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🤖 Free Instagram Bio Generator (AI Powered)

Sick of generic, dull Instagram bios that blend into the scroll? Our Instagram bio generator leverages AI to craft optimized profiles that captures your unique essence. Designed for creators, influencers and brands seeking to upgrade first impressions, we guide you through prompts to uncover what you’re about. Then our technology works its magic - producing multiple Instagram bio variations with strategic messaging and branding for your goals. Review AI-generated options to pick the attention-grabbing profile intro resonating most as your own. In minutes without guesswork, convey your vision to your audience and start standing out on the app. Our bio generator simplifies getting seen for who you truly are rather than just another account lost in the feed!

Navigating the world of Instagram can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to introducing yourself or your brand in just a few characters. The challenge? Crafting an Instagram bio that captures your essence, attracts your target audience, and makes a lasting impression, all within a 150-character limit. This is where many stumble, finding themselves at a crossroads of creativity and clarity.

The Instagram bio is your digital introduction - it's the first thing people notice and the last thing they remember when visiting your profile. But how do you encapsulate your personality, brand ethos, or value proposition succinctly and effectively? How do you stand out in a sea of millions of users vying for attention? The pressure to create something both engaging and reflective of your identity can be overwhelming.

This is a common dilemma faced by many Instagram users, from influencers and businesses to everyday social media enthusiasts. The need for a tool or a guide to navigate this challenge is evident, and that's where the concept of an Instagram Bio Generator becomes a game-changer. Imagine having a resource that not only inspires creativity but also guides you in distilling your unique story into a bio that resonates and engages.

In the following sections, we'll explore the intricacies of an Instagram bio, its importance, and how an Instagram Bio Generator can simplify this creative challenge. Whether you're looking to revamp your current bio or starting from scratch, understanding the art of bio creation is the first step towards making your Instagram profile a true reflection of who you are or what your brand stands for.

What Is an Instagram Bio?

An Instagram bio is much more than a few words under your username – it's your brand's digital handshake, your personal slogan , a snapshot of your personality or business ethos. Limited to 150 characters, this small space carries immense power, serving as a critical tool for first impressions in the vast and vibrant world of Instagram.

Think of your Instagram bio as a concise canvas where you paint your identity. It's where you tell your story, share your passions, or highlight your brand's unique selling points. For individuals, it's an opportunity to express personality traits, hobbies, beliefs, or anything that gives a peek into who they are. For businesses, it's a strategic spot to succinctly convey their mission, what they offer, and why they stand out.

The beauty of an Instagram bio lies in its brevity and impact. It's a creative challenge to distil the essence of your entire account into a few impactful words. It's where emojis can speak volumes, where a single line can encapsulate your vibe, and where a well-placed call-to-action can turn visitors into followers or customers.

Importance of an Instagram Bio

In the digital age, where attention spans are short and competition is fierce, the importance of an Instagram bio cannot be overstated. It's more than just a requirement; it's a strategic tool that can set the tone for your entire Instagram presence. Here's why your Instagram bio is crucial:

  • First Impressions Matter: Your bio is often the first thing people see when they visit your profile. It can make or break their decision to follow you. A well-crafted bio intrigues, informs, and invites, turning casual browsers into followers, and followers into fans or customers.
  • Brand Identity and Storytelling: For businesses and influencers, a bio is a part of their branding. It tells a story, conveys a message, and establishes a voice. It's where you can express your brand's personality, values, and what makes you unique.
  • Engagement and Connection: A compelling bio creates a connection with your audience. It encourages interaction, whether that's following, visiting your website, or engaging with your content. It's where you can include a call-to-action, like 'Shop now' or 'Read more', to guide your audience on what to do next.
  • SEO and Discoverability: Yes, SEO applies to Instagram too! A good bio uses relevant keywords and hashtags to improve your visibility in search results, both within Instagram and on search engines. This helps attract a targeted audience who are interested in what you offer.
  • Professionalism and Credibility: A well-written bio reflects professionalism and credibility, especially important for businesses and creators. It shows you take your presence on Instagram seriously and can be a deciding factor for potential collaborations and partnerships.

In essence, your Instagram bio is a powerful asset in your social media toolkit. It's a small space with big potential.

What Makes a Good Instagram Bio?

Crafting a good Instagram bio is an art. It requires a blend of creativity, clarity, and strategy. But what exactly makes a bio stand out? Here are some key elements:

  • Clarity and Conciseness: Since you only have 150 characters, every word counts. Your bio should be clear and to the point, quickly telling visitors who you are and what you do.
  • Personality and Authenticity: Your bio should reflect your unique personality or brand voice . Authenticity resonates with audiences, so let your true self shine through.
  • Targeted Keywords: Incorporating relevant keywords can help your profile show up in search results, making it easier for like-minded individuals or potential customers to find you.
  • Call-to-Action (CTA): A strong CTA can guide your visitors to take the desired action, whether it's visiting a website, checking out a product, or simply following your profile.
  • Use of Emojis: Emojis can add colour and personality to your bio. They can also make your bio more visually appealing and easier to read by breaking up text.
  • Contact Information and Links: For businesses or influencers, including contact information or a link to your website or latest project is crucial. It provides a direct path for further engagement.
  • Alignment with Your Content: Your bio should be consistent with the type of content you post. This alignment helps set the right expectations for new followers.

Factors to Consider When Creating an Instagram Bio

Creating an Instagram bio that resonates and engages requires more than just stringing together a few catchy phrases. It's about understanding your audience, your brand, and the unique value you bring to the table. Here are some critical factors to consider when crafting your Instagram bio:

  • Know Your Audience: Understanding who you're trying to reach is crucial. Your bio should speak directly to your target audience, using language and references they relate to.
  • Define Your Purpose: Are you on Instagram to build a brand , showcase your art, share your life stories, or sell products? Your bio should reflect your purpose and guide your audience accordingly.
  • Showcase Your Unique Selling Points (USPs): What makes you or your brand special? Highlight your USPs in your bio, whether it's your quirky style, expert knowledge, unique products, or something else.
  • Consistency with Your Brand Voice: Your bio should reflect your overall brand voice and personality. Whether it's professional, playful, inspirational, or edgy, stay true to your brand's essence .
  • Optimisation for Search (SEO):  Use relevant keywords and hashtags in your bio to improve your discoverability on Instagram and search engines.
  • Visual Appeal: A bio that's easy on the eyes can make a big difference. Use spacing, emojis, and special characters wisely to create a bio that's visually engaging.
  • Update Regularly: Keep your bio fresh and updated. Regular updates can reflect the latest trends, new offerings, or changes in your life or business.

How to Come Up with an Instagram Bio

Crafting the perfect Instagram bio is a blend of art and strategy. Whether you're doing it manually or using an Instagram Bio Generator, here are some methods to help you create a bio that stands out.

Manual Methods for Coming Up with an Instagram Bio

  • Brainstorm Key Elements: Start by jotting down essential elements about yourself or your brand, like interests, skills, values, or unique selling points.
  • Study Successful Profiles: Look at profiles that inspire you or are popular in your niche. Note what stands out in their bios and what elements you can adapt for your own.
  • Use Descriptive and Engaging Language: Your choice of words should paint a vivid picture and engage the reader. Be descriptive yet concise.
  • Incorporate Keywords: Use relevant keywords that describe your niche or industry. This improves SEO and helps the right audience find you.
  • Experiment with Formats: Try different formats like lists, full sentences, or a mix of both. See what feels right for your style and brand.
  • Ask for Feedback: Sometimes, getting a fresh perspective helps. Ask friends or peers for feedback on your bio drafts.
  • Iterate and Evolve: Don’t be afraid to tweak and change your bio over time. As you or your brand evolves, so should your bio.

What is an Instagram Bio Generator?

An Instagram Bio Generator is a tool designed to simplify the process of creating a compelling Instagram bio. It uses AI algorithms to generate creative, personalised bios based on your input and preferences.

Why Use an Instagram Bio Generator?

  • Efficiency: It saves time and effort, especially if you're struggling with what to write.
  • Creativity Boost: Offers creative suggestions that you might not have thought of.
  • Personalization: Generates bios tailored to your specific needs and style.
  • Ease of Use: User-friendly and accessible for everyone, regardless of writing skills.

Step-by-Step Guide to Using an Instagram Bio Generator

  • Select Account Type: Choose whether your account is personal or professional, as this guides the tone of the bio.
  • Write a Detailed About You: Input information about yourself or your brand, including interests, goals, and key traits.
  • Select the Language: Choose the language for your bio.
  • Click on Generate: The generator will process your information and produce a variety of bio options for you to choose from.

Tips for Generating Unique and Memorable Instagram Bios

Creating an Instagram bio that's both unique and memorable is essential for standing out in a crowded digital landscape. Whether you're using a manual method or an Instagram Bio Generator, here are some tips to ensure your bio makes a lasting impact:

  • Be True to Yourself: Authenticity is key. Your bio should be a reflection of who you are or what your brand represents. Authentic bios create deeper connections with your audience.
  • Inject Personality: Don't be afraid to let your personality shine through. Whether it's humour, wit, or sincerity, a bio with personality is always memorable.
  • Use Strategic Keywords: Including relevant keywords not only helps in SEO but also ensures that your bio resonates with your target audience.
  • Embrace Brevity: With only 150 characters, every word in your bio counts. Be concise yet expressive.
  • Incorporate a Call-to-Action: Encourage visitors to take action, whether it's following your profile, visiting a website, or checking out your latest post.
  • Make It Visually Appealing: Use emojis, symbols, or spacing creatively to make your bio visually engaging and easy to read.
  • Stay Current: Update your bio periodically to reflect current trends, personal changes, or new aspects of your brand.
  • Experiment and Iterate: Don't hesitate to try different versions of your bio. Experimentation can lead to discovering what works best for you.
  • Seek Inspiration, Not Imitation: While it's great to draw inspiration from successful profiles, ensure your bio is unique to you.
  • Use Humour Wisely: If humour aligns with your brand or personality, it can make your bio stand out. However, be mindful of how it might be perceived by a diverse audience.

In summing up, the Instagram Bio Generator emerges as an essential tool for anyone looking to craft a distinctive and engaging Instagram bio. It simplifies the creative process, infuses your bio with originality, and ensures that your introduction on Instagram is not just seen, but remembered. By leveraging this tool, you effortlessly combine personal flair with strategic elements, making your bio a true reflection of your personality or brand.

Embrace the Instagram Bio Generator to elevate your Instagram presence, connect with your desired audience, and enhance your digital footprint in a way that is uniquely yours.

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Your Instagram bio gives you 150 characters to explain who you are, what you offer, and why people should follow you.

cover image

As far as history goes, we’re living in charmed times — but Shakespeare never had to write an Instagram bio (and let’s face it, the man wasn’t known for being concise). Typing those fateful words into your profile is stressful, and for good reason: your Instagram bio is often the first place other users will look when they’re deciding whether or not to follow you.

Here’s everything you need to know about Instagram bios, and how to write one worthy of a three-act play. Wherefore art thou bio?

Table of Contents

Bonus: Unlock 28 inspiring social media bio templates to create your own in seconds and stand out from the crowd.

What is an Instagram bio?

A bio on Instagram is a description of your account that can be up to 150 characters long and sits at the very top of your profile page, next to your profile picture. It’s a snapshot of your Instagram account and a quick way to show users who you are and what you’re about.

Because of the limited character count, an Instagram bio needs to be concise, easy to read and informative… but don’t be afraid to have fun with it. Emojis and jokes are fair game, even for professionals using the platform. After reading your bio, people should understand what you do and why they should follow you.

online bio instagram

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What makes a good bio for Instagram?

A good Instagram bio is a bio that users can’t resist interacting with, whether it’s by slamming that “follow” button, scrolling through (and liking and commenting on) your content, watching your story highlights or sending your Instagram profile to friends. The best Instagram bios are short and sweet, and genuinely convey your personality as a creator or brand.

For more details, watch our video on making the PERFECT Instagram bio:

When you’re dreaming up your bio, try asking yourself these questions — especially if you’re using Instagram for business :

  • What is your brand promise?
  • How about your brand personality: Funny? Serious? Informative? Playful?
  • What are your special skills?
  • Are you a local business? National? Global?
  • What makes your product or service unique?
  • What is the first thing you want people to do after they visit your profile?

On that last point: All good marketing materials should include a clear and compelling call to action . Good Insta bios are no exception. Give visitors clear direction if you want them to click the link in your bio, follow your account or take a different specific action.

You might want to add a link to your bio to send people to a page where they can buy your products, or you might have a different conversion goal in mind. Maybe you want people to Like your Facebook page , follow you on TikTok or sign up for your newsletter.

If your goal is to build an Instagram following , your call to action might be simply to ask visitors to press that follow button, or to share their photos with a branded hashtag .

Instagram bio ideas generator

Please note:  This tool may display inaccurate or offensive material that doesn’t represent Hootsuite’s views. You’re solely responsible for use of any content generated using this tool, including its compliance with applicable laws and third-party rights.

This Instagram bio generator is a web-based tool that takes a bit of information and transforms it into the perfect one-liner for your Instagram profile. It uses ChatGPT. But, like all good robots, it still needs a little human intervention to really knock it out of the park. So make sure to fill out all the inputs with as much detail as possible to get the best results. Like the list of ideas below, it’s a great tool to get inspiration for your final draft.

10 Instagram bio ideas

Want to write your Instagram bio from scratch but feeling a little stuck? Have no fear — there are literally 1.22 billion Instagram users you can get inspiration from. Here are a few bio ideas for Instagram to get you started.

1. Funny Instagram bios

Unfortunately, there’s nothing less funny than trying to be funny. The key to a comedic Instagram bio is keeping honest, like this one from a drink brand.

Innocent Instagram bio

Source: @innocent

Playing to your audience — and embracing how they see your brand — is another way to get laughs.

Bugles Instagram Bio

Source: @buglesmemes

And when all else fails, being quippy and somewhat vague is also a good source of comedy. If chaos is your brand, embrace it.

Bowen Yang Instagram Bio

Source: @fayedunaway

2. Instagram bio quotes

Using Instagram bio quotes can be a great way to express an idea or create a feeling of connection.

You could use a saying, a line from a poem or song, or any phrase that will mean something to potential followers. Just make sure to give credit where credit is due if you use someone else’s words.

The Quotations Page is a good place to start your search for good Instagram bio quotes.

Here are 15 quote ideas you can copy and paste directly into your Instagram bio.

  • Happiness depends upon ourselves – Aristotle
  • We’re all born naked and the rest is drag – RuPaul
  • Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time – Barack Obama
  • I’d rather regret the things I’ve done than regret the things I haven’t done – Lucille Ball
  • Imagination is more important than knowledge – Albert Einstein
  • You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take – Wayne Gretzky
  • Cherish forever what makes you unique, cuz you’re really a yawn if it goes – Bette Midler
  • If you don’t like the road you’re walking, start paving another one – Dolly Parton
  • Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game – Babe Ruth
  • I am a rich man – Cher
  • You can be the lead in your own life – Kerry Washington
  • When the whole world is silent, even one voice becomes powerful – Malala Yousafzai

3. Creative Instagram bios

A bio may only be 150 characters, but that’s more than enough to stretch that creative muscle. During the launch of Netflix’s Heartstopper , the company changed their bio to an invite for the main actors to start a band.

Netflix Instagram Bio

Source: @netflix

This bio from Crocs is so creative, it takes a second to understand — we’ll let you read it before spoiling.

Crocs Instagram Bio

Source: @crocs

Did you get it? It’s “If you ain’t Croc-ing, you ain’t rocking.”

If you can’t make up your mind, do it all. Insta-famous Italian greyhound Tika has emojis, a quote from Lizzo, “Fashion Model” and “Gay Icon” status, and a link to her book in her bio. Impressive (but not as impressive as a dog writing a book).

Tika the iggy instagram bio

Source: @tikatheiggy

4. Cool Instagram bios

“All your friends are so cool, you go out every night” — Olivia Rodrigo. Who is pretty cool herself: this short, informative and rhyming bio says it all.

Olivia Rodrigo Instagram Bio

Source: @oliviarodrigo

Another way to up the cool factor: commit an ultimate branding faux pas and don’t introduce yourself in an easily identifiable way. For example, most folks would identify Serena Williams as a tennis superstar. In her Instagram bio, she’s simply “Olympia’s mom.” It feels very true to her, and that’s cool.

Serena Williams Instagram Bio

Source: @serenawilliams

There’s a pattern here — ”cool” and “short” go hand-in-hand. If you want a cool bio for Instagram, being too wordy won’t help. If that’s what you’re going for, try and be as concise as possible. Like Lizzo.

Lizzo Instagram Bio

Source: @lizzobeeating

5. Short Instagram bios

Speaking of short — if you don’t need 150 characters, don’t use them. Dating app Bumble’s bio simply prompts folks to make the first move.

Bumble Instagram bio

Source: @bumble

Fewer words makes the words you do use more powerful, and really makes a statement.

Bob the Drag Queen Instagram Bio

Source: @bobthedragqueen

Or, you can go in a totally opposite direction and write a short bio that few, if any, will understand. You do you.

Kirsten Titus Instagram Bio

Source: @kirstentitus

6. Clever Instagram bios

A clever Instagram bio will score a chuckle (and hopefully a follow) from users. Stay self aware and lighthearted, and the cleverness will come. Old Spice’s bio is a play on the bizarre masculinity that’s present in men’s deodorant branding.

Old Spice Instagram Bio

Source: @oldspice

Tiffany Haddish hypes herself, but stays humble in her Instagram bio.

Tiffany Haddish Instagram Bio

Source: @tiffanyhaddish

And sometimes, the cleverest route is the simplest: in a world of people trying to be as cool as possible, artist Allie Brosh just tells it like it is, and really stands out.

Allie Brosh Instagram Bio

Source: @allie_brosh

7. Instagram bios with emojis

Emojis are like cheating (the good kind). When words fail, emojis are there. Designers Josh and Matt describe their relationship, career, home base and pets all in a single line of emojis.

Josh and Matt Design Instagram bio

Source: @joshandmattdesign

You can also use emojis like bullet points for a super-aesthetic look.

Olive and Bean Instagram Bio

Source: @oliveandbeanphoto

Or, go with the classic (if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it) and substitute emojis for the words they represent — hearts for love, etc.

Pickle the Pig Instagram Bio

Source: @pickle.the.pig

8. Instagram business bios

If you’re using Instagram for business, a bio can be a great place to introduce yourself (more and more folks are using social media to research brands ). Kraft peanut butter has a great example of a succinct bio that describes their company.

Kraft Peanut Butter Instagram Bio

Source: @kraftpeanutbutter_ca

Businesses can also use their bio to describe their brand ethos, and what makes them different from others in the industry.

Ocin Instagram Bio

Source: @ocin

If you’re doing affiliate marketing or partnering with other businesses, a bio is a good place to put discount codes or promotions related to those affiliations.

Phillychinchilly Instagram Bio

Source: @phillychinchilly

9. Instagram bios with links

Your link in bio is a rich place for users to gain more resources and information about your brand. Make sure your audience sees it by pointing to it. Yeah, we mean literally. Clothing brand Free Label uses their bio to identify what the link is (in this case, a path to their latest launch).

Source: @free.label

In a similar fashion, artist Zoe Si uses her bio to point to her latest book, which is accessible through her link in bio.

Zoe Si Instagram Bio

Source: @zoesees

10. Informative Instagram bios

Sometimes, you just want the facts. Having the answer to your most frequently asked questions — in the example below, that’s probably “When are you open?” — can pay off. It might not be fun, but it’s simple and clear.

Source: superflux.cabana

13 Instagram bio tricks you may not know about

Hungry for more? We got you. Here are some tips to make sure you have the best bio for Instagram.

1. Use fancy Instagram bio fonts

Technically, you can only use one “font” in your Instagram bio. But there are tools out there that will help you create the look of a custom font by mapping your text to existing special characters.

Here’s an example of what Hootsuite writer Christine’s bio looks like in a few different fonts, as created using the tool Instagram Fonts .

Instagram bio fonts

That third one is a little bonkers, but you could pick and choose a few words to incorporate strategically for visual appeal. In general, it’s a good idea to use this trick sparingly, for emphasis, rather than dressing your entire bio up in fancy fonts.

Once you find a font style you like, just copy and paste it into your Instagram bio.

2. Use Instagram bio symbols

We’ve already talked about using emojis. But you can also go old-school and use special text symbols to break ★ up ★ your ★ bio. (Remember Wingdings and Webdings? How very 1990s.)

This trick uses the same principle as the tip above, but instead of using symbols to create the look of a custom font, you can use them as retro emojis or unique bullet points:

Blogger unique bullet points

Source: @blogger

The easiest way to find your special character is to open a new Google Doc, then click Insert and choose Special characters.

Insert special characters

You can scroll through the available options, search by keyword, or even draw a shape to find a similar character. Then, just copy and paste into your Instagram bio.

3. Add a location

This is particularly useful for businesses: customers will want to know who (and where) they’re buying from. Marking your location can also help your brand be more searchable.

When you add your address to your Instagram business profile, it also appears below your bio but does not use up any of your bio character count. This is another great way to free up space for more compelling bio information. Be warned, your address only shows up on mobile.

Pourhouse Instagram Bio

Source: @pourhouse

4. Add contact buttons

Business profiles can include contact information in the form of buttons that allow people to phone you, email you, or get directions to your business directly from Instagram. This is another one that only shows up on mobile.

Midnight Paloma Instagram Bio

Source: @midnightpaloma

5. Add a call to action button

Another mobile-only feature: You can encourage people to take action straight from your Instagram bio with CTA buttons. These allow your followers to take direct actions like ordering food from your restaurant, or buying tickets for your event.

Maenam Instagram Bio

Source: @maenamrestaurant

You’ll find these options under Action Buttons when editing your business profile.

6. Add a link in bio

You get one clickable link in your Instagram bio. Since you can’t use clickable links in Instagram feed posts (unless you’re using Instagram ads or Instagram Shopping ), your bio link is valuable real estate.

You can change the URL as often as you like. You might want to link to your newest or most important content (like your latest blog post or video), a special campaign, or a landing page specifically for visitors coming from Instagram .

You can also use Instagram tools like Hootbio to set up a mobile landing page with multiple links. That way, you don’t have to keep updating the link in your Instagram bio, which can lead to outdated “link in bio” statements on older posts.

To get started with Hootbio, sign in to your Hootsuite account and navigate to the Create section of the dashboard. There, select Hootbio from the menu.

Note: Hootbio is available to Team, Business, and Enterprise plan Hootsuite users. If you are a Professional plan user, upgrade now to access this feature.

Navigating to the Hootbio section in the Hootsuite dashboard

To build your Hootbio page, start with basic profile information:

  • Profile name. This will show up as the heading at the top of your page.
  • Profile description. This is the subtitle text located below your profile name.
  • Profile picture. We recommend using an image aligned with the branding of your Instagram account to keep the look of your bio page familiar and on-brand.
  • Your website. This is where you create a URL for your link in bio page. We will let you know if a URL has already been claimed by someone else.

Creating a link in bio page in Hootsuite - setting up the profile name, description, cover image, and URL

Then, add your links. Every link has to include a URL and text that will be displayed on the button. You can also add images to links, but this feature is optional.

To change the order of links on your page, simply drag and drop them using the triple bar icon.

When you’re done, click Update in the top right corner of the page.

Creating a link in bio page in Hootsuite - Adding links

Try for free

You can also direct followers to your other social accounts — or your email inbox — using dedicated buttons.

Head to the Social section of the menu to set up links for Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Messenger, and email .

To save your changes, click Update in the top right corner of the dashboard.

Creating a link in bio page in Hootsuite - Adding social icons

In the Design section, you can customize the design of your Hootbio page. Pick one of the recommended color themes, or customize your font, button, and background colors to make the page truly yours.

When you’re done — you guessed it — click Update in the top right corner of your screen.

Creating a link in bio page in Hootsuite - selecting and customizing a color theme

That’s it! Your Hootbio page is ready. To start using it, copy the link displayed in the top right corner of the dashboard, and paste it into your Instagram and TikTok bios. You can update your bio whenever you need, but note that URL edits are restricted to once every six months.

Creating a link in bio page in Hootsuite - updating basic profile and page information

Ready to build your own custom link in bio page? Sign up for a free 30-day Team plan trial now , and start converting your Instagram followers into online customers.

Start free 30-day trial

7. Use your bio to direct traffic to another platform or website

If your primary social media is on a different platform and you consider Instagram a necessary evil, that’s okay — you can use your bio as a way to direct other users to that platform.

Comedian Ziwe Fumudoh rarely posts on Instagram, but is very active on TikTok, so she uses her bio to steer audiences towards that app.

Ziwe Instagram Bio

Source: @ziwef

Lush, weirdly, “departed” from social media but still has an active Instagram and uses their link in bio to explain why they’re not online.

Lush Cosmetics Instagram Bios

Source: @lushcosmetics

8. Use line breaks

People don’t tend to read information online. Instead, they scan for bite-sized chunks of information.

Make that information easy to identify using line breaks.

Okoko Cosmetiques uses a combination of emojis and line breaks to create this cute Instagram bio:

Okoko Cosmetiques Instagram Bio

Source: @okokocosmetiques

It’s really easy to add line breaks using the Instagram web interface. Simply space your bio as you would like it to appear.

On mobile, your best bet is to create your bio with the spacing you want using a notes app. Then, copy and paste it into your Instagram bio field. Or, use one of the Instagram bio templates below.

9. Share your pronouns

If you want to, it’s great to share your pronouns on Instagram. Since the option was first added in May 2021 , it’s become customary on the app to add your pronouns to your bio, whether you’re cisgender, transgender or nonbinary. Displaying your pronouns means your followers will know how to properly address you, and normalizing the practice helps make everyone feels more comfortable on the platform.

Demi Lovato Instagram Bio

Source: @ddlovato

10. Use Hashtags

Hashtags in your Instagram bio are clickable links. Keep in mind, though, that Instagram bios do not appear in hashtag search results. Adding Instagram hashtags to your bio won’t make it more discoverable.

That means you should not include hashtags unless they are directly related to your business, because each one represents an opportunity for potential followers to click away.

However, adding a branded hashtag to your bio is a great way to promote and collect user-generated content.

This is one of the best ways for businesses to use hashtags in their bio. When a user clicks on the hashtag, they will see all the content your fans and followers have posted, which creates excellent social proof for your business .

Hello Tushy Instagram Bio

Source: @hellotushy

Branded hashtags are also a great way to get more content: you can reshare follower’s posts that use the hashtag. In fact, some users build their entire following off of user-submitted posts.

Chihuahua Vibes Instagram Bio

Source: @chihuahua_vibes

11. Use your bio to link to other accounts

If you have a personal and a business account, or you’re involved in a cool project that has its own handle, you can tag that account in your bio. This can help people identify you (Oh, THAT’S where I know Zendaya from) but be careful using them, as they may encourage audiences to navigate away from your page. (This is something Zendaya likely does not care about).

Zendaya Instagram Bio

Source: @zendaya

12. Add a category

If you have a business profile on Instagram , you can choose a category for your business. This appears under your name and can help people see what you do at a glance.

Elmo Instagram Bio

Source: @elmo

Elmo, for example, is a public figure.

Using a category for your business can free up space in your Instagram bio, since you don’t need to repeat this information. However, it only appears in the mobile view, so you can’t assume everyone will see it.

13. Announce news

As long as you remember to update your bio regularly, you can use it to announce news about new products and updates for your brand. If you’re going to put a date in your bio, though, mark your calendar or set a reminder to change it. If you have an old date in your bio, it makes your account look like it’s not being monitored closely.

After Mexican pizza made its triumphant return, Taco Bell updated this bio.

Taco Bell Instagram Bio

Source: @tacobell

Instagram bio templates

Still not sure what to include in your Instagram bio? We’ve created some social media bio templates, including IG bio ideas, to get you started.

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Alyssa Hirose is a magazine editor, playwright, comedian and comic artist based in Vancouver, B.C. She attributes her great sense of humour to 9 years of braces and good ol' elementary school bullying (unrelated, unfortunately).

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Instagram Bio Ideas

200+ Instagram Bio Ideas You Can Copy and Paste (2024)

An Instagram bio is all about making a strong first impression. 

Most people decide whether to follow (or ignore) an account based on your bio.

If your Instagram bio is enticing, someone might decide to engage with your content or follow your account. If it isn’t, you might lose their interest. 

In this article, we’ll look at some cool Instagram bio ideas that you can literally copy and paste into your profile. You’ll also learn how an Instagram bio works, how to write one, and some cool Instagram bio tricks.

online bio instagram

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online bio instagram

What is an Instagram bio?

An Instagram bio is the small area under your username, where you can share some details about yourself or your brand. Your Instagram bio can include a brief self- or brand description, contact information, emojis, branded hashtag, and more. 

Here’s an example of one of the best bios on Instagram, by Sabrina Phillip . 

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Instagram bio example

Sabrina’s Instagram bio is powerful. The first line tells you what she does: “I help women make millions online.” 

The second line highlights her roles: “speaker, podcaster, multiple-7-figure CEO.” 

The third line adds a personal touch: “dog mom to @thescottishdoodles.” 

The fourth line talks about her additional interest: “travel writer @sabrinainscotland.” 

And the last line is her CTA, directing you to her webpage at www.liinks.co/sabrinamphilipp . 

She also includes emojis to make the text more eye-catching. 

If you’re looking for Instagram bio ideas that balance professional accomplishments with personal interests, Sabrina’s profile is a great example.

What makes a good Instagram bio?

You can write your Instagram bio any way you want. However, it’s best to apply tried-and-tested Instagram bio tips:

1. Describe your personal brand

The best Instagram bios tend to have a self-description. Things to consider adding: your job title(s), the company you own or work for, some claims to fame, things you love, and what makes you stand out.

Queen Latifah’s Instagram bio does a great job of describing her personal brand. In the first line of her bio she writes, “Actor/Rapper/Singer/Producer.” When people visit her fan page, they’ll learn that she’s not just an actor and may check out her other gigs to learn more about her. 

Instagram personal brand

Plus, that little blue verification mark appears on her page, so people instantly recognize her account's authenticity when they visit. A key takeaway from her profile is that you can hook people even with a short Instagram bio.

2. Highlight your interests

To make a good first impression, you need to connect with your audience. 

How can you do that? By sharing your interests. 

For example, Paola Antonini’s Instagram bio shares a subtle hint about who she is and what her Instagram account is all about. For her interests, she shares, “Lifestyle | Travel | Gratitude.” 

online bio instagram

When you see the word “gratitude” thrown in there, you get a little intrigued. And after scrolling through some pictures, you immediately see that she has a prosthetic leg. 

Many of her Instagram posts include pictures of her living life, traveling, and having fun, which makes her interesting. Her 2.6 million followers likely agree. 

The best bio will always be the one that’s easy to read and highlights your key passions.

3. Share your contact information 

If you’re the owner of a fan page or business, or you’re a public figure, your Instagram bio should include your contact information. 

Most people write something like, “For business enquiries, email [email protected] .” You can also direct people to your DM for sending messages. 

The app company A Color Story includes its email address in its Instagram bio for easy communication. This simplifies the way followers and potential collaborators can get in touch with the business.

online bio instagram

4. Add a call to action

Whether you’re a business owner or an influencer , having a call to action in your Instagram bio is a must. 

Remember: You’ve got one link that you can include for users to click on. So throw in a request to “Sign up for my course,” “Check out my latest blog post,” or “Shop the hottest fashion products now.” 

Tony Robbins’ Instagram bio example includes the CTA “⬇️ Podcast.” The arrow emoji points down to the link to get some extra attention.

online bio instagram

200+ best Instagram bio ideas for standing out

Cool Instagram bios

  • The best things come from living outside of your comfort zone
  • Here’s my story for the history books
  • I’m a cupcake in search of her stud muffin
  • In a world where you can be anyone, be yourself
  • Success is in my veins
  • Yup, I’m just another Instagram influencer
  • Scratch here ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ to unveil my secret bio.
  • No, this isn’t a dream. This is my reality.
  • What should I put here?
  • Welcome to my world

Good Instagram bio

  • Simplicity is the key to happiness
  • If I was a writer, I’d have a better Instagram bio quote
  • You can’t become the best without first being the worst
  • In a world of worriers, be the warrior
  • It won’t be easy, but always try to do what’s right
  • She turned her can’ts into cans and her dreams into plans
  • Life is what happens to you while you scroll through Instagram
  • A day in the life of me: Eat avocado toast, post Instagram videos , read Instagram comments
  • It’s my time to step into the spotlight. I’ve earned it.
  • I practice what I post

Creative Instagram bio ideas

  • Dreams 👉 Goals
  • If “love is in the air,” why is the air so polluted?
  • It took me __ years to look like this
  • Currently saying yes to new adventures
  • I’m hurt, but I still smile. That’s my life.
  • Midnight snacker 🌝
  • Everyone else was taken, so this is me
  • Recovering cake addict 🎂
  • I make money in my sleep 🛌
  • People call me Sara, but you can call me tonight 😉

Instagram bios emoji

  • Welcome to my 👑dom
  • 👇 Check out my latest blog post 👇
  • 🐦: (twitter handle) 👻: (snapchat handle) 🎥: (youtube handle)
  • Traveler ✈️ Book Lover 📖 Obsessed with tacos 🌮
  • We love all animals 🐶 and donate a percentage of sales to marine life 🐠
  • Cancer survivor 🎗️
  • Personal Trainer 💪 Dancer 💃 Meditator 🧘
  • Currently hanging out in 🇵🇹
  • ❤️ Lover, not a fighter, spreading ✌️all over the 🌎
  • Entrepreneur ➕ Globetrotter ➕ Motivational Speaker

online bio instagram

Best Instagram bio to get followers

  • Follow Me To Greatness
  • Follow me and I’ll follow back
  • Thank you, come again 
  • Don’t know what to do? You can start by hitting that follow button.
  • Follow my [adjective] story
  • Click the follow button to be part of my [adjective] journey
  • Wanna know my story? Press that follow button.
  • I’m on my journey. Join me by following along.
  • Follow me then follow the link below!
  • Pls follow us on Instagram
  • My story will inspire you, so be sure to hit that follow button
  • Follow me to get a behind the scenes look at my life
  • Follow along to witness history in the making

Great Instagram bios

  • 🍂🍃Falling for you 🍂🍃
  • ☕Stressed, blessed, and coffee obsessed ☕
  • Having the time of my life ⏰🎉
  • Looking at the world through 🌹colored glasses
  • I’m sweet like honey 🍯
  • 🌟Sending my selfies to NASA because I’m a star 🌟
  • Please cancel my subscription to your issues
  • Status Update: Currently hungry 🍔🍟🌭🌮🥗🍪
  • Kanye attitude with Drake feelings 😭
  • Don’t study me. You won’t graduate 🎓

Instagram bio example

Instagram bio puns

  • They call me Febreze because I’m so fresh
  • Don’t kale my vibe
  • Follow my Instagram or I’m nacho friend anymore
  • I believe in bee-ing myself
  • My Instagram account is very a-peel-ing
  • Seas the day
  • I like to stop and smell the ros é
  • I’m pawsome and currently having a purrfect day
  • Spending my days in a well so I can say they’ve been well spent
  • Artists never retire, they withdraw instead
  • I’ve been told “You are what you eat.” Guess I ate a sexy beast this morning.
  • My name ain’t Mary, but I’m still poppin’

Simple Instagram bio ideas

  • I’m the exception
  • Simple but significant
  • Doing better
  • Rollin’ with the homies
  • Livin’ a little
  • Pretty & Profitable
  • Life is beautiful
  • Glitter is the only option
  • Anything but predictable
  • I see beauty in everything
  • Goal: bigger smile

Funny Instagram bio ideas

  • I apologize for anything I post while hungry
  • Humble, with just a hint of Kanye
  • I’d rather steal your dessert than your boyfriend
  • Sassy, classy, with a touch of badassy
  • One day, I hope to become a grown up
  • Used to think I was a tad indecisive, but now I’m not quite sure
  • Life is short so I’m smiling while I’ve still got all my teeth
  • My hobbies are breakfast, lunch, and dinner topped with a chocolate dessert
  • Relationship status: Netflix and ice cream
  • The bags under my eyes are Chanel
  • Instagram bio currently loading
  • I’m actually not funny. I’m just really mean, but people always think I’m joking.
  • I’m a social media guru. No, really, I am.

Cute Instagram bio ideas

  • So many of my smiles are because of you
  • All your dreams can come true, and I’ll make sure of it
  • Live in the sunshine where you belong
  • My life is better than my daydreams
  • Sprinkling kindness everywhere I go
  • I love my followers more than life itself
  • Don’t regret the opportunities you were too afraid to take
  • Sometimes we could always use a little magic—don’t hide the magic within you
  • Every day might not be a good day but there is good in every day
  • So grateful to be sharing my world with you

Instagram bio ideas for boys

  • Living life on my own terms
  • I don’t care what people think of me. This is me in rawest form.
  • I’d rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I am not
  • Risk taker. Adventurer. Globetrotter. Living my dreams.
  • I might not be where I want to be yet, but I get closer everyday
  • One day, I hope to be a happily married old man telling wild stories from his wild youth.
  • I got to where I am today by being me
  • I was born to do exactly what I’m doing today
  • Don’t like me? Don’t care.
  • I’m out here hustlin’ to claim what’s mine

Instagram bios for girls

  • Not like the rest of them
  • Oh, you 😊
  • One of a kind
  • The best things in life are really expensive. You can have me for $7 billion 😉
  • Aloha 🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴
  • Hi. Hello. Hola. Ola. Bonjour. Ciao. Guten Tag. Namaste. Salaam.
  • Life’s short, eat the cake 🍰
  • Adding a little sparkle to your day ✨
  • I regret nothing you see in this feed
  • My greatest fear isn’t starting. My greatest fear is not making it to the top.

Business bio ideas for Instagram

  • I believe in helping people
  • Putting customers first since (founding year)
  • Official home of (brand name) on Instagram
  • Share your photos with us using #(brand name)
  • 🌎 Free international shipping
  • Contact us: [email protected]
  • Click the link below to shop our Instagram
  • Great selection of [type of products] merch
  • Check out our bestsellers below

Bio captions

  • Enjoying every second of my life, follow along and see for yourself
  • When the pain passes, you eventually see how much good came out of a bad situation
  • Love 💗 and Peace ✌️
  • Mentally on the beach 🏖️
  • If you want the tea, follow me ☕
  • Dreaming bigger than my imagination can handle
  • Starting over
  • Just going with the flow 🌊
  • I’m sparkling like my water ✨
  • I don’t come with instructions, but my captions are the next best thing 📚

Myself quotes for Instagram bio

  • I’m as rare as the Reckon Expert outfit skin in Fortnite
  • I’m a limited edition, there’s only one me
  • Less talking, more action. Take a look at my pictures if you don’t believe me.
  • I am worthy of the greatness I hold
  • It’s not your job to like me, it’s mine
  • I’m awesome (don’t worry I think you are too)
  • I’m not here to be average, I’m here to be the best
  • Born to shine bright
  • Always be yourself because an original is always more valuable than a copy

Funny instagram bios for millennials

  • Even if you had instructions, you still couldn’t handle me
  • Be young. Be dope. Run the show.
  • I’ll remember and recover but that doesn’t mean I’ll forgive and forget
  • I’d rather make mistakes than fake perfection
  • I don’t wipe tears, I wipe the people who created them
  • I’m like coffee: dark, bitter, and too hot for you
  • In a world of average, I’m savage
  • It’s hard to find someone who’s smart, funny, adorable, and a total badass. My only advice for you is, don’t forget to follow me.
  • Too glam to give a damn
  • My Instagram is proof that I’m always creating a better version of myself

Instagram bio quotes

  • Don’t care what you say about me, I like the way I am
  • Love without limits
  • I’m suffering from an extreme case of not being a Kardashian
  • Together we could be unstoppable
  • I’m so deep even the ocean gets jealous
  • Tell me not to do something and I’ll do it twice and take pictures
  • All I do is win, win, win. No matter what.
  • In a world where you can have everything, be a giver first
  • You become what you believe, so believe in yourself
  • In a world of darkness, look up at the stars

online bio instagram

Instagram bio quotes short

  • Welcome to my Instagram
  • Check out the link below
  • This is my life
  • I got nothing
  • Screw perfect
  • Happy thoughts
  • Just smiles 🙂
  • Meet (name)
  • This is my bio

Instagram bio text

  • Single. Determined. Living life.
  • Creating sunshine in the world
  • I wonder how many calories my exes burned jumping to conclusions
  • Always better together xoxo
  • You’ll never shine if all you do is throw shade
  • Just a little bit imperfect
  • Real queens fix each other’s crowns
  • Today’s the kind of day I live for
  • No one’s life is as perfect as their Instagram feed
  • I don’t know where I’m going but I’m going

Inspirational Instagram bio ideas

  • Every day I create a life I love
  • When the world is dark, look up to the stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
  • Trying to watch more sunsets than Netflix
  • I’m ready—let’s do this
  • Be a flamingo in a flock of pigeons
  • Making mistakes is better than faking perfection
  • Sprinkling a bit of magic
  • Sharing my happy thoughts
  • Capture every moment
  • I’m the rainbow 🌈 on the rainy day 🌧️

Fitness bio ideas for Instagram

  • Workout enthusiast and personal trainer
  • When you feel like giving up, keep going
  • You are what you do, not what you say you’ll do
  • Strength comes from doing things you thought you couldn’t
  • Do something today that your future self will thank you for
  • Today doesn’t need your excuses. Make it happen.
  • The worst workout is the one you didn’t bother to do
  • Hustle for more muscle
  • Train insane or remain the same
  • Helping you build healthier habits

Instagram bio for fashion

  • I dress as if I’m about to see my arch nemesis
  • My clothes might not change the world, but I sure will
  • I’ll make you stop and stare
  • My clothes highlight my colorful life
  • I may be a fashionista but I’m not all about labels
  • Shopping is my therapy—hey, it’s cheaper 😉
  • “I need new clothes.” —Me, every damn day
  • My ex doesn’t go with my outfit
  • Money can’t be the root of evil since shopping brings people so much happiness
  • Women can look beautiful in any outfit, but the right outfit can make women become powerful

Creative instagram bios for models

  • Shh… I’m a Victoria’s Secret model. It’s such a big secret, not even Victoria knows.
  • Full-time Instagram model—DM for business enquiries
  • I’m not just a girl with a phone, I’m a model
  • The prettiest smiles hide the biggest secrets
  • I wear confidence on my sleeve
  • The most important part of a camera is the person in front of it
  • I take a lot of selfies for my future biographer
  • Life is short, make every selfie count
  • #Beyourselfie
  • I don’t use filters for my photos—all real girl over here 🙂

Travel Instagram bio ideas

  • I might not know who I am, but I know where I want to be. Right here in paradise.
  • My best stories are found within the pages of my passport
  • I haven’t been there yet, but it’s on my list
  • ⚫wanderlust ⚫a strong desire to travel
  • Join me on my next adventure!
  • Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer
  • All I need is Vitamin Sea 🌊
  • I like taking the scenic route
  • Take advantage of every opportunity you get because some things only happen once in a lifetime
  • Fill your life with experiences so you always have a great story to tell

Instagram bio examples

  • It’s better to be a lonely lion than a popular sheep
  • Wake. Play. Slay.
  • Creating the life of my dreams one day at a time
  • I’ve scrolled millions of miles with my thumbs
  • Life isn’t perfect, but your photos can be
  • C’est la vie
  • I strive to impress myself
  • See the good in the world
  • Single and living my best life
  • I may be a handful but, hey, you’ve got two hands!

Instagram bio generator

Instagram bio generator, your generated bio:.

You can also try an Instagram bio generator for some fresh ideas. This online tool asks for a few details and whips up the perfect line for your Instagram profile. It’s powered by ChatGPT, but remember, it’s not perfect. To hit the mark, fill in all the fields with as much info as you can. This helps you brainstorm for your final version.

Just a heads up: Sometimes, the tool might spit out stuff that’s off the mark or even a bit dodgy. Whatever it comes up with, using it is all on you, including making sure everything is legal and doesn’t step on anyone’s toes.

5 Instagram bio tricks to try

Want to learn a few tricks to make your Instagram bio pop? Here are four of the most popular ones:

1. Change the font in your Instagram bio

Using a tool like LingoJam , you can easily copy and paste different Instagram bio fonts for your profile. All you need to do is type in the words you’d like in a different font, like your name. 

Then, scroll through fonts until you see one you like. Copy and paste it right into your Instagram bio.

2. Add symbols to make it more noticeable

Using a website like CoolSymbol , you can copy and paste symbols and fancy text. 

You’ll find lots of cool symbols like stars, copyright, arrows, currency, brackets, hearts, zodiac signs, and more. As soon as you click one of the symbols, it immediately gets copied. Then you can head on over to Instagram to post it in your bio.

3. Create a link in bio to improve visibility

You probably already know how to add your website link in your Instagram bio. But what about when you want to add multiple links? 

A cool little website that will help you do this is Linkpop . All you need to do is log into your Shopify account, add the links you want to the landing page, and share your unique link on your Instagram profile.

When all that’s done, your Instagram bio link ends up directing your visitors to a page with multiple links.

To add a link to your Instagram bio, follow these steps:

  • Go to your profile and select the Edit Profile button
  • Add the URL in the Website field
  • Save the changes
  • Test the website link in your profile

4. Add line breaks to your Instagram bio

Using the free tool by Apps4Life , you can add line breaks for your Instagram bio (or Instagram captions ) and click the Convert button to add it to your clipboard. 

Then, you can head to your Instagram app and paste the text directly into your bio. This saves you the hassle of manually creating space you need within the Instagram app .

5. Add your location if it makes sense

You can add a location to your Instagram bio if you are listed as a public figure or business. If you are, follow these easy steps:

  • Go to your profile and select the Edit Profile button.
  • Under Public Business Information, select Contact Options. 
  • Choose Business Address and fill in the fields.
  • Save the changes.
  • Test the address in your bio to ensure it links to the right place.

Drive more engagement with a killer Instagram bio

The best Instagram bios can help elevate your Instagram account, along with your personal and professional goals. 

Whether your goal is to grow your followers or make more sales , you can add calls to action to your bio to get people to do specific things when they visit your profile. 

But don’t neglect the opportunity to share more about yourself and your brand. One of the most important things is to be memorable and engaging—so don’t be afraid to get a little fun and quirky.

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Instagram Bio Ideas: How to Craft the Perfect Bio for Instagram

Looking for Instagram bio ideas? We've got them for you. In this article, we'll share tips for how to write a killer Instagram bio as well as share examples of IG bios to spark your creativity.

Instagram Bio Ideas: How to Craft the Perfect Bio for Instagram

Your Instagram bio is the first thing someone sees when they land on your profile. Crafting witty, funny, or informative Instagram bios can help people understand who you are before scrolling through your Instagram profile to see your content.

As a brand or content creator, you can give people a quick snapshot of what you stand for, the brands you own, what makes you unique, your business hours, or what your business is in one sentence.

A compelling Instagram bio can hook someone in to follow you even before looking at a single post, so creating one for your Instagram account is a must.

In this article, we'll walk you through a start-to-finish guide on how to craft the perfect Instagram bio, including:

  • How to Write an Instagram Bio that Stands Out
  • How to Cultivate a Specific Aesthetic with Your Instagram Bio
  • How to Make the Most of Your Link-In-Bio
  • Instagram Bio Ideas You Can Use for Inspiration

Let’s get started.

How to Write a Compelling Instagram Bio

Writing an Instagram bio can seem intimidating. You're making a first impression on people coming to your page, so you want to get it right. Fortunately, there are several strategies and tools you can use to speed up the process. We've covered a few here.

What Makes a Strong Instagram Bio?

online bio instagram

A strong Instagram bio is typically six lines long and includes these key elements:

  • Name. The first line is where you can include your brand name, full name (for content creators), or main keywords (if you want to be searchable).
  • What you do. The second line is where you share a simple statement about what you do. Avoid jargon or vague statements about what your product is to help people quickly understand what your Instagram account is about.
  • Other projects. The third line might include your associations, such as a company you own (if you're a creator) or other brand accounts your business owns.
  • Value prop. The fourth line should include a key benefit or main value proposition of your business or personal brand – why would people want to buy from you or work with you? Answer that question in a single statement that makes clear why your brand is different from your competitors.
  • Call-to-Action. The next line should be your main CTA. What’s the action that you want people who visit your Instagram profile to take? You can use an emoji to point to the link below to help draw the eye.
  • Link. The last line in the bio will be the link you want people to visit. This might be a link to your website, a link landing page with multiple high-value links, or a specific URL you want people to visit at the moment (your latest YouTube video or a seasonal promotion you’re running, for example).

How to Write a Searchable Instagram Bio

Including keywords in your Instagram bio is part of Instagram SEO or search engine optimization. What does that mean? By using relevant keywords in your Instagram bio, it'll be easier for your account to pop up in Instagram’s search results.

For example, if you own a digital marketing agency, you'll want to include the words "digital marketing agency," or "marketing agency" in your bio. You might even replace your brand name with the keywords you select, while keeping your brand name for your handle only.

online bio instagram

Many digital marketing agencies use the hack where they replace their name with the keyword they want to rank for, so when people search those terms on Instagram, they show up closer to the top. People will still be able to find your business by your brand name, especially if your handle remains unchanged. It's a double source of traffic to your profile.

If you’re a brick and mortar business, location keywords are also important to include in your bio. For example, this bridal apparel store, Miosa Bride , has two locations. Their second location includes the city (Folsom) in the name part of their bio. This both helps distinguish this location from their primary store in Sacramento and catches search traffic from brides searching for wedding dress stores in the Folsom area specifically.

online bio instagram

Use Instagram Bio Templates

There are multiple formats you can follow on how to structure your Instagram bio. The bigger the brand is (and the more brand recognition it has) the shorter your Instagram bio can be. For example, organizations like Airbnb don't need to over-explain who they are and what they stand for. Most people have heard of them.

online bio instagram

If you're a content creator, you might include tags to brands you're associated with, your other social media accounts, or promote an upcoming event or launch. Many Instagram influencers share their TikTok account size in their bio to showcase that they're on other platforms and they've got big audiences there, too.

online bio instagram

Best Tools for Writing an Instagram Bio

There are various tools you can use for writing an Instagram bio. If you need help crafting copy for an Instagram bio, you can use AI writing tools like Wordtune or Chat GPT4 to help give you a draft as a starting point.

You might ask an AI tool to "Write me four short lines for my Instagram bio for my course creation business geared towards entrepreneurs that describes my business in one line, has a key benefit in lines two and three, and has a call-to-action to sign-up for my webinar in line four." The more information you feed an AI tool, the better your results will be at crafting an Instagram bio that makes sense for your business.

How to Cultivate a Consistent Aesthetic in Your Instagram Bio

Your Instagram account is an extension of your visual branding, whether that’s personal branding or company branding. If you already have or want to craft a specific, immediately recognizable visual brand, your Instagram bio and profile need to contribute to that branded feel.

Here are a couple of areas you can focus on to create a seamless visual aesthetic on Instagram.

Use Emojis for an Aesthetic Instagram Bio

Emojis are a great way to showcase personality, add a pop of color, and add emphasis in your bio. You can use emojis to replace words or as a bullet point to create line breaks in your Instagram bio. Emojis are often used by content creators or playful brands.

Which emojis you use, or if you even use emojis, is largely dependent on the kind of brand or account you run. For example, if you run a fashion or beauty brand, a few cheeky emojis can inject a lot of personality to your bio. However, if you're running the account for a cancer research institute, they might come across as flippant or insincere because of the sensitive subject material.

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Ultimately, emojis need to make sense with your brand personality and voice.

Add Aesthetic, Custom Covers to IG Story Highlights

While Story Highlights aren't exactly in the bio, they're one of the first things people see when looking at your bio. You can use templates to create unique Story Highlight covers that stand out. For example, YouTube's Instagram bio includes custom graphics for their Story Highlights that use a vibrant color palette with a simple graphic to make the Story Highlights pop when browsing their Instagram profile.

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Alternatively, you can use a cohesive color palette or attention-grabbing photos, add a simple pattern design, or use icons to make your Story Highlights stand out. Alani Nutrition , an energy drink brand, uses bright, solid colors as their highlight covers. This keeps the super-saturated, vaporwave visual branding they have on all of their packaging and in their posts but doesn’t distract from the actual content below.

online bio instagram

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How to Make the Most of Your Instagram Link-in-Bio

Many brands see Instagram as mainly an awareness channel. And now that Meta has canceled the Reels Play bonus program, it’s true that there’s no direct way to make money on Instagram if you’re not an e-commerce brand. However, Instagram can still be a useful tool for growth.

One of the best ways to make Instagram work for you is knowing when and how to drive traffic away from Instagram to where it will have the most business impact. There are two main places you can add links: with the link sticker in Instagram Stories and your Instagram bio. Let’s talk about how to make the most of that link in bio .

Use a Call-to-Action in Your Instagram Bio

As a brand, your Instagram bio needs a clear CTA that directs people back to your product and website. And even if you're a content creator, there are probably still actions you want people to take when they visit your Instagram bio – whether that’s going to another channel where you make longer form content, checking out a collab you participated in, or using an affiliate link to buy a product you recommend.

In the last line of your bio, make sure to explicitly state what action you want people to take. You can also add some visual cues. An emoji, such as a finger pointing down or the downward arrow, will help draw the eye to the link below your bio.

Don’t be shy! Be direct in asking for what you want and telling people what they will get if they click that link.

Use a Link Landing Page as Your Link in Bio

Instagram bios only have one spot for a link, which can seem a little limiting, but it doesn’t have to be!

You can use tools like Linktree to create a link landing page. If you have multiple links you want to direct your Instagram followers to, a link landing page creates a single link for people to click on to find multiple resources.

For instance, if you’re a content creator, you may want to link to your merch store, an active brand collaboration, and your latest YouTube video. You can add all of those under your link landing page. Alternatively, if you own a small business, you might link out to multiple blog posts, your product page, other social media accounts, contest details, or even an FAQ page.

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These link landing pages often have free plans with a limited number of links, branding options, etc., so you can trial the product. For more customization, like adding your own brand colors and fonts, you can always upgrade to keep that aesthetic, branded experience.

Instagram Bio Ideas for Brands and Creators

Now that you know the best practices for creating an Instagram bio, let's look at some inspiration from accounts that are killing it.

Instagram Bio Ideas for Course Creators

online bio instagram

Stephobi's Instagram bio is all about how to work with her. In her first bio line she shares what she does with specific numbers to entice the collaboration. By explicitly saying, "Build a $10k - $30k/month coaching business" she’s announcing exactly what value people will get by taking her course.

Above her link-in-bio, she makes the direct ask, "Work with me" and then leads your eye down with an emoji. Her link-in-bio shares links for working together, her ebook, and an event registration.

Good Instagram Bio for Small Businesses

online bio instagram

CLI Studios' Instagram bio follows a standard format that brands can emulate to share as much context to potential new followers as possible. They include a short line that describes exactly what they are: "The only dance app with every major style."

Then, they hook you in with a value proposition by highlighting what makes them great: their app has "1000+ online dance classes." Then, they mention you should tag them to be featured. This is a great way to get people to share their user-generated content with you and drive organic engagement.

Finally, they answer the question "what's in it for me" by offering you a free 7-day trial. They also use their Instagram bio to call out their other relevant accounts. In their bio link, they use LinkTree to include several links about their programs, audition details, blog, TikTok account , and more. What makes this a good Instagram bio is that you understand immediately what the brand is about and are even encouraged to engage with them on Instagram by tagging them.

Related Article: How to Change the Background Color on an Instagram Story

Clever Instagram Bios

online bio instagram

The iconic inventor of Spanx, Sara Blakely , is a great example of what it takes to make a clever Instagram bio. Her bio highlights her relatable personality (who doesn’t love fries?), her personal mission statement (“it’s my calling to support women”), and her sense of humor.

Take her Instagram profile photo , in which she’s wearing a bra over her shirt, for example. Spanx sells undergarments, so it’s on brand while also showing that Sara Blakely is a funny gal who doesn’t take herself too seriously.

She tags her Spanx account in her bio, so you can check out her business. Tagging your business on your personal Instagram bio is something most entrepreneurs and creators do to help boost their business' visibility on Instagram.

Best Instagram Bios for Content Creators

online bio instagram

Mr. Beast has one of the best Instagram bios. As a business owner or content creator, you need to have a call-to-action in your Instagram bio that drives people back to your product or that asks people to collaborate with you on a project.

Mr. Beast doesn't mess around with his bio. In one sentence, he shares his vision of what he stands for "I want to make the world a better place before I die." But in the second line he makes the ask of how you can support him, by going to Walmart to buy the chocolate he sells. His Instagram bio link goes directly to his chocolate website, so you can learn more about the chocolate (or buy).

Simple Instagram Bio Ideas

online bio instagram

Whole Foods Market Instagram bio highlights the main benefit you'll get from following them, "discover new flavors, new favorites, & new ideas." They also include a branded hashtag that you can use to tag your food pictures with. Promoting your branded hashtag in your bio is a great way to encourage people to post content about your business. #WholeFoodsMarket has over 300,000 posts.

Cute Instagram Bios

online bio instagram

The easiest way to create cute Instagram bios as a brand or creator is to use emojis. It'll help set a visual tone for who you are and what you stand for. Blume uses emojis at the start of each bio line to visually break up the bio into a bulleted list as well as add some color, personality, and tone.

Their bio highlights what they are, their unique value propositions (plant-based, organic, plastic neutral plus, all-female team, and Canadian). They also include a link in bio where you can shop their collection, subscribe to their email newsletter, find recipes or store locations, and more.

Creative Instagram Bios

online bio instagram

Having a creative Instagram bio isn’t just about using different fonts and emojis. You can also create a creative Instagram bio by highlighting your business's product. In Teva's Instagram bio, they ask people to send them their old sandals so that they can be recycled. Their products are made with recycled materials to help reduce waste.

Asking people to send old sandals isn't something you'll find on most Instagram accounts. But the ask is related to their mission and values, which helps you better understand that the company values sustainability without explicitly saying that. Non-profit organizations can also run a fundraiser on Instagram and promote them to their followers.

Funny Instagram Bio Ideas

online bio instagram

If you're looking for funny Instagram bios, look no further than Snickers . Their Instagram bio includes a single sentence that reads, "If you think this is Twitter, maybe you just need a SNICKERS." It's a clever way to promote their chocolate bar while poking fun at a different social media app. They include a bit.ly link in their bio that leads directly to a sweepstakes contest. It's likely that they regularly update their bio link with their latest promotional events.

Funny Instagram Bios for Smaller Accounts

online bio instagram

The Instagram account for the tumblr poet also uses humor in their Instagram bio. Their whole bio is dedicated to the emo online poet archetype, including the profile picture, which is just the pensieve face emoji edited to be wearing a black beanie.

The bit continues with a funny quote that reads, "i followed my heart, but it did not follow back,” likely a reference to the old trend of “follow for follow back” on Instagram and tumblr. But it also pokes fun at the expression "follow your heart."

It’s not just jokes, though. They also use the space to promote their poetry book, Flowers Are Just Tiny Trees, with a clear call-to-action and a finger emoji pointing towards their link in bio where you can purchase the book.

Cool Instagram Bios

online bio instagram

Beardbrand's Instagram bio highlights what their brand is, has a cool call-to-action to text them for a free personalized style consultation, and encourages brand engagement by asking you to tag them in your photos. Most brands don't offer consultations when it comes to their product offering which helps make their profile stand out.

The word "beard" shows up in their bio multiple times, which makes it easy to quickly understand what this Instagram profile is all about while also implementing good social media SEO tactics. Their Instagram bio links to various blog posts, social media accounts, a product quiz, and their homepage among others.

Other Instagram Bio Examples

online bio instagram

Kylie Cosmetics uses their Instagram bio as a promotional tool for their product launches. In their bio, you'll find the date to an upcoming volume mascara and liquid eyeshadow launch coming April 6.

Promoting your product launches on Instagram helps build hype for upcoming launches so people can mark their calendars and get ready to purchase your latest product (especially when your brand has millions of loyal customers). Their bio link leads directly to their online store where you can purchase beauty products.

The best Instagram bio ideas come from browsing various Instagram accounts in your niche and looking at how people position themselves. We've shared Instagram bio examples for you to get a general idea of how people format their bios, promote themselves or their brands, and convince you to buy from them or work with them.

Use them for inspiration, but don't copy them. The best Instagram bios are authentic to who you are and what you stand for so you can continue to attract the right people to your account.

If you're currently working on building an audience on Instagram, check out Kapwing's video editor for brands and agencies.

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100+ Instagram Bio Ideas + 7 Tips To Level Up Your Profile

Found an interesting reel while scrolling? You tap into the profile and read out their bio!

Well, you are not alone in judging somebody by their Instagram bio. It has the potential to make or break your brand image, especially if you are starting out or a lesser-known business. 

It’s your dwelling space where you get just a few characters to build that first contact point with your leads. The most common bios will include a quick one-liner and, thanks to the latest updates, a crowd of up to 5 links. 

It might not come as a surprise, but as per Influencer Club stats , profiles with less than 5000 followers on Instagram account for 77% of all link-in-bio users.  

But there are more ways (some you might know about) to be creative than just pouring in all your links. 

And that’s precisely what we’ll be discussing at length here. This blog will guide you through a perfect makeover for your Instagram bio with idea templates, tips, and tricks. 

Buckle your seat belts as we start! 

Table of Contents

  • What is an Instagram bio?

What makes a good bio on Instagram?

Aesthetic bios for instagram, business bio ideas for instagram , cool instagram bios, creative instagram bios, cute instagram bios, instagram bio with emojis, funny bio ideas for instagram , quotes for instagram bio, short instagram bio, instagram bio for boys, instagram bio for girls, 7 tips to level up your bio on instagram, 5 instagram bio tricks you might not know , final words, 1. can i change my instagram bio, 2. what is the character limit for an instagram bio, 3. can i include clickable links or hashtags in my instagram bio, what is an instagram bio .

To start with the very basics, an Instagram bio is a brief description of your account that appears at the top of your profile page, right next to your profile picture.

online bio instagram

It plays a crucial role in attracting and convincing users to follow you. In the marketing world, your Instagram bio is a snapshot of your brand and a way to showcase your identity and purpose.

That’s why it’s even more important to craft a compelling Instagram bio that is concise, easy to read, and informative. That being said, you can also inject some fun and creativity into it. 

Emojis and jokes are fair game, even for professionals on the platform and they can be cleverly used to illustrate the lighter side of AI and its benefits in everyday contexts.. So don’t hold back on that and use them to convey what you do and persuade users to follow you.

But enough of the to-dos; let’s check if your existing bio is good enough. 

Before revamping your existing bio, ask yourself these questions and see if you can answer them:

  • What is your brand promise?
  • What is the personality of your brand— Funny? Serious? Informative? Playful? Witty?  Sarcastic? 
  • What are your unique skills or offerings?
  • Are you a local, national, or global business?
  • What sets your product or service apart from others?
  • What action do you want users to take after visiting your profile?

Moreover, the most crucial part is to include a clear and compelling call to action in your bio. This call to action can vary depending on your goals. For example, to build your Instagram following, you can ask visitors to press the follow button or share their photos using a branded hashtag. 

If you have other conversion objectives, such as directing users to buy products, go to your landing page , like your Facebook page, following you on TikTok, or signing up for your digital newsletter, you can include appropriate instructions and links in your bio.

Now that you are well-equipped with the basics let’s move to the showstopper section of this blog!

100+ Instagram bio ideas that you can steal right away

online bio instagram

1. Lover of all things minimalist and monochrome 

2. Spreading positivity one photo at a time 

3. Creating a beautiful life from the inside out 

4. Wanderlust and city dust 

5. Capturing moments and memories 

6. Living in the moment and chasing adventures 

7. Fueled by coffee and good vibes 

8. Fashion enthusiast on a budget 

9. Aesthetic junkie and design lover 

10. Living simply and chasing dreams

online bio instagram

11. Providing innovative solutions for your business needs 

12. Connecting like-minded individuals from around the world 

13. Your one-stop-shop for all of your professional needs 

14. Empowering entrepreneurs to achieve their dreams 

15. Helping businesses thrive in the hustle era

16. Bringing your vision to life 

17. Inspiring change and growth in the business world 

18. Expert insights and guidance for your company 

19. Putting your business on the fast track to success 

20. Helping you break through the noise and stand out 

online bio instagram

21. Curator of All Things Beautiful and Extraordinary 

22. Spreading Positivity, One Post at a Time

23. Creating Art that Speaks Louder than Words 

24. Igniting Minds, Inspiring Change

25. Chasing Dreams, Capturing Moments

26. Adventurer. Explorer. Storyteller. Join the Journey!

27. Adding a Spark of Fun and Excitement to Your Day!

28. Embracing the Beauty of Simplicity and Minimalism

29. Life’s a Canvas, Paint it Bright!

30. Unleashing Creativity, One Post at a Time

online bio instagram

31. Living my best life, one adventure at a time

32. Creating my masterpiece, one brushstroke at a time 

33. Spreading positivity like confetti

34. Capturing moments that make me come alive

35. Advocating for a sustainable and stylish lifestyle 

36. Dancing through life with passion and purpose 

37. Writing my way through dreams and realities 

38. Embracing my inner power to brighten each day

39. Chasing sunsets and dreams, one step at a time

40. Creating magic with pixels and imagination

online bio instagram

41. Unicorns, rainbows, and everything whimsical

42. Spreading rainbows of happiness everywhere I go!

43. Living life with a smile as my compass! 

44. Ice cream lover, chasing sweet moments and pure joy! 

45. Believer in love, magic, and happily-ever-afters! 

46. Radiating sunshine and warmth, even on cloudy days!

47. Creating a world where dreams are born, and laughter never ends!

48. Bringing sunshine and blooming flowers to your feed! 

49. Spreading tiny acts of love and big doses of cuteness! 

50. Chasing dreams and sprinkling sweetness along the way!

online bio instagram

51. 🌟 Dreamer with my head in the clouds ☁️ | Lover of all things creative 🎨 | Dancing through life with a smile on my face 💃

52. 🌸 Spreading positivity like confetti ✨ | Coffee addict ☕️ | Crafting a life full of love and laughter ❤️

53. 📚 Reading enthusiast 📖 | Wanderlust soul with a passport always ready ✈️ | Chasing sunsets and dreams 🌅

54. 🌻 Sunflower child ☀️ | Adventure seeker ✨ | Embracing the beauty of nature and finding joy in the simple things 🌸

55. 🌙 Moon lover 🌙 | Music junkie 🎶 | Living life by following my heart and embracing the magic around me ✨

56. 💫 Dreamer with a wild imagination | Coffee lover in search of the perfect brew ☕️ | Spreading love and good vibes wherever I go ❤️

57. 🍕 Pizza obsessed 🍕 | Travel enthusiast ready to explore the world 🌍 | Capturing memories one click at a time 📸

58. 🎨 Art lover with a passion for creativity 🖌️ | Living a life painted with colors of joy and inspiration 🌈

59. 🌻 Flower child with a free spirit 🌸 | Spreading kindness like confetti ✨ | Embracing the journey and finding beauty in every moment 🌟

60. 🌈 Advocate for love and equality 🌈 | Dreaming of a world where everyone feels accepted and celebrated ❤️

online bio instagram

61. Amateur comedian trying to make people laugh!

62. Living life like it’s one big improv show

63. King/Queen of witty comebacks 👑 

64. Making awkward situations even more awkward 

65. Embracing my inner child while adulting poorly

66. Turning everyday situations into hilarious stories

67. Awkwardly posing for the perfect picture every time

68. Avoiding adulting one episode at a time

69. Living a life fueled by nachos and laughter

70. In a love-hate relationship with my gym membership

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71. The best way to predict the future is to create it.

72. Life is a journey, and if you fall in love with the journey, you will be in love forever.

73. Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.

74. Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.

75. In a world where you can be anything, be kind.

76. Believe in your flyness, conquer your shyness.

77. Life is short, make every hair flip count.

78. Life is a party, dress like it.

79. Be a voice, not an echo. 

80. It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.

online bio instagram

81. Less talking, more doing. 

82. Inhale confidence, exhale doubt.

83. Happiness is homemade.

84. Good vibes only. 

85. Living in the moment and loving it.

86. Making every day count.

87. One step at a time.

88. Wandering soul with a camera in hand.

89. Creating my story.

90. Living life unapologetically.

online bio instagram

91. Living life with no regrets, only lessons.

92. Playing by my own rules.

93. Conquer your fears, live your dreams.

94. Creating my destiny, one day at a time.

95. Striving for greatness in everything I do.

96. Embracing challenges and pushing my limits.

97. Living life with passion and purpose.

98. Taking risks and reaping rewards.

99. Breaking the mold.

100. Strong mind, kind heart, humble soul.

online bio instagram

101. Creating my fairy tale.

102. Chasing sunsets and dreams.

103. Sparkling my way through life.

104. Happy girls are the prettiest.

105. Living life fearlessly and fiercely.

106. Hustlin’ for that dream life.

107. Strong, independent, and unapologetically me.

108. Leave a little sparkle wherever you go.

109. Queen of my own castle.

110. Head in the clouds, feet on the ground.

Want some tips to craft your unique bio? Here are 7 expert tips with examples to begin with: 

1. Craft a compelling Instagram bio: Make it brief, make it great. Your bio should show what your brand does and why it’s first-rate.

online bio instagram

2. Optimize your username and name: Keep it iconic and memorable. If your name’s wordy, make the username simple and palatable.

online bio instagram

3. Use a high-quality profile photo: Your cover photo showcases your biz. Good resolution, exposure – it’s the key to the fizz!

online bio instagram

4. Write an engaging bio copy: Your bio should be unique and snappy. Wow them with words – content is king, so make it happy!

online bio instagram

5. Utilize bio links effectively: Leave nothing to chance, give it direction. The URL in your bio can lead to conversion.

online bio instagram

6. Specify your brand category: Don’t wax philosophical, be clear. Opt for the right category – it’ll help your brand steer.

online bio instagram

7. Implement call-to-action and contact buttons: Your profile should point ’em the way. Action buttons – no need to delay!

online bio instagram

Follow these tips and your profile will shine, make sure to test and refine. With every like, comment, and click, you’ll be on your way to the Instagram pick!

And we couldn’t complete this blog without revealing our favorite tricks. Here are 5 Instagram bio tricks that you might not know:

1. Use line breaks: Instagram doesn’t allow line breaks in the bio field, but you can bypass it by typing your bio in a note-taking app with line breaks and then copy-pasting it into your bio. This will provide a visually appealing and organized bio.

2. Emojis for bullet points: Emojis can be used as bullet points to make your bio more visually appealing and organized. Use emojis that align with your brand or showcase your personality.

3. Highlight keywords with hashtags: Choose a few keywords related to your brand or niche and turn them into hashtags within your bio. This helps users easily identify your key focus areas and enhances discoverability.

4. Tag other accounts: If you’re collaborating with other brands or influencers, you can mention and tag their Instagram handles in your bio. This not only shows your association but also helps drive traffic to their profiles.

5. Utilize the @mention feature: Use the @mention feature to highlight user-generated content or testimonials in your bio. This adds social proof and credibility to your brand.

Bonus: Use font generators such as “LingoJam” or “Cool Fancy Text Generator”, that allow you to convert your regular text into different font styles.

Crafting an impactful Instagram bio is crucial for maintaining the interest of your audience and establishing your brand’s presence. Your bio is often the first impression people get of your business on Instagram, so it’s important to make it attention-grabbing and informative.

We’ve covered essential elements to include in your Instagram bio, such as your username, profile photo, bio copy, bio links, category, and call-to-action buttons. By optimizing each of these elements, you can effectively convey your brand’s personality, highlight your offerings, and encourage users to take action.

To take your Instagram bio to the next level and gain valuable insights into your Instagram profile’s performance, we recommend using Keyhole’s Instagram profile analytics. Keyhole provides in-depth analytics and metrics to help you track your bio’s effectiveness, understand your audience, and make data-driven decisions to enhance your Instagram strategy.

Don’t just settle for a basic bio; leverage Keyhole’s Instagram analytics to optimize and elevate your Instagram presence truly. Give it a try today and unlock the power of data to fuel your Instagram success.

Remember, your Instagram bio is the gateway to your brand on the platform, so make it count with Keyhole’s Instagram analytics. Start optimizing your bio today and see the difference it can make in growing your brand on Instagram.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, you can edit your Instagram bio at any time. Simply go to your profile, click on "Edit Profile," and you'll be able to make changes to your bio, including adding or removing text, emojis, and links.

Instagram allows up to 150 characters in the bio section, including spaces and emojis. It's important to be concise and make every word count to communicate your message effectively.

Yes, you can include one clickable link in your Instagram bio that leads users to an external website or landing page. As for hashtags, they can be added to your bio, but they are not clickable. However, you can use hashtags strategically in your bio to describe your account or brand.

online bio instagram

220+ Instagram Bio Ideas: How to Write the Perfect Bio

online bio instagram

  • March 4, 2024

In the digital age where first impressions are made in a split second, your Instagram bio stands as the gateway to your personal or brand identity online. It’s a small space with big potential, where the right words can set you apart, attract your target audience, and even convert followers into fans or customers. Crafting an engaging Instagram bio might seem straightforward, but it requires a thoughtful blend of creativity, clarity, and strategy. This is where the art of Instagram bio ideas comes into play. Whether you’re looking to refresh your personal profile or optimize a business account, discovering the perfect blend of words, emojis, and calls to action can transform your online presence.

Throughout this post, we’ll dive deep into over 220 Instagram bio ideas, exploring various styles and strategies to help you write a bio that not only captures attention but also embodies your essence or brand message effectively. From tips on making a strong first impression to creative ideas that resonate with different audiences, we’re here to guide you through crafting a bio that stands out in the vast sea of Instagram profiles. Let’s unlock the potential of your Instagram bio and turn it into a compelling introduction to your world.

Table of Contents

  • 1.0.1 Key Components of an Instagram Bio
  • 1.0.2 The Role of Emojis and Special Characters
  • 1.1 Crafting Your Instagram Bio
  • 2.0.1  Defining Your Purpose
  • 2.0.2 Writing Tips for a Memorable Bio
  • 3.0.1 For Personal Accounts
  • 3.0.2 For Business Accounts
  • 3.0.3  For Influencers and Public Figures
  • 3.1 Making the Most of Your Bio-Space
  • 4.0.1 For Personal Accounts
  • 4.0.2 For Business Accounts
  • 5.0.1 For Influencers and Public Figures
  • 6.0.1 Utilizing the Link in Your Bio
  • 6.0.2 Ideas for Contact Information and CTAs
  • 6.0.3 Creative Uses of Emojis and Special Characters
  • 6.0.4 Space-Saving Techniques
  • 7.0.1 Personal Accounts
  • 7.0.2 Business Accounts
  • 7.0.3 Influencers and Public Figures
  • 8 Tools and Resources for Crafting Your Bio
  • 9 Common Mistakes to Avoid
  • 11.0.1 How often should I update my Instagram bio?
  • 11.0.2 What are the best practices for using emojis in my Instagram bio?
  • 11.0.3 How can I incorporate a call to action (CTA) without sounding pushy in my Instagram bio?
  • 11.0.4 Can I use the same bio across all my social media platforms?
  • 11.0.5 How do I choose the right hashtags for my Instagram bio?
  • 11.0.6 Is it important to include keywords in my Instagram bio for search optimization?
  • 11.0.7 What should I do if I run out of space in my Instagram bio?

Understanding the Elements of a Great Instagram Bio

online bio instagram

An Instagram bio is more than just a few words under your profile picture; it’s a crucial part of your online identity and a powerful tool for connecting with your audience. Whether you’re crafting a personal profile or a business account, understanding the key components of an engaging Instagram bio can significantly enhance your social media presence. Below, we’ll explore the essential elements of a great Instagram bio, providing insights and Instagram bio ideas to help you stand out.

Key Components of an Instagram Bio

1. Name and Username:  Your name and username are the first things people notice. While your username should be consistent with your brand and easy to search, your name field can be optimized with keywords or a variation of your name to make your profile more discoverable.

2. Bio Section:  This is where you tell your story. In 150 characters, you need to convey who you are, what you do, and what followers can expect from your page. It’s a good idea to include relevant keywords related to your niche here to improve visibility. For instance, if you’re a fitness enthusiast, incorporating terms like “fitness tips” or “health coach” can attract a targeted audience.

3. Website Link:  Instagram allows you to include one clickable link in your bio. This could be a link to your website, a landing page, or a link tree directing followers to multiple destinations. It’s a precious space for driving traffic from your Instagram profile to other platforms.

4. Contact Information:  For business accounts, Instagram provides the option to include contact buttons for email, phone, and directions. Making it easy for followers to reach out can enhance engagement and conversion rates.

5. Call to Action:  Encouraging visitors to take a specific action can be powerful. Whether it’s asking them to check out your latest blog post, sign up for a newsletter, or explore your product line, a clear call to action can guide your audience to engage more deeply with your brand.

The Role of Emojis and Special Characters

Incorporating emojis and special characters into your Instagram bio can make your profile more visually appealing and attention-grabbing. Emojis can break up text, highlight key points, and convey emotions or concepts in a fun and relatable way. However, it’s important to use them judiciously to maintain clarity and professionalism, especially for business accounts.

Emojis can also serve as bullet points or markers, leading the eye to your most important information, such as your contact details or unique selling points. Special characters, like stars or arrows, can add an extra layer of creativity and help your bio stand out in a crowded space.

Crafting Your Instagram Bio

Creating the perfect Instagram bio doesn’t have to be daunting. By understanding and leveraging these key elements, you can craft a bio that truly represents you or your brand and attracts your ideal audience. Remember, your Instagram bio is often the first impression you make on potential followers—it’s worth investing the time to get it right. With these Instagram bio ideas and tips, you’re well on your way to making a lasting impact on your visitors.

Crafting Your Bio

online bio instagram

Crafting an Instagram bio that stands out requires a blend of creativity, strategy, and personal flair. This section will guide you through the steps to create a bio that not only reflects your personality or brand identity but also engages your target audience effectively. Keep the focus keyword [Instagram Bio Ideas] in mind as we explore how to write the perfect Instagram bio.

 Defining Your Purpose

Before you start drafting your bio, it’s crucial to understand the purpose behind your Instagram account. Are you looking to share personal stories and experiences, or are you aiming to promote a business or brand? Your purpose will significantly influence the tone and content of your bio.

  • Personal Accounts : For personal accounts, your bio should reflect who you are and what interests you. It’s your chance to introduce yourself to potential followers and give them a reason to follow you.
  • Professional Accounts : If you’re creating a bio for a business or professional account, focus on what your business does, the value it offers, and what sets it apart from competitors. Your bio should act as a concise elevator pitch that attracts your target customers.

Writing Tips for a Memorable Bio

Once you’ve defined the purpose of your Instagram account, consider these tips to craft a bio that captures attention:

  • Conciseness is Key : Instagram bios have a 150-character limit, so it’s important to be succinct. Every word should serve a purpose, whether it’s conveying your personality or highlighting your brand’s unique selling proposition.
  • Use Keywords : Incorporating relevant keywords into your bio can improve your account’s visibility in search results. Think about what your target audience might be searching for and include those keywords naturally in your bio.
  • Show Your Personality : Whether it’s through humor, inspirational quotes, or a professional tone, make sure your bio reflects who you are or what your brand stands for. This authenticity can make your account more relatable and engaging.
  • Regular Updates : Keep your bio fresh by updating it regularly. This could mean swapping out links, updating your accomplishments, or refreshing your call to action. Regular updates can keep your profile relevant and engaging for your followers.

Instagram Bio Ideas

online bio instagram

For Personal Accounts

  • Share a favorite quote that inspires you or describes your outlook on life.
  • Include a brief list of your interests or hobbies to connect with like-minded followers.
  • Use emojis creatively to highlight different aspects of your personality or lifestyle.

For Business Accounts

  • Clearly state what your business does and the value it provides to customers.
  • Use a branded hashtag to encourage user-generated content and engagement.
  • Include a call to action, such as “Shop now” or “Click the link to learn more,” to direct followers to your website or store.

 For Influencers and Public Figures

  • Highlight your area of expertise or the main focus of your content to establish credibility.
  • Share a personal mantra or mission statement that resonates with your audience.
  • Encourage followers to take specific actions, like “DM for collaborations” or “Subscribe for more tips.”

Making the Most of Your Bio-Space

Maximizing the limited space of an Instagram bio requires creativity and strategic planning. Here are some ideas to make every character count:

  • Link in Bio : Use this space wisely to direct followers to your website, latest blog post, or curated landing page with multiple links.
  • Contact Information : If your account is business-oriented, include a direct way for customers to contact you, such as an email address or phone number.
  • Emojis and Special Characters : Use these sparingly to break up text, highlight key points, or replace words, saving space and adding a visual element to your bio.

Crafting the perfect Instagram bio can be a game-changer for your profile. It’s the first thing people notice, and it can tell them who you are, what you love, or what your business is about in just a few words. Here, we present over 220+ Instagram bio ideas categorized by personal accounts, business accounts, and influencers/public figures to spark your creativity and help you stand out.

  • ” Swipe left to know more about me.”
  • “Recovering chocolate addict “
  • “I practice what I post ✨”
  • “A day in the life of [Your Name]: Eat, sleep, create, repeat “
  • “Be a flamingo in a flock of pigeons “
  • “Living my dreams instead of my fears “
  • “Be the change you wish to see in the world “
  • “Dream big, work hard, stay focused, and surround yourself with good people “
  • “Inhale confidence, exhale doubt “
  • ” Artist | Photographer | Explorer”
  • “Life is short. Make every outfit count. “
  • ” Strumming my way through life”
  • ” Book lover | Tea enthusiast | Plant caretaker”


Personal (Monthly)

  • “Empowering creatives worldwide | [Your Brand]”
  • “Innovating the future | [Your Company] Official”
  • “Your one-stop shop for all things [niche] ️”
  • ” Fashion that speaks your style | Worldwide shipping”
  • “Transforming your home into a haven | Shop our collection”
  • “Crafting memorable experiences through our events | Contact us”
  • “Join our community #BrandTribe”
  • “Share your moments with us using #My[Brand]Story”
  • “We love seeing our products in action! Tag us or use #Experience[Brand]”

For Influencers and Public Figures

  • “[Your Profession] | Author | Speaker”
  • “Helping you [solve a problem] one post at a time”
  • ” Featured in [Publication] | Award-winning [Profession]”
  • “Passionate about making a difference ✨ | Let’s inspire each other”
  • “Sharing my journey to inspire yours ️”
  • “On a mission to empower and uplift “
  • “Click the link below to join our movement “
  • ” DM me for collaborations and inquiries”
  • “Subscribe for daily inspiration and positivity ➡️”

These Instagram bio ideas are designed to provide a starting point for crafting your unique bio. Whether you’re looking to inject humor, share your passions, or professionally represent your brand, the right bio can significantly enhance your Instagram presence. Remember, your bio doesn’t have to be static. Experiment with different phrases, calls to action, and emojis to see what resonates most with your audience.

Making the Most of Your Bio Space

Maximizing the limited space in your Instagram bio is crucial for making a strong first impression. Here are strategies and Instagram bio ideas to ensure you’re effectively utilizing every character.

Utilizing the Link in Your Bio

The only place Instagram allows you to post a clickable link is in your bio, making it a valuable resource. Consider the following options:

  • Linktree or similar services:  Use these tools to create a landing page with multiple links, directing followers to various content, products, or services.
  • Customized landing pages:  Create a page on your website specifically for Instagram followers, offering a personalized experience.

Ideas for Contact Information and CTAs

Your Instagram bio should also include a way for followers to contact you or take the next step. Here are some ideas:

  • Direct contact method:  ” Email us at [email protected] ”
  • Encourage direct messages:  “DM us for collaborations!”
  • Call to action for a link:  “Click the link below to learn more!”

Creative Uses of Emojis and Special Characters

Emojis and special characters can break up text, making your bio more visually appealing and easier to read. Here are some Instagram bio ideas that incorporate these elements effectively:

  • Highlighting key points:  Use arrows (➡️) or pointers () to draw attention to your link or CTA.
  • Showing personality or interests:  Incorporate relevant emojis that reflect your personality or business ( for artists, for tech professionals).
  • Organizing information:  Use bullet points (•) or stars (✨) to separate different pieces of information neatly.

Space-Saving Techniques

To make the most out of your Instagram bio space, consider these tips:

  • Abbreviations and acronyms:  Use well-known abbreviations (e.g., “FAQs” instead of “Frequently Asked Questions”) to save space.
  • Concise language:  Eliminate unnecessary words and get straight to the point.
  • Vertical spacing:  Break up information into short, readable lines to improve clarity and readability.

By thoughtfully crafting your Instagram bio with these Instagram bio ideas, you can effectively communicate your message, engage your audience, and encourage them to take action, all within the limited space provided.

Examples of Great Instagram Bios

In this section, we delve into real-world examples of outstanding Instagram bios across various niches. Each example demonstrates how creativity, clarity, and strategic use of elements like emojis and calls to action (CTAs) can make a bio stand out. Understanding why these Instagram bios work will help you gather inspiration and craft your own using these Instagram bio ideas.

Personal Accounts

Business accounts, influencers and public figures.

These examples showcase how effectively crafted Instagram bios can encapsulate an individual’s or brand’s essence, communicate value, and engage the target audience. Whether through the strategic use of emojis, clear value propositions, or calls to action, these Instagram bio ideas serve as a valuable inspiration for anyone looking to elevate their Instagram presence.

Tools and Resources for Crafting Your Bio

Creating an impactful Instagram bio requires a blend of creativity, strategy, and the right tools. Below, we’ve compiled a list of resources that can help you brainstorm, write, and refine your Instagram bio ideas. Whether you’re looking to inject personality, professionalism, or pizzazz into your profile, these tools are designed to make the process smoother and more effective. Among these, OnlySocial stands out as a particularly useful tool for those looking to enhance their social media presence.

Incorporating the right keywords into your Instagram bio is crucial for improving its visibility and making it more discoverable to your target audience. Using tools like Keyword Tool can aid in identifying which terms are most relevant to your niche, enhancing your bio’s SEO. OnlySocial, in particular, offers specialized features for those keen on mastering their social media game, providing tailored suggestions that align with current trends and audience preferences.

These tools, when used collectively, can significantly elevate the quality and effectiveness of your Instagram bio, ensuring it resonates with your audience and accurately reflects your brand or personal identity. Remember, the goal is to make your bio as engaging and informative as possible, so feel free to experiment with different tools and approaches until you find the perfect mix for your Instagram profile.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

When crafting your Instagram bio, steering clear of certain pitfalls can make the difference between a profile that pops and one that flops. Here are some common mistakes to avoid, ensuring your bio stands out for all the right reasons:

Avoiding these common mistakes can significantly enhance the effectiveness of your Instagram bio, making it a powerful tool for engagement and discovery. Keep these tips in mind to ensure your bio serves as an inviting gateway to your profile, capturing the essence of who you are or what your brand stands for.

Leverage OnlySocial’s Post Planning and Scheduling feature to streamline your Instagram presence. This tool allows for unlimited posting across all social networks and the management of unlimited social profiles. Perfect for keeping your content consistent and engaging, it’s an essential asset for maximizing online impact. Take advantage of a commitment-free 7-day trial today.

Frequently Asked Questions

How often should i update my instagram bio.

Updating your Instagram bio regularly is a great practice, especially if you have new achievements, links, or Instagram bio ideas to share. While there’s no set frequency, consider revisiting your bio every 3-6 months or whenever there’s a significant change in your personal life or business that you’d like to highlight.

What are the best practices for using emojis in my Instagram bio?

Emojis can make your bio more visually appealing and can help convey your personality or brand tone effectively. Best practices include:

  • Choosing emojis that align with your message or industry.
  • Using them sparingly to enhance, not overwhelm, your text.
  • Ensuring they are universally understood to maintain clarity for your audience.

How can I incorporate a call to action (CTA) without sounding pushy in my Instagram bio?

A CTA is crucial for guiding your followers on what to do next, whether it’s visiting your website, booking an appointment, or checking out your latest post. To incorporate a CTA without sounding pushy, keep it simple, friendly, and direct. Use inviting language, like “Visit our website for more!” or “Click the link to discover!” This approach integrates seamlessly with your Instagram bio ideas, making the action feel natural rather than forced.

Can I use the same bio across all my social media platforms?

While consistency in branding across platforms is important, it’s also beneficial to tailor your bio to fit the unique features and audience of each platform. What works as an Instagram bio might not fit the character limit or tone of Twitter or LinkedIn. However, the core message and Instagram bio ideas can remain consistent, with slight adjustments to cater to each platform’s audience and format.

How do I choose the right hashtags for my Instagram bio?

Incorporating hashtags into your Instagram bio can increase your discoverability but choose them wisely. Opt for 1-2 relevant hashtags that closely align with your brand, location, or industry. Avoid overly popular hashtags as they may not effectively target your desired audience. Instead, focus on niche or branded hashtags that speak directly to those interested in your specific Instagram bio ideas.

Is it important to include keywords in my Instagram bio for search optimization?

Yes, including relevant keywords in your Instagram bio can improve your profile’s visibility in search results. Identify keywords that your target audience might use to find content related to your niche or industry. Incorporate these keywords naturally into your bio description to make it easier for users to discover your profile when searching for those terms.

What should I do if I run out of space in my Instagram bio?

Instagram bios have a limit of 150 characters, so space is precious. If you’re running out of space, prioritize the most important information: who you are, what you do, and how to contact you or take the next step (CTA). Use emojis judiciously as they can save space and convey messages succinctly. Consider using a link in bio tool to direct followers to a page with more detailed information, links, or resources.

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Free AI Instagram bio generator 

New bio, who dis? Take your Instagram profile from meh to must-follow with this completely free bio generator.

Please note:  This tool may display inaccurate or offensive material that doesn’t represent Hootsuite’s views. You’re solely responsible for use of any content generated using this tool, including its compliance with applicable laws and third-party rights.

What is an Instagram bio generator?

This Instagram bio generator is a web-based tool that takes a bit of information and transforms into the perfect one-liner for your Instagram profile. And, let’s be honest: Insta bios are clutch for getting people to hit that “follow” button or tap the link in your profile, so you don’t want to leave them blank.

With this handy-dandy Instagram enhancer, you can give your profile a total makeover in a matter of seconds. And you can do it all without the brain drain.

How to use this Instagram bio generator

You’ve probably already guessed the secret ingredient in our Instagram bio generator — AI. Ours uses the latest ChatGPT technology to come up with the best bios ever. But, like all good robots, it still needs a little human intervention to really knock it out of the park.

Ready to use this AI Instagram bio generator to make your online persona completely unforgettable? It’s easier than you might think.

Hot tip alert! Before you start, bookmark this page so you can always find it when you need it.

Step 1: Select your account type and category

The first step to generating an Insta bio is to tell the tool a little bit about you or your brand. It will ask you to define your account — is it a business or personal account? — and select from a list of categories. If you don’t see a category that suits your needs,  select “none” or “just for fun” at the end of the list.

Step 2: Select your tone

Next, you’ll need to give the tool an idea of your voice and style. That way it won't sound like a robot wrote your bio for you (even if it did). Do you tend to deliver your message in a cheeky, grumpy, friendly, or sarcastic way? Select from the long list of tones in the drop-down menu.

Step 3: Add a few keywords

If you have specific keywords you want to include or anything you want to tell the algorithm, put it in the “keywords” field. You can also use this field to help the tool capture your preferred tone and vibe. Add words like funny, serious, educational, inspirational, informative, or snarky.

Step 4: Add a call to action

Finally, think about an action you want your followers (and future followers) to take. What is your goal with this Instagram account? Do you want users to follow you, visit your website or blog, sign up for your newsletter, or check out your shop? Add it here. But if you don't want a CTA in your bio, simply write "none."

Tips for writing a great Instagram bio

Your Instagram bio is basically a 150-character encapsulation of your entire internet persona. It’s like a billboard on the side of the most popular route on the internet superhighway. It should tell visitors exactly what to expect from your account and give them a quick glimpse into your personality and style. (No pressure, though). 

To ensure that you’re taking complete advantage of all 150 characters, be sure to follow these tips. Don’t miss our list of Instagram bio ideas and suggested templates, too.

Make it funny or memorable

One great thing about Instagram is that, although you only get 150 characters for your bio, you can dedicate that entire space to emphasizing your personality or brand messaging. That’s because Instagram provides separate fields for contact information and links (more on this below).

Thanks to this feature, your bio section can now be entirely dedicated to, well… your bio! Use these 150 characters as a short, sweet, and memorable introduction to you or your brand. Use humor (see the National Parks Service's : “Don’t pet fluffy cows 🦬” or Ryanair’s “Catch flights, not feelings with Europe’s no. 1 airline 💅).

pizza hut IG

Use emojis and line breaks

On Instagram, it’s common to see brands and creators list out their key value props with line breaks. This makes them way more eye-catching and easier to scan. And don’t be afraid to include emojis. Wendy’s uses only emojis in their Instagram bio (camera, burger, flame), and we all know they’re thriving on social media.

Pacsun IG

Provide contact information and a link

Now that you’ve made a splash with some memorable or humorous quips, it’s time to get down to the basics. Where can people find you? How can they reach out? The good news is that, if you have an Instagram Business account, you can add all of this information without eating into your 150-character limit.

Here’s how to add your contact information. Under edit profile, tap “Contact options.” There, you can add your business email, phone number, and address. Once you add your information, it will automatically show up on your profile beneath your bio. 

You can also easily add an external link to your profile without using up any extra characters. To add a link, tap on “Edit profile” and then “Links.” Be sure to use Hootsuite’s link in bio feature to consolidate all your links in one place.

Add a call to action

If you want a user to take a specific action after visiting your profile, make sure to include a call to action (CTA) at the end. 

If you have an Instagram Business account, you can use the “action buttons” option under “edit profile.” From there, you can select from a number of predefined actions, such as “book now” or “reserve.” This will automatically create buttons on your profile beneath your bio.

If you don’t have an Instagram Business account, you can always add your own call-to-action language at the end of your bio. Using action-oriented language, such as “get in touch” or “sign up now,” along with a link will compel people to perform the desired action.

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90+ Instagram Bio Ideas to Help You Write an Impactful Bio

Jenny Romanchuk

Published: March 08, 2023

When I discover a new brand and land on its Instagram profile, the first thing I do is read its bio. Their bio gives me a peek into the brand, what they stand for, and even the special offers they have.

Social media marketer sits in front of computer and gets ideas for instagram bio

Getting your bio right can help you entice visitors and make sales. In this post, you’ll learn what makes a good Instagram bio and see brand examples.

What should your Instagram bio include?

11 instagram bio ideas for travel businesses, 10 instagram bio ideas for saas companies, 9 creative instagram bio ideas for etsy shops, 10 simple instagram bio ideas for apparel, 11 emoji-heavy instagram bio ideas, 3 hashtag-heavy instagram bio ideas, 10 offer-focused bio ideas with calls-to-action, 10 short instagram bio ideas, 11 bio ideas for restaurants and coffee shops, 5 mixed instagram bio ideas.

→ Download Now: 80 Professional Bio Examples [Free Templates]

Every Instagram profile should have the following:

  • A name. This is your business name, which will help your current and prospective customers easily find you.
  • A profile picture. Having your logo as your profile picture will help with brand recall and recognition. Just be sure to be consistent across all social networks.
  • A link. This could be a link to your website or a Linktree leading to various pages.
  • A description. This can be anything from your mission statement to your latest product feature. It tells users what your brand is about in just a few words.
  • Calls-to-action. Want to direct social media users to your products and/or services? Use the "Shop Now" call to action (CTA). You could also have a "Contact Us" CTA to direct users to your phone or email.

Beyond the essentials, an Instagram bio can also have hashtags relevant to your brand or industry. Now that you know what to include, let’s see some examples from real brands.

The travel industry is about new experiences, emotions, and joy. When visitors land on travel Instagram pages, they want to lose themselves in the sweet anticipation of a long-awaited vacation.

Your company’s Instagram bio plays a huge role in that very first moment. Here, you dictate the overall mood, communicate values, and set expectations.

Let’s see how travel companies from around the world handle Instagram bios.

1. Travel Talk

Good Instagram bio ideas for travel, travel talk

Travel Talk Tours asserts you will gain an unforgettable trip by playing around with strong adjectives like “ epic .”

What we love: The company prompts its customers to engage with its account by posting vacay photos under the brand’s hashtag to be featured on the company’s page. This is an effective way to attract new customers and boost the egos of current ones.

2. G Adventures

Good travel Instagram bio ideas, g adventures

Some people like to travel in small groups of up to 4-8 people. If you deliver such services, make it your unique sales proposition (USP), as G Adventures does.

Pro tip: Frontload the Instagram bio with your unique USP to capture people's attention straight away.

3. Top Travel Agency

instagram bio top travel

Image Source

Top Travel Agency uses multiple emojis in the form of a bulleted list to emphasize its copy. This delivers all the necessary information about the agency’s services in a digestible way.

Pro tip: Put your company’s phone number in the bio to unclog the user journey. Visitors can contact you without having to click through several pages.

4. Good Earth Tours

Good Instagram bio ideas for travel, good earth tours

As a household brand, there are so many routes they could have taken for their Instagram bio. They chose to keep it lighthearted and funny, a great reflection of their brand voice.

Inspire the imagination and emotions of prospective customers by painting a picture of their future adventures. Reading the Good Earth Tours bio, I instantly fantasize about wild deserts, ginkgo trees, and giraffes.

Pro tip: Keep the message concise and on point like Good Earth Tours.

5. Santa’s Lapland

Good Instagram bio ideas for travel, santas lapland

Santa's Lapland page is another great example of clear messaging inspiring emotional responses. Who doesn’t want to meet Santa on Christmas? 🎅

To level up this bio, I’d embed several thematic emojis to add a touch of magic.

What we love: Santa’s Lapland offers a clear value proposition: You’ll meet Santa in a magical environment.

6. Bagpackrs

Good Instagram bio ideas for travel, bagpackrs

Add relevant hashtags to your company’s Instagram bio so users can access your page easily via search. For instance, Bagpackrs makes use of a popular #weekendtrip hashtag.

Pro tip: Do you provide extra services? Highlight them in the profile description to fill your sales pipeline with new leads.

7. Milk + Honey Travels

Good Instagram bio ideas for travel, milk and honey

Harvest the power of your personal brand to establish credibility for your company. Consider Milk + Honey Travels, which capitalizes on its owner's recognizable personal brand.

If you’re the face of your brand, put your photo instead of a brand logo in the profile picture to foster an emotional bond.

Pro tip: When advancing your services through a personal brand, tell your story. Share your interests, hobbies, obsessions, etc.

Good Instagram bio ideas for travel, contiki

Humor can make you stand out and set a tone for the customer experience. What we like is how Contiki uses neat, witty, and playful language to articulate its values to the young target audience.

Pro tip: Humor won’t work for every brand. If your tone is serious or buttoned-up, consider a different voice. If your looking to seem personable and more fun, humor can be a great tool.

9. Adventures

Good Instagram bio ideas for travel, adventurescom

Sometimes less is more. If you can explain your mission and values in one short sentence, go for it. For instance, Adventurescom explicitly calls out that it specializes in travels in Northern regions, like Canada, Greenland, and the Baltics.

Pro tip: For travel companies, hashtag the destinations you offer in the bio to be visible in the search.

10. Visit Madeira

Good Instagram bio ideas for travel, madeira

Working on your city’s Instagram presence? Be sure to mention that this is the official page. Add relevant emojis that describe local culture or sightseeing.

What we love: Madeira’s page directs visitors to attractions in the city by including a CTA and a link to their website.

11. visitPA

Good Instagram bio ideas for travel, visit pa

Many cities, counties, and countries use Instagram to bolster tourism. This page should share attractions and travel opportunities in the area.

Pro tip: Make up branded hashtags for your official account and prompt people to use them. This helps you reach a wider audience and attract more tourists. Pennsylvania’s official page did just that.

Looking for ways to spice up your company’s Instagram bio? You’re in luck!

In this section, we’ll share 10 examples of Instagram bios of SaaS businesses. Check them out.

12. HubSpot

Instagram bio ideas for SaaS businesses, hubspot

HubSpot utilizes a mission-focused bio with the slogan #GrowBetter to articulate the company’s values. This reinforces both the company’s values and what users get out of the CRM.

Pro Tip: Use a LinkTree to get users to discover your offers.

Instagram bio ideas for SaaS businesses, publer

Publer’s approach is to highlight key features of the tool right in the bio. Visitors get an instant understanding of the platform.

Pro tip: This approach is best for product-led companies with unique tools customers care about. That said, only Publer manages all popular social networks of different countries under one roof, beating the competition.

14. Hootsuite

Instagram bio ideas for SaaS businesses, hootsuite

Bold and provocative Instagram marketing messaging is a distinctive trait of Hootsuite, a social media management platform. This tactic is a great hook for the audience, triggering an emotional response.

Pro tip: Once you hook your audience, direct them to explore your tool. For instance, Hootsuite uses an arrow emoji to draw attention to its Linktree.

15. GetResponse

Instagram bio ideas for SaaS businesses, getresponses

List the jobs to be done in your company’s bio and describe what the tool is about. This way, you set the right customer expectations. GetResponse is also a proponent of using Linktree to navigate users down the customer journey.

16. Semrush

Instagram bio ideas for SaaS businesses, semrush

Semrush’s bio is distinguished by the number of users. Ten million marketers are users — an impressive number to boast about. This instantly adds to brand trustworthiness.

Pro Tip: Add big numbers in the Instagram bio to impress prospective customers and remind current ones they’re a part of a large community.

17. Statusbrew

Instagram bio ideas for SaaS businesses, semrush

Statusbrew converts visitors into new signups right from the bio by offering a free, 14-day trial.

Pro tip: Savvy businesses include offers in their bios. If you offer a free trial, free samples, or free signups, promote that information upfront.

Creative Instagram bio ideas for SaaS brands, jasper

One of the fastest-growing startups, this AI writer assistant incorporates a friendly brand voice and big numbers across all platforms.

Altogether, this acts like a little nudge to sign up and try the tool for those users who have mixed feelings about AI.

Replicate this approach if you’re a startup to make people trust you.

19. Grammarly

Instagram bio ideas for SaaS businesses, grammarly

Grammarly’s bio focuses on the company’s mission and highlights social causes they stand for. If you want to show your solidarity on a matter, your Instagram bio is the right place.

20. Mixpanel

Simple Instagram bio ideas for SaaS businesses, mixpanel

Mixpanel is one more example of a short and succinct bio that describes product features.

Pro tip: Test different types of bios to see what your users like the most. Don’t copy and paste one or another approach just because several big brands opt for it.

 Instagram bio ideas for SaaS businesses, miro

There is something inherently funny, informative, and friendly about Miro’s bio. The company also includes its slogan and motivates people to get work done together. Brilliant!

Pro tip: Want your brand to be memorable? Make up a slogan or tagline.

One of the best ways to market your Etsy shop on Instagram is by creating a clever and engaging Instagram bio. This will help you to attract new customers and increase traffic to your shop.

Ready to take your marketing efforts up a notch? Keep reading for these 9 creative Instagram bio examples!

22. Katie Olivia

Creative Instagram bio ideas for Etsy shops, katie olivia

Embroidery artist Katie Olivia implements the uniform look by using the same emoji throughout her bio and adding a direct link to her Etsy shop.

What we love: This approach works best for highlighting your key offerings, while keeping the design simple.

23. Little Bichons

Creative Instagram bio ideas for Etsy shops, little bichons

Little Bichons’s bio is personal, welcoming, and friendly. Knowing a person behind a brand creates an instant emotional connection, which might be reflected in sales and follower numbers.

Pro tip : Put a CTA before a Linktree to draw the audience’s attention.

24. Karen Pleass

Creative Instagram bio ideas for Etsy shops, karen pleass

Karen lists her product categories in her company’s page name and provides more details in the description. She then expertly uses emojis to separate ideas.

Pro tip: Design your brand colors for the logo, emojis, and Etsy listings to activate the visual memory of your brand in customers’ minds.

25. Knotty Boys Co

Creative Instagram bio ideas for Etsy shops, knotty boys co

Use your Instagram bio to convey an important message to your customers. For instance, Knotty Boys informs its customers about the date of new products’ arrival.

Pro tip: Tag your personal profile, so people can get to know you. As mentioned before, this fosters seller–customer relationships.

26. North Road Knits

Instagram bio for @northroadknits

What do you feel when reading the name of this shop — North Road Knits? I picture cold, restrained, and a great deal of Nordic confidence. That’s the same way I feel after reading the bio with periods after each word.

Pro tip: Align your tone of voice with other brand attributes for a cohesive brand image.

27. Ell’s Artsy Workshop

Creative Instagram bio ideas for Etsy shops, ells artsy workshop

Alt: Creative Instagram bio ideas for Etsy shops, ells artsy workshop

IMG name: instagram-bio-Ells-artsy-workshop

Annie uses a brief bio to simply state the contents of her shop.

Pro tip: Give your customers a comprehensive view of your shop by describing your products and what makes them unique, then take them directly to the shop by adding the link in the bio.

28. Peonies & Posies Co

Creative Instagram bio ideas for Etsy shops, peonies and posies

Similarly, the Peonies & Posies shop has a succinct bio that is stripped down to the essentials. But unlike others, it’s not bulleted.

Pro tip: If you keep your bio brief, no bullets are required.

29. Our Forever Utopia

Creative Instagram bio ideas for Etsy shops, our forever utopia

This shop bio is a wonderful example of best practices. First, it draws attention with emojis. Second, it boasts 300+ 5-star reviews, which increases trust. Furthermore, it has a CTA, a Linktree, and an owner’s profile.

Pro tip: Combine all listed best practices to make your shop recognizable.

30. Sarah Snippets

Creative Instagram bio ideas for Etsy shops, sarah snippets

A well-organized bio in a bulleted list is a breath of fresh air that sets expectations clearly. Sarah’s bio navigates customers through the customer journey and how they can purchase her products.

Pro tip: Emoji lists help you convey key points clearly and in an engaging manner.

If you own an apparel or a clothing store, Instagram is the perfect platform to promote your product. Start off by introducing yourself in the bio and letting people know what kind of apparel your store provides.

Give a brief profile of yourself or the business, highlighting why they should trust you as an apparel brand. Use emojis and hashtags to give your bio a creative spin.

One popular approach is to include something catchy that reflects your clothing style, such as “East Coast Prep With a Twist of Attitude.”

Now, let’s look through real-life examples of Instagram bios of apparel companies.

31. Tropicfeel

Simple Instagram bio ideas for apparel, tropic feel

Tropicfeel champions sustainability by offsetting carbon emissions when producing and shipping their products. This mission is reflected in the bio under the slogan #BeyondTravel .

For brand-new apparel brands, such an approach is a great way to niche down and become popular among like-minded consumers.

Simple Instagram bio ideas for apparel, deuter

Deuter bets on the enhanced quality and durability of their travel gear. On top of that, the brand encourages consumers to share their travel stories when using Deuter equipment.

Pro Tip: Drive word of mouth by featuring your consumers’ great photos with your products.

Simple Instagram bio ideas for apparel, nike

Nike uses its Instagram bio to raise awareness for social issues. This demonstrates brand values and reinforces that anyone from any background can be an athlete.

34. United Colors of Benetton

Simple Instagram bio ideas for apparel, benetton

Say more by saying less, like Benetton. Use your company’s mission statement to unite and motivate your customers.

Pro tip: Your tagline or slogan should cultivate positive attitudes and resonate with your consumers.

35. The North Face

Simple Instagram bio ideas for apparel, north face

Similarly, the North Face bio is only a mission statement with a link that leads to product categories. For well-known brands, a simple hashtag can be enough for a whole bio.

36. Converse

Simple Instagram bio ideas for apparel, converse

About to launch a new product line? Share this exciting news with your customers by giving a peek at new models. Converse does this above by promoting its collaboration with Rick Owens.

Pro tip: By announcing a new collection, marketers can hype new products once they’re in stock, which leads to increased sales.

Simple Instagram bio ideas for apparel, maje

Like Converse, MAJE also uses the Instagram profile description to inform followers about new arrivals. If your apparel changes with the season, you can use Instagram to announce new collections.

38. Under Armour

Simple Instagram bio ideas for apparel, under armour

You can use your bio to describe what it’s like to wear your product. Take Under Armour for example.

Apart from using a slogan, Under Armour sets the expectation of how you feel when wearing its clothes and shoes.

39. Wilde Vertigga

Simple Instagram bio ideas for apparel, wilde vertigga

Wilde Vertigga, a local Israeli fashion brand, uses the bio space to share its core values. If your apparel brand offers a unique perspective on fashion, highlight it on your social media page.

In Wilde Vertigga’s case, that’s its gender-neutral and mindful clothing.

40. Tezenis

Simple Instagram bio ideas for apparel, tezenis

Tezenis also makes use of user-generated content (UGC) to drive word of mouth and get more exposure.

Pro tip: Encourage shoppers to use your hashtag so you can easily find UGC.

Are you using social media right if you don't include emojis?

Many brands run away from emojis because they believe it hurts their brand’s credibility. However, when used appropriately, they’re an eye-catching tool that can help you attract users.

There are two routes you can take with emojis in your bio.

You can use several emojis to highlight multiple things, or you can limit your use to one emoji that relates to your brand.

41. Brook Green Hotel

Creative Instagram bio ideas, brook green hotel

Don’t be afraid of playing with different emojis, even if their colors don’t match your brand guidelines. Brook Green Hotel, for example, demonstrates its service with relevant but off-brand color emojis.

Pro tip: Emoji-heavy bios are best for family hotels or modern places with a young target audience. Likewise, emoji-heavy bios look strange for premium-class hotels.

42. Jungalow

Creative Instagram bio ideas, jungalow

Jungalow, a home decor brand, uses multiple emojis to emphasize its copy. It stands out without being distracting.

Pro tip: Make your emojis match your product offerings. This reinforces what users will get from your business.

43. Let It Soap

Good Instagram bio ideas for DYI shops, let it soap

Simplicity is key. Let It Soap’s bio opts for an easy-to-read bulleted list. Although it’s not emoji-heavy, it’s a great example of a classy bio with dot icons instead of emojis.

Pro Tip: When choosing a bulleted list with dot icons for the bio, use emojis to highlight the most important part of a message.

44. Sharlene Robertson

Creative Instagram bio ideas, sharlene robertson

Sharlene Robertson Designs takes the uniform look by using the same emoji throughout its bio and using the pin emoji to designate its location.

Pro tip: If you like the look of a specific emoji, you can use it multiple times throughout your bio.

45. Leimuco

Creative Instagram bio ideas, leimuco

Leimuco uses a group of emojis to reinforce the store’s offering. To level up this bio, we’d suggest adding a CTA and a LinkTree.

Remember: The most effective bios use multiple best practices featured in this list.

46. Anna Tsukur

Creative Instagram bio ideas, anna tsukur

Anna Tsukur’s fitness account keeps a good balance of emojis and text.

What we love: The owner uses pointing finger emojis to draw attention to the CTA.

47. YOUCANDOIT Dance Camp

Creative Instagram bio ideas, dance camp

If you’re throwing a dance camp or any other event tied to a date, use emojis to designate the location and share when the event is happening.

What we love: Dance Camp effectively puts together all the best practices for event pages and includes the date, destination, and a CTA that plays on the fear of missing out on a spot.

48. Elhaz Body and Spirit

 Creative Instagram bio ideas, elhaz body and spirit

This handmade soap shop puts emojis into relevant contexts. This creates a soothing aesthetic that, together with beautifully designed products, creates a great customer experience.

This approach is best for small businesses, coffee shops, and DIY shops.


Creative Instagram bio ideas, iheartraves

IHeartRaves also relies heavily on emojis to appeal to younger music festival goers. Besides emojis, IHeartRaves uses different CTAs to direct visitors to engage with its page.

What we like: The messaging, logo, and emojis all work together to deliver a tailored message.

50. ColourPop

Creative Instagram bio ideas, colourpop

Your brand can stand out and communicate your company's values with just three emojis. The ColourPop Cosmetics brand proves it.

What we love: Brief is often better on social media. ColourPop keeps its message short and sweet.

51. Modern Australiana

Creative Instagram bio ideas, australiana

This Australian brand of linen bedding creates a uniform look by using the same emoji in a bulleted list, making the bio easy to scan.

Pro tip: A nice look and feel are half the battle, but don’t forget to mention your product/service in the bio.

Hashtags help Instagram users find you more easily, so if you have the space in your bio, you definitely want to add relevant hashtags.

52. Rocky Mountain

Good Instagram bio ideas, rocky mountain

Rocky Mountain soap company uses thematic hashtags to be more discoverable by the relevant audience and show what they care about — plant-based ingredients.


Good Instagram bio ideas, diarra blu

Lifestyle brand Diarra Blu includes multiple hashtags in its bio, such as #Conscious, and #SizeInclusive, and sometimes #BlackOwned — telling users a lot in just a few words.

Remember: In addition to improving discoverability, using hashtags also helps brands tell their story in a quick and succinct way.

54. Nicole Cz

Good Instagram bio ideas, nicole cz

Nicole Cz makes fantastic home decor in hygge style and includes contextual hashtags in her bio. This drive prospective buyers through the hashtag search.

She also uses a branded hashtag for her shop to increase brand awareness.

Another great way to utilize your Instagram bio is by highlighting ongoing product offers.

Say you have a big sale going on or you know consumers are looking for deals. Well, you can use your bio to share those offers and lead users to your website.

55. Secret Island

Good Instagram bio ideas with offers and call to action, secret island

Secret Island, a cosmetics retailer, turns Instagram lurkers into buyers by introducing a 15% discount on the website.

What we love: Discounts pull users in. Even if we were just checking the page, the odds are a 15% off deal will convince us to purchase.

56. Yoga United Festival

Good Instagram bio ideas with offers and call to action, yoga united

Yoga United Festival uses its bio space for informing followers about upcoming events. It also lists activities, such as workshops and coaching.

Pro tip: A calendar view works for events of all types.

57. The Faceshop US

Good Instagram bio ideas with offers and call to action, faceshop

This Korean cosmetics retailer describes the places where you can shop its products, including an online store. You can also shop for products on Amazon for ease of access.

Good Instagram bio ideas with offers and call to action, artois

Artois, another Korean cosmetics company, also includes a call to action in the bio, navigating consumers to their official partners.

What we love: The saying “to find my own fragrance” is amplified by the rose emoji. You already have a reason to start searching for your ideal body cream or perfume.

59. Telluride Yoga Festival


Here’s another example of an offer-focused bio for short events. Our favorite part of the bio is how it brings the key information down to just a date, a place, and an encouraging statement.

60. Simpli Coffee

Good Instagram bio ideas with offers and call to action, simpli coffee

Have several coffee shops under one brand? Design the locations guide for your visitors and put it in your bio. Include the menu, deals, and a brand story to forge relationships with consumers.

Pro tip: When opening a new location, promote it in the bio.

61. Luvme Hair

Good Instagram bio ideas with offers and call to action, luveme hair

Hair brand Luvme Hair effectively uses the bio section to direct users to its sales, even using emojis to draw attention to their Linktree.

This works great during the holiday season when promotions and deals are top of mind.

62. Lulu and Georgia

Good Instagram bio ideas with offers and call to action, lulu and georgia

Lulu and Georgia use hashtags on their Instagram bio to invite users to engage. This not only invites users to explore the brand’s hashtag but it’s also a great way for Lulu and Georgia to collect UGC that they can reshare on their page. A win–win!

63. Westwing Spain

Good Instagram bio ideas with offers and call to action, west wing spain

Westwing’s decoration shopping club is an exemplary offer-focused bio with a CTA. It notifies viewers about discounted prices and new daily offers by emphasizing the information with emojis.

Best for: This approach works best for small and mid-sized e-commerce brands.

64. Arya Concept Spa

Good Instagram bio ideas with offers and call to action, arya concept spa

Want your Instagram visitors to convert into customers? Put the “Reservations” CTA and the “Contact” link or button in your bio.

Your Instagram bio doesn’t need to be long. In fact, in some cases, it’s best to keep it short and sweet. Here are examples of brands that did this well.

Simple Instagram bio ideas, github

In the world of developers, it’s safe to say that everyone knows GitHub. With such overwhelming brand awareness within your target audience, it’s okay to use such short bios.

Yet, we don’t recommend replicating this approach for lesser-known brands, since nobody will understand who you are and what you do.

66. Shopify

Simple Instagram bio ideas, shopify

Similarly, Shopify is also not that descriptive of what it offers, but do you know someone interested in e-commerce who isn’t familiar with Shopify? Probably not. You can keep vague bios for big names.

67. Desi Dimova


Desi Dimowa, a driftwood artist, contrives to deliver a cohesive brand image using just five words. The bio includes what the shop is about, how to contact the seller, and where to buy ready artwork.

68. Backroads

Simple Instagram bio ideas, backroads

Backroads travel agency simply describes its offerings with no fancy hashtags or emojis. Yet, it still gathers a great deal of following and engagement. Like with GitHub, this approach may work for large brands but is likely to fall flat for small companies.

Simple Instagram bio ideas, npr

Media organization NPR tells you everything you need to know about its platform in less than 10 words. It gives the page a clean look and remains consistent across all social platforms, which helps with brand recognition.

70. Malenki Shoes

Simple Instagram bio ideas, malenki shoes

This brand, which offers stylish shoes for petite women, gets straight to the point. Malenki tells users who its target audience is, what it offers, and where it’s located.

It tells a compelling story while including information that will promote easy discoverability.

Simple Instagram bio ideas, crocs

Crocs constantly experiments with its bio. Now the company has decided to amass a huge fan base by calling real fans to follow the page. Nevertheless, Crocs makes sure to include a link to the newest collection on its website.

Pro Tip: Experiment with the copy but ensure to add a link to your site so that prospects can discover your products/services.

72. Mangishi Doll

Simple Instagram bio ideas, mangishi doll

Here’s another great example of a short but effective Instagram bio. When you read this bio, you know what the brand is about and what they offer.

Remember: At the end of the day, if your bio doesn’t do either of these, that’s when you’re in trouble and should reassess. Otherwise, longer isn’t always better.

Simple Instagram bio ideas, ttm

You can hardly find a more informative and succinct description of a recruitment company on Instagram. Its bio paints a complete picture of TTM’s service and its target market. The link tree, in turn, takes visitors to explore TTM’s solutions.

74. Philz Coffee

Simple Instagram bio ideas, philz

Philz Coffee keeps its bio short and sweet. Instead, they promote their app heavily. This puts value, a way to reduce the wait in line, at the forefront for page visitors.

Restaurants and coffee shops each offer unique opportunities for bios. For restaurants, a brief mention of the food or cuisine they specialize in will play a huge role. Highlighting innovative recipes can be effective as well.

For coffee shops, focusing on the various specialty drinks that are available can be engaging. Furthermore, emphasizing any interesting vendors or locally sourced products can also add an additional level of interest for potential visitors.

As such, bios should always cater to the theme and specific atmosphere of each business to make it memorable and easily distinguishable from competitors. They can be short, emoji-loaded, descriptive, and more. Let’s study some examples.

75. Shore Pour

Instagram bio ideas for restaurants and coffee shops, shore pour

Shore Pour coffee shop front-loads the bio with a coffee selection paired with the best sweets in stock. You can also see the opening hours and the site to learn the brand history.

76. Honey Bun


Honey Bun offers visitors a cup of coffee and a bakery experience. It designates the location and operating hours.

What we like: The use of emojis helps visitors scan the text and quickly discern the essential information.

77. Kinjo Sushi

Instagram bio ideas for restaurants and coffee shops, kinjo sushi

Launching special deals to boost takeaway orders? Advance the offer by notifying your followers in the bio.

What we like: This sushi bar lists the main menu categories, so you know what to expect.

78. Zwei und Zwanzig

Instagram bio ideas for restaurants and coffee shops, zwei and zwanzig

Not everyone is a fan of this type of bio design, nevertheless, the overload of veggie emojis does the job and represents a vegan restaurant at a glance.

We like this bio for its uniqueness and clear message.

79. Choice Luxe Bistro

Instagram bio ideas for restaurants and coffee shops, choice luxe bistro

This restaurant page provides a concise explanation of experiences you might find at Choice Luxe Bistro. It also gives you the operating hours and states the possibility of booking a table.

The verdict: A simple bio can help inform visitors about the essentials.

80. 5senses

Instagram bio ideas for restaurants and coffee shops

5senses is a manifestation of a polished restaurant bio that offers food selection, emphasizes an important meal option like gluten-free, and prompts followers to reserve a table. We like how well-structured the bio is and how emojis amplify the brand story.

Instagram bio ideas for restaurants and coffee shops, ror

R.O.R’s bio only includes the locations of the chain’s three coffee shops and a link to the site. This might work for R.O.R. but doesn’t necessarily mean you will benefit from copy-pasting the approach. Keep testing your bio to find your voice.

Instagram bio ideas for restaurants and coffee shops, smyth

Smyth is a Michelin-starred restaurant that, to our surprise, says nothing about the prestige award. In its bio, Smyth prefers to invite you on a journey of rich food experiences.

Pro tip : Place the menu under the link tree.

Instagram bio ideas for restaurants and coffee shops, oriole

In contrast, Oriole brags about two Michelin stars and its chef.

We like both approaches since they communicate different values and marketing positionings. Smyth focuses on the quality and the uniqueness of its meals, while Oriole takes advantage of the chef’s personal brand. Both strategies find their clients.

84. Haven House

Instagram bio ideas for restaurants and coffee shops, have house

The Haven House, a coffee bar, has a brief yet effective bio listing its beverages and menu items.

However, this bio would benefit from mentioning its location. Either include a whole address or fill in the space with something else useful.

85. Cool Beanz

Instagram bio ideas for restaurants and coffee shops, cool beanz

Cool Beanz leads with its business hours and a link to a map and menu inside. However, this brand would benefit from mentioning why this shop is unique.

86. Urban Backyard

Instagram bio ideas for restaurants and coffee shops, urban backyard

Lastly, Urban Backyard falls for a minimalistic bio describing only two hot beverage categories and announcing a new location. Simple, elegant, and yet informative.

While putting together 90 Instagram accounts with different bio ideas, we encountered some examples that we prefer to set apart. This section includes funny and mission-focused bios with a tagline.

87. Funny: Skittles

Social media is a place to engage and have fun with your audience. So, if you’re struggling to come up with a bio, stop overthinking and consider going the funny route.

Take Skittles .

Creative Instagram bio ideas, skittles

88. Funny: Cards Against Humanity

Cards Against Humanity is another great example.

Creative Instagram bio ideas, cards against humanity

Their Instagram bio is hilarious and straightforward. It tells users what their product is and pokes fun at their target audience.

89. Mission-Focused: Sabai Design

Want a sure-fire strategy for your Instagram bio? Share your brand’s mission and/or values.

Sabai Design , a sustainable furniture brand, did just that.

Creative Instagram bio ideas, sabai design

When a user lands on this brand’s profile, they’ll know exactly what the company sells and what it stands for. In today’s world, consumers want brands that champion social responsibility and are transparent about their practices.

Another thing Sabai Design does is include branded hashtags in their bio and invite users to use them when sharing their content.

90. Tagline or Slogan: Fe Noel

Adding your tagline or slogan can be incredibly effective in attracting your target audience.

Take Fe Noel .

Creative Instagram bio ideas, fe noel

Their tagline reads, “Women’s collection designed...for the leading woman.”

Any user who identifies with that will be interested in learning more about the brand. And that’s exactly the effect you want an Instagram bio to have.

91. Tagline or Slogan: Black Like I Never Left

Another example of this comes from the home goods brand, Black Like I Never Left .

Creative Instagram bio ideas, black like I never left

In their bio, they explain what their brand is about and include relevant hashtags.

What the Best Instagram Bio Ideas Have in Common

In this article, we’ve covered a wide range of Instagram bio ideas. So how do you choose one for your brand?

Well, as long as it meets these criteria, you’re set:

  • It tells a story.
  • It reflects your brand voice.
  • It complements other elements on your page.

There isn’t a single right way to write your Instagram bio. You can try a combination of these tactics and or stick to one method and find great success with both.

In addition, don’t be afraid to switch up your strategy during different times of the year, based on your marketing goals.

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The 257+ BEST Instagram Bio Ideas for 2024 (Ultimate List)

online bio instagram

Must…Have…The Perfect….Instagram Bio….

Hey, there. Welcome to my ultimate list of Instagram bio ideas.

If you’re looking to grow on IG , the perfect Instagram bio is the key to growing bigger faster.

Look, here’s a hard truth that most content creators don’t get: It doesn’t matter how good your content is. If your Instagram bio doesn’t catch someone’s attention, growth is going to come slowly.

In this article, I’ll share 257+ Instagram bio ideas to help convert visitors into followers. These are inspired by some of the most popular Instagram accounts and separated into simple categories so you can find one that fits your personality.

I’ll also share some helpful tips I’ve learned from Instagram marketers like:

  • How to write an Instagram bio
  • Some cool tricks to make your Instagram bio more enticing
  • Some examples of Instagram bios from popular accounts for more inspiration

Let’s start with my top 20 favorite bio ideas. If I were you, I would just copy/paste one of them. That way, you know you’re getting something that improves engagement and don’t have to lose sleep over it.

What Are The Best Instagram Bio Ideas?

I know we don’t all have this level of swag to put in our Instagram bios:

Neil patel's instagram bio screenshot

But a great IG bio is all about putting your best foot forward. In my experience, starting with your best trait, biggest aspirations, or top personal achievements is always the way to go.

  • New York Times Best Selling Author in The Making 📚
  • The (Job Title) Your Company Needs
  • Mom to Two Ambitious Twins
  • The Official Account of (Your Name)
  • Imperfectly Empowering Women Every Day
  • (Hometown)’s Most Authentic Dude
  • I’m a Man on a Mission: to Live The Best Life Possible
  • This is Not Your Ordinary Instagram Page
  • Your Daily Dose of Class
  • Future Nobel Prize in Literature Winner
  • 50 Countries And Counting
  • Dedicated to Healthy Living…And Chocolate
  • CEO of my Own Life
  • I’m a Professional Wanderer: Chasing Dreams & Capturing Moments 📷
  • Working on my Path to Self Love
  • Sharing The Ups And Downs of My Journey Through Life
  • Showing My True Self One Post at a Time
  • I Love Helping Women Work From Home
  • The Reigning Queen of Instagram
  • Join Me on My Journey to 100,000 Followers!

Cool Instagram Bio Ideas

  • No, You Aren’t Dreaming. I’m Real.
  • Queen of Yellow Hearts 💛
  • Don’t Feel Bad, I’d Follow Me Too
  • Scratch Here ➡️
  • No Idea What to Put Here. Any Thoughts? ❔
  • From (Country) Currently Hanging Out in (Foreign Country)
  • Obsessed With Tacos 🌮
  • Hey, Chat-GPT. Please Write my Bio For Me
  • Architect. In Love With Beautiful Spaces And Beautiful Places
  • Entrepreneur 💼. Wanderer 🌍. Amateur Fashion Model 👠.

Creative Instagram Bio Ideas

  • Living My Life One Passport Stamp to The Next
  • Constantly Turning my Words Into Actions
  • Searching For Peace in a World Full of Chaos
  • Jazz Lover. Constantly Dancing to My Own Beat
  • Making Better Choices Today to Make Tomorrow a Better Place
  • Living That Laptop Life: Home is on The Road
  • I Look Too Good to Have so Few Followers
  • I’m Not Sure of Anything. I Just Know my Heart is in The Right Place
  • Follow Me And Let’s Conquer The World Together
  • You Can’t Travel With Me, But Following is The Next Best Thing

Funny Instagram Bio Ideas

  • Why Do I Want to Work Here? Because Food Tastes Good And I Like Electricity in My House
  • You Know Who Will Never Leave You? Chocolate. Chocolate Will Never Leave You
  • I Only Started This Account to Hide My Pics From Family on Facebook
  • Instagram: Because My Boss Doesn’t Want to See My Vacation Pics on Linkedin
  • I’m Just Here For The Memes
  • I Was Born at a Young Age
  • Warning: I’m Not Liable For Anything I Post When I’m Hungry
  • My IG Account is as Organized as The $5 DVD Bin at Wal-Mart
  • This Account is a Preview of My Life. Not The Whole Story (Check My Stories!)
  • I’m Half a Mess And Half a Straight Up Class Act
  • I’m a Caffeine Dependent Life Form
  • The World’s Most Talented Couch Surfer 5 Years Running
  • This Account is Dedicated to My Life Long Romance With My Cats
  • Yes, I’ve Got Bags Under My Eyes. At Least They’re Prada
  • I’m a Model on Instagram. And I’m Rich in Monopoly
  • Please Buy From Me So I Don’t Get Fired
  • Just a Guy Trying to Make His Dog Proud
  • Just a Girl Trying to Make Her Cat Proud

Inspirational Instagram Bio Ideas 

Smiling girl holding up a lightbulb sign

  • Inspiring Others to Reach Their True Potential
  • Searching For My Why Anywhere I Can Find it
  • Finding The Beauty in Every Day
  • Working Hard to Make My Dreams a Reality
  • Practicing The Art of Self-Acceptance
  • Do The Right Thing No Matter What
  • Showing Others That You Can Be Brave
  • Life is 10% What Happens to You And 90% How You React
  • Keeping My Face Towards The Sunshine And My Back to The Rain
  • Begin Doing. That’s The Only Way to Get Started
  • Living The Life I Dreamed of as a Kid
  • Your Greatest Story Will Come From Rising Every Time You Fail
  • I Don’t Get Revenge. I Just Get Successful
  • The Difference Between Success And Failure is Willpower
  • Everything You do Makes a Difference. Act That Way
  • It Doesn’t Matter How Long it Takes You to Get There, So Long As You Never Stop
  • You Miss 100% of The Selfies You Don’t Take
  • You Can Only Achieve The Impossible by Believing It’s Possible
  • Success is Not a One-Time Thing. It’s a Habit
  • Act Now Without Delay

Travel Instagram Bio Examples

  • The World is Book: You’ll Never Finish it if You Just Stay on One Page
  • Travel is The Only Thing That Both Costs A Fortune And Makes You Wealthy
  • To Travel is to Live
  • Funny: If You Travel Far Enough Away From Home, You’ll Find Yourself
  • A Traveler With No Fixed Plans
  • If Life is Not a Daring Adventure, Then It’s Nothing at All
  • The Journey is Measured in Memories And Friendships, Not Miles
  • Go Where There is no Path. Blaze Your Own Trail For Others
  • A Change of Place Energizes The Mind
  • A Travelling Storyteller. Please Read My Book
  • A Life of Travel That Will Leave You Speechless
  • I Travel so Much That I Don’t Get Jet Lag Anymore
  • Everywhere I go Becomes a New Part of Me. Follow, And It’ll Be Part of You Too
  • I Plan to Finish My Life With Memories. Not Regrets
  • They Told me The World Was Beautiful. So I Went to See For Myself
  • The Journey is My Home
  • They Say Travel is Dangerous. I Say Routine is Worse. It’s Lethal
  • Busy Catching Flights. Not Feelings
  • A Voraciously Curious Mind
  • Work Mode: Off. Vacation Mode: On
  • Slack Notifications Constantly Set on Snooze
  • Solo Traveler
  • Sailing The Seas. Flying The Skies
  • Sharing Magical Moments
  • Busy Spending More Time in The Air Than On The Ground
  • Taking The Scenic Route And Sharing it With The World
  • An Adventure a Day Keeps The Boredom Away
  • Saving Memories. Not Money
  • My Tan Might Fade. My Memories Won’t
  • Beach, Please

Cute Instagram Bio Ideas

  • Dream Big. Love Life. Smile Always
  • Monday-Sunday Cheat Days
  • Never Regretting Anything That Makes Me Smile
  • Smiling a Little Every Day
  • A Selfie Without Laughter is a Selfie Wasted
  • No Frowns Available on This Account
  • Smile at Me And I’ll Smile Back at You
  • Smiling, Because I Know I Won’t Get Out of Life Alive
  • I Don’t Have to Smile to Look Good. I Just do it Because I Love it
  • Finding The Good in Everyday Things 

Instagram Bio Ideas For Boys

well dressed man in suit wearing sunglasses

  • Over 30 But Still Chasing My Hoop Dreams
  • Living My Life on Two Wheels
  • I’ll Never be My Best If I Try to be Someone Else
  • Never Stressed. I Was Born For This
  • I Live Like This to Tell My Grandkids Crazy Stories
  • Writer. Wanderer. Guitarist. Self-Proclaimed Philosopher
  • I’m a Hustler at Heart
  • I’m Not Where I Want to Be, But I’m Getting Closer Every Day
  • I’m The Hero of My Own Story
  • Only Heroes Create History
  • Mornings In The Gym. Afternoons At Work. Nights By The Lake
  • Pizza Aficionado
  • Sharing My Love of Craft Breweries 
  • God First. Football Second. Everything Else Third
  • Working Like a Future CEO
  • Work For The Position You Want. Not The One You Have
  • Full Throttle. Pedal to The Metal
  • I’m Chasing Goals. Not The Crowd
  • Fitness Junkie. Health Food Connoisseur
  • Working on My Nobel Prize in Gains

Instagram Bio Ideas For Girls

  • Fashion. Beauty. Travel
  • Just a Girl That Goes For It
  • A Girl in Search of The Rainbow at The End of Every Storm
  • 50% Grace. 50% Grit. 100% Badass
  • I’m Already in Love With Destinations I’ve Never Been to
  • I’ve Got my Cat in One Hand. A Latte in The Other
  • Wellness Advocate. Self-Love Practioner
  • Busy Making Every Outfit Count. Leave Me Some Love!
  • Joy. Simplicity. Peace of Mind.
  • I’m The Model And The World is My Runway
  • A Down to Earth Realist, But I Still Believe in Happy Endings
  • Style, Sophistication, And Class. All in One Account
  • Stay Positive, Even When Life Gets Tough
  • I Can’t Be Held Responsible For The Things I Say When I’m Hungry
  • Sharing Life’s Sweet Moments
  • Writing My Own Fairy Tale
  • A Disney Princess With a Heart of Gold
  • A Sassy Southern Barbie Doll
  • What Are You Waiting For? Click The Follow Button
  • I Never do Homework Because I’m Trying to Save The Environment 

Business Bio Ideas For Instagram

Girl working from laptop in her office

  • The Official Account of (Business)
  • #Tag (branded hashtag) us for Your Chance to Win
  • Contact Support at (email) For 24/7 Assistance
  • Click The Link For Our 50% Off Black Friday Sale
  • Innovating For The Future Since (Year)
  • Meet (Business): The Only Platform You’ll Ever Need
  • Hi, I’m (Name). I Help (Customers) Solve (Problem) And Get (Result)
  • Subscribe For Daily Tips on (Skill)
  • Got (Problem)? I’ve Got (Solution)
  • Ask Our Team For Help With (Problem)
  • Tag Us to be Featured!
  • (Company Name) As Seen in (Publication or IG Account)
  • Not an Ordinary Page. Here, We Get (Result) For (Type of Company)
  • (Company Name) – (Chat Team Hours) – (Address)
  • Supporting Over (Number of Clients) People Worldwide
  • 24/7 Free Shipping to Anywhere in The World. Contact us Now!
  • A Company Built by Women, For Women
  • Giving You The Confidence to Be Who You Want to be
  • Hand Delivering to (Location), (Location), And (Location). Everything Handled With Love
  • We Believe in The Power to Change Lives

Instagram Bio Quotes

  • I Am Myself, Because Everyone Else is Already Taken
  • My Greatest Accomplishment is Being Myself in a World Where Everything is Trying to Make You Something Else
  • You’ll be Criticized no Matter What You do. Might as Well Do What You Feel is Right
  • I Don’t Dwell on Drama. I Live
  • Personal Contentment is The Key to Success
  • Not All Who Wander Are Lost
  • Dream as if You’ll Live Forever. Live as if You’ll Die Today
  • I Turn My Wounds Into Wisdom
  • Finding The Sophistication in Simplicity
  • Progress Not Perfection
  • Making Memories I Will be Proud of
  • I’m Hungry And Foolish. Just Like Steve Jobs Told Me to be
  • Why Would I Be Normal? That’s Boring
  • The Best Views Come From The Hardest Climbs
  • Just Because I’m Awake Doesn’t Mean I Can’t Dream
  • Determined to Make a Difference – One Mirror Selfie at a Time
  • Busy Being a Glorious Mess
  • More Excited About Where I’m Going Next Than Where I Currently Am
  • Small Town Girl. Big City Energy
  • Throwing Selfies Around Like They’re Confetti

Myself Instagram Bio Ideas

  • Teaching Myself to Be Smarter, Better, And Braver Everyday
  • I’m The Entire Ocean in a Single Drop
  • My Own Little Work of Art
  • Only I Am The Boss of How I’m Feeling Today
  • I’m Learning to Be a Product of My Everyday Choices
  • I’m Awesome. Follow Me
  • Don’t Feel Bad, I’d Want to Follow me too
  • I’m The Reason People Can’t Stop Scrolling IG These Days
  • I’m More Than What You See in My Pictures (But Please Like My Pictures Anyway)
  • I Was Born For Greatness

Short Instagram Bio Ideas

  • Hi, I’m (Name)
  • Here’s My Bio…
  • No Idea What to Put Here
  • Welcome to My World
  • It’s (Name)!
  • Check Me Out
  • Click This Link
  • Like. Follow. Share
  • Hey, You Made It
  • Good Vibes Only
  • Catch Me If You Can!
  • Away. Leave a Message
  • Scroll Down
  • Couldn’t Think of Anything, Sorry
  • Eat. Sleep. Repeat
  • Ball is Life
  • Digital Nomad
  • Minimalist. Plant Lover
  • Artist. Innovator. Philosopher
  • Real Estate Agent in (City)
  • Travel Agent for (Destination)
  • Content Creator
  • You Know Who I Am
  • Somewhat Famous

Fitness Instagram Bio Ideas

guy running outdoors in fitness gear

  • Everyone Wants Big Muscles. No One Wants to Lift Heavy Things
  • Those Weights Aren’t Going to Lift Themselves
  • I Work Out Just For Selfies
  • The Gym is my Temple
  • Every Rep Counts
  • Wake Up. Gym. Rest. Repeat
  • Working Out Isn’t Vanity. It’s Self Respect
  • The Bench is Comfier Than The Couch
  • Work Hard. Nap Harder
  • Six Pack Loading…
  • Do I Have Abs Yet? Not Yet, But Soon
  • Train Hard or Stay The Same. You Choose
  • Beast Mode Activated
  • Workouts Are My Vacation
  • The Gym is My Beach
  • Getting Fitter One Rep At a Time
  • Yes, I Do Leg Day
  • You Get The Body You Work For
  • You Can’t Out-Train a Bad Diet
  • Imagine Yourself 3 Months From Now…

What is an Instagram Bio?

An Instagram bio is the first thing people see when they land on your Instagram account. 

It’s a short, personal description of:

  • Who you are
  • What you stand for
  • Why people should follow your page

In short, it’s a bit like a hook that’s meant to catch people’s attention and get them interested in following you ( or interacting with your account in some way) .

Your Instagram bio can only be 150 characters long, so you must be concise, interesting, and memorable in as few words as possible.

Your Instragram bio could include things like:

  • A few short descriptors of you
  • A quote summarizing your persona
  • A reason to follow you
  • Relevant hashtags
  • What you do ( if you’re a business)
  • Who your account is for ( if you’re a business)

Think of your Instagram bio like a headline on a newspaper: It’s there to attract eyes and get someone to take action.

It doesn’t matter what your Instagram account is for: business, personal, travel, or wasting time. You need to get your Instagram bio right if you want more Instagram followers.

Here’s a great example of the perfect bio:

online bio instagram

Neil absolutely crushes it here. His Instagram bio makes you want to follow him or even do business with him.

The reason Neil’s bio is so powerful is he leads off with a PUNCH. “New York Times bestselling author”. Dang, that’s impressive. Then he name drops Obama AND Forbes. Plus he tags his company and adds a link with some tasteful emojis sprinkled in for good measure.

Here’s another, more down to Earth example:

online bio instagram

Kiki, The Blonde Abroad ticks all the boxes here:

  • A catchy name
  • An awesome profile picture
  • Who she is and what she does
  • Links to her projects
  • A link to her site

This is a great example of an Instagram bio that perfectly blends her brand with her business plus a touch of personality. Great job, Kiki.

My Simple 5-Step Instagram Bio Template to Follow

It’s scientifically proven that it’s impossible to write an Instagram bio on your own.

Here’s a proven template based off of the best Instagram bio tips from real experts:

Step 1 – Describe Who You Are And What You’re About

The best Instagram bios start out with the most important information first.

Think about it…

What do you do when you first meet someone? You introduce yourself, right?

So, do that first.

Say who you are, what you do, and what you’re about. Just think of it like describing yourself.

Let’s go back to The Blonde Abroad’s bio:

online bio instagram

Notice she starts out with what she does and what she likes to do? That’s perfect. It doesn’t have to be complicated.

State your job and then say a bit about yourself. Try to crack a joke if you have a sense of humor.

The key takeaway here is that you should both instill trust in visitors, but also humanize yourself a little bit. From this bio, I can tell Kiki is both professional AND a down-to-Earth person.

Step 2 – Share Your Interests

Sharing your interests is one of the best ways to increase engagement on your Instagram bio.

Because sharing things you’re interested in ( and post about) makes it easy for people to decide whether to follow you or not.

For example, if you put that you’re interested in working out, vegan life, and meditation, anyone interested in those things will know in 2 seconds flat if they vibe with your account or not.

If you don’t, then people would have to scroll up and down your account to get a feel for your interests. And nobody has any time for that.

Check this guy out:

online bio instagram

Instantly, I know Joe is into Star Wars and Vinyl.

I like Star Wars as much as the next guy. Congrats, Joe. You’ve got another follower.

The best bio is one where you let people know instantly what you’re all about and gets people interested in following you.

If you want to create a bit of intrigue, you could always use uplifting words like:

People need a good dose of positive things on their feeds these days. 

Step 3 – Add Contact Details And Links

This might not apply to everyone, but hear me out.

If you’ve got an Instagram profile for business, you MUST add contact details and some kind of link.

That’s what Neil does:

He adds his company’s account and a quick link to his company site.

If your link is too long, try to use a link shortener .

Step 4 – Add a Call to Action

Ever wonder why websites always have words like “buy now” on the site?

It’s because saying things like “get the free blogging masterclass now” ignites people’s brains and gets them to take action. It’s just human nature.

You need a call to action if you want to boost engagement and followers.

If you want people to click the link in your bio, follow your Instagram account, or like your photos, just tell them to.

Use words like:

  • Follow 

These types of verbs will get people to take action much more often. It could be as simple as something like “link in bio” or “follow me for more selfies!”.

Whatever you do, just have a CTA. It helps.

The Best Instagram Bio Ideas: Conclusion

Having a killer Instagram bio could make the difference between getting more likes, follows, and purchases, or sitting there with a dead account.

You absolutely have to have a great Instagram bio if you want to make money on Instagram. It’s a non-starter. If you couldn’t find one from the massive list above, then just make your own using the template I gave you.

Best of luck. Let me know which one you chose!

What’s Next?

The only thing that’s left to do is to take action! Don’t just sit there. There are countless influencers making thousands of dollars a month or more from their Instagram profile. Some make thousands of dollars for a single post.

Once you’ve got your bio ready, learn how to make money on Instagram , and you’ll be one step closer to influencer status.

Editorial Process:

Our reviews are made by a team of experts before being written and come from real-world experience. Read our editorial process here .

Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links, which can provide compensation to us at no cost to you if you decide to purchase a paid plan. These are products we’ve personally used and stand behind. This site is not intended to provide financial advice. You can read our affiliate disclosure in our privacy policy .

Adam Enfroy

Adam Enfroy

We test and review software products based on an independent, multi-point methodology. If you use our links to purchase something, we earn a commission. Read our editorial process and disclosures .

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Instagram Bio Generator

Give your Instagram profile a boost with our free and easy-to-use Instagram bio generator. Powered by AI, our generator creates unique and professional Instagram bios.

How does it work?

Add your name.

Add the name of yourself or your brand so we know who to create a Instagram bio for.

Add a description

Add things that we can use to come up with your unique Instagram bio. Example: love the beach & skateboarding

Generate your TikTok bio

Generate your Instagram bio until you find the perfect one to add to your Instagram.

Grow your IG with Pallyy.

Pallyy provides all the tools you need to grow your Instagram. Scheduling, planning, analytics, bio links, engagement and more. Try it free today.

More free tools

  • Resize a photo for Instagram
  • Instagram caption generator
  • Instagram username generator
  • Instagram line break
  • Facebook Bio Generator

Instagram Bio Generator

  • Threads Bio Generator
  • TikTok Bio Generator
  • Twitter Bio Generator
  • LinkedIn Summary Generator

Create a professional, eye-catching Instagram bio in seconds

What is the Instagram Bio Generator?

The Instagram Bio Generator is a free tool that enables users to craft a brief and persuasive description of themselves for their Instagram profile. It gives users options to select the tone of voice, type a few words about themselves, and generate a bio.

How does the Instagram Bio Generator work?

The Instagram Bio Generator uses artificial intelligence to create a personalized description for users. After providing a few words describing their interests and selecting the desired tone, users can click the generate button and a bio will be generated.

What type of tone can I select for my Instagram bio?

Users can choose from a variety of tones, such as Casual, Professional, Conversational, Friendly, Humorous, Authoritative, Sarcastic, Emotional, Storytelling, Creative, Engaging, and Inspirational, for their Instagram bio.

Is the Instagram Bio Generator free to use?

Yes, the Instagram Bio Generator can be used without any cost.

Is there a limit to the number of bios I can generate?

No, there is no restriction on the quantity of bios you can create.

Can I edit my Instagram bio after it has been generated?

Yes, you can make changes to your Instagram bio after it has been created.

Does the Instagram Bio Generator use AI technology?

Yes, the Instagram Bio Generator employs Artificial Intelligence to generate bios.

How many characters can my Instagram bio include?

Your Instagram bio should be limited to 150 characters.

Copied URL to clipboard!

online bio instagram

Instagram Bio Ideas: 25 Examples You’ll Definitely Want to Copy!

In need of some Instagram bio ideas and inspiration? We've got you covered.

In need of some Instagram bio ideas and inspiration? 

Writing an effective Instagram bio might seem straightforward, but it can actually be quite hard to do.

Should you be descriptive or concise? Humorous or serious? And what about your call-to-action?

In the following post, we’ll walk you through 25 different Instagram bio ideas to help you make a great first impression, explain what your business does, and convince new visitors to click the “follow” button!

online bio instagram

Instagram Bio Ideas #1: Keep it Short & Simple

While some brands like to share as many details as possible in their Instagram bio, your bio for instagram should be short and simple — especially since you only have a few seconds to make an impression!

Here are a few businesses that have mastered the art of succinct, simple copy that gets right to the point:

Despite being under 70-characters long, the Kourtney Kardashian-owned Poosh totally nails their Instagram bio. There’s a quick shout-out to their founder, a short description of the brand’s offering, and a small call-to-action. Perfectly simple.

online bio instagram

#2: Mother Jones

Mother Jones ‘ bio is actually on the longer side when you compare it to some of our other examples, but it’s still a great example of punchy, straight-to-the-point copy.

A word of warning: while writing a short bio could be a great move for your brand, its important to still provide some context about what you do and offer — especially for new visitors who aren’t acquainted with your brand.

This is what we love so much about Mother Jones’ bio. Despite being just 7 words long, it’s engaging and immediately explains what they do.

online bio instagram

Casper is a master of witty and playful turns of phrase — and this clearly applies to their Instagram bio as well.

Rather than dwelling on all the great things they do (like their award-winning mattresses, travel-sized pillows, night lamps, and more), they offer a single inspirational line: “Changing the way the world sleeps.” Can you tell that we’re hooked?

online bio instagram

#4: Great Jones

Like Casper, cookware company Great Jones has totally nailed the short-and-sweet bio that gets right to the point. It only takes a quick glance to figure out exactly what they do and offer.

online bio instagram

It doesn’t get much simpler than this! The Copenhagen-based clothing brand Ouur is known for its simple designs and “do more with less” philosophy, and this seems to apply to their Instagram account as well.

Rather than sharing any details about their brand or products, they’ve chosen instead to simply include a link to their homepage.

online bio instagram

Instagram Bio Ideas #2: Get Descriptive

While short Instagram bios work for some brands, sometimes it makes sense to offer up a little more detail — like if you run a physical store with set hours or you sell a complex product. Of course, Instagram limits bios to 150 characters, so it’s hard to be overly descriptive.

Check out the following brands for some great Instagram bio ideas that are on the longer side.

#6: Relationships

If your business has a physical location (or locations), it’s a good idea to use your Instagram bio to highlight important details, like your hours of operation and location.

Check out how Relationships does it. The Brooklyn-based art and design store covers all the bases in their Instagram bio: what they do, when they were founded, by who, and their hours, website, and location… All without being long-winded.

online bio instagram

#7: Plant People

Here’s another great example from Plant People . The CBD company uses their Instagram bio to explain their products and philosophy, as well as their initiative of planting a tree for every product sold.

online bio instagram

#8: Home Union

Specialty vintage furniture store Home Union is another brand that’s managed to pack a lot of information into just a few lines of text — but it doesn’t feel overwhelming!

As with our previous example, because Home Union operates a physical retail store in Williamsburg (along with an online store), it makes a lot of sense for them to highlight their location, hours of operation, and other important info.

online bio instagram

Here’s another great example of a descriptive Instagram bio, this time from Later !

If your business sells a service rather than a physical product, you should consider using your bio to highlight new features. For example, we recently launched a free version of Linkin.bio , so of course we gave the new feature a shout out in our Instagram bio!

Remember: your Instagram bio doesn’t have to be static. Update it as often as you like — especially as you add new and interesting features to your offering.

online bio instagram

#10: Wild Lather

If you’re selling a complex product or service that needs some explaining, your Instagram bio could be a great place to do it.

Check out how Wild Lather covers its unique product features in just a few lines of text.

online bio instagram

Instagram Bio Ideas #3: Include a Call-to-Action

Including a call-to-action in your Instagram bio is really important, especially if you want your followers to take some kind of action, like shopping for your products or reading your latest article.

Here are a few brands that do the Instagram bio call-to-action really well:

#11: MeUndies

We’re big fans of MeUndies . From their fun-filled aesthetic to their cheerful captions and body-positive philosophy, it’s no wonder they’re such a success!

They also make it really easy for their followers and new visitors to shop their products — thanks in part to the clear and compelling call-to-action in their Instagram bio:

online bio instagram

Like many other brands, MeUndies uses Linkin.bio by Later to drive traffic from Instagram to their website and product pages.

With Linkin.bio, you can tag your Instagram posts with any link you want (think product pages, articles, and blog posts!) to turn your feed into a clickable, optimized landing page.

And in case you missed it, we just released a free version of Linkin.bio , so  everyone can start driving more website traffic and reaching their sales goals through Instagram with Later!

#12: Verve Coffee Roasters

Like MeUndies, Verve Coffee leaves little room for error in their Instagram bio — the moment you land on their profile, you’ll see the “SHOP OUR POSTS” copy in all-caps, reminding you that all the delicious coffee they feature on their feed can be yours.

All it takes is a quick tap and you’re on Verve’s Linkin.bio page, where you can make a purchase:

online bio instagram

#13: Care/of

If you’re an ecommerce brand, it makes a lot of sense to use the link in your bio to drive traffic to your online store — but that may not always be the case.

Take Care/of for example. Rather than going for the quick sale, the vitamin brand has chosen to drive traffic to their homepage where visitors can learn more about their products and offering (and possibly any promotions they’re running).

online bio instagram


What we really love about POPSUGAR ‘s Instagram bio call-to-action is how clear it is! There’s really no room for interpretation.

online bio instagram

#15: The GIST

Here’s another great example from The GIST , a women-focused sports news company. Since they don’t sell any products, they use their Instagram bio to drive newsletter signups:

online bio instagram

Instagram Bio Ideas #4: Add Relevant Tags & Hashtags

Thanks to an update from earlier last year, any username (@) or hashtag (#) that you add to your Instagram bio will now become clickable links as well.

This is a great feature to take advantage of if your business operates several Instagram accounts or you collect user-generated content (UGC) from your branded hashtag.

Here are a few brands that have mastered the art of tagging in their Instagram bio:

#16: Complex

From trends in style, pop culture, music, sports, sneakers, and more, Complex covers a lot of ground. And here’s the great thing: you can access it all from their main Instagram account!

This is a really great use of their Instagram bio — by tagging all of their sub-accounts, Complex’s followers can quickly and easily switch between different topics and channels, like their Complex Style account.

While this may not work for everyone on the same scale, it’s a cool strategy nonetheless.

online bio instagram

#17: Ciele Athletics

Whether you’re promoting a short-term campaign or collecting UGC to repost to your account, including your branded hashtag in your Instagram bio is a great way to share your community and invite others to participate in it as well.

Watch and learn from sporting good company Ciele :

online bio instagram

Don’t have a sub-account to tag in your Instagram bio? Take a page out of Toko ‘s book for another creative use of the bio tagging feature. The low-impact products company wisely uses the feature to tag the retailers that sell their products.

Not only is this great social proof for the brand, but it clearly points users to where they can make a purchase!

online bio instagram

#19: Netflix US

Here’s another great example of the in-bio tagging feature in action, this time from Netflix . The global streaming service often uses their bio to promote different movies and TV shows — this time, they’re using it to promote action films via their Uppercut account.

online bio instagram

#20: Sonder

What we really like about Sonder’s Instagram bio is their clear call-to-action to use their branded hashtag. This is a great strategy to get your followers in the habit of posting with it!

online bio instagram

Instagram Bio Ideas #5: Bullet Points & Unique Design

Bullets can sometimes be easier to read and consume than a block of text — and since you only have a few seconds to make an impression when someone visits your Instagram profile, this is maybe a strategy you should consider.

Check out how the following brands are doing it:

#21: Magic Spoon

What’s so great about bullet-form Instagram bios is they’re incredibly easy to read and absorb — you can make 5-6 quick points about your brand and products.

Check out how Magic Spoon does it. Each line offers either a tidbit of product info or a call-to-action to use their branded hashtag or enter their giveaway.

online bio instagram

Instagram Bio Hack: If you’re struggling to get your copy alignment right, log in your Instagram profile on your desktop and edit your bio from there!

#22: Summer Fridays

Skincare brand Summer Fridays also nails the bulleted list-style Instagram bio. They start with a short description of their brand and products — and then, very creatively, they use country flag emojis to inform users where they can find their products.

online bio instagram

#23: Werklab

If emojis aren’t your thing, you can take a page from Werklab’s book and use  actual bullet points instead — try to keep things consistent with your brand and aesthetic.

online bio instagram

Another great use of the bullet point-style Instagram bio comes from DRAM — check out how they use each line to highlight a factoid about their brand and products:

online bio instagram

#25: HealHaus

The Brooklyn-based wellness community space HealHaus is another great example of an effective bullet point-style Instagram bio. What we really like is how they’ve spaced out the information in their bio — it makes it really easy to read and grasp right away.

online bio instagram

These are just a few Instagram bio ideas to get your juices flowing! At the end of the day, you need to create a bio that works for you and your brand — that’s number 1!

Which Instagram bio style do you like the most? Let us know in the comments!

Get more traffic and sales from Instagram with Linkin.bio by Later – it’s free!:

Benjamin is a Content Marketing Strategist based in Toronto. You can follow his day-to-day on Instagram @benjaminchacs .

Plan, schedule, and automatically publish your social media posts with Later.

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How to craft an impactful Instagram bio for business (+ examples)

Written by by Chloe West

Published on  January 4, 2023

Reading time  8 minutes

While your Instagram content might be what draws someone over to your profile initially, your Instagram bio is one of the major components that will keep them there—and maybe even earn your brand a follow.

Think about this: if you like a photo or video on Instagram and then go to the profile and their bio is completely blank (or lacks vital information) you’re going to immediately lose interest or think the account is a fake and leave. No follow and no looking back.

Others do the same, so it’s important to fully optimize your Instagram strategy —bio and all.

Table of Contents

What is an Instagram bio?

Why an instagram business bio matters, what to put in an instagram bio, tips for writing the best instagram bios for business (+ examples), create a compelling instagram bio for your business.

An Instagram bio is a description of your business that sits at the top of your Instagram profile. It can only be up to 150 characters, so you want to be concise, sharing what your business does and who it serves in as few words as possible.

Take a look at our own Instagram bio to get an idea of what this might look like:

An Instagram bio example from Sprout Social

We’ll get into each of these more thoroughly later, but our full bio includes:

  • Our Instagram handle
  • Our brand name
  • Bio description

There are a few more things you can consider including within your own bio to further share what your business does.

First of all, why does your Instagram business profile bio matter so much? As simple as it may seem, an Instagram bio plays a critical role in establishing your brand presence. It shows people who you are and what you sell. You can also use the same space to tell them why they should care about your business and its offering.

In many cases, your Instagram profile may be the first point of contact whether someone finds you through an Instagram hashtag or by clicking through from a paid post or sharing on Stories. Your bio is an important first impression while clarifying why they should follow you.

That’s why you should focus on creating an Instagram business bio that effectively portrays your brand personality and establishes your unique value proposition. In other words, it should factor into your overall  Instagram business strategy .

Writing your Instagram bio for business is one key part of  creating the perfect Instagram business profile . Here are the essential elements that go into your Instagram bio:

1. Name and username

Your Instagram username is your @handle and your Instagram identity. It’s a part of your Instagram profile URL (instagram.com/myusername) and holds a prominent location at the top of your profile page.

On the other hand, your name is your real or full brand name. Depending on data sources like audience and  keyword research , you may know of abbreviations or name variations commonly used for your brand name. You might consider using those in one spot in your Instagram bio, such as in your username.

For instance, in the following Instagram business profile example, the username for Sprouts Farmers Market is just @sprouts but the name section has the full name of the business.

An Instagram bio example from Sprout's Farmers Market

2. Profile photo and branding

This should be relevant to your  brand’s visual identity . Best practices dictate that you should use a high-res image of your logo in order to improve brand recognition and keep all of your social media profiles on brand. However, solopreneurs and public figures often use headshots, and that’s a perfectly acceptable alternative.

For brands with a widely-recognized visual identity like National Geographic TV, the iconic yellow rectangle logo makes for a great profile photo.

An Instagram bio example from National Geographic

Another way to brand your Instagram profile is through your Instagram highlight covers . While not necessarily a part of your bio, these still show up at the top of your profile and give you an opportunity to inject even more color into your Instagram.

An Instagram bio example from Bliss

3. Instagram bio copy

This is the section under your name, where you get to express yourself (or in this case, your brand personality). You have 150 characters to tell people what your Instagram profile is about, what your brand offers and why they should follow you. So you don’t have much to work with, which makes it even more crucial to plan ahead and perfect your Instagram business bio.

Here’s an example of great bio copy from BarkBox. They start with a simple sentence that explains exactly what their business does. They tag their parent company. Then they even include a couple of hashtags that BarkBox customers can use when showing off their boxes.

An Instagram bio example from BarkBox

4. Bio links

This is the only section that allows you to add clickable links on Instagram to your website, so make sure you use this space wisely. While you can always add a URL to your homepage, you can also add up to five links more frequently by posting new products, new content, new projects and more.

Many brands use a link-in-bio tool to maximize the five link limit by taking the user to a landing page with shortcuts to featured content and product pages.

An Instagram bio example from Away

5. Category

Instagram also allows you to specify which category your brand falls under—whether you run a restaurant or a media and entertainment company. This shows up right under your business name if you choose to enable it, so it helps free up space in your Instagram bio for other important details.

As we can see below, Bloomscape has selected “Patio/Garden” as their brand category.

An Instagram bio example from Bloomscape

6. Call-to-action and contact buttons

You could further free up space in your Instagram bio if you make the most of the call-to-action buttons available for Instagram Business accounts. This allows people to take action straight from your Instagram profile when on the mobile app, making it easier for customers to convert on actions—from buying tickets to booking tables.

Keep in mind that these are only accessible on the mobile app, and they’ll look something like the “View Shop,” “Message,” and “Call” buttons below:

An Instagram bio example from Elemis

Now that you know what goes into an Instagram bio, let’s take a look at tips on how to write the best Instagram bios for business.

1. Know what your goal is

Since you have to stay within the 150-character limit, it’s crucial that you have a clear sense of direction when writing your Instagram bio. Knowing exactly what you want out of your bio will help you narrow down what to say.

For instance, you could simply use it to convey your brand’s personality and announce your Instagram presence. You could also use it to promote your latest products and offers or inform people about what your business does. If you do promote sales and recent products, be sure your team is ready to regularly refresh your Instagram bio and ensure this info is up to date.

Some businesses also use this section to express their  brand mission and what they stand for. Check out the following Instagram business profile example from Grove Collaborative. The company’s bio tells us a little bit about what the business sells and what its overall mission is.

An Instagram bio example from Grove Collaborative

Here’s another great example of a basic bio that’s straightforward and explains exactly what the company (Slack in this instance) does:

An Instagram bio example from Slack

2. Let your brand personality shine through

Make the most of your Instagram business bio to express your brand personality. This includes the language and tone you use or what you say, in general. For instance, Reese’s uses a fun and friendly tone in its bio while using the opportunity to establish its brand authority.

An Instagram bio example from Reese's

Some businesses may also add relevant emojis if that kind of approach fits the brand personality. But note that special characters and emojis may not translate well on a screen reader. Be sure to keep  accessibility best practices  in mind for all your followers and avoid filling your entire bio with characters that are hard to read or understand for customers using screen readers.

3. Include relevant hashtags and profile links

Instagram lets you add clickable hashtags and profile links in your bio. So make the most of this to direct customers to your other Instagram handles or to relevant, tagged content.

The option to add profile links is great for businesses that  manage multiple accounts . See how Madewell added a link to their Instagram account for menswear.

An Instagram bio example from Madewell

Brands can also take a page out of Weezie’s book, tagging the accounts of their founders as well as their brick-and-mortar store (ideal when you have two different social media strategies for your retail versus ecommerce avenues).

An Instagram bio example from Weezie Towels

As for hashtags, adding them to your bio will let you direct your audience to stunning tagged user-generated content. You could use a branded hashtag to collect user-generated content like Cupshe. The swimsuit brand included several hashtags they track for content to feature on their own account.

An Instagram bio example from Cupshe

4. Make sure it’s easy to read

As mentioned earlier, your Instagram bio should be able to convey what your business does or what it offers. So it’s crucial that people can easily read and process the information without too much trouble. Formatting such as line breaks and spacing makes it easier to read and emphasize important information at a glance.

You could use a pipe or vertical bar character to space out your info like in the following Instagram business profile example from Leder Games. They used the symbol to separate their most popular game offerings.

An Instagram bio example from Leder Games

You could also use line breaks to style your info in a list format. See how this bio skillfully uses lists, incorporating emojis as a kind of bullet point.

An Instagram bio example from Kundalini Candles

Keep in mind that these characters and line breaks will factor into your total character count. So make sure you use them sparingly and strategically to avoid going over the character limit. You could also test different formatting to see how they impact your overall profile engagement. Use a tool like  Sprout Social’s Instagram analytics suite  to measure how your profile engagement changes as you update.

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5. Include a compelling call to action

While the call-to-action buttons frees up a lot of space in your bio, it doesn’t hurt to get more direct with your CTA. Make sure people know exactly what they need to do when they visit your profile by including a CTA in your bio.

Get very specific with this depending on the goal of your Instagram business account. You could invite them to visit your website, shop your feed, check out your latest blog post, download your new guide or even share their own photos using your branded hashtag. If you want to  grow your Instagram following , you could even add a CTA to “follow us” for your regular content such as daily recipes, fashion updates and so on.

For example, Ahrefs uses their bio text to create a CTA that points (literally, thanks to their use of emoji) to their latest feature release.

An Instagram bio example from Ahrefs

Dress Up uses its bio to direct people to sign up for SMS marketing messages by offering a discount right inside the bio. This is a great way to get people to take immediate action  and increase your text marketing list.

An Instagram bio example from Dress Up

Your Instagram bio could make all the difference in boosting your social presence. It’s the perfect place to exhibit your brand identity and show off your creative side. It could also help you showcase your uniqueness and entertain your audience.

Plus, by strategically using a link in bio tool, your bio can help increase clicks and conversions and improve your Instagram analytics by helping you reach your goals.

Instagram bio FAQs

When you edit your profile, you’ll add your bio link into the field next to “Website.” You only get one link here, which is why many brands prefer to use a link-in-bio tool that helps them create an Instagram-specific landing page.

Edit your profile and paste your preferred link into the “Website” field. Simple as that!

The Instagram bio character limit is just 150 characters, so use them wisely.

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How to Find the Link in Bio on Instagram

Learn how to find the link in bio as well as some tips on how to use it to your advantage.

Maggie Seaver is the digital health and wellness editor at Real Simple, with seven years of experience writing lifestyle and wellness content. She spends her days writing and editing stories about sleep, mental health, fitness, preventive health, nutrition, personal development, relationships, healthy habits, and beyond. She loves demystifying complicated health topics, debunking wellness fads, and sharing practical, science-backed solutions for healthy living.

online bio instagram

What Does Link in Bio Mean on Instagram?

How to find the link in bio, how to add a link to your instagram bio, how to use instagram link in bio, frequently asked questions.

"Link in bio" is probably in every Instagram post you see—but finding that link in bio on Instagram can be more challenging than it should be. So where can you find this mysterious link in bio—and what does it mean? And if you're intent on creating your own Instagram bio, how do you do it? Here's a step-by-step guide to help you find the link in bio on Instagram, and how to add your own.

The link in bio means there is a clickable link in that Instagram account’s main profile that can lead you to their website, product, or any other external page for the full story around that image—but you can't get to it within the actual post caption. (Hence all the confusion around link in bio!)

The reason this happens? Instagram doesn't like to take you off of their website, so any links embedded directly in posts aren't clickable. So people or companies (like, for instance, Real Simple ) will add a link to their bio (where links are allowed) that takes you to a full listing of links related to recent content.

To help you navigate—and ensure you never miss another recipe, story, or list of tips from your IG accounts—here's exactly how to find the link in bio on Instagram. (Note that these specific steps and images cater to a mobile user experience, but they translate easily for desktop Instagram use.)

And if you don't have the time or patience to read every step (or just need a brief refresher), below is a quick and handy Instagram video walk-through:

Fortunately, it's just a few clicks to get you from an Instagram post to the bio—and to the info they want you to see. Here's how to do it:

Step 1: Tap the Instagram handle

Once you find an Instagram post you like, look in the upper left corner of your screen for the circular profile photo and account name/handle. In this case, we're using some Real Simple content, so you'd tap the Instagram handle/name to get to the account bio and post grid.

The circular profile photo leads you to Instagram Stories, not the bio.

Step 2: Look for the Link in Bio

Once you're in the Instagram bio, look for the link. (It might be mixed in with Emojis, hashtags, and other content that Instagram allows users to put in their bio.) Go ahead and click it!

Step 3: Find the Story You're Looking for

Tapping the bio link will open a new window with a secondary grid. This is where you want to be. It will look almost identical to the original image grid, except that each image in this secondary grid leads to an external link. The newer the post, the closer to the top it'll be.

Don't see the post you set out for? Don't panic. Simply scroll down the grid until you find it. When you do, tap or click on it once to open the corresponding link. (If it's not there, they may have forgotten to add a URL to their Instagram post—it happens.)

Step 4: Enjoy the Content

We made it! A new link will appear on your screen that's ready to read, share, save, copy, etc. To toggle back to the secondary grid and read more bio links (we won't stop you), tap the back arrow in the bottom left corner of your screen; to return completely to the account's main Instagram page, hit the X in the upper left corner.

If you want to add links to your own Instagram bio (or just update your profile in general), it's easy to do.

Step 1: Go to your profile page and tap "Edit Profile"

Real Simple

On your personal Instagram profile page, you'll see a button beneath your photo that says "Edit Profile." Go ahead and click it.

Step 2: Click on the Links section

On the Edit Profile page, you'l see different fields where you can add or change your name, user name, links, and bio information. Click on the section that says "Links."

Step 3: Add your link and click done

Copy and paste or type your URL into the URL slot, and add a title for the link in the space beneath it. Tap the "Done" button to save the changes you've made.

You can add one link to the Profile field. But if you want to include multiple links (like we do at Real Simple), you'll need to sign up for a service that creates those, such as Linktree, Lnk.Bio, or Feedlink. You may need to pay a few dollars a month to create the link page.

Adding links to your Instagram bio can be a great way to share the things you love—and it's especially great for promoting your own business (or starting a career as an Instagram influencer ).

You can use it send people to other accounts or sites linked to yours, so you can share content that they may like. For instance:

Use it to promote your products or services (or yourself)

If you're selling something, a link in bio can connect people directly to what you want them to see. You can use it to share upcoming sales or promos, share new launches or best-selling products, or offer free samples.

If you're job hunting, you could also use the link in bio to link to your personal website, resume, or LinkedIn account to help people get in touch.

Share content you've created (or that you really like)

Have a new episode of your podcast, or a great new blog post you created? Pop that in the link in bio to help people keep up with the latest things you've created.

Feature contests or giveaways

Who wouldn't want an opportunity to win something? Your Instagram link in bio is the perfect place to promote a giveaway.

Putting a link in your bio can be very helpful if you want to drive traffic to your business or personal pages. It also helps people find more information about you easily instead of searching for it in other ways.

There's no need to change the link in your bio unless you want to drive traffic to a different site. You can change it as frequently (infrequently) as you like depending on your own personal preference.

A link in your bio lets people learn more about you, whether it's a personal business, a hub for your writing or artwork, or other outside ventures. But it is not mandatory. Think of it as an extension of your page, where people can get more information.

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Kelly Yazdi and Zac Brown

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Zac Brown 's estranged wife, Kelly Yazdi, has spoken out after he was granted a temporary restraining order against her.

According to legal documents obtained by ET last week, Brown claimed in his request that one of Yazdi's recent Instagram posts is in violation of confidentiality agreements she has signed with him. ET reached out to lawyers for both sides for statements.

Yazi took to Instagram on Sunday to share her side of the story, posting a video in which she thanked fans for their support and shared a lengthy statement in the caption.

"No one — not even Zac Brown with all of his money, power, celebrity, and lawyers – may silence my right to freely express myself through art or, although I have to date declined to do so publicly, to speak about the circumstances of our pending divorce," she wrote. "I intend to respond swiftly and robustly to his meritless complaint that publication of two poems on my personal social media account divulged any 'confidential information' about his business, much less authorizes a court to enjoin me from speaking about matters in my personal life that have nothing to do with my brief former work for the Zac Brown Collective, Inc."   "It is beyond ironic that Zac’s first act after filing an unnecessary public divorce lawsuit was to release a music video that deliberately mocked our wedding party from only a few months before — including a false and defamatory caricature obviously intended to be me and hurt me – followed by a second unnecessary and legally meritless public lawsuit and press release, yet he now claims his 'only hope' is that we show each other 'mutual respect' by keeping  'private matters private' as we negotiate the terms of our divorce," she continued. 

Yazdi appears to be referring to the music video for Avicii's remix of Zac Brown Band's "Beautiful Drug," which was released in February. The video does feature a raucous party scene and a brunette leading lady.   "In a misguided effort to do just that, I have made no public response to either of those very public, very unnecessary personal attacks on me by my celebrity soon-to-be-ex-husband," Yazdi added in her statement. "But it is clearly Zac, not me, who has strategically chosen to drag our difficult divorce negotiations into the public eye with these tactics in an effort to portray himself as a victim and to use his vast resources to silence me from telling the truth about our marriage. It will not work, and I will not be silenced by him no matter how ridiculous his tactics."

"Like Zac, I have lawyers too, and I will tell my truth in court — where he has unnecessarily dragged me," she concluded.

Brown, 45, and Yazdi, 32, got engaged in 2022 after he  popped the question  in Hawaii. According to TMZ, Brown and Yazdi  secretly tied the knot  on Aug. 31, 2023, in Coweta County, Georgia.

Reports of the couple's separation went public in December 2023, with the estranged pair saying in a joint statement that they are "in the process of divorce."

They added, "Our mutual respect for one another remains. We wish each other the best and will always appreciate our time together. As we navigate this personal matter, we simply request privacy during this time."

TMZ , who first broke the news, reported that there was growing speculation Brown and Yazdi split after fans noticed she deactivated her Instagram account and then reactivated with the Brown last name removed from her bio. She also no longer follows the Zac Brown Band frontman and wiped every photo of him from her profile.

Though the Instagram post in question is not named in the order granting Brown the temporary restraining order, many of Yazdi's recent posts have been about gratitude, self-empowerment and "reemergence."

"My sunshine grows stronger every day, brought back to life by the support and encouragement of so many who have battled the same monster, sharing horror stories of their own, finally harnessing the courage to stand up," reads her most recent Instagram, which features a video of Yazdi standing in the rain.

This will be Brown's second divorce. He was married to Shelly Brown for 12 years before  they split  in 2018. They share five children together.

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Uncg biology students delve into a new online world of data.

Posted on May 22, 2024

UNCG biology students walk through a forest.

During the fall break in 2023, a group of undergraduate and graduate students ventured from UNC Greensboro’s campus to a remote mountain ridge in Virginia. They toured a tower full of sensors recording weather, air flux, pollution levels, and other environmental factors around the Mountain Lake Biological Station.

They went out to the stomping ground of Dr. Bryan McLean, assistant professor of biology , where he showed them how to trap and release small mammals like shrews, mice, and voles.

The experience was part of UNCG’s new “Introduction to Biodiversity Data” course, which lets students in on the ground floor of the scientific community’s new and expanding open-access databases.

UNCG biology students listen to a speaker outside a stone building.

For McLean, building databases is just one step in his work on the National Science Foundation (NSF)’s Ranges project . Emerging scientists like those at UNCG must know how to use that data without feeling overwhelmed by the glut of information now at their fingertips. 

“We’re kind of awash in data as a society,” says McLean. “You have to teach people how to go to the websites, how to use the landing page, how to search, and how to understand the results you get back.”

Wild World of Data  

Biodiversity is the study of the variety of wildlife in an area, emphasizing individual sightings and observations. All that research used to be spread out across smaller databases, museum filing cabinets, scientist’s offices, and even civilian hikers’ personal phones. As principal investigator for Ranges, McLean oversees more than 20 institutions across the United States putting their specimen data and research notes online for anyone to access from anywhere. 

“When you go online, you can find a lot of collection data,” he says. “Scans of physical specimens, an image of an herbarium sheet, 3-D imagery of an insect specimen or vertebrate skeleton. Lots of different things.” 

A separate NSF “Building Research Capacity of New Faculty in Biology” award went toward designing the biodiversity course for UNCG. Students attended virtual lectures with students from Georgia Southern and Northern Michigan Universities. They heard from experts, including informaticians and a field ecologist from the NSF’s National Ecological Observatory Network .

They combined the lectures with hands-on research in UNCG’s labs and during their trip to Mountain Lake Biological Station at the University of Virginia. There, they spent their fall break studying at the 259-hectare reserve adjacent to the Jefferson National Forest. Its natural lake, virgin forests, and bogs make it a popular spot for scientists to study mammals and aquatic life.

UNCG biology students look at measuring instruments inside a small cabin.

“All of our great work sometimes happens in a small vacuum,” says McLean. “So, we can train more people and show them all this biodiversity information moving online at a rapid pace.”

Another guest speaker for the course was Tony Iwane, outreach and community coordinator of iNaturalist. This app allows people to upload photos and identify plants and wildlife wherever they go. This casual biodiversity research by nature lovers, sometimes known as “citizen scientists,” is a boon to the broader ecology community. 

“The volume of citizen science data out there is huge,” says McLean. “It’s a major component of biodiversity data. The class teaches students about these different sources of biodiversity data.”

Assembling the Big Picture  

Poster with images of biology specimens.

When scientists look at the data gathered from individual nature observations, they can put together a picture of ecological trends, historic timelines, species relationships, and evolutionary or physiological responses to food scarcity and disease.

“There are multiple axes of biodiversity knowledge,” McLean explains. “We start with occurrence records – essentially what kind of species, where it appeared, and when. Then you can build out your knowledge from that – what were they doing, what was their morphology, were they breeding or not? Ranges specifically builds up to that next level of data while always linking it back to the individual animal.”

Biodiversity research is key for local and international conservation efforts. It can relay what kind of toxins are building up in an area. It can help track new pathogens carried by local parasites. The United Nations and other global bodies care about the environmental and health-related data that could eventually influence major intergovernmental policies about climate.

But biodiversity access is not limited to such large-scale initiatives. UNCG students can narrow their scope to focus on a specific trait for their research. McLean’s students in one graduate seminar contributed to a recently published paper, using biodiversity data to track litter sizes of small mammals.

“We were able to track life history evolution through 40 species across North America,” says McLean, “And with a lot more data from single individuals than we ever would have been able to collect on our own.”

Story by Janet Imrick, University Communications   Photography courtesy of Dr. Bryan McLean, College of Arts and Sciences Additional photography by Sean Norona, University Communications

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A climber does a backflip on top of Mount Everest

An Instagram Star Did a Backflip on the Top of Mount Everest

Fitness influencer named Devon Levesque transformed the world’s highest peak into a trampoline on May 21


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Over the years, climbers have transformed the summit of Mount Everest into a concert venue , a nudist colony , and even a frisbee launchpad . But prior to this week, nobody to our knowledge had used the world’s highest point as a trampoline.

That changed when an American climber named Devon Levesque executed a backflip on the summit on Tuesday, May 21. Levesque, an Instagram creator with 1 million followers and self-described “serial entrepreneur and philanthropist,” somehow completed the feat while wearing a puffy summit suit and crampons. Like all thrilling feats in 2024, this one was caught on video and uploaded to the Internet, where it was quickly disseminated until even your Great Aunt Martha saw it.

The video was published on Instagram late on Thursday, May 24. By Friday morning it had generated nearly 800 comments and 66,000 likes. The video is accompanied by Steve Miller’s 1976 hit “Fly Like an Eagle,” because of course it is.

In the video Levesque takes a hit of supplemental oxygen from a mask before saying, “Good morning from the top of Mount Everest.” He then completes the backflip, somehow landing without becoming entangled in his safety ropes. From the video, it sure looks like Levesque lands crampons-down on a safety anchor.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Devon M Lévesque (@devonlevesque)

Outside reached out to Levesque for comment on social media, but did not hear back prior to the publication of this piece. In his bio, he claims to be the first person to bear crawl a marathon—an athletic feat that sounds far more painful that ascending the world’s highest peak.

In a separate Instagram post , Levesque said that his expedition to the top of the world had plenty of twists, turns, and drama. He said he witnessed death  and acts of lifesaving on the mountain. “Grateful to live another day,” he wrote.

Over the years, the Nepali government has attempted to curb high-altitude stunts on the peak by asking climbers to respect the mountain and also by denying summit certificates to those whose actions are deemed unacceptable. In 2023 the Nepali government denied certificates to Mexican climber Juan Diego Martinez Alvarez, who played an electric piano atop the peak, and also to Russian climber Katya Lipka for unfurling a flag of Ukraine and a “Free Navalny” banner on the pinnacle to protest the 2022 Russian invasion.

The flag protest prompted a flurry of statements in the Nepali parliament. “Sagarmatha (Everest) is our identity and pride. A flag was hoisted against Russia from there. Is this government making Sagarmatha a geopolitical battleground?,” said parliamentarian Pradeep Kumar Gyawali in June, 2023.

Levesque’s stunt, however, may skirt some of the rules that govern the peak. To curb behavior on Mount Everest deemed “disrespectful,” Nepali officials ask climbers to ask permission from tourism department officials before taking any items to the top, including flags, banners, and signs. But Everest Chronicle   reports that the rules of conduct also require climbers to inform tourism officials about any activities they intend to do atop the peak as well.

Outside sent the video clip to Bili Bierling, the director of the Himalayan Database , the website that chronicles summit attempts on the world’s highest peaks. She wrote that it was “hard to keep perspective” after watching the clip.

“I want to encourage people to stop bashing Everest, but now I may change my tune,” she replied. “I thought that my woman with the longest hair to summit was the tip of the iceberg, but the highest backflip?!”

In his video, Levesque claims that his is the first backflip to ever be completed on Mount Everest. Outside cannot verify this claim. But we are waiting to see if someone will attempt it in true Alpine style.

Ben Ayers contributed to this report. 

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By Michael H. Keller and Jennifer Valentino-DeVries

Michael H. Keller and Jennifer Valentino-DeVries have been investigating the dark side of social media, including the online exploitation of children.

When a children’s jewelry maker began advertising on Instagram, she promoted photos of a 5-year-old girl wearing a sparkly charm to users interested in parenting, children, ballet and other topics identified by Meta as appealing mostly to women.

But when the merchant got the automated results of her ad campaign from Instagram, the opposite had happened: The ads had gone almost entirely to adult men.

Perplexed and concerned, the merchant contacted The New York Times, which in recent years has published multiple articles about the abuse of children on social media platforms. In February, The Times investigated Instagram accounts run by parents for their young daughters, and the dark underworld of men who have sexualized interactions with those accounts.

With the photos from the jewelry ads in hand, The Times set out to understand why they attracted an unwanted audience. Test ads run by The Times using the same photos with no text not only replicated the merchant’s experience — they drew the attention of convicted sex offenders and other men whose accounts indicated a sexual interest in children or who wrote sexual messages.

The Times opened two Instagram accounts and promoted posts showing the 5-year-old girl, her face turned away from the camera, wearing a tank top and the charm. Separate posts showed the clothing and jewelry without the child model, or with a black box concealing her. All of the paid ads were promoted to people interested in topics like childhood, dance and cheerleading, which Meta’s audience tools estimated as predominantly women.

An Instagram post of a 5-year-old girl wearing a tank top and a sparkly charm, her face turned away from the camera.

An Instagram post of a tank top and a sparkly charm on a green patterned carpet.

These boxes represent test ads run on Instagram, which The New York Times chose not to publish in this article because of the response they received from some sex offenders.

Aside from reaching a surprisingly large proportion of men, the ads got direct responses from dozens of Instagram users, including phone calls from two accused sex offenders, offers to pay the child for sexual acts and professions of love.

The results suggest that the platform’s algorithms play an important role in directing men to photos of children. And they echo concerns about the prevalence of men who use Instagram to follow and contact minors, including those who have been arrested for using social media to solicit children for sex.

On Wednesday, New Mexico’s attorney general, Raúl Torrez, announced the arrest of three men who were caught in a sting operation trying to arrange sex with underage girls on Facebook. Calling it “Operation MetaPhile,” Mr. Torrez said Meta’s algorithms had played a key role in directing these men to the “decoy” profiles created by law enforcement.

“We could set up a brand-new undercover account, presented as an underage child on that platform, and likely within a matter of minutes, if not days, that child would be inundated with sexually explicit material,” he said, emphasizing the real-world harm that can be caused by online platforms.

The investigation by The Times in February found that thousands of parent-run Instagram accounts attracted sexualized comments and messages from adult men. While some parents described the attention as a way to increase their daughters’ followers, others complained of spending hours blocking users and said they did not understand how the men had found the accounts.

An analysis of the users who interacted with the ads posted by The Times found an overlap between those two worlds. About three dozen of the men followed child influencer accounts that were run by parents and were previously studied by The Times; one followed 140. In addition, nearly 100 of the men followed accounts featuring or advertising adult pornography, which is barred under Instagram’s rules.

Dani Lever, a spokeswoman for Meta, dismissed The Times’s ad tests as a “manufactured experience” that failed to account for “the many factors that contribute to who ultimately sees an ad,” and suggested that it was “flawed and unsound” to draw conclusions from limited data.

When asked about the arrests in New Mexico, Meta said in a statement that “child exploitation is a horrific crime and we’ve spent years building technology to combat it.” The company described its efforts as “an ongoing fight” against “determined criminals.”

‘The Men Engage’

Researchers and former employees who worked with algorithms at Meta, which owns Instagram and Facebook, said that image classification tools probably deserved some blame.

The tools compare new images with existing ones on the platform and identify users who previously showed interest in them, said Dean Eckles, a former Facebook data scientist who studied its algorithms and is now a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Test accounts set up last year by The Wall Street Journal found that Instagram’s recommendation algorithm served sexualized photos of children and adults to accounts that followed only young gymnasts, cheerleaders and other children.

Although Meta’s ad system is not exactly the same as that recommendation system, there are “huge similarities between the models,” Dr. Eckles said.

Former Meta employees familiar with its recommendation and ad delivery systems said that safety teams tried to spot harmful ads, like those promoting scams or illegal drugs, but it was more difficult to identify benign ads that were delivered to inappropriate — and potentially harmful — audiences.

Meta allows advertisers to target certain audiences by topic, and though The Times chose topics that the company estimated were dominated by women, the ads were shown, on average, to men about 80 percent of the time, according to a Times analysis of Instagram’s audience data. In one group of tests, photos showing the child went to men 95 percent of the time, on average, while photos of the items alone went to men 64 percent of the time.

Piotr Sapiezynski, a research scientist at Northeastern University who specializes in testing online algorithms, said advertisers competed with one another to reach women because they dominate U.S. consumer spending . As a result, Dr. Sapiezynski said, the algorithm probably focused on highly interested, easier-to-reach men who had interacted with similar content.

“The men engage,” he said. “The machine is doing exactly what you want it to do.”

Meta, in a statement, acknowledged the competitive ad environment for female viewers and said the “low quality” of the Times ads — from new accounts, with images but no text or explanation — contributed to their being delivered to more men. In addition, Meta said, its Audience Insights data only “shows an estimate of who is potentially eligible to see an ad,” not a guaranteed audience.

Dr. Sapiezynski said even if the system designated the test ads as “low quality,” that did not explain why those featuring children went to more men than those without children.

Estimated Potential Audience

Average demographics of selected groups

according to Meta’s Audience Insights

Actual Audience

Boosted Instagram posts showing a tank top

and a sparkly charm necklace

Boosted posts with a 5-year-old girl wearing

a tank top and a sparkly charm

Source: Meta Audience Insights and Instagram account analytics.

Note: Figures may not add to 100 because of rounding and data availability.

By The New York Times

A few hours after the first ad was posted, one of The Times’s test accounts received a message and a phone call from a man arrested in 2015 in Oklahoma after allegedly using Facebook to try to arrange group sex with girls aged 12 and 14.

“Hey babe,” another man wrote. He had been arrested in 2020 after contacting a 14-year-old girl in upstate New York over Snapchat and offering to pick her up for sex. Charges against him were dismissed after a court found him mentally incompetent.

A third man, in Tennessee, who “liked” one of the photos had four convictions for child sex crimes — including “sex with a child” in 1999, sharing a photo on Facebook in 2018 of a 3- to 5-year-old “being anally or vaginally penetrated,” and using Instagram in 2020 to solicit nude photos from a 12-year-old girl he called his “sex slave.” (Instagram’s rules ban 12-year-olds.)

A fourth man, whom The Times was unable to identify, offered to pay for sexual acts with the girl in the photograph.

The Times reached out via Instagram chat to anyone who had engaged with the ads and explained that they were tests of the platform’s algorithm being run by journalists. The man in New York continued to send messages inquiring about the girl, asking if she was in her bedroom and if she wanted to have sex. He also tried to call her multiple times through the app.

In total, The Times identified four convicted sex offenders who had messaged the accounts, liked the photos or left comments on them. Their Instagram accounts used real names and pictures, or were linked to Facebook accounts that did. Convictions were found by matching that information with sex offender databases and other public records.

Five other men, including one who posted a video on Instagram of a girl known to be a victim of child sexual abuse, according to the Canadian Center for Child Protection, have arrest records involving crimes against children. Those men whose court records The Times was able to review either pleaded guilty to a lesser charge or were deemed mentally unfit to stand trial.

Instagram’s rules prohibit convicted sex offenders from holding accounts, and The Times used Meta’s tool to report the men. The accounts remained online for about a week until The Times flagged them to a company spokesman.

Asked about the accounts, Ms. Lever said, “We prohibit convicted sex offenders from having a presence on our platforms and have removed the accounts reported to us.”

One of the men, who was convicted in New York of sexually assaulting a 4-year-old girl, falls under a state law — known as E-Stop — that requires sex offenders to register their email address. Every week, the state shares the addresses with technology companies, including Meta.

Ms. Lever did not address how the company uses this information or how the man was able to create an Instagram account.

Some of the men said they responded to the ad out of concern.

One man, who is on parole after spending 46 years in prison in California for murdering his wife, said he was surprised to come across a 5-year-old girl in his feed, which predominantly shows photos of scantily clad or nude adults.

“I got no problem looking at naked women, especially after 46 years in prison,” he wrote. But, he continued, “my attitude about people that engage in child porn or touching a child is pretty simple: Don’t do it.”

The men’s engagement with the ads did not surprise some small business owners interviewed by The Times. Morgan Koontz, a founder of Bella & Omi, a children’s clothing business in West Virginia that promotes itself on social media, said the company received “inappropriate, almost pedophile-type, perverted comments” from men when they started advertising on Facebook in 2021.

“It made our models uncomfortable, and it made us uncomfortable,” she said.

When the company expanded to Instagram, she and her fellow owner, Erica Barrios, decided to avoid the problem by targeting only women, even though fathers and grandfathers are among their regular customers.

Lindsey Rowse, who owns Tightspot Dancewear Center in Pennsylvania, also restricts her ads to women. When she did not exclude men, she said, they made up as much as 75 percent of her audience, and few bought her products. Separately, she limits how often she shares photos of child models in her non-advertising posts because they often attract men, she said.

“I don’t know how people find it,” she said. “I would love to just block all guys.”

Other business owners expressed similar confusion about how their ads were distributed. Since January, the Utah-based children’s clothing company Young Days has seen more than a doubling of the share of men its ads reach with no major changes in its targeting criteria, according to Brian Bergman, who oversees e-commerce. The shift toward men has hurt sales, he said, and the company has since focused on reaching women.

“It’s not a lucrative business for us, but the algorithm keeps pushing us toward men,” he said.

Carson Kessler contributed reporting, and Julie Tate contributed research.

Michael H. Keller is a Times reporter who combines traditional reporting and computer programming. His work has examined technology’s impact on society and shortcomings of the criminal justice system. More about Michael H. Keller

Jennifer Valentino-DeVries is an investigative reporter at The Times who often uses data analysis to explore complex subjects. More about Jennifer Valentino-DeVries

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GTA Online update for the week of May 23

Celebrate your favorite British luxury car this week in Los Santos

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The weekly GTA Online update for May 16, 2024 , is live with reward events, discounts, prizes, and a celebration of all things Dewbauchee.

Our GTA Online weekly update guide will tell you everything happening in Los Santos this week.

GTA Online special events

GTA Online promo art for the Dewbauchee tee

This week’s update is all about the British Dewbauchee luxury line of cars. They’re all discounted at either 30% or 40% off, and Simeon’s Premium Deluxe Motorsports is only selling cars from the Dewbauchee line.

Pick up the Dewbauchee Champion , Vagner , or Specter at their discounted rate this week, and you’ll get the Dewbauchee Tee for free.

What are the 3x GTA$ and RP events in GTA Online this week?

GTA Online promo art for the Juggernaut Adversary Mode event

Join the Juggernaut Adversary event — either attacking or defending it — this week to earn 3x GTA$ and RP .

Winning any five Adversary Modes (including Juggernaut), will get you the Weekly Challenge and GTA$ 100,000 .

GTA Online promo art for G’s Caches

Finding any of G’s Caches this week will also earn you 3x GTA$ and RP all week.

GTA Online promo art for Community Series events

Along with both of those, Community Series events are also paying out 3x GTA$ and RP this week. Look for:

  • P-GP: Noodle Cup by prototypetom
  • Triple Barrel by LG_DEAD
  • What u doing with my head by yukamnesia
  • Dirt Track Date by Creepersrock24XB
  • ‘The Octagon’ by EnigmaT1m
  • [-Dr3x-] Pulse Point by IamDrex

What are the 2x GTA$ and RP events in GTA Online this week?

There are no 2x GTA$ and RP events this week.

What vehicles are for sale in GTA Online this week?

GTA Online promo art for vehicles on sale at Premium Deluxe Motorsports this week

What’s in Premium Deluxe Motorsports Showroom this week?

Head to Simeon’s Premium Deluxe Motorsports showroom for:

  • Dewbauchee JB 700
  • Dewbauchee Massacro
  • Dewbauchee Exemplar
  • Dewbauchee Rapid GT
  • Dewbauchee Rapid GT Cabrio

What’s in the Luxury Autos Showroom in GTA Online this week?

GTA Online promo art for vehicles for sale at Luxury Autos Showroom this week

At Luxury Autos over in Rockford Hills, you can pick up the:

  • Fathom FR36
  • Declasse Impaler LX

What’s the Lucky Wheel prize car in GTA Online this week?

At the Diamond Casino, spin the wheel to win the Vapid Retinue Mk II .

What are the Salvage Yard Robbery targets in GTA Online this week?

GTA Online promo art for the Salvage Yard

If you’ve set up a Salvage Yard , you’ll be looking for:

  • Pegassi Zentorno
  • Gallivanter Baller ST-D
  • Canis Seminole Frontier

Meanwhile, salvaging robbery target cars and cars you pick up from your Tow Truck Service will take half as long this week.

Which properties are discounted in GTA Online this week?

The five-floor Eclipse Blvd Garage and all of its upgrades are 30% off at Dynasty 8 this week.

What is the Gun Van selling in GTA Online this week?

Track down the Gun Van this week to pick up:

  • Battle rifle (40% off with GTA+)
  • Unholy Hellbringer
  • Assault SMG
  • Homing launcher
  • Up-n-Atomizer (50% off)
  • Sticky bombs

And if you’re playing the main game, don’t miss our list of GTA 5 cheats .

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