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Creative Writer Resume in 2024: Examples and Tips

what is a creative writing cv

As a creative writer, you possess a unique set of skills that allow you to craft engaging and thought-provoking pieces of writing that captivate your audience. But how do you convey your abilities effectively on your resume? This article aims to explore the best ways to showcase your creativity and writing expertise on your resume, with examples and tips that will help you land your dream job in the writing industry.

Definition of a Creative Writer

Creative writing is a form of writing that focuses on originality, imagination, and expression, often in the form of poetry, fiction, or non-fiction. A creative writer’s job is to tell stories, evoke emotions, or convey information in an engaging and captivating manner that connects with the reader on a deep level. You are a master at crafting narratives that transport the reader to different worlds or provide them with insights and perspectives they hadn’t previously considered.

Best Practices for Creative Writer Resumes

When it comes to applying for a creative writer position, your resume can be your most valuable asset. It is the first impression a potential employer will have of you, and it needs to be well-crafted. A great resume can help you stand out from the competition and get the job you want. In this section, we’ll discuss the importance of a well-crafted resume, unique considerations for creative writers, and formatting best practices.

Importance of a well-crafted resume

Your resume is essentially your marketing tool. It should be well-written, easy to read, and highlight your strengths as a writer. A well-crafted resume can help you showcase your skills and experience in a clear and concise manner. It can help you land an interview and ultimately, the job.

Remember that a potential employer will have limited time to look over your resume. Try to keep it to one or two pages and make sure it is easy to read. Use bullet points, headings, and subheadings to organize your information. Your resume should also be tailored to the specific job you are applying for.

Unique considerations for creative writers

As a creative writer, your resume should reflect your unique skills and experiences. While traditional resumes focus on work experience, creative writers should also highlight their writing skills. This can include published works, writing awards, or creative writing programs you’ve attended.

what is a creative writing cv

Another important consideration is the type of job you are applying for. Creative writing encompasses a wide range of fields, from journalism to marketing to fiction. Make sure you tailor your resume to the specific job you are applying for, and highlight the skills and experiences that are most relevant.

Formatting best practices

Here are some formatting best practices for creative writer resumes:

  • Use a simple and clear font such as Times New Roman or Arial
  • Keep your resume to one or two pages
  • Use bullet points, headings, and subheadings to organize your information
  • Make sure your contact information is easy to find and up-to-date
  • Tailor your resume to the specific job you are applying for
  • Use action verbs to describe your experiences and accomplishments
  • Highlight your writing experience and skills
  • Include any relevant work experience, education, and training

Your resume is your ticket to landing your dream creative writer job. By following these best practices, you can create a resume that showcases your unique skills and experience and helps you stand out from the competition. Remember to tailor your resume to the specific job you are applying for, and showcase your writing ability. Good luck!

Key Elements of a Creative Writer Resume

A creative writer resume should include the following key elements: an objective or summary statement, writing experience, education and training, skills and competencies, and awards and achievements. These elements are important because they help showcase your skills, experience, and abilities as a creative writer.

Objective or Summary Statement

The objective or summary statement should be a brief, concise statement that describes your career goals and objectives as a creative writer. This statement should be tailored to the specific job you are applying for and highlight your skills and accomplishments.

Writing Experience

Your writing experience should highlight your professional writing experience, including any published works or writing samples. You should also include any relevant freelance or writing projects you have completed. Be sure to include any experience that demonstrates your ability to write creatively and effectively.

Education and Training

Your education and training should showcase any relevant degrees, certificates or training programs that you have completed. This section should also highlight any specialized courses or seminars that you have attended in creative writing.

Skills and Competencies

Your skills and competencies should showcase your specific abilities, such as storytelling, character development, or dialogue writing. You should also highlight any expertise you have in specific genres or writing styles, such as poetry or screenwriting.

Awards and Achievements

Finally, your awards and achievements should highlight any recognition you have received for your writing. This could include literary awards or accolades, such as publication in literary journals or magazines.

By including these key elements in your creative writer resume, you can effectively showcase your skills, experience, and abilities as a writer. Remember to tailor your resume to the specific job you are applying for and highlight your unique strengths as a creative writer.

Creative Writer Resume Example

When it comes to securing a job in the competitive field of creative writing, a well-crafted resume can make all the difference. As a creative writer, you’ll want to showcase your unique style and voice while also highlighting your experience and skillset. Here, we break down the key elements of a successful creative writer resume, providing best practices and tips along the way.

Step-by-step breakdown

Start with a clear objective or summary statement that highlights your relevant experience and qualifications. This should be tailored to the specific job or company you’re applying to.

what is a creative writing cv

Create a section devoted to your writing experience, including any published works, articles, or freelance projects. Don’t forget to mention any relevant education or certifications as well.

Highlight your skills and abilities, such as writing proficiency in a particular genre or style, editing skills, or experience with content management systems.

Emphasize your creativity and originality by including a section on your personal projects or writing samples. This can showcase your unique voice and perspective, as well as your ability to think outside the box.

Don’t forget the basics: include your contact information, previous work experience, and education.

Analysis of key elements and best practices

When crafting your creative writer resume, there are a few key elements to keep in mind.

First, it’s important to tailor your resume to the specific job and company you’re applying to. This means customizing your objective statement, focusing on relevant experience and skills, and highlighting any particular strengths that align with the job requirements.

Another important element is highlighting your creativity and originality. As a creative writer, you want to showcase your unique voice and perspective, as well as your ability to bring fresh ideas to the table. Including a section on personal projects or writing samples is a great way to do this.

Finally, be sure to emphasize your writing experience, including any published works or notable freelance projects. This can demonstrate your proficiency in the craft, as well as your dedication and expertise.

In terms of best practices, it’s important to keep your resume clean and concise, while also incorporating some personality and flair. Use bullet points and clear headings to organize your information, and don’t be afraid to showcase your personality through the content and style of your resume.

By following these steps and incorporating these best practices, you can craft a successful creative writer resume that highlights your unique skills and showcases your creativity and expertise.

Crafting a Strong Objective or Summary Statement

As a creative writer, your resume should reflect your unique voice and style in addition to your qualifications and experience. A strong objective or summary statement is your opportunity to capture the attention of potential employers and show them what sets you apart from other applicants. Here are some tips for writing an attention-grabbing statement:

Tips for Writing an Attention-Grabbing Objective or Summary Statement

1. be clear and concise.

Your objective or summary statement should be brief and to the point. Avoid using long or complex sentences that can confuse the reader. Instead, use clear and concise language to convey your message.

2. Highlight Your Unique Qualities

What makes you stand out from other applicants? Highlight your unique qualities in your objective or summary statement to make a strong first impression.

3. Showcase Your Expertise

Use industry-specific keywords and phrases to showcase your expertise and demonstrate your knowledge of the field.

4. Use Active Verbs

Use active verbs to describe your skills and achievements, such as “created,” “developed,” and “produced.” This shows that you are proactive and results-driven.

5. Tailor Your Statement to the Job

Customize your objective or summary statement for each job you apply for to show that you are a good fit for the position and the company culture.

Examples of Effective Statements

Here are some examples of effective objective or summary statements for a creative writer resume:

Creative and detail-oriented writer with five years of experience in digital content creation. Extensive knowledge of SEO best practices and a proven track record of creating engaging and shareable content. Seeking a position as a content marketer with a focus on social media.

Award-winning writer with a passion for storytelling and a talent for creating compelling narratives. Proficient in creative writing, copywriting, and scriptwriting. Seeking a position as a content writer for a reputable publishing company.

Experienced writer with a background in journalism and a strong understanding of current events. Skilled at conducting research, conducting interviews, and writing engaging news stories. Seeking a position as a staff writer for a respected news outlet.

By following these tips and examples, you can craft a strong objective or summary statement that will set you apart from other applicants and capture the attention of potential employers.

Demonstrating Writing Experience

To convince potential employers that you have the writing skills and expertise to excel in a creative writing role, you must demonstrate your writing experience in a clear and effective manner. To help you stand out from the crowd, here are some best practices for showcasing your writing experience on your resume and some examples of how to present it.

Best Practices for Showcasing Writing Experience

Tailor your resume to the specific job: Before applying for a creative writing job, it’s essential to know what skills and writing experience the employer is looking for. Study the job description and highlight the skills that match your experience. Customizing your resume to the specific job will help you to stand out and demonstrate your understanding of the employer’s requirements.

Use quantifiable metrics: If possible, quantify your writing experience in terms of the impact or results of your work. For example, if you wrote content for a company’s website, explain how your writing increased traffic or conversions.

Highlight your writing skills: To showcase your writing skills, create a portfolio of samples that demonstrate your range of writing abilities. Be sure to include samples that show your ability to write in different styles, such as blogs, articles, social media posts, and marketing copy.

Use active verbs: When describing your writing experience, use strong, active verbs that communicate your accomplishments. Instead of saying, “I wrote content for the company website,” say “I developed and executed the content strategy for the company website, increasing traffic by 20%.”

Emphasize collaboration: If you’ve worked with other writers, editors, or creative professionals, highlight your ability to work collaboratively. Many writing jobs require teamwork, so demonstrating your experience with collaboration will show employers that you’re a team player.

Examples of Relevant Experience and How to Present It

  • Content Writer: Create a section of your resume that focuses on your experience as a content writer, ensuring to include the following details:
  • Note how many years of experience you have
  • Highlight your area of expertise, such as blogs, articles, social media posts, product descriptions, or whitepapers.
  • Mention your success rate, such as social media ads leading to 15% increased sales, or blog articles generating 500 average views per article.
  • Provide samples of your writing or links to the websites or published work.
  • Highlight any collaborations with other writers, editors, or creative professionals.
  • Freelance Writer: For freelancers, showcase the following:
  • Provide a short paragraph about your experience working remotely with clients and projects managed.
  • Sources of income, such as how much revenue have you generated from writing/consulting per year.
  • Include the type of writing skills that you have in your portfolio, such as scriptwriting, marketing copy, press releases, video script, eBook writing, and research papers.

Highlighting Education and Training

One of the important sections of a creative writer’s resume is their education and training. This section should be placed after the work experience section, and it should include all relevant education and training that the writer has received.

How to Demonstrate Relevant Education and Training

It’s important to only include education and training that is relevant to the creative writing field. For example, if the writer has a degree in business, it may not be as valuable to include that information as it would be to include specific courses that pertain to writing, such as creative writing workshops, literature classes, or writing conferences attended.

It’s best to present this information in chronological order, starting with the most recent educational experience. In addition to the name of the school, degree or certification earned, and dates of attendance, it’s also good to include any honors, awards or recognition received during the educational experience.

Best Practices for Presenting Educational Background

There are several best practices to keep in mind when presenting your educational background. First, keep it concise and to the point. Use bullet points and avoid long paragraphs. Also, focus on specific details that will be valuable to the employer, such as any specialized training, licenses or certificates that are relevant to the job.

Another best practice is to tailor your education and training section to the position you’re applying for. If you’re applying for a writing position at a fashion magazine, highlighting any fashion-related courses or writing projects can help you stand out.

Including your education and training in your creative writer resume can be a valuable tool in helping you land your dream job. By following these best practices, your resume will showcase your educational achievements and qualifications in the most effective way possible.

Showcasing Relevant Skills and Competencies

As a creative writer, there are certain key skills and competencies that you should highlight on your resume. These skills not only demonstrate your writing ability but also show how you stand out from other writers in the field.

Key Skills for Creative Writers

Writing Skills : Your writing skills are your bread and butter as a creative writer. You must be able to create compelling narratives, craft vivid descriptions, and create characters that resonate with your readers.

Research Skills : Good creative writing involves a great deal of research. You must be able to conduct in-depth research to create a realistic and authentic world for your readers.

Editing Skills : Editing is an essential part of the writing process. You must be able to revise and refine your work until it is polished and ready for publication.

Time Management : Creativity doesn’t always come on demand, but deadlines do. You must be able to manage your time effectively to ensure that you deliver your work on time.

Examples of How to Demonstrate These Skills

Writing Skills : Showcase your writing skills by including a writing sample with your resume. Choose a piece that showcases your ability to create compelling narratives and vivid descriptions.

Research Skills : Highlight your research skills by including a project where you had to conduct extensive research. Briefly describe the research you conducted and how it impacted the final product.

Editing Skills : Emphasize your editing skills by showcasing a before and after example of a piece you have edited. Describe the changes you made and how they improved the piece.

Time Management : Demonstrate your time management skills by including a project where you had to juggle multiple deadlines. Highlight how you prioritized your work and delivered your projects on time.

By showcasing these skills and competencies on your resume, you demonstrate that you are a well-rounded creative writer who can deliver high-quality work on time. This will help you stand out from other candidates and land your dream job in the creative writing field.

Including Awards and Achievements

When it comes to creating a resume as a creative writer, it’s important to showcase your accomplishments and recognition within the industry. Including awards and achievements can help set you apart from the competition and demonstrate your expertise. Here are some best practices for presenting awards and achievements on your resume:

Best practices for presenting awards and achievements

Make a separate section for awards and achievements: Consider creating a separate section on your resume specifically for awards and achievements. This will make it easier for potential employers to find and recognize your accomplishments.

Be specific: When listing awards or achievements, be specific about what you earned the recognition for. Include the name of the award, the organization, and the year it was received.

Highlight the most relevant accomplishments: If you have a long list of awards or achievements, consider only including the ones that are the most relevant to the job you’re applying for. This will help demonstrate that you have the skills and experience necessary for the role.

Use bullet points: Create a bullet point list of your awards and achievements to make them easy to read and quickly scan.

Examples of awards and achievements relevant to creative writers

Here are some examples of awards and achievements that could be relevant to a creative writer:

Pulitzer Prize for Fiction: This award recognizes exceptional works of fiction, which would demonstrate your ability to craft compelling stories.

National Book Award: Winning this award demonstrates your expertise in writing and would be a significant accomplishment on a resume.

Pushcart Prize: This award recognizes exceptional short stories, essays, or poems, which would demonstrate your ability to create impactful pieces within a limited timeframe.

Best New Poets: Being selected for this annual anthology showcases your talent as an up-and-coming poet.

Lambda Literary Award: This award honors exceptional LGBTQ literature, which would demonstrate your dedication to inclusivity and representation in your writing.

By including relevant awards and achievements on your resume, you can demonstrate your expertise and catch the attention of potential employers. Remember to be specific, highlight the most relevant accomplishments, and make them easy to read with bullet points.

Creative Writer Resume Tips and Tricks

In addition to the examples and tips already provided, there are further strategies you can use to craft a standout creative writer resume. The following tips and tricks can help you make your resume more competitive and compelling:

Additional Tips for Crafting a Standout Creative Writer Resume

Highlight your unique skills: As a creative writer, you likely have skills that set you apart from other candidates. Whether it’s your ability to develop compelling storylines or your knack for writing vivid descriptions, be sure to showcase what makes you unique in your resume.

Create a portfolio: While your resume should demonstrate your skills and experience, a portfolio of your writing can be invaluable in showcasing your talent. Consider creating a website or online portfolio where you can showcase your best work.

Use active language: Avoid passive phrases such as “responsible for” or “involved in.” Instead, use active language to describe your achievements and responsibilities. For example, rather than saying “assisted with project management,” say “managed project timelines and budgets.”

Cater your resume to the job: When applying for a specific job, it’s important to tailor your resume to the position. Review the job description and highlight the skills and experiences that are most relevant. Use the language and keywords in the job posting to make sure your resume stands out to the employer.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

While there are many things you can do to make your creative writer resume stand out, there are also common mistakes that can hold your resume back. Here are a few things to avoid:

Spelling and grammar errors: As a writer, it’s important to demonstrate strong writing skills in your resume. Spelling and grammar errors can suggest that you lack attention to detail and may not take your work seriously.

Too much information: While it’s important to provide a comprehensive overview of your skills and experience, it’s also important to be concise. Try to limit your resume to one or two pages, and focus on providing the most relevant information.

Lack of specificity: Avoid vague statements such as “worked on various projects” or “contributed to the team.” Instead, be specific about the projects you worked on and the specific contributions you made.

By incorporating these tips and avoiding common mistakes, you can create a creative writer resume that stands out and impresses potential employers.

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Creative Writing Resume: Tips to Build a Creative Writer Resume (Examples Included)

Here's all the information you'll need to create a #1 creative writing resume in 2024 and beyond. Examples included.

Image of Shreya Bose

Shreya Bose

Written by Shreya Bose , edited by Protim Bhaumik , reviewed by Eric Hauch .

5. Feb 2024 , updated 5. Feb 2024

Preview image of Creative Writing Resume: Tips to Build a Creative Writer Resume (Examples Included)

Creative writing is a very specialized skill, and so is building a creative writing resume (or résumé).

Unlike the actual writing, the writing style of the resume does have a formula. This resume guide will lay out a resume format, discuss a few tips, and offer a few examples to get you started.

Additionally, since you don't get hired on a resume alone, I'll also show you a few examples of creative writing portfolios. If you are looking for information on how to show your writing so that most recruiters pay attention, this is the article for you.

Basics of a Creative Writer Resume

I'm a freelance writer who switched over from full-time in 2022. Before that, I've been involved in content creation (mostly writing and editing) full-time since 2017. When I started to write a resume specifically for hiring managers searching for freelancers, here's what went into it:

A professional summary of your work experience

This is what the client will see right after your name on your professional resume. In about 2 to 4 sentences, mention your skills, professional experience, and accolades. This is the client's first introduction to you, so highlight only what is most relevant.

You don't have to detail anything at this point. The resume will contain sections with bullet points that go deeper into your relevant experience in previous roles and skills. Just put your absolute best foot forward.

If you've read the job description, you have some idea what the client wants in their employee. Tweak the resume summary to appeal to those qualities. For example, if they are looking for someone with writing skills and a working knowledge of SEO, start your summary with something like: "SEO writer with 5+ years of experience in the B2B market."

List of skills pertaining to creative writing

Creative writing is a generic term. In the skills section, you qualify the term with the specifics of what you bring to the table. Do you write film or video scripts? Do you create storyboards? Can you create compelling photo stories?

Define the range of your writing skills. Use terms like "beauty content writer," "video game reviewer," "scriptwriter for feature films," etc. Talk about what you specifically have brought to your writing projects. Outside of just writing, clients also look for research skills, an understanding of SEO, the ability to interact with SMEs, and so on.

While your creativity is the very thing that gets you hired, keep the resume as straightforward as possible. You'll have room to be creative on your writing portfolio.

Work experience

This is the lengthiest and most important part of the resume. List all your previous roles and jobs, but don't just leave cold clinical statements. Lead with your achievements at every job: "wrote 50 articles that led to a 40% increase in website traffic within 6 months," for example. Show that your writing experience involved real results and not just throwing words into the digital void.

Statements like this not only reveal your role but also your impact. Don't forget to mention instances of effective collaboration and resourcefulness you may have demonstrated to get the job done.

Creative writers should ideally mention the kind of stories they have worked on. If you're trained other people, put that up front and center. Clearly highlight job titles, employers, job tenures, and duties for each role.

Education & achievements

You still need a college degree to get your foot in the door for most jobs. Mention the degree, especially if it’s in related fields like English, journalism, or some other humanities. Degrees in marketing or communication also go a long way in raising your employability.

Depending on what hiring managers require, you should mention your grades, college/university name/ scholarships, and so on. If you've won any awards, be sure to talk about them too.

Outside of your college degree, consider getting certifications in related courses like SEO, business writing, and industry-specific creative writing.

Bonus tips to create a professional resume that works

Tailor your "writing experience" section to each client.

When sending your work history, rearrange it or reword it to appeal to the client at the end of your email. I've offered an example before: play up the skills that directly impact your chances of getting this job. As far as possible, echo some of the words in the job description in your work history.

At the end of the day, every employer is looking for a writer who instantly "gets it." By echoing the language of the job description, you'll encourage positive associations with your resume in their minds.

Proofread your resume

You can't create compelling content with typos all over the place. If your resume is not pristine in its language, you won't even be able to showcase your writing in your portfolio. Your turn will be over immediately.

Before you submit a resume, proofread it three times. Eliminate all spelling errors, grammatical mistakes, and formatting inconsistencies. Have a friend proofread after you've done so. The errors will always show up easily for a second pair of eyes.

Always send the resume with the portfolio

Do this even if the clients do not specifically ask for it. Employers want to see where you've worked and then gauge the quality of your content writing. For example, if you are applying for a copywriting position, send your copywriting sample when you apply for the job. Don't wait for the client to email/call back and ask for it.

This might sound like common knowledge, but it was a common mistake I (and quite a few of my peers) made in my early career days.

5 creative writer resume examples for inspiration

Before putting together the best creative writer resume (which I'm sure you will build for yourself), have a look at three examples of what most employers would consider a "perfect resume."

Jessica Clair (resume template)

what is a creative writing cv

I picked up this resume template from . It’s similar to my own portfolio and contains all the essential information you need to communicate with the employer. Note that despite carrying a lot of information, it does not look cluttered. That is key.

John Ludwig (writer resume template)

what is a creative writing cv

This one is from Resume Builder . It's ideal for job-seekers at the entry level. At that juncture, employers expect you to have a bare-bones resume, so anything over the bare minimum will grab their attention. If you've done any writing in college, make sure to play that up in particular. It's also impressive if you have a portfolio of published writing samples by the time you apply for your first official job.

Unnamed Resume Template for a Creative Content Writer

what is a creative writing cv

I sourced this from . The language contains the exact level of specificity recruiters and hiring managers will expect from good candidates. Feel free to use this as a template and fill in the necessary details.

Bonus: Creative writing portfolio examples to send with your creative writer resume

Chris shott.

what is a creative writing cv

Chris Shott is a features writer and digitally skilled editor with more than 10 years of experience, including print and online media. He is currently an editor at Large. His creative writing pieces have been published in Thrillist, Food Republic, Washington City Paper, and New York Observer.

Kelsee Hankins

what is a creative writing cv

Kelsee Hankins is a freelance writer and blogger who writes about performing arts, travel, culture, education, personal finance, Midwest living, Indy-related topics, and lifestyle topics.

She owns KBH Arts & Media Group and works with brands to create content that will drive sales. She specializes in written content (blogs, ads, product descriptions, or social media campaigns).

Kelsee creates blog posts, product & property descriptions, newsletters, social media content, sales pages, SEO content revision, and more. She has also worked with non-profits, artists, insurance agencies, accounting firms, real estate agents, entrepreneurs, small businesses, and other bloggers.

Rosebell Kagumire

what is a creative writing cv

Rosebell Kagumire is a writer, campaigner, award-winning blogger, pan-African feminist, and multimedia communications strategist.

Currently, she is the editor and curator of . Her writing has been published in The Guardian, Al Jazeera, Quartz, etc.

She won the Anna Guèye 2018 award for her advocacy for digital democracy, justice, and equality by Africtivistes, a network of African activists. The World Economic Forum recognized her as one of the Young Global Leaders under the age of 40 in 2013 for her advocacy on social justice issues.

In 2012, Rosebell was named as one of Foreign Policy Magazine’s “100 women to follow on Twitter.”

She has also worked as the African communications officer for Women’s Link Worldwide and has also been a Social Media Manager for the International Organization for Migration (IOM).

Authory: a dedicated portfolio builder that does most of the work

A great resume must be accompanied by an excellent portfolio to showcase your writing samples. You already know how to create your great resume. This section will introduce you to a tool that helps you set up a portfolio to demonstrate your writing. While there are many portfolio builders out there, Authory stands out by building your portfolio for you.

Yes, you read that right.

When you sign up for an Authory account (for free), you get the following:

A self-updating portfolio (no need to keep adding new work manually)

Authory will AUTOMATICALLY import a copy of every bylined piece from every site into its own database. You don't have to track down links to your published work (especially older pieces). As long as you remember the URL of the site where your work exists, Authory will collate all your content for you in one dashboard.

Automated backups (never lose your content, ever)

All the content that Authory imports from different sources is saved permanently. Even if the original website where it's published goes defunct for any reason, you'll always have a copy safely stored on Authory's server. All backups are in the original format — text and/or media. No screenshots.

Continued importing of past and future content (less effort for a 100% updated portfolio)

Once you enter a source, Authory won't just import your existing publications. Anything you publish on the same site (after you've fed its URL into Authory) in the future will also be imported automatically. In other words, Authory will import your past and future content.

Authory also sends email notifications for every new piece it imports, so you'll always know if something you submitted has been published.

Authory has been chosen by quite a few well-known names in my domain, people who could have picked any tool in the world. There's six-time Emmy award winner David Pogue , Steven Levy, Editor at Large at WIRED , and Brian Fung, a Technology Reporter at CNN , to name a few.

Get started with Authory for free and see for yourself what works for you!

Seasoned writer & editor working with B2B & B2C content since 2017. Writes about music on weekends. Trying to overcome caffeine addiction.

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Creative Writer CV Example

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CV Tips for Creative Writers

  • Showcase Your Writing Skills : Highlight your ability to write in different styles and for different audiences. Include examples of your work, such as published articles, blog posts, or scripts.
  • Highlight Your Creativity : Demonstrate your ability to think outside the box and come up with unique ideas. Mention any creative projects or campaigns you've worked on.
  • Detail Your Writing Process : Explain how you approach a writing project, from brainstorming and research to drafting and editing. This shows your organizational skills and attention to detail.
  • Include Relevant Qualifications : List any degrees or certifications in writing or related fields. If you've attended writing workshops or seminars, include those as well.
  • Emphasize Your Ability to Meet Deadlines : In the fast-paced world of creative writing, meeting deadlines is crucial. Highlight any experiences where you successfully met tight deadlines.

The Smarter, Faster Way to Write Your CV

what is a creative writing cv

  • Developed and executed a unique content strategy for a major publishing house, resulting in a 30% increase in book sales and a 20% increase in new author acquisitions.
  • Authored a bestselling novel that sold over 500,000 copies worldwide, leading to a 15% increase in the publisher's annual revenue.
  • Managed a team of 5 junior writers, mentoring them to produce award-winning content that boosted the company's reputation in the literary industry.
  • Conceptualized and wrote a series of successful children's books, which were translated into 10 languages and sold in over 50 countries, significantly expanding the company's global reach.
  • Collaborated with the marketing team to create compelling promotional materials, resulting in a 25% increase in book pre-orders.
  • Implemented a new writing process that improved content quality and reduced editing time by 40%, enhancing productivity and efficiency.
  • Contributed to a popular blog, increasing monthly site traffic by 50% through engaging and SEO-optimized content.
  • Developed a comprehensive social media strategy, growing the company's follower count by 30% and boosting engagement rates by 20%.
  • Authored a series of articles that were featured in major industry publications, enhancing the company's brand visibility and credibility in the market.
  • Exceptional writing and storytelling abilities
  • Content strategy development
  • Team management and mentorship
  • Marketing and promotional writing
  • Process improvement and efficiency
  • SEO-optimized content creation
  • Social media strategy development
  • Brand visibility and credibility enhancement
  • Ability to write for a global audience
  • Experience in writing across multiple genres

Creative Writer CV Template

  • Collaborated with [teams/departments] to create [type of content, e.g., marketing copy, blog posts], demonstrating strong [soft skill, e.g., teamwork, creativity].
  • Developed [type of writing, e.g., scripts, novels], incorporating [writing technique or style, e.g., narrative structure, character development] to enhance [outcome, e.g., reader engagement, story coherence].
  • Implemented [writing process or technique, e.g., new research method, revision of drafting process], resulting in [quantifiable benefit, e.g., 20% increase in writing speed, improved content quality].
  • Played a key role in [project or initiative, e.g., content strategy development, brand storytelling], which led to [measurable impact, e.g., increased website traffic, improved brand perception].
  • Conducted [type of research or analysis, e.g., market trends, audience preferences], using [research tools/methods] to inform [writing approach or strategy, e.g., content creation, narrative style].
  • Instrumental in [task or responsibility, e.g., editing, proofreading], ensuring [quality or standard, e.g., grammatical accuracy, style consistency] across all written content.
  • Major: Name of Major
  • Minor: Name of Minor

100+ Free Resume Templates

How to format a creative writer cv, begin with a compelling profile, highlight published works and projects, detail relevant writing experiences, emphasize creative skills and technical proficiencies, personal statements for creative writers, creative writer personal statement examples, what makes a strong personal statement.

Match & Compare Your CV to a Job Description

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CV FAQs for Creative Writers

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39 Creative Resume Examples & Templates (Creative CV Ideas)

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A creative resume or curriculum vitae (CV) is one document you can’t skimp on. This is true for everyone, but especially for designers and other creative professionals.

When applying for a job, the first impression you create is strong and longest-lasting. The same is true when making contact with a new potential client. That first impression has to help you stand out from your competitors.

That first impression is usually made via an online application, your website, an email, or even through social media. Hopefully, you already have a strong portfolio website , either a personal portfolio or your freelance business site. And hopefully, your social media presence continues your personal or business brand look and feel. But what about your resume?

Most job applications ask applicants to attach a CV or a resume. And after initial, brief research on your website or social media accounts, a prospective client will often ask for a resume if they don’t find the information they need or if they need to present a list of freelancers to their boss.

As such, no matter if you’re searching for a job or trying to land new clients, your resume design could be what differentiates you from a competitor with similar skills and level of experience. The right kind of creative resume truly reflects your character and experience in an expressive way.

The following are some excellent creative resume and CV examples to help get ideas flowing for your own resume design. Notice that some tend to remain more straightforward and business-like with a hint of creativity thrown in. Some go over the top in the creative aspect. And others strike a nice balance between the two extremes.

Designers have discovered new methods to showcase their skills and attributes in a bold way with creative CVs and resumes. You can come up with a highly creative resume idea, design it and then showcase your skills and abilities to the whole world.

You’ll need to make a calculated decision on your own resume design. If your brand look and style of work is highly artistic, then, by all means, go all out. If, however, you’re applying for a job in a less creative field, you may want to tone down tons of graphics and colors and stick with a more corporate look that still creatively reflects your personal brand.

Best Creative Resume Examples

We’ve searched to find the most creative resumes available. These creative resume examples and creative CV examples are sure to provide plenty of inspiration. And best of all, if you see a template you like, you can purchase it to save hours of your time.

Creative Resume by Jahangir Alam Jisan

Creative Resume by Jahangir Alam Jisan

Jisan’s creative CV uses icons, color, and bold banners to add creativity to his resume design. Plus, the unusual layout helps the information to stand out nicely while still maintaining a professional and organized look.

My Resume by Soumitra Saxena

My Resume by Soumitra Saxena

This is another creative resume design that shows off the designer’s humor as well as his wide range of skills. Even with the creative illustration and extra information, the graphic design is still clean and organized, which says a lot about his engineering side as well.

Curriculum Vitae by Anton Yermolov

Curriculum Vitae by Anton Yermolov

Both clean and colorful, Yermolov’s CV design stands out with neat columns and colorful icons. His illustrated self-portrait is a nice alternative to a photo and ensures it will look nice even if a client uses their own poor-quality printer to print a copy.

CV – Take a Look Inside by Amber Van Mieghem

CV - Take a Look Inside by Amber Van Mieghem

Both the format and the fold of this CV design is fantastically creative. Amber does an excellent job of creating intrigue and keeping attention by leading to the next page with the fold.

Shameless Self-Promotion by Kyle Robertson

Shameless Self-Promotion by Kyle Robertson

A personal logo is always a safe way to add some originality to a professional resume that needs to remain more on the corporate side. Robertson doesn’t stop there, though. His beautiful choice of fonts also adds to the appeal of his creative resume design.

My Resume by darthkix

My Resume by darthkix

Fitting a lot of information onto a single page is one of the more difficult parts of a resume, but darthkix solves this problem quite beautifully. The silhouette graphic on the background is a brilliant way to break up his information neatly but uniquely.

Resume by Yojna Shetty

Resume by Yojna Shetty

I love how this creative resume organizes so much content so neatly onto a single page. At first glance, it is almost overwhelming, but the lines and other graphics help to draw the eye from one section to the next quite easily. It should not take very long for the viewer to go through it so each section and detail should be connected to the next one and everything should be displayed in a rather expressive and creative manner.

Self-Promotion by Syril Bobadilla

Self-Promotion by Syril Bobadilla

The bright colors in this original resume by Bobadilla are stunningly balanced out by the excellent, clean layout of content. Plus, the custom fonts add a very nice, original touch to the entire design.

Curriculum_Vitae by Francisco Hidalgo

Curriculum_Vitae by Francisco Hidalgo

I highly urge you to visit Hidalgo’s Behance page to view his curriculum vitae in full effect, as the images above do not do his gorgeous illustration justice. You can build on this idea and design similar creative resumes that are more than just a professional resume. Not only does his design show off his illustration skills, it also keeps his information easy to read and digest in a memorable viewing experience. Beautiful!

Curriculum Vitae by Camila Soto

Curriculum Vitae by Camila Soto

Handwritten fonts and illustrations are a stunning touch in this creative CV and infographic resume by Soto. I love how each section is divided into boxes. Different calligraphic fonts have been put to use, few items have been sketched and you get a colorful resume for your work.

Resume by Roberta Cicerone

Resume by Roberta Cicerone

I really love how this website resume could also double as a poster-like print resume design. Roberta does an excellent job of keeping a visitor scrolling with uniquely phrased section headers and dotted lines. Different geometrical figures and calligraphic fonts have been displayed in quite a skeptical and playful way. Her illustrations and custom fonts are stunning!

Matthew Jhon Creative Resume Template

Matthew Jhon

This modern template is perfect for a graphic designer or creative professional who wants a resume that makes a strong first impression on a hiring manager. You’ll have a place for your work experience highlights, as well as your education, skills, and contact info. The header and footer feature a stylish design. It comes as a Microsoft Word file (DOCX) and as a PDF.

Kesya Cole

This is one of the most creative and unique resume or CV templates you’ll find. It’s colorful and also includes a small illustration, as well as some shapes and icons. It comes in Ai, EPS, and PSD formats.

Alex Buell Template

Alex Buell Template

If you want a resume or CV that stands out, this template is an excellent choice. It features a little bit of color and some subtle but stylish design elements to impress viewers. You can use the template in Word, Illustrator, or Photoshop. It comes in PDF and EPS format.

Colorful Resume Template


Who says resumes have to be boring? This template uses a lot of color, especially in the header, to really stand out. It comes in vector format (Ai and EPS file formats) and includes a template for a cover letter.

Charles Midleton Template

Charles Midleton

Here is another bright, colorful curriculum vitae template 100% guaranteed to stand out. It can be edited in Word, Photoshop, or Illustrator to quickly and easily create a beautiful resume. Shapes and colors make this design unique, but it also includes all the details needed to be effective.

Anthony Arlo

Arlo CV Template

This colorful template features a large header with a photo and shapes that make a nice background for your bio and contact info. It also displays your relevant experience and skills attractively. Edit the template in Photoshop, Illustrator, or Word.

Lester Chandler

Lester Chandler

This package includes a two-page creative CV template and a cover letter template. This design features bold black & white, large photos, and a clean design. It’s perfect for creative professionals who want a great-looking resume showcasing their abilities.

Modern CV Resume Template

Modern CV Resume

This template features a stylish design and a big header with a place for your photo. The skills section uses a creative way to display your most essential skills and your level of expertise. It also includes a nice cover letter template.

Darryl Philbin

Darryl Philbin

This creative resume template and CV template is also professional. It’s exceptionally well designed with a lot of style to ensure you stand out. There’s a spot for a photo in the header, and the download even comes with a photo filter, so your photo will match the style shown in the preview above.

Mono Resume

Alex MacIntosh

We’ve looked at some examples of colorful resumes, but this one takes a different approach with a monochromatic color scheme. It’s perfect for creative professionals because the header is innovative and interesting, allowing you to enter a photo. It’s also got plenty of room for all the important details about your experience and accomplishments.

Alan Querin

Alan Querin

Here is another black & white design that definitely stands out from the typical resume template or CV template. It uses typography and some well-designed content blocks to create a truly professional resume.


If you want a resume or CV that will stand out without taking extreme measures regarding an unusual design, this one is a good option. It uses color and some nice design elements, but still has a clean look and feel. It comes in PSD, Ai, and EPS formats.

Steven Gerard

Steven Gerard

This unique design includes a full-page photo with a greeting and a second page with a full resume or CV with a photo header. The full-page photo could be skipped if you want the simple one-page option. It’s a well-designed and colorful template that you’ll love.

Mauro Haskey Template

Mauro Haskey Template

This template uses a beautiful design and layout that features a small photo and a brief profile in the sidebar. It includes all the necessary details like contact info, work experience, and education. The skills section at the bottom uses star ratings to display strengths in different areas creatively.

Juandha Whitney

Juandha Whitney

This clean and elegant template makes creating a curriculum vitae with a professional look easy. You’ll be able to show off your strongest skills, education, and work experience.

Claire Ridley


Here is another very clean and professional CV template with a nice design. The header includes room for a photo and a brief bio before getting into the details of your experience and background.

Henry Silly Template

Henry Silly

Present your qualifications in a clean and professional way with the help of this creative resume template. It comes in Illustrator format with five different color variations that you can choose from, and of course, you can also edit the colors if you’d like.

Pink Resume Template

Pink Resume Template

Now, here is one that’s sure to be unique! The design uses a pink background, probably unlike any resume you’ve ever seen. It also includes all of the usual details, so it’s functional too.


This template uses some splashes of color for a creative CV design. It includes space for a headshot, a skills section that utilizes star ratings, and an additional template for a cover letter. The download includes the designs in Ai and EPS formats.

Two-Page Modern Resume Template

Two-page resume template

This unique resume template is not only creative in terms of design and style, but it’s also one of the few two-page templates you’ll see in this showcase. The first page includes details about you and your skills, and the second page is focused on work experience and education. The templates come in Word and InDesign formats.

Indah Kusuma

Indah Kusuma

This CV template uses a colorful header with a photo. The rest of the design is fairly clean and simple. You’ll also get matching cover letter templates. The files can be edited in Word, Photoshop, or Illustrator.

The Peachy CV Resume Template

Peachy CV

The Peachy template makes use of icons and content blocks to display your experience and qualifications in an attractive way. The header includes a spot for a small photo along with your name and contact info. This template is ideal for highlighting a few past jobs or specific experiences that you’ve gained.

Taylor Sheeran Template

Taylor Sheeran

This stylish design stands out from the typical resume template without being too unconventional. The dark header and footer add contrast and visual interest. The header includes space for a small photo. It also comes with a template for a matching cover letter, which is sure to come in handy.

Carol Holmes

Carol Holmes Resume Template

This modern resume template’s layout is pretty unique and will make you stand out from other job applicants. It also comes with a cover letter template and can be edited easily in Microsoft Word.

Jim Halpert

Jim Halpert

Although it’s a fairly simple design, this CV is definitely unique. It makes excellent use of typography and gives you a solid template that could be used in many different industries.

Anthony Silver


With the help of this template, you can get a very professional CV in no time. There’s a sport for your photo in the head, and the resume layout is beautifully designed to show off your experience and skills. It is provided in InDesign file format.

Web Designer Resume Template

Web Designer Resume Template

This template is a fun way for web designers to present their professional resume or CV. It includes a spot for a QR code at the top, which is a cool touch. Of course, there’s also a section to show off your experience, and the skills section at the bottom presents a way to display your specific skills visually.

Walter Smith

Walter Smith

With this template, you can pack plenty of detail into your resume or CV without a cluttered look. You’ll have a place for your work experience, education, skills, contact info, references, and a brief profile and photo. It comes in four different color variations.

You Only Have a Few Seconds… A Creative Resume Will Help

Your creative resume can make a strong first impression on a potential employer or recruiter. How creative is your resume or CV design? Are you confident yours will stand out from the rest of the pile? If not, then you may want to use one of the creative resume examples above (or use a resume builder) to model your own design, but don’t forget to consider your audience. And have fun with it so that your creative passion shines through loud and clear.

Frequently Asked Questions

A creative CV or resume will show off your skills or experience in a way that sounds out from most text-based resumes during a job search. It may include color or a more unique visual design. If you’re in a creative industries, like designers, taking this approach as a job seeker may help you to get an interview.

The easiest way is to use one of the many templates showcased on this page. In just a few minutes, you can have a beautiful resume or CV that you can be proud of. Check the creative CV ideas in this article to find one you like.

If you’re in a creative industry, taking a more original approach to your resume can be effective and may help you to land your dream job. However, in other industries you may be better off with a more traditional resume.

It really depends on the person who is receiving and reviewing the resumes. Look at it this way, many job openings receive at least 100 resumes. The creative approach is sure to makes your stand out and be noticed. Will it help every time? No. But getting noticed is an important step if you want to get an interview, especially in a creative profession.

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Tara Hornor enjoys writing about advertising, marketing, branding, web and graphic design, and more. As Senior Editor for Creative Content Experts, she has over 2,000 published articles on the web. Connect with @TaraHornor for more design and freelancing advice.


Creative Writer CV Example for 2024 (Skills & Templates)

Create a standout creative writer cv with our online platform. browse professional templates for all levels and specialties. land your dream role today.

Creative Writer CV Example

If you are looking for a job in the creative writing field, you should consider creating a creative writer CV. This article provides an example of a creative writer CV that will help you showcase your skills and accomplishments in a professional and attractive manner. It also offers tips on how to optimize your CV to make it stand out from the competition. Read on to learn how to craft an effective creative writer CV.

We will cover:

  • How to write a CV , no matter your industry or job title.
  • What to put on a CV to stand out.
  • The top skills employers from every industry want to see.
  • How to build a CV fast with our professional CV Builder .
  • What a CV template is, and why you should use it.

What does a Creative Writer do?

A creative writer is someone who writes imaginative stories, articles, scripts, novels, plays, and other forms of creative writing. They have the ability to create characters, plotlines, settings, and descriptions that bring their works to life. Creative writers can work in many different industries, such as publishing, advertising, and film. They are often responsible for crafting compelling stories that captivate readers and viewers.

  • Photojournalist CV Sample
  • Video Editor CV Sample
  • Fashion Designer CV Sample
  • Interior Designer CV Sample
  • Makeup Artist CV Sample
  • Associate Creative Director CV Sample
  • Writer CV Sample
  • Dancer CV Sample
  • Illustrator CV Sample
  • Photo Editor CV Sample
  • Social Media Strategist CV Sample
  • Media Supervisor CV Sample
  • Art Director CV Sample
  • Freelance Video Editor CV Sample
  • Associate Producer CV Sample
  • Environment Artist CV Sample
  • Freelance Writer CV Sample
  • Multimedia Specialist CV Sample
  • Multimedia Journalist CV Sample
  • User Experience Designer CV Sample

What are some responsibilities of a Creative Writer?

  • Create original written content for various outlets, including advertising, marketing, websites, magazines, newspapers, television, radio, books, and more.
  • Research industry-related topics to develop original content.
  • Write compelling headlines, body copy, and stories.
  • Edit and proofread written pieces before publication.
  • Interview sources and incorporate relevant information into articles.
  • Collaborate with other members of a creative team, such as graphic designers and web developers.
  • Keep up-to-date on industry trends and ensure all content is current and relevant.
  • Adhere to set style guidelines and deadlines.

Sample Creative Writer CV for Inspiration

Personal Details: Name: John Doe Address: 123 Main Street, Anytown, USA Phone: 555-555-5555 Email: [email protected]

Summary: John Doe is a creative writer with 10+ years of experience in developing compelling copy for a variety of digital and print media. He has a Bachelor's degree in English and is proficient in a number of writing styles, including SEO copywriting, creative fiction, and technical writing. He is also certified in creative writing and content marketing.

Work Experience:

  • Freelance Creative Writer (2015-Present)
  • Developed compelling copy for digital and print campaigns for a variety of clients.
  • Edited and proofread content for grammar, accuracy, and clarity.
  • Collaborated with designers, copy editors, and other writers.
  • Creative Writer, ABC Company (2010-2015)
  • Wrote SEO content for the website and other marketing materials.
  • Developed creative stories for promotional campaigns.
  • Created copy for print advertisements and brochures.

Education: Bachelor’s Degree in English, Anytown University (2006-2010)

  • Creative Writing
  • Copywriting
  • Editing and Proofreading
  • Content Marketing
  • Technical Writing

Certifications: Creative Writing Certification, Anytown University (2013) Content Marketing Certification, Anytown University (2015)

Languages: English (Native Speaker)

CV tips for Creative Writer

Crafting an impeccable CV that kickstarts your career is a challenging endeavor. While adhering to fundamental writing principles is beneficial, seeking guidance customized for your unique job pursuit is equally prudent. As a newcomer to the professional realm, you require Creative Writer CV pointers. We've curated top-notch advice from experienced Creative Writer individuals. Explore their insights to streamline your writing journey and enhance the likelihood of fashioning a CV that captivates potential employers' attention.

  • Highlight your past creative writing accomplishments.
  • Include any awards or special recognition you’ve received.
  • Include any publications, articles, or portfolio pieces.
  • Clearly list any special skills or qualifications.
  • Be sure to include any relevant volunteer experience.

Creative Writer CV Summary Examples

A creative writer CV summary or CV objective is important because it allows potential employers to quickly learn about your experience and qualifications. It also gives them a glimpse into your writing style and creativity. Your summary or objective should be concise and focused, so that employers can quickly determine if you are a good fit for their organization. Additionally, it is a great way to showcase your writing skills and demonstrate why you are an ideal candidate. For Example:

  • Enthusiastic creative writer with 5+ years of experience in writing and editing various pieces of content.
  • Strong creative writing background combined with excellent knowledge of literary devices and storytelling.
  • Highly experienced in writing for print and online media, as well as content for films and television.
  • Able to produce content that captures the attention of the reader, and expresses the desired message.
  • Dedicated to creating compelling and engaging content that leaves an impact on readers.

Build a Strong Experience Section for Your Creative Writer CV

A strong experience section on a creative writer CV demonstrates the writer's ability to produce engaging and informative content in a variety of contexts. It also allows employers to quickly assess the writer's level of experience and whether they have the skills necessary to create compelling content. Highlighting work experience also shows employers that the writer is capable of meeting deadlines and working under pressure. Finally, a strong experience section can provide potential employers with a glimpse into the writer's thought process and writing style. For Example:

  • Created website content for a range of clients including small businesses, non-profits, and individuals.
  • Developed and maintained successful relationships with clients to ensure satisfaction with content.
  • Edited, proofread, and revised content for accuracy, clarity, and flow.
  • Researched topics and wrote article content for multiple websites.
  • Collaborated with other writers and editors to create compelling content.
  • Developed story ideas and wrote scripts for short films.
  • Designed and maintained a blog, creating content from scratch.
  • Contributed to a variety of projects, including copywriting, research, and editing.
  • Developed original content for a variety of social media platforms.
  • Created SEO-friendly web content to increase website traffic.

Creative Writer CV education example

Creative writing is a form of artistic expression, so formal education is not required to become a successful writer. However, a college degree can be helpful in learning the craft of writing and developing a portfolio of work. Most creative writing programs focus on developing writing skills in specific genres, such as fiction, poetry, and nonfiction. These programs also typically include courses in literature, rhetoric, grammar, and other writing-related topics. Here is an example of an experience listing suitable for a Creative Writer CV:

  • Bachelor of Arts in Creative Writing, University of Phoenix, 2017
  • Certificate in Creative Writing, Central Michigan University, 2014

Creative Writer Skills for a CV

Adding skills for a Creative Writer CV is important because it helps employers quickly identify the type of work you can do. Skills provide an overview of a candidate's capabilities and can be used to quickly assess whether they are suitable for a particular job. Skills also provide employers with a better understanding of a candidate's experience and what they can bring to the role. Examples of skills for a Creative Writer CV can include writing, editing, researching, copywriting, and storytelling. Soft Skills:

  • Written Communication
  • Research Skills
  • Organizational Skills
  • Creative Thinking
  • Time Management
  • Detail Orientation
  • Editing Skills
  • Collaboration
  • Adaptability
  • Critical Thinking
  • Researching
  • Proofreading
  • Storytelling
  • Copyediting
  • Punctuation
  • Content Writing

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Writing a Creative Writer CV

In today's competitive job market, an average of 180 applications floods employers' inboxes for each vacant position. To streamline this influx of CVs, companies frequently employ automated applicant tracking systems that weed out less qualified candidates. If your CV manages to surpass these digital gatekeepers, it must still captivate the attention of the recruiter or hiring manager. Given the sheer volume of applications, a mere 5 seconds is typically allocated to each CV before a decision is reached. With this in mind, it's crucial to eliminate any extraneous information that might relegate your application to the discard pile. To ensure your CV shines, consult the list below for elements to avoid including in your job application.

  • Skipping the cover letter: A well-crafted cover letter is an opportunity to showcase your suitability for the role and express your enthusiasm for it.
  • Excessive jargon: CVs laden with technical terms can alienate hiring managers who lack specialized knowledge.
  • Neglecting vital details: Incorporate your contact information, education, work history, and pertinent skills and experiences.
  • Relying on generic templates: Tailoring your CV to the specific job exhibits your commitment to the position and company.
  • Errors in spelling and grammar: Proofreading is essential to eliminate typos, spelling errors, and grammatical blunders.
  • Overemphasizing duties: Highlight accomplishments to underline your candidacy's value.
  • Sharing personal information: Steer clear of revealing personal details like age, marital status, or religious affiliations.

Key takeaways for a Creative Writer CV

  • Highlight any relevant experience or education.
  • Include a portfolio of your work with a few samples.
  • Showcase your creativity and writing skills.
  • Include any awards, publications, or other achievements.
  • List any special software or skills you possess.
  • Be sure to include your contact information.

Create CV

Resume Builder

  • Resume Experts
  • Search Jobs
  • Search for Talent
  • Employer Branding
  • Outplacement
  • Resume Samples
  • Content Manager

Creative Writer Resume Samples

The guide to resume tailoring.

Guide the recruiter to the conclusion that you are the best candidate for the creative writer job. It’s actually very simple. Tailor your resume by picking relevant responsibilities from the examples below and then add your accomplishments. This way, you can position yourself in the best way to get hired.

Craft your perfect resume by picking job responsibilities written by professional recruiters

Pick from the thousands of curated job responsibilities used by the leading companies, tailor your resume & cover letter with wording that best fits for each job you apply.

Create a Resume in Minutes with Professional Resume Templates

Resume Builder

  • Working closely with account managers and clients to create effective advertising campaigns
  • You will work closely within a team to create content and meet deadlines
  • Providing some project management, ensuring all elements are delivered on time
  • Work in conjunction with Traffic to implement ad schedules for local and/or national clients
  • Work interdepartmentally with leadership teams to refine customer communications across multiple platforms
  • Communicate how program works
  • Work with merchant teams to accurately and effectively communicate brand messaging, information and creative vision, researching independently
  • Proof copy provided by cross-functional partners and external content contributors
  • Write and edit copy for product marketing, product descriptions, email, blog posts, and other marketing projects
  • Background in gaming a plus
  • Convert messaging into high-impact copy that clearly communicates key message and value prop to help drive engagement and conversion
  • Outstanding conceptual thinker with strong problem solving/analytic capabilities
  • Turn deep and raw technical feature oriented articles into stories our audience will enjoy,
  • Continually strive to understand Unity’s brand, products, and competitors to remain on-brand and on-trend
  • Work with the project management team to create timelines and work- back schedules for a variety of writing projects
  • Work within a creative team to set strategies and develop marketing copy for print and digital that reflects the UW Medicine brand
  • Work with the web team to develop consumer focused copy for the UW Medicine website
  • Work within a team to create an editorial calendar
  • Interview employees, leadership and others to create copy for the internal story-telling website
  • Complete other writing assignments including press releases, opinion pieces, scripts, talking points and ghost writing for leadership, as assigned
  • Create emotionally powerful copy/stories that engage consumers and heighten the awareness of UW Medicine, its entities and its mission to improve the health of the public through clinical care, teaching and research
  • Commercial understanding of the online market place and knowledge of online marketing channels
  • Strong communication, writing and creativity
  • The ability to work well independently and as part of a team
  • Ability to work well under pressure and to meet deadlines
  • Excellent copywriting skills
  • Ability to work to tight deadlines
  • At least 3 years of experience as a Creative Writer for radio
  • Passion and experience in social media
  • An understanding of marketing & PR is essential
  • Mandarin native speaker

12 Creative Writer resume templates

Creative Writer Resume Sample

Read our complete resume writing guides

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  • Works as writing and simplified-content subject matter expert responsible for deliver a range of customer-facing pieces
  • Regularly communicates with customer experience project lead, compliance, legal, operations, and other departments to ensure clear and effective messaging is maintained
  • Researches, writes, edits, and proofreads effective customer communications Interviews process owners to verify understanding of content as necessary and incorporates feedback in writing
  • Ensures high level of quality in all written communications, adhering to corporate brand standards and compliance requirements
  • Works closely with marketing and customer experience teams as a liaison to improve the customer-facing writing process

Senior Creative Writer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Developing, writing and executing creative concepts for promotional and advertising campaigns
  • Effectively interpret Client’s, Sales’ and Management’s needs and translate then into compelling messages
  • Maintaining archives of promotional audio recordings
  • Work with the Producers and participate in the editing process
  • Ensure consistent brand messaging for the station across all platforms
  • Generate and contribute ideas for promotions
  • Work within the station’s core values of Integrity, Creativity, Respect and Teamwork
  • Post-secondary education in Radio Broadcasting and at least 2 years’ experience in creative writing. Some producing and editing experience would be a considerable asset
  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills, with an emphasis on customer service
  • Highly motivated, dependable, and energetic, with a strong knowledge of social media
  • Detail oriented with exceptional organizational skills
  • Personable and professional, combined with a great sense of humor
  • Self-motivated team player with the ability to work well under minimal supervision
  • Ability to react quickly and productively in a changing environment, requiring immediate decision-making, while managing multiple high priority tasks
  • Able to work under pressure and have demonstrated ability to react quickly and productively in a changing environment requiring immediate decision-making

Senior Writer, Brand Creative Mtv Resume Examples & Samples

  • 5+ years in creative positions at ad agency, media agency (online and/or offline), or TV entertainment network creative departments
  • Prior employment as senior creative or above
  • Strong and diverse creative portfolio with work across multiple mediums
  • Deep connection to creative culture communities
  • Strong DIY video production skills a plus
  • Good sense of humor and ability to work in a unique MTV environment
  • Strong mentoring skills and desire to lead creative teams
  • Undergraduate degree in Fine Arts or related field; or equivalent visual design and management experience required

Creative Writer, Penticton BC Resume Examples & Samples

  • Degree or Diploma from a recognized Broadcast/Journalism Program or equivalent experience
  • At least one year of experience as a Creative Writer for radio
  • The ability to work as part of a team
  • Take an active role in creating an environment of innovation, collaboration, transparency, accountability and trust
  • Works as writing and simplified-content subject matter expert responsible for delivering a range of customer-facing pieces
  • Researches, writes, edits, and proofreads effective customer communications. Interviews process owners to verify understanding of content as necessary and incorporates feedback in writing
  • Excellent writing samples and relevant education or experience
  • Strong writing, editing, organizational, interviewing, and judgment skills
  • Bachelor’s degree strongly preferred, with an emphasis in Journalism, English, and/or Communications preferred
  • 5+ years as professional writer strongly preferred

Creative Writer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Station-focused commercial copywriting, including targeted scripting that promotes positive growth for clients, while maintaining the radio station’s goals and objectives
  • Occasional writing of radio station imaging and promotions copy where applicable
  • Required to work closely with Clients, Sales and Promotions in the development of effective on-air scripting
  • Minimum of 3-5 years of Radio Commercial writing or proven equivalent skills and professionalism
  • Must be proficient in the development of long-term client campaigns
  • Must be familiar with our Manitoba radio brands, and able to write targeted ads, promos and/or imaging accordingly
  • Must possess knowledge of CRTC and Federal/Provincial regulations as they relate to radio advertising
  • Proficient in Microsoft XP, Word and Outlook. Knowledge of WideOrbit Traffic and WideOrbit Automation for Radio an asset

Creative Writer, Victoria, Month Contract Resume Examples & Samples

  • Write entertaining/effective commercials, public service announcements and station promotional scripts within tight department deadlines
  • Carry an individual client list that is prioritized and organized on a daily basis according to workload
  • Meet, converse and correspond with the above clients on a regular basis regarding commercial content, approvals and marketing directions
  • Assign audio numbers and enter traffic instructions into Wide Orbit on a daily basis prior to the traffic deadline
  • Work with the sales and production team on a daily basis to achieve the highest quality end product within the sales and production deadlines
  • Maintain a current knowledge of station, provincial and national advertising regulations
  • Maintain an ongoing knowledge of community events, current events and popular culture
  • Work on television campaigns as required

Associate Creative Director / Senior Writer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Partner with team to concept, write, execute, and/or supervisor various forms of communications for integrated campaigns across a wide variety of platforms, including
  • Minimum of 4 years of experience as a copywriter with developing concepts experience at an agency or in-house (agency preferred)
  • Must have a strong, conceptual portfolio/reel, displaying a range of skills and affinity towards integrated marketing approaches
  • An understanding of marketing & PR is essential
  • Good general knowledge of how a fashion brand and business operates is needed

Creative Services Senior Writer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Develop content for regulatory and marketing communications including various product and services marketing, focusing on the development of Shareholder Reports, and targeting multiple audiences including institutional and individual investors, advisors and consultants
  • Manage Shareholder Reports through the entire process-including data mining, writing commentaries and letters, and addressing reviewer comments
  • Direct freelance writing, copyediting and proofreading resources to deliver quality content while also managing to budget
  • Follow and become expert on company’s standard editorial and brand guidelines, and remain up-to-date as they evolve
  • Support manager as needed in planning, prioritization, and efficient use of Editorial team capacity; support the creation of processes that encourage ongoing teambuilding and collaboration between Editorial and Design as ‘business as usual’ on more complex jobs and campaigns
  • Accurately estimate the number of hours required for specific tasks; manage pipeline to match quantity of work
  • Bachelor’s degree, preferably in writing, journalism or marketing
  • Minimum 5-7 years of writing and editing experience in agency or Marketing Communications/Creative Services department within financial services/asset management
  • Experienced in Microsoft Office suite and Adobe Acrobat Professional
  • Detailed knowledge of and experience with producing shareholder reports
  • Experience with both print and digital media
  • Series 7 licensed (must be obtained within four months of being hired)
  • Strong writing, editing, and verbal communications skills, with the ability to produce materials that are on-strategy, on-brand and comply with all relevant industry regulations
  • A solid understanding of economic and investment concepts, and mutual funds, as well as other retail and institutional investment products
  • Understanding of marketing principles and how to apply them to a broad range of communications
  • Experience with web-based project management software
  • Ability to maintain quality and efficiency in a working environment characterized by a high volume of requests from many clients, changing priorities, capacity constraints, and constant, multiple deadlines both near- and long-term
  • Ability to work both independently with little supervision and also collaboratively within cross-functional teams of writers, designers, account managers and project managers
  • Strong relationship building skills to develop network of contacts in Creative Services, Marketing, business units, Legal, Compliance, and other areas of the company
  • Flexibility to work additional hours in the evening and on weekends during peak periods
  • Manage Shareholder Reports through the entire process—including data mining, writing commentaries and letters, and addressing reviewer comments
  • Support manager as needed in planning, prioritization, and efficient use of Editorial team capacity; support the creation of processes that encourage ongoing teambuilding and collaboration between Editorial and Design as “business as usual” on more complex jobs and campaigns
  • Bachelor's degree, preferably in writing, journalism or marketing
  • ©2016 Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America (TIAA), 730 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017 C23921
  • Concept events; research and brainstorm with special event team members on new approaches to themes and brands
  • Maintain a strong interdepartmental line of communications between cross functional teams including Merchandising and Studio
  • Write, research and edit clear, creative copy for website, email and mobile assets including new pages, banners and user flow messages for top brands
  • Write incremental emails, transactional emails and subject lines
  • Work on new creative initiatives from concept to completion, in conjunction with the special events team, including creative brainstorming sessions, brand messaging and campaigns
  • 1-2 years of experience working in a High volume or production environment
  • 1-2 years of creative writing experience
  • Editorial style writing experience preferred
  • Must have the ability to effectively communicate about event to multiple departments including Merchandising teams, Site/mobile Development Teams and Studio Leadership
  • Must have the ability to collaborate with a mixed-model creative team
  • Exceptional time management skills (can adapt to tight deadlines & fluctuating work load)
  • Must possess a strong attention to detail
  • Must possess knowledge of the AP style guide

Creative Director / Writer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Partnering with Creative Director/Design to provide vision, leadership, mentorship and senior-level conceptual abilities for the Office Creative Studio
  • Overseeing TV/video production from start to finish across all video needs (TV to “Help and how to”)
  • Ideating with Creative Director/Design/Strategy to come up with compelling solutions that meet brand and business needs across all marketing channels (Digital, Web, Social, Partnerships, PR, Global Engagement Programs)
  • Delivering brand expression by bringing Office to life in the most culturally relevant way
  • Creative directing and overseeing all branded copy and marketing content
  • Overseeing partner creative execution and driving studio priorities with agency partners
  • Managing all award submission for The One Show, Cannes, CA, the FWA, etc
  • Driving the execution of design and delivering to deadlines
  • Must have TV/video production experience from start to finish
  • Familiarity in designing across multiple devices from mobile, tablet and desktop
  • Award-winning portfolio with relevant technology experience
  • Ability, and comfort, in presenting ideas before executives
  • Tenure at top creative agencies
  • 10+ years of experience creating digital experiences
  • 15+ years of writing experience
  • Recruiting abilities - to attract additional world-class talent to Redmond
  • Mentoring abilities - proven teaching skills and the desire to make others better
  • Vision - the hunger to think bigger and raise the stature of the group to achieve the reputation of a “Google Creative Labs” or “MAL/Media Arts Lab”
  • Partnership ideas - blue sky thinking to determine other companies and influencers to work with in order to increase the stature of Office

Creative Services Writer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Review scripting for compatibility with existing system functionality
  • Write demonstration packages for potential clients on program
  • Maintain existing client scripts on central server
  • Learn and implement new and advanced scripting technology
  • Update and modify services provided
  • Consult, enhance and revise existing program scripts with updated dialogue and advanced scripting features
  • Convert flow charts into working scripts
  • Lead Client Collaboration meetings for all new projects
  • Conduct focus groups with sales associates or listen to sales calls as needed to increase script conversions and reach sales goals
  • Participate in scripting department summits
  • Write program specific documentation and edit client creative content to provide to the training team as per preset timelines
  • Assist with audio studio productions, as required
  • Minimum six months writing experience required 
  • Minimum one-year technical writing or media writing experience preferred Based on area of responsibility 
  • Minimum one-year audio production experience preferred 
  • Write compelling :30 and :15 second targeted news promos for television and social media which engage users and motivate viewers to watch
  • Hands-on non-linear video editor, preferably Adobe Premiere
  • Applied knowledge of social media and digital platforms
  • Creates compelling promotion spots for on-air/on-line/mobile utilizing computer/technical equipment
  • Works closely and collaborates with news producers, talent and other Creative Services Writer/Producer/Editors
  • Shoot video using JVC Pro HD camera
  • Comfortable working under tight deadlines in a fast paced environment
  • The ability to collaborate and thrive in a competitive, teamwork-driven creative department
  • Produce Public Service Announcements (PSA’s) to support station community projects
  • Knowledge of Macintosh and Windows platforms
  • In this role you will be responsible for writing and editing content for online videos for daily subscribers
  • Ability to think creatively and strategically, demonstrating passion around finding the best way to tell every story
  • Ability to organize and manage multiple projects simultaneously
  • Working knowledge of SEO best practices is a plus
  • Work with particular content to revise measure and ensure consistent, accurate content
  • Research, write and edit original
  • Optimize existing content for digital channels
  • Conduct and manage the editorial process from story conception, to story creation, to the review and approval process
  • Strong ability to guide the content creation process from ideas through execution. Script Writing
  • Writing commercial copy for clients creatively and efficiently
  • Using Wide Orbit to schedule commercials
  • Joining a group of exciting and talented individuals to brainstorm ideas
  • Occasional voicing of radio creative
  • 2+ years of experience working as a Radio creative writer
  • Must have experience with Microsoft Word and Outlook
  • Experience with Wide Orbit a definite asset
  • Self-motivated, team player with a positive attitude and passion to succeed
  • Must be highly detail oriented with exceptional organizational skills

Creative Specialist Writer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Take a lead role in marketing campaigns from concept through to delivery
  • Completing a broad range of both regular and ad hoc creative briefs
  • Adding to strategic direction about how to best communicate to our costumers
  • Excellently interpreting our brand(s) and how best to deliver it through creative
  • Work with core CMO team members and departments delivering marketing projects
  • Must be highly motivated and understand the creative advertising process
  • The candidate must demonstrate a high proficiency in the expression of their ideas
  • Experience of working in a creative team/department, or time spent working with a single client on multiple projects
  • Excellent communication, presentation, time management and writing skills
  • Must have a strong work ethic and work well within a team or independently
  • A keen interest and working knowledge of modern advertising trends
  • An expert understanding of popular sports (target market sports)
  • EGaming industry knowledge an advantage
  • Degree in English or related field or equivalent directly related experience
  • Minimum of 4 years’ experience working in a creative role
  • Experience working with an established brand or multi-client agency
  • Very strong conceptualisation portfolio with supporting creative rationale
  • Copy-writing experience for social content or film

Creative Investigative Writer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Develop new (NPD) product/technology copy and messaging strategy that is compelling, competitive, legally substantiated, and Reputation building. This defines ‘how we sell’ our new products in existing and new categories. Research, design, test and develop these ‘upstream’ in collaboration with Category Engineering and the Category Commercial Teams and your NPC colleagues
  • Unearth and develop surprising and intriguing ‘engineering stories’ from the NPI and NPD engineering teams that add humanity, credibility and science drama to our product and technology communications strategies. Harvest these throughout the process in collaboration with the Engineering Director(s) and their teams, and ultimately populate the Stories Wheel
  • Develop modified copy messaging and creative direction for existing products where repositioning is required to products and/or ranges due to the introduction of NPD. Ensure solutions
  • Develop copy for tactical market specific product based messaging and creative strategy to combat threats or grab opportunities
  • Develop copy for comprehensive New Product Communications Strategy kits for all the above, alongside your NPC team colleagues. Ensure that your copy/messages are shepherded through to final campaign delivery
  • Ensure that your work which is being presented upwards – to the NPC creative director, Global Creative Director, Chief Commercial Officer and JDCR – and outwards is quality checked. Work needs to be thoroughly explored, considered, rationaled, chunked and well set-up for a positive outcome

Creative Writer / Storyteller Resume Examples & Samples

  • Write and edit blog posts
  • Photography, video and social media skills are highly desirable
  • Experience working in a complex organization
  • Healthcare experience is helpful but not necessary
  • *All candidates must submit a writing sample along with their resume to be considered***
  • Bachelor’s degree required; a degree in English, Journalism or Communications is preferred
  • A minimum of 2 years’ experience in creative writing
  • Intermediate to advance knowledge of Microsoft Office Suite programs (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
  • Have a talent for articulating ideas and presenting your work
  • Must be a strategic thinker
  • Extreme attention to detail combined with the ability to focus only on the details that matter
  • An ability to handle pressure and tight deadlines and the determination to see the entire project completed accurately and on time
  • Meticulous writer and editor with exceptional command of English grammar, spelling and punctuation; possessing excellent writing skills with optimal sentence structure, tone, feeling and emotion
  • Excellent communication, collaboration, and planning skills with the ability to build close relationships and be accountable to key clients in Sales, Marketing, Project Management, Creative and Legal
  • Bilingual in Spanish is a plus

Internship Summer Creative Concept Writer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Work with the design studio core team on miscellaneous projects
  • Focus on research, creating and revising written scripts
  • Understand and actively participate in Environmental, Health & Safety responsibilities by following established Universal Orlando policy, procedures, training and Team Member involvement activities
  • Experience in one or more entertainment fields, such as theatre, film, animation, architecture, gaming or other related industries
  • Must be efficient in Microsoft Office Programs including, but not limited to: Word, Excel, and PowerPoint
  • Strong communication and collaboration skills
  • Problem-solving abilities and organization
  • Superior written & verbal communication skills
  • Work in a fast-paced environment and adhere to deadlines
  • Ability to work autonomously and/or effectively in a team environment
  • Prior internship experience is preferred

Writer, ARC Creative Team Resume Examples & Samples

  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills with command of the English language including grammar, punctuation, sentence and paragraph structure
  • Understanding of communications principles and platforms, to create content for multiple audiences and mediums
  • Proficient in MS Office platforms including PowerPoint, Word and Excel
  • Adept at gathering content, organizing and presenting in an engaging, compelling and understandable manner
  • Learning mindset to assimilate new information and brainstorm new ways to leverage this information
  • Must be able to work with teams, internal and external, and show thought leadership
  • Must be able to handle multiple priorities
  • Experienced in working with global colleagues, with an awareness of translation needs/implications
  • Bachelors degree, preferably in Communications, Journalism or English
  • Commercial writing experience desirable, 2 to 4 years

Creative Business Writer, Heforshe Initiative Resume Examples & Samples

  • Conduct a desk review of all existing information and formulate case studies
  • Leverage background and experience in management consulting to draft a template for the case studies that would convey relevant information in a compelling and professional manner (should incorporate infographics, narrative, timelines and lessons and convey them in a succinct manner)
  • Define clear quality thresholds and requirements that need to be met to be considered for inclusion in the final case study
  • Map existing assets and convey requirements to stakeholders
  • Working with the HeForShe IMPACT 10x10x10 Programme Manager, liaise with our partners to map out the existing content and ensure delivery of any additional information that would be required
  • Produce, manage and deliver upon an integrated project schedule for finalisation of all case studies
  • Prepare an integrated project schedule that clearly articulates when each stage of the case study development process will be completed outlining dependencies and ensuring ample lead times for external stakeholders
  • Share updates of progress on a periodic basis, highlighting any risks and support required from the HeForShe team
  • Draft case studies in collaboration with the HeForShe team
  • Research, interview, write, edit and craft compelling case studies that stand up to rigorous evaluation reflecting feedback from the HeForShe team and our stakeholders
  • Align the message conveyed by each case study with other media utilised to highlight the successful delivery of commitments made under IMPACT 10x10x10
  • Sharing knowledge across the organisation and building a culture of knowledge across the organisation and building a culture of knowledge sharing and learning
  • Strategic vision and strong analytical capabilities
  • Sound political judgement and highly developed inter-personal skills
  • Good knowledge of UN System
  • Experience in areas related to gender issues
  • Takes charge of self-development and takes initiative
  • Stays composed and positive in difficult moments, handles tense situations with diplomacy and tact, and has a consistent behaviour towards others
  • A minimum of 7 years’ relevant creative writing experience (including business case studies, white papers, and articles) in a change management, organisation development, management consulting or business transformation context is required
  • Deep familiarity of organisational change approaches, methods and tools is an asset
  • Experience in project management including project planning, stakeholder management, risk analysis, monitoring and evaluation is an asset
  • Previous experience working in a global or international organisation is an asset
  • At least 2 to 4 years of directly related experience required; preferred experience of 5-7 years
  • Four year college degree or equivalent experience
  • Professional writing and copyediting experience required
  • Versatile writing samples showing experience in at least two of the following areas: nonprofits, fundraising, scientific writing, health writing, education writing (print or digital), advocacy writing (print or digital), web copy, brand copy
  • Experience making medical, health and/or research materials compelling and easy for audiences to read
  • Writer must be current with health trends, new digital technologies and web platforms
  • Experience writing in a variety of tones, including organizational, technical and personal (i.e. talking points or op-ed’s for specific executives) is highly desirable
  • Writing and editing experience (and samples) in a marketing capacity for consumers in health and education is preferred. Candidates with scientific, health-related or technical language experience will be considered most strongly. This includes taking complicated content and making it user-friendly and easy to read for various audiences across digital and print

Creative & Technical Writer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Vigilantly ensure consistent tone and voice across customer touch points and always innovate copy to ensure freshness, surprise and delight
  • Maintain highest editorial standards
  • Negotiate and prioritize project delivery dates with team members and stakeholders
  • Continually strive to understand Unity’s brand, products, and competitors to remain on-brand and on-trend
  • Partner with translators to craft content for international audiences desirable
  • Creative writing across web, social, events, relationship marketing and video
  • Contribute to ideation and collaboration on creative managed within the Office Creative Studio
  • Maintaining the Office voice across Office communications
  • Providing high quality copy and guidance for our clients and in-house teams
  • Writing copy that meets a high standard, ensuring all final checks have been made for completion
  • Briefing agency partners on creative work and review of agency creative output
  • Driving the execution of creative directly with business owners and delivering to deadlines in a self-directed manner
  • 5+ years of experience writing creative copy in an agency or enterprise studio environment
  • BA/BS in English or 4 years writing experience
  • Passion for creativity and delivering content with impact
  • Expertise in Word and other Office products
  • Excellent written examples in portfolio with relevant experience
  • Ability and comfort in presenting ideas
  • Writing for multiple form factors including video scripts, web, product
  • Write the content of the new volume of Niswa magazine and other requested publications in coordination with UN Women communications team
  • Consistent with UN Women writing and editing guidelines
  • Ability to extract, interpret, analyze data and resolve problems
  • Strong IT skills
  • Ability to prioritize work and to multi-task
  • Focuses on result and responds positively to feedback
  • Excellent knowledge of office software packages
  • Consultant must have at least 5 years of progressive experience in writing for news, from initial concept to finished product
  • Well proven and demonstrated capacity and experience in the field of journalism, creative writing and highly engaging products
  • Ability to cover several simultaneous requests
  • Ability to set clear time plans and well scheduled work processes
  • Good connections with field coordinators and technical personnel for efficient and effective field work
  • Journalistic and production skills, editing, etc
  • Experience working on or knowledge of gender equality and violence against women issues; as well as youth-related issues is an asset
  • Cultural sensitivity and experience working with culturally diverse and international groups
  • Criteria: Minimum 5 years of experience in the writing for news, from initial concept to finished product (Weight: 20%. Maximum obtainable Points: 20)
  • Criteria: Traceable record of work in the field of journalism and creative writing (Weight 15%; maximum obtainable points 15)
  • Criteria: Computer literacy, electronic networks and software used for communication purposes (i.e. Websites, electronics bulletin, etc.) (Weight: 15%. Maximum obtainable Points: 15)
  • Criteria: Practical experience working in the field of journalism and editing (Weight 20%; maximum obtainable points 20)

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Creative Writer Resume Sample

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Work Experience

  • Provide quality control of all components/tasks that are required to fulfill a client request
  • Review all client scripts to confirm that they are accurate and meet the initial expectations
  • Review all documentation to ensure 100% accuracy according to established procedures prior to presenting to client
  • Participate in testing advanced scripting programs to discern quality of voice, clarity of voice prompts, and usability as necessary
  • Conduct periodic testing of older scripts in an effort to update the program verbiage and functionality
  • Administer script testing of all programs using developed testing tools before and after program goas live, as required
  • Evaluate and enhance caller response and usability based on reports reported by team, client feedback, and self-initiated testing
  • Articulate ideas and concepts and sell work internally to all parties and see vision through to completion
  • Ability and desire to collaborate across disciplines and departments, ie: creative strategy, design, social, video production, etc
  • Interpret a brief to make creative work that solves a business problem
  • Generate creative that connects to our audience in both relatable and innovative ways
  • Keep up-to-date with the arts, pop-culture, emerging technologies, and the evolution of marketing communication in an ever-expanding digital world
  • Bring a “doer/maker” mentality with a passion for creativity in all its forms
  • Work independently as well as with Production Managers to assure that final projects are delivered on-time, on-budget, legally vetted & documented, and on-brand
  • Station-focused commercial copywriting, including targeted scripting that promotes positive growth for clients, while maintaining the radio station’s goals and objectives
  • Make recommendations to management regarding improvements to processes and procedures
  • Excellent writing and communication skills. Communicates sensitively, effectively and creatively across different consistencies
  • Demonstrated ability to create content that caters to adults and youth, weaving together visual, audio, and written media
  • Knowledge of the UN system an asset
  • Proven networking skills, and ability to generate interest in UN Women’s mandate
  • Commercial voicing as required
  • Bring an original and dynamic dimension to a department with a heritage of creative culture
  • Utilize strong, high-level conceptual thinking to create breakthrough work that can be campaignable across multiple mediums (video, outdoor, social, experiential, etc.)
  • Develop original concepts, scripts, ideas and pitches that work within MTV’s voice and tone

Professional Skills

  • Experience in creative writing in a relevant field such as communications, marketing, or advertising, with strong experience re-purposing content
  • Work on multiple projects at a time, using strong communication skills to manage time and expectations appropriately
  • Excellent organization, project management skills, and ability to multitask in fast-paced environment
  • Experience and interest in product & game design, design skills, & artificial intelligence
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills, with the ability to compose legible correspondence
  • Proven creative content writing skills
  • Demonstrated skills in the creation and moderation of social network sites, content for social communities and/or groups

How to write Creative Writer Resume

Creative Writer role is responsible for english, design, insurance, content, creative, editing, software, retail, finance, training. To write great resume for creative writer job, your resume must include:

  • Your contact information
  • Work experience
  • Skill listing

Contact Information For Creative Writer Resume

The section contact information is important in your creative writer resume. The recruiter has to be able to contact you ASAP if they like to offer you the job. This is why you need to provide your:

  • First and last name
  • Telephone number

Work Experience in Your Creative Writer Resume

The section work experience is an essential part of your creative writer resume. It’s the one thing the recruiter really cares about and pays the most attention to. This section, however, is not just a list of your previous creative writer responsibilities. It's meant to present you as a wholesome candidate by showcasing your relevant accomplishments and should be tailored specifically to the particular creative writer position you're applying to. The work experience section should be the detailed summary of your latest 3 or 4 positions.

Representative Creative Writer resume experience can include:

  • Excellent project and time management skills, with ability to prioritize workload and simultaneously manage multiple projects in a fast-paced environment
  • Strong interpersonal and communication skills, and ability to adapt to shifts in workload and project objectives
  • Strong time and project management/coordination skills
  • Demonstrated professional writing experience for B2C /B2B brands
  • Interpersonal savvy and listening skills
  • Fluency in oral and demonstrably superior writing skills in English is required

Education on a Creative Writer Resume

Make sure to make education a priority on your creative writer resume. If you’ve been working for a few years and have a few solid positions to show, put your education after your creative writer experience. For example, if you have a Ph.D in Neuroscience and a Master's in the same sphere, just list your Ph.D. Besides the doctorate, Master’s degrees go next, followed by Bachelor’s and finally, Associate’s degree.

Additional details to include:

  • School you graduated from
  • Major/ minor
  • Year of graduation
  • Location of school

These are the four additional pieces of information you should mention when listing your education on your resume.

Professional Skills in Creative Writer Resume

When listing skills on your creative writer resume, remember always to be honest about your level of ability. Include the Skills section after experience.

Present the most important skills in your resume, there's a list of typical creative writer skills:

  • Strong organizational skills, attention to detail, ability to multi-task, and ability to work quickly and effectively under pressure
  • Exhibits excellent problem solving and strategic thinking skills
  • Outstanding writing and grammar with refined proofreading and editing skills
  • Demonstrated success delivering multiple projects while balancing competing priorities with tight deadlines
  • Effectively interpret Client’s, Sales’ and Management’s needs and translate then into compelling messages
  • Demonstrated experience working with a wide range of stakeholders

List of Typical Experience For a Creative Writer Resume

Experience for senior creative writer resume.

  • Strong understanding of SEO with relevant experience in all aspects of the digital space
  • Collaborate effectively with other designers, content strategists, product managers, marketers, and researchers
  • Proficient in MS Office (Excel, Word, Outlook) software as well as competency in computer skills for accuracy
  • Building rapport and effective relationships with internal clients and colleagues
  • Creative video production experience, including content capture, post-production editing, and motion graphics
  • Responsible for all consumer marketing copy-writing that drives enrollment, customer engagement and experience for group insurance
  • Combine strategic insights with creative writing to create copy that's effective and engaging with target audience

Experience For Creative Business Writer, Heforshe Initiative Resume

  • Experience organizing and writing copy for
  • An ability & proven track record collaborating with other creatives & disciplines across media, sales, and technology
  • Experience capturing content in the field independently
  • Experience creating editorial video assets for social media
  • Experience in editing across multiple mediums: documentaries, short-form, narrative, music videos
  • Writing in a radio creative department, with a proven track record of great spots
  • Criteria 1: Experience in knowledge management and in producing knowledge products (35 points)
  • Criteria 3: Experience in developing persuasive communication products (10 points)

Experience For Creative Services Writer Resume

  • Demonstrated ability to create consumer facing technical copy that is clear and concise
  • Experience as a Creative Writer for radio
  • Advance a strong point of view, backed up by personal expertise, design rationale, customer data, and industry trends
  • Experience in content design, content strategy, or related field
  • Engaging with global marketing strategists and campaign project managers
  • Communicating clearly and promptly with peers and stakeholders to optimize project timelines
  • Setting project copy objectives with Schneider Electric SMEs
  • Thriving in a collaborative environment
  • Commit to working to together as one team, exceed service expectations by developing positive relationships and treat others with value and respect - always

Experience For Creative Specialist Writer Resume

  • Exhibit and honest and committed effort to delivering as promised, never compromising quality
  • Provides content/writing solutions for projects with budgets ranging from $1,000 to more than $350,000
  • Craft user interface text, conversational UI scripts, product messaging, landing pages, emails, and other project deliverables
  • Manage the entire creative production process, including ideation, production, execution, and post-production editing
  • Capable of articulating ideas/presenting work to management and peers to create empathy and enthusiasm for it

Experience For Creative Writer / Storyteller Resume

  • Create and edit exciting and captivating headlines, sublines and body copy
  • Lead by research and organizing facts and sources to create a content strategy for the line of business – Learning Solutions
  • Create concise, eye-catching, and innovative, error-free copy/content that helps nurture leads as a part of the marketing funnel
  • Passion for technology, social platforms and emerging digital marketing
  • Managing or supporting a high-profile social media presence
  • Backup imaging writing

Experience For Internship Summer Creative Concept Writer Resume

  • Create announcements for Innovation & Emerging Business Accelerator (EBA) and foster excitement among employees
  • Versatility: writing in a consistent voice/tone/style across different audiences and various mediums
  • Collaborates closely with a Designer/Art Director to create ideas for packaging
  • Accurate and timely record-keeping in department systems Internal Partnership
  • Develop internal and external working relationships that expand client's reputation in the creative community
  • Legally authorized to work in the US and are willing to relocate to New York City

Experience For Writer, ARC Creative Team Resume

  • Transform complex accounting jargon into conversational, approachable language
  • Evangelize the QuickBooks voice and tone through example, training, and reviews
  • Basic production sound mixing knowledge
  • Combine brand voice into messaging to deliver copy reflective of client brand
  • Comfortable working with Macintosh computers/programs

Experience For Senior Writer, Brand Creative Mtv Resume

  • Idea generation / conceptual thinking
  • Award-winning radio demo
  • Development, editing, or/and review of 5 publications by UN Women
  • Agency supplied material processing
  • Follow and become expert on company’s standard editorial and brand guidelines, and remain up-to-date as they evolve
  • Support manager as needed in planning, prioritization, and efficient use of Editorial team capacity; support the creation of processes that encourage ongoing teambuilding and collaboration between Editorial and Design as ‘business as usual’ on more complex jobs and campaigns
  • Produce Public Service Announcements (PSA’s) to support station community projects

Experience For Creative & Technical Writer Resume

  • Achieve personal and team goals. Meet deadlines with the resources provided and never compromise ethical standards
  • Responsible to learn and embrace the Plexus voice and be accountable for delivery using the brand voice and executing a suite of marketing content including print and collateral materials, web and digital media, script writing for AV, community-driven content, direct marketing messages and more
  • Simplifying complex concepts to make Plexus products accessible, with copy that explains science in ways accessible to everyone and meaningful features and benefits that are easily understood by Ambassadors and Customers alike
  • Core Values and Guiding Principles
  • An ability to turn around copy quickly, revise and articulate the message to business stakeholders
  • Regularly review creative work with the groups leadership to get feedback on direction and to ensure the work is aligned with other activities
  • Continually strive to understand Unity’s brand, products, and competitors to remain on-brand and on-trend

Experience For Creative Investigative Writer Resume

  • Master proofreader and editor, with an exceptional level of accuracy and attention to detail
  • High technical aptitude, ability to dive in and learn new technologies quickly and to translate sometimes complex technical concepts into easily digestible information
  • An ability to write copy that speaks to an international audience
  • Familiarity with project management software (e.g. Basecamp) desirable
  • High technical aptitude, ability to dive in and learn new technologies quickly and to translate sometimes complex; technical concepts into easily digestible information
  • Write copy across all internal communications channels including online (Intranet), email and other company collateral
  • Craft posts and responses for social channels (Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn) ensuring that all responses are timely and thorough
  • Distill complex concepts into copy that’s exceedingly straight-forward
  • Deliver long-form, short-form, headlines, emails — whatever it takes to communicate GBG to our employees – and followers

List of Typical Skills For a Creative Writer Resume

Skills for senior creative writer resume.

  • Communicates effectively (in writing and verbally) with internal customers, team members, and supplier partners
  • Criteria 2: Experience and understanding relating to gender equality, including on the engagement of men and boys in gender equality (25 points)
  • BA in Creative Writing, Journalism, Screenwriting/Film or similar fields of study, or equivalent professional experience
  • Experience writing dialogue for plays/screenplays, comedy/entertainment, and/or radio and broadcasting
  • Copywriting and editing experience

Skills For Creative Business Writer, Heforshe Initiative Resume

  • Creative writing experience
  • Experience writing dialogue for television, film, commercials, plays/screenplays, fiction/interactive fiction, and/or comedy/entertainment
  • Professional experience managing translation at scale
  • Experience writing for a digital publication and/or brand
  • Develop strong working relationships with Rose Internal team members

Skills For Creative Services Writer Resume

  • Experience in pharmaceutical/healthcare industry or in related service industry (e.g., advertising/PR/medical communications agency)
  • Typically possesses zero to two years’ experience writing technical manuals or procedures
  • Typically possesses four or more years’ experience writing technical manuals or procedures
  • Excellent organization and ability to juggle multiple projects independently
  • Proven ability to tailor existing concepts to meet current business needs/align with evolving brand strategy
  • Strong copywriting and editing background for web and digital channels

Skills For Creative Specialist Writer Resume

  • Experience in creative writing
  • Strong portfolio demonstrating breadth of design and art direction capabilities, particularly typography and use of photography with a focus on Beauty
  • Expert knowledge of all CS programs and experience with image compositing
  • Retail writing experience in print media
  • Exceptional creative and conceptual writing talent, as demonstrated by a portfolio
  • Demonstrated ability to follow business rules and policies in a constructive but disciplined manner
  • Strong Proficiency with Microsoft Office (primarily PowerPoint and Word)

Skills For Creative Writer / Storyteller Resume

  • Demonstrated ability to understand a wide variety of therapeutic areas (e.g., diabetes, oncology, and immunology)
  • Updating, Revising, Copy Editing of Rose PowerPoint presentations used in the sales effort
  • Writing the headlines, developing and applying photography and graphics and creative treatment to tell a story
  • Writing promos and other imaging as required
  • Developing and maintaining a style guide
  • Writing in a content management system
  • Copywriting and/or art direction
  • Coordinating with cross-functional stakeholders in your market

Skills For Internship Summer Creative Concept Writer Resume

  • Performing content audits, quality assurance, and stress tests
  • Understanding of the marketing and sales process between clients to create appropriate and persuasive marketing communications is an asset
  • Understanding of digital asset management and content management systems
  • Joining a group of exciting and talented individual to brainstorm ideas
  • Creating and curating locale-specific content
  • Writing and editing for dialogue and character development

Skills For Writer, ARC Creative Team Resume

  • Creating and maintaining style guide
  • Adapting content to local market
  • Outstanding storyteller with an innate ability to capture attention
  • Working knowledge of SharePoint and MS Office
  • Creating presentations and decks
  • Brainstorming ideas for features and games
  • Developing creative treatments

Skills For Senior Writer, Brand Creative Mtv Resume

  • Acknowledging key customer segmentation across our core businesses, with specialization in one or two business units
  • Outstanding attitude and ability to respond appropriately to constructive feedback
  • Creative writing, editing, and reviewing for dialogue, user interaction, and character development
  • Creatively convey ideas through storytelling and copy editing, while also generating solutions for clients through creative means
  • Independent thinking and problem resolution when assigned individual projects needing resolution
  • And any other creative writing needs as deemed necessary during the post

Skills For Creative & Technical Writer Resume

  • An understanding of marketing & PR is preferable
  • Assist with proofreading/editing as required
  • Alert director of marketing communications and/or CEnO of customer service issues requiring their attention
  • Assist in creation of copy for all internal communications needs including meetings/events, volunteer efforts and charitable giving activities
  • Responsible for crafting headlines and body copy to help bring each concept to life
  • Responsible for creating packaging romance copy

Skills For Creative Investigative Writer Resume

  • Contributes to creative projects from concept to completion and translates marketing, training and communication objectives into content strategies
  • Speak and write fluently in one of the following languages
  • Maintain Brand statement based on new wins and developing capabilities of the company
  • Ensure all internal Rose employees know well the Rose Brand (why we''re here, what we''re doing in the market) via regular internal brand communication pieces
  • Closely studies the competitive landscape to identify best-in-class examples in each product category for inspiration and bar-setting
  • As appropriate, provide account coordination for large customers of Marketing Communications such as Admission, Events, etc
  • Support creative manager in maintaining integrity of the university brand, trademarks and logos

List of Typical Responsibilities For a Creative Writer Resume

Responsibilities for senior creative writer resume.

  • Develop message content for university publications and the university website based on communications/marketing objectives/strategies, target audience and customer requirements
  • Source and write copy for university website and publications such as advertising, promotional brochures, viewbooks, other publications, broadcast e-mails, admission/student recruitment promotions, event promotions, etc
  • Participate with chief enrollment officer (CEnO), director of Marketing Communications, and creative manager in planning content/approach for key university publications
  • Skills for Proof reading marketing collateral
  • Build a following for brand on social media with outstanding writing work, lead public relations and liaise with influencers to build on creative PR
  • Participate with web team in planning content/approach for university website
  • Team with marketing director and creative manager to provide overall inputs to designers on objectives and audience for publications and website and serve as liaison when appropriate between designers and primary customers

Responsibilities For Creative Business Writer, Heforshe Initiative Resume

  • Serve as contributing writer for university web and print publications
  • Research global markets and the finance industry to compare and create content that is innovative and original studying competition
  • Execute projects as requested by CEnO
  • Discernment and ability to manage multiple tasks
  • Managing all steps of writing assignments, from information gathering, conducting interviews, to content and visual concept development, review, editing, proofreading, and final publication
  • Collaborating with communications strategists, graphic designers, production team, PR, and business clients to develop engaging and clear messages for employees that articulate complex business information in plain English
  • Following writing standards and quality control measures to ensure consistent messaging, tone and brand standard/identity. Writing to standards found in the AP style manual
  • Consultative mindset, creative thinking
  • Strong organizational skills and flexibility. The ability to adapt to change quickly and to tackle unfamiliar tasks and requests with positive attitude and resourcefulness

Responsibilities For Creative Services Writer Resume

  • Awareness of all aspects of show development and production
  • Collaborate with Creative digital partners: Associate Creative Directors, Digital Designers, UX Architects, Copywriters, Project Managers, etc
  • Collaborate with business leaders, Site Merchandise Planners and Project Managers and other .com specific influencers
  • Work with clients to understand business requirements and translate them into solutions that serve the needs of our guests
  • Lead with empathy and a willingness to understand guests and their needs
  • Organize and plan details for multiple projects and make timely and quick decisions in order to meet project deadlines
  • Show passion, optimism and drive, yet be able to move forward without all the answers

Responsibilities For Creative Specialist Writer Resume

  • Proactively seek out opportunities to learn and stay current with latest tool, tech, style and graphic trends
  • Writes copy that is consistently in-tune with the company voice
  • Stays current with the latest editorial, cultural and design trends
  • Partners with creative and account teams in the production of advertising and marketing collateral, and is responsible for maintaining accuracy, elevating the quality and creative level of work produced including print, digital, video, presentations and meeting/event collateral
  • Plans and executes leading-edge communication strategies, clearly articulates and justifies concepts, and actively contributes to the collaborative efforts of a large group of creative professionals
  • Understands unique communication styles and design-related issues. Able to effectively apply trends and voice/content treatments on projects
  • Anticipates medical, regulatory and legal reviews of content, design-related edits and creative/functional requirements throughout the lifecycle of the project, working with internal and often TPV partners

Responsibilities For Creative Writer / Storyteller Resume

  • Understands the client’s marketing/communication objectives
  • Writes creative briefs and communication plans detailing specific communication elements and goals
  • Mentors and provides feedback for members of writing and creative teams, when appropriate, for development and performance
  • Communicates vision to creative team, account team and client
  • Manages marketing projects including but not limited to: project planning, communications planning, managing changes to the project scope, and ensures that the project plan is accurate, updated, and reflective of authorized changes
  • Collaborates effectively with graphic designers; thinks creatively about the interplay of copy and art
  • Utilizes resources to ensure more complex marketing collateral is compliant with all applicable regulatory requirements and consistent with Lincoln editorial and branding standards
  • The ability to identify and deliver the appropriate tone for each assignment, from conversational to informative

Responsibilities For Internship Summer Creative Concept Writer Resume

  • Support our clients' social media efforts by writing engaging social media content. This includes creating monthly calendars, as well as campaign conception and writing
  • Write and edit copy for employment brand campaigns, career-sites, talent communities and social media
  • Collaborate cross-functionally with other Brand team members, client stakeholders, and account teams
  • Review content with clients to gain approval from client stakeholders
  • Write a wide variety of topics for multiple platforms with a clear understanding of our business and products (website, blogs, articles, social updates, banners, case studies, guides, white papers, press releases etc.). Follow all digital/ marketing best practices
  • Consistently brainstorm and collaborate with team for new ideas and strategies to write content that generates new leads and request for proposals across global markets
  • Collaborate with support/campaign marketing associates on the marketing team/creative team to align the content objectives with that of the overall business goals
  • Interview subject matter experts, product owners, sales and customers (case studies/success stories)
  • Closely follow product and creative briefs to support the various team partners and strategic marketing content initiatives including writing, video scripting, storytelling

Responsibilities For Writer, ARC Creative Team Resume

  • Work with communications team to develop press releases and strategize creative content (byline articles, advertorials amongst others)
  • Help prepare for conferences as needed
  • Help prepare for specific and unique presentations as required
  • Capture engaging and compelling stories from the programme across the 4 countries and present them in a manner consistent with UN Women branding and editing guidelines
  • Contextualize and design visual, audio, and text-based content as well as tailor and package key messages to be communicated to suit a wider audience(s)
  • Develop a range of content that clearly communicates the programme’s message and ensure content and message are consistent and accurate across all social media while maintaining UN Women standards
  • Write one op-ed and any other creative writing needs as deemed necessary during the consultancy period
  • Passion for digital thinking, innovation and ideation

Responsibilities For Senior Writer, Brand Creative Mtv Resume

  • Provide a final report with the stories captured
  • Post-secondary education in Radio Broadcasting and at least 2 years’ experience in creative writing. Some producing and editing experience would be a considerable asset
  • Experience writing in a variety of tones, including organizational, technical and personal (i.e. talking points or op-ed’s for specific executives) is highly desirable
  • A passion for Beauty which is reflected in work samples
  • Take direction and be flexible and open to change
  • Juggle multiple projects at one time and meet tight deadlines
  • Speaks and writes in a clear, concise manner

Responsibilities For Creative & Technical Writer Resume

  • Microsoft Windows proficiency (Word/Excel/PowerPoint)
  • Combined experience as a Technical, Speech/Script or Medical Writer, Content Strategist, Copywriter, Editor or Proofreader in a marketing, advertising, public relations or interactive agency or similar environment
  • Personal CV; and Financial proposal; Proposed lumpsum amount for undertaking this consultancy (in US dollars) including participation in a three days learning meeting in Jordan (travel, DSA)
  • Experience working as a copywriter
  • Relevant writing/editing/proofreading courses or certification are an asset
  • Strategic thinking, including the ability to quickly identify and understand issues and opportunities

Responsibilities For Creative Investigative Writer Resume

  • Knowledge of the Wide Orbit traffic system is a big advantage
  • Total disdain for cheap puns and tired ideas
  • Proactively and individually source input materials and work with SMEs to develop required content
  • Demonstrated skills in Content Management Platform, Social Media Applications (WordPress, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Linkedln and YouTube, amongst others) are required
  • Be an integral member of the creative production team; planning, writing, editing and delivering exceptional quality, highly polished written content for video, editorial, print & social

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Script writer resume sample, service writer resume sample, technical writer resume sample, editor, associate, / editor, associate resume sample, editor, senior resume sample, manager & writer resume sample, resume builder.

How to Write a Creative Resume?

Posted on 05 aug 2022.

In the creative fields, job applicants have to find a way to make their resumes stand out by using both imagination and inspiration. That said, the resume must essentially remain formal in tone. And thereby lies the challenge of writing a creative resume—balancing the formal with the creative. Use the creative resume writing tips below for an application that impresses the hiring people in your industry.

creative resume writing tips

Focus on visuals

A resume is a visual medium, so communicate your skills and abilities visually through the proper selection of font, color, graphics, and other simple but eye-catching techniques. Video, music, slides, pop-ups, infographics, GIFs—these are just some of the tools that you can use to give your creative resume writing more zing and pizzazz.

Avoid using resume templates or word processing apps, as these are mainly for simple and traditional resumes. Remember that you are applying for a creative job, and you won’t stand out if your creative writing resume looks like the rest of the applications that recruiters see every day.

Utilize columns and boxes

In creative resume writing, you have to manage sections with columns and text boxes to highlight your most relevant skills and experiences. Make smart use of white space between the sections to make it easier for readers to find the information they are looking for and give your document a clean look. Be consistent with your creative resume writing style choices, and keep it simple. Fancy design choices shouldn’t overpower the importance of the details presented on your creative writing resume.

Be creative with the content as well as the design

Highlight your capabilities through projects that reflect your skills, such as freelance work, unique hobbies, and other activities outside of the office. Showcase your personality with professional associations, special talents, travel goals, any foreign language skills, and the like. It’s perfectly fine to be a bit casual with the personal details you include in your creative resume writing, as the creative fields allow for a little more freedom than those who work in conservative industries such as finance or IT.

Don’t go overboard

A little creativity in creative resume writing can be helpful, but too much can be off-putting. Strive to achieve balance with the formal and informal aspects of your creative resume —make sure any creative addition adds value rather than diminish the quality of your resume. Your goal is to use creativity to elevate your resume and make your message memorable. Going overboard will only obscure your message and increase the chances of your resume going to the recycle bin instead of being shortlisted for an interview.

Take a less-is-more approach

A creative writing resume filled to the brim with text can be overwhelming to anyone looking at it. There’s no need for you to include every skill and experience in your resume—simply limit them to those that are clearly relevant to the position.

Likewise, there’s often no need to include an education section in a creative writing resume, because in the creative field, the college or university you went to matters less, and it’s your portfolio that matters more. So put in the time and effort to make your portfolio the best it can be.

Ultimately, it will be wiser for you to take a minimalist approach when crafting your creative resume. Always keep in mind that recruiters are busy people who have to go through tons of resumes every day, so be concise and straight-to-the-point at all times.

Provide measurable examples of your achievements

Your creative resume won’t land you a coveted interview if you use statements like “made websites for customers” or “wrote articles for the company on a daily basis.” Improve on these statements by linking them with hard numbers and quantifiable results. For instance, if you’re a graphic designer, you can say something like:

Developed 500-plus websites, slashing costs by 20 percent in 12 months

For content writers, here’s a sample of how to quantify your achievements:

Wrote over 4500 articles for 60-plus different clients, averaging five 500-word articles a day as a senior content writer.

By writing your successes in a measurable manner, you communicate to recruiters the positive impact that you made at your previous position, and that will pique their interest in your resume even more.

Proofread for errors

Just because you’re applying for a graphic designer job doesn’t mean you can afford to be less meticulous with spelling and grammar. Sure, recruiters may give you more leeway and consideration for errors in your resume, but if you truly want to wow them, be your own creative resume writing service. Proofread your application thoroughly to do away with silly and easily avoidable mistakes.

Think like a manager

When planning how to write a creative resume, you must try to look at it from a hiring manager’s eyes. Ask yourself, if you were looking for a candidate, what would be your primary concerns? What do you want to see in a creative resume? And what do you want to avoid?

You may be applying for a creative position, but always remember that the company you’re applying to is a business first and foremost, and your role is to help the business succeed, not impose your wants. No matter your creative profession, keep this goal in mind when developing your resume.

Quality creative resume writing service from Resumeble

Our creative resume writing service provides the help you need to elevate your resume to where it needs to be. Let us guide you on how to write a creative resume the right way. Contact our top-notch creative resume writing service today!

  • 7 seconds: this is how long your resume has either to impress or be ignored by the recruiter
  • 300+: average number of applications one corporate job opening posted online receives
  • 3%: number of sent resumes that result in interviews

Transform your career and beat the odds!

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23 Creative Resume Examples for 2024

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In This Guide:

Gisele henne creative resume shows results not responsibilities, pierre rogers’ creative resume showcases intense passion, jimmy moore’s resume shows out of the box thinking, emily bain shows how a creative resume can stand out.

Scott McDowell's creative resume is playful and inventive

Linda Nakanishi shows by doing

Deda's resume shows who she is as a person

Matteo Reggi's creative resume showcases style

Stuart Mayhew's resume is a conversation starter

Anton Yermolov has a simple and creative 1-page resume

An extraordinary korean style resume, magnus henriksen is nothing but himself, harrison carter watkins shows off his design philosophy.

Chris Rowe's personality doesn't get lost in the details

Pau Morgan gets the important information across

Jimmy raheriarisoa’s resume is bursting with personality.

Monica Gomes' resume pays tribute to classics

Navdeep Raj's resume divides and conquers

Pam Bailey's resume tells a story

Seth Adler's resume is tailor made for the job he wants

Jonathan Fischer's resume is like nothing you've ever seen

Victor Rodriguez creative resume thinks inside the box

Nick begley thinks way outside the box, should you use a creative resume, how do i make my resume creative (without going overboard).

Resume image 1

Gone are the days when a resume was only about showing your work experience.

A great creative resume needs to stand out.

Whether it’s at a career fair or in an HR department, when recruiters have looked at 100s of resumes in a single day, they should remember yours.

But that’s easier said than done.

So we found 23 truly unique creative resume examples to show you just what’s possible.

While each has its strengths and weaknesses, they all have something to teach you about how to create a standout resume.

Here’s what you’ll learn today:

  • Browse through unique resume examples and the tactics they use to highlight important info;
  • When should you be creative on your resume (and when not);
  • Practical tips on how to make your resume more visually appealing.

Is your resume good enough?

Drop your resume here or choose a file . PDF & DOCX only. Max 2MB file size.

We designed most of Enhancv’s features with the applicant’s individuality in mind.

Sure, we could have made a sleuth of simpler, black-on-white resume designs, but for that you’ve already got MS Office.

Some features that make Enhancv a staple creative resume builder include My Time, the 1000s of font, colour and background combos and the ability to rename just about any section of the builder to your liking.

This gives you a starting point to unleash your creativity and do some wondrous things without going overboard:

  • Spruce up your headline or any other section;
  • Make use of a single page resume ;
  • Describe your passions and professional resume story just like we did with Marissa Mayer’s resume .

For the 23 designers below, sending a resume in a black-on-white A4 doc file is a sacrilege.

And, while being creative on your resume has its time and place (read more about that at the end of the article), you can use some of the design choices below to your advantage.

Let’s dive in!

creative resume examples by gisele henne

Gisele’s resume does a great job balancing eye-catching design with a strong focus on results. Right away you can’t miss the key metrics here: 20 corporate projects delivered, 40 books managed, 15 years of freelance experience. All that is valuable information you have to pass to the reader right away.

It’s best to focus on results and not responsibilities. This has been a resume writing best practice for years , but it can’t be emphasized enough. Still, what makes this resume stand out is the “creative process” section. It’s designed to get the reader to really understand Gisele’s way of thinking, something a traditional resume wouldn’t be able to convey.

Last but not least, the “Etc.” section is a very smart way to grab employers’ attention and showcase side activities that shaped Gisele as the person. Things like playing the piano and guitar since childhood may be left out of most resumes, but they show qualities like dedication and consistency.

Gisele didn’t play for a few years and then got bored, she stuck with it. Those are qualities employers look for.

what is a creative writing cv

Pierre Rogers has incorporated his passion for computer games into his resume. His completed missions are his achievements, his special attributes are his experience and his weapons are his software as a character artist. It’s clear he didn’t get into his field because he couldn’t think of anything better to do.

Showing your passion for your work speaks volumes to employers, making you more memorable and hireable. That’s a lesson Pierre has learned well.

what is a creative writing cv

Filmmakers and producers always need to be ready to think outside of the box. From having to reshoot a certain scene when an actor has a new hairstyle to creating a chase sequence on a shoestring budget. Jimmy‘s resume shows he has the mindset to tackle those tough problems by showcasing his creativity. True, it has far fewer career details, but those can always be available on request. What Jimmy has done here is make a strong first impression.

what is a creative writing cv

With both of the resumes she uses, Emily starts off with her top professional strengths. Putting them right beneath her name ensures any read will get the main points right off the bat. One resume then focuses on telling her story and giving important context to the rest of the resume while the other gets straight into her work history.

Scott McDowell's creative resume is playful and inventive

what is a creative writing cv

Scott’s resume gives you an immediate impression of who he is and how he thinks. What it sacrifices in details it makes up for in personality (plus by including a link to more information, the typical biographical details we expect to see on a resume are all readily available).

The inclusion of subtle background elements encourages readers to take some time to explore the resume, giving it more time to make an impression.

what is a creative writing cv

You may have read that recruiters spend 6 seconds on a resume . Well, it’s unfortunately true. Often the choice whoever gets an interview call comes down to who made a quick impression. Linda starts off with two sentences explaining who she is and what she does before breaking down her work and life skills.

The result is a resume that explains the essentials in advance before inviting you to explore more. You can check Linda’s website here .

Deda's resume shows who she is as a person

what is a creative writing cv

You have to see the full version of Deda’s remarkable resume ! In it she shares not only the obligatory things (skills, experience, etc.) but also her Design Theory, Life Essentials, Personal Lifestyle Preferences and the Statement of Purpose – things that reveal much more about her personality.

Personality is important enough that even Richard Branson admits that it’s the most important component when hiring. Why? Because tech skills can be learned with time, but being persistent, diligent, and communicative are rare gems in a sea of qualified applicants.

Matteo Reggi's creative resume showcases style

what is a creative writing cv

Matteo Reggi’s resume shows he has the mind of a designer. His mind works a bit differently and you may have to tilt your head a bit to get it all. But that’s how interesting and engaging design often works.

The resume may be unconventional, but so is Matteo. Instead of pretending to be something he’s not, he brings his whole self to his resume. If you ask us, it really shows. You can view his work here .

Stuart Mayhew's resume is a conversation starter

what is a creative writing cv

We simply love this resume! Stuart Mayhew has combined information regarding his knowledge and experience and has shaped it brilliantly with this design. It paints a picture of a full person, from various life and work experiences to generally how he thinks.

Combined with a powerhouse list of clients, there’s plenty here to make a recruiter want to strike up a conversation and learn more about Stuart. That’s where he can have the chance to make yet another good impression.

what is a creative writing cv

He’s produced hundreds of copies of his simple and contemporary 1 page resume to hand out. Besides the design, Anton’s resume stands out by including information that’s hardly typical. Travels, interests, and characteristics bring his personality and experience to the forefront.

A great idea is to change the name of your “tech skills” section to a more job-specific one like Creative Fields or Management Skills, so that it’s more relevant to the position you are applying for. Go & see his work !

what is a creative writing cv

Undoubtedly a unique design incorporating Korean elements, this resume actually stands out in more ways than one. The whole resume has a fantastic “My Favorite Things” section which really shows off their design skills. One small issue is using language like “Please contact me…” which can signal a lack of confidence. Otherwise, this resume is memorable.

what is a creative writing cv

Magnus Henriksen created this original resume that shows him both as a person and as a professional. It’s simple and straight-forward in a refreshing way while not sacrificing any personality or style. Having such a resume confirms your skills as a designer and makes you stand out. Elements of it may be a bit immature, but Magnus isn’t interested in being anything other than himself.

It’s for the best, as companies should always know what they’re getting when they hire. With Magnus, they’re getting a talented jokester. You can check out some of his work here .

what is a creative writing cv

Next up is Harrison Carter Watkins’ Creative Resume . “How I think” is a powerful section to include, especially the way he did it – separate it into two parts – “Thoughts & Method” and “Productivity & Speed” which add a layer of personality alongside the technical one.

Another thing that makes a great impression is the quote featured prominently in the center: “The details don’t make the design, they are the design.”

You get a strong feeling for Harrison’s philosophy of design alongside his work experience and other details. For more of his works check out his Behance profile .

Chris Rowe's personality doesn't get lost in the details

what is a creative writing cv

This resume is outstanding not only because of it’s visual appearance but because of the compelling manner Chris has described himself. Including sections like “Clearing the mind” or “The Intangibles” provide a lot of details about your true personality and are a much better way to express what kind of person you are.

Besides, dividing your skill set into 3 parts – Knowledge, Design and Management & Communication, enables the recruiter to immediately see what your main areas of expertise are and gives him an incentive to keep on reading. See all his amazing work here .

what is a creative writing cv

Here Pau has visualized his work experience in an easy-to-understand way so that a recruiter can process the information faster. He’s also included the section “Expositions” which, in his case, is pretty important and tells a lot about his abilities. Visit his personal website to enjoy more of his work.

what is a creative writing cv

3 things about Jimmy’s resume impressed us – it’s short and concise, extremely well-designed and it emphasizes on the most important information – his title, skills and awards. Plus, it’s bursting with personality. See all of his work here .

Monica Gomes' resume pays tribute to classics

what is a creative writing cv

Maybe one of the most stylish resumes we’ve came upon. From its homages to the original macintosh and classic telephones to the classy self portrait, Monica shows her skills and passions with style. Combining her motivation and professional goals into the footer also leaves the reader with an excellent final impression. See her amazing work here .

Navdeep Raj's resume divides and conquers

what is a creative writing cv

Navdeep has done an amazing job visually breaking up the different sections in his creative resume . He begins with a simple, straight-forward line about who he is: “I love to design great looking, usable interfaces.”

The other thing we appreciated is that he highlights the fact that he has worked with top companies using a simple “Clients” section. We strongly encourage you to include that information, especially if you have worked for companies like Apple, Disney, MTV or SAP.

Last but not least the way Navdeep divided his skills so that they can be easier to process is very effective – “Practice Areas” and “Technologies”. You can check his work here .

Pam Bailey's resume tells a story

what is a creative writing cv

Pam is a professional storyteller whose resume does just what it should: tells her story. Hagan Blount has done a great job turning her resume into a real masterpiece.

Positioning her awards and professional achievements in the middle of her resume is a great idea, especially if you have some numbers and medals to show as she does. They tell the reader that you’re goal-oriented.

The other unique element here is the “Testimonials” section at the bottom.

Seth Adler's resume is tailor made for the job he wants

what is a creative writing cv

This is a great example of a performance-based resume by the same person who created Pam Bailey’s resume: Hagan Blount.

Again the content is based on results, not responsibilities, and the design highlights them well. The best part is that the resume is personalized for the VP of Sales position Seth is applying for. For that reason, he’s split his experience into three different categories – Business Development & Strategic Planning, Sales, and Marketing.

That way he stresses the fact that he has what it takes to succeed in that role. Personalizing your resume is one of the best things you could do to raise your chances of getting an interview.

Jonathan Fischer's resume is like nothing you've ever seen

what is a creative writing cv

Sometimes a resume just breaks the mold. Jonathan Wakuda Fischer’s is one such example. His resume takes the form of an identity booklet, old Russian style.

Everyone likes seeing absolutely unexpected things and if you read his resume carefully you will realise that Jonathan has gone far beyond the design of his resume and has created a real masterpiece.

Recruiters aren’t going to forget him. Check out his website here .

what is a creative writing cv

Victor Rodriguez is clearly being a bit cheeky with his “thinking inside the box” resume . You should never forget that the main goal of your resume is to make a great first impression to the person reading it, no matter whether it’s a word document, infographic, powerpoint presentation or a cereal box.

I can barely think of a better way to grab someone’s attention, especially if this pops up on your table! You can explore Viktor’s creative work here .

what is a creative writing cv

We have saved the dessert for last – Nick Begley is the bold man whose resume is a candy bar. When we said these were creative resume ideas, we weren’t kidding.

If you are in a creative industry you already know better as to whether or not sending a creative resume is the right way to go.

How about the rest of us, the non-designers who still want to stand out?

We have to take into consideration the public enemy #1 of creative resumes out there – the Applicant Tracking System, or ATS, for short.

It’s a computer software that is designed to read simple text on resumes and match skills, experiences and keywords to the job description.

This is why it will have a hard time if you encode your key information into graphics and images.

With that being said, the above designers don’t have to pay attention to ATS at all.

They send resumes directly to employers. Which can be the case for many of us.

Small and medium-sized companies aren’t likely to use ATS, either.

Whereas even if you’re applying for a position in a big corporation, you can still incorporate a dash of creativity, as long as you maintain a professional tone.

Here’s a thought – you don’t have to make a cereal box resume to impress recruiters.

Frankly speaking, nobody is expecting you to be creative.

So, if you make a few adjustments here and there, it will come as an added bonus.

Use creative tactics, such as two-colour combinations, adjusted font size, easy-to-read font family, proper resume margin and skimmable layout. ( Enhancv’s resume builder takes care for the lot of it.)

Designers made their infographic resumes to highlight key information in a creative manner. You too can incorporate their tactics described above, albeit in a more down-to-earth way.

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What Is a Creative Resume?

Definition & Examples of a Creative Resume

what is a creative writing cv

How Creative Resumes Work

Benefits of a creative resume, disadvantages of a creative resume, is a creative resume right worth it.

Creative resumes are nontraditional resumes. They can have an unconventional format or use video or a website to display your skills.

Learn more about creative resumes and whether you should use one.

  • A creative resume is a resume that doesn't follow the traditional resume templates. These resumes are typically creative, catchy, and designed to showcase your skills and qualifications in a way that plain words on paper can't.

Creative resumes can be infographics , video resumes, online portfolios , and personal websites with a career focus.

Typically, creative resumes make use of the applicants’ creative skills and are appropriate for their industry and for the job they’re seeking. For example, a graphic designer might create an infographic resume to display their design skills, while a TV/film editor might make a video resume.

A creative resume can also use elements of a traditional resume. For example, you might start with a functional resume format and use color and text boxes to further highlight your skills.

If you're not sure where to start, consider using free online services that will take your information and turn it into an infographic resume, online portfolio, or similar. For example, Canva has numerous creative resume templates.

Creative resumes can be beneficial for certain types of job applicants.

For example, online resumes are helpful for applicants who want to post films, sound clips, photographs, or other pieces of work related to their industry. Online resumes also allow those in web design and information technology to display their skills.

Creative resumes can help highlight these skills and qualifications in a way that a standard resume can’t, showing what the applicant can do, instead of just asserting that they can do it.

Creative resumes are also helpful for people without an extensive work history . They allow candidates to emphasize skills rather than their chronological work history.

While nontraditional resumes are becoming increasingly popular across a variety of industries, that doesn't mean you should use one. Many companies still prefer a traditional, typed resume.

One reason is that many companies use an applicant tracking system (ATS) to automatically screen resumes. These systems search for keywords that indicate whether a candidate has the desired skills and/or experience for the position. Because ATSs require text-based resumes, some companies using ATS will toss aside nontraditional resumes.

Other companies simply dislike nontraditional resumes, believing that graphics and other visuals are unnecessary additions to a resume. It's important to consider your industry and the specific companies you're interested in when deciding whether to use a creative resume.

If you're concerned about a creative resume not making it through ATS, consider submitting a traditional, text-based resume along with your creative one.

Not every job seeker needs a creative resume. Depending on the type of job you're seeking, one can definitely help you get noticed by a prospective employer, though.

Consider the following before you opt for a creative resume:

  • Creative ability: Even if you're going the creative route, your resume still needs to look professional. Otherwise, it can hurt your candidacy for a job rather than helping it. It needs to be appealing to the eye and provide the same essential information as a traditional resume. It's also a significant time investment to create one, and it may not be worth the effort unless you're in a creative field.
  • Appropriateness : If you’re in banking, insurance, or finance, you shouldn't opt for a creative resume. In fact, any industry that still has a dress code is probably not a good choice for this kind of resume.

Key Takeaways

  • You can make one that highlights your skills in a particular field. For example, if you're a film editor, you might create a video resume. 
  • If you're applying for jobs in a creative field, a nontraditional resume can make you stand out. It might be a turn-off for more traditional employers, and it can't be read by applicant tracking systems. 
  • If you have the ability to create one and it's appropriate for your field, a creative resume can be a good choice. 

Top 17 Creative Writer Resume Objective Examples

Photo of Brenna Goyette

Updated July 21, 2023 14 min read

A resume objective is a brief statement that appears at the top of a resume, typically just below the contact information. It summarizes an applicant’s skills and experiences in order to explain why they are qualified for the job. For a creative writer position, it is important to focus on strengths such as communication, creativity, and technical writing skills. Additionally, it can be helpful to mention any previous experience or accomplishments related to writing.

For example, a resume objective for a creative writer position might read “A highly creative and experienced writer with excellent communication skills seeking to leverage my knowledge and experience into a role as a creative writer with ABC Company.” Another example could be “An experienced technical writer with a proven track record of developing engaging content looking to use my talents in a creative writing position at XYZ Company.” Crafting an effective resume objective can help demonstrate how you are uniquely suited for the job and highlight your qualifications in an efficient way.

Creative Writer Resume Example

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Top 17 Creative Writer Resume Objective Samples

  • To utilize my creative writing skills to contribute to the success of a dynamic organization.
  • To secure a position as a Creative Writer where I can apply my knowledge and experience in creating content.
  • To obtain a position as a Creative Writer that allows me to use my imagination, creativity, and writing skills.
  • Seeking an opportunity to work as a Creative Writer with an organization that values innovative thinking and creative problem solving.
  • To leverage my experience in writing and editing to create compelling stories for various media outlets.
  • Looking for an opportunity to join a team of creative writers and help develop original content for multiple platforms.
  • Seeking an entry-level position as a Creative Writer where I can gain valuable experience in the field.
  • Aiming to secure a role as a Creative Writer where I can bring fresh ideas and new perspectives to the table.
  • To join an established team of creative writers who are passionate about developing unique content for various projects.
  • Seeking an opportunity to work in the field of creative writing, utilizing my strong organizational skills and attention to detail.
  • Aiming to gain employment as a Creative Writer with an organization that values creativity, innovation, and collaboration.
  • Looking for an opportunity to use my writing skills and knowledge of storytelling techniques in order to create engaging content.
  • To join a team of experienced writers who are dedicated to creating high-quality content for various platforms.
  • Looking for an opportunity as a Creative Writer where I can utilize my strong communication skills and passion for storytelling.
  • To contribute my knowledge of grammar, syntax, punctuation, and narrative structure towards creating compelling stories or scripts.
  • Seeking employment with an organization that offers opportunities for growth within the field of creative writing while allowing me to express myself creatively through words.
  • Aiming to secure a position as a Creative Writer where I can use my talents in crafting engaging stories that capture readers’ attention from start to finish.

How to Write a Creative Writer Resume Objective

A creative writer resume objective is an important part of a resume, as it provides employers with a glimpse into the skills and qualifications of the applicant. Writing an effective resume objective is essential to stand out in a competitive job market. The following tips will help you create an effective and creative writer resume objective that will capture the attention of employers.

First, identify your target audience. Knowing who you are writing for is key to crafting an effective and creative resume objective. Consider what type of employer you are applying to and tailor your statement to match their needs. For example, if you are applying for a position in digital media, focus on using language that highlights your ability to write engaging content for web-based platforms.

Second, consider your experience and accomplishments related to writing. Take some time to think about what makes you stand out as a creative writer and highlight these strengths in your resume objective statement. Make sure that any relevant experience or achievements are included so employers can get an idea of what sets you apart from other applicants.

Third, use strong language when crafting your statement. Employers want someone who can come up with unique ideas and create exciting content, so be sure to use words that demonstrate this quality in your resume objective statement. Words like “innovative”, “original” or “dynamic” can go a long way in demonstrating your potential as a creative writer.

Finally, keep it brief but powerful! Your resume objective should be no more than three sentences long but still accurately reflect all of the qualities you possess as a creative writer. This will ensure that employers get the information they need without having to read through too much text on your resume.

By following these tips, you can create an effective and creative writer resume objective that will grab the attention of employers and give them an insight into why they should hire you over other candidates!

Related : What does a Creative Writer do?

Key Skills to Highlight in Your Creative Writer Resume Objective

In the highly competitive field of creative writing, your resume needs to stand out and make a lasting impression. The objective section of your resume is often the first thing potential employers read, making it a crucial element in showcasing your abilities. This section should not only express your career goals but also highlight the key skills that make you an ideal candidate for the job. Here, we will discuss several essential skills that you should emphasize in your creative writer resume objective to catch the attention of hiring managers and set yourself apart from other applicants.

1. Storytelling

A Creative Writer needs to have strong storytelling skills as they are responsible for crafting compelling narratives, characters, and dialogues. They need to engage readers by creating immersive worlds and situations. In a resume objective, highlighting this skill can demonstrate the candidate's ability to generate original ideas, structure plotlines effectively, and captivate audiences - all of which are crucial for success in any writing-based role. It also indicates their potential for producing high-quality content that can resonate with diverse audiences.

2. Characterization

Characterization is a crucial skill for a Creative Writer as it involves creating and developing characters in a story. This skill is necessary for a resume objective because it demonstrates the writer's ability to create compelling, believable characters that engage readers and drive the narrative. It shows potential employers that the writer can craft complex, multi-dimensional characters that can effectively contribute to the depth and quality of their storytelling. Characterization also requires empathy, insight, and understanding of human nature, which are valuable qualities in many writing-related roles.

3. World-building

A creative writer with world-building skills can create unique, immersive and compelling settings for stories. This ability is essential in crafting narratives that captivate readers or viewers, making them more engaged and invested in the story. It also demonstrates a high level of creativity and imagination, as well as an understanding of how different elements (such as culture, geography, history, etc.) interact to form a believable world. This skill can be particularly valuable in fields such as fiction writing, screenwriting, game design and role-playing game (RPG) development.

4. Dialogue-crafting

A Creative Writer often needs to develop characters and narratives, which involves crafting engaging and realistic dialogues. This skill is essential as it demonstrates the writer's ability to create dynamic interactions between characters, understand their voices, and advance the plot or convey important information in a natural, compelling way. Including dialogue-crafting in a resume objective can highlight the candidate's proficiency in creating authentic and captivating content, making them more appealing to potential employers.

Pacing is a crucial skill for a creative writer as it directly impacts the engagement and interest of the reader. A well-paced narrative can effectively build tension, excitement, or emotion, enhancing the overall storytelling experience. In a resume objective, demonstrating this skill could highlight your ability to create compelling content that captivates audiences. It also showcases your understanding of narrative structure and timing, which are essential in crafting impactful stories.

6. Conflict-creation

A Creative Writer often needs to develop engaging narratives and compelling characters. The ability to create conflict is essential in this process as it drives the plot, adds depth to characters, and keeps readers engaged. In a resume objective, showcasing this skill can highlight the writer's understanding of storytelling techniques and their ability to craft captivating content. This could make them more appealing to employers looking for writers who can produce intriguing and thought-provoking work.

7. Theme-development

A creative writer needs the skill of theme development in order to create engaging and meaningful content. Theme development involves identifying and building upon central ideas or concepts within a story. This skill is crucial for a resume objective because it demonstrates the ability to think critically, plan strategically, and execute ideas effectively. It shows potential employers that the candidate can not only generate unique ideas, but also develop them into comprehensive narratives or pieces of work. This could be beneficial in creating compelling stories for various mediums like books, scripts, articles etc., which is a key aspect of a creative writer's job.

8. Plot-weaving

A Creative Writer needs the skill of plot-weaving because it is essential for creating engaging and compelling narratives. This skill demonstrates the ability to develop complex storylines, intertwine multiple characters' paths, and build suspense or intrigue, which are all crucial elements in captivating readers. It also shows an understanding of narrative structure and pacing, which can be applied to various forms of writing such as novels, short stories, scripts, etc. Therefore, highlighting this skill in a resume objective can help potential employers understand the writer's storytelling capabilities and their proficiency in crafting well-structured narratives.

9. Symbolism-utilization

A creative writer often uses symbolism in their work to add depth and layers of meaning, making the story or content more engaging and thought-provoking. This skill demonstrates a high level of creativity and critical thinking, which are valuable in many job roles. It also indicates an ability to communicate complex ideas effectively. In a resume objective, showcasing this skill can highlight the candidate's unique storytelling abilities, capacity for innovative thinking, and potential for producing compelling content.

10. Imagery-construction

A creative writer needs the skill of imagery-construction to effectively create vivid and engaging content. This skill allows them to paint a picture with words, which can capture a reader's attention and make their writing more memorable. In the context of a resume objective, it can help the writer to present their career goals in a compelling way that stands out to potential employers. It can also demonstrate their ability to communicate complex ideas in an engaging and accessible manner.

Top 10 Creative Writer Skills to Add to Your Resume Objective

In conclusion, crafting a compelling objective for your creative writer resume requires careful consideration of the key skills that best showcase your abilities and potential. These skills should be relevant to the job you're applying for and accurately represent your expertise and experience. Remember, your resume is an opportunity to market yourself to potential employers, so ensure that every element, including your objective, aligns with the professional image you wish to project. By highlighting the right skills in a clear and concise manner, you can significantly improve your chances of landing that dream job.

Related : Creative Writer Skills: Definition and Examples

Common Mistakes When Writing a Creative Writer Resume Objective

Writing a resume objective is an important part of creating a successful creative writer's resume. Unfortunately, many people make mistakes when crafting their objective statement, which can prevent them from getting the job they want or need. This essay will outline some of the most common mistakes made when writing a creative writer resume objective and how to avoid them.

One of the most common mistakes writers make when crafting their resume objective is being too vague. A good creative writer’s resume should be focused and specific about what the applicant hopes to accomplish in the role. A generic statement such as “seeking an opportunity to use my writing skills” does not provide employers with enough information about what you can bring to the table and why you are qualified for the position. Instead, focus on your unique skills and experiences that make you stand out from other applicants.

Another mistake writers often make is failing to include quantifiable results in their resume objective. While it’s great to talk about your skills and experience, employers also want to know what kind of impact you have had on previous projects or teams. Whenever possible, try to quantify your successes by including numbers or percentages related to any accomplishments or achievements you have had in past positions. This will make it easier for employers to understand just how successful you are as a creative writer.

Finally, many writers fail to tailor their resume objectives for individual positions they are applying for. Even if your skills and experience are relevant across multiple roles, it’s important that you customize your objective statement so that it speaks directly to the job requirements listed in each posting. Doing this will show potential employers that you have taken the time to research the job thoroughly and understand what they are looking for in an ideal candidate—which is something that will set you apart from other applicants vying for the same position.

Overall, there are several common mistakes people make when writing a creative writer's resume objective, but with careful consideration these can be avoided easily. By focusing on providing specific details about your qualifications, including quantifiable results whenever possible, and customizing each statement for individual jobs postings, you can create an effective and compelling resume objective that will help you stand out from other applicants and give yourself a better chance at getting hired for your dream job!

Related : Creative Writer Resume Examples

Creative Writer Resume Objective Example

A right resume objective for a creative writer should focus on their ability to create compelling stories and content, while a wrong resume objective might include unrelated skills or qualities.

Editorial staff

Photo of Brenna Goyette, Editor

Brenna Goyette

Brenna is a certified professional resume writer, career expert, and the content manager of the ResumeCat team. She has a background in corporate recruiting and human resources and has been writing resumes for over 10 years. Brenna has experience in recruiting for tech, finance, and marketing roles and has a passion for helping people find their dream jobs. She creates expert resources to help job seekers write the best resumes and cover letters, land the job, and succeed in the workplace.

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How to Write a CV (Curriculum Vitae) in 2024 [31+ Examples]

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Plenty of job-seekers spend weeks, and even months, looking for a job. It can be a slow and demoralizing process where you don’t get a single response after dozens of applications.

This is where perfecting your CV can make a real difference.

Your CV is the document that could open the door to your dream job. If you get it right, you can expect interview calls left and right.

But how can you make sure you have a job-winning CV?

Well, we have an answer.

And while it may be a little bit long, it’s worth every second of your time. 

If you want to perfect your CV, you have to grease up your elbows, get your reading glasses, and make sure every little detail is polished to perfection. Once you do that, believe us – it’s going to be worth it.

By building the perfect CV, you’re investing in yourself, and you’re increasing your chances of landing your next gig.

And our article is here to help!

We’re going to guide you through everything you need to know about making a CV, such as:

  • The 7 Steps to Writing a CV
  • 13+ Helpful Tips to Enhance Your CV
  • 19 Real-Life CV Examples for Different Professions

…and much more!

So, let’s get into it.

Do You Need a CV or a Resume?

You might have noticed that when you’re applying for a job, some employers ask for a CV, while others prefer your resume.

But how do the two differ?

The answer depends on where you’re from.

In most of the world, including all of Europe and Asia, a CV and a resume are the same thing and are often used interchangeably. So if you’re applying for a job that asks for a CV, you should know that it’s the same as a resume.

Now, if you’re applying for a job in North America, it’s a bit different.

In the United States , a resume is a one-page summary of your skills and professional experience.

Meanwhile, a CV is a lot more detailed. Curriculum vitae is the Latin term for “course of life,” and it’s meant to include all your experience so far, including all levels of education, publications, projects, and more.

Typically, a CV is only required in the US and Canada when you’re applying for an academic or research position. Unlike a resume, which should only be one or two pages at most, an academic CV can be as long as necessary.

This guide is going to focus on how to write a CV for a regular job search. If you need to write an academic CV for a position in academia, check out our article for that instead.

How to Make a (Perfect!) CV

Most job-seekers use the default Word templates to create their CVs.

The problem here is that those default templates are often bland and don’t make your CV stand out. You want your job application to immediately capture the hiring manager’s attention, not blend in with the rest.

Setting up your CV template is also a very time-consuming process.

You’ll spend hours trying to make your CV’s contents fit within the template’s layout. And then, just when you’re at the finish line, you make one tiny tweak, and the whole thing gets completely messed up.

Now you’re back to where you started, looking for a CV template that’s easier to work with.

So why not take a shortcut?

Just use our CV builder and skip the hassle. Novorésumé lets you create a one-page CV for free, and it’s super easy to customize.

And the best part?

All of our CV templates are created in cooperation with hiring managers from around the world to make sure your CV is industry-ready, stylish, and optimized for the Applicant Tracking Systems ( ATS ) that most companies use.

Here’s how one of our CVs and one made with a regular text editor template compare with each other:

novoresume vs text editor

What to Include in Your CV

Alright, let’s get down to brass tacks. So, what goes into a CV , exactly?

Now, there is no golden rule, and not every CV has the same sections. A lot depends on your level of experience and what exactly you’re applying for.

Let’s look at the most common sections you can choose from.

  • Contact information
  • CV Summary or objective
  • Work experience
  • Certifications
  • Awards and Honors
  • Personal Projects
  • Volunteer Experience

We’re going to look at each of these sections and guide you through writing them, step by step.

#1. Choose the Best CV Format

Before you start filling in the contents of your CV, you have to make sure it’s going to be reader-friendly and look good. 

The first thing hiring managers notice is what your CV looks like, and then decide whether to read it. So, this is your chance to make a strong first impression.

This is where your CV format comes in.

Like with resume formats , there are three different formats you can choose from:

  • Reverse-chronological. This is by far the most popular CV format among hiring managers worldwide, so it’s the best choice for most job-seekers.
  • Functional. This CV format focuses more on skills than work experience. It’s a good choice if you’re just getting started with your career and have little to no experience.
  • Combination. The combination CV format is a great choice for experienced job-seekers with a very diverse set of skills. It’s useful if you’re applying for a role that requires expertise in several different fields and you want to show all that in your CV.

So, which one should you choose?

In 99% of cases, you want to stick to the reverse-chronological CV format . It’s the most popular format, and it’s what hiring managers expect to see.

For this reason, the rest of this article will teach you how to make a reverse-chronological CV.

And Don’t Forget About Your CV’s Layout

Your CV’s layout is just as important as its format.

The layout is what determines whether your CV looks organized or cluttered, whether it ends up being too short or too long, and ultimately, if it’s boring and unimpressive or attention-grabbing and easy on the eyes.

Here are some CV layout tips you should keep in mind:

  • Keep it to one page. You should only go for a two-page CV if you’re sure you can’t summarize yourself on one page. Don’t waste precious space on your CV on your life story – no one’s going to read it!
  • Use clear and consistent section headings. Pick a heading and use it for all the section headers so the hiring manager can easily navigate through your CV. Keep the colors and font size consistent so your CV is easy on the eyes.
  • Leave ample white space. Without the right amount of white space, your CV will end up looking cluttered with information. Just set your page margins to one inch on all sides so your text fits just right on the page.
  • Pick a professional font. We’d recommend sticking to a font that’s professional but not overused. For example, fonts like Ubuntu, Roboto, Lora, or Overpass. Avoid Times New Roman, and never use Comic Sans.
  • Choose the correct font size. As a rule of thumb, go for 11-12 pt for normal text and 14-16 pt for section titles. This helps keep your details clear and keeps the hiring manager from having to squint to read your CV.
  • Save it as a PDF file. Make sure to save your CV as a PDF file, unless the employer specifically requests a different file format. You don’t want to risk sending your CV in as a Word file and messing up your document’s formatting after you put in all that hard work.

Another thing you need to consider is whether you’re going for a classic-looking CV template or something modern .

If you’re pursuing a career in an industry like law , banking , or finance , you might want to stick to a traditional CV template.

But if you’re applying to a startup where individuality and innovation are part of the company's values, you can pick a creative CV template .

traditional vs modern cv

#2. Add Your Contact Information

Once you’ve done formatting your CV, you need to start filling it up with the right information .

The contact information section is easy to fill but important to get right. After all, even if you have the most impressive CV, it’s not going to matter much if the hiring manager can’t contact you.

So, neatly place your contact information at the top of your CV in a designated CV header , so the hiring manager can spot it right away. 

Make sure you triple-check everything in this section so that there are no typos and everything is up to date.

Must-Have Information

  • Full name. Place this at the top of the page. The preferred format here is listing your first name and then your family name. (e.g.: John Smith, instead of Smith, John.)
  • Email address. Use an email address that’s professional and easy to spell, like a combination of your names. (E.g.: [email protected])
  • Phone number. Add a reliable number where the hiring manager can easily reach you. Include the country dial code if you’re applying internationally.
  • Location. Add your city and state/country. If you plan to relocate for the job or want a remote position, make sure to specify so on your CV.

Optional Information

  • Job title. Include your professional title underneath your name. Write it down word for word, whether it’s “Digital Marketing Specialist” or “Senior Copywriter.” Just don’t make up job titles like “Marketing Wizzard” or use funny job-title buzzwords .
  • Social media. As long as it’s relevant, you can add links to any social media or other website that can help your case. For example, having a complete and optimized LinkedIn profile can increase your chances of getting an interview.
  • Portfolio. If you’re looking for a job as an illustrator or other artistic position, you should provide a link to your portfolio. On the other hand, if you’re a software developer, you could include a link to your GitHub account instead.

It’s also important to know what information not to disclose on your CV.

This varies from country to country, so make sure to check what the common practices and laws around these are in the specific place where you’re applying for a job.

  • Date of birth. Unless this is explicitly requested in the job ad, the hiring manager doesn’t need to know how old you are. It’s not important for their decision-making, and it could even lead to age-based discrimination.
  • Unprofessional email address. Your quirky, old childhood email address doesn’t belong on your CV. Instead of [email protected], use a mature [email protected] email address.
  • Headshot. (USA, UK or Ireland) In most English-speaking countries, it might even be illegal to include a picture of yourself on your CV . However, including a picture is the norm in most of Europe and Asia. Make sure to check the regulations for each specific country or industry you’re applying to before sending in your CV.

Now let’s look at an example of what a CV’s contact information section looks like:

cv summary example

#3. Write an Attention-Grabbing CV Headline

Research says that, on average, hiring managers look at CVs for up to six seconds at most!

That sounds a little harsh, right?

You spend days—weeks even—crafting the picture-perfect CV that represents you in a nutshell. 

And what does the hiring manager do?

They glance it over for a few seconds (if you’re lucky!) and move on. 

As unfair as that might be, how exactly are you supposed to capture someone’s attention in a matter of seconds?

This is where adding a brief paragraph at the top of your CV comes in.

Your CV headline should be right next to (or above) your contact information so that it’s the first thing the hiring manager reads.

Depending on your level of experience, your CV headline can be either a CV summary or an objective.

CV summary

Both your CV summary and objective are your first attempt at grabbing the hiring manager’s attention. Make sure you use clear language so that the hiring manager doesn’t have to read your headline a few times to understand it—because they simply won’t read it.

Think of this as your elevator pitch. You need to convince the hiring manager to give you a shot within those six seconds of skimming your CV. 

But if you’re not sure whether to use a CV summary or a CV objective, here’s a rundown of each:

As the name suggests, a CV summary is a brief recap of your career so far. If you do it right, it can show the hiring manager that you’re a qualified candidate in two to three sentences.

Here’s what your CV summary should include:

  • Your job title and the amount of experience you have so far.
  • A few of your greatest professional accomplishments or responsibilities.
  • Your most impressive skills that match the job.

Now, let’s look at a well-written CV summary:

Professional and creative architect with 10 years experience in developing construction drawings, 3D models, and doing design rendering. Served as a project architect at company X and won an honorable mention as a staff architect at XYZ Construction Awards 2023.

Usually, we recommend that job-seekers with work experience use a CV summary. 

But if you’re a recent graduate , an entry-level professional, or you’re going through a career change, a CV objective might be a better choice.

CV Objective

A CV objective is meant to express your professional goals and aspirations and tie them in with your academic background and any relevant skills you might have for the position.

It’s two to four sentences long, and unlike a CV summary, a CV objective tells the hiring manager what your motivation is, so it’s the go-to CV headline for candidates with no work experience .

Here’s an example of what a student’s CV objective might look like:

Recent graduate with a Bachelor's degree in Finance, equipped with strong analytical and mathematical skills. Eager to launch my career in banking at XYZ Bank, where I can apply my knowledge gained through coursework and internships to help clients achieve their financial goals.

#4. Show Off Your Work Experience (the Right Way!)

You’ve made it this far, and now it’s time to really show the hiring manager that you’ve got what it takes for the job.

Your work experience section is the main section of your CV, and it’s where most hiring managers will jump when looking at your job application. 

It’s also the deciding factor in whether you’ll get hired or not.

So, let’s start by showing you how to format your work experience correctly:

  • Job title/position. Your job title goes on top of each work experience entry you include on your CV.
  • Company name/location/description. Name the employer and include the general location, such as the city and state/country where you worked. In some cases, you can also briefly describe the company, particularly when the organization isn’t well-known.
  • Dates employed. Add the approximate period of time that you were employed at each company. Don’t give exact dates; the standard format here is mm/yyyy.
  • Achievements and responsibilities. What you did while employed is the core of each work experience entry. List your achievements and responsibilities in bullet points instead of paragraphs, so they’ll be easier for the hiring manager to read at a glance.

While it might sound straightforward, it can be tricky to sum up your work experience in just a few bullet points.

Most people just list their responsibilities next to the position.

While this approach is okay, it can only take you that far. Hiring managers likely know exactly what your responsibilities and day-to-day tasks were in your previous job. It’s your achievements they really care about.

So, you should take advantage of the work experience section to make it clear how you took the company from point A to point B.

Here’s an example of what a well-written CV’s work experience looks like:

well-written CV work experience section

Your work experience entries should always be listed in reverse chronological order, starting with more details about your most recent job and working their way back to the past.

CV Tips for Listing Work Experience

  • Quantify your achievements. Whenever possible, always include concrete data that backs up your accomplishments. These can be percentages, budget amounts, or the amount of time a specific task or achievement took you to accomplish.
  • Tailor your CV to the job ad. Make sure to tailor your CV to the specific job ad. Pay close attention to the requirements and focus on information that shows how you meet the employer’s needs.
  • Incorporate keywords. Beating the ATS can take a little more effort. Add enough relevant keywords from the job ad so your CV makes it in front of a hiring manager.
  • Use powerful action words. The hiring manager is bored of reading what you “managed” and what you were “responsible for.” Instead, make your CV sound more interesting by using powerful, attention-grabbing words, like facilitated, spearheaded, designed, conceptualized, etc.

Looking to write the perfect ATS-proof CV ? Check out our guide here.

#5. Skills Section on Your CV

Next, it’s time to consider your skills.

Along with your work experience, the skills on your CV make up 90% of the hiring decision .

So, you want to make sure that your skills show that you’re the perfect candidate for the job.

There are two types of skills you should include on your CV:

  • Hard Skills. These are measurable abilities that can range from using Photoshop to being able to solve complex mathematical equations. They’re directly related to your tasks.
  • Soft Skills. Also known as personal skills, these are a mix of communication skills , personal traits, career attributes, and more. They can include leadership, critical thinking, and time management , just to name a few.

Here’s what your skills section would look like on your CV:

skills section on a cv

Follow these tips to format this section perfectly:

  • Separate hard and soft skills. Keep your hard skills separated from your soft skills to make your CV easier to navigate.
  • Tailor CV skills to the job ad. Carefully read the job ad and find out what the employer’s requirements are. Add any of the listed skills that you do have to your CV.
  • Add experience levels for hard skills. Categorize your hard skills by proficiency so the employers know what to expect from you and how much training you might need.
  • Include transferable skills. Regardless of the job you’re applying for, you probably have tons of skins that can come in handy for the position you’re applying for.

Wondering what skills to mention on your CV? Check out our list of 101+ essential skills for inspiration!

#6. Education Section on Your CV

Another important part is the education section of your CV. 

Here’s how you should format it:

  • Program Name. Your major and degree type should be listed first. (E.g.: “B.A. in Business Administration” )
  • University Name. Add the name of the institution. (E.g.: “New York State University” )
  • Dates Attended. Use a mm/yyyy format for the dates you attended. (E.g.: “08/2008 - 06/2012” )
  • Location. If your university is less well-known, you can also add the location. (E.g.: “Stockholm, Sweden” )
  • GPA. Use the appropriate grading system for the country you’re applying to work in. (E.g.: In the USA, it would be “3.9 GPA” )
  • Honors. Add any honors and distinctions you’ve been given. (E.g.: Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude, Summa Cum Laude )
  • Achievements. You can mention interesting papers you’ve written, projects you’ve done, or relevant coursework you’ve excelled in.
  • Minor. “Minor in Psychology”

Let’s look at what this section can look like in practice:

education section on a CV

You’ve got the basics now! Now, here are a few tips to keep in mind to perfect this section:

  • If you’re making a CV as a student and don’t have any work experience yet, you can list your education section at the beginning of the page instead.
  • You can add your expected graduation date if you’re still pursuing your degree.
  • If you already have relevant work experience, just keep this section short and sweet.
  • Recent graduates can expand on their education more and add optional information like projects, classes, academic achievements, etc.
  • Always list your degrees in reverse chronological order, starting with your highest degree on top. Your highest and most recent degree is usually enough, so if you have a Master’s degree that’s relevant to the job, there’s no need to mention your earlier degrees.
  • Don’t add your high school degree to your CV if you already have a university degree. It doesn’t have as much weight, and you can use the space for something else.
  • Only mention your GPA if you had an impressive academic career. Anything below a 3.5 GPA doesn’t need to be on your CV.

Are you in the process of applying for college? Check out our guide to writing a college application CV to wow that admissions officer!

#7. Leverage Optional CV Sections

So far, we covered the most important CV sections that are mandatory for any job application.

Now, it’s time to take a look at the optional sections that can help you stand out.

Optional CV sections aren’t the biggest game-changers for your job hunt , but they’re a great option if you have some leftover space and want to spice up your application.

These include:

  • Certifications. Continuous learning leaves a great impression on hiring managers. If you don’t have work experience in the field yet, showing you’ve taken the first step, such as a Coursera or Google Certificate, can show your genuine interest in the specific field.
  • Awards and recognitions. Your CV is the best place to show off. Include any awards or acknowledgments, such as a hard-to-come-by scholarship .
  • Publications. Whether you’re a freelance writer or a distinguished academic, relevant publications are always impressive. Make sure to include a link so the hiring manager can read your work.
  • Languages. Being able to communicate in more than one language is always a bonus, so include your foreign languages and add your level of proficiency for each on your CV.
  • Personal projects. If you worked on a mock software product during university or you run your product review YouTube channel, you can add it to your CV.
  • Volunteer experience. Studies show that listing volunteer experience can increase your chances of getting hired, especially if you have less work experience. Volunteering shows you like meaningful work, which means you’re more likely to be a loyal employee.
  • Hobbies and interests. While it’s still debated if hobbies or interests should ever make it onto a CV, adding a bit of extra information about yourself can give the hiring manager insight into you as a person and make you stand out. Some hobbies can even back up your skills, such as painting, which proves your creativity.
  • Extracurricular activities. If you don’t have much experience outside of school, any clubs and activities you took part in can show employers how you honed certain skills or managed your time.

Trying to write your first CV as a college freshman ? Check out our detailed guide to learn how!

13+ Expert CV Tips

You’ve got the gist of how to make a CV. Now, it’s time to make it really stand out from the crowd!

Follow these exclusive CV tips to take your CV game to the next level:

  • Make sure that the professional title underneath your name matches the job title of the position you’re applying for. Hiring managers usually hire for several roles at once, so this can give them a cue about which job you’re after, and help things go smoother.
  • Always mention promotions from your previous roles. Your work experience entries should highlight the specific achievements that helped you earn them.
  • Use Laszlo Bock’s formula to describe your achievements: accomplished X as measured by Y by doing Z . This takes your work experience to the next level and clearly shows the hiring manager how you can contribute to their team.
  • List your achievements and responsibilities in bullet points. This makes your CV easier to read, and it’s likelier that the hiring manager will see your impressive achievements while skimming through.
  • Avoid personal pronouns like “I” or “me,” and never refer to yourself by name. Try an altered third person, such as “managed data integrity at XYZ Inc.” in place of “I managed data integrity at XYZ Inc.”
  • The ATS might reject your CV unless the sections are named correctly.  For example, names like “career history” or “expertise” should be  “work experience” and "skills", respectively. It also makes it easier for the hiring manager to find what they’re looking for when reading your CV.
  • Only include important keywords from the job ad , not all of them. The keywords you use, such as relevant skills, qualifications, and experiences need to make sense in context since you want to get past the ATS and impress the hiring manager.
  • If you don’t have much relevant work experience, highlight your transferable skills . These can come from personal projects or extracurricular activities and help you stand out from other candidates.
  • Use color strategically to make headings, bullet points, or key elements you want to highlight really pop. Just don’t use too much of it – the information on your CV should be more impressive than the design.
  • Skip the line “references available upon request.” The hiring manager knows that they can request references from you, so don’t waste valuable CV space telling them they can.
  • Your CV should be optimized for mobile devices. Hiring managers tend to use their mobile phones as often as desktop computers, and having your CV saved to a PDF file can ensure that your formatting stays the same across any device.
  • Remember to change the name of the CV file you plan to send. It should include your name and the position you’re applying for. Skipping this small detail can leave a bad impression on the hiring manager.
  • Try reading your CV out loud when you’re finished writing it. You might notice awkward phrases or spelling mistakes that you would have otherwise missed.
  • Tools like DocSend can track your CV. Use it to get a notification whenever a hiring manager opens your CV, and to even track how long they spend looking at it.

3 Types of CVs

If you apply everything we’ve talked about so far, you should have a perfectly well-rounded CV. You’re prepared to take on the job market!

But just in case you aren’t sure what a great CV looks like, here are some examples of different types of CVs that you can use for inspiration.

#1. Graduate CV Example

graduate cv example

Check out our full guide to writing a student CV here.

#2. Academic CV Example

academic cv example

Check out our full guide to writing an academic CV here.

#3. Executive CV Example

executive cv template

19 CV Examples for Different Jobs

Knowing how to write a CV is one thing, but making a CV that stands out is something entirely different. Without inspiration, even top career experts might stumble on a roadblock or two.

Check out the following effective CV examples for specific jobs to get a better sense of what a good CV looks like:

#1. Nurse Practitioner CV Example

Nurse Practitioner CV Example

Check out our full guide to writing a nurse CV here.

#2. Data Scientist CV Example

Data Scientist CV Example

Check out our full guide to writing a data scientist CV here.

#3. Business Analyst CV Example

Business Analyst CV Example

Check out our full guide to writing a business analyst CV here.

#4. Digital Marketing CV Example

Digital Marketing CV Example

Check out our full guide to writing a digital marketing CV here.

#5. Software Engineer CV Example

Software Engineer CV Example

Check out our full guide to writing a software engineer CV here.

#6. Construction Project Manager CV Example

Construction Project Manager CV Example

Check out our full guide to writing a construction project manager CV here.

#7. Customer Service CV Example

Customer Service CV Example

Check out our full guide to writing a customer service CV here.

#8. High School CV Example

High School CV Example

Check out our full guide to writing a high school CV here.

#9. Student CV Example

Student CV Example

#10. Server CV Example

Server CV Example

Check out our full guide to writing a server CV here.

#11. Actor CV Example

Actor CV Example

Check out our full guide to writing an actor CV here.

#12. Web Developer CV Example

Web Developer CV Example

Check out our full guide to writing a web developer CV here.

#13. Engineering CV Example

Engineering CV Example

Check out our full guide to writing an engineering CV here.

#14. Computer Science CV Example

Computer Science CV Example

Check out our full guide to writing a computer science CV here.

#15. Architect CV Example 

Architect CV Example

Check out our full guide to writing an architect CV here.

#16. Data Analyst CV Example

Data Analyst CV Example

Check out our full guide to writing a data analyst CV here.

#17. Remote Job CV Example

Remote Job CV Example

Check out our full guide to writing a remote job CV here.

#18. Sales Associate CV Example

Sales Associate CV Example

Check out our full guide to writing a sales associate CV here.

#19. Receptionist CV Example

Receptionist CV Example

Check out our full guide to writing a receptionist CV here.

Want to see more examples? Check out our compilation of 80+ CV examples for different fields .

  • Administrative Assistant CV
  • Bartender CV
  • DevOps Engineer CV
  • Executive Assistant CV
  • Flight Attendant CV
  • Graphic Designer CV
  • Paralegal CV
  • Pharmacist CV
  • Recruiter CV
  • Supervisor CV

Next Steps After Your CV

After you’ve got your CV ready, it’s time to focus on other parts of your job application.

Your CV is the first step in your job search, but to land the job you want, you need to prepare a matching cover letter and nail the upcoming job interview.

#1. Write a Great Cover Letter

The best way to complement your CV is by writing a cover letter.

Now, you might flinch at the idea of having to write a cover letter. Unless you’re looking for a job as a writer , you’re probably not too confident in your ability to write a great cover letter.

Thankfully, writing a cover letter is very easy.

Cover letters act as a direct message to the hiring manager. They should be no more than a single page and use between 250 and 400 words . This gives you the chance to explain, in your own words, why you’re the best candidate for the job.

There are plenty of cover letter tips that can help point you in the right direction, so you’ll be able to write the perfect cover letter in no time.

Just follow this structure:

structure of a cover letter for CV

  • Include your contact details. Add the same contact information as on your CV, and the contact information of the hiring manager, such as their name, job title, the company’s name, and its general location.
  • Present yourself. Start your cover letter by stating who you are, what your relevant work experience is, and what excites you about the position. Include an impressive achievement or two, your crucial skills, and what you can do for the employer’s company.
  • Build your case. Check the job ad for the candidate requirements and explain how you meet them. Do research on the company so you actually know what you like about it, and make sure to mention it in your cover letter. Convey your genuine excitement for the opportunity and express your confidence that you can contribute to their mission.
  • Conclude it politely. End your cover letter by summarizing how you meet the employer’s needs for a candidate and thanking the hiring manager for their time. Include a call to action, like "Please feel free to contact me at the provided email or phone number so that we may discuss my application in more detail."  
  • Finally, add a polite closing line and sign your full name underneath.

Not too hard, right? Here’s a real-life example to show you how a cover letter looks:

cover letter for cv example

Want to perfect your cover letter? Learn about the most common cover letter mistakes and check out cover letter examples for different professions here.

#2. Ace The Job Interview

If you’ve made it this far, congratulations are in order. But you can’t celebrate just yet.

The final gatekeeper standing between you and your dream job is the interview process.

If you hate job interviews, you’re not the only one. After all, having to convince a stranger to hire you isn’t most people’s idea of fun.

Here’s the silver lining: most interviewers ask the same questions.

All you have to do is research what the common questions are and show up prepared.

Some of these common interview questions include:

  • Why do you want to work here?
  • Why should we hire you?
  • Tell me about yourself.
  • Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

These might sound cliche, but they’re popular questions for a reason.

Interviewers want to get to know you as an employee and determine if you’d fit within their company’s culture.

So, check out our guide to the 35+ Job Interview Questions and Answers and learn how to ace your next interview.

Key Takeaways

At this point, you should feel pretty confident about writing your CV.

The whole process might seem a bit intimidating at first, but now that it’s broken down into bite-sized pieces, we’re sure you’ve got it.

Before we let you go and land that dream job, let’s just recap some of our key points:

  • Save time by using a free CV builder to create yours with as few obstacles as possible. There’s no need to mess around with formatting for hours before you even get the chance to write your CV!
  • The essential information on your CV includes contact information, a CV summary or objective, work experience, education, and skills. If you have space, you can optionally include sections like certifications, awards, languages, hobbies, and interests.
  • Responsibilities aren’t as impressive as achievements, so use your CV to focus on those times you went above and beyond at your job instead of just your daily tasks.
  • Always tailor your CV to the specific job you’re applying for. Use the job ad as a reference and emphasize the skills and experience you have that match what the employer is looking for.
  • Don’t forget to prepare for the rest of the job application process by writing an equally well-crafted cover letter and practicing how you’ll answer the most common interview questions.

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    Go for one of the standard CV typefaces: Arial, Tahoma, or Helvetica if you prefer sans-serif fonts, and Times New Roman or Bookman Old Style if serif fonts are your usual pick. Use 11 to 12 pt font size and single spacing. For your name and section titles, pick a 14 to 16-pt font size. 2.

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    Add your city and state/country. If you plan to relocate for the job or want a remote position, make sure to specify so on your CV. Optional Information. Job title. Include your professional title underneath your name. Write it down word for word, whether it's "Digital Marketing Specialist" or "Senior Copywriter.".