that into work and community life."


Mr Howard wants to see more research into how these schools work. 

"What needs to underpin that is an actual understanding of how many students are there, what they're doing, and what their outcomes are," he said. 

"We're kind of working blind in that, because we don't have that research at the moment."

Changing the way students think about school

When Emily Large graduated from Alesco in 2022, she received the student of the year award.

She had come a long way from when she first walked through the school gates in year 9.  

Emily Large 2

"I went there with 6 per cent attendance, and I graduated with 98 per cent," she said.  

"I realised that what I do with my life matters."

For Emily, flexible learning helped change the way she saw school. 

"If you can't learn the way they're teaching it, the teachers figure out a way that works for you," she said. 

"There's not 30 students in one class, so they can take extra time to help you."

Alesco Senior College

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  • How To Survive the HSC
  • One Night the Moon – Analysis (Video)
  • 2020 – Physics – PHS (Trial Paper)
  • Business Studies Influences on HR (Quiz)
  • Sci Ext – Portfolio Pack
  • 2020 – Science Ext – Exam Choice (Trial Paper)
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  3. Home

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    QANTAS IS A GREAT HSC BUSINESS CASE STUDY sold over 70,000 copies Trusted by teachers for 25 years and utilised by the highest-achieving students in the Higher School Certificate (HSC), our text seamlessly aligns with the NSW Syllabus highlighting an iconic Australian brand that students readily recognise. Order Now. The author, David ...

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  15. Student Lectures

    BOOK A QANTAS CASESTUDY PRESENTATION. Lectures with best-selling author David Broadbridge can be held in person or by video using Zoom. Available in Sydney and regional NSW as a 1-2 hour session, flexible to fit your timetabling needs. "Schools hosting David's presentation have witnessed a phenomenal boost in their HSC Business Studies ...

  16. How to Write a Band 6 HSC Business Studies Report

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  18. Business Studies Notes by S.H

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    Our Business Studies guide features real world case studies that you will need to know for your HSC exams. Written with the student in mind, this study guide gives you all the information you need to know to achieve a Band 6 with a focus on core concepts supported by practical examples to give context to the syllabus dot points. With this guide you will be able to focus on understanding the ...

  20. Are places like the Hunter's Alesco Secondary College the answer to

    Students study a compressed HSC schedule and can choose ATAR and non-ATAR credited subjects. Alesco Secondary College offers a range of adjustments for students, including smaller class sizes ...

  21. Business Studies Notes

    Year uploaded: 2021. Page length: 76. DOWNLOAD THE RESOURCE. Resource Description. All learn to & learn about notes for Business studies. good luck!! :)) Report a problem. Download this Notes document for HSC - Business Studies. Find free HSC resources like study notes, essays, past papers, assignment, case studies & ...