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The journey to becoming a published author: From Wattpad story to physical book

Green leaf

Wattpad Creator Caroline A. Richardson (@MustangSabby) has been writing on Wattpad since 2015. One of her most popular stories on the platform is Out of His League , which is now published by W by Wattpad Books. The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of Wattpad corp. or affiliated companies.

The journey to getting published

When I was in grade school, I think about 12 or 13 years old, I wrote a story about horses. It was a typical short story about a horse-crazy girl and her horse doing amazing things together.

My English teacher Mr. Steeves sat me down with the rumpled dot-matrix printed copy of the story, looked me straight in the eye and said, "Don't stop writing, someday you'll be a published author, I know it".

I started a journey that day.

Fast forward a few years—okay a lot of years—and here I am with a copy of my debut romance novel in my hands. I wish I could show Mr. Steeves that I'm still on the journey, thankful for his encouragement at the trailhead.

My journey to becoming a published author obviously did not happen overnight. I'm in my forties now. I spent years and years penning stories no one will ever see, writing lost to time and hard drive failures. All of it is practice. All of it climbing towards that someday-goal.

Opportunity knocks

When people ask me how my book got to where it is, I tell them I believe I was in the right place at the right time and got lucky. If they ask me to explain it, I expand it to, "I worked hard for a long time so that when luck struck, I was ready." It may sound trite, but I do believe that luck is really opportunities that people are ready to say yes to.

Out of His League by Caroline Richardson

I assumed I had hit the jackpot, proud of my book and its success, content with how well it had done. 

So, when I signed my name to the Wattpad Books contract for Out of His League , I had essentially embraced the opportunity that would see that someday-goal become a reality. It was the biggest feeling in the world! I had done it. I was going to be a published author. 

From that point, it felt like a whirlwind. In reality, from initial contract with Wattpad, to rounds and rounds of edits, to release day, it was close to two years of work behind the scenes to have that physical book in hands by April of 2022.

From serialized fiction to published book

Serialized fiction can be compared to watching a television series, with short episodes released one at a time to make a complete story. You can wait and binge it all when it is done, or you can watch each episode as it is released, hooked in anticipation of the next. In that vein, writing a story on Wattpad is much the same. 

On Wattpad, you want to draw your reader in quickly, and end your chapter with a cliffhanger to make them want more. You want to entice them back when the next chapter is ready to read. A serialized story should have short, fast-paced chapters with characters that live or die on the cliffhangers and plot twists you write. You want to move from scene to scene at a pace to keep your readers hooked, commenting, and voting—which will help to motivate you !

On the other hand, a published, physical book is more like a movie. Your reader has already been hooked by the story as a whole, sometimes convinced by the book cover, blurb, and premise alone—or in the comparison to a movie, the trailer. Readers want to sink into a book, and the story flows from one chapter to the next with scenes stitching together seamlessly. You consume the story wholly on its own with no interaction necessary.

Now, take those two story extremes and compare them. Apples and oranges, right? Each is consumed very differently. So believe me when I say that as we started editing my Wattpad story, I saw the differences (and the challenges) ahead of me.

The editing path

When you spy a Wattpad book on a shelf, know that that book was taken from its serialized form and transformed from raw stone on Wattpad to faceted gem on the page. The story—and its author—entered an editing process where it was shaped, smoothed, and polished with the guidance of an editorial team that understood the difference. 

I trusted that team from the beginning, because I was a deer in the headlights when I received my editorial letter. For reference, an editorial letter is the beginning steps to a substantive edit. It outlines the goals for the book, the main areas of improvement, and some of the ideas your editor has as you work through your first pass together.

We added scenes, and completely changed how some scenes played out. Chapters were rearranged, some combined, others split. There wasn't one part of the book that wasn't remolded in some way! We considered the target audience, amping romantic beats to provide more impact. I rewrote entire sections, pushing myself to tighten each sentence, using writing muscles I didn't know I had!

It was exciting, and terrifying, and I loved every moment! Not kidding, I think I may have enjoyed editing more than writing the book to begin with! Not only was I participating in an editing process for the first time, I was attending a master class on how to transform my own craft. 

Walking forwards

A debut novel can sometimes come roaring onto the bestseller list, or it can be a whisper amongst the cacophony of books available on the shelf. I personally think that this novel, my debut, is a chance for me to listen to both.  

Caroline Richardson holding her book, Out of His League

I read one star and five star reviews posted to Netgalley and Goodreads right beside one another, repeating "not everyone is your reader". I took each step forward towards release day with the understanding that I was enabling myself to allow the frustrations to mingle with the success to form a whole picture.

As I look ahead to the next published book, I know that I will take all I learned from Out of His League and layer another experience on top of it. We are a sum of our experiences. This is a philosophy I adhere to in many parts of my life, no less so in my writing! Each book will be better written, each publishing experience a different journey, but no less educational. The difference will be how prepared I am as we set out again.

I think I can acknowledge that Wattpad understands that the authors they bring under their banner are often grassroots writers. They know that these creators are just starting on their own journey, climbing that path towards a metaphorical mountain pass, to reach the valley on the other side. The effort is huge, the reward bigger.

I am forever grateful to the Wattpad Books team that shepherded me through that mountain pass on mine, and being patient if it took me awhile to get my snowshoes buckled when we got to the hard parts. The reward? A big goal achieved, and a writing career that is just getting started. 

Pre-teen me would be overjoyed, even if the book isn't about horses.

Green leaf

Wattpad introduces a creator program that can pay writers up to $25,000


Storytelling platform Wattpad is introducing a new creator program for writers that can earn them up to $25,000 in compensation. The company is also debuting a new metric called “Engaged Readers,” to help writers gauge readers’ interest in their stories, and Wattpad Creator Portal , a new site for writers to get tips and tricks about improving their content for the platform.

After introducing its Paid Stories project in 2019, Wattpad has paid more than $3 million to writers on the platform to date. With its new creator program, it plans to pay $2.6 million to writers just this year.

There are strict guidelines to be eligible for the payout program. Writers must have had a completed novel-length story (50,000 words or more) and they must have published at least one story chapter in the last three months.

Writes must also have at least one story in eligible genres like general fiction, romance, vampire, action, teen fiction and horror, with a minimum number of Engaged Readers for that genre. The criteria for Engaged Readers vary from 9,000 for general fiction to 100 for horror. While authors can tag genres for their stories themselves, a team of experts vets these tags for the new program so the story can be categorized as one of the eligible genres.

The company counts an Engaged Reader as someone who has spent more than five minutes on a story in the last 365 days. Wattpad also has other metrics like Total Reads, which is to measure the number of all-time non-unique reads on a story, and Unique Reads, which is the daily read or view by a unique user over 30 days.

become a wattpad writer

Wattpad is not the first platform to try this kind of metric for paying creators. In 2019, Medium introduced a similar strategy by measuring read time on a post and paying writers accordingly.

The company has been testing the Engaged Readers feature with a few writers to gauge what kind of users are reading stories for a longer time. It claims that users spend more than 23 billion minutes per month on the platform reading various stories, so this new feature will give it more insights into where readers are spending more time.

“As webnovels continue to grow in popularity around the world, we are going to continue building new tools for writers to do their best work, grow their fandoms, and ultimately make more money from their stories. Engaged Readers is the first step in a number of new initiatives we’re planning for 2022 and beyond. We’re helping grow the global webnovel market alongside our authors, creating more opportunities for writers to grow their fandoms and monetize their work,” the company said in a statement.

Wattpad president Jeanne Lam told TechCrunch that when you compare this to traditional publishing, a bookstore can tell you how many copies are sold, but they can’t tell you if the buyer read that book.

“The Engaged Readers feature gives writers a new metric to actually understand how people are interacting with their stories in the past year,” she said.

The Wattpad Creators Program is currently rolling out to English-language writers, with the Philippines and Spanish-language markets arriving next. The company is targeting to include up to 3,000 writers in the program this year.

Lam specified that all writers included in the program will get editorial support, coaching for marketing and audience building, access to special writer tools and partnership discounts, and opportunities to work with brands. Wattpad also wants to give more insights to writers as to what kind of stories and plots are working well on the platform. However, not all writers will earn stipends, and there are different levels to reach the figure of $25,000.

“We’re building a creator economy, for authors, and investing in diverse writers from all over the world. And one of the things that we know to be true is how much our creators want to thrive on Wattpad.  So one of the most valuable things we can do is support them through a significant investment across their entire writing journey, which is something that we can be proud of with this program that we’re launching,” Lam said.

She mentioned that even if a writer doesn’t qualify for the program, they can learn more about different opportunities and techniques to improve their writing through the new Wattpad creator Portal .

Along with this, to make its platform more attractive for readers, Wattpad will launch exclusive stories from some marquee writers. These writers include romance author Tamara Lush, who wrote Drive and Crash ; Jessica Cunsolo, author of the With Me series — which has over 1 billion reads on the platform with a TV series adaptation in works; Kate Marchant, writer of the novel and upcoming Robbie Amell-produced film Float ; Sondi Warner, the author of fantasy novel Lead Me Astray , with more than 260,000 reads; and Claudia Tan, author of Perfect Addiction , another novel that’s being converted into a feature film by Wattpad Webtoon Studios.

The company claims that 1,500 stories on the platform have been converted into different kinds of movies and published books.

Last year, Medium revamped its creator program with referral bonuses, apart from relying on how much time a reader spent on the story. Other rival platforms like Ghost , Scribd , and Substack focus on the number of paying subscribers to distribute the money   amongst writers after taking a cut. Facebook also launched a new platform to support independent writers called Bulletin last year.

However, Wattpad wants to stand out by supporting webnovel writers by offering them multiple ways to make money: paid stories, brand partnership, potential book and movie deals, and now, a new creator program.

The story was updated to include clarification from Wattpad that 94 million users number is it’s the size of the total community and the firm doesn’t disclose monthly active users. 

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That being said, you can (and you should) add external links to your book on your profile page as well as on any comments that you post relating to your book or chapter. For example, if a reader asks where he/she can read more of your work, you can post the link in your reply and send them off to your Amazon page or author website .

At the end of the day, Wattpad is ultimately a social media site and should be treated as one. In other words, if you are willing to adopt a systematic approach, there are certain benefits that are yours for the taking.

Let’s have a look at this in a bit more detail.

1. You have a captive audience

People who sign up to Wattpad are clearly interested in books and because of that, there are millions of engaged readers looking for their next great read. But before you minimize my article and rush over to Wattpad right now, remember this: Wattpad is a social media platform and as such, the golden rule applies:

Always actively engage with people who are reading your chapters. If someone has left a comment, make sure that you respond to their comment as soon as you can. Take the time to look at your reader’s profile so that you can engage with them on a personal level.

If you want to breed reader loyalty, spending a bit of time getting to know your audience will go a long way to increasing sales. It will also help you better understand your readership which in turn will help you focus your marketing efforts outside of the site.

2. Serialization keeps readers interested

Serialization, if done correctly, can lead to reader loyalty and Wattpad is acutely aware of this. You have to release your content on a chapter-by-chapter basis which in turn encourages continuous engagement with readers. Loyal readers can register themselves as a “fan” and as such, will receive email alerts whenever their favorite author posts something new.

This level of engagement is a very powerful thing as dedicated fans will be more inclined to follow your writing beyond the realms of Wattpad.

However, things can go wrong very quickly if you do not post chapters regularly as readers could lose interest and move on. Consistency is crucial to the success of serialization so it is best not to join Wattpad if you don’t have a completed book (even if only in the first draft) to share. Readers like knowing that once they’ve invested in a book, they will be able to read the story to the end.

What this also means is that you need to be prepared to give your whole book away for free. Posting just one or two chapters of your book will not generate interest and will end up irritating readers.

3. Interaction is encouraged

Wattpad is all about interaction and as such, the site actively supports dialog between authors and readers. Readers are allowed to rate and comment on whatever they are reading, giving authors a chance to refine their work or test out new ideas for characters or story development.

Wattpad readers certainly seem very willing to engage with an author and provide feedback as a startling 5 million new comments are posted every month. It goes without saying that the quality of the comments will vary from the inane to the constructive.

Receiving reader comments and feedback is definitely one of the main benefits of the site, but author-reader interaction can be taken one step further. Authors are also given the option to broadcast messages to their readers.

Think of a broadcast as a tweet or a Facebook status update that is posted on your homepage and emailed out to your fans. This is a very useful feature as authors can post teasers, external links to their books, and even create reader polls to garner more detailed information about their readership.

The broadcast feature is exceptionally useful to an author, but should also be used with care as too many broadcasts can annoy your readers.

4. Meet some like-minded people

This is a benefit that is often drowned out by the idea that social media should do nothing but “work” for you. At the end of the day, social media is social, and as such, it provides a great opportunity to meet some like-minded people.

One way to connect with people is to read and comment on other author’s stories. Many authors that we work with dismiss this as a waste of time, but if you are serious about building up your network, there is no better way to do it. Of course this is a slow and steady approach, but you have to start somewhere.

5. You can (potentially) crowdfund your book

Wattpad have very recently announced their new crowdfunding platform called “Fan Funding”. Fan Funding is based on the same principles of any crowdfunding campaign in that authors can appeal to their fans to donate money to self-publish their book. Authors can offer incentives (i.e. t-shirts, signed copies, ebooks, etc.) for donations, and campaigns will run for a standard 30-day term.

Perhaps the largest distinguishing feature of Fan Funding is that all books partaking in the program will still be free to read for Wattpad users. In other words, readers can read the book before deciding whether or not to donate which means that donations are more likely to come from people who actually enjoy your writing.

As Fan Funding is still in its trial phase, I am wary of commenting on its success. However, I will say that Fan Funding is a very natural step for Wattpad as the site has an established reader-base and of course, many Wattpad authors have existing relationships with their readers.

6. Science fiction, fantasy, and YA are the dominant genres

Although Wattpad has over 20 genres available on the site, science fiction, young adult, and fantasy books are without doubt the most popular genre. A large part of this trend is because the majority of Wattpad users are teenagers and 20-somethings who lean more toward these genres.

So, if you’re a fantasy, YA, or science fiction author, this will be music to your ears. However, if you write historical fiction, the uptake on your book may be less than you expect.

Wattpad author categories

Do you have the urge to sign up now?

Receiving honest feedback from real readers is an invaluable part of the writing process, and for that reason, Wattpad is a useful tool for authors. But the market research possibilities are not to be sniffed at, as authors are able to connect with and gain deeper insight into their readership and indeed their genre.

become a wattpad writer

However, as is the case with all social media, there is no guarantee of success or increased sales. There is no harm in putting you and your book out there, as long as you are realistic about the response that you are after.

I’d love to hear about your experiences or concerns with Wattpad. Please share your thoughts in the comments below.

  • Publishing , Writing
  • Social media , Wattpad

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Bronwyn Hemus

Bronwyn Hemus

168 thoughts on “6 things every author needs to know about wattpad”.

become a wattpad writer

I write Regency romance and I took a chance on that and Wattpad. Great response. I was disheartened at first, seeing other authors with 22000+ reads. However, readers find what they like. I have gained over 9000 reads on my very first novel. Lots of great comments. I think it works although, sadly, I kept thinking if only I had a dollar for every read of that novel… Yes, one must be prepared to give away a whole book. I found putting up chapters made people edgy. And I didn’t have time to keep copying and pasting so I eventually surrendered to demands and put the whole books up.

become a wattpad writer

Hi, I didn’t know how to post a new comment, so am responding to an existing one. I was very excited about Wattpad when I saw the number of readers and I did follow your advice except participating in discussions. I shall do that but I thought for a new post with a beautiful cover, at least a few readers are bound to click. But there hasn’t been any views and it has been almost 14 hours. How could it be? One explanation: it is not even visible to people. I posted under Romance, General Fiction, added my Amazon link, uploaded the lovely cover and posted the first chapter. The formatting changed from the original but that can’t be the reason for people not reading it? Everything is left aligned due to the conversion to text format. I sent a message to Wattpad folks. However, if there is something else, please let me know. Many thanks.

become a wattpad writer

I am also a writer on wattpad and have been bouncing around between genres for years. After being a member for a little less than a year, I personally love the site. So far, I really only have one question: Is there a way to see who views your stories/books without the reader leaving a comment?

become a wattpad writer

Sometimes there is a who’s reading this tab on the side of the story. It is not always visible though.

become a wattpad writer

Maybe if it says, “blah blah blah added your story blah blah blah to their library or reading list or whatever.” That’s how i usually tell but if there is nothing i don’t think it is possible sorry. :/

become a wattpad writer

No, thats sort of invasion of privacy. If they don’t vote or leave a comment then they don’t want people to know they read your story. And either way its not really important who reads it.

become a wattpad writer

Only if you make your book 100% private

become a wattpad writer

Lol you expect reads to a new story by an unknown author in 14 hours? Time to answer the clue phone. To stand out amongst the millions of authors in wattpad you’re going to have to work at it!

Get into the community and start talking and answering in the club forums (that are the same as your book type.) Make sure you post a chapter at lest once a week. Go through wattpad and search for other authors story’s that you enjoy ad read the whole book. Make honest comments on every chapter that you enjoyed.

Make friends with readers, anthers and critics. Ask politely for critics to critique a few chapters of your book. If they ask for a payment of a follow, a comment or to read a few chapters of theirs do so.

Make a new cover every few months to peak more interest of your book. Check your notifications for anyone new followers and always thank them and follow them back.

Rince repeat for about two years and you’ll be sitting on about 3k or more readers.

Also never beg for votes as its bad taste. Votes are rare expecually if your book is loved as most readers they become engrossed into it to the point that they forget to do it. lol So just ignore votes they’ll come with time.

Learn good grammar, spelling say/vs tell (need both one is not better then the otehr as some writing styles side heavily one or the other. People seam to like a good balance.)

And engaging story with a good plot is key.

Do be so assured that your book is gods gift to the world, yes bereave in your self and your book but falling in love with it is only going to hurt you.

Listen to the critics they are not trying to be mean they are trying to help and teach you. When they point out something scour goggle/yahoo for author help sites on the problem.

Do all the above and your reader base will grow, anything worth doing takes time!

become a wattpad writer

Well, you may be wrong. I joined wattpad 5 hours ago and I already have 53 reads! If you don’t believe me, my wattpad name is MA310703, and you might have guessed from my name, I’m eleven years old. The type of novella I have written was in the romance genre. If you wish to read my new novel, it is called Romantic Fates. It will not show, for some reason, on the google search. However, if you do wish to check it on the actual site, it will pop up. Regards, a wattpad writer

become a wattpad writer

Same here. Since a few weeks, Wattpad stories no longer show up on Google .

If I search for “Michelle Rowen Wattpad” on bing or yahoo, I get a link to Michelle Rowen’s Wattpad page. If I do the same search on Google, I get a link to Goodreads (an Amazon company) and Facebook.

become a wattpad writer

lol I searched for your username, MA310703 and there is not account by that name. You have to be 13 or older to join Wattpad. I’m not playing the “I have more reads then you game” it’s immature.

If anyone wishes to find me you can look up darkocean and the story Soul Tear. For a while their it was ranked #164 in Fantasy, it’s hard to get ranked at all in that category as there’s lots of competition.

I am always looking for a critic that is willing to give constructive feedback, as so often they can spot things I can’t.

Anyway, stop worrying about the reads and if they go up or not and if the book is something -worth- reading in the first place.

And, yes I do take forever to reply. Xp

become a wattpad writer

You may want to re-read your own advice. There are so many typos and grammatical errors in your post that I personally wouldn’t take you seriously as a writer. That’s just a little constructive criticism for you!

become a wattpad writer

It frankly isn’t that hard to get views in the Fantasy genre as long as you have the right strategy. I started my book some time back, I’m guessing a month or a month and a half and my highest ranking has been #18 in Fantasy while my reads are around 1.3K

become a wattpad writer

One of the best, if not the best, advice to new authors I’ve seen. Thanks.

become a wattpad writer

Thanks a bunch! I also have a few questions. I’m a writer on wattpad. I’ve posted a few chapters, I regularly update, but unfortunately my phone got spoilt and I have no backup whatsoever. I’ve forgotten my password and everything. How do I get my work back, and how do I tell my readers about it?

become a wattpad writer

I believe that there are forums out there for just that purpose.

One word of advice- Do NOT, for any reason, advertise you book in the comment section of someone else’s. Its rude to the writer and honestly, how would you feel if someone cared so little about your book that all they wanted to do was advertise theirs?

I personally am more likely to click on a book with a nice cover and remember, the moment you get a few people to vote on your book the reads skyrocket. Maybe ask for, say, 5 votes for the next chap? Then you could increase to 10, then 20, then 40 or at a slower pace, again, depending on interest.

Be sure to respond to as many comments as you can and respect it if someone is trying to be helpful. If the comment is rude, delete it and don’t let it get to you (remember, if the person cannot give a reason why that actually has something to do with your writing, what do they know?). If it is kind respond and if it is a constructive critique then even if it is not flattering, at least look into it as you may learn something important, after all that is what wattpad is all about!

become a wattpad writer

Good advice!

On my app i am not able to delete a comment i didn’t send…

become a wattpad writer

Gaining reads on Wattpad is a slow process for most people, if you got any reads in less than a day of posting a story then you are lucky. If you have no reads by New Years, then you can freak out. The key to getting reads on Wattpad is to go on the forums. Focus on being active in your genre forums, the cafe, and the improve your writing club and talk to people outside of the forums. Something as simple as striking up a conversation with someone through private message about something you have in common can go a long way toward getting you followers and reads. Read other people’s books and give thoughtful comments on them. But most importantly, FOLLOW PEOPLE WHO WRITE SIMILAR STORIES, comment on their stories. In my experience as a Wattpad user the more active you are on forums and commenting on books, the more reads you get. And follow back people who follow you, it increases your exposure.

For my story i got 67 reads the first day then 100 reads two days later…is that good? Well now im at 749 reads which is average after it’s been on for about a month.

become a wattpad writer

As a dedicated Wattpad reader AMD a long-time user of this app, I can offer some advice on a personal front and from what I have seen other readers like and dislike. •NUMBER ONE RULE- be consistent. You can have the worst story in the whole community of Wattpad and still have readers with this one simple step. I myself have read and stayed with multiple stories with many grammar, spelling, plot line/flow mistakes just because my sleep deprived self thought the story was funny and how adorable the author was because of the dedication. That simple. •RULE NUMBER TWO- Be kind to your readers and other authors. I have dropped wonderful stories because of how toxic the author can be or because of how they don’t seem to be involved with their audience. Another ‘be kind’ part is to explain yourself clearly. Replying comments can be tiring for authors but exhilarating for us readers, especially if it is to explain something we didn’t understand about the story. Another thing authors can do is to simply correct mistakes readers find. I often go back to reread stories and love when I see that an author corrected something I or another reader noticed and pointed out. This tells your readers that you ‘hear’ them even if you don’t reply to comments. RULE NUMBER THREE- Have fun. I can tell when the author is upset or really passionate about what the are writing. A lot of other readers I have ‘met’ can see this too and it brings a personal touch to write when you are in a mood that matches your writing.

On another note, we can also tell when you force yourself to write. Sometimes you just need to have a separate file for writing prompts for yourself to be able to play with when you are in a dry spot. Remember that while there are haters the are also fans to support you throughout your journey. Consider joining fandoms and finding common interests/experiences with your audience as this is also a sweet spot to include in author’s notes, comments, and in your characters’ lives. Thank you for your wonderful stories!

become a wattpad writer

Hi! I am an accomplished writer on Wattpad, and just thought I’d share a little bit of my advise!

First off, who ever commented and said that in 2 years you’d be at 3k, is crazy. It has been probably about 3 years since I started my first book and I am now almost at 700k. It is a romance/comedy book. You will definitely have more than 3k readers in 2 years, lol.

-Now, that being said, just make sure you have clean grammar(people get annoyed with untidy writing). -Don’t Rush your story! Don’t move too fast, make the readers sit on the edges of their seats, wondering what will happen. -Cliff hangers! Readers hate them…but it makes them want more! -Whatever you do, don’t beg for votes, it annoys the crap out of readers.

I wish you the best of luck! If you want to contact me for any sort of help, my username on wattpad is @AlwaysBe_a_Dreamer

“You will definitely have more than 3k readers in two years”, that is very true. XD My story right now is pretty much 750 reads, and it’s only been a month. So multiply 750×24 and you get way over 3,000. Also if I follow you, can you follow back? And thanks for the advice. 😉

become a wattpad writer

Sometimes, users just don’t see you’re work. I’m on wattpad and one of my story didn’t had views for a couple of days even if I noticed my followers. Be patient. It comes. I only have 60 views but I know that someday I’ll reach more. I hope for you that people will see your work.

become a wattpad writer

My daughter started writing on this app. You do not get people immediately reading your book. It is a slow process, but after 6 months my daughter has 896k reads. I was inspired to upload my novel. I just started last week and I only have 56 reads. I’m @skywhitehorse . It takes time, but I think you need to be patient as it will not happen overnight.

become a wattpad writer

Wattpad is very popular, and however much work, tears, and sweat you put into it, it won’t become popular until you’ve gotten popular yourself. Do not advertise on others stories—unless it’s an ad book. Gain some followers via commenting and become friends with small writers—in the future, they’ll reference you! Getting reads doesn’t simply happen overnight—you need a compelling storyline and discription, not to mention an eye catching profile and good ground to stand on.

Make a social media page for buessness only, and the right way to advertise is through tags. Since yours is romance, I’d suggest making it TeenFic and having a tag be Romance. TeenFic is the most viewed in romance and vice versa, so doing this is a smart move as it’ll be staying true to yourself as well as publishing the tags right.

And finally: no one likes bad grammar! Make sure that all your words make sense and consider others’ views and opinions.

become a wattpad writer

The reason might be that you’re not following anybody. I have been on Wattpad for a couple of months and I learned that many people that you follow have a high chance to follow back and read your books. Another reason might be that you’re not taking the time to know the site and talk to people.

become a wattpad writer

My partner and I are experimenting with posting chapter by chapter. One piece of advice we saw elsewhere which we are currently testing went more or less as follows:

01. After you post your latest chapter, add a new chapter. Title it.

02. Thank your readers for reading thus far and give them a teaser for the next chapter(s)

03. Give them the actual date when you will post your next chapter – and stick to it come hell or high water.

04. Suggest that the reader becomes a fan so they are notified as soon as you update your story.

05. Suggest that, if the reader likes your story, they should vote for it, comment on it (all feedback welcome) and explain how this will really help you to reach a wider audience, encourage you in your writing and make you a better writer. In other words, make the reader feel they are contributing something positive.

Do these ideas work? We have no idea as we only started to upload my partner’;s first story, Araminta , a fantasy romance, this week so it is still far too early to tell! I offer the ideas in the hope that it might help you and others to make the most of Wattpad.

Incidentally, thank you to the author of this post: there are a couple of ideas here which my partner and I will definitely be putting into practice – especially the one about including the external links in any comments we make on the stories of other authors. We publish on Amazon this weekend so it will be very interesting to see if Wattpad makes a difference!

become a wattpad writer

Not sure authors are doing themselves a favor here. Feedback is important but putting your work out there where anyone can take the concept is risky. Publishers no doubt prefer it to amazon self publishing because less self published books are for sale, competing with theirs. More of the pie for them. So maybe self published authors will go away and leave them the monopoly they now have to hare with Amazon. They hate amazons set fee to them as it is. Now they over price their authors books and then claim they arent selling the numbers whether total gross revenue reflecting the increased cost increases or not. This seems like a creative writing sandbox. If you’re going to make your work available you have to treat it like a business.

I used to think that, but actually it should be the opposite effect. With wattpad giving free material to read why would people pay for more expensive books? I got my kids are kindle and they download mostly free books now so I don’t have to spend money. Also the fact about people stealing your idea is not that likely and once you post it you should be able to prove that it was your idea first. If anyone makes money off of your idea you can Sue. My user name is @skywhitehorse

become a wattpad writer

I just came across Wattpad because I was looking up how to find Beta readers. My question’s are, do you have to put the full book up? (I do have a completed book, actually I have two completed books.) Or, do you put up a chapter a day? Do readers usually give you advice on what needs to be edited?

Any feedback you could give me on how the site works would be greatly appreciated. I don’t want to put anything up yet until I fully understand how this works.

Thank you for your time, Hali Chieffo

You don’t have to post the entire work at once. I goes chapter by chapter. Some people only sign up on the site so they can read free books. You could start by doing that and see how you like it. And readers can post comments, but it is pretty slow at first. Your story has to gain popularity. I’m under @skywhitehorse

become a wattpad writer

Most readers don’t leave in depth critiques when they comment but if you decide to upload I will critique for you my user name: trozin. You upload chapter by chapter… you do’t have to upload the entire book but it often makes people upset if you don’t. If you don’t plan on posting the entire novel put that as a disclaimer in the beginning. There are options to select what kind of copyrights you want on your work. If you’re hesitant about posting I’d suggest using a novel you’re not so attached to as a test run. And yes is does take time to build up momentum. Maybe writing some fan fiction first to get people’s attention before posting your beloved completed novels. -wish you the best

become a wattpad writer

It took me about a month for one of my books to become popular and compared to many others I’m still not there but with 74k reads I’m glad Its not to hard to become know on Wattpad if you Interact with the othrs, you just have to start following people getting to know authors and just having fun while reading

become a wattpad writer

Has anybody else besides me noticed you can only read part of a story without signing in? I refuse to make an account just to read. I think it’s very wrong to do that as it feels like they just want to spam and an honest website would not try to force readers to sign in just to read something.

become a wattpad writer

Hi, one thing that the article did not mention is that authors should also be thick skinned. A lot of the time, authors take down their pieces due to criticism. I must warn you, people can be very rude and unrealistic and their commentary allows them to share their opinion, which is not always helpful. It can be very degrading and hurtful.

I used to think that, but actually it should be the opposite effect. With wattpad giving free material to read why would people pay for more expensive books? I got my kids are kindle and they download mostly free books now so I don’t have to spend money. Also the fact about people stealing your idea is not that likely and once you post it you should be able to prove that it was your idea first. If anyone makes money off of your idea you can Sue. My user name is @skywhitehorse . To Khisha- yes readers can post rude comment, but you can block them from making further comments.

Yes, some readers can post rude comments but you can block their future comments. @skywhitehorse

Just ignore anyone who is being rude, if they are realy bad there’s no need to take what they say to heart. Just move on and find another critic and see what they say, eventually you’ll find a few nice ones that want to help you grow as a writer, those are the ones that matter.

I like to surprise the cridics that give critiques with a dedication on top of whatever kind of payment they asked for, even if I don’t like the critique they gave as they still took the time to try and help me. <3 Also always read their books too the back and fourth is great for both sides. My favorite is when a critic spots a logic error or plot hole, those are hard to spot.

become a wattpad writer

Thanks so much for your comment Arabella. Given that your books had such a positive response on Wattpad, did you find that this had an impact on your actual book sales at all?

Yes, I think so. Not huge, but I don’t think readers’ buying habits come in a huge surge. I noticed a 25% increase. Actually, I did not even connect it to Wattpad, so your question has given me an answer. The most important result from Wattpad was readers’ responses, saying they LOVED the books, how they enjoyed the characters, how they hated the villains. I think the best benefit of Wattpad is I discovered I can write great Regency romance, and I think all writers want that acknowledgement, whatever their chosen genre. Your article mentions sci-fi, fantasy and YA being the most popular. I think you should add romance (all kinds). I trawled through the various genres, and was astounded by the number of reads some romance writers had gained.

Thanks for your comment Arabella, and good to know that romance should be added to the list of most popular genres.

become a wattpad writer

Is there a number for wattpad because my account got hacked and they never responded back

I’m sorry to hear that your account has been hacked; how awful!

Wattpad doesn’t have a phone number so I would suggest emailing them at [email protected] as well as mentioning that your account was hacked on their user forum.

I know that site moderators regularly read and reply to comments made in the forum so this may be a good way to get someone to help you.

I hope this helps and you get an answer soon!

become a wattpad writer

I want my story to show up in the search but it never does it has 384 reads and 68 votes and 13 comments. My wattpad name is Asap_Nerdd13. I really want my story to be noticed when people search up other stories and my stories have similar tags but it doesn’t show up.

Hello Sarah, I’m sorry to hear that. Everyone wants their story to be read and it’s probably hard when they might not even be able to read it. This never happened to me before, but I just wanted to say that I hope you can fix it/it will be fixed soon. Again, nothing like this happens to me so I probably shouldn’t even be talking but I just wanted you to know that I hope it will be okay. Best wishes, Nightwing

become a wattpad writer

I am the author of The Brighter Side Of Homelessness. Also an E-book. I have enjoyed your simple but very informative and friendly way of giving info to enhance our knowledge.

You are great! God bless you.

With Love, Eileen

become a wattpad writer

What do you think the reaction would be if you upload most of your book but leave out the last three chapters, with a link to your book at the end?

Hi TM, That’s an interesting question. To be honest, I don’t think it would go down very well if you uploaded all but three chapters of your book. Wattpad users expect to read an entire book for free so I would recommend sticking to that. Readers like knowing that once they’ve invested in a book, they can read it to the end.

become a wattpad writer

Yeah, I really wouldn’t recommend doing that. People who only post teasers to their books or don’t post the whole thing and then expect you to buy it are the worst. I have previously gone to a book and taken back ever vote and comment and praise on other social network because someone did this. However, I have bought a lot of finished and whole books on Wattpad because the author was not only a great author but also understood that Wattpad is first and foremost a free site where the readers opinion is in charge.

become a wattpad writer

Em, I agree that posting just a teaser can cause resentment, particularly if the teaser is everything except the last three chapters.

I have written a trilogy and have post the whole of book 1 in the hope that anyone who has enjoyed it will consider buying the other two books. I’ve had no negative comment about that so far and have sold a few copies so I’m happy.

become a wattpad writer

This is what I’m planning to do as well. Since my first experience on Wattpad saw over 350,000 reads and tons of positive feedback, I posted another novel today with links to my amazon page where they can find the other 2. I was hesitant at first but realized that as an artist who has been given some public validation, I shouldn’t be ashamed of trying to sell my life’s work. If Kanye can expect to be paid, so can I! 🙂

Hi, Thanks, you’ve written an interesting article on Wattpad.

I published the first book of my ‘ancient magic meets the Internet’ trilogy on Wattpad. I’ve had about 38,000 reads and plenty of useful comments. I’ve used the exercise to re-edit the book and tighten the writing so for me it’s been a useful experience.

I do wonder how writers get real traction on Wattpad… some of the stories have millions of reads which is amazing!

Thanks so much for taking the time to read my article. I’m happy to hear that your Wattpad experience has been useful in the development and shaping of your book.

Unfortunately there is no secret formula to gaining millions of reads on Wattpad as there are so many factors at play. That being said, there are certain things you can do to influence the situation. For example, it is not uncommon for users to ask friends/colleagues/family members to promote your stories on Facebook, Google+ and Tumblr. There are also a number of dedicated Wattpad bloggers who promote Wattpad authors on their blogs which increases traction and readership.

Engaging with fellow Wattpad users in the form of commenting on a chapter, asking advice or being active in a forum is also a great way to promote yourself and your stories. Of course, this takes a lot of time and effort but it is very effective.

Hi, Thanks for the reply. I think your advice is good… Wattpad’s similar to most social networks in that you get back what you put in.

I tracked you down on Wattpad in the hope of checking out one of your stories… do you not publish any work there?

Best regards, Ken.

Glad I could help.

I work with many authors who do currently publish on Wattpad but as far as publishing my own work is concerned, I am about two-thirds of the way through my book and plan to start publishing on Wattpad as soon as my book is complete.

Wishing you all the best, Bronwyn

become a wattpad writer

My cousin needs help. She’s gonna create a book that’s all about the life of Taylor Swift. What could be the effect? Will she get critisiscism s? Because she’s really worried that when she creates that book some might say she just got it on google. But She really got it on her limited edition book and she just summarized it. She’s really a crybaby so i’m really worried about her. Tnx. 🙂

become a wattpad writer

Mr. Ken, I think 38,000 reads IS real traction – a ton of traction at that! I suppose if a person had a million reads, though, they would probably still look at those with more views and wish to have three million. That is what I remind myself when I am disappointed with the results of views of my own writing. Keep your head up and keep writing! Maybe if people like your further works, they will feel compelled to take a look at your previous ones. Also, if you don’t mind, would you give me a link to your page? I would love to check it out and see what was so interesting as to gain 38,000 reads! 🙂

Hi Michaela, I’m passionate about writing and I guess I always want to do better. I posted my first book on Wattpad in the hope that lots of people would love it and buy book 2 which is on Amazon… I’ve had a few sales through this route but I’m still no JK Rowling!

Here’s the link – http://www.wattpad.com/story/2270469-dark-tidings . I hope you do get a chance to check it out… I’d love to know what you think.

What’s your link and I’ll have a look at one of your stories?

Good luck, Ken.

Mr. Ken, I think it’s great that you want to do better because it causes a drive to keep going, but it’s also good to remember to be somewhat content with the success you already have or you will never have enough. Certainly, I’ll look at that story soon. 🙂 Thank you. At the moment, I don’t have any stories posted anywhere on the internet, but I have posted some poetry. So far, I have posted 26 poems and have 1,207 views overall, but that is on blogspot.com. I have only posted 3 poems (all of which are also on Blogspot) to Wattpad and I’m not sure if or when I will post any stories. I am still thinking about it, as I’m not sure what it will accomplish to post them. I may write some short stories just for Wattpad, but I have not started on that yet.

Hi Michaela, I am extremely happy with what my writing has achieved so far, I didn’t mean to give the impression that I wasn’t. Like all authors, I want thousands, no millions, to notice and hopefully appreciate my work. As they say, if you shoot for the stars, you might hit the moon.

I’d love to hear what you think about my Wattpad story… I hope you do get the chance to check it out.

Apply to have your book featured. There’s a simple app on the site to fill out. They may or may not feature it, but it can’t hurt. Good luck.

become a wattpad writer

Hi, I stumbled across your blog looking for information about Wattpad, because I was finding precious little on the website itself. I have some questions you may be able to answer for me.

1) Is it possible to automate one’s chapter uploads so that they upload, say, once a week (or whatever the optimal spacing is) at a specified time?

2) Is it possible to be notified of comments on the book via email? How do I deal with feedback? Deal with as opposed to reply to, which is a given — but what are the logistics of the site?

3) The book I’m thinking about uploading there is a four-part short story, around 8800 words. Is that a good idea or will readers be ticked off that it’s not a full-length novel?

Thanks! I’ve subscribed to your blog via RSS, because your articles look interesting.

Thanks so much for stopping by to read my article (and for subscribing to our blog).

Those are great questions and I’ll try my best to answer them.

1) The Wattpad platform is quite simple and straightforward so doing things such as automated chapter uploads is not possible. You will need to manually cut and paste your chapter into the text box as and when you post.

2) You can opt to be notified of comments on the book via email, however you will also be emailed when people have read, liked or replied to something. This can be overwhelming and many users complain of email fatigue as users can easily receive anything from 2 to 20 emails a day. I know users have requested a notifications tab similar to Facebook’s, but nothing has changed yet.

Regarding dealing with comments, there are two ways you can see the comments made on your book: 1. either click on “my news” on your homepage, or 2. scroll to the bottom of each chapter to read the comments that have been made (this can be a bit of a pain).

3) There is a whole section dedicated to short stories and many short stories receive large numbers of readers. Short stories are becoming increasingly popular so if you have a short story, go ahead and share it (as long as you are prepared to share the whole thing).

I hope this helps Meg, but let me know if you have any other questions.

become a wattpad writer

Hey, This is a question that has been plaguing me for a while. If you put your story up on Wattpad, won’t somebody come across it, take it, and publish it as their own? And by publishing, I don’t just mean on Wattpad, I mean out there by a real publisher and all. Thanks! P.S. Your blog is quite useful and an interesting read.

Thanks so much for stopping by.

That’s a great question and is one that regularly crops up in Wattpad forums. As soon as you publish your work on Wattpad (or wherever for that matter), it is automatically copyrighted to you. That being said, I always advise adding a simple copyright notice at the bottom of each uploaded chapter to avoid any doubt.

Of course, adding a copyright notice won’t stop people from stealing your work or ideas if they want to, but what it does mean is that you have the right to take legal action against the person that has stolen your work/idea if need be.

Wattpad take copyright issues very seriously and encourage users to email: [email protected] as soon as users know that their work/ideas have been stolen so that they can investigate the issue.

I hope this helps Shagun.

Wishing you all the best.

Hi, Ms., First, thank you for posting such a brief, though informative, article. It has answered quite a few of the questions and quieted some of the concerns I had. Second, I am thinking about posting my own writing on Wattpad, but I am hoping to research the website, its workings, and its general atmosphere a bit further before I begin. I was wondering if you could answer a few questions, technical and otherwise, which I have about the site, as not many resources have been provided on the matter. 1) Can the authors know which specific people read or have read their books? Can they see which readers put their books into their private libraries or public reading lists? Would I receive a notification if someone were to add my book or other work to their library? 2) I am a senior in high school and several events have arisen in my life recently where I believe I would not have had the time to spend writing and updating my work had I been doing so at the time. If I began a book on the website and progressively posted updates, do you think the readers would become frustrated with me if I did not update on a completely regular basis, such as every week on a precise day? Should I simply finish a full book before I begin posting to be sure that I am able to post updates regularly? Is this necessary for a loyal audience on Wattpad? I am sorry my comment was so long, but thank you for taking the time to read it. I would highly appreciate any light that you may be able to shed for me on this. ~ Michaela B.

Hi Michaela,

Thanks very much for taking the time to read my article.

You have raised some really good points and I’ll do my best to answer them.

1. You are able to see who is currently reading a chapter of your book at any one time. If you click on the chapter, there is a box called “Who’s reading” on the right of the page. This box shows all the people who are currently reading that chapter but not who have read (past tense) that chapter.

I don’t think you would receive notification of whether someone has added your book to their library.

2. When it comes to adding new chapters, it is best to be as consistent as possible. It is for this reason that I recommend you have a complete draft of the manuscript before you join Wattpad as you do need to regularly post chapters. If you think about, if someone has finished reading your first chapter and loved it, they will want to read your next chapter as soon as possible. If the next chapter is not ready or if there is too much of a delay in posting your next chapter, that reader could potentially lose interest and move onto another book that does have the chapters added regularly.

I hope this helps Michaela.

become a wattpad writer

Hi there! I couldn’t figure out how to write a new comment, so I figured I’d just reply to one that has answered some of my questions, and to add new ones: I’m currently in the process of self-publishing an e-book on Amazon, which I hope to have out by mid-November. I have read that I would be giving my book away for free on Wattpad, and I was wondering if that would have a negative or positive impact on my sales? Wouldn’t publishing it on Wattpad just have people reading it for free and then not buying it because they have complete access to it on the website? I would love to publish my book on Wattpad and receive an interested audience and get comments on the book, but I am afraid the above would happen, and I don’t want to risk it until I have other opinions on this matter. Thanks for your time!

Smiles, Emily Welsh

become a wattpad writer

I want to sign up for WattPad but I’m concerned about copyright and people stealing my work and claiming it as their own. I know this might be a stupid question but is there anyway to prevent it?

I’m glad you asked this question. To be honest, there is no way you can prevent people stealing your work and claiming it as their own. As mentioned above, there are measures you can take if and when it does happen, but that’s about it.

We have published an article about copyright and plagiarism which may help shed some light on this issue for you:


become a wattpad writer

Hi Ms. Brownyn ! Im a psychology student & im currently doing an undergrad. Thesis about wattpad and its impact on interpersonal relationship. Im just gonna say that your article enlightened me more about wattpad & it will surely be a good addition to my review of literature. 🙂

Thanks so much for your very kind words. I’m so pleased this article is proving to be a useful resource in your research.

Wishing you the very best!

become a wattpad writer

Great post. My question is, can I just post to the site for a promotional period-say six months-and then unpublish my book or is it up and available for free there forever?

Thanks for stopping by.

You can remove your books from your Wattpad profile at any stage. All you need to do is go to your Library and click the Edit button next to your profile picture. Hover your mouse over the book cover you want to remove. An x will appear; click the x and then click save. Your book will then be removed from your profile.

I hope this helps! All the best, Bronwyn

become a wattpad writer

Great article! Extremely helpful.

As I’m just about ready to serialize my book on Wattpad, I’m trying to find the most optimal times/days to post/upload parts of my story. Are the days you listed previously (Friday & Saturday) still the choice days for posting. I’m in California, so I’m trying to gage the timezone thing as well, not to mention my book has an international twist…Any thoughts???

Hi Melanie,

Thanks so much for reading my article, I’m glad you found it useful.

Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays are by far the best days to post to Wattpad. California is currently 8 hours behind London so if you post your book in the early morning (around 9am), you will be able to reach readers in the US and the UK.

become a wattpad writer

Hello, I have written a story on wattpad and today I noticed that my story is taken off the “discover” section. You know the place I used to go and check my numbers, I was on the hit list for historical romance but this morning I noticed that it has disappeared from the list. Please help me, thank you.

become a wattpad writer

I’m worried about using wattpad because I dont want someone else to copy and paste it and claim it as thier own.

become a wattpad writer

Great post. I’ve been on Wattpad for a while, mostly posting poetry. I’ve been thinking about expanding into posting a novel, but don’t have an idea at this time that complete enough to post regularly and on time. I can see how it works well for some authors and I find it interesting that some professionally published writers are taking part in wattpad, as well.

Andrea, you should try posting the first few chapters of you novel. You can get some great feedback and encouragement on Wattpad and that might be enough to spur you on to complete the project.

I had a completed novel when I started posting however I used Wattpad as a mechanism to help me revise the book and make it significantly better.

become a wattpad writer

Is it allowed to have 2 authors at 1 account?

As far as I know, you can’t share an account with another author; the profile set-up is very much designed for single use.

Best of luck, Bronwyn

become a wattpad writer

Hello. As a previously-published author, I’ve been shirking Wattpad for two main reasons: 1. Worries about people breaching copyright; and 2. Worries about giving away something that I’ve spent 3 years writing (it’s like giving a baby to a million strangers, and not knowing whether or not it will still be your baby afterward). There’s also a third minor concern: 3. Worries that the teen-20ish audience on Wattpad might not ever be interested in ‘slow burn’ type books that pack an impact down the track but don’t try to use flash-and-grab tactics; therefore I might not be the right writer for them. (Yes, you’ve picked the flaw in that argument: the whole world of publishing is that way inclined, so if I want to stick to ‘slow burn’ I may never find another reader.)

It’s thanks to your article that I’ve rethought some of these positions.

1. Copyright. It’s true that people do kidnap works and try to publish them for money elsewhere, but it’s fairly uncommon, and it’s more like mice eating little bits of the grain store than full scale theft. If a book gets highly popular and becomes something of a money earner, the mice will scurry.

2. Giving work for free. Perhaps Wattpad should only be approached after a writer has written 2 complete works. That is, you give one away to Wattpad and try to use it to lure people to buy the second book (whether it’s a series instalment or a stand-alone novel). Much effort is wasted if one’s book is a hit, but there’s nothing by way of follow-up.

Note: people use Wattpad for editorial advice, but I’m a big believer in going to actual professional novel mentors and critics for that. People (readers) do know when a book isn’t working, and they may also know what’s wrong, but it’s much more rare to get useful advice on how to rework it.

3. Perhaps it’s time I got off the ‘slow burn’ treadmill and started on the speedier one…

Many thanks,, for such a reasoned and informative article. Your blog (and the various answers you give to comments) has made me rethink my stance on Wattpad.

become a wattpad writer

Wattpad inked a deal with a local publishing company in the Philippines allowing them to hand pick some promising writers, help them publish their works and eventually land a movie deal.

become a wattpad writer

All my 3000 book got removed by whoever and it kinda confuse me can you explain it to me

become a wattpad writer

Thank you for writing such an article for us writers. I have been with Wattpad for several years now and am happy to share my works with readers. Like any social media, I am aware that the more I get myself out there (in Wattpad land) the more awareness I generate for my books. That is something I need to work harder on since I am stretched so thinly with my other social platforms as well as family here at home. Eeek!

I came here to garner tips on how to improve my marketing technique–any little bit is helpful. Success to every writer!

Thanks again.

🙂 Elizabeth Mueller ElizabethMueller.com

become a wattpad writer

Just to say that my daughter spent months researching and writing (and rewriting) her book on Wattpad, only to have some despicable individual plagiarise it (they had to have a split screen and copied it word for word) and publish on their own Wattpad profile. My daughter found out by two of her followers telling her about this other person; she immediately informed Wattpad who after a few days witheringly told my daughter ‘as it is only a few chapters copied there is nothing they can or will do about it’. It most certainly is not a ‘few chapters’, so what do we do now? I am extremely disappointed in the off hand attitude of Wattpad – so be warned and wary of Wattpad helping in such circumstances as they don’t. Also, when my daughter complained she was number 400 in the queue!

p.s. I deliberately have not posted any information about my daughter’s book or profile, so that people do not think I am just here to promote her. This is a genuine problem and I believe others should be made aware of it when using Wattpad. My daughter has over 700,000 reads of this book (yes that’s right 700,000, how proud am I?) and the plagiarist has stolen 86,000 reads from her as they should have counted towards my daughter’s reads. Despicable!

become a wattpad writer

You go proud mom!Seems like your daughter has real talent,may I suggest that you try getting her published or on another platform like Amazon.

become a wattpad writer

Brian, that comment wasn’t helpful at ALL and you should be ashamed of yourself!

This is a very serious allegation. Yours is literally the only charge I’ve ever heard of plagiarism on Wattpad…you should be providing proof, making such serious charges. It is like accusing someone personally, in real life, of theft without presenting any evidence to us whatsoever. “Afraid of giving your daughter publicity?” Hmm…this tale is dubious at best.

become a wattpad writer

Hi! I’m really interested in Wattpad but need advice.

I’m currently trying to get my first of a trilogy of YA fantasy novels published, sending out queries to agents left right and center. Would it increase my chances of snagging an agent if I had my trilogy up on wattpad, or decrease them? On the one hand positive reader response might show them there’s a market for my book, and God knows Anna Todd’s success story shows this can work. But on the other hand might it put them off picking me, if I’ve already given my audience all three books for free? I’d love to hear what you think on this issue.

Hiya Niya, I’ve written a fantasy trilogy and published the complete book 1, Dark Tidings, on Wattpad. To date, it’s had about 300,000 reads.


At the end of the book, I advertise the other two parts of the trilogy. Quite a few readers have gone on to buy book 2, The Black Conspiracy.

I think this approach might work for you. Give the first book away free and see how many reads you get and how much interest you generate for the rest of the trilogy. If book 1 is popular, that might help encourage an agent to bite.

become a wattpad writer

My publisher had me put up my first YA book (about 6 months after it was available in stores), chapter by chapter (one per week), until the release of my 2nd book. That was in Sept (to Feb) and that book, Truly, Madly, Deadly, has over 2 million reads. It’s been out for nearly a year and it’s still selling at a really steady pace. We put up the first 3-5 (can’t really remember) chapters of my 2nd book and that hasn’t fared quite as well (in terms of reads), but it, too, is selling at a pretty steady pace. I get about 120 fan emails per day and at least 1 each day tells me that they went out and bought the book after reading it or “told all my friends they have to read it.” I respond to as many emails as I can and I love it! I even got the idea for a book I just sold strictly from a conglomeration of my teens “guesses” about who/why the murders happened in my book! I think it’s a great way to meet readers and get them excited. I also like to pop in every couple of weeks, pick someone at random and offer to send them a book or some swag. It’s awesome. I highly suggest it. BTW, I pubb’d one chap (or section) of my book every Wednesday at 12 noon. If I was late, I got hate mail 😉

become a wattpad writer


become a wattpad writer

Hi, great article you have there, but I kinda need help

In my home menu, there’s always a tab for a news feed and notification tab right? But the problem is when I click the notification tab, it won’t open! But before it would always open Please I need your help!

become a wattpad writer

Can we like read real books in it? written by real authors not users?

Nihi, there are many stories on Wattpad by ‘real’ authors… For example, I’ve published the first book in my ‘ancient magic meets the Internet’ trilogy (in the hope that readers will go on and buy the next books in the series).

There are also books there which have achieved millions of reads… their authors are clearly talented and may be using Wattpad as a platform to build a fan base and attract an agent or a publisher.

become a wattpad writer

Hi, I just posted a story in Wattpad, and I can see the ‘amount’ of people who’s reading it. But I wanted to know ‘who’ read them. I wanted to know the usernames who read it, but can you do that on Wattpad? I found it hard to do that since I’m a newbie actually. Thnks, hope for the reply

become a wattpad writer

Hi. I just wrote a 10 chapters worth of time and I only uploaded chapters 1-3 before I wrote 7 more chapters. And it wouldn’t uploaded the rest but I saved it. My internet was being stupid so I had to reset it. And I just lost all of it. Is there anyway I can get it back? I’m so mad that this happened. I’ve never uploaded a story before this was my first one. I saved it but it’s not there. Does it really make a difference if I don’t publish it. My question is is there a way I can get it back cause I didn’t take any pictures or anything of it and I can’t remember any of it. It was so perfect too! Please reapond ASAP !

become a wattpad writer

Just to clarify, are you really saying that you typed your work into Wattpad, letter by letter, from your mind? And now it failed to save, because ‘Internet’ happened?

If so, my heart really bleeds for you. The work is gone, but your amazing skills are still there and have grown stronger by doing it, and by caring about it when it was lost. It is a very common experience for creators in every field to complete something that they worked hard at and then look at it feeling as though they will never create something better. Then off they go and surpass their own expectations. I’m sure you will do the same.

A word of advice. Do not type directly into Wattpad. It is not designed for it. Either type into something that saves as you type, like Google.docs or type into something on your computer, keep multiple copies, backup regularly and email it to yourself often.

Your best is yet to come,

become a wattpad writer

I have a couple books on wattpad. A few questions that I have are:

1. Is having a cast for your book a good thing or a bad thing? Will it help your book at all? 2. I want to improve my writing. Do you have any sites that could definitely help me? 3. Follow me? @endlessly_writing 4. Different ways to expose your books to get more votes, follows and reads?

Any other suggestions to help me out would be amazing 🙂 If you would follow me on wattpad and then send me a message with some suggestions, that would be ideal.

become a wattpad writer

Hi, i’m a newbie on wattpad and it has been giving me some problems. I downloaded the mobile app and i can only read stories, i can’t create mine. Also after reading i can only vote i can’t comment. So used one of my browsers to login on wattpad and i created a story and when i clicked on save the story just wasn’t there anymore. Also is there anyway i can communicate with other authors and readers on wattpad? Thanks.

I have absolutely no idea how to help you. But if you want to follow me @ endlessly_writing then I can try and help from there.

And if you can’t follow people then just re-comment and let me know your username 🙂

become a wattpad writer

Late last year I posted a short story (very short, 1000 words,) on Wattpad. Very soon I saw that it was becoming my most popular posting and I was getting requests for more chapters. I complied, and soon realized I was writing a novel that has now gained a readership of almost 2 million and counting. I’ve almost completed the book and am already having requests for sequels.

What is great about my Wattpad experience is that the readers really are my fuel. Their continual commentary really drives the narrative, for eg: when they pre-empt an outcome at the end of a chapter, I’ll make sure the opposite happened in the next, etc.

I work full time, so sticking to weekly updates can be tough, but you really must update consistently otherwise readers will abandon you.

I was always realistic about writing, it’s a hobby, a creative outlet, but the teenage fan base I’ve accrued on Wattpad has made me sit up and think.

become a wattpad writer

Hello there,

One of my favorite things to do is to write. I just began my first story, and am awaiting reads. If you’d be kind enough PLEASE go read it.

Fugitive By: Madison0the0Writer

Thanks! -Madison

become a wattpad writer

Hey, Madison!

I’d like to give your story a try but i can’t find you or your story in Wattpad. I’ll try to look for it again, though.

Best regards!

become a wattpad writer

Hello, I have just published my first story on Wattpad. It is a short story in the thriller genre, but I am not getting as many reads/votes/comments as I had expected. Am I missing out on something?

become a wattpad writer

I don’t understand. How can we make our blog popular without paying?

become a wattpad writer

I’ve been on wattpad for a couple of years now, and I agreed with a lot if your article. But there were a few key things I think you left out.

Wattpad is mostly populated with younger girls. Most stories that reach millions in views are either aimed more towards teenagers or are featured and are the first books you see on the front page (which is something you can’t achieve yourself). Most readers like quick, easy reads. If your chapter is extremely long, you’ll have to have a very engaging story plot to encourage someone to read that much.

When I first signed up for wattpad, I uploaded several stories and one of them reached to about 6k reads. It was a YA romancy-humor story (which humor is another top category, at least from what I’ve seen). I set up another account more recently, with more short stories. One of my short stories is up to about 15k reads. I’ve also made a rant that has passed this at 16k (I’ve learned that the more chapters you post, the more reads it adds on per reader. Which makes sense why my rant book has more reads when my short story received a lot more attention).

Another thing to consider: covers. Covers are everything. Even I am guilty of ignoring books with poorly made covers. Before you even upload a story, you should look into the cover making business. Beautiful covers, short but interesting summaries, and good first chapter hooks are great way to attract readers. A lot of the readers who read my short story would read through the whole thing AND the sequel in one sitting (mostly because my summary is odd and my first chapter hook is shocking)

If you’re looking to attract reads more than just share what you love to do (write), then I would definitely float around on wattpad and get a feel for the place before posting anything. There are also some really great guidebooks on there as well

become a wattpad writer

I listed some chapters but can’;t see the point of the hype. If someone gets 22,000 reads and earns $0 and I never had books on Wattpad and sold 1000 in 4 months for $6.27 each – who makes more money? But…if you are just interested in feedback before release, Wattpad is probably essential for the 99% of writers who don;t know how to market their book.

The problem is, once you give something away for free, they’ll expect your second book for free, as Wattpad readers rarely pay for books elsewhere.

The choice is clear then. If you want to make money, don’t use Wattpad. If you only want the buzzy feel, use Wattpad. But decide what you want and be under no illusion that Wattpad will launch you into stardom, it hasn’t done that with a single author yet.

become a wattpad writer

I had two books posted on Wattpad until quite recently – the first of which had been chosen as a featured story and subsequently received over 650,000 reads. After some serious soul searching I deleted my account. Why? Because Wattpad, like many other forms of social media can end up resembling a grand popularity contest. People obsess over stats, they make comparisons between how many reads they’ve got – and to be honest that’s not why I write. I write purely for the sake of writing. Having given up my account, I now have much more time for doing just that, and I’m thinking more creatively about how to share my stories.

become a wattpad writer

Hi. Im a lil bit confused about how wattpad works. Its about the votes and comments. I post a story with some comments on it. Then i need to change a few parts on the story and some paragraph. my question is, will i lose my comment and vote if i edit the story? Because i have some comment in one paragraph then i changes the paragraph. Is it possible that the vote and comment stayed? Please i need the answer soon. Thankyou

become a wattpad writer

If you edit you existing chapters then your comments and votes will still remain. If you delete/remove any chapters then you will lose the comments and votes on that chapter. Hope this helps 🙂

I love this article and I love wattpad!! I joined wattpad a couple of years ago just because I wanted to read. When I learnt that I could write on there too, I did and I loved it even more. I wrote a book called ‘Pretend’ and posted it chapter by chapter. I spent a lot of time in the clubs and also talking to and replying to comments on my book, page and inbox. I found that after a few months the book took off and before I knew it, it had over a million reads. I started to get a lot of people asking where they could buy the book and so I looked into publishing it on Amazon. When I did, I sold over 10,000 copies in the first three months. I left the draft version on wattpad and to date I have over 9 million reads and am still selling copies on Amazon. So, I definitely think that wattpad can really help sales. In my case it helped me to gain a loyal following/readership. I don’t write as much on wattpad any more but I use it to answer a lot of reader questions. I still love the site and know that my writing career wouldn’t even exist if it wasn’t for wattpad but you do have to put in a lot of time to reap the success. So, please be aware of this. 🙂

become a wattpad writer

I have added numerous tags to my story but it can’t be found in an internet search nor through Wattpad’s browse tool. Please advise!

The tags are something that take time to be recognised. I’m not too sure that you can actually do anything about that other than just waiting for your book to organically be associated with the them The best thing to do is give it as many tags as possible and allow for people to have a wide range of ways of finding you 🙂

become a wattpad writer

Well, this was interesting. 😀 I joined wattpad a week ago, though I was inactive for that 1 week, and I started doing everything today. Of course, I’m samantha-1070, as my name says. All the stories are good, and I honestly prefer it over Fanfiction.com now.

become a wattpad writer

I interviewed an indie author yesterday who regularly uses Wattpad for her fiction,

“Don’t think that Wattpad is going to translate into sales, because I believe that’s not going to happen. But Wattpad is a great way to find people who like what you’re doing and who will push you maybe to people who aren’t using Wattpad. It’s also full of people who will help you refine your stories. If you’re posting your writing week on week on Wattpad, they will comment, they’ll vote, they’ll tell you the things they like as well as the ones who they don’t think are working. It really helps push things forward, and it’s actually how Teeth came into being.”

become a wattpad writer

I think that’s limited thinking. 5 years ago, nobody thought you could translate anything from YouTube or social media into sales. You never know which way the tide will turn. There are people who make millions of dollars a year from YouTube because YT found a way to monetize and compensate content creators. That could be the future of WattPad.

Also, if you’re marketing savvy enough and create content people want to read, they will follow you to pay for your non WP books.

become a wattpad writer

Another very popular topic is Fanfiction. I have an original, Teen Fiction/Adventure story that’s been published for a month or more and it has zero views. On the other hand, I have a Fanfiction story that has a couple hundred views and sixteen likes (which isn’t much but is definitely much better than zero).

become a wattpad writer

Hello, I know I can see how many people read my story but is there any way I can see who exactly read it? Is there a feature for this? I do not have a computer or pc so I use the app. Please respond 🙂 Thank you.

become a wattpad writer

I was reading yesterday about Wattpad and i think is a great tool! And thanks for your great article about Wattpad, now I have a question and if you have the time to answer it will be perfect. I came from Cuba a few years ago, my primary language is Spanish, so do you have the option to post in spanish, and does Wattpad have a community for spanish readers?

Best Regards, Xavian Romeu.

become a wattpad writer

You can post stories in Spanish.

become a wattpad writer

I’m writing a story (just like about everyone else in the world, it seems lol) but I haven’t gotten very far, so I don’t have a whole book yet. I’m too scared that my writing sucks to wait until I’ve written the whole book to put it up. Is there somewhere that I could post what I already have and get some feedback? I have my main characters sorted out and where I want the plot to go, but I’m also keen on some input. Thanks a lot!

become a wattpad writer

Is Wattpad appropriate for young writers? I’m considering this tool for my 9yr old daughter (with some parental oversight). Just curious what others think. Thanks.

become a wattpad writer

Hey guys! I’ve been making wattpad accounts and deleting them on and off for quite some time. Tbh it’s really hard to get my stories noticed. Everytime I write stories it’s always YA/fan fiction. I realized the people with the biggest reads in this category are those who write about sex a lot. Theirs nothing wrong with that ,however I don’t think its fair that that’s all people want to read about. What about the character development ? What about the relationships that the character have with other people besides their lover? I have incorporated sex in my latest fanfic by I only have it once and I don’t even know if I’ll be publishing that part since people are barely reading the first couple of chapters I already have out there. I’ve been writing stories and musical lyrics since I was a young child so this thing comes pretty natural to me. I just wish people payed more attention to my fanfics. It’s more than just sex. Oh well, no one never seems to like me no matter what social media platform I use.

become a wattpad writer

Sami-Being a writer of fiction requires an inhuman amount of patience. I’ve been at it hardcore since I was 17 (I’m 57 now). I have a novel I’m posting to WattPad and no stars yet and no comments. It’s a good novel. It’s actually great and amazing. There’s no sex though. There may or may not be kissing even. But there’s lots of discussions about who we are and the meaning of being a human in the universe. If no one’s discovered what I’ve done it’s not my fault … well, maybe it is a little (which is why I like this post)

It seems to me you have to take the long-term perspective when you’re putting yourself out there. If you’re honest and open with people and with your work, people will figure that out. But it takes time. A LOT of time. And a lot of hard work.

So keep at it. Give it everything you’ve got. Think big. Love your readers, but love writing for them more.

become a wattpad writer

What do you mean unfair? It’s not unfair that people want to read what they want to read. Stop being so stubborn and write a good story for the sake of writing, not just for the sake of wanting to get noticed.

become a wattpad writer

It’s mainly teenagers on wattpad and mostly girls too. Hormones demand titillation. They want perfect looks and bad boys turned good and a slut to hate …. put those in a tale and you will have a million reads in no time.

become a wattpad writer

Hey! Your article was really helpful ^^ I wrote a story two years ago and it got only 10 reads within the first few days so I never went back. A friend accidentally found my old wattpad account today and i was so shocked when my story (2 chapters) had accumulated 1.3k reads. I was pretty motivated, so now I’m back into writing stories and continuing that book. If you guys want to find me or become friends, i’m Milkshakechick on wattpad 🙂

Lovely article, btw ^^ I never knew that the optimal time to post was friday night/sat morning, very interesting 🙂

become a wattpad writer

That article was really helpful! 🙂

I myself have plubished 2 stories already, which got nice comments and many votes, and i love the responses i get on every single one of my chapters, i interact with my readers frequently and am happy with all the answers i get. I started a new story recently, its a romance and im putting all my hopes into that, i plubished 12 chapters already, but they are not getting as much views as my previous stories. I dont unterstand why can someone tell me what i do wrong? And if ypu want to check put my stories, just search for @Stephaniao_o 🙂

become a wattpad writer

It’s because the majority of readers on Wattpad are only there for fan-fiction, and the stories you have with heaps of views and votes have fan-fiction in the title whereas your other 2 do not.

become a wattpad writer

Hi, I just joined wattpad but when I wanted to create a story on my blackberry I didn’t see the icon”title story”… I am not able to title the story I want to create. I even deleted the account & created a new account & also verified it but its the same. Pls help me… Pls. I don’t know what to do.

become a wattpad writer

I love Wattpad and I love reading all sorts of books. It encouraged me to write as well. I just started writing for myself to be honest, but it would be nice if someone looked my stuff over. My user name is PaopuQueen and ive two ongoing books so far, and I also wanted to try doing these “Imagines” or what ever they are called 😀

become a wattpad writer

I use Wattpad almost daily. I’ve always wanted to be an author. I’ve started a twitter accounted just for sharing peoples stories and that’s how I get such dedicated fans. My writing isn’t the best considering I’m only sixteen. In my mind, getting dedicated fans willing to help you grow is how I can get my book Page by Page into the popular reads.

become a wattpad writer

Very informative article.

become a wattpad writer

I also think a good part that everyone seems to forget is patience is a key factor in your veiws as well as interacting with your followers. I know to never get upset with views because one day there will come along people that are intrested in your writing. So always have patience and keep writing.

I’ve been on Wattpad for a year and I hate it. I’ve put two full books up (Scifi, 30+ chapters each) and I have hardly any views.

I find the only time people actually read it is when I’ve recently updated it, otherwise Wattpad never advertises my books and the view count sits at 0.

Even though it’s dishonest, I’m tempted to put the 2 books, and the 3rd in the series I’m working on, all into 1 mega-book, as some authors do, just so I can keep it continuously updated. Wattpad’s system shouldn’t force me to do that.

Usually the same 10 books get millions of views because they get ahead and stay there. The advertising bias should be a little more random and give everyone a chance to shine, not just a select few.

become a wattpad writer

Hello Everyone!

Do you have a hard time finding the right writing site? Do you wish that there was a website that is way better than Wattpad? – Well, if you support my new project on ‘Kickstarter’ that might become a reality.

I have named it “Write It” because that is what the point in the website is. Read, write, be social in a new way Wattpad can’t give you, like Group Chat and much more.

I am willing to listen to everyone since you are the reason I am doing it. The site will be free – just like Wattpad but with more features.

Please take a look at the project and show your support by like my facebook page. Here’s the link for the project and facebook:

Kickstarter Facebook

become a wattpad writer

Hey, everyone

I like reading so if you have a good book, and you like someone to read I will I am always open to read anything everything, except of coarse some stuff that might go against my beliefs but anything you want me to read I welcome if you reply to this comment.

Wattpad now forces you to register in order to go beyond 1/3rd of a story. WTF?

“To continue reading please log in” Errrr no thanks. If a site is that desperate as to hide their contents till you give your email for spam then they have really bad management like Google.

I am posting this here because nobody else seems to notice the issue while youtube’s forced mobile phone numbers got attention..

become a wattpad writer

Hey, my username on Wattpad is Ripplenose, I would appreciate it if any Warrior Cats or Music fans follow me and read my books! Thanks!

become a wattpad writer

I’m writing on watt pad, and so far I only have one chapter. It is called “Carson of many Kinds”. I’m trying to search it to show it to a friend, but it won’t show up. Why? I “published” my chapter.

become a wattpad writer

I wrote a book on Wattpad and it was going well. It is called Sora and Fumiko and it had 12 chapters published. Then when I went to write chapter thirteen, my books were gone. Yes more than one book, all my books were gone! I DIDNT PRESS ANYTHING UNSUAL AND i REALLY WANT MY BOOKS BACK!

It’s not you. It’s on their end and more then just Watt Pad is active in censorship causing once interesting sites to become stagnant and echo chambers.

I’ve been around since the late 90s of the internet during the Microsoft scandals.

become a wattpad writer

How old do we have to put a book on Watt pad?

Taken from their Terms of Service :

C. You will not create an account if you are under 13 years of age.

become a wattpad writer

I have just recently joined WattPad and I’m currently working on a second chapter. So far it’s been fun, I hardly have any views but between what I’ve read and common sense it’ll take time. @JoshW89

become a wattpad writer

I wrote an autobiography “From Syracuse to Sapporo and back in 70 Years” that I’m hoping to “get out there”, I am not trying to sell the book, just want to get it out there to the public. My book introduction starts like this: “Yankee Doodle Dandy” starring James Cagney is one of my favorite movies. I wasn’t born on the 4th. of July or any other national holiday, but I was born on Halloween …”

become a wattpad writer

Since you want to hear my opinion, I hope you will carefully read me until the end, because this is going to be a very long and honest message (also, excuse my grammatical mistakes, English isn’t my first language). My Wattpad experience was awful. In fact, I’ve left Wattpad a week ago.

Firstly, I didn’t like the stories that are published on Wattpad, but a very few can be considered as an exception. Wattpad stories are the definition of cliche, and they dominate the what’s hot list. If you aren’t a cliche writer in the romance/teenfiction category(ies), you won’t have a lot of chances to gain readers and it will probably take you lots of months to be noticed.

As a writer, I didn’t like Wattpad, nor the Wattpaders. They throw a tantrum as soon as you give them honest feedback, and can’t accept a little negative comment on their stories (grammar, plot, characters…). Some popular authors, too, are unbelievable. I had a drama with a popular author in the Werewolf category. Needless to say, she really had a big ego; going as far as to say that “commenting was a privilege”. My story with that author and what occurred next are too long to tell here, but if Wattpad really cares about the opinions of their clients, they should take mine into consideration, because I know a lot of Wattpaders who had a similar experience to mine but didn’t voice out their opinions.

So, I didn’t insult nor bully anyone, but Wattpad messaged me on the website and told me I had posted offensive messages when I hadn’t at all. I used to write a book reviews which harshly (without insulting) criticised some Wattpad books I had read, and one of the authors found my review. She got mad, very mad, to the point of calling me a cyber bully and reporting/muting me. I ranted about her (and I didn’t insult her, I even protected her anonymity) in a Wattpad rants book. Guess what? Wattpad deleted the parts that spoke about her (and I swear that I didn’t insult her nor I was mean). Wattpad also deleted my account a few days ago. Guess why? Because I also ranted about the privilege author (althought I had protected her anonimity and hadn’t bullied/insulted her, I used what she had told me as an example). So, Wattpad took my books down, deleted my account, deleting in the same time my PMs with friends, and their comments/opinions on my book.

I will never create another account, nor will I advise my writer friends to join Wattpad, because, I am really sorry to say this: Wattpad is a toxic community for hypocrite writers (let’s also say that it stinks of troll and porn accounts that take months to be deleted). I will not say that it’s every Wattpader because this isn’t true; there were really nice people on Wattpad who could accept the harshest comment/opinion and all, but the majority of the users are insecure and intolerant of other people’s beliefs/opinions. I am especially speaking about the “privilege author”. Anyways, I will not waste more of my time. Wattpad took away my rights to express myself when I hadn’t even broken their rules of conduct; freedom of speech doesn’t exist on Wattpad. Try another writing site like Fanfiction.net, there are more serious writers there.

Thank you for your post, I believe you, and have seen a few other comments on the ‘darker’ side of Wattpad, and it’s really given me pause, which is really sad because I was actually thinking & excited about joining.

Fanfiction.net is a little too ‘young’ for my tastes…you know any others?

Thanks 🙂 Trust me, Wattpad isn’t that good. I didn’t find good stories to begin with and some authors believe they are Molière. Plus, plagiarism happens frequently on that website. I could really rant about moreeeeeeee problems on Wattpad but it’d be too long.

There’s fiction.press which is similar to fanfiction, and also archives of our own, but I don’t know if you’ll find something “adult” because stories there are mostly fanfictions. Hope I helped you!

become a wattpad writer

Great post! Have nice day ! 🙂 brccr

I’ve found Wattpad to be quite ageist. The majority of users are teens and, as on every writers site I’ve discovered, they dominate; it is their tastes that are catered for. Mature (older) writers get no attention whatsoever. If you are over twenty-five forget Wattpad.

Yes, it seems like all the writing sites cater to tweens, which is maddening. Is there nothing for us adults!?! Do kids really read so much more than adults? Or do adults only buy books and never online? Wth is going on…

Armand. I think it’s that kids have discovered that Wattpad and other writing sites are ideal places to read/write juvenile smut. Check out the books on Wattpad that get the most reads; they are so badly written but full of handsome werewolves and vampires and bad boys turned good. Any well written book, or a book written by a person over thirty is ignored. There is a SMALL group of older writers who appreciate good writing with correct spelling, grammar and punctuation. But kids rule! There is one consolation…. they will have got the bug out of their system by the time they turn thirty and none of them will ever write a classic. But it does make it hard on older writers.

become a wattpad writer

The thing about Wattpad is that it’s attractive to young teens (read: 11-14 years old) because its free and caters to a lot of fandoms (I don’t know how old you are or if you know what a fandom is, I’ll just assume you do). I find Wattpad to have a lot of poorly-written stories because almost all the users are so young, and by the time they get better at writing, they have moved on to a different platform because Wattpad has a reputation now for being a site filled with cringy fanfiction written by tweens. If you are an adult looking to write original stories, definitely don’t go to Wattpad. I would suggest Archive Of Our Own, which has a much better writing quality overall and has plenty of adult writers, trust me. Yes, majority of the stories are fanfiction, but that doesn’t mean original stories will be overlooked. As a writer, I find AO3 to be much more user-friendly than Wattpad. Sorry I’m replying to a years-old comment, I just felt like ranting.

become a wattpad writer

Extremely helpful and insightful. I just had this site recommended to me, so I’m currently scouring the internet looking to see if it’s worthwhile. Thank you.

This was an interesting site with comments about Wattpad https://www.commonsensemedia.org/website-reviews/wattpad/user-reviews/adult

Wattpad forces you to sign up to view stories. They are losing a lot of potential readers hitting the “registration wall” though maybe on mobile they don’t get that prompt which is why I don’t see complaints?

I am one of a few that still uses PC so perhaps only mobile users get free access? I guess that makes sense from a traffic standpoint as from 2014 statistics over 80 percent of web users use mobile only.

Shame too as computers used to be able to do so much more then shopping,social and streaming. Windows 8 and 10 became a phone OS on a PC which people found out you can do it better on a (gasp) PHONE!!!!! (Slinky)! Golly bob howdy! (Woody) Oh shut up!

You are required to sign up because views go with ranking. they can’t monitor book clicks if you are reading without an account

become a wattpad writer

Why would I want them to monitor my reads? That’s giving them free data. Other websites know how to track reads with and without an account.

And now Wattpad has switched to using discourse, the wattpad community has already been a cesspit of obnoxious writers of questionable skill, writing threads like “What you hate in wattpad books.”

If they could actually spend that time writing!

become a wattpad writer

Wattpad is really good site but specific of similar sites is that they need to be strictly moderated to prevent spammy articles.

Hahaha… I sincerely hope that Wattpad dies out because now it just has a reputation for being filled with 11-year olds writing very poor fanfiction. Also, with all that “go premium” bullsh*t that they started, not to mention the INCREDIBlY annoying advertisements now, they sure as hell don’t care about their writers anymore. Go to Archive of Our Own if you want actual quality stories, in my opinion. Their search function is way more detailed and infinitely more user-friendly. They have no ads or premium, they just hold small fundraisers to stay ad-free (which usually meet their goals in a few days thanks to the incredibly large number of people on AO3). In my experience, 90% of the stories on Wattpad are just… bad. Sorry, but it’s true. I’ve started putting “-Wattpad” when I search for fanfiction now

become a wattpad writer

I like how the writer organized his thoughts in addition to he visual part.

become a wattpad writer

Good evening, About writing platforms and the literary agents use from. Especially, Wattpad pretending be the most democratic. In Brazil, it’s a scam. My Wattpad colleagues authors say support is unresponsive, and Wattys Award doesn’t help authors for publishing as it’s promised. I think it’s a matter of restructuring in my country. Here’s my opinion about Wattpad “existence” in Brazil, today, and proceedings: in Brazil, it’s losing many authors who are disapointed and sad about the writings platform, also the Wattys award. I’m not one of them, anymore. I winned Wattys, and, Yes, I was very sad becouse The Wattys Award in Brazil is not intended to encourage authors to continue publishing their books or turnning Wattpad a trademark of excellence. I winned Wattys twice, I was a semifinalist twice, but I will not going to participate anymore. We never reach out to Wattpad products, such as TV productions, publications, etc. They want we pay Premium as a great momentum for our books… Good books are out of their “paid plans”. I wanted to know if here, the public platform will be undergoing some deployment or revision. I feel people are so far from working, official profiles disappear and appear sporadically in the brazilian comunity… I feel that there is a lack of stimulation for us writers who started with Wattpad a long time ago. I’m sad to see people using the platform as a springboard to paid platforms like Dream, Amazon and others, and to publish with literary agents who searches for a few names and then unlink the author from it’s Wattpad beginnings. Will there be any “liveliness injection” here, in Brazil? I don’t know… I’ve dreamed of seeing my 2017 Wattys-winning “Rain hunter” at least evaluated for publication by the Wattpad books label. But my book was not even evaluated… While other books, with serious portuguese and plot problems, which were not even awarded by Wattys, pass in front of me to the hands of literary agents (paid squeme). Because authors has money to pay, not a really good stuff. Maybe that’s how the system publishing works. But I want to believe that it is not so. Today I don’t really care about it, but it’s unfair the current things way. My country is very corrupt in many social spheres. Publishing is not diferent. Here’s my opinion for Wattpad (the major democratic writings community) and proceedings: in Brazil, it’s losing many good authors. It’s unfair, if you ask me… Best regards, MDGugik (MDG008)

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become a wattpad writer

These Movies & TV Series Are Based on Wattpad Stories

W hen Fifty Shades of Grey rose to infamy, it was slammed for its depiction of romanticized unhealthy relationships, its wacky portrayal of BDSM, and, most laughably, the fact that it was once a piece of Twilight fan fiction. Despite the years spent revising the fan fiction story into an original novel, many could not let go of its origins, drawing parallels between Fifty Shades ' Anastasia Steele and Twilight 's Bella Swan. Even so, the Fifty Shades trilogy was brought to the big screen and skyrocketed the careers of its lead stars, Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan. Despite how polarizing the Fifty Shades of Grey films were, they proved that everything and everyone has to start somewhere.

To this day, stories once written as fan fiction, or specifically on the writing platform known as Wattpad , have become the source material for major movies and TV shows. While a large portion of today’s media seems to be adapted from previous material, stories have been taken from page to screen for decades. Given that Wattpad tales are often altered into tangible novels, it’s no surprise they are added to the forever-growing list of book to film adaptations . As such, here’s a list of Wattpad books and stories that were turned into movies and TV shows.

Updated December 21, 2023: This article has been updated with even more information about movies and TV shows based on Wattpad stories.

After Series (2019 – 2023)

Based on the series by anna todd, after everything.

Release Date 2023-09-13

Director Castille Landon

Cast Benjamin Mascolo, Louise Lombard, Mimi Keene, Hero Fiennes Tiffin, Josephine Langford, Stephen Moyer

Genres Drama, Romance

Anna Todd’s fan fiction series, After , amassed a combined total of over one billion amorous Wattpad readers, each one eager to see what was in the disorderly, yet addicting worlds of Tessa Young and Hardin Scott. The stories were picked up by Simon & Schuster to become a bestselling series, which includes four books, one prequel, and two spin-off novels. Readers follow the journey of Tessa and Hardin from the day they meet in college to the future versions of themselves, with the film's plot following a similar progression.

In 2019, the first After movie premiered, followed by three sequels: After We Collided, After We Fell, After Ever Happy, and After Everything. The latest film in the series, After Everything , was released in September 2023. Josephine Langford and Hero Fiennes Tiffin thoroughly brought life to the characters, embodying their fictional counterparts in a way that imitates perceiving the book in motion right before your eyes.

After Everything marked the official end of the After film series, bringing the once-annual institution of romance and drama to a close. Castille Landon, who directed the latter films in the After series, would later write and direct Summer Camp. The composer of After Everything , George Kallis, was also attached to the latter After films alongside Landon. Stream the After series on Netflix .

Cupid’s Match (2018)

Based on the story by lauren palphreyman.

Cupid’s Match gained tens of millions of readers on Wattpad, and was later turned into a book by Lauren Palphreyman. The novel tells the story of Lila, a dejected high school student who uses Cupid’s Matchmaking Service in search of love, only to be matched up with Cupid himself.

What appears to be a quintessential romance is actually a supernatural fantasy, with Lila entering a mythological world overflowing with supernatural wonder. What's even more fantastical is that the original Cupid himself wants to reciprocate Lila's feelings. Though it was turned into a full-length pilot for The CW in 2018, it didn't receive a full-length season.

Michel Janse, who played Lila in the pilot, currently has no recent credits attached to her name. She was previously featured in a pair of Idiotsitter episodes. Robert Palmer Watkins, who played Cupid, would continue his acting career with roles in projects like The Walking Dead: World Beyond and S.W.A.T. Prior to his involvement in Cupid's Match , he also had an extended stay in General Hospital as Dillon Quartermaine. Cupid's Match is not available on streaming.

Explained: What is Wattpad (& Why Studios Are Turning to the Platform for Movie Ideas)

The kissing booth trilogy (2018 – 2021), based on the works of beth reekles, the kissing booth.

Release Date 2018-05-11

Director Vince Marcello

Cast Chloe Williams, Jack Fokkens, Caitlyn de Abrue, Lincoln Pearson, Megan du Plessis, Stephen Jennings

Genres Romance, Comedy

In 2018, Netflix released The Kissing Booth with Joey King taking the lead role as the quirky, lovable Elle Evans. This high school rendezvous was originally written by Beth Reekles, who published the story chapter by chapter online when she was 15-years-old.

The Kissing Booth follows the classic “best friend’s brother” trope, with Elle falling for Noah (Jacob Elordi), the sibling to her especially codependent best friend, Lee (Joel Courtney). Though the film saw negative reviews, it made a tremendous impact among general audiences, likely due to the popularity of its source material.

The Kissing Booth would later receive a pair of sequels, The Kissing Booth 2 and The Kissing Booth 3 , which were released in 2020 and 2021 respectively. Joey King and Joel Courtney would reprise their roles for each of these sequels. King would later go on to star in a pair of 2022 action films, Bullet Train and The Princess , with the latter eventually being pulled from streaming in 2023. Courtney, meanwhile, would appear in Peacock's exclusive pandemic-themed thriller Sick . Jacob Elordi also got his start with The Kissing Booth , though Elordi's comments about The Kissing Booth movies left some fans feeling a little miffed. Stream The Kissing Booth series on Netflix .

Light as a Feather (2018 – 2019)

Based on the story by zoe aarsen, light as a feather.

Release Date 2018-00-00

Cast Haley Ramm, Liana Liberato

Genres Documentary

This fantastic Hulu original series was, yet again, based on an original Wattpad story. Zoe Aarsen wrote the story of Light as a Feather and acquired over three million views before the series was made. Currently, it’s up to almost five million.

After a group of friends messes with a supernatural board game, brought upon them by the new girl Violet (Haley Ramm), they mysteriously begin dying one by one, exactly as Violet’s game predicted. The lead character, McKenna (Liana Liberato), grows suspicious and recruits her neighbor Trey (Jordan Rodrigues) to get to the bottom of everything. It debuted on Hulu in 2018 and ran for a total of 26 episodes before going off the air in 2019.

With names like Peyton List, Brianne Tju, and Brent Rivera, the show had many familiar faces in its impressive cast. The series was nominated for 10 Daytime Emmy Awards, including Outstanding Young Adult Program and Outstanding Writing for a Digital Drama Series, though it never secured any wins.

Liana Liberato later went on to star in Peacock's Based on a True Story , in addition to having roles in Prime Video's Totally Killer and Scream VI . Stream Light as a Feather on Hulu .

Perfect Addiction (2023)

Based on the story by claudia tan, perfect addiction.

Release Date 2023-04-14

Cast Nicholas Duvernay, Bree Winslow, Matthew Noszka, Manu Bennett, Kiana Madeira, Ross Butler

Genres Drama, Romance, Action

Perfect Addiction , originally written by Claudia Tan , follows 18-year-old Sienna (Kiana Madeira), whose perfect world is turned upside down when she discovers her boyfriend, Jax (Matthew Noszka), has been cheating on her with her sister. While still a romance, Perfect Addiction is a sports drama, as Sienna works in a local gym and soon comes face to face with Kayden (Ross Butler), the moody boxer that her boyfriend famously defeated in the ring. Despite their ill feelings towards each other, the two team up and learn that, maybe, they don’t actually hate one another. The original story earned 85 million reads online and won the People’s Choice Award at the Wattpad competition, The Wattys.

The film released in April 2023 to mixed reception, though praise was directed towards the film's high production values and the rivalry between Ross Butler and Matthew Noszka . Interestingly, Castille Landon, who was previously involved with the After series, also directed this Wattpad adaptation. Buy or Rent Perfect Addiction on Prime Video or Apple TV.

15 Movie Adaptations the Author of the Book Said They Loved

Turn on (2021 – 2023), based on the story by tiara wales.

Turn On , originally written by Tiara Wales, is about an affluent tech executive, Andreas (Giorgino Abraham), who forms an unlikely bond with Maria (Clara Bernadeth), a girl next door struggling to make ends meet. The first season of this Indonesian series launched on Vidio in January 2021, running for a total of eight episodes before quickly being renewed for a second season. Similar to the first season, the second go-around featured eight episodes and originally premiered in June 2023. The original Wattpad story continues to draw in new readers to this day, with nearly 20 million unique reads total. Stream Turn On on Vidio .

Through My Window (2022)

Based on the story by ariana godoy, through my window.

Release Date 2022-02-04

Director Maral Fors

Cast Pilar Castro, Julio Pea, Clara Galle

Rating TV-MA

Genres Drama, Romance, Comedy

Originally published in Spanish, Ariana Godoy’s A Través de Mi Ventana , or Through My Window , earned a combined total of 400 million reads between its original language and the English adaptation. The story follows Raquel (Clara Galle) and the apple of her eye, Ares Hidalgo (Julio Peña), a boy whom she literally stalked before becoming his girlfriend. Raquel was head-over-heels for the boy next door, and once she finds him using her Wi-Fi password, she is finally given a chance to make her move. Little did Raquel know, however, that Ares had always returned those feelings, and with a little drama, passion, and canoodling, their crushes might turn into something more.

The story was brought to Netflix in 2022 to mixed reception. However, a total of two sequels were quickly planned out following Through My Window 's debut on streaming. Through My Window: Across the Sea , the first of these sequels, officially debuted on Netflix in June 2023. A second sequel is still in development, currently slated for release in 2024. Until then, there are plenty of other movies like Through My Window on Netflix in order to get your romance fix. Stream Through My Window on Netflix.

These Movies & TV Series Are Based on Wattpad Stories

Anne Hathaway's 'The Idea of You' Broke Streaming Records — But There's a Problem With That

Nicole Kidman will have something to say about this.

The Big Picture

  • The Idea of You offers a fresh, cinematic take on romance, starring Anne Hathaway and Nicolas Galitzine.
  • With over 50 million views worldwide, this rom-com drama has become Amazon MGM's number-one romantic comedy.
  • The film's success proves the enduring appeal of romantic content, showcasing the talents of Anne Hathaway and Nicolas Galitzine.

Prime Video’s newest original film, The Idea of You , is spicing up the romance scene with a dazzling adaption of Robinne Lee 's viral 2017 novel of the same name. Starring Anne Hathaway and Nicolas Galitzine , the rom-com drama was released for streaming on May 2nd and was welcomed with mostly positive critical and audience reactions . While the premise of the movie may sound like a Wattpad reader’s dream come true, director Michael Showalter has created a swoon-worthy, cinematic experience sprinkled with a few refreshing twists to the original book .

As Nicole Kidman knows, nothing can compare to the enchanting feeling of witnessing a film on a giant silver screen with a crowd, especially when the picture features an Academy Award-winning actress like Hathaway. The Idea of You surrounds a plotline that has been recycled a handful of times, but there's an honest flare to this adaptation, making it worth watching outside the comfort of your at-home TV or iPhone. The film has recently become Amazon MGM's number-one romantic comedy, breaking record history with over 50 million worldwide views in its first two weeks ! With such a perfect setup entailing an A-list Hollywood star at the center supported by one of the buzziest, up-and-coming young performers today, it's unquestionable that this year's most popular romance deserved a theatrical release.

The Idea of You (2024)

Solène, a 40-year-old single mom, begins an unexpected romance with 24-year-old Hayes Campbell, the lead singer of August Moon, the hottest boy band on the planet.

'The Idea of You' Is More Cinematic Than Your Average Streaming Rom-Com

“It was supposed to be a story about a woman approaching 40 and reclaiming her sexuality and rediscovering herself, just at the point that society traditionally writes women off as desirable and viable and whole," Robinne Lee told Vogue . At first, The Idea of You was initially thought to be a "Harry Styles fan fiction" after the author confessed she was inspired by the One Direction star and even actor Eddie Redmayne . But then, the story morphed into something more truthful than just a teenager's fantasy. Prime Video's film adaption follows the recently turned 40-year-old and single mother, Solène Marchand (Hathaway), who decides to embark on a steamy love affair with the star of the world's top boy band, August Moon's Hayes Campbell (Galitzine)

According to data from Reelgood , The Idea of You was the third most streamed movie for the week of May 2nd to May 8th, beating out the likes of Late Night with the Devil and fellow rom-com, Anyone But You . More importantly, the romantic drama earned an astonishing Rotten Tomatoes critics' score of 83% and an audience score of 63%. These numbers are impressive considering rom-coms always attract the toughest critics. With the recent box office success of Anyone But You accumulating over $219 million worldwide, The Idea of You proves yet again that moviegoers are hungry to see more romantic content in the theaters.

‘The Idea of You’ Director on Capturing the Spark Between Anne Hathaway & Nicholas Galitzine

In a new age of romance, The Idea of You excels further than your average streaming release. Helming one of the highest-grossing films of 2017 , T he Big Sick (2017), director Showalter is no stranger to making a compelling, emotional rom-com that hints at realism. Alongside award-winning screenwriter Jennifer Westfeldt. Showalter's big-screen talents are effortlessly felt through The Idea of You 's flawless casting, tasteful sex scenes, picturesque views, and well-paced drama. Where Anyone But You draws in millions from its well-liked enemies-to-lovers trope, Prime Video's smash hit is just as attractive for a crowd mainly because of its daring premise that relates to not only teens but women of all ages.

Anne Hathaway's Box Office Legacy Is the Key to 'The Idea of You's Popularity

Anne Hathaway is one of Hollywood's most successful leading ladies . The Princess Diaries star has graced cinemas with award-winning performances throughout her career along with numerous successful rom-coms such as Valentine’s Day , Bride Wars , Love & Other Drugs , and Ella Enchanted . According to The Numbers , Hathaway has grossed over $6 billion worldwide with a net worth of over $80 million. Knowing her box office history, it is quite shocking to see The Idea of You go straight to streaming. Speaking to Vogue, Hathaway comments, "...Part of me is excited that such a wide audience is going to have instant access to it. And a part of me [is aware that] there aren’t a lot of reasons for moms to grab each other by the hand and go to the movie theater; this movie would’ve been perfect for that."

Nevertheless, The Dark Knight actress isn't the only cinematic contender in The Idea of You . Previously starring in Red, White & Royal Blue (2023), rising actor Galitzine has starred in movies such as the 2021 musical film Cinderella, released in select theaters, and the sex comedy Bottoms . Although the London actor's at-home presence has received more positive responses from his roles in TV shows, Galitzine's fan-praised, rom-com Red, White & Royal Blue (2023) has gained him worldwide recognition, announcing a sequel following its immense success . That goes to say that pairing Anne Hathaway and Nicolas Galitzine together could've been the perfect recipe for drawing millions out of their homes to enjoy a cinematic experience . It is rare to find two actors that can instantly mesh together. Right from the couple's meet-cute in a backstage trailer, it's undeniable that Nicolas Galitzine and Anne Hathaway have great chemistry.

Unfortunately, Prime's record-breaking film missed out on a box-office victory that could have easily surpassed Anyone But You 's overall gross. The movie has heaps of tissue-worthy moments to trigger big reactions in a crowd, making it a fantastic girls' night out flick. With more romantic comedies coming in to revive the genre like Netflix's Top 10 original, Mother of the Bride , studios should learn from the dynamics of The Idea of You 's success as it understands the emotional power and A-list talent needed for a big-screen romance. For anyone ready to get swept up in a spicy yet realistic daydream, The Idea of You is one not to skip, even if you can only watch it at home.

The Idea of You is available to stream on Prime Video in the U.S.



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  2. How To Grow & Become Successful On Wattpad

  3. WattCon 2017

  4. BEING A WATTPAD WRITER|| #wattpad #writersofinstagram #writer #writingbook #novels

  5. My Experience Writing On Wattpad!

  6. Can a 12 year old write on Wattpad?


  1. Wattpad Creators Program

    The Wattpad Creators Program is here to support writers who are consistently updating their stories by offering you access to: Editorial support through our ticketing system, Oracle, where you can ask questions directly to our Wattpad Originals editors and content team scouts. Educational resources focused on helping you succeed on the Wattpad ...

  2. The journey to becoming a published author: From Wattpad story to

    Wattpad Creator Caroline A. Richardson (@MustangSabby) has been writing on Wattpad since 2015. One of her most popular stories on the platform is Out of His League, which is now published by W by Wattpad Books.The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of Wattpad corp. or affiliated companies.

  3. Wattpad Announces New Creators Program and $2.6M in Writer Stipends

    The company has plans to pay out $2.6M in writer stipends this year, and some of Wattpad's most popular stories will become exclusive to the platform. The Wattpad Creators Program is part of Wattpad's ongoing commitment to be the best place in the world for writers to build a global audience and make money from their work.

  4. Empowering Authors to Write the Next Big Hit

    The program prioritized stipends to ensure authors could focus on writing. Since launching last year, we've paid out nearly $3.8M in stipends for the Wattpad Creators Program, and nearly $1M more planned for this year. But the first iteration of the Wattpad Creators Program was limited in scale, and many writers weren't able to access all ...

  5. Wattpad creator program can pay writers up to $25,000

    Image Credits: Wattpad. Storytelling platform Wattpad is introducing a new creator program for writers that can earn them up to $25,000 in compensation. The company is also debuting a new metric ...

  6. FAQ

    1) Read a lot of scripts. Don't just WATCH movies and shows. Here's a website that catalogues TV pilot scripts going back 15 years. You can also find lots of film scripts in bookstores. 2) Write. If you want to be a screenwriter, you need scripts. Be prolific -- your first won't be your best, write and write and write.

  7. How to Become a Published Author

    Make your first publishable manuscript a <10,000 word short story. If you have this idea screaming in your head and you want to make it a reality, then chop it down into a 10,000 word or less story. Cut out the riffraff, and create a slim-lined story which focuses on one aspect of your writing.

  8. 5 tips on how to get started on Wattpad

    Hey guys, today I'll be talking about how to get started on Wattpad. If you're interested in writing online, I hope these tips to write on wattpad help you o...

  9. How to Become a Better Writer: A Wattpad Guide

    Parts. 67. Time. 1h 23m. Start reading. tsc0809. Ongoing. First published Apr 09, 2014. Some basic writing tips to help you become a more effective storyteller.

  10. How To: Write a Wattpad Fanfiction! (Basics, Making Covers ...

    heyo, today I decided to help some of you out, I gave so much information on how to become a Wattpad writer. What to do and what not to do, I hope this helpe...

  11. Wattpad Announces New Creators Program and $2.6M in Writer Stipends

    The company has plans to pay out $2.6M in writer stipends this year, and some of Wattpad's most popular stories will become exclusive to the platform. "We're in the business of helping ...

  12. 5 Things Writers Should Know About Wattpad & the Future of Publishing

    Wattpad is a Slow Burn. The future requires patience. Writers new to Wattpad shouldn't expect their lives to change overnight. It may take several months before the gravity of the reads on your stories pulls new opportunities into your orbit. ( Improve Your Author Platform in 30 Days .)

  13. 6 Things Every Author Needs To Know About Wattpad

    Wattpad have very recently announced their new crowdfunding platform called "Fan Funding". Fan Funding is based on the same principles of any crowdfunding campaign in that authors can appeal to their fans to donate money to self-publish their book. Authors can offer incentives (i.e. t-shirts, signed copies, ebooks, etc.) for donations, and campaigns will run for a standard 30-day term.

  14. How to become successful on Wattpad: A beginners guide

    Parts. 2. Time. 22m. Start reading. mylifeisaverage. Complete. Wondering how some people get so famous on Wattpad? There are certain things that can help you become just as famous.

  15. Writer Subscriptions

    To cancel your writer subscription from the Wattpad app, visit your Profile, tap the Settings icon on the top right, and choose Writer Subscriptions from the menu. Here, you can see all the writers you are subscribed to. Tap the three dots next to the subscription you wish to manage and continue to the App Store or Google Play to cancel.

  16. Help on how to use Wattpad as a writer! : r/Wattpad

    Always use popular (and of course story-relevant) tags. Better yet, find popular stories (or Paid Stories) in your niche and use the same tags so that the algorithm recommends you to readers of those stories. Follow authors who write the same niche/style as you and add their work to public reading lists on your profile page.

  17. How much do Paid Stories on Wattpad make? : r/Wattpad

    30 million minutes of reading per month / 750 books equals average of 40,000 minutes reading per book each month if all books are read equally. 40,000 / 500 equals 80 dollars per month. Some books will be getting most of the minutes, so it will vary above and below that.

  18. These Movies & TV Series Are Based on Wattpad Stories

    To this day, stories once written as fan fiction, or specifically on the writing platform known as Wattpad, have become the source material for major movies and TV shows.While a large portion of ...

  19. Anne Hathaway's 'The Idea of You' Broke Streaming Records

    R. Drama. 7 10. Solène, a 40-year-old single mom, begins an unexpected romance with 24-year-old Hayes Campbell, the lead singer of August Moon, the hottest boy band on the planet. Release Date ...