Top 16 Medical Technician Resume Objective Examples

Photo of Brenna Goyette

Updated July 10, 2023 14 min read

A resume objective is a brief statement that appears at the top of your resume and summarizes your professional goals. For medical technicians, a good resume objective should clearly explain why you are the ideal candidate for the position and what sets you apart from other applicants. When writing a resume objective for a medical technician position, focus on highlighting your qualifications and experience that make you the best fit for the job. Be sure to include relevant keywords such as “patient care”, “laboratory testing”, or “medical technology” to demonstrate your knowledge in this field. As an example, an effective resume objective for a medical technician may read: “Seeking a Medical Technician position to utilize my 8 years of experience in patient care and laboratory testing to provide high-quality services to clients.” By following these tips, you can craft an effective resume objective that will catch the attention of employers and help you stand out from other candidates.

Medical Technician Resume Example

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Top 16 Medical Technician Resume Objective Samples

  • To obtain a Medical Technician position in a challenging environment where I can utilize my knowledge and experience to help improve patient care.
  • To leverage my expertise in medical technology to provide quality patient care as a Medical Technician.
  • Seeking a Medical Technician role with an organization that values quality patient care and customer service.
  • To secure a position as a Medical Technician where I can apply my skills and knowledge of medical technology to deliver excellent patient care.
  • To obtain a Medical Technician role utilizing my clinical skills, attention to detail, and dedication to providing exceptional patient care.
  • Looking for an opportunity to work as a Medical Technician in an environment that encourages professional growth and development.
  • Seeking a position as a Medical Technician where I can contribute my strong technical skills and commitment to providing the best possible patient care.
  • To join an organization as a Medical Technician, using my experience in the medical field to ensure quality healthcare services are provided.
  • Aiming for the role of Medical Technician at ABC Company, bringing expertise in medical technology and clinical procedures.
  • Looking for an opportunity to work as a Medical Technician with an organization that values excellence in patient care and customer service.
  • Applying for the position of Medical Technician at XYZ Company, leveraging extensive experience in medical technology to provide superior patient care.
  • To pursue employment as a Medical Technician utilizing my knowledge of laboratory procedures and commitment to delivering high-quality healthcare services.
  • Seeking the role of Medical Technician at ABC Company, bringing expertise in laboratory testing procedures and dedication to providing exceptional patient care.
  • To secure the position of Medical Technician with XYZ Company, offering strong technical aptitude and passion for providing quality healthcare services.
  • Aiming for the role of Medical Technician at ABC Company, utilizing expertise in medical technologies and commitment to excellent patient care delivery.
  • Applying for the position of Medical technician at XYZ Company, offering advanced knowledge of laboratory procedures, clinical practices, and customer service principles

How to Write a Medical Technician Resume Objective

When writing a resume objective for a medical technician, it is important to focus on the skills you possess that make you an ideal candidate for the position. The goal of your objective is to highlight why you are uniquely qualified and demonstrate how your qualifications will benefit the employer. Here are some tips to help you write an effective medical technician resume objective.

First, determine what type of medical technician position you are applying for, as this will help inform what should be included in your objective. For example, if you are applying for a job as a clinical laboratory technician, focus on your experience working with laboratory equipment and developing data analysis strategies. If you’re applying for a job as an ultrasound technician, emphasize your knowledge of imaging technology and ability to provide patient care.

Second, include quantifiable metrics in your objective whenever possible. This helps employers understand more concretely how your skills and experience have enabled you to succeed in past positions. For instance, if you have experience managing clinical trial data sets, mention how many trials or patients you managed or how many errors were avoided due to your work.

Finally, show enthusiasm for the position by including why specifically the job appeals to you and how it aligns with your long-term career goals. Employers want to know that their new hire is excited about joining their team and will bring energy and commitment to the role.

In conclusion, crafting an effective medical technician resume objective requires specificity and attention to detail in order to capture a potential employer’s attention. Focus on highlighting relevant skills and experiences while also demonstrating passion for the role so that employers can see that you understand what they are looking for in an ideal candidate.

Related : What does a Medical Technician do?

Key Skills to Highlight in Your Medical Technician Resume Objective

Crafting a compelling resume objective is crucial for any job application, but it holds particular importance for aspiring medical technicians. This section of your resume serves as your first impression to potential employers, offering a snapshot of your professional abilities and aspirations. Highlighting key skills in your medical technician resume objective can significantly increase your chances of landing the job. This discussion will delve into the essential skills you should emphasize, including technical proficiency, attention to detail, problem-solving abilities, and strong communication skills, among others.

1. Phlebotomy

Phlebotomy is a crucial skill for a Medical Technician as it involves drawing blood from patients for various medical tests, transfusions, or donations. It requires precision, knowledge of safety protocols and patient care. By mentioning this skill in a resume objective, it showcases the candidate's ability to perform one of the fundamental tasks related to the job role. This can make the candidate more appealing to potential employers and increase their chances of getting hired.

2. Electrocardiography

A Medical Technician with a skill in Electrocardiography is able to monitor patient's heart status, interpret EKG results and provide critical data that helps doctors diagnose and treat cardiovascular issues. This skill is crucial for a resume objective as it showcases the candidate's technical proficiency, attention to detail, and ability to contribute to patient care in a meaningful way. It also demonstrates their specialized knowledge in an important area of medical technology, making them a valuable asset to any healthcare team.

3. Radiography

A medical technician specializing in radiography needs to include this skill in their resume objective because it highlights their ability to operate and maintain radiographic equipment, which is crucial in diagnosing and treating patients. This skill also demonstrates their knowledge in capturing high-quality diagnostic images, understanding of radiation safety procedures, and ability to work with patients of diverse backgrounds. Furthermore, it can show their proficiency in specific areas such as MRI, CT scan or X-ray technology. Including this skill can make the candidate more appealing to potential employers looking for experienced and specialized medical technicians.

4. Sonography

A Medical Technician with a skill in Sonography is highly desirable because this indicates the individual's ability to operate ultrasound equipment, which is crucial for diagnosing and monitoring medical conditions. This skill also demonstrates their knowledge in interpreting sonographic images, providing accurate data for physicians, and ensuring patient comfort during procedures. Therefore, it showcases their technical proficiency and commitment to patient care, making them a valuable asset to any healthcare team.

5. Hematology analysis

A medical technician specializing in hematology analysis is responsible for examining blood samples to identify diseases and study blood cells. This skill is crucial as it demonstrates the candidate's ability to accurately perform tests, interpret results, and provide precise data for diagnosis and treatment. It shows that the applicant has a strong understanding of laboratory procedures and equipment, attention to detail, problem-solving abilities, and knowledge in hematology which are all essential in providing high-quality patient care. Therefore, mentioning this skill in a resume objective can make the candidate more appealing to potential employers in the healthcare industry.

6. Microscopy

Microscopy is a crucial skill for a Medical Technician as it involves the use of specialized equipment to analyze samples and make diagnostic decisions. This skill demonstrates the technician's ability to accurately identify and interpret microscopic structures, which can directly impact patient care and treatment plans. Including this skill in a resume objective shows potential employers that the candidate has the technical expertise necessary for performing detailed laboratory work and contributing to accurate medical diagnoses.

7. Spirometry

Spirometry is a common office test used to assess how well your lungs work by measuring how much air you inhale, how much you exhale and how quickly you exhale. As a Medical Technician, having the skill of spirometry is crucial as it enables the professional to assist in diagnosing breathing-related conditions such as asthma, pulmonary fibrosis, cystic fibrosis, and COPD. This skill demonstrates the technician's ability to operate medical equipment accurately and interpret results effectively which can be vital for patient care. Including this on a resume objective shows potential employers that the candidate has specific knowledge and experience that can contribute to their medical team.

8. Immunohistochemistry

Immunohistochemistry is a crucial skill for a Medical Technician as it involves the process of detecting antigens in cells of a tissue section by exploiting the principle of antibodies binding specifically to antigens in biological tissues. This skill is essential for diagnosing diseases and conducting research, which are key responsibilities in this role. Including this skill in a resume objective would demonstrate technical competence and knowledge, making the candidate more appealing to potential employers.

9. PCR testing

PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) testing is a crucial skill for a Medical Technician as it is widely used in medical laboratories for diagnosing diseases. This technique helps in the detection and identification of various pathogens, including viruses and bacteria. Having this skill indicates the ability to accurately perform diagnostic tests, which is essential in providing appropriate patient care. Therefore, mentioning PCR testing skill in a resume objective can demonstrate competency in performing critical laboratory procedures, making the candidate more appealing to potential employers.

10. Sterilization techniques

A Medical Technician needs to have knowledge and expertise in sterilization techniques because they are responsible for ensuring all medical instruments and equipment are sterile before use. This is crucial in preventing infections and maintaining patient safety. Including this skill in a resume objective shows potential employers that the candidate understands the importance of cleanliness and hygiene in a medical setting, and is capable of effectively carrying out these procedures.

Top 10 Medical Technician Skills to Add to Your Resume Objective

In conclusion, carefully selecting and highlighting key skills in your medical technician resume objective is crucial in making a strong first impression to potential employers. It's not just about listing skills, but rather demonstrating how these skills have been applied in previous roles and how they will contribute to the prospective job. Remember, your resume is a marketing tool that should effectively communicate your competency and suitability for the role. Tailoring it to reflect the specific requirements of the job you're applying for can significantly increase your chances of landing an interview.

Related : Medical Technician Skills: Definition and Examples

Common Mistakes When Writing a Medical Technician Resume Objective

Writing a resume objective for a medical technician position can be challenging, but there are some common mistakes that people make when crafting one. These mistakes can cost potential job seekers the chance to get their foot in the door and should be avoided.

The first mistake is not offering enough detail. A resume objective should provide specific information about why you're applying for the job and what skills and experience you bring to the table. It's important to include details about your qualifications, work history, and any relevant certifications or awards that set you apart from other candidates. Generic objectives like “seeking a challenging role as a medical technician” won't do much to demonstrate your qualifications and will likely be forgotten by recruiters.

Another mistake is neglecting to tailor your objective to the position you're applying for. Recruiters often receive dozens of resumes for each job opening, so it's essential that yours stands out from the rest. Take time to research the company’s needs and ensure your resume reflects them by including keywords from their job description in your objective statement. This shows that you have taken the time to get familiar with their organization and understand what they are looking for in an applicant.

It's also important not to overstate or embellish your qualifications in an effort to impress recruiters. Making false claims or exaggerating can cause employers to doubt your credibility and may disqualify you from consideration altogether. Be honest about your background and focus on highlighting how it makes you an ideal fit for this particular role instead of trying too hard to stand out from other applicants.

Finally, don't forget that brevity is key when writing a resume objective; keep it concise yet informative so employers don't lose interest quickly while reading it. Include only relevant information that captures their attention within seconds; anything longer than two sentences might be too wordy and difficult for them to digest quickly during initial screenings of resumes.

By avoiding these common mistakes when writing a medical technician resume objective, potential job seekers can increase their chances of getting noticed by recruiters and setting themselves apart from other applicants vying for the same position.

Related : Medical Technician Resume Examples

Medical Technician Resume Objective Example

A right resume objective for a medical technician should focus on the applicant's qualifications, experience and goals, while a wrong resume objective should simply state that the applicant is seeking a job in the field.

Editorial staff

Photo of Brenna Goyette, Editor

Brenna Goyette

Brenna is a certified professional resume writer, career expert, and the content manager of the ResumeCat team. She has a background in corporate recruiting and human resources and has been writing resumes for over 10 years. Brenna has experience in recruiting for tech, finance, and marketing roles and has a passion for helping people find their dream jobs. She creates expert resources to help job seekers write the best resumes and cover letters, land the job, and succeed in the workplace.

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Click here to directly go to the complete medical technologist resume sample

How to write a medical technologist resume in 2023?

Medical technician jobs are fast-paced and challenging indeed. According to U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics, Overall employment for medical technologists is projected to grow 7 percent from 2019 to 2029, faster than the average for all occupations .

Whether you are a newbie or an experienced professional, you need a medical resume to get the job.

Maybe, you have obtained your ASCP certification and have years of clinical experience, but you still need a resume to prove your worth.

A perfect medical technologist resume presents your skills and experience in the best manner possible.

Do not panic if you have no idea how to do that. We are here to help you with the same.

Here is a summary of our medical technologist resume

  • Always customize your resume for every job you apply. Include skills that are relevant to the targeted profile.
  • Write the professional experience section in one-line bullet format and highlight important words and numbers for maximum impact.
  • Ensure that the resume template you choose for making your medical technologist resume is ATS-friendly and you add relevant keywords from each job description to pass the ATS.
  • Do not exceed the limit of one page for medical technologist cover letter and always write short and crisp paragraphs.

Creating a resume is not easy. It is not just about filling in details but how you present it. Read our resume guide carefully to convince the recruiter of your candidacy.

In this blog, we will cover the following:

  • What skills should a medical technologist put on a resume?
  • What should you do to make sure your medical technologist resume past an ATS?
  • How to write a medical technologist resume objective?
  • How to curate the professional experience section in your medical resume?
  • How to write a medical technologist cover letter?

Hiration's resume builder can help you write resumes that can grab the job position faster than you can think of!

Medical Technologist Job Description

A Medical Technologist examines biological samples as part of treating and diagnosing various diseases. In a general scenario, a medical technologist is responsible for conducting blood tests, creating reports, getting samples ready to test, etc.

Medical Technologist Roles and Responsibilities

  • Perform laboratory testing and log testing results adhering to the established lab protocols.
  • Take decisions on specimen validity within 20 minutes of receiving each specimen.
  • Troubleshoot, diagnose and repair any issues with the equipment used in the laboratory.
  • Present clients with recollection protocols in the event of sample rejection.
  • Verify that all test results match the specimens that were submitted.
  • Ensure that all tests are marked and organized appropriately.

Read more on the medical technologist job description .

Medical Technologist Salary in the USA

  • According to Indeed , the average base salary is $43.53 per hour.
  • According to Glassdoor , the average base pay is $56,651per year.
  • According to PayScale , the base rate is $27.28 per hour.



Medical Technologist Resume Points

Creating strong points for your resume which are quite efficient can seem to feel challenging.

To create an impressive resume, ensure that your resume points include the following:

  • Cause-effect relationship.
  • Start the bullet point with a power verb.
  • Quantify the information related to your major contribution and achievements wherever possible.
  • Group similar points under the same heading.
  • Bold relevant words and numbers.

Let's have a look at a few resume points for medical technologist resume:

  • Conducted all clinical and technical procedures to develop and implement a new, more efficient method of patient teaching.
  • Managed laboratory staff of 20-30, performed patient assessments, and provided care to all patients.
  • Prepared a comprehensive assessment of the patients and families to assess their needs, goals, and objectives.
  • Assisted customers with medical supplies/procedures and physicians with minor surgical/non -injury surgeries.
  • Provided support to the Medical Staff in providing patient and physician education on the use of medical equipment and supplies.

To make your work easier, Hiration has ready-to-use resume points for 250+ profiles. Click on the links below to check out and make use of the suitable ready-made power bullets.

  • Medical Technologist Resume
  • Medical Assistant Resume
  • Medical Record Resume
  • Medical Receptionist Resume

What are the Skills of a Medical Technologist?

Listing the right key and technical skills is crucial to beat the bots. It would be best if you customized the skills section as per the job requirement.

While the job position can be the same, the roles and responsibilities vary from organization to organization.

Therefore, read further to know the proper process and optimize your resume to get shortlisted.

Medical Technologist Key Skills

Medical Technologist Technical Skills

Tips on finding the right medical technologist skills for your resume:

  • Read the job description carefully and identify the skills required.
  • Identify essential skills from your professional experience.
  • Compare both and identify common keywords.
  • Add the skills in your medical technologist resume to boost your chances of getting shortlisted.

How to Make an ATS Friendly Medical Technologist Resume?

According to Jobscan, over 98% of Fortune 500 Companies Use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to filter resumes based on the requirement of the role .

With that being said, your medical technologist resume must be ATS friendly, at least to make it to the hiring manager's table.

Let us have a look at a few steps that you must follow to ensure that your medical technologist resume is ATS friendly:

  • Step 1: Read the job description carefully and analyze the position you are seeking.
  • Step 2: Make sure that the profile title you mention is relevant to your current profile and the targeted job position.
  • Step 3: Tailor the skills in your medical technologist resume as per the keywords in the job description.
  • Step 4: Ensure that you add your current location in your medical technologist resume.

Reading the medical technologist job descriptions carefully is crucial to crafting an ATS-friendly medical technologist resume. Include all the skills, key achievements, and experience in your resume that matches the job description and organize accordingly as per its relevance.

Pay special attention to job title, job requirements, roles and responsibilities, and location in the job description and include relevant details and keywords in your resume.

To make an ATS-friendly resume, you must customize your resume for every job position before sending the final draft to the hiring manager.

With the advancement of technology, creating an ATS-compliant resume has become more accessible. Our AI-powered resume building tool helps you in creating a job-winning resume with just a few clicks.

How to Write a Medical Technologist Resume Objective?

A resume objective is a personal statement precisely defining how you intend to obtain a position in an organization.

Let's understand it better by breaking it up:

  • It is personal

A resume objective is personal. It varies from person to person, and each person has a unique objective.

  • It is a commitment

A resume objective defines your goals and vision. It showcases who you are and what you intend to achieve.

  • It is action-oriented

It needs to be elaborate with information on your pro-activity, communication skills, and job-related abilities.

Take a look at the following medical technologist resume objective sample to write a kick-ass resume objective for your resume.

Meticulous Medical Technologist with 2+ years of experience seeking a position at XYZ hospital. Prolific track record of success in managing equipment operations and handling laboratory tests.

To learn how to write a suitable resume objective, read Hiration Guide on Resume Objective .


How to Present Your Professional Experience in Your Medical Technologist Resume?

One of the essential elements in a medical technologist resume is the professional experience section.

If you want to present your work experience in the best manner possible, here is how you can achieve that:

Frame Points

One of the biggest mistakes people commit is writing paragraphs to describe their professional experience.

Your resume must be in crisp one-liner bullet points except for a resume summary.

Let's have a look at medical technologists examples to learn why writing paragraphs is not recommended and how creating one-liner bullet points are effective in your resume.


  • Responsible for preparing a standard operating procedure for the new trainees to ensure consistency in the testing procedure and actively supervised training of 20+ medical students in phlebotomy and different fluid testing by explaining the entire process.
  • Prepared a standard operating procedure for the new trainees to ensure consistency in the testing procedure
  • Supervised training of 20+ medical students in phlebotomy and different fluid testing by explaining the entire process
Analysis In both the examples we are trying to convey the same information but bullet points organize information better and make it easier to read.

Cause and Effect

Establishing a cause and effect relationship in your bullet points helps the recruiter understand what you were doing and why you were doing the same.

This allows the recruiters to understand your roles and responsibilities while identifying what all you have achieved for the organization.

To frame cause and effect bullet points, read the points below:

At Hiration, we define it as STAR .

  • S stands for Situation. Mention the situation/backdrop/context of your contributions.
  • T stands for Task. Mention the task that was officially assigned to you.
  • A stands for Action. Actions you took to strategize the execution of the task assigned to you.
  • R stands for Result. Mention the result/outcome of your action in the form of numbers.


Grouping and Highlighting

What are grouping and highlighting?

Grouping is the process of listing down similar bullet points under the relevant sub-heading. Whereas highlighting means to bold important words, phrases, and numbers to communicate your skills and critical contribution to your resume.

When you list your similar points under relevant buckets, it helps you to organize your experience. It also grabs the much-needed attention from the recruiter to the essential skills you want to showcase, which can get missed out otherwise.

  • Performed complex testings such as urinalysis, hematology, and respirator testing by following standard procedure
  • Managed inventory of 100+ reagents and ordered reagents from certified vendors for ensuring availability of material at all times

Medical Testing & Inventory Management

  • Performed complex testings such as urinalysis , hematology, and respirator testing by following standard procedure
Analysis From the above examples, we can anlalyze that example 2 is easy to read as important words are highlighted. Also, by grouping bullet points under a relevant sub-head gives the recruiter an idea of what exactly you were doing without reading each sentence in detail.

Education Section in Medical Technologist Resume

A relevant bachelor's degree or a diploma is required for medical technologist professionals.

Ideally, the details of the following need to be provided in a resume:

  • Name of the school/university you have attended.
  • Name of the courses you have pursued.
  • The location of your school/university.
  • Enrollment and graduation dates in the month & year format.

Refer to Hiration's Guide on how to include details of education on your resume to curate the education section.

Certification Section in Medical Technologist Resume

Possessing relevant Certifications or courses can make your resume highly relevant to the recruiters.

Simply create a "Certifications" section in your medical technologists resume and list down the details the following:

  • Certification/course name.
  • Name of the institute of affiliation.
  • Location of the institute of affiliation.
  • Date of both enrollment and course completion.

Hiration's Guide on adding certifications to a resume can help you perfect this section.

Go to our Online Resume Builder and check out all its amazing features for yourself.

Summary Section in Medical Technologists Resume

Summary is the topmost section of your resume and therefore you must ensure that it is interesting enough to hook the recruiter's attention.

Heres some tips to write the resume summary:

  • Start the resume with "Certified", "Enterprising", or your years of experiences followed by profile tile.
  • Ensure that you are not writing the resume summary in first or second person pronouns.
  • Share only the top accomplishments in the resume.
  • Start each of the sentences with "Adept at", "proficient in", "skilled at," etc.

Hiration's Resume Summary Guide has all the important tips that can help you learn how to write a suitable resume summary for your medical technologist resume.

Other Sections to Include in Medical Technologist Resume

There are many sections on a resume that can be included based on professional experience and area of expertise.

Volunteer Experience : Volunteer experience comes handy especially when you do not have much industry experience. It showcases your leadership skills.

Additional Information: You can utilize this section to write about your hobbies and languages you are familiar with.

Senior Medical Technologist Resume Template

  • Performing an instrumental role in designing and developing robust analytical systems for supporting laboratory functions
  • Overseeing technical aspects of the laboratory to assure timely execution of mandatory tasks
  • Managing laboratory equipment while managing documents of instrumentation maintenance on a daily basis
  • Updating laboratory quality programs complying with the DCRI/DCRU parameters and national laboratory regulatory agencies
  • Mentoring recruitees on instrumentation, hematology tests, urinalysis, peripheral blood smear, and other body fluids
  • Played a pivotal role in performing lab tests and analyzing diagnoses adhering to the industry's compliances
  • Playing a key role in assuring quality while preparing specimens and evaluating new methodologies & tests
  • Recognized as the lead respiratory fit trainer among 10+ medical professionals
  • Spearheaded chemical sampling team of 5 professionals with a key performance indicator ( KPI ) of 94%
  • Utilized manual and instrumental methods to perform hematology testing on peripheral blood and other body fluid specimens
  • Analyzed and carried out 30+ medical tests per week across facets spanning serology, hematology, bacteriology, and urinalysis
  • Performed a key role in developing the mentoring program for 30+ employees and trained 5 recruitees
  • Performed equipment calibration to minimize uncertainties by ensuring the accuracy of testing equipment
  • Assisted in setting up standard operating procedures ( SOPs ) to improve the efficiency of laboratory processes
  • Troubleshooting issues with quality controls and test procedures to ensure quality clinical information
  • Medical Lab Technician Certification | American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP) | Jan '20
  • Medical Laboratory Assistant (CMLA) Certification | American Medical Technologists (AMT) | Feb '18
  • CGPA: 3.8/4.0
  • Member of YouFit College Health Club
  • GGPA: 3.5/4.0
  • Member of Americal Red Cross | Collaborated with 10 volunteers to deliver food and health services | Jan '15
  • Volunteer at Red Hat Society | Organized meetings and conducted events as part of raising funds; raised $USD 5mn. | Aug '12

Medical Technologist Cover Letter

Sending a medical technologist cover letter along with your resume can help you step up your job search game.

You should always consider sending a cover letter unless you are specifically asked not to send one.

Your cover letter can help the hiring manager get an insight into your skills and achievements in a more personalized manner.

Note the points mentioned below before you write a medical technologist cover letter:


  • Address your cover letter to the concerned hiring manager.
  • Write your cover letter in short and crisp paragraphs.
  • Open strong to grab the recruiter's attention.
  • Customize your cover letter for every company you apply to.
  • End your cover letter with a call to action.


  • Exaggerate your achievements or mention any falsified information.
  • Commit the mistake of sending a generic cover letter.
  • Exceed the limit of one page for a medical technologist cover letter.

Hiration Cover Letters

Cover letters are like windows to your resume!

Make sure that you create a suitable medical technologist cover letter to send along with your medical technologist resume.

Hiration's Cover Letter Builder provides the following features:

  • 10+ ready to use templates
  • 15+ designs
  • Freedom to customize templates
  • Create multiple cover letters
  • Easy downloading

This is not all!

There are other amazing products and services of Hiration that can help take you a step ahead of every other professional while strengthening your professional presence.

Hiration Services

Make sure to check out the following features:

  • Digital Portfolio Builder
  • LinkedIn Review
  • Interview Preparation

Resume Review Service

Get your medical technologist resume professionally reviewed by our resume experts at Hiration.

Your medical technologist resume will be reviewed in compliance with the parameters listed below:

  • ATS Compliance
  • Design Compatibility
  • Performance Assessment
  • Compliance with industry norms
  • Content Relevance
  • Recruiter Friendly
  • Conversion Scope
  • Global Compatibility
  • Resume Formatting

Online Resume Builder

Here is a list of the resources that come with Hiration's resume builder:

  • A sharable link
  • Save unlimited resumes
  • Intuitive next text suggestion
  • 25+ resume designs
  • LIVE resume score
  • JD-resume matcher
  • Full rich-text editor
  • Unlimited PDF downloads
  • 100+ pre-filled resume templates
  • 1-click design change
  • LIVE resume editor

Go to Hiration's Online Resume Builder and explore all the features.


Key Takeaways

  • Use one-liner bullet points to frame your work experience.
  • Use ballpark figures wherever possible to give an idea to the recruiter of the depth of your contribution.
  • List all your similar points under suitable headings .
  • Read the job description carefully and add relevant keywords in your resume to beat the bots.
  • Always send a medical technologist cover letter with a resume unless you are specifically asked not to.

We truly hope that our resume guide helps you in making a kick-ass resume for yourself and step up your job search game.

Go to our Online Resume Builder and get professional assistance to frame your medical technologist resume.

To create a stellar medical technologist cover letter, go to Hiration Cover Letter Builder and you can choose any of our 20+ cover letter templates that are ATS friendly.

Hiration can also help you prepare for an interview and boost your confidence with an extensive database of 20,000+ Interview Questions and sample answers for 150+ work profiles.

You can also avail yourself of our Resume Review Service, where you can upload your existing medical technologist resume on our Online Resume Builder and get insight from professionals on what changes you can make in your resume to make it shortlist-worthy.

Go to Hiration resume builder and create a professional resume for yourself. Additionally, reach out to us at [email protected] and you can get 24/7 professional assistance with all your job & career-related queries.

objective on resume medical technician

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objective on resume medical technician

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Medical Technician Resume Samples

The guide to resume tailoring.

Guide the recruiter to the conclusion that you are the best candidate for the medical technician job. It’s actually very simple. Tailor your resume by picking relevant responsibilities from the examples below and then add your accomplishments. This way, you can position yourself in the best way to get hired.

Craft your perfect resume by picking job responsibilities written by professional recruiters

Pick from the thousands of curated job responsibilities used by the leading companies, tailor your resume & cover letter with wording that best fits for each job you apply.

Create a Resume in Minutes with Professional Resume Templates

Resume Builder

  • Independently performs work without undue reliance on others and assists co-workers as time permits
  • Organizes work and work area for efficiency of performance
  • May perform duties associated with document development and management
  • Performs laboratory procedures, determines tests to be performed and performs test data entry
  • Work is organized and performed according to section procedure manual so that other personnel can follow workflow
  • Ensures that all preventive maintenance functions are performed during the shift worked
  • Make outgoing calls to providers to answer claim questions
  • Routinely picks up work orders in the department, completes work orders in a timely manner
  • Maintains clean, orderly, safe work area to ensure the safety of others
  • Performs testing, repairs and preventive maintenance of medical equipment according to regulatory codes, standards and manufacturer's specifications
  • Seeks guidance and direction as necessary for the successful performance of duties
  • Works independently and demonstrates good judgment
  • Assists customers in a professional and courteous manner, cooperates with others
  • Performs repair of medical equipment to minimize disruption of patient care operations
  • Demonstrates positive customer service when performing the roll of Certified Medication Tech with residents, family members, facility staff and medical staff
  • Assists in answering call lights
  • Helps monitor all controlled drugs according to established procedures in the facility
  • Assists or supervises daily personal hygiene of the residents
  • If certificate allows, performs Clinitest and Acetest on diabetics
  • Administers medication and treatment as directed and within state and federal guidelines.
  • Keeps medication areas clean and orderly
  • Knowledge of safety procedures relating to a laboratory to include handling of highly infectious biological agents as well as potentially hazardous chemicals
  • Ability to concentrate and pay close attention to detail 80% of the time to ensure accurate precise results
  • Comply with Metro and Metro's visitor venues policies, procedures and applicable work rules; applicable law and collective bargaining agreements as appropriate
  • Ability to fulfill Metro's employee values of public service, excellence, teamwork, respect, innovation and sustainability
  • Ability to respond quickly and effectively in emergency situations
  • Knowledge of, and skill in, basic life support procedures and use of medical equipment
  • Strong Orthopedic skills and knowledge
  • Knowledge of basic principles of biological sciences to assess readings & measurements taken or observed
  • Ability to perform tasks independently and demonstrate good judgment in determining priority
  • Respond professionally in employee inquiry situations

15 Medical Technician resume templates

Medical Technician Resume Sample

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  • Clinical core laboratory competencies including clinical chemistry, urinalysis, hematology, immunoassay, urinalysis, routine coagulation and manual procedures
  • STAT microbiology testing experience
  • Laboratory instrumentation including computers
  • Knowledge of scientific methods
  • Savvy with operational characteristics of apparatus, equipment and materials used in a laboratory

Biological / Medical Technician Resume Examples & Samples

  • Experience as a biological technicians
  • Experience with executing multiple molecular biology techniques associated with DNA, protein-based assay, and antibody analysis and research
  • Active Secret clearance
  • HS diploma and 7+ plus years of experience with performing good laboratory practice (GLP) support of a microbiological laboratory's efforts
  • Ability to provide support for the development of DoD bio-threat assays for viruses, bacteria, and toxins
  • BS degree in Biological Sciences
  • Support the no-fault Personal Injury Protection (PIP) area of the Claims department.This position will issue payments to providers upon verification of tax ID
  • Utilize medical bill review software for the entry of medical bill charges, provider information and medical documentation, including some bill processing
  • Complete state-specific denial forms
  • Complete data entry of information in computer system
  • In addition, the position may focus on evaluating medical records, analyzing codes and documenting in the claim
  • Direct data entry experience
  • Ability to type 50 words per minute
  • Strong attention to detail and accuracy given potential for client/external impact
  • Ability to maintain confidentially given access to/handling of sensitive information
  • Highly efficient and accurate keyboarding/data entry/10 key pad skills and computer proficiency
  • Ability to work independently as well as collaborate with team members
  • Demonstrated strength in verbal, written, and interpersonal communication skills
  • Self-starter with exceptional organizational skills and strong customer service orientation
  • Strong work ethic and positive attitude is critical
  • Schedule is primarily core daytime business hours, but must have flexibility to some schedule variance as dictated by work volume
  • Experience with ICD-9-CM and CPT/HCPCS coding and a background in medical documentation
  • Certification or Associate Degree in a relevant field

Medical Technician Supervisor Resume Examples & Samples

  • Manage a team of employees who perform various support activities in support of the company including data entry/word processing, bill paying, verification of complete information and obtaining same if not provided (i.e., vendor tax ID), photocopying, faxing, etc
  • Distribute, verify and audit support assignments for accuracy and timely completion. Identify opportunities to streamline processes for clients as well as the operation units and incorporate these improvements to work procedures. Accountable for maintaining team productivity at desired level
  • Through strong leadership, develop a collaborative work environment for employees. Apply strong performance management practices by providing timely feedback/coaching to team members to ensure optimum performance. Work with employees to identify opportunities and create development plans
  • Manage relationships with vendors (related to outstanding invoice payments). Ensure the prompt processing of all bills. Ensure proper recording on the claims information record keeping system
  • 3-5 year’s relevant experience
  • Excellent organizational skills as well as demonstrated written and verbal communication skills
  • Must possess the ability to problem solve and make independent decisions on a regular basis
  • Ability to work demonstrating a high degree of accuracy; strong attention to detail
  • One or more years’ experience in leading a team of employees is preferred

Medical Technician, ICU Resume Examples & Samples

  • Has knowledge of normal values for vital signs and O2 saturation and notifies RN of
  • Performs responsibilities in a self-directed and cooperative manner
  • Uses time constructively and organizes assignment for maximum productivity
  • Cooperates with peer group in varying schedule assignments on time sheet
  • Meets the demands and functions during stress and emergencies in a positive manner
  • Takes responsibility and is accountable for his/her actions or in-actions and standard of practice
  • Requests and accepts constructive criticism
  • Develops a rapport with peers and co-workers that is conducive to patient care
  • Works in a team approach to accomplish unit goals
  • Maintains an acceptable attitude and professional appearance
  • Manages conflict and frustration in a positive and constructive manner
  • Performs related duties as necessary
  • Conducts pre-placement / post offer physical, annual medical surveillance, first response to on-site medical emergencies and pre-employment and random exam drug screening
  • Performs secondary portion of physical exams in compliance with established company standards and in conjunction with independent contract physicians, to include: employee medical history, employee vital signs, visual acuity, hearing baseline, pulmonary function testing, EKG, blood baselines and drug testing
  • Responsible for assessing and treating first aid injuries and/or refer to appropriate level of medical care
  • Perform follow-up care of injuries, referring to appropriate level of care
  • Perform data entry for all drug testing, treatment and medical surveillance
  • Maintain medical equipment—calibrations, appropriate inventory and cleanliness
  • Responsible for projecting medical supplies expenditure for budgetary control
  • Ability to frequently lift and/or move up to 25 pounds and occasionally lift and/or move up to 100 pounds
  • Ability to bend, stoop, climb aboard ships
  • Ability to work in confined spaces
  • Ability to utilize both hands to grasp rails while climbing, to hold and carry tools and equipment, and to
  • Demonstrates ability to deal with priorities first, and plans for completion of remaining duties
  • Performs quality control procedures per protocol and completes necessary documentation
  • Maintains education and development appropriate for position
  • Must be licensed as a Technician in the state of FL

Certified Medical Technician Weekends Earn up to Resume Examples & Samples

  • Attends daily reports at shift change
  • Administers medication and treatment as directed and within state and federal guidelines
  • Ensures medication is never left unattended, or left with the resident, at the bedside
  • Checks medication for refill
  • Contacts kitchen as to diet change
  • Does monthly vital signs and weights as assigned on all residents in units
  • Records pertinent information on in the Medication Administration Record (MAR) and gives report to next shift before leaving duty
  • Consults appropriate drug references to verify proper drug indication, dosage, route, purpose,
  • Assist department personnel in identifying and correcting problem areas, and/or the improvement of services
  • Create and maintain an atmosphere of warmth, personal interest and positive emphasis, as well as a calm environment throughout the department
  • Report all safety related issues to include occupational exposure to blood, body fluids, infectious materials, and hazardous chemicals in accordance with the facility’s policies and procedures governing accidents and incidents
  • Must possess, as a minimum, a high school diploma or equivalent
  • Must be a CMT with a minimum of one-year experience in a long-term healthcare facility
  • Ability to complete on-the-job training
  • Must be able to read, write, speak and understand the English language
  • Must posses the ability to make independent decisions when circumstances warrant such action in a timely fashion
  • Must posses the ability to deal tactfully with personnel, residents, family members, visitors, government agencies/personnel, and the general public
  • Must be knowledgeable of supply practices, procedures and guidelines
  • Must posses the ability to work harmoniously with other personnel
  • Must posses the ability to minimize waste of supplies, misuse of equipment etc
  • Must posses the ability to seek out new methods and principles and be willing to incorporate them into existing practices
  • Must not pose a threat to the health or safety of other individuals in the work place

Medical Technician, IRL Resume Examples & Samples

  • Maintain equipment, reagents and other stock to assure the quality and accuracy of laboratory test procedures. Ensure adequate inventory of required supplies and prepares reagents
  • May perform and interpret basic donor and/or patient testing procedures, guided complex serologic problem resolution and complete required quality control, as appropriate to state and federal regulations
  • May perform guided complex serologic problem resolution
  • Recognize testing irregularities, identify the cause, determine the solution and resolve the problem or refers it to the appropriate level
  • 2nd Shift Position Tuesday - Saturday

Bio Medical Technician Resume Examples & Samples

  • A minimum of four years experience in the repair of medical equipment is preferred
  • Electrician with electronic knowledge and experience in medical equipment repairs is required
  • Input data into computer programs
  • Answer telephones, Compose letters, Coordinate meetings
  • Balance figures, Compile statistics, Develop office procedures, Establish filing systems, Maintain filing systems, Maintain logs, Research information
  • Perform drug and alcohol collections and associated responsibilities as found in company policies and 10 CFR 26 requirements, including: Conducting Drug and Alcohol collections and notifications for random, for-cause, follow-up and pre-access needs in accordance with 10 CFR 26 and company policies; Providing administration of drug and alcohol disposition, data entry, MRO interface, blind sample submission and review while meeting federal and state requirements; Maintaining equipment and supplies associated with drug and alcohol collection needs; Providing offsite collections at remote locations when necessary; Providing Intoxilyzer and drug collection training as necessary; Coordinating and overseeing additional collection personnel for in-processing needs; and Assisting with collections at other sites where necessary
  • Assist and support medical services, including: Perform pulmonary function tests, hearing tests, EKG, blood draws and other support functions as qualified to perform; Providing interface between Medical Director and site; Maintaining Medical Records as necessary; Coordinating and assisting site for other health and medical related issues
  • This job requires emergency response duties to support plant access authorization and fitness for duty
  • Applies the principles of Performance Improvement and works in a team environment to improve patient outcomes
  • Staff/Unit Responsibilities
  • Knows the mission and vision of the organization
  • Uses resources in an efficient and cost effective manner
  • Participates in peer review
  • Participates in developing other staff and affiliating students
  • Maintains and develops own professional competencies
  • Maintains and promotes a team spirit through active cooperation and collaboration
  • Assists in interdepartmental service coordination
  • Actively participates in the Performance Improvement and Utilization
  • Complies with established quality control procedures. Takes and recommends corrective action and ensures proper documentation
  • Completes proficiency surveys as assigned within the time frame given for completion. Adheres to all established procedures on handling and processing survey material. Assists in the review of survey results, implements corrective action, and participates in remedial training as assigned by the Team Leader, Laboratory
  • Complies with established maintenance and troubleshooting guidelines, and documents preventative maintenance for all patient testing equipment
  • Gives input to Team Leader, Laboratory concerning operational and capital budget planning and implementation. Effective in cost control and resource utilization
  • Assists the Team Leader, Laboratory as requested in competency assessment, review and update of job descriptions, performance evaluation functions and procedure manual revisions
  • Serves as a resource to hospital staff concerning Clinical Laboratory services and patient test result interpretation. Appropriately refers questions that are beyond the scope of service and knowledge
  • Accepts assignment of responsibilities within the Point of Care testing program as requested by the Team Leader, Laboratory
  • Assists in the development and ongoing performance of the information systems
  • Assists in the selection of equipment, supplies or other resources for departmental operation
  • Responds to medical emergencies and provides medical assistance to injured or sick persons on facility premises; attends to ailments and medical conditions such as chest pains, shortness of breath, asthma, allergic reaction, etc
  • Assesses non-emergency injuries and illness; provides first aid and medical intervention to persons injured on the agency's premises
  • Determines the severity of illness or injury; initiates call to 911 as the situation requires
  • Maintains first aid/medical supplies and equipment inventory; ensures adequate stock of medical supplies and equipment; processes requests for replenishment of stock as needed
  • Ensures medical equipment is in proper working condition; cleans and sanitizes equipment as needed
  • Ensures proper disposal of biohazard materials
  • Acts as a resource to injured and sick persons by providing information with regard to the location of urgency clinics, hospitals, emergency rooms, etc. for further evaluation
  • Completes documentation and reports with regard to first aid, medication and treatment provided
  • Performs work in accordance with established protocols, policies, practices and procedures of the department
  • Provides top-notch customer service to attendees and employees of the convention center at all times
  • Dispenses over-the-counter medications upon request
  • Performs other duties, which may be necessary or desirable to support the agency's success
  • Ability to make appropriate decisions and read others in emergency situations
  • Ability to provide comfort and support to sick and injured persons
  • Ability to remain calm and methodical in stressful situations
  • Skill in the use of medical equipment
  • Ability to fulfill Metro's employee values of public service, excellence, teamwork, respect, innovation and sustainability
  • Work assigned schedule and exhibit regular and predictable attendance
  • Work in a safe manner and follow safety policies, practices and procedures
  • Comply with Metro and Metro's visitor venues policies, procedures and applicable work rules; applicable law and collective bargaining agreements as appropriate
  • The Applicant shall perform routine and specialized tests and procedures in the fields of: sleep, sleep deprivation, electroencephalography, psychophysiology, psychopharmacology (including investigations of new drugs in humans), overpressure exposure and others in both the laboratory and field environment
  • The Applicant shall assist in the implementation of research protocols investigating effects of drugs, including investigational new drugs, and/or sleep loss on cognitive/physiological performance; alertness, mood, and recovery sleep; and implement protocols investigating sleep stage-related changes in brain activity (e.g., as measured by PET and/or fMRI)
  • The Applicant shall oversee recruitment and screening of volunteers for human research protocols, on site or in the field
  • The Applicant shall lead field data collection. Specifically, the contractor shall administer neurocognitive tasks, symptom questionnaires, informed consent, and other related paperwork
  • The Applicant shall monitor psychophysiological/physiological equipment as data are recorded on-line
  • The Applicant shall administer psychological and performance measures to subjects as specified in protocols
  • Performs light duties and other related duties as required and assigned
  • Overpressure Field Study for Routine and Specialized Tests and Procedures
  • Minimum Education/Training Requirements: Bachelor's or Master’s degree in Behavioral Science/Psychology; however, individuals without these degrees but with relevant experience may also qualify
  • Minimum Experience: 2-10 years
  • Ability to attach psychophysiological equipment (small electrodes, etc.) requiring manual dexterity; ability to see small print on a computer monitor; ability to speak clearly; ability to hear. Light lifting and moving of equipment may be required. Must be capable of moving about and standing for long periods of time during study work shifts
  • Required Licenses, Certification or Registration: CPR (BLS) certification required
  • Works primarily in a research setting. May handle biological materials and will operate lab equipment. Exposure to blood borne pathogens, chemical fumes, and other hazardous agents as necessary
  • Proficiency in most Windows programs (e.g., Word, Excel, PowerPoint); ability to oversee multiple tasks simultaneously; must be able to develop excellent and professional rapport with research volunteers, research assistants, and other staff members
  • Education:Bachelor’s degree in Medical Technology or a related field from an accredited university or college; computer skills; Graduation from a clinical rotation or internship in an accredited medical technology program or a 50-week military training course or an acceptable equivalent which results in eligibility to take the registry exam in Medical Technology (Clinical Laboratory Science)
  • Licensure/ Certification:Registration as a Medical Technologist by ASCP, NCA, AMT or proof of eligibility required. Evidence of a passing registry exam score must be presented within one year of hire or three successive offerings of the registry exam to remain employed as a medical technologist
  • Experience:Two year experience as generalist, including Blood Bank, in acute care hospital setting preferred
  • Essential Technical/Motor Skills:Performs at a proficient level, all tasks within the specialty area. Able to operate all appropriate clinical equipment in a safe and appropriate manner. Able to perform the necessary functions on the facility’s computer system
  • Interpersonal Skills:Must be able to interact and communicate in English, both orally and written, with all levels of staff, physicians, patients, and families in an effective manner, exhibiting tact, enthusiasm, and patience. Must have ability to relate to diverse populations in an open, friendly and accepting manner
  • Administers prescription and over-the-counter medications, first aid, and triages to clients as needed on the shift, under the supervision and in collaboration with appropriate medical staff
  • Perform visual inspection of medication logs to assure that client medications are administered at scheduled times
  • Addresses sick calls and provides treatment under the Physician’s Standing Orders
  • Completes the medical intake process including measuring vital signs and initial health assessments
  • Maintains all medical documentation, medical history, and file on each client and abides by HIPAA compliance rules and regulations
  • Designates appropriate client referrals to the contracted physician
  • Obtains blood and urine samples, processes laboratory requests and coordinates currier services through the contracted laboratory
  • Orders and maintains stock of prescription medications, vaccines and medical supplies
  • Performs daily assessment of program medical issues and consults or coordinates with appropriate medical staff member as required to ensure medical department operations are completed
  • Responds to interventions and monitors resident physical status during the intervention
  • Performs clinical laboratory assays in one or more of the technical disciplines
  • Demonstrates good knowledge concerning techniques and theory in all areas of the laboratory
  • Performs tests accurately and precisely according to written policies and procedures and established practices
  • Ensures that test selection and reference ranges are appropriate for the age of the patient
  • Performs work with sufficient speed to allow acceptable turnaround time of results
  • Successfully participates in proficiency testing activities in each technical area for which the employee has responsibilities
  • Participates in preventive maintenance and repair of instrumentation
  • Ensures that all QC functions needed for the shift are performed
  • Ensures the safety of self and co-workers
  • Administers prescription and over-the-counter medications, first aid, and triages to clients as needed on the shift
  • Initiates, maintains, and files medical information in client medical files
  • Orders and maintains stock and prescription medications and medical supplies throughout the program
  • Escorts clients to “off site” medical appointments and assists with medical providers when necessary
  • Compose routine letters, correspondence, memos, reports, and other confidential information to placing agencies, contracted medical providers and guardians
  • Maintains medical statistical data and completes monthly reports as assigned
  • Responsible for completing the medical billing process and providing accurate medical insurance information to contracted medical providers
  • Processes and archived medical record requests for medical information
  • Initiates and processes medical referrals and transportation requests
  • Assists with staff and client education and training
  • Attends staff meetings and conferences
  • Supports the company philosophy and mission and promotes the Seven Key Principles of care
  • Knowledge of chemistry, biology, mathematics, hematology, microbiology, serology, and other scientific topics at a level normally acquired through completion of an Associate’s Degree as a Medical Laboratory Technician which includes clinical experience, or knowledge gained through a military non-degree program with on the job training
  • Must be certification eligible or certified as a Medical Laboratory Technician by the ASCP
  • Certification eligible must pass the exam within 6 months of hire. A current certification must be maintained once received
  • Approximately six to twelve months on-the-job experience to become familiar with hospital procedures and laboratory instrumentation, to prioritize and organize assignments effectively. And to use relevant computer systems and applications
  • Interpersonal skills necessary in order to effectively exchange factual information with patients, physicians, nurses and to other health care workers when performing laboratory procedures and reporting patient results
  • Analytical skills necessary in order to interpret and analyze test results and to troubleshoot extraordinary results. Ability to operate highly technical instrumentation and perform complex analysis
  • Ability to walk, stand and lift objects weighing up to 10 pounds 5% of the time
  • Must have and maintain at all times, a valid Nebraska driver’s license and a good driving record for those instances in which the employee must operate a motor vehicle for work purposes (i.e. picking up specimens, Health Fairs, or attending offsite meetings)
  • 1) Knowledge of specimen collection techniques by venipuncture and laboratory sample requirements
  • 2) Knowledge of computer record systems and knowledge of medical terminology record documentation requirements
  • 3) Knowledge of effective customer service methods
  • 4) Knowledge of laboratory testing necessary to communicate unusual and complex aspects and/or specific information requested
  • Knowledge of medical laboratory procedures for receiving and processing specimens
  • Skill in performing medical laboratory tests/examinations
  • Ability to administer tests during medical evaluation
  • Using medical technology and performing a broad range of routine, non-routine, emergency, highly complex and specialized diagnostic laboratory testing on biological fluids, and performing quality controls
  • Using and maintaining complicated instruments (e.g., computerized blood cell counter, immunoassay analyzers, blood gas analyzer, computerized chemistry analyzers, coagulation instruments)
  • Analyzing technical, physiologic, and mechanical indicators of instrument or test malfunction (i.e., test conditions, specimen variables, instrument appearance) sufficient to locate and correct problems
  • Performing blood specimen procurement including venipuncture, capillary procedures, and finger sticks using vacutainers, syringes, hypodermic and butterfly needles, lancets, and tourniquets from infants, children and adults
  • Complete Assessment Questionnaire. View Occupational Questionnaire
  • Other supporting documentation as required. Please see the "REQUIRED DOCUMENTS" section to determine if there are other documents you are required to submit
  • It is the applicant's responsibility to verify that information and documents entered, uploaded, or faxed is received, legible and accurate. HR will not modify answers/documents submitted by an applicant. **
  • Resume showing relevant experience (cover letter optional)
  • Completed assessment questionnaire (part of the online application)
  • ICTAP documentation (if claiming ICTAP preference)
  • Veterans' Preference Documentation, if applicable (DD-214/DD-215, or statement of service showing character of discharge), VA letter (showing overall/combined percentage of disability), and SF-15, Application for 10-Point Veteran Preference. See Other Information section for further details
  • Military Sponsor's PCS Orders (if claiming military spouse preference)
  • Transcripts or Unofficial Transcripts (if qualifying based on education or a combination of education and experience). If selected, an official/sealed transcript will be required prior to appointment
  • Knowledge of processes, methods, and, procedures associated with lab testing
  • Knowledge of a variety of phlebotomy techniques such as capillary collection, blood culture collection, and venipuncture utilizing a syringe, butterfly or vacutainer collection systems
  • Ability to maintain specimen integrity insuring that the correct samples are collected in a proper manner and in the proper tube or container to ensure that quality specimens are obtained; and in accordance with all applicable regulations, policies, and procedures
  • Knowledge of electronic medical records and hospital/laboratory computer systems

Medical Technician Generalist Temple Texas Resume Examples & Samples

  • Identifies and performs inhibitory concentration analysis on the isolates that are considered pathogenic
  • Performs phlebotomy and follows current CLSI guidelines
  • Processes specimens using complex instrumentation and centrifugation, and transfers specimens to daughter tubes for storage, shipping, or testing
  • Performs varied and complex testing procedures through all of the major sections in the clinical laboratory
  • Selects, performs, evaluates and monitors the performance of test procedures both manually and on testing equipment
  • Prepares slides, smears, cultures, etc., of extremely delicate or otherwise volatile specimens, using critical concern for the quality of the specimen given the procedure to be used for test or examination
  • Performs varied and complex procedures in the hematology section
  • Travel may be required to provide support
  • Technical medical laboratory support work such as performing laboratory tests and examinations (chemical, microbiologic, hematologic and blood banking) and preparing reports of findings of tests and examinations used in support for medical research
  • Technical support work in a closely related field, e.g. biological laboratory technician work that required application of the methods and techniques for the positions being filled
  • Experience collecting, categorizing, cataloging, storing, and maintaining specimen integrity of blood, urine, tissue, and other specimens for future testing
  • Experience in calibrating, standardizing, and maintaining equipment and instruments ensuring proper operation
  • 1) Skill to communicate and to work effectively and diplomatically with medical center employees, patients, families, and private sector entities
  • 2) Knowledge of various menus, options, procedures, and equipment to use the medical center computer program and reference laboratory programs
  • 3) Knowledge and skills in phlebotomy techniques, procedures, and other specimen collection procedures
  • 4) Knowledge of procedures and policies for processing laboratory tests for reference laboratories
  • 5) Knowledge and the ability to perform all assigned duties in accordance with established agencies; such as College of American Pathologists (CAP); Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act (CLIA); Joint Commission Accreditation Health Care Certification (JCAHO); Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requirements

Medical Technician Chemistry Resume Examples & Samples

  • Temporary Travel (TDY) may be required up to 5%
  • Skill in performing phlebotomy duties
  • Skill in Laboratory testing
  • Skill in record keeping/clerical duties
  • Note: You must attach a copy of your transcripts for verification; if transcripts are not received at the time that your application is submitted, you will not receive consideration for this position
  • Knows how to correctly receive specimens and print labels
  • Uses worksheets and pending work review routinely and appropriately
  • Enters and verifies patient data correctly, making less than 1 significant error per quarter
  • Provide first-aid treatment to employees who become ill or injured, assessing the need for further medical attention
  • Perform drug testing following standard operating procedure, chain-of-custody procedure and Ashley’s Substance Abuse Manual
  • Maintain appropriate injury documentation. Complete on-site shop floor injury follow-ups with employees with work related injuries
  • Train employees regarding bloodborne pathogens and First-Aid CPR, AED
  • Coordinate and administer the hearing conservation program
  • Demonstrate the Company’s Core and Growth Values in the performance of all job functions
  • 3 years emergency medicine, required
  • Manufacturing environment, required
  • Maintain confidentiality
  • Blood borne pathogens
  • Work independently as well as in a team environment
  • Document Management System
  • Working knowledge of Continuous Improvement Tools
  • Proficient in Microsoft Excel and Outlook, internet
  • Handle multiple projects simultaneously within established time constraints
  • Performs testing, repairs and preventive maintenance of medical equipment according to regulatory codes, standards and manufacturer's specifications
  • Prioritizes tasks, performs timely repair of medical equipment to ensure the safety and comfort of all customers
  • Uses proper tools to complete tasks
  • Uses personal protective equipment when necessary
  • Washes hands with soap and water to control spreading of germs within the hospital
  • Demonstrates follow up communication with customers to ensure service satisfaction and to resolve problems in a timely manner
  • Responds to emergency situations in a timely manner, takes appropriate action in emergency situations
  • Notifies the Supervisor or Director when emergencies, deficiencies and safety hazards are identified
  • Demonstrates initiative and ability to perform job duties
  • Demonstrates a willingness to learn new procedures, accepts new responsibilities with enthusiasm
  • Provides assistance to other members of the department as needed
  • Collaborates with outside vendors on site for medical equipment repairs and installation
  • Maintains medical equipment according to manufacturer's specifications
  • Maintains necessary parts and tools to repair or replace malfunctioning equipment
  • Completes purchase requisitions, place orders with vendors
  • Two years of experience as a Biomedical Technician
  • Expertise in Electronic Engineering
  • Identify all patients with two identifiers to assure the accuracy of the specimen collated and document collection appropriately
  • Perform phlebotomy procedures following a sequence of steps approved for sample collection
  • Attend to the patients while in their care during the phlebotomy procedure
  • Determine the need and initiates a Medical Emergency
  • Follow the Laboratory procedures for collecting specimens and follow guidelines for collecting timed specimens
  • Receive requests for testing and specimens into the laboratory and verify the accuracy and completeness of the request
  • Receive all specimens that are sent to commercial reference laboratories for testing
  • Perform a limited amount of patient testing which includes, but is not limited to urine pregnancy testing, bleeding times, Fecal Occult Blood testing, I-Stat, Troponins, and/or the Iris
  • Identify unusual test results or discrepancies/conditions that can be erroneous results
  • Comply with all Medical Center policies and procedures regarding safety practices
  • Assess the validity of a process, recognizing common environmental or other considerations that could affect the process
  • May be required to travel between the West Haven and Newington campuses
  • Technical medical laboratory support work such as performing laboratory tests and examinations (chemical, microbiologic, hematologic and blood banking) and preparing reports of findings
  • Technical support work in a closely related field, e.g., biological laboratory technician work, that required application of the methods and techniques for the position to be filled
  • Performs routine venipuncture specimen collections for outpatients
  • Collects blood samples with a minimal number of failures, patient bruising, or required re-sticks, and ensure that samples are submitted to the clinical laboratory with least possible delays
  • Performs phlebotomy using approved methodology for sample collection to include the importance of proper patient identification
  • Follows the laboratory procedure for the collecting specimens in the appropriate container and utilizes the correct order of draw, maintains specimen under appropriate conditions, follows guidelines for collecting timed specimens at the appropriate times to ensure specimen viability
  • *NOTE: Declining to be interviewed, failure to respond/accept interview attempts, or failure to report for a scheduled interview will be considered as a declination for further consideration for employment against this vacancy.***
  • Daily procurement of blood specimens
  • Assist in training and teaching of phlebotomy to Medical Technology students and new phlebotomists
  • Inspect, receive and maintain phlebotomy supply inventory
  • Operate instruments such as the Hema-Tek for differentials, Cytocentrifuge for fluid analysis, Rochemeter for coagulation testing, etc
  • Obtains venous blood samples by aseptic venipuncture technique from ambulatory patients in the outpatient lab, main lab areas and at the patient's bedside during scheduled rounds and on an emergency basis
  • Properly labels and initials specimens following specimen procurement policies and procedures
  • Responsible for the proper receipt and accessioning of specimens delivered to the laboratory
  • Processes clinical laboratory specimens in the Central Processing Area and is responsible for the timely and proper distribution of specimens to the appropriate section or reference laboratories, including the delivery of completed test results when necessary
  • Maintains phlebotomy supplies at established levels and stocks the specimen procurement rooms and specimen phlebotomy trays and carts
  • Monitors technical equipment and performs maintenance and quality assurance on instrumentation
  • Position is based at the Las Cruces, NM Community-Based Out Patient Clinic but may require travel to the main facility in El Paso, TX
  • Collects lab specimens and draws blood for both in-house and referral testing
  • Prepares and processes specimens by centrifugation or other necessary processes and procedures
  • Transports and/or delivers all lab specimens to their proper destination; utilizes lab computer system to enter and retrieve patient information, including checking orders, specimen collection requirements, and accessioning orders and printing labels for testing
  • Keeps blood drawing area clean and well-stocked, inventories supplies, and promptly orders items needed to replenish stocks
  • Performs minor clerical functions, including filing, shedding, and answering and directing calls
  • Observes all required safety and infection control processes, especially universal precautions and blood-borne pathogens
  • Exhibits exceptional customer service in dealing with patients, coworkers, and facility personnel
  • Assists in the testing areas under the direct supervision of a medical technologist
  • Incumbent mainly works alone and needs to be autonomous, multitasking, and skillful in performing their prescribed duties and responsibilities
  • Incumbent must possess current, valid driver's license
  • May perform telephone consultation including receiving and completing orders for antigen negative products
  • Perform duties associated with supply and reagent management to include ordering, receiving, inspection, preparation, and quality control of supplies and reagents
  • Perform duties associated with receipt, coordination, shipment and transport of patient and donor blood samples
  • May perform antigen typing duties, as applicable
  • Perform labeling and verification of blood products
  • Maintain, edit and review computer and manual records to assure accurate record keeping. Maintain accurate, legible and complete records
  • May perform internal staff training and/or competency review, if applicable
  • Process specimens for the clinical laboratory sections assigned to
  • Perform laboratory procedures such as urinalysis profile
  • Operates instruments such as Hema-Tek for differentials
  • Performs DHCP/VISTA test data for laboratory testing
  • Inspects, receives and maintains phlebotomy supplies
  • 1) Knowledge of laboratory specimen collection
  • 2) Skill in specimen collection
  • 3) Ability to perform laboratory procedures
  • 4) Ability to organize work
  • 5) Skill in communication
  • Performs routine procedures in the chemistry, hematology, urinalysis and immunohematology sections to include the operation of instrumentation
  • Operates and maintains complex analyzers, centrifuges, incubators, balances, analytical scales, and similar laboratory instruments and in calibrating laboratory equipment
  • Obtains patient information and checks patient identification; orders and accessions tests into the computer system
  • Labels and processes all types of specimens during the pre-analytical phase, the most critical phase and most prone to error
  • Complies with Joint Commission for the Accreditation of Health Care Organization (JCAHO), college of American Pathologist (CAP) and with safety and infection control guidelines for handling specimens
  • Submits specimens for testing at reference laboratories
  • Utilizes safety and infection control practices and procedures following established rules and regulations and maintains a safe and clean work environment; and
  • Performs venipunctures, arterial punctures and capillary finger sticks in the collection of specimens
  • Identifies tests that require special collection containers or handling conditions
  • Performs specimen collection under emergent conditions
  • Preserves collected specimens until testing can be performed
  • Prepares microbiology specimens for culture
  • Performs specimen processing and centrifugation
  • Performs preventive maintenance, instrument troubleshooting, repair and calibration for waived testing instrumentation
  • Performs limited histology duties such as computer workload recording and slide filing
  • Performs other duties assigned as it relates to the position
  • Ability to perform a variety of specimen procurement methods
  • Ability to perform specimen processing, centrifugation, preservation and initial specimen preparation prior to testing
  • Skill in operating, maintaining, and troubleshooting waived testing instrumentation
  • Ability to use computer skills to locate orders, perform workload documentation, enter test results, and build work-lists to determine pending work

Medical Technician Mcpherson Cboc Resume Examples & Samples

  • Drawing blood using sterile techniques and producing minimal trauma to the patient
  • Identifying and selecting equipment, supplies and additives used in blood collection
  • Recognizing and adhering to infection control and safety policies and procedures
  • Monitoring quality control within predetermined limits
  • Assisting in disinfecting and closing the phlebotomy room at the end of the shift
  • Serving as receptionist at the laboratory front desk, greeting patients, providing them with appropriate guidance, accessioning lab requests, answering nontechnical inquiries and referring technical inquires to the appropriate laboratory staff member
  • If you are current or former federal employees include latest SF-50 Notification of Personnel Action for the agency you are currently employed with. Do not submit an award SF-50, since it does not reflect your past/current grade and step. If you have never held a position in the federal government, this form does not apply to you. (Required)
  • Copy of transcripts (required)
  • Uses proper patient identification and specimen labeling
  • Follows standard operating procedures for guidance in specimen collection
  • Performs at a fast pace and makes independent decisions on specimen procurement problems
  • Identifies tests that require special handling conditions and appropriately performs proper specimen collection
  • Maintains an adequate supply of phlebotomy supplies, and reports
  • Operates the pneumatic tube system to transport specimens to the main laboratory
  • Packages specimens for manual transport between clinic lab and the main laboratory and delvers specimens to the appropriate section of the laboratory
  • Adheres to laboratory safety policies and regulatory requirements including infection control policies such as hand hygiene, specimen transport, and patient isolation
  • Enters and verifies patient test results for waived testing
  • Performs blood collection using a variety of phlebotomy techniques including vacutainer system, syringe, butterfly or capillary finger sticks with minimal number of failures, patient bruising, or required repeat collection, ensuring that samples are submitted to the clinical laboratory with least possible delay
  • VA Disability Letter
  • CV or Résumé (complete with experiences most relevant to the position, including name and address of employer, job title, starting and ending dates (month and year), average hours worked per week, and a description of your duties. (REQUIRED)
  • Copy of most recent Notification of Personnel Action (SF-50) (Required if current/former federal employee). The SF-50 must indicate proof of status (for example, you were a career or a career-conditional employee) and should identify your position, title, series, grade, step, tenure, and type of service (Competitive or Excepted)
  • Transcript (Required if using education to qualify)
  • Veteran Documentation (if applicable, see checklist below)
  • Knowledge of Medical Laboratory Procedures for Receiving and Processing Specimens
  • Skill in Performing Medical Laboratory Tests/Examinations
  • Ability to Administer Tests During Medical Evaluation
  • Knowledge of basic principles of biological sciences to assess readings & measurements taken or observed
  • Knowledge to operate & calibrate equipment used to test patient samples
  • Knowledge of referral laboratory specimen handling & processing to include specimen collection requirements
  • Knowledge of regulatory requirements for shipping diagnostic samples
  • Knowledge of regulatory & accreditation agency requirements (CAP, Joint Commission, CLIA, OSHA) sufficient to comply with safety standards
  • Performing venipuncture specimen collection on inpatients and outpatients
  • Preparing samples for testing in the various clinical laboratory sections
  • Performing ancillary support testing
  • Supporting laboratory areas with supplies and materials used for phlebotomy services
  • Checking patients into the phlebotomy area and verifying patient information
  • Labeling and preparing specimens correctly ensuring basic laboratory procedures and processes are followed
  • Interpreting physician orders
  • Recognizing, reporting and assisting in emergency situations
  • Patient care and patient safety
  • Technical medical laboratory support work such as performing laboratory tests and examinations (chemical, microbiologic, hematologic and blood banking) and preparing reports of findings,
  • Ensuring proper labeling, collecting, transporting, handling and processing blood specimens for analysis
  • Ensuring proper storage conditions are utilized to preserve specimen integrity
  • Recognizing factors that affect specimen collection procedures and test results, and take appropriate actions within predetermined limits, when applicable
  • Following established turn-around-time expectations and uses logs appropriately to ensure daily efficient operation of the department
  • Entering patient's information into VA computer system
  • Explaining the purpose and procedure for tests to the patient
  • Laboratory Procedures
  • Specimen Processes
  • Specimen Submission

Lead Medical Technician Resume Examples & Samples

  • The Lead will reject work not meeting established standards and refers to supervisor questions or matters not covered by policy and problems meeting performance standards
  • Determine or spot check employee work
  • Answer requests and provides advice to employees, supervisors, and others
  • Distributes workload among employees in accordance with established work flow
  • Assigns and distributes a balanced workload plan among employees to assure timely accomplishment of the assigned workload or job specialization
  • Tracks the status and progress of work in order to make day to day adjustments in accordance with established priorities
  • Provides on the job training to new and existing employees in accordance with established procedures and practices
  • Provides information to supervisor as requested concerning promotions, reassignment, recognition of outstanding performance, and personnel needs
  • Lead will resolve simple informal complaints of technician employees while referring major complaints to the supervisor
  • The Lead will answer questions on procedures, policy directives and also obtain needed information or decisions from the supervisor on problems that may come up
  • Accepts and/or documents incoming patient specimens using the designated computer system (or backup system) as per established policies and procedures
  • Processes specimens and selects appropriate procedures based on knowledge of the type of specimens, patient information, and resources available in the laboratory
  • Controls physical conditions and responds to time factors to insure that the physiological state of the specimen and the quality of patient care is maintained
  • Reports all specimen problems according to established guidelines
  • Performs a variety of laboratory tasks that may be established or new and involve very fine distinctions in analytical methods
  • Prepares specimens for referral testing as directed by Pathologist
  • Monitors quality control of testing systems as required
  • Serves as collection site personnel for patient and employee Drug Testing
  • Greets and screens patients at the outpatient phlebotomy check-in-desk
  • Work Schedule: Monday-Friday, some weekends and holidays, day or evening shift
  • Position Description Title/PD#: Lead Medical Technician / 8002-A
  • This position is part of the bargaining unit and is covered by FLSA
  • The duty station will either be the John Cochran Division or the Jefferson Barracks Division; however, the duty station maybe changed to one or multiple associated STLVAHCS locations within the metropolitan St. Louis, MO area based on the needs of the medical center
  • Perform clinical tasks including, but not limited to phlebotomy and specimen packaging
  • Dispense and administer study drugs and/or rescue medications to patients, and maintain accurate records of study medication
  • Collect, record, and maintain clinical data, source data, and study sponsor documentation
  • Adhere strictly to the study protocol for all clinical procedures
  • Assist physicians and research coordinators in treating patients
  • Maintain a safe, orderly, and therapeutic environment
  • Maintain confidentiality of all patient health information
  • Monitor email for new ICF changes/updates and flag all books with new consents as applicable
  • Monitor email for source amendments and update all patient charts as applicable per the amendment
  • Responsible for faxing medical records request forms
  • Create screening books
  • Responsible for working nights and weekends as needed when patients are staying in-house
  • Prepare patients for AM pre-dose procedures
  • Maintain and restock study supply inventory
  • Process blood samples in a timely manner and in accordance with protocol requirements
  • Perform any other specific tasks requested by Supervisor or CRCs
  • Learn and support the mission and goals of Compass Research’s program
  • Ability to communicate clearly/effectively (written and oral)
  • Excellent interpersonal and customer services skills
  • HS Diploma and/or GED Transcript required; LPN or RN licensure preferred
  • Minimum of 1 year of clinical research experience preferred

Medical Technician / Mls-registered Resume Examples & Samples

  • Completes required quality control testing, maintains records and documentation necessary to fulfill regulatory agency requirements, and takes appropriate corrective action as necessary. Performs periodic regulatory reviews of quality control data
  • Performs proficiency testing and achieves satisfactory results related to all specialties or areas worked. May provide oversight / coordination of proficiency testing and review
  • May provide appropriate instruction to patients and their family members
  • Acts as a technical expert to co-workers and other departments. May mentor staff, deliver education, and foster customer service
  • May prepare education materials, and provide input on SOP revisions
  • Directs work flow and assigns tasks to staff
  • Assigns and monitors training for new employees
  • Communicates problems to supervisor regarding blood drawing and specimen processing
  • Communicates with lab staff regarding specimen collection processes and issues
  • Accepts specimens for testing
  • Centrifuges specimens for testing and follows laboratory procedures for correct handling of all specimens
  • Uses computer programs to investigate specimen collection and sample issues
  • Performs phlebotomy on patients according to established guidelines
  • Responsible for training phlebotomy to new employees
  • Best qualified - applicants possessing experience that substantially exceeds the minimum qualifications of the position including all selective factors, and who are highly proficient in all requirements of the job and can perform effectively in the position
  • Highly qualified - applicants possessing experience that exceeds the minimum qualifications of the position including all selective factors, and who are proficient in most of the requirements of the job
  • Cover Letter

Medical Technician Phlebotomy Resume Examples & Samples

  • Performs venipuncture by correctly identifying patients, selects appropriate collection devices (i.e., proper collection tube, appropriate anticoagulant, etc.) and takes necessary precautions in specimen preparation (i.e., protect carotenes from light, place ammonias in ice slurry, etc.)
  • Selects and cleans appropriate venipuncture site
  • Measures, aliquots, and prepares preservatives for surgical and cytology specimens
  • Chooses appropriate collection materials (vials, butterflies, etc.)
  • Monitors patient for signs and symptoms (profuse sweating, fainting, incontinence, etc.) of a reaction from the venipuncture
  • Delivers specimens from collection areas to main laboratory for analysis
  • Labels all specimens after collection and assigns accession numbers
  • Receives and labels specimens received from other sections such as home based health care, clinics, etc
  • Collects specimens such as cultures, blood, body fluids, urine, exudates, transudates and tissues
  • Performs inventory of collection supplies and stocks designated areas
  • Records and electronically documents patient testing results
  • Adheres to Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act (CLIA) and local/agency requirements
  • Generates and receives unit/ward collection lists; and

Medical Technician / EMT Resume Examples & Samples

  • Provide medical care at fixed sites and during movement
  • Direct and provide medical coverage for range/driving operations
  • Develop scenarios, synchronization and execution matrices, and resource requirement worksheets, as needed
  • Perform other duties as needed IE, Sick Call and taping
  • Must possess current EMT-B with IV and CPR certifications
  • Must have relevant experience in Emergency Care provisioning, clinical procedures, medical response protocols and instruction, prefer a minimum of 5+ years’ EMT experience
  • Must be sufficiently physically fit enough to lift up to 70+ lbs
  • Must be sufficiently physically fit to temporarily live and work in an austere environment to include inclement weather conditions such as above average heat and cold; rain or snow
  • Must be willing to work seven days per week, 12 hours per day or until work is complete
  • Proficient in the English language with good communication skills
  • Possess sound judgmental skills, and be capable of using them in a fluid operating environment
  • Must be able to pass a background investigation
  • US Army Combat Life Savers First Aid/ TCCC knowledge preferred
  • Experience working with Special Operations Forces, US and Foreign Military personnel is a plus
  • Two years minimum SWAT medical background highly desired
  • Prefer local candidate
  • Prior US Military experience or strong familiarity with US Army TTPs, highly desired
  • Knowledge of techniques of medical laboratory practice in the areas of microbiology, chemistry, serology, hematology, urinalysis, and immunohematology, and of recognized laboratory reference standards to perform and lead medical laboratory technicians in performing laboratory tests
  • Knowledge of medical laboratory quality control procedures, implications, documentation, and required corrective action, and of medical-legal requirements regulatory, and accrediting agency requirements and pertinent statutes
  • Knowledge of phlebotomy procedures for collecting blood samples by venipuncture or by capillary method, and for collecting body fluids, skin scrapings, throat or wound swabs, and specimens from patients of all ages including those with collapsed or small veins
  • Skill in using complex analyzers and microscopes, centrifuges, incubators, balances, analytical scales, spectrophotometers, and similar laboratory equipment, and in adjusting and calibrating laboratory equipment against standards
  • Ability to make adjustments in work assignments based on established priorities. Ability to isolate and identify all fungi, mycobacterium, or related microorganisms from patient specimens, environmental sources, and proficiency studies
  • Ability to communicate, both orally and in writing. Experience in training and administering training programs and managing information and data
  • Evaluating results of health history and physical exams to determine donor eligibility
  • Measuring vital signs(e.g., hemoglobin, pulse, blood pressure, temperature) to ensure donors eligibility
  • Preparing controls and reagents required for blood product testing and as needed for processing
  • Processing donated blood products (e.g., Packed Red Blood Cells, Cryoprecipitated Anti-Hemophilic Factor, Fresh Frozen Plasma, Frozen Red Blood Cells, Apheresis Platelets) into treatment-specific components in accordance with established protocols
  • Complete assessment questionnaire
  • Performs order entry and accessioning of test orders in the computer
  • Performs phlebotomy using appropriate and established venipuncture techniques and universal precautions
  • Collects samples with knowledge of the many special anticoagulants and testing requirements for routine and complex testing both pre-and post-collection, being careful to choose the correct sample and tube types
  • Performs bleeding time testing as requested on patients for potential prolonged bleeding problems
  • Prepares solutions for various glucose and lactose tolerance testing on patients
  • Properly selects containers for 24-hour urine collections according to the testing requirements and appropriate preservatives necessary
  • Performs morning/fasting/STAT collections within the appropriate time frames
  • Operates, maintains and troubleshoots laboratory centrifuges for processing of blood samples in order to maintain specimen integrity; and
  • Your phlebotomy experience must be detailed in your resume to receive credit
  • Click Submit My Answers to submit your application package.NOTE: It is your responsibility to ensure your responses and appropriate documentation is submitted prior to the closing date
  • Actively participates in training and orientation of new technicians to learn job duties and
  • Assists section supervisor with department functions
  • Communicates problems with Supervisor or Lab Manager as needed
  • Provides input for employee evaluations as requested
  • Keeps abreast of new procedures and policies
  • Performs and documents all required quality control/quality assurance
  • Maintains neat, accurate and complete records according to established policies and procedures
  • Readily instructs new personnel and students regarding theories, techniques, and processes

Related Job Titles

objective on resume medical technician

  • Resume Builder
  • Resume Templates
  • Resume Formats
  • Resume Examples
  • Cover Letter Builder
  • Cover Letter Templates
  • Cover Letter Formats
  • Cover Letter Examples
  • Career Advice
  • Interview Questions
  • Resume Skills
  • Resume Objectives
  • Job Description
  • Job Responsibilities
  • FAQ’s

Medical Laboratory Technician Resume Examples

Are you looking to break into the medical laboratory technician field? Writing an effective and well-structured resume is an important part of the job search process. Developing a strong resume will give you a greater chance of getting noticed by employers and boosting your chances of landing the job. This medical laboratory technician resume guide will provide you with a great starting point to writing your own resume, along with several examples to help you get started.

If you didn’t find what you were looking for, be sure to check out our complete library of resume examples .


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Medical Laboratory Technician

123 Main Street | Anytown, USA 99999 | Phone: (123) 456-7890 | Email: [email protected]

I am a highly experienced Medical Laboratory Technician with over 10 years of experience in a variety of clinical standard and research laboratory settings. I have a comprehensive background in a variety of laboratory procedures, including hematology, chemistry, immunological testing, and automated laboratory instrumentation. I am a highly organized professional with strong problem- solving and multitasking skills. I am a team player and have a strong commitment to excellence in patient care with an emphasis on safety.

Core Skills :

  • Laboratory Quality Assurance
  • Clinical Chemistry
  • Automated Laboratory Instrumentation
  • Immunological Testing
  • Specimen Processing
  • Patient Care
  • Problem- Solving
  • Multitasking

Professional Experience :

Medical Laboratory Technician, ABC Laboratory, 2010- Present

  • Performed laboratory testing for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disease.
  • Followed all safety and regulatory guidelines when performing laboratory testing.
  • Processed, labeled and tracked specimens.
  • Monitored instrument performance, identifying and resolving any issues.
  • Maintained accurate records and reports.

Medical Laboratory Technician, XYZ Institute, 2005 – 2010

  • Performed laboratory tests and reported results.
  • Operated and maintained automated laboratory instrumentation.
  • Ensured all work was accurately documented.
  • Managed the laboratory stockroom and ordered necessary supplies and equipment.
  • Prepared specimens for analysis and maintained quality control.

Education :

Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Technology – 2005 ABC University, Anytown, USA

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Medical Laboratory Technician Resume with No Experience

  • Recent college graduate with a degree in Medical Laboratory Technology, eager to utilize and expand my knowledge of laboratory practice and medical science in a Medical Laboratory Technician role.
  • Thorough knowledge of laboratory safety and laboratory quality assurance procedures
  • Experienced with general laboratory techniques and equipment
  • Excellent computer skills and familiarity with medical laboratory software
  • Highly organized and detail- oriented
  • Strong problem solving and analytical skills
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills
  • Ability to work well independently and as part of a team


  • Perform routine analysis in the laboratory following established SOPs
  • Organize and maintain laboratory equipment
  • Perform quality control tests to ensure accuracy of laboratory results
  • Maintain accurate records of laboratory tests and results
  • Conduct routine maintenance and troubleshooting on lab equipment
  • Ensure that all laboratory samples are collected, processed, and stored properly
  • Assist with research projects and special laboratory projects as needed
  • Provide technical guidance to laboratory personnel as needed

Experience 0 Years

Level Junior

Education Bachelor’s

Medical Laboratory Technician Resume with 2 Years of Experience

Dedicated Medical Laboratory Technician with two years of experience in conducting tests, interpreting results, and providing quality control measures. Talented in performing medical laboratory tests and accurate data entry in a fast- paced environment. Knowledgeable in performing laboratory duties and safety protocols. Highly organized, efficient and detail- oriented with excellent problem- solving, communication and interpersonal skills.

  • Laboratory Testing
  • Quality Control
  • Technical Troubleshooting
  • Safety Protocols
  • Sample Preparation
  • Equipment Maintenance

Responsibilities :

  • Performed routine laboratory tests and analyses to provide accurate results for patient diagnosis and treatment.
  • Carried out laboratory procedures and performed tests in accordance with established protocols.
  • Actively handled and monitored quality control procedures to ensure accuracy and validity of test results.
  • Maintained and operated laboratory equipment including centrifuges, microscopes, pipettes, and automated analyzers.
  • Inspected and cleaned laboratory equipment and glassware to ensure cleanliness and safety.
  • Carried out accurate data entry into laboratory information systems.
  • Provided exceptional patient care by maintaining patient confidentiality and adhering to HIPAA regulations.
  • Performed sample preparation and collection according to laboratory procedures.
  • Resolved technical or performance issues with laboratory equipment.

Experience 2+ Years

Medical Laboratory Technician Resume with 5 Years of Experience

Organized and detail- oriented Medical Laboratory Technician with 5 years of experience in conducting a variety of laboratory tests and analyses to detect, diagnose, and treat diseases. Excellent knowledge in laboratory equipment operation, specimen collection and analysis, and laboratory safety protocols. Highly skilled in using computerized systems to store, process, and manage data. Dedicated to providing accurate and reliable patient care results.

  • Laboratory testing and analysis
  • Specimen collection and handling
  • Data entry and record keeping
  • Laboratory equipment operation
  • Quality control and assurance
  • Laboratory safety protocols
  • Strong communication skills
  • Problem- solving abilities
  • Collect, process, and analyze specimens to diagnose and treat diseases
  • Record data accurately, including patient demographics, test results, and other pertinent information
  • Operate and maintain laboratory equipment to ensure proper functioning
  • Perform quality control and assurance procedures to ensure reliable test results
  • Observe and adhere to strict laboratory safety protocols
  • Communicate test results to physicians and other healthcare professionals
  • Monitor and order laboratory supplies and materials
  • Provide assistance and guidance to other laboratory personnel

Experience 5+ Years

Level Senior

Medical Laboratory Technician Resume with 7 Years of Experience

A highly experienced Medical Laboratory Technician with 7 years of experience in performing laboratory tests, analyses and experiments for a wide range of medical purposes. Proven ability to perform complex tests accurately and efficiently in a clinical environment. A team- oriented, multi- tasking professional with excellent communication and attention to detail skills. Possesses strong time management, problem- solving and organization capabilities.

  • Clinical laboratory techniques
  • Quality control and safety protocols
  • Interpersonal and communication skills
  • Documentation and record keeping
  • Problem solving and critical thinking
  • Microbiology and blood banking
  • Sample collection and specimen processing
  • Typing and computer skills
  • Performed various laboratory tests, analyses, and experiments to detect abnormalities, diagnose diseases and monitor treatments
  • Collected, labeled and processed patient samples
  • Documented and recorded results of lab tests
  • Analyzed results to identify abnormal findings
  • Monitored laboratory quality control standards
  • Conducted quality control and safety protocols
  • Performed preventative maintenance to maintain laboratory equipment
  • Maintained detailed laboratory records and reports
  • Assisted with ordering laboratory supplies and restocking shelves
  • Provided instruction and guidance to laboratory staff and medical students

Experience 7+ Years

Medical Laboratory Technician Resume with 10 Years of Experience

Dynamic, experienced Medical Laboratory Technician with 10+ years of experience. Expertise in laboratory medical technology testing, medical specimen collection, and analysis. Possesses a wide range of expertise, such as patient assessment and communication, problem solving, data collection and analysis, and quality assurance. Organized and highly motivated with a demonstrated ability to work effectively in a fast- paced environment. A dependable and reliable team player capable of multi- tasking, working under pressure, meeting deadlines, and ensuring accuracy.

  • Clinical laboratory testing
  • Medical laboratory technology
  • Specimen collection and processing
  • Microbiology
  • Quality assurance and control
  • Problem solving
  • Data collection and analysis
  • Communication and interpersonal skills
  • Patient assessment
  • Computer proficiency
  • Performing a variety of laboratory tests, including urinalysis, hematology, microbiology, serology, and other biological or chemical tests.
  • Collecting blood, urine and other specimens for laboratory testing.
  • Processing specimens and performing quality assurance procedures.
  • Recording and analyzing test results and preparing reports.
  • Monitoring and monitoring equipment and chemicals used in testing.
  • Maintaining patient records and filing reports.
  • Ensuring the accuracy and integrity of laboratory data and patient records.
  • Assisting with research projects and clinical trials.
  • Training and instructing medical laboratory technicians as needed.
  • Performing clerical duties when needed.

Experience 10+ Years

Level Senior Manager

Education Master’s

Medical Laboratory Technician Resume with 15 Years of Experience

Experienced Medical Laboratory Technician with 15 years of experience in the healthcare industry. Skilled in performing complex laboratory procedures, sample collection and testing, and analysis of medical information. Achieve a high level of accuracy and precision in collecting, processing, and testing biological specimens. Possesses a comprehensive understanding of laboratory safety protocols. Excellent communication skills and the ability to collaborate with medical staff to provide timely and accurate results.

  • Blood Collection
  • Lab Specimen Processing
  • Clinical Laboratory Testing
  • Instrument Maintenance
  • Quality Assurance
  • Medical Terminology
  • Laboratory Safety
  • Data Analysis
  • Perform routine laboratory tests and analysis with precision and accuracy
  • Collect laboratory specimens according to established guidelines
  • Follow laboratory safety protocols and ensure proper disposal of hazardous materials
  • Perform basic troubleshooting and maintenance on laboratory equipment
  • Adhere to quality assurance and control procedures
  • Prepare solutions and reagents for laboratory tests
  • Document test results in medical records
  • Collaborate with medical professionals to interpret and explain test results
  • Ensure compliance with regulatory standards

Experience 15+ Years

Level Director

In addition to this, be sure to check out our resume templates , resume formats ,  cover letter examples ,  job description , and  career advice  pages for more helpful tips and advice.

What should be included in a Medical Laboratory Technician resume?

When creating a resume for a Medical Laboratory Technician, it’s important to include all of your relevant experience and qualifications. Here are some of the key areas to focus on when crafting your resume:

  • Education: List any relevant coursework you’ve completed, including laboratory technician programs, medical terminology courses, and any other relevant certifications.
  • Experience: Include any experience you have as a medical laboratory technician, including the type of tests performed, equipment operated, and any other relevant details.
  • Technical Skills: List any technical skills you have related to working in a lab, such as familiarity with laboratory systems, equipment, and procedures.
  • Quality Assurance: Mention any experience you have with quality assurance procedures, including sample collection and testing, record keeping, and accuracy of results.
  • Problem-Solving: Highlight any experience you have with troubleshooting and resolving issues related to laboratory equipment or processes.
  • Communication Skills: Demonstrate your effective communication skills, both written and verbal, when dealing with patients, doctors, and other personnel.

With all of this information, you should be able to craft an impressive resume that showcases your experience and skills as a Medical Laboratory Technician. Good luck!

What is a good summary for a Medical Laboratory Technician resume?

A Medical Laboratory Technician resume should provide a summary of the candidate’s qualifications, credentials, experience and skills in the field of laboratory medicine. The summary should include the technician’s educational background and any relevant certifications, such as licensure. It should also highlight any specializations or research experience that the candidate may have, as well as any relevant lab or clinical experience. Additionally, the summary should note any other lab-related qualifications or skills, such as familiarity with equipment or lab protocols. Finally, the summary should also include any certifications or specializations in other areas, such as safety or quality control, as these could be beneficial for the technician’s duties.

What is a good objective for a Medical Laboratory Technician resume?

A Medical Laboratory Technician (MLT) resume should present an applicant’s skills and qualifications in a clear and concise manner. It’s important to include a strong objective that can capture the reader’s attention and make them want to learn more about you.

Here are some tips for writing a good objective for an MLT resume:

  • Highlight your professional abilities: After introducing yourself, describe the professional abilities that you can bring to the role. Talk about your technical expertise, knowledge of quality assurance protocols, and ability to analyze and interpret data.
  • Mention relevant certifications: List any certifications or qualifications you have for performing medical laboratory tests. This will demonstrate your commitment to the field and your readiness to work in a clinical setting.
  • Demonstrate your organizational skills: An MLT should be a highly organized and detail-oriented individual. Talk about your ability to handle multiple tasks and prioritize the most important ones.
  • Showcase your eagerness to learn: Employers value those who are eager to learn and grow in their professions. Be sure to mention that you are open to new opportunities and that you are committed to professional development.

By following these tips, you can create an effective and impactful objective statement that will help you stand out among other applicants. Good luck with your job search!

How do you list Medical Laboratory Technician skills on a resume?

Medical Laboratory Technicians (MLTs) are responsible for collecting and processing specimens, performing laboratory testing, recording test results, and maintaining equipment. When applying for an MLT job, it is important to showcase the skills and knowledge you have acquired through your training and experience.

To help you list your MLT skills on your resume, consider the following tips:

  • Start with a strong, MLT-specific summary statement that outlines your experience and expertise.
  • Include a section dedicated to MLT skills in your resume, and list all relevant skills such as specimen processing, laboratory testing, equipment maintenance, and record keeping.
  • Tailor your resume to the job requirements by highlighting the skills that the employer is looking for.
  • Use action-oriented words and phrases to describe your skills, such as “perform,” “analyze,” and “assess.”
  • Showcase your ability to work in a team setting by mentioning the collaborative skills you have developed.
  • Include any certifications or licenses you have obtained that are related to MLT.

By highlighting the MLT skills you possess, you will be able to demonstrate your expertise and make a great impression on potential employers.

What skills should I put on my resume for Medical Laboratory Technician?

Creating a resume can be intimidating, especially when you are not sure which skills should be listed. When you are applying for a medical laboratory technician position, some of the most important skills to highlight on your resume include:

  • Proficiency in Laboratory Testing: Because medical laboratory technicians run tests on specimens to diagnose and treat diseases, it is important to emphasize your experience with medical laboratory testing. Be sure to highlight any laboratory certifications or clinical laboratory training that you have completed.
  • Knowledge of Medical Procedures: Medical laboratory technicians must understand medical terminology and the procedures and processes of medical laboratories. Emphasize any experience working with medical equipment, as well as any knowledge of medical terminology, regulations, and safety standards.
  • Accuracy and Attention to Detail: Medical laboratory technicians must be very precise and detail-oriented when running tests and recording results. Being able to accurately and efficiently follow laboratory protocols and procedures is key to succeeding in this role.
  • Analytical Thinking and Problem-Solving: Working in the laboratory often requires that you approach tasks with a creative and analytical mindset. Describe your ability to think critically and troubleshoot any issues that arise during the testing process.
  • Computer Proficiency: Many medical laboratories rely on computer systems for data entry and analysis. Mention any experience that you have with medical software programs, such as electronic health records or laboratory information systems.

Highlighting these skills on your resume can help you stand out as a qualified medical laboratory technician candidate.

Key takeaways for an Medical Laboratory Technician resume

A medical laboratory technician resume is a critical part of the job search process, as it contains vital information related to your background, experience and education. The key takeaways for an effective medical laboratory technician resume should include a concise summary of your skills, educational qualifications and relevant work experience. Additionally, you should include any professional affiliations or certifications you have obtained.

When crafting your medical laboratory technician resume, it’s important to consider the job description and what qualifications the position requires. Your resume should highlight the qualifications you possess that match the job requirements and make you stand out as an ideal candidate. For example, if the job requires the ability to analyze laboratory data, the resume should emphasize the laboratory techniques and analytical skills you have developed.

In addition to your qualifications, you should also include any medical laboratory technician certifications you have obtained. This shows potential employers that you have the necessary credentials for the job. You should also include any related education such as a degree in a medical field, or any specializations you have obtained.

Finally, make sure to include any relevant experience that you have obtained, such as laboratory internships or volunteer positions. Showcasing your experience and qualifications will help you stand out in the job market.

By following these key takeaways when crafting a medical laboratory technician resume, you will be able to effectively demonstrate your qualifications and make a great first impression with potential employers.

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22 Best Technician Resume Objective Examples You Can Apply

Technician Resume Objective

If you are creating a resume or CV for a technician job, the quality of your objective statement goes a long way at determining its success.

You can take advantage of the strategic position of the objective as the first statement in the resume to project value to the employer and immediately get them interested in your application.

Your career objective shouldn’t be just a statement of the job title like some people do; rather, you should highlight one or two major contributions that you are bringing to the company or organization by applying vital skills, knowledge, or experience as a technician.

To make a great resume that gets you an interview with an employer/recruiter, it is important to learn about various resume statistics before writing your resume. According to novoresume, these resume statistics will give you helpful insight into the prevailing HR trends, guide you in making the right decision about your job hunting, and in creating an effective resume.

How to Write an Effective Technician Resume Objective Statement

To help you create the kind of technician objective that will boost your resume’s chances of success, you need to know what is important to the employer for hiring a technician.

You can get the information from studying the technician job description that they published with the vacancy advertisement.

You will discover what the employer’s requirements are for the technician position, as well as the goals they want to achieve.

Based on this knowledge, you can then present relevant qualities, educational qualifications, etc. that you have to enable you achieve the goals and desires of the organization.

Now, take a look at the 22 examples of technician objectives for resume below to improve your learning of how to make yours as fast as possible:

1. Resourceful professional with 6+ years of experience in a technical department. Coming with the ability to follow all company’s procedures and protocols while performing daily tasks.

2. A versatile individual with experience working in a technical department with ability to cooperate with technical team and share objective information across organization while working towards its achievement.

3. Dedicated professional with 5+ years of experience in the technical role. Seeking to work for a company that will maximize my potentials for optimum benefits.

4. Proactive and energetic individual with a positive attitude to work. Seeking for a technician position in Julius manufacturing company to produce timely and detailed service reports.

5. Enthusiastic professional with sound knowledge of equipment and tools. Seeking a technician position in a fast paced organization to help in making use of technology in solving relative problems.

6. To take up responsibility as a technician with the ability to diagnose technical problems and determine proper solution.

7. To join Stewart Company as a technician, bringing high professionalism in relating with other members of the organization toward achieving a set objective.

8. Desire a technician position at Droley Company. Bringing the ability to analyze things and establish areas for improvement in their functionality.

9. Result-oriented professional with over 5 years of experience and knowledge of all equipment used in the field. Looking to obtain a technician position with a manufacturing company to meet set performance objectives.

10. Desire to secure a technician role with a production company. Offering strong ability to read blueprints or technical diagrams.

11. Looking to obtain a technician role in a fast-paced manufacturing company where the ability to perform routine maintenance is needed.

12. A technician with in-depth knowledge of documenting services and installation actions. Seeking to work with an organization looking for an individual with expertise in technical field.

13. Seeking a technician position in a challenging but rewarding organization to inspect products and production processes for flaws and areas of improvement for optimal benefits.

14. Seeking a technician role with Humels Industries; an expanding organization where extensive experience with basic hand and power tools will be utilized in efficiently performing required task.

15. To secure a technician position with Jones Inc. Bringing 5 years of technical experience with diagnostic tools in Graham Company to perform an excellent function in the organization.

16. Performance-oriented and intelligent professional with the ability to run the installation and testing of a product to ensure proper function.

17. Looking to secure a technician position in a fast paced company where strong comprehension of customer requirements will be utilized in making appropriate recommendation.

18. Proficient and forward-thinking professional who can develop and apply test procedures to products with some technical equipment to ensure quality production of goods and services.

19. Energetic technician with ability to perform the maintenance of electrical systems. Hoping to secure a technician position in a company where expertise is fully utilized.

20. A highly committed individual with the physical ability to meet requirements. Looking forward to working in a technician position in a dynamic organization where this ability will be utilized.

21. Coming with high professionalism to work and assist engineers with research and development of designs and quality assurance as a technician in Ferer Company.

22. Experienced technician with good organizational skills and the ability to assist in budget preparation and ensure it is followed.

A well crafted technician objective statement that presents benefits to the employer stands a better chance of having the recruiter develop interest in the resume and getting them to read its content.

With the various samples provided in this post, you will be able to write a winning objective for your technician resume whenever you need to apply for a job.

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Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)

Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) Objectives and summaries

14 Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) objectives and summaries found

A well-written objective or summary on your resume can be the difference between getting rejected, or getting invited for an interview. Copy any of these Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) objective or summary examples, and use it as inspiration for your own resume. All examples are written by certified resume experts, and free for personal use.

Learn more about: objective vs. summary

Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)

Summary examples.

A competent and driven healthcare services professional passionate to deliver responsive patient care, perform detailed patient assessments, administering medication management, and ensuring customer service excellence in a dynamic healthcare environment. Strong medical strategist effectively utilizes resources for better outcomes and collaborates with other medical teams for timely emergency treatment.

Certified Emergency Response Technician with 5 years of progressive experience in delivering fast, quality care during critical emergency situations. Adept at managing the emotional needs of victims of injuries, acute illness, and psychological emergencies and provide immediate care while transporting them to the appropriate hospital unit. Passionate medical services provider able to remain calm under pressure and react swiftly in urgent and life-threatening situations.

8-year NCOAE and EMT-Basic certified medical professional with a vast and substantial understanding of medical procedures, terminology, and ethics.  Cooperative, adaptable, and team-oriented in order to attend to the care and needs of patients and their families in trying situations.

Objective examples

Focused and adaptive Emergency Medical Technician seeking to work within a reputable healthcare establishment that offers the opportunity to maximize skills set and facilitate career growth.

Dedicated and adaptable newly certified EMT, adept at providing immediate first responder services to individuals of all ages. Looking to secure a position as an EMT at Tri-County Healthcare EMS.

A result-oriented and dedicated emergency medical technician having expertise in quality patient care and medication management and possess a strong driving record. A healthcare services professional striving for a position to apply basic medical knowledge for better patient care outcomes and strong managerial skills to ensure collaboration with other medical teams.

Dedicated and compassionate first-year paramedic with an adequate understanding of medical procedures and first aid for severely ill or injured patients. Willing to learn from senior medical professionals how to improve abilities and skills to become a more knowledgeable and proficient employee.

Patient-focused and passionate Paramedic with 5 years of experience in providing reliable and timely pre-hospital care in emergency and life-threatening situations. Expertise in assessing the condition of patients and making split-second decisions on the most appropriate life-saving procedure. Proficient in the use of modern life support and ambulatory care equipment, with a track record of responding to up to 30 cases a day.

Quick-thinking medical professional with broad expertise and knowledge of medical procedures and assessments. Competent leadership and mentoring abilities. Calm and even-keeled disposition in high-stress circumstances. Holds NREMT license, state EMS license, first aid certification, and BSC in Paramedic Science.

Recent medical school EMT graduate seeks employment for transporting immobile patients from desolate locations to a well-equipped and staffed hospital.

Veteran of the EMT field seeking to apply first responder skills and attributes in a large and highly reputed medical setting.

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