Writing Skills English Class 12 Maharashtra Board Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises

Writing skills in English are essential for students of Class 12 in the Maharashtra Board, as it helps them in expressing their ideas and thoughts in a clear and coherent manner. Writing skills can be developed through consistent practice and by following a specific format for different types of writing.

In this article, we will provide a detailed guide on writing skills in English for the Class 12 Maharashtra Board, including format, examples, topics, and exercises.

Also Read: Informal Letter Writing For Class 5 

1. Essay Writing:

Essay writing is one of the most important aspects of writing skills in English. It is a type of writing that requires the writer to express their thoughts and ideas on a given topic in a logical and organized manner. The format for essay writing can be broken down into three parts – introduction, body, and conclusion.

Introduction: The introduction should introduce the topic and provide a brief background about it. It should also include a thesis statement, which is the main argument of the essay.

Body: The body of the essay should consist of paragraphs that support the thesis statement. Each paragraph should have a topic sentence, supporting sentences, and a concluding sentence. The paragraphs should be organized in a logical and coherent manner.

Conclusion: The conclusion should summarize the main points of the essay and restate the thesis statement in a new way. It should also provide a final thought or idea for the reader to consider.

Example Topic: The impact of social media on modern communication.

Introduction: Social media has revolutionized the way we communicate with each other in the modern world. It has connected people from all over the world and has made communication faster and more efficient than ever before.

Body: The body of the essay can include paragraphs that discuss the positive and negative impacts of social media on communication. For example, one paragraph can discuss how social media has made communication more accessible, while another paragraph can discuss how it has contributed to the spread of misinformation. Each paragraph should have a topic sentence, supporting sentences, and a concluding sentence.

Conclusion: In conclusion, social media has had a significant impact on modern communication. While it has brought people closer together, it has also created new challenges and risks. It is important for us to use social media responsibly and to be aware of its potential impact on our lives.

Exercise: Write an essay on the importance of education in today’s society.

2. Letter Writing:

Letter writing is another important aspect of writing skills in English. It is a type of writing that requires the writer to communicate a message to a specific person or group of people. The format for letter writing can be broken down into five parts – heading, salutation, body, closing, and signature.

Heading: The heading should include the sender’s address, date, and the recipient’s address.

Salutation: The salutation should be formal and should address the recipient by their title and name.

Body: The body of the letter should express the message that the sender wants to communicate. It should be organized into paragraphs that follow a logical sequence.

Closing: The closing should be formal and should express the sender’s regards to the recipient.

Signature: The sender should sign the letter with their name and designation.

Example Topic: A letter to the editor expressing concern about the increasing levels of air pollution in your city.

Heading: Your Address City, State Date

Recipient’s Address: Editor The Times of India Mumbai, Maharashtra

Salutation: Dear Editor,

Body: I am writing to express my concern about the increasing levels of air pollution in our city. The air quality has deteriorated significantly over the past few years, and it has become a serious health concern for the residents.

The sources of air pollution in our city are numerous, including vehicular emissions, industrial activities, and construction work. The government has taken some steps to address this issue, such as banning the

use of diesel generators and implementing stricter emission standards for vehicles. However, more needs to be done to improve the air quality in our city.

I urge the government to take more concrete steps to reduce air pollution, such as promoting the use of public transportation, investing in renewable energy sources, and imposing stricter regulations on polluting industries. It is the responsibility of everyone to protect our environment and our health, and I believe that by working together, we can make a difference.

Closing: Thank you for your attention to this matter. I hope that this letter will draw attention to the seriousness of the issue and prompt action from the authorities.

Your name Your designation

Exercise: Write a letter to your school principal requesting permission for a field trip.

3. Report Writing:

Report writing is a type of writing that involves presenting information on a specific topic in a structured and organized manner. The format for report writing can be broken down into six parts – title page, table of contents, introduction, body, conclusion, and recommendations.

Title Page: The title page should include the title of the report, the name of the person or organization commissioning the report, the name of the author, and the date of submission.

Table of Contents: The table of contents should list the main sections of the report and their page numbers.

Introduction: The introduction should provide background information on the topic and the purpose of the report. It should also include a thesis statement, which is the main argument of the report.

Body: The body of the report should present the information that supports the thesis statement. It should be organized into sections or chapters that follow a logical sequence.

Conclusion: The conclusion should summarize the main points of the report and restate the thesis statement in a new way.

Recommendations: The recommendations should suggest actions that can be taken based on the findings of the report.

Example Topic: A report on the impact of social media on mental health.

Title Page: The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health Commissioned by: Maharashtra Board of Education Author: Your name Date of Submission: DD/MM/YYYY

Table of Contents: Introduction Literature Review Methodology Results Discussion Conclusion Recommendations

Introduction: Social media has become an integral part of our lives, and it has brought many benefits such as connecting people from all over the world. However, there are concerns about the impact of social media on mental health, and this report aims to investigate this issue.

Literature Review: The literature review examines the existing research on the impact of social media on mental health. It finds that social media can lead to increased feelings of loneliness, anxiety, and depression. It also finds that social media can contribute to the spread of misinformation and cyberbullying.

Methodology: The methodology section describes the methods used to conduct the research. It includes information on the sample size, data collection methods, and data analysis techniques.

Results: The results section presents the findings of the research. It finds that social media use is associated with increased levels of anxiety and depression and that the use of social media can contribute to the spread of misinformation and cyberbullying.

Discussion: The discussion section analyzes the findings of the research in relation to the literature review. It discusses the implications of the findings and suggests ways to mitigate the negative effects of social media on mental health.

Conclusion: In conclusion, social media can have a negative impact on mental health. It is important for individuals to use social media responsibly and to be aware of the potential risks. It is also important for policymakers to take action to address the negative effects of social media on mental health.

Recommendations: Based on the findings of the research, the report recommends that the government and social media companies take steps to promote the responsible use of social media and address the negative effects of social media on mental health. These steps could include developing educational programs to promote responsible social media use, implementing stricter regulations on the content that can be posted on social media, and providing resources and support for individuals who have experienced cyberbullying or other negative effects of social media.

Exercise: Write a report on the impact of plastic pollution on the environment.

4. Speech Writing:

Speech writing is a type of writing that involves composing a speech to be delivered to an audience. The format for speech writing includes an introduction, body, and conclusion.

Example Topic: The Importance of Education


Good afternoon everyone, it is an honor to be here with you today to talk about the importance of education. As Nelson Mandela once said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”

Education is essential for personal and societal growth. It provides individuals with the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in their chosen fields and make meaningful contributions to society. Education also promotes critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills, which are essential for navigating the challenges of the modern world.

Unfortunately, access to education is not equal for everyone. Many individuals around the world lack access to quality education, which limits their opportunities for personal and professional growth. It is our responsibility to ensure that everyone has access to education and the opportunities it provides.


In conclusion, education is the key to personal and societal growth, and it is essential that we prioritize access to education for all individuals. By investing in education, we can build a better future for ourselves and our communities.

Thank you for listening.

Exercise: Write a speech on the importance of mental health awareness.

Exercises For Writing Skills English Class 12 Maharashtra Board:

Here are some writing exercises that can help students improve their writing skills:

1. Write a descriptive paragraph about your favorite place. 2. Write a narrative essay about a memorable experience from your childhood. 3. Write a persuasive essay on the importance of recycling. 4. Write a compare and contrast essay on two different cultures. 5. Write a letter to your future self. 6. Write a research paper on the benefits of meditation. 7. Write a report on the impact of social media on youth. 8. Write a speech on the importance of mental health awareness. 9. Write a summary of a news article. 10. Write a poem about nature.

Conclusion On Writing Skills English Class 12 Maharashtra Board

In this article, we have covered various types of writing skills, For each type of writing, we have provided examples, formats, and writing exercises to help students improve their writing skills. It is important for students to practice writing regularly and seek feedback to identify areas of improvement. With practice, students can develop strong writing skills that will benefit them in their academic and professional endeavors.

  • MSBSHSE Articles

Maharashtra Board HSC English Writing Skills

Maharashtra Board HSC English Writing Skills are an important section for both Class 11 and 12th standard, as this part can help you score good marks in your English exam. English is a compulsory subject for Maharashtra Board HSC students for both the standards. Also, the syllabus of Maharashtra Board HSC English Writing Skills remains the same for Class 11 and 12th standard .

While writing the English paper of HSC for Maharashtra Board it’s best to focus on the grammar part, as it’s where we make the most mistakes. Practise writing in English to improve your skills, as it gives an idea of where you’re going wrong and provides you with an opportunity to improve.

Maharashtra Board HSC English Writing Skill section includes Letter writing, Tourist leaflet/Appeal, Information transfer or Developing a counterview, Framing questions for an interview, Preparing a speech. Maharashtra Board HSC English Writing Skill syllabus for 11 and 12 standard includes the following topics:

Maharashtra Board HSC English Writing Skill comes under Section D of the syllabus and if you are good at writing then you can score quality marks in this section because in this section it is all about your basic writing skills.

To score good marks in the Maharashtra Board HSC English Writing Skill for Class 11 and 12th standard solve previous year question paper so that you get an idea about the question pattern and feel confident during the exam.

Scoring good marks in your English Writing Skill section will even upgrade your all over percentage in your Maharashtra Board HSC Exam. Avoid doing grammatical and spelling mistakes and write your answers according to the format taught in your classes.

Stay tuned with BYJU’S to get the latest notification on Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education including syllabus, exam pattern, exam dates, and other related information. Subscribe to BYJU’S YouTube channel to watch interactive videos on topics of MSBSHSE.

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speech writing format class 12 maharashtra board

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Speech Writing for Class 12

Speech Writing Class 12 Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises

Basic  English Grammar  rules can be tricky. In this article, we’ll get you started with the basics of sentence structure, punctuation, parts of speech, and more.

We also providing Extra Questions for Class 12 English Chapter wise.

Speech Writing Class 12 Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises PDF

Purpose The purpose of making a speech is

  • to convey information orally to a large gathering of people, forcefully, and convincingly.
  • to make the listeners understand the speaker’s point of view.
  • to pass on a wide range of information to a wide range of audiences orally.
  • to express an opinion, share a point of view, experience, observation, etc.
  • salutation – speaker greets chief guests, fellow speakers, and listeners
  • key sentence carrying the central theme or issue of the speech
  • expressing one’s views – what you feel about the topic
  • compare and contrast – what do others feel and why your views are better
  • summing up – conclude by summing up arguments that highlight your viewpoint
  • A speech must begin with a catchy introduction in the form of an anecdote, quotation, statistical data, or a thought-provoking question.
  • A speech must reflect the speaker’s clarity of thought, the accuracy of facts, and a balanced view through comparison and contrast with other viewpoints.
  • Bring credibility to your views through quoting of adequate supporting data.
  • Infuse humor through anecdotes.
  • Summing up or consolidation of ideas, suggestions/measures to improve the situation, personal observations and predictions must be done.
  • Use language that is persuasive and powerful.
  • Give a vote of thanks to the audience.
  • The speech must be written in the appropriate format and style.
  • Remember to keep within the word limit.

Speech Writing Sample Example for Class 12 CBSE

As Secretary of the Literary Club of your school, you have been asked to deliver a speech on the importance of reading, a habit which sadly has become irrelevant for the present generation. Complete the speech on the importance of reading for the Book Week Celebrations of your school.

Answer: (a) and pursuing more ephemeral pleasures. (b) I, Nisha, Secretary of the Literary Club stand before you to (c) The advent of technology is one definite contributor to the decline of the reading habit. (d) reading is crucial to being an informed citizen, (e) reading is increasingly important for children trying to find their place in it.

Speech Writing Class 12 CBSE

Speech Writing Practice Examples for Class 12 CBSE

1. On the occasion of International Museum Day, prepare a speech, in about 150-200 words, for the morning assembly, on the role of museums in preserving history and heritage. Also mention how students can benefit from visiting museums. You are Karuna/Karan. (10 marks) [CBSE Sample Paper 2017] Answer: Good morning, respectable Principal Madam, teachers and my dear friends! Today, I Karan would like to deliver a speech on the role of museums in preserving history and heritage.

Today is ‘International Museum Day’ and we need to remind ourselves about the rich cultural heritage of India from Kanyakumari to Everest Peak. Preservations of artifacts and exhibits of care value, unearthed by archaeologists at various sites prove to be an invaluable source of information which many historians can with authenticity, jot down in books for handing down facts, discovered about lost civilisations or kingdoms.

These not only encourage more excavations but an eagerness among scholars and researchers to hunt for more concrete information for verification of historical facts already accepted. The Egyptian mummies, the Indus Valley Civilization tools, the parts of the sunken Titanic arouse more and more curiosities. This in turn helps students to develop pride in their cultural heritage. This also becomes a part of a student’s informal education and help in the holistic growth of a student.

2. You are to speak on “The Impact of Television Advertising on Children’. Prepare your speech to be delivered at the Parent-Teacher Forum meeting of Daffodils School, Manali. You are Nishant/ Deepshikha. (Word limit: 200)

3. School curriculum has become a burden for the students. In an age of information overload, the number of textbooks and notebooks has increased enormously. The burden of textbooks has become such a crucial problem that it needs to be addressed immediately. As Amit/Nitya delivers a speech on the topic using your own ideas. (Word limit: 200)

Maharashtra Board Solutions

Maharashtra Board Class 12 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3.6 Group Discussion

Balbharti Yuvakbharati English 12th Digest Chapter 3.6 Group Discussion Notes, Textbook Exercise Important Questions and Answers.

Maharashtra State Board Class 12 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3.6 Group Discussion

12th English Digest Chapter 3.6 Group Discussion Textbook Questions and Answers

You must have discussed many things with your friends, classmates in a group. It might be about going on a picnic or selecting a gift for your teacher:

Question (i) What do you think are the benefits of a group discussion? Answer: (a) A Group Discussion allows the participants to share their views and opinions. (b) It allows each participant to analyse the topic or case. (c) A Group Discussion allows the participants to reach a general consensus.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3.6 Group Discussion

Question (ii) Do you think some people are right and some are wrong in a group discussion? Why? Answer: Yes, I do think so. Generally, we hold a view on a topic or a situation. This view is either strengthened or weakened by the ongoing arguments in a Group Discussion. Due to j confirmation bias, we tend to think that the participants who strengthen our views j are right. Similarly, we think of those who go against our views are wrong. (The ideal situation is that we keep an open mind and assess each argument on its own merit but this is easier said than done.)

Maharashtra Board Class 12 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3.6 Group Discussion 1

Question 1. Rama, Asif, Rachana and Aarav are participating in a group discussion. The evaluator has given them a topic. ‘Teenagers are more inclined towards junk food nowadays.’ Write suitable dialogues for each participant giving his/her opinion on the topic. Evaluator: You’ve all been given a few minutes to think on your topic for today’s group discussion, which is ‘Teenagers are more inclined towards junk food.’ You may now begin the discussion. Who would like to start? Rama: ………………………………………………. . Asif: ………………………………………………….. . Aarav: ……………………………………………….. . Rachana: ……………………………………………. . Evaluator: Please conclude. Aarav: ………………………………………………… . Answer: Rama: I think I will. In my opinion it is very true. Junk food leads to obesity and we find more obese teenagers around nowadays. Asif: I am afraid I can’t agree with that statement. Most of the teenagers in our college look quite fit and active. Aarav: I think we must see the issue in a wider perspective. The inclination towards junk food among teenagers is a worldwide phenomenon. One can’t jump to a conclusion by just looking around and citing a few examples in our college. Rachana: It seems to me that Rama made a valid point. Teenagers world over are inclined towards junk food and it poses a great threat. I suggest the teenagers change their food habit and resort more to healthy snacks. Our tradition offers a wide variety of such snacks. Evaluator: Please conclude. Aarav: We can conclude by saying that our teenagers are inclined to junk food. They must change their food habit. It is high time they switched to healthy snacks. We need healthy citizens to take our country forward.

Question 1. Read the following statements, if you agree say ‘Yes’ and if you don’t agree, say ‘No’. State the reason for your opinion. Answer:

Reason: Group discussion helps us realize that there are other possible views and opinions. A receptive and accommodative mind is a prerequisite for anyone who participate in a group discussion. Moreover, the candidate must be able to feel the pulse of the discussion. This, in turn, will help to reach a consensus.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3.6 Group Discussion 5

Question (ii) Match the following:

Question (i) Write the following sentences in reported/indirect speech: (a) He said, “If you find my answers satisfactory, will you give me five rupees?” (b) The astrologer said, “You were left for dead. Am I right?” (c) “I should have been dead if some passerby had not chanced to peep into the well,” exclaimed Guru Nayak. (d) He told her, “Do you know a great load is gone from me today.” Answer: (a) He asked me whether I would give him five rupees if I found his answers satisfactory. (b) The astrologer asked whether he was right in saying that I had been left for dead. (c) Guru Nayak exclaimed that he would have been dead unless some passerby had chanced to peep into the well. (d) He asked her whether she knew that a great load was gone from him that day.

Question (ii) Read a part of a conversation between Neha and Nidhi. Answer: Neha: Where are you going, Nidhi? Nidhi: I am going for my music lessons. The above conversation is written in exact words spoken. If this conversation was to be reported by a third person then it would be written as:

Neha asked Nidhi where she was going. Nidhi replied that she was going for her music lessons. Notice the changes in the reported sentence. Note the changes in pronouns, tenses, reporting and reported verbs and other changes. Answer: 1. Table showing tense change: Simple Present → Simple Past Present Continuous → Past Continuous Simple Past → Past Perfect Past Continuous → Past Perfect Continuous Simple Future → Conditional

2. Table showing change in Place and Time

  • here – there
  • now – then
  • today – that day
  • tomorrow – the next day
  • yesterday – the day before
  • next week – the following week
  • last night- the previous night

3. Table showing the changes in Pronoun.

Question (iii) Now find sentences from the text in the direct speech and convert them into the reported speech. (Students may attempt this on their own.) Read the following sentences given in the indirect speech and convert them into the direct speech. (a) Shirish said that he would not be able to solve the problem. (b) Lata told me to give her a glass of water. (c) Ananya exclaimed with joy that she had received the Ph.D. degree. (d) Shilpa asked us if there was any other Rian document to be typed. (e) Swati said that she would not get the money. Answer: (a) Shirish said, “I will not be able to solve the problem.” (b) Lata said, “Give me a glass of water.” (c) Ananya said, “Hurrah! I have received the Ph.D. degree.” (d) Shilpa said, “Is there any other document to be typed?” (e) Swati said, “I will not get the money.”

Question (i) An economically deprived girl student in your class who has received admission in a reputed college abroad needs monetary help to pursue further studies there. Have a group discussion amongst your friends to seek solutions to help her. Write four/five views in the form of dialogues. Answer:

  • Rian: Well, folks! we need to do something urgently in Tejaswini’s case. Money shouldn’t come in her way to pursue a course abroad. My parents offered 50,000/- right away!
  • Eugine: I managed to get a loan of rupees one lakh from my parents. I should take up some part-time job and repay it within three years. I hope I will be able to do it. Anyway, I am quite happy to be of some help to our dear friend.
  • Kanika: Only way before me was to ask for an advance from my music troupe. We don’t get much programmes of late. Still they agreed to pay me 75,000. Will that be okay?
  • Tabu: We thought you would raise a hefty sum, being ‘a great singer’ and all. Okay, jokes apart, I will present my case. My brother offered a donation of rupees two lakh right away. No conditions! No strings attached!!
  • Rian: Okay, folks! Now we have pooled 4.25 lakhs.

That will bankroll Tejaswini’s fee, travel, initial expenses, etc, etc. She can very well take up a summer job and the like to meet her further expenses. Let’s now congratulate ourselves for being such thick friends!

Question (ii) There is an inter-school cricket match and your school is losing. As you are the captain, have a group discussion with your teammates in the tea-break about the strategy to be followed to save your school from losing the match. Give at least four /five suggestions. Answer:

  • Captain: See, we must break this partnership anyhow. Both the batsmen appear very much settled and they are hitting all over the place.
  • Spinner: The pitch doesn’t support many turns. I suggest we bring back the fast bowlers.
  • Captain: You have a point there. What we need most now is a wicket. Right now. Otherwise, the game is as good as lost.
  • Fast bowler (1): I agree that we resume pace bowling. But remember: it’s a gamble. I think I will need a slip-in position. I will attack, outside the off-stump. Hope I get the right line.
  • Captain: What do you think, Sonu?
  • Sonu (Fast bowler) (2): Okay then. I will take up from the pavilion end. Think the wind is in favour.
  • Captain: Attempt yorkers.
  • Sonu: Sure. I suggest you keep a deep third man.
  • Captain: Done. Now, guys-no sloppy fielding-no dropped catches. And nothing short of a win. (All go into a huddle.)

Question (iii) Form four groups in your class and have a group discussion on the following topics. (a) Role of ICT in education (b) Clean India

Yuvakbharati English 12th Digest Chapter 3.6 Group Discussion Additional Important Questions and Answers

Other writing skills:

Dos and Don’ts associated with ‘Expansion of Ideas’:

Expand the idea inherent in the following:

Question 1. Charity begins at home Ans. Charity is the noble deed of giving money, food or other help to people who are in need of these things. The given proverb is a warning to those who seek fame in the name of charity. The proverb reminds us that we must first help the needy people around us – our family and friends. Any deed of charity that forgets this principle goes against the spirit of this high ideal.

Our deeds of charity must begin from the centre and then radiate to the periphery. Or else, it would prove to be a selfish pursuit of chasing fame or other favour. We must first open our eyes to the miseries around us. We must first cater to the needs of these people. Then we can spread our work of charity farther afield.

We see that many people treat their family members and servants very shabbily. But when it comes to a photo opportunity to pose as a philanthropist, they jump at it. This is sheer hypocrisy and the saying serves as an eye opener to these hypocrites.

Question 2. Make hay while the sun shines Answer: Hay making, that is the process of cutting and drying grass, must be done while the sun shines. Rain would spoil everything and the farmer knows it well. In other words, we should make the best use of opportunities and favourable conditions while they last.

When life presents opportunities, we must seize them and not let them go. Everyone in their lifetime gets a chance to move ahead in life. If we miss that opportunity, it may never come our way again. We will live all our life to regret the missed chance. In short, we should seize the chance while it exists. We must always be alert to notice the opportune moment. Grab it and move further in life. To put it in another way : “We must strike while the iron is hot”.

Question 3. Prevention is better than cure. Answer: The proverb stresses the need for foresight and precaution in dealing with any possible eventuality in life. We often ignore the signs of trouble and when the trouble finally, occurs, we regret our neglect.

We must make it a practice to guard ourselves against diseases by taking adequate preventive measures. This will save us the trouble of undergoing costly treatments. Strangely, certain epidemics offer no cure or vaccine for a long time, then prevention becomes the only option before us. Wearing of masks, keeping social distance and maintaining hand-hygiene are the only ways to save us from such a threatening situation.

Metaphorically, the idea can be extended to fields other than disease and medicine. Proper maintenance of machines, roads and bridges can prevent their deterioration and thus forestall disaster. At the political and economical level too, many problems that we face today would not have existed had the authorities acted promptly, firmly and boldly at the very start.

Examples for Practice:

  • Unity is Strength,
  • Books – Our best friends,
  • Honesty is the Best Policy
  • Perseverance is the Key to Success
  • Pollution: Earth’s enemy number one.

Formal Letters:

General Format for a Formal Letter:

  • Sender’s Address
  • Name and address of the addressee
  • Subject (a phrase about the general content of the letter)
  • Reference (referring to a letter previously received/advertisement etc.)
  • Salutation (Dear Sir/Madam or simply Sir/ Madam)
  • Body of the letter (in 3 or 4 paragraphs)
  • Subscription (Complimentary Close like Yours faithfully, Yours truly, etc.)
  • The name given in the Activity Sheet/XYZ

Write the letters as instructed:

Question 1. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper drawing attention to the increasing noise pollution in your area. Answer: 3 A, Ravikiran, Chikuwadi, Borivali (West), Mumbai – 400 092. 1st September, 2020

The Editor, The Indian Express, Nariman Point, Mumbai – 400 021.

I wish to draw the attention of the authorities to the terrible noise pollution in our neighbourhood. There is deafening noise created by heavy traffic on the narrow roads of our locality throughout the day and night. The drivers honk continuously, and the vehicles emit poisonous fumes. The hawkers who sell their goods on the roads and footpaths shout at the top of their voices.

All this is literally making the people sick. With the approaching festival season, the beat of drums and the loud music accompanying it are bound to make life all the more unbearable for all of us who reside here.

I hope the authorities concerned wake up in time to the hazards of noise pollution and take prompt action to stop this menace.

Yours truly, ABC

Question 2. You want to visit a sugar factory to know more about the sugar production process. Write a letter to the Manager of the sugar factory near your college seeking permission. Give details about the intended visit. Answer: Ideal College, Vidyapeeth Marg, Beed – 431 122. 5th February 2020

The Manager, Sakhar Factory Ltd., Beed – 431 122. Sub: Request to visit your factory.

As part of our science project, 10 students of Std. XII (Ideal College) would like to visit your factory during the latter half of this month. We will be accompanied by our Chemistry Professor, Dr Ahirwal. It is our desire to have first hand information about the production of sugar. We believe that a visit to the factory will give us more valuable information than we can ever get out of textbooks.

Do let us know what would be the most suitable day and time for our visit. Since we now have study leave, any day and any time will be suitable for us. Also let us know if there are any special rules or conditions we need to follow during the visit. We do hope that you will not say no to our request.

Yours faithfully, XYZ

Question 3. Write a letter to a celebrity who supports a meaningful and innovative campaign and thus has become your idol. Answer: 7, Vicky Apartments, J.T. Road, Nashik – 422 001. 17th September, 2020

Ms. Nandita Das, Actor and Activist. Dear Ms. Das,

Your support to the campaign ‘Black is Beautiful’ made a real impact on me. Honestly, I now look upon you as my guide, mentor, pathfinder and idol.

I have always found the discrimination based on colour really disgusting. It is nothing short of racial bias. I wish to join this campaign. I want to fight against the revolting obsession with the skin colour.

As you are a person who lived and proved this bias wrong, I take courage from you. You are a pathfinder and idol for today’s youth. I wish all those who are involved in the campaign the very best.

Yours sincerely, RST

Question 4. The New Arts, Science and Commerce College, Karad- 415 101, needs a librarian, They have advertised in the Indian Express, dated 17th October 2020. Write a letter of application to the Principal, with the help of the CV given below:

Curriculum Vitae (cv) Name: Ms Deepali Rane Address: A-303, Munir Apartments, Valkumbh, Karad – 415 110. Email: [email protected] Nationality: Indian Date of Birth: 16-5-1990 Qualifications: B.Com., B. Lib. Sc. Experience: Working as an Associate Librarian at the Karad Public Library. Languages known: Marathi, English, Hindi Interests: Reading, painting, music Answer: A-303, Munir Apartments, Valkumbh, Karad- 415 110. 17th October 2020

The Principal, The New Arts, Science and Commerce College, Karad – 415 101. Sub: Application for the post of Librarian. Ref: Your advertisement in the ‘Indian Express’, dated 17 October 2020.

This is with reference to your advertisement in the ‘Indian Express’, dated 17 October 2020 for the post of librarian in your college.

I am a qualified librarian. I passed my B.Com. in 2011. I also passed the degree in library science in 2013, from Pune University, with First Class. Since then, I have been working at the Karad Public Library as an Associate Librarian. I can speak English, Hindi and Marathi fluently.

I am applying for the job in your renowned college as I feel that I now have sufficient experience to take up independently the job of a librarian. I get along well with the younger generation, and I can assure you that I will do my best to give you satisfaction, should you appoint me for the post. I enclose photocopies of the necessary certificates.

Thanking you, Yours faithfully, Deepali Rane Enel. : Photocopies of B.Com, B. Lib. Sc. Certificates

Report Writing:

Write the reports as instructed:

Question 1. During a global pandemic, a nationwide lockdown was announced. Write a newspaper report on this with the help of the following points :

  • Declaration of the lockdown
  • All movements stopped
  • Essential services allowed
  • Guidelines for safety laid down

Answer: Biggest Lockdown Ever

Staff Reporter

New Delhi, March 25: Nation went into a lockdown at the stroke of midnight amidst the ongoing threat of COVID-19 pandemic. Though the scare of the pandemic has been in the air for some time, the lockdown came as a bolt from the blue to citizens all over.

The Prime Minister declared the step of lockdown in a live telecast on TV at 8:00 o’clock last night. The PM in his speech appealed to the citizens to maintain the lockdown rules fully and effectively. “There is no better option before us than going into this strict but painful measure,” he told the country during the telecast.

Flights, domestic as well as international, are now grounded. Railways suspended all services. Public transport came to a halt. Only essential services are allowed and the police are on the streets to ensure that everyone complies with the lockdown measures. Detailed guidelines for the lockdown have been laid down and citizens are advised to venture out only for emergencies. The message of social distancing and hand-hygiene are put across through various media.

“Stay Home and Stay Safe” is the new mantra. As normal life has been hit unlike anything that happened in the past, the citizens are grappling with the new norms. “We must sacrifice our liberty for a greater common good,” a senior citizen told this reporter.

Question 2. Write a report of Republic Day Celebrations in your college. Answer: Republic Day at Model College Malegaon, January 28: This year, Republic Day was celebrated with great fanfare on the campus. It was a special occasion because Narendra Jain of the NCC was to be felicitated for winning the target-shooting gold medal by the Police Academy. The National Flag was unfurled at 7-30 a.m. by the Chairman of the College Management Trust.

The National Anthem was played by the college band while everyone stood respectfully to attention. Meera Pandit of Std. XII recited a poem composed by her, ‘Majha Desh Mahaan’. This was well appreciated by one and all. The Chief Guest spoke to us about our duties as citizens of the Republic of India. Then Narendra Jain was given the award by Senior Inspector Kale of the Police Academy. This was a solemn ceremony. Sweets were distributed and the gathering then dispersed.

Question 3. Read the following headline of a news item “Cold Wave Sweeps North India”. Write a suitable dateline, lead paragraph and conclusion. Use a byline as well. Answer: Cold Wave Sweeps North India By A Special Correspondent Delhi, December 12 : Winter continued to send shivers across northern India, claiming another life in Uttar Pradesh. Delhi recorded the coldest day in the past fifty years on Monday.

A four-month-old boy died in Kanpur. The winter chill also swept through Punjab, x Haryana, Rajasthan, and Himachal Pradesh and minimum temperatures hovered between minus and plus five. The mercury dipped to a record low in many northern cities. In New Delhi, the air traffic has been severely hit by the fog.

Question 4. Read the following headline of a news item “Milk for Millions” scheme inaugurated. Write a suitable dateline, lead paragraph and conclusion. Add a byline. Answer: ‘Milk for Millions’ Scheme Inaugurated By Sonali Mazumdar

New Delhi, August 29: Inaugurating the ‘Milk for Millions’ scheme of the National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) here, the Prime Minister called for a second white revolution to provide milk to the millions of undernourished infants of the country. “We must ensure at all costs that our infants get the basic nourishment, which is their right by birth,” he declared amidst loud applause.

The NDDB chairman said the projected 300 million output for 2020-21 would suffice to support the scheme. “A detailed plan with Panchayat-level participation has been already chalked out for the execution of the scheme,” he added.

Question 5. Mumbai School Sports Association’s (MSSA) under-14 interschool football championship final was held on 17th November. Write a newspaper report on this with the help of following points :

  • Don Bosco School vs Gokuldham School
  • Don Bosco won by 3-1
  • Goals scored after the half time
  • Venue: Brabourne stadium
  • Shield awarded

Don Bosco Bags Mssa Shield By Sports Reporter

MUMBAI, November 18: In the Mumbai School Sports Association’s (MSSA) Under-14 interschool football championship final, Don Bosco beat Gokuldham 3-1 at Brabourne here today.

The clash of the old rivals was a sheer delight to the crowd. Till half time, it was anybody’s game. Expectedly, in the second half, Don Bosco went on the offensive hook, line and sinker. Their ace striker Vipul Shetty shot two marvellous goals within the span of six minutes. Later, Mukul Vanik’s header off a corner kick came as the saving grace for Gokuldham. Don Bosco’s captain Melvin D’sa received the shield amidst loud cheering.

Question 6. An auto driver returns a bag of cash to a passenger who had forgotten the bag in the auto. Write a newspaper report on this with the help of following points :

  • Notices the bag after dropping the passenger
  • Began the search for the owner
  • Ultimately traced the passenger
  • Refuses reward
  • Honesty is the best policy.

Answer: Auto Driver Shows The Way – By Aarohi Bokil PUNE, March 12: Setting yet another example to prove ‘honesty is the best policy’, an auto driver here returned a bag containing two lakhs to its owner.

“I was queuing at the petrol pump after dropping my last passenger when I noticed a leather bag on the back seat. Opening it I found wads of notes; and then my hunt for the owner began,” Abdul Latif – the auto driver – said.

It took Latif two hours and two hundred rupees worth of fuel to trace the owner. “It is nothing short of a miracle that he traced me following such vague leads,” Hiten Vora – the bag’s owner- said with a voice breaking with emotion. Abdul Latif, however, refused to take any reward. When asked about the loss he incurred in the process, the youngster dismissed the issue with a hearty laugh.

Speech Writing

Draft the following speeches as instructed:

Question 1. Prepare a short speech to be delivered by you in class on the occasion of the send off for students of Std. XII. Answer: A Hearty Farewell

Honourable Principal, Respected Professors and dear friends,

Today is an important day for us because it is the day we take leave of you in order to study for the coming HSC examinations. We hope that all of us will pass the examination with resounding success. Some of us may continue with higher education, some of us may seek employment hereafter. But we shall never forget these two years that we spent on this campus. These were years not only of great fun and freedom, but also of successful learning.

We got our first lessons in democracy here. We learnt to live in harmony with all kinds of people. Our professors were patient with us and were always there to clear our doubts. We are grateful to them. We are also grateful to all of you who made these years such a rich experience for us. A heartfelt thanks to you once again, and may God bless our efforts in the coming examinations.

Question 2. Prepare a short speech to be delivered by you in class on the occasion of the Independence Day. Answer: India of My Dreams

Respected Sir/Madam and dear friends,

This is a very special and important day for us. On this day we remember those who fought for our freedom. On this day our National Flag flies atop all important buildings and institutions. I believe that Independence Day is a day when we need to pledge ourselves to the nation anew. It is a day when we need to make fresh commitments to all the ideals of our Constitution; ideals such as freedom, justice, equality and brotherhood. It is a day when we need to put to test whether we truly follow these ideals.

Let us carry forward the torch of freedom. Let us in fact be soldiers who will fight against the evils that this nation now faces; evils such as terrorism, corruption, inequality and superstition. Only when these evils are overcome, will our nation be truly free.

Question 3. Write a speech on ‘Democracy’. Answer: Ideal Democracy

Honourable Judges, Respected Teachers and dear friends,

Unfortunately, democracy in India today does not work the way it should. It is limited to the day when the masses go to the polling booths and cast their votes. Then they return to their routine lives.

Most people do not actively participate in serious social issues. They do not react to the injustice happening around. Many among us do not bother to raise our voice against the corrupt practices going on around us. Casting our votes once in five years or so is not the sole idea of being a responsible citizen. A citizen should be always vigilant. Likewise, we also need a responsible media to expose those who are corrupt. Further, the people’s representatives should realize that they are accountable to the voters. If all these things work together then only can we reap the real fruits of democracy.

Dialogue Writing:

Write the dialogues as instructed:

Question 1. You wish to open a postal savings account in the post office in your locality. Write the conversation between you and the Postmaster in the form of a dialogue. Answer:

  • Myself: Good morning sir. I wish to open a I postal savings account. How do I go about it?
  • Postmaster: Just fill this form giving proper details about your name and address and sign on the dotted line there at the bottom.
  • Myself: What is the minimum amount that I can put in?
  • Postmaster: Oh, you can put in any amount you want. How much do you want to deposit right now?
  • Myself: I would like to open the account with 500.
  • Postmaster: Then hand over the money to me and I will give you a receipt for it.
  • Myself: Here is the form and the money. Postmaster : Here is your receipt. Now you have a postal savings account. You can collect your passbook after half an hour.
  • Myself: Thank you sir.
  • Postmaster: You’re welcome.

Question 2. Write a conversation between you and your mother about ‘domestic duties’: Answer:

  • Myself: Mother, do I have to do the dishes every day?
  • Mother: Well, dear, you’ve got to learn sometime. You can never tell when the need may arise.
  • Myself: But I have so much to study. And I have projects to complete.
  • Mother: I understand. But this work has also to be done.
  • Myself: Can’t the servant do it?
  • Mother: Oh, she will be coming late today and the dishes are all cluttered up. In the future it will be very difficult to get a domestic help. Then you will thank me for training you.
  • Myself: Mother, I plan to get a good job and earn a lot of money. I will employ a housemaid permanently in my house to look after everything, including looking after the children.
  • Mother: You can never be so sure about the future. So just get down to the dishes, and don’t argue.
  • Myself: Ok mother, if you say so.

Question 3. You are in Std. XII in your college. On the first day of the new academic year you meet a student of Std. XI. Write a conversation you have with the ‘fresher’ : Answer:

  • Myself: Hello. You’re new, aren’t you? What’s your name?
  • Fresher: Hello, I’m Nitin.
  • Myself: Which school are you from?
  • Fresher: I’m from Ideal School.
  • Myself: I guess you’ve taken Commerce. Right?
  • Fresher: Yes.
  • Myself: I’m in Commerce too. Have you found your class? You seem nervous.
  • Fresher: Yah. It’s the first day. And they say that the seniors rag the freshers.
  • Myself: Oh, nothing. Just a little teasing, that’s all. You don’t have to be scared. It’s only to make you feel at home.
  • Fresher: Will you be there?
  • Myself: Yes, I’ll be there. Don’t worry. My name is Ketan. I’ll say you’re my friend. No one will do anything to you.
  • Fresher: Hey, thanks a lot. You’re a real pal! I have to go and find my class. See you later. Bye.
  • Myself: Bye.


Write the counterviews as instructed:

Question 1. Write a Counterview for the topic: ‘The Cellphone has given us social networking- not society’. You may consider the following points for the View section of the topic and then write the Counterview. The cellphone has given us social networking – not society View: – cellphone did not bring in any social change, except instant communication – instead of being a means of social bonding (e.g. the railways or the loudspeaker earlier), the cellphones make the people live in their own individual islands – cellphones have just succeeded in making too many people talk for too long a time on matters too silly. Answer: Cellphones did usher in a new society (Counterview)

Bringing instant communication to the poor itself is a social revolution. The poor was earlier deprived of both – speedy transport and quick communication. Speedy communication saves time, and time is money for the poor as it is to the rich. More so for the poor who sell their labour by hours and days. In addition, the availability of affordable handsets brought in a sort of socialism. Now even the unlettered can talk directly to his near and dear ones he needn’t pester a ‘babu’ to get his letters written.

When it comes to social bonding, the cellphones have played a major role of late in organizing protest rallies and morchas. It has become so much easier to connect people using cellphones. And about talking too long on things too silly – this is not a new phenomenon. Such people were there in the past, and will be there till the end of the world. For them, if not the cellphone, a pair of apparently listening ears will do. They will chat and chat. We cannot blame it on the cellphones.

Question 2. Write a Counterview for the topic ‘Junk food should be replaced with organic food’. You may consider the following points for the View section of the topic and then write the Counterview. Junk food should be replaced with organic food (View Section) – Junk food lacks nutrients – it leads to obesity – leads to many diseases – organic food is a better option always Answer: Attacking fast food is the new fad (Counterview) First of all, I object to the umbrella term ‘junk food’ which we indiscriminately use to brand a variety of food items. The dictionary defines ‘junk food’ as something ‘that is quick and easy to prepare and eat but that is thought to be bad for your health’. Yes, it is thought to be bad. There is no conclusive evidence to prove that the so called junk food is bad beyond doubt. Then again, such one-size-fits- all definition overlooks the fact that many fast food joints sell a variety of salads and greens, One can understand if someone brings out a list of items with their respective nutritional values and says that these are perfectly ‘junk’, But that is not happening. One has also to take into account’ the age and lifestyle of the eater, If you eat organic food and lead a sedentary life, obesity and diseases are assured results.

Moreover, I think, the passion for organic food is just another fad. People attach a sort of sophistication to organic food. To me, organic food is just the ordinary food with a university education socially more acceptable and stylish – nothing much different in essence.

Question 3. Write a Counterview for the topic: ‘Sports should be optional in colleges’. You may consider the following points for the View section of the topic and then write the Counterview: Sports should be optional in colleges (view section) – Difficult syllabus; students need to prepare for entrance tests to competitive examinations – Very little time for activities other than study -Not enough infrastructure to accommodate all students – Students have little sports background in schools Answer: Every student in college should take up some kind of sport (Counterview) The College is the last chance that the student has to learn some game or sport that will stand him or her in good stead for the rest of his or her life. If a student hasn’t already played some sport during his or her school days, he or she should be encouraged to take up some activity during his or her college days. This will have the effect of bringing discipline into the campus, and providing students at that age with the much needed vent for their energies.

College campuses are usually large and can accommodate many games such as badminton, table tennis, squash, boxing and lawn tennis. Football, cricket and hockey are usually encouraged as a rule. Colleges can allot more funds to sports. This will help in the long run and will give to the nation citizens who have developed an all-round personality. It will reduce the time spent by students on undesirable activities such as eve-teasing, smoking and indulging in campus violence. Sports is never a waste, and the more students are encouraged to take part, the better.

Write the following leaflets as instructed:

Maharashtra Board Class 12 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3.6 Group Discussion 7

Question 2. Prepare a short tourist leaflet on any seaside resort you have visited with the help of points given below : 1. How to reach there? 2. Accommodation. 3. Places worth-seeing. 4. Specialities. 5. Add your own points. Answer: Devbagh

Devbagh, a seaside resort, is a tiny island off the west coast of Karwar, in Karnataka. It is near the confluence of the Kali river and the sea.

  • Ways to reach: Devbagh is well- connected to Mumbai and Bengaluru by road. It is 2 hours by road from Goa and a 20-minute boat ride from Karwar.
  • Accommodation available : Devbagh forest beach resort offers cozily furnished tents and log cabins.
  • Sight-seeing : Shivganga Falls, Magod Falls, Lalguli Falls, Dandeli Wildlife Sanctuary, Temples, Historical spots, Beautiful beaches, etc.
  • Specialities : Spicy crab curry is the region’s speciality. Most food preparations are liberally garnished with coconut.
  • Most suitable time for visits : Throughout the year, though the best season is from October to May.
  • Additional information: Plenty of interesting activities for the adventurous – water sports, cruises to neighbouring uninhabited islands, snorkelling trips, sea kayaking, rafting trips, etc.

Write the following appeals as instructed:

Maharashtra Board Class 12 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3.6 Group Discussion 9

Write interview questions based on the given situation:

Question 1. Imagine that you have to interview a social campaigner of your choice. Frame a set of 8-10 questions to interview him/ her as per the following points :

  • Introducing the guest
  • Background of the campaign
  • Setbacks/Criticism
  • Support/Achievements
  • Dreams/Message

Answer: Good morning, Ms. Nandita Das! Glad to have you on our show. Your ‘Black is Beautiful’ campaign has been a great success and I think our viewers would like to know something more about it.

  • Let me begin by asking you the most relevant question first: What had prompted you to take up such a radical campaign?
  • What were the initial setbacks that you had faced?
  • Were you apprehensive of the reaction from traditional society?
  • How do you explain our deep-rooted obsession with skin colour?
  • Has the Western World changed their attitude of “White supremacy” over the years?
  • Does this “colour bias” affect the boys as much as the girls?
  • Who supported you most during the campaign?
  • Certain print media groups and television channels stopped accepting advertisements for the so called ‘fairness creams’ after your campaign. Do you expect many more such positive initiatives?
  • Many people, especially young girls, look up to you as their idol. How do you hope to live up to their expectations?
  • Is there any special message for our youth?

Question 2. Imagine that yon have to interview the District Medical Officer during the outbreak of a serious epidemic. Frame a set of 8-10 questions to interview him/her as per the following points:

  • introduction
  • the gravity of the situation
  • briefing on technical terms
  • importance of precautions
  • preparedness to combat the disease

Answer: Today we have with us our DMO to reassure us about the safety measures taken by the district authorities. Good morning Madam! Could you spare a few moments to enlighten our viewers about the unprecedented situation we face now.

  • Thank you. Let me first ask you how grave is the situation as of now?
  • There are many new term in currency now as quarantine, self-isolation, tracing contacts, etc. Could you briefly explain these terms for the benefit of our general viewers?
  • How important is social-distancing in the present scenario?
  • Should masks to be preserved for the frontline workers or is it a must for each and everyone?
  • Do we have enough testing kits now?
  • What is the difference between rapid test and RT-PCR test?
  • What are the elementary precaution to be taken other than social-distancing and hand- hygiene?
  • Do you have enough medical staff to tide over such an emergency?
  • Do we have enough ventilators and ICU beds?
  • How is the coordination between the various departments of the district administration?

Question 3. Imagine that you have to interview a “Save the Trees” campaigner. Frame a set of 8-10 questions to interview him/her as per the following points:

  • success so far
  • forest conservation laws
  • attitude of people to climate change
  • factors working for and against the campaign

Answer: Good evening Sir! I think it is the need of the time that our young generation realize the importance of your campaign. I am very glad to have you on our special “Environment Day” programme.

  • How do you evaluate the success of your campaign so far?
  • Do you think that people still show a callous disregard towards the threat of climate change?
  • Why is there a lack of awareness among our countrymen about the importance of trees?
  • Why doesn’t the government enforce the forest conservation laws effectively?
  • What are the substitutes for timber in the construction industry?
  • Have you ever felt that you are defending a lost cause?
  • How far does the Indian tradition of worshipping trees help you in your campaign?
  • Do you get enough funds to carry on your campaign?
  • Is the younger generation more receptive to environmental issues?
  • What piece of advice would you like to give to the school children?

Question 4. Imagine that you have to interview a teacher who has received the President’s award. Prepare a set of 8-10 questions to interview him/her as per the following points:

  • Feeling during the moment
  • Reason for taking up teaching
  • Contentment/Satisfaction
  • Opinion about young teachers
  • Setback and reward of the profession

Answer: Good morning Madam! I take it as a great privilege to be with you and have a chat. Thank you very much for sparing your valuable time.

  • How did you feel during those brief moments with the President?
  • Do you think that you have lived a complete life and it is time to retire?
  • At what point of time in your life did you find that teaching is your calling?
  • Many teachers find teaching a thankless job : What is your opinion about that?
  • Was there any conflict between your personal life and professional life?
  • Do you think teaching attracts real talent in this materialistic world?
  • What, in your view, are the most essential qualities of a teacher?
  • Do you find the young cro0p of teachers as great promise?
  • What were the setbacks that you faced in your long career?
  • How did your students, who are spread far and wide, react to this honour?

Question 1. Read the following advertisement and prepare a letter of application to be sent by email. (Do not give your bio-data.) Situation Vacant Wanted: A Computer Engineer Candidate must have passed B.E. in Computer Engineering. Experience holder will be preferred. Write giving details to: Email: [email protected]

Sir/Madam,I have recently passed my B.E. in Computer Engineering from J L M Engineering College, Ratnagiri with a pass percentage of 61.1 also have three months of experience developing software for Pragati Electronics in Ratnagiri. The project was for the maintenance of accounts of MHEL Pvt. Ltd.

I do hope that you will consider me for appointment in your esteemed company. I shall be able to arrange my own accommodation in Pune. I anticipate an early call for an interview. My details are in the CV that I have attached.

I assure you of dedicated service, should I be considered for the post.

Yours truly, XYZ

Blog Writing

A List of Blogging Sites/Apps. Given below is a list of blogging sites/ apps from where you can begin blogging.

1. https://zapier.com/blog/best-blog-sites/ 2. https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners- guide/how-to-clioose-the-best-blogging- platform/ 3. https: / /www. say ansamanta. com/best- android-apps-blogger.html 4. https://www.excellentwebworld.com/latest- blogging-trend/ 5. https://www.livejournal.com 6. https:// www.wordpress.com 7. https://www.blogger.com 8. https://www.blogs.myspace.com.

Maharashtra Board Class 12 English Yuvakbharati Solutions Chapter 3.6 Group Discussion 12

Film Review:

Students are advised to read film reviews that appear in periodicals and online. This will familiarize them with the technical terms and expressions used in reviews.

After viewing a film, attempt to write your own review based on the guidelines given above. It is always a good practice to make a first draft and revise it after some time. This will help you eliminate any personal bias that has distorted the review. Revising the text also enables you to write comprehensive but concise reviews.

The Art of Compering

Imagine that you are a compere of the ‘Annual Day Celebrations’ of your college. Write a script for the same. You can take the help of the following points.

  • Brief introduction
  • Lighting of the Lamp
  • Welcome Speech
  • Speech of the Chief Guest
  • Entertainments
  • Vote of thanks

Answer: 1. Introduction and lighting the lamp: Good evening to all present here today on this special occasion. We have been awaiting this day with great anticipation. And finally here we are gathered to usher in that great day! Let’s begin the function with the lighting of the traditional lamp and I request our honourable Chief Guest Shri Ganesh Narvekar to inaugurate the function by lighting the lamp. [The chief guest together with certain other dignitaries on the dais lit the lamp.] 2. Welcome speech: Next we go to the Welcome Speech. Our respected Principal will now address the audience and welcome the Chief Guest. [Principal’s speech – 8-10 minutes.] 3. Speech of the Chief Guest: Now I request the honourable Chief Guest to take the podium. [Chief Guest comes to the podium and delivers his speech – about 10 minutes.] 4. Entertainments: Now the curtains will be down for a few moments in preparation for the entertainment programme. [Curtains down. The chief guest and other dignitaries are ushered to their seats in the audience. Stage is cleared. Curtain raises.]

(a) Now the college orchestra will delight you with their musical programme. /Musical programme for 45 minutes] (b) Yes, that was a big round of applause and a greatly deserved one! Let’s move on to our next item. Students of Std. XI will now perform a fusion dance. Welcome them with a warm applause! [Dance lasts about 30 minutes.] 5. Vote of thanks: Now I call upon our Vice-principal to propose a vote of thanks. [About 2-3 minutes] Now I thank you all once again. Special thanks to our talented artist-friends who made this evening a memorable one.

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Speech writing format class 12 hsc maharashtra board - englisly, speech writing class 12 hsc - speech writing,  format & examples class 12, speech writing class 12 hsc maharashtra board, speech writing format hsc class 12, speech writing class 12  topics, speech writing examples class 12 hsc, how to write speech class 12, speech writing class 12cbse, speech writing class 12 gseb, speech writing for the class12th hsc board is a very important board exam 2022. speech writing format, examples class 12 hsc maharashtra board exam carries 4 marks in english writing skills 2022.  .

What is a speech?

Speech is a way of expressing one’s views and thoughts verbally before the public or a group of people. Speech is a way to present one’s thoughts and express ourselves. Speech is a way of attracting the attention of people. The content of the speech should be interesting and lively. So, care should be taken while preparing speeches.

What is Speech Writing?

Before we deliver a speech, speech writing is done in advance to ensure that a structured and good speech is written keeping in mind the listeners.

How to write speech in English class 12 HSC Maharashtra Board

What is the format of speech writing: The following speech

Writing format will be a guide for you..

1.          1.      Title should be smart and concise and eye-catching.

2.         2.  Salutation – Honouring and greeting all those who are present

Example – Respected Principal, teachers, parents and my dear               

friends,  Honourable Sir.

3.          3.  Body is the main content of the speech and it should include

Introduce topic: Introduction is very important in speech. The topic to be spoken about has to be placed introduced in an interesting way. It should be precise.

Topic details – share facts, insights and in-depth explanations. The advantages, disadvantages, pros and cons of the topic can be included in this part of the speech. You can express your views in impressive yet simple words. Always write strong points first and then weak points of the speech later.

4.         4.  Conclusion: - Feel free to express your views and opinions. 

               Always end with a solution to the problem discussed in speech.                                    

I         It is a better way to end a speech by giving a solution and end.                        

5. Try to draw conclusions in a creative way.

5.       6.  Add quotes to your speech in the opening part or conclusion part. It makes speech quite effective.

          Speech Writing topics, examples class 12 HSC

1.         1. Blood Donation

            2. Save Earth - Earth Day

            3. Teachers Day

            4. Children's Day

            5. Pollution

      Example 1 – Write a speech on blood donation to be delivered in your school among your schoolmates.

                              Blood Donation – Being Human, Helping Human.

Respected principal, Teachers, and all my dear Friends and schoolmates. It's an honour to speak before you all on the noble cause of blood donation. It’s such a great opportunity to speak to you all and help one another to understand the need and importance of blood donation.

Blood donation is the most important donation in life. It helps to save the life of a person in need. It saves the entire family of the person in need by giving life to another person. Many people die to be non-availability of blood. It’s very sad to know this. We all can change this and come forward to donate blood. Every healthy person can donate blood three times a year. Every healthy person above 45kg of weight can donate blood.

We have so many misunderstandings about blood donation. Many of us feel we can fall sick through blood donation. But that’s not true. Blood donation does not make us weak but helps the weak to get strong.

So, let's help one another, save people save families, and help humanity. Let’s come forward for the noble cause of blood donation.

I am very thankful to you all for listening to me carefully. I would like to thank my teachers for giving me an opportunity to speak before you all. 

Have a good day.


Class 12 Writing Skills  - Important Topics Links

Maharashtra board important topic links -Writing skills

 1. Details on Maharashtra Board Writing skills topics & explanation


2. Email Writing Format class 12 Maharashtra HSC 2022


3. Email Writing Question Bank Class 12 Maharashtra board 2022 - 2023

4. Drafting Virtual Message Class 12 HSC


5. Appeal Writing Class 12 HSC


6. Appeal Writing Format Class 12 HSC


7. Interview Questions format Class 12 HSC


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Ssc & hsc important speech writing for board exam., speech regarding blood donation, speech 1.        write a speech to be delivered among your classmates, regarding blood donation. blood donation                              dear friends, we have one life let us make our one life more meaningful by donating blood. blood donation is the mother of all donations. blood donation directly gives life to another human being. it is not only saves one individual but also the entire family of that individual. a person can donate blood thrice in a year. the donated blood will be thoroughly checked and stored up in a secured form. for donating blood a person must have a weight of at least 45 kg.                              many people have misunderstandings about bold donation. they feel by donating blood they will fall sick. but it is not like so, the donated blood will automatically regenerate by our body itself within four to five hours after donating the blood. a person will be prohibited from donating blood if he drank alcohol during the last six hours.                           so friends, let us put our hands together and make a promise to donate blood at least once in a year., write a speech of about 20 lines that you would deliver on the occasion of independence day celebrations in your school., on teacher’s day you have to speak on the topic ‘ my thoughts about my school ‘. write a short speech that you will deliver in class., you are a student of std. x. the school has organized a farewell function in honour of all the students of std. x., on the occasion of ‘teacher’s day’ you are asked to speak about ‘the teacher/ guru in your life’., write a speech acquainting your class about the environment crisis that is worsening around the world., prepare a speech to be delivered to the students of std. ix advising them how to study for std. x., write a speech on the topic ‘what can i do for india’, on the occasion of world environment day, you are asked to make a speech in your school on ‘save the tiger’., pdf file to your email immediately purchase notes & paper solution. @ rs. 50/- each (gst extra).

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SSC Boards 2020 | Guidelines for Writing Skills and Grammar

Guidelines for Writing Skills and Grammar

A gist of SSC Board Exams

The Secondary School Certificate Examination which is better known as the SSC Board Exam is conducted by various educational boards in India. The Maharashtra State Board, popularly known as the MH Board conducts this examination for all Std. 10th or SSC Board students around the first week of March every year. It also conducts an additional examination in July for all those students who may have failed to acquire satisfactory marks to successfully pass this examination in their previous attempt.

Also Read :  Important Tips to get full marks in the Writing Skills section of Board Exams

Breaking Misconceptions

Most often students tend to undermine the importance of English as a subject during their school and college days. This is because there is not much to rote learn or long answers to mug up. However, that doesn't reduce its importance at all. Instead, English grammar and vocabulary make one of the most scoring sections for the SSC Board examination. And this is what makes learning and practising grammar and vocabulary for your SSC boards a must-try thing.

Evaluation of the latest English Board Paper Pattern

As per the latest paper pattern, the English question paper will be divided into 80 marks for the written exam and 20 marks for oral and internal assessments. Furthermore, the 80 marks paper will be divided into three segments namely;

  • Reading Skills - 40%
  • Vocabulary and writing skills - 25%
  • Grammar - 15%

Students will be tested on their calibre, grammar, reading and writing skills. This latest change in the pattern has been welcomed with open hands as it unrolls an easier platform for learning and evaluation of a student's overall skills.

Before we move ahead, here's something to note. Firstly, this blog is going to be a long read. We have divided the topic into grammar and writing skills by dwelling on each separately.

What does this blog cover?

  • Topics for SSC English Grammar
  • Few tips surrounding important grammar topics
  • Topics for English Writing Skills
  • Tips on how to attempt each topic

(Additional tips are added at selective points that are highlighted in Italics)

So brace yourself and get your queries sorted. Gain insights into how to make your SSC exam preparation advantageous.

A sneak into SSC Grammar topics

Grammar comprises all topics right from that taught in Std 8th. These include articles, prefixes, suffixes, tenses, punctuations, etc. However, apart from referring to your Std 10th English textbook and grammar book, using reference material will prove to be an added advantage. Herein you can go on to explore the concepts of grammar in detail to gain additional insight into the topics along with offering practice.

Here are a few grammar and punctuation rules that you must adhere to while studying Std. 10th English books:

  • Understand the functions of every single punctuation mark. For instance, the full-stop is used at the end of an Assertive sentence; the question mark comes at the end of a question and commas are used to separate items in a sentence and so on.
  • It is important to know the difference between prepositions and conjunctions. Prepositions show the relationship between a noun and a pronoun whereas conjunctions are usually known to be joining words that join two sentences.
  • Gerunds are verbs in their 'ing' form that do the function of a noun whereas Participles are those verbs in their 'ing' form that function as an adjective.
  • Article 'a' will always be applied before a consonant unless it makes a vowel sound, similarly, the article 'an' will be used before a vowel unless that vowel makes a consonant sound.

Now that we have covered the grammar section, let us move ahead to the writing skills section, which holds equal importance in SSC English Examination.

Tips to expand your writing skills

Vocabulary and writing skills together contribute to 15% of your overall score. Thus, performing better in this section expands the possibility of raising your percentage to a great extent. The writing skill section is divided into 9 sections viz. as follows:

Here are a few points to consider when attempting the following sections:-

Letter Writing

Letter writing consists of two types of letters viz. Informal and Formal. Informal letters are written to parents, relatives, friends, etc. whereas, formal letters are written to people who hold some sort of authority. For example, principal, municipal commissioner, etc. The basic characteristics of a letter are the address of the sender, date, salutation, body, and subscription. When it comes to Formal letters, the only additions are the receiver's address as well as the subject or reference. In the SSC Exam, you will be given a choice between an Informal Letter and a Formal Letter.

Interview Questions or Dialogue Writing

In the SSC English paper, students are given the choice to choose one of the two i.e. either dialogue writing or interview questions. Dialogue writing includes creating meaningful conversations surrounding any given topic. Students must form at least six exchanges on the topic which usually includes generic ones related to our surroundings. On the other hand, under interview questions, you will have to prepare at least 8 to 10 questions to ask a business person, a politician, a celebrity, etc.

Tip : You can find plenty of examples for this section in your SSC English book.

Information Transfer

The basic format of Information Transfer is to either convert a paragraph into a tabular or graphical format or to convert a table/flowchart into a paragraph. In the SSC examination, you will be able to choose between a Non-Verbal to Verbal and Verbal to Non-Verbal question.

Speech Writing

Under the speech writing section, students will be presented with a topic which they are expected to expand further. Here students are tested on their views, counterviews, depth of thinking, knowledge, expertise of the subject and formatting of words. The topics can range from Farewell day speeches to that Republic Day.

Tip : Apart from practising on paper, reading and listening to speeches assist in enhancing individual vocabulary. Additionally, it broadens one's horizon on how to excel in the artistry of developing impactful speeches.

A Must-read : What are the Important Tips to get full marks in the Writing Skills section of Board Exams?


Furthermore, in this section, students are asked to prepare their views and counterviews. It can be based on any given topic or a statement. In addition to the statement, candidates will also be provided with a few pointers on the opposite on which you must base your response.

News Report or Expansion of Theme

News Report refers to presenting a formal description of an event that has happened in the past. The objective of this section is to test the student's capacity of conveying a piece of information to the readers formally and crisply. You must expand upon the headline provided. On the other hand, the expansion of an idea refers to elaborating on the meaning of a saying or a proverb in your own words. In the case of the SSC English examination, students are given the option to opt for either a news report or an expansion of the theme.

Developing a Story and Narrating an Experience

Developing a story generally involves the creation of a story based on the pointers furnished in the question. Many of the SSC English books will cover this topic through questions divided into those beginning with certain words or ending with certain words. A question that involves the narration of experience will test your ability to creatively describe a certain experience. The same rule of choice between these two questions applies herein.

Unearthing the potential medium to expand the knowledge base

best books for English Grammar and Writing Skills

Its no doubt that Std 10th books prove to be an amazing guide to help you in your studies. However, when it comes to reference material, it presents a platform to gain ample practice by blending textual and non-textual questions. Besides, it presents to students a platform that comprises everything including grammar, vocabulary, and writing skills thereby helping mould oneself in an overall manner. This would serve you a long way and get you an exceptional score in SSC Boards especially when it comes to solving the Std. 10th English paper.

Also Read : A Guide to ace the SSC Board Exam 2020 - Planning, Timetable, Tips, Books

Wish to know more about such rules of grammar to help you score well in the SSC board exam? Then Target Publications' Std. 10th English books would be your best bet. These books are completely divided and structured in a way to develop comprehension, grammatical, vocabulary and writing skills among students. This educational publication house offers a range of Std. 10th book for the subject of English, each catering to a different study aspect for the all-around development of students. A student can opt for any of the following SSC English books:

  • Std. 10th English Kumarbharati
  • Std. 10th IQB English Kumarbharati  (Important Question Bank for SSC board exam)
  • SSC Question Paper Set for English Medium

Target Publications has grown to become one of the most noteworthy contributors in the education industry when it comes to curating books that serve all the educational needs of SSC board aspirants. If you too want to excel in your Std 10th English grammar, do not forget to check out the Std 10th book offerings presented on our website for the SSC Boards exam.

Target Publications' has been hailed to be at the helm of the education industry when it comes to compiling books to serve all the educational needs of students. Want to be a maestro of Std. 10th English grammar? Go ahead and check out our Std. 10th books for the SSC Board examination.

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Speech 🎤 writing ✍️ for student 👩‍🎓., 5 important speech writing topics for board exam 2024. (assured questions for board exam with 20 years of experience from omtex classes) 1. speech on blood donation 2. write a speech of about 20 lines that you would deliver on the occasion of independence day celebrations in your school. 3. speech regarding tree plantation 4. speech regarding violence against women . 5. speech about save electricity, what is a speech.

A speech is a means of expressing one's ideas on a certain topic orally or verbally. Speeches are made to highlight progress, environment, industry, friendships, cultural activities, sports, etc. By and large, one should see that the speech is interesting enough to arrest the attention of the audience. Speeches that are dull and uninteresting tend to make the audience restless and bored. Therefore, care should be taken to see that speeches are lively and the audience interactive.


A speech should have:

1. Salutation - honouring all those present

e.g. - Honourable Chief Guest, Respected Principal, teachers, parents and my dear friends.

2. Introduction - the topic to be spoken on.

e.g. - I am very pleased to say/it gives me great honour/privilege to speak on ………….

3. Body- containing the main points.

4. Conclusion - a brief summary and acknowledgements.


1. Prepare the speech so as to complete it in a reasonable span of time.

2. Keep all relevant facts and figures updated and ready to quote.

3. Sentences should be short and to the point but grammatically correct.

4. Keep quotations, witty sayings and proverbs handy to make the speech interesting.

5. If possible, give experience from real life.

A written speech should be spoken with proper pronunciation and diction. The speech should carry proper power and punch lines, to make it an outstanding one.

Model Example - 1

If animals could think and speak like humans, what would they say.

If animals could talk, they would say all the things we should hear, how they feel and what they need. We all know that when a dog walks to the door, he wants to go for a walk or when a cat sits in front of her bowl and says, "meow...meow...meow," she is hungry. But does the dog want to walk in the park or just in the backyard? Does he want to run? Does the cat want soft food or hard food or the hamburger my brother just dropped on the floor?

If animals could talk, they would plan their days instead of waiting for us to tell them what to do. They would be able to tell us where they want to go that day or for how long they want to go there. They could tell us when they are upset with us and why. They could tell us when they don't understand something we are telling them. They would say they are not happy being in a zoo. The best thing about animals talking is that they could tell us that they love us. 

Model Example - 2

Write a speech on independence day which is being celebrated at your school..

Respected Chief Guest, Principal, Teachers, Parents, and my dear friends,

Today, it is a great honour for me to talk about our Independence. We are celebrating 70 years of independence. It is with a sense of pride that I can say our great leaders fought hard to achieve independence for India. Two hundred years of British rule, their oppression and injustice came to an end on the midnight of 14th August, 1947.

In the words of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, India's first Prime Minister, I quote, "When the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom". Indeed, those fateful words were so true. India achieved freedom, freedom from oppression and freedom from British rule.

In these 70 years, we have seen progress of our great country in all spheres of life from agriculture to industry, from planet Earth to outer space. Yes, indeed, India has truly taken giant strides. We are now competing with other countries in all technological innovations and inventions. It rightly has been said that the strength of a country lies in its technical know-how. This knowhow was possible if the population was educated. It is also true that our population is second only to China, but in the educational sphere strides are being taken to achieve cent per cent literacy. And so, dear friends, this is our goal.

On the other hand, the last 70 years have also shown famine, droughts, floods, poverty, diseases, spreading corruption, terrorism and discrimination on the basis of caste, creed, etc. This is the negative aspect of freedom. We are a free people, yet we are not free; we are independent, yet we are dependent on the super powers for our well-being.

Hence, to conclude, I feel that it is the responsibility of every citizen to rise and make this country strong in all aspects. I do believe that strong people can make a nation strong. A strong nation can achieve great success. So, let us be one. 'United we stand, divided we fall.'I conclude in the words of Rabindranath Tagore.

"Where the mind is led forward by thee into ever widening thought and action, Into that heaven of freedom my Father:, let my country awake"

Model Example -3

A speech on the social issue of corruption given by you at a social gathering in your locality..

Dear Friends,

Together we have gathered here to take stock of a burning social issue - that of corruption. It is poison to our growth and development. Corruption, as reported by the media, is rampant all over the country and at all levels.

Corruption is not an issue which has taken birth just today or yesterday. It is a deep rooted problem that existed even in medieval times, but it was not so widespread. Today, even the common man is directly or indirectly entangled in this web. The future of our nation is bright, but it seems to be clouded and turning murky with this corruption gaining stronger ground every day.

It is up to us, citizens to root out this social evil. Primarily, we must not support organizations that are corrupt in their dealings. Further, we must create an awareness among the people clearly explaining to them that it is no one else but we who are the cause and victims of this corruption. We must also take the help of the media to expose officials who are corrupt and refuse to stop such practices.

So friends, come, lets pledge ourselves to uprooting this social evil once and for all so that we can march ahead onto paths of progress and prosperity peacefully.


Speech on Blood donation

Speech on Eye donation

Write a speech of about 20 lines that you would deliver on the occasion of independence day celebrations in your school.

On teacher’s day you have to speak on the topic ‘ my thoughts about my school ‘. Write a short speech that you will deliver in class.

You are a student of std. X. The school has organized a farewell function in honour of all the students of std. X.

On the occasion of ‘teacher’s day’ you are asked to speak about ‘the teacher/ guru in your life’.

Write a speech acquainting your class about the environment crisis that is worsening around the world.

Prepare a speech to be delivered to the students of std. Ix advising them how to study for std. X.

Write a speech on the topic ‘what can i do for india?’

Speech on India of My Dreams.

On the occasion of world environment day, you are asked to make a speech in your school on ‘save the tiger’.

Speech regarding eye donation [new]

Speech about my school

Speech about teachers day

Speech about solar energy

Speech about farewell day

Speech regarding tree plantation

Speech regarding cruelty towards animals

Farewell speech one

Farewell speech two

Farewell speech three

Farewell speech four

Farewell speech five

Speech regarding global warming

Speech regarding violence against women

Speech about save electricity

Speech you wish to give on the retirement of your favourite teacher.

Speech on good health and exercise

Speech to be delivered to the students of std. Ix on how to study for std.x.

Green city, clean city

Develop the talents

English - world language

Good manners

Hard work and success


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Maharashtra Board 10th, 12th Results 2024: MSBSHSE issues notice on speculations over scorecard date

Maharashtra board 10th, 12th results 2024: maharashtra state board of secondary and higher secondary education (msbshse) has issued a notice on its official website to clarify the date and timing of results of class 10, 12 following claims by several social media posts regarding the release date.

Maharashtra Board 10th, 12th Results 2024: Students can check their results by entering their login credentials like Roll Number, Mother’s first name (ANI)

Maharashtra Board 10th, 12th Results 2024: The Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education (MSBSHSE) has issued a notice on its official website mahahsscboard.in/mr, to clarify the date and timing of the results of Class 10, 12 board exam 2024 following claims by several social media posts regarding the release date.

The MSBSHSE, in its official notice (in Marathi), said, “Students of Classes 10, 12/ parents/ teachers are informed that through social media attempts are being made to spread wrong information about the 10th, 12th result 2024. All concerned parties, however, should not believe such rumours. The result dates will be announced by the state board on the official website https://mahahsscboard.in." 

As per the media reports, the results for Class 10th and 12th are expected in the third or fourth week of May. However, there is no official confirmation on the date and time of the much-awaited board results.

Also Read | HBSE Class 10th Result 2024: Results declared, how to check score

The MSBSHSE will announce the results in a press conference. The board will reveal the topper's name, overall pass percentage, gender-wise pass percentage, compartment exam and other important details during the press conference . Soon after the press conference, the MSBSHSE will activate the results link on its official website- mahahsscboard.in so that students can check their results.

Also Read | CUET UG 2024 Admit Card: NTA to release hall tickets soon at exams.nta.ac.in

Maharashtra board result 2024: websites to check the results.

  • mahahsscboard.in
  • mahresult.nic.in
  • results.gov.in
  • hscresult.mkcl.org

Maharashtra Board Result 2024: Login Credentials 

Students can check their results by entering their login credentials like Roll Number, Mother’s first name

Maharashtra Board Result 2024: How to check the board results 

  • Go to the official website: mahahsscboard.in OR mahresult.nic.in
  • Click on the desired activated links ‘MAHA SSC Result 2024’/ ‘MAHA HSC Result 2024’ available on the homepage
  • Enter your Roll Number and mother’s first name
  • The result will be displayed on your screen 
  • Download and print a hardcopy of the scorecard for future reference

Maharashtra Board Result 2024: Minimum Passing grade

As per MSBSHSE norms, students are required to score at least 35% marks in theory and practicals to be declared pass in the board exams.

The MSBSHSE conducted the Board exams of Class 12th from February 21 to March 19, while Class 10th exams were held from March 1 to 26, 2024 across the state. As per media reports, a total of 15,13,909 students registered for the HSC exams, which included 8,21,450 boys and 6,92,424 girls. Whereas over 16 lakh students appeared for Class 10 exams, including a total of 3,64,314 students from the Mumbai division alone, having six districts.

Also Read | CBSE Results 2024: Marks verification, re-valuation schedule declared

In 2023, a total of 1,416,371 students registered for the Maharashtra HSC exams, out of which 1,292,468 successfully passed, leading to an overall pass rate of 91.25%. Among these, female students demonstrated higher success, achieving a pass rate of 93.73%, which was notably higher than the 89.14% pass rate recorded by male students.

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CBSE Result 2024 via UMANG Class 10, 12 OUT: How to check UMANG Result, download result via UMANG

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The Central Board of Secondary Education ( CBSE ) has announced CBSE Class 10th, 12th board results 2024 via Umang app on May 13, 2024. The CBSE board result is also available on the official website, cbse.gov.in and cbseresults.nic.in. Students can also check their CBSE board result 2024 through the Unified Mobile Application for New-Age Governance (UMANG) app. CBSE 10th Result Direct Link CBSE Class 12 Result via Umang App: Direct Link

Latest :  CBSE 12th Result 2024 OUT: Direct Link

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The UMANG app can be downloaded from the Google Play Store. Students can also visit its official website, umang.gov.in to access the CBSE results 2024 via the UMANG application. They can check their UMANG results 2024 online by entering their roll number, school number, date of birth and admit card ID in the login window. Read further to know more about how to check CBSE board results via UMANG app, details mentioned in the UMANG result etc.

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When will cbse board result 2024 be declared via umang app.

Previous year, CBSE announced the CBSE 10th result and CBSE 12th result on May 12, 2023. This year, the CBSE results via UMANG have been announced on May 13, 2024. Hence, it is advised that students visit the official website to stay updated and keep track of all the important events related to the CBSE board UMANG results 2024.

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UMANG Result 2024

Students can check their CBSE board results 2024 through various ways. These include the official website of the CBSE board, cbseresults.nic.in, via SMS, Interactive Voice Response System (IVRS), DigiLocker and UMANG app. In this article, we are mainly focusing on “how to check CBSE result 2024 via the UMANG app”. Below, we have provided information related to the UMANG application, how to create an account, how to check CBSE results via UMANG etc.

What is the Official Website to Check CBSE Result Via UMANG?

After the CBSE board 10th and 12th results 2024 announcement, students can check the results on the UMANG app. The official website of UMANG is umang.gov.in. Students can visit the website and create an account to view the UMANG results of the 10th and 12th classes. Below we have provided steps on how to create a UMANG account.

How to Create UMANG Account?

First of all, students need to create their account on the UMANG application or portal to access their results. This is how, you can create a UMANG account for checking CBSE 10th, and 12th results 2024:

Open the Google Play Store on your phone.

Search for UMANG- Unified Mobile Application for New-Age Governance.

Install the UMANG app.

Open the app and register using

UMANG Class 10 result 2024, UMANG Class 12 result 2024, UMANG result 2024, UMANG 10th, 12th, result 2024, CBSE result via UMANG app

your mobile number and Aadhaar details.

After that, create a four-digit Mobile Personal Identification Number (MPIN).

To complete the process, set a username and password for the UMANG account.

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Steps to Check UMANG Result 2024?

To check the UMANG results for CBSE 10th and CBSE 12th , students can download the UMANG app or visit its official website, www.umang.gov.in to view the CBSE marksheet. Below, we have provided simple steps to follow:

First, download the UMANG app or visit www.umang.gov.in.

Create an account using your phone number and login.

After that, go to “All services”.

Click on the “10th/12th result” tab.

Enter your admit card ID, roll number, year, Class and other required information.

Check your result carefully and download the CBSE 10th, 12th marksheet for future reference.

Details Mentioned in CBSE UMANG Result 2024

The UMANG result 2024 will contain some details mentioned below. Students are advised to verify the information carefully. If any mistake or incorrect information is found, then contact the school authorities immediately.

Result name

Roll number

Student’s name

Father’s name

Mother’s name

Subject names and marks obtained in each subject

Subject code

Qualifying status (pass/fail)

Also, check

CBSE 10th Compartment Result 2024

CBSE Class 10 Toppers

CBSE Class 12 Toppers 2024

Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)

Open the app and register using your mobile number and Aadhaar details.

Students can download the UMANG app on the Google Play Store or visit its official website, www.umang.gov.in.

Yes, students can download and use the UMANG app for free.

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Questions related to CBSE Class 12th

Here are some options you can explore to get admission in a good school even though admissions might be closed for many:

Waitlist: Many schools maintain waitlists after their initial application rounds close.  If a student who secured a seat decides not to join, the school might reach out to students on the waitlist.  So, even if the application deadline has passed,  it might be worth inquiring with schools you're interested in if they have a waitlist and if they would consider adding you to it.

Schools with ongoing admissions: Some schools, due to transfers or other reasons, might still have seats available even after the main admission rush.  Reach out to the schools directly to see if they have any open seats in 10th grade.

Consider other good schools: There might be other schools in your area that have a good reputation but weren't on your initial list. Research these schools and see if they have any seats available.

Focus on excelling in your current school: If you can't find a new school this year, focus on doing well in your current school. Maintain good grades and get involved in extracurricular activities. This will strengthen your application for next year if you decide to try transferring again.

Best CBSE schools in Delhi: Click Here

In India, the design and coding fields offer exciting career options that can leverage your interest in both. Here's how you can navigate this path:

Choosing Your Stream:

Graphic Design Focus: Consider a Bachelor's degree in Graphic Design or a design diploma. Build a strong portfolio showcasing your creative skills. Learn the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to understand web development better. Many online resources and bootcamps offer these introductory courses.

Coding Focus: Pursue a Computer Science degree or a coding bootcamp in India. These programs are intensive but can equip you with strong coding skills quickly. While building your coding prowess, take online courses in graphic design principles and UI/UX design.

Engineering Subjects (for a Degree):

Information Technology (IT): This offers a good mix of web development, networking, and database management, all valuable for web design/development roles.

Human-Computer Interaction (HCI): This is a specialized field that bridges the gap between design and computer science, focusing on how users interact with technology. It's a perfect choice if you're interested in both aspects.

  • Passing NIOS in October 2024 will make you eligible for NIT admissions in 2025 . NIT admissions are based on your performance in entrance exams like JEE Main, which typically happen in January and April. These exams consider the previous year's Class 12th board results (or equivalent exams like NIOS).

Here's why 2025 is more likely:

  • JEE Main 2024 Admissions: The application process for NITs through JEE Main 2024 is likely complete by now (May 2024). They consider your 2023 Class 12th marks (CBSE in this case).
  • NIOS Results: Since NIOS results typically come out after the NIT admission process, your October 2024 NIOS marks wouldn't be available for JEE Main 2024.

Looking Ahead (2025 Admissions):

  • Focus on JEE Main: Since you have a computer science background, focus on preparing for JEE Main 2025. This exam tests your knowledge in Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics, crucial for engineering programs at NITs.
  • NIOS Preparation: Utilize the time between now and October 2024 to prepare for your NIOS exams.
  • Eligibility Criteria: Remember, NITs typically require a minimum of 75% marks in Class 12th (or equivalent) for general category students (65% for SC/ST). Ensure you meet this criteria in your NIOS exams.

Yes, scoring above 99.9 percentile in CAT significantly increases your chances of getting a call from IIM Bangalore,  with your academic background. Here's why:

High CAT Score: A score exceeding  99.9 percentile is exceptional and puts you amongst the top candidates vying for admission. IIM Bangalore prioritizes  CAT scores heavily in the shortlisting process.

Strong Academics: Your 96% in CBSE 12th and a B.Tech degree demonstrate a solid academic foundation, which IIM Bangalore also considers during shortlisting.

However, the shortlisting process is multifaceted:

  • Other Factors: IIM Bangalore considers other factors beyond CAT scores, such as your work experience (if any), XAT score (if you appear for it), academic diversity, gender diversity, and performance in the interview and Written Ability Test (WAT) stages (if shortlisted).

Here's what you can do to strengthen your application:

Focus on WAT and PI: If you receive a shortlist, prepare extensively for the Written Ability Test (WAT) and Personal Interview (PI). These stages assess your communication, soft skills, leadership potential, and suitability for the program.

Work Experience (if applicable): If you have work experience, highlight your achievements and how they align with your chosen IIM Bangalore program.

Overall, with a stellar CAT score and a strong academic background, you have a very good chance of getting a call from IIM Bangalore. But remember to prepare comprehensively for the other stages of the selection process.

Yes you can appear for the compartment paper again since CBSE gives three chances to a candidate to clear his/her exams so you still have two more attempts. However, you can appear for your improvement paper for all subjects but you cannot appear for the ones in which you have failed.

I hope this was helpful!

Popular CBSE Class 12th Questions

5) During a trekking activity of 6km a student Ram will go to Sangam and return back up to 12 noon. He estimates that he can go to the Sangam at 1.5km/h on average, and return at half of that speed. These speeds take into account breaks and rest times. Using Ram's estimated speeds, what is the latest time he can begin his walk so that he can return by 12 noon?

A force of F = 70 N is applied on a block of mass M = 10 Kg placed on a horizonatl surface as shown in the figure . What will be the work done by frictional force in t = 2 sec if block was initially at rest

speech writing format class 12 maharashtra board

A police jeep on a petrol duty on national highway was moving with a speed of 54km/hr. in the same direction. It finds a thief rushing up in a car at a rate of 126km/hr in the same direction. Police sub – inspector fired at the car of the thief with his service revolver with a muzzle speed of 100m/s. with what speed will the bullet hit the car of thief? CLASS - XI PHYSICS (Kinematics)

(a) State the reasons for which Hershey and Chase carried out their experiments. (b) Answer the following questions based on the experiments of Hershey and Chase : (i) Name the different radioactive isotopes they used, and explain how they used them. (ii) Why did they need to agitate and spin their culture ? (iii) Write their observations and the conclusions they arrived at.

A student holding a mirror in his hand, directed the reflecting surface of the mirror towards the Sun. He then directed the reflected light on to a sheet of paper held close to the mirror.

(a) What should he do to burn the paper ?

(b) Which type of mirror does he have ?

(c) Will he be able to determine the approximate value of focal length of this mirror from this activity ? Give reason and draw ray diagram to justify your answer in this case. 

A student while observing an embryo of a pen seed in the laboratory listed various parts of the embryo as given below : 

Testa, tegmen, radicle, Plumule, micropyle, cotyledon

On examining the list the teacher remarked that only three parts are correct. Select three correct parts from the above list

a) tests, Radicle, cotyledons    b) Tegmen, Radicle, Microphyle

c) cotyledons, plumule, Testa    d) Radicel, cotyledons, plumule

An amorphous solid “A” burns in air to form a gas “B” which turns lime water milky. The gas is also produced as a by-product during roasting of sulphide ore. This gas decolourises acidified aqueous KMnO4 solution and reduces Fe3+ to Fe2+. Identify the solid “A” and the gas “B” and write the reactions involved.

Describe the structure of seminiferous tubules?? 

Differentiate 2021 with respect yo x

How many of the following points satisfy the inequality 2x-3y≤ -5?

A.  (0, -1)

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  14. SSC Boards 2020

    As per the latest paper pattern, the English question paper will be divided into 80 marks for the written exam and 20 marks for oral and internal assessments. Furthermore, the 80 marks paper will be divided into three segments namely; Reading Skills - 40%. Vocabulary and writing skills - 25%. Grammar - 15%.

  15. Balbharati solutions for English Yuvakbharati 12th Standard HSC

    Get free Balbharati Solutions for English Yuvakbharati 12th Standard HSC Maharashtra State Board Chapter 3.4 Statement of Purpose solved by experts. Available here are Chapter 3.4 - Statement of Purpose Exercises Questions with Solutions and detail explanation for your practice before the examination

  16. Drafting a Virtual Message HSC 12th Class Maharashtra State Board

    Dear students, Drafting a Virtual Message is an activity that comes in your writing skills. Drafting a Virtual Message will come in your board Exam in section no. 3 Writing Skills Question No. 4.A for 4 marks. So, Drafting a Virtual Message is important writing skills for academic purpose as well as the development of your writing skills in ...

  17. Class 12 English Sample Paper 2024 Maharashtra Board (PDF)

    Class 12 Sample Paper Maharashtra Board. HSC Standard students study more subjects besides English. Therefore we have sample papers for all of them. The class 12 model papers for Maharashtra Board are as follows. Book Keeping and Accountancy; Chemistry; Economics; English; Maths; Physics; Maharashtra Board Sample Papers

  18. Balbharati solutions for English Yuvakbharati 12th Standard HSC

    Balbharati solutions for Mathematics English Yuvakbharati 12th Standard HSC Maharashtra State Board Maharashtra State Board 3.1 (Summary Writing) include all questions with answers and detailed explanations. This will clear students' doubts about questions and improve their application skills while preparing for board exams.

  19. OMTEX CLASSES: Speech Writing ️ for Student

    1. Prepare the speech so as to complete it in a reasonable span of time. 2. Keep all relevant facts and figures updated and ready to quote. 3. Sentences should be short and to the point but grammatically correct. 4. Keep quotations, witty sayings and proverbs handy to make the speech interesting. 5.

  20. HSC Board Activity Sheet Format English Subject Class 12th Maharashtra

    Maharashtra HSC Board Activity Sheet Format of English Subject Dear students, you are preparing of the English subject for the HSC Board examination. First of all, you know that English is a language subject. To develop the English Language, you have to develop four language skills (LSRW) Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing. The Board has

  21. appeal writing class 12 Maharashtra State Board

    Appeal Writing- Know more about it: 1) Use catchy and effective title (slogan), · 2) Use slogans wherever possible, 3) Be brief (short), 4) Use simple language.

  22. SCERT Maharashtra Question Bank solutions for 12th Standard HSC English

    Get free SCERT Maharashtra Question Bank Solutions for 12th Standard HSC English Maharashtra State Board Chapter 2 Section 2 : Poetry and Appreciation solved by experts. Available here are Chapter 2 - Section 2 : Poetry and Appreciation Exercises Questions with Solutions and detail explanation for your practice before the examination

  23. Maharashtra Board 10th, 12th Results 2024: MSBSHSE issues notice on

    Maharashtra Board 10th, 12th Results 2024: Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education (MSBSHSE) has issued a notice on its official website to clarify the date and timing ...

  24. CBSE Result 2024 via UMANG Class 10, 12 OUT: How to check ...

    Below, we have provided simple steps to follow: First, download the UMANG app or visit www.umang.gov.in. Create an account using your phone number and login. After that, go to "All services". Click on the "10th/12th result" tab. Enter your admit card ID, roll number, year, Class and other required information.

  25. Answer the Following Questions as per Instructions:Speech Writing

    Speech Writing: Write a speech on 'An Indian Farmer' in about 100-150 words. Speech Writing: Prepare a speech on 'The place of women in Indian society' in about 100-150 words. Prepare a speech on 'Health and Diet'. You may use the following points: Health is wealth. Good health depends on regular exercise and balanced food. We are what-what ...