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Marriage Leave Application for Office Employees: Tips, Format, Samples, & More

Marriage Leave Application

To strike a balance between the realm of professional commitments and personal life events, you will have to master the art of writing professional applications. Whether you’re getting married, attending a family member’s wedding, or planning to take some time off to support and attend your friends’ wedding nuptials, we’ve got you covered in this guide to writing a marriage leave application for office.

This blog will make it simpler for you to create a leave application on account of marriage. We will discuss the basic structure to write such applications. We will also give you a few samples for your reference.

Table of Contents

How to Write a Leave Letter for Marriage?

A marriage leave application is an official way of notifying your supervisor about the number of days you require off on account of your wedding or to attend someone else’s marriage. The approval of the leave application depends on the company’s policy (how many holidays you can take/whether the leave period is paid or unpaid) and if the application is professionally written. Consider taking a business communication course online to increase your chances of becoming a better communicator. 

1. Address the Letter to Appropriate Recipient With Proper Salutation

The application for leave must be sent to each individual who would be impacted by your absence from work. Your supervisor will be the primary recipient of your application. If you are writing an email application, it is recommended that you address it to the HR executive, lead, and any additional individuals, if any, in the CC line of your email.

Use simple salutations to give your application a professional touch, like – “Respected [Sir/Madam] or “Dear Ms/Mr [Name]”.

2. Clear and Brief Subject Line

The first thing the receiver notices in a letter or email application is the subject line. It makes your application’s purpose clearer to the reader. For example, you can write as:

  • Leave Application Request For Marriage
  • Leave Application For Marriage Ceremony: [Start Date] to [End Date]
  • Leave Application For My Friend/Family Member’s Wedding

3. Make the Application’s Content Concise

Your application’s body is crucial. Although the subject line offers a good indication of the application’s context, the main content of the application will provide all the details. Keep the content to the point.

Here, you give the reason for the leave of absence. In this letter, the reason is marriage. Specify if you are taking time off for your wedding or another’s. Mention your relationship to the person whose marriage you are taking a leave of absence for. You can also mention if you will be traveling to another city to attend the wedding. This will justify your leave days. The persons concerned must also be informed about the assignment of your work.

For example, 

  • It is with great pleasure that I inform you that I will be getting married on [date], at [location]. This application is a request for leave on account of my marriage, starting from [date] to [date].
  • It gives me great pleasure to let you know that [date] in [place] my sister is getting married. I will need a week off from [date] to [date].
  • It gives me great pleasure to let you know that my sister is getting married on [date] in [place]. I will need a week off from [date] to [date].

4. Always Specify the Start and End Date of the Leave Application

Include the beginning and ending dates of your absence. Do not include any ambiguous information about the dates because the application is being written exactly to offer a clear picture of how long you will be away from work.

Don’t forget to provide the date you want to rejoin. Use this date format DD/MM/YYYY in your application.

5. Send the Application As Early As Possible

See if your company has a specific guideline for requesting marriage leave. The majority of companies provide information on how to apply for leave as early as possible.

However, it is best to apply for marriage leave as soon as possible. Because your absence will last longer, it is fair that you must notify your superior and colleagues in advance.

Send in a leave of absence request at least three to four weeks in advance.

If you wish to make a casual leave request, you can refer to these casual leave application formats . 

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Marriage Leave Application Format

The leave application format is the structure of the application you are putting forth. Generally, the format for a leave of absence application may include the following:

If you’re emailing your leave request, be sure to start the email with a greeting and put the subject statement in the subject line.

Templates for Leave Request for Marriage

You may have different scenarios for writing a request for marital leave. You should take a look at the templates in this section while you draft your leave request.

1. Leave Application for Own Marriage

 Here is a simple yet to-the-point leave application for attending marriage template for your reference:

2. Leave Application for Sister Marriage

If you are planning to attend and/or prepare for your sister’s wedding, here is a sample leave application.

3. Leave Application for Friend Marriage

Here is a sample leave application letter for you to submit a request for leave to attend your friend’s marriage ceremony.

Request for Leave for Brother’s Marriage

Here is a sample marriage leave application that you can draft when seeking a leave of absence due to your brother’s marriage.

Request for Leave for Cousin’s Marriage

Here is a sample application letter to submit a leave application to attend your cousin’s marriage.

You need to be well-equipped with solid and efficient communication skills to convey essential information while juggling your work and private life. Writing a leave of absence request is a part of professional communication. Learn how to properly draft a marriage leave application for office and submit it to your boss well in advance.

Did you find this blog helpful? Share your feedback with us in the comments section below. To learn how to write other types of leave applications, check out this blog on leave application for office with format and samples.

Since a marriage is a pre-planned event and you know the dates in advance, apply for a marriage leave 2-4 weeks before your leave of absence.

This is how you can write a leave application for your cousin’s marriage, “Dear [manager’s name], I am writing to seek a leave of absence. My younger cousin is getting married. It is an important family event I wish to be a part of. The wedding is on [date]. Kindly grant me a leave from [date] to [date]. I have coordinated with my teammate [name] to ensure smooth workflow in my absence. Thank you for your consideration.

The subject line for marriage leave is “Leave Application for My Marriage”.

Here is a sample for writing a marriage leave application, “Dear [manager’s name] , I am elated to inform you that I am getting married on [date] . The wedding festivities will begin from [date] . I request you to grant me a leave from [date] to [date] . I will hand over my work to [name of colleague] in my absence and I will resume work on [date] . Hoping to receive a positive response from you. Thank you for your consideration.

It is important to mention all the dates clearly in a marriage leave application. Do not just specify the date for the wedding but also the wedding festivities. It gives the employer an idea if the period of leave requested is justified.

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leave application letter for wedding ceremony

Shailja Kaushik has been an Editor with Internshala since March 2023. She loves creative writing and experimenting with different forms of writing. She has explored different genres by working with journals and radio stations. She has also published her poems and nano tales in various anthologies. She graduated at the top of her class with Bachelor's in English and recently completed her Master's in English from the University of Delhi. Her experiments with writing continue on her literary blog.

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How to Write Marriage Leave Application Email to Manager

Planning your wedding and need time off work? It’s essential to notify your manager respectfully. Writing a marriage leave application email is the correct way to do so. However, employees often find the task to be quite difficult. 

To help you with this, we have prepared a complete guide. It provides a simple and effective way to draft your marriage leave application email. 

Learn how to request leave for your special day politely, ensuring you cover all the necessary details. 

By following these steps, you can smoothly navigate the process, maintaining professionalism while taking care of your personal milestone.

Table of Contents

What is a Marriage Leave Application?

A marriage leave application is a formal request submitted by an employee to their employer, requesting time off from work due to their wedding or marriage-related events. 

This application outlines the requested dates for leave, explaining the significance of the event and the need for time away from work duties. 

It serves as a professional way for employees to communicate their absence, allowing employers to plan for their temporary absence and ensure a smooth workflow during their leave period. 

The application typically includes details about the wedding dates, any pre or post-wedding arrangements, and a polite request for approval of the leave.

Points to Include in Marriage Leave Application for Office

When drafting a marriage leave application for office, ensure to include these essential points:

  • Introduction

Address your manager or the concerned authority politely and express your intent clearly.

Specify the exact dates you’ll be taking leave for the wedding, including any additional days needed for travel or related events.

Highlight the significance of the event and why your presence is necessary during this period.

  • Preparation

Assure your manager that you’ve made arrangements to ensure minimal disruption to work. Mention how you’ve managed ongoing tasks or delegated responsibilities.

  • Collaboration

Offer your willingness to assist in the transition, whether it’s by training a colleague, preparing handover notes, or being available remotely for urgent matters.

  • Contact Information

Include your contact details in your wedding leave mail so you can be reached if necessary during your absence.

  • Request for Approval

Politely request approval for the leave and inquire if any specific documentation or procedures are required for the process.

Convey appreciation for their understanding and support in considering your request.

Remember, maintaining a professional and respectful tone is crucial while expressing your need for leave due to a personal event like a wedding. 

Format of Marriage Leave Application Email

Here’s a basic format for a marriage leave application email:

  • Subject Line
  • Purpose of the letter
  • Reason for leave
  • Number of days with dates
  • How to proceed in your absence

How do you write an email for marriage leave?

Follow these steps when writing a leave letter for marriage:

Step 1: Add a Subject Line

Are you wondering, “What should be my marriage leave request mail subject line ?” Research shows that crafting an effective email subject line is often considered the most challenging aspect of email writing.

It is the first thing your employer will see, and it should directly convey your purpose for leave while being brief. It’s vital to mention the start and end dates for clarity.

Align the subject line format with your company’s guidelines to maintain formality and aid quick comprehension of your leave request. This clarity assists the recipient in swiftly grasping the email’s content.

  • Leave Application for My Wedding: October 15 to October 20, 2024
  • Application for Wedding Leave: December 12 to December 16, 2024
  • Leave Application for Brother Marriage : January 10 to January 15, 2024. 

Step 2: Add a Greeting

When drafting a leave application for marriage, maintain a formal tone in your salutation. Address supervisors as “Dear Sir” or “Respected Sir,” while using colleagues’ names like “Dear [Name]” or “Dear Mr./Ms. [Name].” Opt for straightforward yet professional salutations to uphold formality in your email communication.

  • Dear Mr. Mehta
  • Dear Ms Patel

Step 3: Introduce Yourself

In the introduction, briefly present yourself and your role within the company while specifying the purpose of your email—requesting leave for your impending marriage. This step sets the context for your request, ensuring clarity and professionalism.

  • I’m Sara Verma, part of the IT Team, reaching out to request leave for my wedding scheduled next month.
  • This is Ajay Yadav from the IT Department. I am seeking leave approval for my wedding ceremony on [Date].

Introducing yourself ties your request to your professional identity, aiding in the smooth processing of your leave application.

Step 4: Provide Details of Your Request

In your email, clearly outline the specifics of the wedding. Specify whether it’s your own marriage or if you’re requesting leave to attend someone else’s wedding. 

If it’s for another person’s wedding, mention your relation to the individual. Include the wedding location if it’s in a different city. For extended leaves, ensure colleagues reliant on your work are informed about your absence to mitigate any disruptions.

  • I’m excited to share that my wedding is scheduled for August 25, 2024, in Kochi. I kindly request a one-month leave.
  • I’m happy to share that a dear friend’s wedding is set for September 10, 2024, in Mumbai. I’m seeking a week off to be part of the ceremony.

Step 5: Mention Leave Dates

A crucial aspect of a marriage leave application is providing precise details about the duration of your absence. It’s essential to specify exact dates and the total number of days you’ll be on leave. 

This clarity assists in organizing tasks during your absence and ensuring a seamless workflow. Specify the start and end dates of your leave period, along with the count of working days involved, aiding in effective planning during your absence.

  • I kindly request a leave of seven working days, starting from May 1, 2024, through May 10, 2024.
  • I’m seeking a leave period spanning seven working days, beginning on June 1, 2024, and concluding on June 10, 2024.

Step 6: Add Reasoning

When asking leave for marriage , highlight the importance of your absence due to the wedding. Explain why your presence is vital, whether for personal involvement in your own marriage or to support a close relationship during their wedding. This explanation helps emphasize the significance of the event, demonstrating the need for your absence from work.

  • This is my wedding, and it’s a significant milestone for me. I need time off to finalize arrangements and celebrate this momentous occasion.
  • As the best man at my brother’s wedding, my role is crucial. I’ll be actively involved in the preparations and ceremonies, necessitating my absence.

Step 7: Preparation and Coverage

Here, you have to outline how you’ve organized tasks, delegated responsibilities, or arranged coverage during your absence. 

This reassures your employer that essential work will continue smoothly despite your leave, minimizing disruptions to ongoing projects or tasks.

  • I’ve prepared detailed handover notes for my ongoing projects and briefed my colleagues on their responsibilities to ensure seamless workflow during my absence.
  • I’ve completed pending assignments and updated our team’s shared documents to ensure all necessary information is accessible, enabling my colleagues to manage tasks efficiently in my absence.

Step 8: Offer Support

In this step, express your willingness to assist during your absence, ensuring a smooth transition for your team. By extending your support, you demonstrate commitment to maintaining workflow and addressing any potential challenges that may arise in your absence.

  • I am available via email or phone during my leave to address any urgent matters or provide guidance. Please feel free to reach out if you require assistance.
  • If there are any unforeseen issues during my leave, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I’ll do my best to assist remotely and ensure a smooth continuation of our projects.

Step 9: Request for Approval

In this section, explicitly ask for permission for your leave, ensuring clarity and formality in your request. It’s essential to clearly seek approval, aligning with company policies and procedures.

  • Kindly consider my request for leave and grant approval for the specified duration, allowing me to partake in this important life event.
  • I kindly request your approval for the stated leave period, and I assure you of my commitment to ensure minimal disruption to our team’s workflow during my absence.

Step 10: Closing and Signature

In the end, conclude your marriage leave request mail to manager with a professional sign-off, expressing gratitude and reiterating your availability or commitment. This closing remark leaves a positive impression and reinforces your dedication despite the temporary absence.

Thank you for considering my request. I appreciate your understanding and look forward to returning recharged and committed to our ongoing projects. 

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Tips to Write Leave Mail for Marriage

Here are some helpful tips for writing e-mail for marriage leave:

  • Timely Notification

Inform your employer well in advance, allowing ample time for planning and adjustment within the workplace.

  • Clarity in the Subject Line

Ensure the subject line is concise yet descriptive, indicating it’s a marriage-related leave request.

  • Personalize Your Request

Tailor your email application for wedding leave to reflect your unique circumstances, whether it’s your own wedding or attending a close relative’s ceremony.

  • Highlight Impact

Briefly explain how your absence might affect ongoing projects or colleagues, emphasizing your efforts to minimize disruptions.

  • Communicate Availability

If applicable, mention your availability for urgent matters or remote support during your absence to ensure continuity.

  • Professional Tone

Maintain professionalism throughout the email, even while expressing personal reasons for the leave.

  • Follow Company Policies

Adhere to company policies regarding leave applications, ensuring you fulfil any necessary documentation or formalities.

  • Express Gratitude

Thank your employer for their understanding and consideration, reinforcing your commitment to the job despite the temporary absence.

Mistakes to Avoid When Writing Marriage Leave Mail to Manager

When composing a marriage leave email to your manager, here are some common mistakes to avoid:

  • Omitting the Marriage Date

Make sure you mention the specific date of your marriage. This detail is fundamental for your employer’s planning.

  • Neglecting Leave Duration

Explicitly state the duration of your absence. Clarify how long you’ll be on leave to assist your employer in making necessary arrangements.

  • Assuming Immediate Approval

While requesting leave, avoid assuming immediate approval. Request politely and be prepared for further discussions if needed.

  • Requesting Excessive Time Off

Be realistic in your leave request. Asking for too much time off can burden your colleagues and company. Keep your request reasonable and well-justified.

  • Delay in Notification

Notify your employer well in advance to allow sufficient time for planning and adjustments within the workplace.

  • Ignoring Contact Information

Include your contact details in the letter. It’s vital for your employer to reach you during your absence if required.

  • Neglecting Company Policies

Follow company guidelines for leave applications, including any specific documentation or procedures required.

  • Lacking Gratitude

Always express gratitude at the conclusion of your marriage leave application for office . Show appreciation for your employer’s understanding and cooperation.

  • Missing Signature and Date

Ensure you sign and date the letter. This simple act verifies your authorship and seriousness about taking leave, preventing any misunderstandings.

  • Forgetting Follow-up

In case any additional information is needed or changes are required, follow up promptly with the necessary details.

Wedding Leave Application for Office (Samples)

When writing a marriage leave request mail to manager , you have to follow the right format. This ensures clarity and professionalism throughout the message to effectively communicate your request.

Application for Own Marriage Leave

Are you wondering “ how to write leave application for my marriage ?” If yes, follow this sample. 

Use this sample if you want to write a marriage leave application email for your own wedding:

Subject: Application for My Marriage Leave

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well.

I am writing to formally request leave for my impending marriage. My wedding is scheduled for [Marriage Date], and I kindly request a leave of absence starting from [Start Date] until [End Date]. This time off is necessary for me to actively participate in the wedding arrangements and celebrate this significant life event with my family and loved ones.

I would like to extend an invitation to all my colleagues. I am attaching an invitation to my wedding along with this email. Your presence would be an honour.

I have taken the necessary steps to ensure a smooth transition during my absence. I have briefed [Colleague’s Name] about my ongoing tasks and provided detailed instructions to ensure minimal disruption to our ongoing projects.

I am committed to completing my pending work and will make sure that all essential tasks are addressed before my leave commences. I am available to assist remotely if any urgent matters arise during my absence.

Thank you for your understanding and support regarding this matter.

Best regards,

[Your Name] 

[Your Contact Information]

You can adjust this sample to write a marriage leave application email for your own wedding.

Sister Marriage Leave Application

If your sister is getting married, use this sample to write a leave request for marriage:

Subject: Leave Request for Sister’s Marriage

I trust this message finds you in good health.

I am writing to formally request leave as my sister’s wedding is approaching. The wedding ceremonies are scheduled to take place from [Start Date] to [End Date], and I kindly seek permission for a leave of absence during this period.

Attending my sister’s marriage is of utmost importance to me and my family. I aim to actively participate in the preparations and celebrations surrounding this significant event.

I have planned my tasks and responsibilities in advance to ensure a seamless workflow during my absence. I have briefed [Colleague’s Name] about pending assignments and provided the necessary details to ensure continuity in project progress.

I am dedicated to completing my pending work before the leave period and remain available remotely if any urgent matters arise that require my attention.

Thank you for your understanding and consideration of my request.

Warm regards,

You can adjust this sample to easily write a sister marriage leave mail to manager . 

Leave Application for Brother Marriage

Follow this sample to write a leave application for wedding ceremony requesting time off for your brother’s wedding:

Subject: Leave Request for Brother’s Marriage

I am writing to formally request leave as my brother’s wedding is scheduled to take place from [Start Date] to [End Date]. I kindly seek permission for a leave of absence during this period to participate in and support the wedding festivities.

Attending my brother’s marriage holds immense significance for me and our family. I aim to be actively involved in the arrangements and celebrations surrounding this joyous occasion.

To ensure a smooth workflow during my absence, I have proactively organized my pending tasks and responsibilities. I have briefed [Colleague’s Name] on ongoing projects and provided the necessary information to maintain project continuity.

I assure you I will complete the pending work before the leave commences, and I am available remotely should any urgent matters arise that require my attention.

Thank you for your understanding and support in granting this leave.

You can adjust this sample to easily write a brother marriage leave mail to manager . 

Cousin Marriage Leave Mail to Manager

If you want to attend your cousin’s marriage, use this same to request for leave for marriage:

Subject: Leave Request for Cousin’s Marriage Celebration

I trust you’re doing well.

I am writing to formally request leave as my cousin’s wedding celebrations are scheduled to take place from [Start Date] to [End Date]. I respectfully seek approval for a leave of absence during this period to actively participate in these significant festivities.

Attending my cousin’s marriage is very important for me, and it is an occasion I deeply cherish. I intend to be fully engaged in the ceremonies and celebrations to support and celebrate this joyous milestone with my family.

To ensure a smooth workflow during my absence, I have diligently arranged and delegated my pending tasks. I have briefed [Colleague’s Name] on ongoing projects and provided comprehensive details to ensure seamless project continuity.

I am committed to finishing pending assignments before the leave period and remain available remotely should any urgent matters arise that require my attention.

Thank you for your understanding and consideration of my leave request.

You can adjust this sample to easily write a leave application for cousin marriage . 

Leave Application for the Wedding of a Friend

Use this example to write a marriage leave application email requesting time off for your friend’s wedding:

Subject: Leave Request for Attending Friend’s Wedding

I hope this message finds you in good spirits.

I am reaching out to formally request leave to attend a close friend’s wedding. The wedding celebrations are scheduled to occur from [Start Date] to [End Date], and I kindly seek your approval for a leave of absence during this period.

Attending this significant event is of immense personal importance to me. It’s an opportunity for me to show support and share in the joyous occasion with a dear friend.

To ensure a smooth continuation of work during my absence, I have prepared in advance by organizing pending tasks and informing my team members about ongoing projects. I am committed to completing any pending work and ensuring minimal disruption to our ongoing tasks before my leave begins.

I assure you of my dedication to my responsibilities and am willing to provide remote assistance should any urgent matters arise during my absence.

You can adjust this sample to easily write a friend marriage leave mail to manager .

Leave Application for Relative’s Marriage

Use this sample to write a formal leave application for relative marriage to your manager.

Subject: Leave Request for Relative’s Marriage

I am writing to formally request leave as my [relative’s relationship] is getting married. The wedding ceremonies are scheduled from [Start Date] to [End Date], and I kindly seek approval for a leave of absence during this period to participate in and celebrate this special occasion with my family.

I have made arrangements to ensure a smooth transition during my absence. If needed, I am available remotely to assist with any urgent matters.

Thank you for considering my request.

[Your Name] [Your Contact Information] So, these are a few samples you can use for writing wedding marriage leave application for office . 

Writing an email to your manager requires clarity, courtesy, and anticipation of work adjustments. Remember, it’s not just about the request; it’s about maintaining professionalism while acknowledging the significance of the occasion. 

This guide will help you to write a perfect marriage leave application email to your manager. You can use the examples and add your own details to craft a professional leave application email. 

While you’re planning your leave, platforms like  Hirist  can assist in finding the best IT jobs in India. No matter what type of job you are looking for, Hirist offers a wide selection of the best job opportunities in the tech sector. 

  • What is the subject line for the wedding leave request?

The subject line for a wedding leave request typically outlines the purpose and dates of the requested leave.

  • How many days I can apply leave for marriage?

The duration of marriage leave varies but commonly ranges from a few days to a couple of weeks. When writing an application for your own marriage leave, remember to mention the days. 

  • What is leave application for self marriage?

A leave application for self marriage requests time off for one’s own wedding ceremony.

  • When to write marriage leave request mail?

Submit the marriage leave request email ideally several weeks before the wedding date.

  • How long should be your marriage leave request email to manager?

Your marriage leave request email to your manager should be concise, typically ranging from around 150 to 250 words.

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Writing A Leave Application For Marriage (With Template & Examples)

Srishti Magan

Table of content: 

What's a leave application for marriage, leave application for marriage: format & template, samples for marriage leave application.

  • Things To Keep In Mind

Frequently Asked Questions

Working professionals are entitled to a set number of leaves during the year - depending on the company policy and national holidays. Casual and sick leaves are common across organizations and industries. However, companies also give a provision to apply for leave for personal reasons and family events. A leave application for marriage is an application or a formal request, to apply for a leave of absence for a wedding ceremony. This is usually longer in duration than regular leave. 

In this article, we'll study in detail the purpose of a marriage leave application, its format and tips, a step-by-step guide on writing one, and common mistakes to avoid. Also listed below are sample leave applications for marriage. 

It is a specific leave application for office, usually submitted to the HR team and the department head. It allows individuals to apply for leaves for a wedding ceremony in the family. It usually includes the wedding invitation.

A marriage leave application letter can be written for the purpose of your own marriage or a close relative's marriage (like a sibling). The marriage invitation card should be included in both cases. Companies can provide anywhere between 5-15 days of paid marriage leave. 

Why do we need one?

The main reason companies expect a marriage leave application is to track when an employee is going on a long absence - and plan for their absence. It also enables an employee to step back from office activities and take time off for the marriage ceremony.

The ceremony could last a day, but the marriage functions and wedding preparations are likely to last longer. You need considerable time off to plan for the marriage ceremony and functions.

Thus, it's important that you submit an application to the office - so they can plan for the duration you're absent from work. Additionally, as salaried employees, it's important to avail the assigned, paid leaves - and specify if you'll be taking any additional leaves. 

Things to Include

Policy for marriage leave varies between companies. However, there are certain items that should be included in a leave letter for marriage: 

  • Reason for the leave (e.g. - family event, in case of it being a relative's marriage)
  • Exact dates of the marriage function
  • Formal invitation card for the wedding (If you're planning to invite your peers and/or managers, you can send a separate, personal invitation)
  • Other relevant details, e.g. - if your duration of marriage leave is longer than normal, details of the person who will be taking over your work for the period of marriage leave, etc.  

Here's a step-by-step guide on the format of how to write a leave application for marriage: 

i) Subject Line

It's a formal letter. Thus, the subject line should be stated in a clear and direct manner, and include pertinent information that can grab the attention of the reader. 

Example: - Marriage Leave Application/Leave Application for Marriage Ceremony: August 28, 2023 - September 5, 2023.  - Leave application for sister's m arriage: August 28, 2023 - September 5, 2023.

ii) Salutation

Irrespective of the purpose for which it's being written, the application letter always starts with the salutation. In the case of a marriage application letter, the letter is usually addressed to the direct supervisor or team lead, with other concerned people marked in CC. 

Example - Dear Sir/Ma'am OR Respected Sir/Ma'am

In the case of a physical letter, you may include the details of the recipient before the salutation. 

Example - To XYZ (Name of the recipient) Designation

iii) Body of the Letter

This includes information about the leave duration, the purpose of the leave, and other relevant details. It's broadly divided into an opening paragraph, the main body, and a closing paragraph.

Your leave application for marriage must include the following information: 

  • The purpose of leave
  • The dates of leave
  • The person taking over in your absence

I wish to apply for a leave for personal reasons.

It gives me great joy to share that my brother is getting married. Thus, I need to take a leave from August 28, 2023, to September 5, 2023. 

I will ensure that I complete all tasks prior to my leave. During my leave duration, my co-editor will be taking over my responsibilities. 

Please approve my leave application for the above-mentioned dates. Do let me know in case any further information is required at my end.  

Make sure that you ask for a formal approval when closing the letter. The leave approval for marriage must be provided on email and/or the official leave tracking system, if the organization has one. This is important for documentation purposes.

iv) Sign-Off

Like any other application, end your leave application of marriage with a sign-off as well. You can use the same sign-off as your regular, email communication. 

Example: Regards Ankit Sharma Tech Editor

Also, set an OOO (out-of-office) message for the duration of marriage leave. 

v) Attachments

Always check for attachments before sending the email across. Ideally, upload your attachments as a PDF. In the case of a marriage leave application, the attachment will include the wedding invitation. 

You can follow these simple steps to draft a leave application for marriage. Here's a template for an email application for marriage leave, for your reference:

Subject: Marriage leave application - [start date] to [end date] Dear Sir/Ma'am It's a pleasure to let inform you that I am getting married on [date of marriage] of [month]. Please grant me leave for [number of days] days, from [start date] to [end date].  I hope to receive a positive response from you soon. Thank you. Sincerely, [Name] [Designation]

The above sample for marriage leave clearly specifies the purpose and duration of the leave. Further information can be added, as per the company policy or your requirements.

Here's a sample marriage application letter for your own marriage: 

To Priya Sharma, Sales Director Subject: Leave application for my wedding: September 4, 2023 - October 4, 2023. Respected Sir, This is to inform you that I am getting married on September 6, 2023. Thus, I'd like to request a month-long leave starting Monday, September 4, 2023.  I'd like to take this opportunity to extend an invitation to you and the entire team. Please find attached my wedding invitation. I will make sure to close any open tasks prior to my leave. However, during my absence, my colleague Shania Jain will help with any emergency tasks or last-minute requests. She has access to the relevant documents and information about upcoming projects.  Please accept my request and approve my leave for the above-mentioned dates.  Regards, [Signature] Richa Verma Sales Manager

Here's a sample application for a family member's wedding: 

Subject: Leave application for my brother's wedding: September 4, 2023 - September 11, 2023. Respected Sir, I am elated to inform you that my brother is getting married on September 6, 2023. Thus, I'd like to request a week-long leave, i.e. of 7 days, starting Monday, September 4, 2023, to help with wedding arrangements. I will make sure to close any open tasks prior to my leave. During my absence, my colleague Shania Jain will help with any emergency tasks or last-minute requests.  Please accept my request and approve my leave for the above-mentioned dates. Regards, [Signature] Richa Verma Sales Manager

Leave Application for Marriage: Things To Keep In Mind

A well-crafted leave application letter must be concise and to the point, properly addressed, and include all relevant details. Here are some tips to keep in mind when writing an application: 

  • Don't be too informal or overly emotional in your tone
  • Check the company policy for required documents, if any
  • Ensure the leave duration is clearly specified
  • Always get an approval
  • Copy check for errors and typos

Q1. How many leaves do we get for marriage?

The duration of marriage leaves varies between companies, but ideally, most companies provide a 5-10 day leave for your own marriage or that of a close family member. Companies may even provide a month-long leave. 

Q2. Why is it important to draft an application for marriage leave?

It's important to apply for marriage leave so the company can prepare for your long absence from work and assign work accordingly. It also allows you to take time off and participate in the wedding festivities. 

Q3. How many days of marriage leave is appropriate?

There is no fixed response to this. Usually, people request anywhere between 3 to 15 days, depending on the purpose of the leave. For example, in the case of a close friend's wedding, a 3-day leave may suffice. But if you're applying for leave for your marriage, you may take up to a month's leave. 

Q4. What should I do if my leave application is rejected?

There may be a rare case in which your application is rejected. If this happens, it's important to deal with the situation calmly and understand the reason behind the rejection. Once you're aware of the reason, you can negotiate with your manager for a shorter leave duration, or request a colleague's help to step in and take over some of the tasks. 

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Marriage Leave Application Letter

Last Updated On February 25, 2020 By Letter Writing Leave a Comment

A marriage leave application is written by an employee getting married and it is addressed to the employer. A female or male employee who is doing a wedding can write this letter to request for time off to make the necessary preparations for the ceremony.

A marriage leave application is important to inform your employer and colleague of the great occasion. An employer uses this request of leave of absence for record-keeping and documentation of the employee’s leave days taken. This letter is also used as a formal document to help make adjustments in work schedules, normal office workings, and delegation of duties to ensure that the work of the leaver will not lag behind.

Tips for writing a marriage leave application letter

  • Be genuine about the reason for the request
  • Mention the specific dates of departure and resumption
  • Give the specific date, time and venue of the ceremony
  • Use polite and formal language
  • Mention someone to back you up while you are away
  • Include a signature at the end of the letter
  • You may enclose the wedding invitation
  • Address the letter to the relevant authority
  • Keep it short and precise

Marriage Leave Application Letter Templates

Is your marriage soon and you want to request your employer leave of absence. With our marriage leave application letter template and sample letters, you will write a quality leave application.


Date (date on which letter is written)



Dear _________________,

My name is ____________ from the department of ____________. It is with great pleasure that I write this letter to pass my invitation for my wedding scheduled to take place on ____________. I wish to take a ____________ weeks’ leave to make arrangements for the wedding and my honeymoon. I wish to start my leave on ____________ and resume office on ____________.

The wedding with take place in ____________ at ____________ am and the reception will follow at ____________. I invite all staff members to a dinner party at ____________. Before I leave, I will submit all the reports on current projects. ____________ will be assuming m duties while I am away.

Since I may not be in a position to address work matters on phone, please address them to my email ____________ and I will respond when I can. In case of an emergency, please contact ____________ for assistance.

It would be a grateful if you also attend. Thank you for your consideration and I hope for your approval.

Your Truly,


Marriage Leave Application Letter Samples

If you are wondering how to inform your employer of your marriage leave request, here is a marriage leave application letter that will help you inform your boss of the joyous occasion in a formal way.

Lorraine Marks,

23B Belmont St.

Oak Lawn, IL 60453

United States

Raymundo Jones,

409 Galvin Rd.

East Hartford, CT 06118

Sub; Marriage leave application

Dear Mr. Jones,

My name is Lorraine Marks from the finance department. I hereby write this letter to notify you of my wedding scheduled for 30 th June 2020. The ceremony will take place in Cathedral  Church and the reception follows to Noble Gardens. I wish to request for two weeks leave from 23 rd May 2020 to 6 th June 2020 to make preparations for my wedding and the honeymoon.

I hereby attach a wedding invitation card with details on the ceremony. I have invited all the staff to this joyous occasion and dinner after the reception at the Riverside Hotel. Meanwhile, I recommend Luciano Reyes to assume my duties while I am away. Since I will not be in a position to take phone calls, please address all work matters to my email [email protected] and I will reply to them when I can.  

I will ensure to catch up with my duties when I return. Thank you and I hope for your approval in this matter. 

Yours Truly,

Lorraine Marks

From, Avinash Sharma, Loan OfficerAxis Bank, Main Branch, Hyderabad

Jagdish Kumar, HR Manager, Axis Bank, Main Branch, Hyderabad

1st October, 2013

Subject: marriage leave application letter

Dear Mr. Kumar,

I am Avinash Sharma from the loan department. I work as loan in charge officer in your office. I am writing this letter to inform you that my marriage is fixed on 15th October, 2013. I want to avail leave from 13th October to 20th October. I am attaching my wedding invitation with this letter. There is a reception on the evening of 15th October. I have invited all our staff members. It will be my pleasure if you make it convenient to attend the party and bless us.

Please treat my absence as informed leave and do the needful.

Looking forward to hear from you,

Thanking you,

Yours Sincerely,


Avinash Sharma

Marriage Leave Application Letter Email Formats

Your marriage is an important occasion and you need time off to make the necessary preparation. Have a look at our email sample marriage leave application letter that you can use to earn an instant approval.

Dear Mrs. Raymond,

My name is Jess Livingston with the tax department and it is a pleasure to inform you that I am getting married on 15 th January 2020. This is an important occasion in my life and I wish to request a month’s leave starting on 1 st January 2020. The ceremony is taking place on 15 th January 2020 at Highway Greens at 10 am as stated on the wedding invitation enclosed herewith. I also pass an invitation to all staff members.

I wish to take this time off to make the necessary arrangement for the wedding and the honeymoon. I will resume my duties on 31 st January 2020. Before my departure, I will email you the updated reports on the projects in progress. I have discussed my situation with Thad Merritt and he has agreed to cover for me while I am away. I don’t oversee any delay in my work while I am away.

Kindly reach me through my mobile 393-465-2358 or email  [email protected] . I hope that you will consider my application and it would be a pleasure to see you there as well.

Thank you in advance.

Kind Regards,

Jess Livingston

Dear Winfred,

I am Kenneth Scott and with your team I work as the chief Engineer. I have written this letter to say that on the 9th of may there is marriage engagement with Clara Richard. So I will be very happy if you come at there. Even there is a party near the hall after two days. I am sending the personal invitation in due course of time.

Actually I want to tell you that please give me a leave of absence for a week starting from the 5th of may till 12th of may. Therefore I request you to treat my absence as informed leave and oblige.

Thanks in advance.

While a wedding is a joyous and extraordinary occasion in a person’s life, it is important to submit a polite and humble request for a leave of absence. In such a letter, include the specific date of leaving and returning, the date of the ceremony, time and venue. 

It is also recommended to mention a person who will cover you in your absence. Ensure that the content is professional and formal.

Megha Kothari

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10 Formats for Crafting a Leave Application for Marriage!

  • Leave application for marriage

Leave Application for Marriage is a crucial step for employees planning to marry, marking a significant milestone in one's life. As you prepare for this joyous occasion, it's essential to communicate your plans with your employer through a well-crafted leave application. 

Look no further! This step-by-step guide will provide an overview of how to craft a wedding leave application for office. We will also share with you sample leave application letter for your marriage, your sister marriage, brother marriage and others.

Follow these simple steps and you will be able to submit a well-crafted leave application for marriage that is sure to be accepted by your employer.

On this page

Reasons for taking marriage leave

  • What to include  in a marriage leave application letter

There are several reasons why someone may take a leave of absence to attend their own or a family member's marriage:

The Great Escape : Claim you need a week off for your wedding. Then, take another week because the first one was just a practice run.

Honeymoon Hopping : Insist on taking marriage leave for a honeymoon in every continent. After all, love knows no bounds, and neither should your vacation days.

Marrying a Myth : Convince your boss you're marrying a mermaid and need time off to find Atlantis. Waterproof tuxedo? Check.

Wedding Wardrobe Malfunction : Need an extra day because your wedding attire is stuck in a time loop. Yesterday's fashion, today!

Vows Version Control : Taking leave to write your vows, but treat it like a software update. It needs beta testing, debugging, and a patch release.

Guest Star Galore : Claim you’re scouting locations for your wedding, which will feature cameo appearances by celebrities. You're just waiting on Rihanna's RSVP.

Cake Conundrum : Extended leave is necessary because choosing the right wedding cake flavor is a journey, not a decision. It's about personal growth, after all.

So if you're ready to get started on your leave application, let's dive in and get to work!

How to write a leave application for marriage

Watch our video below to see the do's and don'ts of marriage leave letter.

A leave application for marriage should include the following information:

  • Start with a Subject Line : Clearly state your intention. Example: "Marriage Leave Application."
  • Salutation : Begin with a polite greeting. Example: "Dear [Manager's Name],"
  • State the Purpose : Briefly mention that you're requesting leave for your marriage. Example: "I am writing to request leave for my wedding."
  • Specify Dates : Mention the leave start date and the expected return date. Example: "I would like to request leave from [start date] to [end date], planning to return on [return date]."
  • Offer Support for Handover : Mention your willingness to ensure a smooth transition. Example: "I will ensure all my tasks are up to date before leaving and am willing to assist in the handover process."
  • Closing and Thanks : Thank your employer for considering your request. Example: "Thank you for considering my request for leave."
  • End with a Closing Salutation : Example: "Sincerely, [Your Name]"

Keep it concise and to the point, ensuring that all relevant information is communicated

Samples of leave application for marriage 

Here are some samples of marriage leave of mail to manager which you can send to get your leaves approved.

Download the samples of marriage leave mail to manager in a pdf here.

Sample1: Marriage leave application for office  

You can use either of the below two examples 

Example 1: Marriage leave format use any of the below samples

Subject: Marriage Leave Application - [Your Name]

Dear [Supervisor's Name],

I trust this email finds you well. I am writing to formally request marriage leave in accordance with [Company Name]'s leave policy. I am excited to share that I will be getting married on [Wedding Date], and I would like to request [Number of Days] days of leave to celebrate this special occasion.

I have reviewed the marriage leave policy and am attaching all the required documents as per the guidelines. I understand the importance of managing my responsibilities during my absence and assure you that I will ensure a smooth handover of any pending tasks.

I believe that the team's collaboration and support will ensure the continuity of work during my absence. If there are any specific tasks that require my attention or assistance before I go on leave, please let me know, and I will be more than happy to assist.

Thank you for considering my request. I appreciate your understanding and support during this joyful time. I look forward to a positive response.

Best regards, [Your Name] [Your Employee ID] [Your Contact Number] [Your Email Address]


  • Marriage-related documents as required.

Sample B : Wedding application in English

Dear [Employer],

Subject: My marriage leave request

Subject: Marriage Leave Application

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to formally request a leave of absence from work due to my upcoming marriage ceremony. The wedding is scheduled for [Date] and will require my full attention and presence.

I understand the importance of my responsibilities at work and the impact of my absence on the team. Rest assured, I have taken the necessary steps to ensure a smooth transition during my absence. I will coordinate with my colleagues to delegate my tasks and responsibilities and provide them with any necessary information or instructions to ensure that projects and daily operations continue without disruption.

I plan to take leave from [Start Date] to [End Date], which includes [Number of Days] working days. I will be available for any urgent matters that may arise during my absence and can be reached via email or phone.

I kindly request your approval for this leave to allow me to celebrate this important milestone in my life with my family and loved ones. I will make every effort to minimize the impact of my absence on the team and ensure a smooth workflow during this period.

If there are any specific procedures or tasks you would like me to address before my leave, please let me know, and I will take care of them promptly.

Thank you for your understanding and support during this special time in my life. I am committed to returning to work after my leave with renewed energy and dedication.

Thank you for considering my request.

5 Samples to help you Ace your One Day Leave Application

Example 2: Marriage leave application format

I am writing to request a leave of absence to get married. The wedding is scheduled to take place on [date], and I will be absent from work from [start date] to [end date] to attend the celebration and spend time with my family.

I understand that this is a personal matter, but I wanted to inform you of my absence and ensure that my work responsibilities are taken care of. I have made arrangements with my team to ensure that all outstanding tasks are completed before I leave, and I will be available to answer any questions or provide updates as needed during my leave.

I appreciate your understanding and support, and I look forward to returning to work refreshed and ready to continue my duties. If you have any questions or need additional information, please don't hesitate to let me know. Thank you for considering my request.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Sample 2 - Leave application for attending a family wedding

To t he Manager, 

Subject: Leave application to attend a family wedding 


I am writing to request a leave of absence to attend a family wedding. The event is taking place on [date] and I would like to request [number of days] off starting on [start date] and returning to work on [end date].

I will do my best to ensure that all of my work is completed and properly handed off before I leave, and I will be available to answer any questions or provide assistance remotely while I am away.

I understand the importance of my role within the company and I appreciate your understanding and support as I take this time to celebrate with my family. I look forward to returning to work recharged and ready to continue making a positive contribution to the team.

Sample 3 - Marriage leave application to school

The Principal

(School name) 

Subject: Leave Application for Attending a Family Wedding

Dear Sir/Madam,

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am writing to request a temporary leave of absence from school due to a significant family event. My [sibling/relative] is getting married, and I would like to attend the wedding ceremony, which is scheduled for [date of the wedding].

I understand the importance of regular attendance at school and assure you that I will make every effort to minimize the disruption caused by my absence. I will ensure that I complete any pending assignments and catch up on missed lessons during my absence.

I kindly request your permission to grant me leave from [start date] to [end date]. This will allow me enough time to participate in the pre-wedding preparations and the wedding itself. I will return to school promptly on [date of return].

I am committed to maintaining my academic performance and will work diligently to cover any missed coursework. I understand the importance of keeping up with my studies and will seek assistance from teachers or classmates if needed.

I have attached an invitation to the wedding for your reference. I assure you that I will comply with all school policies regarding leave and will make this absence as smooth as possible for both my teachers and fellow students.

I kindly request your understanding and approval of this leave application. I promise to make every effort to minimize the impact of my absence on my studies.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your positive response.

[Your Name] [Your Contact Information]

[Attach Wedding Invitation]

Sample 4: Leave application for brother marriage 

Subject: Leave application for Brother marriage

I am writing to request a leave of absence to attend my brother's marriage. The event will be held on [date] and I would like to request [number of days] off starting on [start date] and returning to work on [end date].

I understand that my absence may affect the workload of the team, but I will do my best to ensure that all of my responsibilities are taken care of before I leave. I am also happy to answer any questions or provide assistance remotely while I am away.

I appreciate your understanding and support as I celebrate this special occasion with my family. I am grateful for the opportunity to work with such a great team and I look forward to returning to work with renewed energy and focus.

Sample 5: Leave application for cousin marriage

The Manager,

Subject:  Leave application for attending cousin marriage. 

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to formally request leave to attend my cousin's marriage, which is scheduled to take place on [Wedding Date]. I would like to request [Number of Days] days of leave to be able to participate in the celebrations and support my family during this joyous occasion.

I have reviewed the leave policy and understand the process for submitting a leave application. I assure you that I have planned my work to ensure a smooth transition during my absence. I will coordinate with my colleagues to ensure that any pending tasks are managed efficiently.

I believe that my brief absence will not significantly impact the team's operations, and I am committed to ensuring that my responsibilities are well-covered during my leave.

I appreciate your understanding and support in granting me this leave. If there are any urgent matters that require my attention before I go on leave, please let me know, and I will be more than willing to assist remotely.

Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to a positive response.

Best regards,

Sample 6: leave application for friend marriage  

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to request a leave of absence for the period of [start date] to [end date] in order to attend the marriage of a close friend. The wedding will take place on [wedding date] and I would like to be able to celebrate and support my friend on this important occasion.

I understand that this is a busy time for the [company/organization], and I will do my best to ensure that my work is completed and my responsibilities are covered while I am away. I am willing to work with my colleagues to make arrangements for the handover of my duties, and I will make myself available via email or phone in case of any emergencies.

Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to returning to work after my leave and continuing to contribute to the success of the [company/organization].

Sample 7: leave application for own marriage  and honeymoon

Dear [Employer], I request you to please give me leave of absence for my marriage and honeymoon. The wedding is scheduled for [date], and I would like to request [number of days] off starting on [start date] to attend the wedding and return to work on [end date]. I will then be taking a honeymoon from [end date] to [return date] and will need an additional [number of days] off. I am committed to my work and will do my best to ensure that all of my responsibilities are taken care of before I leave. I am thankful for the support and understanding of my colleagues and the company as I embark on this new chapter of my life. Kindly grant me the leave.

Upon my return, I will be energized and ready to contribute positively to the team

Sample 8: leave application for marriage  ceremony

Subject: Leave Application for Marriage Ceremony - [Your Name]

I trust this message finds you well. I am writing to formally request leave to attend my own marriage ceremony, which is scheduled to take place on [Wedding Date]. I would like to request [Number of Days] days of leave to fully participate in the celebrations and make necessary arrangements.

I have reviewed the leave policy and guidelines and am attaching all the required documents as per the process. I understand the importance of maintaining work continuity during my absence and assure you that I have planned my work to ensure a smooth handover.

I will coordinate with my team to manage any pending tasks and responsibilities before I go on leave. I am committed to ensuring that my absence does not disrupt the team's operations.

I appreciate your understanding and support in granting me this leave. I believe that taking this time off will help me to fully engage in this significant life event and return to work with renewed focus and dedication.

Sample 9: leave application for sister marriage

Subject: Leave of Absence Request for Sister's Wedding

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I hope this letter finds you in the best of health and spirits. I am writing this official leave application to request a [number of days, e.g., "five-day"] leave of absence from work due to a significant family function – my sister's wedding. The marriage ceremony is scheduled for [wedding date, e.g., "15th September 2023"], and as a close family member, my presence and participation are essential.

Considering the preparations and the rituals associated with the wedding ceremony, I would like to request time off from [starting date, e.g., "10th September 2023"] to [ending date, e.g., "15th September 2023"]. During this period, I assure you that I have made arrangements to manage my workload, ensuring minimal disruption. [Colleague's name, if any], from my team, has kindly agreed to oversee my responsibilities during my short absence.

I understand that taking a break during [mention a particular period or project, if any, e.g., "the ongoing project phase"] is not ideal, but I will ensure a smooth transition and promise to catch up immediately upon my return.

I sincerely hope you will consider my vacation request for this personal leave, understanding the significance of a sister's wedding in one's life. Your approval for this leave will allow me to be with my family during this joyous occasion and fulfill my duties as a brother.

Kindly let me know if you need any additional information or if there are tasks I need to complete before my temporary departure.

Thank you for considering my request. I am eager to hear a positive response and assure you of my utmost dedication upon my return.

Warm Regards,

From Work to Wedding Bells: How to Write a Leave Application for Your Sister's Marriage  

Sample 10: leave application to School to attend friends marriage

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am requesting a leave of absence from school from [Start Date] to [End Date] due to my friend's wedding ceremony, an important family event. I understand the significance of attending school regularly, but this family commitment requires my presence. 

During my absence, I will make every effort to stay updated with the schoolwork and complete any assignments or homework that may be assigned during this period. I will also seek assistance from my classmates to ensure that I stay caught up in my studies. I kindly request your permission to grant me this leave, and I am willing to provide any additional information or documentation if needed to support my request. I understand the importance of adhering to the school's policies and am committed to maintaining my academic progress. I am attaching a copy of the wedding invitation for your reference. Thank you for considering my request. I hope for your understanding and a favourable response to this leave application. Please let me know if there are any guidelines or procedures I need to follow, and I will comply accordingly.

Sincerely, [Your Name] [Your Contact Information] Please make sure to replace [Principal's Name], [Start Date], [End Date], and any other placeholders with specific details relevant to your situation.

FAQ's on leave application for marriage

How do i request a leave of absence for my marriage.

To request a leave of absence for your marriage, you should write a formal letter or email to your employer outlining the reason for the leave and the dates you will be away. Be sure to include any relevant details, such as the wedding date and location, and make arrangements to hand over your duties during your absence. It is also good to check with your employer about any specific policies or requirements for requesting leave for personal events.

Can I request a leave of absence for a family member's wedding?

Yes, it is generally acceptable to request a leave of absence to attend the wedding of a close family member, such as a spouse, partner, parent, child, sibling, or grandparent. Some employers may also allow leave for the wedding of a more distant relative, depending on the company's policies and the employee's job responsibilities. Be sure to outline the reason for the leave and the dates you will be away in your request and make arrangements for the handover of your duties during your absence.

Will I be paid during my leave of absence for a family member's wedding?

Whether or not you will be paid during a leave of absence for a family member's wedding depends on your employment status and employer's policies. If you are a salaried employee, you may be entitled to paid time off for a family event such as a wedding. If you are an hourly employee, you may be able to use vacation or personal days to receive pay during your leave. Some employers may also allow unpaid leave for a family event. Be sure to check with your employer about their policies and any applicable laws.

How long can I take off for a family member's wedding?

The length of time you can take off for a family member's wedding depends on your employer's policies and the needs of the business. Some employers may allow a few day's leave for a wedding, while others may allow a more extended period. It is essential to discuss your request with your employer and reach an agreement that works for both parties. Be sure to consider the impact of your absence on the company and make arrangements to hand over your duties during your leave.

Taking time off for a wedding can be stressful - but it doesn't have to be! By following this step-by-step guide, you can ensure that everything runs smoothly when crafting a professional leave application for marriage.

Ensure all necessary documents  and submit proof like a wedding invitation and keep realistic expectations regarding waiting times for approval or denial of the request.

With careful planning and communication with employers ahead of time, taking time off for weddings can be an enjoyable experience - so remember to enjoy every moment!

This blog article has helped you to understand how to write a leave application for marriage. For more leave application formats, read our blogs and download the samples.

Links to download samples

  • Leave application due to sickness
  • Leave application for maternity
  • Leave application for office
  • Leave application for fever
  • Half day leave application

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To write a leave application, you should include the following information: the reason for the leave, the dates of the leave, how you will keep in touch (if applicable), and a plan for catching up on any missed work.

You should submit your leave application as soon as you know that you need to take time off. This will allow your employer to plan accordingly and minimize disruption to the workplace.

This depends on your employer's policies and the specific reason for the leave.

In some cases, an unpaid leave of absence may be granted for personal or family reasons. However, it is best to discuss this with your employer to determine what is possible.

Yes, most employers are required to provide maternity and paternity leave to eligible employees. The specific terms of the leave, including the duration and whether it is paid or unpaid, may vary depending on the employer and the individual's situation.

Yes, employees who are called to active military duty are entitled to take a leave of absence for military service. The specific terms of the leave, including the duration and whether it is paid or unpaid, may vary depending on the employer and the individual's situation.

To request a leave of absence, you should first check with your employer to see what their policies and procedures are for taking time off. In most cases, you will need to submit a written request for leave to your supervisor or HR department. Be sure to include the reason for your leave, the dates you plan to be out, and any other relevant information.

Yes, in most cases you can take a leave of absence for personal reasons. However, the specific reasons for which you are allowed to take time off will vary depending on your employer's policies and the laws in your state. For example, some employers may allow you to take time off for personal reasons such as to care for a sick family member, while others may only permit leaves for medical reasons.

Whether your benefits will continue while you are on leave will depend on the specific policies of your employer and the laws in your state. In some cases, your employer may continue to provide benefits such as health insurance and paid time off during your leave, while in other cases, you may need to pay for these benefits yourself or they may be suspended during your leave.

Whether you will have to pay taxes on your leave pay will depend on the specific type of leave you are taking and the laws in your country.

For example, if you are taking a leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) in the US, the pay you receive during your leave may be tax-free.

However, if you are taking a personal leave of absence without pay, you will not receive any pay and therefore will not have to pay taxes on it.


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Application for Marriage Leave Request (with Samples & PDFs)

I have listed sample templates to help you craft an effective and professional application for marriage leave request.

Also, I would like to point out that you can also download a PDF containing all the samples at the end of this post.

Application for Approval of Marriage Leave Request

First, find the sample template for application for marriage leave request below.

To, The Manager, [Company Name], [Company Address], [City, State, Pin Code]

Subject: Application for Marriage Leave Request

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am writing to request leave from work for my wedding ceremony. I am getting married on [Wedding Date] and I need to take time off to make necessary arrangements and also to enjoy this special occasion with my family.

I kindly request [Number of Days] days of leave starting from [Start Date] to [End Date]. I assure you that I will complete all pending work before my leave and will ensure a smooth handover to my colleague to manage during my absence.

I hope you will consider my request and grant me the leave for this important milestone in my life. Your understanding and support in this matter will be highly appreciated.

Thank you for your attention to this request.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]

Below I have listed 5 different sample applications for “application for marriage leave request” that you will certainly find useful for specific scenarios:

Marriage Leave Request for Traditional Wedding Ceremony

Marriage Leave Request for Traditional Wedding Ceremony

To, [Manager’s Name], [Company Name], [Company Address].

Subject: Marriage Leave Request for Traditional Wedding Ceremony

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I hope you are doing well. I am writing to request your approval for a few days off to attend my traditional Indian wedding ceremony. The wedding is an important event in my life and holds great significance in our culture.

I would like to take leave from [Start Date] to [End Date] to fully participate in the pre-wedding rituals, wedding ceremony, and post-wedding celebrations. I understand the importance of my responsibilities at work and assure you that I will complete all pending tasks before my leave.

I will make sure to hand over any ongoing projects to [Colleague’s Name] to ensure the smooth continuation of work during my absence. I will also be available via email for any urgent matters that may require my attention.

I kindly request your understanding and support during this special time in my life. Your approval for this leave will mean a lot to me and my family.

Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to your positive response.

Warm regards,

Application for Marriage Leave Due to Family Reunion

Application for Marriage Leave Due to Family Reunion

To, The Principal, [School Name], [School Address]

Subject: Application for Marriage Leave Due to Family Reunion

Respected Principal,

I am writing this letter to inform you that I need to take leave from school due to my elder sister’s marriage ceremony. Our entire family is coming together for this special occasion, and I would like to be present to celebrate this joyous event with them.

I kindly request your approval for a leave of [number of days] days, starting from [start date] to [end date]. I promise to catch up on missed lessons and homework promptly upon my return to school.

Thank you for considering my request. I assure you that I will make up for the missed school days and continue to focus on my studies diligently.

[Your Name] [Class and Section]

Application for Marriage Leave for Honeymoon Trip

Application for Marriage Leave for Honeymoon Trip

To, [Recipient’s Name], [Designation], [Company Name], [Company Address].

Subject: Application for Marriage Leave for Honeymoon Trip

I am writing this letter to request for marriage leave so that I can go on my honeymoon trip. As per the company policy, I am entitled to avail of marriage leave for this special occasion.

My wedding is scheduled on [Date], and I plan to take my leave from [Starting Date] to [Ending Date]. During this time, I will be away on my honeymoon trip with my spouse.

I assure you that I will complete any pending work before my leave and will make sure that my responsibilities are handed over to a colleague for the duration of my absence.

I kindly request your approval for my marriage leave so that I can enjoy this important time with my partner. Your understanding and support in this matter would be highly appreciated.

Thank you for considering my request.

Application for Marriage Leave to Prepare for Moving Together

Application for Marriage Leave to Prepare for Moving Together

**To, The Manager, [Company Name], [Company Address]**

Subject: Application for Marriage Leave to Prepare for Moving Together

I am writing to request marriage leave from [start date] to [end date] as I am getting married on [wedding date]. This time off will allow me to prepare for moving in with my spouse after our marriage.

This is a special time for me and my family, and I want to ensure a smooth transition as I start this new chapter in my life. Taking this leave will also help me to organize my belongings and make necessary arrangements for our new home.

I understand the importance of my work at [Company Name], and I assure you that I will complete all pending tasks before my leave. I will also be available for any assistance or follow-up work during this period, if needed.

I kindly request your approval for this leave so that I can focus on this important milestone in my life. I deeply appreciate your understanding and support in this matter.

Yours sincerely, [Your Name] [Your Employee ID]

Marriage Leave Request for Post-Wedding Celebrations

Marriage Leave Request for Post-Wedding Celebrations

To: [Recipient’s Name]

Subject: Marriage Leave Request for Post-Wedding Celebrations

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to request [number of days] days of leave from work for my post-wedding celebrations. As per our Indian traditions, the days following a wedding are filled with important ceremonies and rituals that are significant for our family.

During this time, it is customary for newlyweds to spend time with their loved ones, seek blessings from elders, and participate in various cultural festivities. Being an essential part of my family’s traditions, I kindly request your approval for this leave.

I assure you that I will complete all pending work before my leave and make sure that my absence will not disrupt the workflow of our team. I am committed to ensuring a smooth transition during my absence and will be available for any urgent matters that may arise.

I look forward to your understanding and support in granting me this time off to celebrate this joyous occasion with my family and loved ones.

Thank you for your consideration.

How to Write Application for Marriage Leave Request

Some writing tips to help you craft a better application:

  • Start with a polite greeting.
  • Mention the purpose clearly: “Requesting leave for marriage.”
  • Specify the dates you need off.
  • Add a brief reason if necessary.
  • State your willingness to complete pending work before the leave.
  • Provide your contact information for any queries.
  • End with a thank you and a closing.

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  • Application for Family Function Attendance
  • Application for Brother’s Marriage Attendance
  • Application for Extra Class Attendance

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I am sure you will get some insights from here on how to write “application for marriage leave request”. And to help further, you can also download all the above application samples as PDFs by clicking here .

And if you have any related queries, kindly feel free to let me know in the comments below.

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leave application letter for wedding ceremony

  • Leave Application for My Marriage Ceremony

These leave applications are written by an employee to their manager requesting time off work for their own marriage ceremony. The letters detail the dates requested for leave and any necessary arrangements the employee has made to ensure their workload is covered during their absence.

The titles of these applications may vary, but their purpose is the same. Whether it's a Leave Application for My Marriage Ceremony, Request for Leave for Personal Marriage Ceremony, Time Off Request for My Wedding Day, Notification of Leave for My Own Marriage Ceremony, or Application for Leave for My Wedding Day, each of these letters is a formal request from an employee to their manager.

It is important to provide as much detail as possible when requesting leave for a personal event, like a marriage ceremony. This will help the manager understand the urgency of the situation and the need for time off. Additionally, the employee should ensure that all their pending work is completed and handed over to a colleague to ensure a smooth transition during their absence.

Overall, these leave applications are a courteous and professional way for employees to request time off for their own marriage ceremony.

Dear [Manager's Name],

I am writing to request a leave of absence from work for my own marriage ceremony. The wedding is scheduled to take place on [date], and I would like to request leave from [date] to [date] to prepare for and enjoy this special occasion.

I will ensure that all my pending work is completed and handed over to [colleague's name] to ensure a smooth transition during my absence. I will also be available to provide support remotely if needed.

Thank you for your understanding, and I look forward to returning to work after my wedding.

[Your Name]

Request for Leave for Personal Marriage Ceremony

I am writing to inform you that I am getting married soon, and I would like to request leave from work to prepare for and celebrate this special occasion. I would like to request leave from [date] to [date] for my wedding ceremony.

I have completed all my pending work and handed over my responsibilities to [colleague's name] to ensure a smooth transition during my absence. I will also be available to provide support remotely if needed.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Time Off Request for My Wedding Day

I am writing to request leave from work for my marriage ceremony. The wedding is scheduled to take place on [date], and I would like to request leave from [date] to [date] to prepare for and celebrate this special occasion.

I have arranged with [colleague's name] to take over my responsibilities during my absence. Please let me know if there is anything else that needs to be done before I take my leave.

Notification of Leave for My Own Marriage Ceremony

I am writing to request a leave of absence from work for my own marriage ceremony. The wedding is scheduled to take place on [date], and I would like to request leave from [date] to [date] to make arrangements and enjoy this special occasion.

Application for Leave for My Wedding Day

I am writing to inform you that I will be getting married soon, and I would like to request leave from work for my wedding ceremony. I would like to request leave from [date] to [date] to prepare for and celebrate this special occasion.

We are delighted to extend our professional proofreading and writing services to cater to all your business and professional requirements, absolutely free of charge at Englishtemplates.com . Should you need any email, letter, or application templates, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at englishtemplates.com. Kindly leave a comment stating your request, and we will ensure to provide the necessary template at the earliest.

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  • Fever Leave Application for Office and School
  • Write an Urgent Leave Application for Office
  • Leave Application for Nursery Class Student
  • Absence From Work Due to Child Sickness Message Samples
  • Leave Application for Sister's Marriage Ceremony
  • Leave Application for Travelling in Office
  • Leave Applicaion for Death of Any Relationship in Office


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  • Affirmations
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Table of Contents

Leave of absence letter for a family wedding (+5 Samples)

leave application letter for wedding ceremony

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In this post, we will be displaying a number of samples of “Leave of absence letter for a family wedding”.

Writing a “Leave of absence letter for a family wedding”

When you are writing a leave of absence letter for a family wedding, you will need to keep a few points in mind.

  • First and foremost, you will need to mention the date or dates on which you need to take leave
  • You can then state the reason for your leave, in a polite and professional manner
  • You can finally indicate that you have handed over your responsibilities to someone else on that day, and also give your contact number for emergency reasons

Software Developer

123, AAX Road,

New Delhi -22

Date: 22/07/2022

Nitin Sharma,

Lead Software Developer,

ABC Company,

New Delhi-34

Subject: Leave Request for an Attending Marriage Ceremony

It is respectfully to inform you that I have to attend a marriage ceremony in the upcoming week. And the function is determined to be placed at Gujarat for the handiness of guests. All of my family members are going tomorrow for the apprehensive purpose. I request you to permit me to take leaves from 28th June to 5th July. I am waiting for your kind support. Thank you


{Name of Employee/Student}

{Address of Employee/Student}

{City, State and Zip Code}

{Name of Supervisor/Principal}

{Title of Supervisor/Principal}

{Organization/School Name}

{Organization/School address}


Dear {Manager/ Principal},

I kindly request for a three-day leave of absence to attend a marriage function of {give the relationship with the person getting married}. I have to attend the function because {explain why it is necessary to attend}.

I will be very obliged if you allow me to take the leave for {specify the number of days} starting from {specify the start date} to {specify the end date of your leave}. I intend to resume my {necessary duties or school} on {specify the day you resume work or school}.

Best regards,

Date…The Manager (Authority name),

Institute Name…

Institute Address…

Sub: Leave Letter for Attending Marriage Ceremony

Respected Sir,

The reason for writing this application to you is that there is a wedding coming up in my family involving close relationships. (Show specific reason). I am seeking 4 days leave from the office to attend the marriage ceremony. I cannot ignore it due to immediate relatives involved in it. I don’t want to miss this beautiful function. I want to request that you grant me leave for 3 days. I shall be extremely grateful to you.

Yours Respectfully,

Job Designation…

Contact no…

(Write Your Name Here)

(Write Your Address with City, State, And Zip Code)

Date – (Date of Writing the Letter)

(Write Name of Supervisor Here)

(Write Address of Supervisor Here)

Subject – Leave Application for Wedding

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am (Your Details), working in (Department details) in your company. I am writing this letter because I want to convey that on the evening of 24th December, my close friend is getting married and I need to visit the function as he is one of my closest friends.

I request you to please grant me 2 days of leave so that I can attend the wedding. I shall be grateful.

Yours Sincerely,

Subject: Leave application to attend my sister’s wedding-

It gives me immense pleasure to inform you that my sister is getting married on 17/6/2022. As she starts this new journey, my family and I need to make several arrangements and give her a ceremony to remember, for which I will need two weeks off. I request you to approve my leaves from 12/6/2020 to 26/6/2020.

Awaiting a positive reply!

Manoj Sharma

(Senior Graphic Designer)

The Principal,

Lahore Grammar School

Gulberg Campus, Lahore

Subject: Leave Application for Marriage Ceremony

Please be informed that my daughter is studying in your school. My nephew’s marriage ceremony is to be held on 23rd December. So my Daughter will not be able to attend School during this period. Kindly grant her leave from 20th December to 26th December. I strongly request you consider her leave. She will collect all regular work and notes from her friend while she leaves. I shall be very thankful to you for this kindness.

Arshad Bajwa, F/O Sidra Bajwa

9th A- Roll No 13

Other sample resignation or leave letters

Below are some of the other resignation or leave letters we curated. If you are looking for a job, you should also ideally start your job research on job websites such as Indeed.

Leave of absence letter for birth of a child

Leave of absence letter for bereavement 

Leave of absence letter for an internship

Frequently asked questions:

How can i take leave to attend a marriage.

You can take leave for attending marriage by writing a leave of absence letter for your employer. In this letter, you can mention the date or dates on which you require leave and why you require it in the first place.

Is there any marriage leave?

Yes, there is a marriage leave that allows employees to take a certain number of leaves in order to get married. However, this can vary from organization to organization and even country to country.


Leave Application for Marriage, Format, Sample, and Examples



Leave Application For Marriage – Format, And Samples


Leave Application for Marriage Ceremony

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Related posts, tutor resignation letters(5 samples), leave of absence letter for traveling abroad (+5 samples), leave of absence letter for burial (+5 samples).

Leave Application

Leave Application for School, College and Office

Leave Application for Own Marriage (12+ Samples)

Post by Mita Maji

Are you going to get married in a few days or weeks? Or are you looking for some of the best sample leave application letter for marriage? If your answer is YES , then read this post and here you will get your 12+ own marriage leave application samples.

We get married once in a lifetime, so you should make sure that your family and life partner can fully enjoy this event. Also, you need a long vacation from your wedding day to your honeymoon trip to start a beautifully married life. You can get this leave only when you will write a leave application for own marriage to your HR manager or boss.

Leave Application for Own Marriage, Own Marriage Leave Application Letter, Leave Application for Own Marriage To HR

However, many times we do not keep in mind the format of writing the marriage application. So, you can copy-paste the application samples given below, but you ensure that you replace the [bracketed text] with your correct details, Like- Name, Date, Address, Company/Organization Name, Contact Details etc.

💍 Shaadi Tips: Create your own wedding hashtag & share it on all social media.

Wedding Hashtag Generator

Read Also:  Leave Application For Brother Marriage

Simple Leave Application for Own Marriage

To The Manager [Company Name], [Company Address], [Date].

Subject- Own Marriage Leave Application.

Dear Sir/ Madam,

I want to inform you that my marriage is being scheduled on the _____ [Date of Marriage] of _____ [Month of Marriage]. Please grant me leave for ___ [Number of days] from ____ [Start Date] to ____ [End Date].

I would be really grateful for this great compassion.

Thanking you.

Yours Faithfully, [Your Name], [Contact Details].

Leave Application for Self-marriage

To The Hr Manager/Boss, [Company Name], [Address], Date-

Subject: self-marriage leave application

Dear sir/madam,

I would like to happily inform you that my marriage has been fixed on _____ [Date of Marriage]. I need 10 days to leave for my marriage preparation and arrangements. Kindly approve my holidays from ____ [Start Dat] to ____ [End Date].

It would be my privilege to invite you to my marriage ceremony event. I will definitely, send you a formal invitation very soon. I hope to receive a positive response from your side.

Thanking you

Yours sincerely, [Your name], [Your Designation], [Phone Number].

Leave Application for Own Marriage To HR Manager

To The H.R Manager [Company Name], [Address], [Date: XX-XX-XXXX].

Subject: Leave Application for Marriage

Dear [HR Manager Name],

I am writing to notify you that I am getting married on _____ [Date of Marriage]. Hence you are requested to grant me leave of absence for ____ [Number Of Days].

During the days of my absence from the office, I can be reached at ________ [Email Address/Contact Number]. In case I want to resume the work sooner or later than the stated date, I will let you know well in advance.

I shall be highly grateful.

Yours Sincerely, [Your Name], Employee code: [xxxx].

Leave Application Due to Own Marriage

To The Manager [Your Company Name], [Address], [Date]

Subject: Own Marriage Leave Application

My greetings!

I take this opportunity to inform you about my marriage fixed on ______ [Date of Marriage]. With this application, I request leave from the office for ____ [Number Of Days]. I will be available on the phone/email during the leave period and will be in regular contact with my department.

I humbly request to please leave the grant from ____ [Start Date] to ____ [End Date]. I shall be highly obliged.

I hope this mail finds you in the best of health !!

My best personal regards [Your Name], [Job Designation], [Mobile No & Email ID].

Read Also: Advance Salary Application For your Marriage

Leave Application for Marriage

To The Manager, [Company Name], Date-

Respected Sir/ Madam,

This is to request for leave of two days as I have to attend my own wedding ceremony. I am glad on this occasion and I want to spend this event with my entire family. I hope that you will sanction me leave for 25th and 26th April 2021 [Mention Your Own Date]. I shall be brimmed with gratitude.

Yours Sincerely, [Your Name], [Contact No].

Application For Leave For Marriage

To The HR/Manager, [Designation], [Company Name], [Company Address].

Date: day/month/year.

Subjcet: Own marriage leave application for office.

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am _______ [Your Name] working as a ______ [Mention your working position] in your reputed company. I request you to kindly grant me leave for two weeks because my marriage ceremony is going to be held on ______ [Mention your wedding date].

Therefore, I humbly request you to grant me leave starting from _____ [Start Date] to ______ [End Date]. Also if you need any help from me, I will be available on the phone. I shall be thankful to you for this favor.

Thank you in advance.

Most Respectfully, [Your Name], [Contact Details].

My Marriage Leave Request Mail & Subject

To: Mail ID,

From: Mail ID,

Subject: Marriage leave request mail.

Dear Sir/Madam,

With due respect, I am glad to inform you about the good news that my Marriage ceremony is going to be held on _____ [Date of Marriage].

Sir, I need ____ [Number Of Days] days to leave for marriage arrangements. Kindly approve my holidays from ____ [Start Date] to ____ [End Date]. I hope to receive a response from you soon.

Thanking you in anticipation.

Yours sincerely, Name- Contact Details- Your Designation- Your Department-

Read Also:  Leave Request Mail To Manager For Honeymoon

Self Marriage Leave Application In English

To, The Manager/ H.R. Manager/ Boss, [Name of the Organization], [Organization Address]. [Date].

Subjcet: Self marriage leave application.

Dear Sir/ Ma’am,

With due respect, I am happy to share with you the good news that my wedding date has been fixed for the ______ [Date of the Marriage]. I will send you a personal invitation soon with all the details.

For all the preparation and arrangements for this event, I need a few days off. Therefore I request you to grant me leave from _____ [Start Day] to _____ [End Date].

I hope you will consider my leaves for the dates above mentioned. Also, I am waiting for your positive response..

Yours sincerely, [Your Name], [Phone Number/Email ID], [Your Designation], [Name of Company].

Own Marriage Leave Application Format and also Invite Boss

To The Manager [Your Company Name] [Company Address]

Subject: Leave Application for Own Marriage

I hope you already received the information that I am getting married. The date is fixed now, scheduled for _____ [Date of Marriage].

Firstly, I take this opportunity to invite your esteemed self along with my family to my marriage. I would be very delighted if you could spare some of your valuable time attending the ceremony. I will send you a personal invitation very soon.

Also, I humbly request leaves for ____ [Number Of Days] starting from ____ [Start Date] to ____ [End Date] for preparations and arrangements. During my absence, my colleague______  [Your Colleague Name] will cover for me. He will take care of various projects I am taking care of at the moment. Besides this, I will be available on the phone in case any assistance is required.

Kind request to grant me the above-requested leaves at the earliest. I shall be extremely obliged.

My best personal regards, [Your Name], [Date].

Leave Letter For My Marriage

To, The Boss/Manager, [Company Name], [Address].

Subject – Leave Application for Marriage Ceremony

With due respect, it is to inform you that my marriage has been scheduled on (Write Wedding Date Here). I need (Write your total leave days) days to leave from (Start Date) to (End Date) for this occasion.

I request you to please cooperate in this regard since I need time off from work in order to make this transaction in life and adjust to new circumstances. There is a lot left undone and I have to make the arrangement too. I shall be obliged if I am granted leave with full pay during these days. I will return to active duty as soon as possible.

I hope you’ll consider my letter as an official matrimonial leave application. Thank you in advance.

Yours Sincerely, [Your Name], [Department], [Contact Details], [Address].

Own Marriage Leave Application Letter Format Image

Own Marriage Leave Application, Leave Application for Self-marriage, Leave Application for Own Marriage To HR Manager, Leave Application for Marriage

[Download This Image]

Best Hindi video for how to make a happy & successful marriage life –

FAQ’s on Own Marriage Leave Application

How can I write my own marriage leave application? Dear Sir/Madam, Subject: my marriage leave request mail. With due request, I would like to inform you that my wedding date is scheduled for [date of marriage]. So, I request you to allow for the absence of some days. I hope you will understand my situation. Thanking you, Yours Faithfully [Your Name].

Do I need to tell my boss I’m getting married? It depends on your office environment, but I want to tell you to share it with your boss so that you can feel comfortable doing it later.

How do I tell my boss about marriage leave? Follow the points below to get marriage leave.

  • Firstly, complete your office work.
  • Make a summary of your marriage ceremony.
  • Say the reason & date of the leave.
  • You can offer the boss to work from home.
  • Extra Tips- you can also invite the boss.

How long can you take off work for your wedding? You can usually take 1 week off to prepare for your new married life. Also if you want to heal your honeymoon along with the wedding, you can take 1 more week off.

How can I write a leave application for personal reason? Check those application samples to get your 8+ best leave application for personal reason samples.

Advice For You –

To whom are you going to send this marriage leave application. Give them your marriage invitation card and say that you must come to my marriage party & then ask for a leave. Don’t give him chance to say anything and say, thanks sir I was knowing that you will give me leave. Then just come out of his cabin and start your marriage function preparation. I wish you a happy married life.

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Your Office Partner

Leave Application For Sister’s Marriage Ceremony for Office

Want to write a leave application for sister marriage in English? Sample applications to apply for leave of younger sister’s wedding or elder sister’s marriage from an office, school, company office, boss, or HR.

Sister marriage leave by overseas employees, workers, students, and residents, is available at this link.

Leave for Sister Marriage Ceremony

Due to my sister’s marriage ceremony, I need leaves from (date to date). Therefore, I request you to grant me the required leaves from the office. I will be grateful to you.

Sincerely Yours,

Sister Marriage Leave Application in Office

Please note that my sister’s wedding is scheduled for (day and date). In which my participation is essential. So that I can play my part in preparing for the wedding, you are requested to grant me leave on (date to date). I will be grateful to you.

Sister Marriage Leave Application for School

Dear Principal,

Tomorrow my sister is getting married, and I will not attend school. Therefore, I request you to grant me a day off on (date) kindly. I will be thankful to you.

You can use the text below if you need leave for multiple days from school.

Dear Teacher,

Tomorrow my sister is getting married, and I will not be able to attend school. So please grant me (two) days’ leave from (date) to (date). I will be thankful to you.

Leave Application to Manager for Marriage of Sister (Two Days Leave for Teacher/Student)

I am requesting two days’ leave to attend my sister’s marriage planned for next week from (date to date). I also have to make necessary arrangements on event day, so please approve my leave request. I will be thankful to you.

(Your Name)

Application for Leave on Sister’s Wedding Ceremony to Company Office

I am writing for three days’ leave to attend my sister’s marriage. The ceremony has been decided for (date) of this month.

Kindly grant me leave for (three days) from (date to date) to be a part of my sister’s marriage and see her off to the new phase of life. I shall be very thankful to you for this favor.


Leave Application For Sister’s Marriage to Boss (for Preparations of Sisters Wedding)

Dear Sir/Madam,

I want to inform you that my sister’s wedding is in the next week, and I have to do the preparations. So I will have to take leave from the office for about one week.

Please approve my leaves (date to date) to arrange, and attend the marriage ceremony. I shall be very thankful to you for your cooperation.

Leave Application from the Employee to the Company Due to Sister’s Marriage (Arrangements of the Function)

Sir, I want to inform you that my sister’s wedding ceremony has been planned for the following week’s first three days (date to date). As her elder brother, I have to handle all the arrangements and other functions’ presiding affairs.

Therefore, you are requested to grant me leave for (number of days) days. I shall be very thankful for this favor.

Yours Truly,

Leave Application for Younger Sister Marriage to HR Manager (Indian Marriage)

With due respect, I want to inform you that my sister is getting married next week. I need leave from the office for arrangements. Because Indian weddings have so many events, I have to take care of them.

Therefore, I request you to grant me leave for two weeks from (date to date). I have dispatched the invitation letter to your home address as well. I hope you attend the function.

Leave Application for Sister’s Marriage to Office (Advance Leave Application)

With due respect, I would like to inform you that my sister will be getting married by the end of this month, and for that, I need a leave of one week. Considering the importance of work, I am applying for the leaves one month before and seeking your approval.

Rest assured that I will follow up with the department and take care of my work. Again, I shall be thankful to you for this favor. I am looking forward to your response.

Yours truly,

Leave Application to Manager for Marriage of Sister

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10 thoughts on “Leave Application For Sister’s Marriage Ceremony for Office”

Good applications

sister marriage leave for company

Customize the above according to your requirements.

Date: 05-04-2016

Subject: Leave Application for My Sister Engagement.

Respected Sir, I am very happy to inform you that my sister engagement has been finalized and scheduled in this month on 22nd April 2016 at my home town and being an elder brother, I have to make arrangements for this occasion in advance so i am requesting you to please approve my leave from 18th Apr to 27th Apr 2016. Your kind support on this occasion will help me to plan and processed further.

Very usefull

Going to semester exam

sister leave collage application

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Cousin Marriage Leave Application for Office – 3 Samples, Formatting Tips, and FAQs

When it comes to getting married in India, cousin marriages are still common in many regions of the country. As per Indian customs and traditions, cousin marriages are considered auspicious and are often celebrated with great zeal. However, while planning a cousin’s marriage, it’s not easy to manage all the wedding preparations and work simultaneously. That’s where Cousin Marriage Leave comes in, allowing the employees to take some time off from their work to manage their wedding affairs.

In this article, we aim to provide a detailed guide on Cousin Marriage Leave Application for Office – Format and Samples to assist employees who need to apply for leave. We’ll discuss the eligibility criteria for availing Cousin Marriage Leave in India and the documents required to apply for the Cousin Marriage Leave. We will also take you through the Format of the Cousin Marriage Leave Application and major Dos and Don’ts while writing the Cousin Marriage Leave Application.

Further, we’ll explore the best practices for applying for Cousin Marriage Leave in India, including tips for writing an effective application, common mistakes to avoid, and the importance of proper documentation. In addition, we’ll address the most frequently asked questions related to Cousin Marriage Leave Application in India.

By the end of this article, you’ll clearly understand how to apply for Cousin Marriage Leave in India and what you should keep in mind while doing so. Whether you’re an employee looking to apply for Cousin Marriage Leave or an HR personnel responsible for setting up the leave policy, this comprehensive guide will be your go-to resource.

  • 1 Leave Application for Cousin Sister Marriage for Office
  • 2 Leave Application for Cousin Marriage in Office
  • 3 Leave Application for Cousin Brother Marriage for Office
  • 4.1 Components of a Proper Application
  • 4.2 Structuring the Application
  • 5.1 Is it necessary to mention the relation of the cousin while applying for leave for the marriage?
  • 5.2 What is the recommended length of leave for attending a cousin’s marriage ceremony?
  • 5.3 Can the leave application be rejected by the employer?

Leave Application for Cousin Sister Marriage for Office

To, The Manager, [Company Name], [Office Address]

Subject: Leave Application for Cousin Sister Marriage for Office

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am writing to request a leave of absence from [start date] to [end date] as my cousin sister’s marriage ceremony is taking place on [date]. Due to the elaborate nature of Indian weddings, I need to take time off to participate in and help with various pre-wedding and post-wedding activities. I assure you that I will complete all my pending tasks before leaving and will make up for lost time upon my return.

Thank you for your understanding.

Sincerely, [Your Name] [Employee ID]

Leave Application for Cousin Sister Marriage for Office

Leave Application for Cousin Marriage in Office

Subject: Leave Application for Cousin Marriage in Office

I would like to humbly request a leave of absence from [start date] to [end date] as my cousin’s marriage ceremony is taking place on [date]. As per the Indian culture, family events carry great importance and hence I need to be present for the same. I will finish all my pending work and ensure a seamless handover before departing and will work diligently post my return to meet the lost time.

Thank you for considering my request.

Leave Application for Cousin Marriage in Office

Leave Application for Cousin Brother Marriage for Office

Subject: Leave Application for Cousin Brother Marriage for Office

I am writing to request a leave of absence from [start date] to [end date] as my cousin brother’s wedding ceremony is taking place on [date]. As an integral part of the wedding, I will be required to attend many pre-wedding and post-wedding rituals and my presence will hold paramount importance. I will complete all my work before leaving and will make sure that all colleagues requiring support have been cross-trained for my absence.

Leave Application for Cousin Brother Marriage for Office

Cousin Marriage Leave Application for Office Format

Suppose you’re planning to apply for Cousin Marriage Leave in India. In that case, it’s important to structure your application in the right format to ensure your employer considers and approves your request. In this section, we’ll explore the components of a proper Cousin Marriage Leave Application for Office and discuss how to structure the application.

Components of a Proper Application

  • Polite Greeting: Start your Cousin Marriage Leave Application with a polite greeting addressing your employer/HR personnel.
  • Reason for Leave: Clearly explain the reason for your Cousin’s Marriage Leave, along with the dates for which you’ll be absent.
  • Amount of Leave Required: Indicate the number of days you need to take off from work and when you’ll be returning to work.
  • Contact Details: Mention your contact details in the application, including your phone number and email address.
  • Signature: End the application with your signature.

Structuring the Application

Your Cousin’s Marriage Leave Application should be structured to make it easy for your employer to understand and process your request. Here are the main components to include in the structure of your application:

  • Opening Paragraph: Start with a friendly and formal greeting, introducing yourself and briefly mentioning the purpose of the application.
  • Reason for Leave: In the next paragraph, explain the reason for your Cousin’s Marriage Leave clearly and concisely. Mention the dates for which you’ll be taking leave and when you’ll return to work.
  • Additional Details: Provide any required details that are relevant to your Cousin’s Marriage Leave, such as the location of the wedding, any duties or responsibilities that may be assigned to you during the wedding, and any other relevant information.
  • Contact Information: End the application by providing your contact details, including your phone number and email address. Make sure to mention your availability during the leave period and when you’ll be reachable.
  • Signature: Sign and date the application at the end, and ensure it’s sent to the proper authority or HR personnel for approval.

Following the right structure and including all the necessary components in your Cousin’s Marriage Leave Application can eliminate any confusion or misunderstandings and help your employer process your request quickly and efficiently.

Is it necessary to mention the relation of the cousin while applying for leave for the marriage?

Yes, it is recommended to mention the relation of the cousin while applying for leave as it clarifies the reason for leave and establishes the bona fide nature of the request.

What is the recommended length of leave for attending a cousin’s marriage ceremony?

The recommended length of leave for attending a cousin’s marriage ceremony varies depending on the cultural and familial norms of the individual. It is usually a minimum of 3-5 days.

Can the leave application be rejected by the employer?

Yes, the leave application can be rejected by the employer if it is not in line with the company’s policies or if it affects the workflow of the organization excessively. However, in most cases, employers are accommodating and considerate of their employees’ personal commitments.

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  • Leave Application for Office – 13 Samples, Formatting Tips, and FAQs
  • Sick Leave Application for Office – 7+ Samples, Formatting Tips, and FAQs
  • One Day Leave Application for Office – 5+ Samples, Formatting Tips, and FAQs
  • 5 days Leave Application for Office – 7+ Samples, Formatting Tips, and FAQs
  • 2 Days Leave Application for Office – 3 Samples, Formatting Tips, and FAQs
  • Maternity Leave Application in Hindi – 3+ Samples, Formatting Tips, and FAQs

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Write a Letter to Your Friend Inviting Him to Attend the Marriage Ceremony of Your Brother: Check Samples and Format

leave application letter for wedding ceremony

  • Updated on  
  • May 13, 2024

Write a Letter to Your Friend Inviting Him to Attend the Marriage Ceremony of Your Brother

In this blog, you will find samples of how to write a letter to your friend inviting him to attend the marriage ceremony of your brother. You can use these samples to ace the letter-writing section of your English exam. After the samples, you will also find the format of the letter, which will help guide you on how to cover the said letter. Further, you can enhance the art of writing letters with these 199+ Letter Writing Topics for everyone . Let us explore the blog now. 

Table of Contents

  • 1 Sample 1: Write a Letter to Your Friend Inviting Him to Attend the Marriage Ceremony of Your Brother 
  • 2 Sample 2: Write a Letter to Your Friend Inviting Him to Attend the Marriage Ceremony of Your Brother 
  • 3 Format of How to Write a Letter to Your Friend Inviting Him to Attend the Marriage Ceremony of Your Brother 
  • 4 FAQs 

Sample 1: Write a Letter to Your Friend Inviting Him to Attend the Marriage Ceremony of Your Brother 

Also Read : Write a Letter to Your Pen Friend Living in Another Country: Check Samples and Format  

Sample 2: Write a Letter to Your Friend Inviting Him to Attend the Marriage Ceremony of Your Brother 

Also Read:- Write a Letter to Your Friend Telling Him About Your School: Download Samples  

Format of How to Write a Letter to Your Friend Inviting Him to Attend the Marriage Ceremony of Your Brother 

Download the Format of Informal Letter from Here!!  

Check out more letter-writing topics here:

Ans: For the body of the letter, simply mention the occasion and using words like “auspicious” and “grace” mention that you are cordially inviting them to the function. Then mention the details of the function and conclude on a polite note.

Ans: Keep the invitation simple mentioning the day and venue of the event along with the timings of the same. 

Ans: Keep the invite simple and concise, and mention all the important details, like the venue and day of the event, along with the timings of the same. Keep the tone of the letter polite.

We hope the above-listed sample letters will improve your letter-writing skills. For more such interesting topics, visit our Letter Writing page and follow Leverage Edu. 

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Deepansh Gautam

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  4. 42+ How To Write A Leave Letter For Marriage Today

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  5. (9+ Samples) Leave Application for Own Marriage

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  6. Letter Leave Of Absence Wedding

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  1. ## 5 Days Leave Application ##

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  4. Leave application for elder sister's marriage || How to write an Application for leave

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  1. Leave Application for Attending Marriage Ceremony

    Use the appropriate salutation. Mention your reason for writing in the first paragraph. Include exact dates for when you will leave and resume work. Mention details about the marriage ceremony. Keep your letter short and to the point. Use a polite and professional tone. Leave Application for Attending Marriage Ceremony Format.

  2. Marriage Leave Application for Office: Format, Samples, & More

    This is how you can write a leave application for your cousin's marriage, "Dear [manager's name], I am writing to seek a leave of absence. My younger cousin is getting married. It is an important family event I wish to be a part of. The wedding is on [date]. Kindly grant me a leave from [date] to [date].

  3. Marriage Leave Application : Format & Examples (2024)

    This clarity assists the recipient in swiftly grasping the email's content. Examples. Leave Application for My Wedding: October 15 to October 20, 2024. Application for Wedding Leave: December 12 to December 16, 2024. Leave Application for Brother Marriage: January 10 to January 15, 2024. Step 2: Add a Greeting.

  4. How To Write a Marriage Leave Application (2024 Examples)

    2. Add a salutation. A leave application for marriage is usually addressed to your superiors or co-workers. If you are addressing the email to your supervisor, you can add the salutation "Dear sir" or "Respected sir." You can address coworkers by their name, such as "Dear [name]" or "Dear Mr/ Ms [name]."

  5. Write Leave Application For Marriage Using Best Examples // Unstop

    Thus, the subject line should be stated in a clear and direct manner, and include pertinent information that can grab the attention of the reader. Example: - Marriage Leave Application/Leave Application for Marriage Ceremony: August 28, 2023 - September 5, 2023. - Leave application for sister's marriage: August 28, 2023 - September 5, 2023.

  6. Marriage Leave Application Letter

    1st October, 2013. Subject: marriage leave application letter. Dear Mr. Kumar, I am Avinash Sharma from the loan department. I work as loan in charge officer in your office. I am writing this letter to inform you that my marriage is fixed on 15th October, 2013. I want to avail leave from 13th October to 20th October.

  7. Marriage Leave Application: Check Format and Samples

    Subject: Leave Application Letter For Brother's Marriage. Dear Sir / Madam, I am writing this letter to request some time off from work to attend my cousin sister's wedding. The event is scheduled to take place on 12th May 2024. I would like to request leave for two days starting from 11th May to 12th May 2024.

  8. Leave Application for Marriage. 10+ formats to guarantee approvals

    We will also share with you sample leave application letter for your marriage, your sister marriage, brother marriage and others. ... Considering the preparations and the rituals associated with the wedding ceremony, I would like to request time off from [starting date, e.g., "10th September 2023"] to [ending date, e.g., "15th September 2023 ...

  9. (9 Samples) Leave Application for Marriage

    Leave Application for Marriage Ceremony. To, [Addressee] [Address] Subject: Leave Application for Marriage Ceremony. Respected Sir/Madam, I am writing to request a leave of absence from [office/school] as I need to attend a marriage ceremony on [date of ceremony]. I request leave starting from [start date] to [end date].

  10. Leave Application For Attending Marriage Ceremony

    Leave Letter for Attending Marriage Ceremony. Adamjee Insurance Co., Dear Sir, The reason of my writing this application to you is that there is a wedding coming over in my family involving close relationships. I cannot ignore it due to immediate relatives involved in it. I want to request to you that please grant me the leave for 3 days.

  11. Application for Marriage Leave Request (with Samples & PDFs)

    First, find the sample template for application for marriage leave request below. To, The Manager, [Company Name], [Company Address], [City, State, Pin Code] Subject: Application for Marriage Leave Request. Respected Sir/Madam, I am writing to request leave from work for my wedding ceremony.

  12. Sample Leave Application to Attend Marriage Ceremony

    Here is an example of a leave application to attend a cousin's marriage ceremony: Dear [Employer], I am writing to request a leave of absence from [start date] to [end date] to attend a marriage ceremony. The ceremony is for my cousin, and it is a special event that I do not want to miss. I understand that this is a busy time for the company ...

  13. Self Marriage Leave Application For Office (10+ Samples)

    Be clear and concise. In the first paragraph of your application, state that you are requesting leave for your own marriage and specify the dates of your wedding and honeymoon. Explain why you need the leave. Briefly explain the significance of your marriage and why you need time off to celebrate. Reassure your employer.

  14. Leave Application for Marriage

    Leave Application for Marriage: For the purpose of marriage, every company gives leaves to its workers. The claimant must clearly indicate the year, time and place of the marriage in the wedding leave document. When appropriate, the invite to the marriage must be included with the letter of leaving.

  15. Leave Application for My Marriage Ceremony

    Application for Leave for My Wedding Day. Dear [Manager's Name], I am writing to inform you that I will be getting married soon, and I would like to request leave from work for my wedding ceremony. I would like to request leave from [date] to [date] to prepare for and celebrate this special occasion. I have arranged with [colleague's name] to ...

  16. Leave of absence letter for a family wedding (+5 Samples)

    Subject - Leave Application for Wedding. Dear Sir/Madam, I am (Your Details), working in (Department details) in your company. I am writing this letter because I want to convey that on the evening of 24th December, my close friend is getting married and I need to visit the function as he is one of my closest friends.

  17. Leave Application For Own Marriage (12+ Samples)

    Leave Letter For My Marriage. To, The Boss/Manager, [Company Name], [Address]. Subject - Leave Application for Marriage Ceremony. Respected Sir/Madam, With due respect, it is to inform you that my marriage has been scheduled on (Write Wedding Date Here). I need (Write your total leave days) days to leave from (Start Date) to (End Date) for ...

  18. Leave Application For Brother's Marriage from Office

    Sample leave application for brother's marriage ceremony from office, job, factory, or production units. You can also write this wedding leave application to the manager, boss, hr manager, or administrator for the brother's marriage ceremony. We provided many Formats of leave for Brother's marriage with multiple scenarios like younger brother's marriage, elder brother's marriage, or…

  19. (5 Samples) Sister Marriage Leave Application for Office

    Subject: Leave Application for Sister Marriage in Office. Respected Sir/Madam, I am writing to inform you that my sister's marriage has been scheduled, and I need to attend the ceremonies. Hence, I would like to request a leave of absence for [Number of Days] from [Start Date] to [End Date]. During my absence, [Colleague's Name], will look ...

  20. Leave Application For Sister's Marriage Ceremony for Office

    Application for Leave on Sister's Wedding Ceremony to Company Office. Dear Sir, I am writing for three days' leave to attend my sister's marriage. The ceremony has been decided for (date) of this month. Kindly grant me leave for (three days) from (date to date) to be a part of my sister's marriage and see her off to the new phase of life.

  21. (3 Samples) Cousin Marriage Leave Application for Office

    The Manager, [Company Name], [Office Address] Subject: Leave Application for Cousin Sister Marriage for Office. Respected Sir/Madam, I am writing to request a leave of absence from [start date] to [end date] as my cousin sister's marriage ceremony is taking place on [date]. Due to the elaborate nature of Indian weddings, I need to take time ...

  22. Write a Letter to Your Friend Inviting Him to Attend the Marriage

    In this blog, you will find samples of how to write a letter to your friend inviting him to attend the marriage ceremony of your brother. You can use these samples to ace the letter-writing section of your English exam. After the samples, you will also find the format of the letter, which will help guide you on how to cover the said letter.