
Advanced Studies in England

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Why choose Advanced Studies in England?

Advanced Studies in England is a small study abroad program based in the World Heritage city of Bath, in southwest England (an hour-and-a-half's train ride from London). We offer single semester, full year and a five-week Summer School to a cohort of up to fifty-five US undergraduate students.

We specialise in small seminar classes and one-on-one or two-on-one Oxford-style tutorials in a wide range of liberal arts subjects, taught by UK professors, many from Oxford University. We also offer a range of internships with local organisations, museums and businesses as well as an education program comprising a seminar class and school placement.

Students live in self-catered apartments in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century townhouses within the city. The Program takes cultural enrichment and integration very seriously; offering many opportunities for getting involved with the students from Bath's two universities, and the wider local community.

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Best program out there!

ASE is a great program. Hands down, one of the best decisions I've ever made. I loved the trip to Stratford-upon-Avon the most - being able to see three Royal Shakespeare Company shows was life-changing. I formed a lot of close friendships while also gaining a lot of confidence, whether that be academically, socially, or personally. Bath is an absolutely beautiful city that is small enough that you can really get to know every single part of it and feel like a real resident, but big enough that there's still always something to do.

An Extraordinary Opportunity

I was part of this program for a full academic year, and the decision to apply was the best I've made in quite some time. Living in Bath is a uniquely special experience. It's a place where rich history lives alongside a hub of bustling tourism, meaning there's always something to do if you look for it. ASE puts a lot of effort into ensuring its students have as many opportunities as they want to take advantage of; your level of involvement in the community is almost completely customizable to your comfort level, but you have to take initiative. There are mandatory study trips to Stratford-upon-Avon, Oxford, and Stonehenge, as well as course-specific class trips (for example, to nearby Glastonbury), which means that every student will experience life beyond Bath to some degree. The three-day weekends also allow students an abundance of travel time, as the importance of fully integrating into and exploring the country is stressed early on in the program. In terms of academics, the workload is rigorous but not impossibly difficult, and the smaller class sizes allow for a more personalized learning experience. Every tutor I had was enthusiastic and incredibly knowledgeable about their subject of choice, and the way classes and essays were structured meant that I developed further as an academic. Equally dedicated and personable were the ASE staff members, who were genuinely friendly and supportive, and I found it hard to leave them behind come the end of my second semester. Altogether, this program offers a perfect blend between schoolwork, social activity, and cultural exploration, and I know that the lessons I learned (both academically and personally) and the friends I made will stick with me for a long time.

A Fantastic Summer in a Beautiful City

I am so glad I made the decision to participate in ASE Summer School 2015. I enjoyed two challenging yet not overwhelming history classes that explored the city and used our location to enhance our learning (Romans in Britain and Domestic Soldiers). I lived in a beautiful 19th-century villa with 7 other housemates and we enjoyed living in a regular neighborhood of Bath, rather than a dormitory. The entire ASE staff was incredibly welcoming and supportive, from giving recommendations on the best pubs, to advice on good day trips, to figuring out the British grocery store. The ASE staff also organized fantastic social excursions for us to Cornwall, London, Oxford, Stonehenge, and Glastonbury--these trips are what make ASE stand out from other study abroad programs. I will always happily remember my time in Bath.


It's very hard for me to believe that it has been just slightly over a year since I was last across the pond and taking part in this wonderful program.

What I believe to be most difficult, especially upon my return, was trying to describe the program and all that had taken place in just the short five weeks. The only word I seem to keep coming back to is "perfect."

Advanced Studies in England (ASE) have put together one of the greatest overall experiences I've ever been a part of. The program sends students to some of the most incredible places that leaves you feeling as though you've seen the variety that's across England. In addition to some seriously astounding views that would even make the most pristine Instagram account blush. The staff is incredible from tutors Rob, Laura, and Bill to the office crew of Emma, Lindsay, Lucy, and Sue. Seriously some of the kindest people I've ever met.

If you choose to explore, make the most of your time, and put in the necessary work, you will be more than rewarded for the effort and will be forever changed for it.

Unforgettable Experience

Summer 2014 in Bath is something I will never, ever forget. I learned so much and made wonderful, true friends. It's been one year and my Linley Housemates and I still talk pretty regularly! I honestly think that I came out of my ASE experience a better version of myself because of all of the support I had from faculty and classmates, the beauty and history of the city and other travel destinations, and of course, all of the laughs and smiles. I wish my school schedule had worked out so that I could do a semester or even a year with ASE, but I am so grateful for my couple of months. I wouldn't trade my experience for the world!


Advanced Studies in England: Semester in Bath


Advanced Studies in England: Summer School in Bath


Theatre Summer School in Bath (England)

Alumni interviews.

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with verified alumni.

Jeremy Brinling


Why did you pick this program?

England and studying the BBC. What more could you ask for?

What do you wish someone had told you before you went abroad?

The city or country you choose to visit will change you, and that’s okay. Additionally, there’s no way to prepare for all that you’re about to experience. So, the sooner you can give into the place you're in and pursue opportunity, the better your time will be.

What is the most important thing you learned abroad?

It's very cliche, but, I learned a lot about myself. Five weeks across the ocean, disconnected from a phone, and exploring a completely new area will tell you more about yourself than you could ever imagine.

What do you tell your friends who are thinking about going abroad?

Now is the time. I don't care how old you are, where you are going, or what excuses you might be placing before yourself. Where there's a will, there is a way and surely, this will be one of the most exciting times you could ever have.

What was the hardest part about going abroad?

I'm sure that going abroad during a full school semester is a bit different but I really just had the expected worries: what will I miss out on during summer, will I have fun, will this be worthwhile?

These experiences are amazing, unforgettable, and incredibly worthwhile. You'd be doing yourself a disservice if you don't go abroad during your time at school.

What's your favorite story to tell about your time abroad?

I traveled to Bristol, crashed a wedding, visited a local food festival, posed as prospective students to get a full campus tour of Bristol University, fed a lemur, had the best mussels of my life, watched a skate competition, saw Blackbeard's original ship...and that was all in one day.


Katia Swane-Barzowski

Staff interviews.

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with program leaders.


What was your favorite traveling experience?

I’ve been very lucky in my opportunities to travel; I’ve been on safari in Kenya, traveled down the Nile from Aswan to Luxor on a sail barge (which was very Agatha Christie, but without the ‘Death’!) I’ve also been to Russia, and regularly visit France and Germany.

I’m a historian and so I love places with history. I guess that’s why Florence and Siena stick in my mind. The latter in particular, with its huge cathedral, narrow medieval alleyways and the city hall – the Palazzo Pubblico – was just wonderful.

But, to be honest, my favorite travel experience is that of coming home. I’m very lucky to live among the rolling hills of south Wales, and to work in a beautiful and historic city; I still love to come back to its honey-colored streets.

What language have you always wanted to learn and why​?

I’d love to improve my language skills overall – I can manage basic conversations in French and German, but would definitely like to be more fluent in both. If was to learn a new language, I think Swahili.

In part because I’d love to go back to Africa, but also (the academic talking again) it’s such a differently-constructed language from those of Western Europe, but built up of a mix of African dialects, Arabic, Portuguese and English – fascinating.

What changes would you make to the study abroad industry?

Apart from making more students come and study with us at ASE? I think I’d like to see Universities provide better support for directly-enrolled international students, both academically and culturally.

Being dropped into the midst of a foreign university and taking classes with students from another country is often a real sink-or-swim experience. It can be great – a real opportunity for personal growth and exploration, but it can also be quite tough – particularly if the learning and teaching styles are very different from what the student is used to.

It can also be isolating; it doesn’t always result in the international students mixing with native students, either. Without institutional support, international students can find themselves every bit as cut off from the culture they are visiting as those on a so-called ‘island program’, if not more so.


Jonathan Hope


Karyn Jones

Professional associations.

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ase study abroad

Advanced Studies in English: ASE Bath Semester-long study abroad in an affiliated program

Washington and Lee is one of thirteen U. S. colleges and universities affiliated with Advanced Studies in England (ASE), an undergraduate humanities program based in the city of Bath which offers qualified students a one- or two-semester experience (summer school also available). Students live in Georgian townhouses near the city center. The seminar-sized classes taught by British faculty often include study trips designed to deepen the students' understanding of the particular curricular subjects and English culture. ASE is formally associated with University College, Oxford University where students study for a 9-day residency each semester. Dr. Christopher Pelling, Regius Professor of Greek at Oxford University, appoints the Oxford faculty and oversees the time in Oxford. Students also spend a week each semester in Stratford-upon-Avon while attending the Royal Shakespeare Company productions. Applicants to ASE should have a 3.000 cumulative grade-point average. Interested students should see Professor Suzanne Keen, Washington and Lee's representative on the ASE Advisory Board for further information, catalogs, and application forms.

Advanced Studies in England (ASE) offers:

  • academic excellence (great track record with W&L students)
  • seminars and tutorials in the traditional British style
  • a broad humanities curriculum (fulfill FDR HL or HA requirements or take courses towards your humanities major)
  • high caliber teachers, many from Oxford University
  • outstanding study trips to locations in the British Isles and Ireland
  • residences each term at Oxford and Stratford-upon-Avon
  • exceptional student housing in historic residences right in Bath
  • access to British student life through Bath University
  • links with local community through internships, school placements and volunteer work

Courses in:

  • Contemporary Society
  • Cultural Studies in the City of Bath
  • Literature in English
  • Applied Arts
  • Women's Studies
  • Medieval Studies
  • Classical and Modern Languages (not beginning courses)

Study with students from affiliate colleges:

  • Washington and Lee
  • Boston College
  • Bucknell University
  • Denison University
  • Franklin and Marshall College
  • Gettysburg College
  • Hampton University
  • Hobart and William Smith Colleges
  • The University of Rochester
  • Skidmore College
  • Wells College
  • The College of William and Mary

Academic Studies Abroad

Adventure Awaits

Take part in an international experience that will help you grow both personally and professionally. Academic Studies Abroad (ASA) offers study abroad programs in Europe and Latin America.

ase study abroad


Any study abroad program can get you to a country and find you a place to live. It takes a certain kind of study abroad program, however, to provide you with all the tools necessary to ensure that your experience is both memorable and fulfilling.


Unlike many other study abroad programs, ASA keeps the size of our programs small. We firmly believe that group sizes of 100+ students only hurt your ability to integrate into the culture and do not allow your site directors to get to know you.


Since 1999, ASA has been sending college students to study abroad in countries throughout Europe and Latin America. Our many years of experience have helped us develop meaningful, academically challenging, and fun study abroad programs.


The ASA team is a group of people who are well traveled, experienced in foreign education, multi-lingual, always there to assist you, and best of all, they are people who have studied abroad themselves. You will get personal attention from every ASA staff member!

Find Your Program


Spotlight Programs

Study abroad in Aix-en-Provence, France at the IAU College: The School of Humanities and Social Sciences, The French Honors Program, and The Marchutz School of Fine Arts.

Barcelona is currently one of ASA’s most popular study abroad program locations – and for good reason! Bustling with activity and culture, there are plentiful opportunities to immerse yourself in the Spanish culture during your time abroad.

Study abroad in Buenos Aires, Argentina at the Universidad de Belgrano. Subject areas include Spanish language, Art History, Economics, International Business, Politics, International Relations, Latin American History and Culture, Film and Literature.


ASA is a small program, but that’s what makes it so great. The personal attention can’t be beat and I made plenty of friends outside of the group.


I would recommend ASA to other students because not only was it a great price for what you get, but it was so much fun and the site director was great.


ASA is a very thorough program. It is well organized and structured, yet allows for plenty of independent activity and personal responsibility. There were many times where I felt foreign, but I rarely felt like a tourist. I engaged in the culture with the ASA program, I didn’t just take a picture and a souvenir.


After four months, hundred of new friends, and 10,000 pictures, I still wasn’t ready to go home! If you’re still thinking about studying abroad, DO IT!


Studying abroad with ASA was a great experience because it gave me the opportunity to be immersed in another culture and travel to places I would never have been able to visit otherwise.


Shawna England - Stonehenge(compress).jpeg

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Returning Home with No Regrets: Embracing the Full Experience Abroad

ASE (Advanced Studies in England)

ase study abroad

Come and study with ASE (Advanced Studies in England) in the beautiful, vibrant, World Heritage City of Bath! ASE offers an impressive range of challenging seminars, tutorials and internships, accommodation in one of Bath’s many attractive historic properties, and visits to some of England’s most inspiring locations (among them Oxford, Stonehenge, Stratford-upon-Avon, the Cotswolds and Cornwall).

  • Customised one-on-one Advanced Tutorials, to suit your unique interest
  • Engaging, expert British faculty
  • Small, interactive seminar classes (max. of 16 students)
  • Customised internships with prestigious organisations in Bath
  • Course-specific study trips to UK-based locations
  • Social and cultural programming
  • Franklin & Marshall College transcript

In ASE you will find a small, supportive programme that combines a friendly, informal style with the highest standards and expectations. We urge you to become a member of the ever-extending ASE family, and hope to meet you soon.

ase study abroad

Karyn Jones US Recruitment Co-ordinator

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The Loveliest Study Abroad Experience May 24, 2024

By leah g (psychology, film, public health, brandeis university) - abroad from 01/29/2024 to 05/18/2024 with, advanced studies england: bath - ase study centre.

My experience with ASE was the most worthwhile experience of my life thus far. I cannot imagine my life if I did not choose, as I gained learning how to achieve a balance of social and academic endeavors and how to be independent. This was my first experience living on my own in a completely new place, and I am honored that I had the opportunity to experience it. I learned so much about friendship, community, respect, adjustment, and balance, and I cannot be more grateful.

Personal Information

How much international exposure did you have prior to this program? 0-2 weeks

Review Your Program

* Overall educational experience

Although this program is academically rigorous and more intense than other study abroad programs, the educational quality is incredible. I have learned more this past semester than in my whole life. We are offered a library of resources and the readings are so intriguing. I always found myself getting lost in my work. I had never felt so academically fulfilled before going on this program.

* Host Country Program Administration

The ASE staff were genuinely the kindest most approachable people you will ever meet. They make you feel so cared for and seen throughout the entirety of the program. There was never a moment where I felt neglected by the administration, and I knew I could always go to them if there was a problem. They always kept us busy with cultural and social events and always checked in with us. Each student on the program had a mentor they could talk to if they needed anything. The support throughout this entire program was unlike any study abroad program I have seen before.

* Housing:

It was enchanting to live in a flat in the historic city of Bath. The flat was older but I genuinely think it added so much to my experience. I loved my flatmates and how we were all spread out throughout the building through different floors. I know that for everyone else on the program too, the strongest friendships were made through the loving roommates everyone had. I did have to share my room, as did many other students, but singles are also available.

* Food:

The city of Bath has incredible restaurants and food choices! This program doesn't have a dining hall, as we are not living in dorms, but they give you money for food which is lovely.

* Social & Cultural Integration:

I felt incredibly integrated with Bath by the end of the program. I had no idea what I was in for beginning the program, and I was slightly expecting to be in the middle of nowhere. However, Bath is a lively city with tons of student life, events, shows, and anything you can imagine to get involved in! The program was incredible of integrating us with the local community and universities through events and programs.

* Health Care:

Although I never had an experience with healthcare, I had many friends who sought out services for physical and mental health. At the beginning of the program during orientation, we were told how to access health care services, where to go, and who to contact if we had any issues. Healthcare was very easily accessible and the program was always there to help. There were no prevalent health issues in Bath and I was generally healthy throughout the entire program besides a minor cold, which I got from traveling.

* Safety:

Every morning I would go on a run, and in the beginning, I was terrified that Bath would be unsafe. However, I cannot emphasize more how safe the city of Bath is. There was never one point that I felt unsafe in Bath. No matter what time or place, I constantly felt safe, as did all my program members. If there was ever any safety problem, the program made it clear how to handle it and how they would best support us.

If you could do it all over again would you choose the same program? Yes

I am heartbroken that I had to leave this program because I genuinely believe it was the most perfect experience. Not only is Bath the most gorgeous city, but this program truly cares for you and your wellbeing. They constantly look out for you and want you to be well-integrated into the city of Bath. The academics on this program, although hard, are so fulfilling to complete with such incredible professors. The tutorial program, where you can work one-on-one with a professor, was hands down the most fulfilling academic experience I have had to date. I could not imagine myself doing any other program!

* How easily were you able to live on a student's budget?

It was very easy to handle living on a student budget because they gave us food money for groceries. Additionally, Bath is not a very expensive city and there are dollar stores and cheap grocery stores. Housing is covered and you can spend as little or as much money as you please. ASE also offers scholarships, which helped me a lot throughout my time on the program.

Not including program expenses, about how much money did you spend on food and other expenses each week? around $50
Do you have any general money-saving tips for future study abroad participants? Go to thrift stores, dollar stores, and cheap supermarkets (Tesco for the win).
* Did your program have a foreign language component? No

Other Program Information

* Where did you live?

* Who did you live with?

* Who did you take classes with?

About how many local friends did you make that you will likely keep in touch with? 0

A Look Back

* What did you like most about the program?
* What could be improved?
* What do you know now that you wish you knew before going on this program? Before going on this program, I believed Bath was going to be more mundane and quant than it was. However, Bath was full of life, love, energy, and history. There is genuinely no place like it. I left Bath with so much I was unable to do because there was an endless amount of activities and experiences to have. Although it is near the countryside of England and seems in the middle of nowhere, there is plenty to do and the program will help you find anything you want to get involved in.

Reasons For Studying Abroad

To help future students find programs attended by like-minded individuals, please choose the profile that most closely represents you. You went abroad with specific academic goals in mind; the program credentials and rigor of your coursework abroad were very important to you. You had a great time abroad, but never lost sight of your studies and (if applicable) were diligent with your foreign language study. Good for you!

SIT Study Abroad: Malawi - Sustainable Development Practice

Advanced Studies in England Summer School (ASE Bath)

You are here, international study award (isa).

The ISA provides a stipend for one credit-bearing summer study abroad experience for eligible undergraduates receiving a Yale scholarship. You must apply to Yale Study Abroad and be approved for a Yale Summer Session Programs Abroad or Non-Yale Summer Abroad program . Yale Study Abroad does not administer the ISA. For all ISA-related details, including how to request funding, when it gets disbursed, how much funding you can expect, and more, visit the ISA website .

Program Information

Bath, United Kingdom

Minimum Language Requirement

Areas of focus.

Arts & Humanities, Social Sciences

Study Center

River Avon running through the historic city of Bath in Somerset, United Kingdom


The Advanced Studies in England Summer School offers students the opportunity to undertake a five week course of study in the world-heritage city of Bath, England. Students take two classes during the 5-week program.

Program Highlights:

  • Residence in historic town-houses
  • Small classes taught by British and American faculty
  • Course-related study trips
Two-Part Application Process Applying to a Year or Term Abroad or a Non-Yale Summer Abroad study abroad program is a two-part process. These are separate application processes with individual deadlines and can be done simultaneously. You must apply to your intended program for admission by applying online from the program’s website. Select the Program Website button below to be directed to more information. You must apply to Yale Study Abroad for approval to study abroad and the ability to transfer the credit back to your Yale degree. The designated list of programs on our website does not constitute pre-approval or automatic approval from Yale. You must apply to our office by the relevant deadline in order to be approved. Select the Apply to Yale Study Abroad button below to be directed to more information. Program Website Apply to Yale Study Abroad
Learn More Find detailed information about this program, including course information, dates, fees, and housing options, on the program website .
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Study Abroad

At the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, we offer students the chance to broaden their knowledge, worldview and skills by integrating the study abroad program developed by the UC Education Abroad Program . The MSE program has pre-approved courses at three distinguished universities in three countries. Students can study for one semester or a full academic year at these universities without delaying their graduation timeline. 

Why Study Abroad?  

Studying abroad offers you a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in different cultures, which can expand your perspectives and deepen your understanding of the global community. It challenges your critical thinking and problem-solving skills in new and diverse environments. Additionally, the global experience and cultural awareness you gain are invaluable assets in any career. Plus, you’ll meet new people and enjoy unforgettable experiences!

Planning Your Study Abroad Experience

It’s best to begin planning as early as the spring quarter of your freshman year. Start by getting to know the course requirements and recommended schedules for your degree, spanning from your freshman through senior years.

The ideal time to participate is during your junior year. You should begin planning in the spring quarter of your freshman year, as application deadlines typically fall in the late fall quarter and early winter quarter. 

Where to Go

You can choose from pre-approved courses at: 

  • Nanyang Technological University in Singapore
  • University of Manchester in the UK
  • University of New South Wales in Australia

Financial Support

Financial aid and scholarships are available to help fund your study abroad journey. You can access information about financial support and scholarship opportunities here and here .

Deadlines and Application Process

Details about application deadlines and the process can be found here .

General Education (GE) Courses

If you want to take a GE, you can learn about its petition procedure here .

Take advantage of this incredible opportunity to enhance your educational experience and prepare for a global career! Contact Professor Saeidi and the MSE advising team if you have any questions. 

Nanyang Technological University in Singapore (NTU)

At Nanyang Technological University in Singapore (NTU), ranked second in materials science and engineering by US News , you can study for one semester or an entire academic year. You can find more information about the university and specific program details here .

Option 1: Semester 1 Only at Nanyang Technological University

You can enroll in the following pre-approved courses at NTU, which will count toward your graduation requirements at UC Davis:

EMS 160






EMS 164






Focused Elective* 






Focused Elective*






EMS 181


















*Note: You may choose only one of the offered focused electives.

The corresponding study plan after returning to UC Davis is as follows:


EMS 162 

EMS 172


EMS 162L

EMS 172L


UD Comp

EMS 174



EMS 174L

EMS 186A

EMS 186B

EMS 186C

EMS 170

Applied Math

Focused Elective

EMS 170L

ENG 190


EMS 182



Option 2: Full Year at NTU  

If you opt for a full year at NTU, the course selections for both semesters are outlined below:

Semester 1:

EMS 160






EMS 164






EMS 174






EMS 181


















Semester 2:

EMS 162

EMS 162L







Focused Elective 






Focused Elective






EMS 174


















The corresponding UC Davis study plan is as follows:

EMS 186A

EMS 186B

EMS 186C

EMS 170

ENG 190

EMS 172

EMS 170L

EMS 162 L

EMS 172 L

EMS 182

UD Comp

EMS 174L

EMS 180



For information on General Education (GE) courses and approval, please visit here . If you're interested in other courses not listed, you can reach out for pre-approval. Ensure that the courses you consider are not restricted by checking the restricted courses for the list that can be found here under coursework. 

University of Manchester

At the University of Manchester, you have the option to study for just one semester or for a full year. More details about the university and the program can be found here .

Option 1: Semester 1 at the University of Manchester

The following pre-approved courses at the University of Manchester will count toward your graduation requirements at UC Davis:

EMS 160

Equilibrium Thermodynamics 





EMS 162

Materials Characterisation and Analytical Techniques 





EMS 164

Phase Transformations and Microstructure Control 





Focused Elective

Smart & Nano Materials 





Focused Elective

Materials Synthesis and Sustainability 











Your corresponding UC Davis study plan is as follows:


EMS 162 L

EMS 172


Science elective

EMS 172 L


UD Comp

EMS 174 


Applied Math

EMS 174 L

EMS 186A

EMS 186B

EMS 186C

EMS 170

EMS 181/183

Focused Elective

EMS 170L

EMS 188A


EMS 180

ENG 190


EMS 182

Focused Elective


Option 2: Full Year at the University of Manchester

If you opt for a full year, your courses for the second semester are as follows:

EMS 172

EMS 172L

Functional Properties 






EMS 174

Mechanical Behaviour 





EMS 162

Structure of Solids 





Focused Elective

Metallurgy of Engineering Alloys 





Focused Elective

Corrosion Science & Engineering 











The study plan for your senior year at UC Davis will then be:

EMS 186A

EMS 186B

EMS 186C

EMS 170

EMS 181/183

Science elective

EMS 170L

EMS 162 L

EMS 174 L

EMS 180

ENG 190

UD Comp

EMS 182



These structured options allow you to make the most of your time abroad while staying on track for graduation at UC Davis. 

University of New South Wales

At the University of New South Wales (UNSW) in Australia, which operates on a quarter system similar to UC Davis, it's important to note that spots fill up quickly. To ensure timely graduation, it's recommended that students participate in the full-year program at UNSW. Additionally, remember that Australia is in the southern hemisphere, so their summer break coincides with the winter quarter in the U.S. More information about UNSW and program details can be found here .

Term 3 at UNSW (Fall quarter at UC Davis)

Here are the pre-approved courses for Term 3 at UNSW that count toward your UC Davis graduation requirements:

EMS 164

Diffusion and Kinetics





Focused Elective

Engineering in Process Metallurgy





Focused Elective

Fundamentals of Ceramic Processing 





Term 1 at UNSW (Winter quarter at UC Davis)

The following courses are available for Term 1 at UNSW:

EMS 162

EMS 162L

Materials Characterisation






EMS 172

Physical Properties of Materials 





EMS 174


Micromechanisms of Mechanical Behaviour of Metals 





Term 2 at UNSW (Spring quarter at UC Davis)

Courses for Term 2 at UNSW are as follows:

EMS 160

Thermodynamics and Phase Equilibria 





EMS 174


Mechanical Behaviour of Materials 





EMS 182

Fracture Mechanics and Failure Analysis 





Senior Year at UC Davis (Post Study Abroad)

Your course schedule for the senior year at UC Davis, following your return from UNSW, is:

EMS 186A

EMS 186B

EMS 186C

EMS 170

Applied Math

EMS 172L

EMS 170L

EMS 181/183

EMS 174L

EMS 180

ENG 190


Science elective


UD Comp

Advanced Studies in England: Study Abroad in Bath

The Internship Programme

ASE offers a range of internships with prestigious organisations in the city, or within close proximity to Bath.

Class size:


GPA of 3.0 usually required

Typical assessment:

6,000-8,000 word paper (or equivalent) and ongoing assessment


Franklin & Marshall College

Each student is allotted a placement mentor to oversee their weekly work experience, and spends a total of 100 hours in the placement over the course of a semester. In addition, they meet weekly to discuss progress with an ASE internship tutor, who guides them in the preparation of a 6,000-8,000 word paper (or equivalent). This paper, which develops from, and complements, work undertaken at the placement, forms a substantial part of the student's final assessment.

Mr Bs Internship.JPG

Every internship is different, but placements are likely to include some or all of the following activities:

social media and marketing

copywriting, proofreading and editing

archival research

fundraising and communications

PR and media liaison

supporting events

general administrative tasks.

Internships available

Internship: 44AD Artspace

44AD artspace welcomes all sectors of the community and works to support emerging contemporary artists and their work, whilst encouraging the public’s engagement with the visual arts.

Internship: The American Museum and Gardens

The American Museum in Britain was founded in 1958 to show the achievements of Americans in the decorative arts, and to promote Anglo-American understanding.

Internship: Bath Cats and Dogs Home

Bath Cats and Dogs Home is an affiliated branch of the RSPCA (Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) and is one of the largest re-homing centres in the UK.

Internship: Bath Festivals

Bath Festivals is the charitable organisation responsible for the Bath International Music Festival, the Independent Bath Literature Festival and the Telegraph Bath Children’s Literature Festival.

Internship: Bath Philharmonia

Bath Philharmonia is the city's professional orchestra, performing a year-round programme of concerts in Bath's historic venues.

Internship: The Belonging Network

The Belonging Network is a community organisation with a focus on supporting people from underrepresented backgrounds in the workplace, in Bath and North East Somerset.

Internship: Clore Learning Centre at the Roman Baths

This internship is based with the Roman Baths Learning and Participation team and involves working with school and family groups, providing out-of-class learning activities.

Internship: The Constituency Office of Wera Hobhouse, MP for Bath

Wera Hobhouse, Member of Parliament for Bath, and her team offer the successful applicant ‘real life’ exposure to a busy working political environment.

Internship: Donald Insall Associates, Architects

Donald Insall Associates is one of England’s leading practices in the field of historic building conservation and adaptation.

Internship: The Jane Austen Centre

Situated in an elegant Georgian town house in the centre of the City, the Jane Austen Centre houses a permanent exhibition which tells the story of Jane Austen’s brief but eventful stay in Bath.

Internship: M Shed Museum

M Shed tells the fascinating story of Bristol, a vibrant and historically significant city just 15 minutes from Bath by train.

Internship: Manvers Street Baptist Church / Open House Centre

This internship offers the chance to be immersed in probably the most successful city centre church outreach engagement of its type in England.

Internship: Mentoring Plus

Mentoring Plus is a charity dedicated to serving vulnerable young people in Bath and North East Somerset.

Internship: Mr B’s Emporium of Reading Delights

Mr B’s Emporium of Reading Delights is much more than just a bookshop, and their varied programme of events has twice won them the national ‘Independent Bookshop of the Year’ award.

Internship: Museum of Bath at Work

The Museum of Bath at Work charts Bath’s fascinating commercial and industrial history, and its development as a manufacturing centre as well as a tourist destination.

Internship: The Natural Theatre Company

Natural Theatre is the UK brand leader in comic interactive street theatre and interactive live performance, combining a unique style of visual comedy with an impeccable eye for detail.

Internship: The Rondo Theatre

The Rondo is a truly unique and intimate venue, situated in the Larkhall area of Bath. The theatre holds events all year round, and has a hugely varied programme including comedy, theatre and music.

Internship: The Roman Baths

Nearly a million tourists a year from across the globe come to see the Roman Baths, making the site one of the leading visitor attractions in the country.

Internship: The SS Great Britain Trust

With its two museums, historic nineteenth-century dockyard and lovingly restored Victorian ship, Brunel’s SS Great Britain is now Bristol’s number one visitor attraction. We tell the incredible story of one of Britain’s greatest engineers, and one of the most important ships in maritime history.

Internship: Suited & Booted Studios

Suited & Booted Studios is a highly successful, award-winning production company with a social conscience.

Internship: Transition Bath

Transition Bath is a charity dedicated to reducing the harms of climate change and the depletion of nature in our local area. We see a future for our beautiful city that is fossil fuel free, fair and resilient. We aim to achieve these things by running projects aimed at reducing carbon emissions and encouraging the flourishing of the natural habitats in Bath and its surrounding area.

Internship: Trowbridge Museum

Trowbridge Museum explores 1000 years of the town's history, from its roots in the Saxon period to its place as a centre for production of the internationally-prized West of England Woollen Cloth.

Internship: Waller & Wood Art Studio

Waller & Wood is an independent city-centre shop run by Carole Waller, a painter, and Gary Wood, a potter.

Teaching, learning and assessment

Each internship student is allotted a placement mentor to oversee their weekly work experience, and spends a total of 100 hours in the placement over the course of a semester. In addition, they meet weekly to discuss progress with an ASE internship tutor.

Credits and programme structure

Students on the ASE Internship Programme will usually complete their internship alongside three seminar courses . ASE recommends four credits for each of our courses, giving a total of 16 credits for each semester.

*It is the responsibility of each student to ensure that their chosen programme satisfies the credit requirements of their home campus.

Typical assessment for the Internship Programme consists of:

Ongoing reflection and assessment

6,000-8,000-word written paper (or equivalent)

Exact assessment methods and criteria may vary according to the needs of the individual internship.

Transcripts are provided by Franklin & Marshall College .

“My decision to do an internship was one of the best I've ever made. The things I've learned, and the ways I've changed because of it will last the rest of my life.”

— Annalise Van Houten, Hobart and William Smith Colleges

Application and eligibility

How to apply.

Applications can be made directly to ASE through the online form on our Apply page.

Pre-application enquiries, or expressions of interest, can be made through our Contact page.

GPA requirements

Students applying to ASE programmes normally require a minimum GPA of 3.0. However, ASE will consider favourably applicants with a lower GPA, providing letters of recommendation make a persuasive case for the suitability of a student.

Minimum enrolment

Courses will only run if there is a viable level of enrolment. Acceptance to courses cannot be guaranteed, but every effort will be made to provide students with the courses of their choice.

ase study abroad

“My internship changed my career plan and outlook on future employment - I know that this learning experience will shape my ambitions going forward.”

— Mayze Teitler, Georgetown University

Create your perfect study abroad experience.


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  1. Advanced Studies in England: Study Abroad in Bath

    Established in 1987, Advanced Studies in England (ASE) provides the opportunity for highly-motivated undergraduates from US institutions of Higher Education to undertake a study abroad experience at the highest level. At the heart of this experience is an academic and cultural emphasis: challenging, rigorous courses are complemented by a social ...

  2. About ASE

    A top-quality academic and cultural experience. Since our first semester in 1989, ASE has established a reputation as a leading provider of high quality, academically rigorous study abroad experiences for undergraduates from US institutions. The Programme is based in the World Heritage City of Bath, in the South-West of England, and faculty are ...

  3. Courses by subject

    Aug 30, 2021 - Oct 31, 2024. Aug 30. Environmental Economics. This course provides insights into how economic concepts directly impact the natural environment, from the development of international policies to the vast ramifications of single individuals' choices. Aug 30, 2021 - Oct 31, 2024. Aug 30. Sustainable Business.

  4. Advanced Studies in England (ASE Bath)

    Description. Based in the UNESCO World Heritage City of Bath, Advanced Studies in England (ASE) offers semester and academic year study in the humanities, the arts, and political and social sciences. The Programme combines a friendly, informal, personal approach with the highest standards and expectations. Program Highlights:

  5. Advanced Studies in England: Semester in Bath

    ASE was everything I wanted in a study abroad experience! The academics are more demanding than most programs, but with the right balance the classes can be really rewarding. The city is beautiful and feels surprisingly safe, and the ASE staff are all friendly and helpful. Definitely don't overlook the internship programme--my placement (at Mr ...

  6. Overview

    June 8 - July 13, 2024. As a student on any of ASE's Summer Schools in Bath, you can expect: Five weeks in the World Heritage City of Bath. Residence in handsome houses and apartments in historic neighbourhoods. Small seminar classes taught by British and American faculty.

  7. ASE study centre

    The ASE study centre is located in the heart of Bath, within 20 minutes walking distance of all of our student residences. Nelson House is a refurbished Georgian town house, and is named for Admiral Lord Nelson, who stayed here - in what is now the Ruiz Seminar Room - during his frequent visits to the city. ASE inhabits all six floors of this ...

  8. Advanced Studies in England

    The ASE staff also organized fantastic social excursions for us to Cornwall, London, Oxford, Stonehenge, and Glastonbury--these trips are what make ASE stand out from other study abroad programs. I will always happily remember my time in Bath.

  9. Advanced Studies in English: ASE Bath Semester-long study abroad in an

    Home English Department Opportunities for Students Study Abroad ASE Bath Advanced Studies in English: ASE Bath Semester-long study abroad in an affiliated program Washington and Lee is one of thirteen U. S. colleges and universities affiliated with Advanced Studies in England (ASE), an undergraduate humanities program based in the city of Bath which offers qualified students a one- or two ...

  10. Advanced Studies in England

    ASE is an academically rigorous study abroad programme based in the World... Advanced Studies in England - ASE, Bath, Somerset. 1,515 likes · 90 were here. ASE is an academically rigorous study abroad programme based in the World Heritage City of Bath

  11. ASE study centre

    The ASE study centre is located in the heart of Bath, within 20 minutes walking distance of all of our student residences. Nelson House is a refurbished Georgian (eighteenth-century) town house, and is named for Admiral Lord Nelson, who stayed here - in what is now the Ruiz Seminar Room - during his frequent visits to the city. ASE inhabits all ...

  12. Academic Studies Abroad

    Academic Studies Abroad offers study abroad programs in Europe and Latin America. Students Alumni Advisors Parents Apply PROGRAM LOCATIONS ADMISSIONS Back Program Finder Courses & Course Descriptions Scholarships & Financial Aid Internships Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Pre-Departure Information Jetsetter Program Frequently Asked Questions ...

  13. Apply

    ASE Summer 2024 Full Refund Policy. In the event of Programme cancellation by ASE, or withdrawal of support for Summer study by the student's home institution, participants will be offered the option either of joining a future ASE Summer School, or of receiving a full refund, including deposit and any fees already paid.. Any student withdrawing in writing, for any reason by the fee payment ...

  14. (ASE) Advanced Studies in England

    Come and study with ASE (Advanced Studies in England) in the beautiful, vibrant, World Heritage City of Bath! ASE offers an impressive range of challenging seminars, tutorials and internships, accommodation in one of Bath's many attractive historic properties, and visits to some of England's most inspiring locations (among them Oxford ...

  15. ASE (@StudyAbroadBath) / Twitter

    Advanced Studies in England - a study abroad program in the liberal arts for US undergraduates based in the historic city of Bath. Bath, England Joined June 2013. 112 Following. 302 Followers. Tweets. Replies. ... Study Abroad Fair from 11am-2pm. Find the ASE table! ASE

  16. I can't wait to go back to Bath!

    By Marcela Hernandez (Wellesley College) - abroad from 08/30/2021 to 12/17/2021 with ... ASE Study Centre. What did you gain/learn from your experience abroad? Was it worthwhile? I learned so much about art and living in the moment it was truly the most beautiful experience of my life. Personal Information.

  17. Fees and refunds

    What it costs to study with ASE, and how to pay your fees. ASE Programme Fee. The basic cost of the ASE Programme is $21,950 per semester (for 2024/25). Fees include: Full tuition and administrative costs. ... Study Abroad in Bath Advanced Studies in England. [email protected].

  18. The Loveliest Study Abroad Experience May 24, 2024

    The Loveliest Study Abroad Experience May 24, 2024 By Leah G (Psychology, Film, Public Health, Brandeis University) - abroad from 01/29/2024 to 05/18/2024 with

  19. Advanced Studies in England Summer School (ASE Bath)

    The Office of International and Summer Programs facilitates a diversity of rigorous and innovative credit-bearing opportunities through which students can broaden and deepen their academic and personal interests. With oversight of Study Abroad and Summer Session, OISP furthers Yale University's mission and Yale College's commitment to the liberal arts in encouraging thoughtful academic ...

  20. Free ASE Practice Tests (2024)

    ASE Practice Tests, Illustrated ASE Study Guides, ASE Videos, Quizzes, (2024) Winter Update! 1100+ Questions and Answers. ASE Automotive Service Excellence Master Techs who know what to expect. Certification Practice Test Quiz or ASE A1-A8 Series with illustrated answers and examples for better understanding.

  21. Financial support

    Mike Ruiz is an alum of the programme who studied in Bath in Spring 1998. He has generously endowed a needs-based scholarship to help make studying abroad more accessible to the LGBTQ+ community. The Mike Ruiz Scholarship is available to a student from the LGBTQ+ community, according to need. It is an award of £500 for a summer's study.

  22. Financial support

    Mike Ruiz is an alum of the programme, who studied in Bath in Spring 1998. He has generously endowed a needs-based scholarship to help make studying abroad more accessible to the LGBTQ+ community. The Mike Ruiz Scholarship is available to a student from the LGBTQ+ community, according to need. It is an award of £500 for a semester's study.

  23. Purdue Study Abroad

    meet with us for study abroad advising Whether you have lots of questions or are wondering where to start, we are here to help! Visit during walk-in hours for general questions or request an appointment to discuss specific programs with a specialist.

  24. Study Abroad

    At the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, we offer students the chance to broaden their knowledge, worldview and skills by integrating the study abroad program developed by the UC Education Abroad Program. The MSE program has pre-approved courses at three distinguished universities in three countries. Students can study for one semester or a full academic year at these ...

  25. The Internship Programme

    ASE offers a range of internships with prestigious organisations in the city, or within close proximity to Bath. Each student is allotted a placement mentor to oversee their weekly work experience, and spends a total of 100 hours in the placement over the course of a semester. In addition, they meet weekly to discuss progress with an ASE internship tutor, who guides them in the preparation of ...