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36 (Major)  18 (Minor)


*Effective Fall 2024. Subject to change without notice

TUITION Estimator


Fall, Spring

The Writing and Rhetoric Studies program is a popular choice for students interested in developing their writing skills and understanding the theories and practices behind effective written argument. Students in the Writing and Rhetoric Studies program can expect to develop critical thinking skills, gain a deep understanding of the writing process, and hone their ability to communicate effectively in a variety of contexts. Rhetoric is the art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing. If you’re interested in studying communication across different audiences, contexts, and purposes, then Writing & Rhetoric Studies at the U is a great fit for you. Studying rhetoric helps you become a successful writer in personal, professional, and social contexts across a range of media. Courses focus on histories of writing and rhetoric, contemporary literacy studies, research and publishing practices, and writing in specific areas such as business, law, medicine, social sciences, science, and activism. This course of study will give you tools to write effectively and confidently in many situations. Yo u will also learn the rhetorical strategies and skills that make writers effective while exploring how texts are shaped by social practices and cultural values.

Writing and Rhetoric Studies is an ideal double major which complements a variety of other majors and can be a valuable addition to any resume. This major allows you the flexibility to “choose your own adventure.” Examples of classes include cultural, professional, scientific, digital, and sound rhetorics. Courses in the major are diverse, small, with most enrolling fewer than 30 students. Students receive individual attention and are encouraged to develop as writers.

About Online Learning

At the University of Utah, our courses combine the flexibility of online teaching with the advantages and direct engagement of traditional teaching. Enjoy the benefit of studying online at your own pace while still engaging with classmates and instructors. This flexible way of teaching improves your overall experience and your ability to retain what you learn.

Interactive learning comes in a variety of ways:

  • Group assignments, where you collaborate via email or a discussion forum to answer a problem set.
  • Contributions to a discussion forum, where you directly respond to previous posts.
  • Peer reviews, where you review and comment on assignments from other students.

Our classes also offer multiple routes to stay connected and get help:

  • Communicate directly with the instructor via email.
  • Participate in and guide online discussions.
  • Attend online office hours in discussion threads or on the phone.
  • Instructors are available in “real” office hours for students on or near campus; for some courses we offer Q&A sessions in a classroom.

Program Information

36 Credit Hours: Program hours only. Does not include any general education or prerequisites.

Degree Type

This program offers a Bachelor of Science degree, providing students with a wide range of options to tailor their education to their individual interests and career goals. You can receive a Bachelor of Arts if you have already finished the BA language requirements before starting your online program.

Degree Requirements


For an estimate of the full course, use the TUITION Estimator

New students enrolling in UOnline beginning Fall 2024 may be able to apply university employee tuition reduction in some situations. For more information please email us at [email protected] .

Transferring Credits?

If you have already earned an associate’s degree, which is typically 60 credit hours, and want to complete a WRS major, which is 36 credit hours, that totals 96 credit hours. This means that you would need 26 more credit hours to complete the 122-semester- hour graduation requirement for a bachelor’s degree. Remember,   40 of those 122 credits must be upper-division (3000-level or higher) .

This flexibility makes WRS an ideal   double major   or a good major to combine with   other minor(s), pre-professional concentrations , or participating in the   honors program . WRS pairs well with disciplines in the humanities, social sciences, sciences, and professional programs. All WRS majors graduate with an e-portfolio that showcases their writing experiences and abilities for employers and graduate admissions committees.

The Office of Admissions   determines the acceptability of transfer credit toward the 122-semester-hour graduation requirement as well as awarding credit general education requirements. Academic departments determine if courses are considered equivalent to courses offered at the University of Utah and their applicability towards a bachelor's degree.

Career Potential

Because employers consistently rank strong writing as among the most important capabilities in their employees, a degree in Writing & Rhetoric Studies will prepare you for many careers and a variety of graduate school options. You will not only become a better writer, you’ll also be empowered with the understanding that texts are powerful cultural products and important tools for social change.

Writing is fundamentally important in a number of workplace settings such as business, law, medicine, government jobs, non-profits, engineering and the sciences. Students who minor will improve their writing and gain and understanding of how and why writing works.

18 Credit Hours

Minor in Writing & Rhetoric Studies

2 Foundational Courses:

WRTG 3870 - Writing as Social Practice

WRTG 3875 -   H istories & Theories of Rhetoric

Choose 1 of the following:

WRTG 3011: Writing in the Arts & Humanities (CW)

WRTG 3012: Writing in the Social Sciences (CW)

WRTG 3014: Writing in the Sciences (CW)

WRTG 3015: Professional Writing (CW)

WRTG 3016: Business Writing (CW)

Choose 3 of the following:

WRTG 2040: Intro to Writing Studies

WRTG 2310: Digital Writing

WRTG 2905: Special Topics

WRTG 3010: Critical Thinking and Writing (HF; CW)

WRTG 3018: Writing about Popular Culture (HF)

WRTG 3019: Writing about War (HF; CW)

WRTG 3020: Write 4 U (CW)

WRTG 3030: Writing across Locations

WRTG 3040: Digital Storytelling (HF)

WRTG 3420: Environmental & Sustainability Studies (HF; CW)

WRTG 3430: Language of the Law

WRTG 3440: Digital Research Methods

WRTG 3510: Grammar and Stylistics (LING 3510) (CW)

WRTG 3610: Internship

WRTG 3705: Rhetoric, Science & Technology Studies (BF; HF)

WRTG 3830: Research in Professional Communication

WRTG 3890: Under-Represented Rhetorics (DV)

WRTG 3900: Advanced Literacy Studies (ENGL 3690) (HF)

WRTG 4000: Writing for Scholarly Publication

WRTG 4001: Business Plans and Proposals

WRTG 4010: Writing Across Borders (IR)

WRTG 4020: Writing Center Colloquium: Theory and Practice

WRTG 4030: Visual Rhetoric: Word/Image/Argument (CW; QB)

WRTG 4040: Digital Rhetoric

WRTG 4050: Cultural Rhetorics (DV)

WRTG 4060: Public Writing in the 21 st   Century

WRTG 4070: Rhetorics of Gender

WRTG 4090: Materiality of the Book

WRTG 4200: Writing Popular Non Fiction (CW)

WRTG 4830: Designing for Usability (CW)

WRTG 4850: Technical Editing

WRTG 4890: Writing, Persuasion, and Power

WRTG 4905: Studies in Professional Discourse (Law, Med) (CW)

WRTG 5010: Medical and Health Science Discourses

WRTG 5770: Research in Rhetoric and Writing

WRTG 5830: Digital Publishing

WRTG 5905: Special Topics in Writing & Rhetoric

ENGL 5970: Discourse Analysis

See more information on degree requirements .

$520/credit.* *Effective Fall 2024. Subject to change without notice.

University Application Deadlines

Spring:  November 1

Summer:  March 1

Fall: April 1

Please contact Lisa Shaw to declare your major or minor in Writing & Rhetoric Studies.

Department Contact

Lisa Shaw

Lisa Shaw Academic Advisor 8015853921 [email protected]

schedule appointment

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University Writing Center

College of humanities, main navigation, style and formatting how-to guides and handouts, learn about literature reviews:.

  • What is a Literature Review?

How-To Handouts

  • How to Write a Graduate Proposal

U Career Success Formatting Handouts

  • Sample Resumé Booklet
  • Resume Bullet Points
  • Cover Letter Guide
  • Cover Letter Tips
  • Personal Statements
  • CV / Curriculum Vitae

Citation Handouts

  • Chicago Style

Writing Organization Handouts

Writing types.

  • Noodle Tools   is a web application that can help you to create bibliographies with and without annotations.
  • Introductions
  • Conclusions
  • Constructing an Academic Argument
  • Paraphrase and Summary
  • Thesis Statements
  • Emailing Professors
  • Transitions

Sentence-Level Support

  • Colons and Semicolons
  • Independent and Subordinate Clauses
  • Prepositions
  • Run-ons and Comma Splices
  • Subject-Verb Agreement
  • Active and Passive Voice

Related Links

  • Learning Center (another free tutoring option for U of U students; course-centered tutoring)
  • Community Writing Center (free tutoring option for writers who are not students at the U)
  • U Career Success (additonal help on application materials)
  • Department of Writing & Rhetoric Studies (writing courses, writing placement exam)
  • Research Consultations with a Librarian (individualized research support; Writing Center-Librarian Liason )
  • Purdue OWL (more information on citations, grammar, etc.)
  • Grammarly (free sentence-level and plagiarism help for graduate students)
  • Independent Editors  (editors for hire $$) 

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Academic Advising Center

Undergraduate studies, main navigation, english: creative writing.

Unleash your imagination with a minor in Creative Writing through the University of Utah. This program will give you the skills you need to take the characters and adventures in your head and turn them into written, communicable stories. The U’s Department of English is committed to developing well-rounded writers, with training in literature of multiple genres: students must complete courses in literary history and creative writing, in addition to workshops in writing fiction, poetry, or non-fiction.  At the undergraduate level, students are assured of small workshops and intensive focus on their writing, as well as the opportunity to submit manuscripts for publication in the department’s two literary magazines.

The department offers many opportunities for students to publish their work: the Canticle is an undergraduate literary journal, and Quarterly West is a graduate student-managed journal of fiction, poetry, and non-fiction and review. Upon completion of the program, students can continue their creative writing endeavors by pursuing careers as authors of prose and poetry. The Creative Writing minor will also prepare you for jobs in editing, journalism, and technical writing.

- Intro to Creative Writing - Intro to Literary History I - Intro to Literery History II

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Writing and Rhetoric Studies

The degree is designed to prepare students who are strong analytical thinkers and proficient writers. A degree in writing will prepare students for many careers and a variety of graduate school options.

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Department of English

College of humanities, main navigation, how to apply.

How to Apply to the Graduate Program


MA, MFA, and PhD Applicants

Students applying to the MA, MFA, or PhD degree programs   must hold a BA or BS degree from an accredited college or university . Successful applicants generally have a cumulative   grade-point average of 3.3 or higher . Applicants holding an MA or MFA in English (or, in some cases, another appropriate discipline) are eligible for admission into the PhD program.

BA-to-PhD Track

The BA-to-PhD track is available to applicants to any program who do not hold a MA or MFA degree in the field.   Applicants to the BA-to-PhD track must submit application materials at the same time as other candidates (December 15th). Applicants accepted into the BA-to-PhD track will receive a teaching assistantship for the first year.   Applicants who are   denied admission into the BA-to-PhD track might instead be offered admission into the MA or MFA program.

Instructions for Application Submission

Complete applications are due by   December 15   for admission following fall semester.   Applications submitted after the December 15 deadline will not be considered .

Please include your name on all application materials. All applications will be considered for funding during the admissions process; no separate application for funding is required.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The English Department no longer requires the GRE test to apply.

All applications, writing samples, and recommendations must be submitted via the University of Utah Graduate online application system  Slate . The English Department will not accept applications that are submitted by mail.

Please be sure to indicate in the appropriate places on the application your name, address, and the specific program to which you are applying.  If you are applying for admission to our doctoral program but will not have a master's degree in the field of English upon entering our program, please choose “English-PHD,” and in the section labeled “Additional Information” indicate that you are applying to the BA-to-PHD track. Applicants to the BA-to-PhD track will automatically be considered for admission to the appropriate master's program if they are not admitted to the doctoral program.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The online application system permits applicants to apply to only ONE of the department’s MA, MFA, or PhD programs. Please apply to the program you are most interested in pursuing. (You can, however, apply to both the MA and MFA programs.)

All applications must include:

  • A statement of purpose   describing your professional interests and goals.
  • A substantial critical writing sample   of at least six pages.   The critical sample should demonstrate your ability to frame a critical argument and to conduct a sustained reading of a text or texts.
  • Three (3) academic letters of recommendation from faculty who know your work and can assess your ability to do graduate work in English. Please submit the email addresses of your three recommenders via Slate .

Applications for Creative Writing must include:

  • In addition to the critical sample (detailed above) , a creative writing sample, either poetry, fiction, or non-fiction (approximately 10 pages) . For the poetry sample, a small collection of poems is acceptable. For fiction or non-fiction samples, a short story or a chapter or selection from a novel, a memoir, or an essay is acceptable. If your fiction or non-fiction samples are short, you can submit more than one piece. Please submit creative samples only in the genre to which you are applying.

IMPORTANT NOTE:  The application software allows applicants to submit two files. Creative writing applicants must upload one critical and one creative sample. If your creative sample consists of several short pieces, you must incorporate them into one file before uploading. 

International Applicants:

International applicants who are not native speakers of English must demonstrate proficiency in English before they are eligible for  teaching fellowships. Proficiency is partly demonstrated by a TSE or SPEAK score (40 on the TSE, 180 on the SPEAK). International students who will hold teaching fellowships are normally also required to obtain certification through the University’s International Teaching Assistant Program. For more information on the ITA program, see:   International Teaching Assistant (ITA) Program . 

International applicants must upload the appropriate fee, one unofficial set of transcripts, and official TOEFL results to  Slate .

Applicants will be notified of application decisions by March 15.

Application System

The forms for application to the University of Utah Graduate Admissions and the Department of English can now be accessed via the online application system   Slate .

writing university of utah

Click Here To access Graduate Application Forms

Application Deadline

Complete applications are due by   December 15   for admission following fall semester.  In order to be considered for admission, your application must be complete by this date.  Please include your name on all application materials. All applications will be considered for funding during the admissions process; no separate application for funding is required.

Applications submitted after the December 15 deadline will not be considered .*

All applications, writing samples, and recommendations must be submitted via the University of Utah Graduate online application system Slate . The English Department will not accept applications that are submitted by mail.

There is no longer an April 15th deadline for admission to the MA or MFA programs.

Applicants who apply for admission by the December 15th deadline will be notified of their admission status by March 15. Applicants cannot be advised of their admission status over the telephone, but they can check the status of their processed application through the online application system:  Slate .

*If a deadline falls on a holiday or weekend, applications will be accepted through the following business day.

Application Materials Checklist

To be considered complete, all items listed below must be submitted via the online application system by   December 15th :  Slate .

  • Application A completed University of Utah Common Online Graduate Admissions Application, including an affidavit of support for International Students.
  • Application Fee Payment of application fee ($55 for domestic applicants; $65 for international applicants) via the online application system.
  • Transcripts Transcripts must be uploaded via the online application system. To facilitate this process you may request your unofficial transcripts, print them out, and upload them into the online application system in accordance with the directions  here . If you are accepted into the program and choose to attend, you must then supply official transcripts mailed from your schools directly to the University of Utah Admissions Office.


  • Statement of Purpose (see "Instructions for Application Submission" above)
  • Writing Sample Include a writing sample, or, for creative writing applicants, samples. (see "Instructions for Application Submission" above)
  • Three Academic Letters of Reference (see "Instructions for Application Submission" above)

Note: The English Department no longer requires the GRE to apply.

Notice of Completed Application

The University of Utah seeks to provide to people with disabilities equal access to its programs, services, and activities.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the GRE Required?

What is the deadline for applying to the graduate program.

The application deadline is December 15 to enroll the following fall semester.

Do you accept spring semester admission?

Do you offer any of your graduate courses online, is it feasible to complete a graduate degree while also working full-time.

At this point, it would be difficult, as the vast majority of our classes are scheduled during the standard workday. Please contact the   graduate advisor   for further information.

What is the maximum length for critical and creative writing samples?

How long does it take to complete a master’s or doctorate degree in your program, when and how will applicants be informed of acceptance status, how many students do you accept into the program every year, can i apply to multiple programs at once.

You may apply to only ONE track within the MA and PhD programs. You can, however, apply to both the MA and MFA programs.

Don't see your question covered here? Call the English office at (801) 581-6168 or   contact the graduate advisor .

book an appointment with an Academic Advisor

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Thank you Debbie [Leaman]! She was a wonderful facilitator and gave us much insight into the very complicated topic of grief. Her writing prompts were spot on to get us to work through our grief. She also made the class a safe space for all to share. I am now ready to continue this process of living with my grief and growing stronger around It..." - Julie S, Writing Through Grief

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Harold Blum

University of utah - department of mathematics.

I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Utah . From 2018 to 20201, I was an NSF postdoc at Stony Brook University and the University of Utah. In 2018, I completed my Ph.D. at the University of Michigan under the supervision of Mircea Mustaţă .

Research interests

Algebration geometry: birational geometry, singularities, Fano varieties, K-stability, and moduli.

Contact Info

Email: blum [at]
Office: LCB 203
Mail: University of Utah
Department of Mathematics
Salt Lake City, UT 84112


Other writing.

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Department of Writing & Rhetoric Studies

College of humanities, main navigation, academic advising, lisa shaw , m.p.a..

Sr. Academic Advisor Writing and Rhetoric Studies 3702 LNCO (801) 585-3921 [email protected]

  majors/minors book an appointment   exploring pre-major book appointment   

Why study Writing & Rhetoric?

Welcome Students

Office hours are in person or via Zoom  9:00 am - 5:00 pm.  If Navigate U does not work for setting up your appointment try the Bookings link to make an appointment. 

I am happy to arrange a meeting with you outside of those hours if needed. Call 801-585-3921 .

I care about your safety and want to accommodate any of your concerns to the best of my ability. Your phone or video appointment will still provide you with the same level of information, professionalism, and care that you can expect from an office appointment.

Video and phone appointments will require us to verify your identity in compliance with FERPA  (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act ) by obtaining a FERPA pin. Here are the  instructions on how to create your FERPA pin . Please  create it ahead of time  and authorize me to disclose academic information over the phone. If you need help with this, please  email me or I can walk you through this during your scheduled appointment.


Before your appointment, please be prepared with the following

  • The Zoom link
  • Your FERPA pin or UID card
  • Have access to a computer
  • Make sure you are in a quiet environment
  • For video calls, make sure you are in an area with a strong internet connection
  • A list of questions or concerns for us to address

If you are more comfortable being advised over email or in person, please reach out to me . In order to be FERPA compliant these conversations must happen from your Umail .

Lisa’s goals as an advisor are to address the needs of the whole student, meet students where they are, connect, and see them through. She does this by creating a welcoming space, asking questions, listening and helping students address their own needs.

In her office you might make important decisions about your life, your career or your education.  Lisa is here to make that path smoother, coach you through those hard decisions, help you navigate the complexities of student life, and to reach your goals of graduating from college and beyond.

Lisa has been advising Writing & Rhetoric students since July 2013. She graduated from the University of Utah in 2011 with a degree in Master of Public Administration.

As a student you should be...

  • Prepared.   Bring in a current Degree Audit for the correct major and catalog year (year you declared), make a list of questions and concerns, and bring a tentative class schedule.
  • Considerate.  You should arrive on time to your appointment.  If you cannot make your appointment, you should contact me or reschedule online if possible. 
  • Professional.   Refrain from using your cell phone during your appointment.  Take notes and be attentive.  If you are contacting me through e-mail, please use a proper salutation and signature and include your uNID.
  • Independent.   Plan to attend your appointment on your own.  Spouses, parents, friends, and children can be distracting.
  • Responsible.  Take ownership of your education and your success.  It is your responsibility to comply with university requirements and policies, monitor your My Degree Audit and progress towards graduation, and accept the consequences of your academic and personal choices.

As your advisor I will be...

  • Attentive.   I will listen to your questions and concerns.
  • Respectful.   I will be considerate of your unique interests, abilities, and circumstances.
  • Accessible.   I will be available for advising at a variety of times and in a variety of formats, including e-mail and phone.
  • Informative.   I will clearly explain degree requirements and clarify university regulations and policies.  If I don’t have an answer, I’ll do my best to direct you to someone who does.
  • Empowering.   I will help you develop an individual course plan, refer you to campus resources, and connect you with academic and extra-curricular opportunities that support your personal and career interests.

Frequently Asked Advising Questions

What is an academic advisor.

Academic advisors are educators and problem solvers who advocate for students as they navigate their personal journeys through higher education and attain their academic goals. Through inclusion and connection, academic advisors open doors to new opportunities for self-awareness and growth, empowering students to define their roles as citizens within local and global communities.

When to see an Advisor

  • When you need help choosing a class
  • To declare your major or minor
  • When you get a Mandatory Advising email or hold

What to bring to your appointment

  •    A current degree audit report
  •    A list of questions and concerns
  •    Your UID card
  •    A tentative class schedule.

For more information see the University of Utah's webpage on Preparing for Your Appointment .

How do I run a Degree Audit Report?

Please refer to the Academic Advising Center video guides .

What is a catalog year?

Why is my catalog year important, what do i do if i have a registration hold.

To check if a hold has been placed, log into the Campus Information Services and click on the "Tasks" tile on the Student Homepage.  Depending on the type of hold, you may need to contact different offices. Read the registration hold policy in the Student Handbook. 

Depending on the type of hold, you may need to contact different offices. Read the registration hold policy in the  Student Handbook .

If you still do not know what to do, contact your academic advisor to help you figure out your next steps so you can register.

What are some ways that I can get involved on campus?

Start with Campus Connect for some ideas. There are opportunities within the department for research, student committees, and more! Make an appointment to discuss your interests.

What do I do if I need to take a leave of absence? 

General Catalog

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Department of Writing & Rhetoric Studies

College of humanities, main navigation, writing studies scholars.

Writing Studies Scholars is a program designed by SLCC transfer students in Writing and Rhetoric Studies for SLCC transfer students in Writing and Rhetoric Studies to help you get connected and reach your goals.

We offer dedicated resources and a diverse, supportive community of fellow transfer students. Whether writing is your passion or a means of achieving your other aspirations, we want to help you make the most of your time at the U of U.

Writing Studies Scholars Program

Writing Studies Scholars is a community for SLCC students who major, minor, or pursue a certificate in Writing & Rhetoric Studies (WRS). All Writing Studies Scholars are eligible for the following benefits.

$2000 scholarship

All students in Writing Studies Scholars receive an automatic $2000 scholarship during their first semester at the U of U. There is no application required. This privately funded scholarship is available to both full- and part-time students of any documentation status. 

Writing Studies Scholars who are not eligible to apply for federal financial may receive an additional $2000 transition scholarship during their second semester at the U of U. 

Free U of U Course 

Any SLCC student considering the WRS major, minor, or Certificate in Professional and Technical Writing can take WRTG 3030: Writing across Locations for free. This 3-credit course is offered every summer on an SLCC campus. Enrollment is on a first-come, first-serve basis for up to 25 students per year. 

In Summer 2022, WRTG 3030 will be offered in a hybrid online format with an optional face-to-face meeting on Tuesday evenings. The course will run from May 17-August 2.

WRTG 3030 connects you with the community of WRS teachers, scholars, and students in the Salt Lake Valley. It provides opportunities to: 

  • Make friends with other Writing Studies Scholars
  • Meet faculty mentors
  • Identify your interests and possible professional paths
  • Learn about U of U resources and opportunities

WRTG 3030 is a writing-intensive course that helps you get a sense of the workload you can expect in a 3000-level course at the U of U. The readings, class discussions, and writing projects focus on how the field of writing & rhetoric studies engages with diversity, equity, & social justice. 

We strongly encourage students who want to join Writing Studies Scholars to take WRTG 3030, but this course is not required for participation in the program. WRTG 3030 is free for SLCC students of any documentation status. 

If you would like to get on the list for WRTG 3030 in Summer 2022, please  email program director Christie Toth .

Advising and Mentorship

Lisa Shaw (she/her) is the academic advisor for WRS. She is happy to meet any time with SLCC students considering our major, minor, or certificate. It’s never too early to connect with Lisa. You can sign up for an in-person or Zoom appointment with Lisa. Or email her at [email protected] .

Christie Toth (she/her) is a professor in WRS and the director of Writing Studies Scholars. She co-teaches WRTG 3030 and is part of your network of mentors at the U of U. If you would like to know more about Writing Studies Scholars, you can email Christie at any time.

Additional Scholarships

The Writing Studies Scholars program can help you find and apply for additional scholarships throughout your time at the U of U. That includes applying for competitive scholarships advertised to all students as well as finding emergency funding and other need-based aid available through WRS, the College of Humanities, and across the University. We are committed to ensuring that no one in Writing Studies Scholars experiences delays in their education because of an inability to pay tuition.  

Transportation Subsidy

All U of U students have free access to most UTA services , including park-and-ride options on TRAX. For students who must drive to campus because of work and/or family obligations, Writing Studies Scholars can provide an additional transportation subsidy scholarship equal to the cost of a parking pass for the U of U.

Study Groups

Writing Studies Scholars have the option to participate in an in-person or online study group with other students in the program each semester. These student-led study groups are organized at a time and location or modality that works with group members’ schedules. The groups help you carve out time for coursework, connect with other students, and share resources.

Each semester, study group participants can enroll in one credit of WRTG 4910: Independent Readings for free. You earn that credit if you complete the following requirements:

  • Attend study groups for 3 hours a week for 12 out of 16 weeks, for a total of 36 hours over the course of the semester
  • Meet with program director Christie Toth for a mid-semester check-in
  • Meet with a career coach at the Center for Career and Professional Development , College of Humanities Internship Program or another professional development meeting of your choice
  • Write an end-of-semester reflection

Writing Studies Scholars may participate in the study group for credit for up to four semesters. These credits count toward the WRS major or minor. The free for-credit study group is available for students of any documentation status.

Professional Development

WRS offers a range of paid professional development opportunities exclusively for students in the Writing Studies Scholars program. These opportunities include:

  • Research and editorial positions with department faculty
  • Teaching assistant positions in WRS courses
  • Fellowships to work with student writers elsewhere on campus (for example, the Dream Center)
  • Program development positions in Writing Studies Scholars
  • Scholarships to participate in unpaid internships off-campus

Writing Studies Scholars in these positions sometimes have opportunities to present at academic conferences and/or write for publication with department faculty. You can often receive academic credit as well as financial compensation for participating in these activities.

These professional development opportunities are available to students of any documentation status.

Monthly Events

From August through May, Writing Studies Scholars holds optional monthly events at varying days and times. Some events are face-to-face and some are online. Events in 2021 included:

  • A Welcome Back picnic at Fremont Park
  • A Zoom-based Open Mic night
  • An in-person lunch meet-and-greet
  • A Zoom-based alumni career panel
  • An in-person zine-making workshop

Online Community

Writing Studies Scholars has email listservs for pre-transfer students, transferred students enrolled at the U of U, and program alumni. Pre-transfer and currently enrolled students receive a biweekly newsletter with information about upcoming events, resources, and opportunities.

Pre-transfer, transferred students, and program alumni also have the option of joining the Writing Studies Scholars Slack community. The Slack community is a place to post questions, share resources and opportunities, form study groups, and create channels or direct-message groups for courses and projects.

You can also follow Writing Studies Scholars on Twitter , Instagram , and Facebook .

Alumni Network

Writing Studies Scholars alumni have gone on to law school and graduate study. They work as professional and technical writers, copyeditors, state and federal policymakers, educators and social workers, staff at non-profit organizations, online content developers, and healthcare professionals. Many are eager to help SLCC transfer students to navigate the job market and expand their professional networks.

Joining Writing Studies Scholars means joining a diverse and growing network of writing professionals (and professionals who write) in and beyond the Salt Lake Valley.

Writing Studies Scholars Advisory Board

The Writing Studies Scholars program has an Advisory Board made up of pre-transfer students, students currently enrolled at the U of U, and alumni who guide decision-making about the future of the program. Advisory Board members receive a small honorarium to compensate them for their time. The Advisory Board meets once a semester via Zoom, and meetings are open to anyone in the Writing Studies Scholars community. 

Support for Undocumented Students

The Writing Studies Scholars program has additional resources for students who do not qualify for Federal Financial Aid due to documentation status. For more information, contact Christie Toth .

WRTG 3020 Flyer

Pairing WRS with Other Majors

WRS is designed be a valuable double-major or minor that complements other areas of study and is accessible for transfer students. If you are an SLCC student interested in pairing an WRS major or minor with another discipline, you might benefit from taking both WRTG 3030: Writing across Locations and WRTG 3020: Write4U. WRTG 3020 invites you to investigate ways of writing in your other major. This course fulfills the U of U’s upper-division Communication & Writing (CW) requirement and the Writing in the Disciplines & Professions requirement in the WRS major.

WRTG 3020 is offered at the U of U every fall for recently arrived transfer students. Every summer, we also offer Write4U@SLCC on an SLCC campus for students who are preparing to transfer to the U. This 3-credit U course is free for students of any documentation status.

If you are interested in taking Write4U@SLCC email program director Christie Toth .

Articulation with SLCC’s AS in Writing Studies

You do not need an AS in Writing Studies or English to join Writing Studies Scholars. However, completing the AS in Writing Studies offers many advantages. The AS in Writing Studies allows you to start earning credits toward the WRS major or minor while completing your associates degree.

Students in the AS in Writing Studies have been involved with many writing-related opportunities only available at SLCC, including:

  • Working at the Student Writing and Reading Center
  • Working at the Community Writing Center
  • Working as a writing fellow in the Online Plus program
  • Interning with Writing across the Colleges
  • Creating in the Publication Center
  • Publishing in the FOLIO literary magazine

Writing or editing for the Globe newspaper

WRS students who complete the AS in Writing Studies and take both WRTG 3020 and WRTG 3030 in the summer arrive at the U of U with 1/3 of their major courses or 2/3 of their minor courses already complete.

The following SLCC academic advisors work closely with students in the Department of English, Linguistics, and Writing Studies. You can contact them to learn more about declaring an AS in Writing Studies:

  • Luz Gamarra

Additional Resources

  • Office of Transfer Student Success
  • U of U Transfer Program 
  • Center for Equity and Student Belonging Transfer Program  
  • U of U Dream Center
  • Student Success Coaches  
  • TRiO Student Support Services  

WRS's transfer initiatives are made possible through the generous support of the Garbett Family Foundation, the Sorenson Legacy Foundation, the Dee Family Foundation, the Pilar Pobil Legacy Foundation, Utah Humanities, and many individual donors.

Social Media



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  1. University Writing Center

    Welcome to the University Writing Center! At the University Writing Center, we empower students to express themselves clearly and confidently, transforming ideas into impactful writing across all disciplines. Discover the support you need through one-on-one consultations and resources to elevate your writing at every academic level.

  2. Department of Writing and Rhetoric Studies

    The Writing & Rhetoric in Korea Program is open to majors and minors. ... The Department of Writing and Rhetoric Studies at the University of Utah creates a space for students to gain facility with writing technologies while they learn to understand the implications, promise, power, and responsibility of using such tools. ...

  3. Creative Writing

    The University of Utah Creative Writing Program offers a modular MFA program in poetry, fiction and nonfiction that allows students to take courses in Environmental Humanities, the History of the American West and Book Arts while completing a manuscript in the genre of their choice. ...

  4. Course Information

    In addition to fostering rhetorical awareness and disciplinary writing knowledge, Writing 3020 offers opportunities to connect with peers, faculty, and staff in order to make the most of the academic and professional opportunities available to undergraduates at the University of Utah.

  5. Faculty

    Jacquie Hebert. Classes Taught at Utah Asia Campus. Jacquie Hebert is an assistant professor in the Department of Writing and Rhetoric Studies at the University of Utah Asia Campus. Prior to joining the University of Utah, Jacquie Hebert was a longtime faculty member at Douglas College in New Westminster, Canada, where she taught a wide range ...

  6. Undergraduate Program

    Languages & Communication Bldg 255 S. Central Campus Dr., Rm 3700 Salt Lake City, UT 84112 (801) 581-7090

  7. Writing & Rhetoric Studies

    Writing and Rhetoric Studies is an ideal double major which complements a variety of other majors and can be a valuable addition to any resume. This major allows you the flexibility to "choose your own adventure." Examples of classes include cultural, professional, scientific, digital, and sound rhetorics. ... At the University of Utah, our ...

  8. Writing & Rhetoric Studies Graduate Program

    The University of Utah is a Research1 (R1) institution known for its rigorous and impactful research emphasis. Students admitted to our graduate program enter an exciting environment of intellectual pursuit, where the exchange of ideas is vibrant. ... The former University Writing Program and the current Department of Writing & Rhetoric Studies ...

  9. University Writing Center

    Best of all, the Writing Center is a FREE service to students at the University of Utah. We want to help you develop strategies to make you a better writer and help you to see your potential as an academic author. ... The University Writing Center is located on the 2nd floor of the Marriott Library in room 2701. In-person tutorials will take ...

  10. Undergraduate Services

    Our undergraduate services is open to all students at the University of Utah. We can help you improve any aspect of your writing in any discipline, help develop ideas. Skip to content. Search Site: ... University Writing Center. J.Willard Marriott Library Second Floor, RM 2701 295 S 1500 E Salt Lake City, UT 84112 (801) 587-9122. Stay in Touch ...

  11. Writing and Rhetoric Studies

    Rhetoric is the study of effective speaking and writing: it is the art of argument and persuasion. Through the Writing and Rhetoric Studies program, you will become a strong analytical thinker and proficient writer. Students of this program learn rhetorical analysis and the ways that culture and society shape what we define as "literacy ...

  12. Professional and Technical Writing

    The certificate in Professional and Technical Writing prepares students for thinking about writing as a rhetorical and social act, wherein the message conveyed is not only well crafted, but meets the expectations of the audience in terms of its design and execution. Workplace documents must meet workplace standards, as well as consider target ...

  13. Department of Writing and Rhetoric Studies

    The Writing & Rhetoric in Korea Program is open to majors and minors Spend a semester studying Writing and Rhetoric at the Utah Asia Campus in Incheon, South Korea with us. Scholarships available.

  14. Resources

    J.Willard Marriott Library Second Floor, RM 2701 295 S 1500 E Salt Lake City, UT 84112 (801) 587-9122

  15. English: Creative Writing

    Unleash your imagination with a minor in Creative Writing through the University of Utah. This program will give you the skills you need to take the characters and adventures in your head and turn them into written, communicable stories. The U's Department of English is committed to developing well-rounded writers, with training in literature ...

  16. About Us

    A Department Dedicated to Excellence in Writing and Rhetoric. The Department of Writing & Rhetoric Studies (formerly the University Writing Program) was created in 1984 to ensure that students understand the forms and processes used by successful college-level writers, and that they continue to mature as writers in undergraduate and post-college settings.

  17. Writing Placement

    Welcome to the Department of Writing & Rhetoric Studies! All of the colleges and universities in the state of Utah, including the University of Utah, require students to take writing classes to fulfill their General Education requirements. First-year writing classes at the UofU include WRTG 1010 and courses that fulfill the Lower Division Writing (WR2) requirement: WRTG 2010, ENGL 2010, and ...

  18. How to Apply

    All applications, writing samples, ... UNIVERSITY OF UTAH ADMISSIONS OFFICE 201 S 1460 E RM 250S SALT LAKE CITY UT 84112-9057. Statement of Purpose (see "Instructions for Application Submission" above) Writing Sample Include a writing sample, or, for creative writing applicants, samples.

  19. Writing & Literature Classes

    Continuing Education at the University of Utah is your source for continuing education, technology education, professional development, career and organization training, at the University of Utah and off-campus sites in Salt Lake City and Sandy, Utah. ... - Julie S, Writing Through Grief. Click on the heading Date(s) to display classes ...

  20. Undergraduate Program

    Languages & Communication Bldg 255 S. Central Campus Dr., Rm 3700 Salt Lake City, UT 84112 (801) 581-7090

  21. First-Year Writing Assessment

    First-Year Writing at the University of Utah. As part of statewide general education requirements, all University of Utah students need transcripted credit for two first-year writing courses: WR1 and WR2. We've created a Required Writing Pre-Orientation to make sure all incoming students: Understand the first-year writing requirements at U of U

  22. Harold Blum

    About Me . I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Utah.From 2018 to 20201, I was an NSF postdoc at Stony Brook University and the University of Utah. In 2018, I completed my Ph.D. at the University of Michigan under the supervision of Mircea Mustaţă.. My research is partially supported by NSF grant DMS-2200690.

  23. Academic Advising

    Sr. Academic Advisor. Writing and Rhetoric Studies. 3702 LNCO. (801) 585-3921. [email protected]. majors/minors book an appointment exploring pre-major book appointment. Why study Writing & Rhetoric?

  24. Programs

    Sterling Sill Center 195 South Central Campus Drive Salt Lake City, UT 84112

  25. Meet Our New Department Chair

    Languages & Communication Bldg 255 S. Central Campus Dr., Rm 3700 Salt Lake City, UT 84112 (801) 581-7090

  26. Writing Studies Scholars

    Writing Studies Scholars is a community for SLCC students who major, minor, or pursue a certificate in Writing & Rhetoric Studies (WRS). All Writing Studies Scholars are eligible for the following benefits. $2000 scholarship. Free U of U Course. Advising and Mentorship.