
Short Request Letter Templates to Get What You Want Last updated on April 30, 2024 / By andre bradley

Writing effective request letters has been an integral part of my professional toolkit for years. These concise pieces of communication can open doors, secure resources, and create opportunities that help you achieve your goals. In this guide, I’ll share my personal insights and provide you with practical templates  that I’ve refined over the years.

Key Takeaways

  • Understand the Purpose : Clearly define why you’re writing the request letter.
  • Free Templates :  Use the proven templates to simplify the process.
  • Personalize Your Approach : Tailor the letter to the recipient.
  • Provide a Clear Call to Action : Tell the recipient exactly what you want them to do.
  • Follow Up : Don’t hesitate to follow up if you haven’t received a response.

Understand Your Goals

Before you write a request letter, it’s crucial to have a clear understanding of what you want to achieve. Are you asking for information, seeking assistance, requesting a meeting, or something else? Your goal will dictate the tone and content of your letter.

Keep It Short and Sweet

In my experience, the most effective request letters are brief. Aim for no more than one page. This not only shows respect for the recipient’s time but also forces you to focus on the most important details.

Personalization is Key

Tailor your letter to the recipient. Use their name, mention how you know them or are connected to them, and make it clear why you are reaching out to them specifically. This personal touch can make a significant difference in how they perceive your request.

Tips for Personalizing Your Letter

  • Research the Recipient : Understand their role and how they might help you.
  • Mention Mutual Connections : If applicable, name-dropping a mutual contact can add credibility.
  • Show Genuine Interest : Compliment a recent achievement or mention something specific about their work.

Clear Call to Action

Your request letter should end with a clear and direct call to action. What exactly do you want the recipient to do after reading your letter? Be specific, whether it’s scheduling a meeting, providing information, or other assistance.

Trending Now: Find Out Why!

Don’t hesitate to follow up if you haven’t heard back within a week or two. A gentle reminder can show your enthusiasm and commitment. However, be courteous and respectful in your follow-up.

Example of a Follow-Up Reminder

“Dear [Name], I wanted to follow up on my previous email to see if you had a chance to consider my request. I understand you have a busy schedule, and any guidance or assistance you could provide would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time and consideration.”

Real-Life Example

Once, I needed detailed information from a government agency for a project. I sent a request letter using these principles, emphasizing how the information would help advance a community initiative. Not only did I receive the information, but the agency also offered additional resources to support the project.

Short Request Letter Templates

1. information request letter template.

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, Zip Code] [Email Address] [Date]

[Recipient’s Name] [Their Position] [Company/Organization Name] [Company Address] [City, State, Zip Code]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I am currently gathering information for [purpose of the information, e.g., a research project, market analysis, etc.], and I believe that your expertise in [specific field or topic] could be extremely valuable.

Could you please provide me with [specific information requested] or point me towards the right resources within your organization?

Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to your reply.

Best regards, [Your Name]

2. Meeting Request Letter Template

[Your Name] [Your Position] [Your Company/Organization Name] [Your Address] [City, State, Zip Code] [Email Address] [Date]

I am reaching out to express my interest in discussing [briefly state the purpose, e.g., potential collaboration, business opportunity, etc.]. Your insights and expertise in [mention relevant field or industry] would be invaluable.

Could we schedule a meeting at your earliest convenience to explore this further?

Thank you for considering my request. I am looking forward to the possibility of working together.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

3. Assistance Request Letter Template

I am currently facing challenges with [describe the issue briefly], and I understand that you have considerable experience in this area.

Would you be willing to provide some guidance or support on how best to address this issue? Any assistance you could offer would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you very much for your time and help.

4. Resource Request Letter Template

In light of my current project on [briefly describe the project], I am in need of [specific resources, e.g., books, software, equipment]. I have been advised that your department might be able to assist with this.

Could you please let me know how I might be able to access these resources?

Thank you for your assistance and looking forward to your positive response.

5. Feedback Request Letter Template

I recently completed [mention what you worked on, e.g., a project, presentation, etc.] and am seeking feedback to enhance my work.

Would you be available to review it and provide your valuable feedback?

Thank you for considering my request. Your insights would be greatly beneficial.

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  • 5 Request Letter Templates to Get What You Want
  • Request Letter For Documents: The Simple Way!
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

letter of request by

Here are some popular questions about writing an official letter requesting for something, along with answers that reflect unique personal experiences:

Q: How do I start an official letter requesting a sponsorship for a community event? Answer: In my experience, it’s crucial to start with a direct and respectful greeting to the potential sponsor. I typically begin with, “Dear [Name or Title of the recipient], I am writing to kindly request your support for our upcoming community event.”

Q: What details should I include in a letter requesting medical records from my doctor? Answer: When I requested my medical records, I made sure to clearly state my full name, date of birth, specific dates of service, and exactly what records I needed. It helped to mention that I was requesting this under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

Q: How can I politely request a refund from a company for a faulty product in an official letter? Answer: From my own experience, it’s effective to be polite yet assertive. I usually start with a brief description of the issue and then state, “I believe a refund is warranted under your product warranty terms.”

Q: What is the best way to ask for an extension on a loan payment through a formal letter? Answer: I had to do this last year, and I found that honesty is the best approach. I explained my current financial situation and specifically how much extra time I needed, which made the request reasonable and understandable.

Q: How should I conclude a letter requesting a personal leave of absence from work? Answer: In my letter, I concluded with a sincere expression of hope for understanding, stating, “I trust this matter will be handled with discretion and kindness as I navigate this challenging period.”

12 thoughts on “Request Letter Sample: Free & Effective”

' src=

As a reader of this blog, I’m impressed with its clear and user-friendly layout. The blog efficiently guides visitors through the process of writing various request letters. The step-by-step instructions are easy to follow, and the inclusion of templates and examples is incredibly helpful. It’s a great resource for anyone needing guidance on crafting professional and effective letters for different situations. The overall design is clean and straightforward, making it easy to navigate and find the information I need quickly. The content is not only informative but also very practical, which I appreciate.

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I appreciate the recommendation. I will try it out.

' src=

How do I write a letter of leave request?

' src=

Writing a letter of leave request is pretty straightforward. Start by addressing your supervisor or HR manager directly.

Clearly state the reason for your leave, whether it’s for vacation, health issues, or personal matters. Include specific dates for when you plan to be away and when you’ll return.

It’s also a good idea to mention how you plan to manage your responsibilities while you’re away, like delegating tasks to a colleague.

Wrap up the letter by expressing your willingness to provide further information if needed and thanking them for considering your request.

Keep it professional, but don’t stress too much about it—everyone needs a break now and then!

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How do you write an official letter requesting for something?

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Request Letters Made Easy: 15 Tips for Writing Effective Request Letters

Stacie Heaps

Request letters can have very positive results if written correctly. When writing your letter of request, keep in mind exactly what it is you wish to accomplish, and construct your letter accordingly.

As you write your letter, remember the importance of your request. There may be a great deal riding on the outcome of this correspondence. For this reason, consider the following points as you compose your letter:

Think of your audience.

When you begin writing, remember to focus on the recipient(s) of your letter, and don't be self-centered. Include, if possible, the potential benefits the reader will receive by complying with your request. Also, mention the special contributions the reader can make—how he or she, in particular, can be of help, why you chose him or her, and so forth. Moreover, express your willingness to reciprocate the kindness or favor, if appropriate, as an act of goodwill.

Introduce yourself.

This is especially important if you have not spoken with the person in some time. Remind the reader of the time and length of your association, and include some of the things you accomplished or your memorable attributes. If writing to a former employer or co-worker, include contributions you made to the company you worked for. If you are addressing your letter to a former professor or administrator at a college or university, remind him or her of projects you worked on together or outstanding work that you did on a paper or other assignment. Depending on the situation, you may wish to remind the person of your field of study, year in school, career goals, and so forth to help refresh his or her memory.

Be straightforward.

After introducing yourself and reminding your reader of your past connection (if necessary), state the purpose of your letter. Focus on your main message, and don't include irrelevant information. However, do include as much detail as necessary to convey your request.

Clearly make your request to the person(s) involved. State plainly and directly your reason(s) for making the request.

Be specific.

Let your reader know exactly what it is that you are requesting. Understand that if you leave out important information, your response might be delayed or the person might not be able to meet your request on time.

Be thorough.

When making your request, be sure to include all pertinent information (the purpose of the request, deadlines if any, number of copies/versions needed if requesting a letter of recommendation or other document, and so forth). Try to read the person's mind and anticipate any facts or documentation that he or she might need.

Under most circumstances, your request letter should be kept fairly short (almost always to one page). Simply remind the reader of your connection, state the purpose of your letter, and include the details of your request (what you want the reader to do, by when, and so on). It is generally more difficult to write a short letter than a long one, and the recipient of your letter will appreciate the effort you make to write a concise, yet comprehensive, letter.

Be courteous.

Keep in mind that, generally, you are infringing on another's time, talents, or other resources when you make your request. Put the reader at ease, and help her or him feel that responding will not be burdensome.

Accordingly, give your recipient adequate time to meet your request without feeling rushed or unduly pressured. Providing sufficient notice will almost always yield better results than waiting till the last minute.

Make the request as easy to comply with as possible.

Make it easy for the person to respond—tell her or him exactly what can be done to accommodate your request, and do everything within your power so that the request can be granted (e.g., if you are asking for a letter of recommendation, include your résumé or a list of accomplishments, and enclose a stamped, addressed envelope).

Be confident.

Be confident and persuasive when conveying your message. Be assertive but not overbearing.

Don't apologize.

When writing this letter, avoid the temptation to apologize for your request. Strive to make the person feel complimented that you would ask the favor of her or him. On the other hand, don't take the person for granted, either. Make only reasonable requests.

Don't be manipulative.

Realize that the reader does not have to grant your request, and understand that you cannot (nor should you try to) force him or her to comply.

Include your contact information.

Before closing your letter, include your address, phone number, and e-mail address. Invite the person to contact you if she or he has any questions or concerns.

Express your gratitude.

Before closing your letter, thank the person for taking the time to consider your request.

Then, after sending your request letter, follow up with a thoughtful, sincere thank-you letter. Sending a thank-you letter is a simple way of expressing your appreciation and may encourage the person to assist you in the future with other requests.

Usually send your thank-you letter within one week of the person's fulfilling your request. If the person is unable or unwilling to comply with your request, it is still important to send a letter thanking the person for her or his time and consideration.

Keep a copy of your request letter.

In many cases, it is a good idea to keep a copy of your request letter in the event that the recipient loses it, or in case, as was mentioned above, the person is perhaps unable, or unwilling, to comply with your request. With an electronic copy of your letter, you can easily send it to multiple people, you will have a record of the correspondence for the future if necessary, and you can easily modify and reprint the letter to send it to someone else if desired.

Letters of request are some of the most important correspondence you can write. With an effective request letter you could get an interview for a new job, convince your boss that you deserve a raise, encourage people to contribute to your favorite charity, and accomplish numerous other worthwhile endeavors. Take the time to construct a complete, yet concise, well-written request letter. The results will be well worth the effort.

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Writing persuasive request letters: tips and samples

Svetlana Cheusheva

If your job involves business correspondence, then you certainly write request letters , occasionally or on a regular basis. This could be a job request, promotion or meeting requests, request for information or referral, favor letter or character reference. Such letters are difficult to write and even more difficult to write in such a way that encourages recipients to respond willingly and enthusiastically.

Shared Email Templates

As to request for money letters , all sorts of sponsorship, donation, or fundraising requests, you would agree that it often requires a miracle to get a response : ) Of course, I cannot guarantee that our tips and letter samples you will do the miracle, but they will definitely save you some time and make your writing job less painful.

Time-saving tip ! If you are communicating by email, then you can save even more time by adding all these sample business letters directly to your Outlook. And then, you will be able to send personalized custom-tailored business emails with a mouse click!

All it takes is the Shared Email Templates add-in that you can see on the right. Once you have it in your Outlook, you won't have to type the same phrases over and over again.

Just double click the template and find the text inserted in the message body in a moment. All your formatting, hyperlinks, images and signatures will be in place!

Don't hesitate to check it out right now; a free version is available for download on Microsoft AppStore .

Well, back to writing business letters, further on in the article you will find:

Business letter format

A business letter is a formal way of communication and that is why it requires a special format. You may not care of the letter format too much if you are sending an e-mail, but if you are writing a traditional paper business letter, the below recommendations may prove helpful. It is considered a good practice to print out a business letter on standard 8.5" x 11" (215.9 mm x 279.4 mm) white paper.

You needn't write the sender's name or title, as it is included in the letter's closing. Type only the street address, city, and zip code and optionally, phone number and email address.

  • Date . Type a date a few lines below the letterhead or return address. The standard is 2-3 lines (one to four lines are acceptable).
  • Re: Invoice # 000987
  • Re: Your letter dated 4/1/2014
  • On-Arrival Notices (optional) . If you want to include a notation on private or confidential correspondence, type it below the reference line in uppercase, if appropriate. For example, PERSONAL or CONFIDENTIAL.
  • Attention Line (optional). Type the name of the person whom you're trying to reach. If you wrote the person's name in the Inside Address, skip the Attention Line.
  • Dear Dr. Brown:
  • Dear Ms. Smith,

If you do not know the recipient's name or are not sure how to spell it, use one of the following salutations:

  • Dear Sir or Madam
  • To Whom it May Concern
  • Body . This is the main part of your letter, usually consisting of 2 - 5 paragraphs, with a blank line between each paragraph. In the first paragraph, write a friendly opening and then state your main point. In the next few paragraphs, provided background information and supporting details. Finally, write the closing paragraph where you restate the purpose of the letter and request some action, if applicable. See tips on writing persuasive business letters for more details.
  • Respectfully yours (very formal)
  • Sincerely or Kind regards or Yours truly (most useful closings in business letters)
  • Best regards, Cordially yours (slightly more personal and friendly)
  • Signature. As a rule, a signature comes four blank lines after the Complimentary Close. Type your name below a signature and add a title, if needed.
  • Enclosures: 2
  • Enclosures (2)

Sample Donation Letter

10 tips to write persuasive request letters

Below you will find 10 strategies to write your request letters in such a way that they convince your reader to respond or act.

  • Know your addressee . Before you start composing you request letter, ask yourself these questions. Who is my reader and how exactly can they help me? Are they decision makers or will they just pass along my request to a senior officer? Both the style and contents of your request letter will depend on the reader's position.
  • Do not be verbose . Be clear, brief and to the point. A rule of a thumb is this - don't use two words when one would suffice. Just remember the famous quote by Mark Twain - "I didn't have time to write a short letter, so I wrote a long one instead". A person in his position could afford that, and… he was not requesting anything : )

Here's a very poor example of a cover letter: " In every regard, my qualifications appear to be consistent with the desires expressed by your advertisement and based on the voice of your company's blogs, I really think that I was meant to be a [Position] in your company."

And this is a good one: " I have good skills and experience in [Your area of expertise] and I would be most grateful if you consider me for any suitable position."

  • Add call to action . Put action in your request letters wherever is possible. The easiest way is to use action verbs and the active voice rather than passive.
  • Convince but do not demand . Do not treat your addressees as if they owe you something. Instead, catch the reader's attention by mentioning common ground and emphasize the benefits of acting.
  • Do not be burdensome . Give readers all the information needed and tell what exactly you want them to do. Simplify the job for the person to respond - include contact information, direct phone numbers, give links or attach files, whatever is appropriate
  • Write in a friendly way and appeal to the reader's feelings . Though you are writing a business letter, don't be superfluously businesslike. Friendly letters make friends, so write your request letters in a friendly way as if you are talking to your real friend or an old acquaintance. We are all humans, and it may be a good idea to appeal to humanity, generosity, or sympathy of your correspondent.
  • Remain polite and professional . Even if you are writing an order cancellation request or complaint letter, remain polite and courteous, simply state the issue(s), provide all relevant information and be sure to avoid threats and calumny.
  • Mind your grammar ! Rephrasing a well-known saying - "grammar counts for first impressions". Poor grammar like poor manners may spoil everything, so be sure to proofread all business letters you send.
  • Review before sending . When you have finished composing the letter, read it aloud. If your key point is not crystal clear, write it over. It's better to invest some time in re-writing and get a response, than make it fast and have your letter thrown away in a bin straight away.

Samples of request letters

Below you will find a few examples of request letters for different occasions.

Sample letter of recommendation request

Dear Mr. Brown:

I hope you are doing well. I have warm memories of your remarkable leadership and support for teachers during my employment at XYZ High School.

Presently, I am applying to XYZ school district and am required to submit three letters of recommendation. I am writing to ask if you would write a letter of recommendation on my behalf.

I would like to provide you with some background information that may assist you, should you decide to write this letter <your background information>.

Request for information

Thank you for submitting your resume in response to the <position> we advertised. In addition to your resume, we also need three references and a list of past employers for the past three years, along with their phone numbers.

Our policy is to thoroughly review the background of each candidate in order to select the most suitable person for this job.

Request for character reference

<Applicant> has applied with our company for a position in our <department>. He / she has given your name as a character reference. Would you be kind enough to provide us with your written evaluation of this person.

Donation request

I am sending this to you as a fellow member of our community. I'm sure that you value living in such a quiet and peaceful neighborhood, just like I do.

You know, sometimes in order to keep one's community quiet and peaceful one has to take action. As you may know, our local Community Committee has been meeting over the past two months to try to find ways to reduce the break-in rate in our area. Last week they released their recommendations on how best to combat that problem.

Their primary recommendation calls for increased police and security patrols to supplement the local Neighborhood Watch program. Unfortunately, the needed amount is not included in this year's municipal budget allocation.

Therefore, as a concerned member of this community I have decided that my business will donate $ for every $ raised in the community to cover the additional security costs. I urge you to join me today in supporting this worthy cause for our common good.

To make your donation today you can drop in to either one of our two stores and deposit your donation in the boxes provided near the front cashes. If you can't make it to the store, please send a check or money order, made out to "XYZ" and mail it to the address listed above.

Requesting a favor

I am writing you to ask you for a favor that I hope you could do for me.

In less than three months I will be taking the <Examination>, with the hope to enter the <University or College>, where they have the best graduate school program for the course that I am interested in.

The school places an extremely high emphasis on a student's success in the exam, which is why I feel extremely pressured to get an above average score on the Graduate Record Examination.

Because you recently graduated with a degree in <science>, you are naturally the first person I thought of when considering who I could approach to assist me. I am not asking for too much time, I would really appreciate any pointers you could give me and a few lessons on the <sections>, which I feel are my weakest points.

Request for product return / replacement

On <date> I placed an order for the <product>, received it on <date>. I have discovered that the purchased product has the following problem: <add details>

Since the product you delivered is not of satisfactory quality <is not fit for the purpose>, I am entitled to have it <repaired / replaced> and I would request that you confirm that you will do this within the next seven days. I also require you to confirm whether you will arrange for the <item> to be collected or will reimburse me for the cost of returning it.

And this is all for today. Hopefully, this information will help you compose properly formatted business letter in general and persuasive request letters in particular, and always get the desired response. Thank you for reading!

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  • How to archive in Outlook automatically or manually (emails, tasks, calendar and other items)

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Nice Content.

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Kindly regards.

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The Number 1 Letter Writing Website in the world

How to Write a Request Letter

Last Updated On June 10, 2021 By Letter Writing Leave a Comment

A request letter is written on any occasion when someone wants to politely ask for information, a favor or permission for a particular matter. It is an official document that shows the intention of requesting something like a document, details, permission or assistance. It is written by an individual or entity. 

Such a letter is addressed to a person or the relevant authority in an institution, company or entity.

A request letter is important to politely express the legitimate demands that one would like to be met by the reader. This letter enables one to air their views, grievances, or requests in writing. 

A request letter can be used as a document for reference in the future. One can also use this letter to request for an adjustment or changes to correct a situation.

Tips for writing a request letter

  • Explain precisely what your request is
  • Mention the reason for the request
  • Use polite language and a professional tone
  • Demonstrate respect and gratitude to the reader
  • The content of the letter should be official
  • You may provide contact information where you can be reached
  • You can refer to particular rules, guidelines or policies
  • Enclose documents to support your request if applicable
  • Be brief and straight forward

Request Letter Template

It is appropriate to request for permission to do something or to go somewhere from your employer. Check out our free request letter template and sample letters that will help you get started.



Date (date on which letter is written)



Dear _________________,

My name is ____________ a representative of ____________. I write this letter to request your response on a survey that we are doing for ____________ project. We believe that you are a stakeholder in the ____________ community and the feedback you give us will inform development of the project.

We are doing research on ____________ in your locality aiming at improving the living standards of the community. We wish to request you to respond to ____________ general questions in this survey. I assure you that this questionnaire does not have any personal questions and all responses given are confidential.

Kindly find the attached survey form with relevant questions attached herewith for your consideration. Please fill all the questions and return the filled and signed questionnaire to our email ____________. We hope to have your responses by the latest ____________ so that we have sufficient time to analyze the responses from the major stakeholders.

Kindly consider our request and fill the survey to promote the implementation of the project.

Thank you for your assistance in advance. 

Yours Faithfully,


________________ ________________

Date (Date on which letter is written)

Sub: ________________________________________

Dear ______________, This is to bring to your kind consideration that I hold a saving account in your bank A/c no. ______________. I have recently issued a cheque to my supplier as a payment for his goods. Cheque no. is ___________ dated _____________, but due to some reason, he has misplaced the same. I kindly request you to do the stop payment of the same.

I would be grateful to you if you could do the needful at the earliest.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,


Request Letter Samples

A request letter should demonstrate politeness and professionalism. Here is a sample request letter that will guide you through writing an official and polite letter to the school administration.

Alyson Osborn,

60 Wagon Avenue

Lebanon, PA 17042

United States

Date:____________ (Date on which letter is written)

Duncan Ramos,

Kevian Industries

7874 Lees Creek Street

Concord, NH 03301

Sub; Request letter for salary

Dear Mr. Ramos,

My name is Alyson Osborn a new employee in the dispatch department with Kevian Industries. I hereby write this letter to bring to your kind attention that I have not received my salary for the past two months.

I started working in your company on 1 st September 2019 and I was put on probation for three months. According to my contract letter, it is clearly stated that my salary would be started after the successful completion of the probation period. Please find the contract letter attached herewith for your reference. I wish to request for my January and February salary.

Kindly take up this matter with the relevant department so that I can receive my salary. I depend on the salary for all my needs and this delay is constraining me financially. Please address this matter with urgency and resolve this issue at your earliest.

Thank you in advance.

Yours Sincerely,

Alyson Osborn

From, John Abraham 3214 JFK San Francisco

Manager Yes Bank San Francisco

Sub: Requesting for stop payment of cheque no. 000098 dated 27th July

Dear Mr. Pereira,

This is to bring to your kind attention that I hold a savings account in your prestigious Bank A/c no. 0097895643. I have recently issued a cheque to my client, no. 000098 dated 27th July, but unfortunately, my accounts department told me that the amount in your bank is not sufficient for the cheque. Thereby, I request you to please make the stop payment of the cheque. I will also intimate my client regarding the inconvenience caused to him from our end.

I will be very grateful to you if you could take prompt action regarding this matter.

Mr. John Abraham

Request Letter Email Formats

Are you thinking of writing a letter to request something from your employer and have no idea where to start? Here is a request letter in an email format that will guide you through writing an official request letter.

Dear Ms. Aguirre,

I hereby write to request for an internship in your company BIDCO Engineers. I wish to request for a three months internship from June to August 2020 to improve my practical skills in engineering.

I am interested in learning and acquiring experience in safety equipment installation, plumbing, drainage as well as other services provided by your company. I have skills in architecture and planning of building layouts that are relevant to the work of your company.  

I have graduated with a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from Dortmund University. I believe that your company is the best place to learn and gain relevant experience in my profession. I will ensure the skills and experience that I gain from this internship will make a great contribution to achieving the values of your company. Kindly find my relevant academic documents to support my request. 

Please let me know if you have an opening during this period. I welcome any opportunity for an interview with you to discuss your expectations for such a position. I would highly appreciate to work with and learn from your team of experts. It is my sincere hope that you will consider my request.

Best Regards,

Francisco Savage

A request letter can be written on various occasions to politely ask for something. Such a letter should demonstrate politeness, respect, and professionalism. A request letter contains details about the request, the reason for making the request, and demonstrates gratitude to the reader. 

Ensure to use official content and a polite tone. You may include documents to support your request letter. Additionally, keep the letter precise and concise.

Megha Kothari

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Related Letters:

  • Request Letter – Cheque Book Request Letter
  • Official Document/Contract Request Letter
  • Request Letter – Salary Request Letter
  • Request Letter – Request for an Endorsement or Testimonial
  • Salary Request Letter
  • Request for Copy of Right to Sue Letter
  • Pay Rise Request Letter
  • Transcript Request Letter
  • Request Letter for a Bank Statement
  • Request Information letter
  • Request Letter – Change of Address Request Letter
  • Transfer Request Letter
  • Sample Letter For Request A Refund
  • Request Letter for Salary Increment
  • Salary Hike Request Letter
  • Change of Address Request Letter
  • Request For Issue Of Voting Card
  • Sample Loan Request Letter
  • Request Letter for Experience Certificate
  • Request for Production of Document
  • Request Letter for Allowance
  • Request Letter
  • Information Request letter
  • Request for Academic Record
  • Credit Request Letter

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Request Letter

letter of request by

Crafting a persuasive Request Letter is an essential skill in both professional and personal contexts. This guide, complete with practical letter examples , provides a roadmap for composing effective and impactful request letters. Whether you’re seeking information, assistance, permissions, or specific actions, understanding the nuances of a well-written request letter is key. Learn how to structure your letter, use the right tone, and convey your request clearly, increasing your chances of a favorable response.

Request Letter Bundle

Download Request Letters Bundle

Regardless if you are in the academe or corporate world, you will need to ask permission to acquire certain things. Some may even require you submit a document to record what you have ask permission to use or acquire. In this case, you need a request letter to explain what you need and why you need it. A request letter is written when a person wants approval to a certain demand or appeal. It helps explains why explains all the details about the request to the recipient.

Request Letter Format

  • Address, City, State, Zip
  • Email & Phone
  • Name, Title/Position
  • Company/Organization
  • “Dear [Recipient’s Name],”
  • Briefly introduce yourself and state the purpose of your letter.
  • Precisely outline your request with specifics (dates, amounts, identifiers).
  • Explain the significance and mutual benefits of your request.
  • Suggest next steps, mention deadlines, and offer further assistance.
  • Express gratitude and hope for a positive outcome.
  • Your Signature (if sending a hard copy)

Request Letter

Example of Request Letter

Elements of a request letter.

A good request letter will let you get the approval that you need. If a request letter is written coherently well, it can express your intentions clearly and let your recipient understand why there is a need for you to acquire what you have requested. Furthermore, it can be your way to getting what you have requested for. To help you with that, here are the essential elements your request letter must contain:

1. Good introduction:  Since this is still a letter, you need to make sure you have a great introduction. Your introduction should immediately explain the purpose of the letter, which is to request of something from the recipient. Aside from that, it provides background information about the request.

2. Comprehensive body paragraphs:  The following paragraphs of your letter must comprehensively provide supporting information about your request. You must be able to provide specifics about your request like the actual name, quantity, date, and so on. Although it should be short, provide as much pertinent information you can.

3. Courteous tone:  Since you are asking permission or seeking approval for your request, it is important to use a courteous tone in your letter. Make sure you don’t sound demanding and bossy in your letter; otherwise, it would be really disrespectful to the recipient. Remember, this is still a formal letter , adhere to its standards.

4. Good formatting:  As a formal business letter, make sure you follow the proper formatting. Your request letter must have all the necessary contents and follow the most convenient formal letter format. Your letter must have proper margin on all sides, addresses must be placed where they should be, and so on.

5. Professional language:  As mentioned, a request letter is still a type of a formal business letter; therefore, the language you use should be professional in letter . Avoid using jargon and overly technical words. In addition, make sure you avoid abbreviations unless it is the preferred way to spell things out.

Request Letter Samples

Request letter to principal.

Request Letter to Principal

Request Letter For Job

Request Letter for Job

Restaurant Rent Reduction Request Letter Example

restaurant rent reduction

Vacation Request Letter

Vacation Request Letter

Donation Request Letter

Donation Request Letter

Appointment Request Letter Template

Appointment Request Letter Template

Contract Request Letter

Contract Request Letter

Department Change Request Letter

Department Change Request Letter

Formal Interview Request Letter

Formal Interview Request Letter

Information Request Letter

Information Request Letter

Internship Request Letter Template

Internship Request Letter Template

Loan Request Letter

Loan Request Letter

Job Transfer Request Letter for Personal Reason

Sample donation request letter for non-profit template.

Sample Donation Request Letter for Non Profit Template

Sponsorship Request Letter for Event Template

Sponsorship Request Letter for Event Template

Editable Donation Request Letter Template

Editable Donation Request Letter Template

Printable Donation Request Letter Template

Printable Donation Request Letter Template

Donation Request Letter Format Template

Donation Request Letter Format Template

Formal Request Letter Template

Formal Request Letter Template

Sponsorship Request Letter Template

Sponsorship Request Letter Template

Transfer Request Letter Template

Transfer Request Letter Template

Fund Transfer Request Letter To Bank Template

Fund Transfer Request Letter To Bank Template

Training Proposal Request Letter Template

Training Proposal Request Letter Template

Short Permission Request Letter Template

Permission Request Letter Template

Professional Request Letter Template

Professional Request Letter Template

Request Letter for Approval Template

Request Letter for Approval Template

School Formal Transfer Request Letter Format Template

School Transfer Request Letter Template

Simple Request Letter Format Template

Simple Request Letter Template

Sample Request Letter to Principal

Sample Request Letter to Principal

Amendment Request Letter

Amendment Request Letter

Permission Request Letter

Permission Request Letter

Letter Requesting Support Example

Letter Requesting Support Example

Access or Copy of Public Record Request Letter

Access or Copy of Public Record Request Letter

Official Meeting Request Letter

Meeting Request Letter

Sample Request Letter for Documents

Sample Request Letter for Documents

Steps in Writing a Request Letter

As you now know, a request letter can help you get what you need, e.g. schedule an interview , borrow official equipment or materials, acquire information, etc. Thus, it is important to be able to write a request letter that will clearly and coherently convey your message. Listed below is an easy guide on how you can write an effective request letter:

1. Write out the full mailing address of the sender:

The return address of the letter should be on the upper most part of the paper, left or right side depending on the format followed. It should contain the printed name of the sender followed by the complete mailing address and contact information such as email address and/or phone number.

2. Date when the letter is written:

It is important to include the date when you have written the letter in order for you to keep track when of the days when the recipient responds. Aside from that, it helps the recipient of the letter take note of the day when the letter arrives on their end, it can help set priorities of the letters they receive, in a way.

3. Include full mailing address of the recipient:

It is important to write out the complete mailing address of the recipient or receiver of the letter to make sure the letter is given to the right person or company. In this sense, the inside address must contain the name of the receiver, mailing address, and contact information. Regardless of letter format , the inside address is commonly placed on the left side of the paper.

4. Indicate subject line:

The subject line of your letter must briefly convey the topic to be discussed further in the letter. The subject line is usually only a few words long.  As indicator, you can include the word Subject before stating the subject of the letter. The terms  Re and In re should only be used for legal correspondence.

5. Write out salutation:

The salutation of your letter must be accurate and courteous. Regardless if the letter is formal or informal, the salutation “Dear” must be used. After the salutation “Dear,” the preferred title and last name of the direct letter recipient must be written. For a formal business letter , the correct punctuation after the salutation is a colon (:).

6. Briefly state introduction:

The introduction of your letter must be able to clearly and briefly explain the purpose of the letter. You should immediately write out your intention to request something from the recipient. In the same paragraph, you should specify the date as well as the reason for your request as well.

7. Include supporting details, if necessary:

In some cases, supporting details are not really that necessary for request letters. However, in other circumstances the recipient may require it. In this case, write the supporting details on the paragraph following the introduction. The supporting details can be pertinent information regarding how a decision to give a request was made, reason/s why the request is completely necessary, what the requested material or information will be used for, etc.

8. Politely conclude your letter:

As a conclusion of your request letter, make sure you express gratitude to the recipient for the taking their time to consider your request. In the same paragraph, you can also include or reiterate your contact information should they need to discuss your request further with you.

9. Include a complimentary close and signature line:

For the same reason why there is a salutation, there should also be a complimentary close for your request letter. It should convey your professionalism and courtesy. A few spaces after the complimentary close, the signature line should come after. It should contain your printed name and title/designation.

10. Indicate enclosure and copy notations:

If you have another document attached with your request letter, you should indicate it by using the enclosure notation. And if you have given another copy of the letter to someone, say the office secretary, indicate by putting a copy notation; for example: “CC:  name of the person:”  after the enclosure notation.

Tips in Writing a Request Letter

A well-written request letter will help you ensure you get your request approved. Your recipient can easily understand the purpose and necessity of your letter if your focus on coherently writing its content. In regards to how you can ensure you can achieve your intentions with your request letter, here are some tips in writing an effective request letter:

  • Include factual details, but avoid dramatizing the whole situation.
  • Be specific with the details or information you include.
  • Avoid irrelevant details; always stick to the point.
  • Do not manipulate your recipient or reader into approving your request.
  • Aim to be persuasive through the words you use and argument your present.
  • Make sure your request is reasonable.
  • Be brief and direct.
  • Always be professional and courteous all throughout your letter.
  • Proofread and edit your letter accordingly. Avoid sending letter with error/s.
  • Keep a copy of your request letter in the event that the recipient loses it.

Types of Request Letter

A request letter is a useful document that you can use to acquire things and information. It can be used when you are in the academe or corporate world. In this sense, you need to know when a request letter can be more useful. Hence, listed below are some of the types of a request letter:

1. Interview Request Letter:  As the name would suggest, this request letter is used to request for an interview most especially for job interview . This request letter includes the specific department and position he/she wants to be interviewed for and his/her personal referrals.

2. Raise or Promotion Request Letter:  This request letter is sent to your employer or supervisor with the intention to request for a salary raise or promotion. The letter should provide the recipient with convincing information as to why he/she is qualified for a raise or promotion.

3. Information Request Letter:  An information request letter politely asks the recipient to give the information that is needed by the sender. This letter also explains why there is a need to acquire such information and that he/she is willing to pay the necessary fees in exchange for the requested information.

4. Third-Party Request Letter:  This request letter asks a third party for help. For example, when the sender needs a letter of recommendation for a scholarship or work, he/she sends a request letter to his/her references to write a him the recommendation letter he/she needs. The sender should provide all the necessary details in the request letter.

Request Letter Sizes

Just like in any formal business letter , the standard paper size to follow is 8.5″ × 11″ . Meanwhile, government offices commonly use paper with the size of 8″ × 10.5″ . However, it is important to inquire to the office you are sending the letter to about what size of paper they prefer that you use.

How do I write a request letter?

  • Your contact information: Include your name, address, phone number, and email address at the top of the letter.
  • Date: Include the date when you’re writing the letter.
  • Recipient’s information: Below your contact information, provide the recipient’s name, title, organization, and address.

2. Salutation:

Use a formal salutation, such as “Dear [Recipient’s Name].” If you don’t know the recipient’s name, use a general salutation like “To Whom It May Concern.”

3. Introduction:

  • Begin by introducing yourself and providing a brief background or context for your request. Mention any mutual connections or previous correspondence if applicable.
  • Clearly state the purpose of your letter, making it evident that you are making a request.

4. Request Details:

  • Be specific about what you are requesting. Clearly state what you need and why you need it.
  • Provide any relevant details or background information that might help the recipient understand the importance or context of your request.
  • If applicable, include any deadlines or timeframes for when you need the request to be fulfilled.

5. Justification:

  • Explain why your request is important or necessary. This could be based on personal reasons, the potential benefits for both parties, or the impact it may have on a larger group or cause.
  • Highlight any relevant qualifications, achievements, or experiences that support your request.

6. Politeness and Respect:

  • Maintain a courteous and respectful tone throughout the letter. Express gratitude for the recipient’s time and consideration.
  • Avoid demanding or entitled language, and instead use phrases like “I kindly request,” “I would greatly appreciate,” or “I humbly ask for your assistance.”

7. Closing:

  • In the closing paragraph, reiterate your request and thank the recipient for their attention.
  • Express your willingness to provide any additional information or assistance if needed.
  • Use a closing phrase like “Sincerely,” “Yours truly,” or “Best regards.”

How do I write a letter of request for a document?

1. Format the Letter:

Use a formal business letter format. Include your contact information at the top, the date, the recipient’s information, and a formal salutation.

2. Begin with a Polite Greeting:

Start the letter with a polite salutation, such as “Dear [Recipient’s Name].” If you don’t know the recipient’s name, you can use “To Whom It May Concern.”

3. State Your Request:

In the first paragraph, clearly and concisely state the purpose of your letter. Mention that you are requesting a specific document. For example: “I am writing to request a copy of my academic transcripts from [Name of School/University].”

4. Provide Specific Details:

In the next paragraph, provide specific details about the document you are requesting, including any necessary information that will help the recipient locate the document. Be sure to include:

  • Your full name, student ID or reference number (if applicable).
  • The document’s title or description.
  • The dates or periods for which you need the document.
  • Any other relevant information that will assist the recipient in fulfilling your request.

5. Explain the Purpose:

Briefly explain why you need the document. This could be for job applications, educational purposes, legal matters, or any other reason. Providing context can be helpful.

6. Mention Any Deadlines:

If you have a specific deadline for receiving the document, mention it in the letter. Politely request that the document be provided by that date.

7. Express Gratitude and Politeness:

In the closing paragraphs, express gratitude for the recipient’s assistance and be courteous. For example: “I would greatly appreciate your prompt attention to this matter.”

8. Closing and Signature:

Close the letter with a formal closing phrase like “Sincerely,” “Yours faithfully,” or “Best regards,” followed by your signature (if it’s a physical letter). In an email, you can simply type your name.

What is an example of a formal request?

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, ZIP Code] [Your Email Address] [Your Phone Number] [Date]

[Recipient’s Name] [Recipient’s Title] [Company or Organization Name] [Company Address] [City, State, ZIP Code]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to formally request your assistance in providing a professional reference for me as I pursue a new opportunity with [Target Company Name]. I have recently applied for the [Position Name] role, and your perspective on my qualifications and work experience would be of great value.

As you may recall, we had the opportunity to work together for [Duration of Your Professional Relationship] at [Previous Company Name]. During that time, I greatly appreciated the mentorship and guidance you provided, which contributed significantly to my professional growth. Your insights into my work ethic, collaboration skills, and expertise in [Specific Skills or Areas] would carry significant weight in the evaluation process.

I kindly request that you provide a reference that highlights my abilities, dedication, and the positive impact I made during our collaboration. You may use any specific projects or achievements we worked on together as examples to support your recommendation.

If it’s convenient for you, I can provide any additional information or answer any questions you may have related to the reference request. The deadline for submitting references is [Specify Deadline], and I would be grateful if you could complete the reference by that date.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude for your time and support in this matter. Your reference will play a pivotal role in my pursuit of this exciting opportunity.

Please feel free to contact me at [Your Phone Number] or [Your Email Address] if you require any further details or have any questions. I look forward to your positive response.

Thank you for considering my request.

[Your Name]

How do you end a letter of request?

  • Sincerely: This is a widely accepted and formal way to close a letter. It’s appropriate for most types of requests.
  • Yours truly: Similar to “Sincerely,” this is a formal and polite closing that can be used for various types of requests.
  • Best regards: This closing is a bit less formal than “Sincerely” and can work well for professional requests, especially in business settings.
  • Kind regards : This closing is friendly and appropriate for formal or semi-formal requests.
  • Respectfully: This is a formal closing that is suitable for more serious or respectful requests, such as formal business or official letters.
  • Yours faithfully: This closing is often used in formal business or legal contexts, particularly in the UK.
  • Thank you: If you want to convey your gratitude explicitly, you can simply end with “Thank you” followed by a comma.

After your chosen closing phrase, leave a space and then type or write your name. If it’s a physical letter, you can sign your name by hand above your typed name. If it’s an email, you can simply type your name below the closing phrase.

Here’s an example of how to end a letter of request using the “Sincerely” closing:

How to Write the Different Types of Request Letters?

Formal Request Letters:

Use a formal business letter format.

  • Start with a polite salutation, such as “Dear [Recipient’s Name].”
  • Clearly state the purpose of your letter in the opening paragraph.
  • Provide detailed information about the request, including any relevant background or context.
  • Be specific and concise in your language.
  • Include any necessary details, such as dates, reference numbers, and supporting documents.
  • Explain the importance of your request and how it will benefit both parties, if applicable.
  • Express gratitude and politeness throughout the letter.
  • Close the letter with a formal closing phrase like “Sincerely” or “Yours faithfully.”

2. Informal Request Letters:

  • Use a more casual tone, but maintain politeness and clarity.
  • Start with a friendly greeting or the recipient’s name.
  • Begin with a brief introduction or context for your request.
  • Clearly state your request in a straightforward manner.
  • Include any necessary details or information related to the request.
  • Offer to reciprocate the favor or express gratitude for the recipient’s help.
  • Close with a friendly closing phrase like “Thanks,” “Best wishes,” or “Take care.”

3. Employment-related Request Letters:

  • Follow a formal or semi-formal business letter format, depending on the context.
  • Address the recipient by name and title, if known.
  • Clearly state the purpose of your letter and the specific request (e.g., job application, reference request, leave request).
  • Provide relevant details such as your qualifications, achievements, and the reason for the request.
  • Express enthusiasm for the opportunity or understanding of company policies.
  • Close with a formal or friendly closing phrase depending on the formality of the letter.

4. Fundraising or Donation Request Letters:

  • Begin with a polite greeting and a personal touch, if applicable.
  • Provide a compelling introduction explaining the purpose of your request and the cause or project you’re seeking support for.
  • Clearly outline the need for funds and how the recipient’s contribution will make a difference.
  • Include specific details about how to donate, payment methods, and deadlines.
  • Encourage the recipient to take action and express the positive impact of their contribution.
  • Close with a heartfelt closing phrase and an invitation for further communication.

How to Write a Request Letter of Recommendation?

1. Choose the Right Person:

Select a person who knows you well and can speak to your qualifications and character. This could be a former employer, supervisor, teacher, or mentor.

2. Format and Structure:

Include your contact information, the date, the recipient’s information, and a formal salutation.

Start the letter by explaining your purpose. Mention that you are applying for a specific opportunity (job, college, scholarship) and that you need a recommendation.

4. Provide Context:

Briefly describe your relationship with the person you’re writing to. Mention how and when you worked together or the capacity in which you know each other.

5. Request for the Recommendation:

Politely ask if they would be willing to write a letter of recommendation for you. Be clear about what you’re requesting. For example: “I am writing to request if you would be willing to write a letter of recommendation on my behalf.”

6. Explain Why:

Briefly explain why you are asking this person for a recommendation. Discuss the opportunity you are pursuing and why you believe they are the right person to vouch for your qualifications.

7. Provide Information:

Include any relevant information about the opportunity you are applying for, such as a job description or program details. This will help the recommender understand what to emphasize in the letter.

8. Offer Assistance:

Show your appreciation and offer to provide any additional information they may need. Mention your contact details for their convenience.

9. Set a Deadline:

Mention the deadline by which you need the recommendation. Be sure to give the person enough time to write the letter.

10. Express Gratitude:

Thank the person for their time and consideration. Express your gratitude for their support.

11. Formal Closing:

Close the letter with a formal closing phrase like “Sincerely,” “Yours faithfully,” or “Best regards.”

12. Signature:

Sign the letter by hand if it’s a physical letter. If it’s an email, you can simply type your name below the closing phrase.

How do I write a letter of request for permission?

Use a formal business letter format. Include your contact information, the date, the recipient’s information, and a formal salutation.

2. Introduction:

Begin the letter with a polite greeting, such as “Dear [Recipient’s Name].”

3. State the Purpose:

Clearly state the purpose of your letter in the opening paragraph. Explain why you are writing and what you are requesting permission for.

Offer a brief explanation of the context for your request. Mention why this permission is necessary and the importance of the matter.

5. Detailed Request:

Provide a detailed description of what you are requesting permission for. Include specifics like the dates, times, and locations (if applicable).

6. Explain How You Will Comply:

Explain how you will ensure compliance with any rules, regulations, or terms associated with the permission. This reassures the recipient that you are responsible and respectful of their concerns.

7. Highlight Benefits:

Explain the benefits of granting permission, both to you and to the recipient or the larger community. This can help persuade the recipient to grant permission.

8. Offer Additional Information:

If there are any supporting documents, plans, or details that will help the recipient make an informed decision, mention them in the letter and offer to provide these documents upon request.

9. Closing Request:

Politely request the permission you need. Use clear and respectful language, such as “I kindly request permission to…”

Express gratitude for the recipient’s consideration and time. Thank them for taking the time to review your request.

Close the letter with a formal closing phrase, such as “Sincerely,” “Yours faithfully,” or “Best regards.”

How to write a letter of request for sponsorship?

1. Research Your Target Audience:

Identify potential sponsors that align with your cause or event. Understand their values, goals, and how your initiative can benefit them.

2. Format the Letter:

Begin with a polite greeting, such as “Dear [Recipient’s Name].”

4. Provide an Engaging Introduction:

In the opening paragraph, provide a concise and compelling introduction that explains the purpose of your letter and your organization or event.

5. Explain Your Cause or Event:

Offer a clear and concise description of the cause, event, or project you are seeking sponsorship for. Include its objectives, goals, and expected outcomes.

6. Highlight Benefits for the Sponsor:

Explain how sponsoring your initiative will benefit the sponsor. Discuss the visibility, marketing opportunities, goodwill, or any other advantages they will gain from the association.

7. Specify the Request:

State the specific type and amount of sponsorship you are seeking. Be precise and realistic in your request. For example, if you’re requesting financial support, mention the exact amount or range.

8. Provide Supporting Details:

Offer details about the sponsorship levels, benefits, or packages available. Explain how the sponsor’s contribution will be acknowledged, such as logo placement, naming rights, or other promotional opportunities.

9. Include a Call to Action:

Encourage the recipient to take action. Clearly express your desire for their support and how they can respond, whether it’s by contacting you, visiting a website, or signing an agreement.

Show appreciation for the recipient’s consideration and time. Thank them for their interest in your initiative and their potential support.

How To Write A Request Letter?

To write a request letter, use a formal format with a clear introduction, polite tone, specific request, explanation, and gratitude, ensuring it’s concise and well-organized.

What is letter request form?

A letter request form is a document used to collect information required to draft a formal request letter. It typically includes contact details, request details, and a space for additional comments.

What type of letter is ‘request’?

A ‘request’ letter is a formal document written to seek permission, assistance, information, or support from someone or an organization. It’s courteous and persuasive, often used in professional or personal settings.

Is a request letter important?

In some cases, there might be no need for a request letter especially when offices only require you to fill out a request form. However, there are also instances when an official request letter is needed to even consider what you are requesting. In this sense, a request letter is still important and relevant up to this day.

Should there be attachments to a request letter?

Depending on what you request for, there might be a need to attach additional supporting documents to your request letter. You can provide your receiver with supporting documents like a summary or analysis of a survey, proposals, plans, and other official documents that will explain the need for what is being requested.

When do you send a business request letter?

You send a business request letter when you need to make formal requests in a professional context, such as asking for information, collaboration, permission, support, or assistance.


Request Letter Maker

Text prompt

  • Instructive
  • Professional

Create a request letter for a student seeking permission to organize a charity event at school

Generate a request letter for a school library to acquire new science fiction books for students.

  • Knowledge Base
  • Free Resume Templates
  • Resume Builder
  • Resume Examples
  • Free Resume Review

Request letters are powerful written tools used to express a specific need or desire to someone in a formal or informal setting.

Whether it's a job application, a favor from a friend, or a business meeting request, mastering the art of writing effective request letters can open doors and help you achieve your goals.

At their core, request letters serve as a means of communication to politely and clearly express your intentions and seek assistance or cooperation from the recipient.

They provide a structured format to convey your request, provide context, and justify the need for your appeal. They facilitate effective communication, enable you to make a compelling case for your request, and demonstrate your professionalism and respect for the recipient's time and consideration.

This guide will explore the different types of request letters, provide critical components for writing an impactful letter, and offer valuable tips and examples to enhance your letter-writing skills.

So get ready to discover the power of well-crafted request letters and unlock new possibilities in your personal and professional endeavors. Let's dive in!

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  • How do I write a letter of request?
  • How to write a request letter of recommendation?
  • What is a good letter of request sample?

Request Letter Definition

A request letter is a formal written document that is written to make a specific request or seek assistance from an individual or organization.

It serves as a means of communication to express one's needs, concerns, or desires. There are various types of request letters, including:

Formal Request Letters: These letters are used for professional or formal purposes, such as requesting information, making inquiries, or seeking permission. They are structured and follow a formal tone.

Job Application Request Letter: This type of request letter is used when applying for a job. It highlights the applicant's interest in a specific position and requests consideration for employment. It typically includes qualifications, experiences, and reasons for seeking the job.

Business Meeting Request Letter: A business meeting request letter is written to request a meeting with another individual or organization for professional purposes. It outlines the purpose of the meeting, desired date and time, and agenda points to be discussed.

Recommendation Request Letter: When seeking a recommendation from someone, such as a former employer, colleague, or professor, a recommendation request letter is used. It politely asks the person to provide a reference or recommendation on the writer's behalf, highlighting their qualifications and suitability for a particular opportunity.

Types of Request Letters

Also Read: How to respond to an interview request?

How to Write the Different Types of Request Letters?

Since there are mainly 4 types of request letters, given below is a breakdown of how you can each type of request letter:

How to Write a Formal Request Letter

Start the letter with a formal greeting, using the appropriate title and name of the recipient. For example, "Dear Mr. Smith" or "Dear Dr. Johnson."

Clearly explain the reason for writing the letter. Be specific and avoid vague or ambiguous language.

Offer relevant details or background information that helps the recipient understand the context and importance of the request.

Explicitly state what you are requesting, including any specific details, dates, quantities, or other pertinent information. If applicable, mention any supporting documents that are attached or will be provided separately.

Maintain a professional and courteous tone in your language and choice of words. Use polite phrases and expressions to convey your request.

Conclude the letter by expressing appreciation for the recipient's time and consideration. Provide your contact information, including phone number and email address, so that they can easily reach you for any further information or clarification.

Carefully review the letter for any mistakes in grammar, spelling, or punctuation. Proofreading ensures that the letter is error-free and presents a professional image.

Also Read: How to write a cover letter in 2023?

How to Write a Job Application Request Letter?

Include your contact information at the top of the letter, including your name, address, phone number, and email address.

Address the letter to the hiring manager or the person in charge of recruitment. Use a formal salutation, such as "Dear Mr./Ms. [Last Name]."

Begin the letter by stating the specific position you are applying for and how you learned about the job opening. Mention any mutual connections or referrals, if applicable.

In the body paragraphs, highlight your qualifications and relevant experiences that make you a suitable candidate for the job. Provide specific examples of your skills and achievements that align with the requirements of the position.

Express your enthusiasm and interest in the company and explain why you believe you are a good fit for the organization. Emphasize how your skills and experience can contribute to the company's success.

Conclude the letter by expressing your appreciation for the opportunity to apply and your interest in further discussing your qualifications. Include a polite request for an interview or the next steps in the hiring process.

End the letter with a professional closing, such as "Sincerely" or "Best regards," followed by your full name.

Carefully proofread the letter for any errors in grammar, spelling, or punctuation. Ensure that the tone is professional and the content is concise and well-organized.

Also Read: How to write a compelling job application?

How to Write a Business Meeting Request Letter?

Clearly state the purpose of the meeting request in a brief and concise manner. Be specific about the agenda or topics you wish to discuss during the meeting.

Use a professional and formal tone throughout the letter. Address the recipient respectfully and maintain courteous and polite language.

Provide a brief background or context for the meeting request. Explain why the meeting is necessary, what issues or decisions need to be addressed, and how it aligns with the recipient's interests or responsibilities.

Suggest potential dates, times, and duration for the meeting, but also show flexibility by offering alternative options. This demonstrates your willingness to accommodate the recipient's schedule and increases the likelihood of a positive response.

Include your contact information, such as your email address and phone number, to make it easy for the recipient to respond or coordinate the meeting. Mention that you are open to any further discussions or adjustments as needed.

Also Read: What is the best format for a formal letter?

How to Write a Request Letter of Recommendation?

When writing a request letter for a recommendation, keep the following tips in mind:

Choose the Right Person: Select someone who knows you well and can provide a strong recommendation based on your skills, qualifications, and character. Ideally, choose someone who has direct experience working with you or supervising you.

Provide Relevant Information: Clearly state the purpose of the recommendation letter and provide the necessary information about the opportunity or position you are applying for. Include details such as the name of the organization, position title, and any specific requirements or qualities they are looking for.

Highlight Your Qualities and Achievements: Provide the person writing the recommendation with specific information about your accomplishments, skills, and qualities that are relevant to the opportunity. Share examples of projects you have excelled in or any notable achievements that showcase your abilities.

Offer Supporting Materials: If applicable, provide additional supporting materials such as your resume, transcripts, or a list of projects you have worked on. These materials can give the recommender a comprehensive understanding of your qualifications and enable them to write a more detailed and personalized recommendation.

Be Timely and Grateful: Request the recommendation well in advance, giving the person enough time to write a thoughtful letter. Express your gratitude for their time and willingness to support you. After receiving the recommendation, be sure to follow up with a thank-you note or email to show your appreciation.

Also Read: How to ask for a professional letter of recommendation?

Sample Letter of Request

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, ZIP Code] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date]

[Recipient's Name] [Recipient's Position] [Company/Organization Name] [Address] [City, State, ZIP Code]

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to kindly request [state your request] and seek your assistance in this matter.

[Provide a brief introduction explaining your background and the purpose of your request.]

After careful consideration, I have concluded that [explain why you believe the recipient is the right person to help you with your request]. I greatly admire your expertise and [mention any specific experiences or accomplishments of the recipient that have inspired you or demonstrated their competence].

[Clearly and concisely state your specific request]. [Provide any necessary details, such as deadlines, important information, or any supporting documents that may be required].

I understand that you may have numerous commitments and responsibilities, and I genuinely appreciate your time and consideration. Should you require any additional information or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at [your phone number] or [your email address].

Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter. I eagerly await your response and sincerely hope for a positive outcome.

Yours sincerely, [Your Name]

Also Read: What are some of the best and simple cover letter templates that you can use in 2023?

FAQs About Letter of Request

  • What type of letter is ‘request’?

A request letter is a type of formal communication written to make a specific appeal or seek something from an individual or organization.

  • How do I write a letter of request for permission?

When writing a letter of request for permission, it is important to be polite, clear, and concise. Start by addressing the recipient respectfully, clearly stating the purpose of the request, providing necessary details and justifications, and conclude with a polite closing expressing gratitude for their consideration.

  • How to request a recommendation letter?

When requesting a recommendation letter, it is important to approach the person professionally, provide them with relevant information about your achievements and goals, and kindly ask if they would be willing to write a strong and positive recommendation on your behalf.

  • How to write a letter of request for sponsorship?

When writing a letter of request for sponsorship, clearly explain the purpose of your request, highlight the benefits for the sponsor, and demonstrate your passion and commitment to the cause or event you are seeking sponsorship for.

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  • Request Letters

How to Write a Letter Requesting a Favor

Last Updated: February 16, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Mary Erickson, PhD . Mary Erickson is a Visiting Assistant Professor at Western Washington University. Mary received her PhD in Communication and Society from the University of Oregon in 2011. She is a member of the Modern Language Association, the National Communication Association, and the Society for Cinema and Media Studies. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 3,185,528 times.

There are many instances in your life when you may need to write a formal request letter. Accordingly, learning the proper format and tone of making an official request is a necessary life skill. Fortunately, request letters usually follow a definite template. Once you learn the proper technique, writing request letters will be no problem.

Preparing to Write a Request Letter

Step 1 Identify the proper person for the request.

  • If you are writing to ask a favor of a company, then you might need to call the company secretary to identify the appropriate person. Get this person's full name, address, phone number and title.
  • You might need to write a different request letter to ask someone who you should write to. In this case, still follow these steps for writing a request letter.

Step 2 Learn the format for a business letter.

  • Place your name, title, and address on the top left of the paper.
  • Place the date below this.
  • Put the person's name, title, and address below this.
  • Address the person appropriately. Start with "Dear Mr." or "Dear Mrs."
  • Have 1-inch margins around the paper and use single spacing. Don't indent, just use a double space in between paragraphs.
  • Use an easy-to-read font such as Times New Roman or Arial, in 12-point font.
  • End with "Sincerely," then leave 4 lines so you can manually sign your name. Below this, type your name and title.

Step 3 Leave enough time for the request.

  • For example, you wouldn't ask for a letter of recommendation from a teacher 2 days before it's due. That is an unreasonable request. If you'd planned ahead, you'd know that such requests usually require 2 weeks to fulfill.

Writing Your Letter

Step 1 Use a proper greeting.

  • "Dear" is the accepted opening for this style of letter. Openings like "Hi" or "Hello" are inappropriate and unprofessional for a business letter.
  • Use Mr., Mrs., and Ms. as appropriate. Never use only someone's first name.
  • If you're unsure of a person's gender, use the full name in the greeting instead of Mr. or Mrs. For example, "Dear Casey Smith."

Step 2 Introduce yourself.

  • Your introduction can only be a sentence or two. You don't need to provide a biography, you just need to give the recipient an idea of who you are.
  • Introducing yourself has two advantages. First, it's polite. Remember, whoever you're writing to probably doesn't have to grant your request, so good manners will show that you've put thought and effort into contacting him or her. Second, identifying yourself will help the recipient understand who you are and better process your request.
  • If you've met the person before, it might help to remind him or her. For example, you might write: “We met last week at the sports banquet. I was pleased to make your acquaintance.”

Step 3 State the favor you're asking.

  • For example, you might be requesting that a company sponsor an event you're putting on. You could stress that the company will receive good exposure by doing this. You could say: "If you were to provide the necessary funding, we will announce your company at the event as an official sponsor. This will give you exposure to the community and identify your company with a good cause." Don't: pressure someone with "This is extremely important." or "It would really mean the world to me." Do: provide specific info such as a deadline or a concrete incentive.

Step 6 Offer to provide assistance to the recipient.

  • For example: "Thank you very much for your time in considering this request. I look forward to hearing back from you on this matter. Sincerely, John Smith."

Step 8 Proofread your letter before sending it.

  • Read your letter at least two more times before sending. That way, you can catch any mistakes you might've made.
  • Just because you're typing your letter doesn't mean that your spelling and grammar check will catch everything. Never rely exclusively on these programs. You still need to proofread the old fashioned way.

Sample Letters

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Mary Erickson, PhD

To write a letter requesting a favor, start by introducing yourself if the recipient doesn't know who you are. Then, politely and clearly state the favor you need by saying something like "I would be grateful if you would let me borrow your tools so I can fix my truck." Make sure you provide all of the details that they would need to fulfill your request, including any relevant deadlines. Also, say something like "I understand if you're not able to do this" so the recipient doesn't feel pressured. To learn how to format your letter, keep reading! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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101+ Sample Request Letters

A letter of request could be for various reasons, for example it could be a request of change in a contract or agreement, request for an endorsement or a testimonial request for assistance, request for authorization, request to take an action, request of issuance of a letter, request for any information, about a product or a service, request for a favor. You can download dozens of sample request letters here.  All these or any other situation demands a specific letter that will deal the requirement or the situation. You can download her various free examples of sample request letters. These request letters will guide you about wording and formats of good request letters. No matter what is the demand of the situation, here are some of the points which will help to write any kind of letter of request. A letter of request is an official document and should be written in formal way.

First point is to consider and select who is the right person to ask for a favor or request. A letter of request is written in a style of business letter as it is a formal letter. The letter should have your name, position or title, address and contact information. The letter should address the recipient properly and clearly. You should give a proper time to the person who has been asked to write a letter of request. The start of the letter should be with a warm greeting, then you should introduce yourself properly, that who are you, your name, job, position and name of the organization. It will make it easy for the reader to understand who is asking for a letter of request.

You should clearly mention that what you are requesting for, and level of help you need, stay polite and to the point. Keep your letter simple and without any ambiguity. In some cases you might have to convince the recipient for the requested issue, so you should also keep this point in view. Overall tone of the latter should be convincing and polite, you should stay respectful. Before sending your letter you should proofread your letter, letter should be typed and brief. Leave your contact details so that it would be easier for the recipient to contact you when it is needed. Close your letter with a feeling of gratitude. You can also get help from the attached sample of letter of request with this template.

Sample Request Letters (Click to Download):

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  • Request for Character Reference Letter
  • Sample Request Letter
  • Information Request Letter Example
  • Tender Request Letter
  • Bank Statement Request Letter
  • Media Sponsorship Request Letter

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How to ask for something in an email with 9 examples

Learn how to write request emails that get results with our in-depth guide. This article breaks down the process of writing request emails for information, documents, contact details, favors and more.

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How many times have you asked for a crucial favor and not got what you needed?

Being able to write a polite and formal email requesting information with a clear purpose is essential in your personal and professional life.

The best email requests demand a reply – and get it. Thus it's critical that you are clear about what you want, when you want it, why you want it, and why the recipient is the right person to fulfil the request.

This is simpler than it sounds, and after some practice it will be easy to create reliable request emails if you follow some simple rules.

This article breaks down these rules to show you how to request something via email. We also provide examples that show you how to write request emails for information, documents, contact details, and more.

Making a formal request has never been easier than using Flowrite , test it out below:

What is a request email?

A request email is a message asking someone to do something for you. Some of the reasons you might want to send a request via email include:

  • You want to request information
  • Ask for advice
  • To complete a form
  • To request a document
  • Ask for additional resources

You'll find that you need to send request emails regularly throughout your job, so learning this essential skill can boost your career.

Before jumping into how to write a request email, we recommend understanding and analyzing the structure. We provide a breakdown in this blog but don't stop there. Read the emails you receive and assess what works and what doesn't. 

Writing effective emails is a learning process, so always be curious and critical. 

Should you make a request via email?

First, if your request is urgent or sensitive, an email isn't the best way to deliver it. We tend to jump straight into messaging, even when other options may be more suitable, says Erica Dhawan in the HBR . 

Emails can be missed (or ignored). If you're dealing with a deadline, any delay could cause issues, so pick up the phone. Suppose your email is asking for sensitive information or personal details (such as asking for bank account information). In that case, an email will be inappropriate (and, in some cases, illegal). 

On the other hand, if your email request isn't urgent, ask yourself: can it wait until you meet someone?

An email request is required if it's not urgent but simply can't wait a little longer. 

7 essential rules and principles of email requests 

At Flowrite, we're experts at writing emails and understand how to craft requests that get replies. Each email should follow basic principles and an established structure to ensure you receive a response. While not each step is essential, following them can help you create more effective emails. You can use these six points as a list as tick list for your email requests, and you won't go far wrong. We put these

1. Don't beat around the bush 

In business, time is precious, so the most effective request emails are short and sweet. You'll want to be upfront and open about what you want.

Don't ask for a favor without explaining why. Don't mislead them or misrepresent what you want. 

Put simply, make your intentions clear immediately. 

2. Be concise 

Email requests should be concise and clear. Tell someone what you want and when you want it. Don't leave room for misunderstanding. That doesn't mean you must be rude but respectful of their time. Say what you mean immediately.

3. Don't assume others will complete the request

In a perfect world, you'd receive an immediate and positive response. But it doesn't always happen that way. 

Don't put pressure on the person you're messaging. For example, avoid using terms such as "thanks in advance" or "I look forward to your reply", as it can provide unwanted pressure on an interaction.

Offer them a mechanism to reject your request (if they want to). This can help the recipient to save face if they can't – or won't – comply with your request. Why do this? There are many reasons why someone may not be able to agree with your request. Giving them a way out can preserve and protect your relationships. 

4. Make the request as easy as possible for the other party

You'll want to make it as easy as possible for the other person to understand what you want. Use clear instructions and consider breaking things down into steps. Use single sentences.

If your request is complicated, consider using bullet points to break things down into easy-to-understand chunks.

You'll want to explain why you want the information and what to do with it. 

5. Convey how urgent and important the request is 

Your request will likely be time-limited, so spell out when and why you need a response. Provide the person you're emailing with a clear deadline. If your request is urgent, say so. As we've said before, if your request is urgent, it may be more appropriate to call. Of course, you can always send an email if you don't get a reply. 

6. Convey that they are the right person for the job 

Be clear about why the person you're messaging is the right person for the job. A little flattery can work wonders in getting a response. Explain why they are the only person that can complete the task. But don't stop there; convey why they are the best person for the job.

7. Provide a clear call for action (CTA)

Ensure that the person you're emailing understands what you're asking them to do. Then, consider breaking things down into simple steps with clear timelines for what happens next. In marketing terms, it's known as a  call-to-action (CTA).  Writing a great CTA is part of science and art. Still, breaking it down to its basics is about providing clear instructions on what you want someone to do. Don't try and be sophisticated with your CTAs, be simple.

How to write an email asking for something

We've explained how to shape the content; now, it's time to put what we've learned into practice. We've written extensively on creating compelling correspondence, so this is a brief reminder of the basics.  Check out our blog for a detailed breakdown of how to write effective professional emails.

Email format for requesting something

Each request email is a  formal email that follows a standard format . There's no need to complicate matters, just follow this structure, and you'll find your messages are simple to write and easy to understand.

Each request email has five parts:

  • Opening lines & Body

Let's break these down and detail what to include and avoid.

1. How to write an email subject line for a request

The subject line is the first thing your recipient will see, so make it clear and keep it simple.

In the subject line, you can clarify whether your request is urgent, essential, or time-limited. You can make it obvious you're asking for help and why you're asking for help.

Don't just copy and paste these. Instead, spend time crafting a suitable subject line for your resignation email as it's more likely to get a response.

2. How to start an email asking for something

There are no rules about opening an email, but you must be upfront about what you want. However, diving too early into demanding something can seem rude.

  • Start by introducing yourself and creating a connection with the recipient. Don't be too informal, just friendly enough to make a good impression.
  • Follow up with details of your request. 

We provide some examples below to see how to put this into practice.

3. How to write the body of the request email 

We've covered the basics of how to write an effect request email, but to recap: 

  • Keep it short
  • Explain precisely what you want support with
  • Be clear about why you're asking for help
  • If there's a time limit, say when you need an answer

Each request is unique, so feel free to rearrange these parts to complete request emails. You'll already have a relationship with the person, so use this to your advantage.

4. How to end an email when requesting something

Every email needs a call to action. Explain what you want the person to do and, if required, provide a timeline for progress.

After that, you'll want to use an appropriate and respectful ending. Traditionally, you'd use 'yours sincerely' or 'yours faithfully, but times have changed, as have relationships.

If your request is formal, we'd recommend using the traditional endings. However, don't let formality define your emails. Instead, find an end that's respectful of your relationship.

7 steps to write an email request 

We're nearly ready to put what we've explained into practice with some examples. Before then, here's a checklist for anyone writing a resignation email. 

  • What is the outcome you are looking to achieve with the request?
  • Who is the best person to handle this?
  • How urgent/important is the request?
  • Should I call or ask for a meeting instead?
  • Can you give them a favor in return?
  • Draft the email and proofread it
  • Is the call-to-action and next steps clear? 

These questions can act as a prompt before creating a personal request email. You'll see how we've implemented these principles with the examples below.

9 samples for requesting something via email

To illustrate the points we've made previously, we've created a series of email request samples for you to review and use. These demonstrate the principles of creating effective emails. Read these sample request emails and analyze them to see what we're doing. Don't simply copy and paste them, but personalize them for each request and recipient.

1. How to write a formal email for a request sample

This is a formal email request that anyone can use. You'll still need to add the specifics of your request to make the email effective, but we've highlighted gaps where you can add your information. Start here if you want to know how to write a formal email requesting something.

2. How to write a polite email asking for something sample

Every request email should be polite, but this is a little friendlier than the formal request email above. In this example of how to write a polite email asking for something, we keep it short and straightforward, focusing on the solution.

3. Sample professional email requesting information

Asking for information is a common reason for creating a request. This sample professional email requesting the information is addressed to someone you don't know, so we've kept it to the standard format. However, depending on your role, you may have to create a business email to request something – and here's how.

4. How to write an email asking for information sample 

Similar to the email approach above, this example of how to write an email asking for information is addressed to someone you already know. Unlike the email request for information example above, we've made it more personal and a little less professional.

5. Sample email requesting documents 

Asking for documents is a common reason you'd want to send an email request. Again, this request document email sample follows the standard format above. With some editing, this email can be used as a letter requesting documents from a client or a customer.

6. Sample email requesting immediate action or something urgent

If you cannot speak to someone on the phone, this sample email requesting immediate action is for you. The basics of how to write an email for requesting something urgent are the same as all other emails here. Still, we've upped the urgency, which is reflected in the tone and the structure.

7. How to request something from your boss in an email sample 

When considering how to request something from your boss by email, think carefully about the context and your future career. Be clear about what you want and why you need it, but maintain respect for their position. If you're searching for some inspiration, check out this sample on how to request something from your boss.

8. Sample email asking to fill out a form 

This example is for you if a client, customer, or colleague has to fill out a form. This sample email asking someone to fill out a form is quick and straightforward. However, be sure to adapt it for your audience and add the essential specifics, such as links.

9. Request for resources email sample 

Sometimes you're asking for more than help, but for resources. Asking for additional resources can be challenging and will always require detailed information that only you can provide. See how we've approached the task in this resource request email sample.

How to request something via email using Flowrite

Flowrite is an AI writing assistant that turns your instructions into ready-to-send emails and messages, like this:

Our Chrome extension covers the email format, capitalization, grammar, spelling, punctuation.

In other words, you can focus on the message, and Flowrite will take care of the delivery. We dare to claim that it's the easiest way to request something in an email.

Our email template collection features dozens of templates to help you. To grasp how easy is is to write an email asking for something by using Flowrite, check out an example of how to make a request below.

Sending an email requesting information is simple, but you'll need to follow the correct structure and strike the right tone of voice to be effective. The best emails are clear and confident, and follow the 7 rules we outlined here.

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Deseret News

Report: Utah’s Miss USA complained of ‘toxic work environment’ in resignation letter

F ormer Miss USA Noelia Voigt cited her mental health to explain why she was leaving the job early, but her resignation letter highlighted a number of additional concerns, according to The New York Times .

The Times obtained the eight-page letter on Friday and reported that it raised concerns about a “toxic work environment within the Miss USA Organization.”

“She also complained in her letter that the organization had delayed making good on her prize winnings” and argued that the organization had not supported her after an incident of sexual harassment late last year, The New York Times reported.

Representatives for Miss USA did not respond to the Times’ request for comment.

The New York Times noted that Voigt, who is from Park City and represented Utah in the Miss USA pageant, is subject to a nondisclosure agreement.

Since Miss USA announced her resignation on Monday, Miss Teen USA UmaSofia Srivastava and Miss Colorado USA Arianna Lemus have also left their posts.

“After careful consideration, I’ve decided to resign as I find that my personal values no longer fully align with the direction of the organization,” Srivastava said in a statement, as the Deseret News previously reported.

The Miss USA first runner-up, Savannah Gankiewicz, agreed to step into the role of Miss USA on Thursday, according to .

Before The New York Times posted its story on the resignation letter, Voigt shared a new statement in an Instagram story asking people not to attack Gankiewicz for her decision.

“I do not condone bullying or hate of any kind,” she wrote.

Voigt added that it’s OK if not everyone agrees with a decision.

“My decision was about my health moving forward and hoping for positive change,” she wrote.

Miss USA Noelia Voigt competes in the national costume competition at the Miss Universe Beauty Pageant in San Salvador, Thursday, Nov. 16, 2023. The reigning winners of Miss USA, Noelia Voigt, and Miss Teen USA, UmaSofia Srivastava, handed back their crowns within days of each other this week in a shock to the Miss Universe Organization, which runs both.

Chairmen Jordan and Comer Refer Michael Cohen to DOJ for Lying to Congress

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) and House Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer (R-KY) sent a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland referring Michael Cohen to the Department of Justice (DOJ) for lying to Congress. The letter reminds the Justice Department of Cohen’s lies to Congress in February 2019 and asks what the DOJ has done to hold Cohen accountable for his false statements . In a 2019 letter, Republican members cited six specific lies told by Cohen to the House Oversight Committee and urged the DOJ to take appropriate action. Last year, the Committees learned that Cohen separately lied again before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) in a 2019 deposition. Cohen's testimony is now the basis for a politically motivated prosecution of a former president and current declared candidate for that office.  Excerpts of the letter to Garland : "As indicated in the 2019 letter, Cohen, while testifying under oath before the House Oversight Committee, made willfully and intentionally false statements of material fact that were contradicted by the record established by the Justice Department in United States v. Cohen . Cohen also made statements to the Oversight Committee that were contradicted by witnesses with firsthand knowledge of the subject matter. In particular, Cohen lied at least six times: 1. Cohen denied committing various fraudulent acts to which he had pleaded guilty in federal court. 2. Cohen repeatedly testified that he did not seek employment in President Trump's White House, despite evidence from the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York demonstrating that 'Cohen privately told friends . . . that he expected to be given a prominent role and title in the new administration.' 3. Cohen stated that he did not direct the creation of a Twitter account known as @WomenForCohen, which is contradicted by statements from the owner of the IT firm that created the account for Cohen. 4. Cohen attested in his Truth in Testimony form that he did not have any reportable foreign government contracts, despite entering into two contracts in 2017 with entities owned in part by foreign governments. 5. Cohen's testimony at the hearing contradicted various aspects of his written statement submitted in advance of the hearing. 6. Cohen asserted that he committed crimes out of 'blind loyalty' to President Trump, which was contradicted by findings made by federal prosecutors and a federal court. "In 2023, Cohen admitted to lying to Congress during a separate proceeding before Congress in 2019. At a hearing in the politicized lawsuit brought by the New York Attorney General against President Trump, Cohen admitted to lying under oath during a 2019 deposition before HPSCI. President Trump's attorney asked Cohen if he lied during the deposition when testifying about whether he was directed to inflate certain financial numbers, to which Cohen responded, 'Yes.' This revelation in court prompted HPSCI to refer Cohen again to the Justice Department for perjury and knowingly making false statements to Congress. "Currently, Manhattan’s popularly elected District Attorney, Alvin Bragg, is using Cohen as his star witness in an ongoing criminal prosecution of President Donald Trump. Bragg's case heavily relies on Cohen's testimony and credibility. Even more troubling, Cohen's advisor, Lanny Davis, boasted to Politico that Bragg's prosecution of President Trump all stemmed from Cohen's testimony to Congress in 2019. Davis confessed to calling the New York County District Attorney’s office after 'Michael was sent to prison' because 'the evidence of financial fraud was on the record in the [congressional] hearings and that Vance's office should interview Michael . . . . And that’s how it began.' In short, to prosecute President Trump, Bragg has revived this 'zombie' case relying on a known—and convicted—liar and his testimony at a congressional hearing in which he lied at least six times. "Under 18 U.S.C. § 1621, a witness commits perjury if the witness 'willfully' asserts 'any material matter which he does not believe to be true' after 'having taken an oath' to 'testify . . .truly.' Under 18 U.S.C. § 1001, a witness commits a crime if the witness 'knowingly and willfully' makes 'any material false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or representation' with respect to 'any investigation under review, conducted pursuant to the authority of any committee. . . of the Congress.' Congress cannot perform its oversight function if witnesses who appear before its committees do not provide truthful testimony."

Read the full letter to Attorney General Garland here .

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Dear Colleague Letter: Non-Academic Research Internships for Graduate Students in Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies (Hydrogen INTERN) Supplemental Funding Opportunity

May 6, 2024

Dear Colleague:

Fostering the growth of a globally competitive and diverse research workforce and advancing the scientific and innovation skills of U.S. students are strategic objectives of the National Science Foundation (NSF). Supporting the development of a skilled workforce in energy efficiency and renewable energy is a strategic objective of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). The NSF and DOE's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) have established a partnership to support internship and training opportunities to meet these strategic objectives with a focus on hydrogen and fuel cell technologies. A new generation of skilled workforce is needed to drive research and development of hydrogen production, delivery, infrastructure, storage, fuel cells, and multiple end uses across transportation, industrial, and stationary power applications. For more information on DOE-EERE's priorities for hydrogen energy research, please see the DOE's Hydrogen Program Areas and the U.S. National Clean Hydrogen Strategy Roadmap .

This Dear Colleague Letter (DCL) describes this unique partnership with DOE EERE's Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office (HFTO) and is aligned with and conforms with the NSF INTERN opportunity described in the Dear Colleague Letter: Non-Academic Research Internships for Graduate Students (INTERN) Supplemental Funding Opportunity . This DCL is referred to as the Hydrogen INTERN DCL.


NSF will consider supplemental funding requests in the broad area of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies that enable PIs (or Co-PIs) to request supplemental support of up to $55,000 and six months for graduate students supported on active NSF grants with the following goals:

  • To provide graduate students with the opportunity to augment their research assistantships or NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) fellowships with research internship activities and training opportunities that will complement their academic research training.
  • To allow graduate students to pursue new activities aimed at acquiring professional development experience that will enhance their preparation for multiple career pathways after graduation.
  • To encourage the participation of the full spectrum of diverse talent in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).


The PI/co-PI of an active NSF award may request supplemental funding for one or more graduate students to gain knowledge, skills, training, and experiences in hydrogen and fuel cell technologies and their application areas.

Internship hosts include, but are not limited to:

  • Private sector companies, laboratories, or industry research and development groups.
  • Start-up businesses such as, but not limited to, those funded through the NSF's Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs.
  • Department of Energy Laboratories, other government agencies (all levels), and National Laboratories.
  • Museums, science centers, and other informal learning settings that educate the public.
  • Policy think-tanks.
  • Non-profit organizations.

Prior to submission, PIs are encouraged to discuss possible INTERN supplements with the cognizant NSF Program Director Points of Contact listed in this DCL to ensure the proposed internship and its topic are a good fit for this DCL. It is expected that the graduate student and the PI on the NSF grant will work together to identify experiences that add the most educational value for the graduate student through activities that are not already available at the student's academic institution. Further, it is expected that the internship will be research-focused and will be on-site at the host organization unless a specific exception to this is granted by the cognizant Program Director due to extenuating circumstances.


To be eligible for this opportunity, graduate students must have completed at least one academic year in their graduate program (master's or doctoral) prior to commencement of the proposed INTERN activity and be making satisfactory progress toward completion of their degree.


Information about requesting supplemental support is contained in the NSF PAPPG ), Chapter VI.E.5. In addition to the PAPPG requirements for supplemental support, the following materials must be included.

  • A two-page summary that describes the internship
  • A one-page personal statement from the graduate student describing career goals, accomplishments, and how the activity will better prepare the individual to enter the workforce.
  • Research summary to include contribution(s) to research discipline
  • Institution(s)
  • Year of study (1st year, 2nd year, etc.)
  • Completed coursework
  • Employment and volunteer/outreach history
  • Publications (accepted only)
  • Other information relevant to the proposed internship
  • A letter of collaboration from an authorized official at the host organization that describes the internship opportunity and mentoring the student will experience during the internship. The letter should include a statement confirming that neither the graduate student nor the PI has a financial interest in the organization hosting the internship.
  • An endorsement letter from the PI that confirms that the student meets the eligibility requirements specified in this DCL. The letter must describe how the proposed internship activity will contribute to the student's graduate education experience and how it may impact time to degree.
  • The NSF recipient and Host Organization must agree in advance as to how intellectual property (IP) rights will be handled. A signed agreement on IP (including publication and patent rights) must be submitted either as a supplementary document or, via email to the cognizant Program Director after submission of the supplementary funding request and prior to the award of the supplemental funding. NSF is responsible neither for the agreement reached nor the IP information exchanged between the NSF recipient and Host Organization.
  • A budget and budget justification.


The total amount of funding requested must not exceed $55,000 per student per six-month period. NSF plans to fund up to approximately 10 or more supplements in each fiscal year starting with FY 2024, depending on availability of funds.


Funds may be used to support travel, tuition and fees, health insurance, additional stipend, and temporary relocation costs for the graduate student. Additional stipends are not allowed for GRFP fellows "on tenure" (currently receiving a GRFP stipend), but a stipend will be considered for fellows "on reserve" (not currently receiving a GRFP stipend) equal to the monthly rate of the GRFP stipend. Up to $2,500 may be used for the PI or the graduate research fellow's advisor to travel to work with the host organization in co-mentoring the student during the internship. Up to $2,500 may be used for materials and supplies to support the student during the internship. Travel costs must be allocated in the budget request for the graduate student to travel once to Washington DC, to present the outcomes of the INTERN project at the DOE's Annual Merit Review meeting. The recipient is permitted to request indirect costs in accordance with their approved/negotiated indirect cost rate. The total requested budget cannot exceed the limits listed under the "Supplement funding amount" section above. Note: Spousal and dependent travel are not supported.


The supplement funding will provide up to six months of support for an internship. Up to two supplemental funding requests may be submitted on a grant per student. This would allow the student up to two internship periods of up to six months each (i.e., a maximum of 12 months per student).

Supplemental funding requests may be submitted at any time with a target date of June 15 for Fiscal Year 2024 and April 15 for future Fiscal Years.


Requests for supplemental funding must be submitted electronically via A PI or co-PI on an NSF award must contact his/her cognizant program director prior to submission. GRFP INTERN supplement requests are submitted by the GRFP PI, not by the GRFP fellow or the fellow's research advisor. Requests for supplemental funding submitted in response to this DCL will be reviewed internally by NSF Program Officers. All supplements are subject to (a) the availability of funds, and (b) merit review of the supplemental funding request.


Intellectual Property Rights: Internships under this DCL are considered equivalent to traineeships. The National Science Foundation claims no rights to any inventions or writings that might result from its traineeship awards. However, trainees should be aware that NSF, another Federal agency, or some private party may acquire such rights through other support for particular research. Also, trainees should note their obligation to include an Acknowledgment and Disclaimer in any publication.


Recipients are required to have a policy or code of conduct that addresses sexual harassment, other forms of harassment, and sexual assault. The recipient should work with the Host Organization to ensure that the Host Organization also has a policy or code of conduct that addresses sexual harassment, other forms of harassment, and sexual assault including reporting and complaint procedures and to confirm that such policy both covers and protects INTERN students interacting with the Host Organization. The recipient should also coordinate with the Host Organization to provide orientation to graduate students to cover expectations of behavior to ensure a safe and respectful environment, and to review the recipient and host organization's policy or code of conduct addressing sexual harassment, other forms of harassment, and sexual assault, including reporting and complaint procedures. For additional information, see the NSF policies at .

Susan Marqusee, Assistant Director Directorate for Biological Sciences (BIO)

Dilma Da Silva, Acting Assistant Director Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE)

James L. Moore III, Assistant Director Directorate for Education and Human Resources (EDU)

Susan Margulies, Assistant Director Directorate for Engineering (ENG)

Alexandra Isern, Assistant Director Directorate for Geosciences (GEO)

C. Denise Caldwell, Acting Assistant Director Directorate for Mathematical and Physical Sciences (MPS)

Alicia Knoedler, Office Head Office of Integrative Activities (OIA)

Kendra Sharp, Office Head Office of International Science and Engineering (OISE)

Kaye Husbands Fealing, Assistant Director Directorate for Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences (SBE)

Erwin Gianchandani, Assistant Director Directorate for Technology, Innovation and Partnership (TIP)

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FAMU rescinded $15M Blueprint request for Bragg Stadium after now-paused $237M donation

letter of request by

Two days after Florida A&M University announced it received an eye-popping $237 million donation , President Larry Robinson notified the Blueprint board that the university was no longer interested in pursuing $15 million in additional funding for Bragg Stadium improvements.

The Blueprint board, made up of all 12 city and county commissioners, approved $10 million for major renovations to FAMU's football stadium in 2020. At the time, the stadium was in such disrepair it was unclear whether home games would be played there in the 2021 season.

Last year, FAMU asked Blueprint for $15 million more for Bragg improvements. The board in February denied the university's request for immediate funding but voted to explore the use of economic development funds rather than infrastructure dollars for the project.

Robinson, in a Monday letter to Leon County Commissioner Carolyn Cummings, who chairs the Blueprint board, thanked the agency for the $10 million and consideration of the additional $15 million.

"However, at this time we are withdrawing our request for additional assistance from the Blueprint Intergovernmental Agency for Bragg Memorial Stadium," Robinson wrote in the letter obtained by the Democrat. "We look forward to continuing to work with you, the Blueprint Board of Directors and Blueprint staff in other ways going forward."

The letter was dated two days after FAMU's spring graduation ceremony and surprise announcement of the purported nine-figure stock contribution from Gregory Gerami , CEO of Batterson Farms Corp , a little-known hemp company based in Austin, Texas. The gift would have been the biggest ever for FAMU or any historically Black college or university.

But on Thursday, FAMU put Gerami's donation on hold amid mounting questions about it. Gerami has a history of philanthropic overtures to other universities, including Coastal Carolina University and the University of Texas at Austin, that never materialized, according to reporting by the Myrtle Beach Sun News.

It's unclear whether FAMU's decision to backtrack on its most recent Blueprint request was directly related to Gerami's would-be donation. The gift agreement between Gerami and the Isaac Batterson Family 7th Trust stipulated that at least $100 million would go toward FAMU athletics.

A FAMU spokesperson was not available for comment on late Thursday on whether the now-paused donation would prompt the university to reconsider its abandoned request for $15 million in Blueprint funds.

Contact Jeff Burlew at [email protected] or 850-599-2180.


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  3. 101+ Sample Request Letters

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  4. 9 Sample Request Letters

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  5. 9+ Sample Request Letters

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  6. letter of request Doc Template

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  2. Request Letter for Employee Contract Renewal

  3. Request Letter to Carry Forward Annual Leave

  4. Request Letter for Email ID Update in Bank Account

  5. Quotation Request Reply Letter

  6. Letter Request for Assistance during Parade BSP GSP


  1. How to Write a Request Letter (Format and Samples)

    A request letter template is a pre-formatted document designed to help individuals or entities formally ask for a specific action or information from another party. The template provided outlines the necessary elements such as the sender's and recipient's details, a subject line, and a clear body of text detailing the nature of the request. ...

  2. How to Write a Letter of Request: Tips & Sample Template

    If you don't know the name of the person you are writing to, use a salutation like "Dear Sir or Madam," or "To Whom It May Concern." 3. Write an introductory paragraph. In the first paragraph of any letter of request, introduce yourself, and clearly but briefly state the purpose of the letter.

  3. Example Request Letters, Guides and Samples • WriteExpress

    Choose a topic to view example request letters: Request a change in a contract or agreement Request a copy of an official document Request a raise or promotion Request a response to a survey or questionnaire Request an endorsement or testimonial Request assistance or cooperation from someone in another firm Request confirmation of an ...

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    Follow these steps to write a formal letter of request: 1. Include the address and date. Address and date are the headers of most business letters. First, include the name, designation, and address of the recipient. Place both pieces of information on the left.

  8. Writing persuasive request letters: tips and samples

    Type a date a few lines below the letterhead or return address. The standard is 2-3 lines (one to four lines are acceptable). Reference Line (optional). If your letter is related to some specific information, such as a job reference or invoice number, add it below the date. If you are replying to a letter, refer to it.

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    Recommendation Letter Request - An appeal for a letter highlighting an individual's skills, qualifications, and capabilities, often included as part of an application for a job or college program. Download: PDF, MS Word, OpenDocument. Sponsorship Request - A request to sponsor expenses related to an enterprise or activity, such as a ...

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    Use the following steps when writing a letter of request: 1. Include contact details and the date. All business letters start with the full name and contact details of the sender and recipient along with the date of writing. The sender's name and contact details may appear on letterhead or get printed on the top left of the page.

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    A request letter can be written on various occasions to politely ask for something. Such a letter should demonstrate politeness, respect, and professionalism. A request letter contains details about the request, the reason for making the request, and demonstrates gratitude to the reader. Ensure to use official content and a polite tone.

  12. Request Letter

    Crafting a persuasive Request Letter is an essential skill in both professional and personal contexts. This guide, complete with practical letter examples, provides a roadmap for composing effective and impactful request letters.Whether you're seeking information, assistance, permissions, or specific actions, understanding the nuances of a well-written request letter is key.

  13. Request Letter

    Request Letter: A request letter is a formal letter or a document that is written in the context of requesting anything from an official. It is a formal way of demanding a favor from high officials or administrative personalities. It can be written to your boss or manager to get leave or salary or promotion. […]

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    Request Letter Definition. A request letter is a formal written document that is written to make a specific request or seek assistance from an individual or organization. It serves as a means of communication to express one's needs, concerns, or desires. There are various types of request letters, including:

  15. 100s of Free Request Letter Examples (Editable)

    Request. Request involves formally asking for something, often information, assistance, or action, through written or verbal communication. It contribute to efficient project management by ensuring necessary resources. Effectively express needs with request templates. Achieve desired outcomes confidently using expert-guided letters & emails.

  16. How to Write a Request Letter

    Tips for writing a request letter While email request letters are common, you may also submit a physical copy. Consider these tips when writing a letter to make a request: Use a professional format Choose a readable and simple font, such as Times New Roman, Arial, Calibri, Georgia, or Helvetica. Consider using one-inch margins and a 12-point ...

  17. The Best Way to Write a Letter Requesting a Favor (with Sample)

    Learn the format for a business letter. Your request letter should use the proper business letter format, as it is likely a formal request.This applies whether you're sending an email or a hard copy letter. Become familiar with the following format and be sure to use it when writing your letter. Place your name, title, and address on the top left of the paper.

  18. 9 Sample Request Letters

    A letter of request is written like a business letter as it is a formal letter. The letter should have your name, position, title, address and contact information. The letter should address the recipient clearly and properly. Stay polite and to the point. Keep your letter simple and without any confusion. The beginning of the letter should be a ...

  19. 101+ Sample Request Letters

    101+ Sample Request Letters. A letter of request could be for various reasons, for example it could be a request of change in a contract or agreement, request for an endorsement or a testimonial request for assistance, request for authorization, request to take an action, request of issuance of a letter, request for any information, about a ...

  20. How to write email for requesting something

    Start here if you want to know how to write a formal email requesting something. Dear (Recipient's name), My name is (insert name), and I'm contacting you from (insert company). I would like to request your help with a current project. (Insert details about the request, what you are asking for and why.)

  21. How To Write a Letter of Recommendation (With Example)

    Requesting a recommendation letter At some point, you may need to request a recommendation letter. Consider asking former managers, colleagues, teachers, mentors, clients or vendors to verify your skills, traits and work ethic. This should also be someone you've had a positive working relationship with who can thoughtfully discuss your skills ...

  22. Report: Utah's Miss USA complained of 'toxic work environment' in

    Representatives for Miss USA did not respond to the Times' request for comment. The New York Times noted that Voigt, who is from Park City and represented Utah in the Miss USA pageant, is ...

  23. PDF Forms and Rates Bulletin No. 40 To: All Insurance Carriers Doing

    Letter of Intent . For purposes of maintaining transparency in the market and preventing unfair or discriminatory practices as outlined in . Del. C.18 § 2304, the Department requests that insurance carriers submit an informational letter of intentin scenarios outlined in the third paragraph of this Bulletin andunder any

  24. Check Post-9/11 GI Bill Statement Of Benefits

    You'll need to request a copy of your education decision letter by mail to check your GI Bill benefit status. Find out how to get a copy of your education decision letter by mail. Find out how to apply for Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits. And you must have 1 of these free accounts: A verified account, or; A verified account, or

  25. Chairmen Jordan and Comer Refer Michael Cohen to DOJ for Lying to

    The letter reminds the Justice Department of Cohen's lies to Congress in February 2019 and asks what the DOJ has done to hold Cohen accountable for his false statements . In a 2019 letter, Republican members cited six specific lies told by Cohen to the House Oversight Committee and urged the DOJ to take appropriate action. Last year, the ...

  26. Dear Colleague Letter: Non-Academic Research Internships for Graduate

    A letter of collaboration from an authorized official at the host organization that describes the internship opportunity and mentoring the student will experience during the internship. The letter should include a statement confirming that neither the graduate student nor the PI has a financial interest in the organization hosting the internship.

  27. Somalia Asks Security Council to Terminate Major UN Mission

    In a letter to the UN Security Council dated May 8 and seen by Bloomberg, Somali Foreign Minister Ahmed Mali Fiqi asked it to end the UN Assistance Mission in Somalia, which advises a 14,000 ...

  28. FAMU rescinded $15M Blueprint request for Bragg Stadium after now

    Robinson, in a Monday letter to Leon County Commissioner Carolyn Cummings, who chairs the Blueprint board, thanked the agency for the $10 million and consideration of the additional $15 million.