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Edco Ireland

from Case Studies: Dictatorship & Democracy 1920-1945

by Edco Ireland

from Case Studies: Dictatorship & Democracy 1920-1945 , page 123

Article from: Case Studies: Dictatorship & Democracy 1920-1945


What is the documents-based question.

Section I on your Leaving Certificate history paper is the documents-based question. This question is compulsory and is worth 100 marks, i.e. 20% of your overall mark.

In the 2024 and 2025 papers the compulsory question will come from one of the three Case Studies in Dictatorship and Democracy in Europe, 1920-1945. They are:

 Stalin’s Show Trials  The Jarrow March, October 1936  The Nuremberg Rallies

In this section you will be given two sources drawn from one of the three Case Studies. They could be written sources like a newspaper article, a political speech or an extract from a book, or visual sources like a photograph or a political cartoon. Both sources will be about the same theme or event in the Case Study.

What types of question will you be asked?

You will be asked to answer four types of question about these sources.

1 Comprehension Usually there are three or four parts to this question at Higher Level and five at Ordinary. They are designed to test your understanding of the sources. This is the most important question for Ordinary Level students, who can earn 40 out of 100 marks for it. For Higher Level students it is worth 20 marks. Some examples of the type of question:

 In Document A, what is meant by... ?

 What is the message of the cartoon (Document B)?

 According to Document A, what role does X play in events?

2 Comparison Usually there are two parts to this question. They ask you to compare or note differences between the way the two sources deal with the event. This question is worth 20 marks at both Higher and Ordinary Levels. Some examples of the type of question:

 How does the accouunt of the event in Document A differ from the account in Document B?  Which document is more effective in communicating its message?  Comment on the portrayal of X in Documents A and B.  Which document is more sympathetic to ... ?

3 Criticism There are usually two parts to this question. In it you may be asked to detect bias, propaganda, opinions or to make judgements about the reliability of the sources. This question is worth 20 marks at both Higher and Ordinary Levels. Some examples of the type of question:

 Do you find bias in this document?  How reliable is Document A?

 What are the strengths and weaknesses of Document B as a historical source?  Is a political cartoon such as Document A a reliable source of historical evidence?  Is Document B a primary or secondary source? Explain your choice.  Do you agree that Document B is a good example of propaganda?

It is really important that for the above three types of question you make use of evidence from the source(s) in your answer. Use words or phrases from the documents, name figures in cartoons or mention facts the sources refer to.

4 Contextualisation This is the final question and it will ask about your background historical knowledge of the Case Study. For Higher Level students, answering it will involve knowing about the elements of the Topic (Dictatorship and Democracy in Europe) that are relevant to the Case Study.

Higher Level students should write a short essay of about two pages while one page will be enough at Ordinary Level. This is the most important question for Higher Level students, as it is worth 40 marks out of 100. For Ordinary Level students it is worth 20 marks.

It is probably best to do Section I first on your paper. But be very conscious of time.

Remember, you have another three sections to deal with, so do not write too much for any of the four parts and do not spend more than 45 minutes., question to ask when examining a souirce, summary: the documents-based question, type of question number of parts marks – higher level marks – ordinary level, 1 comprehension 3 or 4 short questions – higher 5 questions – ordinary 20 40, 2 comparison 2 short questions 20 20, 3 criticism, 4 contextualisation 2 short questions 20 20, 1.5 pages – higher 1 page – ordinary 40 20, what event is the source about is the source reliable, is it an eye-witness account, when and why was it made who made the source does it contain opinions, are there any weaknesses such as bias, how is this source useful, how well does it get its message across, is it a primary or secondary source, was it made close to the event or many years later, more articles from this publication:.

leaving cert history case studies 2024

9 Case Study: The Jarrow March, October 1936

leaving cert history case studies 2024

8 Britain between the Wars, 1919–1939

leaving cert history case studies 2024

Documents-based questions

leaving cert history case studies 2024

6 Propaganda in Nazi Germany

Useful books and websites.

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Case Studies: Dictatorship & Democracy 1920-1945

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Dictatorship & Democracy Case Studies 2024/2025 NEXT PREV

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This text covers the topic: Dictatorship and Democracy,1920-1945, the compulsory Document-based Question, to be examined in 2024 and 2025.

  • An exam focused text, suitable for students of all abilities,
  • using accessible language, layout and concepts
  • The book has been designed to entirely focus on the prescribed Case Studies allowing students to achieve an in-depth understanding of each of the Case Studies
  • For 2024 and 2025, the three Case Studies studied through documents are drawn from Dictatorship and Democracy, 1920-1945: Stalin’s Show trials, The Nuremberg Rallies, The Jarrow March
  • A detailed treatment of each Case Study including background information the consequences are outlined to provide more in-depth understanding for each Case Study. There are exam-type document questions, including documents-based questions from past leaving Certificate History papers
  • The exam-type document questions are differentiated for higher and ordinary level students
  • The Case Studies chapters contain primary source documents with accompanying questions
  • relevant key personalities and key concepts to the topic are included

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Case Studies: Dictatorship and Democracy 1920–1945

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This text covers the topic: Dictatorship and Democracy, 1920-1945, the compulsory Document-based Question, to be examined in 2024 and 2025.

Class: 5th Year, 6th Year 

Further Information

Class:5th Year, 6th Year 
Exam:Leaving Cert
Publisher:The Educational Company of Ireland (Edco)

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Leaving Cert history case studies

Leaving Certificate Curriculum: Document Case Studies & relevent HI articles


Topic 1: Reform and Reformation in Tudor Ireland, 1494-1558:

The Plantation of Laois/Offaly:

James Lyttleton, ‘ Seventeenth-century West Offaly : Accommodating the new realities (Vol. 12.1, Spring 2004)

Michael Quinn, ‘ Francis Cosby (1510-80), Stradbally, Queen’s County and the Tudor Conquest of Ireland ’ (Vol. 14.5, Sept-Oct 2006)

Women and marriage under Gaelic law

Art Cosgrove, ‘ Marriage in medieval Ireland ’ (Vol. 2.3, Autumn 1994)

The Bardic Schools:

Marc Caball, ‘Bardic poetry & the analysis of Gaelic mentalities’ (Vol. 2.2, Summer 1994) Can’t find this

Bernadette Cunningham, ‘ Irish language sources for Early Modern Ireland ’ (Vol. 4.1, Spring 1996).

Patrick Clark, ‘The O’Clery’s: hereditary historians and poets’ (Vol.18.3, May//June 2010) Can’t find this

Topic 2: Rebellion and conquest in Elizabethan Ireland, 1558-1603:

The Lordship of Tír Eoghain:

Hiram Morgan, ‘Gaelic Lordship and Tudor Conquest: Tír Eoghain, 1541-1603’ (Vol. 13.5, Sept/Oct 2005)  Can’t find this

Elizabethan Dublin:

Colm Lennon, ‘ Dublin’s Great Explosion of 1597 ’ (Vol. 3.3, Autumn 1995)

Topic 3: Kingdom v. colony: the struggle for mastery in Ireland, 1603-1660:

The Scots migration to Ulster:

Special issue on ‘ The Ulster plantation ’ (Vol. 17.6, Nov/Dec 2009)

Micheál MacCraith, ‘ Printing in the vernacular: the Louvain Project ’ (Vol. 15.4, July/Aug 2007)

Topic 4: Establishing a colonial ascendancy, 1660-1715:

Restoration Dublin:

John Gibney, ‘Restoration Dublin in the Ireland of its time, c.1660-1700’ (Vol. 14.3, May/June 2006)  Can’t find this

Angus Winchester, ‘ Dublin in the 1680s ’ (Vol. 15.1, Jan/Feb 2007)

Topic 5: Colony vs. kingdom: tensions in mid-18th century Ireland, 1715-1770:

The Ponsonbys:

Jame Kelly, ‘Henry Flood: the forgotten patriot’ (Vol. 7.1, Spring 1999)   Can’t find this

The Whiteboys:

James Patterson, ‘’Educated Whiteboyism’: the Cork tithe war, 1798-9’ (Vol. 12.4, Winter 2004)

Topic 6: The end of the Irish kingdom and the establishment of the Union, 1770-1815:

The Wexford Rebellion:

Daniel Gahan, ‘The military strategy of the Wexford United Irishmen in 1798’ (Vol. 1.4, Winter 1993)

Daniel Gahan, ‘The Scullabogue massacre 1798’ (Vol. 4.3, Autumn 1996)

The rise of Belfast:

Jonathan Bardon, ‘Belfast at its zenith’ (Vol. 1.4, Winter 1993)

Bill Rolston, ‘’A lying old scoundrel’: Waddell Cunningham & Belfast’s role in the slave trade’ (Vol. 11.1, Spring 2003)

Maynooth College:

Daire Keogh, ‘Maynooth: A Catholic seminary in a Protestant state’ (Vol. 3.3, Autumn 1995)


Topic 1: Ireland and the Union, 1815-1870:

Private responses to famine, 1845-1849:

Christine Kinealy, ‘’The widow’s mite: private relief during the Great Famine’, (Vol. 16.2

Rob Goodbody, ‘Quakers & the Famine’ (Vol. 6.1, Spring 1998)

Peter Grey, ‘The triumph of dogma: ideology and famine relief (Vol. 3.2, Summer 1995)

The campaign for Catholic Emancipation, 1823-1829:

Thomas Bartlett, ‘The Catholic question in the eighteenth century’ (Vol. 1.1, Spring 1993)

Topic 2: Movements for political and social reform, 1870-1914:

The elections of 1886 and 1886: issues and outcomes:

Brian Walker, ‘The 1885 and 1886 general elections in Ireland’ (Vol. 13.6, Nov/Dec 2005)

Dublin 1913: strike and lockout:

Padraig Yeates, ‘The Dublin 1913 Lockout’ (Vol. 9.2, Summer 2001)

Christiaan Corlett, ‘The Church Street disaster, September 1913’ (Vol. 17.2, Mar/Apr 2009)

The GAA to 1891:

Noel Kissane, ‘Drink, Sunday School and the GAA: The use of documents in the teaching of history’ (Vol. 12.3, Autumn 2004)

Tom Hunt, ‘Classless cricket? Westmeath 1880-1905’ (Vol. 12.2, Summer 2004)

Richard McElligott, ‘’Degenearating from sterling Irishmen into contemptible West Britons’: The GAA and rugby in Kerry, 1885-1905’ (Vol. 19.4, July/Aug 2011)

Topic 3; The pursuit of sovereignty and the impact of partition, 1912-1949:

The Treaty negotiations, October-December 1921:

Michael Laffan, ‘The emergence of the ‘Two Irelands’, 1912-25’  (Vol. 12.4, Winter 2004)

Belfast during World War II:

Brian Barton, ‘The Belfast Blitz, April-May 1941’ (Vol. 5.3, Autumn 1997)

The Eucharistic Congress, 1932 :

Dermot Keogh, ‘The Catholic Church and the Irish Free State, 1922-32’ (Vol. 2.1, Spring 1994)

Rory O’Dwyer, ‘On show to the world: the Eucharistic Congress, 1932’ (Vol. 15.6, Nov/Dec 2007)

Topic 4: The Irish diaspora, 1840-1966:

Grosse Isle:

Michael Quigley, ‘Grosse Ile: Canada’s island famine memorial’ (Vol. 5.2, Summer 1997)

De Valera in America, June 1919-December 1920:

David B. Franklin, ‘Bigotry in ‘Bama: De Valera’s visit to Birmingham Alabama, April 1920’ (Vol 12.4, Winter 2004)

Michael Doorly, ‘The Friends of Irish Freedom: a case-study in Irish-American nationalism, 1916-21’ (Vol. 16.2, Mar/Apr 2008)

The Holy Host mission to Nigeria, 1945-1966:

Kevin O’Sullivan, ‘’The wind of change’: decolonisation in British West Africa’ (Vol. 14.4, Jul/Aug 2006)

Mary Dempsey, ‘The birth of a mission’ (Vol. 14.4, Jul/Aug 2006)

Topic 5: Politics and society in Northern Ireland, 1949-1993:

The Sunningdale agreement and the power-sharing executive, 1973-1974:

Gordon Gillespie, ‘Sunningdale and the 1974 Ulster Worker’s Council strike’ (Vol. 15.3, May/Jun 2007)

Topic 6: Government, economy and society in the Republic of Ireland, 1949-1989:

The impact of RTÉ 1962-1972:

Robert Savage, ‘’A stranger among us: Edward Roth and the development of Telefís Éireann’ (Vol. 18.2, Mar/Apr 2010)


Topic 2: Religion and power: politics in the later 16th century, 1567-1609:

The Spanish Armada:

Hiram Morgan, ‘Teaching the Armada: an introduction to the Anglo-Spanish War, 1585-1604’ (Vol. 14.5, Sept/Oct 2006)

Topic 3: The eclipse of Old Europe, 1609-1660:

Galileo and the Inquisition

Ernan McMullin, ‘ Galileo and Peter Lombard ’ (Vol. 15.4, Jul/Aug 2007)

Topic 5: Establishing empires, 1715-1775:

The West Indies slave plantations:

Micheál Ó Siochrú, ‘Shipped for the Barbadoes: Cromwell and Irish migration to the Caribbean’ (Vol. 16.4, Jul/Aug 2008) Can’t find

Nini Rodgers, ‘ The Irish and the Atlantic slave trade ’ (Vol. 15.3, May/Jun 2007)


Topic 3: Dictatorship and democracy in Europe, 1920-1945:

Stalin’s show trials:

Geoffrey Roberts, ‘ Stalin’s victory? The Soviet Union and World II ’ (Vol. 16.1, Jan/Feb 2008)

The Nuremberg Rallies:

John Horne.’The origins and nature of Fascism and Nazisim in Europe (Vol. 13.1, Jan/Feb 2005)   Can’t find

Topic 4: Division and realignment in Europe, 1945-1992:

The Hungarian Uprising, 1956:

Terry Cox, ‘Hungary 1956’ (Vol. 14.3, May/Jun 2006) Can’t find

Topic 5: European retreat from empire and the aftermath, 1945-1990:

British withdrawal from India, 1945-1947:

Deirdre McMahon, ‘ The 1947 partition of India: Irish parallels ’ (Vol. 18.4, Jul/Aug 2010)

Topic 6: The United States and the World, 1945-1989:

The Montgomery bus boycott, 1956:

Quincy Lehr, ‘’ We are determined to struggle for justice and equality’: the Civil Rights era in African American history ’ (Vol. 15.1, Jan/Feb 2007)

Lyndon Johnson and Vietnam, 1963-1968:

Sandra Scanlon, ‘’ That bitch of a war’: Lyndon B. Johnson and Vietnam ’ (Vol.16.3, May/June 2008)

leaving cert history case studies 2024

Personal Histories

On this day.

  • 1812 Frederick Edward Maning, adventurer and naturalised Maori, born in Johnville, Co. Dublin.
  • 1608 Sir Cahir O’Doherty, lord of Inishowen, in revolt against the Crown, was killed in a skirmish at Kilmacrenan, Co. Donegal.
  • 1922 Cathal Brugha (47), on the last day of fighting between the National Army and anti-Treaty IRA in O’Connell Street, emerged from the Hammam Hotel with guns blazing and was mortally wounded. He died two days later.
  • 1924 The Olympic Games opened in Paris, where Ireland competed as a national delegation for the first time. The artist Jack B. Yeats was awarded a silver medal for his painting The Liffey Swim.

Institute of Education

History (H): A Challenging Paper With A Few Stings In The Tail

Leaving Certificate History (H) Review

Reaction to 2024 Leaving Certificate History (Higher Level) by Stephen Tonge, History teacher at The Institute of Education.

  • Students that focused purely on case studies will be challenged by trickier questions that needed them to add greater context.
  • Those who prepared a broad range of topics will find some very manageable questions.    

Students would have started this paper with a positive mindset as the much-anticipated Stalin’s show trials made their appearance in Section 1: Documents-Based Question. The questions, particularly 2. and 3., were straightforward. This meant that students would be feeling secure as they ventured into Section 2: Ireland.   

The History course is extensive, and students often need to prioritize sections. Those who did Topic 2: P olitical and S ocial R eform 1870-1914 will have found good questions that covered everything. Topic 3 on Sovereignty and Partition 1912-1949 will find a mix of the familiar and the novel. Question 1 was a very good question but required students to cover a vast array of material. Similarly Question 3 drew together several areas around the central figure of d e Valera, asking students to assess his successes and failures between 1932-1948. While manageable, students needed to think on their feet and adapt their knowledge of events relating to the consolidation of state, economic policy and foreign policy around a key personality. This would have been different to what they expected, but those with very good knowledge of the topic could have adapted well. The fourth question on the Eucharistic congress will be lovely and familiar to those who have gone back through previous papers as it regularly appears.  

Topic 5 on Northern Ireland, 1949 to 1993 introduced a few stings in the tail. Question 1 on the leadership of Lord Brookeborough may be unappealing as again it focuses on an individual rather than events, which is not how many students and teachers tend to approach the course. Question 2 on the Coleraine University controversy starts comfortably but narrows its scope by specifying the effects of it and the Civil Rights movement on Derry. That being said, Question 3 on the Sunningdale agreement and Anglo-Irish Agreement w as pleasingly accessible to those who prepared th at material.    

In Section 3, Topic 6: The United States and the World (1945-1989) would be the focus of most students’ attention. Many students will be upset to see no questions on economy, Johnson or Vietnam.  Those who had sought to streamline their revision would find this section very restrictive. Question 1 followed the trend of centering on a key personality and thus demanded students to think on their feet and recontextualize the material. Question 2 was a case study with the added sting of necessitating an evaluation into the wider topic. Question 3 was very nice for students who prepared the feminist movement as the “and/or” qualification in the question allowed them the ability to dictate the scope of their response. In contrast Question 4’s insistence on including both the moon landing AND Star Wars (the RADAR defense system) might break a few hearts. In the syllabus Star Wars is listed as “Foreign Policy” and so its inclusion with the moon landing is notably out of context.  

The paper was manageable but definitely challenging as students had to contend with questions that were unfamiliar.   

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leaving cert history case studies 2024

Everything you need to study Leaving Cert History

The Leaving Cert History curriculum can be quite challenging for students as it is divided into 12 long topics and involves a lot of essay writing but don't worry Studyclix is here to make your learning easier!

leaving cert history case studies 2024

What's involved?

Leaving Cert History is a challenging course and requires essay style answers. Good English skills, the ability to do research and an interest in History are all important if you do this subject. Here is a breakdown of how you will be assessed:

Written Exam (80%)

Research Study Report (20%)

The Written Exam

At both levels, the examination paper features a documents-based question (linked to the documents-based study) and three general questions. All four questions carry equal marks. The paper is 2 hours and 50 minutes long.

Here is a breakdown of the course content:

  • Ireland & the Union
  • Movements for political and social reform
  • Sovereignty & the impact of partition
  • The Irish diaspora
  • Politics and society in Northern Ireland
  • Republic - government, society, economy
  • Nationalism and State Formation
  • Nation states and international tensions
  • Dictatorship and democracy
  • Division and realignment in Europe
  • European retreat from Empire and the aftermath
  • The US and the World.

Research Study Report

Students must choose a research topic and write up their findings under three headings:

Outline Plan (15 marks)

Evaluation of the Sources (25 marks)

Extended Essay with a review of the research process (60 marks)

leaving cert history case studies 2024

How to study History

History h1 guide.

leaving cert history case studies 2024

To some, History can seem like a challenging subject. The amount of information that you're expected to know by the end of 6th year might feel overwhelming, however once you break down each topic into a select number of essay titles, the information required is actually much more manageable.

In this guide, Vicky goes through her tips and tricks on getting a H1 in this subject.

History RSR Project Guide

leaving cert history case studies 2024

Study on your research project? No need to worry! Jamie, we has been teaching history and correcting state exams for over thirteen years, has you covered!

In this guide, he gives his tips on getting a H1 in the Leaving Cert History Research Study Report. You can find it here .

Sample Answers

It is no secret that History involves a lot of essay writing. For this reason, we've worked with teachers to create loads of sample History answers for you to study from!

However, at Studyclix we don't only have sample essays. We have gone a step further and created video content of teachers breaking down and analysing essays to make sure you understand how to properly answer the essay questions.

Here is a sample video to give you a better idea of what these videos are all about:

Here is how you can find our sample answers and essay breakdown videos:

Go to your Homepage.

Click the subject of  History.

Click on the topic you want to study.

Scroll down to see the videos and essays linked underneath the questions or find them in the 'videos and notes' tab!

Essay Writing Podcast Episode

leaving cert history case studies 2024

For tips on essay writing check out this episode of the Studyclix Podcast! After years at Studyclix and working alongside expert teachers, Eimear and Nessa have picked up lots of tips and tricks for crafting the perfect essay. There is a formula for essay-writing that if you follow it, will make it so much easier on yourself so you don't waste time agonising over what to write.

To hear these great tips, listen below:

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Case Studies - Dictatorship and Democracy 1920-1945 (for 2024 and 2025 exams)

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Senior cycle history: a syllabus of inquiry using insight and perspectives

Study principles revolve around evaluating multiple sources of historical evidence.

leaving cert history case studies 2024

The base of a statue of Michael Collins (1890-1922) near the former home of the Irish rebel leader in Clonakilty: Few historical sources can be deemed totally impartial. Their context must always be taken into consideration. Photograph: Robert Alexander/Getty

The Leaving Cert history syllabus is based on the principle “that the study of history should be regarded as an exploration of what historians believe to have happened, based on an inquiry into the available evidence”.

History deals with the experience of human life in the past. The study of history involves an investigation of the surviving evidence relating to such experience. It brings the student of history into contact with human experiences, which are often very different from his/her own. The articles, sources and accounts contained in this supplement provide many stimulating opportunities for students to engage meaningfully with the Irish Civil War.

In brief, the Leaving Cert history syllabus is based on the principles that:

  • learning about the past involves a process of inquiry
  • the results of our inquiry will depend upon the available evidence
  • historical study needs to consider different interpretations of the evidence in an open-minded spirit of exploration

The articles in this supplement enable students to engage in the process of inquiry and explore the validity of different types of evidence, as well as considering the different perspectives adopted by historians. With a large number of schools across the country choosing to study the Modern Ireland Topic No 3 – "Sovereignty and Partition", direct links can easily be made by teachers for opportunities to use this supplement within their classrooms. For the purposes of this article, we will draw upon the practice of a multi-perspective approach as explained within the Leaving Cert history teacher guidelines and Professional Development Service for Teachers (PDST) supports.

Chief Justice to lead tours of Four Courts as part of 1922 centenary events

Chief Justice to lead tours of Four Courts as part of 1922 centenary events

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Bigamy and the Black and Tans: The unique tale of Ireland’s very first garda

President warns against ‘affected amnesia’ in Civil War commemorations

President warns against ‘affected amnesia’ in Civil War commemorations

The benefits of adopting a multi-perspective approach, as modelled in PDST history workshops and resources, are set out in the Leaving Cert history guidelines for teachers as follows:

Historical events

A multi-perspective approach can help students to grasp some of the key points that underlie the syllabus objectives, eg:

  • There is not necessarily one correct version of a particular historical event
  • The same historical event can be described and explained in different ways depending on the standpoint of (for example) the eye witness or historian
  • The same piece of evidence may be interpreted differently by different historians
  • Few historical sources of evidence can be deemed to be totally impartial, and that the context in which they were produced must always be taken into consideration

This supplement will support teachers with the teaching implications of using this approach. Teachers will need a range of sources that display different perspectives on the historical event under investigation. This supplement will help teachers build towards this. Teachers will also need to give students direction with regards to identifying similarities and differences within sources. There are opportunities for comparison across articles and sources in this supplement. If students are to understand particular viewpoints, they will need to be provided with a context ie where the authors of the sources are “coming from”; what their political, economic, social or cultural circumstances are, and so on.

Rounded picture

Finally, teachers will need to assist students in relating one perspective to another to create a more rounded and complete picture. Additionally, this approach will result in the development of analytical skills and a way of thinking historically that is always conscious of alternative viewpoints. Students will develop a sense of historical empathy as a result of the multi-perspective approach. This will result in students being able to “look at a contentious or controversial issue from more than one point of view” (Syllabus, page 4), a key objective of the Leaving Cert history syllabus.

In following a multi-perspective approach, students should be encouraged to critically evaluate, for example, the articles and sources within this supplement, their textbooks and other classroom resources. In doing so, it might be useful to address such questions as:

  • Is it possible to identify the author's own perspective on this topic? Explain what their perspective is? What are the clues or references that enable us to do so?
  • Are there any missing perspectives here that make it difficult to form a rounded version of the events? Explain what these missing perspectives are.
  • Is any bias on the part of the author evident (eg in her/his commentary, in the selection of perspectives or evidence)? Give examples.

Similar questions could also be used in evaluating the content of other sources such as documentaries, magazine/journal articles and other such media.

Eimear Jenkinson and Cormac Davey are advisers at the Professional Development Service for Teachers (PDST). The PDST history team provides workshops and school support for history teachers on a national level.

[  pdst.ie  ]

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    This text covers the topic: Dictatorship and Democracy,1920-1945, the compulsory Document-based Question, to be examined in 2024 and 2025. An exam focused text, suitable for students of all abilities, using accessible language, layout and concepts. The book has been designed to entirely focus on the prescribed Case Studies allowing students to ...

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    Case study: The Treaty negotiations, October-December, 1921 (OL) 16 ... The documents-based study is a key component of the Leaving Certificate History syllabus, leading to a documents-based question in the examination which is worth 20% of the overall marks (100 marks). It is also a key means by which students' critical thinking skills are

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  13. Everything you need to study Leaving Cert History

    Here is how you can find our sample answers and essay breakdown videos: 1. Go to your Homepage. 2. Click the subject of History. 3. Click on the topic you want to study. 4. Scroll down to see the videos and essays linked underneath the questions or find them in the 'videos and notes' tab!

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    © 2024 History Matters 365 All rights reserved. Site administered by Christian O'Connor, history teacher, St. Mary's Secondary School, Mallow, Co. Cork.

  17. PDF Leaving Cert History; where to start revising?

    Leaving Cert History; where to start revising? Dictatorship and Democracy in Europe, 1920-45 (NOTE: this is the DBQ question for 2024, it is NOT an essay option this year) Theme Required study Must study Should study Could study Politics and administration Russia Stalin's Show Trials • ommunism in -Lenin and Stalin •Fascist Italy

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  19. Senior cycle history: a syllabus of inquiry using insight and

    Tue May 10 2022 - 01:00. The Leaving Cert history syllabus is based on the principle "that the study of history should be regarded as an exploration of what historians believe to have happened ...

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    If I were to learn 3 case studies from the Pursuit of Sovereignty topic and 4 from the US and the wider world section, would that guarantee that I'd get at least 1 from Sovereignty and 2 from US on the exam? From looking through previous years that's what I've gathered, as for the US at least 2 out of 4 that I want to study have appeared each year.

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    lmao absolutely not. If that's all you have after 2 years you are well and truly cooked. AT LEAST 5 vague headings each for Ireland, NI and USA (eg Anglo-Irish relations, Sunningdale Agreement, Moon Landing) with a few essay question prompts to go along w/each. At least 2 case studies from each topic should be included in those headings as well.

  23. History leaving cert : r/leavingcert2024

    History leaving cert . ... Best. Open comment sort options. Best. Top. New. Controversial. Old. Q&A. Pjdman-33 • All the case studies? You'll be completely fine , well in. ... Top 10% Rank by size . More posts you may like r/leavingcert2024. r/leavingcert2024. Discussion for the Irish 2024 Leaving Certs. Created due to the main subreddit ...