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List Of Words With The Prefix “biblio”

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Words Starting With BIBLIO

There are not many words that start with the letters BIBLIO – 69 words to be exact.

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  • a combining form occurring in loanwords from Greek ( bibliography ); on this model, used in the formation of compound words with the meaning “book” ( bibliophile ), and sometimes with the meaning “Bible” ( bibliolatry, on the model of idolatry ).




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Word history and origins.

Origin of biblio- 1

Example Sentences

These words begin with biblio; you may have a biblio almost anything.

If a man spends lavishly on his library, you call him mad—a biblio-maniac.

Words That Use biblio-

What does biblio- mean.

Biblio- is a combining form used like a prefix meaning “book” and occasionally, “Bible.”

Biblio- comes from the Greek biblíon , meaning “book.” You can learn more about its connection to the Bible at our entry for the word.

Biblíon also appears in the word bibliography , from the Greek bibliographía , literally “book-writing.” A bibliography —as the many of us who’ve ever made one know well—is a list of source materials that are used or consulted in the preparation of a work or that are referred to in the text.

Do you know how to format a bibliography? Here’s some tips on how using MLA style . And here’s how you can cite a definition on Dictionary.com !

Examples of biblio-

Would you describe yourself as a bibliophile ? A bibliophile is “a person who loves and collects books.”

If you’ve been reading carefully, you know already that biblio- means “book,” but what about the -phile portion of the word? The combining form -phile , from the Greek philos meaning “dear, loving,” means “lover of, enthusiast for.” So, bibliophile literally translates to “book lover”!

What are some words that use the combining form biblio- ?

  • biblioclast
  • biblioklept
  • bibliolatry
  • bibliomancy

What are some other forms that biblio- may be commonly confused with?

Break it down!

The combining form -phobia means “fear,” typically an irrational fear. With this in mind, what is bibliophobia ?

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What are examples of words that start with the prefix "biblio"?

words that start with biblio and mean book


The prefix "biblio" comes from the Greek biblion (book). All words containing this prefix usually have something to do with books or reading, hence the examples: bibliography (a list of source materials), bibliophile (a lover of books), and bibliotherapy (using books or reading for healing purposes).

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words that start with biblio and mean book

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Words that contain biblio.

  • bibliographer
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  • bibliographies
  • bibliography
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  • bibliothecary
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  • nonbibliographic

Following links for words that contain BIBLIO

Words starting with biblio

7 letter words starting with biblio.

  • biblio- — indicating book or books

8 letter words starting with biblio

  • bibliog. — bibliographer

9 letter words starting with biblio

  • bibliotic — relating to bibliotics

10 letter words starting with biblio

  • bibliofilm — a microfilm used especially in libraries to photograph the pages of valuable or much-used books.
  • bibliogony — the art of producing and publishing books.
  • bibliology — the study of Biblical literature
  • bibliopegy — the art of binding books
  • bibliopole — a dealer in books, esp rare or decorative ones

11 letter words starting with biblio

  • biblioclasm — a person who mutilates or destroys books.
  • biblioclast — One who destroys books, especially the Bible.
  • bibliograph — to put in a bibliography.
  • biblioklept — a person who steals books.
  • bibliolater — someone who reveres the Bible

12 letter words starting with biblio

  • bibliography — A bibliography is a list of books on a particular subject.
  • bibliologist — a student of bibliology
  • bibliomaniac — excessive fondness for acquiring and possessing books.
  • bibliopegist — a bookbinder
  • bibliophilic — pertaining to a bibliophile

13 letter words starting with biblio

  • bibliogenesis — the art of producing and publishing books.
  • bibliographer — an expert in bibliography
  • bibliographic — a complete or selective list of works compiled upon some common principle, as authorship, subject, place of publication, or printer.
  • bibliolatrous — characterized by bibliolatry
  • bibliological — relating to bibliology

14 letter words starting with biblio

  • bibliomaniacal — relating to a bibliomaniac

15 letter words starting with biblio

  • bibliographical — a complete or selective list of works compiled upon some common principle, as authorship, subject, place of publication, or printer.

On this page, we collect all words starting with BIBLIO. To make easier to find the right word we have divided all 48 words to groups according to their length. So you should go to appropriate page if can’t find the word that beginning with BIBLIO. that you are searching. Also you can use this page in Scrabble.


word-forming element meaning "book" or sometimes "Bible," from Greek biblion "paper, scroll," also the ordinary word for "a book as a division of a larger work;" originally a diminutive of byblos "Egyptian papyrus." This is perhaps from Byblos , the Phoenician port from which Egyptian papyrus was exported to Greece (modern Jebeil, in Lebanon; for sense evolution compare parchment ). Or the place name might be from the Greek word, which then would be probably of Egyptian origin. Compare Bible . Latin liber (see library ) and English book also are ultimately from plant-words.

Entries linking to biblio-

"the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments," early 14c., from Anglo-Latin biblia , Old French bible (13c.) "the Bible," also any large book generally, from Medieval and Late Latin biblia "the Bible" (neuter plural interpreted as feminine singular), from phrase biblia sacra "holy books," a translation of Greek ta biblia to hagia "the holy books." The Latin word is from the Greek one, biblion "paper, scroll," also the ordinary word for "a book as a division of a larger work;" see biblio- .

The Christian scripture was referred to in Greek as Ta Biblia as early as c. 223. Bible replaced Old English biblioðece (see bibliothec ) as the ordinary word for "the Scriptures." Figurative sense of "any authoritative book" is from 1804. Bible-thumper "strict Christian" is from 1870. Bible belt in reference to the swath of the U.S. South then dominated by fundamentalist Christians is from 1926; likely coined by H.L. Mencken.

Her first husband was a missionary to China, and died miserably out there, leaving her with a small baby and no funds. Her second seems to have left her nearly as quickly, though under his own steam: her souvenir was another infant. For years she toured the Bible Belt in a Ford, haranguing the morons nightly under canvas. [H.L. Mencken, review of Aimee Semple McPherson's "In the Service of the King: The Story of My Life," The American Mercury, April 1928]
Walter Scott and Pope's Homer were reading of my own election, but my mother forced me, by steady daily toil, to learn long chapters of the Bible by heart; as well as to read it every syllable through, aloud, hard names and all, from Genesis to the Apocalypse, about once a year; and to that discipline — patient, accurate, and resolute — I owe, not only a knowledge of the book, which I find occasionally serviceable, but much of my general power of taking pains, and the best part of my taste in literature. ... [O]nce knowing the 32nd of Deuteronomy, the 119th Psalm, the 15th of 1st Corinthians, the Sermon on the Mount, and most of the Apocalypse, every syllable by heart, and having always a way of thinking with myself what words meant, it was not possible for me, even in the foolishest times of youth, to write entirely superficial or formal English .... [John Ruskin, "Fors Clavigera," 1871]

Origin and meaning of book

Middle English bok , from Old English boc "book, writing, written document," generally referred (despite phonetic difficulties) to Proto-Germanic *bōk(ō)- , from *bokiz "beech" (source also of German Buch "book" Buche "beech;" see beech ), the notion being of beechwood tablets on which runes were inscribed; but it may be from the tree itself (people still carve initials in them).

Latin and Sanskrit also have words for "writing" that are based on tree names ("birch" and "ash," respectively). And compare French livre "book," from Latin librum , originally "the inner bark of trees" (see library ).

The sense gradually narrowed by early Middle English to "a written work covering many pages fastened together and bound," also "a literary composition" in any form, of however many volumes. Later also "bound pages," whether written on or not. In 19c. it also could mean "a magazine;" in 20c., a telephone directory.

The use of books or written charters was introduced in Anglo-Saxon times by the ecclesiastics, as affording more permanent and satisfactory evidence of a grant or conveyance of land than the symbolical or actual delivery of possession before witnesses, which was the method then in vogue. [Century Dictionary] 

From c. 1200 as "a main subdivision of a larger work." The meaning "libretto of an opera" is from 1768. A betting book "record of bets made" is from 1812. The meaning "sum of criminal charges" is from 1926, hence slang phrase throw the book at (1932). Book of Life "the roll of those chosen for eternal life" is from mid-14c. Book of the month is from 1926. To do something by the book "according to the rules" is from 1590s.



  • bibliolatry
  • bibliomancy
  • bibliomania
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Words That Start With BIBL

  • bibliolater
  • bibliolatry
  • bibliomania
  • bibliopegic
  • bibliophile
  • bibliophily
  • bibliopoles
  • bibliotheca
  • bibliography
  • bibliolaters
  • bibliologies
  • bibliomaniac
  • bibliomanias
  • bibliopegies
  • bibliopegist
  • bibliophiles
  • bibliophilic
  • bibliopolist
  • bibliothecal
  • bibliothecas
  • bibliographer
  • bibliographic
  • bibliolatries
  • bibliolatrous
  • bibliomaniacs
  • bibliopegists
  • bibliophilism
  • bibliopolists
  • bibliotherapy
  • bibliographers
  • bibliographies
  • bibliomaniacal
  • bibliographical
  • bibliotherapies

words that start with biblio and mean book

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around, about

Quick Summary

The prefix circum- which means “around” and the Latin root word circ which mean “ring” both are influential in making up English words. For instance, the prefix circum- gave rise to the words circum ference and circum stances, whereas the root circ gave rise to circ le and circ ulation. Clearly a circum ference is the bearing “around” a circle, whereas a circ le itself is in the form of a “ring.”

Round and Round in Circles

The prefix circum- which means “around” and the Latin root word circ which mean “ring” both are influential in “rounding” out one’s knowledge of English vocabulary. Let’s take these related morphemes today for a quick spin.

The prefix circum- , which means “around,” is featured in several commonly used English words. For example, circum stances are those things in life that are standing “around” you at any given time. When Ferdinand Magellan attempted to circum navigate the globe, he tried to sail “around” it—the expedition he began made it all the way, but Ferdinand himself did not fully complete the circum navigation. Anyone who has taken math has learned how to measure the circum ference of a circle, or the distance that is carried “around” the circle. And if you try to circum vent a huge problem that you don’t want to face? You come or go “around” it!

Now on to the root word circ which means “ring,” which is related to circum- ; one does, after all, go “around” a “ring.” A circ le, of course, is in the shape of a “ring.” A circ us in ancient Rome was a racetrack for chariots, which itself was in the shape of a “ring.” The most famous of these circ uses was the Circ us Maximus, or very great “ring.”

When blood circ ulates in your body, or aquarium water circ ulates through a filtering system, it forms a loop or “ring,” returning to the same place again and again. Thus the human circ ulatory system pertains to the blood flowing to and from the heart in a “ring”-like loop. An electrical circ uit creates a flow of electricity, following a path which is like a “ring” in shape. And of course circ uitry is simply a system or set of circ uits which is running your computer or iPod or smartphone right now.

I think that we’ve gone “around” enough with the prefix circum- , and have “rounded” out our “ring” that illustrates the Latin root circ . We wouldn’t want, after all, to get dizzy!

  • circumstances : those events which stand ‘around’ you
  • circumnavigate : to sail ‘around’
  • circumference : a bearing or carrying ‘around’ a circle
  • circumvent : go or come ‘around’
  • circle : a figure in the shape of a ‘ring’
  • circus : Roman track in the shape of a ‘ring’
  • Circus Maximus : the biggest Roman ‘ring’ or chariot-racing track of all
  • circulate : to move around in a loop or ‘ring’
  • circulatory : of moving about in a ‘ring’
  • circuit : path in the shape of a ‘ring’
  • circuitry : system of ‘ring’-shaped paths

Related Rootcasts

The fascinating parts of words.

Morphology is the study of how words are put together by using morphemes, which include prefixes, roots, and suffixes. Parsing the different morphemes in a word reveals meaning and part of speech. For instance, the word “invention” includes the prefix in- + the root vent + the suffix -ion , from which is formed the noun “invention.”

Etymology: Word Origins

Etymology is that part of linguistics that studies word origins. English vocabulary words are formed from many different sources, especially Latin and Greek. By determining the origins of the morphemes in English words, one is better able to remember and determine the dictionary definitions of words.

If you circum vent something, such as a rule or restriction, you try to get around it in a clever and perhaps dishonest way.


Circumlocution is a way of saying or writing something that uses too many words, especially in order to avoid stating the true meaning clearly.


If one's powers or rights are circum scribed, they are limited or restricted.


If you are circum spect, you are cautious; you think carefully about something before saying or doing it.


That which is circum stantial is not an essential or primary part of something; rather, it is merely incidental and perhaps insignificant to the situation at hand.


the size of something as given by the distance around it


lying around or just outside the edges or outskirts


the act of circum scribing


your overall circum stances or condition in life (including everything that happens to you)


the act of evading by going around

Related Word Parts

around, near

around, near, about

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Words That Start With Bibl | 27 Scrabble Words | Word Find

A list of scrabble words starting with Bibl

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The highest scoring words starting with Bibl

Want to go straight to the words that will get you the best score? Here are all the highest scoring words with bibl, not including the 50-point bonus if they use seven letters.

27 Scrabble words starting with Bibl

11 letter words that start with bibl.

  • bibliolater 15
  • bibliolatry 18
  • bibliomania 17
  • bibliopegic 20
  • bibliophile 20
  • bibliophily 23
  • bibliopoles 17
  • bibliotheca 20
  • bibliotists 15

10 Letter Words That Start With Bibl

  • biblically 19
  • biblicisms 18
  • biblicists 16
  • bibliology 18
  • bibliopegy 20
  • bibliopole 16
  • bibliotics 16
  • bibliotist 14

9 Letter Words That Start With Bibl

  • biblicism 17
  • biblicist 15
  • bibliotic 15

8 Letter Words That Start With Bibl

  • biblical 14
  • biblists 12

7 Letter Words That Start With Bibl

6 letter words that start with bibl, 5 letter words that start with bibl, faq on words starting with bibl, what are the best scrabble words starting with bibl.

The highest scoring Scrabble word starting with Bibl is Bibliophily, which is worth at least 23 points without any bonuses. The next best word starting with Bibl is bibliophily, which is worth 23 points. Other high score words starting with Bibl are bibliopegic (20), biblist (11), bibliotheca (20), bibless (11), bibliophile (20), bibliopegy (20), biblicisms (18), and biblike (15).

How many words start with the letters Bibl?

There are 27 words that start with the letters Bibl in the Scrabble dictionary. Of those 9 are 11 letter words, 8 are 10 letter words, 3 are 9 letter words, 2 are 8 letter words, 3 are 7 letter words, 1 is a 6 letter word, and 1 is a 5 letter word.

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Words that start with book

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14-letter words that start with book

  • book television

13-letter words that start with book

  • book ishnesses
  • book binderies

12-letter words that start with book

  • book sellings
  • book keepings
  • book bindings
  • book crossing
  • book breaking
  • book marksync

11-letter words that start with book

  • book keeping
  • book binding
  • book bindery
  • book binders
  • book keepers
  • book ishness
  • book markers
  • book marking
  • book makings
  • book mobiles
  • book shelves
  • book sellers
  • book selling
  • book marklet
  • book matched
  • book runners

10-letter words that start with book

  • book seller
  • book mobile
  • book makers
  • book making
  • book marked
  • book marker
  • book keeper
  • book binder
  • book stands
  • book stalls
  • book plates
  • book stores
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  • book dealer
  • book holder
  • book runner
  • book reader
  • book viewer
  • book people
  • book ending

9-letter words that start with book

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  1. List of Words Containing Word Root Biblio

    words that start with biblio and mean book

  2. words starting from biblio

    words that start with biblio and mean book

  3. List Of Words With The Prefix "biblio"

    words that start with biblio and mean book

  4. New 17 Vocabulary words with Biblio

    words that start with biblio and mean book

  5. 😂 How to list a book in a bibliography. MLA Format Guide & FREE

    words that start with biblio and mean book

  6. Pin by Kristen Bancroft on Words

    words that start with biblio and mean book


  1. #CIRCUM_ROOT_WORD || PART-17 || देखते ही याद होने की ट्रिक || CGL/CHSL/CPO/MTS || BY SAMEER SIR

  2. Twenty Words that begin with "B"

  3. so mean book

  4. Oxford 3000 word list. 50 Words Every Day. Words starting with "a" and "b". Day 5

  5. Common Greek Roots You Have To Know + Cheat Sheet

  6. 🐓🏫 Chicken In School 🏫🐓 Storytime Read Aloud Picture Book For Kids


  1. Words that start with biblio

    13-letter words that start with biblio. biblio grapher. biblio therapy. biblio polists. biblio latries. biblio graphic. biblio maniacs. biblio latrous. biblio pegists.

  2. List Of Words With The Prefix "biblio"

    The prefix biblio- is derived from the Greek word for book, bibliotheca. It is used to form words that relate to books, reading, and collections of books. Examples of words with this prefix include 'bibliophily' which means the love of books, 'bibliotheca' which means a collection of books, 'bibliothetic' which means the practice of ...

  3. Words Starting With BIBLIO

    9 letter words. BIBLIOTIC 15. There are not many words that start with the letters BIBLIO - 69 words to be exact. But the important thing is that every word that begins with the letters BIBLIO and can be played in Scrabble or Words With Friends is right here on this list. If you do not see the word you are trying to play on this list then it ...

  4. BIBLIO- Definition & Meaning

    Biblio- definition: a combining form occurring in loanwords from Greek (bibliography); on this model, used in the formation of compound words with the meaning "book" (bibliophile), and sometimes with the meaning "Bible" (bibliolatry, on the model of idolatry).. See examples of BIBLIO- used in a sentence.

  5. Word Root: Biblio

    Definition & Meaning: Word Root Biblio The word root 'biblio' comes from the Greek word biblion that means 'book'. For instance, the word bibliophile means a book lover, where 'phile' is to love. This word can be broken down into two parts: Biblio: Book Phile: Lover/lover Combining the two parts,…

  6. What are examples of words that start with the prefix "biblio"?

    Answer link. Bibliography, bibliophile, and bibliotherapy are all words that begin with the prefix "biblio". The prefix "biblio" comes from the Greek biblion (book). All words containing this prefix usually have something to do with books or reading, hence the examples: bibliography (a list of source materials), bibliophile (a lover of books ...

  7. Find all words that contain BIBLIO

    Find all words that contain BIBLIO and further filter the results in the advanced options! Browse Morewords. Tools for word game players. ... List all words that start with BIBLIO; List all words that end with BIBLIO; Quick links. Words containing Q; Words containing X; Words containing K; Words starting with S;

  8. BIBLIO- definition and meaning

    Indicating book or books.... Click for English pronunciations, examples sentences, video.

  9. Words that start with BIBLIO

    All 10-letter words starting with biblio. 11 letter words starting with biblio. biblioclasm — a person who mutilates or destroys books. biblioclast — One who destroys books, especially the Bible. bibliograph — to put in a bibliography. biblioklept — a person who steals books. bibliolater — someone who reveres the Bible.

  10. biblio-

    Definition of biblio-. English dictionary and integrated thesaurus for learners, writers, teachers, and students with advanced, intermediate, and beginner levels.

  11. Words that Start with BIBLIO

    Words that Start with BIBLIO Words that begin with BIBLIO are commonly used for word games like Scrabble and Words with Friends. This list will help you to find the top scoring words to beat the opponent. You can also find a list of all words that end in BIBLIO and words with BIBLIO.Try our five letter words starting with BIBLIO page if you're playing Wordle-like games or use the New York ...

  12. Words that contain BIBLIO (36 words)

    All these words that contain BIBLIO were verified by specialists in the English language. Did you know that a word is a key element in a language used to express something meaningful? Words can also be the smallest unit in a language uttered in literal or practical meaning.

  13. Words with BIBLIO

    Words with BIBLIO A list of all BIBLIO words with their Scrabble and Words with Friends points. You can also find a list of all words that start with BIBLIO.Also commonly searched for are words that end in BIBLIO.Try our five letter words with BIBLIO page if you're playing Wordle-like games or use the New York Times Wordle Solver for finding the NYT Wordle daily answer.

  14. 10 Words Starting with Biblio-

    Biblio- is a combining form, which means "Connected with books". Here is a list of 10 words that start with Biblio. You can use them in your conversations or writings.

  15. Words That Start With Biblio

    The highest scoring Scrabble word starting with Biblio is Bibliophily, which is worth at least 23 points without any bonuses. The next best word starting with Biblio is bibliophily, which is worth 23 points. Other high score words starting with Biblio are bibliopoles (17), bibliopegic (20), bibliotheca (20), bibliomania (17), bibliophile (20 ...

  16. 11 Bookish Words for Book Lovers

    florilegium. definition : a volume of writings; an anthology. The word florilegium was borrowed into English from a New Latin word that comes from Latin florilegus meaning "culling flowers." Think of a florilegium as a bouquet of writings, specially selected and arranged for your enjoyment. In "Hermits," he pays tribute to their unsung ...

  17. Root Words

    Root Words - biblio, mania. 5.0 (1 review) Get a hint. bibliophobia. Click the card to flip 👆. dread or hatred of books. Click the card to flip 👆. 1 / 9.

  18. biblio-

    biblio-word-forming element meaning "book" or sometimes "Bible," from Greek biblion "paper, scroll," also the ordinary word for "a book as a division of a larger work;" originally a diminutive of byblos "Egyptian papyrus." This is perhaps from Byblos, the Phoenician port from which Egyptian papyrus was exported to Greece (modern Jebeil, in Lebanon; for sense evolution compare parchment).

  19. Word Finder: Unscramble Words and Letters

    Word Finder is a tool that helps you find words that match your criteria, whether you need to unscramble letters, start or end with a certain letter, or find a specific word length. You can also explore the wordplay section to learn more about the history, meaning, and usage of various words. Word Finder is the most comprehensive word search of its kind in the Merriam-Webster dictionary.

  20. Words That Start With BIBL

    Words that start with BIBL: bible, bibles, bibless, biblike, biblist, biblical, biblists, biblicism, biblicist, biblically. Word Finder. Starts with Ends with Contains. Enter a word to see if it's playable (up to 15 letters). Enter any letters to see what words can be formed from them. ... Dictionaries, thesauruses, and new reference books for ...

  21. Word Root: circum- (Prefix)

    The prefix circum-which means "around" and the Latin root word circ which mean "ring" both are influential in making up English words. For instance, the prefix circum-gave rise to the words circumference and circumstances, whereas the root circ gave rise to circle and circulation.Clearly a circumference is the bearing "around" a circle, whereas a circle itself is in the form of a ...

  22. Words That Start With Bibl

    There are 27 words that start with the letters Bibl in the Scrabble dictionary. Of those 9 are 11 letter words, 8 are 10 letter words, 3 are 9 letter words, 2 are 8 letter words, 3 are 7 letter words, 1 is a 6 letter word, and 1 is a 5 letter word. Words starting with BIBL for Scrabble and Words With Friends.

  23. Words that start with book

    10-letter words that start with book. book seller. book mobile. book makers. book making. book marked. book marker. book keeper. book binder.