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How to Speak About Your Hobby | Three Sample Speeches

Public speaking about your hobby can be both exhilarating and challenging. Especially when you are wondering what people might think about your hobby. I like to speak in front of a crowd. Public speaking was and still is my most loved hobby. A few years ago sometimes I couldn’t speak about it because of the negative and unmotivating comments I got. But now with practice and a little bit of courage, I know how to speak about my hobby.

So my fellow public speakers, today I thought we should delve into the art of sharing our passion with confidence. We will not only explore the key aspects of speaking about your hobby but also provide three sample speeches to inspire and guide you.

Whether you’re a seasoned speaker or a novice, this blog is tailored to help you master the art of expressing your enthusiasm for your favorite hobby.

How to Craft a Compelling Speech About Your Hobby?

Understanding your audience.

First and foremost before writing your speech, it’s crucial to understand your audience. Focus on questions like are they fellow enthusiasts, beginners, or individuals with no prior knowledge of your hobby? Tailoring your speech to build a connection with your audience ensures that you capture their interest and make your hobby accessible to all. Consider incorporating relatable anecdotes. Try connecting your hobby to broader experiences that your audience can relate to.

Structuring Your Speech

A well-structured speech is key to keeping your audience engaged. Begin with a captivating introduction that sparks curiosity about your hobby. Check my first Toastmaster Icebreaker Speech to see how used the introduction to capture the attention of my audience.

Then progress into the body of your speech, providing insights into why your hobby is meaningful to you and how others can connect with it. Finally, conclude with a memorable ending that leaves a lasting impression. Structuring your speech effectively ensures a seamless flow of information and keeps your audience invested in your narrative.

Sample Speech 1: “The Joy of Gardening”

speech writing my hobby


“Good [ morning/afternoon/evening ], everyone! Today, I’m excited to share with you a passion that has brought immense joy and happiness into my life – gardening. In a world that moves at a hectic pace, my garden has become my sanctuary, a place where I connect with nature and find peace. I invite you to Join me on this journey as I unfold the beauty and fulfilment that gardening can bring to our lives.”

“As I stand here surrounded by our fellow club members, I can’t help but reflect on the therapeutic benefits of gardening. Beyond the physical act of tending to plants, it’s a practice that nurtures patience, teaches resilience, and fosters a deep appreciation for the cycles of growth. Whether you have a big backyard or a few pots on a balcony, gardening is a universal language that anyone can embrace.”

“As we wrap up, I invite each of you to consider bringing a bit of green into your lives. Whether it’s a potted plant on your windowsill or a community garden project, the joy of gardening is accessible to everyone. Thank you for joining me on this journey into the world of blooms and blossoms. Happy gardening!”

Sample Speech 2: “Exploring the World of Photography”

speech writing my hobby

“Greetings, my friends! Today, I’m thrilled to share my love for capturing moments through the lens – the world of photography. In an era of fleeting images, photography allows us to freeze time and capture the beauty of the world around us. Join me as I take you through the art, the passion, and the stories behind the photographs.”

“Photography, for me, is more than just clicking a button; it’s about capturing and saving a valuable piece of someone’s life. We capture emotions that are close to our hearts and immortalize them in memories. In the age of smartphones, we all have the power to be storytellers through our lenses. “

“As we finish our exploration into the world of photography, I encourage each of you to pick up a camera, whether it’s your smartphone or a professional DSLR, and start capturing the beauty that surrounds you. Remember, every photograph tells a story – what will yours be?

But before that let me take a selfie with all of you to capture and save this moment forever.

Thank you for joining me on this visual adventure.”

Sample Speech 3: “The Art of Culinary Delights”

speech writing my hobby

“Hello, food enthusiasts! You all eat food, right? I love apples. (Take out an apple from your pocket and eat it.) Of course, we can eat this apple raw, but we also can make hundreds of recipes from this apple. How awesome is that?

So today, I’m delighted to take you into the enticing world of culinary delights. Cooking, for me, is not just a daily chore; it’s a creative expression, a journey of flavors that fascinate the senses. Join me as we explore the art, passion, and joy of cooking.”

“In a world that celebrates diverse cuisines and culinary experiences, cooking becomes a gateway to cultural exploration and personal satisfaction. From the sizzle of spices in a pan to the delicate balance of flavours on a plate, each dish tells a unique story. You do not need to be a seasoned chef in the kitchen to enjoy cooking, There’s magic in the alchemy of cooking that anyone can enjoy.”

“As we wrap up our culinary journey, I encourage you to embrace the joy of cooking in your kitchens. Experiment with flavors, share meals with loved ones and savor the delicious moments that life has to offer.

Thank you for joining me on this culinary adventure – may your kitchens always be filled with laughter and delectable aromas and also apples.”

Final Thoughts

Today I shared you with some helpful tips on how to speak about your hobby in public. By understanding your audience, structuring your speech effectively, and using relatable anecdotes, you can craft a compelling speech that will engage your listeners and leave a lasting impression.

The sample speeches I provided are just a starting point; feel free to personalize them to reflect your unique experiences and perspectives. Engage your audience with relatable anecdotes, connect your hobby to broader themes, and conclude with a memorable message that inspires action.

So, grab your pen, paper, and passion, and embark on a journey of sharing your hobby with the world. Write your speech and speak about your hoppy confidently. You might be surprised at the connections you make, the knowledge you impart, and the joy you spread along the way.

Check out these 10 Icebreaker Speech Topics to find more inspiration.

Mr Greg's English Cloud

10 Paragraphs: My Hobby

Exploring and expressing our hobbies is a wonderful way to delve into our passions, interests, and creative pursuits. Writing a paragraph about your hobby allows you to share your enthusiasm and provide insights into the activities that bring you joy and fulfillment. Whether it’s painting, playing a musical instrument, gardening, or any other pursuit that captivates your interest, this guide will provide you with essential tips on how to write a paragraph that effectively captures the essence of your hobby. 

Table of Contents

Tips On Writing A Paragraph On My Hobby

Introduce your hobby: Begin your paragraph by introducing your hobby and providing a brief description of what it entails. Explain the nature of your hobby, whether it’s a creative pursuit, a physical activity, or an intellectual interest. Give readers a clear understanding of what your hobby involves.

Share your personal connection: Express why your hobby is meaningful to you on a personal level. Discuss how your hobby brings you joy, relaxation, or a sense of accomplishment. Share any personal anecdotes or experiences that highlight the impact your hobby has had on your life.

Describe your experiences and skills: Dive into the experiences you have had while pursuing your hobby. Talk about any significant milestones, achievements, or challenges you have faced. If you have developed specific skills or techniques through your hobby, mention them and explain how they have contributed to your growth and enjoyment.

Discuss the benefits: Elaborate on the benefits you derive from your hobby. It could be enhancing your creativity, improving your focus and concentration, relieving stress, or fostering personal growth. Explain how engaging in your hobby positively impacts your well-being and adds value to your life.

Conclude with future aspirations: Conclude your paragraph by discussing your future aspirations related to your hobby. Share any goals or ambitions you have, such as improving your skills, participating in competitions or exhibitions, or exploring new aspects within your hobby. This shows your dedication and enthusiasm for further growth and development.

Paragraph 1

My hobby is painting, a creative pursuit that allows me to express my emotions and unleash my imagination on the canvas. Every stroke of the brush brings me joy and a sense of liberation. Whether it’s capturing the vibrant colors of nature or creating abstract compositions that evoke different moods, painting has become a way for me to connect with my inner self and communicate my unique perspective with the world.

Paragraph 2

Gardening is my passion and my favorite hobby. The act of nurturing plants, watching them grow and bloom, brings me immense satisfaction. I find solace in tending to my garden, surrounded by the beauty of nature. From planting seeds to maintaining the delicate balance of sunlight and water, gardening has taught me patience, perseverance, and a deep appreciation for the wonders of the natural world.

Paragraph 3

Playing the guitar is my hobby, and it has become an integral part of my life. The melodic tunes that emanate from the strings resonate with my soul. Through hours of practice and dedication, I have honed my skills, allowing me to express my emotions and tell stories through music. The guitar has become my companion, providing solace during challenging times and bringing moments of joy and inspiration.

Paragraph 4

My hobby is photography, and it has opened my eyes to the beauty that surrounds us every day. With a camera in hand, I capture fleeting moments, freezing them in time. From landscapes to portraits, photography allows me to explore different perspectives and share my unique vision with others. Through this art form, I have learned to appreciate the small details and the hidden beauty in the world around me.

Paragraph 5

Writing is my passion and my chosen hobby. It is through words that I find my voice and express my thoughts, emotions, and ideas. Whether it’s crafting fictional narratives or penning personal reflections, writing allows me to create worlds, evoke emotions, and connect with readers on a profound level. It is a creative outlet that brings me fulfillment and a sense of purpose.

Paragraph 6

Cooking is my hobby, and the kitchen is my haven. Through the alchemy of ingredients, I create delicious flavors and culinary delights. Cooking allows me to experiment, innovate, and infuse my dishes with my own personal touch. The joy of preparing a meal and sharing it with loved ones brings me immense satisfaction and nourishes not only their bodies but also their souls.

Paragraph 7

My hobby is hiking, and it allows me to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life and connect with nature. The trails leading to breathtaking vistas and serene landscapes rejuvenate my spirit. Hiking challenges me physically and mentally, pushing me beyond my comfort zone and reminding me of the beauty and resilience of the natural world. Each step I take on the trail is a step closer to self-discovery and a deeper connection with the earth.

Paragraph 8

Sculpting is my chosen hobby, and it is an art form that allows me to mold and shape raw materials into meaningful creations. With my hands, I bring life to formless clay, carving intricate details and capturing the essence of my imagination. The tactile experience of sculpting, combined with the satisfaction of witnessing a sculpture take shape, fills me with a profound sense of accomplishment and artistic fulfillment.

Paragraph 9

My hobby is yoga, a practice that nourishes both my body and mind. Through the union of breath, movement, and mindfulness, I find inner peace and balance. Yoga allows me to cultivate strength, flexibility, and self-awareness. Each session on the mat is an opportunity for self-reflection, personal growth, and a deeper connection with my inner self.

Paragraph 10

My hobby is reading, and it is a gateway to different worlds and perspectives. Through books, I embark on journeys of knowledge, imagination, and empathy. Whether it’s exploring fictional realms or delving into non-fiction subjects, reading broadens my horizons, stimulates my intellect, and ignites my imagination. The words on the pages transport me to new realms, leaving an indelible mark on my soul.

About Mr. Greg

Mr. Greg is an English teacher from Edinburgh, Scotland, currently based in Hong Kong. He has over 5 years teaching experience and recently completed his PGCE at the University of Essex Online. In 2013, he graduated from Edinburgh Napier University with a BEng(Hons) in Computing, with a focus on social media.

Mr. Greg’s English Cloud was created in 2020 during the pandemic, aiming to provide students and parents with resources to help facilitate their learning at home.

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speech writing my hobby

Essay on My Hobby for Students and Children

500+ words essay on my hobby.

Hobbies play a very important role in our lives. They occupy our minds when we are free and also make us happy. Hobbies are our escape from the real world that makes us forget our worries. Moreover, they make our lives interesting and enjoyable. If we look at it, all our hobbies are very useful for us. They teach us a lot of things about different stuff. They also help in expanding our knowledge.

Benefits of Having a Hobby

In today’s fast and competitive world, we often get time for ourselves. Over time, our schedule gets very dull and monotonous. That is why we need to indulge in something in between to keep our minds fresh and active. What’s better than a hobby for this? One of the main benefits of having a hobby is that it is a major stress-buster. You actually enjoy doing it and it satisfies your soul.

Essay on My Hobby

In other words, without a hobby, your life becomes an unhealthy cycle lacking any excitement or spark. Hobbies offer you a great opportunity to take a break and forget the worries of your life. They allow you to explore yourself and realize your potential in different areas.

Moreover, hobbies can also be a source of extra income. For instance, if you like painting, you can actually sell your art to make some extra money. Likewise, if you have a knack for dancing, you may teach dance classes to people on your holidays. This way your hobby a benefit you both spiritually and financially as well.

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My Favourite Hobby

If I were to pick one favourite hobby of mine out of the many I have, I will definitely pick gardening. I developed a taste for dancing when I was very young. The way my feet moved to the rhythm of the music convinced my parents that I was a born dancer. Dancing is very uplifting as well as economical.

I have always had a love for music and dance. However, I never realized the utter joy they bring to humans. Dancing gives us a lot of exercises. It teaches us to move our body rhythmically and feel the beat of every song. This kind of physical exercise is extremely delightful and enjoyable.

Moreover, dance also taught me how to stay strong and push my limits. I have had many injuries while dancing, too many bruises and cuts but that didn’t stop me from pursuing it further. In fact, it pushes me to do my best and realize my potential more than ever.

I have enrolled in dancing classes because I wish to make my hobby my career. I feel we all should do things which we enjoy doing. Everyone is running after money and in this race, they give up their likings and preferences. I have learned from this race and decided to not take part in it. I wish to take the road less traveled by and take on challenges most people don’t dare to.

In short, my hobby of dancing makes me feel alive and well. It is the only thing I look forward the most to. Thus, I hope to achieve my dream of being a professional dancer and making way for people who wish to make careers out of their hobbies.

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  • My Favourite Hobby Essay in English for Students & Children


Give Wings to your Creative Side with Hobbies

Hobbies play a very crucial role in everyone's life. Whenever we are free, it is good to follow our hobbies. It makes us occupied, and we do not feel idle. Every person finds their happiness and enjoys doing some kind of activity in their leisure time, these activities are known as hobbies. 

My Special Hobby 

My favourite hobby is watching TV. Whenever I have free time, I love watching Television. It never obstructs my studies. Hobbies help us to expand our knowledge, and it teaches us several things. First, I like to finish all my school homework and then start watching TV. This lightens my mood and sparks up the excitement inside me, as it increases my curiosity about the world. Watching different useful stuff on TV enhances my knowledge horizons and gives me lots of joy. 

Benefit of My Hobby

It is a good habit because watching TV escorts a lot of knowledge in various fields. There are several channels on TV, which represent worldwide affairs. I watch the news and I like channels, such as animal planet, discovery channel or another informative channel. These channels increase my curiosity and encourage me to learn about different aspects of life.

I interestingly watch a cartoon network that provides me with creative and new ideas to make cartoons and arts. Some of my favourite comics are Mr Bean, Tom and Jerry, Scooby-Doo and many more. Many art-themed cartoons, like The Pink Panther and SpongeBob, inspire me to draw them. Primarily, the artworks of comics attract me and inspire me to decorate my scrapbooks with their figures. 

Parents Find Hobbies Useful

My parents praise my hobby, and they are also happy when they see me watching national and international news and several events on the TV. Moreover, they feel proud when they listen to the news update from me. 

Now, I study in class with two and eight years old girls. Creating jokes, sitting idle and spending time roaming around is unproductive, according to my parents. My parents made sure that I developed my hobbies from childhood. Therefore, they encouraged me to create some good habits. 

Watching TV in a proper way gives you so many important roles. It helps us to make something creative. It provides us with knowledge about different places, their cultures, climatic conditions and especially their history. Furthermore, it widens our imagination by showing imaginary characters from the marvellous Disney World and Jungle Book. 

Importance of Hobby

Getting the latest updates and gaining knowledge about today’s incident is so important. It provides us with a lot of benefits, which help us in developing our knowledge and thoughts. It also enhances our minds of thoughts, ideas, and experiences. Hobbies are all about interest and can only be done in our leisure time. These activities help us in keeping our mind and body in a relaxed and refreshed state.  

Moreover, hobbies also increase our productivity and improve our overall health. It protects us from the risk of dementia and also protects us from sadness in our life. It also helps in our overall development and ignites our hidden talents and passions. So it is essential to have hobbies in our lives.

Several Aspects of Watching TV as an Hobby

Watching TV is not only about fun and joy; it also introduces us to new characters and stories to analyse. Every show comes with a new set of characters and stories that tickles our brains. As a hobby, you can compare these different storylines and their characters with one another. 

There are different types of programs on TV that are so crucial to enhancing our awareness about worldwide matters. TV channels also telecast different types of educational programs to improve our knowledge of history, science, economics, math, culture, and geography etc. In such programs, you get to analyse the different acting styles, writing and overall good and bad behaviours of various communities, their thoughts and cultures. 

Different Genres on TV  

Each TV show has different types of content or genres. These TV genres are sci-fi, dramas, adventurous shows, action, animations and reality shows. While Watching TV, it is not necessary to stick to any one genre and thus, you get to explore various other genres. 

And this is the most valuable part of my hobby. Television brings together numerous elements of imagination and ideas from different genres and allows me to explore them. 

Some Other Hobbies

You can have more than one hobby, as they are not restricted to any particular limit. All the things that you have an interest in can be regarded as a hobby. A person can have multiple areas of interest and have more than one activity as a hobby. 

I, too, have more than one hobby. Other than watching TV, I like to listen to music. This helps me keep myself calm after doing lots of work and gives my ears and heart a soothing effect. 

Besides these, I also have hobbies, such as reading comic books, painting, writing narrative stories, and maintaining a scrapbook. These activities make me happy and enhance my hidden qualities. Writing and reading boost my imagination. Along with these activities, I participate in gardening in my leisure time because I love to plant new and colourful flowers. 

Moreover, I like dancing and singing. These are the activities I often do whenever I find time after completing my studies and homework. I do participate in singing and dancing competitions as well because I like to sing and dance. My teachers and parents always appreciate and encourage me to pursue my hobbies. 


Every human being on this Earth is unique. Not only in terms of appearance but also for inherent characteristics. All the people work, think, talk, interpret, act, etc. , in countless ways. These are all the things which express me. One needs to have a good command of themselves before going to write something about their life. Life is meant to be lived avidly and with a proper visualization to do good for your fellow beings. Keeping this in mind, I have always desired to serve my people in whatever capacity I can.


FAQs on My Favourite Hobby Essay in English for Students & Children

1. Why are hobbies important for students?

2. What are the best hobbies to make students more creative?

speech writing my hobby

My Hobby Essay

By Emma bunton

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My Hobby Essay –

Do you look for my hobby essay ? If so, you’ve landed in the right position. Let’s dive into the content.

My hobby is the most common topic in school. Sometimes, students go for writing competition with this kind of essay. Today, we’ve brought a plenty of my hobby essay example with different words limits. You can choose any essays according to your needs.

How to write my hobby essay

This is our example of writing my hobby essay. You can get ideas from our essay example. Just follow our example and give your own ideas.

1. My Hobby Essay  (100 WORDS)

I have a lot of hobbies but the favorite one that I like most is playing football. When I have free time, I love to play football. I’m a big fan of football since my childhood. I have been very well in this soccer game.  When I just entered in my school, my parents told the principal about my hobby. The principal replied that there is an opportunity to take part in sports even from class 1. So, they became so happy and admitted to me this school. So, I really enjoy the football game and take part in my school competition.

2. My Hobby Essay (150 WORDS)

The hobby I like most is reading and it might be a storybook, newspaper, news or magazine etc. I feel very interesting reading when I have free time.

At the first time, my father noticed my reading book and he encouraged me a lot saying that it’s a very good habit, my son. He also advised me not to give up the habit. I was just a small kid and I was very much interested in reading fairy tales and other stories that were given by my dad.

Now, I’m at the age of 10 years and read in class 5. At present, as a mature person, I understand the benefits of reading. Actually, reading a book helps me to achieve all kinds of general knowledge. This kind of habit really helps me to know the unknown, to see the unseen, to discover the undiscovered. I can even know the history, culture, animals, space, human achievements, and other fascinating things about the world.

3. My Hobby Essay (200 WORDS)

In my free time, I love to read interesting and knowledgeable books. Coming from school, I love to read this kind of book while finishing my homework. I’m 11 years old and study in class 7th standard.

Now, I understand that reading is a good habit that will make me a complete boy. Any of us can develop this hobby. In fact, I achieved this naturally. Reading will always keep us busy and happy. It’s a better source of knowledge, inspiration, enjoyment, and instruction.

Besides, this makes us a loyal, punctual, disciplined and successful person in our life. Books are my best friend and I don’t feel alone. This habit is more special than gold or other stones in the world.

However, it gives us a high level of thoughts, experiences, ideas, and knowledge in different fields. I swear if you get interesting and good books, you would take that as your best friend.

The people who don’t have any habit of reading books, they would always be poor due to the lack of rich knowledge. This habit could be achieved by young people.  The habit of reading books can be acquired at a young age by anyone.

4. My Hobby Essay (250 WORDS)

The hobby I like most is watching TV. When I have free time, I love to watch Television. It never interferes with my study. First of all, I like to finish my school home task and then start watching TV.

I think it’s a good habit because watching TV brings a lot of knowledge in any field. Generally, I watch the news and other channels such as discovery channel, animal planet or another informative channel. Sometimes, I watch very good cartoons that provide me creative and new ideas to make cartoons and arts.

My parents admire my hobby and also they are so happy when they just listen to the whole update news through my voice. Now, I study in class three and eight years old boy. I develop my hobby since my childhood.

Watching television in a proper way gives so important roles in one’s life. It helps us to make something creative. It always keeps us an update about all kinds of news and views. It informs us what’s happening across the world.

Getting knowledge about today’s incident is so important for modern society due to a great level of competition. It gives a lot of benefits as it develops our knowledge and thoughts. It enriches our mind of thoughts, ideas, and experiences.

There are different types of programs on TV that are so crucial to enhance our awareness about worldwide matters. TV channels also hold different types of educative programs such as history, economics, science, math, culture, and geography etc. to develop our knowledge.

5. My Hobby Essay – Playing Guitar (300 words)

Whenever people ask me regarding my hobby, I always pause and think for a moment. Even though I like playing all the instruments, my hobby is playing guitar.

When I was 6 years old I suddenly developed a liking for music. I started creating tunes and melodies by beating my desks which sounded like I was playing bongos. I was pretty good at it too. Whenever guests used to come at our place they would request me to play some melody on my dining table as they thought I was very good at it. Of course, in childhood I would get annoyed because playing music was something I wanted to keep to myself.

As I grew up, my hobby developed into playing guitars after my aunt came from Florida and got me a guitar. Now all my time was devoted to learning guitar strings and playing screeching music that would make your ears bleed. But soon, after a lot of practice and perseverance I was able to get hands on learning of guitar strings.   Playing guitar has taught me many things, but the most important thing it has taught me is that the more you play it, the better you become at it. I have hurt my finger with guitar chords many times. Practicing made me learn different notes and now I can play chords such as AM, C, D, G, AM7, CMAJ7 and many more.

Playing guitar gives me the refuge from thinking too much about outside world. It helps me stay calm in the world of chaos. The best thing about it is that I can recreate any tune I want to, which makes me feel very creative and happy that my hobby has developed into a worthwhile talent. i hope that soon I am able to learn other musical instruments as well.

6. My Hobby Essay – Cooking (300 words)

My hobbies have always changed over the time. At one point in my life, I used to paint in my free time. As I grew up, I started cooking as a hobby. I still remember the recipes that I used to download from the internet and work on them with patience. However, I always ended up with burnt pies or undercooked pizza doughs. It was hilarious for my family to see me trying and failing miserably. However, one day I decided to follow my mother’s cooking recipe. I was able to create the dish perfectly then. The happiness I got was priceless so I decided that from that day onwards, I will cook whenever I have free time in my schedule.

From there on, I cook different recipes every day. From lasagna to baked broccoli— I have successfully tried all the recipes. I have realized over the time that cooking is a stress buster and an energy booster. It feels so good after a long hard day at kitchen to finally serve food to your family or guests. Of course, I don’t do it professionally, it is merely a hobby for me. But the joy I receive when I create food from new recipes or invent my own kind of cuisine by mixing up 2 or 3 recipes is beyond price.

One of the best things I like about cooking is that I can experiment on food. I don’t enjoy cooking as a daily chore, but it’s something that I do as a hobby. I love the sound of patties in hot oil, sizzling as they are being fried. I enjoy cutting the colorfully exotic vegetables. The smell of spices and different flavor oozing from my kitchen excite me and make me feel like I am doing something worthwhile. I love cooking as a hobby and it makes me happy that I have learnt it so early in my age.

7. My Hobby Essay – Writing (300 words)

People think a hobby is something you do that you are really good at, but for me it’s different. My hobby is writing and I have been doing it since the age of 5. After coming home from school I would sit at some corner of the house and write about my day. Of course, I did not realize it at that time that I love and enjoy writing. I merely thought that I was penning down my thoughts.

Now just to be clear, I was not good at it. I couldn’t find the words to explain my day. There were a lot of spelling and grammar mistakes and the list goes on. However since I enjoyed doing it in my free time, I kept writing a diary till the age of 12. On my 13 th birthday, I decided to create a blog for my writing musings. I quickly gained a lot of audience as even though I didn’t write well, I included funny tidbits of my daily life in my blogs.

I never earned from my blogs, but I used to take out 30 minutes out of my busy school schedule to make sure that I write and post the blog. Soon I realized that there are some things that you cannot post online, so I diverted back to writing a diary every day. However, after doing this as a hobby for a very long time I have now become a very good writer. I can create my own poems and literature pieces. Moreover I can now write long opinionated articles very well. In my English class, after reading one of my essays my teacher asked me how did I learn to write so well? I smiled and told her ‘Maybe having hobbies actually help us improve our skills after all’

8. My Hobby Essay (300 WORDS)

When it comes to the hobby, it’s a very interesting and good habit for every person. A hobby should have everyone else. Hobby makes everyone busy in free time.

It gets rid of loneliness and prevents from psychological problems. I just remember that when I was three years old kid I used to like spending my free time in the garden. I like so much to be in my green garden with my father every morning.

When I was so small, my parents often laughed at me when I used to pour water on the plants. But now they are so happy and proud to see me in the same garden. I do now everything so perfectly and understand the value of saving plants life. I also understand the importance of trees how they save our lives.

Everyone should have hobbies for every day’s life. Gardening helps us to get a close connection with nature. Hobby increases the pleasure of our mind, soul, and body. It increases our creativity and develops our mind.

My favorite hobby is gardening and I love planting and pouring water every morning. I enjoy the flowers’ blooming and plants growing. Trees grow as like as us. In my garden, I have different types of trees in such as flower trees, mango trees, and some vegetables trees etc. I watch them as my best friend and every day I take care of them. It grows very well.

I realize the great achievement and fact of life. It helps me to be healthy, fit and strong. It always refreshes my mind and gives me a good mood. This types of extra-curricular activities always helps us to develop our motor skills. Finally, everyone should have a good hobby like gardening. Through the hobby, anyone can get a great help for the long run.

9. My Hobby Essay— Reading Books (500 words)

A hobby is something that keeps the passion alive inside you. It can be anything from singing, dancing to reading. My hobby is reading books.

Since childhood, I have always been the kind of kid who was engrossed in reading novels twice the size of my face. In class, at home or even when I would go to visit my relatives, I would always have a novel with me. Reading novels and stories is my hobby. I love that people think I am a nerd for reading books all the time but in reality, reading soothes me. When I come home from a long day at school, I want to come home and read books to divert my mind off the anxiety of school work. It helps me relax and feel better

I have always had this weird feeling that books talk to me and inspire me to become a better person. I take inspiration to be a brand new person everyday whenever I read a book. When I was reading the Pride and Prejudice, I became strong and fierce like Jane. I started having a lot of opinions, and I could feel my personality developing like Jane. However, when I was reading Harry Potter, I could almost swear that I am Harry Potter. In weirdly strange ways I start developing the habits from my favorite characters in the books and start acting that way.

Over my lifetime, I have read over 2000 books. I don’t focus on a particular genre; I just care about the words written inside that book. One of the best things about reading as a hobby is the smell of new books. I feel like I am addicted to the smell of pages and the sound of a crisp page turning as I get access to the new chapter of the book.

There are many reasons why I enjoy reading books so much. One of the top reasons is that I love travelling, and since I don’t afford travelling so often, I can travel from the Mediterranean islands to the beaches of Florida, from the 16 th Century to the 18 th Century, all through my books. I can live the lives of lords and ladies, and even see the world through the eyes of prince and princesses. A book seems like the most private thing and I feel like a whole new being after reading a book.

Another reason why I love reading so much is that my mind feels fresh after I read the books. I get a lot of information that others are unaware of, which makes me ready to face any challenges of life.

My father realized my passion in an early age and got me a membership to my city’s library. I now visit the library every week, sometimes even twice a week to borrow my favorite books and read, read and read! I know that hobbies are only considered a way of passing time, but I can safely say that my hobby has actually become my passion.

10. My Hobby Essay – Painting and Drawing (500 words)

There comes a time in everybody’s life when they are feeling at a loss for words. There are moments when people want to communicate their feelings but can’t find the words to explain those feelings. At those times, painting or drawing is the perfect way to communicate your feelings to the world. My hobby is drawing and painting. There is nothing more in the world that I enjoy more than drawing, painting and filling colors in the sky that I drew up myself.

I developed this hobby a few years ago after we were assigned to paint a picture book for our summer vacation holidays. Naturally, I thought I am not good at painting but as the days passed I practiced and became better at it. Colors, lines and the strokes of paint brushes made me feel like I am doing something great. I started exploring painting and drawing more and creating paintings on different things such as cards, mugs, and even my keychains. It makes me feel relaxed and anxiety-free.

Soon, I started enjoying painting so much that I bought oil paints and started painting cartoon characters on the wall of our backyard.

When my father found out, he acted like he is very furious about it. But later in the day he went out and brought more colors and canvases for me so I can create better paintings and polish this hobby as much as I want to. Then I used to draw on canvases and paint them and hang them around in our house. All the guests used to praise my art and drawings a lot and this gave me a confidence boost to know that I am good at something.

I don’t call myself artist, as painting and drawing don’t come naturally to me. It is rather something that I have perfected over the years as I liked doing it. If I have to study painting and drawing I would have never enjoyed it as I don’t like to put boundaries on my art. I like the fact that I am not doing this for a living and that I am not studying it in college. This means that I don’t have to be perfect at it, but enjoy it as I create paintings that are messy and creative. I believe hobbies should never be tied into a profession or education, but they are something that a person should keep for their own happiness.

I have painted over 100 portraits till now. Painting and drawing is something that makes me feel calm and creative. Now that I have developed this talent of writing, I like painting for myself so it makes me happy. Painting and Drawing are a hobby that have become inseparable from me now. It has become not only my favorite pastime but also one of widely appreciated talents.

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Essay on My Hobby

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  • Updated on  
  • Mar 16, 2023

How to Write a Winning Essay on My Hobby

Having a meaningful hobby is an integral part of human life. Taking out a few moments in your busy life to pursue your hobby which genuinely satisfies you will make your life more stress-free. There might be many instances in life where people would like to know more about your hobby. You can refer to this blog on such occasions where you need to explain your hobby in detail in the form of essays. Essay writing is an integral part of the English subject. Mastering the skill of essay writing is not easy but can be perfected over time through practice. This blog explores what an essay on my hobby is, how to write it, valuable tips and sample essays on my hobby!

This Blog Includes:

What is an essay on my hobby, how to write an essay on my hobby, sample essay in 100 words, sample essay in 200 words, sample essay in 500 words, tips for writing an essay on my hobby .

An essay on ‘my hobby’ gives the admission committee insight into your life and you as a person. It shows them how your interests and hobbies have a role in your life and how much of a creative and intellectual person you are, apart from your academic excellence. It also gives a clear view of your skills and values. So it is important that you curate an essay that helps to sway the admission committee in your favour and make you stand out from the rest of the candidates. 

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Start by choosing which hobbies you are going to talk about in the essay. You can choose to list several different hobbies and you can only focus on one. The key is to be true and not make up your hobbies. Your hobbies are a description of your personality. In your essay, you can start by stating what your hobby is followed by how your love for that hobby originated, what inspired you to take up that hobby and how it helps you emotionally. Describe how it helped you develop new skills or helped in certain life situations and helped you become a better person. You can also describe the impact it had on somebody else, like suppose you love nature, so you planted trees which in turn helped the environment or how you like to do social work and helped a homeless shelter. This way, through the essay, a person can understand your values, your vision and your character. 

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A hobby is an activity that one loves to do in free time with passion and dedication. A hobby is a recreation that brings about personal pleasure and amusement. It is an interesting pursuit which we adopt as an occupation for our free time. It enables a  person to find some soothing work that can relax the mind and soul. I have a variety of different hobbies. As an active sociable individual, I enjoy staying fit and going to the gym. I also like to keep my commercial awareness up to date and enjoy reading the Financial Times. I enjoy meeting new people, and I am also part of a fundraising committee for a charity called the St Matthew’s Children.

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Check out this 200-word sample essay on my hobby.

A hobby is work which a person does with much satisfaction and amusement. It is a kind of recreation, a shadow from the scorching beam of the sun and also getting fruit from it. I have been interested in gardening since my childhood. I like to see the green velvety grass, different colours of flowers and beautiful plants. So, I have selected a piece of land in my house and planted different kinds of flowers. I have planted a red rose, yellow and black rose plants and have arranged them one after another. The flowers of -Night Queen”, “Jasmine” and “King of the day” have filled the atmosphere with attractive fragrance. In the evening my family spend their time in the garden. I have also planted Guava and Neem trees, which give shade from the scorching beam and also get fruit from it. I have also reserved a piece of land for growing vegetables and getting different seasonal vegetables. Though gardening is hard work and expensive, the hard labour makes my health sound and we get fresh vegetables and beautiful flowers.

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Here is a sample essay on my hobby that students can refer to.

Routine work makes us monotonous. To break it we often look for interesting and exciting things to do. Hobbies are the best way to divert attention side by side with work. We need entertainment from time to time. At such times a good hobby is very useful. Hobbies provide recreation. They entertain us and at the same time are valuable in the sense that they develop a personality.

My hobby is singing. People often resort to gardening, reading, stamp collecting, bird watching, etc. However, I love to listen to music and also to sing. I have a large collection of tapes and I listen to all kinds of music. My collection ranges from classical music to Rock and from Indian music to the Western one. My hobby is to listen to these songs carefully and then to learn them. I sit with a paper and a pen and write down the lyrics of the songs that I hear. Then I hum along and soon I know the tunes too.

I switch the tape recorder off and then I pretend to be the singer myself. I sing the song exactly the way it was sung by the playback singer. I succeed at times and sometimes fail. Once I feel that I have begun to sing perfectly I tape my own voice. When I listen to the recording I listen objectively and try to locate my faults in singing. This helps me to improve on my singing and I find that also helps me to use my talent to my advantage.

Whenever I go to a party, my friends persuade me to sing. Once I begin, the party livens up, people join in and the place is filled with the sound of music. I feel proud of myself and my friends also praise me because they feel that I become the life of the party. I play the guitar and sing when we go on a picnic or when I have a free period in school.

My hobby makes me happy and also brings joy to all my relatives and friends. It is necessary that everybody must have some hobby. It educates man, gives him pleasure, and helps him to utilize his free time fruitfully. If a person has no hobby, his spare time will turn him into a useless, irritated and restless person. “An idle mind is a devil’s workshop”. It is, therefore, essential to remain busy even during leisure hours. Hobbies always come to one’s help.

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Here are some tips you should keep in mind while writing an essay on my hobby:

Essay on My Hobby

Lastly, we hope this blog has helped you in structuring a terrific essay on your hobby. In case you have other queries regarding study abroad options and college applications, our experts at Leverage Edu are here to help you through the entire process.

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Sonal is a creative, enthusiastic writer and editor who has worked extensively for the Study Abroad domain. She splits her time between shooting fun insta reels and learning new tools for content marketing. If she is missing from her desk, you can find her with a group of people cracking silly jokes or petting neighbourhood dogs.

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My Favourite Hobby Essay - 100, 200, 500 Words

A hobby is an activity that is undertaken for enjoyment, typically during one's leisure time and is typically not undertaken as a primary source of income. Hobbies can range from creative pursuits such as art or writing to even physical activities such as sports or dancing. It can include intellectual pursuits such as reading or learning a new skill. Here are some sample essays on my favourite hobby.

My Favourite Hobby Essay - 100, 200, 500 Words

100 Words on My Favourite Hobby Essay

My favourite hobby is reading. I love getting lost in a good book and escaping into different worlds and characters. Reading helps me to relax and unwind after a long day, and it also helps me to learn about new things and expand the horizon of my knowledge. I also enjoy writing, and I often find myself jotting down ideas for stories or poems in my spare time. Writing allows me to express my creativity and explore different ideas and perspectives.

Overall, my favourite hobby is one that allows me to engage my mind and explore my interests and passions. Whether it's reading, or writing, I always feel fulfilled and rejuvenated after indulging in my favourite hobbies.

200 Words on My Favourite Hobby Essay

My favourite hobby is reading. There is no other work that brings me more joy and relaxation than curling up with a good book and getting lost in its pages.

How Reading Helps Me

One of the things I love most about reading is the sense of escapism it provides. When I'm immersed in a book, the real world fades away, and I am transported to new and exciting places and experiences. Whether it's a thrilling adventure story set in a far-off land, a heart-wrenching romance set in a small town, or a thought-provoking work of nonfiction, reading allows me to escape my everyday life and explore new worlds and perspectives.

But reading is not just an escape for me; it is also a way to learn and grow. Whether it's fiction or nonfiction, every book I read exposes me to new ideas and ways of thinking. Reading challenges me to think critically and to consider different viewpoints and perspectives. It also helps me to expand my vocabulary and improve my writing skills.

In conclusion, reading is my favourite hobby because it provides a sense of escape, helps me to learn and grow, and allows me to connect with others. It is a hobby that brings me joy and relaxation and one that I will always treasure.

500 Words on My Favourite Hobby Essay

My favourite hobby is running which is a popular and enjoyable activity that provides a wide range of physical, mental, and emotional benefits.

Benefits Of Running

Running provides an excellent means of staying active and healthy as well as a means of relieving stress. Whether you choose to run on a treadmill at the gym or enjoy the freedom and beauty of running outdoors, there are endless places to go for a good run.

There are also many mental and emotional benefits. Running can provide a sense of accomplishment and personal growth, as well as an opportunity for self-reflection and stress relief. These mental and emotional benefits can contribute to a sense of overall well-being and increased energy levels.

Running as a hobby brings a sense of community and camaraderie. Many runners enjoy joining local running clubs or participating in group runs, which can be a great way to form new bonds with people who share a common interest.

Running events and races can also be a great way to connect with others and to be part of a larger community of like-minded individuals.

Many people enjoy the opportunity to push themselves and set and achieve new goals. Whether it's training for a marathon, working to improve your personal best time, or simply trying to run a little further or a little faster each week, there are endless opportunities to challenge yourself and see progress and improvement over time.

Environmental Benefits Of Running

By choosing to run as a form of transportation or exercise, you can reduce your overall carbon footprint and play your part in helping protect the planet. Whether you're running to work, running errands, or simply running for fun, you can make a positive impact on the environment while enjoying the many benefits of this enjoyable and rewarding hobby.

My Morning Run

I woke up early on a bright sunny morning, eager to start my day with a run. I quickly changed into my workout clothes and laced up my running shoes, ready to hit the road. As I stepped outside, I was greeted by the cool air. The neighbourhood was quiet, with only the occasional car or dog barking in the distance. I set off at a steady pace, feeling the rush of endorphins as I picked up speed. I felt alive, energised, and free.

As I ran, I took in my surroundings, soaking in the beauty of the morning. The sun was just starting to rise, casting a golden glow over the trees and houses. The birds were singing, and the grass was still dewy. I pushed myself harder, determined to reach my fitness goals.

After what felt like an eternity, I finally reached the end of my route. Panting and exhausted, I collapsed onto the grass, feeling the cool blades tickling my skin. I lay there for a moment, savouring the feeling of accomplishment and happiness. My morning run gave me a chance to clear my mind, strengthen my body, and connect with nature. It was the perfect way to start my day, and I knew that I would do it all again the next morning.

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Talking About Your Hobbies In English

When you want to get to know someone, ask about their hobbies and interests. Talking about hobbies means you can share details about yourself – and discover shared interests and free-time activities.

Here are some phrases you can use.

Questions you can ask

What do you like doing? What sort of hobbies do you have? What do you get up to in your free time?

How to reply

In my free time I… When I have some spare time I… When I get the time, I… I relax by watching TV / listening to music, etc. My hobbies are bird-watching / playing sport, etc.

I’m interested in (+ noun / gerund) I’m keen on (+ noun / gerund) I’m into (+ noun / gerund) I enjoy (+ noun / gerund)

You can add “really” or “quite” after “I’m…” for emphasis. “I’m really keen on football.” “I’m really into geneaology.”

Talking about hobbies in more detail

You can give more information about your hobbies and interests:

“I like arts and crafts . I’m a creative / practical person, and like doing things with my hands.”

“I’m an outgoing person, and like socialising / hanging out with friends.”

“I enjoy being physically active , and spend a lot of time playing sports and team games.”

Saying why you like your hobby

You can also explain why you spend time on your hobby to make the conversation longer and more interesting.

“I really enjoy going to the gym because…”

…it keeps me fit. …it gets me out of the house, you know! …it’s sociable. I’ve met lots of new people. …it gives me something interesting to do with my time. …it’s not very expensive, and anyone can do it!

“My hobbies are all creative…”

… I’ve always enjoyed painting and drawing. … Because my job is technical, it’s good to spend time doing something completely different. … I enjoy spending time making things like clothes.

More words that you can use to describe your hobbies:

creative fascinating practical cheap enjoyable relaxing different unusual

Like doing vs like to do

We use like + gerund (ing form) to talk about general likes: I like fishing .

We use like + infinitive to talk about more specific likes: I like to go fishing at the weekend.

If you want more information for talking about what you like or dislike, check out this page .

Talking About Hobbies

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My hobby essay | How to write an amazing one!

My hobby essay | How to write an amazing one!

Your hobbies could be distinct and can often direct the course of your life. while communicating about your hobby could be different, writing about it in an essay will require a separate set of steps. check out the blog to know more about how to write a ‘my hobby essay ’, table of contents, tips to write a ‘my hobby essay’, how to write a ‘my hobby essay’, an example of ‘my hobby’ essay in 300 words, what we have to say.

Hobbies help you dive deeper into your world of passion. 

We are required to engage in hobbies to live an enriching life. Not only do hobbies allow us to escape the worries of the real world for a limited time, but they also help us use our intellect for something that interests us. 

Check out the key elements for writing an amazing ‘My hobby essay’

  • Prepare a strong outline for the essay to ensure that it is well written with no gaps in the framework.
  • Don’t write about hobbies that you do not have in real life. Maintain your authenticity, as that will help you produce a meaty essay.
  • Instead of continuously talking about how your hobby makes you feel, you can give examples of how your hobbies were integrated into your job or how your expertise or interest in something unexpectedly proved beneficial.
  • By proofreading your essay , you can remove redundancy, and mistakes from it. 

speech writing my hobby

Begin by deciding which interests you will discuss in your essay. You have the option of listing multiple distinct interests or focusing on just one. The idea is to stay true to yourself. Do not make up interests for the blog to feel authentic. 

Your activities are a reflection of who you are. Start your essay by saying what your passion is, then explain how you became interested in it, what encouraged you to pursue it, and how it benefits you emotionally. Describe how it aided you in learning new skills , assisting you in various life circumstances, and assisting you in being a better person.

You can also mention the influence it had on someone else, such as if you enjoy nature and planted trees to benefit the environment, or if you enjoy doing social work and volunteering at a homeless shelter. This will help the reader ‌learn about your beliefs, vision, and character by reading your essay.

speech writing my hobby

An enriching hobby is something that everyone should have to make their lives free from monotony. Everyone needs a hobby because it keeps them occupied and gives them time to dwell on other things besides work. 

It serves as a peaceful escape from the rat race. I recall that when I was three years old; I preferred to spend my free time in my garden. Spending my mornings in the garden with my father was something that I looked forward to. My father used to laugh at me when he saw me watering plants when I was a kid. But now my dad is so proud of me that I try to safeguard plants and recognize their contribution to the environment.

Hobbies are things we must engage in daily. We can get away from the stresses of everyday life. It provides us with great joy and tranquillity of mind, body, and soul. It stimulates our creativity and motivates us to make positive changes in our lives and often leads to a positive impact on the community. Creating a positive impact on the community can be possible as a result of our collective efforts. 

Hobbies also aid in the discovery of our talents and abilities, which may eventually lead you to discover your life’s calling.

Gardening is my favorite hobby, and I enjoy planting new plants and watering them every morning. The sight of flowers blooming and plants growing appeals to me. Not only does this give me happiness, but it also gives me a feeling of being involved in contributing to a healthier planet, regardless of how small the scale is. 

This hobby further aids my fitness, health, strength, and rejuvenation. Watering plants and gardening regularly is a great way for me to begin my days in a positive light.

  • Every person on our planet is different, and so are their interests.
  • People work, think, communicate , interpret, and act in a variety of ways. All of these things are ways for us to express ourselves. 
  • Life is intended to be lived passionately and with a clear vision of making it as enriching as possible. 
  • What people like doing, or their interests, define them greatly. And that makes it important for us to have a hobby of some sort, as it can often help to direct our lives on the right path. 
  • It keeps our ideas fresh, allows us to relieve tension, and increases our drive to achieve our goals. You may also make a profession out of your interest. It depends on what you enjoy doing and how much passion it inspires in you.

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Liked this blog? Read next: How to write the perfect discipline essay?

Q1. What is the root of the word hobby?

Answer – The word hobby is derived from the word hobbyhorse, which means favorite pastime.

Q2. What is the world’s oldest hobby?

Answer – The hobby of collecting coins, known as numismatics, is the world’s oldest hobby.

Q3. What are some of the healthy hobbies you should try?

Answer – Here are some of the healthy hobbies you should try – 

  • Learning to cook healthy meals
  • Going for a long walk
  • Practicing meditation daily

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Essay On My Hobby For Class 1, 2 And 3 Children

Shaili Contractor

Key Points To Remember When Writing an Essay on ‘My Hobby’ For Lower Primary Classes

Short and long essays on ‘my hobby’ for kids, what will your child learn from this essay.

Hobbies are activities or pursuits people undertake because of deep interest in something, or as a way of creative outlet. These activities are enjoyed at one’s leisure and are highly relaxing and rewarding at the same time. It could be playing outdoor sports, reading books, collecting items, singing, or dancing. Children pursue hobbies out of curiosity and love talking about them when they get a chance. Hence, it is a common topic for essay writing for exams, competitions or class assignments. Here are some ideas for different essay formats to help your child express their feelings about their favourite activity in words.

It is important for students to follow some guidelines while writing an essay on ‘My Hobby’. With these key points, this will be an easy topic.

  • While writing about a hobby, it is better to pick an activity that you are most familiar with.
  • Introduce the topic with how you got into the hobby and what piqued your interest.
  • If it is a short essay, then state only the most important facts about the hobby.
  • For longer essays, you can go deeper into the details of the hobby.
  • Ensure you do not dwell too long on any single idea to maintain context.
  • End the essay with why you would like to keep working on it and why others should try it.

A wide range of activities can be classified as a hobby, and there is no limit to how much you can write about your favourite topic. Children are often asked to write short essays on this topic in the lower primary classes. As they progress up the grades, the expected length of the essay increases. Here are some examples of essays on hobbies.

Essay on My Hobby is Drawing’ in 10 Lines

Here is what a 10-line essay on drawing and painting could look like:

  • Art has an important role in human culture since the beginning. Earlier, people drew on cave walls, dried leaves, and animal skin. Now we draw on paper, canvas, and digital apps.
  • Everyone can do basic drawing and painting, and some people take it up as a hobby.
  • I love painting because it keeps me relaxed and focused. I enjoy playing with colours and experimenting.
  • I was introduced to painting by my mother. She is an amazing artist.
  • I have many art supplies like watercolours, oil paint, crayons, and art paper.
  • My family and friends love my paintings and always admire them.
  • I often participate in drawing and painting competitions in my school. I have won many prizes too.
  • Sometimes, painting is my escape into a new world that I can create.
  • I like making paintings as gifts for friends on their birthdays.
  • People say painting skill is a gift, but I think everyone can do it well if they practice more.

Short Essay On ‘My Hobby is Singing’ for Children

Many people aspire to be great singers because it is considered to be a lovely talent. Many people pursue singing as a hobby to learn a skill that is much appreciated in our society. I have enjoyed singing since I was little. My mother was my first singing teacher, and now I learn from my mother’s teacher. I sing whenever I am happy and by myself. I also participate in singing competitions in my school. My teacher tells me I have a natural talent for singing because I have a very good voice. But she also tells me to work hard and practice every day to sharpen my skill.

Short Essay on ‘My Hobby is Cooking’

I love cooking because I love eating delicious food! I think cooking is one of the best hobbies to have. Both my parents are outstanding cooks who can make delicious food. When I grow up, I want to cook just like my parents. I often help them out in the kitchen when they prepare meals and learn various aspects of cooking in the process. Although my parents are excellent cooks, my grandmother is the best cook I have ever known. Someday I aspire to be able to cook like her.

Essay On ‘My Favourite Hobby is Gardening’

Gardening is my favourite hobby. I learnt it from my father and grandmother. In the beginning, I found it to be messy and time-consuming, but all that changed when I harvested my first carrots. The joy of eating food that you can grow on your own cannot be compared to store-bought fruits and vegetables. We have a garden full of fruit-bearing plants and plenty of vegetables, including carrots, radish, and brinjal. Gardening is also very relaxing. I love the smell of a freshly watered garden in the summer evenings. The sight of flowers and butterflies takes me to a completely different world.

Essay on ‘My Hobby is Reading’ for Children

Reading books is an important hobby to pursue. It is a good way to learn new things and develop our vocabulary. It also teaches us to focus on a topic for a long time and solve problems or understand difficult subjects. I have a huge collection of books in my library in the room. My favourite books are science encyclopedias. They have plenty of useful information and interesting pictures about everything in the world. I also like storybooks that have funny stories and good morals. My grandfather always reads stories to me during bedtime.

Everybody in my house reads books. It is a habit that runs in the family. My parents always tell me that reading makes us smarter as we learn new things and gain new perspectives. Reading is also important to learn how to write well, as my grandpa tells me all the time. Although I read to learn more about things and build my vocabulary, most of the books I read are for my fun. I enjoy reading books and want to keep adding new books to my library.

‘My Hobby’ is a topic which children would love to write about. Everybody likes talking about their favourite activity. Since your child takes a keen interest in this particular activity, they will be full of ideas to narrate. Through this essay, your child will learn about various types of hobbies people have and all the benefits that come from them. They will reflect upon what they are learning from their fun activities and think about how they can practice and work hard to improve upon it. They will also learn to channel their thoughts and express them clearly in written language.

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Speech on My Hobby

Speech on My Hobby: Do you want to deliver a speech on my hobby and also want to surprise the audience? If yes, here we are providing speeches on my hobby at different lengths in English. From the following, you will understand how to start a speech as well as to end your speech.

Short and Long Speech on My Hobby In English for Students

Here are the long and short easy speeches on my hobby for everyone with different word limits. This content is helpful for kids, children, and students. Additionally, anyone interested in learning about this topic can read this, as the language is clear and easy to understand.

Short Speech on My Hobby | 1 Minute

Short Speech on My Hobby

Hello, all of you 

From the bottom of my heart, I wish you great greetings before I begin my speech. And thank you for giving me this opportunity to speak. Today I’ll try my best to avail this opportunity. So let’s come to today’s topic. For me it’s an unforgettable day.

Today, I want to talk about that one special activity of a person in his/her life. Having a good hobby is the greatest joy for a person in life. It’s made our childhood special and memorable. The hobby also helps us to make many good friends as they have similar interests and hobbies.

Our hobbies teach us how to express our feelings and creativity. A hobby of a person also taught him/her many new skills and knowledge. It also allows us to explore our passion and gives us a chance to make our career in it.

The time is limited, I have much more to say, but I must respect your time. It has been my pleasure to share my thoughts on this topic with all of you.

Best Speech on My Hobby | 2 Minutes

From the bottom of my heart, I wish you great greetings before I begin my speech. And thank you for giving me this opportunity to speak. Today I will try my best to avail this opportunity. So let’s come to today’s topic. For me it’s an unforgettable day.

Usually, a hobby is an activity that is done by a person in his/her free time. This activity can be anything like gaming, singing, playing, and so on. A hobby is a source of pleasure and entertainment. So now I’m going to tell all of you about the hobby of my life and that is photography. 

Photography is the art of capturing moments and beautiful memories. My hobby allows me to express my creativity and see the world in a unique way. By capturing amazing pictures I feel accomplished and my mind feels relaxed.

I love capturing natural beauty and landscapes. I usually travel to areas having natural scenery with my friends to capture beautiful images of our world. My hobby blesses me with the opportunity to explore different places. 

My photography hobby allows me to learn many new skills like how to use lights, colors, and composition. By using these skills I create images that express feelings and emotions. My hobby also taught me how to observe the surroundings and analyze the works of an artist.

The time is limited, I have much more to say, but I must respect your time. It has been my pleasure to share my thoughts on this topic with all of you. Thanks.

Long Speech on My Hobby | 4 Minute

Long Speech on My Hobby

Today I’m going to talk about my favorite hobby, which is watching and playing cricket. Cricket is basically a sports game, this game always entertains me. So I don’t even remember when this sport became my hobby, as I’ve always been passionate about cricket since my childhood. 

The excitement and thrill I get from playing cricket are unlike anything else. My hobby is not just a game for me, it’s like a passion for me. I enjoy every responsibility in cricket whether it’s batting, bowling, or fielding.

One of the most important things I love about cricket is teamwork. As it teaches us how to work together and support each other. This teamwork also helps us in our professional life to work with a team and grow in the future to explore more opportunities.

To polish their skills in cricket, everyone has to practice regularly and work on himself. So my hobby taught me how to work regularly, which results in building the habit of being disciplined and a hard worker. I want to quote some enormous words here which are;

“No Pain No Gain”

Cricket blesses me with a very important element of life and that is the sense of joy and fulfillment. This kind of joy, I can’t find in any other activity. Whenever I achieved a milestone in cricket my heart filled with happiness. And my mind also gets a sense of achievement.

Like every other hobby, my hobby also gives me many chances to meet new people and make new friends and connections. Whenever I play in a cricket tournament, I meet many new people. Every tournament gives me the opportunity to connect with like-minded people.

For me playing cricket is not just a hobby, it’s a way of life for me. Many valuable lessons were learned from my hobby like being disciplined, hard-working, and so on. It also helps me in the development of new skills like brainstorming and team-working.

FAQs on Speech on My Hobby

To find a hobby, consider your interests, passions, and skills.

Some hobbies are really expensive but you can start small and build your skills and equipment over time.

Yes, hobbies can be excellent for mental health. Engaging in activities that bring you joy and relaxation can reduce stress and improve your mood.

Priya Sharma Author

Priya Sharma

Priya’s love for IT and other fields led her to start writing articles on various topics. She started her writing journey as a hobby but soon realized that writing is her true passion. Priya’s articles and blogs have been published on different social sites, which has helped her gain a massive following and recognition in the writing community. Her writing style is engaging, informative, and well-researched, which has earned her the trust of her readers.

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My Hobby Essay for Students and Children in 1000 Words

March 19, 2022 by ReadingJunction Leave a Comment

my hobby essay, my best hobby, benefits of having a hobby

Here you will read a My Hobby essay for students and children in 1000 words. It includes info about my hobbies, benefits of having a hobby, 10 lines and conclusion.

Table of Contents

A hobby is something that an individual wants to do in his leisure time. Hobbies can also be said as a person’s personal interest. It is a type of pleasant activity that someone would like to do, bringing joy and happiness to him . 

Hobbies can be anything that a person finds interesting; they can be reading, writing, watching movies, playing games , going out somewhere for refreshment, cooking and many other things.

Different people have different activities as their hobbies. A hobby provides relief, refreshment, and a sense of satisfaction apart from the routine work of the day.

In today’s world where everyone is seemingly so busy and involved in their day-to-day activities, getting some spare time for ourselves is necessary. 

This is the time that we spend on our hobby, without even having knowledge about it, to keep ourselves fresh and active.

For some people, hobbies can be something that they love to do, while for others, it might be an extra source of income.

Wouldn’t it be great if you get paid to do something you love? In this way, hobbies offer us an opportunity to take a break from the full and monotonous life and get some enjoyment and refreshment.

My Favourite Hobby

There are many things that I like to do when I get some spare time. The favorite thing that I like the most is playing football. After completion of the scheduled studies, homework and other daily activities, I prefer to spend most of my free time playing football .

I was always fascinated by football, but I started to play and learn about the game when I was six years old. It is a wonderful game that makes me feel refreshed and relaxed.

In our school, I play football with my friends and classmates during the game period. Apart from it, if we get any leisure time in school or if any teacher is absent, we go to the school ground to play the game. 

I have also participated in some football tournaments and have represented our school in the district level championship. No doubt I am not a professional football player, but if I get a chance to be one, I will try my best to be one.

I play and practice football at home too, as I have a complete kit to play the game. I also watch the national, international, and club tournaments of football on TV . It is a game that I am really passionate about. I always get excited when I get to play football, as it is my favorite hobby.

Benefits of Having a Hobby

Out of our busy schedule and boring work, we always need some time to take part in such activities that bring joy to us and make us feel happy.

A hobby is such an activity that is really beneficial for our mental health . It reduces our stress, improves our mental well-being and creates a feeling of satisfaction and happiness in our minds.

Here are some of the significant benefits that we get from our hobbies.

1. Stress reliever

Hobbies are completely pleasure filling activities that fill our minds with positive emotions and relieve stress . It works as a distraction from our busy schedule, and we gradually start enjoying the process.

2. It unleashes our talents

We can never really know what we are capable of unless we try to do something. Our hobbies help us to explore ourselves and our talents. We can discover the qualities within us in we are actually good at.

3. It can provide an extra source of income

You may find a hobby that can act as an extra source of income in the form of a part-time job. Like, some people prefer to make handicrafts in their spare time, which can be sold for a good value. 

If you are into gardening, you can offer your services to others. If you are good at explaining things properly and like to teach people, then you can be a tutor. All these hobbies can not only be interesting for you but also be a source of income.

4. Hobbies help you stay refreshed

When you’re doing what you like, you have peace of mind. You stay physically and mentally active and refreshed. It boosts your self-confidence to do things and improves your self-esteem. You get self-motivated to do things even better.

10 Lines on My Hobby in English

  • An individual should have something that refreshes him after a busy working day, something that can make him feel relaxed and energetic and relieve his stress.
  • This is what is called a hobby, an activity, or a type of work that makes you spend some quality time enjoying it.
  • My Hobby is playing football; although there are numerous games, I like football as it demands an overall sense throughout the game.
  • There are two teams in the game, players of which targets to make the most number of goals to win the match.
  • Normally, there are 11 players in each team; however, we also play the game with 5 members on each team.
  • Whenever we get a game period in our school, I play football with my friends.
  • I am a huge fan of our national football team, and my dream is to play in that team one day.
  • Football is a beautiful game, and playing the game with my friends makes me feel better every time.
  • I have also represented our school by playing for the school team in local tournaments.
  • I want to be a successful footballer.

Conclusion of My Hobby Essay

One way to end the monotony is to focus on a hobby that we can not only enjoy by ourselves, but also pass our time in a meaningful and pleasurable way. Football is one of the most popular hobbies throughout the world. 

It is a wonderful game with a lot of mental, personal, physical and psychological benefits. Further, I have earned a good name in my locality and my circle because of football. I have received a lot of appreciation, medals, and trophies because I am good at playing the game. 

I am very much inspired by our Indian football team, and I always watch all their love matches. It has really helped me in playing well on the football ground.

I think that I can have a bright career in football, but since I am a school student, for now, it is just a hobby for me. Maybe in the future, I’ll get a chance to prove myself and try my level best to be a professional football player.

I hope you loved reading My hobby essay.

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speech writing my hobby


Essay on My Hobby Travelling

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Hobby Travelling in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My Hobby Travelling


Travelling is my favourite hobby. It gives me a chance to explore new places, meet different people, and learn about various cultures.

Why I Love Travelling

I love travelling because it broadens my perspective. It helps me understand the world better and appreciate its diversity.

Learning from Travelling

Travelling is not just fun, it’s educational. I learn about history, geography, and different ways of life. It’s like a living classroom.

In conclusion, travelling is a hobby that enriches my life. It brings joy, knowledge, and a sense of adventure.

250 Words Essay on My Hobby Travelling

The allure of travel.

Traveling is more than just an escape from routine; it’s an exploration of the self and the world. As a hobby, it offers a unique blend of adventure, learning, and personal growth that few other pastimes can match.

Adventure and Discovery

The core of traveling is the spirit of adventure. It’s about stepping out of your comfort zone, taking on new challenges, and discovering uncharted territories. Every journey is filled with unexpected encounters and experiences that are both thrilling and enriching.

Learning and Growth

Traveling is also a profound learning experience. It exposes you to different cultures, languages, and perspectives, broadening your worldview and enhancing your understanding of people and places. This newfound knowledge not only enriches your mind but also fosters empathy and tolerance.

Personal Development

Traveling is a journey of personal growth. It teaches resilience, adaptability, and problem-solving skills as you navigate unfamiliar environments. It cultivates independence and self-reliance, and through overcoming obstacles, you discover your strengths and capabilities.

Connecting with Nature

Traveling allows you to connect with nature, offering a chance to appreciate the planet’s diversity and beauty. It instills a sense of responsibility towards the environment, inspiring sustainable travel practices.

In conclusion, traveling as a hobby is an enriching and transformative experience. It’s a journey that takes you beyond geographical boundaries, into realms of cultural diversity, personal growth, and profound learning. It’s not just about seeing new places, but about seeing the world, and yourself, with new eyes.

500 Words Essay on My Hobby Travelling

Travelling is more than just a leisure activity; it’s a hobby that broadens our perspective, enriches our experiences, and shapes our understanding of the world. As a college student, I find travelling an essential part of my personal growth, facilitating a deeper understanding of cultures, histories, and the natural environment.

The Allure of Travelling

The allure of travelling begins with the inherent curiosity that humans possess. We are natural explorers, driven by an insatiable desire to discover the unknown. Travelling allows us to satiate this curiosity, presenting us with new landscapes, cultures, and experiences. For me, the fascination of delving into the unfamiliar is the core of my hobby.

Learning Through Travelling

Travelling is an immersive learning experience. It is through my travels that I have learned about the historical significance of places like Rome, the vibrant culture of India, the technological advancements of Japan, and the environmental conservation efforts in Costa Rica. These experiences have not only expanded my knowledge but also fostered a sense of global citizenship.

Building Relationships and Empathy

Travelling fosters relationships, both with fellow travellers and locals. These interactions, often brief yet profound, have taught me the value of empathy. They have enabled me to appreciate the diversity of human experiences and perspectives, thereby promoting a sense of unity and shared humanity.

Personal Growth and Self-Discovery

Travelling is a journey of self-discovery. It pushes us out of our comfort zones, challenging our adaptability and resilience. Through my travels, I’ve learned to navigate unfamiliar environments, communicate despite language barriers, and make decisions in unpredictable situations. These experiences have shaped my character, enhancing my confidence and self-reliance.

Preserving the Environment

As a traveller, I’ve become more conscious of my environmental footprint. I strive to travel sustainably, appreciating and respecting the natural beauty of the places I visit while minimizing my impact. This commitment to environmental stewardship is a crucial aspect of my hobby.

In conclusion, my hobby of travelling is a multifaceted experience that provides education, fosters relationships, encourages personal growth, and promotes environmental consciousness. It is more than just a pastime; it is a way of life that continually enriches my understanding of the world. As a college student, I believe that travelling provides invaluable lessons that extend far beyond the confines of a classroom, making it a hobby well worth pursuing.

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Essay on My Hobby-Reading

speech writing my hobby

My hobby is reading books. Whenever I get free time, I read books and I enjoy it. My teacher always tells us that reading is very important for children as we gain a lot of knowledge through it. My parents also buy books for me and now there is a small library in my home.

There are lots of books about freedom fighters, warriors, kings, etc. available there. Last time when I won the school proficiency, my aunt gifted me with a full collection of great fairy tales.

My favorite books are Mahabharata and 5001 fantastic facts. Reading also helps me to gain confidence and prepare for school quiz competitions.

Speech on: My Hobby-Reading

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speech writing my hobby

Is My Writing a Hobby Or a Career?

“So it’s like a hobby?” Someone recently asked about my writing. No, I wanted to say. But yes, kind of. I’ve stumbled my way through this conversation many times before. Yes, I have a full-time job that isn’t related to my writing; yes, I still think of myself as a writer. Is it a hobby, a side hustle, a passion project? It’s all of those things and somehow none of them.

Yet when someone refers to writing as my hobby, I flinch, despite knowing the value of hobbies, or perhaps because it feels so unlike my actual hobbies, like baking. I know how often creative work or work by disabled people, people who are parenting or caregiving, or people with other responsibilities gets relegated to this “hobby” categorization, regardless of how people classify it themselves. Maybe it is a hobby. Or maybe it’s work someone cares about that doesn’t fit a forty-hours-a-week model.

When reporting for my second book, about ambition, I spoke to a researcher who detailed links between ambition, extremism, and passion. Obsessive passion can occur when our passions and identities are the same—the passion is all that we are. “When ambitious people passionately pursue their goals while also attending to their other needs, they are less likely to engage in extremism,” the research states. I heard about the extremism of pursuing one’s passion while reporting: in careers sucking up every hour and every thought, yes, but also in hobbies-turned-passions, like the person who talked about thriving in the competitiveness of extreme, triathlon-style races outside of his grueling medical career, and how all-consuming that was. I wondered how often I dipped into the extremism side—how often I pursued work I cared about at my own expense.

My mind flitted to all the times I’d heard about “following a passion,” frustrated by the unsustainability of that advice. “But it’s your passion” and “love of the work” often get used as excuses for exploitation or underpayment in all different kinds of fields, from writing to teaching to nursing and more—an endless list, despite the fact that rent can’t be paid with passion alone. Who can follow their dreams as work—and how and whether those dreams are compensated —is a question that gets lost amid a million backward suggestions that if you really loved the work, it wouldn’t feel like work at all. I’d smashed up against the limits of my own passion before, like when my hard-fought dream of being a dancer ended when my body screamed that it had limits, even if my passion did not, or how, when I was just starting to try to write, I wrote cringe-worthy pieces for free, as if that experience would “pay off” someday. At the same time, I now know that my passion propels me to take on work I care about, even if it means I’m overworked—dreaming of a balance I only sometimes maintain.

Once, someone asked whether I’d ever considered “really writing,” the suggestion being that pieces I reported and books I’ve written were somehow less real because they were not my primary source of income, of health insurance, of work. Nearly right after, someone else asked why I wouldn’t just quit writing if I felt I was working too much. I had no good answers.

Since I was old enough to work, I’d never only had one job, and since I’ve been writing, I’ve never only been a writer. But I’ve always wondered how that would feel. I was used to writing on the side of whatever combination of jobs I had, whether it was working for a nonprofit or working in events for a ballet company that involved a surprising amount of manual labor and, unsurprisingly, no health insurance. I’ve taught toddlers and cleaned bathrooms at a dance studio, and done admin work and random copywriting. I even make a joke about it in the book, paraphrasing When Harry Met Sally : on the side is a big thing for me. I wrote the book on the side. But it felt like the center.

If writing was happening in what some might call margins of my life, did that inherently make it a hobby—or was it actually what knit my life together?

By this point, I know many writers who juggle writing alongside other jobs, other responsibilities—other dreams, even, which is perhaps why the “hobby versus job” binary felt stiff to me. Writing shouldn’t be so unstable that one needs another job to support it. But having another job doesn’t diminish the work of writing, either.

When Neema Avashia, an educator and author of Another Appalachia, began drafting her book, she was teaching full-time and organizing to fight back against school closures. At the same time, she was going to a writing class at GrubStreet once a week and waking up early on Saturdays to write. “Sometimes I look back and I don't really understand how it all happened at the same time,” Avashia told me. “What I realized was the writing was the outlet for it all.”

From the time she was a teenager, Avashia wanted to do writing as full-time work, but she told me that it was hard for her parents, who immigrated to the United States, to see writing as a stable career, telling her that writing could be her avocation, not her vocation. “There are lots of really big questions to ask about the financial sustainability of writing, and who can take those risks,” Avashia said. Plus, as she pointed out, the publishing industry doesn’t necessarily reward those who do make it their full-time job. Even in public education, she said, “I get paid in a much more reasonable way than folks working at HarperCollins do. ” (In 2022, the HarperCollins union went on strike , ultimately securing a contract that included a new wage structure and annual increases to minimum salaries at each level, among other highlights.)

The inequities in writing are vast and systemic. The publishing industry remains disproportionately white , with a report by PEN America detailing how biases impact not only who gets published, but how writers are treated and compensated throughout the publication process. Even beyond publishing, underpayment and understaffing often impact who can write, and where. Privilege and bias shape careers from the very start, with who can afford to work for free often underpinning writing-related internships. Then, there’s the layoffs and closures: “It goes down to the bedrock of journalism as a career—even as an idea or desire,” Tajja Isen , author of Some of My Best Friends: Essays on Lip Service , wrote recently for The Walrus . “What are journalists, both would-be and employed, supposed to aspire to now?”

Now, Avashia thinks there are points where writing might demand more of one’s time—for example, when her book came out, she shifted to a part-time schedule at work. But in some cases, her job is where she builds relationships and thinks through questions that inform her writing. “The books that moved me the most are the books where I feel like the writer is most proximate to the things that they're talking about—that they are living those questions themselves,” she explained. For example, she cites Michelle Zauner’s Crying in H Mart and Joan Didion’s The Year of Magical Thinking as books that are about grief—but ones in which writers are living their questions from the inside, and using writing as a means of making meaning of those questions.

For her, writing is not a hobby, not work, but what she calls a “third space.” She added, “Writing has always been the way I make meaning of the questions.”

Hannah Matthews , author of You or Someone You Love , told me that she writes for the same reason she does other work: “To communicate and be in community. To connect.” She added, “I think my writing would be so hollow without all of my other work happening around it.” When Matthews began writing her book, her baby was eight months old, and she was working four days a week at a reproductive health clinic, as well as doing doula work beyond those hours. Writing happened, she said, in eight-minute spurts during the day or after bedtime, when she was exhausted.

Sometimes, she feels envious of those who have the resources to write for a living with no other jobs. Then she envisions the alternate reality in which her family could afford that, and comes back to the knowledge that only writing actually wouldn’t be healthiest for her. “I hate that money has to figure into my decisions about where and when and what to write, and I try to just write for pleasure when I can—to remind myself that it's a love and a friend, and not just another job or another obligation,” she said.

It’s crucial that there are more accessible opportunities for people to enter—and remain in—the writing field in all its forms. Whether something produces profit should not be the determinant of the meaning it holds. Writing is work, and like all labor, it deserves sustainable, equitable compensation. There are stories that go untold because someone can’t afford to write them. Talking points on “doing it for the love of the work” feel shallow when passion can’t pay bills, and even more so when millionaires and CEOs tinker with people’s livelihoods as if it’s all a game.

I think, sometimes, of that comment on “really writing,” and I wonder what it means. That if I’d really been ambitious, I would’ve “made it” by now? But then I look at all it has made. Writing has given me plenty of pleasure; it has made a community I couldn’t have imagined when I sent out my first shaky pitches. Through writing, I have found colleagues whose writing have shaped my life and my thinking; I have made friends in countless different zip codes, circumstances, and ages, who cheer for each other, share advice on writing cover letters and negotiating fees, and who have been there when I’ve needed help beyond my career, too. In the work itself, I practice skills—how I interview, how I write, how I read—that I’ll be learning and relearning anew for the rest of my life.

It’s also made me think of so many writers whose work I admire, and how they’ve written in the midst of parenting, caregiving, and other work. They’ve written in their cars on lunch breaks, in the midst of grief, while navigating a dozen other parts of life and pieces of themselves. I think of all that work has given someone, and what it has made.

I crave more: more time to write, more space, more chances to branch out. But having another job doesn’t lessen the writing. And writing as a hobby isn’t a commentary on how and whether you were ambitious enough to turn it into something else. As long as “making it” is about full-time jobs and hours logged, rather than creating meaningful, sustainable opportunities for as many people as possible to do their version of the work, we’re hitting the limits of passion—because whatever form it comes in, it’s work.

I'm the author of two books, but I'm used to writing on the side of other jobs. Maybe that means it's a hobby—or maybe it's what knits my whole life together.

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Commencement 2024

Honorary degree recipient Ken Burns gives the Commencement address during the Undergraduate Commencement ceremony

Honorary degree recipient Ken Burns delivers the Undergraduate Commencement speech at Brandeis University's 73rd Commencement Exercises on May 19, 2024.

Brandeisian, love it.

President Liebowitz, Ron, Chair Lisa Kranc, and other members of the board of trustees, Provost Carol Fierke, fellow honorees, distinguished faculty and staff, proud and relieved parents, calm and serene grandparents, distracted but secretly pleased siblings, ladies and gentlemen, graduating students of the class of 2024, good morning.

I am deeply honored and privileged that you have asked me here to say a few words at such a momentous occasion that you might find what I have to say worthy of your attention on so important a day in all of your lives. Thank you for this honor.

Listen, I am in the business of history. It is not always a happy subject on college campuses these days, particularly when forces seem determined to eliminate or water down difficult parts of our past, particularly when the subject may seem to sum an anachronistic and irrelevant pursuit, and particularly with the ferocious urgency this moment seems to exert on us. It is my job, however, to remind people of the power our past also exerts, to help us better understand what's going on now with compelling story, memory, and anecdote. It is my job to try to discern patterns and themes from history to enable us to interpret our dizzying and sometimes dismaying present.

For nearly 50 years now, I have diligently practiced and rigorously tried to maintain a conscious neutrality in my work, avoiding advocacy if I could, trying to speak to all of my fellow citizens. Over those many decades I've come to understand a significant fact, that we are not condemned to repeat, as the saying goes, what we don't remember. That is a beautiful, even poetic phrase, but not true. Nor are there cycles of history as the academic community periodically promotes. The Old Testament, Ecclesiastes to be specific, got it right, I think. What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again. There is nothing new under the sun. What those lines suggest is that human nature never changes or almost never changes. We continually superimpose that complex and contradictory human nature over the seemingly random chaos of events, all of our inherent strengths and weaknesses, our greed and generosity, our puritanism and our prurience, our virtue, and our venality parade before our eyes, generation after generation after generation. This often gives us the impression that history repeats itself. It does not. "No event has ever happened twice, it just rhymes," Mark Twain is supposed to have said. I have spent all of my professional life on the lookout for those rhymes, drawn inexorably to that power of history. I am interested in listening to the many varied voices of a true, honest, complicated past that is unafraid of controversy and tragedy, but equally drawn to those stories and moments that suggest an abiding faith in the human spirit, and particularly the unique role this remarkable and sometimes also dysfunctional republic seems to play in the positive progress of mankind.

During the course of my work, I have become acquainted with hundreds if not thousands of those voices. They have inspired, haunted, and followed me over the years. Some of them may be helpful to you as you try to imagine and make sense of the trajectory of your lives today.

Listen, listen. In January of 1838, shortly before his 29th birthday, a tall, thin lawyer prone to bouts of debilitating depression addressed the young men's lyceum in Springfield, Illinois. "At what point shall we expect the approach of danger?" He asked his audience, "Shall we expect some trans-Atlantic military giant to step the earth and crush us at a blow?" Then he answered his own question. "Never. All the armies of Europe, Asia, and Africa could not by force take a drink from the Ohio River or make a track on the Blue Ridge in a trial of a thousand years. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of free men, we must live through all time or die by suicide." It is a stunning, remarkable statement, one that has animated my own understanding of the American experience since I first read it more than 40 years ago. That young man was of course Abraham Lincoln, and he would go on to preside over the closest this country has ever come to near national suicide, our civil war, and yet embedded in his extraordinary, disturbing, and prescient words is also a fundamental optimism that implicitly acknowledges the geographical forcefield two mighty oceans east and west and two relatively benign neighbors north and south have provided for us since the British burned the White House in the War of 1812 and inspired Francis Scott Key.

Lincoln's words that day suggest what is so great and so good about the people who happen to inhabit this lucky and exquisite country of ours. That's the world you now inherit: our work ethic and our restlessness, our innovation and our improvisation, our communities and our institutions of higher learning, our suspicion of power. The fact that we seem resolutely dedicated to parsing the meaning between individual and collective freedom; What I want versus what we need. That we are all so dedicated to understanding what Thomas Jefferson really meant when he wrote that mysterious phrase, "The pursuit of happiness". Hint, it happens right here in the lifelong learning and perpetual improvement this university is committed to.

But the isolation of those two oceans has also helped to incubate habits and patterns less beneficial to us: our devotion to money and guns and conspiracies, our certainty about everything, our stubborn insistence on our own exceptionalism blinding us to that which needs repair, especially with regard to race and ethnicity. Our preoccupation with always making the other wrong at an individual as well as a global level. I am reminded of what the journalist I.F. Stone once said to a young acolyte who was profoundly disappointed in his mentor's admiration for Thomas Jefferson. "It's because history is tragedy," Stone admonished him, "Not melodrama." It's the perfect response. In melodrama all villains are perfectly villainous and all heroes are perfectly virtuous, but life is not like that. You know that in your guts and nor is our history like that. The novelist, Richard Powers recently wrote that, "The best arguments in the world," — and ladies and gentlemen, that's all we do is argue — "the best arguments in the world," he said, "Won't change a single person's point of view. The only thing that can do that is a good story." I've been struggling for most of my life to do that, to try to tell good, complex, sometimes contradictory stories, appreciating nuance and subtlety and undertow, sharing the confusion and consternation of unreconciled opposites.

But it's clear as individuals and as a nation we are dialectically preoccupied. Everything is either right or wrong, red state or blue state, young or old, gay or straight, rich or poor, Palestinian or Israeli, my way or the highway. Everywhere we are trapped by these old, tired, binary reactions, assumptions, and certainties. For filmmakers and faculty, students and citizens, that preoccupation is imprisoning. Still, we know and we hear and we express only arguments, and by so doing, we forget the inconvenient complexities of history and of human nature. That, for example, three great religions, their believers, all children of Abraham, each professing at the heart of their teaching, a respect for all human life, each with a central connection to and legitimate claim to the same holy ground, violate their own dictates of conduct and make this perpetually contested land a shameful graveyard. God does not distinguish between the dead. "Could you?"

[Audience applauding]

"Could you?" A very wise person I know with years of experience with the Middle East recently challenged me, "Could you hold the idea that there could be two wrongs and two rights?"

Listen, listen. In a filmed interview I conducted with the writer James Baldwin, more than 40 years ago, he said, "No one was ever born who agreed to be a slave, who accepted it. That is, slavery is a condition imposed from without. Of course, the moment I say that," Baldwin continued, "I realize that multitudes and multitudes of people for various reasons of their own enslave themselves every hour of every day to this or that doctrine, this or that delusion of safety, this or that lie. Anti-Semites, for example," he went on, "are slaves to a delusion. People who hate Negroes are slaves. People who love money are slaves. We are living in a universe really of willing slaves, which makes the concept of liberty and the concept of freedom so dangerous," he finished. Baldwin is making a profoundly psychological and even spiritual statement, not just a political or racial or social one. He knew, just as Lincoln knew, that the enemy is often us. We continue to shackle ourselves with chains we mistakenly think is freedom.

Another voice, Mercy Otis Warren, a philosopher and historian during our revolution put it this way, "The study of the human character at once opens a beautiful and a deformed picture of the soul. We there find a noble principle implanted in the nature of people, but when the checks of conscience are thrown aside, humanity is obscured." I have had the privilege for nearly half a century of making films about the US, but I have also made films about us. That is to say the two letter, lowercase, plural pronoun. All of the intimacy of "us" and also "we" and "our" and all of the majesty, complexity, contradiction, and even controversy of the US. And if I have learned anything over those years, it's that there's only us. There is no them. And whenever someone suggests to you, whomever it may be in your life that there's a them, run away. Othering is the simplistic binary way to make and identify enemies, but it is also the surest way to your own self imprisonment, which brings me to a moment I've dreaded and forces me to suspend my longstanding attempt at neutrality.

There is no real choice this November. There is only the perpetuation, however flawed and feeble you might perceive it, of our fragile 249-year-old experiment or the entropy that will engulf and destroy us if we take the other route. When, as Mercy Otis Warren would say, "The checks of conscience are thrown aside and a deformed picture of the soul is revealed." The presumptive Republican nominee is the opioid of all opioids, an easy cure for what some believe is the solution to our myriad pains and problems. When in fact with him, you end up re-enslaved with an even bigger problem, a worse affliction and addiction, "a bigger delusion", James Baldwin would say, the author and finisher of our national existence, our national suicide as Mr. Lincoln prophesies. Do not be seduced by easy equalization. There is nothing equal about this equation. We are at an existential crossroads in our political and civic lives. This is a choice that could not be clearer.

Listen, listen. 33 years ago, the world lost a towering literary figure. The novelist and storyteller, not arguer, Isaac Bashevis Singer. For decades he wrote about God and myth and punishment, fate and sexuality, family and history. He wrote in Yiddish a marvelously expressive language, sad and happy all at the same time. Sometimes maddeningly all knowing, yet resigned to God's seemingly capricious will. It is also a language without a country, a dying language in a world more interested in the extermination or isolation of its long suffering speakers. Singer, writing in the pages of the Jewish Daily Forward help to keep Yiddish alive. Now our own wonderfully mongrel American language is punctuated with dozens of Yiddish words and phrases, parables and wise sayings, and so many of those words are perfect onomatopoeias of disgust and despair, hubris and humor. If you've ever met a schmuck, you know what I'm talking about. [audience laughs] Toward the end of his long and prolific life, Singer expressed wonder at why so many of his books written in this obscure and some said useless language would be so widely translated, something like 56 countries all around the world. "Why," he would wonder with his characteristic playfulness, "Why would the Japanese care about his simple stories of life in the shtetls of Eastern Europe 1,000 years ago?" "Unless," Singer paused, twinkle in his eye, "Unless the story spoke of the kinship of the soul." I think what Singer was talking about was that indefinable something that connects all of us together, that which we all share as part of organic life on this planet, the kinship of the soul. I love that.

Okay, let me speak directly to the graduating class. Watch out, here comes the advice. Listen. Be curious, not cool. Insecurity makes liars of us all. Remember, none of us get out of here alive. The inevitable vicissitudes of life, no matter how well gated our communities, will visit us all. Grief is a part of life, and if you explore its painful precincts, it will make you stronger. Do good things, help others. Leadership is humility and generosity squared. Remember the opposite of faith is not doubt. Doubt is central to faith. The opposite of faith is certainty. The kinship of the soul begins with your own at times withering self-examination. Try to change that unchangeable human nature of Ecclesiastes, but start with you. "Nothing so needs reforming," Mark Twain once chided us, "As other people's habits." [audience laughs]

Don't confuse success with excellence. Do not descend too deeply into specialism. Educate all of your parts, you will be healthier. Do not get stuck in one place. "Travel is fatal to prejudice," Twain also said. Be in nature, which is always perfect and where nothing is binary. Its sheer majesty may remind you of your own atomic insignificance, as one observer put it, but in the inscrutable and paradoxical ways of wild places, you will feel larger, inspirited, just as the egotist in our midst is diminished by his or her self regard.

At some point, make babies, one of the greatest things that will happen to you, I mean it, one of the greatest things that will happen to you is that you will have to worry, I mean really worry, about someone other than yourself. It is liberating and exhilarating, I promise. Ask your parents.

[Audience laughs]

Choose honor over hypocrisy, virtue over vulgarity, discipline over dissipation, character over cleverness, sacrifice over self-indulgence. Do not lose your enthusiasm, in its Greek etymology the word enthusiasm means simply, "god in us". Serve your country. Insist that we fight the right wars. Denounce oppression everywhere.

Convince your government, as Lincoln understood that the real threat always and still comes from within this favored land. Insist that we support science and the arts, especially the arts.

[Audience cheering]

They have nothing to do with the actual defense of our country; They just make our country worth defending.

Remember what Louis Brandeis said, "The most important political office is that of the private citizen." Vote. You indelibly... [audience applauding] Please, vote. You indelibly underscore your citizenship, and most important, our kinship with each other when you do. Good luck and godspeed.

  • Honorary Degree Recipients

English Summary

2 Minute Speech On Hobbies In English

Good morning everyone present here, today I am going to give a speech on hobbies. Hobbies are fascinating pastimes. We engage in this activity for both pleasure and financial gain when we have free time. Though it may do so indirectly, a hobby’s goal is not to make money. However, various people find different forms of amusement. For instance, writing stories may be a pleasure for me but a vocation for someone else.

Hobbies come in a variety of forms. One of them enjoys coin and stamp collecting. Some people like to gather leaves and flowers. Some people enjoy clay modeling and gardening. Some people enjoy playing indoors like cards and chess games. Outdoor sports like football, hockey, or cricket are popular among young males. Hobbies help to develop the mind as well as bring pleasure.

There are many advantages to having a hobby, but one of the best ones is that it may teach you useful skills that are very transferable to the “real world.” Learning and perfecting a new talent takes time and effort. Many pastimes, like athletics or the arts, need a strong work ethic and a rigid schedule, teaching time management, and lifestyle balancing.

Depending on what you do, you can build soft skills like leadership, teamwork, and collaboration. All of these additional advantages come on top of learning a practical talent, such as playing an instrument, writing poetry, or cooking. The desire to master our crafts or to just appreciate them to the utmost extent can permeate many aspects of our daily life. Thank you. 

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  6. Essay On My Favourite Hobby


  1. 1-Minute Speech on My Hobbies for Students

    Q.1. How to write a speech on my hobbies? Ans: Speech on My Hobbies: My hobbies are listening to retro music, playing casio, reading books, and travelling. My hobbies allow me to learn new skills and knowledge. My personality is defined by hobbies, my interests, and how I spend my free time. Following my hobbies on a regular basis allows me to ...

  2. Speech on My Hobby

    1-minute Speech on My Hobby. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, I am delighted to share with you the joy and excitement that my hobby brings to my life. Hobbies are like spices; they add flavor to our everyday routine. My hobby is gardening, a pastime that is simple yet profoundly rewarding. Gardening is not just about growing plants; it's ...

  3. My Hobby Speech

    Speech on My Hobby -. Our lives depend heavily on our hobbies. When we have spare time, they keep our minds busy and bring us joy. Hobbies help us forget our troubles by providing an escape from the actual world. Additionally, they add interest and pleasure to our lives. If we think about it, all of our interests are highly beneficial to us.

  4. How to Speak About Your Hobby

    1 How to Craft a Compelling Speech About Your Hobby? 1.1 Understanding Your Audience. 1.2 Structuring Your Speech. 2 Sample Speech 1: "The Joy of Gardening". 2.1 Introduction. 2.2 Body. 2.3 Conclusion. 3 Sample Speech 2: "Exploring the World of Photography". 3.1 Introduction.

  5. 10 Paragraphs: My Hobby

    Paragraph 10. My hobby is reading, and it is a gateway to different worlds and perspectives. Through books, I embark on journeys of knowledge, imagination, and empathy. Whether it's exploring fictional realms or delving into non-fiction subjects, reading broadens my horizons, stimulates my intellect, and ignites my imagination.

  6. Essay on My Hobby for Students and Children

    500+ Words Essay On My Hobby. Hobbies play a very important role in our lives. They occupy our minds when we are free and also make us happy. Hobbies are our escape from the real world that makes us forget our worries. Moreover, they make our lives interesting and enjoyable. If we look at it, all our hobbies are very useful for us.

  7. My Hobby: Speech

    Hobby: Writing, Communication, Growth. Write a speech on the topic 'My Hobby'. 1) Explain the term 2) Give your hobby 3) Give its importance 4) Appeal to pursue a hobby. Here is a speech on my hobby. Dear friends, Today, I would like to talk about one of my favorite topics: my hobby. Hobbies are activities that we engage in for pleasure ...

  8. My Favourite Hobby Essay in English for Students & Children

    This helps me keep myself calm after doing lots of work and gives my ears and heart a soothing effect. Besides these, I also have hobbies, such as reading comic books, painting, writing narrative stories, and maintaining a scrapbook. These activities make me happy and enhance my hidden qualities.

  9. 10 Long and Short Essay on My Hobby in English for Kids and Students

    How to write my hobby essay. This is our example of writing my hobby essay. You can get ideas from our essay example. Just follow our example and give your own ideas. 1. My Hobby Essay (100 WORDS) I have a lot of hobbies but the favorite one that I like most is playing football. When I have free time, I love to play football.

  10. Essay on My Hobby for Students and Professionals

    Sample Essay in 500 words. Here is a sample essay on my hobby that students can refer to. Routine work makes us monotonous. To break it we often look for interesting and exciting things to do. Hobbies are the best way to divert attention side by side with work. We need entertainment from time to time.

  11. My Favourite Hobby Essay

    100 Words on My Favourite Hobby Essay. My favourite hobby is reading. I love getting lost in a good book and escaping into different worlds and characters. Reading helps me to relax and unwind after a long day, and it also helps me to learn about new things and expand the horizon of my knowledge. I also enjoy writing, and I often find myself ...

  12. Talking About Your Hobbies In English

    Talking about hobbies in more detail. You can give more information about your hobbies and interests: "I like arts and crafts. I'm a creative / practical person, and like doing things with my hands.". "I'm an outgoing person, and like socialising / hanging out with friends.". "I enjoy being physically active, and spend a lot of ...

  13. Short Speech on My Hobby Reading in English for Students and Children

    Dear Principal, teachers, and my dear friends. Very good morning to all of you. I am here to speak on the topic - My hobby reading. A hobby is an activity that is done regularly mostly in the free time and it is done for enjoyment. We all have some hobbies like singing, dancing, cooking, listening to music, etc.

  14. My hobby essay

    Tips to write a 'My hobby essay'. Prepare a strong outline for the essay to ensure that it is well written with no gaps in the framework. Don't write about hobbies that you do not have in real life. Maintain your authenticity, as that will help you produce a meaty essay. Instead of continuously talking about how your hobby makes you feel ...

  15. Essay On My Hobby For Class 1, 2 And 3 Children

    Essay on My Hobby is Drawing' in 10 Lines. Here is what a 10-line essay on drawing and painting could look like: Art has an important role in human culture since the beginning. Earlier, people drew on cave walls, dried leaves, and animal skin. Now we draw on paper, canvas, and digital apps.

  16. 2 Minute Speech On The Importance Of Hobbies In English

    Hobbies are a terrific way to unite individuals and give them a common interest. Getting into a new hobby typically entails learning new things that can be used in daily life as well. Our self-assurance increases as our knowledge and abilities do. We are exposed to new ideas, philosophies, and individuals through new interests.

  17. Long and Short Speech on My Hobby

    Short Speech on My Hobby | 1 Minute. Hello, all of you. From the bottom of my heart, I wish you great greetings before I begin my speech. And thank you for giving me this opportunity to speak. Today I'll try my best to avail this opportunity. So let's come to today's topic.

  18. Speech on Hobbies

    Let's find out. First, hobbies make us happy. They are like little rays of sunshine on a cloudy day. Whether we're drawing a picture, playing football, or baking cookies, hobbies fill us with joy. They are our escape from the daily grind, our own little islands of pleasure. Secondly, hobbies make us smarter.

  19. My Hobby Essay for Students and Children in 1000 Words

    A hobby is such an activity that is really beneficial for our mental health. It reduces our stress, improves our mental well-being and creates a feeling of satisfaction and happiness in our minds. Here are some of the significant benefits that we get from our hobbies. 1. Stress reliever.

  20. Essay on My Hobby Travelling

    In conclusion, my hobby of travelling is a multifaceted experience that provides education, fosters relationships, encourages personal growth, and promotes environmental consciousness. It is more than just a pastime; it is a way of life that continually enriches my understanding of the world. As a college student, I believe that travelling ...

  21. Short Speech on My Hobby Drawing in English for Students and Children

    The topic of my speech is - My hobby- drawing. A hobby is an activity that is done regularly mostly in the free time and it is done for enjoyment. We all have some hobbies like singing, dancing, cooking, listening to music, etc. My hobby is drawing. I love to draw since I was four years old. I used to scribble on the walls and make some easy ...

  22. My Hobby-Reading

    Essay on My Hobby-Reading. My hobby is reading books. Whenever I get free time, I read books and I enjoy it. My teacher always tells us that reading is very important for children as we gain a lot of knowledge through it. My parents also buy books for me and now there is a small library in my home. There are lots of books about freedom fighters ...

  23. Is My Writing a Hobby Or a Career?

    For her, writing is not a hobby, not work, but what she calls a "third space.". She added, "Writing has always been the way I make meaning of the questions.". Hannah Matthews. , author of ...

  24. Undergraduate Commencement Address by Ken Burns

    Honorary degree recipient Ken Burns delivers the Undergraduate Commencement speech at Brandeis University's 73rd Commencement Exercises on May 19, 2024.. Transcript. Brandeisian, love it. President Liebowitz, Ron, Chair Lisa Kranc, and other members of the board of trustees, Provost Carol Fierke, fellow honorees, distinguished faculty and staff, proud and relieved parents, calm and serene ...

  25. 2 Minute Speech On Hobbies In English

    Hobbies help to develop the mind as well as bring pleasure. There are many advantages to having a hobby, but one of the best ones is that it may teach you useful skills that are very transferable to the "real world.". Learning and perfecting a new talent takes time and effort. Many pastimes, like athletics or the arts, need a strong work ...

  26. Video: Robert De Niro spars with bystander during remarks outside ...

    Robert De Niro joined the Biden campaign for a press conference outside the courthouse where Donald Trump's criminal hush money trial is underway. De Niro was praising the heroism of former ...

  27. Israel's Netanyahu says Rafah strike went tragically wrong and will be

    "In Rafah, we already evacuated about 1 million non-combatant residents and despite our utmost effort not to harm non-combatants, something unfortunately went tragically wrong," he said in a ...