Case 5 Purchasing Ethics

Bryan Janz was just arriving back from lunch when his office phone rang. It was his wife, Nina, calling from home. Nina told Bryan that FedEx had just delivered a package addressed to her. The package contained a beautiful clock, now sitting over the fireplace. In fact, Nina said, “the clock looks absolutely beautiful on our living room fireplace.” Thinking the clock was from a family member, Bryan asked who sent the present. She said she did not recognize the name—the clock was from Mr. James McEnroe. Bryan immediately told Nina that she had to repack the clock because it was from a supplier who had been trying to win business from Bryan’s company. They definitely could not accept the clock. Nina was very upset and responded that the clock was perfect for the room and, besides, the clock came to their home, not to Bryan’s office. Because of Nina’s attachment to the clock, Bryan was unsure about what to do.

  • What should Bryan do about the clock?
  • What does the Institute of Supply Management (ISM) code of ethics say about accepting supplier favors and gifts?
  • Why do you think the supplier sent the clock to Bryan’s home and addressed it to his wife?
  • Does the mere act of sending the clock to Bryan mean that Mr. McEnroe is an unethical salesperson?

Lisa Jennings thought that at long last, her company, Assurance Technologies, was about to win a major contract from Sealgood Instruments. Sealgood, a maker of precision measuring instruments, was sourcing a large contract for component subassemblies. The contract that Assurance Technologies was bidding on was worth at least $2.5 million annually, a significant amount given Assurance’s annual sales of $30 million. Her team had spent hundreds of hours preparing the quotation and felt they could meet Sealgood’s requirements in quality, cost, delivery, part standardization, and simplification. In fact, Lisa had never been more confident about a quote meeting the demanding requirements of a potential customer.

Troy Smyrna, the buyer at Sealgood Instruments responsible for awarding this contract, called Lisa and asked to meet with her at his office to discuss the specifics of the contract. When she arrived, Lisa soon realized that the conversation was not going exactly as she had expected. Troy informed Lisa that Assurance Technologies had indeed prepared a solid quotation for the contract. However, when he visited Assurance’s facility earlier on a prequalifying visit, he was disturbed to see a significant amount of a competitor’s product being used by Assurance. Troy explained his uneasiness with releasing part plans and designs to a company that clearly had involvement with a competitor. When Lisa asked what Assurance could do to minimize his uneasiness, Troy replied that he would be more comfortable if Assurance no longer used the competitor’s equipment and used Sealgood’s equipment instead. Lisa responded that this would mean replacing several hundred thousand dollars worth of equipment. Unfazed, Troy simply asked her whether or not she wanted the business. Lisa responded that she needed some time to think and that she would get back to Troy in a day or so.

  • Do you think the buyer at Sealgood Instruments, Troy Smyrna, is practicing unethical behavior? First, what is the term for this behavior, and second, defend why you think it is ethical or unethical behavior.
  • What should Lisa do in this situation? Formulate a response.

Ben Gibson, the purchasing manager at Coastal Products, was reviewing purchasing expenditures for packaging materials with Jeff Joyner. Ben was particularly disturbed about the amount spent on corrugated boxes purchased from Southeastern Corrugated. Ben said, “I don’t like the salesman from that company. He comes around here acting like he owns the place. He loves to tell us about his fancy car, house, and vacations. It seems to me he must be making too much money off of us!” Jeff responded that he heard Southeastern Corrugated was going to ask for a price increase to cover the rising costs of raw material paper stock. Jeff further stated that Southeastern would probably ask for more than what was justified simply from rising paper stock costs.

After the meeting, Ben decided he had heard enough. After all, he prided himself on being a results-oriented manager. There was no way he was going to allow that salesman to keep taking advantage of Coastal Products. Ben called Jeff and told him it was time to rebid the corrugated contract before Southeastern came in with a price increase request. Who did Jeff know that might be interested in the business? Jeff replied he had several companies in mind to include in the bidding process. These companies would surely come in at a lower price, partly because they used lower-grade boxes that would probably work well enough in Coastal Products’ process. Jeff also explained that these suppliers were not serious contenders for the business. Their purpose was to create competition with the bids. Ben told Jeff to make sure that Southeastern was well aware that these new suppliers were bidding on the contract. He also said to make sure the suppliers knew that price was going to be the determining factor in this quote, because he considered corrugated boxes to be a standard industry item.

  • Is Ben Gibson acting legally? Is he acting ethically? Why or why not?
  • As the Marketing Manager for Southeastern Corrugated, what would you do upon receiving the request for quotation from Coastal Products?

Sharon Gillespie, a new buyer at Visionex, Inc., was reviewing quotations for a tooling contract submitted by four suppliers. She was evaluating the quotes based on price, target quality levels, and delivery lead time promises. As she was working, her manager, Dave Cox, entered her office. He asked how everything was progressing and if she needed any help. She mentioned she was reviewing quotations from suppliers for a tooling contract. Dave asked who the interested suppliers were and if she had made a decision. Sharon indicated that one supplier, Apex, appeared to fit exactly the requirements Visionex had specified in the proposal. Dave told her to keep up the good work. Later that day Dave again visited Sharon’s office. He stated that he had done some research on the suppliers and felt that another supplier, Micron, appeared to have the best track record with Visionex. He pointed out that Sharon’s first choice was a new supplier to Visionex and there was some risk involved with that choice. Dave indicated that it would please him greatly if she selected Micron for the contract. The next day Sharon was having lunch with another buyer, Mark Smith. She mentioned the conversation with Dave and said she honestly felt that Apex was the best choice. When Mark asked Sharon who Dave preferred, she answered, “Micron.” At that point Mark rolled his eyes and shook his head. Sharon asked what the body language was all about. Mark replied, “Look, I know you’re new but you should know this. I heard last week that Dave’s brother-in-law is a new part owner of Micron. I was wondering how soon it would be before he started steering business to that company. He is not the straightest character.” Sharon was shocked. After a few moments, she announced that her original choice was still the best selection. At that point Mark reminded Sharon that she was replacing a terminated buyer who did not go along with one of Dave’s previous preferred suppliers.

  • What does the Institute of Supply Management code of ethics say about financial conflicts of interest?
  • Ethical decisions that affect a buyer’s ethical perspective usually involve the organizational environment, cultural environment, personal environment, and industry environment. Analyze this scenario using these four variables.
  • What should Sharon do in this situation?

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Procurement Tactics

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case study purchasing ethics answers

Written by Marijn Overvest | Reviewed by Sjoerd Goedhart | Fact Checked by Ruud Emonds | Our editorial policy

Procurement Case Studies — 10 Insightful Examples

Table of content

  • Amazing vs Wholefoods
  • Vaccinate Nationalism
  • Golden Donut Chain
  • East China Sea
  • Apple vs Samsung
  • RJR Nabisco Tabacco
  • Microsoft vs Nokia
  • International Longshore and Warehouse Union
  • North Korea vs South Korea
  • Largest Ponzi Scheme

Frequently asked questions

Key takeaways

  • Whether in international relations, business disputes, or organizational conflicts, parties must invest time in building trust.
  • Cultural differences can significantly impact the negotiation process. Understanding the cultural nuances of the parties involved is crucial.
  • Even individuals with strong ethical values can inadvertently engage in deceptive practices driven by the desire for high profits or personal gain.

Negotiation occurs naturally when parties are dealing with one another to form an agreement. It is the first step in developing or creating an agreement that both parties will mutually benefit from. However, not all negotiations end up in a good way. Sometimes, a dispute is created when both parties are invested in the negotiation. 

For this article, we will check ten negotiation and procurement case studies that can give you insight into how to negotiate with the other party. We will explore how they tackled the situations in which parties are in dispute. 

After reading this article, you will have an insight into how to negotiate with someone through these negotiation examples . You will learn how to tackle disputes in a negotiation without harming the other party’s reputation. So without further ado, let us start delving into these ten insightful cases.  

I have created a free-to-download editable procurement strategy template. It’s a PowerPoint file you can use to create your own strategy after being inspired by the case studies below. I even included a video where I’ll explain how you can use this template.

Example 1 — Price negotiation between Amazon and Whole Foods

Actual case:

The case study is based on a real-life price negotiation between and Whole Foods Market. 

Whole Foods Market has been declining in performance in the market for the last two years. Due to this, the activist hedge fund that owns almost 9% of the common stock is pressuring the former. 

The activist hedge fund is eyeing the reform of the management style of the executive officers as it asserted that they are the ones responsible for the poor results achieved by the Whole Foods Market. In other words, the CEO of the Whole Foods Market is in trouble of losing his position

In light of the pressure that comes from the activist hedge fund, four different equity firms send separate inquiries to Whole Foods Market. One of the equity firms offered a share cash price of $36.00. This is in line with the historical share price of Whole Foods Market. Private investment in public equity (PIPE) is the shortcut for companies that are in need. 

However, pursuing this will put Whole Foods Market at numerous disadvantages. The result of the buy-out might make shareholders quickly sell their stocks. If a large number of stocks are sold at a lower price, the private equity firm may pressure the company. Additionally, it may claim ownership of the company. 

A few days ago, Amazon’s CEO reached out to Whole Foods Market. It was expected as many news outlets reported that Amazon is interested in acquiring the latter for opportunities in the retail sector. 

The reason why the Whole Foods Market is a good candidate for Amazon to acquire is its attractive value and strategic deal. Amazon expects that it can guarantee a substantial premium. The first signal of commitment by Amazon is the face-to-face meeting with the Whole Foods Market’s CEO. Moreover, Amazon just launched a new service called AmazonFresh that fits perfectly with what Whole Foods Market has developed which is the local-based fresh-goods delivery system. 

Before the prospect of acquiring Whole Foods Market, Amazon has another candidate which is Silvia’s Market. The strategy of this company is focused to become the best supermarket that a middle-class family can trust. However, looking at the collaborative opportunity of the two parties, you will start to have some doubts. This is because Silvia’s Market’s mission is too far away from the core value of Amazon which is Innovation. 

That is why the most attractive option is to choose Whole Foods Market rather than Sylvia’s Market because the synergies between Amazon and Whole Foods Market are the best option. 

One core aspect of Amazon is high-velocity decision-making. However, this strategy does not line up with Whole Foods Market. That is why Whole Foods Market suggested the decisional strategy of disagreeing and committing. 

Most negotiators face challenges within themselves thinking about what to offer, what is the reasonable agreement to accept, and the real interest in the negotiation. For this, you would need high-velocity decision-making because time is important in negotiations and the time you will need to decide is crucial.

Whole Foods Market needs to know that Amazon is not used to long bidding wars. It needs to be interested in Amazon’s proposal exclusively or else Amazon will find another company for opportunities in the retail sector. 

In the negotiation, Amazon has the upper hand as it has the capability to inflict damage on Whole Foods Market by not pursuing the negotiation. The threats looming the Whole Foods Market will cease if it collaborates with Amazon.

Additionally, Amazon demands secrecy. Any leakage will force Amazon to terminate the negotiation. In bidding situations, secrecy is important. Any leak of confidentiality will have disastrous outcomes regarding the agreements. A non-disclosure will allow Amazon to have steadiness, speed, and information symmetries in the negotiation.  

Final Deal:

The limits of the offering price for each party are laid out in the agreement which makes them able to compute their reservation price (RP).

When Amazon first bid, it evaluated the historical value per share of Whole Foods Market which is about $35.00 per share. At first glance, the $42.00 per share bidding price of Amazon seems too high. However, the calculations of Amazon were totally inclined with the prospect of growth of Whole Foods Market in the case of an acquisition. 

The Whole Foods Market’s attempt to counter-offering the bid with $45.00 per share was just to hold onto the financial resources of Amazon. Although we must take note that Whole Foods Market does not expect Amazon to be willing to bid at a higher price. Simultaneously, Amazon expects Whole Foods Market to accept its high offer. The expectations of both parties have coincided with one another which makes the negotiation reasonable and advantageous for both parties. 

Additionally, a profitable outcome depends on how negotiators deal and discuss during the negotiation process. Being an active listener and discussing issues is pivotal in the negotiation to be successful.  

Finally, after rigorous research and consideration between one another, Whole Foods Market approved the deal with Amazon which acquired the former for $42.00 per share which amounts to $13.7 billion including its debt. 

What can we learn from it?

We learn from this case study that both parties must make an effort to retrieve data from both sides to quantify and evaluate the outcome of every possible solution. 

Another is that a good negotiator can anchor the positioning battle around the other party’s reservation price . It is important to consider the other party’s perspective to take action in their situation rather than our own. 

This will help negotiators to obtain information and interest with the other party while also building trust and a fruitful negotiation process management. 

Lastly, we can learn from their negotiation that a final outcome can be reached once both parties meet on the same ground or terms. Both sides must be convinced that there is no use to retreat when the outcome will be good and that the negotiation is about to end.

Example 2 – “Vaccine Nationalism”: A lose-lose negotiation strategy

The onslaught of the pandemic has made national governments across the world face the challenge of securing enough safe doses of COVID-19 vaccines when it becomes available.

A coordinated global plan is sought to promote fairness and efficiency. However, it may be a little too late, especially for least developed countries. 

This case study highlights the best and worst practices when pursuing limited resources through negotiation. 

In the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, many drug manufacturers around the world focused on developing vaccines that can provide immunity to the virus without any harmful side effects. 

The governments of developed countries began negotiating with drug manufacturers to ensure that their citizens will get the vaccine first. The competition was on with developed countries while poorer countries were left on the sidelines. 

Many nations bought more than what they needed because they know that only a few vaccines will likely be safe and effective; Vaccine hoarding has now begun. 

As wealthy nations begin to outsmart each other through negotiation because of their limited resources, poor countries are left to wonder how they can protect their citizens. 

The World Health Organization (WHO) came up with a plan that aims to ensure that the vulnerable populations in the world will have access to the COVID-19 vaccine. 

On August 24, 2020, WHO announced that 172  nations that comprise over 70% of the world’s population had made commitments to participate in the COVID-19 Vaccines Global Access (COVAX) facility. 

COVAX is a global initiative to secure two billion doses of safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines from companies such as Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Moderna, etc. for the vulnerable population worldwide. 

At first glance, COVAX seems to be a charitable enterprise founded by wealthy nations. However, this is not the case. Wealthy nations see this opportunity as a win-win situation for them. 

Wealthy nations will be guaranteed access to the world’s largest portfolio of vaccines. Additionally, they will negotiate as part of the 172 nations which will bring the price of the vaccines down. 

A week after the announcement of COVAX, the previous Trump administration said that it would not be joining the global effort. The decision was inclined toward “America First”. 

Kendall Hoyt, a professor from Dartmouth’s Geisel School of medicine, said that backing out or not joining the global effort of COVAX is like passing an insurance policy. Because if none of the vaccine candidates that the United States has proved to be effective, then the nation will be left unprotected. 

Many nations that cannot afford to purchase the vaccines directly have made creative deals with other countries. For example, Pakistan has allowed China to conduct vaccine trials on its citizens in exchange for enough doses to vaccinate its citizens, especially its most vulnerable population.  

Each country has negotiated with drug manufacturers without thinking of other countries. This is normal, especially when you are procuring scarce resources. However, the problem with the vaccines can be handled better if countries have cooperated with each other instead of negotiating by themselves with drugmakers. 

In order to encourage coordination when allocating scarce resources, countries must plan ahead, show the benefits of cooperation, and take a broader view of the problem. 

When emotions are running high amidst a crisis, it is difficult to keep in check your behavior. If the perception of your country is that the others will hoard, your country will also hoard. The time to negotiate the outlines of an agreement is before the start of a crisis and not in the middle of it. 

Negotiators usually think that when they lose, the other one wins. However, this is far from the truth. Professor Max H. Bazerman from Harvard Business School explains that to move beyond this mindset, one must show what one can gain from cooperating with one another. 

Organizations always feel the special duty to protect and look out for those they represent. This is true but we should also take time to consider how our actions can affect other people. This includes the most vulnerable population in the world. 

Ingroup bias does not stop solutions that can benefit others. As a matter of fact, you can expand it by considering what those people outside of your organization can provide that will benefit you too. 

Ecologist Garrett Hardin shares the parable of a group of herdsmen who graze their cattle in the same pasture in his 1968 article.

In the parable, all herdsmen are motivated to increase the size of their respective herds to increase their profits. However, the increase in the number of cattle would mean that the pasture will be destroyed due to overgrazing. 

We can learn from his parable that the best solution to the dilemma of the herdsmen was to negotiate with one another to limit the size of their herds. 

With a finite resource at stake, those that are involved will usually have better long-term outcomes by negotiating to divide the resource equitably rather than trying to claim the biggest piece for themselves. 

If we just imagine that all the leading economies in the world agree to put all their budgets for vaccines in the COVAX or a similar global effort and not sign bilateral deals with pharmaceutical companies, then the efficiency of the coordination will help lower the cost and streamline the production and distribution. 

If countries just broaden their views in negotiating with other countries to strive for coordination, then many lives would have been spared by the pandemic.

Example 3 — Negotiation Case Study: Sincerity’s Power in Negotiation

Actual Case:

The golden donut chain, a Philippine-based company, has faced difficulty in negotiating with its labor union. The donut chain and the labor union have talks regarding their problem. 

When the donut chain’s management team arrived late with the said talks, the labor union stormed out in protest to show great dismay over their delay in the negotiation. 

In order to continue their talks with the labor union, the management team of the donut chain has sent a letter that includes an apology.

However, from the perspective of the labor union, the apology is insufficient to forgive the inconvenience that the donut chain has caused. The labor union refused to meet for talks and continue with their strikes. 

This case study has focused on how to convey your sincerity when apologizing in a negotiation. How can one deliver their sincerest apology that the other party will accept? 

The case with the golden donut chain and the labor union has ended in a bad way. Due to the lack of concession due to the insufficient apology from the donut chain, the labor Union has brought it into court. 

When both parties brought it to the courts, it took years before a party was compensated. In this case, the labor union has won the case against the donut chain. 

Professor Edward Tomlinson and Professor Roy Lewicki from Carroll and Ohio University have found out that people view apologies to be sincere when it includes internal attributions of harm. This simply means that people will see your apologies as sincere when you own up to your mistakes. 

The credibility of a person has a significant factor in making apologies sincere from the perspective of the other party. 

A study showed that unfulfilled promises, deception, and breaking the trust of the other party are some factors that a negotiator cannot work out in giving their sincerest apology. Moreover, giving assurance even if you cannot attain or fulfill it is counterproductive in a negotiation. 

Many negotiators advance their case by persuading the other party or listening to their side. But sometimes, the greatest thing you can do in a negotiation is to straightforwardly admit your mistake.

Many apologies have failed to achieve their aim—to be forgiven. The delivery of some people is usually the culprit why apologies are not accepted. 

The importance of an apology in a heated argument or negotiation cannot be overstated enough. When the other party thinks that your apology is not sincere enough to make amends, the heat in the negotiation will rise further—leaving both disliking each other. 

The power of apology in negotiation and dispute resolution is significant to fixing relations between parties. It is important to apologize and own up to your mistakes to make the other party feel that you are sincere. 

We must remember that if we cannot fulfill or attain our promise, we must not push it further to the other party. Doing so will only aggravate the emotions of the other party. Because we all know that no one wants to be left hanging—so do not promise during a negotiation that you cannot follow through. 

Example 4 — The East China Sea Dispute

Actual Case: 

In November 2013, China established an air defense zone over the disputed Islands on the East China Sea. This has been seen as an act of aggression in an escalating international dispute.

Japan and China are both claiming the islands. It is known as Senkaku in Japan and Diaoyu in China. According to CNN, the islands are believed to be rich in oil. Additionally, the islands are said to be an advantage for military defense strategically which is why the dispute on the islands is hard to resolve. 

China began patrolling the islands and its plane has come near the international airspace of Japan several times. When this happens, Japan launches its fighter jets in response to the tactics of China. Additionally, Vietnam and the Philippines had made claims to the islands as well. 

The conflict over scarce resources can be tricky and difficult to resolve. In the business field, negotiators that face this conflict are able to avoid the conflict by considering and thinking about every party’s contributions and claims with the resources. However, in our own business negotiation , how can you convince the other parties that concession is possible?

Japan has bought the disputed islands which have enraged China. Today, the tension has increased and no negotiation has been settled. In 2019, Japan built military bases to keep China from further developing its military capabilities in the region. 

All negotiators must keep in mind that the first thing they need to work out is building trust with the other party.

First, when you are negotiating with a new party or the negotiation with them in the past has not gone as planned, you cannot expect them to trust you right away. 

You must give them time to adjust. Additionally, you must let them tell their concerns, and past grievances, and apologize for any actions that have created mistrust from the other party. 

Second, when negotiators discuss agreements, they must devote a lot of time to asking questions to tackle all the issues circulating the agreement. 

By asking the other party questions regarding their positions in the negotiation, you will know their underlying interest. 

Also, you can share your information to show your own interest in the negotiation. This will allow you to unfold potential tradeoffs that are tolerable to both of you.

Lastly, negotiators must look for solutions that can make the other party whole. This means that you must let the other party know that they can benefit greatly from the negotiation. 

Demanding a unilateral concession with a corresponding benefit to the other party will make the negotiation fail. You cannot expect anyone to compromise without them gaining any benefit from the negotiation. 

What can we learn from it? 

From this case study, we can learn how to negotiate without making the outcome self-serving for any of the parties. 

We all know that during an international negotiation , even if negotiators believe that they sincerely want a fair outcome, their perspective of a fair outcome is likely to be self-serving. This kind of perspective will make the negotiator believe that they must have a greater share of the resource—making them biased on their own terms.

We can learn from here that trust is the foundation of every negotiation. Without trust, it will not be possible to produce a fruitful outcome of the negotiation. 

We must also consider the interest of the other party to make concessions that both of you will benefit from the negotiation. 

If you cannot make the other party realize that they can gain from your negotiation, the outcome of the negotiation will always fail. 

Example 5 — Negotiation in Business: Apple and Samsung’s Dispute Resolution Case Study

In April of 2011, Apple accused Samsung of copying the look and feel of its products when it launched its Galaxy line of phones. The situation has made Apple file a lawsuit against Samsung. 

However, Samsung has countersued Apple stating that it has not paid royalties for using its wireless transmission technology. After this, the number of disputed patents has gone up to the sky. 

Since then, the two giant tech companies have repeatedly accused one another of copying the appearance and functions of their respective products. 

Both companies have shown willingness for mediation in an effort to avoid going to court. Due to this, they have cut the number of disputed patents by half. However, even if the CEOs of both companies had sat down at a table for mediation, Apple started striking Samsung again.

Apple has filed a motion to bar the sale of one of Samsung’s products on the grounds that the tablet is created to replicate its second-generation Ipad. 

Both companies have hoped to avoid legal battles. However, the mediation of both companies has ended in an impasse. Neither one wants to back down from their arguments. The lawsuit has been pursued and went to trial twice and Apple has ultimately won more than $409 million.  

We must take note that both parties need to negotiate or mediate a solution before escalating it to the courts. Additionally, both parties must be willing to work together to resolve the problem or deal with the situation. 

In many situations, mediation is viewed as the last step of adjudication rather than the first step in a collaborative effort to work on a solution. 

From the standpoint of preserving the image of the organization, mediation is preferable. Mediation that leads to voluntary agreements will always ensure compliance with whatever the parties have agreed upon

For this case study, we have seen that mediation as a dispute resolution technique is not possible when both parties are grudging participants. In order for mediation to succeed, both must be actively engaged in finding a solution. 

Additionally, Both companies have already invested too much time and resources with all the lawsuits that they have bombarded one another. Due to this, they will feel that it is too late to back down as they have invested too much in it. 

The talks for concession will fail and the aggressiveness from both parties will increase the longer they spend fighting rather than finding a solution.

We can learn that when a business dispute arises, both parties must be willing to negotiate in finding a solution before they take the matters to the courts. Taking it to the courts will end any negotiation for meeting halfway.

Procurement Learning Journey Assessment

Example 6 — Overconfidence In Negotiation

RJR Nabisco, a tobacco company, is having a bad year with its stock performance. Ross Johnson, the CEO of RJR Nabisco, has thought that it is the best time to negotiate a buyout to increase the shareholder’s value of the stock. 

As a reference, a buyout is a transaction where another party has acquired control of the company. Going back, Ross John and his management group have entered into negotiation with the special committee of the board of directors. 

Since he is the CEO of RJR Nabisco, Ross John is confident that his buyout attempt would be a successful pitch for the board of directors. Unbeknownst to him, his overconfidence has led him to fall into making bad decisions and jumping to the wrong conclusions. 

His first mistake is assuming that due to his position and connection in the company, his buyout pitch will be approved easily. 

His second mistake is assuming that his investment bankers will just simply put the financing in place. Lastly, he expected the board of directors that they would give him the entire power to manage the buyout. 

Along with Shearson Hutton, his main financial partner, they offered an initial buyout price of $75 per share. 

Ross Johnson’s overconfidence in closing the buyout has led him to his impending downfall. He was not paying attention to numerous occurrences that were happening at that time. Instead, he had gone on in his self-interest. 

The board of directors has never discussed or met halfway with Ross Johnson regarding the buyout. Additionally, it never occurred to him that there were other companies who wanted to buy Nabisco. 

Following the series of events, his attitude has led the board of directors to award the buyout bid to an investment bank firm, Kohlberg, Kravis, and Roberts (KRR), for $109 million. 

In actuality, the bid of Kohlberg, Kravis, and Roberts (KRR) is lower than Johnson’s Bid. The board just wants to get off Ross Johnson from their shoulders even if it means that they would take a loss. Although it is lower, they appreciated the KRR’s negotiation flexibility.  

The solution here in this negotiation case study is to avoid overconfidence in negotiation. It is okay to have confidence, but overconfidence will make your judgment hazy.

There is a thin line between confidence and egotism. Unfortunately, in the case study, he becomes so full of himself that he does not consider the factors and the events that are transpiring at that time. 

Being confident is knowing that you have prepared for the negotiation. Additionally, you will know your limit and the do’s and don’ts when negotiating even if you know the other party all too well. 

To reduce your overconfidence, you must first collect information. When the stakes are high, you must put down the mirror to stop admiring yourself. Instead, you must know the information about the other players in the game. The collected information will allow you to use it to your advantage when negotiating. 

Second, you must consider the other party. One of the best ways to correct biases such as overconfidence is to think of reasons why your assumptions are wrong. This will allow you to keep your attitude and your assumptions in check. 

Third, you must ask other people in your organization about your assumptions. Good negotiators base their decisions on the data or information available and not on the information that will just make them feel good. 

Lastly, you must not be afraid to ask. Many people avoid negotiation because it is stressful. In the part of the case study, Ross did not ask questions to the board. Rather, he has carelessly gone on with the buyout. His attitude and assumption about the buyout have failed him ultimately.  

Negotiation courses usually suggest that business managers should possess a high level of confidence to succeed. 

This is correct as confidence will allow managers to face any challenges in the fast-paced environment that they are in. However, there is a thin line between being confident and overconfident. 

Overconfidence is a cognitive bias that lurks in the background. It is like a trap waiting for you to get caught as you innocently walk. 

Overconfidence can cause you to become indifferent to the available information. Additionally, it will always cause you to miscalculate things by making assumptions. 

We must always assess ourselves if we are already being overconfident because it will always lead us to make wrong decisions and baseless assumptions. 

Example 7 – The Microsoft-Nokia Deal

According to the New York Times, on September 3 of 2013, Microsoft announced a deal to acquire Nokia’s handset and services business for $7.3 billion. 

The agreement has marked a bold move to the side of Microsoft to upgrade its game in the handset competition. Additionally, it ends the struggle for Nokia to re-enter the phone market where it once ruled. 

The deal explores the dynamics behind the negotiation that has made Nokia join forces with Microsoft. Both sides had a strong urge to join forces. 

Through the years, the struggle of Nokia to re-enter the phone market has lost significant ground to smartphone manufacturers such as Samsung and Apple. It has failed to keep up with the latest innovation in the market which has severely impacted its profitability. 

Nokia’s underperforming handset business has made its focus on telecommunications equipment, mapping business, and patent portfolio. 

Steve Ballmer, the previous CEO of Microsoft, first approached Nokia’s CEO, Stephen Elop, for a possible acquisition during the Mobile World Congress industry conference in Barcelona. 

Their first meeting started the discreet negotiation between Nokia and Microsoft.

Microsoft’s acquisition of Nokia means that it has to know its cultural background before negotiating. 

According to a report from the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law school, there are four simple rules to handle cultural differences in international negotiations. 

First, you must research your supplier’s culture. In the case of Microsoft, it must know the culture of Nokia to know what are the dos and don’ts in their negotiation. 

Second, you must show respect for cultural differences. Microsoft has to understand the value system of Nokia. 

Third, you must be aware of how others may perceive your culture. Microsoft needs to carefully analyze how its gestures in the negotiation may affect the deal. Being aware of their culture will allow you to be able to adjust your negotiation in order to close the deal. 

Lastly, you must always find ways to bridge the cultural gap. The cultural differences create division between Microsoft and Nokia. If Microsoft knows how to come to terms with Nokia, then the negotiation process will be much easier than being insensitive to each other’s perspectives. 

Acquiring another company is not an easy process. It entails overcoming its greatest challenge —  cultural barriers in negotiation. 

Merging different cultures can be confusing and a lengthy process. Merging two of the largest companies in the world is difficult as both will have embedded roots in their respective country. 

It makes sense to keep the identity of the organization and borrow from the best of both. It never hurts to create strategies that are based on the expected cultural norms of the acquired company as long as it is a part of the bargaining process which creates valuable, workable, and sustainable agreements. 

Example 8 — After the West Coast Ports Conflict, Damage Remained

In a crisis negotiation, parties may believe that they face an impossible choice between giving in to the other side’s demands or standing firm with their decision resulting in the worst-case scenario to happen.

This is the case with the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) and the Pacific Maritime Association (PMA). The lack of agreement between the two parties quickly became a problem. 

The ILWU-PMA contract expired on July 01, 2014. Since the month of May, the parties have met to negotiate a new agreement regularly. During this period, the ILWU claims that it has consistently come to discuss the agreement in good faith despite the other party’s pressure tactics. 

The spokesperson from the PMA has said that both parties agreed that normal operations at West Coast ports would continue even if no agreements have been reached but the ILWU has backed out of the agreement.

However, after a few months, PMA has accused the ILWU of orchestrating slowdowns at the Pacific Northwest ports of Seattle. It alleges that the slowdown at the port has resulted in the reduction of terminal productivity by 40 to 60%. 

Following these events, the ILWU has issued a statement that according to experts, the cause of the congestion is the result of three factors that are deeply rooted in employer management. 

In the case of LIWU and PMA, both have already plunged themselves into crisis negotiations. Fortunately, both parties have already reached a deal in 2015 but still, we cannot change the fact that there are ways that can help the parties avoid the need for crisis negotiation. 

First, to avoid crisis negotiation, you must build trust in its early phase. You should not wait for an urgent deadline to come before you do something. Take advantage of launching negotiations early to establish trust. Furthermore, check on the other party periodically to ensure that you can mutually address any issue before it is too late to be fixed. 

Second, you must be aware of overconfidence. Crisis negotiation often arises because of the overconfidence of one party in the negotiation. To prevent this, you must think of possible scenarios and prepare for each of them accordingly. 

Third, you must avoid extreme demands. A demand increases the tendency to escalate commitment to tough positions. You must resist drawing a line in the sand. 

Lastly, you must seek an outside opinion. Third parties can give a dose of rationality in crisis negotiations. This allows you to have an objective critique of your plans that will result in meeting all the parties’ interests in the negotiation. 

We can learn from here the adage,” prevention is better than cure.” If the parties have discussed their interests early, the congestion will never happen. Partnered with the contentious history of both parties, the crisis negotiation is bound to happen. 

In addition, it is important to build trust in its early phase. This will build a foundation that will allow both parties to resolve any issues that will arise together. 

If there ever have been any heated arguments in the past, it is important to take note that the party who has delayed on their promise apologizes sincerely. 

Also, we must take note that in a negotiation, both parties must see that their interest will be met. There can never be any negotiation if the other one feels that it got the short end of the stick. 

Example 9 — International Negotiations: North and South Korea Talks Collapse

In June of 2013, North Korea and South Korea were supposed to meet in Seoul to negotiate how they can forge a rapprochement due to their decades of division. 

If this happened, it would be the highest government dialogue between the divided nation in years. 

After this, news came out that South Korea had appointed its vice unification minister as the chief delegate to the negotiation that will occur.

North Korea was offended by this move made by South Korea. It demanded that South Korea send its more senior officials. South Korea defends itself and has responded on the issue that the proposed delegate of North Korea is lower in status than what it has delegated. 

The night before the scheduled talks begin, North Korea accused the South that their response is an insult to them. South Korea is still open to dialogue but it will not back down with its delegation. 

When South Korea criticizes North Korea’s argument, it has risked the latter in embarrassment. According to a study by experts, direct threats to self-esteem can trigger anger, embarrassment, and competitive behavior toward the other party. 

We know that some people are slightly more sensitive than others. When slightly-sensitive people negotiate with others, they are twice as likely to declare an impasse even if the agreement will benefit both sides. 

Research has concluded that when slightly-sensitive people are personally invested with the issue that is being negotiated, they are more susceptible to feeling threatened and acting competitively.

In the case of South Korea, it has neglected the value of helping North Korea to save face or to protect its image. It is the mistake of South Korea that made the negotiation meet its dead end. 

Many experts have criticized the government of South Korea for ruining the chance to engage with the North. 

In this case study, we can learn that protecting the image of the other party in the negotiation is important to reach a fruitful discussion. 

Of course, no one wants to be put in a situation where you will be a laughingstock in the eyes of the public, more so when it comes to international negotiation.

Example 10 — Why Ethical People Become Unethical Negotiators

Bernie Madoff, the person who ran the largest Ponzi scheme in history that is worth about 64.8 Billion dollars, did not pull off the scam by himself. 

To give a brief review of his infamous scheme, we will go back on how he attracted investors by claiming to generate large returns through an investing strategy that is called split-strike conversion which is a legitimate trading strategy. 

However, he deposited the client funds into a single account which he used to pay existing clients who wanted to cash out. The 2008 financial crisis has made him unable to maintain his fraud . On December 10 of 2008, he confessed his fraudulent act to his son who has worked in his firm. 

Long story short—a lot of investors put their trust in him due to his facade as a respectable financier in the industry.  

According to professor Max H. Bazerman, good people that have strong ethical values can trick people without realizing that they are doing it. 

He draws on the psychological study of ethical decision-making and applies it to negotiation. He tells us that negotiators usually act unethically due to the desire of gaining high profits and greed. 

Negotiators may exaggerate things that are far from the real thing which falls into the category that Bazerman calls bounded ethicality. You may ask why it happens. Well, it happens once the negotiation progresses. In the heat of the negotiation, it is where ethical fading begins. 

Negotiators fail to see what they are doing as they are only focused on one thing—high profit. Many people interpret situations that will favor them.

According to Bazerman, deception occurs at the negotiation table, especially during the preparation, participation, and recalling of the negotiation phase . Participation in negotiation is the most susceptible phase where ethics fall. This is due to the fact that negotiators will only want to negotiate what makes sense for them. 

In recollecting or remembering the negotiation that transpired, the negotiator fails to see the other party’s perspective. 

We can promote ethics at the negotiation table by encouraging negotiators to slow down and consider important decisions. They should mask the gender and the picture of the applicant to lessen the bias in the process

Negotiators should also know that language matters. Using words like Ultimatum and winning can unintentionally set the negotiation for deception. 

What Can We Learn From It?

We can learn that negotiators that become aware of their susceptibility to deception, will be lessened at the negotiation table. 

Negotiators must be able to reflect and deliberate all the important decisions before dealing with someone at the negotiation table. 

Once you see that something is wrong but you failed to notice due to your focus on the high returns, that is when ethics fade. 

Featured Download : Want to get better at negotiation skills? Click here to accelerate your career: Negotiation Preparation Toolkit template to help you prepare for your upcoming negotiation.

In conclusion, the provided case studies offer valuable insights into the complexities of negotiation across various scenarios. Negotiation is a skill that extends beyond business transactions, encompassing international relations, legal disputes, and even internal organizational dynamics.

These examples underscore the importance of preparation, cultural awareness, trust-building, and ethical considerations in successful negotiations.

How important is trust in negotiation?

Trust is fundamental in negotiation. It fosters open communication, collaboration, and a willingness to find common ground. Without trust, negotiations become challenging, and parties may struggle to reach mutually beneficial agreements.

How can cultural awareness impact negotiations?

Cultural awareness is crucial in negotiations. It influences communication styles, decision-making processes, and the perception of gestures and actions. Ignoring cultural differences can lead to misunderstandings and hinder the negotiation process.

Why is ethics essential in negotiations?

Ethics are vital in negotiations to maintain integrity and build sustainable relationships. Even well-intentioned individuals can engage in unethical practices, especially when driven by financial gains. Prioritizing ethical considerations ensures fair and honest negotiations.

About the author

My name is Marijn Overvest, I’m the founder of Procurement Tactics. I have a deep passion for procurement, and I’ve upskilled over 200 procurement teams from all over the world. When I’m not working, I love running and cycling.

Marijn Overvest Procurement Tactics

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Case Study Task:-

 Note: Attempt all the followings.

Q1) Read the following case study and answer the following questions from a leftist perspective and also critically justify your responses? —– marks 08

Case Study:

Peter is a vice president in a large corporation. As part of his duties, he supervises fifteen managers; fourteen of these managers are men. Only one of the managers is a black man, and one is a white female.

Peter is replacing one of the white, male managers. He has advertised the position both in house and outside, as required by his company’s hiring policies. After reviewing all of the applications, he believes that Steve, an employee of the company for 12 years, is the most qualified applicant. However, in the pool of applicants there are three qualified women and two qualified black men. Morally what should Peter do?


  • Is it fair to hire Steve, even though this will still mean that the managers will have definite gender and race inequity?
  • Is it fair to Steve to hire someone less qualified to agree with Affirmative Action?
  • Should Peter give up and let the other manager’s vote on who should be hired?

Q2) Read the following case study and answer the following questions from the perspective of cost-benefit analysis? —– marks 08

J.R. accepted a position at Cripple Creek Vocational University and he and his family made a permanent move. Soon, J.R. was promoted to Administrative Vice President, overseeing the purchasing department of the University. His oldest son, Jim, got a good job in educational equipment sales at Tiddley Computer Corporation in Fort Worth.

As Vice President, J.R. quickly saw the need for 4 to 5 computers in his office. Although CCVU had a bidding policy, J.R. purchased Tiddley Corporation’s computers direct from Tiddley for about $3500 each, when IBM clones were selling for around $2000 and the clone had more promising features than the Tiddley. Jim handled the sale and received a healthy commission on the sale. If the purchase had gone through the normal bidding process, the TC model would not have been selected. Tiddley’s local Cripple Creek franchise dealer objected to Tiddley Corporation that his protected franchise had been bypassed in the deal.

  • Since J.R. was over the purchasing department and had final decision authority, should purchasing have gone through the normal bidding routine?
  • Is it acceptable for a V.P. to bypass the normal routine to do business with a family member?
  • Was J.R.’s decision not to request bids an ethical choice?
  • What should the college purchasing agent do?
  • Should anyone else at CCVU have any interest in this activity?
  • Has Tiddley’s Cripple Creek franchise owner been wronged?
  • Should Jim have made the sale? Received a commission?

Q3)    Critically discuss the idea of virtuous man defended by Adam Smith and also workout the implications of accepting his virtues?—marks 08

 Q4)  critically discuss the limitations of Deontological view of justice with respect to our society? marks 08

Q5) Pl. attempt the MCQs at LMS ————-08 marks 

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  3. Business Ethics Case Study: Purchasing Ethics by Doug CarterElectronics

    Retention Policy Zafra ET AL - Chapter I Introduction Background of the Study Accountancy is one of - Studocu; Business plan; Law-201-Chapter 1 summary for those who are willing to study. Capital Markets for business course students. Essay about good governance activity answers


    Step 2: Assign a Weight to Each Evaluation Category. Step 3: Identify and Weigh Subcategories. Step 4: Define a Scoring System for Categories and Subcategories. Step 5: Evaluate Supplier Directly. Step 6: Review Evaluation Results and Make Selection Decision. Step 7: Review and Improve Supplier Performance Continuously.

  5. Solved Everyone, Our final case study discussion questions

    Everyone, Our final case study discussion questions are on "Purchasing Ethics" (Pg. 823). You will have two weeks to post a response to these questions and one respectful reply to another student's response. (30 Points) Please read Case Study #5, Purchasing Ethics - Scenario # 2 (pg. 823) from your textbook and then answer the question below:

  6. Purchasing Ethics Case Study 5.docx

    Derek L. Zachary Purchasing Ethics Case Study 5 PROC 5000- Julie Pasco Webster University Purchasing Ethics Scenario 1 Bryan Janz was just arriving back from lunch when his office phone rang. It was his wife, Nina, calling from home. Nina told Bryan that FedEx had just delivered a package addressed to her. The package contained a beautiful clock, now sitting over the fireplace.

  7. Discussion 2 Ethics Case Study Purchasing

    Each group is responsible for discussing and answering the questions. Purchasing Ethics by Doug Carter Electronics Technology J. accepted a position at Cripple Creek Vocational University and he and his family made a permanent move. Soon, J. was promoted to Administrative Vice President, overseeing the purchasing department of the University.

  8. Assignment #2 purchasing ethics scenario 1 & 2.docx

    Assignment #2 Case study- Purchasing Ethics -Scenario 1 & 2 CA-SCPRT: Procurement Instructor- Maria Bojoiu Student name- Vikram Singh Student ID- 472289202 Date- 2021-07-19. ... Please refer to the attachment to answer this question. This question was created from 02Holl_Ch01.pdf. Q&A.

  9. [Solved] Read the four scenarios in the Purchasing Ethics case

    Read the four scenarios in the Purchasing Ethics case (Appendix Case 5) and answer the first TWO questions following each scenario. Answers should be narrative and no more than three paragraphs each. NOTE: Chapter 15 of the textbook covers purchasing law and ethics. It would be helpful to glance through that chapter before completing this case ...

  10. 5.03E Ethics Case Study Purchasing

    5.03E Ethics Case Study Purchasing - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. purch

  11. Case Studies

    More than 70 cases pair ethics concepts with real world situations. From journalism, performing arts, and scientific research to sports, law, and business, these case studies explore current and historic ethical dilemmas, their motivating biases, and their consequences. Each case includes discussion questions, related videos, and a bibliography.

  12. Procurement Case Studies

    Example 1 — Price negotiation between Amazon and Whole Foods. Actual case: The case study is based on a real-life price negotiation between and Whole Foods Market. Whole Foods Market has been declining in performance in the market for the last two years.

  13. Ethics in Procurement: A Case Study in a Logistic Company

    Abstract. This paper is part of a preliminary study for the awareness of ethical behaviors in procurement process specifically in a logistic company in Malaysia. Ethic is a critical behavior in a ...

  14. Business Ethics Case Studies Case 1

    ACCTG9_Case-1 answer - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.

  15. Business Ethics Cases

    Business Ethics Cases. Find ethics case studies on bribery, sourcing, intellectual property, downsizing, and other topics in business ethics, corporate governance, and ethical leadership. (For permission to reprint articles, submit requests to [email protected] .)

  16. Solved Instructions Read the "Ethics in Procurement

    After reading the Case 5 Purchasing Ethics Scenario 4, answer the following questions: Describe the financial conflicts of interest that occurred in this scenario from the perspective of the Institute of Supply Management code of ethics. ... Using specific quotes from the case study, identify and describe the four variables: 1) the ...

  17. PDF Responsible Procurement Case Studies 2021

    The following case studies highlight our progress against the commitments set out in our Responsible Procurement Implementation Plan 2018-20, which was developed to support our Responsible Procurement Policy. We want to lead by example and hope that, as well as influencing our own supply chain, our achievements will resonate beyond the GLA ...

  18. In the Case Study: Purchasing Ethics

    Final answer: In making decisions in a business scenario, a purchasing manager should primarily consider the supplier's reputation and ethical practices, rather than just focusing on cost-effectiveness, personal interests, or job security. ... In the Case Study: Purchasing Ethics - Scenario 1 & 2 (pages 823-824), when making a decision in ...

  19. Solved Purchasing Ethics.

    Nina. Purchasing Ethics. - Read case and answer all questions at end of each of the 4 scenarios. Pu rc ha s i ng Et h i cs. Scenario 1. Bryan Janz was just arriving back from lunch when his office phone rang. It was his wife, Nina, calling from home. Nina told Bryan that FedEx had just delivered a package addressed to her.

  20. Business Ethics Case Study Analysis and Answers on Purchasing

    Business Ethics Case Study Assignment Answers . If you require someone who can do your Business Ethics Case Study assignment work on time, then AssignmentHelpAUS is the perfect place for you. We provide 100% plagiarism free Online Assignment Help at an affordable price. We guarantee that our team of well trained and skilled Assignment Writers will deliver your assignment work before the deadline.

  21. Case Study Purchasing Ethics Answers

    Type of service: Academic writing Editing & Proofreading Calculations. Academic writing. 100% Success rate. Information Technology. Place an order. 1 (888)814-4206 1 (888)499-5521.

  22. Solved case analysis (Purchasing Ethics) note please this is

    Solved case analysis (Purchasing Ethics) note please this is | Business. Operations Management. Operations Management questions and answers. case analysis (Purchasing Ethics) note please this is a case study so the answers or the solution should be between 3-5 pages and if possible reference thanks.

  23. Solved Case Study on Customer Ethics: Alex has been the

    Case Study on Customer Ethics: Alex has been the purchasing manager for Rocket Industries for decades. He is tough but fair. Here's the best way to solve it. Answer: Alex is a seasoned purchasing manager who has been working for Rocket Industries for decades...