1. Top 6 Environmental Issues the US Is Facing in 2024

    Top Environmental Issues in the US in 2024. 1. Air Pollution. As the world's second-largest emitter of carbon dioxide, preceded only by China, it comes as no surprise that air pollution is one of the biggest environmental issues in the US. In 2021 alone, about 67 million tons of pollution were emitted into the atmosphere in the country ...

  2. 10 ways you can help fight the climate crisis

    Here are 10 ways you can be part of the climate solution: 1. Spread the word. Encourage your friends, family and co-workers to reduce their carbon pollution. Join a global movement like Count Us In, which aims to inspire 1 billion people to take practical steps and challenge their leaders to act more boldly on climate.

  3. Climate Crisis

    The United States heads into COP28 able to show progress on meeting our ambitious 1.5 C-aligned target, and we are fully committed to working with all countries to tackle the climate crisis. Mobilizing a whole-of-government approach, the United States is scaling up action at home and abroad to put the world on a path to reach net-zero emissions ...

  4. 10 Solutions to climate change that will actually make a difference

    1. Shift to renewable energy sources in all key sectors. The United Nations identified a six-sector solution to climate change, focusing on actions that can be taken by the energy, industry, agriculture, transportation, nature-based solutions, and urban planning. If all of these actions are completed, the UN Environment Programme estimates we could reduce global carbon emissions by 29 to 32 ...

  5. What EPA Is Doing About Climate Change

    EPA is one of 13 federal government agencies working as part of the U.S. Global Change Research Program to help the world understand, assess, and respond to global change. EPA participates in the Sustained Assessment Working Group and contributes to the program's development of the National Climate Assessment.

  6. 10 Solutions for Climate Change

    The U.N. Environmental Program estimates that it requires 54 acres to sustain an average human being today—food, clothing and other resources extracted from the planet. Continuing such ...

  7. Air Pollution: Current and Future Challenges

    7 An explanation of observed and projected climate change and its associated impacts on health, society, and the environment is included in the EPA's Endangerment Finding and associated technical support document (TSD). See EPA, "Endangerment and Cause or Contribute Findings for Greenhouse Gases under Section 202(a) of the Clean Air Act," 74 FR 66496, Dec. 15, 2009.

  8. Speak Up For Nature: Your Guide to Environmental Issues in 2021

    Transitioning to clean energies like wind and solar would make an enormous difference in helping the planet avoid the worst effects of climate change, such as extreme droughts, stronger storms and crippling coastal flooding. And yet, renewables make up less than 10% of the nation's energy mix.

  9. Are there real ways to fight climate change? Yes.

    Yes. Humans have the solutions to fight a global environmental crisis. Do we have the will? The evidence that humans are causing climate change, with drastic consequences for life on the planet ...

  10. America's water challenges: Science helps get the most out of every

    Annually, economic losses from drought in the United States can be in the billions of dollars. In 2015 alone, historic drought conditions in the west cost $4.5 billion in economic losses. Communities, businesses and governments need timely and reliable drought information — based on sound science — to make smart decisions.

  11. U.S. Actions to Address Plastic Pollution

    The United States welcomes the historic opportunity at the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA 5.2), February-March 2022, to start a process with other nations and stakeholders to fight plastic pollution. The United States is already acting both domestically and internationally to address this global challenge. Key U.S. programs are highlighted below. National U.S. Environmental ...

  12. Environmental issues in the United States

    Environmental issues in the United States include climate change, energy, species conservation, invasive species, deforestation, mining, nuclear accidents, pesticides, pollution, waste and over-population. Despite taking hundreds of measures, the rate of environmental issues is increasing rapidly instead of reducing. The United States is among ...

  13. Climate Change: Problems and Solutions

    In fact, in the US alone, nearly 134 million people - over 40% of the population - are at risk of disease and ... recycled. About 12% has been incinerated, while the rest — 79% — has accumulated in landfills, dumps or the natural environment. Other Problems. Other problems brought on by climate change, including rising maximum ...

  14. What You Can Do About Pollution Prevention

    Find EPA regional contact information, and state and local P2 technical assistance resources. Pollution prevention is not just the responsibility of businesses and government agencies. Citizens can help solve environmental problems by reducing pollution at the source, before it is created. We can all apply pollution prevention in our daily lives.

  15. US Environment & Natural Resources Statistics and Data Trends

    In 2020, a net total of 5.2 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide (or equivalent) was emitted in the US. That's 15.8 metric tons per person. Find statistics and data trends about the environment, including data on the weather that helps interpret climate trends, greenhouse gas emissions caused by human activity, and conservation-related metrics such as land protections and species listed on ...

  16. 10 Environmental Problems and Solutions in 2023

    3. Air Pollution. Air pollution is an environmental problem that causes soil pollution, water pollution, and respiratory illnesses in humans, animals, and birds. Air pollution is what we call the suspended particulates that become part of the atmospheric gases that we breathe.

  17. 8 ways sensors helped solve environmental problems

    In 1990, Congress passed a law to cut acid rain pollution in half. To do this analysis in the 1980s, the scientists needed to take over EDF's entire computer system. "Today," one of the scientists said, "I could do it all on my phone!". Sophisticated, inexpensive sensors are making the invisible visible and have the potential to help ...

  18. Five Biggest Environmental Issues Affecting the U.S

    3. Global Warming. Of all the current environmental issues in the U.S., global warming may be the most notable because its effects are so far-reaching. From melting glaciers to more intense hurricanes, Earth's rising temperatures are causing any number of negative effects on both local climates, weather patterns, and nearly every community in ...

  19. How Can Science Help Solve Environmental Problems

    8 ways sensors helped solve environmental problems. Sophisticated, inexpensive sensors - combined with powerful data analytics have the potential to solve some of our greatest environmental challenges. Mom's Climate Pressure is really a network of 500,000 parents which are fighting for polluting of the environment limits.

  20. 10 Environmental Problems and Solutions • EarthyB

    The Global Goals offer a solid framework for solving environmental problems. Now, on to the 10 biggest environmental problems we face today. ... Carbon dioxide made up 81% of man-made greenhouse gas emissions from the United States in 2018 according to the Environmental Protection Agency. Methane (CH4) - Methane is released from fossil fuels ...

  21. 4 Community Solutions For Navigating Environmental Risks And ...

    Investing in Green Infrastructure Development. Investing in green infrastructure can significantly reduce risks from environmental impacts. This includes creating urban green spaces, planting ...

  22. What Will Be the 6 Biggest Environmental Problems of 2024?

    Let's review the six biggest environmental issues the U.S. faces as we near 2024. 1. Fossil Fuels. Fossil fuels, whether oil, natural gas, or coal, remain a critical environmental issue as we near 2024. Burning these fuels for energy — powering a vehicle or generating electricity — is the leading cause of climate change, as it makes up ...

  23. 15 Biggest Environmental Problems of 2024

    Here are some of the biggest environmental problems of our lifetime, from deforestation and biodiversity loss to food waste and fast fashion. —. 1. Global Warming From Fossil Fuels. 2023 was the hottest year on record, with global average temperatures at 1.46C above pre-industrial levels and 0.13C higher than the eleven-month average for 2016 ...

  24. American Environmentalism Just Got Shoved Into Legal Purgatory

    Yet a host of other crucial agency actions are more vulnerable, particularly in cases where the EPA is extending or interpreting older statutes to address modern environmental problems.

  25. A String of Supreme Court Decisions Hits Hard at Environmental Rules

    A spate of decisions over the past two years by the Supreme Court has significantly impaired the Environmental Protection Agency's authority to limit pollution in the air and water, regulate the ...

  26. Half the water flowing from US rivers is at risk of pollution: Study

    About 55 percent of the water emanating from U.S. rivers is vulnerable to pollution, due to their lack of protections under the Clean Water Act, a new study has found. The Supreme Court last year r…

  27. EPA has lowered the screening level for lead in soil

    Early in 2024, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency lowered the screening level for lead in residential soils from 400 parts per million - a standard that was more than 30 years old - to ...

  28. It's Time To Reform Environmental Litigation

    Using a database from the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ), they looked into what happened after the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) was finalized (between 2010 and 2018) for 171 energy ...

  29. AI-Enhanced Garbage Bins Aim to Solve Food Service's Waste Problem

    Restaurants, buffets and caterers looking to cut down on food waste have a new tool at their disposal: AI-powered waste bins. Leanpath Inc., Winnow Solutions Ltd. and Orbisk B.V. are among the ...

  30. The Clean Air Act: Solving Air Pollution Problems with Science ...

    In implementing the Clean Air Act, EPA gathers and synthesizes scientific information on air pollution effects, and serves as a clearinghouse of data on emissions, air quality, and air pollution controls. EPA scientists and technical experts conduct state-of-the-art analyses of air pollution problems and policies using a variety of technical tools.