
University Admission Application Letter (with Samples & PDFs)

I have listed sample templates to help you craft an effective and professional university admission application letter.

Also, I would like to point out that you can also download a PDF containing all the samples at the end of this post.

Successful Application Letter for University Admission

First, find the sample template for university admission application letter below.

To, The Admissions Committee, [Name of the University], [Address of the University], [City], [State], [Postal Code]

Subject: Application for Admission to [Name of the Course]

Respected Sir/Madam,

I, [Your Full Name], resident of [Your Address], am writing this letter to show my keen interest in applying for the [Name of the Course] at your esteemed university for the academic year [Year].

I have recently completed my [last educational qualification] from [Name of School/College] with an aggregate of [Your Percentage/CGPA], and I am eager to further my studies in the field of [Field of Study]. I believe that studying at [Name of the University] will provide me the right knowledge, skills, and exposure to excel in this field.

I am particularly drawn to the [Name of the Course] at [Name of the University] because of its reputation for providing high-quality education and its focus on practical learning. I am confident that this course will help me achieve my academic and career goals.

Enclosed with this letter are my mark sheets, certificates, and other required documents. I kindly request you to consider my application and provide me with an opportunity to prove my potential and contribute to the university.

I am looking forward to being a part of your esteemed institution and assure you that I will put in my best efforts in all my endeavours.

Thank you for considering my application. I am eager to hear from you soon.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Full Name] [Your Contact Information] [Your Email Address]

Below I have listed 5 different sample applications for “university admission application letter” that you will certainly find useful for specific scenarios:

Crafting a Persuasive University Application Letter to Showcase Leadership Skills

Crafting a Persuasive University Application Letter to Showcase Leadership Skills

To, The Admissions Committee, [University Name], [University Address].

Subject: Application for Admission to [Desired Course Name]

I, [Your Full Name], a student of Class XII from [Your School Name], am writing to express my keen interest in applying for the [Desired Course Name] at your esteemed university. I believe that my strong leadership skills, coupled with my academic accomplishments, make me an ideal candidate for this course.

I have consistently excelled in my studies, but more importantly, I have taken the initiative to lead and guide my peers through various activities. As the Head Boy/Girl of my school, I’ve learned to inspire and motivate my fellow students, organize events, and address issues efficiently. These experiences have honed my leadership abilities and have taught me how to balance my academic commitments with extracurricular responsibilities.

I played a pivotal role in initiating a ‘Clean Campus Drive’ in my school, where I led a team of students to maintain cleanliness and fostered a sense of responsibility among them. This initiative not only improved the school environment but also instilled a sense of community and teamwork among the students.

Moreover, I represented my school at the [Local/State/National] Leadership Summit, where I had the opportunity to interact with other young leaders and share innovative ideas to improve our communities. This experience broadened my perspective and reinforced my desire to lead and make a difference.

If given the opportunity to join [University Name], I assure you that I will bring these leadership qualities to contribute positively to the university community. I am eager to leverage my experiences to participate actively in student-led initiatives and further develop my leadership skills.

I am confident that [University Name] is the perfect platform for me to grow not just acadically but also as a leader. I humbly request you to consider my application favorably. I look forward to the opportunity to be a part of your esteemed institution.

Thank you for considering my application.

Yours Sincerely, [Your Full Name], [Your Contact Information].

Writing a Compelling University Application Letter Highlighting Athletic Achievements

Writing a Compelling University Application Letter Highlighting Athletic Achievements

To, The Admissions Committee, [Name of the University], [Address of the University]

Subject: Application for Admission and Highlighting Athletic Achievements

I hope this letter finds you in the best of health and spirits. I am [Your Name], a student from [Your School Name], [Your City], intending to apply for the [Course Name] at your esteemed university.

Academically, I have consistently performed well, securing a GPA of [Your GPA] in the previous year. However, I am not just a diligent student in the classroom, but also a passionate sportsperson. I believe my athletic achievements will contribute to the vibrant sports culture at your university.

Over the last few years, I have been an active participant in athletics and have had the honour of representing my school at various district, state, and national level competitions. In the recent [Name of Sports Event], I clinched the gold medal in [Name of the Sport], making my school and family immensely proud. Additionally, I was also the recipient of the prestigious [Name of the Award] given for outstanding performance in sports.

My commitment to sports has not only honed my physical abilities but has also helped me develop leadership skills, team spirit, and resilience. I believe that these qualities will not only aid me in my academic pursuit but also contribute to the overall diversity and vitality of your university’s student community.

I am enthusiastic about bringing the same dedication and spirit to your esteemed university and contributing to its athletic teams. I am certain that the comprehensive education and diverse opportunities provided by your university will help me grow, both acadically and athletically.

I am hopeful that you will consider my application favourably. Thank you for considering my application. I am looking forward to the possibility of becoming a part of your prestigious university.

Yours sincerely, [Your Name] [Your Contact Information]

Articulating Academic Excellence in a University Admission Application Letter

Articulating Academic Excellence in a University Admission Application Letter

The Dean of Admissions, [University Name], [University Address], [City], [State], [Pin Code]

Subject: Application for Admission

Dear Sir/Madam,

I, [Your Name], am writing this letter seeking admission to the [Course Name] course at your prestigious institution for the academic year [Year]. I have recently completed my [last academic degree/course] from [Your School/College Name] in [City, State].

I have always been passionate about [subject(s) related to the course], and I am confident that my academic achievements reflect this. I have consistently maintained a high academic standing in my schooling years, ranking in the top [percentage/rank] of my class. My teachers have commended me for my dedication and commitment to learning, which is evident from my grades and participation in various academic competitions.

Moreover, I have been an active participant in various extracurricular activities that have helped me develop a holistic understanding of the world. I have led [mention some leadership roles], worked on [mention any projects or initiatives], and engaged in [mention any community service or volunteer work]. These experiences have taught me the importance of teamwork, leadership, and responsibility, and have fuelled my desire to further my learning.

Your institution, with its exemplary faculty and state-of-the-art facilities, stands as the ideal platform for me to deepen my knowledge and broaden my horizon. I am particularly drawn to the [mention specific aspects of the course or university that attract you], and I am confident that these will provide the right environment to nurture my academic and personal growth.

I am committed to maintaining my academic excellence and contributing positively to the university community. I am hopeful that I will be given the opportunity to bring my passion, dedication, and academic prowess to your esteemed institution.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of contributing to and learning from the [University Name] community.

Yours Sincerely, [Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, Pin Code] [Email Address] [Phone Number]

Tailoring a University Application Letter to Highlight Community Service Experiences

Tailoring a University Application Letter to Highlight Community Service Experiences

The Admission Committee, [University Name], [University Address], [City, State, Zip Code]

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am [Your Name], a student of [Your School Name], seeking admission to your esteemed university for the upcoming academic year.

I am writing this letter to express my keen interest in the [Course Name] program at your prestigious institution. I have always been intrigued by [Subject Name], and I am eager to explore this field under the guidance of the accomplished faculty at [University Name].

During my time at high school, I have actively participated in various community service programs that have not only enriched my life but have also enhanced my understanding of society and its needs. I was a part of the ‘Clean-Up Drive’ in my local community, where we focused on maintaining cleanliness and educating people about the importance of hygiene.

In addition, I volunteered in the ‘Joy of Giving’ initiative, aimed at providing essential supplies to underprivileged children. This experience truly humbled me and made me realize the value of giving back to society. I believe these experiences have shaped me as an individual and have taught me the importance of empathy, teamwork, and leadership.

I am certain that these experiences will enable me to contribute to the diverse community at [University Name]. I am eager to bring my commitment to service and dedication to learning to your campus, and I look forward to the possibility of contributing my skills and experiences to your distinguished institution.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of discussing my application with you further.

Yours faithfully,

[Your Name] [Your Contact Information]

Penning a University Application Letter Expressing a Deep Passion for a Specific Field of Study

Penning a University Application Letter Expressing a Deep Passion for a Specific Field of Study

To, The Admissions Office, [University Name], [University Address],

Subject: Application for Admission in [Specific Field of Study]

I, [Your Full Name], a resident of [Your City Name], am writing this letter to express my deep interest in applying for the [Specific Field of Study] program at your esteemed university for the academic year [Year of Admission].

My passion for [Specific Field of Study] was kindled during my school years, when I found myself fascinated by [Mention something specific about the field that fascinated you]. Since then, my curiosity and interest in this field have only grown. I have spent countless hours learning and honing my skills, and now I aspire to take this passion forward and delve deeper into this field at a university level.

Your esteemed university, with its excellent faculty, state-of-the-art facilities, and a rich history of producing exceptional talent in the field of [Specific Field of Study], is my dream institution. I am especially drawn to the [mention a specific aspect/feature of the university’s program that appeals to you], which I believe would greatly enhance my learning experience and provide me with a holistic understanding of the subject.

I have consistently excelled in this field during my school years [mention any achievements, awards, or recognition received]. I am confident that my dedication, coupled with the guidance of the exceptional faculty at [University Name], will equip me with the necessary skills and knowledge to contribute positively to this field.

I assure you of my utmost commitment and dedication towards my studies, and I am eager to make the most of the opportunities offered at your prestigious institution. I am hopeful that you will consider my application favorably.

Thank you for considering my application. I am looking forward to the opportunity of being a part of [University Name].

Yours Sincerely,

[Your Full Name] [Your Contact Information]

How to Write University Admission Application Letter

Some writing tips to help you craft a better application:

  • Start with your personal information including your full name, address, the date, and the recipient’s address.
  • Open the letter with a formal salutation, addressing the admissions committee or specific admission officer, if known.
  • Introduce yourself, your current educational status and the program you’re applying to.
  • Describe your academic interests, why you chose this university, and how it aligns with your career goals.
  • Highlight your academic achievements, extracurricular activities, and any relevant work or volunteer experience.
  • Explain any gaps or anomalies in your academic record, if applicable.
  • State how you could contribute to the university and its community.
  • End with a strong closing statement expressing your enthusiasm and gratitude for being considered.
  • Include a formal sign-off, your full name and signature.
  • Proofread your letter multiple times for any grammatical errors, spelling mistakes or typos.

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I am sure you will get some insights from here on how to write “university admission application letter”. And to help further, you can also download all the above application samples as PDFs by clicking here .

And if you have any related queries, kindly feel free to let me know in the comments below.

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letter writing in university


How to Write Motivation Letter for University with Examples

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Table of Contents

University applications can be stressful and daunting, but one of the most important parts of the process is writing a motivation letter that stands out from the rest. A motivation letter is a crucial part of your application that can make or break your chances of getting accepted. It gives you the opportunity to showcase your personality, skills, and passion for the subject you are applying for. Crafting a perfect motivation letter that can impress the admission committee can be challenging, but with the right guidance, you can create a letter that will put you ahead of the competition. In this blog post, we’ll provide you with some tips and tricks on how to write an impressive motivation letter that will help you achieve your goals and get accepted into your dream university.

Purpose of a Motivation Letter:

A motivation letter serves as a crucial component of your university application, offering you the opportunity to showcase your personality, aspirations, and suitability for the program you are applying to. It goes beyond listing your achievements and qualifications, providing the admissions committee with insight into your character, interests, and goals. The purpose of a motivation letter is to convey your passion for the subject you wish to study, your reasons for choosing the specific university or program, and how your background and experiences have prepared you for success in your academic pursuits. It allows you to demonstrate your communication skills, critical thinking abilities, and commitment to furthering your education.

Researching the University and Program Requirements:

Before diving into crafting your motivation letter for university, it is crucial to thoroughly research the specific requirements of the university and program you are applying to. Each educational institution has its own unique values, goals, and academic standards that they look for in prospective students. Start by exploring the university’s official website to gather information about their mission statement, academic programs, faculty members, research opportunities, and any special initiatives they may have. Understanding the university’s educational philosophy and culture will help you tailor your motivation letter to demonstrate how you align with their values and goals. Additionally, delve into the specific requirements of the program you are applying to. Pay close attention to the course curriculum, research areas, and any specific skills or qualities they are seeking in applicants. Highlighting how your academic background, skills, and personal experiences align with the program’s requirements will make your motivation letter stand out. By conducting thorough research on the university and program requirements, you will be able to customize your motivation letter to showcase your genuine interest in the institution and demonstrate why you are a strong candidate for admission.

Structuring Your Motivation Letter Effectively:

Structuring your motivation letter effectively is crucial in making a strong impression on the admissions committee. Begin by introducing yourself and stating the purpose of the letter clearly. Share your enthusiasm for the program and explain why you are passionate about pursuing studies in that particular field. In the body of the letter, highlight your relevant experiences, skills, and achievements that make you a strong candidate. Use specific examples to demonstrate your qualifications and showcase your unique strengths. Make sure to align these experiences with the program’s requirements and emphasize how they have prepared you for success in the chosen field of study. In the closing paragraph, reiterate your interest in the program and express your gratitude for the opportunity to apply. End on a positive note, emphasizing your enthusiasm for contributing to the academic community and your commitment to academic and personal growth. Remember to proofread your motivation letter carefully to ensure it is well-structured, error-free, and effectively conveys your motivation and qualifications to the admissions committee. A well-structured motivation letter will set you apart from other applicants and increase your chances of success in the university application process.

Crafting a Compelling Opening Paragraph:

Crafting a compelling opening paragraph is crucial when writing a motivation letter for university. This is your opportunity to grab the reader’s attention and make a strong first impression. Start with a hook that immediately captures the reader’s interest and highlights your passion for the field of study you are applying for. Consider sharing a personal anecdote, a thought-provoking quote, or a brief but impactful story that illustrates your motivation and dedication. Additionally, clearly state your purpose for writing the letter and express your enthusiasm for the university and program you are applying to. Show that you have done your research and understand why this particular institution is the perfect fit for your academic and career goals. By setting a positive and engaging tone from the very beginning, you will draw the reader in and set the stage for a compelling and persuasive motivation letter.

Highlighting Your Achievements and Qualifications:

When writing a motivation letter for university, it is crucial to effectively highlight your achievements and qualifications. This is the section where you can truly shine and demonstrate why you are a strong candidate for the program. Start by listing your academic achievements, such as your GPA, any awards or scholarships you have received, and relevant coursework or research projects. Additionally, showcase any extracurricular activities or volunteer work that demonstrate your leadership skills, teamwork abilities, and commitment to personal and academic growth. Highlight any internships or work experiences that are relevant to the program you are applying for, and discuss how these experiences have shaped your goals and aspirations.

Demonstrating Your Passion and Interest in the Field Of Study:

When crafting a motivation letter for university, one of the key elements to focus on is demonstrating your passion and interest in the field of study. Admissions officers are looking for candidates who are genuinely enthusiastic about the subject they wish to pursue. Begin by sharing personal anecdotes or experiences that have shaped your interest in the field. Whether it’s a childhood fascination, a transformative moment, or a recent discovery, highlighting the roots of your passion can make your motivation letter more compelling and authentic. Moreover, it’s essential to showcase your knowledge of the field. Discuss any relevant coursework, projects, or extracurricular activities that have deepened your understanding and commitment to the subject. Demonstrating that you have taken proactive steps to engage with the field beyond the classroom can set you apart as a dedicated and motivated applicant. Lastly, don’t forget to tie your passion back to your future goals and aspirations. Explain how pursuing this field of study aligns with your long-term career objectives and personal growth. By illustrating a clear connection between your passion, academic pursuits, and future plans, you can convey a sense of purpose and determination that resonates with admissions committees.

Personalizing Your Motivation Letter for Each University:

Personalizing your motivation letter for each university is a crucial step in crafting a compelling application. Admissions officers can easily spot a generic, one-size-fits-all motivation letter, which may not make a lasting impression. By tailoring your letter to each specific university, you demonstrate genuine interest and a strong commitment to your application. Start by conducting thorough research on each university’s programs, faculty, campus culture, and values. Highlight specific aspects of the university that resonate with your personal and academic goals. Incorporate details such as professors whose research aligns with your interests, unique opportunities the university offers, or specific courses that excite you. Additionally, address why you are specifically drawn to that university over others. Share anecdotes or experiences that showcase your connection to the institution and how you envision yourself contributing to the academic community. Demonstrating a deep understanding of the university’s ethos and illustrating how you can contribute to its vibrancy can set your motivation letter apart.

Showcasing Your Unique Qualities and Experiences:

When crafting your motivation letter for university, it’s crucial to showcase your unique qualities and experiences. This is your opportunity to stand out from other applicants and make a lasting impression on the admissions committee. One effective way to highlight your uniqueness is to focus on specific experiences, skills, or personal qualities that set you apart. Share stories that demonstrate your passion, resilience, creativity, or leadership abilities. Use concrete examples to showcase how these qualities have shaped your academic and personal journey.

Additionally, emphasize any relevant achievements, extracurricular activities, or volunteer work that reflect your character and commitment to your chosen field of study. By painting a vivid picture of who you are and what drives you, you can make a compelling case for why you are a perfect fit for the university and the program you are applying to.

Remember, the goal is not just to list your accomplishments, but to weave them into a narrative that conveys your authentic self and your aspirations for the future. This personal touch will help your motivation letter resonate with the admissions committee and increase your chances of securing a spot at the university of your dreams.

Concluding With a Strong and Memorable Ending:

The conclusion of your motivation letter is your final opportunity to leave a lasting impression on the reader. Therefore, it is crucial to craft a strong and memorable ending that reinforces your enthusiasm, passion, and suitability for the academic program. In this section, you should succinctly summarize your key points, reiterating your interest in the program and highlighting your unique qualifications and experiences. Emphasize how your background aligns with the program’s objectives and how you can contribute to the academic community. Additionally, consider expressing gratitude for the opportunity to apply and convey your excitement at the prospect of furthering your education at the university. A positive and optimistic tone can leave a favorable impression on the admissions committee, showcasing your professionalism and dedication to your academic pursuits. End your motivation letter with a powerful closing statement that leaves a lasting impact. Whether it’s a thought-provoking quote, a personal reflection, or a confident declaration of your readiness to excel in the program, make sure it resonates with the reader and reinforces your commitment to achieving academic success. By concluding your motivation letter with a strong and memorable ending, you can ensure that your application stands out and leaves a lasting impression on the admissions committee.

Editing and Proofreading Your Motivation Letter:

Editing and proofreading your motivation letter is a critical step in ensuring its effectiveness. After you have poured your thoughts and experiences onto the page, it’s time to refine your message and ensure it is polished to perfection.

Start by reviewing the overall structure and flow of your letter. Is your introduction engaging? Does each paragraph transition smoothly into the next? Are your main points clear and well-supported? Make any necessary adjustments to improve the coherence and readability of your letter. Next, focus on the details. Check for spelling and grammar errors, ensuring that your writing is polished and professional. Pay attention to punctuation, verb tense, and sentence structure to enhance the clarity and impact of your message.

It can also be helpful to read your letter out loud or have someone else review it for feedback. Fresh eyes can catch errors or inconsistencies that you may have overlooked. Remember, your motivation letter is a reflection of your skills and attention to detail, so taking the time to edit and proofread thoroughly is well worth the effort.

Final Tips for Writing an Impressive Motivation Letter:

When it comes to crafting an impressive motivation letter for university, the final tips can make all the difference in showcasing your unique qualities and aspirations. Firstly, ensure that your letter is personalized and tailored to the specific university and program you are applying to. Generic letters can often be spotted a mile away and may not make a lasting impression on the admissions committee. Secondly, be sure to highlight your passion and genuine interest in the field of study. Admissions officers are looking for candidates who are enthusiastic about their chosen subject and can demonstrate a clear motivation for pursuing further education in that area. Moreover, it is crucial to showcase your relevant experiences, skills, and achievements that set you apart from other applicants. Provide specific examples that illustrate your capabilities and how they align with the program’s objectives and requirements. Lastly, remember to proofread your motivation letter carefully to ensure there are no errors in grammar, spelling, or punctuation. A well-written and polished letter demonstrates your attention to detail and professionalism, which can leave a positive impression on the admissions committee. By incorporating these final tips into your motivation letter, you can enhance its overall impact and increase your chances of standing out as a strong candidate for admission to the university of your choice.

Below Are the Some Examples:

Dear Admissions Team, I am writing to express my keen interest in the [Name of University] and its [Name of Program] program. As a motivated individual with a sincere desire to learn, I am deeply impressed by the University’s commitment to providing a progressive and dynamic academic education. I am confident that this program would provide me with an excellent opportunity to expand my knowledge and skills in [field of study], and to achieve my academic and professional goals. Throughout my academic journey, I have gravitated towards disciplines that incorporate both creative and logical thinking. The [Name of Program] piques my interest as it provides a platform to explore and implement knowledge in various spheres, spanning from research and analysis to design and innovation. I am enthusiastic about immersing myself in this program, wherein I can collaborate with leading scholars and engage with a diverse cohort of motivated learners. I am confident that my skills and experiences align perfectly with the requirements of this program. Through my academic preparation and extracurricular involvement, I have developed strong communication, teamwork, and leadership skills that will enable me to thrive in this program. I am excited to leverage these skills and to push myself beyond my limits while working alongside peers who share my passion for [Field of Study]. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to contribute my unique perspective and skills to the [Name of Program] program and to become part of the [Name of University] community. Sincerely, [Name]

Dear Admissions Team, I am writing to convey my strong enthusiasm for the [Name of Program] program offered at [Name of University]. As someone who possesses a deep interest in [Field of Study], I am highly motivated to pursue an academic degree in this area to advance my expertise and understanding.

Having a keen interest in [Field of Study], as demonstrated by my academic achievements and involvement in extracurricular activities, I have diligently endeavored to establish a firm base of knowledge in this discipline. In addition, I have participated in internships, research programs, and community initiatives to acquire practical experience and advance my comprehension of how [Field of Study] impacts real-world challenges.. I am confident that the [Name of Program] program can provide me with an opportunity to enhance my skills and knowledge in [Field of Study]. The program’s curriculum is designed to foster interdisciplinary education, which I am excited to explore. Additionally, the program’s emphasis on experiential learning appeals to me as it can allow me to apply my theoretical knowledge to practical situations.

I’ve participated in various extracurricular activities alongside my academics, which have helped me develop my interpersonal, communication, and leadership skills. I’m confident that these skills will come in handy as I become a part of the vibrant and close-knit community at [Name of University]. Thank you for your consideration of my application. I am confident that the [Name of Program] program at [Name of University] will allow me to achieve my academic and personal goals, and I am excited at the prospect of joining the vibrant and diverse community of learners at [Name of University]. Sincerely, [Name]

Dear Admissions Committee, I am applying to [Name of University] to pursue a degree in [Field of Study]. I have a genuine interest in [Field of Study] and am looking forward to gaining knowledge and hands-on experience through the [Name of Program] program.

I am confident that [Name of University] is the right fit for me to achieve my academic and personal objectives. The University’s dedication to academic excellence, engagement, and diversity resonates with my values and ambitions. What appeals to me the most is the program’s interdisciplinary curriculum, which allows me to delve into the overlap of [Field of Study] with other disciplines and gain a holistic understanding of how to tackle practical challenges.

Throughout my academic journey, I have acquired a diverse range of skills and experiences, including a solid educational background in [Field of Study], extensive research work, various internships, volunteerism, and leadership positions. These experiences have equipped me with a firm grasp of both theoretical and practical knowledge, as well as a sincere desire to connect with communities and contribute positively to society.

I look forward to contributing my unique blend of skills and experiences to the vibrant and diverse community of [Name of University]. I am excited about the opportunity to work with world-class scholars and to engage in stimulating in-class discussions and out-of-classroom activities. I firmly believe that [Name of Program] program will enable me to achieve my academic and personal goals, and I am thrilled at the prospect of joining the community of passionate learners at [Name of University]. Sincerely, [Name]

Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to express my desire to pursue [Degree] in [Field of Study] at [Name of University]. I have completed my undergraduate studies in [Subject Area] and am eager to explore [Field of Study] further through the [Name of Program] program. After careful consideration, I have concluded that [Name of University] aligns with my academic and personal aspirations. I am impressed by the University’s reputation for academic excellence, research innovation, and active involvement in research. The interdisciplinary approach to learning and customizable curriculum offered by the program is particularly attractive to me as they can help me to achieve my specific academic and personal goals.

                                        My academic preparation, combined with a range of practical experiences, has equipped me with the necessary knowledge and skills to excel in [Field of Study]. Through internships, volunteer work, and leadership roles, I have honed my analytical, organizational, and problem-solving skills, which I believe will be essential for success in this program. I am looking forward to engaging with a diverse and dynamic community of learners at [Name of University]. The [Name of Program] program aligns with my career aspirations of becoming a leading expert in [Field of Study]. I am excited to apply my skills, knowledge, and expertise to contribute to the academic excellence of [Name of University]. Thank you for your consideration of my application to the [Name of Program] program at [Name of University]. I look forward to the opportunity to join the community of passionate learners at [Name of University]. Sincerely, [Name]

Dear Admissions Officer, I am excited to submit my application for the Master’s program in [Field of Study] at [Name of University]. After careful research and consideration, I believe this program aligns well with my academic and professional objectives. I am confident that [Name of University] offers a top-quality education and research opportunities that will enable me to excel in my chosen field. I recently graduated with an undergraduate degree in [Field of Study], and I feel like my academic journey has equipped me with robust analytical and research skills. However, I’m not content with just what I’ve learned so far. I want to explore the different facets of [Field of Study] more profoundly and gain a better understanding of the subject through innovative research. The curriculum of the [Name of Program] program has caught my attention. It offers a well-balanced combination of basic and advanced courses that will equip me with the essential skills to progress in my career. I am also excited about the chance to work with renowned professionals and researchers in [Field of Study], which inspires me greatly. Over the years, I have gained valuable skills and experiences that I believe would benefit me greatly in the program. Through my academic pursuits, leadership roles and community involvement, I have developed strong interpersonal and communication skills that are crucial for success in research and building meaningful professional relationships. I am confident that my wide range of abilities would allow me to thrive in the program, bring value to the academic community, and make a positive difference. I am excited and eager to immerse myself in the program, work with dedicated faculty and peers, and engage in new and innovative research across different fields of study. I am confident that the [Name of Program] program at [Name of University] can facilitate my intellectual growth, professional development, and personal aspirations. Thank you for considering my application, and I look forward to the opportunity of joining the [Name of University] community of passionate learners. Sincerely, [Name]


In conclusion, the significance of a well-crafted motivation letter cannot be overstated. It serves as a powerful tool for students to showcase their unique strengths, aspirations, and passion for their chosen field of study. A compelling motivation letter has the potential to set you apart from other applicants and leave a lasting impression on the admissions committee. By investing time and effort into writing a personalized and impactful motivation letter, you demonstrate your commitment, dedication, and enthusiasm for your academic pursuits. This document allows you to convey your story, goals, and reasons why you are a perfect fit for the university or program you are applying to. Ultimately, a well-written motivation letter can open doors to new opportunities, academic excellence, and personal growth. It is a reflection of your character, values, and potential contributions to the academic community. Therefore, approach the crafting of your motivation letter with care, attention to detail, and a genuine desire to make a positive impact. Your motivation letter is your voice – let it resonate with authenticity and conviction as you embark on your journey towards academic success.

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letter writing in university


Sample Letter Of Interest For University Admission: Free & Effective

This article provides a detailed guide, including a customizable template and examples, to help you write a compelling university application letter based on my experience.

Key Takeaways Understanding the Purpose : Learn what a letter of interest is and why it’s crucial for your university application. Starting Strong : Tips for Crafting an Engaging Opening. Personalizing Your Story : How to weave in your unique experiences and aspirations. Structuring Your Letter : A step-by-step breakdown of each section. Finishing with Impact : Strategies for a Memorable Conclusion. Proofreading and Editing : ensuring your letter is flawless. Template for Success : A customizable template to get you started. Real-Life Examples : Insights from Successful Letters.

Step 1: Understanding the Purpose of Your Letter

A letter of interest, often mistaken for a personal statement, is a chance to show why you’re a perfect fit for the university and how the university aligns with your goals.

It’s more than just your achievements; it’s your story and aspirations and how they intertwine with what the university offers.

Step 2: Starting Strong

Your opening sentence sets the tone. Begin with something engaging and personal. For instance, “Ever since I witnessed my first solar eclipse, I knew astronomy was my calling—a passion I wish to explore at XYZ University.”

Table: Opening Statement Examples

Step 3: Personalizing Your Story

Trending now: find out why.

This is where you connect your past experiences, achievements, and future goals with what the university offers. Discuss specific programs, professors, or opportunities at the university that align with your interests.

For example, “Under the guidance of Professor Smith, an expert in medieval literature, I aim to deepen my understanding of Chaucer’s works.”

Step 4: Structuring Your Letter

  • Introduction : Your opening statement and why you’re interested in this university.
  • Body Paragraphs : Personal experiences, achievements, and how they connect with the university’s offerings.
  • Conclusion : Reiterate your interest and how you would contribute to the university community.

Step 5: Finishing with Impact

Your conclusion should leave a lasting impression. Summarize your key points and express enthusiastic anticipation about the prospect of joining the university.

For instance, “I eagerly look forward to contributing to the vibrant community at XYZ University as both a learner and an active member.”

Step 6: Proofreading and Editing

Ensure your letter is free of grammatical errors and typos. It helps to have someone else read it for a fresh perspective.

Step 7: Template for Success

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, Zip] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date]

[Admissions Office Name] [University Name] [University Address] [City, State, Zip]

Dear Admissions Committee,

Introduction: Start with an engaging opening that captures your interest in the specific field or program.

Example: Ever since I first visited [University Name] at the age of [Your Age], I have been captivated by its vibrant community and commitment to [specific field or program].

It is with great enthusiasm that I express my interest in applying to [specific program or major] at [University Name].

Body Paragraph 1 – Personal Background and Academic Interests: Describe your academic journey, key achievements, and how these have shaped your interest in your chosen field.

Example: My academic journey in [Your Field of Interest] began at [Your School or Experience]. Here, I was particularly drawn to [specific subjects or projects], which ignited my passion for [related topic].

My experience in [related experience or achievement] further solidified my desire to pursue [specific field or program] at a university that champions [specific qualities of the university/program].

Body Paragraph 2 – Connection with the University: Highlight specific aspects of the university or program that align with your interests and goals.

Example: What particularly excites me about [University Name] is [specific programs, facilities, faculty, research opportunities, or university values].

The [specific course or program feature] aligns perfectly with my academic interests and career aspirations.

Additionally, the work of [Professor’s Name or specific department] in [specific research or field] resonates deeply with my academic goals.

Body Paragraph 3 – Future Goals and Contributions: Discuss your future aspirations and how being a part of this university will help you achieve them. Also, mention how you plan to contribute to the university community.

Example: I am eager to bring my background in [Your Background] and experience in [Your Experience] to [University Name].

I look forward to contributing to [specific university clubs, groups, or activities], and engaging with the [University Name] community.

My goal is to [Your Future Goals], and I am confident that [University Name] is the ideal environment to achieve this.

Conclusion: Conclude by reiterating your interest and thanking the committee for considering your application.

Example: I am enthusiastic about the prospect of joining [University Name] and being part of its dynamic and innovative community. Thank you for considering my application.

I am looking forward to the opportunity to contribute to and learn from the esteemed faculty and talented student body at [University Name].

[Your Name]

Real-Life Example:

When I applied to ABC University, I highlighted my extensive work in community theater and linked it to their renowned theater program. This not only showcased my experience but also how I could contribute to their community.

Writing a letter of interest for university admission is your opportunity to showcase your unique story and how it intersects with what the university offers.

Personalize your experiences, highlight your aspirations, and demonstrate how you align with the university’s values and programs. Remember, this letter is about making a connection, so let your personality shine through.

I’d love to hear from you!

If you have any questions or would like to share your experiences in writing a letter of interest, please leave a comment below.

Your insights and queries not only enrich our discussion but also help others in their journey towards crafting their own compelling letters of interest.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

letter writing in university

Q: What is a Letter of Interest for University Admission? 

Answer : A Letter of Interest for University Admission, often referred to as a Statement of Purpose or a Cover Letter, is a personal document submitted as part of your university application. 

It outlines your academic and professional aspirations, explains why you are interested in a specific program and university, and highlights your relevant experiences and achievements. 

This letter allows the admissions committee to understand your motivation, suitability for the program, and potential contributions to their academic community.

Q: How long should my letter of interest be? 

Answer : Typically, a letter of interest should be concise and to the point, ideally not exceeding one page. It’s important to be clear and succinct, focusing on the most relevant details of your academic and extracurricular achievements and how they align with the program you are applying to. Avoid unnecessary details or overly complex language to ensure your letter is impactful and easy to read.

Q: Should I mention specific faculty or research projects in my letter of interest?

Answer : Yes, mentioning specific faculty members or research projects can be beneficial, especially if their work directly relates to your academic interests and career goals. 

It shows that you have done your research and are genuinely interested in the specific opportunities offered by the university. However, make sure your references are relevant and demonstrate a clear connection to your aspirations.

Q: Can I use the same letter of interest for multiple university applications?

Answer : While it might be tempting to use the same letter for multiple applications, it’s not advisable. Each university and program has its own unique qualities and requirements. 

Tailoring your letter to each specific institution shows that you have taken the time to understand what each program offers and how it aligns with your goals. A personalized letter can significantly increase your chances of making a strong impression.

Q: What are common mistakes to avoid in a letter of interest?

Answer : Common mistakes include being too vague or generic, failing to align your interests with the program, making grammatical errors, exceeding the recommended length, and not following the university’s specific guidelines. 

Avoiding these mistakes is crucial for creating an effective letter. It’s also important to maintain a professional tone while allowing your personality to shine through.

Q: How important is the letter of interest in the admissions process? 

Answer : The letter of interest is a critical component of your application. It’s your opportunity to speak directly to the admissions committee and provide context to your academic records and extracurricular activities. 

A well-written letter can set you apart from other candidates by showcasing your unique perspective, motivation, and fit for the program. Therefore, investing time and effort in crafting a compelling letter is essential.

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College Application Letters: Cover Letters & Letters of Continued Interest

College application letters.

College application cover letters support your college applications, college resume, and college application essay prompts. In combination with the other elements of your college applications, particularly your college entrance essay, college application letters help establish your “why.” In short, a college application letter is a cover letter for your college applications that describes your background, skills, and interest in the school. When looking at college application cover letter examples, pay attention to the values that they express. College application letters and college entrance essays are similar in that they are exercises in personal branding. When reading college application cover letter examples, pay attention to the messages they convey. 

If you’re wondering how to write a college application letter, CollegeAdvisor.com has advisors who can walk you through every part of the process. If your goal is to get into top colleges, CollegeAdvisor.com can help. We’ll analyze examples of college application letters and discuss the letter of continued interest to help you craft successful applications. 

In this guide, we’ll break down the different kinds of college application letters you may encounter when completing your college applications. We’ll discuss the college application letter and the letter of continued interest, as well as teacher recommendation letters.

If you want to read college application cover letter samples, you’ve come to the right place!

What is a college application letter?

To learn how to write a college application letter, you must first understand its purpose. Do this by checking out college application cover letter examples. College application letters and college resumes serve as introductions for your college applications. Unlike college application essay prompts, there are no specific questions to answer in your cover letter. Instead, include the essential elements of university application letters: your background, what makes you unique, and your reasons for wanting to attend that particular college. In short, what makes you, you .

As you’ll see when reading example college application letters, college application cover letters are not all that different from what you would write in a cover letter when applying for a job or graduate school. The purpose of college application cover letters, college entrance essays, and college resumes is to persuade colleges that you are the strongest candidate for admissions. 

College application cover letters are not the time to be shy, but they’re not the time to be pretentious either. When reading college application cover letter examples, you’ll see that there’s a fine line. Your tone matters. In your university application letters, show your experiences and accomplishments while portraying character traits that colleges value. To get into top colleges, find a balance between being proud of your accomplishments and being humble.

College application letters – Who requires them?

Unlike college entrance essays, college application letters are required by very few colleges. However, the skills you’ll develop by writing university application letters will serve you well as you approach your college application essay prompts. When researching college application examples, you’ll notice that there are optional materials to submit. If you’re serious about your college applications, submit university application letters to show your interest. 

College application cover letters are particularly effective if the college does not have college application essay prompts that ask you to explain why you want to attend the school and/or why you want to study your major. They are even more strongly recommended when applying to colleges that don’t have any supplemental essays. You’ll see many college application cover letter examples that focus primarily on academics, but you can include so much more.

Though university application letters are rarely required, they provide an ideal way to introduce yourself. After all, you’ll notice when reading college application cover letter samples that the goal is to help the admissions committee get to know you as a person. You are more than just your grades and scores.

If you want to get into top colleges that don’t allow you to submit a college resume or don’t provide interviews, you need to take extra steps to earn acceptance. Often, you can repurpose content from college application essay prompts that ask why you want to study your major! The college application essay format differs from that of a college application letter, but they serve a very similar purpose.

Test your knowledge about other aspects of the college admissions process in our quiz below!

What is a letter of continued interest?

A letter of continued interest (LOCI) is a letter you send to a college when you are deferred or placed on the waitlist. So, not everyone will need to write a college application letter of continued interest.

Your letter of continued interest has three primary goals: 

  • Reaffirm your interest in the school.
  • Provide additional context for your application. 
  • Discuss accomplishments on your college resume that have occurred since you submitted your application.

In this guide on how to write a college application letter, we discuss all forms of college application letters in detail. We’ll expand on the above goals to explain the strategies for writing effective letters.

Explaining teacher recommendation letters 

In addition to submitting a college application cover letter and, potentially, a letter of continued interest, your application will also include recommendation letters . These letters enhance your college application entrance essay and build on answers to supplemental college application essay prompts. 

Due to the shift away from standardized testing, other parts of your college applications are inevitably getting more attention in the evaluation process. When assessing your college applications, admissions committees will often rely on letters from your teachers and counselor in place of interviews.

When reading sample college application letters of recommendation, you’ll observe that some are better than others. But, it can be a bit harder to find example teacher recommendations than it is to find college application cover letter examples. To ensure high-quality letters, create a plan well in advance of your senior year. You’ll want to ask teachers to write your recommendations who know you best beyond your grades. The strongest sample college application letters of recommendation speak to both your personal and academic strengths. 

College application sample recommendation letters with the biggest impact typically come from teachers from your core junior year courses – math, science, English, and social studies. If there’s a teacher from your junior year who taught you during your sophomore or senior year too, even better! Teachers who know you through multiple environments – clubs, classes, sports, or other areas – can often do the best job speaking to your growth and achievement over time. 

Choose teachers who know you best

Ultimately, the most effective sample college application letters of recommendation are written by the teachers who know you best. Pay attention to the college application requirements for each school on your list. Note when reading example college application letters of recommendation who the intended audience is. Some schools require math or science teachers for STEM and business majors , while others require English or social studies teachers for humanities majors .

For example, when looking at college application sample requirements, MIT writes “One recommendation should be from a math or science teacher, and one should be from a humanities, social science, or language teacher.” Caltech also requires one math or science teacher evaluation and one humanities or social sciences teacher evaluation. 

Some applicants are tempted to send more letters than the college applications require. However, aim for quality over quantity. If you want to ask another teacher to write a recommendation letter for you, ask yourself what perspective they will bring to your college applications that isn’t already covered in your college entrance essay or other recommendation letters. 

Don’t hesitate to provide materials to help your teachers and guidance counselor write their letters of recommendation for you. In fact, you should! When reading college application sample letters of recommendation, you’ll note that they are specific and provide examples where possible. Some teachers will even have you fill out a standard form to gather information from you. So, by having additional information already prepared, you are helping them tremendously. 

Here are some materials you can provide to help your recommendations augment your college applications:

  • College entrance essay
  • College resume or a list of your extracurricular activities and awards
  • Responses to college application essay prompts.
  • A sample college application letter that you’re sending to one of your colleges.
  • A few paragraphs about why you want to study your major or pursue your intended career. 
  • Key elements of the course you took with them, such as a favorite project or unit. 

When preparing materials to give to teachers, read the instructions given to recommenders by MIT. Even if you aren’t applying to MIT, the information can still be helpful to know. By understanding the process of writing recommendation letters on the teacher’s side, you can see what information will help them write a strong letter for you. 

Don’t wait until you’re submitting your college applications to ask your teachers for recommendations. Some teachers limit the number that they will write, and you want them to have plenty of time to write a quality recommendation. To make sure you have the best recommendations , ask teachers late in your junior year or early in your senior year.

The College Application Letter

As we’ve mentioned, a college application letter is a cover letter for your college applications. It describes your background, skills, and interest in the school. It’s different from both the college application essay format and the letter of continued interest. When reviewing college application samples, you’ll see that your cover letter works together with your college resume and college entrance essay to help admissions officers get to know you. 

Below, we’ll discuss how to write a college application letter and walk through a sample college application letter. But remember, you want your letter to be original! Don’t feel limited by what’s in any examples of college application letters.

Do all schools require a college application letter?

No — few schools actually require college application letters. However, learning to write a strong college application letter can help you in other aspects of the college admissions process. Reading college application cover letter examples can also help you learn how to write for the admissions committee audience. 

One of the ways to learn how to write a college application letter is to read sample college application letters. For instance, the same skills that help you write a strong and concise college application letter will help you in the college essay format, too.

The college application letter – What should I include?

So, you know the purpose of college application letters, but what should you include in them? Reading college application cover letter samples can help you determine this. While the college application essay format lends itself to focusing on one topic or story, college application cover letter examples highlight the importance of covering several different topics.

College application letters should contain the following elements: 

1. school name and address.

You college application letter should follow formal letter formatting guidelines, which include writing the full name of the college or university you are applying to in the upper left hand corner of the letter. Try to be as specific as possible with the address you choose to use.

2. Salutation

A standard salutation is suitable for your college application letter. However, it is a great idea to do your research and use the full name of the admissions officer assigned to your region.

3. Introduction

The best examples of college application letters open strong. Thank the admissions committee for reviewing your application, and introduce yourself. Do you have a unique connection to the school? Can you hook the reader in some way to make them want to keep reading?

4. Explanation of academic interests

Your primary purpose in college is to earn a degree, so notice that in example college application letters most of the space is often devoted to discussing academic plans. Include your intended major and career path, as well as interdisciplinary interests.

5. Discussion of extracurricular interests

The college application essay format may be a place for you to discuss extracurricular involvement, so use this space to elaborate or discuss additional interests. These could be connected to your academic plans, but they don’t have to be.

6. Conclusion

Express your interest in the school! Impactful example college application letters have a clear and brief conclusion that reaffirms your desire to attend and enthusiasm for the opportunity to join the next class of undergraduates. Point to specific classes, professors, programs, organizations, and aspects of the college that pique your interest. No one is going to hold you to your plan, but colleges want to see that you have one.

8. Complimentary Close

Lastly, every good college application letter should include an expression of gratitude alongside your close and your signature.

In the example of a college application letter above, there are a few key details to highlight. The letter is essentially a five-paragraph essay, with one paragraph for each of the five elements. This differs significantly from the college application essay format. In this college application example, the college application letter has clear and distinct sections, and this is very common in college application cover letter samples.

Depending on your interests and plans, you could take a more integrated approach. You’ll read some examples of college application letters that center around a theme or broad plan rather than separated into individual paragraphs.

This sample college application letter is a narrative. The applicant’s goal is to tell her story to the admissions committee. The best sample college application letters paint a picture for the reader and draw the reader into the storyline. Though it can feel like being vivid and descriptive is a waste of your space, “showing instead of telling makes for stronger college applications.

How to format your college application letter?

When reading sample college application letters, you’ll observe that they are formatted very similarly to professional cover letters. Your university application letters should be one page single-spaced. The heading should also be consistent across college application letters. 

  • Your full address
  • The date you will send the letter
  • The admission officer’s name
  • The college name
  • The college address

Then, open your letter with a salutation. Many examples of college application letters open with “Dear” and are addressed to the admission officer. If you cannot find your regional admissions officer, it is fine to address the letter to the admissions office as was done in the sample college application letter above. Once you write the body of your letter, don’t forget your closing salutation – “Sincerely,” and then your name. 

Once you read several sample college application letters, you’ll understand the best practices. After writing a university application letter for one school, you don’t need to start from scratch for additional schools. Adapt what you have to fit the next college’s context and your specific interests on their campus. 

Being concise is key. Your university application letter should not be redundant. If it exceeds one page, see where information you mention is repeated elsewhere in your application. In your cover letter, focus on the content that makes you as original and unique as possible. Most importantly, don’t forget to proofread your university application letters! 

Can a college application letter help me with other parts of my application?

Think of the college application cover letter as the glue that holds your college applications together. When writing it, think about it as your opportunity to show your best self. After brainstorming the content, you’ll be better equipped to craft your candidate profile into a cohesive narrative and articulate why you want to attend the college.

Though many parts of your college applications will be out of your control by the time you reach your senior fall, the college application cover letter is one that you can control. Use it to elevate your college applications, show interest in your top schools , and make yourself stand out among other applicants!

The Letter of Continued Interest

Another form of college application letter is a letter of continued interest . In sample college application letters of continued interest, you’ll see that the primary purpose is to reaffirm your candidacy for a spot in the next incoming class of undergraduates. 

Though it can feel like a waiting game, the waitlist should not be passive. As soon as you are waitlisted or deferred, begin crafting a letter of continued interest. The best college application sample LOCIs are submitted promptly. Put in the effort to show you’re serious about attending. 

College application example LOCIs should focus on recent updates. Likely, a lot has happened since you submitted your application, particularly if you applied by the early deadlines. Strong college application sample LOCIs convey accomplishments and experiences that either add to previously mentioned ones or provide another dimension to your application. 

Letter of continued interest – When and where to submit?

Learn as much as you can by reading college application example LOCIs, but know that each school’s process for when and how to submit them is different. Additionally, the process may vary based on whether you were deferred to the regular decision round of admissions or waitlisted after the regular decision round. It’s important to follow each university’s directions.

Many schools will request that you upload your letter of continued interest to a portal. Some will request that you email it to an address – typically the admissions office. Others won’t allow you to submit any additional materials. If you’re in doubt, call or email the admissions office and ask. 

What to include in your letter of continued interest?

You’ll notice common trends when reading college application sample LOCIs. Effective college application example LOCIs convey a tone of sincerity, gratitude, and enthusiasm for an opportunity to attend. A strong sample college application letter of continued interest includes four elements. 

First, reaffirm your interest in attending the school if offered the chance to matriculate. Then, discuss relevant developments to your application, such as additional extracurricular accolades and continued academic successes. Sometimes, you’ll see a sample college application letter of continued interest that mentions how a student improved a lower mid-year grade or discusses a new leadership role. 

When reading a sample college application letter of continued interest, remember that colleges are looking for reasons to admit you, so don’t be shy! Offer to answer any questions they have and provide additional info in the conclusion of your letter. 

It’s important to back up your claims with supporting evidence. Strong college application sample LOCIs provide examples and specific details, just as you would in a cover letter or essay. Be vivid and descriptive as you share your story!

However, college application example LOCIs that include overly emotional appeals or merely complement the university are unlikely to be effective. Your letter of continued interest should be all about you. Though it can be difficult to realize this when reading college application example LOCIs, recognize that the content of your letter should fit within the context of the rest of your application. 

The many types of college application letters – Final Thoughts

In this guide, we covered several types of letters associated with your college process – college application cover letters, teacher recommendation letters, and letters of continued interest. Reading sample college application letters, whether they are college application cover letter samples or LOCIs, can help you do your best work. But, remember that every applicant’s college application process is unique. 

Our final tips for writing college application letters:

  • Proofread. College application letters with typos or grammatical errors reflect poorly on your effort and candidacy. Use a polished and professional tone in everything you write for your college applications.
  • Be yourself. Though this goal can get lost in the requirements, scores, and grades, you should focus on helping the colleges on your list get to know who you are . 
  • Follow the requirements. Each college has their own requirements for how they want you to submit materials. Pay close attention to the details for each college as you go through the admissions process. 

CollegeAdvisor.com can help guide you through every step of the college application process. Check out our blog , webinars , or register with CollegeAdvisor.com today. Good luck!

This guide to college application letters and letters of continued interest was written by Caroline Marapese, Notre Dame ‘22. At CollegeAdvisor, we have built our  reputation  by providing comprehensive information that offers real assistance to students. If you want to get help with your college applications from CollegeAdvisor.com  Admissions Experts , click here to schedule a free meeting with one of our Admissions Specialists. During your meeting, our team will discuss your profile and help you find targeted ways to increase your admissions odds at top schools. We’ll also answer any questions and discuss how CollegeAdvisor.com can support you in the college application process.

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Recommendation Letters

Recommendation letters are a critical element of every application. They validate the claims you've made as an applicant, providing specific examples and details of your academic accomplishments, personal endeavors, and character. Selection committees rely on them to impartially evaluate your performance and potential to be successful in the opportunity you are pursuing. Good letter-writers are those who know you well enough to provide these assessments with enthusiasm and authenticity.

Academic letters are typically written by faculty, lecturers, or faculty research advisors who have overseen your work in courses, research settings, or other academic contexts. These letters generally address how you performed, your potential for future success in the field, and any other attributes that make you qualified for the particular award. Post-doctoral associates/fellows and graduate students may also have insight into your performance if they've worked with you in a course or project. However, depending on the fellowship or research opportunity, they do not usually make suitable academic letter-writers. It is important that you check the criteria of the award and/or check-in with administrators who manage the award to see whether letters from non-faculty members would be appropriate for that opportunity.

Some students, especially those in their early college years, have not yet had the opportunity to directly interact with faculty – perhaps you have had more direct interaction with Teaching Fellows ("TFs"). In these cases, you might consider asking the faculty course leader or head of a research group to work together with your TF to generate a co-signed letter. Keep in mind, though, that coordinating co-signed letters takes more time than usual, so plan ahead. Peers (other college students or recent alumni in student organizations), on the other hand,  are not suitable letter writers. If you're applying for a non-academic opportunity, or one that is specifically interested in learning about the applicant's personal attributes (character, leadership potential, commitment to service, etc.), then you might consider asking for a letter of recommendation from a College staff member or organization supervisor, coach, faculty who may be familiar with your work outside of the classroom, work supervisor, or Resident Dean or other House staff.

Letters from high school teachers or your high school years: Soliciting letters from high school teachers is not usually acceptable for fellowship and research opportunities at the college level. However, there are some exceptions to this rule. If you've engaged in research as a high school student and are applying to a competitive research fellowship that funds independent study (e.g. Herchel Smith Harvard Summer Science Fellowship ) as a first-year student, it may be acceptable to provide a letter from that experience, but only if the writer can provide strong evidence that you are qualified to pursue an independent research project.

Navigating Recommendations

Letters of recommendation are a critical part of academic and professional development. If you need a letter from a faculty member, research advisor, or other Harvard community member, do not be afraid to ask if they'd be willing to provide you a strong recommendation letter (even if the deadline is still years away, for instance, a medical school/graduate school application).

Help them help you.

  • Ask for recommendation letters in advance of the deadline—at least 3-4 weeks' notice is typical. Usually, letters of recommendation are due at the  same time as your own materials! Please take note of this.
  • Remind the recommender how they know you, if they have not heard from you in a while. If being in their course was significant to your development or trajectory, let them know! You might also consider re-sending a copy of a paper or project you wrote for their class, to remind them of your good work.
  • Give your recommenders specific instructions – this includes how, where, and when to submit the recommendation letter and any guidance from the selection committee on specific topics recommenders should be addressing. If you'd like the recommender to highlight events, skills, or experiences that speak to your qualifications for the opportunity, tell them so. Invite their questions about your materials and the application process, and check-in with them frequently as the deadline approaches.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for multiple letters. Recommenders who have agreed to support your application for one opportunity may also be willing to recommend you for another. If you are considering asking for multiple letters, you'll need to provide specific information about each opportunity, so that your recommender knows how to tailor their letter to best complement your application. (Remember, give plenty of notice—just because they have written for you before doesn't mean they can write a new letter overnight!) Check in frequently to see if they have any questions or concerns or need more information from you.

Give thanks and provide updates.

Regardless of the outcome of your application, be sure that you let your recommenders know you appreciate the effort and time they put toward the recommendation and update them on the outcome of your joint efforts. Even after the experience is long over, do your best to check-in with those recommenders; keeping them engaged with your trajectory is the best way to keep them engaged as your advocate and mentor.

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  • How to Write Good Letters and Emails: a Guide for Those Who are New to the English Language

letter writing in university

If you are new to the English language, one aspect of English you possibly haven’t thought about yet is how to communicate appropriately in formal written situations, such as letters. This is a skill you’ll almost certainly need if you’re in the process of applying to UK schools or universities , so we thought we’d give you a handy guide on how to write formal letters and emails in English. Even if you’re a native speaker, this is still an essential skill to acquire if you haven’t already, both for university applications and in life beyond your student years, when you’ll almost certainly need to write covering letters for job applications, letters to the bank, emails to customer service departments of companies, and so on. So, if you’re not quite sure how to go about writing a formal letter or email, take heed of the advice in this article and you’ll soon be writing professional-sounding communications.

The right way to write a letter

When it comes to writing a formal letter, there are very clear right and wrong ways of going about it. To show you the right way of doing it, let’s make up a situation and pretend that you’re writing a letter to a university you’ve applied to, enquiring about the possibility of deferring your course for a year. We’ve written out the letter in full below, so that you can refer to it as you read through the following points. – Your address: the first thing to write is your own address. This goes at the top right-hand side of the letter. – Date: Beneath your address, you write the date of the letter. Note how we’ve formatted the date here, and left a space between the bottom of the address and the date. – Their address: Next, you write the recipient’s address. This is left-aligned and placed below the text of your own address and the date. – Salutation: we’ve written about these in more detail beneath our example letter, but for the purposes of this example we are addressing the recipient using “Mr” and his surname. – Subject line: a bit like an email, a formal letter has a one-line summary after the salutation, which summarises what the letter is about. – Body text: the main content of the letter. Use spaces to indicate a new paragraph and keep sentences clear and to the point. Make sure it’s clear exactly what you want the person to do as an outcome of your letter. In this example, we’ve put the direct question on its own separate line to make sure it stands out. – Sign-off: again, we’ll give you more guidance on how to sign off your letter later in this article. In this example we’ve used “Yours sincerely”, for reasons that will become clear later. – Signature: we’ve left a gap here, where you would handwrite your signature once you’ve printed off your letter ready to send. – Print name: beneath your signature is your name printed in full.

Salutations in more detail

Always begin a formal letter with “Dear”, rather than “hi” or any other more informal greeting. First names are best avoided if you want to be very formal, but may be acceptable in some situations, such as when you’re writing to someone you’ve met in person and who has encouraged you to address them by their first name. In terms of more formal greetings, you have the following options: – Sir/Madam – you start your letter with “Dear Sir or Madam” when you don’t know to whom your letter should be addressed; for example, if you’re writing to the general university admissions department and don’t know exactly who would be responsible for the handling of your enquiry. – Mr/Mrs/Dr etc – when you know the name of the person to whom you are writing, address them using their surname and title. For men, this should be Mr Smith (unless you know that he has another title, e.g. Dr Smith or Captain Smith) and for women, this should be Ms Smith unless you know for sure that she has another title or prefers to use Mrs or Miss.

Signing off a letter

There are several ways of signing off a formal letter. These are: – Yours faithfully, – this is used when you’ve started your letter with “Dear Sir or Madam”. – Yours sincerely, – this is used when you’ve addressed a named individual in your letter. – Yours truly, – this can be used when you’re writing to someone you know slightly. This is more common in America. These should all have a comma at the end, as in the examples above.

Hands typing on keyboard

Email is generally considered less formal than a letter, but that’s not to say that you can descend into over-familiarity or slang when you’re writing to someone important, such as a university admissions tutor (who will not be impressed if you’re not able to communicate professionally). You must remain respectful and professional at all times, even in this more informal medium. You don’t need to lay out your email in the style of the letter in the example above, but there are a few special considerations and things that are done differently in emails as opposed to letters.

The email address you use

For the purposes of emailing important people – such as university tutors or potential employers – it’s best to have a professional-looking email address. Low-quality free email providers such as Hotmail and Yahoo are best avoided (Gmail is still considered acceptable), and although we probably all have childish email addresses with silly handles like “shopgirl1990” that we set up years ago, they won’t give a very good impression to the person you’re emailing. As a general rule, [email protected] is a good format for your email address.

To/from field

Fountain Pen on paper

Subject line

Write something descriptive in the subject line that summarises what the email is about. Don’t make it too long. If you were emailing about the query covered in our example letter earlier, for instance, the subject line could simply be “Deferring course entry”. A descriptive subject line makes it easier for people to find an email among a mass of others, and will also ensure that they do bother to read it. Don’t forget, people receive dozens of emails every day, so yours could easily get lost in their inbox if you put a generic subject line such as “Enquiry”. Another word of caution: avoid words like “Urgent” unless it’s a genuine emergency (for instance, you could miss a deadline if they don’t respond quickly). Marking something as urgent when it isn’t will only annoy the recipient, who has many other demands on their time. For the same reason, avoid marking the email as “important” if your email provider has a dedicated button for this.

Email greetings are generally more relaxed than letters, though if you want to be formal then it’s still fine to start your email with “Dear Mr Smith” if you’re emailing a named individual or “Dear Sir or Madam” if you’re emailing a generic email address such as [email protected] . If you’ve met the person before, or they’ve emailed you before, first names are acceptable if this is how they have signed their emails to you previously. In such a situation, it’s also acceptable to use a slightly less formal greeting, such as “Hello” or even “Hi”. However, go by how they address you; if their emails to you start “Dear”, you reply with “Dear”; if they start “Hi”, you can reply with “Hi”. An alternative email greeting that lies somewhere between formal and informal is “Good morning” or “Good afternoon”. This is perhaps a little friendlier and more personal than “Dear”, so if your style is not naturally very formal then this is an acceptable form of email greeting.

Signing off an email

Again, with email being more informal than a letter, a very formal sign-off such as “Yours sincerely” can sound a little odd in an email. If you have started your email in the formal style of a letter then it makes sense to finish it in this way, but if you’ve adopted one of the less formal salutations outlined just now, you have a few different options for how you could sign off. These common conventions include: – Best wishes, – Kind regards, – Best regards, – All the best, – Thanks, – Thanks in advance, – Many thanks, The latter three can be used when you’ve asked for something or asked a question. With all of these, make sure you have a comma at the end of the line, as in the examples above. If you have a standard email signature that’s included automatically in all your emails, make sure that its contents are completely appropriate for the person to whom you are sending the email. Jokes, funny images and such like are not appropriate for a formal email.

Other tips for writing formally

There are a few more general pointers for writing formally to ensure that you maintain that professional image with which to impress your recipient. – Never use slang – avoid slang and colloquialisms when you’re writing formally. It goes without saying that you should never swear, either. – Don’t waffle – explain what you’re trying to say as clearly and concisely as possible if you expect them to read it in full. Keep your communication short and to the point. – Always proofread – good spelling and grammar are absolutely essential, so check your communication thoroughly before it gets sent off (the spell check will do for an initial check, but you’ll still need to read through it to correct anything that it might not have picked up on). Any errors will completely shatter your professional image! – In emails, avoid unnecessary attachments, emoticons and so on.

You will undoubtedly have occasion to write a formal letter at some point, and sending emails has become a daily occurrence for most of us. Taking on board the tips in this article will ensure that you convey a professional demeanour in your written communications, and this will stand you in good stead in any number of situations in which you find yourself in the future.

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Writing an Effective Letter or Email

Many times, the most effective way to send a message to an instructor, advisor, or university administrator is by writing a letter or an email. This information is intended to help you to write an effective letter or email, also included are some tips on appropriate etiquette when emailing professors, advisors, or other university faculty or staff members.

When to Write a Letter or Email

Most professional communication occurs via email, this includes communication to instructors, advisors, or other faculty or staff members within a University environment. Unless faculty or staff members have specified otherwise, email is likely the best form of initial communication.

If you’ve found, however, that email is not getting someone’s attention, or a more formal method of communication is required, writing a letter may be helpful. A letter is often formatted differently than an email, is printed and either hand delivered or sent in the mail.

Either way, it is helpful to request an in person meeting when sending an email or letter. This allows you to engage in dialogue about your concerns, and can lead to greater understanding.

Email Format:

Although email can be less formal than a letter, it is still helpful to incorporate some formalities into it.

Email Elements :

Subject Line : Include information that will provide context to the reader as to why you are sending the email. Most instructors find it helpful to include the course number in the email, as well as a one or two word description of the reason why you are writing.

Salutation : You should use a formal name or title in a salutation, such as Dr., Mr./Ms./Mrs., or Professor as appropriate.

Body : Keep the body of an email concise and to the point. Remain factual and specific. The first few sentences should outline the issue or request you are planning to make, you can then elaborate throughout the email as appropriate. Use paragraphs to make separate points.

Attachments : Include attachments that may be helpful to the person receiving the email.

CC’s : You may CC additional individuals as appropriate. These individuals should already have some context for the issue, and should be a part of the discussion somehow. It will likely not be helpful to CC the University President on an email about a grade dispute.

Letter Format : Traditionally, a letter contains more formatting than an email.

The elements found in typical business letters are:

  • full mailing address of the sender
  • date on which letter is written
  • address of person to whom letter is addressed
  • subject line
  • body (the main message)
  • complimentary closing
  • signature line (be sure to sign your letter)
  • enclosure and copy notations

Model Letter:

The model below uses all the elements from the list.  The above layout is a matter of personal choice, as is the decision to include a phone number and email address. Note: the text of the model letter is exceptionally brief.  Most appeal and request letters require a page or two.

  • Samuel Student 123 ABC Street San Diego, CA 92120 [email protected] (619) 555-1234  
  • February 20, 2018  
  • Dr. Jane Skool, Professor College of _____________ Michigan State University East Lansing, MI 48824  
  • Subject: Request for Examination  
  • Dear Dr. Skool:  
  • I am writing to request a special examination in Course 101. On March 12, the date of the regularly scheduled exam, I have to appear in court as a witness. I have enclosed a copy of the court summons.    
  • Thank you for taking the time to consider my request.  Please contact me by email or phone if you have any questions.  
  • Respectfully, Sam Student  
  • Samuel Student PID  
  • Encl. Cc: John O. Smith

Content and Tone :

Whether you are writing an email or a formal letter, the content and tone will determine whether the letter really does its job.  Review any relevant policy and pay particular attention to what the decision maker needs to know to consider an appeal or request .  That is the information which should be included in your letter.   Opening Statement

The first sentence or two should state the purpose of the letter clearly.

I am writing to appeal my current disciplinary status, and to apologize for my involvement in the floor crawl which led to my being placed on notice. I realize that what seemed harmless fun to me was actually a danger to my health and the health of others.  I sincerely regret my actions that night…

I am writing to request a course overload for 2018-2019…

Include factual detail but avoid dramatizing the situation.

In late October I was diagnosed with tonsillitis. I was sick for over a week, and missed most of my mid-term exams.

NOT - In late October after feeling really sick for a few days I finally dragged myself to Student Health Services…

Be Specific

If an appeal or request depends on particular facts which the decision maker will want to verify, be specific.

I missed a test on January 23, because I flew to Vancouver on January 19 for my grandfather’s funeral and returned on January 26.  I enclose the airline receipt and can provide further corroboration if that would be helpful.

NOT - I had to attend a funeral out of town so I missed the test on January 23.


Include any documentation required by policy or needed to substantiate your claims.  If documentation is being sent by a third party, state that with details.

Dr. Well, my father’s physician, has agreed to write to you about this matter…

Stick to the Point

Don’t clutter your letter with information or requests that have no essential connection to the main message.   Do Not Try to Manipulate the Reader

Threatening, cajoling, begging, pleading, flattery and making extravagant promises are manipulative and usually ineffective methods.

If you give me a chance to come back to residence next year, I promise to work really hard, get rich, and donate a million dollars to the University…   How to Talk About Feelings

It is tempting to overstate the case when something is important to us.  When feelings are a legitimate part of a message own the feeling, and state it as a fact.

When I saw my grade, I was very disappointed.   Be Brief

It is more work to write a good short letter than a long one.  Busy decision makers appreciate the extra effort.   Avoid errors

A letter will make a better impression if it is typed; free of spelling and grammar mistakes; free of slang; and placed in the right sized envelope. BUT it is much more important to meet deadlines and state the purpose clearly than to submit a letter which is completely error-free.   Keep Copies

Until a matter is settled, keep copies of all letters sent or received, as well as relevant documents and forms.

*Adapted from The University of Western Ontario Ombuds Office, Frances Bauer, Ombudsperson

** Adapted from San Diego State University Office of the Student Ombudsman

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Writing Cover Letters

What is a cover letter? What to include in a cover letter How to organize a cover letter Questions to guide your writing How to format a cover letter Sample cover letters

What is a cover letter?

To be considered for almost any position, you will need to write a letter of application. Such a letter introduces you, explains your purpose for writing, highlights a few of your experiences or skills, and requests an opportunity to meet personally with the potential employer.

Precisely because this letter is your introduction to an employer and because first impressions count, you should take great care to write an impressive and effective letter. Remember that the letter not only tells of your accomplishments but also reveals how effectively you can communicate.

The appropriate content, format, and tone for application letters vary according to the position and the personality of the applicant. Thus, you will want to ask several people (if possible) who have had experience in obtaining jobs or in hiring in your field to critique a draft of your letter and to offer suggestions for revision.

Despite the differences in what constitutes a good application letter, the suggestions on these pages apply generally.

What to include in a cover letter

  • Try to limit your letter to a single page. Be succinct.
  • Assess the employer’s needs and your skills. Then try to match them in the letter in a way that will appeal to the employer’s self-interest.
  • As much as possible, tailor your letter to each job opportunity. Demonstrate, if possible, some knowledge of the organization to which you are applying.
  • Write in a style that is mature but clear; avoid long and intricate sentences and paragraphs; avoid jargon. Use action verbs and the active voice; convey confidence, optimism, and enthusiasm coupled with respect and professionalism.
  • Show some personality, but avoid hard-sell, gimmicky, or unorthodox letters. Start fast; attract interest immediately. For more information see Business Letter Format .
  • Arrange the points in a logical sequence; organize each paragraph around a main point.

How to organize a cover letter

Below is one possible way to arrange the content of your cover letter.

Opening Paragraph

State why you are writing.

Establish a point of contact (advertisement in a specific place for a specific position; a particular person’s suggestion that you write): give some brief idea of who you are (a Senior engineering student at UW; a recent Ph.D. in History).

Paragraph(s) 2(-3)

Highlight a few of the most salient points from your enclosed resume.

Arouse your reader’s curiosity by mentioning points that are likely to be important for the position you are seeking.

Show how your education and experience suit the requirements of the position, and, by elaborating on a few points from your resume, explain what you could contribute to the organization.

(Your letter should complement, not restate, your resume.)

Closing paragraph

Stress action. Politely request an interview at the employer’s convenience.

Indicate what supplementary material is being sent under separate cover and offer to provide additional information (a portfolio, a writing sample, a sample publication, a dossier, an audition tape), and explain how it can be obtained.

Thank the reader for his/her consideration and indicate that you are looking forward to hearing from him/her.

Questions to guide your writing

  • Who is my audience?
  • What is my objective?
  • What are the objectives and needs of my audience?
  • How can I best express my objective in relationship to my audience’s objectives and needs?
  • What specific benefits can I offer to my audience and how can I best express them?
  • What opening sentence and paragraph will grab the attention of my audience in a positive manner and invite them to read further?
  • How can I maintain and heighten the interest and desire of the reader throughout the letter?
  • What evidence can I present of my value to my audience?
  • If a resume is enclosed with the letter, how can I best make the letter advertise the resume?
  • What closing sentence or paragraph will best assure the reader of my capabilities and persuade him or her to contact me for further information?
  • Is the letter my best professional effort?
*From Ronald L. Kraunich, William J. Bauis. High Impact Resumes & Letters. Virginia Beach, VA: Impact Publications, 1982.

How to format a cover letter

  • Type each letter individually, or use a word processor.
  • Use good quality bond paper.
  • Whenever possible, address each employer by name and title.
  • Each letter should be grammatically correct, properly punctuated, and perfectly spelled. It also should be immaculately clean and free of errors. Proofread carefully!
  • Use conventional business correspondence form. If you are not certain of how to do this, ask for help at the Writing Center.

Sample cover letters

Looking at examples of strong cover letters is a great way to understand how this advice can become implemented. We’ve compiled and annotated a range of different kinds of cover letters from different kinds of student applicants. We encourage you to look through these letters and see some of what we’ve highlighted as working particularly well in these real world examples.

  • Cover Letter Example 1. Undergraduate student applying for a restaurant hosting position.
  • Cover Letter Example 2. Undergraduate sophomore applying for an internship with a non-profit, political organization.
  • Cover Letter Example 3. Graduate student applying for a Project Assistant position at UW-Madison. The original job posting for this position can be found here .
  • Cover Letter Example 4. A graduated student with an English literature and Spanish language double major applying to work as a law firm legal assistant.

In addition to these sample cover letters, you can find a range of other, often discipline-specific cover letter examples through these UW-Madison resources:

  • SuccessWorks has developed a useful resource that features an overview of cover letters. It provides a breakdown of this genre’s main parts as well as an example cover letter and resume, all in response to an included job posting for a position with Americas Society Council of the Americas. All of this is located here .
  • UW-Madison’s Law School has several wonderful examples of cover letters for law-related jobs here . These are organized according how far the applicants were into their law school careers (i.e., L1, L2, and L3).
  • The Career Center for the School of Education has information about cover letters as well as sample cover letter for someone applying to be an elementary school teacher here .

letter writing in university

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Sat / act prep online guides and tips, 4 amazing recommendation letter samples for students.

Letters of Recommendation


How important are recommendation letters in a college application? According to William Fitzsimmons, dean of admissions and financial aid at Harvard, they are "extremely important."

If you're a student, examples of great letters of recommendation can help you understand how to get strong letters yourself from your teachers. If you're a teacher, the examples in this guide will inspire you to support your students strongly as they apply to college. Keep reading for four excellent letters from teachers that will get anyone into college , along with expert analysis on why they're so strong.

Important Note: Are you looking for job recommendation letters? If so, check out my great post here!

First, let's understand the role of recommendation letters in your application.

Why are Recommendation Letters Important?

The majority of admissions officers at four-year colleges, especially private schools, emphasize that their process is holistic . They seek to gain a sense of the student as a "whole person," rather than focusing on pieces of who she is based solely on grades and test scores. Since they rarely meet the student in person, the recommendation letters, along with the student's own personal essay, play a huge role in illuminating her intellectual and personal qualities.

That's why recommendation letters from teachers, especially those who know their students well, carry a great deal of weight in applications. A letter that expresses a strong vote of support, as well as highlights a student's impressive academic and personal strengths , can have a powerful effect on that student's chances of admission.

Let's look at some samples of strong recommendation letters, one from an English teacher, another from a physics teacher, the third from a history teacher, and the final one from a math teacher. Then we'll break down exactly why these letters of recommendation are effective.

The first example recommends Sara, a senior who loves to write and read poetry.

Sample Letter #1: Sara the Poet

Dear Admissions Committee, I had the pleasure of teaching Sara in her 11th grade honors English class at Mark Twain High School. From the first day of class, Sara impressed me with her ability to be articulate about difficult concepts and texts, her sensitivity to the nuances within literature, and her passion for reading, writing, and creative expression- both in and out of the classroom. Sara is a talented literary critic and poet, and she has my highest recommendation as a student and writer. Sara is talented at considering the subtleties within literature and the purpose behind authors' works. She produced an extraordinary year-long thesis paper on creative identity development, in which she compared works from three different time periods and synthesized cultural and historical perspectives to inform her analysis. When called upon to give her thesis defense in front of her peers, Sara spoke clearly and eloquently about her conclusions and responded to questions in a thoughtful way. Outside of the classroom, Sara is dedicated to her literary pursuits, especially to poetry. She publishes her poetry in our school's literary magazine, as well as in online magazines. She is an insightful, sensitive, and deeply self-aware individual driven to explore art, writing, and a deeper understanding of the human condition. Throughout the year Sara was an active participant in our discussions, and she always supported her peers. Her caring nature and personality allow her to work well with others in a team setting, as she always respects others' opinions even when they differ from her own. When we held a class debate about gun laws, Sara opted to speak for the side opposite her own views. She explained her choice as motivated by a desire to put herself in other people's shoes, view the issues from a new perspective, and gain a clearer sense of the issue from all angles. Throughout the year, Sara demonstrated this openness to and empathy for the opinions, feelings, and perspectives of others, along with shrewd powers of observation, all qualities that makes her outstanding as a student of literature and burgeoning writer. I am certain that Sara is going to continue to do great and creative things in her future. I highly recommend her for admission to your undergraduate program. She is talented, caring, intuitive, dedicated, and focused in her pursuits. Sara consistently seeks out constructive feedback so she can improve her writing skills, which is a rare and impressive quality in a high school student. Sara is truly a stand-out individual who will impress everyone she meets. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions at [email protected]. Sincerely, Ms. Scribe English Teacher Mark Twain High School

This is a thorough, glowing recommendation for a student that Ms. Scribe clearly knows well. What other features make it stand out as a strong letter of rec?


The Breakdown

Ms. Scribe has a high opinion of Sara and her skills at writing and literary analysis. One way that she expresses this is by using powerful and specific language. She doesn't merely say Sara is a good writer. She says she's articulate about difficult concepts and sensitive to the nuances within literature. She calls her insightful and self-aware with shrewd powers of observation.

These descriptors don't happen by accident. Ms. Scribe took the time to choose her words carefully , and that effort paid off with a strong letter that captures Sara's special qualities.

Ms. Scribe also supports her characterization of Sara with examples . She describes her thesis paper and how she responded to questions thoughtfully under the pressured situation of her thesis defense. She gives the example of the debate on gun laws to illustrate Sara's openness to many different points of view.

In addition to illuminating her intellectual and personal strengths and supporting them with specific examples, Ms. Scribe speaks to Sara's goals for the future. She points out that she is talented at writing, poetry specifically, and that she is committed to continuing to improve as a writer in her future.

This letter, by virtue of its wording, length, and specificity, shows that Ms. Scribe took the time and effort to recommend Sara thoughtfully and with conviction. The fact that she knows Sara well and is committed to helping her application succeed with a thoughtful letter further adds weight to her assessment.

This letter would be a boon to Sara's application, especially if she's applying to study writing or English. She clearly impressed her English teacher and, in return, got a memorable, complimentary letter of recommendation for her college application.

This next example is similarly enthusiastic and detailed. It's for a student applying to an engineering program.

Want to build the best possible college application?   We can help.   PrepScholar Admissions combines world-class admissions counselors with our data-driven, proprietary admissions strategies. We've guided thousands of students to get into their top choice schools, from state colleges to the Ivy League. We know what kinds of students colleges want to admit and are driven to get you admitted to your dream schools. Learn more about PrepScholar Admissions to maximize your chance of getting in:

Sample Letter #2: Stacy the Engineer

Dear Admissions Committee, It is a great pleasure to recommend Stacy for admission to your engineering program. She is one of the most exceptional students I have encountered in my 15 years of teaching. I taught Stacy in my 11th grade honors physics class and advised her in Robotics Club. I am not surprised to find out she is now ranked at the top of an extraordinarily capable class of seniors. She has a keen interest in and talent for physics, math, and scientific inquiry. Her advanced skills and passion for the subject make her an ideal fit for your rigorous engineering program. Stacy is a perceptive, sharp, quick individual with a high aptitude for math and science. She is driven to understand how things work, whether they be the old computer hard drives in the school library or the forces that hold our universe together. Her final project in class was especially impressive, an investigation of frequency-dependent sound absorption, an idea that she said was sparked by not wanting to bother her parents with her hours of guitar practice at home. She's been a strong leader in Robotics Club, eager to share her knowledge with others and learn new skills. I have the students in the club prepare lessons and take turns leading our after-school meetings. When it was Stacy's turn, she showed up prepared with a fascinating lecture on lunar nautics and fun activities that got everyone moving and talking. She was our only student teacher to be met with much deserved applause at the end of her lesson. Stacy's personal strengths are as impressive as her intellectual accomplishments. She's an active, outgoing presence in class with a great sense of humor. Stacy's the perfect person to get a group project rolling, but she also knows how to sit back and let others take the lead. Her cheerful nature and openness to feedback means she's always learning and growing as a learner, an impressive strength that will continue to serve her well in college and beyond. Stacy is just the kind of driven, engaging, and curious student that helped make our classroom a lively environment and safe place to take intellectual risks. Stacy has my highest recommendation for admission to your engineering program. She has demonstrated excellence in all that she puts her mind to, whether it's designing an experiment, collaborating with others, or teaching herself to play classical and electrical guitar. Stacy's endless curiosity, combined with her willingness to take risks, leads me to believe there will be no limit to her growth and achievements in college and beyond. Please don't hesitate to contact me at [email protected] if you have any questions. Sincerely, Ms. Randall Physics Teacher Marie Curie High School

Ms. Randall is clearly as much of a fan of Stacy as she is of Mileva Marić. How does she communicate her recommendation?


Ms. Randall plugs for Stacy right off the bat with a statement of outstanding ranking : Stacy is one of the most exceptional students she's had in 15 years of teaching. A statement like this is pretty extraordinary and will make an impact in the mind of its readers. Stacy sounds like a special student, and she chose her recommender well.

Like in the last example, this letter uses strong, specific language , calling Stacy a perceptive and sharp person who has the confidence and good humor to take intellectual risks. Through its accurate and expressive language, this letter helps Stacy come to life in the mind of the reader.

Beyond the evaluation, Ms. Randall gives specific examples of Stacy's academic and personal strengths. She talks about her successful teaching in Robotics Club, her leadership in group projects, and her dedicated practice to teaching herself to play the guitar.

Rather than spreading the letter too thin, Ms. Randall highlights a few core themes. She connects Stacy's love of music with her passion for physics by talking about the frequency-dependent sound absorption project. All the threads tie together in a nice, memorable bow.

This letter is a strong vote of support for Stacy's application to an engineering program. Her physics teacher admires Stacy's skills and goals, and she made it clear that Stacy had her highest recommendation in this letter.

This next example also comes from a teacher who's extremely impressed with his student. It focuses on the student's performance in class and his volunteer work outside the classroom.


Sample Letter #3: William the History Buff and Social Organizer

Dear Admissions Committee, It is hard to overstate the meaningful contributions that William has made to our school and surrounding community. As both his 10th and 11th grade History teacher, I've had the pleasure of seeing William make profound contributions both in and out of the classroom. His school and community service is motivated by a strong sense of social justice, which he informs through a nuanced and sophisticated understanding of historical trends and events. I can say with confidence that William is one of the most caring and driven students I've ever taught in my fifteen years at the school. As a child of immigrant parents, William is especially drawn to understand the immigrant experience. He produced an extraordinary semester-long research paper on the treatment of Japanese-Americans in the U.S. during WWII, in which he went beyond all expectations to conduct Skype interviews with relatives of his featured subjects to incorporate into his paper. William has a great capacity to draw connections between past and present and to ground his understanding of current issues in the context of historical events. He never retreats to a simple answer or explanation, but is comfortable dealing with ambiguity. William's fascination with U.S. and World History and skill for deep analysis have him an exemplary scholar, as a well as a motivated activist driven to promote civil rights and work towards social equity. In sophomore year, William noticed that the college planning seminars students attended included little information for first generation or immigrant students. Always thinking about how institutions can better serve people, William spoke with counselors and ESL teachers about his ideas to better support all students. He helped collect resources and design a college planning curriculum for immigrant and undocumented students to enhance their college access. He further helped organize a group that connected ESL students with native English speakers, stating his mission to be helping ELLs improve their English and increasing multicultural awareness and social cohesion at the school as a whole. William identified a need and worked with students and faculty alike to meet it in an extremely effective and beneficial way. Ever the history scholar, he did plenty of research to back up his ideas. William believes passionately in social progress and working for the common good. His own personal experiences, along with his profound grasp on social history, drive his advocacy work. He is a talented, intelligent student with the charisma, confidence, strong values, and respect for others to make a huge difference in the world around him. I'm looking forward to seeing all the good that William continues to do for his fellow humanity in college and beyond, as well as the excellent work that he will produce at the college level. William has my highest recommendation. If you have any questions, please contact me at [email protected]. Sincerely, Mr. Jackson History Teacher Martin Luther King, Jr. High School

Mr. Jackson's letter makes William sound like a pretty amazing student and person. How does he go about expressing his admiration for William in this rec letter?


Like Ms. Randall did in her letter, Mr. Jackson provides a statement of outstanding ranking for William, calling him one of the most caring and driven students he's ever taught. Considering his long teaching career of 15 years, this says a lot about William as a student and a person.

Also like in the last example, Mr. Jackson focuses on a few core aspects of William's character. He talks about his love of history and how it informs his social activism. He comments on his exceptional historical scholarship, as well as his personal qualities of caring for those around him and working for the social good.

Mr. Jackson also gives insight into William's personal life , explaining how he has a personal connection to his projects and volunteer work as the child of immigrant parents. This letter reveals that William is a thoughtful, motivated individual who connects his own experiences with his learning and desire to contribute to his community.

The letter also showcases William's exceptional accomplishments by giving specific examples of William's research paper and his work supporting the academic and personal needs of ELL students. Mr. Jackson expresses his enthusiastic recommendation while illuminating William's love of learning and strength of character. This letter would be both impressive and memorable to admissions officers considering William for admission to their school.

This next example comes from a math teacher. Let's see what Mr. Wiles has to say about Joe.


Sample Letter #4: Joe the Hard Worker

Dear Admissions Committee, It is my pleasure to recommend Joe, who I taught in my 11th grade math class. Joe demonstrated tremendous effort and growth throughout the year and brought a great energy to class. He has that combination of a positive attitude and the belief that he can always improve that's rare in a high school student, but so essential to the learning process. I am confident that he will continue to display the same commitment and diligence in everything he does. I highly recommend Joe for admission to your school. Joe would not describe himself as a math person. He's told me on several occasions that all the numbers and variables make his mind go fuzzy. Joe did, in fact, struggle to comprehend the material at the beginning of the year, but his response to this is what really struck me. Where so many others have given up, Joe took on this class as a welcome challenge. He stayed after school for extra help, got extra tutoring at the nearby college, and asked questions in and out of class. Due to all his hard work, Joe not only raised his grades, but he also inspired some of his classmates to stay after for extra help, as well. Joe truly demonstrated a growth mindset, and he inspired his peers to adopt that valuable perspective, too. Joe helped contribute to our classroom environment as one where all students can feel supported and able to ask questions. Joe's strong belief in his ability to acquire new skills and improve through practice was likely shaped by his years as a baseball player. He's played all through high school and is one of the team's most valuable players. In his final for our class, Joe designed an impressive project calculating and analyzing batting averages. While he initially described himself as not a math person, Joe reaped the benefits of his tremendous effort and found a way to make the subject come alive for him in a way that he was personally invested in. As a teacher, it is incredibly fulfilling to witness a student make this kind of academic and personal progress. Joe is a trustworthy, reliable, good-humored student and friend who supports others in and out of the classroom. He was a pleasure to have in class, and his positive attitude and belief in himself, even in the face of difficulty, is an immensely admirable asset. I'm confident that he will continue to demonstrate the same diligence, perseverance, and optimism that he showed myself and his peers. I highly recommend Joe for admission to your undergraduate program. Please feel free to contact me with any further questions at [email protected]. Sincerely, Mr. Wiles Math Teacher Euclid High School

While the students featured in the first three examples were top of their class or demonstrated leadership in the school, Joe isn't a top achiever in the traditional sense. However, this recommendation is still a strong one, even if it says he struggled in the teacher's class. What does Mr. Wiles focus on to recommend Joe?


Mr. Wiles writes a strong letter for Joe, with the same kind of enthusiasm and specific examples as the other three letters. Even though Joe may not have gotten the strongest grades in his math class, he found an enthusiastic recommender in his math teacher. Mr. Wiles was extremely impressed with Joe's attitude, effort, and growth mindset , which he demonstrated throughout the year and inspired in his fellow classmates.

Mr. Wiles focuses on Joe's substantial personal strengths, ones that would likely be impressive to his future educators. Even in a subject that may not come naturally to him, Joe is diligent and committed. He's not self-conscious about asking questions or seeking extra help, and he retains a strong belief in himself that he can continuously learn, improve, and acquire new skills.

This letter, like the others, is effective because it is focused, supportive, and backed up with examples. As you can tell from these examples, recommendations can communicate a great deal about a student. Because of this, they can have a powerful impact on a student's chances of admission. So what can teachers and students do to make sure they are sending a strong recommendation letter that will help their chances?


Enthusiasm is key.

How to Get a Strong Recommendation Letter

While these letters are about different students with different interests, they share certain fundamental features. One, they sound excited and enthusiastic. The teachers clearly communicate that they are impressed by these students and eager to help them get into college.

At the same time, the letters don't go overboard because they have examples to back up their assessments. Specific examples and stories are key for backing up the assessment. Plus, they make a letter more interesting and memorable. Rather than just another engineering applicant, Stacy is the student who researched sound-absorption to spare her parents from hours of guitar scales.

Finally, the teachers all discuss their students' personal strengths , along with their academic strengths. They present the holistic view that admissions officers are looking for, along with their strong vote of confidence in the students' future success.

Teachers should incorporate all these features into their letters, and students should help provide them with the raw material to write about. While students should choose a teacher who knows them well and has stories and observations to share, they should also give their teachers a detailed "brag sheet" and let them know what would go into their ideal letter. That way it can be even more personalized and complement the story the student is telling in the rest of her application.

While recommenders may or may not share their letters with students, there should still be open, two-way communication when the student makes her request . That way students and teachers can work together to produce an insightful, enthusiastic, and specific letter of recommendation to send to colleges.

What's Next?

Are you a teacher writing recommendations for your students? Read all about how to write an outstanding recommendation letter for your students , along with what not to include.

Are you or a student you work with applying to a selective school, like Harvard? Learn about what kind of letter she should get for the Ivy League.

Now that you've read these examples of strong teacher recommendation letters, check out these examples of bad ones . Warning: rec letters may appear better than they actually are.

Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?   We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download them for free now:

Rebecca graduated with her Master's in Adolescent Counseling from the Harvard Graduate School of Education. She has years of teaching and college counseling experience and is passionate about helping students achieve their goals and improve their well-being. She graduated magna cum laude from Tufts University and scored in the 99th percentile on the SAT.

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Writing Cover Letters for University Applications [2023 Guide]

Applying to university can be a daunting experience, especially when it comes to crafting the perfect cover letter for your application. A well-written cover letter can be the deciding factor between getting accepted into your dream program or receiving a rejection letter. In this guide, we will explore the importance of a strong cover letter, its purpose, format, content, and provide tips and examples to help you craft a compelling cover letter for your university application.

A cover letter for a university application is an essential document that can make or break your chances of getting admitted to your dream program. The importance of a strong cover letter in the application process cannot be understated, as it serves to introduce you, showcase your achievements, and demonstrate your passion for the chosen program or course.

In this article, we will cover:

  • The purpose of a cover letter for university applications
  • The format and structure of a cover letter
  • The content and elements of an effective cover letter
  • Tips for writing a compelling cover letter
  • Common cover letter mistakes to avoid
  • Sample cover letters for university applications

By following the advice and guidance provided in this article, you will be well-equipped to create a cover letter that stands out from the competition and increases your chances of admission. So, let's dive in and learn how to craft the perfect cover letter for your university application!

Purpose of a Cover Letter for University Applications

The primary purpose of a cover letter is to introduce the applicant, showcase their achievements, and demonstrate their passion for the chosen program or course. A cover letter complements other application materials, such as your resume and transcripts, by highlighting your unique qualities and strengths that may not be evident in those documents.

An effective cover letter can also demonstrate your motivation and commitment to the program, which can influence the admissions committee's decision. For example, MIT's Career Advising & Professional Development office explains that a well-crafted cover letter can help set you apart from other applicants by providing context and a personal touch to your application.

Format and Structure of a Cover Letter

A proper format and structure are crucial for creating a professional and effective cover letter for a university application. A standard cover letter typically includes:

  • Header (with your contact information and the date)
  • Salutation (addressing the recipient)
  • Introduction (capturing the reader's attention)
  • Body (highlighting your qualifications, achievements, and passion)
  • Conclusion (leaving a lasting impression)
  • Complimentary close (e.g., "Sincerely," followed by your name)

Proper formatting, such as using an appropriate font, font size, and margin settings, is essential for creating a polished and professional appearance. Keep your language clear and concise, and make sure to proofread and edit your letter to ensure it is error-free.

Content and Elements of a Cover Letter

A successful cover letter for a university application should contain specific elements that demonstrate the applicant's qualifications, achievements, and passion for the program. These elements include:

  • Addressing the letter to the appropriate recipient
  • Crafting an engaging introduction that captures the reader's attention
  • Including essential elements in the body of the letter, such as academic interests, extracurricular activities, and relevant experiences
  • Writing a compelling conclusion that leaves a lasting impression

Tailoring the content to the specific university or program is crucial, as demonstrated by Seattle Pacific University's Career Services . They advise that telling stories about your skills and experiences that are relevant to the specific program can help make your cover letter more effective.

Tips for Writing an Effective Cover Letter

Following certain tips and best practices can significantly improve the quality and impact of a cover letter for a university application:

  • Research the university and program before writing the letter to better understand their values and expectations.
  • Showcase your unique qualities and strengths by providing specific examples and details.
  • Use strong action verbs and avoid clichés or overused phrases, as suggested by Freesumes .
  • Seek feedback from teachers, counselors, or peers to ensure your cover letter is polished and compelling.
  • Revise and refine your letter until it accurately represents your passion and qualifications for the program.

Common Cover Letter Mistakes to Avoid

Avoiding common cover letter mistakes is essential for creating a strong and effective university application:

  • Address the letter to the correct recipient to show your attention to detail and professionalism.
  • Avoid using generic or overly broad language, which can make your letter less impactful.
  • Submit a well-formatted and professional-looking letter to convey your seriousness and commitment.
  • Refrain from including irrelevant or excessive information that distracts from your main strengths.
  • Proofread and edit your letter to eliminate typos, grammatical errors, and other mistakes that can undermine its impact.

Sample Cover Letters for University Applications

Examining sample cover letters can provide valuable insights and inspiration for crafting a successful university application. We recommend:

  • Analyzing high-quality sample cover letters for various university programs or courses
  • Identifying the strengths and weaknesses of each sample
  • Adapting the samples to your specific situation and application
  • Using the samples as a starting point for creating your unique cover letter
  • Remembering to tailor your letter to the specific university or program

With proper research, planning, and execution, a well-crafted cover letter can significantly enhance a university application and increase the chances of admission. By applying the tips and guidance provided in this article, you will be well-prepared to create a compelling cover letter that showcases your passion, achievements, and qualifications for your dream program.

As a final piece of advice, remember that persistence and dedication are key to success in the university application process. Keep refining your cover letter and learning from feedback until you have a polished and impactful document that truly represents you. Good luck on your university application journey!

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Letter writing, pre-writing strategies for letter writing.

Before you write a letter, ask yourself the following questions—they are designed to help you select the appropriate language and amount of information your reader needs.

  • how much does your reader know about your subject?
  • what values does your reader hold about your subject in his or her professional role?
  • what attitude does your reader have about this subject?
  • what attitude (if any) does your reader have about you?
  • imagine the circumstances under which your reader is reading the letter (i.e. is he or she very busy?  traveling?  is there a great deal of competition for what you are requesting or suggesting?)
  • how much information should your letter contain?
  • what kind of style do you want to use (informal, formal, technical)?
  • do you need to appeal to the reader’s values or not?
  • what kind of appeal might be successful?
  • exactly what do you want the reader to do when he or she finishes the letter—include that in the last paragraph
  • the first paragraph tells the reader what the letter is about
  • the second paragraph explains the request without getting too wordy
  • subsequent body paragraphs explain further (if needed)
  • one page letters are preferred to longer ones
  • the last paragraph usually contains a polite request
  • be sure your grammar and spelling are correct before sending the letter

You can go over your letter and have a tutor check it for correctness at the Writing Center.

When you need to write a letter, you should use the proper format. Here is a model letter with the parts marked.

******************************************************************************************** Your address goes on these two lines (then space either 5 or 2 spaces after)

Date (then space either 5 or 2 lines after)

Salutation (e.g. Dear XXXXX),  (then space 2 lines)

Begin with a request—most business people want to know what the letter is about.  For instance, “I’m writing to ask your permission to conduct some research at your hospital as part of my Master’s thesis at Cleveland State University.” (single space your paragraphs and double space between them)

The middle paragraph explains your subject, but it does so very succinctly.  Respect the audience’s knowledge of your subject and keep the information directed at your reader.

The third paragraph is usually a polite close and a request to do something specific.   Check that your letter is centered on the page before you print.  (space 2 lines)

Closing (e.g. Sincerely, or, Kind regards, or Yours truly), (space 4 times)

(your signature goes here as legibly as you can write it)

Your name typed *******************************************************************************************

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The Writing Center • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Letters of Recommendation

What this handout is about.

Producing an effective recommendation letter involves strategy, research, and planning. This handout is designed to introduce recommenders to some best practices for writing effective recommendation letters.

Deciding whether to write a recommendation

Recommendation letters are likely to receive close scrutiny, and sparse or non-specific recommendations may negatively impact an application. If a recommender is unable or unwilling to produce a recommendation that speaks directly to the individual applicant and position, the selection committee or potential employer may interpret this negatively. If you do not feel that you could provide a positive or detailed recommendation, it is okay to decline!

There are several reasons why it may be appropriate to decline a request for a recommendation:

  • You may not feel comfortable writing a positive letter, either because you have no information about the student or because they did not perform well enough in a class or position.
  • You may feel you are a “bad fit” for the student’s application. For example, if your field of expertise is completely unrelated to the student’s area of interest, you might advise the student to ask recommenders with more relevant backgrounds.
  • You may feel that you lack the necessary credentials to offer a compelling recommendation. For example, graduate student instructors may feel as if they cannot credibly endorse their students’ graduate school applications. Thus, students may be directed to faculty to write letters instead of graduate students.
  • You may know that you will not have time to write and proofread a strong letter before the student’s deadline.

Consider setting up a meeting. This will give you an opportunity to ask about the applicant’s academic background, professional goals, and reasons for applying. It may help to clarify whether this is a one-time request, or whether you are being asked to serve as a recommender for several applications. It’s a good idea to request to see the applicant’s resume, CV, personal statement, or other components of the application. Each of these can give you a sense of the applicant’s goals and help you decide if you would be a good recommender. These items will also allow you to tailor your letter appropriately if you decide to write on the applicant’s behalf.

Confidentiality and protected information

Many applications invite applicants to waive their right to view a letter of recommendation. Confidential letters of recommendation may be viewed as more credible than letters that applicants can access.

You should be aware of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and your institution’s FERPA-related guidelines when writing recommendation letters. FERPA prohibits disclosure of protected student information such as grades and attendance without the student’s prior written consent. Students who want you to address protected information should specify which records you may disclose, the purpose for which the disclosure is being made, and to whom the information may be disclosed. You can read more about FERPA here: https://www2.ed.gov/policy/gen/guid/fpco/ferpa/index.html .

Writing strong recommendations

After committing to write a recommendation for an applicant, gather information about the opportunity to which they are applying. Besides asking the applicant about the organization, you may also want to reach out to someone in your own professional network who may know something about the audience or take some time to do your own research. Here are some questions to consider:

  • What are the organization’s values and priorities? Some organizations state this information explicitly on their websites and other publications, and this can help you tailor your letter to directly address the audience’s top concerns.
  • What information does the audience want to learn from you? Some institutions will ask you to answer specific questions about the applicant in your letter. Knowing these in advance will give you more time to talk with the student about any information you may need.
  • How is this opportunity a good fit for the applicant? Referencing special features and benefits offered by a position shows that you’ve done your homework, which can add to the weight of your recommendation by demonstrating that you are willing to invest extra work in your student’s success. You will also be able to speak to the applicant’s fit for the position in greater detail.

Keep in mind that nearly all recommendations contain a positive appraisal of an applicant’s abilities and character, and it costs recommenders almost nothing to offer general and unsubstantiated praise of an applicant. Letters that claim an applicant is “the best student I’ve ever worked with” or “the hardest working employee I’ve ever had” are likely to meet with skepticism, unless the writer includes specific evidence to back up these claims. Even letters that contain genuine praise may come across as form letters unless you can speak to unique evidence about the student that corroborates your positive assessment.

Many different kinds of information may constitute evidence in a recommendation, and it is up to you to determine what would be most convincing to the audience. Here are some guidelines for what you may want to include or avoid:

  • Do describe your relationship with the applicant. Say how long you’ve known the applicant and in what capacity. This information helps the audience understand how well you know the applicant. For example, sharing that you’ve advised a student for three years and taught them in two senior seminars demonstrates that you know your applicant better than a recommender who has only recently met the student or who has only taught the student in a large lecture class.
  • Do include quantitative data about a student’s performance in a class or an employee’s performance in a position. Because raw grade point averages or other performance metrics are sometimes difficult to translate across different contexts, try to rank students against other students. For example, rather than saying “Judith received an A in my class,” aim for evidence that tells the audience how Judith’s performance compared to her classmates’: “Judith was among the top 5% of students in her large lecture class.” (Remember, if you do include specific grades in your letter, you must have written consent from the student as per FERPA.)
  • Do compare applicants to students who have been placed into other positions. A statement like, “Over the past five years, other students with undergraduate research experience similar to Amer’s have been accepted to graduate programs at X, Y, and Z,” gives the audience a sense of where Amer stands in a wider population of successful students. Including comments like these also indicates that you have a good sense of what makes an applicant successful.
  • Do mention the applicant’s personal and/or intellectual strengths as they pertain to the application. For example, it may be helpful to emphasize a study abroad applicant’s open-mindedness. Again, include appropriate evidence for this claim, which may involve discussing or even directly citing the student’s written work in your class.
  • Do explain why you think the applicant is a good fit. Selection committees are often interested in hearing how students would contribute to the intellectual and professional climate of their institution. Given your experience with the student, help the audience see the type of employee or scholar the student will be: “Casey’s research experience in early-modern Arabic poetry would make them an ideal addition to Professor Seif’s Syrian cultural archival project.” If possible, mention the position/school/fellowship by name. This proves that you’ve taken enough interest in the letter to target it for each recipient. It will not always be possible to tailor recommendations to each program; for example, many postgraduate programs are moving to common applications that send the same letters to all programs to which students apply.
  • Don’t shy away from discussing the applicant’s weaknesses —but only if those weaknesses are likely to already be on the audience’s radar. For example, you may have insight into why your student received an uncharacteristically low grade in your class during their final semester that could alleviate an audience’s concerns. You may draw attention to the applicant’s growth as well as the potential for continued growth in the new position. Keep in mind, however, that recommendation letters are expected to be positive in tone, so proceed with caution when discussing applicants’ weaknesses. Specifically avoid commenting on personality traits or other topics that are irrelevant to the application.
  • Don’t rely on generalizations, clichés, or platitudes. Every good applicant will be “dedicated,” “hard-working,” and “enthusiastic.” Praise like this is likely to appear in dozens of other letters for other applicants, so you need to say more to help your applicant stand out. Include specific examples to support these descriptors. Convey the unique strengths of your student, especially any that you believe speak directly to the audience’s interests or values. Also pay special attention to any language that may inadvertently convey gender or other biases. For example, some studies have reported that language that pertains to effort (rather than accomplishments), personal life details (rather than relevant professional information), and emotional capacities (rather than academic or professional ability) more frequently appear in recommendations for women than for men. Focusing on traits that are demonstrable with evidence and germane to the program or position to which the student is applying is the best way to avoid implicit bias in your letters.
  • Don’t include too much information about you or your class. Although some brief background information about the context in which you know the student is appropriate, do not spend so much time discussing course or assignment details that the letter is no longer focused upon the applicant.
  • Don’t offer tepid praise or left-handed compliments. Half-hearted comments are almost guaranteed to attract the wrong kind of attention. Although you may honestly report that your student “completed all course assignments on time” or “was an adequate writer,” the audience will likely interpret these phrases as veiled criticism. Avoiding tepid praise is more difficult than it seems. After you’ve finished writing the letter, read over it with a critical eye and try to assume the worst of the student. Do any of your sentences invite uncharitable interpretation?
  • Don’t simply summarize the applicant’s CV or resume. As with tepid praise, simply reiterating what the audience already knows from other parts of the application implies that you either don’t know or don’t care enough about the applicant to offer your own appraisal. It is appropriate to highlight a special component of a student’s resume and explain why you believe this aspect of the student makes them a great candidate, but don’t waste your opportunity to offer your own valuable endorsement by simply listing the applicant’s accomplishments.

Formatting recommendation letters

After you’ve decided what to write in your recommendation, you will need to decide how to write it. How long should the recommendation be? Should it be written on official letterhead? To whom should it be addressed? Will the letter submitted electronically, or will it be mailed?

Length: Just as there is sometimes no prescribed length for application essays, there is no standard length for recommendation letters. Most recommendations tend to be around 1 to 1.5 single-spaced pages long, although some may be longer if you have a lot to share. Business and law school recommendations tend to be briefer than graduate school recommendations. In general, try to strike a balance between writing too little (which suggests you have nothing to say about the applicant) and writing too much, which may be annoying to audiences who are reading dozens or hundreds of recommendations for a single position.

Letterhead: When possible, write recommendations on official letterhead and sign them using a handwritten signature. Producing letters on official letterhead both adds to your credibility as a recommender and demonstrates that you care enough about the applicant to put finishing touches on your endorsement. This may include sending an envelope with your signature across the seal. Some application programs ask recommenders to compose or paste their recommendations into online forms. In these cases, you would not submit the letter on formal letterhead. Learning in advance how you will need to submit your recommendation can help you avoid unnecessary work and accurately gauge the time required to submit your letter.

Salutation: Address recommendation letters as specifically as possible. If the applicant is applying for a position within a firm or office and you know who will receive the letter, address the letter to that person, like “Dear Dr. Anderson.” If you don’t know who, specifically, will receive the letter, address the recommendation to the target audience, like “Dear Fulbright Committee”. Avoid vacuous salutations like “To Whom it May Concern.” Also avoid informal greetings, including those you might use in an email or other correspondence, like “Hi,” “Hello,” “Good afternoon,” etc. “Dear” is the standard formal salutation in English.

Closing: End the letter with a simple closing word or phrase like “Sincerely,” “Regards,” or “Cordially” or by thanking the audience for considering your endorsement. Avoid personal and emotive language. If you would be willing to answer any additional questions the institution or employer may have about the applicant, it is appropriate to invite them to contact you before closing the letter.

Letters of recommendation inform the decisions of admissions committees, employers, funding agencies, and other organizations who are trying to choose between multiple candidates. Your efforts to create strong letters make a difference.

If you commit to writing a letter of recommendation, follow through. Keep track of deadlines and start early, as you may discover that you need additional information from the student or institution, and you will want to have time to request this information and incorporate it into your recommendation.

Finally, consider whether you are willing to do more than write a recommendation. Students may need help with other parts of their application, such as statements of purpose or writing samples. Since you likely have insight into what graduate programs or employers are looking for, you are in a unique position to help applicants with these other materials as well.

Works consulted

We consulted these works while writing this handout. This is not a comprehensive list of resources on the handout’s topic, and we encourage you to do your own research to find additional publications. Please do not use this list as a model for the format of your own reference list, as it may not match the citation style you are using. For guidance on formatting citations, please see the UNC Libraries citation tutorial . We revise these tips periodically and welcome feedback.

Brown University. n.d. “Writing Letters of Recommendation.” Fellowships and Research. Accessed July 2, 2019. https://www.brown.edu/academics/college/fellowships/information-resources/writing-letters-recommendation/writing-letters-recommendation .

Madera, Juan M., Michelle R. Hebl, and Randi C. Martin. 2009. “Gender and Letters of Recommendation for Academia: Agentic and Communal Differences.” Journal of Applied Psychology 94 (6): 1591–99. https://doi.org/10.1037/a0016539 .

Massachusetts Institute of Technology. n.d. “How to Write Good Letters of Recommendation.” MIT Admissions. Accessed July 2, 2019. https://mitadmissions.org/apply/parents-educators/writingrecs/ .

Stanford University. n.d. “Writing Letters of Recommendation.” Teaching Commons. Accessed July 2, 2019. https://teachingcommons.stanford.edu/resources/teaching-resources/how-evaluate-students/writing-letters-recommendation.

Yale University. n.d. “Writing Letters of Recommendation.” Fellowships and Funding. Accessed July 2, 2019. https://funding.yale.edu/faculty-staff-recommenders/writing-letters .

Trix, Frances, and Carolyn Psenka. 2003. “Exploring the Color of Glass: Letters of Recommendation for Female and Male Medical Faculty.” Discourse & Society 14 (2): 191–220. https://doi.org/10.1177%2F0957926503014002277 .

Whitaker, Manya. 2016. “Tips for Writing Recommendation Letters.” Inside Higher Ed , December 2, 2016. https://www.insidehighered.com/advice/2016/12/02/how-write-stronger-letters-recommendation-students-essay .

You may reproduce it for non-commercial use if you use the entire handout and attribute the source: The Writing Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

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Writing the Cover Letter

What are the objectives of a cover letter.

A good cover letter puts your résumé in context and persuades the prospective employer that you are a good match for the position in question. If your cover letter does its job, the prospective employer will begin to consider your candidacy and go on to review your résumé in detail.

Your cover letter also serves as a sample of your organizational and communication skills. For this reason, it's essential to spend time writing and organizing the content, and to proofread it carefully. The time and care that you devote to constructing and writing your cover letter and résumé will demonstrate to the prospective employer that you're capable of producing high quality work.

Finally, your cover letter expresses your interest in the particular position or particular organization. Cover letters should be individually tailored for each job prospect. Your letter should convey to each prospective employer that you have an understanding of the job, and that you've done some thinking about how you could fit in to the organization and contribute to its goals.

How should I approach the writing task?

Your cover letter is your opportunity to market those aspects of your skills, abilities, education, training, background, and experience which are most relevant to the position you're seeking. This means that you will need to begin by doing some thinking about your skills and background and how these relate to the position for which you're applying. (For more information about skills, visit the Humanities Academic Services Center website .) Your cover letter should reflect your individuality, but remember that you are "introducing yourself" for the first time to a stranger: it's best to err on the side of professionalism.

Read the job announcement carefully. What are the most important qualifications being sought? How can you best demonstrate that you have them? Try to put yourself in the prospective employer's position: What would you want to know about a candidate for this particular job? What information would be most important to you? Include only the most relevant attributes and experiences you possess which specifically match the job for which you're applying.

Research the company or organization: What does the employing organization do? What are its goals? What is its history? How does it fit in to its industry? What characterizes the organization's culture (e.g., is it casual, conservative, highly structured, diverse, traditional, modern, fast-paced, etc.)? Some information, such as the organization's mission, purpose, clients, partners, and a sense of its "style" can be found on its website (if it has one). There are also industry and employer directories available on the web, in the libraries, and at UW Career Center in 134 Mary Gates Hall. Local and national newspapers, industry-related publications and journals, and the Washington Occupational Information System are also good resources.

Address the letter to a specific individual. As with all writing, it's important to identify your audience. Taking the time to find out the hiring party's name and correct title is another way to demonstrate your interest in the position.

How should I format my cover letter?

Your cover letter should be three to four paragraphs in length and limited to one page. Like an essay, its content can usually be divided up into three parts:

The introduction states the position you're seeking, explains how you learned about the position, and indicates your interest. It often also contains a brief statement of your qualifications (education, experience, and skills).

The body highlights the most important qualities you can offer to this particular employer , related to the position that you're seeking. Because you will be attaching your résumé, this is not the place to go into great detail. What you are attempting to do is to get the employer's attention and interest him/her in your candidacy. This is also the place to present other relevant information about your characteristics or background that may not be evident from your résumé. You might provide the employer with some specific examples of how you've demonstrated particular key skills or how you fulfill the most important qualifications listed in the job announcement.

The conclusion should summarize your qualifications and your interest in the position. Be sure to close your letter with a request for action or an indication that you'll be following up. This might include a request for an interview, a statement of your intent to call the employer on a specific date, or the dates you'll be in town for an interview. Finally, always thank the employer for considering your application.

Sample Cover Letters

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Letters to the Editor | June 7, 2024

Inquirer readers on the closure of the University of the Arts.

University of the Arts Film student Danni Seidel holds a sign in protest on Thursday outside Hamilton Hall. Last week, the University of the Arts abruptly announced a June 7 closure date.

Lessons learned

Finding out the University of the Arts was closing was a real shock to the system. I am left heartbroken. I won’t be able to complete my senior thesis, which I have been planning for the past six months, and the completion of which feels impossible without the resources the university provided me. Starting in a new school environment halfway through my senior year sounds like a nightmare — but it’s not the first time I’ve gone through something like this.

During my senior year at Science Leadership Academy, they found asbestos in the building, and we were shuffled off haphazardly. These experiences make one thing clear to me: Institutions do not care for our students. Administrations do not care for our students. The fact that UArts announced the closure on a Friday night with little warning is appalling. It has left us in a pool of unanswered questions. Faculty was unaware of the situation. I’ve heard from my teachers that they may not even be given severance. I love to learn, and UArts has made me better at my craft, only for the rug to be ripped from under me. This has left me with a deep mistrust. I felt it had let me down as a student.

It’s hard to believe it couldn’t have given us any warning. I feel so sad letting go of the UArts community. I was looking forward to graduating with so many of my peers beside me. What breaks my heart the most is that I will no longer be able to learn from the faculty that has truly brought me such growth in my creativity and musicianship. Thank you to Michael Johnson, Matthew Manhire, Paul Schuette, Micah Jones, Gloria Quinn, Kevin Hanson, and so many more.

Jade “Xemi” Gilliam , Philadelphia

Artful dodgers

I am the parent of a dance major who just completed freshman year at the University of the Arts. I am dismayed by the news of the university’s closure . I’m confused as to how this proceeded without any warning for students, faculty, and parents. If we had some indication in January, then students could have prepared, as performing artists need to audition for admission into a program. It’s not a simple transfer to another college, and even if colleges are reaching out to support UArts students, finding the right fit requires more inquiry than your typical major.

I had the opportunity to attend multiple dance performances, watching not only my child but all of the talented dancers in what has been a truly extraordinary first year. It is heartbreaking to witness the abrupt end to the amazing experience. I am very frustrated with the lack of transparency. The school was more than happy to communicate when it was taking my hard-earned money.

I have worked in higher education and know fiscal problems do not happen overnight. The ethical thing to have done would be to have given some indication to the students of the financial struggles so they could properly plan. On Tuesday, I changed my work schedule so I could attend the virtual meeting that was then canceled at the last minute. I know officials may not have all the answers, but it is cowardly and unethical to avoid facing the students , faculty, staff, and parents to at least dialogue.

Cheryl Panosian , Danbury, Conn.

Financial matters

It is unfortunate that UArts could not find a way to live within its means . Being heavily tuition-dependent, with modest enrollment numbers and a small endowment, it was likely an uphill struggle for many years. Downsizing might have been its first option. This likely would have involved shrinking its footprint, selling off some of its prime real estate, and putting the proceeds into its endowment. It could also have explored merger opportunities with other local universities. As a last resort, it could have borrowed a page from the Cabrini playbook and sold all its real estate, unwound the operation, and implemented a yearlong transition plan to help relocate its students, faculty, and staff. Any of these options would have permitted a more orderly game plan than immediate closure.

It is commendable that Temple University has stepped forward to explore a possible merger opportunity with UArts. Hopefully, this option can become a reality. It seems like a natural fit for Temple to extend its physical presence from North Broad to South Broad, and expand its existing fine arts and performing arts programs to incorporate the companion UArts programs. Ironically, very preliminary discussions between UArts and Temple occurred back in the early 1990s, when a prospective UArts donor thought there were too many art schools in Philadelphia and that UArts should consider a merger. Unfortunately, organizational logistics and leadership issues could not be resolved, and the donor deal fell through. What a difference it might have made if UArts had combined with Temple some 30 years ago.

Today, it is incumbent on the UArts board of trustees and leadership team to disclose their “unspecified urgent financial crisis” along with the underlying facts and circumstances, and why they didn’t know about it far sooner than one week prior to its closure. They owe it to their students, faculty, staff, donors, supporters, and all those who worked tirelessly over many years to preserve and enhance the quality, reputation, and legacy of this once-great university.

Louis J. Mayer , chief financial officer, University of the Arts (1985-1995), West Chester

Unanswered questions

I am the father of two daughters, both of whom are recent alumni of the University of the Arts, and my first thought when I learned of the school’s abrupt closure was, “Thank goodness my daughters both already graduated with degrees.” But then reality set in. I realized that the current student body and faculty were going through absolute turmoil, blindly trying to figure out what was going on and what they were going to do next — all while getting zero communication from school administrators.

My youngest daughter is devastated by this news, and she cannot hold back the tears and frustration. She knows so many students who are scrambling to figure out the next steps with their education — an education they can no longer pursue on South Broad Street. So, as a father who paid $320,000 (both received scholarships, or it would have been more) to this university for my two daughters’ degrees, I ask: How could an institution I trusted, one that taught my children with compassion and purpose, let this happen?

It’s more than just bad financial decisions, or the administration being unaware of unanticipated expenses. It is an unthinkable event, and the University of the Arts owes everyone an explanation — the students who need to find other universities to attend, the 700 faculty and staff members who are now jobless, the parents of students who feel abandoned, and the donors who generously gave huge amounts of money. And to further underline the complete incompetence of the situation, how could the board of trustees and a cowardly president who resigned rather than explaining herself handle the closure of the university with so much carelessness and heartlessness? These are questions that must be addressed now.

David Markstein , West Chester

Join the conversation: Send letters to [email protected] . Limit length to 200 words and include home address and day and evening phone number. Letters run in The Inquirer six days a week on the editorial pages and online.

Congestion pricing, Stony Brook University president's departure

Stony Brook University president Maurie McInnis is leaving to become...

Stony Brook University president Maurie McInnis is leaving to become president of Yale University. Credit: Barry Sloan

Congestion pricing is a bridge too far

Now that Gov. Kathy Hochul has indefinitely paused congestion pricing, the Metropolitan Transportation Authority should use the time to tinker with its contentious plan [“Taking sides with MTA and LIRR,” Letters, May 26], to address an unfair and deceptive “toll trap” that awaits motorists traveling between Queens-Long Island and upper Manhattan using the Ed Koch Queensboro Bridge. They will be tolled even though they don’t want to be in Manhattan south of 60th Street.

Leaving Manhattan on both levels, a vehicle will trigger a toll even if it originates north of 60th Street, outside the congestion zone. For example, a vehicle traveling southbound on Second Avenue to the 59th Street Queensboro Bridge lower deck is forced under the toll point just north of 60th Street, before leaving Manhattan. Thus, they will incur the toll even though they want to leave Manhattan. All Queens-bound traffic from north of 60th Street will be subject to this unfair toll, regardless of the bridge roadway used, even though their destinations are outside of the congestion zone.

The “toll trap” will also trigger entering Manhattan from the lower deck onto 60th Street to access one of the northbound avenues to travel uptown, outside the congestion zone. Manhattan-bound drivers on the upper deck exit at 62nd and 63rd streets, and thus avoid the congestion charge unless they turn south.

The solution to this anomaly is maddeningly simple: Move the congestion toll points four blocks south, to just north of 56th Street. Allow Queensboro Bridge drivers from uptown Manhattan to avoid the congestion toll. Now the MTA has more time to get this right.

— Andrew Sparberg, Oceanside

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SBU prez ending with a positive move

My hat is off to outgoing Stony Brook University president Maurie McInnis for enforcing the law against the protesters who defied it [“SBU prez resigns,” News, May 30].

— Thomas Tierney, Greenlawn

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Letter to the Editor | On Daily coverage on undergraduate admissions

A building with a sign that reads "Undergraduate Admission & Financial Aid" in front

The Daily’s story last Friday about the Office of Undergraduate Admission was a very difficult story to read. I have spent my entire career committed to diversity, broadly defined. So it was challenging to read the comments of a litigant and anonymous individuals painting a picture of our office that I do not recognize and that I find deeply concerning.

I find the conclusions of the story imbalanced and misleading. However, I believe the issues are important to our organization and are important for me to address.

Advancing diversity across multiple dimensions, in a manner consistent with the requirements of the law, is central to the work of our office. We are committed to diversity in the perspectives, experiences and backgrounds of our staff, just as we are for the applicants we review, admit, enroll and support. I also am concerned for the quality of every staff member’s experience, and I have always been open, as is our senior staff, to hearing concerns about individuals’ work experiences.

Unfortunately, I am not permitted to comment on the lawsuit by the former admissions officer that is currently pending other than to say that the university is vigorously defending against it and we believe we will prevail. However, the wellbeing of our staff and the climate of our organization are deeply important to me. First, I am conferring with senior university leadership to develop a climate assessment of our office to be conducted over the next several months. Second, based on the findings of that assessment, I am committed to education, workshops, facilitated interactions and other resources, including for our leadership team. I am also committed to the revitalization of our DEI working group.

I hope and trust that the actions we will be taking in the period ahead will support each of our staff members individually, and will support our overall organization, as we continue working to extend opportunity to the next generation of students.

Richard H. Shaw is the dean of undergraduate admission and financial aid .

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Letters to the Editor: Incarcerating Trump would infuriate Republicans. Do it anyway

Former President Trump walks behind a metal barricade.

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To the editor: Republicans are up in arms that former President Trump, convicted on 34 felony counts in New York, could be sentenced to prison or jail — an unusual, but not unprecedented, punishment for a white-collar criminal that would have a profound impact on one political party’s fortunes and our nation’s future. (“ How Trump’s deny-everything strategy could hurt him at sentencing ,” June 3)

Democrats were similarly up in arms when then-Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) contemplated blocking President Obama from filling a Supreme Court vacancy in 2016 and, again, when McConnell had an opportunity to rush through another vacancy in 2020. These were two lifelong judicial appointments that would also have a profound impact on our nation’s politics and future.

He did it anyway.

That new, consequently conservative-leaning Supreme Court faced an equally massive uproar when the justices were deciding in 2022 to overturn Roe vs. Wade. And guess what?

They did it anyway.

Republicans have shown New York Judge Juan Merchan the principles they support when contemplating decisions that could bend the arc of history while infuriating an entire political party. Incarcerating Trump would do just that.

He should do it anyway.

Daniel Shafer, Los Angeles

To the editor: I think discussion of Trump’s conviction for falsifying business records to conceal damaging information has missed the point of concern.

After the “Access Hollywood” tape was revealed close to the 2016 election, then-candidate Trump was concerned that showing more of his true moral character could cost him the presidency. So, he tried to hide an alleged affair with a porn star.

Also consider the civil court ruling that he is liable for sexually assaulting E. Jean Carroll and then defaming her. In sentencing Trump, Judge Merchan has the added factor of the former president violating numerous gag orders.

Regardless of Merchan’s decision on July 11, the voters will have the opportunity in November to decide whose character they most identify with and who should represent the United States on the world stage. Will Trump be correct that exposing his moral character could cost him an election?

Steve Latshaw, West Hills

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Letters Written by Ancient Roman Commanders Have Been Found in a Pet Cemetery in Egypt

Discovered among the graves of hundreds of cats, dogs and monkeys, the correspondence was likely written by centurions in the first century

Sonja Anderson

Sonja Anderson

Daily Correspondent


An ancient pet cemetery in Egypt is becoming a gold mine for rare Roman history. Alongside its carefully constructed graves of more than 200 beloved cats, dogs and monkeys, archaeologists have now found letters handwritten 1,900 years ago by Roman centurions stationed nearby.

Though Rome controlled Egypt for centuries—from the year 30 to the mid-600s—few Roman sites still exist in the region, lead researcher Marta Osypińska, an archaeologist at Poland’s University of Wrocław ’s Institute of Archaeology, tells Science in Poland ’s Ewelina Krajczyńska. The burial ground, which dates back to the first and second centuries, is located in Berenike , a Red Sea port in southern Egypt built by Roman Emperor Tiberius .

Osypińska’s team first discovered the cemetery in 2011, and they’ve been slowly excavating it since then. Among the burials of cats, dogs and exotic monkeys, researchers have found ceramics, Roman coins and now, several letters written on papyrus by military officers who commanded units of Roman legions.


According to a statement by the University of Wrocław, these “priceless sources of knowledge about the ancient inhabitants of Berenike” are from the era of Emperor Nero , a cruel Roman ruler of the mid-first century. During his reign, Berenike was a hub of cross-continental trade, through which goods from India, Arabia and East Africa flowed, Osypińska says in the statement. The port was home to regional merchants, Roman higher-ups in charge of trading and—as historians have long suspected but never before proven—a unit of the Roman military.

The newly-found correspondence contains several names of presumed Roman centurions: Haosus, Lucinius and Petronius. In one letter, Petronius asks Lucinius, who is stationed in Berenike, about the prices of some exclusive goods, Osypińska tells Science in Poland . Petronius writes that he’s sending money via “dromedarius,” a unit of Roman soldiers traveling on camels, and tells Lucinius to provide the soldiers with veal and tentpoles.

Researchers believe ancient Romans likely kept the papyri in a nearby office which was later destroyed, accidentally distributing its contents over the pet cemetery, as McClatchy ’s Aspen Pflughoeft writes. Excavators found the papyrus in rolled fragments, which they showed to Rodney Asta, an expert of ancient inscriptions, who pieced together a page approximately one and a half feet long and a foot wide, Osypińska tells Science in Poland . Among the animal graves, researchers have found countless ostracons —pieces of pottery etched with writing—but the papyri are the first paper texts to be found on-site.


The letters are the latest evidence of advanced Roman trade to be found in the cemetery, per the statement: The skeletons of several buried monkeys, recently identified as macaques native to India, show that Romans imported non-utilitarian animals across oceans. These primates, along with long-haired cats and miniature dogs, were “elite pets,” and many were buried with toys, ceramics or other animal companions.

As Osypińska notes in the statement, it may seem difficult to reconcile the image of commanders of an ancient foreign legion with such animals, which were “treated as family members.”

“However, our findings unequivocally show that the military elite surrounded themselves with elite pets and led an exclusive lifestyle,” she adds.

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Sonja Anderson is a writer and reporter based in New York City.

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Ny gov. hochul pauses congestion pricing: letters to the editor — june 8, 2024.

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Gov. Hochul’s halted congestion pricing at the eleventh-hour, which was set to take effect in June.

The Issue: Gov. Hochul’s eleventh-hour halt on congestion pricing, which was set to take effect in June.

Regarding Gov. Hochul’s reversal on congestion pricing: Any issue like this that affects everyone’s everyday lives needs to be put up in a referendum for consideration by the voters, and should not be enacted by fiat ( “Kill It Forever, Gov,” Editorial, June 6).

Good for the governor for coming to her senses, even if it did occur at the last second. The only people that wanted this money-grabbing scheme were the car-haters and the bloated MTA that overpays for everything while at the same time inexplicably lacks the will to stop rampant fare beating.

My suggestion: Take those ugly, overpriced cameras and license plate readers installed for this scheme, reconfigure and reprogram them and put them above subway turnstiles and fare boxes on buses. Implement facial- recognition tech to catch and prosecute the farebeaters who cost the MTA about $700 million a year.

Richard Rafal

As a yellow-cab driver for well over a decade, I was delighted to find out that Hochul put the kibosh of what could have been the final nail in my beleaguered industry’s coffin.

If the city and state are serious about nixing this, there has to be an assurance that congestion pricing won’t be brought up again. In addition, it’s time to reconfigure the streets and flow of traffic to actually move everyone more quickly and efficiently.

All of this can be done if the political will is there. People like me who are overworked, overtaxed, overcharged, overstressed and overdue for a break are glad that this fiasco is finally over, for now.

Pat Johnson

West Caldwell, NJ

The “indefinite” reversal of congestion pricing for New York City should come as no surprise. After meeting in Washington with Democratic politicians — including President Biden and House Minority Leader Hakim Jefferies — Gov. Hochul suddenly halted the implementation of congestion pricing.

Do these politicians think we can’t see through this attempt to buy votes? Once the election is over, Hochul can greenlight the plan.

Brian Sahd, Brooklyn

Hopefully, the drunken sailors at the MTA will sober up, cut out their waste, actually collect fares and stop relying on the oppressed NYC taxpayers to finance all their boondoggles.

Demetrius Kalamaras

Staten Island

It is laughable that Gov. Hochul is being criticized for her halt of congestion pricing. Everyone is talking about the money it would have generated, and it seems no one is mentioning its original supposed purpose — namely, reducing traffic in Manhattan.

In fact, a money-raising scheme is all it ever was.

Sidney Baumgarten

Brunswick, NJ

Those people who are crying over congestion pricing because of the need to improve subway stations and cars should take their complaints to the MTA.

How about the MTA chases after lost revenue by going after turnstile jumpers?

That money might be able to help with the desired upgrades, instead of making everyone else who doesn’t ride the subway pay for it.

A delay is a good thing. But to reverse this assault on the middle class, voters have to make it clear to Hochul that her party will pay a real price when it caters to interest groups at the expense of the general public.

With former President Donald Trump down by only single digits in New York, the governor is getting nervous — and she should be.

Gary Mottola, Brooklyn

Frankly, the $15 fee was too high. No one wanted an extra tax to begin with.  

Perhaps charging a toll on the Queensboro bridge would be a more reasonable option.

I am well aware of the cost of operations to keep the city running. However, to burden workers with just another tax, especially one that appeared to be not fully thought out, was delusional.

Michael C. Lefkowitz

East Meadow

Want to weigh in on today’s stories? Send your thoughts (along with your full name and city of residence) to [email protected]. Letters are subject to editing for clarity, length, accuracy, and style.

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  1. University Application Letter Example: Free & Effective

    University Application Letter Example Template. Dear Admissions Committee, I am writing to express my enthusiastic application for the [Program Name] at [University Name]. My interest in [Subject or Field of Study] was sparked by [brief personal anecdote or experience that ignited your passion in the field].

  2. How to Write an Application Letter for University (+Sample Included

    Use a proper salutation. Begin your college application letter with a formal salutation. The standard, in this case, is "Dear". Be sure to avoid informal salutations such as "Hey", "Hi", and "Hello". 💡 Tip: Do your best to personalize your university application letter in every way that you can.

  3. University Admission Application Letter (with Samples & PDFs)

    How to Write University Admission Application Letter. Some writing tips to help you craft a better application: Start with your personal information including your full name, address, the date, and the recipient's address. Open the letter with a formal salutation, addressing the admissions committee or specific admission officer, if known.

  4. Writing Your College Letter of Intent: A Step-by-Step Guide

    Writing Your Letter of Intent for College: A Step-by-Step Guide. Writing a letter of intent for college is an important step in the college admissions process. This letter allows you to express your interest in a particular college or university and explain why you would be a great fit for their institution.

  5. How to Write Motivation Letter for University with Examples

    When writing a motivation letter for university, it is crucial to effectively highlight your achievements and qualifications. This is the section where you can truly shine and demonstrate why you are a strong candidate for the program. Start by listing your academic achievements, such as your GPA, any awards or scholarships you have received ...

  6. How To Write A Letter Of Recommendation For A College Application

    Whether submitted in print or electronically, a recommendation letter should use a business-like font like Times New Roman or Arial (in other words, this is not the place for Comic Sans). Stick to ...

  7. Sample Letter Of Interest For University Admission: Free & Effective

    Writing a letter of interest for university admission is your opportunity to showcase your unique story and how it intersects with what the university offers. Personalize your experiences, highlight your aspirations, and demonstrate how you align with the university's values and programs. Remember, this letter is about making a connection, so ...

  8. How to Write a Standout Letter of Intent for Graduate School

    Header. Your letter of intent should follow the format of a formal business letter, which includes the name and address of the person you're addressing, the date, and a formal salutation. Typically, you'll want to find each program's graduate director and address your letter to them, using the program's or department's mailing address ...

  9. College Application Letter

    1. School Name and Address. You college application letter should follow formal letter formatting guidelines, which include writing the full name of the college or university you are applying to in the upper left hand corner of the letter. Try to be as specific as possible with the address you choose to use. 2.

  10. Recommendation Letters

    Recommendation Letters. Recommendation letters are a critical element of every application. They validate the claims you've made as an applicant, providing specific examples and details of your academic accomplishments, personal endeavors, and character. Selection committees rely on them to impartially evaluate your performance and potential to ...

  11. How to Write Good Letters and Emails: a Guide for Those Who are New to

    The right way to write a letter. When it comes to writing a formal letter, there are very clear right and wrong ways of going about it. To show you the right way of doing it, let's make up a situation and pretend that you're writing a letter to a university you've applied to, enquiring about the possibility of deferring your course for a ...

  12. Writing an Effective Letter or Email

    The above layout is a matter of personal choice, as is the decision to include a phone number and email address. Note: the text of the model letter is exceptionally brief. Most appeal and request letters require a page or two. Samuel Student 123 ABC Street San Diego, CA 92120 [email protected] (619) 555-1234.

  13. How to Write a Letter of Recommendation (Template + Tips)

    In general, a letter or recommendation can be broken down into the following sections: Date. Recipient Name. Recipient Title. Recipient Address. Greeting: Address the recipient by name if possible (Dear Ms/Mr). Personal introduction: Begin the body of your letter by introducing who you are and your relationship to the applicant.

  14. Writing Cover Letters

    Cover Letter Example 2. Undergraduate sophomore applying for an internship with a non-profit, political organization. Cover Letter Example 3. Graduate student applying for a Project Assistant position at UW-Madison. The original job posting for this position can be found here. Cover Letter Example 4.

  15. 4 Amazing Recommendation Letter Samples for Students

    Sample Letter #4: Joe the Hard Worker. Dear Admissions Committee, It is my pleasure to recommend Joe, who I taught in my 11th grade math class. Joe demonstrated tremendous effort and growth throughout the year and brought a great energy to class.

  16. Writing Cover Letters for University Applications [2023 Guide]

    A successful cover letter for a university application should contain specific elements that demonstrate the applicant's qualifications, achievements, and passion for the program. These elements include: Addressing the letter to the appropriate recipient. Crafting an engaging introduction that captures the reader's attention.

  17. Letter Writing

    Dear XXXXX), (then space 2 lines) Begin with a request—most business people want to know what the letter is about. For instance, "I'm writing to ask your permission to conduct some research at your hospital as part of my Master's thesis at Cleveland State University." (single space your paragraphs and double space between them) The ...

  18. Academic Cover Letters

    At their most basic level, academic cover letters accomplish three things: one, they express your interest in the job; two, they provide a brief synopsis of your research and teaching; and three, they summarize your past experiences and achievements to illustrate your competence for the job. For early-career scholars, cover letters are ...

  19. Letters of Recommendation

    Conclusion. Letters of recommendation inform the decisions of admissions committees, employers, funding agencies, and other organizations who are trying to choose between multiple candidates. Your efforts to create strong letters make a difference. If you commit to writing a letter of recommendation, follow through.

  20. Writing the Cover Letter

    Your cover letter should be three to four paragraphs in length and limited to one page. Like an essay, its content can usually be divided up into three parts: The introduction states the position you're seeking, explains how you learned about the position, and indicates your interest. It often also contains a brief statement of your ...

  21. Writing Letters of Recommendation

    The introduction is crucial in a recommendation because many reviewers, pressed for time, skim letters. Make sure you list the purpose of your writing, your relationship to the student, how long you've known them, and a brief statement on the skills and competencies that you think make the student a good fit. Even though a recommendation ...

  22. Welcome to the Purdue Online Writing Lab

    Mission. The Purdue On-Campus Writing Lab and Purdue Online Writing Lab assist clients in their development as writers—no matter what their skill level—with on-campus consultations, online participation, and community engagement. The Purdue Writing Lab serves the Purdue, West Lafayette, campus and coordinates with local literacy initiatives.

  23. The Writing Center

    Inside Address: Leave two blank lines after the date. Then type the address of the person or company to whom you are writing. Salutation: Type Dear, followed by the person's name. End the line with a colon. If you don't know the name of the person, use a title instead (i.e., Dear Editor, Dear Madam). Body: Align your message on the left margin.

  24. Letter of Introduction Writing Guide + Samples

    If you are writing a letter of introduction to introduce yourself, you can follow a similar structure, though the result may read slightly differently. Here's an example of how you may introduce yourself to a potential new contact: Hi Mr. Shah, My name is Penelope Adamos, and I'm a marketing associate at Firm Y.

  25. Letters to the Editor

    University of the Arts Film student Danni Seidel holds a sign in protest on Thursday outside Hamilton Hall. Last week, the University of the Arts abruptly announced a June 7 closure date. Read more Jose F. Moreno / Staff Photographer. by Letters to the Editor, For The Inquirer. Published June 7, 2024, 4:30 a.m. ET.

  26. Congestion pricing, Stony Brook University president's departure

    Stony Brook University president Maurie McInnis is leaving to become president of Yale University. Credit: Barry Sloan By Newsday Readers [email protected] June 6, 2024 10:30 am

  27. Letter to the Editor

    Published June 5, 2024, 10:36 p.m., last updated June 5, 2024, 10:36 p.m. The Daily's story last Friday about the Office of Undergraduate Admission was a very difficult story to read. I have ...

  28. Letters to the Editor: Incarcerating Trump would infuriate Republicans

    June 7, 2024 3 AM PT. To the editor: Republicans are up in arms that former President Trump, convicted on 34 felony counts in New York, could be sentenced to prison or jail — an unusual, but not ...

  29. Letters Written by Ancient Roman Commanders Have Been Found in a Pet

    May 28, 2024. Archaeologists have been studying the pet cemetery since it was first discovered in 2011. Marta Osypińska. An ancient pet cemetery in Egypt is becoming a gold mine for rare Roman ...

  30. NY Gov. Kathy Hochul pauses congestion pricing: Letters to the Editor

    NY Gov. Hochul pauses congestion pricing: Letters to the Editor — June 8, 2024. By. Post readers. Published June 7, 2024, 6:00 p.m. ET. Comments. Gov. Hochul's halted congestion pricing at the ...