
The most important identifier your book can have is the ISBN. As the U.S. ISBN Agency, Bowker is the ONLY official source of ISBNs in the United States. ISBNs provide unique identification for books and simplify the distribution of your books throughout the global supply chain. Without an ISBN, your book will not be found in most bookstores, either online, or down the street from your house.

Tools for getting discovered

Tools for getting discovered

The top three important tools for discovery are the ISBN, Barcode and Marketing your book. The 13 digit ISBN links to essential information used in sales tracking, retail inventory systems, library catalogs, bookstores, online stores, and for new digital editions for old books.

Complete, accurate identification

Complete, accurate identification

The purpose of the ISBN is to identify one specific version of a book. If you wish to have a print (hardbound or softbound) or electronic (ePUB, PDF, or MOBI) version, or even register a new version, you will need a unique ISBN for each format. This allows retailers to help the customer understand exactly which version of a title they are purchasing.

Bibliographic immortality

Bibliographic immortality

A book can be found by its ISBN and the title data connected with it, long after the publisher has ceased to sell the book itself.

Link to essential Information

Link to essential Information

You may ask - why do I need an ISBN? An ISBN is essential for linking information which allows booksellers and readers to know: what your book is about, who the author is, and who the publisher is. Along with the barcode, it is crucial for tracking sales and inventory.

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A barcode is a graphical representation of your book's ISBN and in the United States, the price information. A ISBN is the most widely used format for identifying your book in the publishing industry.


The most important identifier your book can have is an ISBN (International Standard Book Number). Thorpe-Bowker is the ONLY official ISBN Agency for Australia.

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Professional Editing Services

Bowker offers editorial services to help ensure the quality of your book’s content. Professional copy editing and developmental editing will help ensure your book will be error-free and provide the best possible reading experience.

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Your Definitive Guide to ISBN. What Is an ISBN and How to Get an ISBN

From Print to Digital: Navigating the World of ISBNs and Book Metadata.

An International Standard Book Number is an important commercial book identifier used by publishers, booksellers, libraries, internet retailers, and other supply chain participants to accurately identify and track different editions and formats of a specific book title. ISBNs help organize, distribute, and manage book inventory across the global publishing industry. This definitive guide provides an in-depth look at what an ISBN is, how it works, and how both publishers and self-publishing authors can obtain the number for their books.

What is an ISBN?

An International Standard Book Number is a 13-digit number that uniquely identifies a commercial book title or specific edition across the entire supply chain. The number allows publishers, booksellers, libraries, distributors, and retailers to identify, track, order, stock and sell available book formats in their inventory systems.

ISBNs only apply to commercial books made broadly available for sale to the public. They do not apply to private documents, public domain books, ebooks, print-on-demand books or unpublished works not intended for commercial distribution through regular publishing sales channels. Each commercially published print, audio book and Braille edition in the supply chain receives its own unique 13-digit number during the publishing process.

An International Standard Book Number contains important information about a book including its country/geographic origin, publisher name, format details and a check digit used to validate the number to prevent errors. It provide an organized method for the industry to identify and distinguish between different editions and bindings of the same book title.

When did ISBNs start?

The International Standard Book Number system was created by ISO (International Organization for Standardization) in 1970 to provide the book industry with a universal product coding system at a time when automation started playing an increasing role in inventory management, order fulfillment and sales processing. ISBNs replaced the older SBN identifier in use since 1966.

The purpose was for ISBNs to become the single global standard numerical book identifier shared across the entire international publishing industry for all commercially available books. This helped pave the way for computerized book inventory systems and global online bookselling.

Who uses ISBNs?

International Standard Book Numbers are widely used by every player in the global book industry supply chain including:

  • Publishers – Identify and track different book editions and formats
  • Printers – Organize print runs of book editions
  • Book, ebook and audio book retailers (online and bookstores) – List available inventory
  • Libraries – Catalog and shelve book inventory
  • Distributors and wholesalers – Process book orders
  • Authors – Track royalties on specific editions
  • Consumers – Identify and find book editions

ISBN Format and Elements

The International Standard Book Number is a 13-digit number broken into five parts consisting of numbers 0 to 9 plus the Roman numeral X represented in the form of 5 hyphenated numbers:


The parts of the International Standard Book Number indicate:

Prefix Element – Either 978 or 979 which designates the ISBN is part of the GS1 global trade item numbering system. Helps distinguish International Standard Book Numbers.

Group or Registration Group Element – 1 to 5 digits indicating a geographic/language area participating in the ISBN system. Assigned by designated International Standard Book Number agencies in each country.

Publisher Element – Variable number of digits assigned by agency and identifies a specific publisher or imprint.

Title Element – Number assigned by the publisher to identify a unique format or edition of a book title after the prefix, group and publisher elements.

Check Digit – Single digit number calculated mathematically from the other digits to validate the entire International Standard Book Number. Detects errors.

Hyphens are used to make the number easier to read and manually handle by dividing it into more manageable groups of numbers. However, ISBNs still work without hyphens and are often represented without hyphens in computer databases.

What information does an ISBN carry?

While the ISBN contains only a short 13-digit number, it actually reveals and carries contextually important information embedded in its structure about a book. Specifically on where it was published geographically, which publisher released it, a title identifier and format details. This helps distinguish between editions during ordering and sales.

For example, in the 978-1-4028-9462-6:

  • Prefix 978 identifies it as an ISBN product in the GS1 system
  • Group 1 signifies it was issued in an English speaking country
  • Publisher identifier 14028 stands for the specific publisher
  • Title number 9462 indicates a format or edition variant
  • Check digit 6 verifies accuracy of entire number

When decoded, the International Standard Book Number provides basic metadata clues about publisher location, book edition and binding variant that sets it apart from other versions of a title. This aids book handling in inventory systems.

Do all books have ISBNs?

While all commercially published books made widely available for sale to the public require an ISBN, there are some exceptions. Specifically, International Standard Book Numbers do NOT apply to:

  • eBooks or digital-only publications (these use digital ASIN identifiers or other schemes)
  • Print-on-demand or custom one-off books printed individually
  • Private documents not commercially sold to the public
  • Public domain books with expired copyright protection that anyone can publish
  • Unpublished or vanity works not distributed to regular sales channels
  • Textbooks and academic books distributed directly by publishers to schools
  • Documents issued by private companies, governments or organizations

However both paperback and hardcover editions that publishers commercially print, market and distribute through normal book selling channels require dedicated ISBNs, no matter the subject, language origin or distribution method.

Do self-published books need an ISBN?

Self-published print books that will be broadly distributed through bookstores, online retailers and regular wholesale distribution channels require an ISBN for inventory management and sales tracking. Self-publishing platforms will usually provide instructions on obtaining a valid number if you intend to sell your book through normal publishing outlets beyond just personal sales and marketing.

An International Standard Book Number acts more like a commercial product numbering SKU allowing self-published print books to be identified and ordered by retailers the same as any other book title in their systems. So ISBNs are necessary to expand distribution and sales of your print book to get it stocked in bookstores and online marketplaces. Self-published ebooks usually rely more on retailer-specific ASIN numbers for distribution.

How many ISBNs do you need?

Typically each separately published commercial format or edition of a book (except reprints) needs its own unique ISBN. So every commercial print and audio book edition in circulation is assigned a number during production even if it is just a special binding, book cover design or alternate language version.

Publishers only need to assign one number to each broad edition or format of a book title intended for commercial distribution. However, that single number can never be reused or duplicated across any other book title for inventory and sales tracking accuracy.

Common scenarios requiring separate International Standard Book Numbers:

  • Hardcover, softcover and spiral bound editions
  • Special retail or library bindings
  • Alternate cover art, colors or designs
  • Differing page count, dimensions or maps
  • Audio book format recordings
  • Braille, large print and translated language editions
  • Book club, annotated or licensed editions
  • Differing publisher imprints

Basically any edition where production details or distribution differs enough that sales channels must distinguish between versions requires assignment of a discrete ISBN. This allows detailed inventory tracking as books pass through the supply chain.

How to Get an ISBN?

Publishers and self-publishing authors looking to acquire an ISBN number to publish and sell a commercial print book have two main options:

  • From Your Publisher If you have signed a formal contract with an established publishing house to release your book, your publisher will handle assigning an ISBN from their own purchased block of numbers or catalog system. You do not need to apply separately if going the standard publisher route.
  • Purchase Your Own ISBN For self-published authors or smaller presses, you can directly purchase single ISBNs or blocks of registration numbers for a fee from official national ISBN agencies like Bowker in the US, Nielsen in Canada or associated groups in your country.

ISBNs are sold individually or in bulk blocks ideally suited for publishers planning to release multiple book titles per year. You officially own the purchased ISBN numbers and can assign them to books as needed for inventory tracking across all sales channels.

Where to Buy ISBNs?

Every country participating in the global ISBN standard designates an official national ISBN registration group or agency responsible for selling and coordinating ISBNs within that geographic region. These agencies in turn report to and coordinate with the central ISBN International Agency.

In the United States, R.R. Bowker is the designated ISBN agency authorized to assign ISBN registration numbers. Bowker sells ISBNs in both single quantity or blocks suitable for larger publishers through its MyIdentifiers.com service.

Other major country ISBN agencies include:

  • United Kingdom & Ireland – Nielsen Book Services
  • Canada – Canadian ISBN Service
  • Australia & New Zealand – Thorpe-Bowker
  • South Africa – ISBN Agency
  • India – Raja Rammohun Roy National Agency

Depending on where your publishing company is registered geographically determines which ISBN agency you would buy your ISBN numbers from. They each sell ISBNs tailored for local publishers and regional publishing needs. Prices can range anywhere from $125 USD per single ISBN number to over $2000+ for extended blocks allowing many future book title assignments.

How Much Do ISBNs Cost?

The cost to buy an ISBN differs slightly country to country based on local economic factors. But in general, here are typical pricing tiers for purchasing ISBNs:

Single ISBN A single ISBN allowing you to identify one book format or edition typically costs between $125-$275 USD depending on the country ISBN agency. This is the minimum quantity that can be purchased.

Block of 10 ISBNs A small block of 10 ISBN numbers for assigning across future book titles and editions ranges from $250-$500 depending on region. This allows publishers to save money by buying ISBNs in bulk upfront instead of individually each time a new book is released.

Block of 100 ISBNs Larger publishers who release high quantities of book titles and editions can save substantially on ISBN costs by purchasing a block of 100 ISBNs. Pricing ranges from $1000-$2500+. Buying this quantity scale offers the cheapest per ISBN cost and allows hundreds of books to be assigned inventory numbers for several years into the future.

Block of 1000 ISBNs Some national ISBN agencies offer extremely large blocks of 1,000 ISBN numbers which translates into inventory and tracking capacity for thousands of individual book titles and editions. Cost is $5000+ but offers biggest bulk rate saving on individual ISBN cost to around several dollars per number. Subject to eligibility.

Note regional pricing, incremental discounts and local taxes can alter exact ISBN costs so verify current rates with your country’s ISBN registration agency. But in general buying ISBN number blocks in larger volumes saves publishers substantially over individually purchasing each separate ISBN at retail cost.

How to Assign an ISBN?

Once you or your publisher purchase a block of registered numbers from your regional ISBN agency, you can start assigning ISBNs to books as part of pre-production and inventory tracking:

  • Select an unused 13-digit number from your purchased listing or catalog system
  • Write the ISBN on sticker on the outside back cover of your print book to identify for scanning
  • Input the number and associated book details into your sales, royalty and inventory database systems
  • Provide number details to printer, distributors and retailers for ordering
  • Market the number in all locations your book is sold so buyers can easily look up
  • Never duplicate or reuse an already-assigned number across separate books

Important: Each commercially published edition and format should be assigned its own 13-digit ISBN number for inventory tracking across all worldwide sales channels. Every print and audio book needs a discrete ISBN if you intend to distribute commercially.

Where to Place an ISBN on Books?

Once assigned to a book, the 13-digit ISBN number must be prominently printed in bar code format along with human readable digits on the outside lower back cover of your publication above the bar code for retail scanning purposes. This allows bookstores, libraries, distributors, and warehouses to reliably scan your number to identify, categorize and manage inventory like any other book title.

Some publishers also opt to discreetly print the ISBN and a small publisher logo on one of the inside front matter pages near the title page and disclaimers though this is considered more of an identifier.

  • Only print ONE ISBN on the outside back cover, not multiples.
  • The barcode should be large, flat and free from marks or creases for easy retail scanning.
  • Include the human readable digits printed underneath the bar code.
  • Do not print number on removable book jacket cover or othertransitory components.

The back cover printed barcode is essential as the primary inventory tracking identifier for retailers, so placement matters to keep your book identified accurately across all sales channels.

ISBN Bar Code Guidelines

To ensure broad compatibility across all retail sales points and online systems, the ISBN printed on books should follow standardized bar code specifications:

  • Code 128 Barcode Symbology
  • Calculated Check Digit
  • Large Font Human Readable Numbers
  • Clear Space Around Barcode
  • Printed Horizontally 50-75mm Long
  • High Resolution Print Quality
  • Printed on Matte Background Color
  • Dark Ink, Not Reflective Silver

There are specific printing requirements around barcode size, placement, check digit calculations and formatting to ensure retail scanning devices can easily read the ISBN off the back book cover across stores worldwide. Following bar code publishing standards also allows sales channels to accurately track books.

How ISBNs Tie to Book Metadata?

While an ISBN is just a short unique 13-digit number, it serves as a shortcut numeric identifier that ties together important descriptive metadata about your book. It unlocks a wealth of associated information about your book automatically across industry databases:

  • Publication Date
  • Retail Price
  • Category/Subject
  • Product Images
  • Edition Format Notes
  • Distribution Rights
  • Sales Statistics
  • Publicity/Reviews

This metadata is maintained in the supply chain allowing customers, retailers and distributors to learn key details about your book quickly from the single ISBN. So ISBNs act as important relational identifiers connected to expansive descriptive book data feeding wider online visibility. Ensure details are kept updated.

Do eBooks Use ISBNs?

While print books use the 13-digit number for inventory tracking across physical supply chains, ebooks and digital publications actually use distinct identifiers called ASINs or other ebook identifiers specifically for online distribution sales channels. This avoids duplicate number conflicts between digital and print formats which may confuse buyer systems.

ASIN stands for Amazon Standard Identification Number and is a unique 10-character alphanumeric identifier that Amazon assigns to each ebook. ASINs only work on Amazon and are used by Kindle ebook readers to manage and synchronize ebook libraries.

So International Standard Book Number still uniquely identifies the intellectual book title and any commercial print editions. But digital ebook formats flowing through online-only sales channels utilize specialized ASIN codes or other identifiers compatible with top ebook retailers. This segmentation keeps the inventory tracking separate.

Ebook authors must associate their title to ASIN identifiers to distribute on Amazon Kindle and other major ebook platforms. Print ISBNs generally cannot be used directly for digital editions. Self-published ebook authors who only release digitally may not require any number assignment.

How ISBNs Connect Books Globally?

What makes International Standard Book Numbers so incredibly useful is that they interlink millions of print books worldwide across a single cohesive identification system spanning publishers, distributors, booksellers, and libraries everywhere, both digitally and physically.

The shared global standardization of the International Standard Book Number format means any book can be uniquely identified and tracked across all sales channels, languages, and borders to:

  • Streamline ordering and returns processing between publishers, distributors and retailers
  • Integrate shared title, author and publisher databases across systems
  • Allow customers to easily search and find books at local booksellers based on International Standard Book Number
  • Help retailers categorize inventory based on standardized publisher and subject metadata
  • Eliminate ambiguity between book edition variants during sales
  • Provide publishers valuable real-time sales channel analytics based on ISBN scans

No matter the country, language, or retailer, the 13-digit number ties every commercially published book together into a single universal indexing system, supporting sales globally.

Future of ISBNs

While established for over 50 years supporting print book distribution, the core values and processes behind International Standard Book Numbers remain highly relevant in our increasingly digital-first ebook world. This is evidenced by ISBNs still going strong, with over 365 million registered numbers assigned across over 154 designated national agencies as of 2023.

However, to modernize International Standard Book Number for more efficient digital identification, updated ‘ISBN-A’ proxy identifiers are starting to get introduced to better support online bookselling channels on top of the legacy 13-digit ISBN standard.

Additionally, newer digital-first products like audio books, book apps, blogs, serial content and multimedia bundles are exploring ways to leverage ISBN-type identifiers to better catalog and manage emerging digital formats.

Yet the need to accurately identify and track iterative book releases across fragmented global supply chains will keep core ISBNs essential for managing print inventory despite industry shifts to digital. By neatly encompassing important metadata within a short unique number sequence, ISBNs offer a future-proof method for publishers, distributors and sellers to cooperate universally.

In Summary The International Standard Book Number remains the globally accepted 979 prefix registration identifier cementing order and visibility across international publishing. Assigned to each commercial book edition, compact 13-digit numbers establish a common language linking publishers, distributors, booksellers and readers to accurately exchange and track inventory across channels anywhere worldwide. As the universal book product code greasing wheels of the expansive print supply chain, ISBNs are indispensable identities interconnecting books globally through underlying metadata meaning.


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How to Get an ISBN Number for Your Book

A common question that self-publishing authors ask us at Reedsy is, "How do I get an ISBN number for my book?" The truth is that purchasing an ISBN is really simple. In some circumstances, you can get one for free — and sometimes, you won't even need one at all.

In this guide, we'll show you how to get an ISBN number for your book — either at a rock-bottom cost or for free.

What is an ISBN number?

An International Standard Book Number, or ISBN, is a 13-digit code used as a unique identifier for books. An ISBN is assigned to each edition of a book, helping  publishers , bookstores, and libraries keep track of their stock and sales. Readers can also use them to look up specific editions online.

ISBNs usually appear on the back of a book alongside the barcode.

isbn for books

So, with that in mind, let's see how you go about securing a code of your own. 

How to Get an ISBN in 3 Steps

As a self-publishing author, you can get an ISBN barcode for your book by purchasing it from an ISBN agency like Bowker for $125, or for free from other publishers and distributors, like Draft2Digital. Keep in mind you’ll need an ISBN number for each version of your title (e.g. print or ebook). 

Here's a simple way to get an ISBN:

  • Choose between free and paid ISBNs
  • Identify providers in your region 
  • Buy ISBNs in bulk for the best value

1. Choose between free and paid ISBNs

There are a handful of big ISBN vendors, like Bowker and Nielsen, who are the go-to sources for most authors. However, depending on your publishing aims, it’s also possible to use cheaper or free ISBNs. 

Where to get free ISBN numbers

In the US and UK, many aggregators (companies that distribute your book to multiple retailers) will assign indie authors an ISBN for free, or at a discount. These aggregators include:

Some government territories, such as Canada, provide free ISBN numbers (lucky you)! The second step of this how-to will give you more information about your regional providers.

A note on ASINs

While we’re talking about free ISBNs, it’s worth mentioning an alternative: the ASIN. The ASIN functions similarly to the ISBN, but is only used within Amazon — and you’re given one for free whenever you publish a book on Amazon . 

So why would you need both? Basically, while you cannot rely on a book’s ASIN to find it outside of Amazon, you can always count on an ISBN.  For that reason, if you plan to “go wide” on other sites — or have distribution in brick-and-mortar stores — you’ll need an ISBN in addition to an ASIN. If you plan to self-publish on Amazon exclusively, you can, by all means, forego the ISBN costs and stick to the free ASIN. 

Do you need an ISBN number?

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Why you might want to buy an ISBN anyway

So you can get an ISBN for free or at a discounted price, or if you’re only publishing digitally on Amazon, you don’t need an ISBN at all. So why would anyone ever pay for an ISBN? 

Aha! Here’s the catch: when you register for an ISBN number through an aggregator like the ones we listed above, industry regulations mean that you are limited to the retail channels of that company alone, whereas simply buying an ISBN from the start means you can expand wherever you see fit. 

To show you what we mean: maybe you’re selling your book on Amazon (an individual platform), and then decide to go wider through Draft2Digital (an aggregator). The former provides you with a free ASIN and the latter with a free ISBN. 

But let’s say your sales aren't too strong, and you want to make your book available on other distribution channels, like BookBaby and eBookPartnership. If you didn't buy your ISBN independently, you’ll need to register for separate numbers from each of those publishing companies as well. This can snowball into you having several ISBNs and different publishers all listed for the same book, which looks seriously unprofessional and may harm your book’s chances of getting stocked in brick-and-mortar bookstores and libraries.

Ultimately, it’s up to you whether you want to keep your ISBN consistent between aggregators or if you’re happy with a mix. If you aren’t sure which decision is in your best interests, perhaps consider working with a professional book marketer to ensure you maximize your chances of success.



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2. Identify providers in your region 

Each country or territory has its own regional provider of ISBNs. Perhaps the best-known ISBN provider is Bowker , the official administrator for the United States. In the United Kingdom, authors can buy a number through Nielsen. 

To find out whether ISBNs are free in your country (and for instructions on requesting a number), you can look up your local agency here .

ISBN Number - screenshot of a search for a local provider

Once you’ve identified your local provider, you’re ready to buy!

3. Buy ISBNs in bulk for the best value

One book, one ISBN needed, right? Not so fast.

Not only do ISBNs have a heavy discount on bulk purchases, but a single ISBN is rarely enough. Say you’re publishing a paperback. If you ever want to revise or release that paperback in a new edition, you’ll need a new ISBN. You’ll also need another ISBN for a future hardcover edition, and the same applies to releasing an audiobook. If you make all those single purchases via Bowker, you’re looking at $500 for 4 ISBNs, while a bulk purchase of 10 ISBNs will only set you back $295. 

We’ve broken down these  Bowker costs  for US authors and publishers, as well as the  Nielsen costs for those in the UK, in the table below:

isbn for books

Even if you’re only working on one book at the moment, 10 ISBNs are a sensible investment when you’re starting out. 

Bonus tip: Register your ISBN with Bowkerlink

Regardless of where you live or who provided your ISBN, once you have received your number, you should register it at Bowkerlink . This will automatically add your title to Bowker’s Books In Print : a bibliographic database consulted by libraries around the world. Books In Print currently hosts about 7.5 million US book, audiobook , and movie titles, as well as 12 million international titles — and yours is about to be one of them!

Now you’ve sorted out all the practicalities and your book is ready for sale, why not check out more of our resources on what to do next. If you haven’t yet got a plan in place for promoting your book, our guide on that is a good place to start!

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ISBN and ISSN Systems: General Information and Resources

  • General Information and Resources

ISBN and ISSN Standards

Barcode with text that reads ISBN and ISSN Systems

This resource guide provides general information and a history on the ISBN and ISSN standards.  

ISBN General Information

The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a 13-digit number that uniquely identifies books and book-like products published internationally. The ISBN is intended for a monographic publication: text that stands on its own as a product, whether printed, audio or electronic. ISBNs are never assigned to music, performances or images, such as art prints or photographs. ISBNs are not assigned to magazines, academic journals or other periodicals. However, if a single issue of a periodical is being sold as a book, then that issue alone may be assigned an ISBN. 

When participating in the ISBN standard, publishers and self-publishers are required to report all information about titles to which they have assigned ISBNs. For more than thirty years, ISBNs were 10 digits long. On January 1, 2007 the ISBN system switched to a 13-digit format. Now all ISBNs are 13-digits long. If you were assigned 10-digit ISBNs, you can convert them to the 13-digit format at the converter found on the ISBN website . A 10-digit ISBN cannot be converted to 13-digits merely by placing three digits in front of the 10-digit number . There is an algorithm that frequently results in a change of the last digit of the ISBN.

ISBNs beginning 979 will not be issued in the United States for at least several years until current inventories of ISBNs are depleted. When they are assigned, they will not replace those beginning with 978.

  • ISBNs beginning 978 and 979 will coexist in the book industry for a number of years.
  • 978 ISBNs cannot be converted to 979 ISBNs.
  • 979 ISBNs are not convertible to a 10-digit format and exist only in a 13-digit format.

ISBN Resources

  • Buy ISBNs & Other Identifiers (U.S. only) Offers the purchase of ISBNs, barcodes, and self-publishing packages.
  • ISBN FAQ - Publication Formats, Reprints, Editions, etc. Provides a chart of products/entities that are eligible for ISBNs.
  • United States ISBN Agency Bowker is the official source for ISBNs in the United States. An ISBN uniquely identifies your book, and facilitates the sale of your book to bookstores (physical and digital) and libraries. Using ISBNs allows you to better manage your book's metadata, and ensure maximum discoverability of your book.

ISSN General Information

The ISSN is a U.S. standard and an international standard. The number itself -- unlike the coded digits of the ISBN -- has no significance other than as a brief, unique, and unambiguous identifier; an ISSN consists of eight digits, specifically two groups of four digits, in Arabic numerals 0 to 9, except for the last -- or check -- digit, which can be an X. Its proper reference is for the two groups of four digits to be separated by a hyphen and preceded by the letters ISSN.

Assignment of ISSNs is handled by the U.S. ISSN Center at the Library of Congress and is free. There is no charge associated with the use of the ISSN. An ISSN application form may be completed online. Enter the required information and then email or fax the form (in the interests of conserving paper and bandwidth, please limit faxes or email attachments to no more than five pages), or mail the application by U.S. mail or private carrier. A suitable representation of the publication must accompany the application. For print serials a sample issue or photocopy of the title page, cover, or masthead should be provided. For electronic serials in a tangible form such as CD-ROM or floppy disk, an actual issue and printouts of title screens should be submitted. For online serials, provide an appropriate URL or e-mail actual issues or mock-ups which will accompany the application form.

ISSN Resources

  • ANSI/NISO Z39.9 International Standard Serial Numbering (ISSN) Well-known as the ISSN, this standard defines the structure and presentation of a code to uniquely identify serial publications in print and nonprint formats. This standard sets forth the format and characteristics of the ISSN and designates a central authority for code administration.
  • ISSN-L When a publication is published on several media, a linking ISSN is assigned so that the media can be easily grouped and the contents are easier to manage.
  • ISO 3297 Information and documentation -- International standard serial number (ISSN) Defines and promotes the use of a standard code (ISSN) for the unique identification of serials and other continuing resources.
  • ISSN International Center (CIEPS) The CIEPS, also known as the ISSN International Centre, is an intergovernmental organization which manages at the international level the identification and the description of serial publications and ongoing resources, print and online, in any subject.
  • U.S. ISSN Application Form The ISSN application is a "fillable" pdf form. Once completed, it should be emailed, faxed, or mailed to the Library of Congress for processing. Full instructions and a link to the form are provided on the application forms page.
  • U.S. ISSN Center The U.S. ISSN Center, part of the international ISSN Network, assigns International Standard Serial Numbers (ISSN) to serials published in the U.S. The ISSN is a standard identifier for serials (e.g., journals, magazines, newsletters, newspapers, annuals) whether published in print, online or other media. Each medium version is assigned a separate ISSN.

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  • Last Updated: Jun 28, 2022 3:15 PM
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FAQs: General Questions

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What is an ISBN? What is the purpose of an ISBN? What is the format of the ISBN? Does the ISBN have any meaning imbedded in the numbers? Why do some ISBNs end in an "X"? Who can assign ISBNs to a publisher? Who is eligible for an ISBN? How long does it take to get an ISBN? How much does it cost to get an ISBN? What do I do when I receive the ISBN and where is it printed? How & where do I register my ISBN? Can a publisher have both an ISBN & ISSN? How can I find an assigned ISBN? How are ISBNs used in a Bar Code & how do I obtain one? How do I select the correct amount of ISBNs? What is the format of the new ISBN-13? Does the ISBN-13 have any meaning embedded in the numbers? Where does an ISBN get placed on a book? What is the difference between a bar code and an ISBN? Does it matter where a book is printed? If a publisher is selling their books on their own and are not trying to place them in stores or libraries or with wholesalers, is an ISBN required? Do ISBNs have to be assigned to books that are not being sold? Are different ISBNs used if a book appears in different languages? Are custom publications assigned ISBNs?

What is an ISBN? The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a 13-digit number that uniquely identifies books and book-like products published internationally.

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What is the purpose of an ISBN? The purpose of the ISBN is to establish and identify one title or edition of a title from one specific publisher and is unique to that edition, allowing for more efficient marketing of products by booksellers, libraries, universities, wholesalers and distributors.

What is the format of the ISBN? Every ISBN consists of thirteen digits and whenever it is printed it is preceded by the letters ISBN. The thirteen-digit number is divided into four parts of variable length, each part separated by a hyphen.

  • Group or country identifier which identifies a national or geographic grouping of publishers;
  • Publisher identifier which identifies a particular publisher within a group;
  • Title identifier which identifies a particular title or edition of a title;
  • Check digit is the single digit at the end of the ISBN which validates the ISBN.

Why do some ISBNs end in an "X"? In the case of the check digit, the last digit of the ISBN, the upper case X can appear. The method of determining the check digit for the ISBN is the modulus 11 with the weighting factors 10 to 1. The Roman numeral X is used in lieu of 10 where ten would occur as a check digit.

Who can assign ISBNs to a publisher? There are over 160 ISBN Agencies worldwide, and each ISBN Agency is appointed as the exclusive agent responsible for assigning ISBNs to publishers residing in their country or geographic territory. The United States ISBN Agency is the only source authorized to assign ISBNs to publishers supplying an address in the United States, U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam and Puerto Rico and its database establishes the publisher of record associated with each prefix.

Once an ISBN publisher prefix and associated block of numbers has been assigned to a publisher by the ISBN Agency, the publisher can assign ISBNs to publications it holds publishing rights to. However, after the ISBN Agency assigns ISBNs to a publisher, that publisher cannot resell, re-assign, transfer, or split its list of ISBNs among other publishers. These guidelines have long been established to ensure the veracity, accuracy and continued utility of the international ISBN standard.

As defined by the ISO Standard, the ISBN publisher prefix (or "root" of the ISBN) identifies a single publisher. If a second publisher subsequently obtains an ISBN from the assigned publisher's block of ISBNs, there will be no change in the publisher of record for any ISBN in the block as originally assigned. Therefore, searches of industry databases for that re-assigned ISBN will identify the original owner of that assigned prefix as the publisher rather than the second publisher. Discovering this consequence too late can lead to extensive costs in applying for a new prefix, re-assigning a new ISBN, and potentially leading to the application of stickers to books already printed and in circulation.

If you are a new publisher, you should apply for your own ISBN publisher prefix and plan to identify and circulate your books properly in the industry supply chain. You may encounter offers from other sources to purchase single ISBNs at special offer prices; you should be wary of purchasing from these sources for the reasons noted above. There are unauthorized re-sellers of ISBNs and this activity is a violation of the ISBN standard and of industry practice. A publisher with one of these re-assigned ISBNs will not be correctly identified as the publisher of record in Books In Print or any of the industry databases such as Barnes and Noble or Amazon or those of wholesalers such as Ingram. If you have questions, contact the US ISBN Agency for further advice.

Who is eligible for an ISBN? The ISBN Agency assigns ISBNs at the direct request of publishers, e-book publishers, audio cassette and video producers, software producers and museums and associations with publishing programs.

How long does it take to get an ISBN? Allow 5 business days for non-priority processing from the time an ISBN application is received at the agency (not from the date sent by the publisher.) Priority processing is two business days from the time an application is received at the agency. Express processing is 24 business hours.

How much does it cost to get an ISBN? There is a service fee to process all ISBN applications. Service fee information is contained on the application. Priority and Express processing involve an additional fee.

NOTE: The processing service charge is NON-REFUNDABLE.

What do I do when I receive the ISBN and where is it printed? An ISBN should be assigned to each title or product, including any backlist or forthcoming titles. Each format or binding must have a separate ISBN (i.e. hardcover, paperbound, VHS video, laserdisc, e-book format, etc). A new ISBN is required for a revised edition. Once assigned, an ISBN can never be reused. An ISBN is printed on the lower portion of the back cover of a book above the bar code and on the copyright page.

How & where do I register my ISBN? Once ISBNs have been assigned to products they should be reported to R.R. Bowker as the database of record for the ISBN Agency. Companies are eligible for a free listing in various directories such as Books in Print, Words on Cassette, The Software Encyclopedia, Bowker's Complete Video Directory, etc.

NOTE: Receiving just your ISBNs does NOT guarantee title listings. To ensure your titles get in the Books in Print database you must submit your title information.

Book titles should be registered with Books in Print at www.bowkerlink.com

Can a publisher have both an ISBN & an ISSN? Both numbering systems are used for books in a series and with annuals or biennials. The ISBN identifies the individual book in a series or a specific year for an annual or biennial. The ISSN identifies the ongoing series, or the ongoing annual or biennial serial. If a publication has both, each should be printed on the copyright page.

How can I find an assigned ISBN? The Publications (hard copy listings) in which the assigned ISBNs appear are Publishers, Distributors & Wholesalers of the United States, published by R.R. Bowker, and Literary Market Place, published by Information Today.

How are ISBNs used in a Bar Code & how do I obtain one? The ISBN can be translated into a worldwide compatible bar code format. Publishers who wish to have their ISBNs translated into worldwide compatible bar codes can now make their request directly online at www.isbn.org or www.bowkerbarcode.com . Bar code scanning is a required step required by for many retailers in the sales transaction process for book publications and book-related items. We hope that offering this service will save you time and enable you to meet all of your transaction partners' requirements.

How do I select the correct amount of ISBNs? ISBNs are sold in blocks of 10, 100, and 1000. When purchasing ISBNs, we recommend that you estimate the amount of publications you will be publishing within the next five years, and select the block that best suits your needs. It is always best to select the block that will last you for a few years because you will be able to maintain one publisher prefix, and minimize the unit cost per ISBN. When purchasing a larger block of ISBNs, the price per ISBN decreases.

What is the format of the new ISBN-13? Every ISBN will consist of thirteen digits in 2007. The thirteen digit number is divided into five parts of variable length, each part separated by a hyphen.

  • The current ISBN-13 will be prefixed by "978"

Where does an ISBN get placed on a book? An ISBN gets placed on the copyright page and, if there is no bar code, on the back cover.

What is the difference between a bar code and an ISBN? An ISBN is a number. A bar code is the graphic with vertical lines that encodes numerical information for scanning purposes. An ISBN and a bar code are two different things.

Does it matter where a book is printed? No, books can be printed anywhere. ISBNs are assigned based on the geographical location of the publisher, not the printing company.

If a publisher is selling their books on their own and are not trying to place them in stores or libraries or with wholesalers, is an ISBN required? No, an ISBN is not required.

Do ISBNs have to be assigned to books that are not being sold? No, they do not have to be assigned, but they can be.

Are different ISBNs used if a book appears in different languages? Yes. Each language version is a different product.

Are custom publications assigned ISBNs? No, custom publications are not assigned ISBNs unless such assignment is necessary for a publisher’s back office systems, such as finance, since there is only one customer in such arrangements.

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Home / Book Publishing / How To Get An ISBN: Quick Guide for Self-Published Authors

How To Get An ISBN: Quick Guide for Self-Published Authors

Self-published authors need to get through many surprising hurdles before their books are ready to be published. One checkbox that most first-time authors don’t anticipate is getting an ISBN. 

What is an ISBN number? An ISBN number is a unique 13-digit number (formerly 10 digits) used to identify your book. An International Standard Book Number allows publishers and booksellers to track and recognize books.

Your unique ISBN is like a fingerprint for your book. It helps people identify your book and eliminates confusion between similar works. An ISBN could be critical if someone decided to publish a book with the same title as yours, for example.

  • Why ISBNs are important
  • What the numbers in an ISBN mean
  • 3 fast steps to follow to get your own ISBN
  • The pros and cons of free ISBNs
  • The types of books that need ISBNs and the books that don’t
  • Questions to ask yourself to find out if you should buy your own ISBN

Table of contents

  • Why Does Your Book Need An ISBN?
  • Getting Your Own ISBN For Self-Publishers
  • Free or Discounted Options 
  • Which Books Need An ISBN?
  • Which Books Don’t Require An ISBN?
  • ISBN Costs: A Breakdown
  • Locating A Book’s ISBN
  • Common Questions About ISBNs

Links in this article may earn me a small commission if you use them to purchase a service or product. This has not affected my opinion. However, it helps me continue to write these awesome articles that anyone can read for free!

For more on this topic, visit our post on what an ISBN number is , as well as our free barcode generator to integrate your ISBN into a custom barcode.

ISBNs are assigned by the International ISBN Agency. The ISBN Agency then stores the information for your book, which helps wholesalers, retailers, and libraries find your book.

You also need an ISBN to get a barcode for the back cover of your book when you self-publish it. A book’s barcode includes the same digits as the identification number.

A 13-digit ISBN may look like a random series of numbers, but those numbers contain metadata and can tell you a lot about the book. Here’s an example ISBN and what its numbers mean:


  • EAN Prefix (978): The first 3 digits of all ISBNs are always 978 or 979.
  • Registration Group (0): This number can be 1-5 digits long and tells you the country or region where the ISBN is registered.
  • Registrant Element (679): The registrant element tells you which publisher created this book.
  • Publication Element (80527): This number tells you the title of the book, format, and edition of the book.
  • Check Digit (3): This number is mathematically calculated and helps ensure that the ISBN has been typed out properly.

Can I use the ISBN number for my book on my other books? No, you can’t use the ISBN number from your book on other books. Each printed book must have its own unique ISBN — each number is created to identify just one title or edition.

Getting your own ISBN is a relatively simple process. Depending on the country you live in, you can either get an ISBN directly from your government or through an agency that handles ISBN registration. The U.S. ISBN agency is Bowker MyIdentifiers.

Who can I contact to get an ISBN? You can contact Bowker MyIdentifiers to get an ISBN if you’re in the U.S. If you’re outside the U.S., you’ll need to look up your country’s ISBN agency and contact them.

Get A New ISBN In 3 Fast Steps

How do I get an ISBN number for my book? To get an ISBN number for your book, follow these three simple steps:

  • Create an account with Bowker MyIdentifiers at myidentifiers.com .
  • Choose a package with the number of ISBNs you’ll need. If you plan to get multiple books into print, you might choose a package with 10 or more ISBNs. You’ll need a different ISBN for each format you produce (hardcover, paperback, abridged, etc.).
  • Check out and pay for your ISBNs.

Once you’ve paid, your ISBNs will be under your account. Simply go to My Account > My Identifiers and fill in the information for your book, such as its title, author, publication date, and pricing. 

When you’re done, simply submit the form. For peace of mind, Bowker keeps all of your book’s data.

Amazon’s KDP Print (formerly CreateSpace) is the most popular printing service that gives authors who use its service a free ISBN. But beware: You cannot use the free ISBNs to print your book elsewhere.

To take advantage of the free ISBN from KDP, simply choose “Get a free KDP ISBN” in the “Edit print book content” area when you’re adding your book to KDP. 

Other printing services offer free ISBNs as well, including Blurb, BookBaby, Smashwords, and D2D (Draft2Digital) Print.

Why would you choose to pay for an ISBN if you can get one for free? The printing service or distributor is listed as the publishing company if you get a free ISBN, not you. For example, if you use KDP Print, your publisher will be listed as “independently published” instead of your name.

KDP Print, IngramSpark , and BookBaby offer discounted ISBNs to customers who use their printing services. If you buy ISBNs with a discount from one of these services, then you will be listed as the publisher, rather than the service being listed as the publisher.

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How To Determine If You Need An ISBN

Here are some questions to ask yourself to determine if you need an ISBN:

  • Are you publishing your book physically? (If your answer is yes, you need an ISBN, either free or paid.)
  • Where do you plan to publish your ebook? (Some ebook publishers and distributors require an ISBN for ebooks.)
  • Is it important to you that your name or publishing company is listed as the publisher for your book? (If yes, you should consider buying your own ISBN.)

If you’re going through a distributor that doesn’t need an ISBN, you won’t print physical copies, and you don’t care about being listed as the publisher, then you may not need an ISBN.

An ISBN can be necessary for your book for many different reasons. Some of the most common reasons for getting an ISBN can include: 

  • Publishing books in print rather than just online
  • If you publish a new edition , you’ll need new ISBNs for each print version.
  • Printing a book in different formats (e.g., paperback and hardcover). In this situation, you’ll need a separate ISBN for each format.

Some ebook distributors require you to have an ISBN, though most major ebook retailers won’t need one. Check with the service you’re using to distribute your ebook to online retailers to determine if you’ll need an ISBN. 

The ebook version of your book (PDF, epub, Mobi, etc.) may or may not need its own ISBN, depending on where you submit it for distribution. If you sell your ebook directly from your website or publish it on Amazon Kindle (KDP), you don’t have to use an ISBN.

Audiobooks also do not require an ISBN if they’re distributed digitally through a service like Audible or Apple Books. 

On the other hand, if you create an audiobook that’s produced physically, like a book on CD, you are required to have an ISBN.

How much does it cost to get an ISBN number for a book? It costs anywhere from $0 to $125 to get an ISBN number for a book in the U.S. The costs in other countries vary.

Depending on the country you live in, you might be able to get an ISBN for free. For example, Canadians can get free ISBNs from Library and Archives Canada . Unfortunately, the United States and the United Kingdom don’t have similar systems for free ISBNs.

In the UK, publishers get their ISBNs from Nielsen . Nielsen charges £89 for a single ISBN, or you can buy blocks of 10, 100, or 1000 ISBNs at a discounted price.

How do I get an ISBN number for free? You can get an ISBN number for free through a book printer that offers them (like KDP Print, BookBaby, or Blurb). You can also use your country’s ISBN services if you live in a country like Canada that offers free ISBNs to its citizens.

A single ISBN for U.S. publishers from Bowker is $125. If that’s out of your budget, some printing and distribution services offer ISBN discounts to their customers. 

Here are the biggest printer-distributors that offer discounted ISBNs and the discounted price per ISBN:

  • BookBaby: $39
  • IngramSpark: $85 

You can also purchase packages of ISBNs from Bowker at a discounted price. They have a 10-ISBN package for $295, for example, bringing the price of one ISBN down to $29.50. If you’re going to publish multiple books, buying a package of ISBNs is a great idea.

You’ll generally find a book’s ISBN on its copyright page . A tip: Make sure your book has its ISBN on the copyright page if you want your book to look professional.

If possible, include the proper dashes in your ISBN so that it’s easier to locate the country, publisher, and title, as well as to check digit numbers.

The barcodes on the back cover of a book also contain the ISBN. Depending on where you get your barcode, there may be a second smaller barcode that includes the price of your book. 

Your average new author has rarely heard about ISBNs, or never at all. Here are some of the most common questions asked about these numbers.

  • What’s the difference between an ISBN and ASIN? An ASIN number is Amazon’s version of an ISBN. Everything that Amazon sells gets an ASIN when it’s added to their website, including books. You’ll get a free ASIN automatically when you put your book on Amazon.
  • What’s the difference between a barcode and an ISBN? A book’s barcode includes the ISBN in a format that can be scanned and put into a computer system so stores can sell the book.
  • How long does it take to get an ISBN? It varies by ISBN agency, but you can usually get the number itself almost instantaneously. However, it can take the agency several days to process the information you submit ( book title , author, etc.).
  • Do ISBNs expire? No, ISBNs don’t expire. Make sure to keep any login information for your ISBN agency in a safe place so that you don’t lose access to any unused ISBNs you’ve purchased.
  • Do I use the same ISBN if I’m printing my book in another language? No, each translation of your book is considered a separate entity and will need its own ISBN.

Video: How to Get an ISBN Number

For a nice summary of this article, along with a few additional thoughts on the subject, here is a video I did to further cover the subject. Leave a comment on the video with any questions, ideas, or feedback that you have.

Want more videos like this? Be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel for weekly videos!

Will You Get An ISBN for Your Book?

At first glance, ISBNs can seem complex, but good news: they’re actually pretty straightforward. You probably don’t need an ISBN for your ebook. However, if you’re planning to go to print, then you’ll need an ISBN for each format that you publish.

Buying your own ISBN is a good idea for self-published authors who are printing their work. It helps your book look more professional, so it doesn’t scream, “I’m self-published!” Avoid having your printing service or “independently published” listed as your publisher if you can.

Once you’ve written your book (I recommend using Scrivener and editing with ProWritingAid ) and you have your ISBN, it’s time to format and publish your work.

I love Vellum for DIY book design and formatting. If you don’t have the patience for perfect DIY formatting, check out Ebook Launch . I use their services for my books, and I’ve been thrilled with the results. Once you add in your ISBN, you’re good to go. Happy publishing!

Dave Chesson

When I’m not sipping tea with princesses or lightsaber dueling with little Jedi, I’m a book marketing nut. Having consulted multiple publishing companies and NYT best-selling authors, I created Kindlepreneur to help authors sell more books. I’ve even been called “The Kindlepreneur” by Amazon publicly, and I’m here to help you with your author journey.

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ISBN for eBooks

Isbn for paperbacks.

  • ISBN for hardcover

How to get a free ISBN from KDP

How to use your own isbn.

  • What is an Imprint

Compare using KDP ISBN or your own ISBN

View your isbn, change your isbn, re-using an isbn from outside of kdp.

  • Troubleshooting:
  • Error message saying information doesn't match

Error on KDP after updating my information on Bowker

Isbn for hardcovers.

  • Sign in: http://kdp.amazon.com .
  • On your Bookshelf , next to the book you want to update, click the ellipsis ("…") under Paperback or Hardcover Actions.
  • Select Edit Paperback Content or Edit Hardcover Content .
  • In the Print ISBN section, select Get a free KDP ISBN.
  • Click Assign me a free KDP ISBN.
  • Sign in:  http://kdp.amazon.com .
  • On your  Bookshelf , next to the book you want to update, click the ellipsis ("…") under Paperback or Hardcover Actions.
  • Select  Edit Paperback Content or Edit Hardcover Content
  • In the Print ISBN section, select  Use my own ISBN.
  • Enter your own ISBN and Imprint in the fields provided. 

What is an Imprint?

  • Go to your Bookshelf next to the book with the ISBN, click the ellipsis ("…") under Kindle eBook Actions.
  • Select Edit eBook Content .
  • Scroll down to the Kindle eBook ISBN section to see the ISBN you’ve assigned.
  • For paperbacks:
  • Go to your Bookshelf next to the book with the ISBN, click the ellipsis ("…") under Kindle Paperback Actions.
  • Select Edit Paperback Content .
  • Scroll down to the Print ISBN section to see the ISBN assigned.
  • For hardcover:
  • Go to your Bookshelf next to the book with the ISBN, click the ellipsis ("…") under Hardcover Actions.
  • Select Edit Hardcover Content .
  • Scroll to the Print ISBN section to see the ISBN assigned.


  • Go to your  Bookshelf  next to the book with the ISBN, click the ellipsis ("…") under Kindle eBook Actions.
  • Select  Edit eBook Content .
  • Clear the ISBN field. Remember that an ISBN is not required for eBooks. 
  • Go to your  Bookshelf  next to the book with the ISBN, click the ellipsis ("…") under Kindle Paperback Actions.
  • Select  Edit Paperback Content .
  • Under the Print ISBN section - click on Assign me a free KDP ISBN .
  • Save the change.
  • Re-enter the ISBN in the book you want to use your ISBN.
  • For hardcovers:
  • Go to your  Bookshelf  next to the book with the ISBN, click the ellipsis ("…") under Hardcover Actions.


Error message saying information doesn’t match.

  • Go to Bowker's website . This is not an Amazon website. You will need to contact Bowker and/or myidentifiers.com if you have questions about ISBN metadata.
  • Verify the imprint name, title, and author associated with your ISBN.
  • Go to your  Bookshelf .
  • Click the ellipsis button (“…”) under Paperback Actions  or Hardcover Actions next to the book you want to update.
  • Click Edit Paperback Content or Edit Hardcover Content .
  • Update your ISBN and imprint name options as needed. Your ISBN information must match  myidentifiers.com . To ensure you are providing the most accurate information you can copy the imprint name from the myidentifiers.com website and paste it into your title setup on KDP.
  • Be sure to update your interior and cover files to match any recent ISBN changes.

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How to Get an ISBN Number for a Self-Published Book

POSTED ON Jun 20, 2023

Scott Allan

Written by Scott Allan

Figuring out how to get an ISBN number for a self-published book may sound scary, but it's actually more simple than many authors think!

If you're self-publishing a printed book , the best action you can take is to get your own ISBN as a self-published author. 

Regardless if a book was self-published or traditionally published , every printed book needs an ISBN, and securing this number is a big step in your publishing endeavors.

But, many writers that are just taking the first step toward becoming an author still have a lot of questions about this topic.

Questions like… What is an ISBN number? How do you get an ISBN number for a self-published book? Do I buy one or just get it for free through KDP or an aggregator? How much does an ISBN cost? Are ISBNs for big-name publishers only?

In this post, we want to answer the commonly asked questions about ISBN numbers for self-published books , as well as everything else you need to know to buy, register, and imprint your ISBN.

Self-Publishing Company

As you read through these questions, we encourage you to open up these two websites in different tabs:

  • MyIdentifiers  
  • ISBN International  

There is a wealth of information on those sites regarding ISBNs (including how to buy an ISBN number for your self-published book) that we will cover while going through these questions.

Now, before you start thinking about ISBN numbers, let me ask you this: Do you have a book ready to publish? If not, you can start preparing for an ISBN now, but you’ll definitely want to finish writing your book first !

Here are the questions we will answer about book ISBNs:

1. what is an isbn number for a book.

Let's start with the most basic question: “What is an ISBN number?”

ISBN, which stands for International Standard Book Number , is an internationally-recognized, 13-digit number that’s used as a unique identifier for books. Each individual book, specific book edition, and any other book-like product must have an ISBN number in order to be printed and distributed in retail bookstores, libraries, and wholesale companies. This number can be used to identify the book's code digits, language, publisher, book title , edition, and format.

ISBN numbers are not required for eBooks, and for books that will not be available in stores or libraries.

2. How and why were ISBNs created?

In the days of WW2, MI6 recruited a young mathematician named Gordon Foster to work as a codebreaker, where he scanned millions of numbers looking for patterns in the code used by the Japanese military.

Decades later, when the book industry needed a standardized tracking program to organize the growing number of titles being published every year, Gordon Foster was approached by British retailer, WH Smith. He hired Foster to write a report on how to create such a system.

And this report ultimately led to the ISBN system that is now used worldwide.

3. Can self-publishers get an ISBN?

ISBN numbers can be acquired by any publisher. And a self-publisher is a publisher, so yes! You will apply for an ISBN like anyone else. Refer to myidentifiers.com or keep reading to learn how to get an ISBN number.

4. How do I buy an ISBN in the US? If I live outside the USA?

ISBNs are issued based on location. 

If you live in the United States, you can purchase an ISBN through Bowker , which is the only company authorized to administer ISBN numbers in the US. 

Here is how to buy an ISBN number in the US:

  • Go to myidentifiers.com
  • Click on “ISBN”
  • Select the quantity you'd like to purchase
  • Click “Buy Now”
  • Complete checkout

In Canada , where the ISBNs are issued for free, you can visit the ISBN Canada—Library and Archives website.

Living in the UK, Ireland, or a British Overseas Territory , check out Nielsen ISBN Store .

For other international authors, you can visit the International ISBN Agency . 

Note: While ISBNs are assigned locally, you can use them internationally.

5. Do I need a different ISBN for every country the book is published in?

No, you don’t need an ISBN if the book is available in other countries – as long as it appears in the same format and language.

However, you DO need an ISBN for each format and edition of the book. This includes publications in different languages. Refer to the International ISBN Agency for a list of language codes.

6. How to get an ISBN number for a self-published book?

As a self-publisher, you have two options. You can either buy an ISBN number for your book(s) or obtain one for free through your self-publishing platform .

If you’re a resident of the United States, you can purchase an ISBN through Bowker by following the step-by-step instructions above. Or, you can obtain one for free via Amazon’s KDP or by uploading to Draft2Digital or SmashWords . 

Regardless of how you get an ISBN number, it's important to note that you only need one ISBN number per book. This is registered to your self-published book and stays with the book – regardless of the different stores or platforms, it's sold on.

7. How many numbers should an ISBN have?

Due to the large volume of eBooks now published each year, all ISBN numbers are now 13 digits. All ISBN numbers issued prior to 2007 were 10 digits long.

Note: Older ISBN numbers with only 10 digits can now be converted into a 13-digit code with the ISBN conversion tool from Bowker .

8. What is an ISBN number used for?

An ISBN is the standard ID number used to identify books by booksellers, libraries, book wholesalers, and distributors.

It is used to identify each published book and each edition of the same book, as well as the publisher of the book. You can tell a lot about a book, its author, and the publisher by knowing how to read the ISBN number.

Let's use the picture here to show you how it works in practice.

What Is The Isbn Of A Book

The 13-digit ISBN number is broken up into 5 parts that identify the following:

  • Book Code Digits: The first three digits, “978” indicate that this string of numbers is for a book ISBN.
  • Language of the Book: The language for an English version is identified with an “0” or “1.” You can reference this complete list at the International ISBN Agency .
  • Book title, Edition, and Format: The six-digit series represents the title of the book.
  • Check Digit: “0” is the last digit and is known as the “check digit.” This number is mathematically calculated as a fixed, single digit.

9. How do I find the ISBN number of a book? 

There are several ways to look up the ISBN number of a book, both on the book itself and online. Here's how to find an ISBN number of any book:

  • Check the back cover of the book , and look for the ISBN near the publisher's barcode.
  • Look on the copyright page located at the front of the book near the title page.
  • Search for the book's ISBN online using the author or title on ISBN Search .

Find Isbn Number

11. How can I find my book’s ISBN number?

You can easily find the ISBN of your book using the same online tool.

To look up your book's ISBN number, follow these steps:

  • Visit the website ISBN Search
  • Enter your (the author's) name or book title.
  • Click “Search,” and the related books will appear in the results.

Lookup Isbn Numbers

12. Should a self-published author get an ISBN?

Yes, your self-published book should have an ISBN if you plan to sell your printed book in bookstores and libraries , through Amazon self-publishing , and/or online retailers and book aggregators.

There are limitations to this. For eBooks , a book ISBN number is not needed, except for certain exceptions, like if you publish through digital online distributors/aggregators. For example, Draft2Digital requires your book to have an ISBN. Although they will provide you with an ISBN for free, we recommend buying your own , for reasons explained further down in this post.

Here are the top reasons to buy an ISBN for a self-published book:

  • If you want your book sold in bookstores and retail stores
  • If you want your book circulated in libraries
  • If your book will be printed (not solely an eBook)
  • If you plan to use a book aggregator company to publish

In short, it doesn’t matter if you are writing a children’s book or a nonfiction book . Your printed book needs an ISBN if you envision it in the bookstore or on the shelves of your local library.

13. What reasons would a self-published author not need an ISBN?

If you are only publishing an eBook, and you have no plans to write and publish anything more, you won’t need an ISBN. 

Or, if you are happy to only publish through Amazon KDP (print edition) and not use other online retailers, you can request a free ISBN book number via Amazon. 

14. If I get an ISBN, does that mean my book is copyrighted?

No, ISBN is administered by a private company for the use of the international book trade, while copyright is administered by the Library of Congress and is an extension of intellectual property law.

15. Does a book have to be published to have an ISBN?

No, you can obtain an ISBN for your book even if it is not published yet.

ISBNs are issued to publishers, who then assign them to individual books. This can be done at any time, even before the book is written.

16. Can I register my ISBN once it has been approved?

Yes, you can register your ISBN number once it is approved.

Once you have received your number, you should register it at Bowkerlink . Bowker hosts about 12 million international titles, and registration with them places your book in their massive bibliographic database.

17. Are ISBN numbers transferable across different book formats?

No. A single ISBN can be issued for each book only.

For example, if you publish your book in paperback, hardcover, and eBook versions, a separate ISBN number is required for each format.

It is one ISBN per book only, and once assigned to a book, an ISBN number can never be reused.

18. Why would you have to assign a new ISBN number to a book?

ISBNs will need to be changed if certain changes are made to your book. This can be summarized into these 6 common changes and updates:

  • The book is printed in Large Print. Remember, every variation/version requires its own ISBN.
  • The book is published in a foreign language. This would be considered a different format and needs a separate ISBN.
  • If additional material is added to the book. For example, several new chapters are added. This could also mean the book is relaunched as a 2nd edition.
  • If the title and/or subtitle are changed.
  • If changes are made to the binding.
  • If the book is published in another size. For example, for a 5×8, 5.5×8.5, or 6×9, each of these would require a separate ISBN.

Essentially, any changes to the book that makes it appear as a “different product” would require a new book ISBN.

It's important to note that not all changes require a new ISBN number.

Changes that don't require a new ISBN:

  • Changing the book price
  • Creating a new cover design
  • Changing your distributor or printer
  • Small corrections to the content of the book. This includes correcting grammatical errors or improving a few paragraphs.

Here's a guide you can use to determine whether or not you need to buy another ISBN number for your book:

19. If I revise the inside content of a book, do I need to replace the current ISBN?

If you only make line edits or correct typographical errors and don’t make any substantial changes and/or additions to the text, this is considered a reprint, and you don’t need a new ISBN number.

A new edition would contain a significant amount of new material, a major revision, or the addition of completely new chapters and/or sections. Anything that makes it a ‘new book’ is likely to create a new edition. Therefore, a new ISBN would be required.

20. If I just change the cover or the title of the book, do I need a new ISBN?

You can continue to use the same ISBN if the cover is changed.

But if you change the title and/or subtitles and you will have to launch the print version of the book as a new title again, as this is recognized as a different book.

21. Is it acceptable to have several ISBNs for the same book?

No, you really don’t want several ISBNs for your book. This can become a tangled mess and looks unprofessional. But it can happen when several retailers issue free ISBNs for the book.

Online aggregators such as Draft2Digital and Smashwords free ISBNs are not transferable. So, if they are issuing a free one, it is exclusive to that site only. This is the same with Amazon.

The best solution? Buy your own ISBN (more on that later). When you buy your own, the same number is used for that format no matter where it is published.

22. How much does an ISBN cost?

The price of ISBN numbers varies and you can buy single ISBNs or a bundle of them. The going rate for a single ISBN costs $125, while 10 ISBNs cost $295, 100 ISBNs cost $575, and 1000 ISBNs cost $1500.

The most affordable option is to buy one single ISBN number on Bowker .

But just remember, if you ever publish another edition of your book, or another book entirely, you will need more than one ISBN. Therefore, buying multiple ISBNs at once could save you a lot of money over time.

How Much Does An Isbn Cost

Note: that these prices are based on the price listings at Bowker for those living in the United States. For ISBNs purchased internationally, prices do vary (and are often cheaper).

23. How many ISBNs should I buy?

Deciding how many ISBNs to buy is a personal decision and depends on your publishing goals. If you are a busy author publishing a new book every 4-6 weeks, in multiple languages and several formats, it would be smart to buy 100 ISBN numbers from the onset.

Remember that ISBNs do not expire. 

And, consider if you use 3 ISBNs for each book in one language, you could use up a block of ten very quickly if publishing regularly.

The number of ISBNs you should buy also depends on whether or not you are assigning an ISBN to your eBook as well as printed versions. Although eBooks are not, at this time, required to have an ISBN, it does look more professional.

If you write one book and you don’t have plans to do any more, one ISBN will probably do. But for career authors, you should begin with the end in mind. 

24. How to get an ISBN for free? 

If you live in Canada, ISBNs are issued for free. If you live in the United States, you can get your book’s ISBN for free through your self-publishing platform, such as Amazon and Draft2Digital .

25. What are the pros and cons of getting a free ISBN?

The main advantage is…it’s free . This can be convenient if you're publishing on a budget . Or if it’s difficult to obtain an ISBN in the region you live in. 

The disadvantage of receiving a free ISBN:

  • You have to list Amazon (or the self-publishing platform) as the publisher along with other limitations .
  • You could end up with several ISBNs for the same book, and this looks unprofessional. For example, you receive a different ISBN from Amazon, Draft2Digital, and Smashwords . 
  • Free ISBNs are non-transferable. You can’t take your free ISBN from Amazon and use it with another retailer.

If you can, we recommend buying your own ISBN.

If you are in the US, you purchase through Bowker , or if you’re in the UK, you purchase through Nielson . Both sites make it very easy to buy ISBNs. Depending on your international location, you could go through a lot of red tape to get your book ISBN number, but most authors agree it's worth the trouble.

26. Do I need an ISBN number to get my book into libraries?

Yes. If you want to stock your book in libraries, you’ll need an ISBN that you purchased and registered. 

The library market is huge, and, if you are serious about expanding the distribution of your book, this is not an opportunity you want to pass up.

Overdrive is the biggest supplier of eBooks to libraries and has circulated over 105 million+ books to date to libraries.

Again, a free ISBN will not do. The ISBN number needs to be registered to a publisher – that would be you as the author (or your self-publishing company ).

27. Where does the ISBN number need to be printed on a self-published book?

You’ll print it on the copyright page, and it’s included in the Cataloging-in-Publication data block if you use one. 

Otherwise, just print it on the copyright page and on the back cover as part of the barcode.

28. Is an ISBN the same as a barcode? If not, what are the differences?

The ISBN and barcode are different. Although both are found on the back of the book in the same place, they both fulfill a different function.

The ISBN is found above the barcode on the back of the book. And by now, you can answer the question, “ What is an ISBN number? “

The barcode is a representation of the ISBN in a form that can be identified by scanners. It includes extra information such as:

  • The book’s fixed price and;
  • The currency it’s being sold in.

Here are some facts about barcodes and ISBNs according to Bowker :

  • A barcode is not an ISBN. It's a graphical representation of your book's ISBN and price.
  • To use a barcode, you'll already need your book's ISBN number and pricing information.
  • You can purchase and download a barcode after you've created an account at MyIdentifiers.com.
  • You can store your barcodes for future use at MyIdentifiers.com .
  • Make sure you enter the correct price on the barcode . Once the barcode is generated, the price cannot be changed.
  • If you change the cost of your self-published book, you will need a new barcode. The ISBN, however, does not expire and does not need to be changed if you change the price. 

The standard barcode is known as the EAN (European Article Number) barcode and your barcode must be in this format to sell your book in bookstores.

29. What is the difference between the ASIN and ISBN numbers?

An ASIN is not the same as an ISBN. ASIN is a number used by Amazon to identify products, whereas ISBN is the universal number for identifying a book. 

ASIN numbers are only used by Amazon to manage and identify the products they are selling. It’s a 10-character alphanumeric unique identifier that’s assigned by Amazon.com only.

If you want to sell through other platforms—or in brick-and-mortar stores— you’re going to need an ISBN.

You can find this ASIN on your book page. In your browser, the Amazon ASIN will be after the product’s name and “dp.” The next place to find this is in your book or product details area of your book page.

Note: ASIN numbers are exclusive to Amazon, are non-transferable, and cannot be used in place of an ISBN.

30. What is the Bookland EAN Barcode?

According to Publisher Services, an official US ISBN Agency Partner:

“An EAN—which begins with the Bookland prefix 978—is called a Bookland EAN code and is used on books and book related products internationally. The Bookland symbol is the barcode of choice in the book industry because it allows for encodation of ISBNs (the numbers publishers use to identify their products).”

Since an ISBN is unique to one particular title (or product), the corresponding Bookland EAN symbol is a title-specific marking that is unique for that title.

For example, if a title is available in hardcover, softcover, and as an eBook, three unique ISBN Bookland EAN barcodes are required.

31. Should I use a “free” barcode-generating tool to save money?

No, it’s not a good idea to use a free barcode-generating tool, and we do not recommend it to authors. 

Here's why: While it's a tempting way to save money while self-publishing, many free barcodes are created with unreliable bitmapped images. They run the risk of not scanning when your book is being purchased. And you won’t be saving money if the barcode can’t be scanned properly.

For peace of mind, always pay for your book barcode(s) through a reliable source.

32. Are book ISBN numbers and barcodes sold separately?

Yes, the ISBN and barcode are sold separately. But, the barcode cannot be purchased without the ISBN being bought first.

You need an ISBN to get a barcode, but you don’t need a barcode to publish a book. 

Bowker offers an ISBN and barcode savings pack. It is a great value if you want to save some money and make it easier for setting up your ISBN and barcode together.

Isbn Vs Barcode

33. What are the best resources for finding out more about ISBNs and barcodes?

As we have mentioned throughout these questions, there are several best resources for finding out everything on ISBNs, including how to buy and set up for your book.

Additional resources for researching ISBNs include:

  • International ISBN Agency
  • ISBN.org by Bowker
  • Bowkerlink Publisher Access System
  • Bowker Identifier Services
  • U.S. Copyright Office
  • ISBN Guides: Basic Information
  • SmashWords ISBN Manager
  • ISBN Canada: Library and Archives Canada

That's it! You’ve reached the end of our frequently asked questions about ISBNs.

If you'd like for experienced publishing professionals to handle the entire process of getting an ISBN for your book, we can do that for you! Discover how SelfPublishing.com can help you publish your book !

Now you know exactly how to get an ISBN number for your self-published book, why it’s important, and if you actually need it.

isbn for books

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International ISBN Agency

  • ISBN Standard
  • How to get an ISBN
  • Guidelines for assignment to e-books
  • Related policies and issues
  • ISBN Bar coding
  • What they do
  • Find an agency
  • ISBN ranges
  • Board of Directors
  • National agencies
  • ISBN Users' manual
  • ISBN Calculator
  • Global Register of Publishers
  • Other identifiers
  • Publications

A hand reaching an ebook reader down from a bookshelf

We coordinate and supervise the world's essential identifier for books

Image Copyright: Ermolaev Alexander / Shutterstock

A map of the world in blue with electric pinpoints spaced across it

With 150 regional or national registration agencies, ISBN is used in more than 200 countries and territories

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A scanner being used on a barcode, with the ISBN above

ISBN is the unique identifier for every title, edition and format

Image Copyright: Derek Hatfield/ Shutterstock

The International ISBN Agency

Easily recognisable as the identifier for all kinds of books, the International Standard Book Number is key to an efficient and effective book supply chain.

The International ISBN Agency is the registration authority for the Standard on a global basis. 

Photo of the national flag of Ukraine which consists of equal sized horizontal bands of blue and yellow

Photo of the National Flag of Ukraine

The images of the death, maiming and devastation wrought on the civilians of Ukraine, their homes, hospitals and cultural buildings following the pitiless invasion by Russia have been seared into our minds. This totally unprovoked war on a sovereign, independent country is completely and universally deplored and condemned. It threatens the foundations of democracy and disregards and violates human rights. 

Alongside all participants of the book sector – authors, contributors, publishers, librarians, retailers, printers and distributors – we call for immediate ceasefire,…

The logo of BNRM: a blue circle inside which is the white outline of a book

The logo of BNRM

The 2023 Annual General Meeting took place on 12 and 13 September in Rabat, Morocco. This was the second in-person meeting following a two-year hiatus during the Covid pandemic. The meeting welcomed 47 delegates representing mostly ISBN agencies across the world, with people from key publishing industry organisations also present.

The meeting was hosted by the Bibliothèque Nationale du Royaume du Maroc (the National Library of Morocco), which runs the ISBN Agency and which worked so hard to produce and lively and interesting Annual General Meeting (AGM). We…

Latest news

The 2023 Annual General Meeting took place on 12 and 13 September in Rabat, Morocco. This was the second in-person meeting following a two-year hiatus during the Covid pandemic. The meeting…

The International ISBN Agency is holding its Annual General Meeting in Morocco this week and many national ISBN Agencies will be attending.

We have watched the news about the terrible…

We are delighted to announce that a version of the ISBN Users' Manual translated into Filipino is now available from the International ISBN Agency's website. 

We are grateful to Jennifer…

© 2014-2024 International ISBN Agency

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What are ISBNs and why do you need them?

The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a unique product identifier for books and related material. Whilst it is not a legal requirement to allocate ISBNs to your books, it is used by publishers, booksellers and libraries for ordering, listing and stock control purposes. It enables them to identify a particular publisher and allows the publisher to identify a specific edition of a specific title in a specific format within their output. Systems used by publishers, booksellers and libraries all rely on the ISBN to identify books ensuring they select and stock the correct title and edition.

To buy ISBNs from this site, you must be based in the UK, Ireland or a British Overseas Territory. If you are publishing elsewhere, you can find your national ISBN Agency on the International ISBN Agency’s website here

If you are going to publish only one book in only one format, the single ISBN will be enough.  If you plan to publish more than one book, or to publish a revised edition of the original, or if you are going to publish your book in different formats (such as paperback and e-book), you will need a different ISBN for each version and each format, so ten ISBNs would be more suitable. Unused ISBNs remain valid indefinitely.

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Raja Rammohun Roy National Agency for ISBN

Department of higher education, ministry of education, government of india.


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Understanding Cryptography

From Established Symmetric and Asymmetric Ciphers to Post-Quantum Algorithms

  • © 2024
  • Latest edition
  • Christof Paar 0 ,
  • Jan Pelzl 1 ,
  • Tim Güneysu 2

Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy, Bochum, Germany

You can also search for this author in PubMed   Google Scholar

Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences, Hamm, Germany

Ruhr university bochum, bochum, germany.

  • Provides a comprehensive understanding of modern applied cryptography
  • Offers new chapters on SHA-3 and post-quantum cryptography
  • Includes examples, problems, and chapter reviews, as well as an associated website

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About this book

Heavily revised and updated, the long-awaited  second edition  of  Understanding Cryptography  follows the unique approach of making modern cryptography accessible to a broad audience, requiring only a minimum of prior knowledge. After introducing basic cryptography concepts, this seminal textbook covers nearly all symmetric, asymmetric, and post-quantum cryptographic algorithms currently in use in applications—ranging from cloud computing and smart phones all the way to industrial systems, block chains, and cryptocurrencies.

Topics and features:

  • Opens with a foreword by cryptography pioneer and Turing Award winner, Ron Rivest
  • Helps develop a comprehensive understanding of modern applied cryptography
  • Provides a thorough introduction to post-quantum cryptography consisting of the three standardized cipher families
  • Includes for every chapter a comprehensive problem set, extensive examples, and a further-reading discussion
  • Communicates, using a unique pedagogical approach, the essentials about foundations and use in practice, while keeping mathematics to a minimum
  • Supplies up-to-date security parameters for all cryptographic algorithms
  • Incorporates chapter reviews and discussion on such topics as historical and societal context

This must-have book is indispensable as a textbook for graduate and advanced undergraduate courses, as well as for self-study by designers and engineers.

The authors have more than 20 years’ experience teaching cryptography at various universities in the US and Europe. In addition to being renowned scientists, they have extensive experience with applying cryptography in industry, fromwhich they have drawn important lessons for their teaching.

  • Cryptography
  • Applied cryptography
  • Data security

Table of contents (14 chapters)

Front matter, introduction to cryptography and data security.

  • Christof Paar, Jan Pelzl, Tim Güneysu

Stream Ciphers

The data encryption standard (des) and alternatives, the advanced encryption standard (aes), more about block ciphers, introduction to public-key cryptography, the rsa cryptosystem, cryptosystems based on the discrete logarithm problem, elliptic curve cryptosystems, digital signatures, hash functions, post-quantum cryptography, message authentication codes (macs), key management, back matter, authors and affiliations.

Christof Paar

Tim Güneysu

About the authors

The authors have more than 20 years’ experience teaching cryptography at various universities in the US and Europe. In addition to being renowned scientists, they have extensive experience with applying cryptography in industry, from which they have drawn important lessons for their teaching.

Bibliographic Information

Book Title : Understanding Cryptography

Book Subtitle : From Established Symmetric and Asymmetric Ciphers to Post-Quantum Algorithms

Authors : Christof Paar, Jan Pelzl, Tim Güneysu

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-69007-9

Publisher : Springer Berlin, Heidelberg

eBook Packages : Computer Science , Computer Science (R0)

Copyright Information : The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer-Verlag GmbH, DE, part of Springer Nature 2024

Hardcover ISBN : 978-3-662-69006-2 Published: 16 May 2024

eBook ISBN : 978-3-662-69007-9 Published: 15 May 2024

Edition Number : 2

Number of Pages : XXI, 543

Topics : Cryptology , Systems and Data Security , Quantum Physics , Theory of Computation

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  1. ISBN US

    Bowker provides ISBNs, barcodes, title data submissions, and other tools for authors and publishers. Learn why ISBNs are essential for identifying and distributing your books globally.

  2. Welcome to the U.S. ISBN Agency!

    Bowker assigns ISBNs and barcodes to books published in the United States. ISBNs help you sell more books, manage metadata, and ensure discoverability of your book.

  3. What Is an ISBN and How to Get It? Your Definitive Guide to ISBN

    Single ISBN A single ISBN allowing you to identify one book format or edition typically costs between $125-$275 USD depending on the country ISBN agency. This is the minimum quantity that can be purchased. Block of 10 ISBNs A small block of 10 ISBN numbers for assigning across future book titles and editions ranges from $250-$500 depending on ...

  4. ISBN Search

    Use ISBN Search to locate books by ISBN, title, or author. You can also access a book database with API and daily calls via ISBNdb.com.

  5. How to Get an ISBN Number for Your Book

    As a self-publishing author, you can get an ISBN barcode for your book by purchasing it from an ISBN agency like Bowker for $125, or for free from other publishers and distributors, like Draft2Digital. Keep in mind you'll need an ISBN number for each version of your title (e.g. print or ebook). Here's a simple way to get an ISBN: Choose ...

  6. ISBN Search: Search for new and used books by ISBN @ BookFinder.com

    ISBNs are 10 or 13 digit codes identifying specific editions of a book. They're sometimes written with hyphens. Examples: 0321543254, -321-54325-4, 9780321543257. ISBN codes are usually listed on a book's back cover, bar code, or copyright page. Searching by ISBN ensures that you find the exact edition you are looking for when buying textbooks ...

  7. ISBN

    The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a numeric commercial book identifier that is intended to be unique. Publishers purchase or receive ISBNs from an affiliate of the International ISBN Agency. A different ISBN is assigned to each separate edition and variation of a publication, but not to a simple reprinting of an existing item.

  8. | Bowker

    My Identifiers is the only official website of the U.S. ISBN Agency. We provide you with the products and services to make your books more discoverable. Get your ISBNs today!

  9. About the ISBN standard

    To date, 13-digit ISBNs assigned by the U.S. ISBN Agency include the 978 prefix, which allowed systems to contain both 10- and 13-digit ISBNs for all books. However, a 13-digit ISBN starting with 979 does not have an equivalent 10-digit ISBN. Once this change takes place, only 13-digit ISBNs starting with 978 or 979 should be used to identify a ...

  10. ISBN and ISSN Systems: General Information and Resources

    The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a 13-digit number that uniquely identifies books and book-like products published internationally. The ISBN is intended for a monographic publication: text that stands on its own as a product, whether printed, audio or electronic. ISBNs are never assigned to music, performances or images, such as ...

  11. FAQs: General Questions

    An ISBN should be assigned to each title or product, including any backlist or forthcoming titles. Each format or binding must have a separate ISBN (i.e. hardcover, paperbound, VHS video, laserdisc, e-book format, etc). A new ISBN is required for a revised edition. Once assigned, an ISBN can never be reused.

  12. The World's Largest Book Database

    The ISBNdb book database includes over 31 million unique ISBNs with up to 19 data points per book and is searchable via API. Retrieve book information from ISBN database on the go! ... ISBNdb gathers data from various public sources like libraries and merchants to compile a vast collection of unique book data searchable by ISBN, title, author ...

  13. How To Get An ISBN: Quick Guide for Self-Published Authors

    Get A New ISBN In 3 Fast Steps. To get an ISBN number for your book, follow these three simple steps: Once you've paid, your ISBNs will be under your account. Simply go to My Account > My Identifiers and fill in the information for your book, such as its title, author, publication date, and pricing.

  14. International Standard Book Number (ISBN)

    An ISBN, or International Standard Book Number, is a unique number that is assigned to every published book. An ISBN identifies a book's edition, publisher, and physical properties like trim size, page count, and binding type. An ISBN allows retailers, libraries, and distributors to efficiently search for books.

  15. How to Get an ISBN Number for a Self-Published Book

    Here's how to find an ISBN number of any book: Check the back cover of the book, and look for the ISBN near the publisher's barcode. Look on the copyright page located at the front of the book near the title page. Search for the book's ISBN online using the author or title on ISBN Search. 11.

  16. The International ISBN Agency

    The International ISBN Agency. Easily recognisable as the identifier for all kinds of books, the International Standard Book Number is key to an efficient and effective book supply chain. The International ISBN Agency is the registration authority for the Standard on a global basis.

  17. Nielsen UK ISBN Store

    Prefix for 100 ISBNs. £379.00 per block of 100. Add to Basket >. Prefix for 1000 ISBNs. £979.00 per block of 1000. Add to Basket >. If you want to purchase larger quantities or to discuss your requirement in more detail, please email us at [email protected].

  18. ISBNs help books get discovered!

    ISBNs help books get discovered! An ISBN ensures your book's information will be stored in the Books in Print database which is consulted by publishers, retailers and libraries around the world. The ISBN is a unique identifier for a book or other book-like product (such as an audiobook) that specifies its format, edition, and publisher.

  19. ISBN FAQs

    ISBN FAQs. An ISBN is assigned to every published book. An ISBN identifies a book's edition, publisher, and physical properties like trim size, page count, binding type. Every 10-digit ISBN has a 13-digit EAN with a different last digit (the check digit). The EAN will be listed on your cover's barcode.

  20. Welcome to Open Library

    Open Library is an open, editable library catalog, building towards a web page for every book ever published. Read, borrow, and discover more than 3M books for free.

  21. BookFinder.com: New & Used Books, Rare Books, Textbooks

    Find books with just one search. Since 1997, BookFinder has made it easy to find any book at the best price. Whether you want the cheapest reading copy or a specific collectible edition, with BookFinder, you'll find just the right book. BookFinder.com searches the inventories of over 100,000 booksellers worldwide, accessing millions of books in ...

  22. Raja Rammohun Roy National Agency for ISBN

    The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a unique International Publisher's Identifier number, which is meant for monograph publications. ISBN is the thirteen-digit number, which replaces the handling of long bibliographic descriptive records. ISBN is known throughout the world as a short and clear machine-readable identification ...

  23. Understanding Cryptography

    This must-have book is indispensable as a textbook for graduate and advanced undergraduate courses, as well as for self-study by designers and engineers. ... eBook ISBN: 978-3-662-69007-9 Published: 15 May 2024. Edition Number: 2. Number of Pages: XXI, 543. Topics: Cryptology, Systems and Data Security, Quantum Physics, Theory of Computation.

  24. Monsters We Have Made

    Romantasy Books To Start Reading Now. Page-Turning Series To Start Now. Books to Cope With Anxiety. Short Reads. Anti-Racist Resources. Staff Picks. Romance. Mystery & Thriller . ... Mar 26, 2024 | ISBN 9780593471036 . Add to Cart. Buy from Other Retailers: Ebook + Ebook . Mar 26, 2024 | ISBN 9780593471043 ...